
and Bute Landscape Capacity Study

Lorn & The Inner Isles

Final Report Produced by GILLESPIES on behalf of

February 2010 Landscape Capacity Study

GILLESPIES February 2010 Argyll and Bute Contents Landscape Capacity Study

Methodology 2-3

Landscape Character - Lorn & The Inner Isles 4-5

Site Reference Map - Lorn & The Inner Isles 6

Map Key 7

Lorn & The Inner Isles Sites 8-139

1 February 2010 GILLESPIES Argyll and Bute Landscape Capacity Study Methodology Purpose ‡ *XLGHOLQHVIRU/DQGVFDSHDQG9LVXDO,PSDFW$VVHVVPHQW */9,$  landscape areas and types of . The Landscape Character Types, The principal objective of this study is to provide a robust set of published by the Landscape Institute and the Institute of for Argyll and Bute, are covered by Environmental Resources documents that will clearly identify the capacity, in landscape terms, for Environmental Assessment, 2nd Edition 2002; 0DQDJHPHQW/DQGVFDSH$VVHVVPHQWRI$UJ\OODQGWKH)LUWKRI&O\GH GHYHORSPHQWZLWKLQWKH5XUDO2SSRUWXQLW\$UHDV 52$V LGHQWLÀHGLQWKH ‡ 61+/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU$VVHVVPHQW *XLGDQFHIRU(QJODQGDQG 6FRWWLVK1DWXUDO+HULWDJH5HYLHZ1R Local Plan. Scotland), 2002; ‡ 3$1)LWWLQJ1HZ+RXVLQJ'HYHORSPHQWLQWRWKH/DQGVFDSH /DQGVFDSHDVVHVVPHQWLGHQWLÀHVDUHDVZKLFKDUHSDUWLFXODUO\VHQVLWLYHWR The Argyll and Bute Local Plan contains development control change and this understanding can determine which areas have a greater zones which are mapped planning policy designations. One of these 7KH*/9,$UHOLHVRQDQDSSUHFLDWLRQRIWKHH[LVWLQJODQGVFDSHLWV capacity to accommodate change, thereby ensuring that future change can development control zones is the ROA designation which carries a sensitivity to change, a thorough understanding of the development be guided and managed in a positive way. particular policy stance towards development in the Plan. This policy proposals and the magnitude of change that would result from these stance is positive towards many small scale development types, and in changes. In order to set the context for the Rural Opportunity Areas (ROA), a particular, positive towards small scale housing development, with a summary of the key characteristics of the relevant Landscape Character general presumption in favour of up to 5 new houses (subject to design, 7KH61+/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU$VVHVVPHQWGRFXPHQWVVHWRXWWKH Types (LCT’s) will be set out, including any appropriate landscape siting, development pattern etc.). principles and processes of describing the character and characteristics of guidelines. A more detailed description of local landscape characteristics the landscape and the elements and features that make up the landscape. for each individual ROA will follow. Much of Argyll and Bute is covered by National Scenic Areas (NSA) and Areas of Panoramic Quality (APQ - former Regional Scenic Area) PAN 44 offers suggestions to help planners, developers and local This information will then enable an assessment to be made of the designations, which are detailed within the Plan. Many of the ROAs are communities achieve residential developments which are in harmony with scenic quality of the ROA, its sensitivity to change and its capacity to located within these NSAs and APQs. their landscape setting. accommodate development.

The Plan was subject to Public Local Inquiry and one of the issues ROA Assessment Scenic Quality LGHQWLÀHGZDVWKDWRISRWHQWLDOFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQ52$GHVLJQDWLRQ The format for assessing each ROA has involved the following: Scenic Quality relates to the intrinsic aesthetic appeal demonstrated by a and NSA or APQ designation. The Council has taken the view that character area, zone, feature or component within the landscape, WKLVSRWHQWLDOFRQÁLFWVKRXOGEHDGGUHVVHGWKURXJKWKHSURGXFWLRQRI ‡ $GHVNEDVHGVWXG\WRUHYLHZVWDWXWRU\ODQGVFDSHGHVLJQDWLRQVDQG including the importance of any views experienced from and looking back landscape capacity studies (such as this) that look closely at how new sites of historical importance; at the ROA. developments could be assimilated into such valued landscapes. ‡ $UHYLHZRIWKH$UJ\OODQG%XWH/RFDO3ODQWRXQGHUVWDQGWKH context within which the ROA’s have been designated; An established form of categorisation ranks Scenic Quality between These Landscape capacity studies have been undertaken by appropriately ‡ 5HYLHZRIWKH61+ODQGVFDSHW\SHVDVGHÀQHGLQWKH$UJ\OODQG ([FHSWLRQDODQG'DPDJHG+RZHYHUDVZHDUHFRQVLGHULQJODQGVFDSHV TXDOLÀHGFRQVXOWDQWVDQGFRYHUDOORIWKH52$VORFDWHGZLWKLQ16$VDQG )LUWKRI&O\GH/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU$VVHVVPHQW 6FRWWLVK1DWXUDO that have already been considered to have particularly outstanding APQs located in Argyll and Bute (with the exception of Jura and part of +HULWDJH5HYLHZ1R(QYLURQPHQWDO5HVRXUFHV0DQDJHPHQW qualities, this assessment has compared areas relative to each other and the Mull NSA as studies in these areas have already been completed). 1996); ranked the Scenic Quality of the ROA’s as follows: ‡ 6LWHDSSUDLVDOLGHQWLI\LQJNH\ODQGVFDSHIHDWXUHVFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQG This document is consistent with all current national and local planning views to and from each ROA; +LJK policy and will help support, and be consistent with, the Corporate ‡ 'HÀQLQJWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGFRQVWUDLQWVRIHDFK52$E\ ‡ 6WURQJODQGVFDSHVWUXFWXUHZLWKDWWUDFWLYHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVSDWWHUQ Strategy and the Development Plan for Argyll and Bute (ie. both Structure analysing and, where applicable, providing recommendations for and a balanced combination of landform and land cover; and Local Plan) in meeting their aims of strengthening the economy; VSHFLÀFORFDWLRQVIRUGHYHORSPHQWDQG ‡ 0DQ\GLVWLQFWIHDWXUHVZRUWK\RIFRQVHUYDWLRQ creating sustainable and vibrant communities in the area; and protecting ‡ ,GHQWLI\LQJORFDWLRQVZKHUHGHYHORSPHQWZRXOGQRWEHDGYLVDEOH ‡ 9DULHW\DQGVHTXHQFHRIGUDPDWLFSDQRUDPLFDQGIUDPHGYLHZV and enhancing the environment. due to potential adverse effects on the landscape quality, character, ‡ 1RRUPLQLPDOGHYHORSPHQWGLVFUHHWO\DFFRPPRGDWHG setting, and/or views due to inappropriate scale of development, This study is one in a series of documents which will provide the Council visual prominence, additional development resulting in over Medium DQGWKHSXEOLFZLWKDFOHDUO\GHÀQHGVHWRIJXLGHOLQHVIRUGHYHORSPHQW development or insertion of development in currently ‡ *RRGODQGVFDSHVWUXFWXUHZLWKSOHDVLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFVSDWWHUQ within these areas. undeveloped areas. balanced combination of landform and land cover; ‡ 'LVWLQFWIHDWXUHVZRUWK\RIFRQVHUYDWLRQ Methodology Landscape Character Assessment ‡ 9DULHW\DQGVHTXHQFHRISDQRUDPLFDQGIUDPHGYLHZV To ensure a consistent and robust approach to the collation and To assist with the understanding of the capacity of the landscape ‡ 0LQLPDOGHYHORSPHQWZKLFKGRHVQRWGHWUDFWIURPWKHRYHUDOO presentation of the study, the methodology of assessing and recording to accommodate development it is essential to understand the composition or views. the landscape qualities, sensitivities and capacity to accommodate characteristics and qualities of the landscape. Low development has been based upon the accepted industry standards for ‡ /LPLWHGSDWWHUQVFRORXUIHDWXUHVDQGFRPELQDWLRQVRIODQGIRUP landscape character assessment and has been prepared with reference to 6FRWWLVK1DWXUDO+HULWDJHLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKSDUWQHU&RXQFLOV ‡ 6RPHIHDWXUHVZRUWK\RIFRQVHUYDWLRQ the following documents: XQGHUWRRNLQWKHODWH·VDGHWDLOHGUHYLHZDQGFODVVLÀFDWLRQRIYDULRXV ‡ *HQHUDOO\VHOIFRQWDLQHGRUOLPLWHGYLHZV GILLESPIES February 2010 2 Argyll and Bute Methodology Landscape Capacity Study ‡ 'HYHORSPHQWIRUPVDVLJQLÀFDQWSDUWRIWKHRYHUDOOFRPSRVLWLRQRU ‡ GHWUDFWIURPWKHRYHUDOOH[LVWLQJODQGVFDSHTXDOLW\IHDWXUHVDQG Findings view. characteristics of the ROA; The assessment results will report on the ability, or otherwise, of each ‡ DGYHUVHO\DIIHFWWKHVHWWLQJRIKLVWRULFRUGLVWLQFWLYHIHDWXUHV ROA to accommodate development. Determining Sensitivity of the Landscape ‡ FRPSURPLVHH[LVWLQJYLHZVRUEHKLJKO\YLVLEOHZLWKLQDQ The assessment considers the sensitivity of the environment that could important view; Each ROA has been assessed in detail and areas with potential to be affected, the scenic quality and value and the ability of the landscape to ‡ DIIHFWWKHVHQVHRISODFHDQGFRXOGEHDSSURSULDWHO\LQWHJUDWHGZLWK DFFRPRGDWHGHYHORSPHQWKDYHEHHQLGHQWLÀHGLQRUDQJHDQGDUHDVZLWK accommodate change. existing landscape features; OLPLWHGRUQRSRWHQWLDOKDYHEHHQLGHQWLÀHGLQUHG ‡ FDXVHDSHUFHSWLRQRIFRDOHVFHQFHEHWZHHQH[LVWLQJVHWWOHPHQWV Sensitivity to Change The supporting rationale for identifying these areas is given in the Sensitivity to change considers the extent to which the landscape can New development could: description of each ROA. accommodate and tolerate the type of proposed change. Although all the ‡ EHVHWVXFFHVVIXOO\LQWRWKHODQGVFDSHE\XWLOLVLQJH[LVWLQJODQGVFDSH ROA’s are either within an Area of Panoramic Quality or National Scenic form or features; The report should be used as part of as series of tools to guide Argyll Area, there are still differing qualities within these areas and differing ‡ LQLWVHOISURYLGHDSRVLWLYHIHDWXUHRUDIRFXV DQG%XWH&RXQFLOLQFRQVLGHULQJVSHFLÀFDSSOLFDWLRQVDQGLQFRQMXQFWLRQ capacities to tolerate change. Sensitivity has therefore been ranked as with the recommended guidelines will allow the Council to determine +LJK0HGLXPRU/RZ Limited or No Capacity to Accommodate Development whether it would be appropriate to consider new development and New development would: prioritise locations for new development. +LJK6HQVLWLYLW\ ‡ GHWUDFWIURPWKHRYHUDOOODQGVFDSHTXDOLW\IHDWXUHVDQG ‡ ZKHUHWKHODQGVFDSHZRXOGEHVXVFHSWLEOHWRUHODWLYHO\VPDOO characteristics of the ROA or could not relate to the landform; changes by development; ‡ DIIHFWWKHVHWWLQJRIKLVWRULFGLVWLQFWLYHIHDWXUHVDQGRUVLWHVRI ‡ ZKHUHWKHUHDUHOLWWOHRUQRODQGVFDSHIHDWXUHVZLWKZKLFKWRVHW ecological value; development into the landscape; ‡ FRPSURPLVHH[LVWLQJYLHZV ‡ ZKHUHODQGVFDSHIHDWXUHVRUVORSHVZRXOGQHHGWREHH[FHVVLYHO\ ‡ DIIHFWWKHVHQVHRISODFH PRGLÀHGWRDFFRPPRGDWHGHYHORSPHQW ‡ EHH[SRVHGYLVXDOO\DQGSK\VLFDOO\ ‡ ZKHUHWKHFKDQJHGODQGVFDSHLVDQLPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWLQDZLGHU ‡ UHTXLUHH[FHVVLYHHDUWKZRUNVRUWUHHIHOOLQJ view. ‡ QRWEHQHÀWIURPODQGIRUPRUYHJHWDWLRQZLWKZKLFKWR¶DQFKRU·LW into the landscape; Medium Sensitivity ‡ FDXVHFRDOHVFHQFHEHWZHHQH[LVWLQJVHWWOHPHQWVRUOLQHDU ‡ ZKHUHWKHODQGVFDSHZRXOGEHUHDVRQDEO\WROHUDQWRIFKDQJHVE\ development. proposed development; ‡ ZKHUHWKHUHDUHVRPHH[LVWLQJODQGVFDSHIHDWXUHVZLWKZKLFKWRVHW When considering whether the ROA’s could potentially accommodate development into the landscape; development, it is important to recognise that it is not just whether a ‡ ZKHUHVRPHFKDQJHWRIHDWXUHVRUVORSHVZRXOGQHHGWREH property itself, for example, could be sensitively sited and located, but undertaken to accommodate development; also the accompanying infrastructure needed to support that ‡ ZKHUHWKHFKDQJHGODQGVFDSHLVDPRGHUDWHO\LPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWLQ development all need to be taken into account when determining the a wider view. capacity of the landscape to accommodate development. i.e.: ‡ $FFHVVURDGVRUWUDFNV Low Sensitivity ‡ *DWHVDQGZKHHOLHELQVORFDWHGDORQJWKHSULQFLSDOURDGV ‡ ZKHUHWKHODQGVFDSHZRXOGEHWROHUDQWRIFKDQJHVE\ ‡ 6HUYLFHVDQGLQSDUWLFXODURYHUKHDGHOHFWULFLW\OLQHV proposed development as existing features could be ‡ /LJKWLQJIURPGHYHORSPHQWDWQLJKWWLPHDQG utilised/enhanced to set development into the landscape; ‡ 2UQDPHQWDOODZQVDQGJDUGHQSODQWVZKLFKFDQEHKLJKO\YLVLEOH ‡ ZKHUHWKHFKDQJHGODQGVFDSHZRXOGQRWIHDWXUHDVSDUWRIDZLGHU amongst the more muted natural colours. view. In addition, the following issues also need to be considered: ‡ 9LHZVEDFNWRGHYHORSPHQWIURPVXUURXQGLQJDUHDV Capacity to accommodate development ‡ 6HSDUDWLRQRIGHYHORSHGDUHDV +DYLQJFRQVLGHUHGDQGDVVHVVHGWKHVFHQLFTXDOLW\DQGVHQVLWLYLW\WR ‡ $YRLGLQJDSHUFHLYHGFRDOHVFHQFHEHWZHHQODUJHUVHWWOHGDUHDV change of the landscape, the ability of each ROA to accommodate ‡ 5HWDLQLQJ¶ZLOGHU·XQVHWWOHGDUHDVEHWZHHQDUHDVRI development has been determined; this has been done by assessing the development. ROA’s as follows: *RRG&DSDFLW\WR$FFRPPRGDWH'HYHORSPHQW New development would not: 3 February 2010 GILLESPIES Argyll and Bute Landscape Capacity Study Landscape Character - Lorn Landscape Character Assessment This information will enable an assessment to be made of the Quality, ‡ &DVWOHVDQGFRXQWU\KRXVHVDUHLPSRUWDQWORFDOODQGPDUNV 9DOXHDQG6HQVLWLYLW\RIHDFK52$$MXGJHPHQWFDQWKHQEHPDGHRQWKH Lorn and the Inner Isles degree (or magnitude) of change and therefore the capacity of each ROA The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to WRDFFRPPRGDWHGHYHORSPHQWE\GHWHUPLQLQJWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRIHIIHFWV the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are: /RUQDQGWKH,QQHU,VOHVDUHGHVFULEHGLQWKH61+/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU FDXVHGE\GHYHORSPHQW,WVKRXOGEHQRWHGWKDWHIIHFWVFDQEHEHQHÀFLDO Assessment under broad Landscape Character Areas of Central Argyll, as well as being adverse and this distinction will be noted as part of this ‡ 8WLOLVHWKHPDWXUHZRRGODQGWUHHVWRVFUHHQDQGLQWHJUDWHLQIUD- /RZHU*UDPSLDQVDQG%HQGHUORFK study. structure and development; ‡ 7KHPHDQGHULQJULYHUVZLWKEDQNVLGHWUHHVVPDOOZRRGODQGVDQG Central Argyll Landscape Character Area covers the area between Loch High Tops LCT remnant water meadows are important visual foci and should be )\QHDQGWKHZHVWFRDVW,WOLHVEHWZHHQWKHORZHU*UDPSLDQVWRWKH The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the conserved; north and , to the south. Upland moor is the main vegetation study, are: ‡ &KDQJHVZKLFKFRXOGDIIHFWWKHWUDGLWLRQDOMX[WDSRVLWLRQRIÀHOGV cover, but extensive conifer plantations create large-scale mosaics on woodlands and wetlands should be discouraged; the largely inaccessible upland plateaux. The wild and natural character ‡ 5XJJHGVWHHSVLGHGPRXQWDLQUDQJHVZLWKDPDVVLYHVFDOH ‡ 7KHPRXWKVRIULYHUVZKHUHWKHYDOOH\ÁRRUEHFRPHVDPD]HRI extends down to rocky cliffs and indented coastlines, which include ‡ 'LYHUVHODQGIRUPZLWKJXOOLHVVFDUSVORSHVDQGURFN\VFUHHV FUHHNVSDVWXUHVDQGPXGÁDWVLVSDUWLFXODUO\VHQVLWLYHDQGEXLOW LUUHJXODUSDWFKZRUNVRIÀHOGVRQWKHHGJHVRIWKHPRRUODQGDQGZLWKLQ ‡ 6WULNLQJH[SRVHGURFNIDFHVZLWKVFUXEE\ELUFKRDNZRRGODQGLQ development should be strictly controlled; the glens. gullies; ‡ &RQVHUYHWKHODQGVFDSHVHWWLQJRIKLVWRULFODQGPDUNVLHFDVWOHVDQG ‡ 5HODWLYHO\ZLGHJOHQVEHWZHHQPRXQWDLQUDQJHV parkland landscapes; 7KH*UDPSLDQV/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU$UHDZKLFKH[WHQGVQRUWKRI2EDQ ‡ )DVWÁRZLQJEXUQVZDWHUIDOOVDQGVPDOOXSODQGORFKVDUHDWWUDFWLYH ‡ $YRLGGHYHORSPHQWZKLFKZRXOGGLVUXSWLPSRUWDQWZHOONQRZQ DQG/RFK)\QHLVFKDUDFWHULVHGE\ODUJHVFDOHPRXQWDLQVZLWKEDUHURFN distinctive features; views along the valley. scree slopes and u-shaped valleys. ‡ ([WHQVLYHFRQLIHUSODQWDWLRQVRQVRPHORZHUVORSHV ‡ ,QDFFHVVLEOHDQGUHODWLYHO\XQLQKDELWHG Craggy Upland LCT Landscape Character Areas lies to the west of the lower ‡ 'UDPDWLFPRXQWDLQVFHQHU\ The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the *UDPSLDQVDQGWRWKHQRUWKRI/RFK(WLYHDQGLQFOXGHVWKHORQJQDUURZ study, are: island of Lismore. A strong landform pattern is clearly evident along the The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to coast where islands follow long, narrow, ridge arrangements, particularly the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are: ‡ 8SODQGPRRUZLWKLUUHJXODUUDWKHUDPRUSKRXVODQGIRUP evident in the north and west. An area of peaty moss lies to the south, at ‡ 5RXQGHGNQROOVURFNRXWFURSVDQGQXPHURXVORFKVLQORZO\LQJ the mouth of , whilst a craggier upland landscape with a more ‡ &RQVHUYHWKHVSHFLDOZLOGFKDUDFWHURIWKLVQDWLRQDOO\LPSRUWDQW hollows; amorphous character occurs to the north of the Strath of . mountain landscape – development should be strictly controlled; ‡ 2SHQPRRUODQGSUHGRPLQDWHVEXWH[WHQVLYHFRQLIHUSODQWDWLRQV ‡ *HQHUDOO\WKHUHLVQRVFRSHIRUQHZEXLOWGHYHORSPHQWLQXSODQGDU- FDPRXÁDJHWKHODQGVFDSHSDWWHUQLQVRPHDUHDV 3DUWRIWKH$UJ\OODQGWKH)LUWKRI&O\GH/DQGVFDSH&KDUDFWHU eas and the conversion of derelict buildings should only be permit- ‡ ,VRODWHGIDUPVWHDGVDQGVPDOOYLOODJHVLQVKHOWHUHGVLWHVZLWKLQJOHQV Assessment document divides the area into 25 Landscape Character WHGLQYDOOH\VZKHUHWKHUHLVDQH[LVWLQJURDGDQGVXIÀFLHQWQDWXUDO ‡ 1XPHURXVDUFKDHRORJLFDOUHPDLQVRIWHQFRQFHQWUDWHGRQURXQGHG 7\SHV /&7 ,WSURYLGHVDGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHVSHFLÀFFKDUDFWHULVWLFV vegetation to integrate associated infrastructure elements; knolls on lower slopes; and and sensitivities relevant to each landscape type and outlines detailed ‡ 0XFKRIWKHDUHDLVLQDFFHVVLEOHZLWKOLPLWHGRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUWKH ‡ +LVWRULFLUUHJXODUODQGVFDSHSDWWHUQLQYDOOH\V aims, guidance notes and suggestions on how to conserve or enhance public to experience the landscape. Key views should therefore not the landscape through appropriate sensitive land use, management or be marred by development. The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to development. the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are: Mountain Glens LCT There are seven LCT’s covering Lorn and the Inner Isles: The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the ‡ 'HYHORSPHQWVKRXOGEHVWULFWO\FRQWUROOHGLQXSODQGYDOOH\VDQG study, are: along coastlines; ‡ /&7 +LJK7RSV ‡ 6KRXOGGHYHORSPHQWEHDSSOLFDEOHLQFRDVWDODUHDVXWLOLVHH[LVWLQJ ‡ /&7 0RXQWDLQ*OHQV ‡ )ODWYDOOH\ÁRRURIQDUURZOLQHDUPRXQWDLQJOHQVZLWKDVKDUSEUHDN woodland or incorporate new broadleaf planting to ensure ‡ /&7 &UDJJ\8SODQG of slope at valley sides; development is integrated sensitively into the landscape; ‡ /&7/RZODQG5LGJHVDQG0RVV ‡ 5LEERQORFKVLQORZHUYDOOH\JODFLDOPRUDLQHFUHDWHVXQHYHQ ‡ &RQVHUYHWKHVHWWLQJRIDUFKDHRORJLFDOVLWHVDQG ‡ /&7 5RFN\0RVDLF  ODQGIRUPZLWKVPDOOURXQGHGORFKVRQÁRRURIXSSHUYDOOH\V ‡ &RQVLGHURSSRUWXQLWLHVWRUHQRYDWHWUDGLWLRQDOIDUPEXLOGLQJV ‡ /&7 6ODWH,VODQGV ‡ 0XGÁDWVDQGZLQGLQJFUHHNVDWORFKKHDGVDQGPRXWKVRIJOHQV currently in disrepair. ‡ 0HDQGHULQJULYHUVIULQJHGZLWKJURXSVRIWUHHVZKLFKFRQWUDVWZLWK In order to set the context for the Rural Opportunity Areas (ROA), a rectangular pastures drained by straight ditches; Lowland Ridges and Moss LCT summary of the key characteristics of the relevant LCT’s will be set out, ‡ 6PDOOEORFNVRIZRRGODQGDQGVRPHFRQLIHUSODQWDWLRQV The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the including any appropriate landscape guidelines. A more description of ‡ /LQHDUVHWWOHPHQWVVWXQJRXWDORQJODQHVDWWKHIRRWRIVWHHSVLGHV study, are: local landscape characteristics for each individual ROA will follow. slopes; GILLESPIES February 2010 4 Argyll and Bute Landscape Character - Lorn Landscape Capacity Study ‡ &RDVWDOORZODQGZLWKORZULGJHVVHSDUDWLQJQDUURZOLQHDUJOHQVRU LCT ÁDWDUHDVRIPRVV The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the ‡ 5LGJHVIRUPORZQDUURZSHQLQVXODVHQFORVLQJVPDOO study, are: horseshoe-shaped bays; ‡ 5RFN\ULGJHVDUHGHQVHO\ZRRGHGDQGOLQHDUJOHQVDUHDSDWFKZRUN ‡ 8QGXODWLQJORZPRRUODQGZLWKORZFRDVWDOFOLIIVDQGGLVWLQFWLYHGDUN of marginal pastures; ledges of slate, jutting into the sea; ‡ 6KRUHOLQHDQGRIIVKRUHLVODQGVKDYHDPRUHXQGXODWLQJODQGIRUPDQG ‡ 'HHSO\LQGHQWHGFRDVWOLQHZLWKSHQLQVXODVDQGFKDLQVRIURFN\RII a more open character; shore islands; ‡ 6RPHUHODWLYHO\ODUJHKRXVHVLQVKHOWHUHGFRYHVVFDWWHUHGQHZHU ‡ 2SHQURFN\PRRUODQGSUHGRPLQDWHVZLWKSRFNHWVRISDVWXUHRQ development elsewhere. more fertile land, near villages; ‡ )HZWUHHVH[FHSWQHDUVHWWOHPHQWV The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to ‡ 'LVWLQFWLYHVODWHVWRQHZDOOV the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are: The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to ‡ $YRLGOLQHDUGHYHORSPHQWDORQJWKHHGJHVRIFRYHVDQGFRDVWV the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are: ‡ %XLOWGHYHORSPHQWVKRXOGEHFOXVWHUHGUDWKHUWKDQVSRUDGLFDQG associated with stands of native tree planting and stone walls to ‡ %XLOWGHYHORSPHQWVKRXOGEHOLPLWHGHVSHFLDOO\LQVHQVLWLYHFRDVWDO integrate it with the surrounding landscape; locations; ‡ 7KHVSHFLDOFKDUDFWHURIWKHLQGHQWHGVKHOWHUHGFRDVWDOODQGVFDSHV ‡ 1HZEXLOGLQJVVKRXOGEHUHODWLYHO\VPDOOLQVL]HVLPSOHLQDUFKLWHF- should be carefully conserved; tural style and built in loose clusters to be in keeping with tradition- ‡ 5HVSHFWYDULDWLRQVLQORFDOÀHOGSDWWHUQVLQWKHVPDOOVFDOHIDUPODQG al arrangements; landscape of the lowland areas; ‡ 6WRQHZDOOVDUHSDUWLFXODUO\LPSRUWDQWQHDUVHWWOHPHQWVDVWKH\KHOS ‡ &RQVHUYHWKHORFDWLRQVDQGODQGVFDSHVHWWLQJVRIDUFKDHRORJLFDO WRLQWHJUDWHGHYHORSPHQWE\UHÁHFWLQJWKHLUUHJXODUKLVWRULFSDWWHUQ sites. of small enclosures; ‡ 7KHYLVXDOLPSDFWVRIQHZGHYHORSPHQWVIURPIHUU\FURVVLQJVDQG Rocky Mosaic LCT adjacent views need to be carefully considered. The key characteristics of this landscape character type, relevant to the study, are:


The main landscape issues that need to be considered, with regards to the proposed type of development, within this landscape type are:


5 February 2010 GILLESPIES