Switching Theory and Logic Design
SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN LECTURE NOTES B.TECH (II YEAR – II SEM) (2018-19) Prepared by: Ms M H Bindu Reddy, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) Recognized under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC ACT 1956 (Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified) Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Kompally), Secunderabad – 500100, Telangana State, India SYLLABUS UNIT -I: Number System and Gates: Number Systems, Base Conversion Methods, Complements of Numbers, Codes- Binary Codes, Binary Coded Decimal Code and its Properties, Excess-3 code, Unit Distance Code, Error Detecting and Correcting Codes, Hamming Code.Digital Logic Gates, Properties of XOR Gates, Universal Logic Gates. UNIT -II: Boolean Algebra and Minimization: Basic Theorems and Properties, Switching Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms,Multilevel NAND/NOR realizations. K- Map Method, up to Five variable K- Maps, Don’t Care Map Entries, Prime and Essential prime Implications, Quine Mc Cluskey Tabular Method UNIT -III: Combinational Circuits Design: Combinational Design, Half adder,Fulladder,Halfsubtractor,Full subtractor,Parallel binary adder/subtracor,BCD adder, Comparator, decoder, Encoder, Multiplexers, DeMultiplexers, Code Converters. UNIT -IV: Sequential Machines Fundamentals: Introduction, Basic Architectural Distinctions between Combinational and Sequential circuits, classification of sequential circuits, The binary cell, The S-R- Latch Flip-Flop The D-Latch Flip-Flop, The “Clocked T” Flip-Flop, The “ Clocked J-K” Flip-Flop, Design of a Clocked Flip-Flop, Conversion from one type of Flip-Flop to another, Timing and Triggering Consideration. UNIT -V: Sequential Circuit Design and Analysis: Introduction, State Diagram, Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits, Approaches to the Design of Synchronous Sequential Finite State Machines, Design Aspects, State Reduction, Design Steps, Realization using Flip-Flops.
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