

'. j '< SHARPEVILLE ... On March 21, 1985, the people of will commemorate the 25th anniver­ sary of the historic . On March 21, 1960, thousands gathered in Sharpeville to pro­ test the repressive pass law. The opened fire on the unarmed demonstrators, killing 67 and wounding 227 more, International outcry followed , Thousands more participated in mass demonstrations, The white South African government met the resistance with stepped up violence and repression , The ANC, the leading anti-apartheid organization, was banned, Leaders of the movement were forced underground, , /~ " \ Last week at Crossroads, a camp built and organized by \ women, the South African police again revealed their repressive nature by killing and wounding those resisting forced relocation,

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Meet the African National Congress Pigott Auditorium Neo Mnumzana (Seattle University, 12th & Columbia) (ANC Representative to the ) Saturday, March 23rd performance by 7:30pm Ephat Mujuru Childcare available. (Master of MBIRA) (Seattle University, 1307 E. Spring)

Evening with Tandi Luthuli Gcabashe, exiled nurse from South Africa, member of the ANC and daughter of Chief (founder of the AN C) and Billie Jean Young from the Southern Women's Cultural Project with a play about the life of Fannie Lou Saturday Hammer (cosponsored with CANTO), March 16th Washington Hall • 14th & Yesler • 7:30pm Sunday March 17th Picket Against the South Africa Consulate· Ipm at 835 Hillside Drive

Tuesday "Sizwe Banzi is Dead" - The Group Theater - A play about the in South Africa. March 19th Benefit for the Coalition • 7pm at Langston Hughes • 17th & Yesler • Tickets $ JO Thursday March 21st Candlelight Vigil at the South African Consulate • 835 Hillside Drive • 6-7pm Zimbabwean Marimba & Dance with Gwinyai & Sukutai Friday Gwinyai, featuring Lora Chiorah-Dye, dance & drumming of the Shona people; Sukutai, Marimba Ensemble March 22rui (including children musicians), bring the sound of the Shona people • 832 32nd • 7:30pm Saturday March 23rd Mrican National Congress , . . see above. Sunday March 24th Rally/Demonstration at the South African Consulate Ipm· 83; Hillside Drive Sponsored by: The Seattle Coalition Against Apartheid Endorsed.. by: The Washington State Rainbow Coalition Call 329- 3184 for more information What is Apartheid? Apartheid literally means' 'apartness" in Afrikaans, the language of the Dutch setders of South Africa Apartheid is the official polic}' of the white minority government of the Republic of South Africa. Under apartheid, the black majomy of 25 million cannot \'Ote. cannot own land, cannot travel freely Eighty percent of the black population live below poverty level. while the white minority of 4 million enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the Western World. In addition, 87 % of the land in South Africa is reserved for whites, who comprise 20% of the population, while 13 0/[ of the land - the most barren, desert-like land - is reserved for the black majority The homelands, or as they are called. are reserves of cheap labor for the mines, factories and kitchens of white South Africa. Apartheid is a strict policy of separation of the races and oppression of the black majorIty

What is the current situation? Twenty-five years after the Sharpeville Massacre, the oppression and repression of the black majority continues unabated. But so docs the resistance to apartheid. Since August, 1984, blacks, "coloureds" (people of mixed black and white racial parentage) and Asians in South Africa have joined to resist the white supremacist South African police state in another round of sustained mass protest, strikes, and boycotts The African National Congress, though still illegal, operates actively in the country, conducting acts of industrial and military sabotage US. banks and corporations continue to bankroll the repressive apartheid. Since Sharpeville, U.s corporate investment has increased to over $3 billion by over 350 US. corporations, while total U.S. direct and indirect investments and loans total over $14 billion. The Reagan administration, over the last four years, has implemented a policy of " " with the racist South African regime. While successive Republican and Democratic administrations have allied themselves with the South African government since 1948. the Reagan administration has dropped even the weak " human rights criteria" of the Carter administration and has moved to open, blatant collaboration with apartheid. In response to the increased resistance inside South Africa and to the awarding of the to black South African Bishop , an outspoken critic of the apartheid regime, the anti-apartheid movement in the U.S. has reached new levels and the issue of US. collaboration with South Africa has become a highly visible and hody debated issue within U.S. society The demands of the US. anti-apartheid movement have been a total economic, military, political, cultural and diplomatic boycott of South Africa until apartheid is completely dismanded and an end to the U.s policy of constructive engagement The tactics have been mass demonstrations at the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. , and at South African Consulates throughout the US. Bills have been introduced at all levels of government calling for a boycott of South Africa and for disinvestment. Seattle Coalition Against Apartheid in coordination with Transafrica in Washington, D.C , will continue picketing at the home of the South African Consul every Sunday until he resigns. We will continue to press for divestment and for a boycott of the Krugerand, the South African gold coin. For information about our activities, call 324-0500 or 632-0500.

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