Green Deal – the Coordinators

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Green Deal – the Coordinators Green Deal – The Coordinators David Sassoli S&D ”I want the European Green Deal to become Europe’s hallmark. At the heart of it is our commitment to becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent. It is also a long-term economic imperative: those who act first European Parliament and fastest will be the ones who grasp the opportunities from the ecological transition. I want Europe to be 1 February 2020 – H1 2024 the front-runner. I want Europe to be the exporter of knowledge, technologies and best practice.” — Ursula von der Leyen Lorenzo Mannelli Klaus Welle President of the European Commission Head of Cabinet Secretary General Chairs and Vice-Chairs Political Group Coordinators EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe ENVI Renew Committee on Europe Dan-Ştefan Motreanu César Luena Peter Liese Jytte Guteland Nils Torvalds Silvia Sardone Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator the Environment, Public Health Greens/EFA GUE/NGL Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL and Food Safety Pacal Canfin Chair Bas Eickhout Anja Hazekamp Bas Eickhout Alexandr Vondra Silvia Modig Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator S&D S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe EPP ITRE Patrizia Toia Lina Gálvez Muñoz Christian Ehler Dan Nica Martina Dlabajová Paolo Borchia Committee on Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Industry, Research Renew ECR Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL and Energy Cristian Bușoi Europe Chair Morten Petersen Zdzisław Krasnodębski Ville Niinistö Zdzisław Krasnodębski Marisa Matias Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe Greens/EFA TRAN Sven Schulze István Ujhelyi Marian-Jean Marinescu Johan Danielsson José Ramón Bauzà Díaz Roman Haider Committee Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator on on Transport S&D Renew Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL and Tourism Karima Delli Europe Chair Andris Ameriks Jan-Christoph Oetjen Ciarán Cuffe Roberts Zīle Elena Kountoura Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe Greens/EFA IMCO Róża Thun und Hohenstein Maria Grapini Andreas Schwab Christel Schaldemose Dita Charanzová Virginie Joron Committee on Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator the Internal Market and Consumer S&D Renew Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Petra De Sutter Europe Protection Chair Maria Manuel Leitão Marques Pierre Karleskind Marcel Kolaja Adam Bielan Kateřina Konečná Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator This document only compiles publicly available information on the date of its release and not does pretend to be exhaustive (e.g. some artistic license was exercised to simplify its visual appearance). visual simplifyits to exercised was license artistic some (e.g. exhaustive be to pretend does not and release its of date the on information available publicly compiles only document This appointments. with future changes in line frequent will be subject to content Its Digital Age – The Coordinators David Sassoli S&D ”Digitalisation has a huge impact on the way we live, work and communicate. In some fields, Europe has to catch up – like for business to consumers – while in others we are frontrunners – such as in business to business. We have European Parliament to make our single market fit for the digital age, we need to make the most of artificial intelligence and big data, 1 February 2020 – H1 2024 we have to improve on cybersecurity and we have to work hard for our technological sovereignty.” — Ursula von der Leyen Lorenzo Mannelli Klaus Welle President of the European Commission Head of Cabinet Secretary General Chairs and Vice-Chairs Political Group Coordinators EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe Greens/EFA IMCO Róża Thun und Hohenstein Maria Grapini Andreas Schwab Christel Schaldemose Dita Charanzová Virginie Joron Committee on Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator the Internal Market and Consumer S&D Renew Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Petra De Sutter Europe Protection Chair Maria Manuel Leitão Marques Pierre Karleskind Marcel Kolaja Adam Bielan Kateřina Konečná Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator S&D S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe ITRE EPP Patrizia Toia Lina Gálvez Muñoz Christian Ehler Dan Nica Martina Dlabajová Paolo Borchia Committee on Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Industry, Research Renew ECR Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL and Energy Cristian Bușoi Europe Chair Morten Petersen Zdzisław Krasnodębski Ville Niinistö Zdzisław Krasnodębski Marisa Matias Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe Renew Europe Marion Walsmann Ibán García del Blanco Axel Voss Tiemo Wölken Karen Melchior Gilles Lebreton JURI Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Committee on Legal Affairs Adrián Greens/EFA ECR Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Vázquez Lázara Chair Sergey Lagodinsky Raffaele Stancanelli Marie Toussaint Angel Dzhambazki Manon Aubry Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe S&D LIBE Emil Radev Pietro Bartolo Roberta Metsola Birgit Sippel Sophie In ‘t Veld Annalisa Tardino Committee Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator on Civil Liberties, Justice and Juan Fernando Renew Greens/EFA Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Home Affairs López Aguilar Europe Chair Maite Pagazaurtundúa Tineke Strik Terry Reintke Nicola Procaccini Cornelia Ernst Vice-Chair Co-Coordinator Co-Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator This document only compiles publicly available information on the date of its release and not does pretend to be exhaustive (e.g. some artistic license was exercised to simplify its visual appearance). visual simplifyits to exercised was license artistic some (e.g. exhaustive be to pretend does not and release its of date the on information available publicly compiles only document This appointments. with future changes in line frequent will be subject to content Its People-Centered Economy – The Coordinators David Sassoli European Parliament ”We have a unique social market economy. It is the source of our prosperity and social fairness. 1 February 2020 – H1 2024 S&D This is all the more important when we face a twin transition: climate and digital. Valdis Dombrovskis will lead our work to bring together the social and the market in our economy.” — Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission Lorenzo Mannelli Klaus Welle Head of Cabinet Secretary General Chairs and Vice-Chairs Political Group Coordinators EPP Renew EPP S&D Renew ID Europe Europe S&D Luděk Niedermayer Stéphanie Yon-Courtin Markus Ferber Jonás Fernández Luis Garicano Gunnar Beck ECON Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Irene Tinagli ECR ECR Chair GUE/NGL Greens/EFA GUE/NGL Derk Jan Eppink José Gusmão Sven Giegold Derk Jan Eppink José Gusmão Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP EPP EPP S&D Renew ID Europe S&D Iuliu Winkler Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou Christophe Hansen Kathleen Van Brempt Karin Karlsbro Markus Buchheit INTA Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Committee on International Bernd Lange Trade Renew ECR Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Chair Europe Marie-Pierre Vedrenne Jan Zahradil Heidi Hautala Geert Bourgeois Helmut Scholz Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe ECR Tomáš Zdechovský Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Dennis Radtke Agnes Jongerius Dragoș Pîslaru France Jamet EMPL Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Lucia Ďuriš GUE/NGL Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Nicholsonová Chair Sandra Pereira Kira Marie Peter-Hansen Elżbieta Rafalska Nikolaj Villumsen Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator This document only compiles publicly available information on the date of its release and not does pretend to be exhaustive (e.g. some artistic license was exercised to simplify its visual appearance). visual simplifyits to exercised was license artistic some (e.g. exhaustive be to pretend does not and release its of date the on information available publicly compiles only document This appointments. with future changes in line frequent will be subject to content Its Promoting our European Way of Life – The Coordinators David Sassoli European Parliament ”Protecting our European way of life requires making sure workers are equipped to thrive in our evolving 1 February 2020 – H1 2024 S&D labour market. A declining workforce and a digital and basic skills gap brings into sharp focus the need to equip people with the tools and knowledge they need. The European way of life is built around solidarity, peace of mind and security.” — Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission Lorenzo Mannelli Klaus Welle Head of Cabinet Secretary General Chairs and Vice-Chairs Political Group Coordinators EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe LIBE S&D Emil Radev Pietro Bartolo Roberta Metsola Birgit Sippel Sophie In ‘t Veld Annalisa Tardino Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Juan Fernando Renew Greens/EFA Greens/EFA ECR GUE/NGL Home Affairs López Aguilar Europe Chair Maite Pagazaurtundúa Tineke Strik Terry Reintke Nicola Procaccini Cornelia Ernst Vice-Chair Co-Coordinator Co-Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator EPP S&D EPP S&D Renew ID Europe FEMM S&D Elissavet
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