Copyright in the Digital Single Market - VoteWa...

Copyright in the Digital Single Market

Vote details Votes of 627 MEPs

Subject: vote: decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations

Date of vote: 05.07.2018

ID: 7557

Final vote: Yes

 Total members: 751

 Voters: 627

 Didn`t vote: 126 For 278  Absent: 0 (44%)  Required to pass: 299 Against 318 (51%) Policy area: Legal a�airs Abstentions 31 (5%)

Type of vote: Draft legislative resolution 65% of MEPs voted along European political group lines Procedure: Legislative (ordinary legislative procedure, �rst reading)  See how Member States voted in Council Majority formed by: View text on the Parliament site

Rapporteur: Voss Share vote

Votes by MEP Votes by political groups Defections in the political groups

Votes by member states Votes by national party

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group

Michèle ALLIOT- EPP France Loyal MARIE

Eric ANDRIEU S&D France Rebel

Marie-Christine No political ENF France ARNAUTU line


Guillaume BALAS S&D France Rebel

No political ENF France line

Joëlle BERGERON EFDD France Rebel

Pervenche BERÈS S&D France Rebel

No political ENF France line

Marie-Christine No political ENF France BOUTONNET line

José BOVÉ France Rebel Greens/EFA

No political ENF France

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group


Alain CADEC EPP France Loyal

Jean-Marie CAVADA France Rebel ALDE/ADLE

Aymeric EFDD France Rebel CHAUPRADE

Jacques No political ENF France COLOMBIER line

Thierry CORNILLET France Rebel ALDE/ADLE

Mireille D'ORNANO EFDD France Loyal

Arnaud DANJEAN EPP France Loyal

Michel DANTIN EPP France Loyal

Rachida DATI EPP France Loyal

Angélique EPP France Loyal DELAHAYE

Karima DELLI France Rebel Greens/EFA

Geo�roy DIDIER EPP France Loyal

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group

Pascal DURAND France Loyal Greens/EFA

Karine GLOANEC S&D France Rebel MAURIN

No political Sylvie GODDYN ENF France line

Bruno GOLLNISCH NI France Independent

Nathalie GRIESBECK France Rebel ALDE/ADLE

Françoise EPP France Loyal GROSSETÊTE

Sylvie GUILLAUME S&D France Rebel

Brice HORTEFEUX EPP France Loyal

Yannick JADOT France Loyal Greens/EFA

No political Jean-François JALKH ENF France line

France JAMET ENF France Didn't vote

Eva JOLY France Loyal Greens/EFA

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group

Marc JOULAUD EPP France Loyal

Philippe JUVIN EPP France Loyal

Patricia LALONDE France Rebel ALDE/ADLE

Alain LAMASSOURE EPP France Loyal

Jérôme LAVRILLEUX EPP France Loyal

Patrick LE HYARIC GUE-NGL France Rebel

Jean-Marie LE PEN NI France Didn't vote

No political ENF France line

Christelle No political ENF France LECHEVALIER line

No political Philippe LOISEAU ENF France line

Louis-Joseph S&D France Didn't vote MANSCOUR

No political Dominique MARTIN ENF France line

Edouard MARTIN S&D France Rebel

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group

Emmanuel MAUREL S&D France Rebel

Bernard MONOT EFDD France Rebel

Sophie MONTEL EFDD France Loyal

Nadine MORANO EPP France Loyal

Elisabeth MORIN- EPP France Loyal CHARTIER

Renaud MUSELIER EPP France Didn't vote

No political Joëlle MÉLIN ENF France line

Younous OMARJEE GUE-NGL France Rebel

Gilles PARGNEAUX S&D France Rebel

Vincent PEILLON S&D France Rebel

Florian PHILIPPOT EFDD France Loyal

Maurice PONGA EPP France Didn't vote

Franck PROUST EPP France Loyal

Christine REVAULT D'ALLONNES S&D France Rebel

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Loyal / Member Rebel to Name Group Vote State political group


Dominique RIQUET France Rebel ALDE/ADLE

Michèle RIVASI France Rebel Greens/EFA


Virginie ROZIÈRE S&D France Rebel

Anne SANDER EPP France Loyal

Tokia SAÏFI EPP France Loyal

Jean-Luc No political ENF France SCHAFFHAUSER line

Isabelle THOMAS S&D France Rebel

Mylène No political ENF France TROSZCZYNSKI line

Marie-Christine GUE-NGL France Loyal VERGIAT

Marie-Pierre VIEU GUE-NGL France Rebel

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 The stats you want to access are provided as a paid service. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we need to raise funds to be able to continue our work. Please contact us at  [email protected] for more details. You can read here more about our premium features.

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