
Francis of 

ROMAN   101 West Church Avenue Masontown, Pennsylvania 15461 Phone: 7245837866 • Fax: 7245830373 Website: www.sfoafayette.org email: [email protected]  A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

 Rev. William G. Berkey, Pastor May 30, 2021 [email protected]  Rev. Marlon Libres Pates Shared Parochial Vicar 

M, T, W & F8:00 am Saturday4:00 pm 8:00 am & 11:30 am Confessions: Saturday 3:003:30 pm 

M, T & T8:00 am Saturday:4:00 pm Sunday 9:30 am Confessions: Saturday 3:003:30 pm  Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm  Bulletin Articles: The deadline for placing articles in the bulletin is Monday at Noon.  New Parishioners, Welcome! Please register as soon as possible.   Communion to the Homebound is provided on a regular basis. Call the Parish Office to be added to our list.  Sacrament of : By appointment. to your baby’s Baptism, you must be a registered, practicing member of this parish.  Sacrament of Marriage: Requires parish membership by at least one of the parties for six months prior to making arrangements for marriage. Weddings should be scheduled one year in advance.  Prayer Chain: To request prayer, please call Patty 7242459746 or Valeria 7245839460 

 ......  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We say this when we enter a church, when we begin Mass and when we pray. It is our identity. It reminds us that we are in the presence of God. It joins us to the millions of Christians across time and space. It expresses our belief in the Triune God. Let us contemplate the great wonders God has done and continues to do in our daily lives.                                                                                       On Monday we celebrate the beginning of summer, Memorial Day and the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Mary. Let us rejoice today with Mary, in the greatness of the Lord.  On Tuesday we celebrate the Feast of Saint Justin the … and I celebrate 19 years in the priesthood. I thank God today for this special gift. Saint Justin said “philosophy was a tool toward greater understanding of revelation.  Wednesday is the Feast of Marcellinius and Peter. Marcellinius, a and Peter, an exorcist, are reputed to have faced death with so much courage that their janitor and his family were all converted by their witness.  Thursday is the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and his companions. He, along with twentyone others, were burned alive, steadfast in faith to the end.  Saturday is the Feast of . Boniface was an Anglo Saxon  who evangelized . He is the of Germany.                                                                                      “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)                                                                                      Question of the Week: When have I noticed the Spirit’s presence in my life? How can I become more aware of the Spirit’s effect on me?  Our Psalm Response this week: “Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own,” reminds us of how blessed we are to be chosen by God.                                                                                      Go … and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19  Peace, Fr. Bill   

THE MYSTERY OF THE BLESSED   Today we celebrate the of the Most Holy Trinity. The Church sets aside this Sunday to focus our attention on the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, God Monday is Memorial Day, a day we remember, in a special way, those who have died serving our country. who is one, but three persons  Father, Son and Holy  Spirit. The first reading from Deuteronomy emphasizes Dear Lord, watch over our armed forces who serve today both God’s awesome greatness and amazing nearness. It and bring them safely home. Grant us the gift of true might seem beyond belief but the God of all creation peace and give us the courage and wisdom to put an end speaks to us, protects us and guides us. The second read- to all warfare. Lift the hearts of those who carry ing from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans describes how painful memories with them every day. Amen. we are to relate to the three persons who are one God.  We are led by the Spirit to meet God the Father as adopt- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ed children. Our adoption is such that we are even heirs The SFOA Christian Mothers will meet at 6:30 pm with our , Christ, the second person of the Trinity, on Wednesday, June 9, at the social hall in Footedale. in whose sufferings we must also share. In Matthew’s All women of the parish are invited to join. , speaks with His authority as God and sends NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN us to teach and baptize in the name of the Trinity.  The Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below. (Deuteronomy 4:3234, 3940)  INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK  HELP NEEDED: Faith Formation Teachers  The immensity, scope, intimacy and pervasive-  ness of God’s presence is too intense for the human mind. We are in need of Faith Formation teachers at both We often limit God by our expectations of Him and have worship sites for the upcoming school year, a hard time just letting God be God. Some people all too tentatively planned to begin on September 12.  easily lose faith because God does not meet their expecta- We need four teachers at each site for the following tions. Worse still, the idea of faith is rejected altogether classes: PreK (ages 34), K1, 34 and 56. by others because of polarities and experiences they have The only planned combined classes at this time that don’t square with who they need God to be. are the Sacramental classes. If you are interested in  The Holy Trinity is one of those teachings that is teaching our Faith to the children of our parish, please best encountered rather than dissected. It is only through contact Kim Stavish, Faith Formation Coordinator at being present with the Trinity that we can experience [email protected] or 7243668901 with any both the immensity and otherness of God’s presence as questions and to let her know which grade you are well as the intimacy of the God who wants us to call Him interested in teaching and at which site by June 25. “dad.” We feel the loving guidance of a God who wants Thank you for your consideration! to take us from fear and give us confidence. Our God of yesterday, today and tomorrow is a God of all ages whose threefold Presence invades all senses, seasons and times. CRS Spotlight: The head of the Gaza Office of Catho-  God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is much lic Relief Services said that recent air strikes by Israeli more than any of our expectations if we simply let God forces have exacerbated an existing humanitarian crisis by be who God is. further limiting electricity and water. Thousands of fami-  lies have been displaced, increasing the need for access to PRACTICE OF HOPE mental health services. All this, he added, is happening  In Matthew’s Gospel account, Jesus authorizes against the backdrop of an ongoing global pandemic. His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, Son Visit www.crs.org for more information! and Holy Spirit and promises that He would be with His  friends always, “until the end of the age.” He reminds  them that “all power in heaven and on earth has been giv- May 23: $5,741; loose $184; monthly $145; en to me.” We can be assured of God’s presence as we children $14; online $387 for a total of 6,471  experience all the good things that happen in our lives. 273 envelopes used of 861 issued When we observe a change of heart, a child’s growth and  Our Parish is very grateful for your continued the seasons changing, we are witnesses to God’s continu- support  especially during this critical time! al presence.  FEAST OF FAITH  Liturgy and the Holy Trinity  The Trinity is the central mystery of our faith. We believe that God is one, yet three: total unity and rich The month of June is dedicated to the . diversity. God is not a monolith but a dynamic communi- The Sacred Heart of Jesus was created by God out ty of persons, a perfect, loving harmony of three and the of His infinite love and mercy for sinners who make liturgy is the work of the Trinity. We begin all our litur- amends for their by imitating His meek and gical celebrations with the sign of the cross, a reminder of humble Heart. His Heart is a spring of eternal life. our Trinitarian baptism and the simplest of all professions  of our faith. We believe that God is Father, Son and Holy Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Spirit and we gather in the name of this triune God. O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, Throughout the Mass, we address our prayers to God the I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my Father, through Christ our Lord, in the Spirit’s power and sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me the Father hears our prayer, transforming bread and wine humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to Your will. into the Body and Blood of His Son by the Holy Spirit. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. The Church is “the sacrament of Trinitarian commun- Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my ion” (, 16) It is the Trinity who holds afflictions; give me health of body, assistance in my us together as well. In the words of Saint , we are temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, “a people made one by the unity of the Father, the Son and the grace of a holy death. Amen. and the Holy Spirit.”  United in Prayer: Each year, the Holy Father asks  for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You Music Ministry News  Masontown Worship Site are invited to answer the Holy Father’s request and join  A sound mixer, three Shure microphones and many people worldwide in praying for this intention.  stands have been purchased for the choir loft in Mason- The June intention is The Beauty of Marriage town. This will allow us to split our current single jack Let us pray for young people who are preparing into three separate microphones, at the organ, keyboard, for marriage with the support of a Christian and cantor stand. Many thanks to Estella and Mike community: may they grow in love, with Oppman for funding this project, and to George Parish for generosity, faithfulness and patience. his expertise in completing it.  As some Covid restrictions are being lifted, we Parish Sympathy is expressed to Nancy Zatlokovicz are now permitted to invite the members of our choir to on the recent death of her brother, Frank Mazurik. return to the choir loft and sing as a group when you May God grant him eternal life and comfort his family. come to Mass. Although no rehearsals are anticipated during the summer months, it would be good to gather MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE / POPPY DAYS together again to lead the congregation in song in praise The New Salem American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 753, of our Lord. If you have been pondering joining our Mu- will conduct a wreath laying and prayer service at the sic Ministry and singing with our choir, join us for the community honor roll at 10am on Memorial Day, summer! We will begin rehearsals in the fall to prepare May 31. All are invited to join in the remembrance for the Advent and seasons. Many thanks to of those who fought and died for our freedoms. our cantors who have come to sing during these many The annual Poppy Days will be conducted Wednesday months of Covid restrictions, especially for Christmas and & Thursday, June 2 & 3 at the New Salem Mini Mart. for Holy Week and Easter. Your assistance during this Please stop by and support the Auxiliary’s time is greatly appreciated! Veterans Programs. Thank you!  You may have noticed some additional instru- mentation at Mass the past few weeks. We are blessed to be joined by Frank Ricco, Jr. who is sharing his talents on the clarinet with the parish at various Masses. Many of you already know Frank from his various musical endeav- ors in the Carmichaels area and elsewhere. We are very grateful for his service, and for the beauty it adds to our liturgies. (Submitted by Eric Blanda)  Saturday, May 29  : The Most Holy Trinity 4:00 pmM (M) Gregory Fedor (Joe/Patty Fedor) 4:00 pmF (B) Frank Barry Orbash (Kim Orbash)  Sunday, May 30  The Most Holy Trinity 8:00 amM (B) Robert M. Berish Sr. (Kormanik Family) 9:30 amF (B) Susan Kaye Kenney (Choir  Footedale site) 11:30 amM (M) Dominica (Minnie) Mojock (P/B Cassidy) Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Mt 28:1620) Monday, May 31  Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary  Even though the Easter season has drawn to a 8:00 amM No Mass close, today’s feast still basks in the glow of Easter’s 8:00 amF Mark Magazine (Rose Magazine/Family) twilight. To believe that we are made in the image and  Tuesday,  Saint Justin likeness of God  a God whose inner life is described in 8:00 amM  Vic Salek (Marge Turner) terms of community  is to recognize that we are in 8:00 amF Mary Ann Kordella (Sons & Frank Jr.) relationship with one another. In the language of the  Wednesday, June 2  Saints Marcelinus & Peter liturgy, we do not each stand alone before God, but 8:00 amM SFOA Parish Family constantly affirm this truth in the very words of our  prayers. “We believe, we offer, we ask you,” we say, or Thursday, June 3  Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions 8:00 amF Patricia Keeney (Frank Palo) “have mercy on us, hear us, listen to our prayer,” and in  preparation for communion, we pray the perfect prayer Friday, June 4  Weekday to “Our Father.” 8:00 amM Melvin John Lovis (Andy Assad)   To be baptized is to enter into the life of a Saturday, June 5  Vigil: Body & Blood of Christ community of faith. Nowhere is this sense of 33:30 pmM Confessions  community more focused than at Sunday Mass when we 4:00 pmM (B) Ronald Egidi (Becky & Family)  respond to the love of the Father by being together in 33:30 pmF Confessions Christ, embraced by the Spirit, for the sake of the world. 4:00 pmF (M) Patrick R. Callahan (Wife & Chilren)   Today has been called an “idea feast,” and impossible to Sunday, June 6  Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ grasp fully; yet, as the readings today explore, the 8:00 amM (B) Marie Ferranti (Rick/Nancy Zatlokovicz) Trinity is not a concept traced like a triangle on a 9:30 amF (B) Margaret Moore (Husband & Children) blackboard. It is the air we breathe, the sign we trace on 11:30 amM (M) Larimer & Lois Robert (Tom & Christy)   our bodies as a pledge and promise of God’s love. (B) Fr. Bill / (M) Fr. Marlon 

Mass Readings for the Week Ahead   Monday: Zep 3:1418; Lk 1:3956 Tuesday: Tb 2:914; Mk 12:1317 Wednesday: Tb 3:117; Mk 12:1827 Thursday: Tb 6:1011; 7:1bcde, 917; 8:49; Mk 12:2834 Friday: Tb 11:517; Mk 12:3537  Saturday: Tb 12:120; Mk 12:3844 Memorial Candles burn this week in loving memory of or for the special intention of: Next Sunday: Ex 24:38; Heb 9:1115; Mk 14:1226  † Sanctuary  Fr. Bill on the 19th anniversary  of his ordination to the Priesthood  Congratulations, Father Bill, † Blessed Mother  Irma Yandura on the 19th anniversary of your requested by the Voytek Family  Ordination to the Priesthood, Sophie & Martha Niemits this Tuesday, June 1. requested by niece, Dolly Kroll   We rejoice with you and ask † Saint  Mark Magazine God to bless you always! ♥♥♥ requested by Rose Magazine & Family John HAIR LAIR M. Fabry CFSP, CPC, & TANNING Funeral Director 508 EAST CHURCH 724-583-9550 ST. MASONTOWN

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