To the President of the European Commission Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels

To the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Mr. Vladis Dombrovskis Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels

Brussels, 22 October 2020,

Subject: the EU must impose an import ban on Chinese companies using forced labour

Dear President von der Leyen, Dear Vice-President Dombrovskis,

For years, the Chinese regime has been detaining millions of human beings in camps, just because they were born Uyghurs. For years, Europe and the world have been witnessing a crime against humanity without opposing any resistance to it.

In recent months, several studies have reported the use of Uyghur forced labour for the benefit of major European companies. Indeed, many Chinese factories, directly supplying EU brands exploit the Uyghurs and benefit from their forced labour.

Facing this abjection, Europe must act to protect the lives and fundamental rights of Uyghurs. The EU should use its trade and market power to safeguards the founding principles enrichened in our Treaties and guiding our external policies.

As the US did lately through an imports ban passed almost unanimously in the US House of Representatives, Europe urgently needs to establish a blacklist of Chinese companies implicated in Uyghur forced labour.

We look to your response.

Yours sincerely,

1. Raphaël Glucksmann, S&D 2. Dietmar Köster, S&D 3. , Greens 4. , S&D 5. , S&D 6. , Renew 7. , Greens 8. Nora Mebarek, S&D 9. , S&D 10. Rasa Jukneviciene, EPP 11. , EPP 12. Leïla Chaibi, GUE 13. Giuseppe Ferrandino, S&D 14. Miriam Lexmann, EPP 15. , S&D 16. , GUE 17. , NI 18. , ECR 19. Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, Greens 20. , Renew 21. Reinhard Bütikofer, Greens 22. , Renew 23. , Renew 24. Ivan Stefanec, EPP 25. , EPP 26. Ausra Maldeikiene, EPP 27. , S&D 28. Leopoldo Lopez-Gil, EPP 29. , Renew 30. Alviina Alametsa, Greens 31. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Greens 32. , S&D 33. Ville Niinistö, Greens 34. , Renew 35. , GUE 36. , S&D 37. , Renew 38. , Renew 39. Abir Al-Sahlani, Renew 40. Ciaran Cuffe, Greens 41. Radoslaw Sikorski, EPP 42. , Greens 43. , Renew 44. Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Renew 45. François Alfonsi, Greens 46. Benoît Biteau, Greens 47. Damien Carême, Greens 48. , Greens 49. Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Greens 50. , Greens 51. , Greens 52. , Greens 53. Michèle Rivasi, Greens 54. , Greens 55. , Greens 56. , Greens 57. , Greens 58. , EPP 59. Ivan Vilibor Sincic, NI 60. , ECR 61. , ECR 62. , Renew 63. Petros Kokkalis, GUE 64. , EPP 65. , Greens 66. Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Renew 67. , NI 68. Antoni Comin, NI 69. Clara Ponsati, NI 70. , Greens 71. , Renew 72. Anne-Sophie Pelletier, GUE 73. , EPP 74. Lidia Pereira, EPP 75. , Renew 76. , S&D 77. Maria Arena, S&D 78. , S&D 79. Witold Waszcykowski, ECR 80. Michaela Sojdrova, EPP 81. , Greens 82. , Greens 83. Pascal Arimont, EPP 84. Stefan Berger, EPP 85. Dragos Tudorache, Renew 86. , EPP 87. François-Xavier Bellamy, EPP 88. , Renew 89. , ECR 90. , S&D 91. , S&D 92. Petras Austrevicius, Renew 93. , Renew 94. , NI 95. , GUE 96. , S&D 97. , S&D 98. , S&D 99. , GUE 100. Domenec Ruiz-Devesa, S&D