SERIES C - No. 14



P. Geerts


The Australian National University

Gerts, P. 'Āre'āre Dictionary. C-14, iv + 191 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1970. DOI:10.15144/PL-C14.cover ©1970 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is published by the Li�gui6 tic Ci�cte 06 Ca�be��a

and consists of four series:





EDITOR: S.A. Wurm . ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock , C.L. Voorhoeve .


The Editor ,

PACIFIC LINGU ISTICS, Department of Linguistics , School of Pacific Studies, The Au stral ian National University , Box 4, P-.O. , Canberra , A.C.T. 2600 . Australia .



Copyright 0 P. Geerts. First published 1970.

The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for

help in the production of this series.

This publication was made possible by an initial grant from the

Hunter Douglas Fund.


The 'Are'are language is spoken in the southern part of Big Malaita, on the north-western end of Small Malaita, around Tarapaina, and by the 'Are'are emigrants in Marau Sound, South Guadalcanal. The basis of this dictionary is the 'Are'are as spoken around Tarapaina, in the Small Malaita Passage . It seems to me the purest and best sounding of the 'Are'are . Many different words are used in different parts of the 'Are'are language area. I have not registered them all . They are all known, though not used, in the dif ferent parts of the language area .

The letters 1 and r are interchangeable . In some parts the is used, in others the r. The use of r being more common, I used the r.

Many names of customs, feasts and forms of spirit worship cannot be translated literally . I therefore gave a short explanation so as to convey the meaning . I hope and trust that this dictionary may be a modest contribution to the scarcity of linguistic material of Melanesian languages of the Solomon Islands . For the grammar of this language I would like to refer to-the description of the 'Oroha' language by V.G . Ivens "A

Study of the Oroha Language, Mala, Solomon Islands", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Volume IV, 1927, pp.587-610 . I should like to express my gratitude to Professor S.A. Wurm of The Australian National University for his encouragement and help . Through him this dictionary has been published .

Tenaru 1969 P. Geerts . s.m. ------

K 0 \ 0 MALAITA (MALA) ------PAINA

o 5 10 I I I I I MILES

N o f

MALA MASIKE Ii\ �S'�. LOCATION MAP N �� � � if·� f5A8EL �ad"� � f ALAITA NEW GEORGIA 4' GROUP �� Moropono., Porosi •� � KOkoU5uris Bino GUADAL � o 100 I I � MILES SAN CRISTO


Gerts, P. 'Āre'āre Dictionary. C-14, iv + 191 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1970. DOI:10.15144/PL-C14.cover ©1970 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. A

a 1. den ote s so-and-so, a ma reho 'a ' ate 1. dry 2. adverb of assent 2. cle ar , intelligible 3. pers .pron . Jrd sg ., suffixed to ve rbs as obj ect, and to a'ato 'ai to tire out , to fatigue prepositions; used both of persons an d things; suffixed aau the season of the S.E. winds , to prepositions as an anti ci­ the rain season , the time when patory ob ject: ra mania nima the canarium nuts are ripe go from the house (July , August) 4. stem to which the poss.pron. is suffixed: aku etc. ae exc lamation of surprise and 5 . suffix to the poss.pron. admiration 1st and 2nd sg.: akua , amua etc. 'a'e beginning, source , origin 'a'a exclamation Don'tl(accent on last 'a) ae -a to te ar or rip; to weed, of exclamation of assent (accent garde ns ; to clear (away ) on first 'a) a'e-a to forete ll , reve al , bring a'aha to get up to light , or un cover

a'aheoa thin 'ae'ae 1. be loved, de ar 2. true , real ; kare-na 'a'ai dried by the sun ; sti ff 'ae'ae a legitimate child , a' ai i d. 'a'e huna 'aehota-a to begin, start , a'akai-a to touch, damage by establish , create touching 'a'ehuna beginning , source , a'ake to be dry , dried by th e sun origin

a'anana to cry, to sque al in fear , a'eke a big wh ite sea-bird

a'anara make a creaking noise ( of ae-na anus a falling tree) etc. 'a'e-na leg, foot; 'a'e -na e mou a'ani to burn , catc h fire club foot, club foote d; 'a'e-na to'u lame ; 'u'u ni a'ano fishing line 'a'ena toe

a'anohi-a to make a fishing line 'a'ena source , beginning , start origin ; 'a'e na huta (huta) a'ara to feel unwell, prior to an cestor ; 'a'ena ire the foot fever; rapeku e a'ara of the mountain ; 'a'ena ma uriha the beginning of life; a'arataua niu scraped coconut 'a'ena rauma th reshold; 'a'e ni wa ro flesh of·a green a'arisu to te ar , to wipe off ; coconut a'ari su-a ae-na to wipe the faeces from th e posterior aeri-a to take food out of th e oven an d un do the leaves a'aro to be broken off, of heads of figures, pipes; as i e a'aro aeroto dark , overcast; ae roto the waves break koso blind

aaro on the sea-side aha 1. dry up , of wate r, spring 2. a sparrow-hawk , an eagle a'arukaruka to make a creaking noise aha bitter , salty ; aha' i pt.

a'ata a tall grass with broad aha 'a a plant wh ich when thr own leaves, grows in clumps into the wate r stupifies the fish a'atara to cough ahahe to turn aroun d ( of water in a'atare to clear one 's throat a wh irlpool)

Gerts, P. 'Āre'āre Dictionary. C-14, iv + 191 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1970. DOI:10.15144/PL-C14.1 ©1970 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 2 ahahena whirlpool, eddy 'ahi 'ahi a white shell money

'ahai 1. dance ; a dance ahinu loose , at bre aking point 2. pl'on . 31'd sg, its , con­ cerning, in , with , of it ; ahirara to lie on the back suffixed to adj ect ives and verbs ; masike'ahai its ahiri a tree smalln ess ; noru'aha i trust­ ing in it ahirihu a woman 's dress, worn round the hips , made from the ahamera'a red fibres of the erere tree

aharai get up 'ahisu 1. detached, plucked ( of fruit an d flowers) ahara-na shoulde r 2. out of joint, out of place 'ahari broken off ( of branches and boughs) an d not yet broken ahita ahi ta ni a'u a strip of off bamb oo

aharirii harsh , grating ahiwaka to spread one 's legs

ahasi-a to cut out , notch, cas­ aho scales , peelings ; aho ana trate ; ahas ia rotoana castrate karata scale s of ringworm; ab r asions ahasu to break off aho manta fish 'ahe 1. surf, flooded river, current caused by tide , aho-a to remove scales, moult , wind, rain; tidal-rip peel off (of skin) ; to skin ; 2. to flow, a current , rapena e ahoa his skin is stream, to dr ip quickly; peeling off; peel off; of apuna e 'ahe bleed; 'ahe food an d fruit 'asia adri ft ; 'ahe ' ahe to dri ft with the current 'ahoa to be high in the air; to 3 . 'ahe a sea crab be in the open sea, far from land 'ahe-a to bend aho'a widow , widower ; orphan ; ahehaeta a small passage , a be reft of chi ldren , husband, nar ro,! pass or wi fe

aheko to bend, stoop (of trees , ahoni-a ahonia suna to light a branches). fire

ahenu broken ahorosi-a to guard, protect

aheroi the inner skin of fruits ahorota 1. relat ives by marriage (daught er- an d son-in 'ahesi-a to drift away , to be law , etc.) carried away by the current 2. conduct a wedding fe ast ; houra ni ahorota 'ahetaha to flow wedding feast

'ahetai to str etch oneself ahota rotten , de composed

aheta ni wai a dry river be d 'ahu 1. to wr ap , cover 2. not to join well aheu uproot , to fall down (of 3. complete ; perfect; full tree s) of numbers ; awa ra ahu a full ten ; all , entire , the ahi a woman 's dress ; a fringe of whole of; the gen. ni might string , worn in front an d follow ; waro e 'ahu the behind, but not roun d the hips largest un it of shell money , ten strings 'ahi' a Malay apple . The tree 4. to assemb le , gather bears twice a year , in Febru­ 5. to make a coffi n from a ary an d July ; there are four tree; 'ahua te i'a to make varieties a coffin in the shape of a shark 3

'ahuhu crumbs of food; to crumble , 'ai generic name for wood , tree ; of food; to drop, fall � f 'ai akara a hard wood; flowe r seeds ) 'a i hao. 'ai houa raft ; 'ai huto a soft wood, much used ahui 1. uprooted, of tre es ; the as firewood; 'ai huu the bole or trunk of a tree first plank of a canoe ; I a i 2. a club ma the third plank of a canoe ; 'ai ma'a beam on the ridge of ahu'i to break up the earth an d a house ; I a i ma rema re a hard­ make heaps of it, for the wood; 'a i ni ama ra(ha) a tree , plan ting of food a de coction of which is used as a contraceptive ; 'ai ni 'ahui 1. ahu I-a around, used in haka papaya; 'ai ni hu 'o a composition with verbs ; stick to hold the net when pa re 'ahu I to fence in; pig hunting ; I a i ma the rlhu 'ahula, rihu oh ia to planks on the side of the enclose , encircle ; rio canoe ; 'ai ni mae a tree , a 'a hui to look after, to branch of wh ich is used for guard, protect ; toto black magic on a person to 'ahula to pay a fine for cause his de ath; the branch somebody it self ; 'ai nl riorio a 2. for , representing , used branch of a certain tree. a for sacrifices , the part of which a visionist priest making an offering puts on his eyes when he on behalf of somebody goes to sleep, during his sleep the ghost communicates ahui-a 1. to put un de r the ground, with him; 'ai ni Ulawa a un de r branches ; to make a ginger us ed as a charm to reserve for yamsets enlist a woman 's affe ctions ; 2. to scratch, to clear 'al rah ita a bar, crossed the he ad of lice sticks used to bar the door of a house ; 'ai ratoa a ahuio perch, cudge l, sti ck swamp tree ; I a i sopo plank fixed on the bottom of a ahumou to bear only a few fruits , canoe ; 'a i tapi a variety of of coconuts and bete lnut s almond tree ; its fruits; 'ai wasi a nut tree ( see kaero , ahuni to make a fire ro 'ara) ; kakahuna 'ai chips. shavings; I a i ha used as a 'ahuni entire , complete , all at ve rbal noun , in composition once with oi-a. oi 'aiha the cutting of firewood ahura to break up the earth an d make heaps of it , for the aia exclamation of assent , of planting of food wonder

'ahuri-a to wrap ( up ) . cover 'ai'ai an exclamat ion to call wi1th leaves attention , of disapproval ; Look out! Oh ! ahurimou a woman dy ing in child­ birth 'ai'aina 1. arm 2. cartilage , gristle ; ahuriri a tree ; its seeds are I a i I a i na panona inter­ strung in bunches and worn on nasal septum the back of the fingers an d on the legs. used as castenets 'ai'aina coconut branch to accompany dan ces 'ai'ai ni ire a range of moun­ ahus ui a big yellow ant tains. crest , ridge

'ahuta-na indef. pron .• all , the aiawareo to graze. to bark, wh ole of. all together; used to gall in the plural only : ahutaka all of us ; ahutaml u all of aiawasi to sigh, moan you; ahutata all of them 4

ai hai 1. participle ending aka 1. to pull out , to emerge , to 2. pera.pron. ending, 3rd overthrow; aka niho to pull a g • an d p 1.. : inau to' 0 a i out a tooth ; to shake I possess it; naihr hani 2. to escape from , to become tohua i a knife to cut loose , to get aw ay from , to with get off

'aihanehane to cure a sickn ess , by aka to drink by pouring water a holy man using ria an d other from a container straight down trees the throat without touching the lips with the container aihoraha'a to interrupt a person whilst sleeping or speaking; 'aka 1. poaa . 1at incZ. to twist a person 's wor ds to, on , with, for us , our, ours a'ihori to sell 2. poss . ending parapara ' aka our loins, our sides aimane a bache lor , a spinster, who has done the haruna or hapaka , akahi-a id. aka but act ive but still unmarried akahi-a to pull out , to shake 'a 'ina adultery out

'aira powerful , stiff, firm, akami-a id. akahi-a strong , resistant 'akaoru poss . pron. tZ., excl.., 'aira a wooden bowl used for for the three of us pounding taro akara 1. to le an , to rest upon , airao exclamat ion of surprise: to press against Look! Is that so/ How is that 2. we ak , impaired poaaibl.e ! akara 'a to swallow , to take ( of airawa to smoke or dry up some ­ med icines ) thing above the fire akaro 1. spirit whose ab ode is in airei exclamation of surprise: the forest Dear me! Oh ! 2. wa i ni aka ro tears ; wa i ni akaro e ahe to weep , to airesi to cry aloud in pain cry O airiutai t akarua poss . pron. dZ. , incZ. to, o turn a complete circle for, both of us , the two of us

aisisi noise , din akau ready , finished, completed, ripe ; to' i akau to prepare , to 'aisura ruarua to carry ove r the make ready ; e on i akau it is shoulde rs on a stick, of two ready· , prepared obje cts - one in front one at the back akea adv. , tight ; pasu akea to tie tightly aisusu 1. to put a siri in a new garden after weeding, that 'ake ' ake 1. dry , dried by the sun the food may grow we ll 2. clear , distinct 2. to place two stakes, one on either side of the 'ake 'akeke to whine canoe , when fishing with a line lest the canoe floats akehu to fall ( of people ) to drop away down , to turn over

aitanai-a to press , force , compel akeu to cap size , tilt on one side

'aitori a variety of yam aki 'a part , piece 5

ako 1. to take in the arms , to amara barren , sterile , childless , embrace of both sexes ; 'ai ni ama raha 2. a bamboo tube used for cook­ wa i ni ama raha a contraceptive , ing ; to put food in a bamboo a de coction of a fe rn , tree tube (Tat aro ), that can cause ako 'ai-a to burn , to smart 0f sterility medic ine} amaraha barreness, sterility ako ' asi-a id. aka'ai-a amari sea akohu a swamp , swampy ground amari 'a salt� , bitter akoi-a to take in the arms , to embrace 'amarua pers .pron. 2nd dr. you two , both of you akora to scat ter , fall down , break down (of wall , etc.) amasi-a, amaamas i-a to love , like ; to have me rcy , pity ; kareru akori to have a scar , scratch, a ama-amasi my belove d son mark (of wounds), cut s amasina love , pity , mercy 'iiku poss.pron . 1st sg ., in orde r to possess it, to , fo r, me ; amasito 'o with poss. ana to the ot her forms : 'amu , 'ana , re collect , hold in memory , 'aka, 'amiu, 'ata; parapara'aku pine for , remember my loins amasitori id. amasito'o aku indef. pron. 1st sg ., te ei aka one amo ngst us ; ate i 'am i u ame to break a promise or vow who amongst you ; 'akua poss.pron . 1st sg . of things to eat only ; ameha' ahi-a to deny for, to me 'ameru poss. pron. 1st pro excr. akusi-a to tear of, for , to, belonging to us •. . . of things to eat ama to mourn , bewail, lament (of women only ) in presence of the 'amerua poss. pron. 1st dr. to , corp se , re citing all the good of, to the two of us , both of one has done to the deceased us ama 'ama +. to put a sh rub or fern 'ami pers . pron. 1st pro exc r. roun d basket , in hair; we , us ; use d as subject ; it to festoon with ama ' ama may be followe d by i 'ami; used 2. id. of a sacred sh rub , as suffix to a ve rb or preposi­ after having cursed it tion , it is obj ect; 'ami ka, first , am i ka ' i, 'am i ke, 'am i 5 i are used for future time amaamasi beloved, dear 'ami'i id. 'ami ama ' ini-a id. ama ' i, but acti ve , to carry on the shoulders amira'i 1. to be surprised, astonishe d 'amami poss.pron. 1st exc l. of , 2. to make jerking for, to, be longing to , us movements with the ab domen , in response to ama-na father; can be prefixed by the treatment of the 'm' when addressing him 'heresia' (mamaku); ama-na ipuri , un cle , from father 's side; ama-na amira ' ini-a to surprise mas ike foster father 'amiu poss.pron. 2nd pro of, for , amanini-a to tre ss, plait to, am o ng , belonging to you; te hari nei 'amiu some of you; 'amaoru pers.pron . 2nd tr. you atei 'amiu who among you three , three of you 6

'amiu poss.pron . ending, 8. pers . pron. 3rd sing. he, parapara'amiu your loins she , it, with verbs an d nouns ; kon i siani 'ana look arno a fish we ll afte r; to 'iha ana ano garden work ; aru rae ana to 'arno'amo beard think of, over; tara ' aeana from the beginn ing . The arnora hairy verbs may be transitive or intransitive . Ana t a ? What arnore a kind of fig tre e for? r i h t ana ta what is thi s, what is this for? arnori-a to lick ana-a to insult , affront 'arnota a jungle grass 'anaku idle , unemp loyed 'arnu l.pers.pron. 2nd pl. you; used as subject it may be anana clean , nice, be auti ful prefixed by I I amu ; suffixed to verbs or prepositi ons , anana-a to make cle an , nice it is obj ect beauti ful 2. poss. ending. parapara 'am u your loins anane id. anana

'amu posB.pron. 2nd sg. of, for, anara 'ini-a to talk scandal , to , belonging to you - as your slander , speak ill of someone own in his (her) presence

'amua pOBB' ron . 2nd sg. of, for, anasi-a to desire , long for , to you r of th ings to eat) hanker after; raeku e anasia I am longing for amuni hidden , lost to sight anate a fish amusi a tree with edible leaves ; its le aves are used as sand­ anateuru a bamboo house-wall ; paper ; its edible fruit a bamboo partition in a house

amusi a small th in stick, used to anea-a to praise , extol, wonder bring the lime into the mouth at when chewing bete lnut ; to lick off the lime from th e stick anero to bend, incline ' amute to clo se , shut tightly , (of ani 1. acv . subj . to , in order mouth , shells); to sile nce to ; pon inau ani tahina ; forever he lp me to flee 2. us ed inste ad of ai , hai 'ana 1. prep. instrume nta l, with , on ; nau kita ana hau I cut 'ani prep . instrumenta l: with ; myself on a stone ; nau res ia us ed inste ad of ana ana maku I saw it with my eyes an i-a 1. to eat 2. adv. of loo. on , in, at , 2. to we ar out , to burn ; to , from suna e an ia nirna the 3. prep . belonging to , from house burned down 4. prep . afte r, by the name of ; kir a soea ana they call an iani to move on account of him ... being loose , to stir 5. used with a noun or an adverb of time , ana harisi aniri-a 1. to overturn , waste , e pi siko last year; ana spill , capsize horo'a uta when , on what day ; 2. a fish ana ro 'ua ino'o now , at present; suara l ana since; ana garden ,-g arden-ground hura taha ana ti ll, until 6. adv. Bubj unotive if, for , ana to creep , crawl, go on all that , to , in order to , in fours ; climb (of yam and order that , be cause ; ana ka pana shoot s) rna i kasora if not impossible 7. ending of the ve rbal noun ; haho iana 7

ano-a to bury , fill a grave with 'aoma 'i to peep, spy sand, to fill a hole , cover wi th earth 'aoma 'i-a to spy on , to watch, to give a sidelong glance anoa-na vision, apparition , omen , ghost, soul , portent a'opa a tree anoano dust 'a'ore flying fish anoano id. ano 'aoru 'aoru ka peps . ppon. 2nd tl. you; used as subject and may anoano 'a dusty , covere d with dust be preceded by I'aoru ; used as object it is not preceded by anoara 'aha a portent, omen , sign i 'ao ru anoma hiding place for money a'oruhau a fish, taboo for young and middle-aged people anomi-a 1. to inlay with mother­ of-pearl , aoru' i i d. 'a0 r u 2. to bury ; id. ano-a a'otara to leap over anori broken off , fallen off (of frui t) 'a'ou the top of the taro , used for planting anowawa to open one 's mouth in order to catch a thrown apa 1. to le an on , to rest upon , object to hatch; apa hah ia to hatch 2. apaapa side, part , portion, anuanu id. an iani half; ana apa ma i on this side; ana apa wou on that anuho a reef further out in the side; ana apa maemae (mamae) sea to the left ; apa rete 'a the right side; apa ni 'are a anui-a to shake , move part , half; apa ni ha'a, apa n i pata a length of shell­ anura 'i shaken , moved by the wind money , from the top of the thumb to the Adam's apple , anusi a fruit tree (a type of fi g) ab ol't one yard; apa n I aru a length of re d shell money, ao the black heron ; ao eke the ab out one yard; apa ha ' inI a white her on ; egret to take one's side, to take part in , to par ticipate , to a'o to fish, to go out fis hing , join to cat ch fish with a rod 3. wing apa ni manu wing of a bird; apa n i rao a kite of 'a'o to perch , of birds in trees sago palm , V-shaped, used for fishing , a web being fastened a'o-a 1. id. a'o to the tail of the kite, and 2. to lift, offer the hands the fisherman paddles in his to help some one fallen in canoe against the wind, hold­ the water; to lift up ing the string of the kite. (club ) ready to strike When the fish is on the hook it pulls the kite down , which 'a'o-a to off er, to make an falls to the sea offering 'apa shore ; hua i 'apa bring it to 'a'oha 'i 'a'oh a'i ka 'ika 'in a shore ; shore as opposed to as i ; hah la to stretch the hands ov er I 'apa go closer to the shore I something as opposed to i as i! go further out to seal r i u i 'apa to take 'a 'oha'ini-a id. 'a'oh a' i the be ach track , as opposed to rlu asi travel by sea aoi offshoot , of banana, taro etc apa-a to flap the wings 'a 'oi broken in two 8

apa 'a a staff, stick , wa lking­ aparia make a noise 0f the sti ck wings of a bird ) apaapa-na id. apa-na aparoro the banyan ; two varieties aparoro hau the banyan grow­ 'apa ' apa a large green an d re d ing by itself as a tree; parrot aparoro waro the banyan as a parasite apa'apa 'a id. apa 'a aparu with poss. 'ana to apaapa ni i'a a fish , the sole disbelieve , to re fuse to believe apa ' ape string, vine on which kome is strung aparuru a beetle that bore s into yams an d banan as apahahia to copulate 0 f bird� apasi-a to carry a baby astride apahi-a to hatch out the hip apai 1. apai niu, 10,000 coconuts apasu id. aparu 2. shoulder, wing, fin; apa or apai (n i) nima a apasua not to dare , to ignore , penthouse not take noti ce of apairato afternoon ; apa i rato apata'i to spy , peep , watch paina 3 p.m. ; apai rato mas ike 4 p.m. apata 'ini-a id. apata'i trans. apaisiri a length of shell money , apate 'o ob lique one inch, over which impreca­ tions are said, an d used for ape 1. a net for catching wild the siwa, or put in the hair pigs; a fishing net hung comb as a prote ct ion ag ai nst down between four up rights , evil spirits with tw o or th ree men on each up right holding a apakeke overturne d, bending down , line to pull the net up ; leaning to one side, lean ing the uprights themselves over; nodding when walking 2. th e Southe rn Cross ( of people ) conste l lati on apana wing , fin ape sing or play seconds apana apaapana. apaapai leaf of 'ape 'o a var i ety of pana, hard trees and not good to eat apa-na shoulder api 1. id. ap i -na 2. to hold the paddle un de r apane to sprain. to be out of the arm , close to the body , joint, of limbs for le ve rage when steering the canoe in strong currents , apano break off; fall off (of heavy seas an d sharp curves fruit) 3. carry a baby astr ide the hip apaoru a wild-growing bean ap i-a to split apara 1. a length of she ll-money , one yard api -a to cut up , to carve ; ap ia 2. to carry children in the raena po, to cut up the arms , to take somebody in stomach of a pig one 's arms ; apara with poss. 'ana. to rest in apiapi do or ; ap i ap i honos i -a to somebody 's arms , especially bar the entrance of a house of dying person with coconut branches

'apara'i 1. to be surprised, apiapi 'i a bunch startled 2. to look behind api-na adv . with , to , bordering up on , near; ra ma i ap iku come to me 9

apina a basket apu ana Was i Wasi a spirit, will punish the transgressor apinu twi sted, out of shape , with any sickness flabby , folded, bent over apuni-a to put a taboo unde r apire a basket curse ; to forbid apisi-a 1. to carry a baby astri de apu 'o to return , to come back the hip 2. id. ap i 2 + 3 trans apura to bleed; to run (o f the sap of trees ) apo 1. a shell , a cockle used to pull out th e beard hairs , apurasi-a to be blood covered pull out taro , clean food, scrape food, etc . apuro to return , to come back 2. to pull out the beard hairs with a cockle shell, aputa to break , of surf; naho to clean , scrape food et c. e aputa the wh ite horses on with the apo shell th e wave s apo-a to scrape off the soil an d aputua th e wave s breaking on the fibr ils from the taro afte r be ach digging ara 1. to bud, shoot, bear apo'apo id. apo 1 + 2 ( fruits ) 2. used to denote the apo-na Adam's apple ; pig 's chop nume ri cal strength of a canoe ; ara ta'ai one-man aporoa th e subjects with the chief, canoe ; ara rua two -man but excluding th e children of canoe ; ara ni iora all the the chief's family canoes in a canoe house , be longing to one man , to a aporoi to eat several th ings fami ly or a vi llage together, at once 3. a large green parrot, red under the wings apota egg ; apota e mam ia a 4. to bite, tear , tear to hat che d egg pieces ; in compounds ara potaria; ara hitari -a to apotana mana th e pupil of th e eye cut lengthwise 5 . look for, fetch ; ara hau apu sacred , forbidden , taboo; fet cb stones used also as a prohibitive , dehortative to ch ildren 'ara 1. a troop in distinct colours ; a group of canoes apua a patch with coconuts out in the sea 2. to group apuapu the whole region where the te 'e are ; holy place , buri al ara 1. man , in general place of th e ri ' oanimae or 2. ripe , used for bete lnuts big chie fs only , when good to chew

apuarii a fish 'ara with poss. ana to thre aten

apui-a 1. to flatter (mostly with ara'a 1. steep , sharp-edged bad inte ntions ), see 2. adve rb of direction , in haiapui a south-easte rn direction 2. to curse by the spirits 3. th reaten to kill, beat apu-na blood; he 'a or hehe 'a apu araara a shrub dysentery ara 'ara charcoal apuna taboo . There are four varieties of tab oo , each ara ' arana wild duck variety causing a different sickness: apu ana upu, rapurapu, or riria causes boils ; apu ana nas i causes sores on the legs; apu ana sahu causes j oint trouble s 10

araha chief; araha ana komu the aramauri, inon l aramauri a chief of a bilate ral family ; trouble maker araha ana lotu priest; araha 'ou'ou champion, used for aramera sunset glow , red morning chiefs only. There are ten sky classes of chief: araha karlamara, araha hij, araha ni arami-a to permit, consent, allow , aporoa , araha ni haun iwara, with p088. ana araha ni oara iha, araha hanasu, araha ni terena, araha ni ramo , aramou 1. to fix a price araha ana as i, araha 2. to donate money for ri 'oanimae , araha houra or wh ich no return is to 'ou'ou be made araha-a to rule ; araha-a hah ia arana 'ina judgement to rule over arana 'ini-a to take to court , to araha 'ana chieftainship, rule judge dominion arana 'o raise the head, look up arahaha to rule , to be chief aranisi orange arahu speak, talk arapa a wooden hair comb , made arahuna talk , story not of one , but several pieces; arapa atapono a arai 1. man go; mango-tree sm all comb 2. young , soft husk of th e beteln ut arapoi eat several things tog ether , at once ara'i prepare the oven , fi replace arapota a heap arai-a 1. to bite ; ara mous ia break , te ar wi th th e te eth ; arapota-a to he ap up ara mumu to bite one' s lip 2. cut off , break off , lop , arapu settle , stay with ; with to de stroy , to cause to end, locat. i, to reach , to to cause to die approach ara 'ini to fit, of one th ing into arara the barb of a fish hook ; an other to be barbed araka a shrub , the le ave s of wh ich arara'eke the white horses of are used as toilet-pape r for the waves babies ararana 'i fine , price ; id. arakani ' aro th e big female ghost , hor itai i.e. only de ceased daughte rs of the big chie fs ararana 'ina id. ararana' arakari ohia to surround a person araraoke a big red fish or house with intent to kill or capture araraura to fish , to catch fish , fisherman arama to give a porti on of food or pork to th e people wh o contrib­ araria distribute food, ute d to the feast apporti on food arama 'i consent, permit, allow , arasi the gunwale of a canoe , is ag ree part of the upper plank , but le ft a bit th icker an d arama 'ini-a id. arama' i painte d black aramas i eat several things 'arasi-a 1. to scrape , polish , together, at once of woode n articles , such as combs , bows ; to sharpen , point a stick; 'aras ia niu grate d coconuts 11

2. to surround in orde r ari 1. a shell-fish to kill , plunde r, ransack, 2. we ak , of health besiege 3. bottom , mouth ; ari 'a'e na wa i the mouth of a stream arasiha an old story , a narrat ive account 4. aripurina follow , go behind a person arasiho tell, relate , narrate ari-a to try, attempt arata space between the seat s of a canoe ari-a a small phosphorescent mushroom arau an almond tree ; its fruits ariari a separation, partition arau puupu to suffer from boils , in the garden said when they are big; see imemu ari ' ari willing, industrious arawa raw, unripe , un cooke d, of ariho' i 1. back , again food 2. come back, return are exclamation of pain an d grief arihu talk over, speak about

'are thing, person ; 'are atei? arii cry aloud, call out Wh 0 s e is t his? 'are i n au! it is mine I 'are nan i ta what is arimano a big crab living in that good (used) for? nita mangrove swamps 'are? how many things , persons? What does it cost? 'are ' uta? arinai to lie curled up like a What is the matter? What do you dog or snake want? 'are e maol Nothing l Used often to denote a plural : arina-na ear; arinana puna to be rua ra ta n I 'are two names ; deaf nita 'a'e ni ' are How many legs? na i 'a'e ni 'are ! four arino go for shelter, to shelter legsl te 'are ma ra i something else ; te 'are ro 'u anothe r one ; arinoha shelter te naru 'are some , several ; te us I n i ' are part , pie ce aripono aripono nan ia forget , forgive are-a to invoke a spirit, to pray to a Ifp irit ariponosi-a id. aripono

'Are 'are the people of the south aripo 'o closed shut , jammed in, end of Big Mala, and a small to turn port ion of the northwest of Small Mala (Tarapaina) aripo 'osi-a to turn over

'areho st amme r aripopo id. aripo'o arei exclamat ion of astonishment aripoto-a to wipe off, rub off, hal ohl clean

areina a stopgap , thingsl aripu 'o to be full of smoke aremara if, un less ariri tremble , shiver

'arena id. arena ariro 'a to eddy , ( of wind); an eddy of the wind arere tremble , shiver; rapeku e arere I am shivering arisi awake , get up

aresi we ep , cry wi th pain arisi-a 1. to waken, rouse 2. wait for, have arewa crush, tread unde rfoot patience with 3. cause to tremb le 12

arita 'i to lie curled up aroro-a to hang up , suspend aritana to go on a far sea voyage arou narrow , tight aritano go from one village to 'aru 'aru mas iu an ab andoned, another overgrown , last year's garden arite 1. to swim on one 's back 2. a tree , its nuts aru red shell money 3. go on a far tri p , voyage , a rite a 'aru to copulate 4. a lozenge , a patte rn for tattooing on the forehe ad 'arua 'arul pers. pron. dr. you two , both of you; used as ariteaha a far trip subject. Can be used alone or following i'a rua , the aro 1. Mr So-and-so full form ; te ei 'arua one 2. to foam, of the sea of you two . Is used in 3. (aru) a green coconut , composition, 'arua ka etc. good for drinking to denote a future time 4. aro with gen. ni a specific number, 100, exclusively of aru 'a. aru aru'a. invoke a spirit fish; aro ni 'ia 100 fish ; ove r hena . 'e'e. eta. , for rua aro ni ' ia 200 fish , etc. the cure of a sick person

aro taro, several varieties : aha 'a, aruaru-na temple aka romama re , aupara, haratai , harihari , ka ika imaro, matohas i, aruhi-a to shelter, cover, rau' i nar i; a hun dred, used wrap up exclusively for count ing taro: aro ni hui 100 taros , rua aro aru ' i-a to speak with the spirit ni pui 200 taros , etc . when in the suru ncr I , the rumurumu lies on the palm of 'aro 1. 'aro'ar o a shrub with the hand; to offer the hena broad leaves, used to close to the spirit in the ma uru the bamb oo water containers i s � r i 2. a bulb ; the plant aru' i-a to invoke the spirit , to aro-a 1. to break, tear , pluck make imprecations accompanied 2. to pray over, invoke by incantations for recovery the spirits over, fish from sickness; over a coconut , on ly the water of whi ch is used to wash the eye regions of a aroaro a wild ginger, a twig of de ceased person ; over the it is used as a taboo mark fi rst food given to bab ies ; over spring water poured over 'aro 'aro kare ni 'arc'arc ille git­ the he ad of a sick person; imate child ove r betelnut and the leav�s wh ich the sick pe rson must 'aro ' aro-na throat, a J oint chew; ove r food on feasts

aroha 'i caress aruna copulation

arohi-a to caress, stroke , aru ' ohana the act of an elde r at massage the wedding of a young couple . arohonona to put a taboo on one 's In their presence he offers a property in orde r to preven t a beteln ut an d a leaf wh ich they person making gardens on it chew with the betelnut , to the spirits of the wedding, aro'i plucked, detatche d after whi ch the couple chew betelnut together, and the aroka wide, broad marriage is therewith offi cial, 'aroka open, set open wide and they can live together

arornae a creeper growing on the arupara a big landcrab living in sea-shore deep holes along the sea-shore aro ni kera arrowr oot

aropu dew 13

arurae to think , to call to mind; asihonona invoke a spirit over with ana or an i to think upon , niu, hena, siri etc. in order me ditate ; wi th poss. ana to prevent an epidemic from remember; arurae ha iriu be entering the village di strac ted; arurae , na 'inia invent , contrive ; arurae ni asima scratched, grazed opa to suspect without re ason ; . arurae nonori , arurae paina asimane hunger, famine , the value highly ; arurae puri (ana) time of the year (De cembe r, to be sorry for, regret ; January , March , Feb ruary ) arurae raia to un derstand, when there is a food shortage re cognize ; arurae susun i-a because yams an d panas have to pay at tention to, think been planted attenti vely on asimou serious aruraeha thought 'as i-na relationship between 'aruru untied, released, loosened the sons and daughters of the father and his brother 's asi a yellow ish shrub , a twig of chi ldren (cous i ns), brother, wh ich is used in the sister , a man's brother , a 'tarorawana' wom an 's sister; see hahonena, as ina hahonena german . Some­ asi sea, sea wate r; as i mae the times for the sake of clarity quiet sea in the lagoon ; as i mane or ken i is adde d matawa open sea; as i maur i the open sea, as opposed to as i asio the spinal marrow mae ; as I ta' a rough sea; as i u ru 'a salty, bitter water; asi 'o a creeper as. to' i n e ap t i de ; konekonena as i de posit of the asipoe sigh , gasp sea; pusuas i whale ; riu • as. to trave l by sea, as opposed as irai di sperse to riu i hanua to travel ove rland asisi err, go astray , lose one 's way ; as isi ta'inia go away asi-a to forbid, make taboo, from; as isi ha iriu di sperse either un der curse or just us an order without curse; as i asiwa broken , a piece broken out hah i-a to put , at tach a tuboo of something; frayed, sign on something ravelled asi-a to dig, grub, burrow ; as i asu 1. jump , frisk, stir, move , hahia to fill a hole , fill in , to be loose , un stable , cove r with (ground) shake ; asu nunu earthquake 2. to make jerking movements 'asia off , aw ay , used in compounds of the ab dome n in respon se with verbs : hou 'asia take away to the treatment of the tohu 'asia cut off; tas i 'asia her e s ia or hehere opana throw aw ay ; teke 'as i a be lost ; 3. answer, reply ra 'asia get lost asu-a sharp en , point a stick, 'asi 'a a superlative following the to adze , to carve ; asua word it defines: very , , i ora to adze a canoe extremely , too ; paina 'asi'a huge ; uwe ra 'asi'a numerous asuasu slop, spill , make a mess asias i leap , jump asuhe rat

'asi' asi a yellow and black arm­ asuhu spring a leak let or anklet asui-a to shake , move ab out , 'asihe sneeze s t i r, ag itat e asihoka 1. to be big (of boils ) asumia level, smooth , make even , 2. break down ( of canoe in adze a plank the sea) 14

asura'i move , rattle ; to leap (of atarumu 1. a big frog babe in the womb) 2. a big edible turnip asura'ini-a to cause to rattle , ate 1. very difficult , impossible move , stir 2. a wild yam variety asusu a coconut crab 'ate 'ate' ate dry ; 'ai 'ate' ate dry wood; na 'a 'ate'ate speak asu'u a shell-fi sh, firmly distinctly attached to the reef ate'a a coconut shell us ed for ata 1. impossible , very difficult carrying water 2. attempt , try 3. an old sow atei interrog . pron. who; ki ra 4. poss.pron . 3rd p�. to, atei pz . who; 'are atei whose among , belonging to, for is this? atei a raia who knows ! them, their part ; te ha ru I don 't know ! atei ratamu what ne i ata some of them is your name ? me ra atei whose 5. to progress , advan ce child is thi s? ate i na who is slowly , move on slightly it? ata Please? What is the matter? ate 1. a rafter of wood or What do you want? What ? bamb oo 2. unripe , green (of fruit ata 'a very thin 3. strong , solid, hard, tight ; 'a j ato hard wood; ataha pierced, perforated ato hono shut , closed, locked ve ry well; ato 'atahi broken, loose , un done , honos i-a to shut etc. fallen off ve ry we ll ; rauma e ato the door is closed an d locked ata'i 1. interrog . pron. what or barred 2. ten; ata'j niu ten 4. go, move slowly , of canoe coconut s as a un it , in a or boat bunch ato to throw in the air ato 'ae stri de , pace , go qui ckly , atai-a to rub stamp one 's foot as a demon­ stration ag ainst an enemy ; ataka a shrub, its leaves used wi th poss . ana to ki ck a as toilet paper for babies pe rson

ataoru poss. pron. 3rd tL . for , ato-ana of one 's own accord to, from , belonging to them theirs atoato 1. a me asure , the two J oints of a thumb atara 1. long 2. earn , raise money , 2. uneven in number, food, pigs, at feasts by un equal at food di stribu­ dancing tion; toto atara 3. a ball made from 3. remain , be left , le ft coconut leaf ; to throw over; e atara rua niu two or kick this ball coconuts are left over 4. a palm tr�e, used as 'ato ' ato-na windpipe , trachea side-beams in house bui Iding atohono a wa ll used as a partition in a house , so that atara 'ini-a to float far aw ay one side of the house is reserved for husband and wife , atarama nume rous , in great the other accessible to all quantity people

atarawa planted, set wide apart atohoro to cross from one island to another by canoe atari-a to tear atoi-a 1. to; oko atoinau tell me atarua poss.pron. d�. for, to 2. m� et , in compounds , belonging to, them ha i 'atol-a, rio'atoi-a 15

atoinirna to give food and pigs 'auapu-a to de stine as virgin to their people at a feast , after the others have be en au 'i see au serve d aurna'i curious atorna a cockle living in the mangrove swamp aurna 'ini-a to look at , out of curiosity atona passage aurnasu be reft of children, parents , atoni-a 1. dye , pitch husband, wi fe , to be childless, 2. to plunge through the a widow , widower, orphan waves auna wonder, to be surprised, atoni-a to throw in the air an d amaze d, admi re cat ch aura' i wonder , to be surprised, atopuri with poss. ana, turn the. amazed back on a person, aban don aura 'ini-a to wonder at atori weak in he alth aususu an ear ornament ( a little atowa noon , mid-day , from 10 a.m. piece of vine ) to 2 p.m. autapa 'ana through atowara discourage , dissuade , to talk a person out of something 'a'uuru fall down (atowa ra raena Inonl ) auwa 'i dysentery, di arrhoea au, au' i. au ka , au si, pel''on. 2nd pZ. you, of fut ure time , 'auwawa to quarre l, di spute, or present time with conse­ squabble quent action ; used as subject either by itself or following 'auwawaha quarrel, di spute i 'amu 'auwawai-a to quarrel with a au objective pel's. pl'on. 1st sg. person me ; ata etauau what happened to me ? awa 1. a tree ; is the abode of a small swallow called 'au 1. apv . of pZace, ove r there , sisiki 'awa forward 2. mast , post , fishing rod 2. bu zz, make a buz zing 3. bamboo; 'au hau a hard noise , of a person walking variety ; 'au pal a variety on dry leaves ; noise of the with close joints used as sea (as i e awa) ; oncoming upr ights of house walls ; rain (uta ka awa )· 'au rapa a soft variety 3. awa man I - a to migrate , used for weaving leave be hin·d 4. generic name for music and musical instruments ; awa convalescent , cured pan-pipes ; 'au (n i) tahana a set of small bamboos used awa 'a come loose , disjoint , to in the kiro ; 'au ke to a set be badly glue d of four bamboos ; t o 'au a set of six bamboos ; . 'au awa ' awa id. haku 1 rer epi a set of eight bamboos ; 'au taka irorl a set awahaana a buz zing noise of eight or twe lve bamboos ; 'au ware small pan-pipes awahi-a to bre atheon a person or thing a'u a poisonous snake , striped black and whi te , is an omen awa honu a fresh-water fish of tabo o and death awai to blow on a person or 'auapu a virgin , us ed for males thing and females, assigned as such until marri age , not for life 16

awai-a to take possession of a impersonal verb ; e mao, no, person , through a spirit who nothing; e mao ua not yet ; communicates himself through e kasora impossible ; e uta this person it is raining ; e rato the sun is shining ; e ae roto it awaia to yawn is dark

'awaka to be half open 'e'e betelnut tree (areca palm) ; betelnut (areca nut) ; 'e'e awakore to crack , rattle kuru and 'e'e sui two wi ld betelnut tre es, its nuts (are awanana gape , open the mouth in re d) astonishment 'e'e-a to bite the husks from awara 1. yell, cry out , shout fruits; to husk 2. ten , used with the gen. ni; awa ra ni ka ria (kari e'ehe to be light ( of we ight ); awa r a) , a un it of shell to fee l fit an d he althy , as money , ten strings a opposed to hi ' a fathom long ; awa ra ahu a full ten; rua awa ra twenty; e'ehen i id. e'ehe awara mana ta 'ai eleven 'e'ehona skin , bark , husk awarana tenth e'ehora rough , rugge d, pe eling aware 'o creak (of trees in the of surface wind), to gnash one's teeth 'e'eo the kigo bird awarosi the moon around Ap ril; the north-we st wind 'e'ere'a'a around

awas i 1. a tree , the leaves of ehe 1. weak , powe rle ss , he lple ss which are use d to prepare 2. to shrivel ( of the body ) the pigment for blackening the teeth ehe 'o to be we ak ( of the body ) 2. to draw in the. bre at h to skeletonize with a wh istling soun d when chewing betelnut eho an ear orname nt of clam 3 . to take possession of a shell or wood , in the lobe of pe rson by a spirit wh o the ear cQmm unicates himself through th is person 'eho-a to peel , scale off , cut off awasimui pointing , tapering 'ehu burnt , of food awas irahe sigh , groan , moan ei generic name for man , peop le; awasisl bright ly te ei somebody ; te ei ata rua one of each awasiu 1. chips of wood 2. broken , cut 'ei exclamation of disapproval and surprise aw ata islan d, country, place eke 1. light-skinned, of sick awawa 'a brownish, of brown ish pe ople colour 2. the wh ite cockatoo

ekeekera id. eke

'eko a creeper , da ca; tastes like pepper and produces a E red juice which stains the mouth an d teeth red - in time the red turns black ; its e pers.pron. 3rd ag ., he , she , leave s are used with the it; may follow inaia; follows chewing of betelnut : betelnut always the noun an d proper peppe r leaf name , and always precedes the 17

enaena top (of tree or mountain ) erema a sea and land eagle enenena id. enaena ereo me gapode eno to lie down. eno arara lie on erere a tree , its fibres are the back ; eno orosu lie bent ; used as a wom an 's dress, eno pahai lie on the stomach; the ah i rlhu eno popo lie on the side, to rest erere 1. light in we ight 2. to fly enoha verba L noun of eno; resting place , place of reti rement ; ererei top of a tree see ma r ouraro eresi-a 1. to lay claim to. eo 1. yes used in a practice of 2. walking stick chiefs ; eresi ken i 3. to come out , to project (of bespeak a woman ; eresi pig 's teeth) po lay claim to a pig 2. to make round, into epa bed a circle epe 1. noise caused by the eri-a to dig , harve st. eri klru flapping of wi ngs to dig a hole. eri hih la 2. poison , put on war spears bury , cover with earth ; eri hih iana burial by 'epe ' epena honu the tail of a interment turtle erieri horo 'a a mountain pass ere to float , wave in the wind, to glide, of birds erierina ditch ere with gen. ni, a specifi c eriha 'i drive into the ground numbe r, a hundred, exclusively of pigs. ere ni po one hundred ero adverb of time, for some time. pigs; rua ere ni po two since long ago. e ero no 'o hundred pigs , etc. a long time ag o ere exclamat ion of surp rise ero blaze, burn , flame ere-a to ravage , lay waste , ero-a order, command plunde r, ransack eroa split ( of canoe planks ) 'ere-a to turn round, win d round, coil ero 'a 1. id. ero 2. small. of coconuts and 'ere 'a di zzy, giddy; miku e 'ere'a canarium nuts I am giddy erousu to order to proceed 'ere ' ere round; ra 'e re 'erea 'a go round erua pers . pron. Is t. dt. e:x:ct. , we two , the two of us 'ere ' erea 'a id. 'ere ' ere eso id. ero; esoesoha an a 5 una , ereha 'ini-a 1. to caus e to turn eso n i suna, flame 2. to take fish or fruit whi le in eta one. in counting only. un der flight ( of birds ) ten erehi-a 1. to fan the fire etana first 2. to look for food, prey , while in flight (of ete 1. a little hut or shed for birds ) a woman after childbirth. an d during menstruation 2. an edible shrub 3 . mean . stingy 4. ete -a to gobble . guzzle. eat alone an d refuse to share with others l8

eteate gluttonous, avaricious , rua, ha'a wauwa uwarlna, self ish ma ni h a 'a e e h u r a a n a . houhouna te po , man I ha ' a eto hard, so lid ururu, ha'a torlal kome 6. exclamation of warn ing, eu, eu' I, eu ka l pera . pron. lat Don 't/ Be oarefu�/ p Z. e:J:oz. we 7. wear around the neck, exclusively of strings of ewa 1. walk shell money 2. arrive after the distrib­ ution of food ha 'a-a to carry around the neck 3. long, tall, high ha ' aaeroto-a to darken, to ewa 'a adverb of time for long, cause to be dark a long time ha ' aapaapa-a to lay the child on ewe 1. sea, sea-water the breast of the mother 2. coconut mi lk ha ' aapara 'ini-a to surprise, to startle

ha ' aaraha-a to ennoble, to H install as chief, exalt

ha 'a'ato-a 1. to harden ha a noun ending ; verbal noun 2. to conf irm ending ; adjecti ve ending to form nouns ha ' aenosi-a lay down, put down of humans , cradle hi generic name for stage, shelf, or small platform above the ha ' aerehi-a 1. to chase away, fireplace, used as a dr ive off depository 2. to disbelieve

ha 'a 1. a pref ix to intransitive ha ' aete '-a to refuse to give verbs, adjecti ves, adverbs and nouns to form transi ­ ha ' ahahuru-a to cause to be firm, ti ve verbs ; huta to be steadfast, constant born ; ha ' ahuta to bear , to have ch icks, to lay eggs ha ' ahane-a to lift up, elevate, 2. a causative verbal prefix ; exto l ma 'u to be afraid; ha'ama ' u-a to make or cause ha ' ahaoru-a to renew ; make to be afraid, to frighten fresh 3. pref ix to cardinal numbers to form multiplication ; oru ha ' aharu-a to incite; to touch three ; ha' aoru three times the body of one of the 4. shell-money fro m the red opposi te sex shell, spodylus, called romo . Ha 'a ni uruhla ha ' ahehe-a to trick a person, to arltena (orohlaka) to give keep a thing back a few strings of money to strangers bef ore they come ha ' ahehe 'o-a to make a person ashore, done by chiefs ; crazy Itolto ni ha 'a to co llect money from relati ves in ha ' ahesi-a to float, to cause to order to buy a bride etc . float away 5. used for measurement of she ll-money ; the measures ha 'ahia-a to load, burden, are : apa n I ha ' a, ha ' a eno , weigh down ha 'a tahana, ha 'a e he 'ere ni uulna, ha 'a e hura ani ha ' ah irihiri abstain from certain paro rahas l, ha 'a oru foods as a sign of grief for ro 'usu' u, ha'a pau ni a deceased relative ; obey , ha 'ara, ha'a ni kaweni aru, abstai n, said for all taboos ; ha'a ro 'usu'u, ha'a ruka abstain from food, betelnut, nl as l, ha'a ka rl awa ra , smoking, by a holy-man, ha'a sahl, ha 'a tahana, start ing at 3 p.m. and contin uing until the ordeal by fire 19

is over; ab stain from coconuts , ha 'ai'ara-a to cause to be fish , pigs , birds , by women (get ) lost an d children , after the plant­ ing of the yams , pana , taro, ha' ainoni-a initiate , j�s tify un til the harvest an d an oneself, show off, in order offering of the new food has to prove one 's manhood been ma de to the spirits ha ' airu keep oneself fresh ha ' ahiru slow ha ' akae de ceive , pretend, joke , ha ' ahoe-a with poss . ana to name , je st; ha ' akae hai riu excuse call make excuses ha ' ahonu-a fill (up) ha' akaeha joke , jest, lie ha ' ahonuri-a id. ha ' ahonu-a ha ' akaesi-a to deceive

ha ' ahoo-a to see , visit for the ha ' ak akai-a harden , make strong first time ha ' akakaisi-a id. ha ' akakai-a ha ' ahora-a to create , cause to be ha ' akara tease , joke about something ; with si 'ona ha' ahori-a to sell, offer for sale , put up for sale ha ' akasori 'ai-a to make imposs ible ha ' ahorina'ini-a suru hori-a id. ha'ahori-a; mane ha ' ahor i ha ' ake-a re fuse to listen ; to merchant catch, detect ; ha 'ake-a refuse to listen ha ' ahoro across, crosswise , to a person and laug h at astride him (her)

ha ' ahoros i-a rae ha ' ahoros i-a ha ' akeke-a to pretend to give to go across ha ' akeni-a to make a ceremonial ha ' ahou-a 1. to proclaim , reveul , clearance for women, to confess , mostly of make free for 'Women, for wi fe to her husband, first trip in a new canoe , of her moral wrongs for the eating from the new with ot her men; it is harvest , for feasts don e imme diately af ter marriage an d when a ha ' akoko 'osi-a to shorten me mbe r of the family gets sick, the si ckness ha' akorasi-a 1. ab ort being caused by the 2. assort , grade sp irits as punishment for he r moral wrong ; of ha ' akouhi-a to dr o'Wn a single girl to he r fathe r ha ' akuku-a to hang up , suspen d 2. with ana to name call ha ' akumu-a to blunt , dull

ha ' ahu-a to caus e to fall, of ha ' ama- a 1. to empty humans 2. to dry coconuts , betelnuts , and other ha ' ahuru-a 1. to caress, embrace , nuts above a fire with one of the opposite sex (a punishable ha ' amae-a to make taboo, sacred, offence ) holy ; to make an offering to 2. to make a person run the spirits

ha' ahuta with poss . ana to be born ha ' amaesi-a to kill, murde r to, of ha 'amai-a id. ha ' amae -a ha 'ahuta-a bear , beget �f either parent), have chicks ; used of ha' amakata-a to light , light up , humans, an imals and birds enlighten, make clear 20

ha' ha' amakatari-a id. amakata-a; ha ' amaurina saver, redeemer, ha ' amakatari-a raena to Saviour enlighten the mind, to make clear ha ' amauru-a to put to sleep

ha' amamakina-a to humiliate , make ha ' ame koa to act innocently a person ash ame d, ab ash ha ' ameko-a to cause to err ha' amamaru 'aia id. mama ru ha ' amora-a to allow , to permit ha' amami wash on eself in fresh wate r afte r a swim in the sea ha ' amo usi-a to break , break off

ha ' amamu-a to tame , subdue ; enti ce ha' ana a noun and verbal ending fish with scraps to denote the real self, the very self, the ve ry th ing ha ' amanata-a educate , discipline , instruct , train , reprimand; to ha' anai-a not cooked properly , tame (of birds an d an imals) to be underdone

ha ' amanataha-a id. ha 'amanata-a ha 'ana'i-a to put nearer, closer ; to bring nearer , ha' amaneko-a to re co ncile , calm bring closer down ha 'ana ' ini-a to heap , to pile ha ' amani-a to imitate , copy , to up do like , to repeat afte r ha ' anana 'i-a to grieve , ha' amaniho-a to sepa rate , grant di stress , afflict divorce ha' ananama-a to cause to be ha ' amara-a to shame , make powerful , in th e meta­ ashame d, humiliate , ab ash physical sense

ha ' amarahi-a to refresh ha ' ananari-a to te ar

ha' amaraohu-a 1. to put, for a ha ' ananau-a to reprehend, speci al purpose reprimand, rebuke , admonish 2. to seclude a woman ; during the ha ' anara-a to expose to th e seclusion period sun for drying men are not allowe d to see her, nor she ha ' anarasi-a to cause to cry , th em of acti on of a spirit who des ires a child to be named ha ' amarau-a to we aken, impair afte r him

ha' amarosi-a to relieve , lighten , ha ' anari-a to head, top facilitate , make easier ha 'ani-a to pile up � to he ap up ha ' amasi with poss. ana laug h at , de ri de , joke ha ' anoahi-a to burn , spoil, of food ha ' amata-a to dry fish or me at ove r th e fire be fore the final ha ' anohi-a to put the yams and cooking between hot stones pana vines aroun d the stakes

ha' ama 'u with poss. ana honour , ha ' anoro-a to inform , make respect known , to report

ha ' amau-a to stiffen , harden ha 'ao'ahu-a to accomplish , complete , fulfil ha' ama'u-a to frighten ha 'a'oai-a to assign work , to ha'ama' una id. ha 'ama 'u instruct in work; to divi de

ha' amauri-a to revive , cure , save , redeem 21

ha ' aoha with pOBS. ana make an ha ' apisu-a to wet, cause to be offering to the spirit, for wet the cure of a sickness ha 'apisu ' ai-a id. ha 'apisu-a ha ' aoho to make an offering to the spirits ha ' apita-a to sharpen ha'aohona an offering to the ha ' aponi come home only at spirits mi dnight for fear of being kille d during the day ha 'a'ora goad ha ' apu-a to make taboo, under ha ' aori-a to restore, return, cur se or not ; to bless ( later give back use ) ha' aoro abort ; 'ai ni ha 'aoro a ha ' apupu-a to abstain tree from which a me dicine is extracted to cause abortion ha ' apuro-a to give back , to return ha' a 'orona an or deal , by which a person accused of a crime has ha ' ara adverb of conditional to swim through a river affirmat ion, used for future infested with crocodi les time: then, finally whi lst somebody is cursing him ha ' ara 'ahuni-a to hide , conceal ha' aoru three times, to give ha ' arae-a 1. to dispatch, send three strokes on the gong; off see 0'0 2. to teach to walk ha ' aotooto-a to put straight , ha 'araemano-a to comfort , make right , corre ct happy ha' apahe-a to hatch ha ' araemanoha consolation, comfort ha ' apaina-a to enlarge , aggrandize , exalt , incre ase; install ( of ha ' araemanona id. ha 'araemanoha chief ) ha ' araeta 'a-a to cause a person ha ' apainasi-a id. ha 'apa ina-a to be angry ha 'apapare 'ai-a to cleanse , ha ' arahi-a to punish clean , wash ha ' arahu-a to initiate a canoe , ha 'apara-a to lie the body of a make the first trip in a new dead person in an open canoe , canoe an d leave exposed ha 'ara'i predict, foretell; to ha' aparana the practice of speak in comparisons , leaving the dead in an open parables canoe ha ' ara ' iha ha 'ara'ina prediction , ha' apasu-a 1. to warn , in case prophe cy , proverb of death ; to give warning of danger ha ' araka-a to land, put ashore 2. to say , tell, speak , warn ha ' arakahi-a to heat , heat up , of food ha ' apeko-a to cause to be dull ha' aramo-a to fortify; to cause ha' aperi-a to accuse of theft to be strong without evidence ha' ara'o-a 1. to teach , tame ha 'apeu-a to make crazy , mad, 2. to comfort , to dull make feel well, com­ fortab le ha'apiri 'ai-a to dirty, soil ha' ararapehu-a to roll ( down ) 22

ha ' ararata' a-a to cause to slip ha 'aroto-a to shade , to put in the shade ha 'arari-a to de ceive , to cause to err ha ' arouna-a to prevent a person from going ha ' ararua make to a point, sharpen ha 'arurua conduct a marriage ceremony ha 'aratana 'ini-a to compare ha ' asara-a to strand, put on a ha'arau-a to be good to a person , ree f be on good terms with a person ha 'asena pride, swank ha 'arauni-a to de corate , adorn , ha ' asiana with or without ornament marana or ana ma rana , proud, haughty , showing off; to ha 'arepi-a to make a prostitute pride oneself of a person ha ' asiana-a to praise, exalt ha 'arete 'ai-a to strengthen, make strong ha ' asiana 'ai-a id. ha 'asiana-a ha 'aria food prepared with coco­ ha ' asiani-a 1. to praise , exalt nut cream, of puddings ; 2. to make good, to hanara ha 'arla, hanora ni make up for ha 'ariana to mix 3 . to console , calm

ha 'ariar ia general term for ; to ha ' asiho-a 1. to lower, make come be of bad behaviour , such as down stealing , immoral acts , 2. to humiliate , humble, de stroying property with mara-na to humb le oneself ha ' ariki-a 1. to exchange , replace 3. to land passengers 2. to frighten, an d g"oods ha 'arikla raena Inon i ha ' asiko-a 1. to abo lish, finish ha 'ario-a to aw aken 2. to compl ete , accomplish ha 'ariri appe ar in the form of , change appearance (of spirits) ha 'asisiu'ai-a 1. to cause to be cold ha'aro go in a certain di re ction 2. to still, lessen , of pain ha 'aroa to be je alous , in sexual relations with others , one ha ' asosopo-a to put afloat par ty accus ing the othe r of sexual relations with an other ha ' asusu-a 1. to gossip, disclose , person ; to accuse falsely report , reveal, accuse 2. to give the breast, ha'aroa'inia cause to be jea lous , to suckle etc . (see ha 'aroa ) ha 'asusu 'ato puri an chor off ha 'arohosi-a caus e to fly shore

ha 'arohu-a to comfort a person , ha ' asusuhi-a to give a baby the still a child, enjoin silence , breast , to suck (of mammals) quieten ha ' asusuna 'ini-a to betray , ha ' aroi-a to punish , instruct bespeak , spread tales about a through punishment ; make person sacred ha ' asuu-a to make restitution ha' aroko-a to call together, gather ha 'ata '-a to harm, to cause evil to ha' aro'o-a to make wild, angry ha 'ata 'eta 'e-a to accompany , ha'aro 'ona 'ini-a id. ha'aro'o-a follow 23

ha' atahana un it of four fathDms ha ' ato 'oni-a to dress a person of red shell money ha'atopo-a to put a canoe into ha ' atahani-a to open formally , the sea remove ceremonial impotency ha' atora-a to send a me ssage ha ' atahi lurch ha' atorusi-a to make a person ha ' atani just before daybreak sit down

ha'atani-a to look at a person ha'atoto-a 1. to soak into, sink , so that he or she feels subme rge , wreck ashame d 2. to bury , by throw­ ing the body into ha' atano 1. hunt for pigs the sea so that the 2. cry in ange r incarnated shark can take it to its ab ode ha ' atapu-a to tran sgress a taboo 3. to propitiate that has been cursed; disobey after having been cursed ha' atotorae-a to cause to be hungry , to make another ha ' atapuri-a id. ha ' atapu-a person fast ha' ato ' urus i-a to make a person sit ha ' atara to make way ha ' atutu-a to an chor a little off­ ha' atara-a to evade , war d off shore ha 'a'ui-a to throw �f man ) a ha'atara 'ae-a to start , begin thing to a woman , to call her for a meet ing ha ' atarai-a 1. to provoke , entice 2. to lead a person ha'a' ukuku-a to pretend to give

ha ' atari-a to ga in , obtain ha ' aunari-a to scale , peel off

ha ' atata appear , of a snake (the ha ' auni-a to make an offering a'u, ma , a'ara or ma sita to) to the spirits for re covery is a bad omen ; on a track : from a si ckness stop, go back , in a garden : ab an don the garden ; in a house: ha 'a'uni-a to promise abandon the house ; elsewhe re : the person who sees the snake , ha 'a'uni 'a'ini-a to make a or a relative , wi ll die person promi se

ha ' ateke be in di s order ha 'a'uniha promise , testament

ha ' atekehi-a to drop , cause to ha 'aunu go slowly fall ha ' aurasi-a 1. to strengthen a ha 'atekera' ini-a to throw down building , to rein­ or aw ay force, to make stand up ha ' ateko to throw rubb ish all 2. to cant , put aroun d edgeways , on the side ha' atohua with or wi thout the poss. ana, ask, ask ha ' auri push, make efforts ( of pe rm i ss i on mother in chi ldbirth ) ha'ato 'o give (of rich people to ha ' auru-a (m�na) make blind, the poor ) cause. to be blind

ha ' ato 'o-a to make strong, keep ha ' auruna 'ini-a to support together; e ha'ato'o-a raeku he makes me strong ha ' ausima 'i. barter

ha' ato 'omane-a to marry off a ha' ausuri-a to teach, instruct ; girl to the man wi th wh om she mane ha 'ausuri teacher has had sexual inter course 24

ha' ausurina ana instruction in 2. used in compoun ds kon i hih ia cover, protect, ha 'a'u'u cry for the mother � f shelter babY) 3. to cook between hot stones ha'auwera-a to increase hahita 1. volcano ha ' awakasi-a to open ( of case or 2. the food prepared in book ) the oven of hot stones ha 'awara 'a-a to make a pe rson haho the shore reef speak haho (ana) unworthy of ; falsely ; ha 'awara ' imori-a to make true , wrongly efficacious , realize hahoi see hahona ha ' awari a taboo hahoi -a to imitate , follow , ha ' awasi hunt pursue ; horo 'a i hahol the following day ; rae hahoi-a ha ' awasiu' ai-a to soothe , kill follow , come behind a person ( of pain ) haho-na on , ab ove , on top of ; ha ' awawata ' a-a to make suffer, haho i with out noun wrangle hahone -na a man 's sister, a ha ' awekesi-a to open ( of case wom an 's brother; as lna or book) ( see ha ' awak asi-a) h a h 0 n e na g e rm an

ha ' aweo-a to punish , make a haho ni kame a length of red person suffer she ll money , ab out twenty­ one inches ha ' awowai-a to soothe , ki ll ( of pain ) hahune -na id. hahone-na

ha' e exclamation of surpris e; hahurata 'i-a to measure an d, unti 1 hahuru firm, steadfast , constant ha 'ena id. ha 'e hahuruna mode sty in clothing haha 1. �arry on the back and bodi ly adornment 2. j oin together hai 1. four; awa ra ma na hal hahairohi wicked fourteen; ha i awa ra forty; ha i ro 'ua four time s hahana worn out , by usage 2. contraction of hau yonder an d i in; ha i nima yonder hahanakuna a kindred, a bilateral in the house ; ha i puri fami ly later, afte rwards 3. a reciprocal prefix, used hahao to we ave with noun s of relationship; rua ha i mamana father and haharau-a to tread, trample child a person underfoot 4. us ed with verbs denoting reciprocal action ; haiamas i hahare cave , grotto, cavern love one an other; haima'usul hate one an other haharisua itch of the feet , 5. used to avoid repetition caused by going in the mud of a noun ; raeku ha I I want it hahate the walls of a house 6. a verbal ending, the infinitive form hahi-a 1. prep. over , around , 7. appe ar , rise , of the new because of , on account moon ; hura ha l new moon of ; arlpono hihia forgive ; 8. exclamation, calls raeku e uruhlnau hah ia, I attention regret it 25

ha 'i together , with , at the same haihirisi choose each other, time , simultaneously , ag ain select a bride

haia exclamat ion of as sent an d haihonoi forbid under curse surprise . Yes haihoro 'a the wh ole day long hai-a to weed haihoroi fight hand to hand haiako to embrace haihoroina hand to hand haiamasi love each other, have fight ing mercy , be ch aritable , have pity haihu sea-cow , dugong haiamasina love, charity , pity hai 'isi swe ar , cur se , impose a hai 'ana swear, referring to human ban with re ference to human genitals an d excreta excreta

haiapatai ohi-a to wait for, to haikoe ridicule , make fun of lie in ambush haimae 1. fight , wage war haiapui-a to flatter a person of 2. invoke a spirit over we alth , a pe rson wh o is well­ a sick person that he dressed and clean ; this may have a good death flatter ing has a bad purpose : that a spirit may kill the haimani-a imitate , do likewise , person be ing flat tered copy

haiara fight , wage war , resist haimarusi-a to wink

haiarama' i consent , ag re e haima si wait for each other mutually haima'usui hate each other, shoo haiarami-a to agree mut ually off, chase away ; ta'a ni haima' usui enemy haiarana fight , war , battle haimo 'osi rotten haiariarii to have a race , to race haina fourth ; hainaro'u a the fourth time haiato ferry ha ' ini-a with , in the company of hai ' atoi me et each othe r, collide hai ' ore imme diately , qui ckly , haiero 1. order , comm and hasty 2. ask for he lp , ask a person as compan ion on hai 'orisi exchange , replace a trip ha ' ipaipaina grow ( of humans ) haiha-a to wink haipani run after, chase one haihai-a to scrat ch another

haihanari give food to each other haipepesi order, force one ( of two lovers ) an othe r

ha' ihanehane grow ( of humans ) haiperaperasi fall on the ground, si de by side haiharai 1. contradict each other counter-order haiperoi disobey ( of children 2. bald when told not to follow a haihari fight person ) haiharina enemy; fighting haiponi help each other, contribu te

haipoponi stay , sit in someone 's way 26

haipoporosi bear with one an other hairuka take part in a buri al haipusur i start a fight hairuka' asi withdraw, divorce from one another haira-a to de stroy, spoil, wreck hairuru live togethe r, in hairae go away , withdraw slowly c ommun i ty hairai fall on one 's seat hairuru-a to conduct a wedding service haira'ini-a 1. to go right through , pierce with a lance, ha 'isi swe ar , curse , by referring drive through to human excreta, sexual parts 2. to dig a hole with of the body , afterbirth ; a stick for posts ha ' isi ana ratana swe ar by 3. to tamp saying the name of a person hairakarakahi-a to make hot haisirihi hide, enter a hiding place ha' iraku whole , complete ; wholly , completely haisu recite hairamasi fight with knives haisu (h) ara'i slander, speak ill of, talk scandal hairapo go and get food out of the gardens haisuhari quarrel, dispute hairaputa 'i beat one an other, haisuhi quarrel, reproach one fight another for faults hairara 'i quarrel ab out the haisuri go in Indian fi le possession of an orphan , amongst relat ives hai suru pack ( up ) hairatami threaten one another hai susu supplant hairatoa in the day-time haisu'u resist a person ; revenge ha ' irau whole , complete haita 'eri course , rude , rough hairawesu (i) flirt, play whi lst in speech, re ferring to the constantly touching one sexual parts of the body another's body ; immoral play haita 'i completely , wh olly hairiei look ar ound haita 'itahisi run away from a ha ' irihisi choose, select a fight bride haitako 1. prepare hairikisi relieve , take turns 2. after, afterwards hairiponi night ; ha iripon i haitaku gathering siri' ini last night haitare look for , search for, hairiri 'ini 'i remote , distant , try to find out , of theft , far by magical me ans ; ha itarena isuria periha ra 'ehuni hairirisi go in groups haitariri-a to disobey ; to hairiu 1. here and there, aroun d refuse to; to contradict ab out , scattered 2. reciprocally haitatapa play, amuse oneself; hal tatapa ta 'a touch the hairohi-a to look after , have a sexual parts of an other look at person 's body, with immoral intention; hai tatapa ta'a hairuhi 1. suspect , speak rnara -na id. on one 's own enviously , suspiciously body ; ha i tatapa ta'a paina 2. regret 27

sexual intercourse ; ha i tatapa haki a sore eating away the toes ta la paina ma ra-na masturbation hakisi English word 'axe ' haitau make preparations for a trip, to prepare hako a plant with large leaves used for wrapping puddings ; haitohari jump , in a game the le af itself haitohe deny an accusation ; contra­ hako-a 1. to incite to, to dict; refuse to listen stimulate 2. to di scuss, speak haitorai play , of baby , grasping about the body of the person it plays with hako 'e make noise haitorari mix with other people hakohako a large broad clam­ at a gathering shell armlet , worn by the elder me n, an d by the ramo haitori generic name for burial . to break the ribs of his A corpse may be disposed of victims by exposure ha 'aparana ; by throwing in the ·sea ha ' atotona ; hakore shake , rock b'y interment hai t orina. eri hah iana; by part interment L . hakore ho' oir aia. pao;by burning sun l ana noise , sound of the wind in the trees haitotori wait, be waiting hakou make a noise whilst moving haitotorisi-a to awa it , expe ct a along person haku 1. poss.pron . 1st sg. for , haiuruhi-a to regret, repent to me , not in orde r to appertain or possess haiwanawanari shine , glitter 2. a poss. ending 1st sg .my haiwariharaimiu bald 3. stem an d stern of a big canoe haiwerowerohi burn one an other hakura id. haku 3 haiwetiwetihi make noise together hamaoru poss.pron. tZ. for , to haiwewere 'i assemble , gather (of you three , or mor e within a people ) closed group

haiwiniwini 'i hit , shake one hamarua poss. pron . dZ. for , to another you two

haka 1. poss.pron . 1st pl. inel� hameru poss. pron. exel. for us , for, to, on , among us in order to poss ess , appertain 2. poss. ending 1st pz. ineZ. our hamerua poss .pron. exaZ. for us 3. strange , foreign, ship ; two 'ai ni haka pawpaw ; harisi ni haka an imported grass ; hamiu 1. poss. pron. 2nd pZ. mane ni haka a wh ite man ; for , to, among, na ' aha n i haka a foreign belonging to you language; ana haka abroad 2. poss. ending 2nd pl. 4. torn your

hakaoru poss.pron . tl. ineZ. for hamu 1. pos8.pron. 2nd sg . for , us three , or more if of a to you closed group 2. poss. ending 2nd sg. your hakarua poss.pron . dZ. incl. for us two hana 1. p08s.pron. 3rd sg. for , to him, her , it hakeke moan , in sickne ss 2. pOS8. ending 3rd sg. his , hers, its hakeu repeat , tell the same thing 3. hana arua , id. hamarua again 28

4. that , in order that , used place where the kille r come s in imme diate or of reported from ; it is shot only in �hat and certain news and speech ; direction; to shoot with bow very often hana is followe d and arrow by hanl, the noun being in the middle : hana i 'a han i hane climb , ascend, rise (of uwe ra that there might be sun and moon), rise , ferment much fish 5. pana: is a tuber, has hanea track going up the mount­ pri ckly vines twining to ains; a set of steps the le ft , whereas the yam twines to the right ; it is hanehoro with ana to cross planted whole . There ar e many varieties: han ko 'u, hane i-a to climb, mount hana ni mahira, hana ni matawa, hana nl pero na, hane 'ia copulate (of birds ) hana onaon a, hana pora , hana susupa, hana tewa, hana hane 'iana suna judgment by hot upeta, hana uromo 'o stones 6. eat; hana aro'a, hana riu a raena, overeat ; ha na ohanai hane ia unu ordeal , judgement taste; hana opaopa glutton­ by hot stones, trial by fire ous ; hana palpal eat several things at once ; hana ta'a hanetaha appear , turn up , stand eat alone without sharing out in relief; to shoot (of with anyone ; hana tahania to plants ) eat when a taboo is on the eating (during the offering hane tahai -a to appear to of a sacrifice ) 7. bite (of fish ) hani 1. in order that , in or der to; is very often preceded hana'ahuna peo ni hana ' ahuna place by hana where the people eat the sacred 2. used to avoid repetit ion food of a noun ; raeku hani I want it hanahaiei commit adultery hanita why , for wh at purpose hanahaieina adultery hano a skin disease , white hana 'ini-a to heap (up), to put spots with out scales one thing on top of an other hanua 1. land, as opposed to hanaku idle as l sea; district, p�ace , country , island; i hanua hanara food; nima ni hanara inland; ta'a nl hanu__ food store people living inland, as opposed to ta'a nl as i hanari-a to feed, to give food people living along the to a person shore; I hanua a cry to steer a canoe nearer to hanasi-a to hunt , shoot , with the shore; riu I han4a bow and arrow to travel overland 2. id. iora 2. hanasu priest, mediator between The territory , area, spirit an d man where a person lives, where his possessions hanata hunt , shoot are , such as food, bamboo, trees , pigs , water a�d hanata 'a commit adultery graves, is called his hanua hanata ' aha adultery hanura'a a tree , the fibrous hanataha id. ha�ahirihiri part of its bark used as rope an d in basket makin� hanatara 'ini-a shoot away a bit of hair of the deceased, hao 1. weave , plait which is tied to an arrow 2. scaffolding with an order to destroy the 3. hao suna to light a fire 29

ha'o pers . pron . 2nd sg. you; is hara 'ini-a to take the name of seldom used a person , to call after ha'o-a to cut a tree into logs harake a tree; the seeds of this tree which are strung in haoa a raft bunches and worn on fingers and legs , an d used as haoano scaffolding castanets to accompany dances haohao an arrow with human bone haranasi a fish at the end harani boys' house , built on ha ' o-na buttock piles haoraia un it of ten pigs harapote angel fish ha ' ore stamme r, stut ter harasi-a to un fold, spread out , stretch without folds , haoru new, fresh , young ; man e straighten ; ha rasi -a ka ' i ka ' i­ haoru a young unmarried man , na stretch the hands a newcomer ; ken i haoru a marriageable girl haratai 1. yellow 2. relax the arms haosi-a to weave , plait; haos i-a nu' i to make a nest �f bi rd� haratana with ana give a name haota cave, cavern, grotto harauri a fish , shape and form of a shark , but smalle r hapa timber; a canoe seat hare house of reti rement for hapahapaa thin women during menstruat ion and after childbirth hapaka to commit adultery , fornication �robably from hareharere a wild edible ging er, the Pi dgin 'humbug ') a twig of whi ch is used to indi cate a taboo hapakana adultery, fornication hareharerea a tree , its leaves hapana hapana honu the hard being used to prepare the shell of the tortoise pigment used for blackening teeth hapa-na shoulder-blade harekona the pouch of the opossum hapu English 'half' harena to repose , stay quiet hapusu-a to begin , start, institute hare -na palate hara 1. spread, of the arms , hare to to repea t stretch 2. a spe cies of almond hari 1. sting-ray; hari manu tree ; its frui t big ray fi sh 3. to stroke 2. rub together, of two 4. to ache , hurt trees or branches 3. id. ha ' ahou hara ' a to long for 4. ha ri wa ra strive , dispute , quarrel ; hari harahara 1. tightened, drawn , ha' ini-a to be at strif e hardened; haraha ra with ana niu the hardened 5. two pronge d; susuri hari milk in the centre of (a) a two pronged bone in a shooting coconut ; a the s hap e 0 faY ; ( b) an shoot ing coconut expression of reproof to 2. a tree some one who prides himself on something harai pa u harai bald 30

hari-a 1. to lop off branches, haru-a to caress, touch a cut off a bun ch of person of opposite sex; is a bananas , betelnuts grave offence outside of 2. to break a fishhook marriage , the man being liable to a fine; to pet harihai wish, desire, wish hopefully haruharu generic name for vegetable harihari scorpion haruta to fish for bonito; hariharina adversary, enemy haruta oke to pull a fishing line behind a canoe hariharina 'a to be on bad terms with a person ; dispute, hasara 'inia to float quarrel continuous ly ( of two persons ) hasi-a to plant ( of food except taro ( keu-a)) hariho-a to divi de hasi 'ai'ai twist tobacco, harimanu spotted eagle ray imported

harina quarrel , di spute ; to hasiapa 1. by oneself, alone , quarrel, di spute single 2. to be broken unevenly , hari-na buttocks , seat of a stone to be struck with the fist or of harisi 1. grass ; small clover money with a stone in 2. yam harvest ; season the ce remonial curing of the yam harvest ; of a sick pe rson year ( late use ) hasira'i dig a hole with a stick harisimae time around Augus t for house posts or fence posts harisu athlete 's foot hasira 'ini-a id. hasira'i hariwaka yawn ; lie on the back with arms and legs spread hata 1. a tree , hardwood out of out which the gongs are made 2. big brown eagle ; be cause haro 1. adverb of time , of it is said to kill an d eat consecutive action or small chi ldren , it is future time ; noko haro regarded as having the (ra ro) kou I shall drink powe rs of the spi rits , an d later is therefore sacred; crime 2. quietly , gently ; oko ra and an y bad behavi our are haro go gent ly confessed before it , an d 3. with patience ; te haro pigs offe re d as propitiatory poporo have patience sacri fi ces ; kiruha ana hata sickness caused by the haro-a pierce , bore, drill eagle 3. pOBs. pron. 3rd pl. to, haro'a by an d by , wait a bit ! for , belonging to, am ong patiencel te haro'a have them , theirs , their patience 4. pOBS. ending, 3rd pl. their haroa ohota incite, instigate (of wife inciting her husband hata 'i public, known , open ; against her old lo ver ) shown , gone together

haroro-a to co mmi ssion, inform, hata 'ini-a to sho w , reve al , make instruct known , pub lic ; with pOBS. ana teach haru 1. a shrub 2. te haru a few , some , hataoru poss. pron. tl. excl. for, several , certain to, belonging to, among the three of them, or more persons of a closed company 31

hatara 1. from ...... to 2. generic name for ordeal 2. with ana rest up on , lean called suna ni hau; five against, be founded on varieties are kn own : (i) hau huara, hau paewa hataraia wreckage , scrap , flotsam orde al by which the accused on the shore has to swim across a river infested by crocodiles or hatara 'ini-a 1. to strengthen a sharks ; (ii) hau ni maeha building with beams ; ordeal by which the accused to put posts against is cur sed; (iii) hau oa suhu something in or der ordeal by which the suspects to strengthen it have to step over a piece of 2. to be washed bamboo ; (iv) hau susuru ashore ordeal by handling hot ston es ; (v) hau un u or deal hatare coast, shore , beach ; with wh ich requi res the accused isuria or isi'ona go along the to sit on a beam whilst a shore or be ach flaming torch is held un der his feet ' hatari nearly , almost 3. a stone axe hau nasi 4. adv . of time denoting hatari-a 1. near, close to, on the pa st; harisi e ra hau the side of last year 2. to take the place of, 5. per i 0 d, par t 0 f, pie c e ; succeed; intervene rua hau ni ro' ua twice ; 3. towards , facing hau warana, part of his words ; towar ds hau ni'ai a log 6. distance, used for long hatarua poss. pron . Jrd pl. for , di stances on ly ; hau ni as i to, belonging to the two distance between two places of th em by sea travel; hau ni ta ra ( raeha) id. by land; ha u hate shiver, tremb le , chatter n i 'au a long bamboo the teeth 7. adv . of plaae and direction, a northerly hatete id. hate direction; may be used with locative i and then hato 1. tro chus shell contracts to ha i 2. armlet made from trochus 6. with gen. n i a section; shell and worn on the hau n i ohu a se ction upper arm ; tara n i hato a (between two knots) of variety of trochus shell sugar cane 9. Demonstrative - that , in hatonai id. hatonana with out a norther ly direction noun or pronoun ha 'u 1. the pa ndanus tree , whi ch hatona-na to suit, convenient , has broad leaves; used by fi t, adequate men as perineal bandage ; also used to make a kind hau 1. generic name for stone , of mat called ha ' u. The rock; hau haha'apa, hau hapa leaves are dr ied in the a big flat stone ; hau haoto, sun, an d sewn together in kokoke n i hau grotto, cave , strips up to one fathom cavern; hau kare stone for long. These mats se,ve cracking canarium nuts; hau many purposes - as kohu dead reef ; ha u ni taha umbrellas , wr appings , a stone pounded and used as sleeping mats, blankets, pigment for blackening the canvas , pads on the head teeth ; hau rihu bare and or back for women when sheer rocks ; hau manumanu carrying loads , as coffins ; pumice stone ; suru hau a it is ab out three feet sacred stone ; there are wide fifty-four different kinds 2. closed, shut ; ha ' u of stone honos i-a to shut up , lock up

hau'a stony 32

hauasua a shell-fish ; the shell hau 'u-na hip , seat , buttocks , itself bottom

hauhau 1. hauhau' i with gen. ni , hau wara-na to repeat exact ly section of coconut trees, one 's words betelnut trees, sugar ­ can e; h auh au ni h a 'a a he exclamat ion of surprise eh! single bead of shell money hea to rust 2. a door he -a to excite, exhort , urge hauhaua 1. surpass one 's strength ; too heavy to carry he a to excrete 2. to be fa t , big and strong; hauhaua pupua he ' ahe'ata-na he 'a-na excre­ the fat of the body ments, faeces 3. handy , skilful heara 'i wi de, broad hauhauna stone , kernel. of fruit he 'ata ' ini-a to bleed ( of sores hauho eel fi sh and ulcers )

hau i ma -na eyebrow he 'eni-a to force , press

hau ' irari-na pe lvis, hip , haun ch he ' eria suffer, grieve , hurt

haukama stamp the feet he 'eta only , alone , by oneself

haukamea generic name for iron he he 1. refuse to obey, be obstinate , di sobey , haukoru to wrap a de ad person in contradict the bark of a tree for burial 2. deny an accusat ion

hau nasi id. nas i a flint used hehekoi 1. de ad leaves of taro, as axe bananas, corn 2. the mi d-rib of the hau ni 'ai a log , the trunk of coconut bran ch , banana a fallen tree leaf , betelnut , sago palm leaf haura 'ia a specific numbe r, ten , used exclus ively for Figs ; hehekona 1. id. he heko i 1 haura'ia ni po mana ta 'ai 2. the flo wer spathe eleven pigs of the banana an d bete In ut ha' usi-a to shut , close hehe -na excrements , faeces hausiki pudding made of pounded taro , coconut cream an d hehenoro disobey , contradi ct , c an a r i urn nut s be ob stinate

hausu 'u see hinana hehe 'o 1. idiot , fool ; na 'a hehe'o talk nonsense , hauta'ai a superlative: completely , be delirious foreve r, on ce an d for eve r; e 2. weak (of the body ) mao hauta'ai Certainly not ! not at alII e siko hauta'ai heheo ana pano-na the wings of the re is nothing left , not the nose any more heheoi the mi d-r ib of the sago hautara a hard smooth stone , in palm leaf river beds hehera an open place in front ha ' utara a ; the leaves of the houses for people to of this tree walk ; he he ra ni niu a coconut plantation hautoto to bury by throwing the body into the sea 33

hehere 1. pounde d taro with out 2. s e i z e, t ak e hoI d 0 f ; coconut cream here isu ri'i act according 2. h e h e r e opa-na to to; here maerere hold mas s age the ab domen of a slightly ; here maneko woman ab out to deliver, han dle gently ; here in order to deliver takoma '-in i-a hold quickly an d without pain ; together; here usuusu ana also in the first stage hold at the end; here of pregnancy in order to mekasi-a to split a provoke an ab ortion coconut open with the hands 3. a phase of the moon , so as to show one 's first and second crescent strength heheru 1. retar d, slow down , herehere i 'a'e-na hips , buttocks , de lay seat ; here hii"hi-a to hold in 2. speak in a low vo ice , the fist whisper he re 'ini-a to grip, hold tight hehesi dispute ab out a statement ; deny a statement herekai to join han ds heke speak loudly with a high he r esi-a id. here 2, but active furious voi ce form heko paralysed, withere d (of limb s ) he r o'a shiver with cold, chatter one 's teeth with cold heko-a to pick, cut off (of coconut an d sago palm leaves herohero weak of body hena lime , chewed with the betel­ he ru-a to exam ine , have· an nut an d the leaf ; is made from at tentive look at , inspe ct , dead burnt coxal ; hena hoto a touch , feel all over wild ginger from wh ich lime is made ; the lime made from th is hetaiatoai thr ow away as having ginger . The hena is used for no value magical purposes as w·e ll heta 'ini-a i hua drop a burden heno-a to fold in different from the shoulders directions heto-a heto with pOBS. ana henuhenu 'i labia ; part of rectum slander, accuse falsely , showing when excreting accuse out of jealousy heo fence he u-a to pull out heo-a to nibble off , pick hi a transitive verb ending ; apa hatch ; hapah i-a hat ch hepa-a to sl ant , le an over (of out he ad ) hi 'a heavy ; pregn an t; to be sick, hepahepa'a flat , level, see when the body feels heavy as 5U5u-na opposed to e'eke , erere , tetepa, rape-na hi 'a hepehepe 1. butterfly , moth 2. butterfly fish hi ' ai-a to make heavy , weigh heavily up on heraa an agglomeration of houses , a village hi ' amaesi-a to collapse un de r a he avy load ; oppress a person here 1. the vele of Guadalc an al , does not exist on Malaita; hi' arai rapena e hi 'aral to be to cause the de ath of a in the last stage of person by the here. The pregnancy mane ni here is the ma n who practises the here; he hihikana the radi cle an d bud of hypnotizes a person , then a germing seed gives poison to eat, after which the person dies 34

hihikurna friend, companion , mate , hina 'i 1. hurt , feel pain follower; hihikuma ta'a enemy 2. adv . almost, near; precedes a verb ; kira hihi-na labia hlnai rapumaes ia they almost beat him to hihinua-na eyelid de ath

hihiro 1. bend, twist hlna ' ini-a to hurt 2. to have labour pains hinana a taro pudding; there are hihisi a big ur ahu ( fish ) five varieties: hausiki , hausu'u, koriko ri , on iwai , hihisu ana ma-na eyelid 'oto' oto

hi ' i-a to ache , hurt hinana maea small re lics such as teet h of the deceased, hi'irua hiccough , be lch wrapped in leaf and put in the hunu kuruha; id. manlta hika with gen. ni a length of vine , one fathom ; hika ni uwe , hinarua examine closely , hika ni waro accurately

hikaeha disbelieve hinasu-a to cu t up ( of fis �

hikahika a necklace , a string of hinasu-na flesh red shell money with porpoise teeth hinou fishh ook

hikai the edible flesh of the hinu-a to twist a thing unt il canariurn nut it breaks

hikana 1. the heart , pith of a hie a ch i ldren 's game with vine target , a kind of quoit made 2. a porti on , usually of of vine fish hio-a roll up with vine hikoi id. hikai hiohio a curve d nose stick, hiku with prep . ha ' ini-a to be made out of mother of pearl , on friendly terms wi th , worn by wome n only associate with a person ; hlku kaes i-a, hiku peraha to hi 'ona spirit, ghost. The re pretend to be on friendly terms are two varieties : akaro land with a person , with the spirits who are owned, and intention of doing him harm ; wa s i sea spirits who ar e not hlkuh iku paewa a sucker fish owned. There are two kinds of at tache d to the body of a land spiri ts: the hi ' ona shark or other big fi sh rl 'oanimae the kindred spirit , a de ceased big chief, is very hiku-a 1. to twist coconuts in powerful and is invoked an d pairs for carrying worshipped by the whole tribe 2. to entwine , to be wh ose protector he is; the entangled in a creeper simp le hi ' ona the house or fami ly spirit, the de ceased hikuirua put the arms over the male member of the family , the shoulders of friends female spirit having no power , invoke d by one family . Hl'ona hikurna friend, comp anion , mate , palna the spirit of a chief; follower hi ' ona n i mae , hi ' ona n I ramo the spirit of a ramo invoked hikusi-a active form of hiku when going to war and hiku-a hi ' ona-na soul ; te hl 'ona ni 'are hina interrogative particle a soul isn't it? don 't you? etc .. at the end of the sentence hioro hungry, to fast, starve 35

hioron a hunger, fasting, famine, hisi a barrier made of coconut starvation; mi e ana hlorona leaves, used for fishing s t a rv e (see l hi' u r a) purposes; to fish with the hlsl, by which the fish is hira a wild taro; there ar e forced to head towards the several varieites of which shore some are edible . It is used also in ma gical curing of the hi si-a with 'ana or 'ani to sick wean from , to be on the lookout for, to be careful, hirahira to scar, to cut ; a scar , to be on the alert for cut hisiamu-a id. hlsia hiri-a id. hlrlsl- a hisipote a small fish, not hiri 'a 1. pay a fine eaten by women and children; 2. hi r I ' I, hi r I ' I a make if eaten by them it causes atonement for a de at h by a sickness, wa si 'a to the violence , or poisoning, babies dr own ing , or otherwise; replace a de ce ased male hisu youn g taro leaves, us ed as by another, to be given vegetables by the person or tribe who is believed to be hisu-a to gather, pick , pluck the cause of the de ath; hirl'i ana hl 'ona to hita 1. how mUCh , how many ; give an offering to hi ta ' a r e how many , of the spirit who requires things and persons ; hita this for the cure of a ro' ua how often, how sick person many times 2. split , hit, struck hirihiri with ana, to be taboo 3. hlta ka 'ik a'i clap ( of food ) one 's hands

. hiri 'i see hiri 'a hitahita thunde r, blow , smack

hiri 'i-a to twist , entwine , tie , hitapa 'a meet , of two currents; bind, with a vine ; to tighten collide , hit with the hands , a vine around the wai st of a bang on something woman in orde r to provoke an abortion hitarai correspon d to, compared, comparable with , to be like , hirisi-a choose , pick out , select to be as if; it is used without a noun hirita fine , at onement, penalty ; (see hlrl'a 2) hitarana id. hitara l with a noun

hiroato wring out , squee ze , hitarani id. hitarai twist hitari-a to split, beat , smack , hirokoi a hollow ( of a thing hit , strike ; used also in when folded ) compoun ds with other ve rbs , ral hitaria kn ow well hiro-na vulva hiu seven; awara mana hiu hirosi-a to roll into a bun dle , seventeen ; hiu awara seventy wring , twist, roll hi ' u-a to wring , twist, bend hiru 1. a palm tree with digital leaves , used fo r making hiuna seventh bows 2. curly , of hair; to wind hi 'usi-a id. hi 'u-a ( round) ho 'a 1. to skin, bark, peel off hiru' a to be above one 's strength , 2. to worship to be too heavy

hirusi-a to roll , to cause to be curly 36

ho ' apa 1. a length of white hC '1ta'i changed, turned around; shell money , a single opana (raena ) e ho ' ita' he string of one fathom; has changed his mind has only half the value of the red she ll money ho 'ita' ina-a to cha nge , turn 2. to be divided in mind around , reverse , alter ; ho' ita'inia rehoa -na to ho ' asi-a to worship, adore twist someone 's words hoe 1. lime mixture , used to hokai bay colour the hair red 2. to cry with pain hoke torn, broken, undone; to 3. ex clamation of disappro­ have a hole in bat ion hoke-a to tear , break , undo , take ho 'e naked, nude apart ho 'e-a to bare, strip , untie , hoketa pierced, opened loosen , un do , re lease hok io shout of joy for the new ho 'eho 'e a palm tree , use d for moon making floors hoko 1. bundle , faggot hoe-na friend, companion, name­ 2. to be dressed sake hokona bundle hoena-na id. hoe-na hokosi-a 1. to wear , of clothing ; ho 'esi-a to reverse to put on clothing 2. make into a bundle hoesi-a to adore , wor ship hoko-upu belt made of vine hoho a wooden bowl for pounding food hone a skin disease, wh ite spots on the skin hohoai wrapped in hono to shut , bar hoho 'ana hide, bark, skin honoi-a to curse a person with the hoho 'a-na skin intention of preventing him from attaining something hohoena 1. the sting of a ray fish honosi-a 1. to shut , bar , defend, 2. the pressure of ward off; na 'a honos t-a boiling water excuse somebody ; ura honos i-a prevent , hohoi 'i an inverted V form of oppose; lsi honos t-a, leaf sewn on the wall ab ove su ru honos i-a curse a the door , signifying a bird person with the intention of preventing hohorai a strong sme ll him from dO ing some­ thing hohos i-a to untie , take down 2. pass, elapse , go by , of time ; e honos ia wa ru ho 'i-a to itch, scrat ch on horo'a eight days went account of itching by

ho ' iara ' ara lie on th� back , honota-na for the sake of , on turn ups ide down behalf of , in defence of

hoisi-a exclamat ion of at tention, honota ni pa a cabbage , cooked in eh we ZZ bamboo

ho ' isi-a to change , convert , turn honu 1. tortoise , turtle ; honu ako something inside out ; ho' is i a a sickness caused by the rae-na to change one 's mind turtle , a cough and vomiting of blood; honu I'a turtle 37

without shell, green turtle ; hora to travel with peace­ honu raro deep-sea turtle ; ful intentions, as opposed kokoke n i· honu the bones of to ra ni ohota to travel the turtle ; kiruha ana honu with evil intentions ( for turtle sickness, the sufferer war , killing) moving the hands ab out the way a turtle moves its hora 'a empty , deserted, ab andoned, flippers of house ; stay in the open , in 2. full rain an d sun; on i hora 'a stay in the open ; to be in trouble honu 'a feast hora 'ai alone , single , without honu 'ako tuberculosis company ; on i hora 'al alone, only , of persons an d things honu me ra a fireball, shooting star hora 'i-a 1. to split into piec es , strips ; take the bones honuri-a to fill out of fish when cooked ho 'o to bark, shout 2. to giv� a severe or der ho 'o exclamation of disapproval an d contempt hora 'iaru an odiferous shrub ho 'oa tomorrow horasi-a to spread out ( on the ground only) ho' oai to visit a place for the first time ; to do a thing for horata ' ini-a to spread, stretch, the first time prepare ( on something but not on the ground) ho 'oho'o a taro pudding, used as an offering to the spirits; hori-a to buy , pay , reward; ho 'oho 'o ma ur i taro freshly hor I a ken i, hu ' a purchase a pulled out and given as an br ide offering to the spirits horita, horital, hor ltana , price , ho 'oho'o a certain type of taro, reward, wage s; horita e sacred , pulle d with stem, pa ina expensive, dear ; leaves an d roots , and used to hor lta e mas ike cheap make a pudding with a sacred coconut an d given as an offer­ horo beat , str�ke , kill, win ing to the spirits in games; mane (n i) horo (horoperi) murderer; horo ho 'oirao-a to bury by part intern­ maesi-a kill wanton ly , with ment; the body is put in a violence; horo sua kill in sitting pos ition , from the revenge , plunder, out of waist up is above the groun d but revenge ; horo pon i fix a surrounded with stones, the head day , time being ex posed; when the head has de composed the skull is put horo 'a 1. day , time; horo'a in a sacred place n e n a (s i r I ' i n i) to- day; horo'a suu ore dai ly , ' ho 'ona' ini-a 1. to bark at , eve r y day; h 0 r 0 a 'ut a expression: to make when , what day ( time ) ; the most of some ­ ruka horo'a fix a day , thing time 2. to exhort the 2. adverb of time ; hita people at a feast to horo'a how often? mo ra behave well , done by ni horo'a often; rua ni the chief horo 'a twice ;te haru horo 'a sometimes ho' osia to bark at , shout at horohoro broken into many pieces hora to gr ow without cultivation , wild , of food horo 'i-a to beat , strike , kill , win in games; horo ' la wa lsla hora calm , of sea and wind; to be catch fish at peace; enlightened; ra n I 38

horoperi murderer ho ' u-a to take (away); ho'ua 'asia remove, take horoponi tempter and throw away ; ho' ua ma n ia remove , take away from; 'ai horosi-a 1. to fix a day , time ; ho'ua a raft waru horo 'a e horos ia eight days after ho' uho'u 1. a palm tree used to 2. to cross; uru horos ia make fluors to go across; oro horos ia 2. shelf, floor , made to swim across from this palm tree

horo 'u'i-na abdomen houhou 'a a small rise of ground, hill hosu to fall �f the uterus houra chief , the biggest (high­ hota a bad, rotten smell est ) possible chief, only those whose spirits are hota-a to wash , clean called r i ' oan i ma e

hotari-a to wash, clean houra feast ; houra n i ahorota wedding feast ; houra ni ken i hote a paddle , to paddle , row; feast exclusively for women; hote ni haka oar ; tor i hote houra n i tau tor i n a feast at to paddle in cadence ; hote the end of the fasting period rua rua to paddle alternately for a deceased; tau houra to on both sides of the canoe (of make a feast steerer ) houra 'ini-a to show , come out , hotehote a littoral tree , used discover , tell out , make to make paddle s known , proclaim, rise above sea level ( of land and rocks) hote-na shoulder blade houra-na fame , renown , prestige hotera 'ini-a to propel by paddling or rowing hu 1. 2. fall , of people hoto hang down ; susuna hoto fl�t 3. a littoral tree, extracts hanging breasts ; with 'ana of its bark used to pOison hanging down from , suspend fish ; its fruit from hu-a to br ing , carry , of person hoto-a 1. to throw away or thing that can not move by 2. to shake ; hotoa hena itself shake the spatula in the lime container hua inflated by the wind hoto 'aru knock against , stumb le hu 'a 1. a married woman , wife ; hotohoto to swing a woman with power, authority , lady; hu'a hotoi-a to attack, leap on to , to'ora a married woman ; jump at e nara ma ra hu 'a he weeps like a woman (humiliating) hou 1. dry-rot ; a worm mak ing 2. earth , wor ld; ma i holes in wood; hurohuroi ana hu 'a here on earth hou the droppings of dry­ 3. with locat ive i, un der , rot , an d the worms eating be low , down ; kon i i hu'a the wood put it down l underneath, 2. famous , we ll kn own ; ratana down war d( s) e hou he is famous 3. a demo nstrative , this, huahuaina to bring , colle ct in this here , these stages

ho' u a deathbed, made in the form huan i a demonstrative pron. pro of a ladder ; coffin they , them, these , those ; may be followed by nina; huan i hou 'a eaten by dry-r ot ta 'a nina those people ; te huan i some , several 39

huara 1. crocodile , alligator hunasi-a 1. to an chor , to tie 2. a paddle stroke : one up a canoe with vine strong and one weak one and stake on one side and the 2. to display the bride opposite on the other side price by hanging it up ; hun asia ma 'ima'i ni huata id. hua ra pata , hunas ia ma 'ima'i n i taona to display the hu 'e-a id. ho ' e-a bag containing the bride price huhu 1. dry , powdery , of powdered substance such as hena hunata anchor , mostly a stone 2. slightly contaminated ( of tied to a vine f ish an d me at) 3. swollen , of callosity in huni a dem onstrative, these , those , the stomach ; opana huhu a may be followe d by nina swollen stomach ; inflated by wind; huhu popote infla­ huni-a to, for , him, her , it; ted, swollen by wind huniau ( not hun l nan) to, for me huhu-a to praise , extol ; matana huhu-a to praise hunihuni 'ai or igin huhuana seeds , of fruits huno-na in-laws , father , mother , son, daughter-in-law ; mane or huhukoru out of breath ken i may be added for sex distinction, ma i hunona id. huhunu to poison fish with the pounded bark of a tree , hu , or hunu 1. pillar, post; hunu ape a vine , waro mamae , waro ni the side post of a house; huhunu hunu kuruha the back pillar of a canoe house on wh ich huhuri, huhur i 'asia to be as leep , there is a receptacle of of limbs ; ' a'eku e huhur i sago le af for the offerings 'asia to the spirits; hunu oto the central posts ; hunu otoi huhusi-a to spill , shake of f, of the upright post between powdered substance , e.g. hena the crossbeam and the ridge , from the hair us ed as a support for the roof hui 1. a wart 2. bear fruit, be in fruit 2. a taro 3. covered all over with hair hui-a to pour out , pour water 4. with gen. n i or locative over, on i, bunch , bun dle ; hunu ni hus i bun ch of ban anas huihuita something extraordinary , a marvel, mi rac le � one by hunu-a to cut up an animal; man), a trick operate on people ; hunua po, butcher a pig; hunua pona huka a married woman , wife me ra cut the umbilical cord

huke id. hu ka hunu hitari-a to cut into long slices huke-a to roll over, transport , take elsewhere hunuhuna the noise of an engine

huna to anchor , to tie up a hunuke si a tree ; with its leaves canoe with vine an d stake the breast of a pig is rubbed in the tata rai po hu-na hair on the genitalia; lowe r ab domen hununa the ear of corn

hunahunata part , piece of hu 'o net , fishing net broken string hu ' o-a to fish 40

hura 1. arr i ve , reach , come ; 3. a barnacle sticking rae hura (ana ) reach ; to logs in the sea, and hura ma i 5 i r i ' ini up un til un der ships to-day 2. moon , lunar month ; hura huri bed, bed place , sleeping ha i moon rise ; hura (e) mat ma sike the setting of the moon ; hura e ra pan i the hurihuri a black ant moon after April; hura raha maua the moon in hurihuri 'asia make benumbed November and December (time for the planting of the yams hurihuri 'i origin , centre and pana ) ; hura wa na the moon rises; the thirty hurihuri ni mera the membranes phases of the moon are : enclosing a baby Tarwaro ara, tariwaro oreta, husi ara, hus i oreta , roa hurihur ita id. huihuita ara, roa oreta. hehere ara . hehere oreta, akoru ara, hurihuritanarau id. hurihuri akoru oreta, rurua i ara, ruruai oreta, hurapara ara, huri-na id. huri hurapara oreta, inon i ara, inoni oreta; then backwards , huri 'ora 1. village hurapara ara, hurapa ra oreta, 2. a plantation of ruruai ara, ruruai oreta, coconut s akoru ara, akoru oreta, hehere ara, hehere oreta, huro 1. leprosy , leper ; mane , roa ara, roa oreta, hus i ara , ken i huro a leper husi oreta, tariwaro ara , 2. remainder , rest, tar iwaro oreta deposit , rubbish , waste ; huro ana 'a i sawdust hura spring, we ll, fountain ; huhura mae a dry we ll; huhu r a huro 'awa a skin di sease mauri a well with water huroha leprosy hura ana until, till hurosi-a to stop , block up , hura 'aro rainbow plug up

hurahaikenina one of four ways of hurota a �topper , cork , lid procuring a wi fe, by sexual intercour se an d making the huru 1. run , go fast girl pregnant 2. id. huro 2; huru 'ate the remainde r of the hurahurana stranger coconut flesh after the squeezing, or huru ana hurai-a 1. arrive at , reach (n i) n i u 2. for , to, before ; iria hura i-a tell huru-a to hang up somebody huruhuru to herald the assigned hura ni ku'a (rakahal make strong , food portions at a feast to caus e to be strong, effective ; the di fferent villages or strengthen families

hurataha 1. adv . of time an d huru 'i a tree , a concoction of place , with or without ana, wh ich is used for constipation till, un til, to, up to , as far as , hurataha siri' ini huruiniu a jumping fish up till to- day ; 5 u a r a i ... hurataha since .....till hurumota 'a hairy 2. with ana reach hurun ia go to a feast hure-a to open , of mussels an d shell fish husi banana; there are many varieties; hus i n i haka , hus I hurehure 1. a flower , kind of 'ore 'ore . hus i raorao , husi lily rarihe, apisihata, aurara, 2. a moss ma reto, mata, matapua , mo 'o, 41

mot a, 'oihoro, po rua, ropome ra, i'a generic noun for fish; siwi ti panana (from the English porpoise tooth ; i'a ni rape sweet banana) , suhia, tanatana, an owned shark ; i 'a mera a tatauro ni ha ihu, topakau, uh i, red fish ; i'a pono a necklace ukutor i, 'u'u ni manu, wen ipauro of porpoise teeth; i'a s i na a small tooth of a sea cow; husi-a 1. to knock the embers out a coffin , in the form of a of a pipe fish, seale d with raia an d 2. to cut hair kept in the house for three to six months hus i 'au to cut bamboo for making pan-p ipes i'ahaura boxfish hut a to be born , appear , rise up ; i'ahiru marlin huta with poss. ana to be the child of i'ahura a sickness caused by fish, to children (convul­ huta blood relative; birth , sions ) generation; age ; hutana inaia his age ; huta po mane blood i'ami pers.pron . 1st pl. excl. relative through the male line ; we , us , our , ours; when used huta po ken i blood relat ive as subject it is followed by through the female line 'ami ; i'am i siko all of us , everybody huta-na id. huta i'amu pers. pron. 2nd pl. you, hutehute 1. dry your , yours; when used as 2. a small shell fish subject it is followed by 'amu huto opossum iana pregnant; with poss. ana hutohuto slime , saliva conceived by hu 'u 1. to have a cold ; to cough ; i'a ni hau tarau nena an express­ a cold, cough ion: this is said of a man 2. mucus caused by a cold who has no house of his own , but goes around from one place to an other and sleeps in any hous e (as the fish sleeps un der any rock); lit. he is a fish of a hard smooth stone i 1. prep . locative in , to, at , cn ; i'a ni rua ipa nena an expression: is always used before names of this is said of a man who eats places, an d with words denoting in any house with any people ; time and direction; with pre­ he has nothing of his own ceding u there is contraction ; because he is too lazy to make wou Ra te , wo ' i Rate ; ta 'au his own gardens - a rolling i raro, ta'a'i raro up in the stone gathers no moss; lit. clouds ; i tan i tomorrow , i he i he is a fish of two lakes where ; kaoa in the mi ddle ; e ike Pa ras i he comes from i'aoru pers.pron . 2nd tl. Parasi you three , your three, and 2. past participle ending; for a specified group of houra 'i shown more than three people ; when 3. prefix to personal pronouns , used as a subject it may be when used in their full form; followe d by 'aoru inau, 1'0 etc. 4. pers .pron. ending , for i'ara lost, disappeared, gone indefinite fut ure time , noko ' oko'i 'iari curls , tufts, tresses of 5. adv. ending to replace the hair , hanging down sometimes pers .pron . rio si 'oi look at to the shoulders, as a sign it; to'oi therefore of sorrow for a de ceased 6. a sUffix denoting plur ality relative , an d is accompanied 'are ina i 'i all his belongings by ab staining from cert ain 7. op tative ending 'ami ' i that food, yams , taro, pana. we ... coconuts. 42

i'arua pers.pron . 2nd dL you i'i'oha-na place, residence , two. your two; when used as station ; seat , bottom subject it may be followed by 'arua i'iuna desire

iau exclamation of assent; Yes ike come from, of direction and place ; ike i nisuna he sai d i'eru pers. pron . 1st incl. tl. (came out of his mouth) we , our , ours, for three persons and for a specified iki sad, grieved , regr et; raeku gr oup of more than three ; e i k i I regret used as subject and ob ject iki-a 1. to beat , of gongs, with i'erua pers. pron. 1st dl. incl. a piece from a branch of we two , of us two, belonging the sago palm, or coco­ to, from us two , our , ours; nut used as subject and ob ject 2. to knock with the knuckle s iha-a look for , search , seek for ; to look for lice , to clear ikia per8 . pron. 18t pl. incl. the head of lice we , us , our , ours, used as subject and object ; wh en ihai the big moni tor li zard Lhat used as subject it is eats eggs of fowls and birds followed by kia

Iha-na in-law relationship 'iki ' iki-a to knock with the between the chi ldren , brother knuckles and sister in-law ; (rua) ma i T hana brother and sister in­ ikina root la'll ikini-a to beat ; ikinia '0'0 iha 'ohi-a to search , seek , look to beat the wooden gong; to for beat on a piece of wood in the ma to'o ihasi-a id. i ha -a ikira pers . pron . 3rd pl. they , ihei 1. id. i ha i them, their, theirs ; used 2. where , from wh er.., ; '0 as subj ect an d obj ect ; when ike i he i wh ere do you come used as subj ect it is from? '0 ike 'ana komu ihei followed by kira; may be from what village are you? used as a plur al article Wh at is the namc of your preceding the noun ; i k i ra village ? man e the men

ihesi-a to remove ik ira 'i pers.pron. 3rd pl. theirs, used with a plural ihi ' ura id. asimane ob ject on ly ; rare ikira' i their be longings ihu lie , de ceive ; a liar , deceiver ik iraoru pers . pron. 3rd tl. they , them , theirs, of three ihuihu-na id. i hu-na people or more for a specific group ; used as subject and ihui-na id. i hu-na object; when used as subject it is followed by kiraoru ihu-na hair, feather ikirarua per8 .pron. 3rd dl. i'i burn oneself those two, of the two, belonging to the two of them; i'i I iii ma rapau the woodpecker used as subject and object; when used as subject it is ii-a choose, said contemptuously followed by ki rarua

i'i-a to judge ikirau beat , pulsate , of heart and pulse i'iha cloth , made from the me to tree ikirua id. i k ira r ua 43

ikisi 1. being hard to walk on , imoro a sardine fish of bush tracks , on account of the tree roots crossing ina 'ahasi look at a person with them contempt 2. root inai shell, of shell fish and ikite make noise , with two sticks frui t s on a hard object (of beating a drum ) inaia 1. pers .pron. 3rd ag. he she , it; his, hers its; iko 1. a pustulus sore between when used as subject it the buttocks is followe d by e 2. ma nomano ni iko slow 2. exclamation of assent, respiration of a dy ing person Yes, that's it

'iko ' iko a small greenish lizard inamauri a very big chief; a person of very great import­ ikoru pers. pron. 1st pl. inal. ance we , us , our , ours, used for a restricted group of persons; inana root used as subject and object; when used as subject it is ina'o ana may be added; adv. of followe d by koru time an d place , before, formerly ; huta ina'0 first ikoru 'i id. ikoru used with born; rae ina' 0 lead; ro' ua plural object on ly ina'o in former times, once, before ikura 1. pers .pron. 1st dl. inal. we two, us two , our ours ; ina 'o hana id. ina'o used as subject an d object; when used as subject it is ina' o-na id. ina 'o but of persons fo llowe d by kura only ; ma ne ina 'oku or 2. a tree ina'o'aku my elder brother ikura-a to polish with the leave s inara fleshy ; well grown , of of the ikura tree ; the leaves food put in the sun to dr y are like sand-paper ; used for inaraa ma-na gaze , stare polishing inasi scorpion fish, has ima a big clam shell; a big clam poisonous spikes on head and shell armlet, worn by the back ; a prick causes severe elder men and by the ramo to pain for several days break the ribs of their victims inau pers. pron. 1st sg. I, me , mine , us ed as subject and imemu to suffer from boils , when object; when used as subject they are in the beginning it is followed by nau; is stage also used to stress, pauku ka wa i inau I have a headache ; imeri drain is also used as an endearment , mama ku inau my dear father imi 1. drop , raindrop 2. root ; susu imi . susu ana ine 1. yaws under the feet imi take root 2. a liana imiimina 1. root ine'e a demonstrative pronoun , 2. fringe , edging this , this here imiimira a cluster of small ini used with compounds, ini roots , as in wells po t aria to open , break open ; ini maes ia to break the neck; imi ni pau a single hair ini hitaria to break open with the fingers ; ini ruana to imisi root strangulate imo to lie; a liar 44

'ini-a to pluck leaves, c·rop with only recently they the hands , pinch with the adapted the iora system nails , take out with the hands, of food out of the coo king pot ioranini-a to put and tie canoe planks into shape iniwaa fly away , disappear ipa lake ina tuberculosis; to suffer from tubercul osis ipaipa English pie ; to smoke

inoni 1. human being , people , man , iparu-a 1. to tickle a relative ; ta' ena i non i 2. to curse when angry everybody ; inon i aramaur i troub lemaker ipe mat , bed 2. rua i non i full moon Lit. two people iperi-a to beat the sea, children 's game , makes a inoni-a 1. to people hollow sounding noise 2. to be conceived, to be in the beginning stage ipoipo 1. a fish of pregnancy 2. to be ne ar ly dry ( of a we11) ino'o a demonstrative , this , here; (ana ) ro'ua ino'o now, at ipuri adv . of time , after(wards ), present; ta'ena ro' ua ino'o next , later on exactly every time ; inaia ino'o it is he , she , it, ipuri-na behind, of time and that 's it place ; e hura puriku he came after me , after I had inoruha' ana be cause of , relying left on , trusting in ipurina adv . of place an d time , io yes behind, after

i 'o pers .pron. 2nd sg. you, your , ira , ira ni asu a hatchet yours , used as subject an d ob ject; wh en used as subject ira 'aki a pair of bamboo tongs , it is followe d by ' 0 use d to remove fire and hot stones ; is a piece of bamb oo i'oe id. i'0; used alone it is split into two an d bent a vocative, to emphas ize ira'aki-a remove fire, hot i'oha-na id. i ' i'o ha-na stones from the oven with a pai r of bamboo tongs ioi a cry of fear ira ' ape a foot - loop for climbing i'o'i id. ' 0 used for plur al trees objects ira 'oi in , into , used with out iora 1. canoe; i ora keu the an obj ect rolling of a canoe caused by the spirits who want to ira ' ona in, into communicate ; iora ra 'o canoe inlaid with mother of irapusi a shrub with red leaves pearl (see ara 2) 2. a group of peop le un der 'irara invoke a spirit in order a chief, living as a to know what to do to cure political , territorial and a si ck person social un it on or ar ound a mountain chain; every ire 1. hill, mountain ; 'ai'ai iora has its own name ; n i ire a range of mountains eight rusu (aporoa ) form 2. make fire , by rubbing a an iora; found only on piece of soft wood over a Small Malaita though the piece of hardwood 'Are'are, unjustly, claim 3. the second plank of a it also; their original canoe system was the ramo system , 4. a stone axe 5. a pandanus , its leaves used to make armlets 45

ireirei ireireina dorsal fin; iruhi-a 1. to blow upon , of the dorsal fin of a shark can the wind; blow away , by be white , black or red; the the wind colour being the indicator of 2. to drink slowly an ancestral owner , as the ancestor be fore his de ath has isi a shrub with broad leav es, chosen and made kn own the used to close the bamboo water colour to ind i cate the kind container of shark he is going to own after his de ath isi adv. of time , first , before , earlier, previously ; ra isT iri-a say , speak , talk , tell; precede , take the lead '0 i ria you say ; used also as exclamation As you say; 'isi-a to curse, swear, with you say it! iri sikoa finish reference to human excreta or speaking, to have said afterbirth by suggestion of eating or dirtying upon ; 'i5 i irihata 'ini-a make known , explain, honos i-a to curse a person reveal , show , confess in order to impose a ban irio porpoise 'isia , i 5 i h a a cur s e, 0 ath

'irisi-a id. hi r is i a choose, isiei smooth , not hairy pick out isioi id. is i oma used without iro 1. look for , colle ct object 2. an oyster living on the roots of the mangrove trees isio-na over , ab out , concerning, according to, after ; to' i 'iro a joke ; to joke isio-na, rio isio-na to wat ch, look after; isioku iroha a bird in my op i nion iroi 1. full isiona id. isi o-na 2. to be entangled, ensnar ed isipau a wooden comb ; isi pa u iroinunu 'a reflect , of face in 'asi 'asi a small comb mirror and water; iron unu de corated with yellow dyed ma ri -na look at one's own cane ; often a sacred herb reflection (siri ) is put into the comb in order th at the spirits iroiro refle ction , mi rror may protect the user

ironi-a follow , look after Isitaha le ave , go away from or carefully , examine attent ively out

irora 1. can oe isu 1. move , remove, of persons 2. a fish an d things; i su ma i move here , nearer; isu wou move irori a parrot away a bi t 2. to count; isu hoa i divide , iroro a bow string de al; isu roko i or tarakon i add ; isu sikihia subtrac t, irowara to joke de duct; isu hitari-a count , of numerous persons or iru 1. to blow , of wind; wind; things iru ana ihiura the north­ 3. read isu pepa; isu sikoa wes t win d ; i ru n i h a r i 5 i to have finished reading the south-east wind 2. id. ma he isuau a crab

iruai on , upon , used without isuhi to be shaved, have short obj ect hair

irua-na on , upon isuisu play at cat's cradle

iruana on upon isumi-a count, read 46

isuri-a accordingly, after , kaeha a lie according to ka 'ena . ka 'eka 'ena , kaka 'ena 'ita id. 'uta �ottom ; ka ' eka ' ena su 'u the bottom ( land side ) of the ita'i together, at the same time , bay besides kaero a sore , on the head of itana adv . of future time , when , children , caused by the eating whenever of the fruit of the 'ai wasi

itani tomorrow ; ra risi itan i kaesi-a kaes i with poss. ana tomorrow morning deceive, trick, cheat

ite a handbag, basket, made of kaha to be on the point of coconut leaf , used to take rotting, of taro; ma-na kaha the romo to Langlanga for to have bad eyes , filled with making it into shell money pus

ito 1. thin and tall kahe a, pandanus 2. umbilical cord 3. the knots of mistle toe kahe hato beat the lime from the ha to Ito a trap , snare , noose; roro, i roroi- a to put a trap etc. kahi crab eggs to snare kahu water ito-a i to i-a to anchor , attach , put toge ther strings of red kahu-na froth , saliva, foam shell money kai a variety of yam iu, i uka yes ka 'i 1. pers.pron. 3rd sg. he , iu twins ; iu mane twin boys; she , it , of unknown i u ken i twin girls futur e time 2. a stick, a piece of iusi-a to desire , wi sh, want , coconut branch used to fervently pound taro iuta 'ini-a to sentence , condemn ka' ikahi'ae a shrub , its leaves being used for sanitary iutotona ask a fine for an purposes offence ka ' ikahina the egg bag of a iu waona refuse to obey be cause crab one is not pai d ka' ikahiri to gues s, in games

ka 'ika' i with gen. ni. ka ' ika' ina ' K handle , orfshoot , sucker, forepaw ka 1. pers.pron. 3rd sg. he , she , it , used for future time , and ka ' ika ' i-na arm, hand; present time with consequent ka ' ika'i-na ok ira or rete 'a action or u'u' i the right arm, hand; 2. poss.pron . ending, 1st pr. ka ' i ka ' i -na maema e or incl. {ma )mauri the left arm, hand; in co mpos ition with other 'a'oh a'i or hara ka 'ika 'i-na 'ami ka t plural pers.pron . hihi-a stretch out the hand kia kat etc. over

ka' asi earthquake kaikao, kaokao a half coconut shell, used for ladling, and kae to lie, deceive , cheat , shaped used as a spoon , or mane (ken i) kaekae trick; a for cooking coconut cream Ii ar kairo pustular eruptions , kae-a to land a fish mostly on the head of children 47

to tear , split wo od kaka-a kakawe , kakaweana a creeper , liana kaka 'a cry out loudly

kaka'ai, kaka'ai r a touch things , kakaweana the waist ribbon of a out of curiosity woman 's skirt kakahi la zy , inactive kakaweana an a opa-na bowels , kakahun a crumbs ; kakahuna 'ai intestines chips, shavings kakawe ni (or ana) opa-na bowels , kakai a superlative , very , too , intestines extremely ; follows the adjec­ tive or used alone ; uwera kakai to husk coconuts very much , many , too many , too kako-a much ; e kakai exclamati on of kama a piece of coconut branch , surp rise , that's what I call 1. used for pounding tar o steep l e kaka i ma 'a, e kaka i 2. a shell fish rao that 's too bad l

kamari-a 1. to pound tar o with kakake swamp taro the kama 2. break a shell ; break kakamira , kakami ra 'a yellow the rome with a nasi , a special oblong hard kakamuri slowly stone , to make it int o money kakano string , line , fishline kame-a to Ii ck kakao-na, kakaona opa-na abdomen kamo , nl ma 'asu a wild yam; toutou kakapo a str ong smelling herb , ni kamo it is very good , he is the leaves are bound to the a handsome boy ; Zit. the forehead against headache centre of the kamo yam

kakapoa poison kamokamo swollen eyes after weeping kakapona round kamota a wood carver , carpenter kakaraho a str ong vine used for sewing the sago leaves kamu chew betelnut

kakare a wooden bowl kamu 'i a sheath of coconut , enveloping the flower -clusters kakare i a bird of the coconut

kakaro-na , karokaro-na side , flank , kamura 'i to spy on , out ; approach of person ; loins stealthily ; walk on tiptoe , stealthily , cautiously kakaru a well , a pit with water kamura 'ini-a id. kamura'i but kakaruhe a crab active

kakasi-a 1. praise , extol kamusu-na , ni 'a'e heel 2. to tear , split wood kana sing , in incantations to a kakate small spirit in order to know a cure against a sickness kakato a basket ma de fr om coconut leaves kane an affirmative ; yes , maybe

kakato-na abd omen kani a skin disease , white spots

kakatona testicles , abdomen of kano two strings of red shell shell fish , crabs money in one unit , each two fathoms in length kakawa a tree , its roots being sucked , is intoxicating 48

kao 1. the keel of a canoe karakarai to scratch, scrape 2. kaoa , kaoana , kaoa between , amid, among, in karanasi a stone of which axes the middle; kao ni pon i an d other tools were made midnight ; i kaoana id. with noun ; i kaoa i without noun karani squirrel fish 3. the opposite side karao a basket kaoa-na middle , waist karao i'a a fish kaokao 1. id. ka ikao 2. to light a track with kara 'opa hollow, empty stomach a tor ch or firestick karasi-a 1. to grate yams kaokaoa corner , bay 2. graze , skin , bark , strip kaokao-na ab domen karata a skin disease , tinea, kaokaora caved, un dermined ringworm kaoni to borrow , buy on tick karawa 'inia crouch ka' oro ab ort kare with gen. ni, a young, of animals and birds ; to'o ka re kapa 1. empty, void to have young ; said also of 2. galvanized iron , from eggs that are being hatched English copper karernera womb , matrix kapa 'i-a extinguish, put out kare-na offspr ing, child, son, kapare a small centipede daughter, brother's son and daughter ; ka reku maemaea my kapi 1. a trap dear son, daughter ; karena 2. a sickness of the eyes, mane son; karena keni bleary eye s daughter;kare ni mane son of 3. narrow , tight a chief; ka re ni aroa ro a bastard, used insultingly; kapi a pair of pincers, nippers kare ni son of a slave , used insultingly ; kare-na ana kapirato a man 's cloth , a small poro maasina brother 's son, piece of bast, cloth , cover­ daughte r ing the penis only karena a young ( of animals and kapoa a yam birds) kara 1. to grate , scratch; kari 1. octopus grated yam pudding; ka ra 2. ka ri ruarua steer a apiapi a packet of karas; canoe , of steerman , kara piakau pudding paddling alternately on 2. kara me ra vagina both sides of the canoe karahini id. kara'ini kari-a 1. kari with ana, protect , look after, kara' i nearly , almost watch; kakari oh i-a id. kari komu visit the karai-a to threaten , menace village ; kari ho' isi-a to round, surround, to kara 'ini, kara'ini-a, kar a'ini go ar ound ; kari ho 'ata 'i with ana near , nearly , close emerge to, almost; kara ' ini no'o 2. climb a tree without nearly , almost, soon using a foot-rope karakara 1. canoe house kari' ape a foot-loop for climb­ 2. roar , of surf ing trees

karakara'a thorny, rough ; waro kari awara a red shell money kara kara 'a a thorny vine unit, ten ha ' atahana 49

karihanua a fish karusi-a to scratch a person kari 'ito a small reddish ant kasa a tumor in the neck an d has ( a vicious sting) throat ; ruak u e kasa I have a tumor in my neck kariko English cal ico, cloth kasia 1. wait ; kasia ka 'u wait a Karina hole; a lair ( of crab );a bit , by and by , have laboured patch of ground patience 2. stone oven; the stones karita 'ini-a to watch, guard; for it k a r ita 'i 0 h i-a s ur r 0 un d , stay around as protection , kasia dig, grub, burrow ; kis i emerge hih i-a fill in a hole , cov er with ground karo 1. a reddish substance , first stage of egg for­ kasoa very difficult , impossible , mation inside crab incapable ; nau kasoa raeha I 2. mouldy can't go karoha a wild yam kasora id. kasoa karo i'a a fish kasu rotten , dec omposed, stink , sme ll badly karo-na rib, flank , side, loins , of human s kasua a superlative , ut t erly , ext reme ly karu 1. a hand net, tied to the four corners of two cross­ kata a mortar , used by toothle ss wise bent sticks which form people for poundi ng the right an gle s, with a han dle , bete lnut ; to pound the betel­ stick or bamboo ; to fish nut with the kata with this net 2. karukaru pustular erup­ kato 1. a basket , made from tions on the body ; to itch , coconut leaf scratch; karu hasi-a to 2. s� ollen, pregnant scratch with the nails; 3. an armlet 'ai karukaru a dugout canoe 3. bai l out , empty ; opa-na kau lime , burned coral used with karu an empty stomach the betelnut mixture karuhi-a to scratch on account of ka 'u 1. exclamat ion of surprise, itch mane e pa ina ka 'u What a ta ! karui-a hollow out 2. an imperative , go away , let me alone , used alone ; karukapi littl e finger following a verb , kas ia ka 'u wait a bit, have karukaru l. id. karu 2 patience ; ka on i ka 'u 2. small pana leave it as yet; ra ka 'u 3. a hermit crab go off , be off ; res ia ka 'u look out ; ti ka 'u let me karurni-a to scratch on accoun t of see first; in the begin­ itch ning of a sentence or alone it often calls for karuoe hysterical ( of women on ly ) at tention , Wa it! Don 'tt hysteria ( of w��en ) kau-a to hook , catch hold of karurao have hollow cheeks and eyes kaukahu 1. with or without ana suna a spark; to sparkle karuru 1. coconut crab 2. said of sun and moon , 2. id. karu 2 being obscured a bit by a thin cloud karusi 1. fresh water 2. a hard bamb oo water container 50

kaukau 1. small coral stones ke 'e hitari-a to break with 2. ka ukau ke ni a short the teeth stick to tie a net; kaukau mane a long stick kehu-a to roll ( over ) , transport , to tie a net take elsewhere

kaukaurana a small bat ke i ta 'a an endearing an d commiserating term, de ar BO kaukuri an earring ma de from an d so ( of women ) porpoise shell keke sideways ; rio keke look kaumurato sigh, moan , groan with sideways ; tohu keke to cut pain something wh ile looking the other way , to miss the mark kaura frigate bird, man-of-war when cutting some thing hawk . Its figure is much used in the ar t, especially on keke -a 1. bite canoes, buildings and tattooing 2. kekea niho-na gnash on the face ; su'us u'u ni ka ura one 's teeth , show the the elbows of the fri gate bird, teeth , out of anger 'w' shape d, use d as a de cor­ at ion on the temples , on canoes kekehu lie on the side an d paddles . In the expression kauraka erere i Mala, ka i kekemau-a tear , break ma 'asui Ma la? The visitor won't stay, he 'll go back home one kekemona fringe , edging , hair­ day ; l.i t. the frigate bird braids flies over Ma laita, doe s it sleep on Ma laita ( it always kekere 'ana 1. edge , end, with sleeps on the same spot ) a noun 2. with locative i, kaura' ini-a 1. to bait a fi shh ook alongs ide, beside , by 2. fasten , attach the side of , of things on ly ; kausi-a to hook , to take hold of kekere 'ai id. without a noun kawaisupu car ry ove r the shoulde rs kema a bar; to fish with a bar

kawe , kaweniaru a single string keme crush of she ll money , one fathom long kemo 1. a fish 2. win , in games , from kawe ro a creeper English game 3. to have long , hang ing ke 1. pers. pron. 3rd sg . he , she , hair, to hang down , of it , used of fut ur e time or hair, creepers ; a lock , present time with consequent tuft , tre ss of hair, hang­ action, that it, he, she , ing down , as a sign of may ... us ed also in comp os ­ sorrow for a de ceased ition with 'am i ke etc. relative , is acc ompanied 2. used in some regi ons as an with ab staining from ending of nouns , verbs , certain foods adve rbs an d adj ectives 3. only kenakena-na flank , side ( of persons ) ke , ke ma-na rebuke , le cture ; noko ke mamu I'll rebuke kene a she ll fish you keni female , woman ; a female of ke 'e a negative particZe not ; an imals an d birds ; kare-na nau ke 'e ra ia I don't know ken i daughter; ken i a raha a

female chief ; ken i I auapu ke 'e, ke 'e ni hau a black shell virg in ; ken i haoru a marriage ­ money ab le girl; ken i to I oro a married woman ; mera ken i girl; ke 'e-a to bite ; ke 'e 'e'e gnaw taho n i ken I' an old maid; teho off the bast of the betelnut ; n i ken i unmarried girl, but 51

has had sexual relations; to'o prepositions ; is used also in ken i to be married from the composition, kia ka , kia ka i , uraur a ni keni man's side; see kia ke, kia si ; kia hau let us uraura; ken i nao hani ken i a go furtherl kia isi let us go senior, leading woman ; ke n i first l papahe a woman wh o walks about , a woman of loose life kia'i id. kia used as subject only and is optative , that keno dangle we kere 1. yaws around the mouth kiakia a dancing cl ub 2. very slowly ; ka kere ra he goes very slowly kihara a small clam-shell armlet worn on the upper arm kerema a black magi c, with intention to cause death to a kihi hat pers on kihio a crab keremi-a practise black magic on a person out of revenge kihu burnt , of food kero to hang down , to be kii per8 .pron . 18t pl. incl. we ; suspended used with optative keru a sickness in taro ki'i a mosquito kesu, ma-na kesu an eye cataract ki ' i-a break off the claws of a crab keta-a make a person angry , annoy , provoke kii-na bile , gall keto the large pa n-pipes ki'ito a hawk keu 1. a half coconut shell, kiki 1. tuberculosis; to suffer used as a cup an d spoon ; from tuberculosis ; rapena heu ni kouha e kiki he has tuberculosis 2. iora keu to roll, of 2. pan-pipes , two small canoe , caused by a spirit bamboos only who want s to warn a pers on not to go to such and such kikI 1. rat a place ; if he does he will 2. mas i kikl sneer , grin str ike him with sickness and de ath kikiri a tree with edible fruit ; 3 . keu ramo invoke a spirit its bark and fruits are used when going into war as a cure for coughs ke 'u a shell fish; ke 'u p o r a a kikiri 'a multicoloured swampy black bivalve shell kikirua a deep sore ; a hole in keu-a to plant (of taro an d things caused by the rain tokerau ) kikoi crooked keukeuna with or without po the memb rane around the stomach kima a fish of a pig kinakina a bird keusi-a to turn, turn roun d kinakina 'a grey keutai to list, roll, wobb le ( of the upper part of the body ) kiokio the kingfisher keuta ' ini-a to reverse, turn kipo offence , a wrong, insult , around, put upside down lie

Kia per8. pron. 18t pl. incl. we , kipo-a to offend, insult , wrong , us; used as subject it may lie be preceded by ikia; as object it is suffixed to verb s and 52

kira pers. pron. 3rd p�. they , the coco nut trees; are them ; us ed as subject by itself tame d as pets or following ikira; as object it is suffixed to verbs and pre­ kiru 1. hole , grave ; eri kiru positions; used also in co mpos­ dig a hole , grave itions: ki r a ka, kir a kai, ki r a 2. sick, ill; ki ru ni ke, kira si ; kira atei, plur al maeha to be dy ing interrogative pronoun , who? kirua , kiru' i pers. pron . 3rd d�. kirahi-a, tau ki rah ia to wr ong a they (tw o) , them, theirs; person wh en used as subject it is preceded by ikirua ; kirua kira'i id. kira used as subject atei who are those two? used only , with optative also in co mpositions kirua ka, kirua kai kiraiara a sea bird kirua'i id. kirua used as subject kiraoru pers .pron. 3rd t�. they , on ly with optative them, theirs ; when used as subject it may be preceded by kiruha sickness , illness ikiraoru \ kiru 'i see kirua kirarua pers .pron . 3rd d�. they (tw o) , them, theirs ; used as kita a cut , wound subject it may be pre ceded by iki rarua kita-a to cut , wound, injure ; ' a'ena e kit a he cut hi� leg kirekire a club, kind of hatchet kitokito splash , dash , rattle , kiri to juggle clatter

kiri-a 1. kiri mous i-a cut into ko pers .pron. 2nd sg. you, of pieces , tear; kiria pa una future time or present with to de capitate consequent action 2. engrave 3. write (late use ), to k5 1. bent , twisted, curled make drawings, to tattoo 2. of character ; dishonest, twisty kirimiki a spider without web koa to fall with a squirt , jet, kirimikia dirty of water

kirio porpoise koe-a to cl e an , sweep

kiripae-a to tickle ko 'e 1. frog 2. make a cracking rattling kiriri laugh aloud noise

kiriwa 1. green , un ripe ( of koho 1. collective name for all frui t ) varieties of spirit 2. a green not fully grown worship coconut 2. flotsam

kiriwi the wag tail kohu white shell money

kiro 1. a dance, accompanied by kohua remains of food in the pan-pipes and bamboos . teeth This dance opens a big feast kohuto a howl 2. beat the water with the hands , makes a booming ko 'iko'i, ko' ikori a pudding of hollow noise , espe c ially poun ded taro or yam mixed a woman's game with canarium nuts

kirohai-a id. kiro 2, active ko ' irami said of a man or a woman , to indicate the bad kirori a parrot , finding its food luck because the food doesn't espec ially on the blossoms of grow 53

koiro a hard-wood tree kome a small cl am shell ring, worn ar ound the neck ; kome koka tropical ulcer ; to ulcerate; pa ina a big clam shell ring, 'a'ena e koka he has an ulcer worn by the elder men an d on his leg the ramo to break the ribs of their victims ; tara ni koko 1. a basket of coconut leaf kome a necklace of clam shell with a narrow opening , used rings as food and money container ; used in the expression koko komu 1. English comb ni romo inau a work fro m 2. blun t which we 'll have results 3. lock , tuft, of hair one day , something that will 4. home , habitat ion , come right la ter; lit. my village (late use ); orig­ romo (red shell of wh ich the inally the living plac e of money is made ) basket a kindred, the bilateral 2. narrow, confined fami ly ; kindred, bi lateral fami ly kokoha 'u sail fish komukomu 1. island kokohe a small fish jump ing 2. a tuft , lock (of on the reef hair) kokohu make a heavy noise , the konakona-na shin , shin-bone roar of surf, splashing noise kone flood; to be flooding kokokena the bones of tortoi se kone -a to flood; as i e konea hanua as ia the sea flooded kokoko me gapode the land kokonai sit close together in konekonena asi saltish depos it order to keep warm on the body after having been in the sea koko 'o old (of humans) koni 1. English co rn koko 'osi short , small , low 2. with poss. 'ana adopt , nourish, take care of , kokoro 1. ma kokoro a hermi t look after , of persons; crab keep in good order , look 2. sink into a hole after, of things·; kon i sian i 'ana take good care kokorosi English cockroach of 3. kon i pupua abstain from kokoru-a heap up (of food) food for a short wh ile kokorui to reverse , put up side koni-a put , place , set , keep , down store ; expose to the sun; kon i ririun a'inia man i·a to kokoru-na the back (of persons) place in safety; kon i tamata put in line ; kon i to'oa to kokoruna the back (of animals store ; si'o kon ia collect , birds and objects) put together ; to' i kon i-a look after, care for ; konia kokosu 1. old (of an imals) 'a'e-na put one 's foot down , 2. dented, humped, hun ch­ is a preventive cur se backed; surina e kokosu he is hun chbacked kono 1. a fruit tree 2. to have an ulcer on kokosu-na id. kokoru-na the nose kokote castenets; kokote e konokonoa speak indistinctly , wewewe 'e the noise of the on account of mi ssing teeth castenets ko 'o tight .( of the foreskin) koku scaf folding, used for fishing wi�h nets ko 'oko ' ori-na heel 54

kopa shrivelle d, withered, shrun­ korokoro 1. impossible , too ken, of the external genital difficult organs of old women ; kopa ni 2. a necklace of beads; hu'a beads 3. a black bird; its cry kopara English copra announces the beginning of high an d low tides kopata' ini-a overturn , reverse , and dawn turn upside down korokoroi void, empty kope 1. bent , twisted 2. a flat wide tree root , koroma 'ini-a to put in above the ground korosi a woman 's skirt , from kopuru the north-we st wind; English cloth summer time (De cember-April) koru 1. pers . pron. 1st pL. incL. kora 1. the small stones of the we , us , our ; used for an fireplace ; see kumura an d exclusive group of persons; riripou . A fireplace is it is used as subject by composed of three size s of itself or following ikoruj stones: kora or small stones it is used as object and on the bottom of the oven , suff ixed to verb s and kumura or mi ddle sized adverbs ; is used also in stones on the top, an d compositions koru ka etc. riripou the big stones 2. exclamation: Let us go. surrounding the fireplace Le t us be off. come on ! 2. angry ; raeku e kora I am 3. with hana (on) top of ; angry koru hana nima ( on ) the 3. charcoal , ashes, ember s roof of the house

kora 'ae Kwara 'ae in north koru-a to crunch, with the teeth ; Malaita to gnaw

korakora 1. a fish koruhi-a put a thing on a cool 2. a tray spot ; to cool 3. char coal , ashes , embers korukoru 1. id. koru 2 2. bald, clean-shaven , kora 'osi not fully ripe bare, close cro pped; suh i korukoru cut the korasi-a 1. desire ardently hair close-cropped, 2. spread out , disperse shave the head clean

kore-a sweep koruna id. koru hana . koru 3

kori a yam pudding prepared koso blind in one or both eyes without coconut juice kosu see kokos u kori-a to scrape (of coconuts and food) kosu-na , kos una id. kokoru-na, kokoruna koria a small frog kota 1. sad, angry; raena e kota korikor i 1. the cleats on the he is sad, an gry (anger canoe-planks , used to accompanies sadness very tie the ribs on often) 2. a taro pudding 2. turbid ( hlnana ) mixed with canarium nuts kotari-a to make water turbid, to cause to be turbid korina 'a lazy kota wara to joke , jest koro-a to ignore , forget; ignorant kote 1. scis s or s 2 . belittle koroana nena an exclamation, a superlative: very good, kotena little , small, trivial , that's itl very well! insignificant (literal an d figurative ) 55

koti-a English court ; make , hold kui , kuikui, kukui dog ; kui court , judge ; kot i maesia was i a wild dog senten ce to de ath kuki English cook kotiha court , judgement kuku 1. spoon , cup , with small ko ' u-a drink; ko'u ohona i to handle , made from coc onut taste , sample , of dr inks ; shell ko' u 5 i 'ona rae -na drink to 2. hang down one 's heart 's content 3. to swing; kukuku a swing 4. kuku or i return , of the kou a cyst , caused by the sea after retreating, inflammat ion of the Bartolin 's during tidal wave glan ds ; a cyst on the anus kuku-a hang up , suspend; pull up ko'u 1. maimed, one armed, one legged; ko 'u u' una ka 'ik a' i­ kukua a small cloud far on the na or 'a'e - na to have one horizon , sign of approaching or more fingers or toes bad we ather ; see kua 1 maimed or missing 2. drown kukuhi lid of a cooking pot ko'uhi-a drink , give to dr ink , kukuhi-a to swing make dr ink kukui matana a fish koukou naked; close cropped, clean shaven, bald; suh i kukuina tai l koukou cut the hair, close cropped, shave the head kukuku to swing; waro kukuku a clean vine used as a swing; to ' I kukuku to lift a he avy ko ' uko ' uri-na heel ob ject with the hands ku poss. ending 1st sg . my ; kukukumu, tere a game suffixe d to nouns of parts of the body, an d relationship, kukute a drop to adverbs and prepositions connected with persons kuku'ui, kuku ' una young taro sprout ku cry, shout , of one or two pe rsons , as opposed to raka , kuma to punch, hit (with the fist ) of many people together kumara sweet potato, introduced, kua 1. kukua , kuakua fowl; kua locally called Uh i nl haka' mane rooster; kua ken i hen ; (foreign yam) . There are many ka rena kua chick varieties : 'a i n i au, apa 2. to be cooke d, done ( of aroka, hakaha' ia, hakahusl, food only ) hakami rl , ha ka ni Ulaw a, hurehure , porahana , pote lto, ku 'a 1. poss. ending 1st sg . my , ta 'aihura , tarawaru' lora for me , suffixed to the s t e ms a andn a: a k u ' a , kumari-a to hit a person with naku'a the f i s t, pun c h 2. luck , fortune kumu 1. maime d kuai-a to protect, guard 2. blunt, dull 3. to punch, hit ( with the kuaia guar di an fist ) 4. pigeon kuakua 1. fowl 2. a shrub with e dible kumura the mi ddle sized stones fruits of the fireplace , see kora 1 kuawa a fruit tree kumuri-a id. kum arl-a

kUhi-a shelt er, cover kunakuna waves not breaking 56

kunari-a to knock, dash against, kusi-a tear, break , cut into bump into small pieces kunukunu swamp , swampy kusi 'i id. kus i-a kura 1. pers. pron . 1st dZ. inaZ. kute stir, move , agitate of we , us ( two) ; used as sub­ liqui d in a recept acle) ject it can be preceded by ikura; as ob ject it is kute -a to shake , stir, agitate suffixed to verbs and prepositions ; used also in kute nisu, kute nisu-na gargle , composition, kura ka eta. rinse the mouth 2. exclamation, let us go, let us be off ( the two kutu make a heavy noise ( of a of us ) falling thing ) 3. me d i c in e; k u ra n i han u a as opposed to kura ni haka ku 'u with gen. n i young shoot local me di cine ; kura ana of taro , eta. ma , ku ra ana rar ihe, kura ana rie i , forms of healing kuwu , kuwukuwu a wood pigeon ; by a wizard; man e ka kura kuwukuwu n i as I a sea pigeon , a witch doctor living in swamp trees ; k u w u k u w u ni h an u a a 1 an d kura-a to cure , heal sickness; pige on kura n i (ana) hi 'ona heal through the intercession of a spirit M kuraha cure , me dicine , v.n. healing, curing rna prefix to nouns that express kura 'ini-a cry , shout at a re lationship; rua ma as lna person two brothers, two sisters , brother and sister ; maThana kurakura a magical me an s of in-laws leading a pig to another place wi thout diffi cult ies rna 1. the uprights on which men sit when fishing with the kurakurai niu a slice of coconut I ape flesh 2. generic term for snake , worm ; ma'a'ara (lara) , kura-na the molar sitato a poisonous snake , striped black and white, is kuru ripe , of betelnut only an omen of taboo and death; ma ire a kind of centipede , kuru-a hang up , suspend black , bad sme lling; ma itaro a kind of centipede , kuru 'a heavy , pregnant ; rich brown , bad smelling ; ma koe intestinal worm; ma kokora kUruha-a, kuruha-a hunu to place a crab; ma nl ata a reef a recept acle for offer ings snake ; ma po a big black to the spirits on the back mi llepede , bad smelling; ma ridge of the canoe hous e ra rata a snake ; mi rih ote a sea snake , poisonous; ma kurukuru to swing; waro kurukuru sika a worm living in rotting a vine us ed as a swing things , maggot ; ma sikarl a sea worm; ma sitoro a small kuruna 1. the open , mi ddle part poisonous snake ; ma suhl of a crab with some the black earth worm ; ma uru flesh a snake 2. the blade , of knife , 3. with na or gen. nl opening, axe eta. outlet, entrance , gate , do or ; mi na n I ma doorway ; mi n I I a 'e kururara to be suspended, core of a boil; mana, ma nl hanging down w a i mouth of river; mana panona nostril; mana susu kusi 1. English pussy, cat nipple , teat; mina suu 2. kukus i, with gen. ni a entrance of a bay piece l part of 57

4. point ; mana su'a point of maea holy , sacred, blessed, a spear taboo; mane mae a holy man , me diator between the people ma 'a empty, dried up (of water an d the spirits , pr iest; only ) 'are maea a sacred object, used in ceremon ials ma 'a a superlative , very, too; e pa lna ma 'a it is too big maeha death; war ma ' ahini to itch maei with or without hi 'ona the spirits of the ancestors rna'akeo , ma ' akeu look sideways ; refuse to look in the face mae 'i id. maea because of anger maemae a liana, creeper ma 'ana, rua ma 'ana pair, couple , of husband and wife; possess ma 'ema'e a dance, to dance i.e. married mae mae ni apu dysentery, ma ' apo by stealth diarrhoe a ma 'aru to twinkle the eyes, wink , maemaea dear , beloved blink , to open and shut con­ tinuously , to flash (of maemaekoa soft to touch lightning); ma 'aru ha ihai to sparkle (of the eyes ) maera 'a seriously ill, in danger of death rna'arusi-a to wink at a person , to give signs with the eyes mae rana fe ast for the dead rna'asi-a refuse , reject, abs tain , maerewa the wagtail foresake , ab jure , with or without ana maero ripe ( of fruit) ma 'asina two brothers, two siste rs, mae si to be ill of , to die of ; brother and sister maes i hi orona starve, die of starvation rna'asita ' ini-a id. ma 'asi-a maeta , mae tana the death feast ma 'asu 1. to sleep ; ma 'asu pore or memor ial feast; there ar e to dream; ma 'asu poreha ten different ones: mae ta ma i, a dream; ma 'asu riu to mae ta ni hanaahu , mae ta nl oversleep peo , mae ta ni ha'asisjriha, 2. i ma 'a u i forest; � t; 1-he maeta nj mo ramorana , mae ta forest; ma 'asu nl , al a stick , walking stick nj oioin a, mae ta nl surupau , mae ta nj haopoona, mae ta nl ma 'asu'a bushy , overgr own wawatena , houra ni ririklna rna'ato 'o to dr aw lots for maha-a belittle , to profane �f holy things) mae 1. unconscious , faint, ill, die, paralysed, numb ; e mae mahane 'i-a wait for , expect , no 'o he is dead, he died, hope no 'o denoting that the person is actually dead; mahanena hope , expectation as 1 ma e the calm sea in lagoons and passages, as mahane 'ohi-a wait for, expect , opposed to as i ma ur i the hope open sea; 'a'ena e mae his leg is paralysed; 'are n i mahao a careless person mae a thing that cau ses death 2. war; 'are mae we apons , mahasi-a 1. upbraid instruments for killing 2. with or with out 'asia 3. pata mae very fine shell forsake , quit, leave, money, hav ing great value , omit used to make ne cklaces and for buying pigs mahesiae a shell fish 58

mahe a small tree , ev odia, with 4. prefix to noun s expressing a very strong scent; there reciprocal relationship , may are many varieites; they are be preceded by rua; (rua) planted on sacred burial ma i as ina two brothers , two places; one kind with yellow sisters , brother an d sister; le ave s is specially used in ma i Thana , ma i hana br other­ the magic, to enlist the in-law , sister-in-law; ma i affe ctions of a woman , or to hahonena brother and sister; kill a girl before the totora ma i mamana father an d son; takes place r ua ma i ra' ina husband and wife ; ma i warina un cle an d mahea hun gry an d weak , be cause aunt , nephews and nieces of hunger 5. used with ta 'a it is an endearing term and mahi bent, twisted commi serating: de ar so an d so; ma i ta 'a my dear fellow mahikotai creep , roll on the men , for men; ke i ta 'a id. ground for women

mahina sexual intercourse, mai, ma i 'ai a stick copulation; to have sexual intercourse , copulate ma 'i 1. ma ' ini-a trans . verb ending; arama'i, arama' ini-a mahiri to be intoxi cated by too to allow , permi t much betelnut 2. bag , handbag, basket ; ma 'i kamu , ma ' i pua a small mahirihi ri to be in the beginning bag for carrying betelnut ; stage of pregnan cy ma ' i n i hu ' 0 a fi sh basket; ma 'i ni pata , ma 'i ni taona maho cured, he ale d �f wounds the bag carrying the bride price ; see hunus i-a 2 maho admire; to be new to; ma ho ni inoni admi rer ; a ma 'i sacred, holy , taboo; roto novice ma ' i baptize ( late use ) ; id. maea mahoro appear , pass in view ma iasina two brothers , two mahorosi-a hinder the sunlight sisters , brother and sister from coming in the house , by staying in the doorway or ma ' ima' i ana mera uterus window maimaki fr ee , gratis, free of mahu 1. well, good charge , without anything; 2. to sleep ino ni ma imaki a commoner , the or din ary man, as oppose d mahusi-a to bre ak to chief

ma i 1. negative not , use d with maimami a tree ; its bark is verbs only , see mao scrape d and mixe d with bark 2. here , hither , this way , scrapings of the 'a tree said of things and persons and put in some water to cause coming nearby ; uta ma i rain rainfall is coming; ma i on its own can have different me anings : maimari sweet come here , give it to me , let me see , show me ; ma i ma ' ini-a see ma ' i 1 ur i 'ini here ; po 'o ma i this side; with locative i mai ni nima the layers of leaf contraction occurs , ma ' i in the front part of the roof ; hua here down , here on ma i ni nima ipuri the layers earth ; ma 'ipur i afterwards , of leaf on the back of the later on ; ma ' i sihan i here roof outside 3. low-tide, ebb-tide ; e mai mai niu a half coconut she ll it is low-tide; ma i pa ina, ma i pa su, ma i naro, very low­ tide; ma i rara dead low-tide at spring tide 59

maira 1. poor, insignificant 2. dark , black (of people) 3. ripe ( of coconuts, 2. to have a salty flavour , canarium nuts) a salty smell makeko bent , twisted, crooked, maira 'ina, rua ma ira'ina husband un just , iniquitous an d wife , parents makekohaana injustice , iniquity maira 'ini-a suffer , toil; ma ira'inia ma rana deny oneself makeme -a smash , crack

maita 'a endearing term, dear so­ makeokeo weak , without re sistance and-so, for me n, fr iend, fellowman makere 1. full, to overflow 2. ob serve , look at , maita' amora ring finger at tentively

maitakina two per sons related to makeresi-a look at oneself each other by marriage makete 1. broken , gapped, notche d maitara the end of a track , road 2. English , market maitare poor makeukeu weak , without resistance mak a 1. a flat fish mako 1. soil, ground, earth, 2. with poss . ana ridi cule , land, dust de spise , mock at , belittle 2. bamboo, used for cooking 3. a tree purposes 4. clear, br ight mako-a to put food, me at , fish, makae mud , swamp in a bamb oo for cooking makahi peep , pe er , pry mako 'a soiled, covered with soil, earth , ground, dust makahu soft , me aly ( of cooke d food) makomo de compose ; 'ai makomo a de composing tree makani-a to press, pound makorukoru to cr ack with the makano soil, gr ound , earth , teeth land, dust maku a cloth for married women, makano 'a dus ty , covere d with a fr inge of string or a piece dust, ground of pandanus , wo rn in front and behind, not around the makanohu coast, coastline hips makara shine , scintillate makuku lie down, hide, withdraw, for fe ar makasi soft , ripe , of fru it ; we ll cooke d, me alY ,soft makure 1. alone , by oneself, without ties, un attache d, makata clear , bright , shiny ; naked, bare ; on i makure pauna makata opa-na clever; stay unmarried, un employed, makata enlightened lazy 2. gratiS , free of charge makataha, ma k atana, ma ka ta-na 3. i non i makure commoner, light , brightness or dinary people , as opposed to a chief makatari-a en lighten , to cause to be light , make clear , makuru noisy, tumultuous , noise explain of many things together maka' u ripe , of fruit ; me aly , makusi torn in many pieces soft (of cooke d food ) Mala the island of Malaita: Ma la 1. make to tatoo, draw (of Mas ike small Malaitaj Ma la figure s an d symb ols ) pa ina. big Malaita 60

mama vocative , my dear; used as mama rawai 1. white shell money ; an affe ctionate add ress of a white shell, its elderly people to chi ldren fish; a length of this money, a single string mama sea cucumber of one fathom , has only half the value of mama -a look for opossums in the �he red shell mon ey moonlight 2. the Mi lky-Way ( galaxy)

mama 'ani inoni a fully grown mamarewa endearing term, my dear person , adult mamarisu warm oneself mamae tired, powe rless at the end of a fight mamaro to rest, have a spell, a holiday mamaeko' a very fine red shell money, has special value , mamaroraha 'a look nice used to make necklets , an d for buying pigs mamaru shadow , overcast sky ; to be shade d, overcast rnama 'era'a repulsive , displeasing, of persons and things mamaru 'ai-a put in the shade , to shade, overshadow mamaho a grass mamaruha 'a, mamaruha 'ana because mamahua a tree, hard wood of

mamai opening, outlet , doorway, mamarusi-a id . mamaru'al-a gate, 1 i d , cor e 0 f abo i 1 mamasiriha 'a to start getting bad, mamak ari-a to vis it the sick of fish, meat an d vegetables

mamakina ashame d, shy mam asu-a , reho mimasu to upbraid, speak up braiding words ; rio mamana id. mama i mamasu(ha) look upbraidingly

mama-na father, mos tly us ed in mamata ripe , wi se , sensible the vocative ; mama -na i pur i un cle ; fath er's brothe r; rua mamata 'a to soil, to dirty one 's mamana father and ch ild body

mamana 'a level, flat rnamataku with poss. ana , abhor , fe ar a person because of mamanoa perspire, sweat repulsive sickne ss or wounds

mamano-na stomach , belly mamatakuna , mamataku ra with p088. ana abh or , detest, loathe mamanona out let of a c.anoe mamata ni arau chest, breast mamanu destroy , plunder , wreck; when used for persons th e mamatawa 'a brown , brownish col our pos sessive pron oun is used mamate small, little ; a little mamaonoa to perspire , swe at mamato 'a mud, swamp ; muddy , mamaonona perspiration , sweat swampish

mamapuri be ch e-de-mer mamau with gen. ni a great number of , numerous; a crowd, mamara bitter, pungent a quantity of

mamarana green , greenish mama 'ure 1. tremb le with fear 2. to balance, lean ove r mamarawa 'a green , greenish mamauru , mamauru 'a sleepy 61

mama' usi to feel cold manaku weak , tired; rapeku e manaku I am weak mame ame a smooth , polished manamana'a smooth , level, flat mamememe fragments, bits; to break into bits, to crumble , manata wise, sensible , behave to splinter oneself, le arned, tame , of birds and an imals ; ma nata or i mame ra a crab correct oneself, behave well again ; ma na ta otooto to be , mami poss. ending, pl. excl. our act rightly , correct , just; manata rua divided in mind, mami'a sweet hypocr itical, say one thing and do the other; manata mamoamo-a to mix; mamoamoa a sian i behave correctly ; mixture manata ta 'a to be of bad behaviour , disobey, of mamoumou rotten children , have sexual desires mamu 1. a shoal of fish manataha with perB. pron. inau etc. 2. to sme ll, of the soil of id. ma nata-na virgin bush ; wa su mamu id. 3. an offering of fish an d manata ' ini-a to know, be aware hinana to the ma ne maea of , notice that he may invoke his spirit to bless the new manata-na disposition, character , gardens nature , custom, behav i our , conduct , fashion , knowle dge , mana copu la an d, us ed with wi sdom numerals over ten ; awara mana rua, twelve man ate 1. crust , of sores 2. honeycomb mana 1. ve ry low tide 2. with locative i, because mane a male , of humans and of, on account of, owing animals , an d birds ; man , boy ; to mane is adde d for gender an d 3 . hole , opening, outlet, sex di stinction when male an d doo rway , core of a boil; female have the same noun : mana wa i mouth of river kare-na mane son; mane ha'ausuri ( male ) teacher; ma-na eye, face , front ; ma-na e mane horo a murderer ; me ra na i (0 ro) , not to feel sleepy ; mane boy; to 'o mane to be ma-na e pi ra (opa) open one 's married, from the side of the eyes wide ; ma -na e uru blind; woman ; mane ni hi 'ona, mane ma-na kesu have a cataract on maea holy man , priest; mane the eye ; ma-na kukurua (tonai, papahe a man wh o walks about , maurua) to be very sleepy ; a rake ma-na rao deep lying , sunken eyes ; ma-na rere one eye d, maneha used in the expression cross eyed, squinting; ma-na to 'o maneha marry a man , being 5 upe small eyes ; ma rus i , married to a man , from the hai ma rus ia wink with the side of the woman eyes; hi ra i ma with ana fix one 's eyes up on ; i ma-na maneko gentle , mild, quiet , kind, i non i in the eyes of the harml ess , soft ( of character) people , in public; isumia ma-na rub one 's eyes ; ma mani 1. a piece, part of a whole , nonoa aim , point at ; nah ia as opposed to war i a whole ; ma -na, na' ia (pi raj ma-na te man i rehona part of a open one 's eyes wide; was i speech; min i 'ai a stick; ma-na see was i rua man i hau two pieces of stone mana-a to scrat ch in the ground; 2. with pOBB. ana prepoB. fill in a hole , grave; dig in of moti on , from 3. said of something apper­ manaki cuttle fish, the soft taining to an individual part of its spine being used person , personal, individ­ as a me dicine , and put on the ual , distinct ; mani yaws under the feet 6 2

roro 'ana inaia that is his, manosuu , mano e suu his breath personal troub le gave out (died) mani-a 1. away from, out of, manota id. manoa ra with out 2. imitate , mimic, copy , manu bird, insect, said of do likewise anything that flies; manu rapu, man u usuusu frigate mania lest , for fear that bird maniho-a separate, divide , rnanua said of an egg with a divorce chicken in it manini a nice smell manurnanu to float ; hau manumanu pumi ce stone maniri full to overflowing manunu the roar ing of the surf mani si 1. de cline , wane; hura e man isi the moon wanes manupuru a shiny starling , 2. man isi half, part of blackbird something manura 'inia to float manisuna one single firestick man uri a shell fish mani ta interrog. wh at , used for singular only ; why , how? manususuru epilepsy; epileptic man ita a re lic of a spirit (skull , mao to dance ; a dance ; awatai jaw bone , teeth , finge r nails, mao to dance for a chief; hair ) ma n ia mao watch a dance ; mao ka hane the dancers come up mano 1. a negative , not; forbidden to mao neg. no, without verb ; ('are) 2. all, everyb ody , everything e mao nothing I (e) mao 'ua 3. finished, completed, to be not yet ; mao ro'u no, nothing l off to'ohunan i mao not at all, 4. happy , pleased; raeku e certainly not I mano I am happy , please d mao'i landslide manoara, manoasa to breathe; manoata paina moan, pant, gasp, ma 'oi broken , shattered sigh maorahi with ana the day before , manoata id. manoara the eve of manomano to breathe ; manoma no n Tko ma ' orana to be like , to be just to breathe slowly , of a pig in as agony when strangled; manomano paina id. manoata paina maoru a fish spear with three barbed tines mano-na 1. breast , chest 2. bre ath , respiration ; ma 'oto 'oto soft to touch manona e koko'osi he is short winded maou to have the gripe , rattling noise in the stomach manona e uru he breathes again mape a kind of chestnut tree manon� aromatic, having a pleasant smell; e wasu manon l mapi English map it has a pleasant sme ll map ipi go down , recede, lessen , manopuru sigh, pant , gasp sink, ab ate , of water, rain and wind manora pure , clean, clear , unadulterated map ipita ' ini-a cause to lessen , recede , abate manore garfish, needle fish 63

mapo silent maraohonana with gen. ni to at tempt, try mapono a shell fish maraohu a seclusion of men in a mapuru tobacco canoe house du ring a period of fishing : in this time they mapusu full to overflowing are not allowe d to see women and vice versa . After the mara , mara 'a ashamed fishing period a feast is held and they are released from see Ma la seclusion mara as , like , according to; maraopa resentful , vindictive ma ra nena like this marapau partition in a garden mara , ulcerate marape peaceful , quiet; ani mara id. mamakin a ma rape , ni marapeha in peace ; peace maraahia a tree used as posts for bui ldings marapupu obstinate , pig-headed maraau the south-east trade wind marara landslide (from May to October ); ma raau horo southern wind; ma raau ni mararora a tree , hardwood ma tawa , ma raau i ropo west wind mararu to rest, idle , fallow . ( of land after being used for maraharisi east , north east wind, gardens ) generally fine but cloudy weather marasu to put in the smoke , ab ove the fire; to smoke marahonu a barbed hook tied on a long stick used to pull marata bur st, explode fruit from trees Marau the south-east point of marahu-na ancestor s Guadalcanal , Marau Sound; its people are ' A re'are migrated marai different, other, an other ; there , and still speak the noro ma ra i soun d different 'Are'are language maraione , ma ra iore to strip marau land completely , to be naked, bare mara'u id. maka 'u maraka a cut , woun d mara 'u we ak , delicate (of health ), maraka-a to cut, bruise, wound thin; weak of character marako a tree , a twig of which marau to spoil, smash , destroy , is used to indicate a taboo wreck ; with poss. ana to make a mockery of maramarai spathe of th e coconut maraukari the wor ld, ea rth ; i mara-na by oneself, una ided, ma raukari ha' iraku all over alone , on one 's own behalf ; the world inaia ma rana; ha 'asiana ma rana to be proud, haughty marawa 1. to be glad at a person's death , to marani 'upa jealous , envi ous despise a person's mourn­ ing by speaking loudly, maranu 'u the walls and floor of by laugh ing and feast ing; a house , made of bamboo, to mock flattened out and inte rwoven 2. green , unripe with or without a special blackened vine mare shore with a gentle slope 64

marea 1. obey marua poss.pron. 2nd pZ. you two, 2. a sardine fish both of you, suffixed to noun s mareho an expression, So-and-So marua a fish spear with two barbed tines mareo to sleep maruana un der , below marete to burst , explode , go off maruhai un derneath mari , mar i totor i 5 i -a foregather at a landing place awaiting maruha-na under , below embarkation marui un derneath mari 'a cooked, roaste d marumaru time between three an d marihote a poisonous sea snake six in the afternoon marihu a fish maruri a shell fish marika generic name for fish maruru a great quantity , numerous marimari sweet maruru soft , gentle , flexible mariota id. ma uru isuri marusi-a 1. wink to a person 2. to shade , oversh adow , marisi 1. make one laugh a person 2. with gen. ni id. ma risi-na maruta refuge marisi-na to suit a person , fit, marutana 1. to be assured; on i worthy of , ade quate ma rutana to rest assured; to be subject maritawa landing place to 2. a charm made from the mariwai 1. an edible worm in bark of a tree , to rotting trees enlist the affections 2. mouth of a river of a woman mara submerged coral reef masi 1. a bud; to bud 2. pus ; masi aparao pus marohi to be willing, we ll mixed with blood disposed, obe dient , zealous ; 3. to laugh ; ma 5 i ha ' akee easy, pliable , fresh , new to laugh in order not to listen to somebody ; ma si marohi ta' ini-a to be wi lling to, ka ' aka 'a to laugh shrilly; we ll disposed towards mas i kiki ' i to laugh harshly; mas i kirlri to aaroita prepare a fe ast laugh for a long time ; mas i kuukuu to shake with marora ma nora id. laughter; masi mumU to smi le ; mumu ni mas i a marore a fish smile

marori-a suspend, hang up masia suppur ate

maroro lean over , slant masi-a to wait for , awaiting

marosi easy masi 'e 1. small , little 2. an illness caus ing marou to stick in the thr oat thinness ( tuberculosis) marouraro , enoha ni marouraro masihuni a small branch broken expression: put one off with off fair words ; lit. resting place of keeping secret masikari a word of respect , admiration for man maru, mama ru shade , shadow ; to shade , overshadow 65

masike small, little , narrow , matara 'a perspire thin ; mas ikemasike a super­ lative, very small matara ni tani morn ing star masike 'ahai , masikeha smallness, ma tari slippery thinness ; kir u ana masikeha suffering from an illne ss matarina forke d, crutched (of that causes thinness legs and branche�; branched, (of rivers); thE crut ch (of masina the hardene d water and legs and branches ) bud of a coconut matari ni wai tributary, masisi English match affluent masiu 1. to be thin , of body , mataroha 1. flotsam wasted, skeleton-like 2. to be open, lifted, 2. a sickness, a cough of a taboo under an d vomiting of blood certain circumstances, (tube rculosis ) e.g. saving of drown­ ing women , treating of masuhi worm sick women, use for menst ruat ing women of masuna , tau masuna to scoff at , public places and taun t tracks masu naoniau a thanks offering matasi mullet fish of nari an d ka ra to the mane maea at the harve sting time matau sharp ; thin, of things of the yams matawa the open sea, the high sea; masu ni 'ai a stiCA matawa rota the far open sea

mata ripe , of fruit matemate generic name fo r very hard things matahu 1. a V-shaped handle to wh ich adzes are tied to mate earth , soil, ground; there work canoe planks are many (51) di fferent soils ; 2. a sickness some of them are : hasi , 3. a variety of yam hauhau'a, ka rona , meram era'a, mou , noro , para , ponopona, mata 'i to have feve r, to have an puru, rumu, tetete , was i attack of malaria mato with ana throw away as matai qui c kly rubbish, renounce , ab an don

mata 'iha fe ver , malaria mato 'a cover.e d with earth

mata 'ini-a to kn ow , to be told , matonu a fish to hear ( of news ) mato 'o 1. one of the seve ral mata 'ini-a id. manata'ini-a varieties of communi ca­ ting with the spirits , matamata the feast proper after in order to find out the the offering s to the spirits cause of and the cure for a sickness - by look­ matana huhua to pr aise ing at the hen a in the palm of the hand, or in matanai expression, of admiration , water, wh ile making incan­ astonishment tations, with bow and arrow matana ni awasi the Constellation 2. a hardwood tree , used of the Southern Cross for tools

matao-a to adjust, level, even matorahi-a to guess , presume , suppose matara to split a coconut ( of the holy man when making a sacrifice ) 66

matora-na may be preceded by sleep to detect the cause locative i, between , midway , of a sickness; ma uru pore to halfway , in the middle of dr eam; mauru ririo to sleep with open eyes; mauru riu to matorari-a id. matora-na sleep on ; mauru suusuu pre­ tend to sleep mau stiff ma 'usu fore st , see ma 'asu; ma 'u 1. with poss. ana to respect, ma 'usu ni 'ai a stick honour 2. to be afrai d ma 'usui-a to hate , dislike, detest ma ' u-a to be afrai d of to fear ma ' uta 'a 1. very strong maua unripe ( of food) 2. to get stuck

mauho eel ma 'uta ' ini-a to be afraid of

maumauira un c ooke d,( of food) ma 'u'u with ana , ma 'u'u-a to respect, honour , esteem maumaupasu a flowering shrub; in expre ssion mauma upasu e taka mea 1. fierce (of fire) to he ( she ) has adorned himself spark ( herself) , he ( she ) looks nice; 2. to lick Zit. the maumaupasu is in 3. to be drawn back ( of flower the foreskin) ; to show ( of vagina when sitting with maumauri to have a bad disposition, spread legs) nature , character; maumauri ni inon i the person with such a meamea slippery disposition, a trouble maker me ameaha 'a ni suna flame ma 'uni-a to fear , to be afraid of meana the blade of a paddle · maunihita coconut with bad flesh mea-na tongue ; tara mea put ma ' ura timid, timorous out one 's tongue

ma'urara �fraid me arai to spark, to be fierce (of fire) ma ' ure afraid, frightened meari-a to li ck mauri 1. to live , to be alive ; to be green , of wood ; to me 'e reddish grow well, of food; as i ma ur i the open sea, as mehu dark red, brownish opposed to as i mae the sea in lagoons , passages; me ka rubbish, debris, flotsam maur i ro 'u recover , of health; to rise from the mekameka elephantiasis dead; 'are ni ma uri (ha) a thing that causes life , mekasi-a to pulverize between a thing that cures the hands , see her e 2 2. new, fresh meke very di fficult so as to be mauriaha-na , ma uriha'a-na life , impossible ; me ke ni hau soul refuse to do because too difficult mauria-na the left hand side meko dumb ( and death) ; stammer

mauriha life, soul meko-a to cause a person to err

maurisi-a survive , escape alive meme 1. to chew the betelnut from , revive mixture ( nut , hena , leaf) 2. to masticate food for mauru to sleep , slumber ; ma uru babies; meme ni hanara hah i-a to watch with a dead masti cated food person ; mauru isur i a magic 67

3. with gen. ni part , portion , me rua poss. pron . ending 1st dr. remains of food us (tw o) , our (two ) memeka to be bad, of food, meat , meta a shell fish fish me taia fornication , sexual memekana 'ai decaying leaves intercourse between unmarried people mememe small , little me tai-a touch, feel all over a small quantity , a portion , part met ani night ; metani siri ' ini tonight . memena ' a red, pale brown , light skinned meto a kind of fig tree, its bast used to make man's cloth meme ra 'a id. memena'a and as a sling to carry babies in memera i'a a fish meumeu stupid, dull, idiot; memera'ini-a to spit the ball of meumeu ni mane an idiot (man ) betelnut or make mixt ure into one's hand mi-a a transitive verb ending me na change colour ( of leaves) miki-a to incise the flesh , as a blood letting for relief menamena 'a id. memena'a of pain menD 1. hollow , sunken mikia dirty 2. an oys ter; meno susu a nose stick made from clam mikimiki to rain slightly, to shell spot ( of rain ) mea sleek hair mimi urinate me ra 1. a she ll fish mimi-ana bladde r 2. chi Id; ken i or mane ar e adde d for sex distinction; mimi -na urine me ra mas ike child between three an d eight ; i'i n i mimina out let of canoe me ra chi ld betwe en eight an d twe lve ; mera haoru mimi si-a to dirty with urine child between twe lve an d sixteen ; me ra nanau chi ld, mimisi'ito a small night �ird boy , between sixteen an d twenty; reoreo, sisiri ni misi 1. the rib of the ivory me ra child between eight nut an d coconut leaf, an d f i f teen; n a ' 0 n i mer a used to make brooms the first born ; as iasi ni 2. misi ( ni) 'u'u-na nail me ra the liquor ; hur ihuri 3. from English to miss ni mera the membranes 4. saliva enveloping a chi ld in the womb ; ka ra mera placenta; misi-a invoke , pr ay to pena me ra umbilical cord miti from English me at meramera red (o f fruit) miu pOBs.pron . ending 2nd pro me ru a tree used for canoe your planks moa 1. or meru poss. pron . ending 1st pro 2. vomi t e:caL us , our ; used for specified gr oups of people ; moa-na vomited matter suffixe d to verbs and prepositions moara 'i pollution 68

moara 'ini-a to vomit, active mo ra ni 'Inon i very many pe ople ; mo ra n i ro ' ua o.ften , moare perhaps , probably , possibly frequently 3. miss, fail, not come true moata a conditional affirmation , possibly, may be , perhaps mora 'a allowe d, permitted moata 'ini-a id. moara'ini-a morahi-a not come true ; rehona e morahia his word did not moe-a to de ce ive , br ibe , make come true fun of, to goad to, urge , tempt by making gifts morai , mo rana shell money over which incantations are done ; moia to itch; itchy in the past : the shell money the girls gave to the boys moimoi pustular eru pt ions on the for sexual intercour se to body make the totora moka 1. rubbish, waste , sweepings ; moramora(i uru) said of fish to be old , weak , rotten ; that stay near the surface ani -a moka have little to of the sea peck at 2. soft , un ripe moranena now, just now, at this very moment moke a hand fishing net , used for ' fishing in shallow waters mora ni keni excreta, urine , of women after child birth; moke-a to fish with the moke afterbirth ; blood of menstruation ; used in curses moma un ripe betelnut on ly 'a momona fat, of meat ; mon iona more -a 1. to pluck, plume greasy, fat ty 2. to weave in a cert ain pattern momonahaa-na bone , marrow ; fat , grease morei , mo r e l kamu to chew betelnut continuous ly momoro to tickle moremore shine , sparkle (of the momoru small, little sea in sunlight an d moon light ) momota 1. dirt on the body wh ich mori a wild orange causes itch 2. bristling, furi ous , mori -a to smooth very angry morimori , mo rimoria, morimor ita, momote , momo tena fibre , sinnet ; mo rimorl ta'a round and momo tena niu coconut fibre , smooth (of stone ) used as a brush moromoro id. moremo re mone na may be adde d, explaining adverb, it fo llows the verb or moromoroa , moromorota'a thorny; word it de termines: then , rough (of surface of things ) . further, thereupon , indeed; i'0 monena it is you indeed moru an odiferous tree mo 'oa protrude one 's lips , pout morumoru 1. small , little 2. de c ompose , rot (of ma 'asu mo 'osu id. sleep trees); 'ai morumoru a tree in decomposing mora 1. merely , on ly, alone , just ; state inau mo ra me on ly; e siani mo ra it's all right mota 1. bristling , furious , very 2. any number over a thousan d, angry numerous , a great quantity, 2. ten thousand; mota na used with gen. ni; mora ni mota from ten thousand ino ni many people ; mora na on , many thousands 69

mota ' a have a rough surface musuri-a dr ive into, nail in , (of leave s and grass ) fasten to motei fibres of coconut branch musurua a bat motemote betelnut , the sinnet of musutako ma ' ini-a nail up on , which is rotting; a betelnut fasten to when shooting mutai fibre of coconut mou 1. broken ; mou siki broken off and de tached mute a palm tree used as 2. with ana or gen. ni flooring interrupt mutei id. mote i mousi-a to break off mu 'u endearing word for a boy mouta different , othe r, various mouta 'ini-a to cease to help N mu poss . pron . ending 2nd sg . your na 1. an d mui spittle (of a person chewing 2. pers. pron. 1st sg. I, used inau betelnut ) alone or following 3. an d so on , in enumerat ions 4. noun ending; suna muia to spit (of a person chewing fire ; hao ma ' ina betelnut ) plaiting baskets ( hao to plait , ma 'i basket ) 5. verbal noun ending; muka riotous , flippant , wanton , voluptuous ; ken i muka a suffixed to verbs and nouns; hai horoina fighting each wanton other 6. to emphasize , e ta'a na, mumu 1. raw, un cooke d that is bad; e una na that 2. ale g enda ry c reat ur e , is so big, hairy , resembling an 7. a demonstrative , this, orang-out ang that; i '0 na it is you; ana horo'ana on that day mumu hauhau a fish , taboo for 8. poss.pron. ending 3rd sg . young an d middle aged people ka 'ika ' ina his hand 9. ordina l ending etana fir st , mumuni l. hidden , concealed ruana second etc. 2. to guess , in children 's 10 . then, in that case ; ka game ha 'a'oria, ka mao na ka suu, he has to give it back , if mumus u with ana edge , end, side; not then he has to pay a fine mumus u 'a i the edge of a cut tree , canoe planks na'a speak , talk; with poss . ana scold, rebuke, reprimand; na 'a mumutena fibre , sinnet 'ate 'ate, na 'a makata , speak distinctly; na 'a hanehane, muno 1. caterpillar speak de s pisingly , haughtily; 2. a ridge of hair from na 'a honos i-a to excuse a front to back the rest - person , to speak in ord e r to being sha ve d off interrupt somebody else 's speech ; na 'a 'ohia call a muno-a to suck ( in) person , na 'a siani speak clearly , speak well of a munua to suck, make a sucking per son; na 'a ta'a use rough , noise ; to pull on pipe rude language by referring to the sexual parts of the body musi , mus i hana a pana pudding ( to curse ) ; na'a taha to predi ct ; na 'a popo speak in musu 1. a big feast with many parables , with ana accuse a pigs per son behind his back; na'a 2. a tree with broad or isi-a to reply leaves 70

na' ah a sound, speech , language ; naireko-a to conserve , keep na 'aha ni haka foreign language ( English) ; na ' aha ni naka poss. pron. 1st pl. inal. hanua vernacular for us , of things in orde r to possess na ' ani burn, cat ch fire naki-a to j oin, tighten, close nahe bamboo in whi ch me at and vegetables are cooked nako sticky, gluey; nako ni po a grass with sticky seeds ; a nahi-a to bark , strip a concoction of seeds is drunk against coughs nahia to lie down with the legs spread so the genitals are nako-a to stick, glue together, exposed; nah i a ma-na open bind, nai l together one 's eyes wide ; nahia t o uto u push the foreskin back nakoma 'i to stick together naho wave , surf; n aho ka ra ra nakonakona sticky gum, sap of ta rea nonor a nena an express­ trees ion: a chief visiting another chief, lit. he is a wave going nakosi-a to stick to, to glue towa rds the point of land. to Big wave s are powerful , so is the point of land, mostly nakosihau sea ur chin , its spikes hard rock penetrate the flesh and hurt ve ry much naho 'a to break (of waves on the shore reefs) naku 1. sit with crossed legs 2. ask restitution, ask nahu speak back a borr owed article 3. poss . pron. 1st sg. for nahuri lime ( burned soft coral ) me , mine , in order �o used with the chewing of possess betelnut nakua poss.pron. 1st sg. for, na i 1. well awake , not sleepy ; to me , mine , in or der to m�ku e na i han i mausuha possess , to ap pertain I am not sleepy 2. contraction of na an d naku 'i id. nakua but for many locative i: and at things 3. un derdone , hard ( of insufficiently cooked food) nakuitawa a shell-fish na'i pron. 3rd sg . optative, nakusia to take a seat that , in ord e r that he, she , it nama full of water na ' i-a 1. to put , di spose , place , nama-a to lick, taste appoint 2. to give , distribute namami poss. pron. 1st pl. exal. 3. to become , turn into for us , in order to possess naihi English knife ; na i h i rourou namasi-a to cut branches into pocket kn ife small pieces, done in garden work in ord e r to burn the naini there fore , so, consequehtly tree stumps na ' ina a re lative demonstrative, namata a worm found on the reef this, that, these, those name blaze , burn, flame ; name nainaia hot (of sun ) ; red hot aha i a flame nainasi small thin stick , used namehi-a to make burn , make a to bring the lime into the blazing fire mouth when chewing betelnut 71

name ru poss . pron . 1st pl. exel. nanara to tell a story in for us , a gr oup of persons; song ( and dan ce ) in order to appertain nanarata a story told in a song; namiai as tonishe d nanarata maea psalm , later use namina eggs of crabs , cr ayfish nanari torn namiu poss.pron. 2nd pl. for you, yours; in order to poss ess , nanari-a to tear appe rtain nanaro twig; nana ro nl 'al a namo 1. id. ramo ( warrior ) twig of a tree used in the 2. lake ; crevice , deep ta rorawana places in between the reefs nanarona a young shoot namo-na mus cle , calf of the leg nanaru commit sodomy namu 1. poss. pron. 2nd sg . for nanau a young unmarried man ; to you, you:-s , in order to be unmarried possess 2. to chew betelnut ; chew nani-a to cause to tremble masticate nanita when (of future time) namua poss. pron. 2nd sg . for , to you, yours; in order to nano-a to incise a betelnut in possess, appertain which ria or slri is put , used for magical purposes namu'i id. namua but for things in' the plural nao 1. to turn , point , aim towards ; nao ta rea to turn namusi-a to hit with a stick ; towar ds : oko nao ma l turn shake off the dew; to break to me br anche s off 2. widower ; kenl nao widow namuta v.n. masticating , chewing na 'o 1. with gen. ni a fixed number, one hundred, of nana poss. pron . 3rd sg. for , to yams , pan a an d taro; him, he r, it ; hi s, hers , its, na 'o ni uh l 100 yams ; in order to possess rua na 'o ni uh i 200 yams 2. na 'ona , na 'o-na , na'oana nanai-a to nurse, mind a baby adverb of place and time, mostly with locative i; nana 'ini-a id. nanaia na ' oku before my time ; na 'ona front ; na'ona lora nanama str ong , power ful , in the stem, bow of a can oe ; me taphys ical sense ; something na'o i as i to steer into extraordinary , effe cted by a the high seas ; na'o nl ma ne , spiri tual power; mi racle , na'o jamo ,era first born , late use the eldest �f a family na'oara nanama 'a-hani spiritual power na' oarara look upwards nanamaha spiritual power na ' ohai preceded by locative i, nanama 'iha spiritual power in front of; touru i na 'ohai to sit in front of, facing nanama 'ini-a to give power to; the speaker to cause to be powerful naohi-a to point at , to aim at nanamoa ebbing tide, in morning only na'ohia adverb of time, before , preparatory to; na 'ohia ka nananana remains, crumbs; pon i before sunset nananana 'ai chips , wood shavings 72

na 'o i preceded by locative nau pers . pron. 1st sg., I, me ; before , in front of; i na ' 0 i used alone as subj ect or follows in former times, of old inau; used as ob ject it is suffixed to verbs an d adverbs naoma a de serted, overgrown village garden nau'i pers.pron. 1st sg . used for optative na 'ona see na 'o 2 naunima an armlet na ' onatara-na forehead nauta kind, species , type na' otara-na forehead ne 1. pers . pron. 1st sg. I; used na' otarana in front of with the negat ive ke 'e; n e ke 'e raia I don 't know napo grasshoppe r 2. relative pronoun who , which, that naponi yesterday ne 'e a demonstrative , this , napota broken , of hard objects; that ; inaia ne 'e this is the open (of buds) one nara 1. a flat fish ne ' enini id. ne !e 2. weep , cry , wail, buzz, cry of birds , make music; neha refuse to an swe r said of nearly everything that makes a noise : humans , nei man in general ; one ob ject or animals , birds , bell per son out of a number; te ne i 'ata one of them ; te ne i narasi-a to bewai l, weep for, somebody; te haru ne i some mourn for, cry after people ; t e ha ru ne i 'ata some of them, of a group of narata wailing , weeping, mourning people nare white ants neke pera. pron . 1st ag . I; of future time , or present time nari canarium nut tree; canariurn with consequent action nut nemo rain , to rain ; nemo ra ra narimaero the time , July an d it's rain and sunshine August , when the canariurn nuts together are ready nemosi-a to rain up on naru to bail nena a demonstrative , this, that : narusi-a to bail out inaia nena that is it, that is him; mara nena like this, nasi 1. chew, gnaw this way ; mora nena now , at 2. a flint , used as an axe the present ; ro 'ua nena now , 3. an ob long stone used to at the pre sent break the romo shell to make it into money nena na copuLa tive and, used in 4. a sore on the legs the beginning of sentenc es when caused by the apu ana nas i narrating ; then , further , nex�, afterwards ; and nata poss. pron , 3rd pL. for them , theirs , in order to possess nene , nene has t 'apa to pout natane to wonder, to be surprised nene-a , nenea niho grind one 's teeth , show the teeth natawara a chatterbox nene 'e rustle , rattle ( of natenate dry castenets ) nato toothless nenehu to blaze 73

nenei id. nena nihisi-a to wrap ar ound, bind around nenene 'a 1. cut into small thin pieces niho-na tooth; koru, nete niho-na 2. to be very small ( of gn ash , clench the teeth; le aves ) ku runa ni niho-na molar; slsl, nenea niho-na bare the teeth neoa to balance, roll ( of canoe when grin ning; niho ni nai hi, and ship) ; n e oa hai riu move to n i hakes i the edge of a knife , and fro axe ; naona niho-na front teeth; wau niho a necklace of human neora 'i-a to ca use to roll , of teeth canoe and ship ni ' i-a to give , present , distrib­ nete niho clench the teeth ute ni 1. a genetive partiaZe of, ni ' irae think of, call to· mind, belonging to; rata-na n I hanua consider ; with ana or an I, clan name ; nlma nl han a food think upon , meditate , remember; house; roto ni 'ai a fruit ; n I' i rae n i opa suspe ct without wa lsla nl hanua land animals reason , invent , pass a rash 2. prepos. of Zooation. pZaae judgment; ni'lrae painasl-a of origin ; '0 ike nl ihei? to be out to incre a se, build Where do you come from? mane up ; n i' i rae ra I a understand, nl ' A r e ' a r e an Areare man realize , recognize 3. a transitive verbaZ ending ; irlhata'lnl-a reveal ni ' iraena 'ini-a with ana think 4,with compoun d ve rbs ; tau ni up on , think over maeha to be dy ing; ku ni raemanoha; on l ni ma rapeha ni' irau de coration, ornament 5 . with nume rals; awara ni harlsl ten years ni ' itori bend the head 6. after the plurals uwera, hita, mora; mo ra ni rauta nikaru to swarm many kinds ; hita ni ' ar·e how many; uwera ni ro 'ua nike-na mother, aunt; nikena often ipur i aunt ; nikena mas ike 7. ending of adv . of time foster mother; rua ma i nikena slrl'lnl today ; itan i mother an d child; rua ma i tomorrow ; napon i yeste rday ; nikena inau my wife and child (ana)ro' ua ni when , during; rou 'a ni hlorona during the nikia mother - in vocative only fast 8. a demons trative 'are una ni nila English nail, needle such things; e ma i o'oana nl that is not the same nima 1. house ; nima nl ahu 9. a partative; ta ' ena i non i (ta kisi) toilet; nima ni e to'o ana te rape ni'are iora canoe shed; nlma ni nate hlona ni'a re eve ryb ody lotu church ; nlma nl hanara has a body and a soul fo od store , dining room ; 10. a reZat ive suffi x; te apa apai nima, apa ni nima ni 'are Inaunl part of those pent-house; nima wawa pent­ my belo ngings house ; suatorl ana nlma verandah ni-a to giv e 2. five ; awa ra mana nlma fifteen ; nlma awara fifty ; niari tress, curl (of hair ) nima ka rla a un it of strings of red shell money ; nima ni niari -a to tress (of hair ) ono five an d six ( way of counting ); nima nl ro'ua niha-a to tie, lace, bind five times strongly nimana fifth; namana ro 'ua the nihi id. rlhl fifth time nihi ' onana invoke a spirit in nime id. nima 1 order to know the reason for an illness 74

nina 1. demons trative, this, that; coconut s together in twos may be preceded by huni, for carrying purposes; huani; huani mera nina ka i kao, kaokao niu, teu, an those children empty half coconut shell; 2. expression: that's it huru scraped coconut ; when the cream has been extracted; nInIha gift ma rama ra i, kamiu the flower spat he; kiriwa a not fully nlnlkere to overflow grown coconut ; niu e ahus i a fallen coconut ( ripe ) ; niu ninima avoid a person or thing ero'a, supe , a small coconut ; be cause it is di spleasing niu te'apau coconut with large fibres, the nut itself niniru 1. a variety of bamboo , being smali ; n i u e hua, tora, thin but strong, used to to bear plenty of coconuts; stren gthen the ridge of n i u p a u ni p ani a coc on u t the roof place d as offering on the 2. a great quantity , hunu kuruha ; niu harahara a numerous stage of growth of the palm, when it shoots; niu ni aros i ninisua 1. a bee which makes its a spear made from the coco­ nest in the ground and nut palm, intr oduced from in trees ; its honey Arosi on San Cristobal; its 2. saliva, foam he ad is poisoned; niu ni rotc mana a coconut over nipisu-na id. ninisua 2 which incantat ions are said, an d the cream of which is niniu a palm tree used to wash the region of the eyes of a corpse; niu niri-a to spill , pour out make a fully grown coconut ; niu pau ni pani, expression: nirikere id. ninikere he is the foreman of the work, Zit. the coconut on nirosi-a to roll, twist top of the wall

niruniru assemble , gather niui nest, of birds and an imals; make a nest nisi-a to break , of food; to cut the stem from the ta ro niu'i ahu (ahu means complete) ; a specified number , one nisu to spit hundred, used exclusiveli of coconuts; n i u' i ahu one nisuhi-a to sp it upon , at hundred coconuts; rua niu' l ahu two hundred nisui mouth , opening, hole , outlet coconuts

nisu-na mouth niu ni kera a palm tree

nisuna id. nisui niuniu' a white flesh of a pig ( looks like coconut flesh) nisuupu refuse to speak or laugh because of anger niuniu' ira grease , fat of pigs; la rd nito 1. a sea fish, its dorsal fin (manak i) is used as . a niuniu-na the fat of the human me dicine against yaws un der body the feet 2. dry , dr ied noa burned, of trees ; to be 3. a sea weed leafless

niu coconut , coconut palm; ae ni noanoa embers ware the flesh of an un ripe coconut ; apua niu a patch of noanoana id. noanoa coconut palms ; ara si-a, kor i-a niu to grate coconuts; aro, noe cry of a pig aru, a green coconut good for drink ing; e'e-a, kako-a niu husk coconuts; hiku-a niu bind 75

nohu a small black fish with no lo 1. following the verb it poisonous spikes on head and denotes a past tense back, a prick causing severe (present perfe ct ); e pain for several days siko no lo it is finished; nolo wa rita long ago noinor i-a 1. to destroy 2. following the verb, used 2. to sprinkle with to de note present tense , water but un finished action ; e tara lae nolo he has noke 1. a sandfly started; e karalini nolo 2. benumbed, fatigued, nearly , short ly tired 3. denotes cessation of action; nau ra ia nolo noko pers. pron. 1st sg. I, of 4. therefore , so , conse­ present time with unfinishe d quently ; nolo e kasora action an d of future time therefore it is impossible 5. a demonstrative na may noko hahi-a to hold in the arms , be added; inala nolo that to the breast, keep a hold on - is it , it is he indeed done as protection nora to growl , of dogs ; to noko 'i pers. pron . 1st ag . I, of grunt , of pigs ; nora uru to unknown or un determined fut ure growl loudly nokomi-a id. noko hilh i-a norahi-a to g�owl at noku to fold , crease , entwine norauru to roar �f an imals nokumi-a id. noku but active nore speak together, all at once noku ' uru id. noku nore ni kao sound of people speaking in a canoe on the noniha human , man , people se a none to kiss , to place the face nori-a break , de stroy things and against, to sniff; nonowasu food, out of sorrow for the death of a beloved person nonoasi a small stinging midge ; gna t; san dfly nori hahi -a make impre cations over, pray over nonoasitau calm, peaceful noro with ana , obey , listen to; nonoi young shoot , tip of a noro houra with ana, hear plant an d tree tidings of , be acquainted with, know a person nonoi-a id. nono but active noro-a he ar , he ar tidings of, nonona id. nono i un derstand; noro-a ana nisuna to hear from a person nonora 1. a point of land, a personally ; noro-a ken i to cape , promontory , head­ inquire about a girl as a land prospe ctive bride for a man 2. to snore , snort , grunt, of pigs ; to growl (o f noroa li with ana disobey dogs ) noroai-a to understand nonori with ana or hani , hasten , hurry, work quickly noronae listen; nororae tolohl-a to listen an d believe nonoro mud, swamp noro paita ' ini-a not to hear nonorohi'a red accurately nonorotana a soun d noru-a to rely up on , trust, have confidence in nonosi id. nono noru-asi forsake , quit, leave, nonowasu to sniff at , sme ll refuse to he lp 76

noruha trust; (i) noruha ' ana nunuirau a clearing in the bush trusting in, relying on nunuma 'i to light , kindle noruusu forsake , quit , leave nunuma 'ini-a to burn the bristles note with or without hunu, to off a pig, the feathers off faint, be unconscious , fall a bird down dead nununa 1. nununa Inon ! a statue nounoru-a 1. to forsake , quit, of man , an image leave 2. expression : that 's it; 2. with gen. ni to very welll trust in nunu-na 1. shadow of persons or nu'a 1. shine , be bright , shiny ; things as cast by the to be in very good health sun 2. to use ointment ( coconut 2. likeness , phantom, oil) to make the body shine ; portrait, figure, the oil itself carving; see tapoa 3. a man's very self nu 'i nest nununu earthquake nuku wr inkle , shrink, shr ivel, said of the breasts of women; nunurao to sting, of nettle tree ; nuku aro, taro not good to a stinging nettle tree eat; nuku ken i old maid, spinster; nuku mane bachelor ; nunura'o Jelly-fish, medusa nuku tai a piece of old cloth ; tara nuku wrinkle up one 's nunusu edge , end; id. mumusu forehead; tano nuku obstinate nunu upu swollen nukurna 'i folded nuri a tree, used for making nukumi-a to fold , crease canoe s

nunu 1. quake , loose nuru 1. wither , fade by the sun 2. to be angry or sad 2. to murmur , growl , because of inability to do mumble , groan something nuruhi-a to growl at nunu with gen. n!, nunu ni wa 'ar ia at peep of day , at day-break nusu-na id. n!su-na mouth

nunuha the biggest of the wooden nuto a cuttle-fish, a squid gong set nuu to sing, hum; to sing (of nunuhana punishment , penalty , birds); to whistle , chirp chastisement nuuha song; nuuha ni oro a song nunui , nunui wa 'aria Just before sung on a long canoe trip; it daybreak calls upon the sacred shark , that it may protect them an d nunu'i spi rit, in general ; nun u'i give them a good and quiet ni as i sea spirit; nunu 'i ni trip hanua land spirit; nun u' i ni akaro ni ma t awa a sea ghost, nu' urua grunt, grumble , growl, "also nunu'! ni tani apu; mumble , groan nunu' l n '! wawa ha spirit of the clouds , when it is ove r a nu ' utora id. nu'urua place it br ings sickness and death; nun u' i hura 'aro, nunu' wa 'aro spirit of the rainbow; on the spot where the two ends stay the spirit will strike the people with sickness an d de ath 77

o 2. oha ni araniwaiau (hu'o) a house used by men only , to

' eat, with other food, the 0 1. pers . pron. 2nd sg . you, fish caught during a fish­ used as subject and as obj ect ; ing trip as subject it remains alone 3. oha nl pau a miniature or is preceded by i '0; as house in which the relics object it is suffixe d to of the spirits (skull, verbs and adverbs jawbone , teeth or hair) are 2. exclamation of fear and kept surprise 'oha id. eko le aves of a creeper oa 1. to suit , share , to be used with betelnut chewing fitting, fulfilled; e ma i oa he did not share , he is ohas io a wild betel leaf , is forgotten, at food distrib­ very bitter an d not used ut ion; e oa no'o nobody is forgotten 'ohe probably , possibly, likely , 2. to appoint perhaps; to doubt

o'a a tree, the juice of its ohena a shrub with edged leaves, bark is used for dye ing green and whi te purposes; to stain with the jui ce ; o'a uri the black oh i-a to pet , nurse, carry, a juiced variety , used for baby staining and varnishing food­ bowls and other wooden 'ohi-a 1. to go af t er, fetch; artifacts 'ohia hanara to get food from the garden oa a fish, taboo for young an d 2. used in compounds; middle-aged people ri 'ohl-a to look for; si 'ohi-a to go after ; o'a a cavity , a hollow , or hole tete'ohi-a to fetch; in a tree kak ari 'ohi-a to look after o'a'e a wooden bowl oho to fight , beat , str ive with , oai-a 1. to distr ibute (of food to be at war left over ) 2. spread over ohoi-a 1. to break (open) 2. to command, order oara 'i to advise , instruct, teach ohona , ohonana , ohona i, used in compounds ; tau ohonana to oara 'ini-a active form of attempt , try; ko'u ohonal to oa ra' i sample , taste ( of drinks ); hanaohona I to taste ( of food ) o'e mad, crazy , vulgar ; o'e ni I non I a madman , criminal; ohosi to grow thin o'e ni araha a bad chief ohosi-a 1. with hi 'ona to drive 'o'e 1. a small shellfish off a spirit from a sick living in swamps and person , by using e'e or . riv ers, used as money sir i on The Three Sisters 2. to descend, abase , let (three islands off San down , take from Cristobal ) 3. suru ohos i-a to do , 2. a tree, hardwood, used not to be able to do, for tools execute

'oehi-a to ask for ohota strife , fight , war

oha canoe house , oha ni iora ohu 1. to be boiling 2. re d ( of hair) caused by oha 1. the house near the lime 'apu' apu, where the holy 3. to change place of man kills the sacre d pig, domicile, house of which he eats in the oha 78

ohu sugar cane ; several varieties; 'oke pers . pron . 2nd sg . optative , ohu 'ai, kiro ri, kome roa , you tarara, popota ' aporu oke-a to draw, drag, pull to, ohuohua 1. brackish water ab duct , seize with force; 2. froth , foam oke ha 'asara to draw , pull a canoe halfway out of the ohusi-a to boil water oi exclamation of surprise , Oh ! okeakauroto the time ar oun d August 'oi pers.pron . 3rd sg. indef. obje ct , it ; lsi 'oi about it; 'oke ' oke the uprights on stem ira'oi inside it ; ina'oi in and stern of a middle-sized front of it; rio isi'oi to canoe look after it; to'oi there­ fore oki make friends ; speak together (of boy and girl); 'oi to make a monetary contrib­ agree to marry , between boy ution on the 'oi ' olna and girl of their own accord 'o'i pers.pron. 2nd sg. you, us ed with indefinite future time okiha one of the four ways of procur ing a bride: boy and o' i a half coconut shell used as girl make friends with each a cup or spoon other and agree to marry

'oi-a 1. to break, split , cut oki-na seat, buttocks firewood; 'oi 'ai cut firewood okira strong, solid 2. To cut and Join strings of money in or der that oko to blacken the teeth; tooth each helper at the burial pigment with which the teeth receives the same length are blackened (from contributions at the 'oi 'oina) 'oko pers.pron . 2nd sg . you, used wi th present tense but 'oi'oi rheumatism unfinished action , and with future tense 'oi'oina de ath feast, feast of payment, distr ibution of 'oko'i pers. pron . 2nd sg. you, money to the people wh o of unknown or un determined helped at the burial future oita a section of leaf layers okoko nasi a throat di sease on the house roof , Joined by one or more sections okooko a receptacle , container oitahaniasi a small feast on the okoru first quarter of the moon occasion of the removal of a taboo; to appoint and make oku 1. constipated, costive; public a date for the death opana e oku he is feast constipated 2. the back wall of a house oka 1. cross beam 2. to root the ground for oku 1. the dry calm season , as food (o f pigs ) opposed to aau the rain 3. to eat food raw �f season crazy people ) 2. in compounds , used as 4. a white shell-money name s of certain months , oku rate September; oku okaokarae a fish i Rau'ahu, oku mi 'a October ; oku tinu November; oku oke 1. a big tumour on the pa ina De c ember masculine genitals 3. in the expr ession: roroto 2. to dr ag, pUll; o k e tara ni oku it won't rain, put to drag along , alongside a cover over your canoe (to prevent the ra la, putty 79

from cracking when it stays oni coconut cream; the nut is in the sun), lit. clouds of scraped, a little water is the dr y seas on added and �ll is squeezed by hand in a piece of cloth or okuoku a tree fibrous spathe of the coconut flowers. The sque ezed okumare weave of bamboo and juice, white like milk, is the blackened vine , used for house on i walls (art ) and floors, id. ma ranu' u on i-a to put the on l into the pudding oma creep, crawl , to go on all fours 'oni stay, remain, stay behind, to live , abide; 'onl honos i-a omar i-a to sneak, approach keep off; ' on i min i -a stay stealthily away from ; 'onl min i-a poro, hu' a live separated, of omia suck, make a sucking noise , husband and wife ; on l rosl-a to pull on pipe wait for a person; 'oni i slhan i menstruate , to stay omo-a to clear the undergrowth out of the house , village and of the forest in preparation gardens when menstruating; for gardens 'oni to'o remain on the spot , to be settled, stay assured omo ta '� stay erect , heels together 'onihai crumbs , food remains

omo ta 'ini-a make a person stay oniwai see hinana erect one 1. six; awa ra mana ono omu to roll the food in one 's sixteen; ono awa ra sixty; mouth (of toothless people ) ono ro 'ua six times 2. generic name for mangrove . 'omu ' omu-na beard, tuft of hair trees; sever al varieties, on the head; suhi ' omu' omu ono Iki , ono kenl , on o shave the head le aving tufts - pare'o, ono sla, onotaplre, often a sign of mourning ono pua 3. to swallow ona posts, stakes, put in a hole - used as a trap for humans onoma 'ini-a to swallow

onaona 1. a river shell onomi -a to swallow 2. to look for by scenting onona sixth 3. to try to take a person's food onoonoma 'inia-na throat 4. a fi bre ' ' 5. to wound, harm 0 0 1. exclamation of disapproval 2. quite , utterly, completely ; onaonara id. onaona 5 ipuri ' 0 '0 at the very end, finally , the very back one 1. sand, beach sand, beach ; 3. wooden gong; to beat the one pi riu black sand on gong; names of a set of beaches, beach with black gongs; tar al , suta, tori, sand nunuha; ha'aoru three 2. to hurry, act , do qui ckly strokes on the gong; slu 0 ' 0 to roll the gong; Iki-a, oneone a littoral tree with Ikimi-a, ul-a ' 0 ' 0 beat the berries ( eaten by pigeons) gon gs; rori a set beating on the gong; taroh l-a ' 0 ' 0 one tarau sandy be at the gong on a person's arrival; '0' 0 e nara ha 'inl 'o the beating of the gong on arrival of a child bought on the slwa 80

0'0 wh olly, utterly, entirely, opaopara thin like a skeleton completely opara a crab 'o'oa, 'o'oana used with pOBS. ana to be alike , the same , opasi-a to gut , disembowel sufficient , adequate , level; e 'o'oana 'aku it is all the opu a green coconut same to me ora 1. a tree fallen over the 'o'oarai director , gui de , because track or in the garden of knowledge ; mane ni 'o'oarai 2. fireplace , as a rule in a director , guide the middle of the house an d is surroun de d by a ring 'o'oara ' ini-a active form of of hard stones 'o'oarai 3. thing, id. 'are

'o'oha ' ini-a to fit, suffice ora 1. a boar 2. to have frequent sexual 'o'oho-na the flesh of the breast; intercourse with different breast, chest persons outside of marriage ; ora ma ne such a man ; ora 'o'omu a half circle of hair left ken i such a woman , a whore on the head wh ile the rest is shaved off oraha 'a 1. orana 'ana a breach in or trespass of morality o'ona a fresh water shell fish (sin , later use ); sexual intercourse outside of o'ona to cut the un dergrowth in marri age the forest for a new garden 2. excessive in eating and dr inking , gluttonous o'onara thorny, pr ickly orahi-a to contaminate , infect , o'ora over grown (of an old gar den ) prompt

o'ora ' ini-a give surreptitiously orahimoa 'a feel sick, sque emish ; to belch 'o'ori-a 1. to pr eserve, look after orami-a 1. to force a stick or 2. to pr une , cut post into the ground branches off 2. chase away with a stick an an imal out of o'osa an ear di sease, di s charging a hiding place pus ora-na id. ap i -na opa 1. rubbish heap , refuse 2. open one 's eyes wide ; mana oraora 1. brutal, brutish, e opa, he has his eyes wi de dissolute; oraora ni mane open a brute 2. pierce , perforate ; to opa-na 1. stomach, be lly ; kakawe poke with a stick through ni opana bowels ; opa-na the wall, door or window , e 'u'uru piles; opa wa i at somebody or someth ing , stomach ache ; opa ru'u, during the night to wake . opa wiri diarrhoe a, up the person; 'al ni ora dysentery a stick for this purpose 2. opaopa glut tonous , greedy; nana opaopa to 'ora'ora 1. ashes, dust guzzle , gobble 2. a tray 3. ma ra opa resentful , vindictive ; opa-na e pono 'ora ' ora 'a covered with dust or stupid, dull ; opa-na e ashe s kota an gry , destroy out of anger; opa rua divided orapou wood ash in mind; hypocritical; opa-na ta 'a angry orapoura'a rotten

opaopana flat , protruding roots 81

ore stay behind, remain , omitte d, oro 1. to go qui ckly ; to go up forgotten , left behind and down , to and fro 2. swim, dive ; oro horos i-a ore -a to scrape off the char coal to swim across from food roasted in the fire 'oro-a to tempt, seduce oreore good-bye _ sai d to a person who stays behind oroha 'a of bad behaviour , by being lazy , unemployed, oreore 1. naked dirty 2. a shell fish 3. pregnant (of unmarried orohai id. oroha -na woman ) oroha-na under, underneath; oreta last, remains , rest , end can be pre ceded by locative

oreta 'i id. oreta orohana id. oroha-na oreta'i hurapara full moon oroi-a to cut the head off oretana id. oreta orokai a yam

ori return, come back, go back 'oro ' oro 1. loose , shaky (home); manata ori change one 's 2. a beetle that bores conduct , mind; ori ai say the taro alway s the same thing; or i no'o 3. with ni , bare of ; be back; or i suri start ov er 'oro' oro ni pau skull; again , repeat the refrain of 'oro ' oro ni miti bones a song; manata ni or ior i to be (wi thout the flesh); inconstant , unstable 'oro ' oro ni wa isla fish-bone ( without the 'ori a small frog flesh)

ori-a to skin , peel, scrape (of orori empty roasted food );to cut the stem, vine from the taro yams an d ororohi-a to visit a chief pan a after the digging 'oro'u also , too , likewise , as orini-a to always go back to the we ll same place orowara accuse falsely , slander oriori we ll cleaned, cut (of hair) oru 1. gras shopper , locust orioria really , perfectly 2. three ; awara mana oru thirteen ; oru awara orisi-a 1. to an swer, represent thirty 2. exchange , alter , 3. to cross a river replace , succeed, take a person's place, substitute ; oru wind, air ; to blow (of wind ) t o ' i or isia to work , make a thing as restitution for oruhi-a to blow upon , blow away a thing stolen or broken ; (of wind ) t o t o or isia to pay restitution; or isia oru Marau The Three Sisters manataha (ma nata-na) (three islan ds off San change one 's conduct , Cristobal) disposition oruna third orita-na successor , heir, substitute , deputy 'oru'oru a big brown lizard

oritana me an , represent osa ulcerated, rotten

'oro 1. bend down , slope , stoop, osa-na ulcer lean over ; o ro suu to bend 2. to ab ort osi a vine armlet or anklet 82

osi tired, stiff, enervated otora 'ini-a to throw a long object such as spear or osi-a to cut , bevel timber for arrow; also used for throw joints ; os i-a 'a'e to stretch in general out the legs ; o s i o si ni 'are a little piece cut out of a oto sua a fall on the head thing otatohao a tree frog osiosi 'a multi-coloured, streaked, str iped o'u an ab andoned garden oso-na brains, bone marrow 'o'u swamp , sand-bar asu a sea worm, comes in big 'ou' ou champi on , use d for chi efs quantitites to the shore on only ;wha a re ramo at the same the se cond night afte r the full time ; is often put after moon in November their surname to indi cate that this person has this position ota 1. a palm tree with big edible leaves; ota sui a palm tree 'o'u'o'u a soft-wood tree , used with small edible leaves for ear plugs; 'o'u'o'una 2. English or der; to order 'ai an earplug ate flat land, a plain ; to be flat, ououhui foam , lather level ououi soft part of the flesh of ote bald the piowa i oto 1. a war spear , arrow with awa a fish which is taboo for one barb young people , because it 2. deep calm water inside causes sores and de ath to the reef the children that will be 3. provision s, food for a born afterwards journey ; tor a oto car ry provisions owa-na mouth atohi-a 1. to refer to, have reference to 2. to aim at , point at , p direct towards ; tau otoh i-a id. 1. bright , of sun after otomi yams an d pana, broken or having been hidden by a cut in digging cloud; hanua (apa) n i rata pa the east otomi -a to spear 2. a vegetable 3. a fish bait oto-na id. oso-na pa 'a black tang fish oto ni mae used to denote persons or things exceedingly good pa ' aniri a cat erpillar otooto straight ; correct and pa ' arao 1. a middle sized canoe proper in conduct; manata otooto with 'oke ' oke to behave justly, correctly 2. the uprights on stem and stern of a middle 'oto ' oto a taro pudding sized canoe otootoha justice , correctness pa 'asi a parcel of fish otootohaana id. otootoha pa ' asi-a make a parcel of fish otootohi-a to make straight ; to pa 'ata ' ini-a, susu pa 'ata' ini- a make a person be correct in knock , throw over conduct ; to foretell otopasire choke 83

pa ' au-a break off the claws of a pai-a mix, stir; contradi ct crab after being roaste d on one self; to mix of different the fire vegetables in one dish pae mangrove pai ' ana he art of a tree pa 'e stick, pole , stake , in the paiha 'ana extraordinarily big; ground alongside the yams and pa inaha ' ana niu an exception­ pana for their vines to creep ally big coconut up ; to stake yams an d pana; tapa pa'e to cut yam and pana paihiku-a to tie , loop a string, stakes entwine ; to roll the fibres of a creeper ove r the thigh pae-a take out the coconut flesh , to form a rope to open and take out paihikuta ' ini-a to entwine , wind pa' e-a to twine the yam and pana round vines around the poles paikori a creeper paeheru slow , tardy, sluggish paina big, large , great , loud; paeniu thumb mane pa ina a man in authority ; na 'a paina speak loudly ; paepae-na armpit; paepae susu paina 'asia too big; pa ina glandular tumor in the armpit with ana an d a noun express something ve ry big, paina pa 'epa ' e-na testicles a n a wa i s i 'a a very big f ish pa' era-na testicles , scrotum paina ' ahai the bign ess , size of ( it) , its size pa' ereu touch one 's testicles continually paina ' ahana greatness , bigness, size ; adolescence , majesty , pa'ewa shark; pa'ewa e rape , pa'ewa full greatness inoni, an owned shark ; pa'ewa i'a hiku, pa'ewa araha, an owned painaha n. greatness, bigness, shark protecting certain people size ; adj . with ana, painaha in a certain area; pa'ewa ana nima a very big house kakari, a shark protecting certain landing places; pa' ewa painas i-a 1. to cause to be big, wa i 5 i 'a an unowned shark ; pa ' ewa exhault , enlarge , wasi ( korokoro) , an owned shark increase, add to from far off islands 2. long for , de s ire ; raeku e pai nasia I am paha 'i capsize , overturn ; eno longing for it paha 'i to lie on one's face ; roto paha' i to swim on the paipa from English , pipe ; to back smoke paha 'ini-a active of paha'i; to paipai a palm tree turn up side down , reverse paipaina to grow pahana , pahana rato the rays, beams of the sun paipo from English , pipe , pipe line pahe to walk , to take a walk pairate-na chin pahe 'a-na a bad, immoral action pairau 1. mus cle , calf pahi , pahisi a fish 2. a great spirit pahu si lent paireona gill-cover pahuri-a to take a handful of paireu to play 84

pairo a big fish panoa to have a cold; run (of the nose on account of a pairuru-a collect , gather cold ) paita 'ini-a misunderstand; noro panoi a taro plant ; a taro top, p a ita' i n i-a to hear cut off the turnip incorrectly an d get an incorr­ ect idea panoina , panona aro the top of the taro, used for planting paitora 'ini-a put different things together on one heap pano-na nose , nostril; pano e horoia, pano e ra 'usla have a pakoko a basket , mainly used to cold; pano e kono to have the conserve nuts and put on the nose rotted away by sores; pano platform above the fireplace wa i to have a cold; usu pano blow one 's nose ; used parnu 1. flicker (of fire and light) also in compoun ds with nouns : 2. from En g lish, pump panona 'a'e-na foot ; panona ka ' ika'i- na hand pana dress , cloth , clothing panona 1. beak, snout �ana-a fill a hole 2. panona aro the top of the taro, used for pana aro the top of taro , us ed planting; panona niu for planting; taro plant panoro-a listen we ll to, hearken , panapana loose , slack prick the ear panau to touch one 's genitals panu kn ot , noose , hitch, snar e continually panu , panu takoma ' ini-a to knot , pane a tube, ma de of le af , an d tie together , to tie a knot put in the opening of the ' in bamboo water container , used for dr inking purposes panuru groan, growl pane-a dislocate, strain pao 1. ulcer , yaw in the first stage panena ka 'ika ' i-na wr ist ; 2. pregnant panena 'a'e -na ankle pa 'o 1. man , in general �ani wall of a house; pan i eke 2. the leaves in which the a penthouse upper part of the body of a de ceased is wrapped for pani-a 1. erect walls in a burial in sitting position house 3. to be entangled, ensnared 2. expel, chase , dr ive away , shut out , pr eclude ; pa ' o-a bury a corpse in sitting pan i honos i-a close in , position, the upper part of prevent from the body wr apped in the palo panira ' ini-a id. pan i-a paoha the ridge of the house panirae refund money to the paoha 'ini-a to reverse, put people of the de ce ased husband up side down , turn round when the wife remarries paohana ab ove panita enclosure , made of coco­ nut branches, for fishing paona the top of a plant purposes, with an opening in the mi ddle to let the fish in pao ' oroa to die panitana two sticks put crosswise paopao 1. a hornet on which taboos are hung 2. to be ca ught , to get stuck , to be blocked pano mucus of the nose pano-a cut the head off ; lop ( of bran ches ) 85

papa silent, quiet; papa nurunuru para-na companion, adherent, to murmur; oko su'u papa t o ' oku follower ; par a (paraha) ni please answer i non i a kindred; paran i man e a group of me n papa to shine ; rato e papa the su n shines parana ka 'ika'i-na knuckle ; parana 'u'u-na finger papa-na grandmother an d grandchild; papa vocative para ni i'a a string of fifteen to twenty porpoise teeth papanita look serious para ni keni an enclosure of papara' a-na chest, breast girls , virgins , taboo for men . The men are not allowed to paparaora firefly see them. They are super­ vised and looked after by a papare 'a clean , tidy woman who brings them water an d food papare 'ai-a to clean ' ' para ni 0 0 a set of five papari-na cheek wooden gongs papasa an armlet mad e from she ll parapara 1. wh ite worn as wr ist bangle 2. uta parapara rain with sunshine papasu 1. a knot , in trees 2. nima papasu prison, parapara ' a white ; ta'a para­ confinement para'a a white man papata id. papasa parapara 'a-na side, loins ( of humans ) papawa a fish paraparahia wh ite papawa 'a grey parapata sweet potatoes or pana para 1. a fishhook used for mixe d with coconut cream catching bonito 2. papara 'a, parapara , parasakara a dead tree without parapara 'a wh ite , pale le aves an d bark 3. fence, trap ; para ni huara a crocodile trap parasi 1. to clean , tidy, of 4. to fence, to guard; we e ds ; to brush pa ra 'ahu i to fence in; of 2. refuse to do , obey gardens and villages, against pigs parata travel along the shore 5. stage , shelf , a small in canoe platform, mostly above the fireplace , used as a par aura part of a thing not depository soaked para 'asu soot , blackened by smoke parauro a fish para-hana id. para-na parawao attic parai-a prote ct , defend pare-a refuse , not accept paraikote 1. speak or sing together pare 'o breadfruit tree ; bread­ out of harmony fruit; pare'o ni haka 2. to collect and put in bullshe�rt ( fruit ) or der , of thing s scattered pareparea wh ite parairasu a shrub, on the sea shore parepareko a fish parakako-na breastbone pari 1. a small frog 2. a wild edible turnip parakote the ribs and other small bones (of pig ) 86

pari-a to cut up 0f animals and pas a a barbless bonito fish hook fish ) pasahu a fish pari-a to shine upon (of sun , moon and stars ) pasa ' ora white ashes pari'ai asthma pasi a bow pariatai-a to try in vain; to pasi ' awa a kind of harp in form attempt in vain of a bow; is played with a piece of bamboo pariha, ra isuria pariha to flirt , intent upon sexual intercourse paso an armlet and anklet made of vine pari 'ia to copulate , to ha ve sexual intercour se paso-a put the paso around arm and leg pari' ito ear wax pasu-a bind, tie, fasten; pasu-a parioso ear wax hih i-a bind , gird; pasu honos i-a make a knot at the paripari a palm tree end, in order to prevent from falling out ; pasu takoma 'in i-a paro beyond, on the side, there ; knot , tie together; pasu-a isu paro go on the side tona connect , join together; pasu unus i-a to tie a noose, paro-a to weave the paro (an so as to easily untie again armlet, an anklet) pasupasura knotty , rough paro ni 'a'e an anklet of dyed cane � grass or shell money pata money; pa ta nl hanua native shell money, as opposed to paro ni ka 'ika'i an armlet of pa ta ni haka whiteman 's money; dyed cane , grass or shell pata ni ken i a white shell money money , a white shell, dived for in Suu Roto, in the paroparo behave well; have a Small Malaita Passage , and is good disposition, character; made into money in Langalanga , paroparo ni inon i a man , woman northern Malaita; used there who behaves well, who observes to buy wives; pata mana ta 'ai, the laws pa ta mana rua eleven thumb­ langths, twelve thumblengths, paru 1. pregnant etc. up to nineteen thumb­ 2. a lar ge canoe with lengths (lengths of red shell upr ights money ) 3. a twig; paru ni 'ai the twig of a tree, used in patana to open a crab when eating the tararawa na it

paru-a knot together , tie patere a fish together pateru a snail, its red and white paruhura 'aro a shell fish shell is used as ornament on shell money strings paruna, paruna 'ai a twig, used to indicate a taboo. Only four pau 1. adverb of direction : pau species of trees are used: ma i here ; pau wou there ; aroaro , hareharere . ma rako, p a u h au, tor i. nor t h we s t­ wa iwai'o ri erly direction ; pau ta 'au south easterly direction; parusupua a big sea pigeon with pa u n i pa ro over there , large red wattles on the beyond; pau pur iku here beak; the wattles of this behind me pigeon 2. with gen. ni; pau ni 'ire a un it of shell money, one parutaonana one of the four ways ha ' atahana; pau ni ahara a of procuring a bride, by length of red shell money regular buying 87

about twenty-seven inches pauru with ana , pa urua head, top; long pauru ana wa i the head of a 3. with gen. ni a bunch, set, stream, up stream; i paurua in school (of fish); pau ni front hus i a bun ch of bananas; pau ni wa i'sia a school of fish pausi-a to lead, guide , help , as sist pauko 'o skull pauta rowing boat , launch, paukori stem of coconut branch dinghy paumoru an abandone d garden pautei a small fish paumusu a shell fish pautou bow, bend the head pau-na head, skull; pau ha ra i pe 'a rejoi ce ; pe 'a nl raemanoha bald; pau wa ' i headache ; shout and jump for joy pauku ka wa ' i I have a head- ache ; tainia pau-na shake one 's pe ' an a' ini-a to be proud of head one self, give oneself airs pauna 1. assist, he lp , associate pe 'ara'i rejoicing with, look after, shelter 2. pauna wa i mouth of pe ata calm, of sea; peata hora, river; pauna tara begin­ peata mae calm weather ning of a track; pauna ire top of a mountain peawa a fish pauneta a plain pe 'e miss, fai l, unsuc cessful pau ni inoni a tribe pe 'e 'au a bamboo tube us ed as a water container paunikiru a crater-like hole in the shore reef peha bed paunimae make a speech, speak , pehu-a to roll tell, talk , converse peipei with ana, tail, point ( of paunirara the top of a fence spear , arrow) paunitana a taboo put by a peko tangle d, knotted, ravelled, person (of creepe rs ); to be absent minded pauniwara id. paunimae peko-a de ceive , cheat paupasu a shell fish penaru a shrub paupasuna a knot (of trees ) peno par aly ze d paupau 1. completely, continually 2. carefully , cautiously peo sacred place wh ere the skulls 3. to be firm, hard of the spirits are kept , and 4. with p088. ana to whe re sacred pigs are killed; associate with peo n i hana ' ahuna place where 5. with gen. ni, paupau the men eat of the sacred pig ni wa isia a school of fish pepe butterfly paupauroa, paupauroi mosquito pepe , pepe hah i-a, pepe honos i-a larva , spawn of frog to disobey, to contradict insistently paupauru 'a pillow , to pillow pepe with gen. ni , to ask for paupau uuniu a shr ub , with fruits ins i stent ly , con tinuall y , over like small beads and over again' paupena hammerhead shark 88

pepe , tona pepe to persevere in , to by a spirit; peupeu ni do , work continually inon i a trouble maker 2. de af and dumb ; a de af pepei elephantiasis mute peper a a basket , mat , made of pe 'u a spider coconut leaf , used as dustb in an d dustpan peupeu 'a, manata peupeu'a, beh ave like a dr unken man pepesa to brush pi, pui an i 1.1.ati v e ,just now, pepesi-a oblige , compel, force for the first time , then , in that case ; e pi hura he has pepeta ' inia refuse first , but obey just arrived a se cond time pia drip , ooze ; a dr op , trickle ; pepetona dying coconut and taro sura pia wash oneself un der le af trickles in a waterfall pera 1. bed pia waterfall, casc ade 2. with gen. n i, one thous and, used for countihg coconuts, pi 'a 1. to be fat , of persons, pe ra ni niu animals and fruit 3. a stage , platform used 2. a palm tree for the s i wa , totora an d 3. the vein of a palm, Maeta ni Wawatena used as a nosestick; pi ' a wa 'i a nose stick made pera-a put down , lay down from a shell parallel, to put alongside of; pera horo to put crosswise pia-a to wash pera 'ini-a id. pera-a piakau manioc, casava ; a pudding of manioc with cocon ut cream pere 1. a hardwood tree 2. we ll woven pi 'a ni sucker of a tree; pi 'a 3. part ly rotten ni husi sucker of a banana palm pereperena tail (of fish ) piata calm , of sea peresini from English prison pii pearls , beads peri-a steal , rob , kidnap; ma per i per i a thief; mane horo pii-a cause to jump , by hitting peri, mane wa i peri a murderer ; on the flank with the hand peri-a ken i to abduct a woman in orde r to marry her; ra piina a yam soup periper i flee, go away with­ out permission piini-a to steam food between hot stones pero kn ife , without handle piitora 1. id. pi ini-a pero-a chase away , expel; pero 2. a hissing, sizzling isuri-a disobey, of children noi se when told not to folla. 3 . to shoot again , of plants, after having peru-na lip been cut off pesi-a id. pani-a chas!.! aw ay pina the hornbill; pina ni ano a big grey pigeon pete draw up in battle ; pe te mas l-a draw up in battle pina food , pigs , etc . brought to awaiting the enemy a feast ; tora pTna to take food, pigs etc. to a feast pete 'i-a id. taki-a, pasu-a pinapina a big overseas canoe peu 1. dull, foolish, idiotic , insane , mad, absurd; to be in a trance, of possession 89

pini-a 1. prepare small potatoes, piroitohununu a sugar cane ; taro or pana together with tara 'ae ana piroitohununu reke in a wooden bowl, ancient , in olden times , born kaka r e, with water . Red out of sugar-cane , said of hot stones are put in the things ( the earth ) and persons bowl an d the whole cov ered whose origin is inexplicable with leaves 2. to give pork and food, piru a necklace of porpoise teeth, of the chiefs, to the with shell money in betwe en visitors on a feast pirupiru id. pinupinu 1 pinu to roll a leaf in form of a horn , for drinking purposes pisi 1. spurt , splash, crackle 2. house of retirement for pinu-a to fold , hem women after childbirth and during menstr uation pinupinu 1. ab ode of the owned shark, is a holy place pisihi-a to wet, spurt on , squirt ; 2. hollow , to shrivel, e pisihia maku it squirted in shrink, subside my face pi 'o-na vagina pisira ' ini-a to splash a person , sprinkle pi 'ora fleshy , of coconut , almond pisu-a dissuade from, draw away piowai a clam shell ear ornament ; from ; pisu hono forbid, not a clam shell nose stic k, worn to allow by women on ly pisu 'a wet , damp pipi a pool pisu 'ai-a to wet , dampen pipisina the eaves of a roof ; timber used for the eaves pita to de stroy everything ou� of sorrow for the de ath of a pipisu a shiny starling , black­ close relative bir d, sp ar row pitari-a id. active pira 1. green , unripe 2. the white of an egg pito to shoot , bud, sprout ; pit o 3. ma-na e pira to open ana niu a coconut shoot one 's eyes wide pitoahai sprout , shoot , bud pirana the roe of fish pitoha id. pitoaha l pirawawa said of bete lnut , when the nut is ripe , but sti ll pitora fat , fle shy attached to the husk piu dull, mad, crazy pirei from English, play; pi r ei ka tl play cards piusua ask a spirit to leave a village . The holy man takes piri dirty , un clean ; pirl ana e'e, eko, hanara in his canoe , marahuka original sin ( late goes a bit further out to sea," use ) throws it overboard and says : For you, spirit, and go away l piri 'a id. pi r i piusuna invoke a spirit in order piri ' ai-a to dirty, soil to know the cause of an illness pirikomi -a pr ess, grind po 1. benumbe d, numbed 2. imp ossible ; as i e pa ina, piro shoot , sprout nau po ana rae there are heavy seas , I can't go piroi a young shoot 3. pig; po mane boar ; po ken i sow; ata, kokosu an old sow; 90

hunua arinana po to ear-mark pona navel, umbilical cord; a pig; hunu-a po slaughter a pona me ra umbili cal cord pig; po mae a a sacred pig, offered to the spirits; po ni pona-a de cayed, rotten, bad; ano bones, ear , hair of a pig, wa su pona ' a to smell ( of a a small pig, put as an offer­ decaying object ) ing to the spirits in the hunu kuruha ; po ni ara'ahu pona 'ini-a 1. carry in the hands the sacred pig eaten by all 2. insert , to cause to people after the priest has be ill, sleepy offered an d eaten the first sacred pig; po n i 'ete' ete pone rotten (of taro); to be the first sacred pig eaten eaten by a beetle (of a by the pr iest after which the growing coconut ) other people eat the sacred pig, the po ni ara'ahu; po poni evening, after sunset, wa si a wild pig; po erihai night ; an appointed day ; a pig tied up to a stick ha ' i ripon i night , night time ; driven into the ground horo pon i fix a day ; poni orus i three days ago ; pon i po asi to cause a big wave , said ha ina four days ag o; etc. ; of the shark in or der . to pon i ni mae ha the day of capsize a canoe one 's de ath; tan i na pon i day and night ; pon i rua rua poe puffer fish midnight poe , as i poe sigh, gasp , out of poni-a to help , aid, assist, breath defend poe-a 1. to cram ponisi-a pass the night, to be 2. to leve r, elevate ; susu overtaken by darkness poe-a to lift with a lever poniwara speak in parables poeha 'u porcupine fish pono 1. hairy poeirau-na. poerau-na muscle , calf 2. closed, full up , stuffed up , blocke d, solid; pau-na , poi 1. adverb of p�ace. here; opa-na, rae-na e pono dull ra po i come here stupi d, ignorant; opapono 2. adverb of time in compounds ; heathen (late use ); tara e poi ros ia the day before pono the path is overgrown yesterday ; po i ruana the day after tomorro1ol' ; po i oruna pono 'aini-a to bud, sho ot the third day after; etc. ponoasina rough , of sea, the rough­ poi-a ask , quest , search - in ness being caus ed by the anger or der to kn o1ol' of the sea spirit or o1ol'ned shark, in order to dro1ol'n a poirau a un it of red shell money , person , fallen in the sea nine to t1ol'elve inches ponopono 1. id. pono 2, lid, poiresi-a ask, question; poires i stopper , cover , cork ' oh i a try to find out by 2. wall, partition in questioning; poi roko-a to a house summon ponosi-a close , block , stop up ; poka from Eng lish, fork , hoe to cause to be ignorant , dull poka id. oka 1 ponota overgrown

poke the lime , used 1oI'ith the ponotawa to part (of hair); to betelnut ; is burned coral put a flower in the parting of the hair poke-a to put lime in one 's hair ponu-a to sew pona swamp , a swampy lake , swampy ground 91

ponuponu a white sea louse , on the popona 1- a seed, stone (of outside of the fish gills frui t ) 2. har d (of bed ) ponuraro throw a spear straight in the air popo-na buttock ; id. popon a 1 for persons po 'o 1. ferment 2. string of a bow poponare an ant 3. side, part , section, on the side of , po'o ha 'ini-a popo ni suna embers to side with a person, pO' O hau farther north, west; pope ni uri ankle pO 'O I as l, pO' O I matawa seawards ; pO 'O i slhani popopoa angle ; at an angle outside, pO'O paro beyond; pO 'O purlku behind me ; popora become yellow pO 'O ma l up here , on this side (towar ds the speaker ); poporo 1. narrow , tight pO'O ta 'au further south , 2. bear sorrow , pain east; pO 'O wou on the far with patience ; te haro(a) side; pO 'O mine a section poporo suffer, endure, of men , for certain duties; bear with patience pO 'O ni mane the men 's side po ' opau pillow poporosi-a active of poporo 2

po ' ore leaf; po ' ore nl aro taro poposi-a to turn on the side leaf (when young , a good ve�etable; man i wa l hahona pora 1. jump , assault , attack; po ore nl aro nena an hosu pora id. ; pora exp ression: he is a generous hohos i-a prevent, hinder, man , she is a generous woman ; pora ra 'oni-a �it. water on the taro leaf stop ; jump over po ' oruru fill the mouth with 2. a pigeon food porahano to place the tar i on po 'osi-a 1. stir, change sides, the reef turn from one side to the other porahi-a to cause to jump ; jump 2. to take the veins at , le ap onto out of tobacco le ave s poraitoro a small bush pigeon po 'ota' ini-a turn over , round; opa-na e po'ot a'i he changed porapora 1. id. pora 1 his mind 2. a tree 3. porapora 'a black, popau pi llow blue ; ta 'a porapora I a natives, black people ; popisina alongside, beside porapora suu'a pitch black popo hurt , of a rough , hard prickly ob je ct pore 1. famili ar term for girl 2. an armlet , made from a popo-a press with the fingers dyed grass 3. to dream; ma 'asu pore, id. popoa careful pore-a with ana look at , contem­ popoena shoot , tip of plants plate , see

popohasimo wh ite grunt fish pori-a change residence , pack luggage popona 1. with or without ana , alongside, beside; often poripori a basket made of preceded by loc at ive i; coconut le af ana or I popona on the side of, alongsi de ; i poro husband, a male person , popoku beside me with or without pa ina, a man 2. supporting logs in authority, power, lord; poro haoru bridegroom; poro ni haka a white man 92

poro from English, ball , bullet , poupou 1. to light the track cartridge with a firestick 2. a green coconut good poro mera-na haemorrhoids to drink poroporo 1. wart poupou 'a a hill, a small rise 2. black, blue of ground poroporo-na faeces canal, rectum, pour a abundant , in great anus quantity, numerous poruporu 1. a small var iety of poururu kneel betelnut tree , has only a few leaves pu 1. a wasp 2. short of stature 2. hit , stamp , tread , rely on , stand firm; pu atoi-a to poruta sticks , used as supports find something by treading alongside a canoe to pr event on it , or knocking it with it from tipping over the feet ; pu haro to put the feet firmly on the ground, poruta ' ini-a to prepare for a fight ; to stand firm, to get a firm footing; pu P081 copulate ; p�s l sihan i meme-a crush , shatter; pu copulate , but let the seme n pirlni-a kick over, stamp on ; flow off outside the vagina pu risitara to trip 3 . with gen. ni, many ; pu ni posi-a to peel, take a vein out nima many houses of leaves pua 1. to be bright , of sun, in pot a 1. a partition in a gar den , the morning at sunrise place where we eds an d logs 2. a betelnut tree ; betelnut ; are thrown pua manurl a betelnut tree 2. rubbish , waste , dung ; refuse , rubbish heap puapua 1. id. pua 2 2. a palm tree , used for pota'in i'a, po'ota ' ini-a turn bows for children , and over, change , alter , reverse for tying on the walls of houses , for solidifying potari-a - break, crack purposes

pote 1. to have eaten to puara masturbation; pua ra ha'inl-a, satisfaction; hana pote api -na te ne l mara i to provoke to eat to satisfaction someone to masturbate 2. with gen . ni, a piece , part , some ; one of a puarau oho said of a girl having species; form , shape , body her first menstruation

potete from English, potato pue-a to shout in orde r to chase away pou 1. corpse, of a person not killed in war puepue foam, lather 2. side; ana pou ni wa l across the river pui id. p i recently , just now, a moment ago po 'u 1. wooly , frizzled 2. a log , block of hardwood pui 'eni to-day , now (Marau) 3 . a torch, made of resin and wrapped in leaf , used pui purina right behind as a light 4. po 'u 'ae show the bottom pukorone anklets , made of vine to a person , a way of cursing puma a fish

pou to become hard, coagulate puna stride over (of blood ) puni mark, token ; punipun l with po 'u-a turn one 's bottom to a ana mark, token of person as a sign of contempt 93

puni-a to mark , tatoo; draw , smear , behind me , after me ; of face or body with crushed purina e rae after his betel, lime departure ; I pu r I after­ wards, later on ; po 'o (I) punu a r n a - na p un u 1. 1 deaf pur I behind, in the rear; 2. to cluster; with gen. n I, (I)pu rl 'aha l, purl 'ana , I, or Zoaat. bunch, group ; purlh a'al lat er on, after­ punu n komu 1 a group of (wards ) houses, vi llage punu I narl e to'o hahona ha u papa nena puri -a crush, shatter , hit , an expression: is said of tread on , stamp on people that have left the village because of a quarrel puru 1. a small shell fish , its and live on their own some ­ shell is worn on legs and where (a bunch of ar eca nuts arms , or is attached to falling on a big stone does a canoe , as a prote ction not stay one bunch but the against at tacks of sharks nut s s cat t er a r 0 und ) , Zit. an d crocodiles, puru he is a bunch of areca nuts hah l-a falling on a big flat stone 2. a string with a little 3. trigger fish bag, containing betelnut leaf an d lime , tied around punuta crowded, clustered the legs and arms , a magic 3. a puttynut , used to pu'o 1. ignorant , he athen (late caulk canoes use ); ta'a nl puo the 4. a tree gum puru narl . a heathens resin 2. a bo\/' string 5. to t i e 5 I r I a r 0 un d the neck of ch ildren , a magic, pupu a small fish to prevent sickness 6. to stamp the ground pupuni-a come an d see with the heel pupupu intact , unbroken , wh ole ; puruhi-a to fill a hole , a to be virgin , of male an d grave , with earth; cover with female , having done neither earth the haru nor the hapaka purui-a to gum , stick, caulk the pupurimamu a tree , its leaves Joints of canoe planks with ar e used to prepare the puttynut pigment for blackening the teeth puruka from Engl ish, bull, cattle ; puruka mane a bull; purake from English , flag puruka ken l a cow; karena puruka a calf purarata slippery purunisua a bee , makes its nest pure a young girl in the ground and in trees; its honey puri 1. a red mullet with big eyes purupuru 1. star ; he 'u a big 2. a cowr ie shell( fish), the star; matara nl tanl she ll being used as sinkers Venus ;matara nl as l for fishnets; tara nl purl sea star; tataharate a string of wh ite cowrie a flying star shells around the neck or 2. a firefly on the forehead 3. move, go aw ay , leave , purupuru 'a black , blue ; abandon ; pur l man l-a id. ; purupuru 'a kasu(a) pitch black ; used in compounds : pur I Inon l purupuru'a a dark slkl . ato purl to le ave for skinned person , native good, forsake ; arurae pur l with ana repent , regret ; purupuruhia id. purupuru'a ta'e purl steer the canoe 4. pur l-na, purina, purlha pusu burst, explode , spurt out , with ana, adverb of pLaae squirt , blow (of whale), spray and time ; when locative it may be preceded by Ii purlku 94

pusua 'ini-a to spurt on , splash ra riu go home ; rae roro ra a person , blow away go very fast; ha ro rae go gently pus u ' as i, pus u ' i ' as i wh ale ra a plant with large broad pusura 'ini-a id. pusua 'i-a leaves; its leaves being used as food wrappers for the pususuto 'o rely on puddings

puta parcel, bundle ra 'a a square fishing net, hung on two cross sticks ; to fish with putari-a wrap up , make a parcel a ra ' a of ra 'aki tongs made of bamboo , used putatara fall ( of people ) to handle fire sticks and hot ston es; to handle these with pute with gen. ni id. p o t e ni the bamb oo tongs

putona , puton i suddenly ; ra 'a ni me ra uterus immediately precedes the verb ; putona suru' i -a steal ra ' ape a vine, put around the feet for climbing trees 'o 1. rely on , stand firm 2. much , many rae 1. id. ra 2. corpse, of a person not putu from English, boot , shoe , ki lled in war ; ririu orohana any foot-wear rae, the last far ewell to a de ceased , by passing under­ pu'upu'u a wasp , bee neath the corpse

ra 'e abird

R rae-a to lift a thing in order to look at it

ra, rae, go , come , enter ; ra ana raeha 1. a company , partner(ship), haka go ab roard; ra 'asia to crowd, comp anion , subject lose , spill; ra as isi get (in one 's care or pay) lost , as t ray ; lose one 's way ; 2. a journey, voyage ra 'au asura ' i, ra 'au 'au'asu move the arms when ra ' ehuni-a to hi de, conceal walking; ra ha h oi-a, ra surui-a, ra isuri-a follow a raemano glad, happy , pleased person; ra ha i 'ore go an d not return ; rae honos i -a go and rae-na stomach, heart , liver , meet, of boy and girl ; rae lungs , womb , mind , seat of hura reach ; ra i hanua go affections, intention , will; inland, as opposed to ra rae-na with or without hana , as i go to the sea; ra i as i, ha i, ana, ai, to desire, like , ra i ma ' usu go to the toi let , want; raeku I want, like ; rae for coastal people the sea 'ohu ' ohu-na lung; rae hitari- a shore, for bush people the understand; rae-na huu, iki, forest ; ra isi'o-na, ra kora , kota , uru (h i) to be sad, isuri-a follow, go according regret; raeku e uruh inau I to, obey, observe ; ra isT regr et, I am sorry ; e ta 'ai precede , take the lead; ra rae n i 'are ata they have one iraona enter, go into; ra ma i mind, the same opinion; rae-na come ·here I ra man i -a ab an don , e pono stupi d, dull; rae r i k i leave , go away from , quit; sad, sorry ; rae-na e rua , rua'a rae oto ni mae go like anything, rua rua to doubt , be divided in smoothly , very well; ra pa ina mind; rae-na e sian i to be of make noise whi le walking; ra good mind, to be kind; rae-na lperi go without permission; e ta'a angry ; rae-na e wasu to raerae , rara a salutation , Go, be in a rage ; rae-na to 'ohi-a go, said by those staying to to like ; see to'ohl-a 2; rae­ those going , Good bye ! see ore ; na e mano to be happy , pleased, glad 95

raenisu-na lung to protect the le aves 2. to hide behind rae 'oho ' ohu-na lung rahisi 'ai a spirit that hides raera a channel in the mangrove in trees raeriki sad, sorrowful , grieved rahitai a shell-fish raerisi edge , of roof ; timber or rahitai 'ini-a to rest, put , bamboo used for this purpose lean against raho raeroko dull, stupid; unwi lling haze, mist, fog to le arn raho 'a hazy , misty, foggy raeta 'a angry, furious rahoi a white grub , living in raetarahi-a 1. to see with one 's tree stump s own eyes rahoraho 2. to question, guess dried, of leaves by sun or fire raeuru sad, gr ieved, regret , sorry rahoraho-na side, flank, rib raha id. raeha rahore tomorrow rahao 1. a bone disease of the rahu 1. rahu 'a big toes and fingers, id. to be old, worn sususu out and dirty, of things ; rahu'a ni 'are 2. a big white worm, a dirty living in de ad trees worn out thing 2. uprooted rahara a flattish basket, made 3. pull out of woven coconut leaf , used rahu' ai-a as a plate wear away rahuana raharai to reach out on e 's hand rags , scraps to receive rahui-a pull out , down, of rahari 1. leaves put on the bottom grass , shrub , trees plants of the ov en , on the hot rahu-na s t on e s; r a h a ri p au 1 e a v e s , head used as pad on the head rahuni ra 'ehun i when carrying a heavy load id. 2. side of a tree where a rahuta 1. big incision has been made pan danus leaf , used as wrapper for puddings 2. rahe to marvel, be astonished fresh , still green leaves fallen to the rahe -a celebrate , exalt , prai se , ground extol rai with ana , or hani , permit, rahena praise allow , consent ra 'i participaZ ending rahi to give birth; ken i e rahi is used for a mother until rai -a rio rai-a nine days after the birth; know , un derstand; to recognise; tau ra i-a id. within those nine days (in arurae ra i -a; rai 'areha some places longer ) she has knowledge to stay away from the village raia the puttynut tree ; the nut rahisi 1. top of the taro plant is used for caulking purposes with part of the stem, an d inlay work used for planting 2. the upright bamboos on ra ' ini-a transitive verb ending; the walls of a house teke to fall; teke ra ' ini- a throw away , let fall, cause rahisi-a 1. to put laths of the to fall, make fall e'e sui on the outside of the walls , in order 96

rairari with ana , to arise, 2. flotsam, consisting of originate from trees , bran ches , coconut shells , seeds of trees, rairarina origin, cause , stump rubbish of any description 3. to ram raisi from English, rice 4. to chop up felled trees in preparation for a new raka 1. to play , leap , of the garden school of bonito, porpoise 2. raka raka hot ; raka popoha ramasi-a active of rama 4 warm , hot 3. to be true ; na 'aha inaia ramata a small fish, comes at e raka his words are true , time s in big quantities from to be fulfille d the sea into river mouths 4. to be magically powerful , effective ; also of me dicines rame 1. an edible fruit, catkins , 5. to shout , of women after from the sua tree the birth of a boy , to 2. to flame indicate to the people the child is a boy ; of many rami eggs , of crabs and crayfish people together , as opposed to ku of one or two persons ramo originally he was a warrior , a strong powerful man , with rakaehe-a cause to grow bad, a powerful spirit, who took cause to be in a bad state it up on himself to keep law and order amongst the people , rakahi-a to heat , warm judge d and exe cuted law-and­ order breakers by killing them, rakani warm oneself there being no chiefs. Later, chieftainship started, an d rakasioha said of a girl wh o ge ts the ramo became his official her first menstruation executioner ; keu ramo a brave , a ve ry strong and powerful rakata shout , cry together, in man (see keu 3) chorus ramo lake rakata ni wai , raka ta ni wa iau the commotion of the sea (river ) ramoi-a to force , compel; to surface , caused by a school of menace with a we apon fish , or by many people playing in the sea (river) rao prep . of pl.ace , in, inside, into; may be preceded by rake 1. stones, used in the oven locative i, and na or oi may for steaming food be suffixed; raona with a 2. reed noun , raoi without a noun

rakena on the side, along the rao the sago palm ; its leaves border are used for thatch; its seeds are hard nuts; in its lifetime raki to take with bamboo tongs the tree produces seeds once: this is when it is old, and it rakihu id. r ake 1 dies imme diately afterwards ; pau ni rao a length of stitche� rakisi-a 1. to take hot stones , sago palm leaves; tahana n i fire, with the bamboo rao a fathom length of stitched tongs leaf (see apa 4) 2. squeeze , tighten the lips ra 'o 1. extreme ly , extraordinary; e siani ra 'o it is extreme­ rakosi-a to cover, shelter ly good 2. a cone shell, used as raku 1. a big canoe with uprights ornament on the belt; bound 2. to be whole , entire , safe around arm and leg; tied on canoes, used as a prote ction rakui a fish against attacks of sharks and crocodiles rama 1. collect 3. tamed, subdued, accustome d 97

rara' 4. o to be stuck, rape-na e rio sian i to look tight , firm, to be clinging we ll, to be healthy , clean, to of body ; rape wa ' i to be in pain; rape-na e weo to rao-a to square off the ends of suffer, to be tired; rapena timber, bamb oo komu the appearance of the village ; rape hi 'a to be raoha-na epipleon , interior of the heavy of body , said of stoma ch people who move slowly because of sickness or raoi see rao adv anced pregnancy rao'i-a to gr asp , by dipping the rapi , rua rap i a twin , a boy an d / or hand in a girl; two stones in one frui t raoka trigger , cat ch rapi-a take two things at a raoma 'i to fit in , to act craftily time ; rapia ha 'ini-a to join a person raorna 'ini-a active of raoma ' i rapo-a prepare food well raomatara the time for digging the yams rapo 'o wooden bowl rao-na the invi s ible parts of the rapou an armlet, ma de of vine , sexual organs ; used in curses ; is also put around the legs oko an i a raona uh i ku eat the invisible parts of the penis rapu 1. a big sized kn ife 2. rapurapu to tatoo; to raona see rao hit, strike , whip, beat , throw out a fishing line ; raonao prep. of time , may be 'ai rapurapu a long stick preceded by locative i, to knock fruit from trees; before , in time past rapu potari-a to break by hitting raoni-a pass over , step ov er , 3. manu rapu frigate bird ross with out touching; raon ia c 4. rapu 'a' e-na in compounds; step ove r a person's hitari-a break into parts; legs ; it is strictly forbidden rapu mousi-a cut off ; rapu to step ov er anything of the mememe-a, rapu potar i-a, opposite sex rapu oi- a to destroy , break by hitting raorao 1. an armlet made of plowa i Rapu ' anate a legendary giant, 2. a wi ld banan a living on the Three Sisters , 3. calm, of weather an d ab out one hundred feet tall sea an d going around the islands to kill raori-a to draw, pull, to oneself rapusi-a hit , whip, beat ; rapusl-a ana iora to hit the gunwhale rapa 1. to pound taro; pounded taro of a canoe with the paddles 2. put dry leaves an d sticks when paddling around the trees in or de r raputa 'ini-a to burn them, in preparation to knock, hit for a new garden against, collide with, knock down ; to break, of the waves rapano pounded taro with scraped on shore coconut rapurapu 1. id. rapu 2 2. a burning pain , some­ rapasi-a to poun d taro times caused by diving into the sea rape , rape-na body , shape , figure , i'a 3. a boil caused by the appearance , bulk , colour; apu ana upu or pa' ewa e rape an owne d shark; rape-na e taa' to be very sick; 98

rapurapu 'a lash rarami-a to dazzle a person , of the bright sun rara 1. man of mature age ; rara ni mane , the men who lived raramoa corpse , of a person in the past killed in war , or by violence; 2. to hurt, pain raramoa ma ur i victim (dead); 3 . to respect; rna ' u rara to mae ( i ) raramoa to die (be respect out of fear , of killed) through violence magical power 4. to be warm, hot , of sun rarana with or without ' ai , branch, 5. fade , wither, dry up ; of tree ma l rara de ad low tide, at spring tide; rara moumou rarani-a to warm oneself, at the ripe and dried shoots of fire or in the sun; to expose yams oneself to the sun in order 6. id. para fence, enclosure; to warm oneself rara honos i-a make an enclosure, fence in rarao a small shark that does not 7. a set place for inter­ at tack people tribal wars, battlefields 8. go, go! finally , until rara 'oha murmur , rustle

rara scorch, singe , of sun and rarapa a weed, fern fire rarapehu to roll (down ) raraha 1. a line 2. a shrub with edible raraposiposi stiff , hard leaves rarara hanging in the air raraha-na thigh, groin , buttock rarara-na a limb, me mber of the rarahi-a 1. provoke abortion; body rarah la ana suna provoke abortion by sitting rararana 'ai a branch, of tree near a hot fire 2. straighten , stretch rarare nima a house made of out coconut leaves 3. dazzle a person , of sun an d fire rarari-a to guard

rarahuna old rarari mau pay for somebody , stand security rarai meaning, sense, significance, (see raraiana ) rararo a tree

rarai-a 1. raise , lift rarasi 1. dried, shrivelle d, 2. to guess withered by the sun 2. paralysed; poliomyelitis rara 'i-a stretch the bow with the arrow, ready to shoot rarasu stretch oneself when lying down raraia-na in memory, commemora­ tion of rarasu-a to blacken , in smoke

raraiana meaning, sense , rarata 1. crawl signification; rarai ana ta 2. slide off ; slip down ; what is the meaning of it? pu rarata lose one 's footing rara ' ina branch raratai sect ion of bamboo , sugar raraka lazy, unwilling cane

rarakehu roll, roll down rarate , ra ratea, pebble , shingle , gravel raramanu to float rarate-na jaw, chin, bear d raramea disagreeable to the taste 99

rarato-na testicles , scrotum and by ; n o ko raro ra I'll go by and by rarau 1. incurable , of sickness 2. with poss. ana , stay raroa 1. id. ra ro 2 wi th , stand by 2. go slowly , slacken, slow down rarawa 'a lazy , idle , unwi lling raro 'a 1. an open space, a rarawa 'asi-a omit, negle ct , clearing through laziness 2. deep , spacious , deeply rooted rarawoa a partition in a garden , on which weeds an d logs are rarohi-a to be ckon , to call with thrown signs rare 1. dead coconut branch; a Raroi suu district around torch made of it Tarapaina , in the Ma la Masike 2, a sleeping mat , made of Passage green coconut leave s raroma deep , hollow rare-a to do , make raro-na inside , within rari be lost, gone astray , take a wrong tr ack, err, mistake ; raroni willing, we ll disposed to do wrong, to sin ( late us e ) rarotopa coloure� , designed, rari with gen. nl, source, basis , bright of colour origin, generationl r.rl nl hut. forefathers , the first raru 1. iron-wood, a littoral in the line of de scendence tree ; in the expression po�u 'a)nl raru he ( sh�)" raria 'ini-a to cause to err, get 1s strong enough to do lost, go astray , take the work ; Lit. a log of the wrong track, mistake iron-wood tree 2. pike fish rarina id. ra ri with gen. nl raru-a to sharpen to a point, to rarini-a to get , bring di fferent be pointed things together raruina door opening rariri a small shellfish, with the so-called cat's eyes, rasini 1. a long time ago , in the tapestry turban. the shell earlier days itself; ra rlrl nl matlw. id. 2. from En g lish, ration rarisi morning ; ra rlsl Itanl rasu to smoke , of fire tomorrow morning. The approx­ imate hours of the day are: rasu-a to smoke , to blacken rate hane 7 a.m. ; ha ' ana rae with smoke ; rasu poe -a to tas l 8 a.m. ; ha ' aur. ho' u 9 a.m. ; choke on account of smoke atowa ma rau 10 a.m. ; .to w. 11 a.m. ; tou nl .tow. noon ; rasu'ai-a to put in the smoke .pa l rato pa in. 1 p.m. ; .palrato 2 P.m. 1 apa l rato mas lke 3 p.m. ; rasua-na bile, gall apau ro rl r orl 4 p . m . ; s l n e'apu nl p!(r l 5 p."m. ; ra urahl 6 p.m. ; pon l rata 1. a very strong liana, 7p.m. ; tou nl pon l midnight used especially to sow canoe planks rariwara make a brawling or ation 2. with poss. ana, to be in order to defend oneself like , resemble after having committed a 3. squirrel fish grave offence rata-a to tie two ends raro 1. cloud, sky , heaven together, of branches 2. adv. " of consecutive action , precedes the verb, then , rata 'ai astonished, amazed consequently, shortly, by 100

rata 'aro fall on one 's face rau 'aru to dig a potat o garden and replant rata i name rau hani become rata-na name ; atet ratamu what is your name ? ratana nt hanua rauhi the green sea-snail tribe 's name ; irta rata-na to denounce a person, report rauhoai-a to divorce , separate of married couple ratana name ; ratana ' are the name of something ra'ui-a to gather up with the hands and put in heaps ratani-a to sting raukeniha one of the four ways of ratanimane a tree wi th white procuring a bride; boy an d flowers girl run away together and live together for a while in rate a reed, small bamboo , used the forest , so as to for ce to stake yams and pana, and the consent of marr iage from sometimes for the ¥a lls of the parents houses rauma door ; rauma mas Ike window; ratea a stick, used to remove rauma palna door the stones from the oven rauma 'ini to fit, of one thing rata sun, sunshine , no rain, good into another we ather; e rato the sun shines, it is fine weather , rauna 'o may be preceded by it is not raining, it is dry ; locative I, before , previously , apa t rato see rartsi; ha i ratoa earlier; ra rauna 'o to lead day-time; rato e rere the sun a person is up , overhead; rato ni oku the position of the sun after rauni-a 1. to befall, to happen the planting of the yams and to pana, i. e. around New Ye ar; 2. beat , hit , thr ash , hanua (apa) ni rato pa the sma sh, crush east rauniha to de corate one 's body; rato-a cut up a tree bodily de corations , ornaments

ratoa boar raunihana fringe , edging

rato 'ai-a expose to the sun , raupu-a be come , establish , dry in · the sun, to shine on , instit ute , commi t, start, of the sun commence , invent

rato-na, ratoa-na testicles raura-a to hold in the hands

ratonaia to be burnt by the sun raurahi dusk, evening ( see r a r i 5 I ) rau 1. tuna fish 2. with or without ana , to rauraku entire, whole , complete befall, take place , happen to raurapu 1. a bush knife 2. a jelly fish rau-a 1. id. raU 2 2. to snatch, grab with raurasi whale violence ; to pull in, of fish line raurasu rauras t 2. tobacco raua 1- needle . made from the 3. to smoke , of fire bones of the flying fox 4. a pattern , used for 2. a stone tattooing on the cheeks

ra 'ua a man's cloth made from the raurau quickly (see rau-a) bast of the meto 101

rauri yam pudding, steamed reho speak, talk, tell, narrate; between hot stones in small with poss. ana, scold; reho packets 'ane' ane talk angrily over a trifle ; r e h o hanehane speak ra' uroko-a put together , collect -yery loudly ; reho ita I I speak together ; reho ma , reho mana rauru to be ra ining heavily fly out at; reho mamata speak seriously; reho meamea speak rausi a hardwood tree indistinctly ; reho ra r i speak an untruth ; reho ruasusu rausi-a to take the fibres off speak from the throat ; re re ­ the husk, of liana , ho'eh o'e; hona speak loudly ; is also to scrape vines in preparation used as an exclamation Keep for sewing; id. raun i-a 1 quietI rauta kind, species , category ; rehoa-na word, speech rauta na ra uta many kinds , varieties, many di fferent rehona word, speech ; rehona things ta 'a bad, immoral speech rautana a great quantity of rehona-na word, speech things, a shoal of fish rehopopo 1. with p088 . ana , rawa 1. a spider; cobweb ; rawa accuse a person behind akaro a small spider �ith his back red shell case an d prickly 2. speak in parable s points on the sides, its web ; rawa I uta a big red rei a jungle grass spider, its web 2. a creeper , vine ; a cord, reireina a shark's dorsal fin made of these vines 3. a fish reko a shrub with edible leaves; reko ni haka manioc rawa'a 1. mouldy , stale , of food 2. a small hand fishing reko-a to preserve , put well net , the shape an d size away , look after , save ; kan i of a tennis racket , used reko-a put in a safe place for stream fishing and in the shore reef rekorekoa talkat ive openings 3. said of the moon after reo 1. a scar the yam harvest 2. flesh of the almond nut 3. a wild yam with thorny rawahia qui ckly , fast; exclamat ion vine hurry up ! reoi the bronchia of a fish rawako a bat , flying fox; teeth of the flying fox re ' oi-a to ringbark a tree in order to kill it rawarawa two strings of red shell money, in one un it, each two reona gills . of fish fathoms long reoreo 1. the mother of pearl rawariri shiver, tremb le shell. used for inlay; the fish rawaro id. rawako 2. rereo ni mera a child between eight and fifteen rawaru whisper, prompt year s of age 3. a wild yam re a fish repa-a to brush; repaa tara to re 'e hurt , ache; 'a'eku ka re 'e make a road; repa ta ra to my feet ache , after a long walk give an example rehe-a weave, plait 102

repehi-a 1. to take the dus t off; reto type of fish, taboo for to dust young and middle aged people 2. to fan ( thread fin? ) reperepe to be moved, ag itated, reu-a mix , stir by the wind; a fan rewaru to replant a garden, reperepena the side fins of a immediately after the food fish has been dug out repi a harlot ri-a an act ive verbal ending; honu full; honuri-a to fill repo l� an elde rly person ; mine repo an old man ; ken i repo ria a ginger with perfumed roots , an old woman used as a me di cine by witch 2. ripe , full grown , good doctors ; there are several to eat varieties for different diseases; ria nl marutana a repo-a conserve ginger used to enlist the affections of women rere squint , have a cast in the eyes, one-eyed; mana e rere ri 'e to try out one 's strength he squints in a friendly contest rere-a sharpen , of tools rihe the bass pipe rereha 'ini-a to float in the air rihi 1. place, spot 2. thing, id. 'are; rihl rerehono speak , talk loudly ; used 'uti what , what is the also as an imperative : Keep matter, what is this siLent. quiet! thing? rerepe a basket with handles , rihu 1. live separated, of a used to put rubbish in young couple who have not yet lived together rerepi a flute 2. travel by sea, close to the shore ; rihu 'ahul -a, rerepono warble , prattle , speak riu 'ohl-a enclose , encircle indistinctly rihua beach rerere a woman 's loin cloth , a fringe of liana string, worn rihuakere a superlative ; something in front and behind, not very big , enormous around "the- hips rihutoto to be lost , gone , of rerete 1. crawl like a snake persons through death 2. slip , slide rii out of joint , of limbs rere'u stay quiet ri 'i adv. of finished action , rerewa'a tall and thin , of humans finally , at last and things rii-a break off the claws of rese a fish crabs resi-a see , un der stand, find; ri 'iri'i a grasshopper, cicada resia ha 'lnia mana to be an eye witness rika'a a superlative ; very ; id. kaka I rete good, we ll, right riki 1. see rae-na ; raer i k I, rete'a strong , powerful , mighty rae-na e rlkl to be sad, grieved; raerikiha sadness, ret"e 'a-na , rete 'a ana , rete 'ah a-na grief strength, power 2. climb a tree without using a foot rope 103

riki-a 1. relieve , replace; powerful spirits of a change , exchange , return commoner, or smaller chief of money on feasts 2. pierce holes in the ri ' ohi-a look for, seek , search auricle for , examine 3. to win , surpass ri ' oi-a to strangle , hang a rikimai 1. expression; That 's aLL! person; ri 'oi-a ma ra-na 2. id. rikimana all strangle , hang oneself

rikimana indef. pron . used with a riona 'i with or without ta ra-na, noun , all, every; ri kimana to guide , show a person the inon i everybody ; rikimana ' are way everything riona'ini-a correct a person rikisi-a 1. reply, an swer 2. change , exchange , riota, riota-na , riota i appear­ replace ance , looks , form; r i otana e rio anoara 'a (anoraea) look I r ko-a touch extraordinarily well

riko ana 'are a trifle , unimpor­ ripa explode , make a cracking tant thing noise, go off

rikoriko a parrot , tame d as a pet riperipe blister

rio, riorio, ririo see , look , to be ripo lie , deceive awake ; rio ana man a nei wa it on a person's glances, consider; ripoi pretend, cant ; hypocrisy rio ara'a look upwards; rio atoi-a see , meet ; rio ha i ra riri 1. change , change appearance think over, reflect ; look at 2. a cricket; to chirp , of sexual parts of the body with the cri cket evil mind; rio ha itare look 3. to hunt for, look for in vain, fail to see; rio hirisi-a choose ; rio hiru, riria an ulcer , sore, c aUf'ed by rio huri look up , raise the apu ana r i ria ( see apu) head in order to see better; rio (i) puri-na look behind; riria'ini-a with man i-a, keep rio isi 'o-na, rio isu ri- a away from, eliminate, de liver take care of, look after , free watch, guard; rio ka 'u look , behold I rio keke look riri 'e a hardwood tree around; rio ma i look here , attention l rio mara resemble , riri 'i far , far off , far away , look like; rio 'ohl-a look remote , distant for, seek, examine , search for ; rio rae to' ohi-a, rio ririkari-a to surround, go ra i-a recognize , understand; around in a circle rio susui guard; rio susuri watch closely; rio tara take riri-na part of the cheek below care., beware; rio tarah i-a the ear look for in vain ; rio toto with ana , see, find a person or riripou the circle of big stones thing; rio tor i with ana look surrounding the fireplace at a person from a height ; rio ( see kora 1) urihana look as if, look like , seem ririsi a big black ant

ri 'o, ri 'o ma ra-na to hang ririu go as tray , take a wrong oneself path

rio-a awaken ririu-a change dire ction

ri'oa, ri'oanimae a great powerful ririu' api the wagtail spirit, i.e. of a big chief (houra) as opposed to the less 10 4

risi 1. sprain, strain, wrick for testing yams; used as a 2. a little shack behind a spoon also and as a breast house, for women to stay ornament , worn as a gorget in after childbirth an d aroun d the neck; there ar e during menstruat ion different varieties; roa kaura , roa slpa risi-a bite off, cut off a piece 2. cracked, split or section, of persons an d 3. big, fleshy, of coconuts things ; risi kuri-a, risi horo an d almonds id. 4. swollen , inflated 5. with gen. nl, preceding risitara step aside, pass as i de , the noun , ordinary, common slip aside , escape roai-a prepare , make ready risu id. isu ro 'ara a sore on the heads of risu-a put aside , separate children , caused by eating the frui t of the 'al was l rite eggs of lous e and flea ro 'aro'a an edible mushroom ritemi-a kill lice, fleas , between thumb and a hard ob ject roeroea a sea eel riu 1. pass, spre ad, of epidemics; roha jump for joy travel; rlu i as i travel by sea; riu i hanua travel by rohea 1. put up the sail, sail land; rlu taraha'l, rlu 2. to draw , bend a bow tararlu pass by without call­ 3. to exhibit money, at ing; ra rlu go home; rlu I a feast apa travel over land; r I u orohana rae pass un derneath rohi-a bend a corpse as a last farewe ll to the deceased; rlu hau pass roho 1. to fly; haka roroho an over there ; rlu ma l pass here aeroplane 2.adv. of pLace , over there , 2. a tree , its bark and yon der , said of nearby places leave s ar e us ed in ceremonial purification riu-a 1. used to form the co mpara­ rohoi-a de fend oneself tive and superlative; e paina rlu'o he is bigger rohoiniu a fish than you; e pa lna rluta slko he is the biggest of roho-na the front , of man all 2. surpass, win , excel, go rohora 'ini-a to fly away with beyond, pass over , of time rohosi-a to cause to fly, to riu hono , rlu honos i-a intervene , make fly interrupt rohotarasi thin, of humans; have riusi-a id. r I u-a a thin flat stomach , like the stomach of a young girl or riuta, r I utaha superior to, more boy; sign of yo uth than , in excess , excessive , beyond, exceedingly rohotarau dysentery , di arrhoea riuta 'ini-a to turn around rohu silent , quiet, ignore , stop speaking riuta ni 'apu dysentery , diorrhoea roi a black poisonous snake ro to be home at night only , for fear of being kille d in roi-a pluck; break the claws of daytime crabs roa 1. pearl shell, black lipped, roipauna a fish used as a scraper for coco­ nuts, taro, yam, pana, an d 105

roirosi 1. sponge roraa a set beating on the 2. a moss, on trees , used wooden gong in ceremonial purification, is wrung out over the he ad rore 1. a small hand fishing net , of a new born baby when has the form and size of a taken into somebody 's tennis racket , used in house ; (see rumurumu 1) stream fishing and small openings in shore reef roka 1. wild growing food 2. mumble ; to be confu sed, 2. open , unfolded talk confuse dly

rokasi-a to open , unfold, extend rori 1. babble , prattle , stammer 2. to roll the food in roke a lamprey , under rocks near on e 's mouth, of toothle ss the shore people

roko 1. cloudy ; black clouds roro 1. a small reddi sh ant 2. to come , gather , live 2. bent , twisted toge ther ; roko ita' i id. 3. pike (fish) roko-a collect, make up into a roro-a to importune, annoy, bundle , call together , heap up; pe ster, worry tara roko-a to call for a gathering roro 'a liable , at fault rokoha a meeting, gathering roro 'ai-a 1. cause to be liable , to be at fault rokopisi the eaves of a house ; the 2. make troub le cross sticks , of bamboo; e'e against, involve one­ sui on the lower edge of the self in a bad posit­ roof , used as a support for ion, to have incurred the le af a debt ; to wear one­ self out rokota a meeting, gathering; rokota n I I non I a kindred, ro roai -a forbid bilateral family roro 'a iri-a reply , respond rokota 'i to be open , unfolde d, of flowers, banana bunch roroa-na ear

rome a shell fish; the shell roro 'ana business; troub le itself, foun d mainly aroun d Tarapaina in the Mala Masike rorohi bent , twisted, bent down Passage , used for making the red shell money aru (at roroho apu dysentery (excreta Lan galanga); (see koko 1) mixed with blood), blood in the urine ronasi a wild yam roroho-na bosom ro'o scared, sus picious , to·be on one 's guar d rorohona the underside, reverse, opposite , belly ro 'o-a cuddle a child in order to make it sleep roroi-a stretch, tighten; rorola Ito to snare ro ' oi-a prepare something for a person roroma 'ini-a 1. to bend, bow, stoop ro 'ona'ini-a put away one 's 2. to dip , soak, portion of food cover with earth

ropo porpoise roro-na groins

rora cross beam on the roof of roroni puny, stunted a house, used as support for the rafters rorono mangrove swamp 106

roropia a sea worm eatin g wood rotonai-a to burn rorora hastily , quickly , rotosi-a to be overtaken by hurriedly; rae ror oa go quick­ nightfall ly, fast rotu id. 10tu with p088. ana, rorosi-a to bend, bow , twist to worsh ip; religion , worship rorosu to bend, of body when rou 1. row, tussle ; the noise si tting down of weapons in a fight 2. to fai l to catch fish rorota 'i bent , twisted, bowed; hanging down , of hair , ro 'u 1. ro 'u hana 'a to cont ract creepers a ceremonial de filement; to have bad luck , e.g. in rorotara a string of porpoise fishing on account of a teeth , worn aroun d the fore­ dis favour of a spirit; head ceremonial defilement 2. again, anew, also, as rorou bang, resound; to have a well, over again , further ; roarin� in the ear, rumbling of (e) mao ro' u no, not so, stomach ; make a loud nOise, of not that thun de r eta. ; noise, roaring ro ' u-a to pull towards oneself roro'u paralysed; poliomyelitis ro ' ua adv . of " time. the gen. nl rosi-a 1. await, wait for , may be add ed, times; ta 'ai expect ; in preparat ion ro ' ua once ; hita ro ' ua how for often ; ro ' ua 'uta when? ro 'ua 2. squee ze , wring out , nena now, at present; ro' ua strain out coconut cream, ino'o this time , now; ana milk cows (later use) ro 'ua when , at the time when; 3. to roll, twist (te) ha ru ro 'ua somet imes, now and then ; uwera, mo ra ni roti from English, road ro 'ua often , frequently roto 1. with gen. ni, a piece , ro ' uhana 'a to fail to catch part, length ; one of a fish, have bad luck in species; roto n i rawa , one fishing rawa (a fish ) 2. cloudy ; black cloud, rouma-a to at tach the sewn squall; (see oku ) leaf to the house 3. to be dark , night ; night darkness roumana compose a new song 4. b lind; ma -na roto, to be blind roumi-a to bend, of legs, arms , 5. to bath , wash oneself; sticks, to double back roto ma -na wash the face; roto mae a to baptize (late rouroua 1. bay use) 2. handle , ear, catch 3 . indicates time , the roto-a to cut off; to cut wood time that , the hour lengthwise upon , the day when rotohi-a to wash , bath a person , rourouma-na a joint , of the thing; to water body rotoi fruit ," seed ro 'usu 'u a length of red shell money, up to the elbow, a rotoi tahi endearing term, my cubit good child (Zit. fruit of my tahi) ro 'usu'usu 'u a lozenge , a pattern for tattooing, on rotona 1. rotona 'al fruit, seed the forehead 2. rotona mapuru sow tobacco 107

rua 1. two; awara mana rua twe lve ; ruka ni korne a length of red rua awa ra twenty shell money , approximately 2. dL ending , iarua, iki rua eighteen inches etc. 3. flood tide, incoming tide; ruka pau place a corpse in a rua pa ina high tide; rua pusu, canoe an d put it on stakes rua to'o high spring tide in the mangroves . After 4. two , used with pairs of de composition the skull is relat ives, rua ma ira' ina put on the holy place father an d mother ruku wrinkle , shrivel, to be ruaima only folded ruamane , ruamaneke an exclamation rukurni-a to fold, crease of surprise rurna oil, grease , from pigs and rua-na throat , neck , back ; rua coconuts , used to rub the susu laryngitis body to make it shiny ruana 1. back, ridge rurnarurna long haired 2. with locat ive i, up , on , upon , ab ove, on top of; rurnu 1. seaweed; a moss on i ruai id. , without a noun trees, used in ceremonial purification; is wrung ruana second; ruana ro'ua second out over the head of a time new born baby when taken into somebody 's house ruani-a aban don , leave , desert 2. from Eng lish, room ru 'aru' a a round basket , made of rupe 1. stinted coconut leaf 2. mis carriage ruarua 'a to doubt ; raena e rup i id. rupe ruarua 'a he is in doubt ruru 1. folded ruha undress, take off clothing; 2. together, at the same to loosen , free, remove ; to time become heathen again (late use) ruru-a collect , gather; carry on the back; a load, a ruhe id. ruha gathering rUhi-a to graze , bark, scratch ruru ' a a bas,ket made of coconut leaf ' ruhu heal, cure ; change , renew rurua 'ini-a to light again, rehusi-a active of ruhu stir up a fire rui-a forbid, put a ban on rurua suna make a fire ruka 1. become ruru ha ' ini-a to contract a 2. ruka kon i-a to put , put woman for marriage; make an in reverse ; 'are ana (ani) agreement , to agree with ruka a place to put things away , shelf ruruhi-a make twine 3. bury , place , put rurui-a a round basket , made of ruka ' asi-a abandon , give up , coconut leaf desert , leave , put down , divorce , dismiss, rele a se , ruruka a liana reject , repudiate , scorn rurukurna a lizard, gecko rukasi-a active of ruka 3 rururni-a to fold ruka ni asi a length of red shell money , approximately twenty­ rururnui intoxicated four inches 10 8

rurupuri the after pains of child­ birth, said to be co.used by s clotting of tlnod in the womb of the mother sahi a un it of red shell money, two fathoms ruruputo fill the mout h with food saho locally grown tobacco

Lururao a nettle sahu 1. a lime , used in magic, on which incant ations are rurusi-a 1. shake done an d put over the door­ 2. to skin , bark , peel way outside on the ridge­ pole or blown aroun d in rurulu a flat sided fish , foun d the house ; us ed as a pro­ on the shore reef tect ion for the house, the inhabitants and the ruru 'u with or without nl 'ai, belong ings , against evil a charge , bundle of wood spirits , and sickness ; suru sahu to put or blow rusu 1. a social un it with an the lime ove r the doorway araha, within the lora; eto. there are eight rusu in 2. sahu ' 01 ' 01 a joint an lora sickness caused by the 2. the ribs in a canoe , cut apu ana sahu out of a slab of hardwood, us ed to strengthen the sa' i a clamshell ornament, worn canoe an d to support the around the neck an d arm seats, the length of a canoe is determined an d the saka 1. push the canoe forward price fixe d by the number through shallow waters rusu of (from one to five ) with a long stick 3. a partition, room, in a 2. powerful, strong, of house me dicine; of the power of spirits ruta to charge , load, carry a haka ruta mine , load; e a sake to play hop-scotch recruiting vessel, ruta perl to recruit without permission saku 1. id. saka 1 or payment , i.e. to 'blackbird' 2. a long stick to push a canoe through shallow ruti a load, charge, cargo waters ruta hau put stones on the fire , samu unmarried, single for heating samusamu 1. fringe on mats rutani-a to load, charge 2. fibrous part of coconut ruu a small blue fish sanarai to float ru 'u 1. pierce , perforate ; ru' u ' ana pierce d through ; ru u sane white ant ha 'lnl-a pierce, perfor a te; ' ru u hltarl-a to crack sane 'a eaten by white ants 2. to leave , change one 's residence saosao a wild banana 3. sink, in mov ing sand (quicksand) sapiri to trade , exchange in trade ruu-a 1. expel, drive away ; retire , draw back , leave sara run aground, strike a reef 2, protect, shelter, cover saraha 'ini-a caus e to run ru ' uhi-a pierce , perforate agroun d

ruuhi-a flock together sare 1. to brush, clear 2. elephantiasis ruuruu rough , prickly 3. a food disease in taro an d yam 109

sasaha-na thigh , lap, groin si ' arua kill lice between thumb an d a hard ob ject sasani to study, learn; study ; learning, school siasia a fish sasani-a to teach , train siawa lime , us ed with the betel­ nut chewing sasapi-a pierce by boring sihani outside , out of doors ; sasawai to grope used with locative i; on i slhan l menstruate ; when sau a fish menstruating , the women are not allowed to enter hou ses , sau-a mend, darn public places where men come ; they have to stay out of the sa'u-a cleanse , wash; sa'u village in the forest papare'ai-a. id. siharu a skin disease , eruption saukae grate coconuts; a coconut of pimple s scraper siharu-a to pluck meat , fish­ saume-a mend, darn meat from the bones an d eat it semusemuna fringe , edging siho descend, de cline , disembark , si 1. negative partic�e not ; come down , go down ; to set , of exclamat ion Don 't! sun; siho mai come down this 2. an illative, adv . of way future time , if a condition is fulfilled, then ther eupon sihora 'ini-a de scend, put down , 3. trans . verba � ending kae put on shore to lie; kaes i-a to de ceive sihusihu to bud , shoot sia 1. a numerica � ending; p o n i orus ia three days ago etc. si 'i to fart 2. ezc�amation of at tention Look! si ' ihi-a to crack 3. adv. of conditional affirmati on, used of future si ' ihiru make one 's flesh creep, time , then , finally be goose-flesh all ove r

si 'a a club for killing people si' ikamu a little stick, used to pick up the lime from the siahi a un it of red shell money , cont ainer when chewing betel­ two fathoms (sah i ) nut ; is wetted first so the lime sticks, an d then brought siana id. siani into the mouth , an d pulled out again through closed lips siana ana goodne ss, soun dne ss si ' ini-a sniff at , smell , taste , sianaha, sianaha ana goodness, feel soun dness si 'isi' i-na anus , rectum siani good, we ll , proper, accurate , prosperous ; e siani sikari a wide flat string , made mora it 's alright , no ma tter ; of tree bar k or wove n fibre , kon i sian i ana take care of, used for carrying bamboo water look we ll af ter; manata siani containers , firewood and other behave we ll; mauri siani to heavy loads be in good health ; oni siani to be ( live ) prosperous , well ; sike clean rio siani beauti ful ; ( e) slani ka 'u, (e) siani no'o stop, sike 'a clean enough , that wi ll do siki come loose, detached, un done ; sianiha id. sianaha to spark ; siki with ana, contaminate , infe ct 110

siki ae ni po a cricket sinara id. sina sikihi-a to wipe out , undo , untie , sinare a hardwood tree take off, detach sinari shine (of moon an d stars ); sikinipiri bedbug moonlight , light of stars sikira ' ini�a make loose, sinari-a to brighten , lighten detached, un done ; let escape , set free sinatai-a repair fishing nets sikiria laugh ; jump , hop, leap of sino , sinoa smack one 's lips animals ; to laugh loudly , after the birth of a girl, sinono to have hollow eyes done by the women to indi cate to the people that a girl has sinora with gen. ni , thousand, been born (exclusively for counting food) siko 1. whole, all, everybody , sio 1. take everything ; ikira slko all 2. adv. of conditional of them , eve rybody confirmation, us ed of 2. s 1 k o a completed, finish­ fut ure time ; then , finally ed; ana hura e slko last month ; (e) siko no'o it is si 'o 1. bewitch, practise black finished; sik os iko finish­ magic on a person to ed altogether cause his death (on account 3. us ed in compositions to of a quarrel) ; revenge or • indi cate a past action , enmity iri sikoa to have said 2. si 'o suri-a follow in a person 's track sikoa 1. id. siko 2 an d 3 2. a kin d 0 f spar r ow si 'oha the practice of black magic siko' ahana en d, close si 'oha 'a to be in a bad state of sima-a to bar , skin , peel , take health ; si'oha 'a ni inoni a off the fibrous part of the person in evil plight , an betelnut ; sima maumau' 1 ra old destitute person in a with ana, id. sorry plight sima'oi make a cracking noi$e si ' oha-na to be on good terms , when going through the forest to be friends sime fly, mosquito; sime nl p u, si ' ohi-a 1. to practise black sime rawako a mosquito magic on a person , to cause the death of a sime -a to lick person by black magic 2. look for , get, pick simi id. sime up , fetch, of a thing lost or fallen simiro 1. a bird 3. colle ct food scraps 2. to bite (of fish). from a person and take nibble; ripple (of sea) it to the hanua maea in order to make simouka from Eng lish, to s�oke , imprecations ove r it , pipe, wh iteman 's tobacc6 and to make this person sick an d so cause his sina shine, br ighten , phosphor­ death escent; light , brightne$s si 'ohirisi-a colle ct and select , sina apu ni pari red sunset pick out , single out

sina'ara id. sina si ' ohono set a watch over, guard, keep watch; to spy sinaha outside, out doors si'ohonosi-a to watch , guard sinahi id. sinaha 111

siokona hau a bird siri ' ina today , now si ' okoni-a collect, put in order , siri ' ini id. siri'in a put together, harvest, put aside, put away for conserving sirikono almond with rotten purposes, conserve , to clean and flesh put in orde r siriko 'u thirsty si ' ona 1. after; si 'ona tani early in the morning; si'ona tara on , siri ni rnera a small child along the road; during, for si 'ona rua hura for two months ; siritaha go out of , come out through, si 'ona ra uma through of , emerge the door 2. bewitch, practise black siriwalrori look diligently magi c for something si ' o-na accor ding to; si 'oku in siriwasia stick togethe r, stiff my op inion; rae si'o-na track, follow a person sire stan d out , project si ' opa a fish siru jump , frisk si ' otaha to come down to the sea sisi a big seashell si'otarakoni-a assemble sisi- a un do the hair; to strip, bark , peel, of trees; we aken ; siperu swollen , of testicles play with one 's genitals ; sisi niho lay bear one's sira-na urethral or ifice of teeth women sisiania exceedingly good sirao steal continuous ly , be thievish sisi ' aru thumb sTrato warm oneself in the sun sisieke a shell fish sireni maimed sisiho wind, ai r; sisiho ni wa landbreeze ; sisiho e suara siresire small pustular eruptions head wind; sisiho e rurupuri on the body wind from the back siri 1. a he rb with red stem an d sisihoro narrate, tell a story , leaves, used for ma gi cal .to gossip , relate ; a purposes ; 5 i r i ana mamu id. ; narration, story , tale ; used also for skinning fish sishora maea bible story; 2. red hen pa rrot sisihora ni hanua local 3. enter, go into, join folklore story 4. hanker after , long for, de sire; siri hana ('ani) sisihu a small branch very hungry ; 5 i r i ko' u th irsty sisiki trap ; 'cat's eye ' from the rariri ni matawa shell siria to get edible roots , wild food sisikiawa woodpecker siri 'a thin , withered, of body sisiki ' awa swallow siriha 'ini-a insert , stick, sisiki-na . sisiki -hana . siski­ put on, in 'ana nail of finger and toe; sisiki ana u'u-na sirihi-a go into, enter finger nail; sisikl ana 'a'e-na toenail sirihina a tree, soft light wood used for ear plugs sisikoirararno-a repudiate a person first because of a sirihinaho seagull, seamew repulsive sickne ss , an d attract him again later 112

because he is better or has sIteru a shellfish possessions again sito to have small narrow hips sisikuri wagtail siu the soun d of wooden gongs sisimana skin, bark, an empty shell siu-a open a coconut ; to strike with the fist on an object sisimi 'ito the honey bird siwa 1. nine; awara mana siw a sisi-na id. siri-na nineteen ; siwa awa ra ninety; slwa ai mahuto sisina coconut leaf nine and ten , counting two together sisina-na flank, side, loins 2. adoption, to adopt ; adoption is a public affair, sisinanara a shell fish many people contributing to the price . A boy, a sisinikau a shell fish man or a whole family is sold an d bought for differ­ sisio eat food crumbs be cause of ent rea s o ns; from the side hunger of the buyer: childlessn ess, de sire fo r male heir, re­ sisipoa a skin disease, eruption placement of a de ceased ' of ' pimples male person; from the side of the seller, lust for sis ire a small she ll fi sh money . Stealing children clinging to mangrove root s to sell them at a siwa does not now exist. Tora siwa sisirea thin, lean to take the person(s) to the siwa sisirei shrivelled, shrunken siwana ninth sisiri ni mera a child betwe en the age of eight an d fifteen siwa ni mae contract to kill a person sisirihapa a small swallow siwa ni mauri contract to hold sisiritaha leave the house in a slwa order to go to the toi let (said of women wh en men are siwa ni urne a small shell present ) ornament worn as a gorget on the breast, the shell being sisisi a pandan us , used fo r cut in a crescent shape , the making mats convex side worn inwards

sisiu'a cold, fresh ; to have siwiniwini hurt (on accoun t of lost its strength (of a be ating) me dicine ) soe we ak after sickness sisiuna the taboo for men to go to places and houses reserved soe-a ask, question, demand, for women summon; soea ana to call, name ; soe ha I ra -a to nickname ;" sisiu ni 'au a section, part ition soe h aslapa-a call a person of bamb oo with part of the name only; soe hlnahl na-a call by name sisiu pata break shell money disrespectfully , to ask care­ with a special stone (is fully , inquire; soe n I ha ru-a done to find out if a person slander, de fame ; soe roko-a will die or recuperate ) assemble , call together; soe slani ana praise; soe pa lna sItaha to go out , outside, ana glorify; soe waerl-a leave revile a person's name

sItaru needle , bone of a flying soera thin ring, made of a sea­ fox shell and us ed as an ear ornament 113

so 'o adv. of time during, for suaraiwaraha criticism sopo to float suarearerao to have long un c·ut hair soro 1. a small black bird 2. from English, salt suari-a push down , knock over s�cotia from English, soldier; suasua a kind of crustacean policeman (crab ) sosora a tree su'as u'a 1. corner of a dwe lling hous e sosoro a canoe without uprights 2. a shelter against storm sua 1. a tree with edible fruit, reddish an d hanging in su 'asu' a corner of a dwe lling clusters ; its fibres house , made of bamboo , used 2. stumble over , kn ock to pu t the relics of an ces­ against, come across tors , such as skull , j aw­ 3. to burrow , root the earth bone , teeth , hair (of pigs ); po ka ra ha'i sua the pig is rooting the earth suasuana young coconut leaf while going along 4. harpoon , arrow , spear suate 'e see te 'e (with four barbs ); sua ana wa isia fish spear suatori with or without ana nima, verandah , shelte r at suahi paddle ag ainst wind or the rear of the house current suha-a ac cuse falsely , quarrel suahi-a active of sua 2 and 3 accus ing one another su' ai exclamat ion Don 't, ret it suha atoi -a find out be ! suhanua weeds (two kinds , one suai-a ask, in order to know ; imported, one local) to question suhara-a to slander, talk suanora snore , growl at (of scandal , speak ill of dog ); grunt (of pig ) suhi-a 1. s uh i rae-na insult suapuri go backwards , astern , one another shrink back 2. shave the head, beard; scrape ; suhia korukoru, suara have head wind, go suhia koukou to shave against the wind , suara sisiho the head; suhia pauna cut the scalp hair suara the bass pipes suhi-a to dive ; suh ia romo suara-a to buttress dive for the romo shell suara 'i with or without ana " suhu pierce , perforate adv . of time since , for suhuna anus (of an imals , not suara 'ini-a un d erpin , strut , humans) support suhuri-a active of suhu; perfor­ suara 'i ni i'a 1. a sickness of at e a green coconut for drink­ small children ing pu rposes ; take the plug caused by fi sh out of a canoe when brought (convuls ions ) ashore 2. a s w i mm i n g (jump ing) school sui 1. all, everybody , every­ of fish thing 2. finished, ended suaraiwara criticise, speak against 114

sui-a indicate, show , point supa-a invent , start something out , poke at ; in the express­ new ion: ka 'ik a' imu e su' ia mamu ma ramu go an d look for supe , niu supe small coconut ; yourself: 'lit. your arm points na r i supe a small canarium­ out your eye by itself nut sui hanua index finger supe-a 1. prick, open a boil 2. bind together, like sui ponos i-a ma-na make blind, two coconuts cause blindness supi 1. a short club , diamond suira 'ini-a put flowers , shell shaped, broad head , ending money in the hair of a with a point deceased person 2. a shell fish suisui a big red brownish ant suposupo small swellings , boils , on the body suiuru-a ma-na make blin d, cause blindness supu a soup made of potatoes and yams suka 1. ask in order to possess the thing requested sura a comb with four prongs , 2. from English , sugar the two outer ones long, the two inner ones short sukou ni ' are a short small piece of something sura-a grill, roast (of food) silna 1. fire , firestick; rurua surahi-a insult , dis dain suna make a fire ; suna e an ia nima the house burnt surai-a convert , ch ange down ; we rowe roahana suna the heat of fire ; suna han a suranunu 'u a parasitical growth k a sun i '0 no ' 0 r a u r a u an on trees expression wh ich is used as a last warning to per­ sure hard an d compact coral sons wh o continually beat others , 'li t. a fire that suri-a can be prece ded by it may burn you qu ickly locat ive i, along , after, 2. suna ni hau ordeal by according to; ri-a is some ­ fire. There are four times om itted; i suria tara varieties: hau susuru by or i su tara along the road ; handling hot stones ; hau rio i suria look after, take nuunu by flaming coconut care of, watch; ra i suri-a torch ; ha 'a' orona through follow, behave according to; cursing by a spirit; hau noro i suri-a obey , listen ni maeha by way of final­ to; ra ma i surinau come i ty , death after me suna tara-na follow a person 's suria 1. strong , solid track , to track 2. an expletive interjec­ tion suni-a 1. burn 2. grill , put in the fire , suri 'ai the ridge and the two to dynamite fish (lat e wall beams ; suri 'al apeape use) the two wall beams ; suri'ai 3. carry a load on the pauha the ridge beam he ad suri -na bone; surl oto the back sunia put flowers in the hai r bone , spine silniana cremation, burning of suru 1. raise, lift , remove ; the corpse suru i apa carry on shore; suru i a si' launch a canoe ; suotoro id. suatori a lean-to, suru ana help lift a load in the front and at the back on somebody 's shoulders , of a house back or head; suru ato say llS

incantations over a person tree , is put in the palm of in or der to cause his death ; the hand, upon which a spirit suru ha u orde al by handling is invoked; the moss is then suru pau hot stones ; take rubbed on the stomach region the skull of a de ceased before the meal , in order to person to the te te pur ify the food le st the per­ 2. to commen ce a song son become s ill 3. step over 4. to help, give presents surununu 'u weeds growing on 5. scrape, with a shell ; to trees plane 6. boiled coconut cream surupa 'ata ' ini-a blow up 7. afish 8. suspect surupoto a white shell money 9. in compos itions: suru hah i-a break a promise, sururaramanu lift up , raise, disobey , not to follow ; take away suru i suri-a, suru (i) si'o-na, obey , act accord­ surusi-a obey , follow, an swer ing to , keep ; suru haho accuse falsely ; suru surute 'e prove the falseness of ha ' ini-a accompany a an accusation by stating that person ; suru wa i bring a de ceased relative will rise wate r in a container; suru fr om the de ad if he does not wa i make imprecations ove r tell the truth ; surute'e haho water in a half coconut to put a false surute 'e; with shell, an d wash the new ana , take an oath born in fant wi th it , so it may grow rapi dly and enjoy surute 'ena with or without inoni, good health ; suru ma ihana take the si ri or ria out of id. surute ' e ; suru oho si-a the body , by a holy man , by to be un ab le to do , execute beating the body of the sick person ; he uses ce rtain herbs surua a round basket made of so that the siri or ria will coconut leaf leave the body suru' ani prepare , make pre­ suruwatora a fish parations susu 1. to suck the breast ; to suruato food remnants, hair suck (of mamm als ); mana cuttings taken away to a holy susu nipples; susu puri place where imprecations are the last born child done over it in order to make 2. continually , without the person wh o touched those stop, always ; susu tani things sick an d die susu po ini day and night , without interruption suruatoa a fish, taboo for youn g 3. heal up , close ove r, and middle aged people (of woun ds ); uru susu hono be blind on account suruhona prevent with curses of a cataract 4. dig the earth suruhonosi-a active of suruhono susua id. susu 2. susua tani na suruhori-a exchange pon i suru'i-a raise , lift , elevate ; susu 'a corner to attack , strike (of sick­ ness ); to bury the skull of susuana a young coconut leaf a de ceased person on the tete; suru' i-a i hua put down susu ana irni 'irni , susu 'imi take suru' i-a, i uru lift up ; root putona suru' i -a steal susuatapuri go backwards , shrink surui 'ina' ini-a make Jump back , go astern surunori a ceremonial purifica­ susuatoporu id. susuatopuri tion, used in the totora . A moss, rumurumu , growing on a susuhaipuri recede , go backwards 116

susuhata weave in a certain 3. a par asitical growth pattern on trees 4. a hous e for reti rement susuhee 1. str ong cur rent ; big for women after child­ sea on account of incoming birth an d when menstrua­ tide ting 2. cry , speak loudly susurua generation susu honosi-a to block sususu 1. a bone di sease of the susuhua 1. little holes in the big toe an d finger, walls of a house wh itlow 2. to dri zzle , rain 2. to sting slightly susutatahe holes pierced at the susuhunare a bird edge of the ear

susu' i-a pierce , spear , take with susuto 'o firm, stable, assured a needle ; prick of the in mind; to be well fixed in poisonous nohu the g r 0 un d; 0 n i sus u to' 0 to stay at the same place , susu kaekae tell lying tales, village , once and for all spre ad false reports suta 1. see 0'0 susuma-a off end, in sult , affront 2. from Eng lish , shoot ; gun , rifle ; suta tara susU-na breasts, paps , du gs of to miss; suta to 'o to hit mammals , the mother mi lk; 5U5u-na hepahepa 'a hanging suta pasi di sposal of a corpse breasts; sus una hoto breasts by exposure in a canoe on of women with bab ies; susuna stalks makaraha proj ecting breasts of married women ; susuna to 'oru suu 1. to make restitution, projecting bre as ts of girls; repay , refund susuna op o th e beginning of 2. to div e , sink , set (of breasts formation, small heavenly bodies); mano suu, bulging breasts of youn g girls manona e suu his breath gave out (died) ; suu 'ohi-a to susuna 'ini-a insist, press dive an d recover

susuni-a follow a person with the su'u 1. harbour , bay , an chorage , eyes, gape after, with or passage in mangroves , land­ without i 5uri-a; arurae ing p lace ; mana su'u susun i-a pay attention to entrance of a bay; su ' u su'ua a sma ll bay susupata 'ini-a turn over , roll 2. a negative prohibitive , don't, not l su'u ai leave susupoe-a lift up with a stick it , don't; su 'ui kau don 't hurry susupuri 1. re cede , retreat , ret ire, go back , shrink suu-a 1. act ive of suu back 2. to burn 2. the las t born child suuhi-a to dive for something susura source, spring, well; susura mae a dry well , as suu'i-a id. suuhi-a opposed to 5usura maurl a we ll with water su ' ui-a 1. take the place of, replace susura angry 2. full, satisfied

susura'ini-a to dr ive into su 'uma'ini-a relight a fire , stir up a fire susuriosi be seated without back support su 'umi 1. pull out the beard hairs with a cockle susuru 1. see suru 2; the ve ry small coco­ 2. tree stump with hole , nut an d betelnut when containing water scarcely vis ible 117

su ' umi-a 1. touch a person with ta a rnai locative , here the hand in order to attract his attention ta ' ana adv. of affirmation and 2. to peck emphasis, yes, certainly , indeed su' urua mumble , groan ta ' ane id. ta 'ana su ' usu' u-na elbow; su'us u'u ni kaura the elbow of the fr igate ta ' aru shoal, reef in shallow bird; a branch of a tree bent water like an elbow, used for adze handle ta 'au adv. of place and direc­ tion, south , east, in a su 'su'ui angle , corner southerly dire ction; may be followe d by locative i if a su 'usu'una angle , corner place name follows ; po 'o ta'au further south

ta 'e 1. but , neverthele ss, save T for, only , alone ; ta 'e i '0 you only 2. used to denote the ta 1. pOBB. ending 3rd pl.; numeri cal strength of a 'a'eta their legs can oe ; ta'e ta 'al a one­ 2. noun ending; mae die; mae ta man canoe ; ta 'e rua a death two-man canoe ; eta. 3. rise, get up , stand , ta 1. interrog. pron . wh at , ple a se , ride, embark; ta 'e rapi wh at is the matter; may be sit by twos in a canoe ; preceded by ana or followe d ta'e (i)puri steer the by 'uta, ana ta what , why ; canoe from the back seat ra ra iana ta what is the mean­ ing of ; han i ta why , what for? ta ' e-a to raise up , make get up , 2. do , give , commi t; 'are 'uta put somebody on their feet , koru ka ta what shall ve do , li ft up ; ta'ea honu capsize what now? ta ma i give me , a turtle on land let me see ; ta ka ' u let me see first; ta rato make good ta ' ena all , each , every ; ta'ena we ather by veather spell horo 'a every day , daily ; ta 'ena 'are eve rything ta 'a generic name for man , people ; ta 'i ita' i people of the same ta ' enaru completely, enti rely tribe , relatives; ta'i parapara'a wh i temen ta ' eoru 1. Orion 's Belt; the names of the stars are ta 'a wrong , bad, evil, to be dy ing , Harutakeresitau, Apan­ to be in a bad condition; tai lohusau, Waowaos au ta'a storm; tau ta'a do evil, 2. a three man canoe sin ( late use ) ta 'era ' in i-a to raise up , make ta ' ahi-a 1. to shake the dus t off , get up to dust 2. to caress ta 'eri-a embark , go into a canoe or boat ta' ai 1. one , with noun ; in counting from ten on , awa ra taha 1. open , have a passage ( of ma na ta'ai eleven ; ta 'ai reef ) ; be remove d ( of taboo) ; i'o you on ly ; ta 'a ta'ai a to' i taha to remove a taboo one man canoe ; to'o ta'ai 2. come in sight nei very fev people 3. a pigment for blackening 2. said of a def inite number teeth ; usua taha blacken only ; ta 'ai ha i 'are mora the teeth with the pigment only four things taha a passage ta 'a'i adv . of place , is a con­ traction of ta 'au and locat ive taha i asi go in the dire ction of i, over there , yonder the sea 118

tahana a measure , one fathom , tahira 'ini-a help , cause to flee , i.e. the opening of a tall run away , escape man 's arms ; ha 'atahana a shell money un it, four strings tahisi-a to run away from , each one fathom long ; tahana escape from ha 'arua two ha ' atahana taho-a 1. id. slwa , tora slwaj tahani-a to open , be a pioneer , '0 kare ni tahoa used remove a taboo ; ha na tahanla as an insult ; meaning, remove a taboo of eating bastard, not born here , while the holy man is making you are only a stranger a sacrifice to the spirits 2. pull out , take out ; taho-a man l-a take away , taha ripao to climb on the le aves remove ; tahoa opanatake of a coconut palm the bowels out of animals , birds , fish; tahoa slrl tahasi a wild yam with thorny take the sirI or rea out vine; expression: pau nl of somebody 's body, done t a has I ( n e n a) n I k om u n e n a by the mane maea , by if we look after something, smearing hena or herbs it will come out right ; Li t. onto the body o� the sick he is the top of the tahas l person of the village tahu 'a mad, foolish tahasina a small piece , part of something tahui suffer, bear pains tahe - a 1 . t 0 h u s k , skin (0f tahui -a to pull out , take to greens and fruit ), to pieces peel 2. to chip with an adze tahuna di e; de ath wh en preparing canoe planks tahura ' ana be cause of, the 3. to rise .(of the sea on reason why the 1 an d) ; a s let a h e the sea come s ove r the tahuri a black mussel land tai to mate , pair tahera'ini-a to thatch the roof of a house; to hang up , ta ' i· 1. adv . of direction ; ta' suspend hanua inland 2. inte rrog . orono wh at taheri-a to carry the ma l over 3. particip Le ending, the head (of women ), or verba L adj. ending across the shoulders (of me n) 4. a barble ss bonito fish­ hook tahi 1. pearl shell ; a pearl shell ornament worn as a tai-a to entangle (of spider's gorget around the neck , web entangling a person); only by chiefs; tanl a'awa, entwine , mix together, id. the shell be ing cut in jumble up ; sew, gird oneself; a crescent shape , the con­ tal hlruhl ru entangle d, vex side worn inwar ds ; ravelled (of vine ) tahl raha, id. consisting of the whole round shell , taihako ridge of roof the convex side worn out­ wards , the edge plastered taihau the ridge piece , of sago with putty nut leaves, on the roof of a 2. run away , flee , escape , house, made an d thatched get out of the way ; tah I I separately be off , go away , clear offl tainau there tahi-a to strip off leaves ; to cut into slices; tah l-a rao taine there cut the sago leaves from the branches 119

ta ' ini-a 1. a transitive verbal wa ru takara ni au a ending long time ago , many 2. off , away from , about , year s ago , for a long used in compounds: arahu time , for many years ta 'ini-a to speak about ; ma 'asi ta ' ini-a refuse, takara 'ini-a to open , reveal , forsake undo 3. to toss, beat , (of clothes ); shake off, dodge takara purupuru to see stars 4. to wag the tail when going from the bright sun into a dark house taipopo sit straight in a canoe in order to make place for a takarasi-a 1. to sew companion 2. to scatter, spread over ta 'ira ' ini shake one 's head takarasi ni pua maea a bunch of taita 'a to storm, blow a gale young 'e'e put as an offer­ ing on the hunu kuruha taitahi-a superior to, be proud , give oneself airs of super­ takari-a to contaminate iority takaro 1. lost, gone astray, taitai the wa shboar ds of a canoe taken the wrong track; riu takaro id. taitainisu a small bat 2. a small black ant ; takaro pua roa a big taitami sharp black ant with a large head taitani daylight; in the day time , dur ing the day takasi come out of the flower wrapping (of coconuts and ta itari 1. hibiscus (there are betelnuts) many varieties ) 2. strips of pig meat takasina a bun ch of coconuts or betelnuts taitari-a id. tari-a 1 taka taka flow with cascades (of ta itaria river , the be d of which riv er) is often dry taka take hop ta itasi with gen. ni, a piece , part of takatora be white-haired (of old people ); hair bleached taitasia fibrous , tough (of meat ) wi th peroxide taitasina flesh of animals, birds , take id. sake fish takere grow wild (of fruit ) taka be in flower taki from Eng lish, duck takaho 'e undone , untied , un rav­ elled, loose ; open (of taki-a to tie , attach, knot , flowers) button ; taki-a arlnanlusu to tie loosely ; takl-a hunu taka 'irori 1. the large pan­ to tie tightly; takl-a pipes rar ola to tie after having 2. a dance stret ched the cord we ll; taki rua to tie with two knots; takapurui undigeste d food in the takl takum a'lnla to tie bowels together (of liana, rope ); taki tona to tie onto, .loin, takapuru-na bile connect

.takara 1. miscarry taki-hana to be akin , related 2. untied, unravelled , by marriage ; taki rara ni 'ai loose; open (of flowers ) distant relative by marriage 3. with ni , said of time : 120 taki-na taki -hana id. tane 1. indeed, it is true; id. tana 3 takiri plait, weave , ( of fringes 2. white ant of mats ) tane 'a eaten by wh ite ants; papa takisi 1. go to the toilet tanela id. 2. from En glish tax; to pay tax tanetane tell the same story over and over again takoma 'ini-a to prepare, collect, gather food for a feast; tani 1. daylight , in the day takoma'ini-a ka 'ika' i-na to time ; rnata r ani tan i fold the hands ; masu morning star ; si lona tan i tokoma ' ini-a to nail upon ; at daybr eak ; tan i na pon i cruc ify day and night ; tani ma ru be over cast in daytime ; takumai introduce something new , tan i ta ha daybreak le arn 2. an egg-shaped recepticl e of split bamboo , in which tama in line , in pai rs canarium nuts are smoked tamana because tani-apu a rainbow tamani(a) to con fe ss ( of wife tanoa strong , physical and to husband) ; id. ha I ahou metaphysical tamata , kon i tama ta put into tanokori lazy , listless line , in pairs tano-na body; tanoku e ta la be tama 'usu be of di fferent height tired an d listless tamia shake off the dus t tanonuku ob stinate tamitami , 'ako cockr oach tanonukura lazy , tired, weary tana 1. to curse ; tana ap i na tanora strong , soli d hi'o na to curse by a spirit 2. id. noruha 'ana tanota ' a be tired; tanota I a ana 3. indeed, �t ::'s t!"ue , to be te lare to have enough , be sure tired of something tana a span , between thumb an d tanu to bail, draw water first finger; to sp an wi th this me asure tanuhi-a 1. to bail out , draw water from , dip in and tana-a to touch ladle out 2. to wet , sprinkle with tanahuru ten , used in counting , wa t er , dampen without a noun ; with a noun awa ra is used tanunu a moray eel tanahuruana tenth tanusi frayed tanakoru lazy tanusi-a id. tanuh i-a tana-na thigh , groin ; tana I epe taoha 1. men ls quarters swe lling in the groins caused 2. canoe house ; taoha n i by malaria as i the canoe house at the landing place tanara 'ini-a to float 3. chief I s house tanarau hun dred taoma 'ini-a to bun dle ( of sago leaves ) tanasi-a to long for something , impossible taona br ide price; ma ima i ni taona the basket in wh ich the tanatana a forked stick used for bride price is kep t scaffolding 121

taona 'ini-a to di splay the bride taporu a sugar cane price taporuausu re-echo, reverbeiate taotaoha species, kind tapu a bird tapa 1. swollen , inflated 2. cut ; tapa pa ' e cut sticks , tapura , hua tap ura nl nima � sed as poles for yam and un clean ness, defilement, pana vines) ; tapa rao cut off ( said of women who come into le aves of the sago palm for a house when menstruating or thatching; tapa siru cut on within nine days after chi ld­ an angle birth ) 3. with gen . ni , group tara 1. fail, miss tapa'a a softwood tree, used for 2. with gen. ni, tara ni making food bowls , ornaments, kome a row, a� indefinite upr ights for stem and stern numb er of big shell arm of canoes; its bark, together rings with that of the maimami tree , 3. to pas s one 's hand un der is put in water to cause rain­ the other arm , in the face fall of a person one is angry with tapaero de viate , go the wrong way , 4. to collect go astray tara track, pathway , road; tara tapa 'ero wh irlwind horo , tara ma ta na a cross track; tara n i ken i the toilet -ana serious immoral action place for the women, as opposed to tara ni mane the tapa'i'isi run; fly fa st, swoop toilet place for men ( of birds of prey ) tara-a to clean ( of spot soiled tapaika from English, toba cco by children ) , to take one 's excrements away tapana deliberate , consult tara 'a castenets taparia cut off the branche s of a tree tara 'ae start, begin; may be used with locative i or gen. tapari-a aro cut th e tops off ni; tara'ae with ana, begin the taro with , start from; ana tar a'­ aena from the be ginning taparore 'a unhealthy , in bad health tara 'aeana id. tara 'ae tapasua yaws un de r the feet tara ' ahu-a to catch a falling th ing; receive tapi 1. a bird that eats taro 2. to'oru tapi sit with tara 'asi straight on ; ra outstretched legs tari'asi go straight to a place without stopping on tapi-a to cut down , split, chop the way tapire wooden bowl in wh ich taro taraha always , continually ; is mashed taraha tarariu for ever tapo-a tape with pOBB. ana , catch, tarahai example ; ha t a'inia seize , grasp, grab ; tape taraha i give the example maes I-a, tapoa nunu-na to take away the self ( of a spirit, taraha 'ini-a to put in, under who appears in the form of a man or a woman and seduces a tarahera walk up and down ( of human being; afterwards , the an angry person ) spirit flies away , an d the victim realizes that the spirit tarahi-a to fail, miss ; used in has taken (tapoa) his/her compounds : rio tarahia look nununa, his/her very self , for in vain a�ay an d he/ she will die ) 122

tarahu spread (of fire ); catch tarapau a shell fiEh; the shell fire itself used as a trumpet for communications - the helmet tarahu-a to accept , receive in the shell hand tarapaupasu a shell fish ; the tarai-a 1. or tarai with poss . she ll itself ana; to lead, direct a pe rson tarapiu to blister, be swollen ; 2. to bring, take , entice, blister , scar (of a thing that can move by itself ); tara i kon i-a tarara 1. a fiEh take to a safe place; 2. rebo�nd, ricochet tara i '0'0 beat the initial beats on the gong; tarari grow among , between tara i-a po lead a pig to the buyer tarariripa ia. tarapiu

taraikasi to exercise , practise ta rariu continually , forever , in throwing a spear always ; taraha tarariu ferever taraikesi id. tara ikasi tarariu-a id. riu-a tarairisi-a to shave off the hair from the temples an d the back tararoko-a to gather , collect of the head tararuru as s emble d, gathere d, tarakaukau a small and very thorny un ited with liana tarasi-a to dr aw , pull out tarakoni togetter; isu tarakon i to add; an i tarakon i remain tarau 1. go , cross (over bri dge , together , live tegethcr; to' log); form a bridge ly ing tarakon i work together in a acrozs a stream community 2. continually , again and again , throughout tarakoni-a to collect, gather tarau hundred (of yams, taro, ta rama cat ch fire pana, potatoes )

tarama 'ini-a to make , light a tarauha , 'are ana tarauha bridge , fire , set fire to , kindle a log ( over water or river) fire taraura 'i id. tarau 2 tar amana 'a to leve l tarawaka spread the le gs, stay taramea to peke out one 's tongue with spread legs

tar ana in orde r that , that tar a ...·are swelling in the groins , caused by malar ia tara-na 1. trace , foot-mark , foot-print ; suna tara-na tare 1. on ly , nothing else but to follow a person's 2. without reason or motive .; track tare wa ' i beat without 2. for , in advance of , in reason prepar at ion fer; aka to ' 3. travel alone nima taraku bui ld a 4. to lack (of foo d) ; house for me , awaiting tarena lack of food my ar rival; rio taramu 5. yaws beware, look out ! tare-a 1. to, towards , in the taranukorea we ary , tired, feeble direction of ; iria tare-a to tell a person taranuku folded, wrinkled 2. clean, clear

tara'osi behave oneself tareho gather fallen frui t 123

tarei id. tare 2. famous , renowned; taro na 'aha spread news; ra,ta-na tarei-a to pull and release the ka taro become famous , we ll­ fishiLg line 00 as tc entice known fish 3. taro nunu-a , taro ana nunu-na take the shadow of tarekou thirsty a person , spirit, in order to make the person sick and tarenasuru steal , take un seen make him die; id. poi nunu­ na tari 1. valley 4. the koi )o tree 2 . to stick in the throat , to 5. to throw the fishline go down the wrong way ; to be into the sea (for fishing ) tangled up in , be caught in , be aground, stick fast in taroha news , a saying, rumour (tari to 'o) 3. a small COCO!lut leaf tarohi to come to one 's notice, basket contuining food for a (of news , fame ) trip tarohi-a 1. beat the gong on tari-a 1. to gain, win , earn arr ival of a person money , obtain; tari to 'o 2. spin the fishline on id. the water when pulling 2. to split; tari we -a , 3. miss one 's aim, fail ta ri we rl-a, id. tar i hita-a, tari hitar i-a to tarona news , story split , crack; tar i ka ka-a, tari kakas i-a split in two; tarorawana 1. de stroy cobwebs tar i wa ' a r i-a tear vin e s with a twig whi le down th e mi ddle going over a track 2. invoke a spirit tariapa to invoke a spirit (in over a twig or siri or der to know a cu�e for sick­ in or der to prote ct a ness; over a new fishing net person against a sick­ in or de r that it may attract ness when going tO,a many fi she s ) place where there is an epidemi c ta riate impossible taru draw , dip water tarihai like thi s taru-a, tarus i-a bale out water, tarihana forbid un de r curse draw water tarimana exchange tarua needle , the bones of a flying fox tarinasia fibrous , stringy taruana tread on a person's body tariri-a to di sobey , contradict taruma-na waist, mi ddle , flank , tariroro to steer a canoe (the loins steersman dr awing the paddle towards himself with big tarumana the middle , centre of strokes ) a thing ; i taruma i in the centre, mi ddle tarirorosi-a id. tar i roro tarupisu-a to water with the tarito 'o fetch, go for , get hands tari 'u'u a sma�l shell fish on the tarusi-a see tarua roots of mangroves ; the shell itself tasi 1. a crop , has one tuber in the ground and several tariwawe-a to reprimand, press bulbils on the vine ; there for overwork, speak strongly are wild and cultivated varieties taro 1. a shield 2. puta tas i to slip, slide

tasi-a to husk, shred 124

tasi-a remove , throw away , take tatara 1. sweep the house away; tasi-a to 'ona renounce 2. successive , in a line , row; ta ' a tata ra stay in tata 1. scatter, dispe rse line ; to'oru tata ra sit disapp�s.r side by side ; to go on 2. miscarry, abort and on , to ro ll on and on (of a rolling ston � tata 'a with or witho ut ni 'a- r e 3 . a long fishing net invalid, helple ss 4. nothing, e tatara houta 'i I have nothing tata 'apa'apa disperse , flee (of left bir ds ) tatara a fisherman ; to fish tata 'e see ta'e 3 tatarasi monitor lizar d tataha have a natur al channel, opening, in reef, rock tatarauama trample on the body of one 's foe tataha-na lap tatarawa dragon fly tatahorate shooting star tatare 1. travel alone , go tata'i shake (of body) ar oun d alone 2. seek in vain tata'ini-a shake out , pull loose tatata framework of a square tata 'isi-a shake off fishingnet tataka 1. overflow , flow (of tatata 'eta'o stand up , get up , blood fr om wounds ) rise 2. tata k a n a 'ai bran c h 0 f tree tata ta i vibrate tatakara fraye d, di ssolve d, tatatakaro look ar ound to see and unloosened, spread out , touch things ; mane tatatakaro scattered, dispersed a touch-all tatakehu roll (down ) tatate-na chin tataku with ana , to shun a person tatawara chatter tatakuta 'ini weak , able to do only tate 1. speak in one 's sleep light work 2. prattle , babble tata-na name (see rata-na) tau 1. a house for single men (is mostly built on posts ; tatana'ana'a, tatanau, tatanaunau entrance forbidden to women) with or without na' aha stammer , 2. a little house above the stutter relics of the ramo 3. to say , often used in tatapa 1. to reel narratives ; na kira tau 2. a hatchet uri 'i and they said this 4. with hani make ready to tatapara polygonal, with many corners tau-a 1. do , make ; used also in com p 0 un d s; tau h a I (n I ) tatape barb of a fishhook ; be mae (ha) be dying ; tau barbe d slanl ana repair; tau klrahla (raena) to wr ong tatapo 'opo'o 1. to turn a person ; ta u masuna, tau 2. fruit of a thorny raeta 'a to spoil, damage vine, a kind of out of jealousy ; tau pegtop ohona (na) attempt, try; tau peata control the weather (a coconut or 125

taro being brought an d 2. interrog.pron. who; te burnt before the spirit ra ia who knows while incantations are spoken to ask to calm the weather , tea shout , cry out in a loud to give smooth seas ); t au voice ; bark (of dog) rato; id. make good weather ; tau rarahia beat teana 'i to take an oath, to a disobedient child; tau swe ar by the spirits, by ta 'a do wrong, to sin obj ects offered to the (late use) spirits, by wishing to be 2. to happen ; ata e tauau attacked by a shark, croco­ what happened to me ? dile , stingray , in order to prevent an action; to forbid; taukae scrape coconuts; a coco­ teana ' ana harl (stingray), nut scraper huara (crocodil e ), paewa (shark); teana 'i maes i-a to taumana the conse crated taro curse a person so he may die pudding, put on the tete for the just buried deceased teana 'ini -a to swe ar at a person or a thing by a spirit tauna may be followed by ha i or hani , to desire, endeavour , teani-a shout at , bark at like to te 'e burial place of a commoner, taupara a coconut (a yellowish a platform of stones (the var iety ) place is holy); tori te 'e to take to the holy place tauraia shell money or porpoise the skin of arecanut , hair, teeth , used as an offering food peelings, piece of to the spirits for the cure tobacco, dirt of the body , of a sick person; to put everything a person has shell money (pieces about one touche d (done for the purpose inch long ) in the hair of a of black magi c); te 'e hirihiri de ceased pe rson for �ropit­ a variety 9f black magic� te 'e iation tahu ana n,u a heap of coconut husks ;sua te te, id. te 'e tauri-a sew, make clothes, stitch te 'ete'e i arau with or without ana sternum tautara use a thing with out asking the owner te 'ete'ena rind, peel, skin tautau ni ire orchid te haro konia be quiet tautaura, 'al nl tautaura a big teho an old maid tree on whi ch bi rds perch and drop the stones of the fruits te i interrog . pron . wh o; id. they eat ate i tautauru fruit not fully grown te i-a , te i a wa i to dr aw water tawa 1. a parting in the hair te ina here 2. a channel in the shore reef; a landing place te 'ina ' ini-a inform, let know ; accost, to question a person tawarau stammer, stutter passing by tawe -a eat hu man excreta (of te ite , te l tea voaative , mother, dogs and pigs ) mum ; e te ite the cry of chi ldren for the mother; tawea shellfish te iteku, te ite inau my de ar mother te 1. indefinite ar ticle, a, any, a certain ; ana te horo 'a teke fall, dr op to the ground; one day; ana te rihi on , in teke enoarara fall on one 's a place , spot ; te 'are, te back; teke pautou fall on rihi something ; te haru, te one 's face waru some ; te rihi ('are) e mao nothing 126

tekere 'ini-a cause to fall, drop ; te te -a with or without man ia, throw away un p ack, pull out the contents of a bag, to pull out the tenei-a fill a container intestines (stomach etc.) of animals and birds tenu 1. entirely, altogether 2. shrink , shrivel (of te tepa to be light (of weight ); woman 's breasts ) to feel fit and healthy as opposed to hi 'a �e o have a dry throat , obstructed tetere 1. a flat plate of coco­ teper i from English , table nut leaf, used as food plate tepetona-a bind two ends together 2. a fan to kindle a fire te re 1. to push a sharp stick tewu r' ibre of the coconut tree , through the leaves when of noenoe and mute putting them on the walls of houses, in or der that tiatia a club the vine may go through easily; to stitch the leaf tikiri soun d of the wooden gongs on the e'e sui to solidify the walls tina from Eng lish, dinner , 2. to fan , flap, kindle the lunch; pur ina tina in the fire with a te te re; te re afternoon 'apa ' apa flap the wings 3. a fan made of coconut tinare a littoral tree , hardwood leaves, to kindle a fire tini from English, tin tere-a or tere with ana , make a sacrifice of money, pigs , tisa from English , teacher ; to food, for the cure of a sick teach person, for a good yam an d pana harvest, and for other to a swamp tree purpose s toa with gen. ni th ous and (for terera 'ini-a hit , knock gently count ing people an d romo shells ) teri-a force a stalk into the ground to 'a to have sexual intercourse; to'a 'a'e tarua id. ; betwe en teru �o blow (of wind) wife and husban d teruhi-a to blow forward, to to 'ea a crab at spawning time blow away , to be carried (full of eggs) away ( by the wind ); sisino e terun ia iora the wind blows to ' ere top of a tree the canoe forward to ' erei high , tall (of tree); tete 1. a heap of stones top of tree 2. a sacred place , a heap of stones where the skulls to 'erena top of a tree , a stick, of the dead are place d; id. fishing rod; nane i to'erena te 'e to climb to the top of a 3. make restitut ion , tree satisfaction; with to 'ona 4. to exhibit red shell tohe 1. deny an accusat ion by money on the torana . (The swearing to a spirit , money is given by the shark , crocodile ; tone husband an d his people to ana ratana swe ar by the the relatives of his wife name of ; tone anuni-a deny who brough t pigs an d food) flatly ; tone naho deny an 5. to flap (of the wings of accusation by cursing , bir ds ) referr ing to human genitals an d excreta tete 'ohi-a to look for , grope 2. to move , of the bow and for , take something out of a arrow in the mato 'o bag 127

tohi residential, village area toki-a to stay permanently tohu 1. build a house toko place of retirement for ' 2. to peck women , toilet place for women tohu-a fell, cut , chop ; tohu toma to limp mous i-a chop , cut off tomaione to limp tohuai to nod when sleeping tomari to limp (of a lame person) tohu-na of one 's own accord, on one 's word tomata a softwood tree tohunai stem of tree; fruit, tona 1. joint ; tona ana rapena seed joints of the body " 2. ton a pepe , tona" tarau tohunana id. tohuna i over and over , again and again, continually tohura ' ini-a leave a kn i fe or axe in a tree, after having tona-a lengthen , make longer, tie cut into it together toi exclamation of discontent tona 'ini-a put up straight, to I'll do it again ! tie together, to join to'i-a do , work , commit , touch , tonatona 1. a kind of black hold , make , cause ; e to' ikira cockroach , has a bad kira ka to'oru he made them odour sit down ; to' i-a akau prepare, 2. the land kingfisher make ready ; to' i hiihi-a touch, living in swamps (its press; to 'i hahu hold tight ; cry me ans rain) to'i isu ri-a work at; to 'i koni-a to save , to be a tonatona- 'ana because of , for refuge , to care for , look after; to ' i s i koa to finish; tonotonoi jui ce , gum, sap (of tree) to' i s i 'o-na repair , put in good order, to treat somebody ; to 'o 1. be fixed, set stay quiet; to' i tarana prepare, to do on i to'o remain , stay some thing wh ile awaiting the pe rman en tly arrival of somebody ; to' i taha 2. sharp ( of axe , knife) to remove a taboo 3. hit, collide , clash ; rapu to'o hit with a stick; suta to' ihata 'ini-a show, manifest , to'o to hit (of rifle , gun); let see u'i to'o hit with the arm , arrow , spear toi-na penis 4. with ana, possess, own ; to'o ha isur l possess in toira-na a special work , special­ common with others; to'o ity ken i be married (from the woman 's side); to'o mane to 'ito ' ina organize rs, givers of be married (from the man's a feast, as opposed to the side); (to'o poro id. from invited persons the woman 's side; to'o hu'� id. from the man 's side) toitopi-a to peck 5. to be effect ive , to take effect, efficacious (of toitopia-na vagina, the external speech ) genitals of women to ' o-a carry on the neck toitori-a 1. shake th e branch of a spe c ial tree arou,n d to 'ohi-a 1. aim at , concern , refer a dying person (making to imprecations at the 2. to de sire, be keen on , same time), as a cure like , approve of , con­ 2. break the fast sent ; raeku (e ) to'ohla I like it tokerau a taro variety 3. to be effective (of medicine ) 128

to ' ohiri wi th poss. ana , to possess to ' oru id. t�ru sit; ta' oru tapi exclus ively, alone; to 'ohiri haku sit with legs stretched, so I alone possess the genitals show; to'oru t�t� squat to ' ohirita 'ini-a with ana , id. to 'ohirl to ' oruha ni araha the place where the chief sits to ' ohu true , real, fervent to ' oru pura to dispose of a to ' ohuna-na, to'ohuna i the real corpse by exposure on a stage self, the actual person or or on a beach altar thing ; to' ohunana maku my eye itself to ' ote 'e 1. with ana , to stir , move ; na 'aha e to'ot e'e to ' ohunani 1. very , very much , aku his words affected extreme ly me 2. id. to ' ohunana 2. with ana , break infringe to 'oi without noun, therefore , because of , on ac c ount of , to 'otomana close , near about ; often preceded by ne to 'oto , to 'ot� 'o shallow to ' oma a tree with edible fruit topa arrow from sago leaf , used to 'oma 'i-a look at fixe dly , stare for shooting birds , and for at , gaze at chi 1 dr en ' s play to'oma ' ini-a relight , stir up a topa-a cut slices from the yams fire (used for planting); cut into sli ces , logs to ' ona 1. be c ause , re ason why , on ac c ount of ; to 'ona ta topanona the very top (of plants why , wh at for ? and trees) 2. in or der that 3. pr ice toparoto a potato pudding , a taro pudding to ' ona 'o-na th e front teeth topi peck , pick to ' ona , to' 0 - n a because of , on account of , for the sake of, topi-a cut , chop ; top i mous i-a owing to cut a tree into logs to'oni 1. cloth , cloth ing ; tn topi -a tickle ; to massage the wear, put on clothing loins of � woman about to 2. id. to' ona deliver, in order that she 3. a blouse will deliver quickly and without pain to ' oni-a to fill (up), pack , stow , make up into a bundle topo 1. silent , keep silence; mano-na e topo cease to to' ora 1. true , genuine ; hu 'a breathe , to die to 'ora his true wi fe ; 2. to stop, stand still mera to 'ora his true child (not adopted) topo 'ai a flaming fire stick 2. bring pigs an d food , (by the parents of the topon i keep a person waiting wi fe ) to her husband 3. hana ra to ' ora food topuna stealthily, with out taboo to dig and eat notice , wi thout be ing seen until an offering to the spirits has been made tora 1. to be famous 2. carry , bring , fetch, to ' ora-na property , possession take many things at once; tar a 'ere 'ere to carry a to 'ori-a touch, reach not too heavy load; tora pa ina t o carry a heavy load; 129

hiorona e tora there is a torari-a 1. stay together , be famine ; nun una e tora there united ",ith, associated is an earthquake ;tora ha h oi -a "'ith , mixed ",ith ; e chase , perse cute ; tora ha iriu mimi toraria he wet ",r ithe in agony; tora isur i-a himself (",ith urine ); tora wa ra -na obey , listen to; id. ma tora-na tora wa ra-na take a me ssage to 2. to .announ ce a sickness another person of the opposite by rubbing hen a et� on sex to ar range a meeting; tora the body isur ia ma na ta -na act according to his nature; tora ken i take torasuu 1 . ",ith or ",ithout the ne'" br ide to the house of to ' o-na entreat , the husband "'hen the buying supplicate takes place (done by ",omen ); 2. steal ou t of revenge tora mara peu behave like a fool; tora pupusua s",ollen , toratahana an offering of fish inflated; dig a hole (of and a yam pudding or hinana crabs ); tor a rua have t",o to the pr iest that he may ",ives; tora siwa (see siwa ); thank his spirit for the good tora totona not restore, not yam and taro harvest; a ne'" return untouched gar den 3. build; tora nima build a house torato 'o steal a thing on "'h ich 4. ",ith poss. ana , be lieve , a taboo is put trust in 5. bite , fight , menace each toratoto borro"' , o",e , in debt other 6. to boi l tore-a l. torea nima rebuild a 7. as i tora very high tide, house on another site inundate d, flooded 2. take , bring, carry, lead ; tore-a ha iriu make tora ereere to find fault with , public; torea ken i take to quarrel, break up fr iend­ as a wife ; torea 'asia ship be cause of a quar rel want to die ; torea ke u ramo to worship a spirit toraha id. torana tore isi ' o-na go after torahana ridge (of house ) tor i 1. to fast, abstain from torahi-a break a taboo certain food as a sign of sorrow for a deceased rela­ torai-a threaten a person , mak e tive ;tori ka 'ika' i mane moa flee , chase ke n i ab stain from food pre­ pared by men or women not tora 'ira'i we ep exceedingly belonging to his own family 2. thin , lean , slim torakero have an extended stomach 3. adv. of direction , north an d we st; down towards the tora-na custom, nature , manner , sea or a level place from disposition, way a mountain 4. fall off , (of ripe fruit , torana wedding feast leaves ) 5. the black heron toranunu to exorcize , to remove 6. the bass gong ; to beat from a sick person the spirit the bass gong who is the cause of the sick­ 7. in compounds : tor i hote ness by putting a branch of row in c�dence ; tor i man i-a the paranstree (a foreign tree ) abandon , le ave , go away un der the he ad of the sick person from; tor i te ' e take to the when he is aSleep. He will be holy place (see te 'e); tor i better when he awakens. Some­ pau carry on the head; tor i times incantat ions are done puri ana to beque ath one 's ov er the stick property so as not to come back; tori honona a variety toraoto eat alone with out sharing of black magic; tor i with others honos i-a encumber a road, block up; to practise black magic on a person 1 3 0

torina distr ibution of food on a totoatara an uneven number of feast persons and things torina'ini-a distribute food on toto 'ere round and flat shaped; a feast a shallow canoe torini-a 1. assign one 's portion to tohi-a suck, inhale , draw , of food on a feast absorb 2. give , grant , permit; the direct obj ect may totoho a measure, mark , sign; be preceded by ana or 'ai ni totoho a stick used as ani , and the indirect a me asure object may become dir­ ect object totoho-a to me asure with a 'ai 3. bury ni totoho tore 1. inland, the mountain , totoi weak , feeble , not strong hill country ; mane n i toro on one 's legs a hill or mountain man ; toro in the mountains, totoi-a push hills , inland 2. ignorant ; ma n e n i toro totokarai sap , gum, res in an ignorant man 3. toro wa ra id. tora wa ra totokiri the wagtail torohana 1. toroha i top , crest totokora a heap of dus t, rUbbish; of mountain , of roof to sweep dirt into a heap 2. stack , heap totomaione seamew, seagull ; man u toromi-a tickle ka totoma ruana o n e , id. torona 1. the very centre of totomena small claws of crabs something 2. th e very top of totona id. to torana some thing totona ' ini-a dip in , subme rge , torototo bo rr ow soak toru 1. i d. to ' 0 r u, sit, be totoni-a cook vegetables in a seated, sit down ; taru bamboo tube ; toton i a ana ako id. honos i-a sit in a person's way ; toru ni 'ai a stump toto ni ire echo 2. unpierced (of ears ) 3. stay , live together ; rua totono to pain , smart , sting, inon i tar u man and wife bite (of me dicine an d nettles) torua blow a shell totono 'ai-a to caus e to sting, pain toruai listen attentively totonona the sticky , gluey toru ni matawa flying fish sap of certain trees torusi-a make a person sit down totopu the wagtail toto 1. deep totopuru a black gr ound lizar d 2. drown , sink , capsize; toto as I draw water; to to totora 1. a feast wh ere the boys 'asia sink an d be lost show the money given by 3. with ana , pay a fine , res­ the girls , Sign and titute ; toto totona refuse proof that they have had to pay a fine ; toto honos i-a sexual intercour se . Does pay a fine for a person not exist any longer 2. a necklace of flying toto-a add to fox teeth, used as currency totoa tell things true and un true 3. to run towards 4. a dan ce in which women are not allowe d to take part 131

totorae make fast , cause to be towe childish hungry towo-a try, attempt totorana part of the br ide pr ice given back to the husband tutu move backwards ; tutu after the wife has been taken atapuri go backwards back to her people ; restitu­ tion totorara missing u totorisi-a aw ait, wait for, expect u 1. a shell fish on the roots of mangroves totoro-a give medi cines that have 2. louse , flea been offered to the spirits ua , e ua please? What is it? to tosinoto a bat , small flying What did you say? fox ua exclamation of approval, tototo a huge rolling wave , strong that 's true , verily current in a passage 'ua yet , still, to spare; mao totou move in an d out (of the tail 'ua not yet; is put at the of a grasshopper after eating end of the phrase or after coconut flesh or narinut ) the verb tou 1. the night heron 'ua exclamat ion of joy, So it 2. tou 'a centre, mi ddle ; tou is , that 's it, Of course , (tou 'a) ni atowa noon ; tou We ll done (tou 'a) ni (ri) pon i midnight 'u'a a mud crab; 'u'a puru a to 'u, 'a'e-na to' u lame , crippled lan d crab to ' u-a to strip (bark ) 'uasi-a 1. to send, cause a sickness , by spirits toua raise the head an d neck in 2. choose or der to see better uha stretcher , bed tou' a see tou 2 'uha'a with or without hi 'ona tou'asimarawa an expression, it to disdain a spirit is very good, he is a hand­ some boy; beloved (term used 'uhana-a re fer to; 'uhanaa with by women when bewa iling a regard to ; is an abbreviation de ad relati ve ) of 'uta hana or tau (to' i) 'uta han a toui id. tou-na uhi a big swelling on stomach toumai id. tou-na or b ac k touna the core , heart , middle of uhi yam ; there are several some thing; touna hehera the varieties : hou, ka i, kamo , heart of the vi llage ; touna kapoa , 'Uh i ni ha ka , po, toma ma-na the pupil of the eye ; wauwasu touna ta ra the middle of the road uhi -a to blow, breathe fr om the mouth ; uh i-a ta rapau to blow tou-na heart the shell ; 'Uh i teker a'inl-a blow down ; 'Uh i roho ha 'ini-a touni-a put into a bag cause to fly by blowing up

toupau bend the head, stoop uhi -a to un dress one 's hair toutou legs of pig uhi 'au a whale

toutou ni used for something good, uhi-na penis, testicles nice; toutou ni na ' aha a good speech 132

uhira 'ini-a breathe into, blow ron i-a throw over upon u'ina noise of something thr own , 'uhiroro a disease , swelling of an explosion under the jaw i.e. tuberculosis u'ira ' ini -a throw away ; uhisi a whale u'ira' ini- a raona nisu-na to throw a piece of betelnut into uhitona sodomy the mouth signifying the giving of strength uhu 1. to shoot , sprout 2. a backwater , brackish 'uke-a to shake in order to see wa ter if it is sOlid; to tug 3. a spr ing of fresh water on the sea shor� 'uke ' uke shaky , we ak , not solid ilhu 1. hair uku 1. a fish 2. bear fruit ; 'ai ka uhu 2. a row; uku ni hau a row the tree is bea r ing fruit of stones 3. with gen. ni, kind, uhu-a pull out hair with crossed species , variety arms from the eyebrows of a 4. uku arisi-a to pull, de ceased; the hair is thrown drag , dr aw , stretch into the sea, in the forest, or is boun d to a spear and ukuma 'ini-a to carry a person shot into the branch of a away by force tree , in ord er that his spirit may kill the person who is ukumi-a pull, drag , draw , the cause of hi s death stretch ; ukumia iro dig taro ; ukumi-a i apa pull uhui-a to husk ashore uhuna hair , feathers; uhuna ana ukuuku-na, ukuuku rua-na wind- nisuna whiskers of cat ; uhuna pipe i mana eyebrows ; uhuna i pa i pate-na beard; uhuna ana 'uku' ukuni track, line of papar i-na wh iskers ; uhuna ana demarcation , separation peperu-na moustache ; uhu pa ra grey, white haired ; uhuna ana uma-a clear the un dergrowth pau-na scalp hair ; uhu puru when commencing a new garden hair on the sexual parts; uhu raha long haired ; uhu uma 'i look back , ar ound ririu turned up ha ir , against the grain ; imi ni pau a Urnai-a to point at a person single hair ; kemo long hair ; (done as a reproach ); to kekemo , komukomu a tuft of grumb le hair; meo sleek hair; po 'u woolly hair umasu orphan, widow , widower, bereft of children uhure 'e the day after tomorrow umauma id. amaama u'i-a 1. beat the wooden gong; to ring the be ll ( late 'uma'uma a fern (a bun ch of use ) wh ich is used as a broom ) 2. hit wi th an object, break , perforate ; u'i ume a big cla mshell, a clamshell maes i-a stone to death , armlet worn by the elder men kill a person by beating; on ly and by the rimo in order u'i pano pier ce small to break the ribs of their holes in the nose ; u'i victims ; tawa ni ume a small suhu pierce a hole in the clamshell ornament oval septum of the nose shaped, worn around the neck ; 3. throw, cast, spear ; ume po 'op o'o a small clamshell u'i honos i -a throw an ornament with bi rd figures on object at an animal in it worn on the forehead and order to prevent it from around the ne ck doing something; u' i umesau a big clams hell, id. ume 133

Urnu stone oven upu 1. a boil, swelling; a boil caused by the a p u ana upu, una , unana a de monstra tive , thus , rapurapu or rlria so, like that , that way , 2. upu moimoi a skin disease referring to something that has been said; Zocat. here upua to swell, have boils

'Una over there , there , yonder; upu ' ara suffer from boils kon i-a 'una put it the re wh ere you are 'upura 'i enter unahai to se al 'upura-na waist, middle , flank , side unapuru a small an d middle sized porpoise tooth �sed as a upurato look for a shady place currency, as de coration on a out of the hot sun shell money necklace , as part of the br ide pr ice, as object ura 1. shrimp , cr ayfish, prawn ; offered to the spirits ) epu hah ia man i ura ni pon i an expression: he co nceals unaunana fish-scale things from oth ers, he knows but he won 't tell ; Zi t. he unawete make a creaking noise stepped on a crayfish at night (crayfish cannot see 'uni-a 1. console , comfort, at night ; catchers put a reconcile foot on it and take it ); 2. subside (of swelli ng); ura hana ka para raurau an vanish, shrivel (of the expression: this is used as body ) a last warning to pe rsons who continually beat others; unu a shell fish Zit. a shrimp that may be wh ite qui ckly (the shrimp 'unu a lizard turns a wh itish colour quickly when put on a fire) unu 1. torch made from dry 2. a shrub , the roots of coconut leaf ; go fishing at wh ich are used to make red night with thi s torch dy e 2. hane ia unu ordeal, judge­ 3. vein ment by hot stones, trial 4. stand (up); ura harahara by fire (see suna ni haul stand up very straight ; ura hehesi-a stand up lean­ unu-a look for something with the ing against somebody ; ura un u honos i-a hind er , block , oppo se , prevent; ura mani-a unu me ra id. h o nu mera stay away from ; u ra popisi overhear , to eave sdrop ; u r a · ununu te ll, say, recount to'o stand still (while walking ) unUnu 'a look nice , beaut iful ; be good ura-a take out the flesh of the piowa i unUnuha a story urahi -a supervise, observe unusi-a to wipe out , forgive urahu a fish (taboo for wo men 'u'o a small lizard (green and and chi ldren ) gold) ura hu 'o make a fishing net upa complain, be di scontented uramaitara go to a feast to 'upa a fish which one has been invite d upasi-a refuse (out of discon­ ura-na first cousins; relation­ tent) ship between the children of the father and his sister 's 'uperia play in the water chi ldren; mane or ken l may be adde d for the sake of clar ity 134

urana with ana, lean against uri ' i, ur i' ina, uri ' in i 1. adv . of place , here urana take the fish out of the 2. thus , as follows , in shell thi s way, as it we re ( used of reported speech) ; urana 'ini-a support, underpin, e ur i' i it is as follows , strap thi s is how it is ura rao sew thatch urita 'au adv. of direct ion , south , east ura 'o flea uritaha how, in what way? urapau lobster urisio to have afterb irth pain urau pigeon ; urau ni as i pigeon living in the mangroves; urau 'uri 'uri 'o brown ni hanua , ni toro a land pigeon ; urau ni mumutoro a uro shout , cry , bawl small land pigeon uro-a to shelter , go for shelter uraura 1. conceal, hide oneself 2. bone marrow; vein uru 1. to wade ; uru horo wade 3. uraura ni ken i a taboo across; uru ha 'ini-a forbidding a man to speak ferry a person on one 's with, go to places , back enter houses wh ere the 2. blind; mana e uru he is woman is with whom he blind has had sexual relat ions 3. cloud , he aven , sky, top ; and whi�h she has reveal­ ra i uru go up , ascend ed to her husband , for 4 . sad, grieved, sorry; fear of sickness and rae k u e u r u ( h ina u ) I am death in the fami ly , sad thi s be ing cau�ed by the 5. a male descendan t of anger of the spirits the ramo 6. mano-na e uru he breathes uraura-na enemy again

uraurana be in the actual state uru 'ai a round wooden bowl in of uraura ni ken i wh ich taro is mashed

uri 1. id. uria 2 uruha 1. look for 2. a fruit tree; its frui t 2. (n i) i non i a f am i ly ; uruha ni ramo the male uri-a cut up vegetable s as descendants as a whole preparat ion for the cooking ( of the ramo )

uria 1. really , truly uruhahi-a lengthen red shell 2. that, if, thus ( used of money strings immediate or transmitted un certa in speech ) uruha-na family

uri ana that is, if, as if, like uruhi-a 1. repent, regret ; ( used in explan ati on ) raeku e uruhinau I regret , I am sad, id. uriana id. puriana uru 4 2. to string shell urihai that's the way , in that money , beads way , thus urupe 'i-a he lp , assist, lead by uriha-na like , same as the hand

urihana the same as , as if, ururu a me asure ( a thumb length like of shell money)

urihau adv. of direction , north, ururua a soft wood tree west ururu-na , ururua -na knee urihoo there 135

urusi-a blow one 's nose usuma 'i 1. allow , consent 2. accuse falsely urutaha to open , start again; manona e urutaha he started usuma 'ini-a 1. to send, dispatch breathing again 2. condemn , ban urutarau the two sticks fastened usuna 'ini-a turn back on both sides inside th� canoe , to rest the seat on usupoto firestick uruto 'u heart of a tree usupuri take a person to court uruuru 1. a liana, twig used to usura 'ini-a id. usuria string fish 2. lime to chew with the usuri-a 1. rub off, wipe off betelnut mixture 2. follow, copy , imitate

'uru' uru 1. ripe (of coconut s ususu to le ak, to rain lightly only) ; 'uru' uru ana ni u a fully grown ripe ususu'ai alon gside, broadside co conut 2. broken into many ususu' ana end, edge pieces usutaha 1. emerge uruuru-a to str ing fish on to the 2. the middle finger uruuru usutai crawl like a worm usi with gen. ni , a great numbe r, over a thousand, numerous ; us i usu 'usu, usu'usu aepo a long na us i ni harisi many , many grass years ago uta to rain ; uta n i mae . uta usi-a 1. to barte r, sell umae torrential rain; uta 2. pass by , elap se , go by huhu a continuous rain; uta (of time ); nima hura e parapara rain with sunshine ; us i k ira they have been gone uta suu he avy rain five months 'uta in terrog . pron . what ; e usi 'a bartering , selling ' uta. 'a re or rihi 'uta wh at is it , wh at do you want; e usu 1. with gen. ni , a piece , ' uta ma 'a wh at , is it right part , portion or wrong? horo'a 'uta. ro 'ua 2. rub, grate , wipe , write 'uta when , on what day? (late us e ), tattoo ; manu inon i 'uta who, what person? usuusu the frigate bird, its wings being M-shape d uta-a 1. anoint and used for decoration; 2. sharpen usu pano blow one 's nose 3. daub with saliva 3. push , sho'/e ; usu hau shove forward; reject, move ; utahunu a wh ite shell money usu ma i move ove r here ; usu nena now, just now utani-a to rain upon usu to tri ckle , dr ip utoro cut food or fruit length­ wise 'usu to dampen with saliva utoutona pith , heart usu-a active of usu 2 and 3; usua taha to blacken the teeth utu id. us u with a pigment 'u'u a round ob j ect; stone of usua'i advan ce by jerks fruit usu asi the beam protruding ov er 'U'U a small bird the stem of a boat 'u'uti seed usui-a active of usu 2 an d 3 136

'u'uina tail uwi ni haka a sweet potato (imported) u'u mae tahi a pearl uwo 1. a piece of skinned soft 'u' u-na fing er, toe, claw, paw ; wood used as a float for 'u'una 'a'e-na toe; 'u'una fishing nets ka 'ika ' i-na finger; 'u'una 2. calosity in the stomach paina the big toe ; 'u'una oto middle fing er; 'u'una uwowo skinned wood, vine; uwowo usutaha forefinger; mi 5 i ni 'are a stopper , cork ni 'u'una nail uwowoi pith, heart (of tree ) 'u'una seed, stone (of fruit ); a roun d obje ct ; 'u'una ma-na uwouwou-na the shin bone ; the eyeball; 'u'una makano, uwouwouna ana pano-na the 'u'una one a grain of sand nasal bone

u'una to sow uwouwouna id. uwowo

u'una tell, relate , narrate

u'ura a hardwood tree w

u'ura partly soaked wa vanish, disappear , empty 'u'uru 1. appear , come out ; opa-na e 'u'uru to have piles wa ' a 1. split , cut in sections 2. fall down , come off the 2. yam sections string (of shell money ) 3. a vegetable 4. endear ing term of boy u'usa sew the sago leaves for an d girl friend (dear , the ridge covering dar ling )

u'usi cold wa ' a-a to steal newly planted food, flower s, coconut s 'u'usu aepo a grass with sticky seeds (a concoction made from wa ' ahura 'a yaws , framboe sia; to the seeds is drunk to cure suffer from yaws a cough ) wa ' ahuru id. wa 'ahura'a uwa 1. possess partly (of gardens ) 2. result, frui t of work wa 'aitara-na forehead

uwa 'aira slow and lazy at work wa ' a-na relation ship (first cousins between ch ildren of uwa i-a to give a sick person a brothers) dr ink wa ' araho strips of bamboo or uwari-a distribute 'e'e su i on wh ich the sago leave s ar e sewn uwauwa-na grandc hild, grandparent wa 'ara'i come into sight , uwe 1. a liana visible 2. strings of money bound at the Three Sisters into wa ' ari-a to split , cut in rounds or circle s se ctions , cut up yams for planting uweha a bamboo (used as a fishing rod) wa ' aria daybreak , dawn ; nunui wa 'aria just before daybreak uwera indef. pron . much, many ; uwera ka ka i very much, many ; wa ' ar iri 1. lightning; to flash uwe ra ma 'a too much, many, (of lightning ) too dear 2. to shiver with cold (of a sick person ) uwera'ai-a to increase , mult iply waa to 'o have good luck 137

wa ' e a fern tree use d as grave waini nau a recent endearing edge (is edible when young) term used by boy and girl friend (my de ar , darling)' wae-a to pay , reward, hire wainuru murmur , whisper waeri-a to des troy , wreck , spoil, damage ; harm a person by magic wa ' iperi a murder er , killer; or spell; wa erla ken l violate a mane wa ' iper i id. woman ; wa er la ma na t a-na cause to change one 's mind (used with many wa ira clear , limpid; watery (of compounds : na 'a wa erl-a to solids ) slander, speak ill of ; top I waer l-a etc. ) wa ' ira' ini-a to sprinkle , to throw , swing waeta compensation, reward wa 'ira ' ini-a to move the head waetana id . wae ta aside in or der to avoid something waewae gristle, cartilage , palate wa iririsi go up and down , to and waewaena de corate fro waha fog, mi st waisi fish ; expression: oko wa isl hana ite e haka (hoke) waha foggy , dim you work in vain , without ge tting resul ts , 'lit. you wahani to darken , di m fish with a torn net wa i 1. fresh wate r (as opposed to wa isi 'a 1. wa isi 'a ni as i fish, as l sea water ); mo isture , sap , sea an imal ; wa i sl ' a ni juice ; river hanua land animal 2. with gen . nl, an area, 2. a sickness of babies patch; wa l nl 'e'e an area due to the eating of of betelnut trees; wa I n I taboo fish by the nlu an area of coconut palms mothers wa 'i 1. be in pain , hurt , ache ; waisuke return an insult; refuse ; pauku ka wa ' I I have a head­ an expre ssion of denial: not ache me ; I don 't want it ; it's 2. a thin nose or ear stick repulsive to me ; I deny it made of mother of pearl (worn by women only ) wa iwai 1. a tree (its leaves are used for making mats ) wa ' i-a to ki ll, beat 2. blood of a pig put into a bamboo tube for waiara help a person with food for cooking; ako ni wa iwa l a feast the bamboo tube with the blood of the pig in waiasi to fish it waiau the bonito waiwai-a with ahula to wave a torch to an d fro in order to wa ikoe to jest, joke , te ase , make make it flame ; wa lwaia tara fun ; wa lkoe ta 'a te ll immoral to wave a torch to an d fro in jokes order to make it flame so one can see where one goes wai-na semen; secretion (of women ); urine waiwai 'a watery ; thin (of liquids ) wa 'ini 'ini 1. to throb ; touku wa ' I n I' I n I wa 'iwa'i-' ana upper part of the 2. in compounds , a abdomen superlative ; arurae wa 'lnl'lni to think waiwai-na mera the 'breaking of diligently; rapu the waters' in childbirth wa ' Ini ' ini be at very hard waiwai 'ori a shrub (used as a taboo sign ) 138

wa iwaisina the bronchia of fish wara-na word, voice , speech , sound, lang uage ; hau wa ra-na waiwaki hang up fish bones, jaws contradict one 's speech; of pigs tora wara to act as go­ between for a romantic waiwaki-na chin, jaw assignation between boy and girl; nata wa ra chatterbox; waiwari clean , clear wa ra osa deceive , lie; wa rana osa the word of a liar ; waka shine , bri lliant wa ra tatanau misinterpret , misunders tand an d repor t wakara 'ini-a to wave a torch or falsely ; wara e to'o to sink firestick to and fro in order home (of speech ), to be to make it flame granted imme diately whatsoeve r has been requested wakarau prepare warana 'ini-a accost, question a wakari-a to light person passing by waki fishbone; jaw , bones of pigs warao a strong liana used for sewing canoe planks , and for wakio , wa kiohu fish hawk baske t making wakiotarairaro claim and grab waraoro-a tempt , seduce, entice things under false pretences that do not be long to oneself warapopo speak in par ab le s wana shine ; be red hot warauhu-na ha ir, feathers ; wa rahuna pau-na scalp hair; wanahi-a reflect hua wa rauhu take hair from a de ceased person with the wanari-a to light, shine upon idea of getting his strength to kill the person who caused wanu disappear the death wao-a 1. clean a pipe warawara 1. to pass the hand 2. look for tortoise eggs through the wall; to by pr icking with a small feel in holes stick into the be ach 2. empty (of nuts ) sand in order to discover the hole in wh ich the ware a liana (the bark of which eggs are is used for tying and sewing that ch ); wareware po a hard wa ' o-a catch fish with a rod variety of liana waoa a shellfish ware-a make restitution waoni fresh cold damp air ar ound warena 'a break into perspiration rivers pr eceding the intoxication caused by betelnut chewing waoni-a put in a cool place ; to cool warena ' ini-a to harvest ; take several things at di fferent wapu , wa pu su'u Jungle , virgin time s forest wareoni-a to stir wa ra 1. to fish with the hand 2. speak wari nice , beautiful; wa ri ken i a beaut iful woman warahi-a to take in the hands ; to fish with the hands wari a whole (as opposed to man i part of a whole ); o ru warahuna hair; wa rahuna pau-na wa ri niu three (whole ) scalp hair coconuts wara ' imori true , truly wari-a hurt , injure , cut oneself; make an arrow of the vein of the ivorynut leaf; war i-a pa 'epa'ena castrate 139

wari 'ai fruit of a tree waruhana under, underneath , below wa riapo Adam's apple waruhapa-na back wariarite lozenge shape d waruna eighth wa rika a fish wasi 1. wild, untame d; po was i wari-na relationship of the child­ a wild pig; paewa wa si ren to their maternal un cle 's an unowned shark children 2. a man eating shark, the incarnation of a sea wa rina frui t spirit 3. a spirit whose abode is warita former , previous , past; in the sea ( is an unowned i wa rita formerly , in the old spirit and is regarde d as days, previous ly , in former a wicked spirit roaming time s around killing people; it whistles when it arrive s wariwari sharp at a place) 4. see apu ana wa si wariwari-a make restitution , pay 5. to wash; was i mana to a fine to; wa r i war ian a to p ay wash the regions of a as fine de ceased with over which incanta­ wariwariha 1. cleanliness tions are done 2. re stitution , fine 6. to whi stle , to call by whistling ware 1. a lian a, st ring, rope , fishline , string of money ; wa sikaroa mouldy wa ro haka stalks of sweet potatoes ( there are was ina bronchia of a fish different varieties ) ; wa ro maemae a liana ( extracts wasirai to be angry or sad, of which are used to because of inability to do poison fish) ; wa ro kukuku, some thing wa ro kurukuru a vine used as a swing; wa ro sikiri a wasisi 'a a poor crop of corn vine ( its leaves being used to prepare the pigment for wasiu id. was i 1 blac kening teeth ) ; waro ni tor i a fishline ; waro ni wasiu'a cold; stop hurting ( of 'u'i a sling ; wa ro ana pain ) stalks of ( a plan t ) ; wa ro n i rnai • wa ro pa ra, wa ro ni wasu 1. a black starling inon i a line of people ; 2. sme ll, scent; wasu wa ro n i i 'a a string of mamu smell of the soil of fifteen to twenty porpoise virgin forest ; wasu teeth onauna 'a sme ll of coagu­ 2. wa ro ( e ) 'ahu the large st lated blood ; wasu siani unit of shell money , ten fragrant smell, sme ll ha 'atahana nice; wasu ta 'a stink, offensive odour ; nono ware moon wa su sniff at ,. sQlell at 3. rae wasu be in a rage ; waroitore a liana raena e wasu he is in a rage warokau thorn wasua 'i-a smell, active of waru 1. eight wasu 2 2. with or without te , of indefinite number or time : wata haemorrhoids some , several, various ; indicates totality also ; wate to herald the assigne d food wa ru 'are inau all my portions at a feast to the things different villages ; make an oration at a feast 140

wa te-a give ; ( the thing given has wawe-na froth , slobbe r not to be returned to the donor , as opposed to ta ); used with we 'e a big lizar d that eats the pel'B. pl'On. or with pOBS. ha-na , inside of the nar inut wa tenau or wa te haku ; e wa tea pa ta hana ma ne , or e wa tea mane we 'eri-a split, divide ( of ana pa ta ; wa te maku ku to feign bamboo , lianas eta. ) giving wenu a sea weed eaten by fish watena gift wenuwenu 'a dropsy wato 1. a stick used for husking coconuts and digging holes wee suffer , be tired, weary for planting of food 2. horn ( of animals ) were-a bring the yam and pana harvest into the foods tore; wa 'u 1. mosquito gather fish, fruit eta. in 2. an ornament of red shell one stack money strings with porpoise teeth werea ' ini-a to harvest , pull up food wa uhi-a be angry with a person wero to flame , flare up , burn ; wauho eel, eelfish ; wa uho ni ahea be bright ( of fire) nena an expression: he is a generous man , she is a generous weroa , we ro' aha with or without woman , Zi t. eelf ish of thi s ana suna a flame , the flaming current of fire

wauwa-na grandparent , grandchi ld we rohi-a put into the fire

wauwau a small crab weruweru 'a to be extended, big ( of breas ts and stomach of wauwau-a quarrel with, look woman about to give birth ) furious at wete 1. make a creaking nOise , waw& be set, planted wide apart crack, explode ; tick, tap , hamme r wawa hole, opening ; to be open , 2. with ana, ob serve , see; hollow , empty , have open ends , maku e we te ana I actually have a hole in saw it

wawaha cloud , mi st; to be cloudy , we te-a to peel, take the veins mi sty out of leaves

wawake youn g fruits in the first we teri-a id. we te 1 stage of growth wetewete a fern wawa-na mouth wewe , me ra wewe baby wawanu to p'un ish one self by doing some thing wr ong wewe 'e make a noise when moving ( of things hanging on the wawaoi the two tentacles of the body , such as baskets , beads , crayfish castenets )

wa waro with ana , edge , end, side wi 'iwi'i baby

wawaroana hem wiki from English, week

wawate generous wikiti from English, wicked, heathen wawau dispute , quarrel wini-a shake , rifle , beat , wauwau surana heat of a fire knock down , thrash

wawauro wild dog winiwini pain 141

wirawira un ripe , half grown (of fruits an d vegetables ) wiri , he 'a wiri diarrhoea, dysentery wiri-a to pierce, to make a hole in wiro to steer; to 'i wi ro id. wisi a small grey bird (an omen; its chirping announces death an d murder) wita open ing in a wall to look through wou 1. adv. of place , there , over there , yonder ; po'o wou further over; wh en locative i follows , wou and i contract to wo ' i; wo 'i nima over there in that house 2. adv . of future time , hu ra wou next month 3. a superlat ive, e pa ina ro 'u wou he is bigger wowa set, planted wide apart wowa-na mouth ; '0 su'u na 'a raona wowamu don 't speak in your mouth ! (is a eurst: ) wowana be ak, opening, hcle 142

a te , pote ni adequate marisi, 'o'oa abandon atapuri ana , hora 'a, adjust mataoa mate ana , pa 'u, puri , rae mania , ruani-a, ruka 'asia, tori man ia admire auna, aura'i, maho abase ohos ia adop t kon i ana abash ha ' amamakinaa, ha ' amaraa adultery a'ina, hanahaiei , hana ta ' a, hapaka abate mapipi advance ata, usua' i abdomen horo'u' i-na , kakato -na, wa 'iwa' i-ana, hu-na adversary ha riharina abhor mama taku ana , mamatakura advise pau ha' inia ana adze asumia abjure ma 'asi , ma 'asita ' inia afflict ha' anana' ia aboard ta 'e, ta 'eria affront anaa abode pinupinu, pirupiru afloat ha ' asosopoa abolish ha ' asikoa afraid ma 'u, ma ' ure abort ha ' akorasia , ha ' aoro , heresia, hiri'ia, ka 'oro ' oro , af ter ana, haitako, ipuri , isioi, rarahia, takara , tata isuria, puri , puri'ahai , puri ana, puriha'ai, si 'ona, suria about isioi , isuria afternoon apairato, marumaru above hahona , paohana, ruana afterwards ipuri, ma ' ipuri, abroad ana haka puriha 'ai absent minde d arurae hairiu, peko aga in ariho 'i, ro 'u, tona pepe , ha 'i abstain ha ' ahirihiri , ha ' apupua , koni pupua, ma'asi, agi tate asuia , kutea, reperepe , ma 'asitainia wa ' ar iri abundant poura , uwera agree aramia, ar ama'inia, haiarama 'inia , haiaramia, 'oki , accompany ha' ata 'eta 'ea, pau ruru ha ' inia ha ' inia aim rna nonoa , naohia, otohia, accomp lish ha ' asikoa to ' oh ia

accord tohuna air sisiho, oru, waoni

according isioi , isuria, mara, alert raroni si'ona all 'ahu, 'ahuni , 'ahuta-na, accuse ha'akae , ha' aperia, he toa , i'ami siko, mano , rikimana , na 'a popo, orowara , rehopopo , siko, sui , ta 'ena, waru suha , suru haho, usuma 'inia allow arama 'inia, aramia, accus tom ra 'o ha ' amoraa , moraa , pisua , rai ana ache re 'e, wa 'i, hara , hi 'ia almond 'ai tapi across ha' ahoro almost hIna 'i, kara 'ini Adam 's app le wariapo alone hasiapa , he 'eta, hora 'ai, add isu rokoi, isu tarakoni, makure , mara-na, mora , ta 'e, totoa to 'ohiri 143

a'Long suria arrange oara'inia a'longside kekere 'ana, popona , arr ive ewa , hura, huraia ususu' ana, popisina arrow aro ni kera , haohao , oto, a'lso , oro ' u, ro ' u sua , topa a'Lter orisia as mara a'lways taraha, tarariu ash kora , 'ora'ora, orapou, pasa 'ora among kaoa ashamed mamakina , mara , sisimare anaestor ma rahu-na aside keke , risitara anahor ha ' asusu 'ato puri , ha ' atutua , huna , itoa , itoia, ask ha ' atohua , 'oehia, poia, hunata poiresia, soea, suaia, suka , te ' ina ' inia and mana , na , nena na , ha 'e assau 'lt akahia ang'Le popona assemb 'Le 'ahu , niruniru , angry kora, kota , opa-na , ta 'a, si' otarakonia, soerokoa rae ta 'a, susura , wa uh ia assent marohi ; id. a'l'low anima l, waisi 'a assist pausia; id. he 'Lp ank'le panepanena 'a'e-na , popo ni uru associate hiku ha ' inia , hikusia, pauna , toraria ank 'let 'asi 'asi , osi assort ha ' akorasia anoint utaa assure marutana annoy ke toa, roroa asthma pari 'ai answer asu, neha, orisia, rikisia, surusia astonish nami ai , rahe , rata 'ai ant ahusui , nare , sane , suisui , astray as isi, ra asisi , rari , takaro , tane ririu, takaro , tapaero anus si 'isi ' i-na, suhuna , ae-na at ana, i appari tion anoa-na atonemen t hiri 'a, hirita appear ha ' ariri, ha ' atata, hai , attach itoa , itoia, kaura 'inia, hanetaha, hanetahaia, huta , pasua , takia mahoro , , u' uru attack hotoia , pora , suru'ia appearanae rape-na, riota-na attemp t aria, ata, mara ohonana appoint horosia, iua, na' ia, oa ni , tau ohonana , pariataia, towoa approaah arapu i, kamura 'i, omar ia attention arurae susunia arm ka ' ika' i-na attia parawao arm'let 'asi 'asi, hakohako , hato , tara ni hato , ima , kato , kihara, aunt mai wari-na, nike-na ipuri os�, papasa, papata , paro , pore, raorao , rapou avoid ninima armpit paepae-na awaken arisia, ha ' arioa, rioa around 'ahui , hahia, ha iriu away 'asia, mania

axe hakisi, hau, ire 144

B ba t id. fLying fox kaukaurana , musurua , rawako, rawaro babb Le rorea, rori bay hoka i, kaokaoa, rouroua , baby mera wewe , wi 'iwi'i su 'u bache Lor aimane , nanau, nuku mane beach 'apa , hatare , one , rihua back kokosu-na, rua-na , waruhapa-na; bead korokoro , pii ariho 'i suapuri, susuatapuri , susuhaipuri beak panona , wowana. backwa ter uhu beam 'ai ma 'a, oka, suri 'ai bad mamasiriha'a, memeka , pona 'a, bean apaoru ta 'a bear ha ' ahutaa , hunu, poporo bag ma 'i beard 'amo ' amo-na , 'omu ' omu-na, ba it kaura 'inia , pa rarate -na ba Lance mama 'ure , neoa , neroia bea t hairaputa 'i, hitaria , horo , horo 'ia, ikia, ikinia , ba Ld ha iwariharaimiu, korukoru, ikirau , iperia , kiro, ote , pau harai kiroha ia , rapu , rapusia, raunia , ta ' inia , tarohia, u' ia, ba le karu, naru, tanu , tanuhia , winia, wa 'i-a taru beautifu l anana, siani, wari baH atoato because 'ana, hahia, inoruha 'ana, bamboo ako, 'au, mako , nahe , mamaruha 'a, i mana, tahura 'ana , niniru, pe 'e a'u, rate , uweha, tamana , tona tona an a, to 'ona , karusi to 'oi ban 'isia, usuma 'inia be che -de-mer mamapuri banana husi, raorao , saosao beckon rarohia banyan aparoro be come na 'ia, rau hani , raupua, ruka bar 'ai rahita , apiapi honosia, ato , honosia , kema bed epa , huri , peha, pera , uha barb arara , tatape bedbug sikinipiri bare korukoru, nenea nihona, be e ninisua , purunisua , sisi nihona pu 'upu'ij bark 'e'ehona , hoho 'ana, sisimana; beetle aparuru , awa 'awa , ho 'a, hO 'ona ' inia, korasia , ho 'o, 'oro' oro ho' osia, rUbia, rurusia , simaa , tea, to 'ua before ina 'o, isI , mana , na 'o, na ' ohia, rauna 'o, rasini barren amara beg suka barrier hisi begin 'aehotaa , ha 'atara 'ae, barter ha ' ausina 'i, horia, usia hapusua , tara 'ae basket apina , apire , ite, karao , beginn ing 'a'e, 'a'ei, ana kato, koko , ma 'i, pepera, tara ' aena poripori, rahara , rerepe , ru 'aru'a, ruru 'a, ruruia , surua , behalf mara-na tari , tetere, pakoko behave manata , oraha 'a, bas tard kare ni aroaro paroparo 145

behind ipurina , keke , puri blaak magia 'ai ni mae , kerema , si 'o, torihonona be lah hi ' irua bladder mimi-ana be lieve tora ana blade kuruna, me ana, niho ni be little kote , mahaa, maka ana blaze 'ero, 'eso, name , nenehu be lly roroho-na (see stomaah) bleary kapi be long ana , to 'o ana bleed 'ahe , apura, he 'ata ' inia be loved 'ae'ae bless ha ' apua , maea be low hua , maruhana , waruhana blind aeroto koso, ha ' aurua , be lt koko ' upu koso, ma-na uru, roto, uru susuhono bend 'ahea, aheko, anero , apakeke , apinu , hihiro, hi 'ua, blister riparipa, tarapiu, ko, kope , mahi, makeko , tarariripa ni ' itori, 'oro , raraia, rohia, roro , roumana, toupau bloak hurosia , pon� , ponosia, tor ihonosia, urahonosia , susu benumb hurihuri , 'asia, noke honosia , paopao

beside kekere 'ana , popona, blood 'apu-na , mora ni keni ususu 'ana, popisina blow awai , iru, iruhia, oru, besides ita'i, oro 'u oruhia , usu pano, pusu, teru, torua , Uhia, urusia; hitahita bete lnut 'e'e, motemote , pua , raoru blow up surupa 'ata ' inia

be tray ha ' asusuna'inia bZue id. blaak

between i kaoa, matorana blun t ha' akumua , komu, kumu

bewai l ama, narasia boar ora , ratoa

beware rio tara-na, tahi boat haka, pauta

bewi tah si'o body rape-na, tano-na

beyond paro , riuta boi l araupuupu, imemu, suposupo , taraware , upu; ohu, big asihoka, paina, pi 'a, ohusia , tora rihuakere , rikaa bone kokoke ni honu, kokokena, bi le kii-na, rasua-na , suri-na , waki, parakote takapuru-na bonito wa iau bind hiri 'ia, pasua , pete 'ia, supea, tepetonaa bore ha roa

bird manu born ha ' ahuta ana, huta

bi te araia , hana, ke ' e, tora, borrow kaoni, toratoto simiro , ara potaria bosom roroho-na bi tter aha, amari 'a, mamara bottom kaka 'ena blaak make, pora , poroporo , purupuru'a bow pa si

blaaken oko, para 'asu, rarasua , bowe l kakawe ni opa-na, opa-na usua 146

bowl 'aiara, hoho , kakare , rapo 'o, bui ld tohu , tora, torea tapire , uru'ai bump kunaria boy me ra mane , mu'u bunch apiapi 'i, hunu ni, pau, brain oso-na, oto-na punu ni , takasina branch masihuni, rara 'ina, rarana bundle hoko, hokona, puta , 'ai, sisihu, tataka ruru' i, taoma 'inia, hunu ni , hunu i brave ramo burden ha ' ahi 'aa break aaro , 'aha rai, ahasu, ahenu, 'akora , anori , 'a'oi, apano , burial eri ha hiana, ha ' aparana , aputa , aramousia , aroa, asihoka, ha ' atotona , haitorina , asiwa , 'atahi , awasiu, ha ' amousia, ho ' oiraoa , kiruana , pa 'o, haria , hokea , horohoro , kamar ia, suniana kekemau, ki 'oa, kusia, mahusi-a, makete , mamememe , ma 'oi, mou , burn 'a'ani , ako 'aia, ania , 'ehu, narnusia , napota , nisia, ohoia , ero, eso, ha ' anoahia, haiwero­ 'oi-a , pa ' aua, potaria, raputai , werohi, i'i, kihu, noa , na'ani, roia, rapu potaria , u'ia, nununa 'inia , ratonaia, to 'ote'e an a, 'uru'uru rotonaia , sunia , su'u, tararna breast marnata ni arau , mano-na, burrow sua papara-ana, o'oho-na, susu-na burst marata , marete , pusu breath mano-na bury anoa, eri hahia , ha' apara, breathe awahia, huhukoru, ha ' atotoa , hairuka, haitori , manoasa , manomano, manota , uhia ho ' oiraoa , kirua , pa 'oa, ruka, sunia, suru 'ia, torinia bribe moe a bush hanua , ma ' usu, wapu bride price taona business roro 'ana bridge tarauha but ta 'e bright awasisi , maka, makata , nu'a, pa , pua , rarotopa bu tche r hunua bring ha ' anaia, hua , rarinia, butterfZy hepehepe tar aia, tora , torea bu ttock ha ' o-na, hari-na , bristly sisimarnara hau'u-na, herehere-na, herehere i 'a'e-na , oki-na, popo-na, broad aroka, heara 'i raraha-na bu t ton takia bronchia reoi , waiwaisina, wa sina buy horia, kaoni , tahoa brother 'asi-na , hahone-na , mai hahonena, mai'asina buzz awa , nara brother-in- Zaw Iha-na , rnai Iha , mai inana c brown awawa 'a, marnatawa 'a, mehu, 'uri'uri 'o cabbage honota ni pa, pa bruise marakaa ca lf namonarno-na, pairau , brush pepesa, repa , sare poerau-na brute oraora call ar11, ha ' ahou ana, hara 'inia, haratana, na 'a bud ara, masi, pito, pono 'ainia, 'ohia, soea sihusihu; hihikana , masina, pipitoahai 147

caLm hora, peata , piata , raorao centre hurihuri'i; id. middLe

calumniate soe waeria certain haru

canoe 'ai karukaru, ara, iora, champion 'ou'ou, ramo irora, pa ' arao , paru, pinapina , raku, sosoro , toto 'ere change ho 'isia, ohu, ari, orisia, po 'osia, po 'ota' inia, canoe house karakara, oha , taoha rikia, riri, surai

cant ripo channe l rnaritawa , tataha , tawa

capsize akeu, aniri , paha 'inia, character rnanata-na, rnaurnauri, toto paroparo

care koni (siani ) ana, koni rekoa , charcoa L ara' ara, kora rio tara , to 'i konia charity arnasina, haiarnasina carefu L hisia, paupau, popoa , rio charm 'ai ni U1awa , rnarutana care Less rnahao chase ha ' aerehia, hairnausui , caress aroha 'i, arohia, ha' ahurua , haipani , rna 'usui , ohosia, harua, ta 'ahia pania , peroa, oesia, tora hahoia , tor aia carry arna'inia, apasia, api, apisi, ha 'aa, haha, ho 'ua, hua , kawaisupu, chatter rnisikuru, tatawara ohia, pona 'inia, rurua , ruta , sunia, taheria, to 'o ana , tora, chatterbox natawara torea, toripau, ha 'aa cheap horita mas ike carv e apia, asu-a cheat kae , kaesia , pekoa carver karnota cheek papari-na, riri-na carving rninu-na chew kamu, me me , rnore i karnu, castene t ahuriri , tara 'a namu, nasi

cas tra te ahasia, waria ch ick kare , karene

ca t kusi chief araha, houra, mane to ' ora

cataract kesu, rna-na ke su ch ild kare-na 'ae'ae, kare-na, rua rnarnan a, mer a , rnu 'u, rereo catch a'oa, here , horo'ia, kaua , ni rne ra , siri ni rne ra raoka, tapoa , tara 'ahua , wa 'oa, atonia , paopao chi ldbirth ahurirnou

caterpi l Lar rna, rnuno , pa ' anire chi ldish towe

cattle pu1uka chi ldle ss ahe'a, amara , aurnasu

cau Lk puruia chin pairate-na, rarate-na, tatate-na , waiwaki-na cause 'a'ena, raraiana ; to 'ia chip tahea cave hahare, haoto , kokoke ni hau; kaokaora chips awasiu, kakahuna 'ai, nananana 'ai cavity a'a chirp nuu , riri ceme tery 'apu' apu, suate 'e, te 'ete'e choke otopasire , rasua

centipede kapare , rna ire , rna choose haihirisi, hirisia, ��a, itaro , rarihe 'irisia, rio hirisia, 'uasia 148

chop rama , ramasia, tapia, tohua , cockatoo eke; id. parrot topia co ckroach kokorosi, tami tami' church nima ni lotu 'ako, tonatona cica trice reo coconut aro , kiriwa , ma unihuta, niu, poupou claim eresia coconut cream on i suru clap hitapa'a; clap the hands hi ta ka ' ika ' i coffin i'a claw totomena co ld ha ' asisiu' aia, mama 'usi , sisiu 'a, u'usi, wasiu'a; hu 'u, clean aea, ananaa, aripotoa , pane e ra ' usia, panoa , panowai ha ' apapa re 'aia, hotaa , koea, omoa , papare 'aia, parasi, sa 'ua, co l lapse hi ' amaesia ta raa, tarea , waoa ; anana , manora, ma roma rora , oriori, papare 'a, co l le ct atoato, iro, pairurua , sike , waiwari rama , ramasia, ra ' urokoa , rokoa , rurua , si 'okonia, clean liness papare 'aha suru'ia ha 'a, takoma 'inia, tararokoa, tararuru, tara clear aea, ahuia , ha ' amakataria, ihaa , ihasia, makataria, tarea, co l lide hai ' atoi , hitapa 'a, umaa ; 'a'ate , maka, makata, raputa 'inia, to 'o manora, ma romaro ra , wa ira co lour mena , rapena clearance ha ' akenia co loured rarotopa clearing raro'a comb arapa , isipau, komu, sura cleat korikori come hura , ike , koru, ra, rae clench ne te nihona comfort ha ' araemanoa, ha 'aroh ua, clever pau-na mak ata 'unia climb ano , hane , hane ia , karia, command 'eroa, ohoia riki, tahariparo commence suru; (s ee begin, start) cling ra'o commi t raupua , ta close amute , aripo 'o, ate, ha 'u, ha 'usia , nakia, pani honos ia , common rao ni pono, ponosia; kara 'ini commoner inoni maimaki, inoni cloth i'ihi , kapirato , korosi , makure maku, pana , ra 'ua, rerere , to ' oni companion hihikuma , hoe-na , para-na cloud kukua , raho, raro , ro ko, roto , uru, wa waha company raeraeha clover harisi , ha risi ni haka compare ha ' aratana 'inia, hitarana , 'o'oana, urihana club ahui, kiakia, kirekire , si 'a, supi compe l aitanaia, 'eroa, pepesia , ramoia clus te r punu, punuta , punu ni comp lain upa coagu la te pou comp le te 'ahu, 'ahuni , coast hatare ; see beach; ha' a'o'ahua , ha' irau, haitai , ' ' makanohti hauta 'ai, hauta'i, mane , 0 0, 0'0, paupau, rauraku, siko, cobweb rawa ta'ena, ta ' enaru 149

compose roumana corn koni conceive iana corner kaokaoa, susu'a, su' asu'a, su'una concern ana, isioi , isuri , to ' ohia corpse pou, rae , rararnoa condemn iuta 'inia, usuma 'inia correct ha ' aotootoa, manata ori , confess ha ' ahou, irihata 'inia, otooto , riona 'inia tamani correspond hitarana, 'o'oana, confuse rorea urihana connect pa sua tona, takia tona cough a'atara, hu 'u consent ararna 'inia, aramia , counse L oara 'ihai oara 'inia haiararna'i, rai ana , to ' ohia coun t isu, isumia consequentLy naina , no 'o, raro coun try awata, hanua conserve nairekoa , repoa , si ' okonia coup Le rua ma ' ana consider ni ' irae court kotia; kotiha consoLe ha ' asianiai see comfort cousin urana, wa 'ana cons tipated oku cover anoa, aruhia, asiaa , eri consuLt tapana hahia, kasi hahia, kuhia, pono, puruia, rakosia, ruua con ta iner okooko crab 'ahe , arimano, asusu, contaminate huhu , orahia, siki ana, to 'ea, 'u'a, wauwau takaria crack awakore , makemea, con temp Late pore ana makorukoru , potaria, roa, ru' u, si ' ihia , tarihita , wete continua LLy paupau, susu, taraha, tarariu, tarau, tare crafti Ly raoma 'i contraceptive wa i ni arnara cram poea contradi ct haiharai, haitariri , craw L ano , rarata , rerete , haitohe , hehe , hehenoro , pai-a usutai contribute haiponi, 'oi crayfish ura conva Lescent awa crazy hehe 'o, o'e, peu, tahu'a convert po 'ota ' in ia, opa-na, cr eak awareo surai crea te 'aehotaa , ha ' ahoraa convuLsions i'ahura, suara 'i ni i'a creep ano , rnahikotai, oma cook ha ' aria , hahi-a, kua , kuki, cremation sUniana mari 'a, piinia , piitora , totonia crest 'ai'a i ni ire cooL koruhia , waonia cricke t riri copuLate 'aru, haneiia, mahina , pari 'ia, posi, to 'a cripp Le to 'u cora L hau puri , kaukau, sure cri ticize suarai wara core man1 'a'e, marnai , marnana , crocodi Le huara mana , toutouna 150

crooked kikoi cut up haria , ratoa, tahia crop 'inia cross hanehoro , horosia, oru, D tarau cross-beam oka, rora dai ly horo 'a su'u ore , ta' ena horo 'a, tani na poni cross-eyed ma-na rere damage a'akaia, tau masuna, crosswise ha ' ahoro waeria crouch karawa 'inia damp pisu' a, 'usu crowd mamau dampen ha 'apisu 'aia, pisu 'aia, tanuhia crowde d punuta dan ce 'ahai , maO i maemae , crumb 'ahuhu, kakahuna, nananana, maoha, kiro , ta kairori , totora 'onihai dang le keno crumble mamememe dare apasua crun ch korua da rk aeroto, make , roto crush arewa , keme , pu memea , puria, raunia dar ken ha ' aaerotoa crust manate daub uta a crutch matarina da ughter kare -na keni cry a'anana , airesi, arii , awara , daughter-in- law ahorota, ka 'aka 'a, ku, rakata , susuhee , huno-na urO i akaro , ha ' anaras ia , ha' atano , ha 'a'u'u, hoe , nara day haihoro 'a, horo'a, taitani , tani cuddle ro ' oa day after tomorrow poiruana, cup keu, kuku, o'i Uhure 'e cure ha ' amauria , ha ' amaurisia, daybreak ha ' atani, tanitaha , kuraa i 'ai hanehane , awa , maho , wa ' aria, nunu ni \'Ia ' aria ruhu day light tani curl arinai , arita'i, hiru, kOi 'iari , niari day time hairato 'a, tani cur rent 'ahe , susuhee , tototo daz zle rarahia, raramia curse hai 'isi, ha 'isi, he 'asia, deaf arina-na punu honoia, iparua , 'isia, 'isi honosia, na 'a ta 'a, suru de af and dumb peu honosia, tanai 'isiha , rahina deal isu hoai custom manata-na, tora-na , toraha deal' 'ae'ae, amaamasi, ke ita 'a, cut ahasia, apia, araia, awasiu, maemaea, mama 'ehoa , ha 'oa, haria, hekoa, hinasua , hirahira , hunua , huria , death maeha husia, kiria, kitaa , namasia, nenene 'a, nisia, oia , o'ona, de athbed ho 'u oria, oroia, osia, rapu mousia, risia, rota, tapa, tapia , tohua, de ath feast maeta topaa, topia, uria , usua, suhia, utoro, wa 'a, wariai kita, de bris meka maraka 151

debt toratotona die ahurimou, mae , maesi, mano-na e suu (topo) , ta 'a, decap itate kiria pauna tahuna , tau ni mae (ha) deceive ha ' cikaesia, ha ' araria, ihu, different marai , mouta kae , kaesia, moea, pekoa , rari 'ainia, ripo, wara osa difficult ata, ate, kasoa, kasora, korokoro, meke decline makomo , morurnoru dig asiaa, eria, haira 'inia, decorate ha ' araunia , iniraua , hasira 'i, kasia, rau 'aru, susu, rauniha, waewaena tora pupusua decoration ni ' irau, raunihaana dim waha deep raroma, toto direct 'o'ora ' inia , otohia, taraia defe ca te he 'a dirt ha ' apiri 'aia , he 'asia, defend paraia , rohoia, ponia kirimikia , mako'a, mamata 'a, mikia, mimi sia, momota, defi lement ro 'u, tapura piri 'ai� piri 'aia .

de lay heheru di sappear i'ara, iniwaa, tata, wa , wanu de licate marau di sbe lieve aparu, apasu, de lirious hehe 'o ha ' arehia, hikaeha

de liver riria' inia di scontented upa

denounce iria rata-na discourage atowara

dent kokosu di scover houra 'i

deny ameha ' ahia , haitohe , hehe , discuss hakoa isuria hehesi, maira 'inia marana, tohe disdain surahia, 'uha'aa deposit huro disease hone , kiruha de ride ha' arnasi ana , maka ana disembark siho desire anasia, harihai , i'iuna, iu, iusia, korasia, manata ta 'a, disjoint awa 'a raena painasia , rae-na, siri , tauna, to 'ohia dis like ma ' usui a, mai to ' ohia

despise rnaka ana disobey ha ' atapua, haipe roi, haitariri , hehe , hehenoro , destroy araia , hairaa, marnanu, iuwaona, manata ta 'a, noro'ai marau ana , noinoria, noria , pita, ana, peri isuria, suru hahia, waeria tariria

de tach 'ahisu, siki, uria disorder ha ' ateke

detest rnamataku ana, marnatakuna, dispatch ha ' atoraa rna'usuia disperse asirai, korasia , tata de viate ha ' ataraa , tapaero; see 'apa ' apa , tatakara astray disp lay hunasia dew aropu displease marna 'era'a diarrhoea auwa 'i, he 'e wiri, opa ru'u, riuta ni apu, rohotarau disposition manata-na, maurnauri , paroparo , toraana, toraha 152

dispute 'auwawa , hehesi ; id. drop 'ahuhu, akehu , heta 'inia, quarre l. teke ; imi, kukute , pia dis8uade atowara, pisua dr op sy wenuwenu'a di8 tance hau dr own ha ' akouhia, ko 'u, toto di8tribute araria, na 'ia, niia, dr unkenness manataha peupeu' a oaia, tori , uwaria, wa te a dry ha'amaa , ha' amataa, di tah erier ina ha ' anaraa , rato 'aia; 'a'ai, 'a'ake , 'a'ate , ah a, 'ake ' ake , dive suhia, suu 'ate, huhu , hutehute , ma 'a, natenate , nito , rahoraho, divide harihoa, isuhoai , manata rarasi rua , manihoa, opa rua, ha'a' oai-a dr y-rot hou divorae ha ' aman ihoa, hairuka 'asi, manihoa , rauhoaia du ak ara ' arana, oro ; taki dizzy 'ere'a dug ong haihu do here isuri 'i, ho'oai, one , duZZ ha ' apekoa, ha' ape ua , rarea, ta, taua , to 'ia meumeu, opa-na (rae-na) pono, raeroko dodge ta' inia during si 'ona, so 'o dog kui , kui ni ma ' usu, kui wasi , wawauro dust makano, 'ora 'ora , totokara; rapehia, ta 'ahia door apiapi , hauhau, rna , mamai, mamana, mana , rauma d 148tp an rerepe do orway mana nima dus ty mako ' a doubt 'ohe , rae-na e rua , ruarua 'a dye atonia down hua dY 8entery he 'a apu , he 'a wiri , maemae ni 'apu, opa ru'u, opa drain imeri wiri , riuta ni 'apu , rohotarau , roroho 'apu drag okea draw pisua , punia, tarasia, taru, te ia, toto asi, totohia , uku , E asu-a dream ma 'asu pore , pore , mauru eaah ta 'ena pore eagZe aha, erema, hata, tori, dre88 ahi , ahirihu, pana; tou ha 'ato' onia, hoko , hokosia ear arina-na , hunuha , roroa-na, . drift 'ahe 'ahe , 'ahe 'asia, rouroua 'ahesia; meka earn taria, atoato dri ZZ haroa ear ornament pirowai drink aka; iruhia, ko 'ua ear pZug 'o'u'o'una 'ai drip 'ahe , mia , pia, usu, utu earring kaukuri drive eriha 'i, ha ' aerehia, musuria, susura 'inia earth hua, marauk ari dri zz Ze susuhua earthquake asu nunu, ka 'asi, nununu 153

earwax pari 'ito, parioso enclose rihu 'ahuia eas t apa (hanua) ni rato pa, encZosure panita ara'a, urita 'au end ha ' asikoa, oku: kekere ' ana, easy marohi , marosi maitara , mumusu, nunusu, areta, siko'ahana, ususu'ana, wawaro ea t ania, aporoi , aramasi, arapoi, hana , oka , sisio enemy hariharina , hihikuma ta'a, ta 'a ni haima 'usui eaves pipisina, rokopisi engrave kiria ebb nanamoa en larg e ha ' apainaa, ha ' apainasia echo totoni ire , toutou ni ire en Zighten ha ' amakataria, hora , eddy ahahe-na , ariro'a makataria, opa-na makata edge ara'a, 'imi ' imina , kekemona , en list 'ai ni Ulawa kekere 'ana , mumusu, nunusu, raerisi, raunihana, ususu'ana, enmity maniharina wawaro entang le hikua, taia, tari educa te ha ' amanata 'a, sasania enter ra iraona , siri , 'upura 'i ee l mauho, roeroea, tanunu, wauho entice ha 'amamua , ha ' ataraia effe ct marua entire 'ahu, 'ahuni , 0'0, raku, effective to ' ohia rauraku, ta ' enaru, temu effort ha ' auri entrance rna

egg 'apota , kahi , namina , rami , en treat torasuu rite en twine hikua, hir'ia, paihikua , eight waru paru eighth waruna epi lepsy manu susuru

elapse usia epip leon raoha-na

eZbow su'u-na err asisi , ha ' amekoa, ha ' araria, mekoa, rari elde r ina'o-na escape aka, maurisia, risitara, elephantiasis mekameka, pepei , tahi , tahisia sare establish 'aehotaa elevate ha ' ahanea, suru' ia, susu poea eve maorahi

eliminate riria 'inia evening poni , raurahi embark ta 'e, ta 'eria ever hauta 'i, hauta 'ai

embe rs noanoa, popo ni sUna; id. everlas ting hu ash every ta 'ena embrace ako, ha ' ahurua , haiako everybody i'ami, siko, mano, emerge aka, hura, kari ho 'ita'i, rikimana nei , siko, sui , ta'ena karita 'i 'ohia, usutaha inoni

empty ha 'amaa, kapa, karu , everything mano , ta'ena 'are korokoroi, ma 'a, 'o'oro, orori , pa'u, wa , warawara , wawa evi l ta 'a: ta'aha 154

exaLt ha ' apainaa, ha ' apainasia, fa int mae , note painasia, rahea fa LL aheu, akehu, 'akora , anori, herua , examine hinarua , ironia, apano, 'atahi, 'a'uuru, 'ohia rio ha ' ahua , haiperaperasi, hairai, hu , koa , noto , oto sua , repa tara, tarahai examp Le putatara , rata 'aro , teke , tori oraha 'a, riuta excessive fa me taroha-na, houra-na ha ' arikia , hai 'orisi, exchange famiLy hahanakuna , komu , para tarimana , suruhoria ni inoni , pau ni inoni, rikota ni inoni, uruha ni inoni exci te heea fam ine asimane excrement he ' a-na , hehe-na famous hou , taro , tora, hourana excre te he ' a fan erehia , tere , tetere , excuse ha ' akae hairiu, na 'a repehia honosia fa r hairiri 'ini'i, hurataha, exercise taraikasi riri'i exhort hea, ho 'ona ' inia fart si 'i toranunu exorcize fa shion manata-na; id. custom expect mahane , mahane 'ohia fa st ha ' atotoraea, ata huhuru, hioro , tori ; rawahia, raurau, pania, peroa , pesia, ruua expe L id. quick expensive horita paina fas ten kaura 'inia, mus uria, pasua , pete ' ia exp Lain irihata 'inia , hata 'inia fa t hauhaua , momona, niuniu-na , expL ode marata, marete , pusu, niuniu'ira , pi 'a pitora ripa, wete fa the r ama-na , mai mamana, expose ha ' anaraa , konia mama-na extinguish kapa 'ia fa ther-in- Law ahorota, huno-na anea, ha ' ahanea, huhua , extol fathom tahana kakasia, rahea fa ult rariha ; roro'a extraordinary ra 'o fear mamataku ana, ma 'ua, extreme ly 'asi 'a, kasua , ra 'o ma ' un ia ma-na, rere eye fe ast honu 'a, houra, maerana, maeta , musu, 'oi'oina , torana , eyeba H 'u'una ma-na torina, totora , matamata eyebrow hai i ma-na , uhuna i fe ather ihuna, uhuna, warauhuna ma-na feed hanaria eye lid hihinua-na feel metaia, si' inia, warawara

fe ZZ tohua, id. cut F fe Z Low maita 'a, maita 'a'i nuru, rara fa de femaLe keni mora, pe 'e, tara, tarohia, fa il fe nce para 'ahuia; heo , para rou 155

ferment po 'o first etana , isi, ka 'u fe rn rarape , wetewete first born na'o ni mane (boy) , na 'o ni mera fe rry haiato , uru fish a'oa, haruta , hu'o, i'a, fe rti le manua karani , karu, kema, mokea , Un u, waiasi, araraura; to ' ohu fe rvent mariha, waisi 'a, wara , warika fe tch 'ohia, si 'ohia , tarito'o, tora fi shhook hinou, huku, para, pasa, ta ' i fe ver mata'i; mata 'iha fishing rod au few haru fi shline a'ano , a' anohia, momote , moki, mumutena, fibre kakano , ware samusamuna, tewutewu, onaona fi t ara'ini , hatona-na, taitasia, tarinasia fi brous marisi-na , oa , 'o'oa, 'o'oha' inia, raoma 'inia, me a, mearai fierce rauma 'ini ; e'ehe , erere , te tepa fight haiara , hai�ari , haiho�oi , haimae , haipusur� , ha �rao mas�, five nima hairaputai , oho , ri 'e, tora fix hiaai rna ana horo poni , figure rape-na horos ia, ruka, to 'o fi ll anoa , aS ha i , a ahonua , 7 � � � � flag pu1ake honuria, iro� , kas� hah�a, �anaa, munoa, panaa, puruhia , puru�a, flame name , rame , wero ; teneia, to ' onia esoesoha , meameaha 'aa ni

° suna, name ahai fi n ap ana, apa� , � ° re •;r e;., .;r • e;reina, re ireina, reperepena flap apa, tere , tete ha ' ara , ri 'i finally flat hepahepa 'a, mamana 'a, manamana 'a, ote fi nd re sia, rio to 'o ana flatter apui a, haiapuia fi nd out haitare , suhaatoia flea u, ura'o fine hiri'a, iutotona, toto , toto ahuia, wariwaria flee ra periperi , tahi , tata 'apa'apa finger karukapi , sui hanua , usutaha, 'u'u-na ka ' ika ' i-na, flesh 'a'e ni wa ro , hikai , parana 'u' u-na hikoi , hinasu-na, inai, inara, niuniu'a, 'o'oho-na, ha ' asikoa, iri sikoa, mano, finish reo, ta itasi-na siko, sui, to'i akau, to 'i sikoa fleshy pi 'ora, pitora, roa fin popopo-na flexible maruru fire 'a'ani, ahuni , na 'ani , sTInia; sTIna flicker pamu paparaora, purupuru firefly flin t nasi ora firep lace flirt hairawesu, harua mani sUna , sUna, tope fires tick float 'ahesia, atara 'inia, 'ai, usupoto ha 'a'ahesia, hatarai , manumanu, raramana, rereha 'inia, sanarai , firm 'aira, ha' ahahurua, hahuru, sopo, manuru 'inia, tanara 'inia paupau, susuto 'o 156

flook ruunia fo rk matarina

flood kone form pote ni

floor ho ' uho'u formerly ina 'o, na'oi, warita

flo tsam hataraia , koho, mataroha, fornioation hapaka, me taia; ramarama haitatapa ta 'a paina

flow 'ahe , 'ahesia, mia , takataka , forsake atapuri, ma 'asi tataka ta 'inia, mahasia , noru 'asia, noruusu, nounorua , puri siki flower taka , tatakana 'ai mania

flute rerepi forward 'au

fly ha' arohosia, iniwaa , erere, fo untain hura roho; sime , tatarawa four hai flying fox rawako , taitainisi , totosinoto fowl kua

foam aro , kaku-na , ninisua, fragment mamememe ninisu-na, ohuohua , ououhui , puepue frayed tanusi, tatakara

fog raho, waha free riria 'inia; maimaki , makure fold apinu, henoa , noko hahia , nokomia , nukumia, pinua , ruku, fresh haoru, marohi , mauri ruru friend hihikuma , hoe-na , fo l low ari, ha 'ata'eta 'e, hahoia, si ' oha-na ironia , rae hahoia, raisiona , ra isuria, ra suruia, si 'o suria , frigate bird kaura, manu rapu, surus ia, susunia manu usuusu

fo l lower hihikuma, para-na frighten ha 'ama'ua, ha ' arikia , ma ' ure food aeria, hanara, roka fringe 'imi 'imina , kekemona, fool hehe 'o, o'e, peu, tahu 'a raunihana , samusamuna

foot 'a'e -na , panona 'a'e-na frizz led po 'u

foo tprint tara-na frog atarumu, kO 'e, koria, 'ori, ototohao, pari for 'ana , hunia , huraia; suara'i, id. beoause from 'ana, hatara, mania, ni

forbid apu, apunia, asi , haihonoi , fron t mana, na 'ona, p�su hono, roroaia , ruia, na ' otarana , paurua, roho-na; tarihana na'o, i paurua

foroe aitanaia, haipepesi, he 'enia, froth wawe -na pepesia, ramoia frui t huhuana, rotoi, rotona , foregather mari totorisia warina, wawake , wari .'ai, ta si

forehead na' otara-na , wa ' aitara-na fulfi l ha 'a'o'ahua , oa

forest hanua , ma 'usu, wapu fu ll honu, iroi , makere , maniri, mapusu, nama forete ll aripono, ariponosia, koroa, ore

forgive aripono hahia, ariponosia , unusia 157

gain ha ' ataria, taria, tari to 'o; goad ha'a'ora, moe a tari to' oha gobble etea, hana opaopa ga ll ki'ina, rasua-na gong nunuha , tori gape awanana good ha ' araua , mahu , oto ni mae , garden ana , gargle , kute nisu rete , siani , sisiania, toutou ni gasp asipoe , manoasa , manopuru, manota good bye oreore , rara gate rna , mamai, mamana gossip ha' asusua ; sisihora gather 'ahu, ha ' arokoa , haiwewere 'i, govern ha ' arahaa hisua , niruniru, pairurua , ra'uia, roko , rurua , soe rokoa, grab raua , tapoa takoma 'inia, tarakonia , tararokoa , tararuru, tareho , werea grain 'u' unaone gathering ha itaku, rokoha grandchild papa-na , uwauwa-na gaze inaraa ma -na, to 'omaia grandfather uwauwa-na generation hutaana, rarina, grandmother papa-na susurua grasp ra 'oia, raua , tapoa generous wawate grass 'amota , harisi, mamaho , gentle maemaekoa , maneko , maruru nako ni po, rei, usu 'usu aepo gently haro grasshopper nape , oru, ri 'iri'i get a'aha, aharai , hairapo ('ohia, grate 'arasia, karasia, saukae , si'ohia, taraia; see rise) usu gift nIha, watena gratis maimaki, makure gi ll reona grave kiru ginger 'ai ni Ulawa , aro , grave Z rarate , raratea hareharere , ria graze aiwarea, karasia girl keni haoru , me ra keni , pore , pure grease ruma give na'ia, nIa, ni'ia, o'ora ' inia, great pain a torinia, watea g ree dy opaopa glide ere green ato, kiriwa, mamarana, glow aramera mamarawa 'a, marawa, mauri, pira glue nakoa grey kinakina 'a, papawa 'a gluttonous opaopa grey haired uhu para gnash keke niho-na grieve ha' anana'ia, he 'eria gnaw ke 'ea, korua , nasi gri ll sUnia, suraa go ato, ato 'a'e, ha'aro , ha' aunu, hairae , hairapo , grin kiki hairirisi, haisuri, hurunia, isitaha, koru, kura, makuku, grind keke niho , nene a niho, oma, ori , oro , ra, rae , pirinia wairirisi, tatara 158

gripes maou hanker anasia, haraa grist�e 'ae'ai-na happen rau, raunia groan awasirahe , kaumurato , nuru, happy ha ' araemanoa, mano , pe 'a, nu ' urua, panuru, su' urua raemano , rae-na mana groins raro-na , sasaha-na , tana-na harbour su'u gro tto hahare , ha oto, kokoke ni hard ato, eta, nai , paupau, hau popona, raraposiposi ground ano , makano, mato harden ha 'a'atoa, ha ' akakaia, ha' akakaisia , ha'amaua , group 'ara, para ni , punu ni harahara grow ha ' ihanehane , hora, inara , harm ha ' ata 'aa, onaria paipaina, takere harmless maneko grow � nora, nuru , nU ' urua , panuru , suanora harsh ahariri grub kasia, paupauroa, paupauroi harvest harisi; eria, si ' okonia, warena 'inia , grumb�e Urna ia, nu ' urua we rena 'inia

guard ahorosia , hisia, karia , hasten nonori karita 'inia , kuaia , rararia, rio susui , si ' ohono ; honota-na , karina has ty hai ' ore

guess ka' ikahiri, matorahia, murnuni , ha t kihi raetarahia, raraia ha tch ap a, apahia, 'apota e guide 'o'oara 'inia, pau ha ' inia, mamia , ha ' apahea, to'o kare pausia, riona 'i, taraia ha tchet ira, tatapa gum nakonakona, puruia , tonotonoi, totokarai hate haima 'usuia, ma ' usuia

hawk ki ' ito, wakio

H he e, ka , k.a'i, ke , inaia

head ha ' anaria ; pau-na , haemorrhoids poromera-na rahu-na

hair hu-na, ihu-na, meo, uhuna , headache pau wai warauhu-na heal ruhu, susu hairy amora, hurumota'a, pono health nu' a ha lf apa, hapu heap toria , torohana; arapota, hand ka'ika ' i-na, panona arapotaa, ha'ania, ha'ana 'inia, ka ' ika' i-na kokorua , rokoa, te te

handbag ite hear mata 'inia, mate 'inia, noroa handle ka'ika'i, rourowa heart rae-na, tou-na, toutouna, handy hauhaua pai'ana , uruto 'u

hang ri'o mara-na , ri 'oia ; heat wawau surana ; ha' arakahia, ha ' akukua , hoto ana, hurua , kurua, hairakarakahi , rakahia, rarahia maroroa, tahera 'inia; kemo , kero , kuku, kururara, rarara 159

heathen opapono , ta 'a ni pu 'o ho ld api , here , he resia, noko hahia , nokomia , rauraa , to 'ia, heaven raro , uru tokia

heavy hauhaua , hi 'a, kiru'a, hole ahu'i, ahura, hoke , karina , kuru 'a; hiaia kikirua, kiru , mamai, mamana , mana, nisuna , o'a, paunikira, hee l kamusu-na, ko 'oko 'ori-na , susutatahe , wawa , wouwana, ko 'uko ' uri-na susuhua heir arita-na hollow hirokoi , kara 'opa , karumia , meno, pinupinu, he lp hai'ero , haiponi , pau raronia , wawa ; a' a ha ' inia, pauna , pausia, pania, urupe 'ia, waiara holy maea , ma e'i, ma 'i

he lp less ehe honey ninisua , purunisua

hem ususu an a, wawaro ana honour ha' ama u ana , ma 'u ana , mau 'u hen kua keni hook kaua; marahonu, huku her ana , 'ana, hana, inaia, naia, nana hope harihai , mahane 'ohia; mahanena hera ld huruhuru, wate horn wato here mai , po i, te ina , uri'i, una hornbi II pina heron ao , ao eke hornet paopao hers hana, inaia , naia , nana hot hairakarakahia , nainaia ; hibiscus taitari raka, rara

hiccough hi ' irua house harani , nima , nime , numa , oha, oha'ai, rarare nima, hide hoho 'ana; 'amuni , taoha ha 'ara ' ehunia , ha ' asirihi , makuku, mumuni, ra ' ehunia, how uritaha, mani ta rahisia, uraura , korokoro howl kohuto hiding place anoma hum nuu high 'ahoa, ewa, to ' erei humid waiwai 'a high tide asi tora , rua (1ua) humi liate ha ' amamakinaa, hi ll houhou' a, ire, poupou 'a ha ' amaraa, ha ' asihoa

him ana, hana , nana hump kokosu

hinder mahorosia , pora honos ia humpback kosu hips hau' irari-na, ha u'u-na, hundred aro , na 'o, tanarau, herehere-na, herehere i 'a'e-na tarau; aro ni , ere ni, na 'o ni , niu'i ahu hire kaoni , waia hungry ha ' atotoraea, hioro , his 'ana, hana, inaia, naia, nana mahea, sirihana

hit haiwiniwini 'i, hita, hitaria , hunt ha ' atano, hanata , hitapa 'a, kuma , kumaria, kumu, hanasia, ha ' awa si kumuria, namusia, puria, rapu, rapusia, raunia , terera 'inia, hun ter nei ka ha ' awasi to 'o, u' ia 160

hurry nonori , one inoHne anero hurt he 'eria, hIna 'i, popo , rara, inorease (ha'a) painaa, re 'e, siwiniwini , totona, waria , (ha) painasia , uwe ra 'aia hara , hi' ia inourab Le rarau husband ma 'ana, poro indeed mone , no 'o, tana husk 'e'e a, kakoa, tahea, ta sia, uhua ; 'e'ehona ; uhuia indio ate suia hut ete industrious ari 'ari hypooritioa L manata rua, opa rua infe ot siki ana hysteria karuoe infLate hua , huhu popote , roa, taotaoha

inform ha' anoroa , haroroa, iria hana

injus tioe makekohaana I inau, na , na 'i, nau, nau'i, ne , neke , noko, noko 'i in Land (i) hanua , ta 'i, tori

idiot meurneu, peu in-Law huno-na

idLe 'anaku, hanaku, rarawa 'a in Lay anomi a

if 'ana, aremara innooent ha ' amekoa

ignorant koroa , pu 'o, tore inquire noro , soe hinahinaa insane peu ignore koroa , rohu , apasua inseot manu iLL kiru, mae , maera 'a, orahimoa 'a, inser t pona 'inia, sir�ha 'inia id. sick ins ide raona; raro-na iLLness kiruha, ma si 'e insignifioan t ma ira image nunu-na insist pe , pepesia , tona pepe , imi tate ha ' amania, hahoia, susuna 'inia haimania, man ia� usuria inspeot he rua imme dia te Ly hai ' ore ins taLL ha' aarahaa , ha ' apainaa , immodesty inirauha ha ' apaina sia

impair ha' arnaraua insti tu te 'aehotaa , hapusua

importune roroa instruot ha ' arnanataa , haroroa, oara 'inia impossibLe ata , ate , kasoa , kasora , korokoro , meke , po , insuLt anaa, kipoa , suhia , tari ' ate surahia, susurnaa , waisuke

impreoation rahina, suru wai inte LHgibLe 'a'ate

in 'ana, i, ira'ona , rao intention rae-na

inoapab Le kasoa, kasora interoourse metaia, ora, oraha 'a, to 'a inoise mikia interfere hataria inoit e ha'aharua, hakoa , haroa ohota interrupt aioraha 'a, mou, riu hono 161

i ntervene hataria, riu hono jus t manata otooto , rete , siani; pi into i ra 'ona jus tioe otootohaana intoxioate mahiri , rurumui justify ha ' ainonia intr oduoe takuma i inva lid tata 'a K invent arurae na ' inia, raupua , supaa kee l kao invoke area, aruarua, aru' ia , haimae , ho 'asia, 'iri ' irara, keep konia, nairekoa, oni 'irara , mato 'o, misia, honosia nihi ' onana, piusuna, tariapa , tarorawana kerne l hauhauna iron haukamea kiok ata 'a'e ana, atoato , pu pirinia is land anuho, awa ta , komukomu ki dnap peria it ana , 'ana, e, hana, ka ka'i, ke , inaia, nana, o'i kigo (bird) 'e'eo

itoh haharisua , karu , moia, kill ha 'amaesia, horo , horo' ia, ma ' ahini horo maesia , wa 'ia its hana , inaia, naia, nana kind nauta, rauta, taotaoha, uku ni ; maneko

kind le nunuma 'i, te re J kindred komu, para ni inoni, paraha ni inoni jaw rarate-n a, waiwak i-na kiss �ono , nonoia jealous ha ' aroa, marani 'upa knee ururu-na jest ha 'akae , kota wara , waikoe ; id. joke knee l poururu join 'ahisu, 'ahu, apa ha' inia , knife naihi , pero , rapu, raurapu haha , he rekai, nakia, pasua tona-a, takia tona knook hoto'aru , husia, ikia, ikinia , kunaria, ma rakaa, joint apane , 'aro ' aro-na, rii , pa 'ata'inia , raputa 'inia, rourouma-na, tona suaria , terera'inia, winia joke ha 'akae , 'irowara , kota knot panua , parua , pasua, wara, moea, wa ikoe , 'iro , hononia, peko ; ito, panu, ha ' amasi papasu, paupasuna judge arana 'inia, 'i'ia, kotia know manata 'inia, mate 'inia, noro houra , raia judgment 'i'iha, kotiha know ledge manata-na, rai 'areha juggle kiri knuok le parana ka ' ika ' i-na jump akahia, as iasi , asu, haitohari , hausiki, hotoia, piia, pora, roha, siru, taka take , sikiria L jung le wapu , wapu suu labia henuhenu' i, hihi-na 162

'lace nihaa leg 'a'e-na, toutou

'lack tare lengthen tonaa

'lake namo 'leper huro

'lame to 'u leprosy huroha

lament ama lessen mapipi , mapipita 'inia land hanua , makano, mato ; Zest mania ha ' arakaa, ha ' asihoa, kaea leve l asumia, hepahepa 'a, landing place maritawa , tawa marnana 'a, manarnana 'a, mataoa , 'o'oa, osi.a, ate , tararnana 'a 'lands lide mao'i, marara 'lever poea language na 'aha , wara-na Liana 'eko, ine , kakawe (ana) , 'large ewa , paina , rikaa kawero, maemae , paikori , rata, rawa , ruruka , tarakaukau, larva paupauroa, paupauroi uruuru, uwe , wara 'o, wareware , ware lash rapurapu ' a lick amoria, kamea, mea, me aria, last 'ana, haul ipuri narnea, simea

la ter ipuri lid kukuhi, mamai , mana, ponopono

lather ououhui , puepue lie ha ' akaesia, ihu, kae , kipoa, ripo ; ah irara, eno, hariwaka , laugh ha 'amasi ana , kiriri , kekehu, makuku, nahia , wara , marisi, masi, sikiria osa

lay ha ' aenosia, pe raa life 'a'en a, mauriha

lazy kakahi , korina 'a, 'oni lift ha' ahanea , poea, raea , makure , raraka, rarawa 'a, suru, suru'i-a , susupoea, tanakoru, tanokori , tanonukura , ta 'ea, to 'i kukuku uwa 'aira light a'ea, ahonia, ha ' amakat aa, lead ha'ataraia, rae ina'o isI , ha ' arnakataria , hao, ire , kaokao , pau ha ' inia, pausia, ra raona 'o, nunuma'i, poupou, rurua suna, taraia, urupe 'ia sinaria , sU'uma'inia, tarama 'inia, to 'oma'in ia, leaf apana, hako, pa 'o, po 'ore , wakaria; erere , e'ehe , e'eheni, rararana 'ai, rau, sisina, te tepa suasuana , susuana Zightning wa 'ariri leak asuhu, USU, ususu, utu like arnasia, kohia , rae-na lean akara, apa, apakeke , hatara to ' ohia , tauna ; hitarana, ana , mama 'ure , rahita 'inia, ma ' �ana, mara, rata ana, urana ; hepaa , maroro , 'oro urihana

leap akahia , a'otara, asiasi, likeness nunu-na asura'i, hotoia, porahia, raka lime hena , hoe , kau, nahuri , learn sasani poke , sahu, siawa , uruuru

leave atara, atopuri, isitaha, limp toma , tomaione mahasia, noru'asia, noruusu, nounorua , ore , puri, puri siki, line kakano , raraha, tarna , ruania, ruka'asia, ru'u, ruua, tatara, ware siritaha , sItaha , tori man ia Zip peru-na left apa maemae 163

Liquor asiasi ni mera Lot ma 'ato'o

Hst keutai Loud paina

Lis ten noro, surusia, toruai Louse U

LittLe kotena, marnate , masi 'e; Love arnasia, haiarnasi; amasina, mememe , momoru, morurnoru haiamasina

LittLe finger karukapi Low koko'osi

Live hairuru, mauri , 'oni Lower ha ' asihoa

Liver rae-na Lowtide mai, mana , mai rara

Lizard ihai , ihei , 'oru'oru, Luck waa to 'o rurukurna, tatarasi, totopuru, 'unu, 'u'o, we 'e Lung rae-na , rae 'ohu'ohu-na, raenisu-na Load ha' ahi 'aa, ruta Lurch ha' atahi Loath mamatakuna

Lobs ter urapau M Lock 'iari , kemo , komu

Log hau ni 'ai, po 'u mad ha' apeua ; o'e, peu

Loin kakaro-na, karokaro-na, magnify ha ' asiana 'aia karo-na , kenakena-na, parapara'a-na , rahoraho-na , maim ko'u, kurnu, sireni sisina-na make rarea, taua , to 'ia Long anasia, atara, siri , tanasia; ewa ma La ria mata ' i

Look 'ai, a�rao , 'apara'i, ma le mane ha' atania, hairiei, hairohia, haitare , herua, ina 'ahasi , ma Ley -app le ' ahi 'a ma 'akeo, makere , na ' oarara , rio , rio 'ahui , rio mamasu, man ara , mane , nanau, rara; urna 'i, ununu 'a 'ei, inoni , nei, pa 'o, ta 'a

Loo� a fter ironia , karia, koni mango araI s�an� ana, 'o'oria, pauna, rio isuria, to 'i kon ia mangrove pae

Look at pore ana, pupunia, rio mangrove tree one tarea maniac piakau, reko ni haka Look for ihaa, ihasia, iha 'ohia , iro , mamaa, onaona , si 'ohia, ma rk akori , punia; punipuni , tatare , tete 'ohia , Un ua, uruha totoho

Loose ahinu, aka , 'aruru, asu, marriage ha ' arurua 'atahi , awa'a, ha ' ahi ' araa, i'ara, nunu, 'oro ' oro, marrow momonahaa-na, oso-na, panapana, siki, takaho 'e, oto-na , urauraa-na takara , tatakara marry ma 'ana , to 'o keni , to'o Loosen ho 'ea, ruha mane

Lop panoa marry off ha' ato'omanea

Zose i'ara , ra 'asia, teke marve l huihuita; rahe 'asia, takaro 16 4

massage arohia, hehere , heresia mine 'aku'a, inau, naku'a, naku 'i mast 'au miracZe huihuita masticate meme mirror iroiro mat ha'u, huri , ipe , pera , rare miscarriage rupe , takara, tata mate tai mis chief rariwara me 'aku, 'akua , haku, inau, ku 'a, naku, nakua , naku 'i misinterpret waratatanau mean oritana miss misi , mora , pe 'e, tara, tarohia, totorara meaning rarai , rarai an a, si ' o-na mist raho , wawaha measure atoato , ha 'a, totoho , hahurata 'ia mistake rari meat hinasuna, miti , taitasina misunders tand paita 'inia me di cine kura, kuraha mix haitorari, mamoamoa, paia, reua , ta ia, ha ' aria, toraria medi tate arurae an a, ni ' irae ana moan awasirahe , hakeke , mee t 'atoia, hai ' atoi , hitapa 'a, kaumurato , manoasa, aiawasi rae honosia, rio 'atoia mock marawa , maka ' ana megap ode ereo, kokoko modesty hahuruna member rarara-na moist pisu'a, pisu'aia, wawai'a membrane hurihuri ni me ra, keukeuna money 'ahi 'ahi , apa ni ha 'a, apaisiri , apara, aru, ha 'a memory raraia-na kohu, maemae ko 'a, mamarawai, morai , morana , oka , pata , menace ramoia , to ra surupoto , utahunu mend saua mon th hura, 6ku menstrua te 'oni i sihani moon awarosi, hura , warowaro menstrua tion 'oniha i sihani , morning rarisi puarau oho , rakas ioha morning star matara ni tani mercy amasia ; amasina mortar kata mesh mana hu 'o mosqui to ki 'i, sime , wa 'u message ha ' atoraa moss rumu middZe kao, matorana, tarumana, tou, touna ni , 'upura-na, torona moth hepehepe midnight tou ni poni, pon i mother nike-n a, nike-na masike , ruarua nikia , te ite midrib hehekoi mother-in- Zaw huno-na migrate awa mania mother of pearZ reoreo mi Zk susu-na , mi liki mouZd karoha mind rae-na mouZdy karo , rawa'a, wasikaroa 165

mountain ire nature manata-na, maumauri, tora-na mourn ama , narasia naughty marau moustache uhun a ana peru-na nave l po-n a mouth mana wa i, mariwai , pauna ; nisu-na, nusu-na , wawa-na, near api-na; hataria, to ' otomana; wowa -na , owa-na hIna 'i move anuia, an iani , an uanu, asu, near ly hatari, karahini, kara'i, asuia, asura 'i, asura 'inia, ata , kara 'ini ato , isu, kutea, neoa , puri , tohe neck rua-na much hita, mora ni , puto 'o, necklace hikahika , i'a pono, uwe ra korokoro , piru, totora, wau niho mucus pano , hu 'u needle ni1a, raua , sitaru, tarua mud makae , mamatoa, nonoro neg lect rarawa 'asia mu lle t puri nephew mai wari-a multi co loured kikiri 'a, osiosi 'a nerve misi , pi 'a mumble nuru, nu' urua , rorea , su ' urua nest niui , nui murde r ha ' amaesia, horoia ne t ape , hu'o, karu, moke , ra 'a, rawa 'a, rore , tatara murderer mane horo , mane horoperi ne ttle rururao murmur nuru, papa , nurunuru, rara 'oha, wainuru new haoru, maho , marohi, mauri muscle namonamo-na, pairau, news noro houra, taroha, tarona poerau-na next ipuri , wou mushroom ari'a, ro 'aro'a nibb le heoa, simiro music 'au, naraha ni ce anana , anane , mamaroraha' a, musse l mapuru , tahuri wari my 'aku, haku, inau, -ku, -ku'a, nickname soe hairaa nau niece mai war-na myse lf maraku night hairiponi, me tani, poni, roto

N nine siwa

nippers kapi nai l misi, sisiki-na; ni1a no (e) mao naked ho 'e, koukou , makure , maraiore , oreore nod apakeke , tohuai name ha ' ahoea, ha ' ahowana , noise a'anara, a'aukaruka, soea ana; rata-na aisisi, aparia, awahaana , epe , haiwe tewetehi, hako 'e, hakore , namesake hoe-na hunuhuna, ikite , ko 'e, kokohu, kutu, makuru, munoa , nara, omia, narrow arou, kapi , koko , masike , piitora, ripa, rorou, sima 'oi , poporo u'ina , unawete, wete , wewe 'e 166

noon atowa offer 'a'oa, 'a'oha ' inia, aru'ia, ha ' aoho , ha 'a'unia, north hau, tori , urihau toratahana nose pano-na offshoo t aoi , ka'ika'i nose-stick hiohio, piowa i offspring kare-na , karena nostril mana pano-na often mora ni horo 'a, mo ra (uwera) ni ro ' ua not ke 'e, ma i, mano , si, su'u oi l ruma notch make te old koko 'o, kokosu, moka , rahu, nothing te 'are e mao , mao , rahu 'a, repo tatara omen anoa-na notice manata 'inia omit maha sia, rarawa 'asia nourish koni ana on 'ana, hahoia, hahona , i, novice inoni haoru, maho ni inoni (i) ruana

now (ana) ro 'ua ino'o, (ana) one eta, ta 'ai ro 'ua ne na, mora nena, siri ' ini on ly he 'eta , mora , ruaima , ta 'e, numb po to 'ohiri, ke

numerous atarama , mamau ni, open 'aroka, 'awaka, ha ta'i, ma ruru, mora , niniru, poura , hoketa, hurea , kUruna , uwe ra kakai mataroha , napota , opa , roka , siua, taha , tahania , tataho 'e, nurse nanaia, ohia takara, urutaha

nut nari opening rna, mama i, mamana , mana, nisuna , raruina , tataha , wawa , wita , wowana

o op ossum huto

oppose ura honosia obey marea , ma rohi , noro ana , ra isi ' o-na , ra isuria , suru oppos ite kao si ' o-na, tora an a, tora wara-na oppre ss hi ' amaesia ob lige eroa , pepesia or moa ob lique apate 'o orange aranisi , mor i observe make re , wete ana , ra isi 'ona , ra isuria orchid tautau ni ire

obs tinate hehe , hehenoro , ordeal ha 'a'orona , hau, sUna ni marapupu, tano nuku hau

obtain ha' ataria , taria orde r 'eroa, hai 'ero , haipepesi, ohoia , pepesia octopus kari order (in orde r that) 'ana, 'ani odiferous manoni ordinary maimaki, makure , rao ni of ana, ni orifi ce sir a-na off 'asia, mania origin 'a'e, 'a'ei, hunihun i 'ai, offend kipoa hurihuri 'i, rairarin a, rarina

offe nce kipo or iginate rairari ana, huta ana 167

ornament aususu, eho, ni ' irau, pandanus ha 'u, ha ' utara, ire, siwe ni ume , tahi kahe , rahuta , sisisi

orphan aho'a, aumasu, inamae , pan-pipes 'au, keto, kiki, umasu suara , taka 'irori

other marai , mouta papaya 'ai ni haka

our 'aka, 'akaoru, 'akarua, parab�e pauniwaraha , i'ami , i'eru, i'erua, ikia , poniwaraha, warapopoha ikoru, ikura, koru, mami , me ru, merua para �ysed heko , mae , peno, rarasi, ro ro'u ours 'aka, 'aka 'oru, 'akarua , i'ami , i'eru, i'erua , ikia, parce � pa 'asi, puta ikoru, ikura parents maira'ina out mania parrot irori , kirori, out�e t rna , mamai , mamana, rikoriko , siri, 'apa ' apa, ara mamanona, mana , mimina, nisuna part aki 'a, apa (ni 'are) , hau, outside (i) sihani, (i) sinahi hunahunata, ma ni , meme , mememena , po 'o, pote ni , roto, oven kasia, Umu tahasina , taitasi ni , te usu ni 'are , usu ni ; manihoa , over hahia, isi'oi, isi 'ona ponotawa

overcas t ae r oto, maru participate ap a ha ' inia, oni

overf�ow ninikere, nirikere , partition anateuru, ariari , ta taka ponopono, pota , marapau, rarawoa, rusu overgrow ana mau a , o'ora , pono, ponota partnership rae raeha

overs �eep ma 'asu riu pa ss mahoro , raonia, riu

ove rthrow aka passage aheaheta, atona, su'u, taha overturn aniri, apakeke , kopata 'inia, paha 'inia pa st (i) warita

oyster iro patience arisia, haroa, raroa, te haro poporo

paw misi 'u'una p pay horia, rarari mau, waia pack haisuru, ha itako peace hora, marapeha padd�e hote , suahi pear � pii , u'u maetahi pain hihiro, hIna 'i, rapurapu, pear �-she �� tahi rurupuri, urisio , wa 'i, winiwini peck ratamia, tohu, toitopia, topi , su ' umia pair tai; tama pee � ahoa, e'ehora , 'ehoa, pa �a te hare-na, waewae-na ha' aunari a, oria , posia, rurusia, simaa , sisia, tahea, pa�e memena 'a, para wetea; te 'ete ' ena pa�m hiru, ho 'eho'e peep 'aomai, apata'i, makahi pana 'ape'o, hana , otomi pe �v is hau'irari-na 168 penalty hirita pitch atonia penis toi -na , uhi-na pith hikana, toui , utoutona,' uwowoi penthouse apa , apai nima, apa ni nima, nima wawa , panipani eke pi ty amasia, haiamasi peop l e 'ei, inoni , ne i, ta 'a place awata , hanua, i'i'oho-na, rihi , tara-na ; konia , na' ia perch ahuio placenta kara mera perfect 'ahu, 'ahuni plain ote , pauneta perforate ataha, oraoraa, ru 'u, suhu plait amaninia, hao , haosia, rehea, susuhata, takiri perhaps moare , 'ohe , moata plane suru period hau plank 'ai huu, 'ai rna , 'ai sopo permission ha ' atohua plan t aha'a, atarawa , hasia, permit arama 'inia , aramia, keua, wawa , wow a ha 'amoraa , rai ana , torinia plan tation hehera, huri ' ora person 'are, 'areha, 'arena, poro ; id. peop le. man platform haoano, pera

perspire mamanoa, mamaonoa, play haitatapa, haitorai , inatara 'a, warena 'a isuisu, paireu, pirei , 'uperia

pet harua , ohia please ata , mano, ta, ua

phosphorescent sina pluck 'ahisu, aroa, hisua, 'inia, mo rea, roia pick hekoa, heoa, hisua , topi plunder arasia , erea, mamanu piece aki 'a, hunahunata , kusi ni , man , osiosi ni 'are , pote ni, plunge atonia roto ni , tahasina , taitasi ni , usu ni, hau ni point arasia, asua, awasimui , ha ' ararua , ha ' atania, naohia, pie rce ataha, haira 'inia , haroa, otohia , rarua , Umaia, waru; hoke ta , oraoraa, ratamia, rikia, mana , nonora, peipei ru'u, sasapia , suhu, susu'ia poison epe , huhunu, kakapoa pig haoraia, po , ora poke taramea, topia pigeon kukumu , kumu, kuwukuwu , parusupua, pina ni ano, pora, polish arasia , ikuraa, mame ame a poraitoro , urau pollute puara pile ha 'ana ' inia, ha 'ania po l lution moara 'i, puara piles opa-na e 'u'uru, wata polygamy tora ruaha , tora pilgrim inoni ni tereha , inoni ni oruha ha ' aho 'ona poor maira, maitare pi 1 lar hunu porpoise 'irio, kirio pillow paupauru 'a, po ' opau, popau porpoise tooth unapuru pinch 'inia portent anoa-na pipe ipaipa , paipa , simoka 169

portion apa, hikana, meme , presume matorahia mememena pre tend ha' akekea, ha 'a'ukukua, possess to 'o ana, uwa hiku kaesia, ripo, ha ' akae awaia, awasi , to ' ora-na possession prevent ha 'rounaa, ura honosia, pani honosia, pora honosia, possibLe ha 'ara , moare , moata , suru honosia , ura ho nosia 'ohe previous Ly isi, (i)na'o, post 'au, hunu, ona (i) warita potato kumara, potete , uwi ni prey erehia haka prick o'onara, panoro, ratarnia, pouch harekona ruuruu , supea , susu'ia pound karnaria , kata , makania , pride ha ' asena, ha' asiana , rapa , rapasia ha' as ianaa pour huia, niria priest araha ana 1otu , hanasu, mane maea, mane ni hi'ona pout nene hasi'apa prison nima papasu, peresini powdery huhu probab Le moare , 'ohe powe r nanama 'aaha-na , rete ' aa-na proceed usupuri powerfu L 'aira , ha ' ananarnaa , nanarna , raka , rete'a, saka procLaim ha ' ahou , houra 'inia, irihata 'inia powerLess ehe profane mahaa praise anea, huhua , kakasia , rahea, soe siani ana progress ata prattle rerepono , rori , tate project eo, sire pray aroa, misia, nori hahia promise arne , ha'a'unia precede ra isI promp t orahia, raroni predict na'a taha prope l tori hate pregnant hi 'a, hi ' arai , iana, kato, propitiate ha ' atotoa kuru'a, mahirihiri, oreore , pao , paru, rahia pros titute ha ' arepia; repi, keni repi preparation 'areha , 'arena, ha i tau protect ahorosia, honota-na, prepare ahu'i, akau , ara' i, karia, karita 'inia, kuaia, haitako , haitau , horita 'inia, kUhia, paraia, rio, rio maroita, porutai, rapoa, roaia, 'ahui , ruua ro 'oia, suru'ani, takoma 'inia, to 'i akau, to 'i tarana, wakarau protrude mo 'oa present (ana) ro 'ua ino'o, ro 'ua proud ha' asiana nena, mora nena prove surute 'e preserve 'o'oria, rekoa provisions oto press aitanaia, akara, he 'enia, makania, pirinia, popoa prov oke ha ' ataraia , ketea pressure hohoena prune 'o'oria prestige houra-na pry makahi 170

psalm nanarata maea quick hai'ore , raurau, rawahia, rorora , mata i public hairiu, hata'i, mata inoni quie t papa , rere'u, te haru pub 'licize torea ha iriu konia; maneko, marape pudding hausu, hinana, kara, kori , quieten ha ' arohua , purua 'oto ' oto, musi, rauri, toparoto, ha ' aria quie t ty haro

' ' putt aka, akarnia, apo , heua , quite 0 0, 0'0 munoa , okea , rahu, rahuia, rO ' ua, su 'urni, tahuia, tarasia, ukurnia R putsate ikirau pumice hau manurnanu raft 'ai hO 'ua, haoa punish ha ' aarahia , ha ' aroia , rafter ato ha ' aweoa, wawanu rag rahuana punishment nunuhana rage rae wa su pupi t (of the eye) apotana mana, toutouna mana rain aau, mikimiki, nemo , rauru , ususu, uta purifica ti on surunori rainbow tani ' apu pursue hahoia ra ise arana 'o, suru , ta 'ea, pus masi toua push totoia, usu rake mane papake put ahuia, ha ' aenosia, ha 'anaia, ram rama , ramasia ha ' aotootoa, ha ' aurasia, hikuirua , kokorui , kon ia , range ' ai 'ai ni ire korama 'inia , koruhia, na 'ia, onia, pa itora , peraa , rahita 'inia, rar.sack arasia risua , ruka, taraha 'inia rat asuhe , kikI putty-nut puru , raia ra ttle awakore , kitokito, nene 'e

Q rave Z peko

ray (of sun) rahana rato quake nunu raw arawa , murnu quanti ty atararna, mamau ni, maruru, mememena , mora , niniru, reach arapu i, hura , hurataha poura , pu ni, usi ni an a, rae hura , raharai , to ' oria quarre t auwawa , auwawaia, hairara 'i, haisuharai, haisuhi , read isu, isurnia , isurnia pepa ha ri , hariharina 'a, wauwau , wawau , tora ereere ready akau , haitako quarter oha , taoha re a t 'ae'ae, orioria, uria queasy a'a ra rear puri ana , puriha 'ai question poiresia, raetarahia, rebound taporuausu, tarara warana' inia rebuke ke ma-na 171

reoede mapipi, susupuri remain atara, 'oni, ore reoeive tarahua remainder huro , huru, ata huhuru reoentZy pi, pui remains kohua, meme , nananana , reoiprooa ZZy hairiu 'onihai , oreta reoognize arurae raia, ni ' irae remembe r 'amasito'o, arurae ana, raia, rio raia, tau raia ni ' irae ana reoonoiZe ha' amanekoa, 'unia remove ho ' ua 'asia (mania), ira 'akia, isua, ruha, tahania, reoover mauri ro 'u tahoa , tasia, ihesia red ahamera'a, kuru, me 'e, renew ha' ahaorua mehu, memena' a , menamena'a, meramera , nonorohi 'a, ohu renounoe mato ana , tasi to ' ona reed raki , rate repair sinataia, to' i si'ona reef anuho, haho , hau kohu, maro , repeat hakeu, hareto , hau maou wara-na, mania reeZ tatapa repent arurae puri ana , id. regret refer otohia, to 'ohia , 'uhanaa repZaoe ha ' arikia, hai 'orisia, refZeot ironunu, rio haira, orisia , rikia, su 'uia wanahia rep Lant rewaru re fZeotion iroiro rep Ly asu, iria, na'a orisia, refrain ori suri roro 'a refuge maruta; to 'i konia report ha' anoroa, ha' asusua refund panirae repose harena refuse ha 'aete'aa, ma 'asi, meke represent orisia, oritana ni hau, pa rasi, upasia , waisuke reprimand ha ' amanataa, regre t arurae puri ana, hauriki , ha ' ananaua , na 'a ana , tariwawe a haiuruhi , rae-na iki, huu, kora , kota, riki , uru, uruhia repudia te sisikoiraramoa reje ot ma 'asi , usu repuZsive mama 'era'a re Lapse ori suri resemb Ze rata, rio mara re Lative ahoroto , huta-na, inoni , resentfu Z maraopa ma 'asina, ma i'asina, mai , mai takina, taki-na, wa 'ana, reserve ahuia wari-na residenoe i'i'oho-na , nima reZax haratai re8in puru nari re Le ase 'aruru, ruka' asia re sist haiara, haisu'u reLio manita re8istant 'aira re Lieve ha ' amarosia, hairikisi , purua , puru hahia resound rorou re Ly inoruha 'a-na, norua , pu, re8pe ot ha ' amau ana , ma'u ana, pususuto 'o, puto 'o ma 'u rara, ma 'u'u 172

respiration iko, mano-na rippLe simiro rest akara , apa, apara, hatara rise hai, hane , houra 'i, huta ana , mamaro , mararu, rahita'inia ; ta 'e, ura huro , eno river taitari , wai restitute suu, te te , toto ana, warea, wariwaria river-bed ahetai ni wai resti tution totorana , wariwariha road repaa, roti, tara restore ha 'aoria, orisia roar karakara, mauunu, norauru retire ruua , susupuri roast mari 'a, suraa return apu' o, apuro , ariho'i, rob peria ha ' apuroa , ha ' aoria, kuku ori , ori rock hau, hau rihu reveaL a'ea, ha' ahou, hari, roe piran a hata 'inia, irihata 'inia , takara 'inia roLL ha ' arapehua , hioa, hirosia, hirusia, hukea, kehua , keu, revenge haisu 'u; haisu 'una keutai , mahikotai, neoa , ne roia, nirosia, pehua , reverse hO'esia , paha 'inia , rarakehu, rarapehu, rosia, kopata 'inia, kokorui susupata 'inia, tatakehu, t1!.tara revi Le soeniha ra ta-na, soe waeria roof koru hana revive ha ' amauria room rumu reward horia, waia rooster kua mane rheuma ti sm 'oi'oi root ikina, ikisi , 'imi , 'imi ' imina, im isi, kope , rib karo-na, rahoraho-na; rusu, opaopana; oka, raroa , parakote susu' imi rice raisi rope ware ride ta 'e rot ahota, haimo 'osi , kaha , kasu, mamoumou, moka, ridge 'ai'ai ni ire , paoha , morumoru, orapoura 'a, osa, torahana , taihako pere , nona 'a, pone ridicu Le ha ikoe , ma ka an a, rough e'ehora , karakara ' a, wa ikoe moromoroa, onaonana , pasupasura, mota 'a, ponoasina, right apa rete 'a; otooto , rete , ruuruu siani round 'e'ere'a'a, 'ere'a, ring kome , soera eresia, kakapona ring-finger mai ta ' amora rouse arisia ringworm karata row hote , tori hote ; rou ; tara ni , tatara , uku rinse kute nisu rub aripoto , ataia, hari , rip aea isumia ma-na , usu ripe akau, ara , maero , makasi , rubbish anoano , huro , meka, maka 'u, make , mamata , mara 'u, moka , pota mata , repo , 'uru ' uru 173

rubbish heap opa , pota , totokora scandal anara ' inia rugged e'ehora scar akori, hirahira , reo , tarapiu, tarar iripa rule arahaa, arahaha, araha hana , ha ' arahaa scare d ro 'o rumour taroha scatter akora, takarasia, tata , tatakara run 'apura, ha ' ahurua , hapani, haita 'itahisi, huru, scented mauoni tapa'i'isi , toto ra school sasanij suara 'i ni i'a rus t hea scissors kote

scoff tau masuna s scorch rara , raramea sacred apu, asi, ha ' amaea , scorpion harihari maea, mae'i, ma 'i scrap hataraia, rahuana sacr ifice terea j ha ' aohona , tereha scrape apoa , arasia, karakarai , sad id. regre t koria, orea , oria , rausia, saukae , suhia, suru, taukae safe raku scraper saukae , taukae sago rao scratch ahuia , akori , ho 'ia, sai l rohea kara , karakarai, karu, manaa , ruhia , haihaia sake honota-na sea amari , asi , ewe , matawa sa l iva hutohuto , kaku-na, mi si, ninisua, ninisu-na sea-gull sirihinaho, totomaione sa lty aha , amari 'a, maira seal unahai same mara , 'o'oa search ihaa, ihasia, poia samp le hana ohonai , kohu ohonai sea-side aaro sand one season aau, 6ku sandfly noke , nonoasi , one tarau seat hapa , i'i'oho-na sap tonotonoi , totokarai , wai , totonona seaweed wenu, nito sardine imoro , mare a se clude ha ' amaraohua , maraohua sa tisfied pote section hauhau, hauhau 'i, po 'o, save ha' amauria, re koa , to 'i raratai konia seduce 'oroa, waraoroa sawdust hurohuro ana 'ai see raetarahia, resia , rio, say ha ' apasua , ike i nisu-na, wete ana iria, unUnu seed huhuana , popona, tohunai, scaffo lding hao , haoano, koku 'ut u sca le ahoa , 'ehoa , unaria ; seek rio 'ohia, tatare unaunana 174

seem rio urihana shavings kakahuna 'ai se lect hirisia, si'ohirisia she e, inaia, ka , ka'i, ke se lf ha'ana, to ' ohuna-na sheaf puta se lfish teete she Zf ha, ho ' uho'u, 'are ana rukaruka se ll a'ihori , ha ' ahoria, siwa , usia she ZZ apo semen wai-na she Z l-fish tawea send ha ' araea she Zter ar ino, aruhia, kuhia, pauna, rakosia, uroa, ruua ; sentence iuta 'inia arinoha, su 'asu'a, suatori separate ha ' arnanihoa , manihoa, shie ld taro risua , uku ' ukuni shin konakona-na serious asimou, papanita shinbone uwouwou-na set konia; siho, suu; para ni ' ' 0 0, pau shine haiwanawanari, makaria, moremore , nu'a, paria, sina, se ttle arapu, 'oni to 'o sinari, waka, wana , papa seven hiu ship haka several haru, te haru, te huani , shiver arere , ariri, hate , mani , waru hate te , hero 'a, rawariri sew ponua, taia, takarasia, shoa l mamu , rautana, ta ' aru tauria, ura rao , u'usa shoot ara , hora, piitora, shade ha' arotoa, marnaru 'aia, pipito, piro , pito , pono'ainia, marusia sihusihu, uhu , hanasia , hanatara 'inia; kuku'ui, ku'u shadow maru, nunu-na ni , n�n�na , nonoi , panoina , pipitoahai, piropiroi , popoena shake akarnia, anuia, asu, asuia, haiwiniwini 'i, hakore , hotoa, shore 'apa, hatare , marawa huhusia, kutea , namasia , 'oro 'oro , rurusi-a , tamia, tata 'i, short koko'osi , poruporu uhusia, 'ukea, winia, aka shor ten ha ' akoko 'osia sha l low to ' oto shor t 'Ly raro shame ha' amaraa shou 'Lder ahara-na, apa-na, shape pote ni apai , hapa-na share oa shou'Lder-b'Lade hote-na shark i'a e rape , pa 'ewa , rarao , shout hokio, ho'o, ho 'osia, wasi ku , puea, raka , tea , uro , awara sharp matau, taitarni , to 'o, wariwari shove usu, usuia sharpen arasia, asua , asuia, show hata 'inia, houra 'i, ha' apitaa, rerea, utaa irihata 'inia, suia, suuia , to ' ihata 'inia shatter pu memea, puria show off ha ' ainonia shave isuhi, korukoru, koukou, risia , suhia, tarairisia 175

shrive L ehe , kopa , nuku, pinupinu, sLacken raroa rarasi, ruku , sisirei , tenu, unu sLander ameta'inia, anara 'inia, shrub arna 'ama , araka hais (h) arai, hetoa , na 'a waeria, orowara, soe ni harua, suharaa shun tataku ana sLan t hepaa, rnarora shut arnute , aripo 'o, ato, ha 'u, ha 'usia, honosia sLeep huhuri, rna 'ahu, rna' asu, rnareo, rnauru , rno 'osu shy rnamakina sLeepy rna-na kukurua (tonai , sick kiru, si 'oha'a, rape-na rnaurua) , rnarnauru hi 'a sLice ko'u 'ai ni haka, side apa , hataria , rnurnusu, paro , kurakurai niu, rnus i hana po 'o, popona , pou, wawaro sLide rerete , tasi sift hekoa sLime hutohuto sigh asipoe , awasirahe , kaurnurato , aiawasi sLip awa 'a, ha ' ararata 'aa, rarata, rerete , tasi sight 'arnuni , taha, wa 'ara'i sLippery rnatari, rne arnea, si Lent amute , rnapo , pahu , papa, purarata rerehono , ro hu, topo sLope oro sin oraha 'a, rari ; tau ta ' aha sLow ha ' ahiru, hirihirua , since suara 'i kakamuri , paeheru, raroa, uwa 'aira, kere sing ape , kana, nara , nere , nuu smack hitahita; hitaria , sing Le keni haoru, hasiapa , rnisikuru, sino nanau , hora 'ai sma "L"L 'ik i'ik i'a, kakate , sink ha' atotoa , kokoro , rna pipi , koko 'osi, kotena, rnamate , suu, toto ma si 'e, rna sike , rnernerne, rnornoru , rnorurnoru , nenene 'a sinne t rnornote , rnotei, rnurnutena smar t ako 'aia sip ko 'u ohonai smash rnakernea , rnarau ana , sister asi-na, hahonena, raunia rnaiasina, rnaihahonena sme ar punia sister-in-Law Iha-na , rnai Iha sme "L"L hohorai , hota , rnaira, sit 'a'o, ha ' atorusia , rnanini; kasu, rnamu , nono, ha ' ato ' urusia, haipoponi , none wa su, si' inia , wasu kokonai , naku, susuriosi , taipopo , tapi , toru , to ' uru smi "Le masi rnurnu; rnurnu ni rnasi six one smoke aripu'o, rnarasu, rasu, raurasu; paipa , sirnoka ski "Lfu"L hauhaua smooth asurnia , moria ; isiei, skin hohoa-na ; aheroi, 'e'ehona , rnarnearnea, rnanamana'a te 'ete'ena, sisimana; ho 'a, oria, rurusi-a, si rnaa, tahea snake rna skirt ko1osi snare panu , Ito; roroia Ito skuLL pau-na , pauko 'o sneak ornaria sky aramera, raro , uru sneeze 'asihe 176

sniff nono , none wasu, si ' inia sow ata, tatatakana, u'TIna snope nora , suanora space arata, raro 'a snou t panona spaci ous tana so naina, no'o spapk kaukahu, mea, mearai , siki

So-and-So mareho spapkLe m�ru haihai, moremore soak ha ' atotoa, totona' inia , sp appow pipisu, sikoa u'ura spathe hehekona, maramarai sodomy nanaru, uh itona speak arahu, arihu, ha ' apasua , soft maemaekoa, makahu, makasi, hakoa , na'a, na 'a 'ate'ate , maka'u, maneko, ma 'oto ' oto, hairuhi , heheru , heke , iri, mara 'u, maruru konokonoa, na 'a, nahu, nore , paunimae , pauniwara, reho, soiL ha' apiri'aia, mamata 'a; rerehono, wara makano, mato speap marua , niu ni Arosi, oto, soLe apaapa ni , ai su 'a; ratamia, susu' ia, u'ia soLid ato, irika 'a, suria specie s nauta , rauta some (te) haru, te huani, mani, speech arahuna, haiana , pote ni haita 'eri , na 'aha, paunimaeha, pauniwaraha , reho-na somebody te 'ei, te nei ('ata) sp idep kirimiki, pe 'u, rawa some times (te) haru horo 'a, (te) haru ro 'ua spi Ll aniri , asuasu, huhusia, niria son kare -na mane , mai mamana sp in tarohia son-in- Law ahorota , huno-na spine manaki, suri-na song kiro , nuuha spinstep nuku keni soon kara 'ini no'o, su' u ni ' itau spipit hi 'ona, maei, nunu'i, rahisi 'ai, pairau, akaro soot para 'asu sp it muia, nisu, nisuhia sooth ha 'awasiu' aia spittle mui , ninisua, ninisuna sope haki, iko, kikirua , nasi , riria, ro 'ara sp lash kitok ito, pisi , pisira 'inia soPPy arurae puri ana, rae-na iki (huu , kora, kota, riki , uru) sp lintep mamememe souL anoa-na, hi 'ona-na, mauriha sp lit eroa, hita , hitaria, ana, nunu-na hora'ia, kakaa , kakasia, oia, rapu horosia, roa, tapia, wa 'a, soun d nonorotana, nore ni kao, wa 'aria, we 'eria, ara-hitaria siu spoi L hairaa, marau ana, tau, soup piin�, supusupu, susupu masuna soupce 'a'e, 'a'e'i, rari ni , sponge roirosi susura spoon keu, kuku, o'i south ara'a,urita ' au spot rihi , tarana Southe pn Cposs matana ni awasi 177

spotless papare 'aha , wariwariha steal pe�ia, pirikornia , putoni suru, sirao, tarenasuru, sprain apane , risi torasuu, torato 'o, wa 'aa spread ahiwaka, hara, horosia , stealthy topuna , wa ' apo horata 'inia, korasia , oaia, riu, takarasia, tarahu, tarawaka , steep ara'a tatakara steer ap i, apisia, hote rua rua , spring hura , susura , uhu na'o, naohia, ta 'e puri, tariroro , tarirorosia , wiro sprinkle pisira 'inia, noi'noria stem ahui , 'awa ' awa , hakura , sprout uhu na 'ona iora , tarumai; tohunana spurt pisi, pusu step hanehanea , raonia, suru spy 'aornai , apata 'i, kamura 'i, si'o honosia steri le arnara square ra 'oa stern 'awa ' awa , haku, hakura squeeze hiroa, rakisia , rosia stick nakoa , puruia, ra 'o, siriha 'inia, siriwasia, tari, squint rna-na rere , nahia rna-na, wa ra to 'o; ahuio, 'ai ni hu'o, rere 'ai rahita , amusi, apa 'a, ka 'i, kama , kaukau , rna su ni squir t pisihia, pusu 'ai, rna 'usu ni 'ai, rnani 'ai, pa 'e, panitana , poruta , ratea, staff apa 'a saku, si ' ikamu , tanatana, wato stage pera stiff a'ai, 'aira, rnau, osi , stain o'a raraposiposi, siriwasia s ta ke pa 'e still ha ' asisiu 'aia; 'ua stalk ka' ika'i stimu late hakoa stamme r areho , ha 'ore , rori , sting nu nurao ; hohoena tatana 'ana'a, tatanau sting -ray hari stamp ate 'a'e, haukarna , pu stingy ete stand pu , ta 'e stink wasu ta 'a stand by rarau ana stir aniani , anuanu, asu, stand still ura to 'o, topo asuia, kutea, paia , po 'osia, reua , to 'ote'e, wareonia star honu rnera, rnatara ni tani, purupuru, tatahorate stomach rnarnano-na, opa-na, rae-na stare inaraa rna -na, to ' orna ia stomach-ache opawai star ling rnanupuru, wa su stone hau, hauhauna, kasia, star t 'aehotaa , hapusua , raupua , kora, na si, popona , rake , tara'ae; 'aena, tara ' aeha u'una starve ha ' ahioroa , hioro , stony ha 'ua maesihioro stoop 'oro , toupau stay arapu, hahuru, haipopon i, harena, hora 'a, ornota 'i, 'oni stop hurosia; ura to 'o, tope ste adfast ha ' ahahurua stopper hurota, ponopono , uwowo 178

store konia sub tract isu sikihia storm kopuru, tai ta 'a succeed hataria, marua , orisia story arasiha, arahuna, nanarata, successor oritana tarona ; sisihora , unUnuha suck munua , omia, susu, totohia stow to 'onia sucker ka ' ika 'i, pia stra ight otooto , tara 'asia suck le ha ' asusu, ha ' asusuhia straig hten ha ' aotootoa, raraia sudden ly putoni strain panea , risi suffer ha ' awaweta 'aa, ha ' aweoa, strand ha ' asaraa he 'eria, mara 'inia, tahui , wee

stranger hurahurana sUffi ce 'o'oa, 'o'oha ' inia

strang le ri'oia sugar suka

strangu la te ini ruana sugar-cane ohu, taporu, piroi tohununu stream , ahe suit hatona-na, marisi, oa strength rete ' aa-na sulk opa-na ta 'a, rae-na ta 'a, strengthen ha'arete ' aiaJ rae-na wasu ha ' aurasia, hatara 'inia summon poi rokoa , soea stre tch 'ahe tai , 'a'oha 'i, hara , harasia , osia 'a'e, raraia, sun rato rarasu, ro roia, uku superior riuta , taitahia stride ate 'ae, pUna supervise urahia strife horo , horoia, sara, siua supplant haisusu string 'ape 'ape , ariape , iroro , kakano , po 'o, pu 'o, sikari ; suppor t ha ' auruna 'inia, suaraa, karia , uruhia, uruurua sura 'inia, urana 'inia

stringy rawa'a, tarinasia suppose matorahi a

strip ho 'e, maraione , maraiore ; suppurate masi karasia, sisia, tahia , to 'ua, kekere'ai, osiosi 'a, wa ' araho surf 'ahe , naho

stroke ha 'aoru; arohia, hara surpass hauhaua, riua

strong 'aira, ato, ha ' akakaia, surpr ise ami ra 'inia, 'apora 'i, ha ' ak akaisia, ha 'arete 'aia auna, ha 'a'apara 'inia, natare ha ' ato'oa, re te'a, saka , suria , tanoa , tanora surroun d 'arakari , kari ho'isia

stuck paopao survive maurisia

study sasani suspect arurae ni opa , hairuhi , ni ' irae ni opa , suru s tumb le hoto 'aru, sua suspend aroroa , ha ' akukua, hoto stump rairarina, susuru ana , kero , kuku, kurua , kururara , maroroa, tahera 'inia stunt roroni , rupe suspicious ro 'o subdue ra 'o swa llow akaraa, on� , sisiki' awa, subside unu sisirihapa 179

swamp akohu, kunukunu, makae , tattoo make , punia, rapu, usu mamatoa, nonoro , 'o'u, pona, rorono teach ha ' ausuria, hata 'inia, manata, oara 'inia, sasania swamp taro kakake teacher ha ' ausuri , mane swamp tree 'ai ratoa, one ha ' ausuri, tisa swarm nikaru tear kekemau, kusia, manaria; wai ni akaro ; a'arisu , aea , swear hai 'isi , ha 'isi, tohe ana akusi, ara mousia, ara potaria, rata-na aroa, atari , ha' ananaria , hokea, kakaa, kakasia , mahusi sweep koea , korea , tatara tease ha ' akara sweet maimari , mami 'a, ma rimari teat mana susu swe ZZ huhu, kamokamo , kato , nunu, roa, siperu, tapa , tarapiu, te ZZ arasiho, ha ' apasua , hakeu, torapupusua , upu houra 'inia, ike i nisu-na, iri, paunimae , pauniwara , reho , swe Z Zing tana 'ape, upu, taraware sisihora , tanetane , totoa, uni:inu, u' un u swim arite , oro temp Ze aruaru-na swing hotohoto , kuku, wa 'ira' ini-a temp t moea, 'oroa, waraoroa swoop tapa'i'isi tempter horoponi

ten atai , awara , haura 'ia, tanahuru T ten tacZes wawaoi taboo apu , apuna , apunia , asia, ten thousand mota ha ' amaea, ha'apua , ha 'awari , hirihiri, maea, mae 'i, ma 'i, te rm s ha ' araua paunitana, sisiuna te s tament ha 'a'uniha tai Z 'epe ' epena, honu , kukuina, pe ipei , pereperena , 'u'uina testicles kakato-na, pa ' epa ' e-na, pa ' era-na , rarato-na , rato-na, take akaraa , ako , ho 'ua, hukea, uhi -na 'inia, sio, taraia, tora, torea, warahia; hora 'ia, opasia that ana , to 'ona , uria ; na ' ina, na, ne 'e, nena, nina ; hana , ta Zk id. speak hani, tarana ta Zkative rekorekoa tha tch tahera ' inia ta ZZ ewa, ito, re rewa 'a the ir ata , ataoru , atarua , hata , ikira , ikiraoru, tambourines ahuriri, tara 'a ikirarua , nata tame ha ' amamua , ha ' amanataa, them ata , ataoru , atarua , hata , manata , oara 'inia hataoru , hatarua , huani , ikira, ikiraoru , ikirarua , kiraoru, tang Ze peko kirarua, nata tap wete then ha ' ara , mone , na, raro , si , sia, sio taro 'aro, hehere , hira there 'au, riu, ta 'a'i, ta' au , taste hana ohonai, kou ohonai , tainau, una , urihoo , wou namea, si ' inia 180

therefore naina , no 'o, to 'oi tight akea, arou , ato , harahara, kapi, ko 'o, poporo these huani , huni tighten nakia, roroia they huani, huni, ikira , ikiraoru, ikirarua , kira , kira 'i, kiraoru, ti LL hura ana, hurataha , ha 'e kirarua ti Lt akeu thigh raraha-na , sasaha-na, tana-na, tataha-na time 'ahuni, ewa 'a, er� , ero'a, piroitohununu, ro 'ua, rouroua, thin a'aheoa, ata'a, hapahapaa , ruru 'iki'i'a, ito, masike , masiu, matau, ohosi, opaopara, times horo 'a, ro 'ua rerewa 'a, rohotarasi, sisirea, tori, waiwai 'a timid ma 'ura

thing 'are, 'areha , 'arena , tiptoe kamura 'i areina , ora, rihi tire a'ato 'ai think arurae , ni ' irae tired mamae , manaku, noke , osi, thirs ty siriko 'u, tareko 'u tano-na ta 'a, tanonukura, wee

this hou , ine 'e, ino'o, na, to 'ana , 'ani, api-na , atoia, na ' ina, ne 'e, nena , nina huni-a, huraia, tarea

thorn ware karakara 'a, warokau tobaaao hasi 'ai'ai, mapuru, raurasu, saho , tapaika thorny kara1ara 'a, moromorota'a, onaonana, o'onara to-day siri ' ini

those huani , hun i toe 'u'u na 'a'e-na

thousand mora, pera, sinora, toa toge ther 'ahu , 'ahuni , ahutana, ha 'i, ita'i, ruru, tarakoni threaten 'ara ana , hairatami , toraia toiLet· ahu, ra i asi, ra i ma ' usu, ra takisi , tara threshoLd 'a'ena rauma token punipun i throat a'atare , aroaro-na , rua-na tomorrow itani, rahore , ho'oa

throb wa 'ini ' ini tongs ira 'aki, ra 'aki

through autapa 'ana , tana, si'ona tongue mea-na

throw hetaiatoai, hetoa, mato tonight metani siri ' ini ana, pa ' ata ' inia, ponuraro, tasia, u' ia, u'ira ' inia : ate, atonia too 'asi 'a, rika 'a, kakai, ma 'a thumb paeniu, sisi 'aru too L 'are kamota th�nder hitahita tooth i'a, hura-na, niho-na , thus uri 'i riri -na , to 'ona ' o-na

tiakLe iparua , kiripaea, momoro, toothLess nato tapia, toromia top 'a'ou, enaena , enenena, tide 'ahe , asi to 'i, rua ererei , koru hana, pana, panona aro , to 'erei, torona, torohana, tie huna, nihaa, paihikua, panua, uru panu takoma 'inia, parua , pasua , pete'ia, rataa, takia , hiri 'ia torah po 'u, rare, Gnu 181

toss a'akaia, herua , kaka 'ai, trun k ahui , hau ni 'ai kaka'aira, metaia , paereu, panau, rIkoa, tata takaro , to 'ia, trus t inoruha 'ana, norua, to ' oria toraana

tough taitasia truth wara' imoriha

towards tarea , hatari-a try aria, ato , mara ohonana ni , pariataia, tau ohonana, towoa tower (fishing) ape tube pane trace tara-na tuberculosis inc , kiki track hanehanea , tara; su na tara-na tuft 'iari , kemo , komu

trade sapiri tumour oke , paepae-na

train ha ' amanataa turn ahahe , akehu, aripo 'o, aripo'osia, 'erea, transgress ha ' atapua ho 'i'ara'ara, ho 'isia, keusia, na 'ia, nao, po 'osia, transport hukea po 'ota' inia , poposia, poua , riuta 'inia, susupata 'inia , trap ito, kapi , para, sisiki tata po 'opo'o, usuna'inia, airiutai travel rihu, riu, tare turnip atarumu tray korakora turt le honu, honu i'i, honu trea d haharaua, pu , taruana raro

tree ahiri , ahuriri , 'ai twig nanaro , paru, paruna, uruuru tremb le arere , aariri , arisia, hate , hatete , mama 'ure , mania, twine pa 'ea rawariri twins iu, rapi trespass oraha 'a twist aioraha 'a, apinu, hihiro, tress amaninia, maria, 'iari , hikua, hinua , hiri 'ia, hiroa, ma ri hi 'ua, ko , kope , mahi , makeko, nirosia, rosia tribe iora, pau ni inoni two rua tributary ma tari ni wai

trick ha' ahehea, kae , kaesia, huihuita u trifle riko ana 'are ug ly rio ta'a trigger raoka ulcer koka, kona , osa, pao, trochus -she ll hato, tara ni hato riri a

troop 'ara ulcerate koka, mara , osa

troub le rariwara umbi lica l cord ito, pona

troub le maker inoni aramauri , umbre lla ha 'u peupeu ni inoni , maumauri ni inoni uncle ama-na ipuri, mai wari-na

true 'ae'ae, raka , tana, tane , unconscious mae , no to wara ' imori 182

uncooked arawa , maumauira, uterus ma 'ima'i ana mera, ra 'a niumu ni mera uncover a'ea uvuZa uhi ni atoma under hua, maruhana, orohana , waruhana underdone ha'anaia, nai v understand arurae raia , noroa, vag ina pi' o-na, toitopi-na nororaia, rae hitaria , raia, resia, rio raia vaHey tari undo 'atahi , ho 'e,hokea, siki, vanish unu sikihia, si sia vege tab Zes haruharu, hisu, pa undress ruha vein ura, urauraa-na unemp Zoyed anaku, 'oni makure verandah sua tori ana nima unfoZd harasia, roka very 'as i'a, rika 'a, kakai, unheaZthy taparore 'a m� 'a, to ' ohunani unjus t makeko vibrate tatatai un Zess aremara victim raramoa unmarried 'oni makure , samu, teho victory riusia, tari to 'o unpack te te a viZZage hanua , heraa, huri 'ora , komu , punuinima unripe arawa , ato , kiriwa , kora 'osi , ma rawa , maua , moka, vindi cate mara opa mon a, pira, takasi , wirawira vine 'ape 'ape , kakaraho, id. untie 'aruru, ho 'e, hohosia Ziana unti Z hura ana, hurataha , ha 'e vioZate waeria keni unwi ZZing raraka, rarawa 'a virgin 'auapu, keni 'auapu, pupupu unworthy of hao ana vision anoa-na , hurahurana ni up poi , ruana , ta 'i ranamaha upbraid mahasi, mamasua, reho visit ha' ahooa , ho'oai , karia, mamasu mamakaria, ororohia upright ape , rna , 'oke 'oke , voice na 'aha , reho-na, wara-na pa ' arao voZcano haita uproot aheu, ahui , rahu , rahura vomit moa urge heea, moea vow ame urinate mimi voyage arite us 'aka, 'akaoru, 'akarua , 'amami , 'ameru, 'amerua , 'ami, vuZva hiro-na haka, hakaoru, hakarua, hameru, hamerua, i'ami, ikia, ikoru, ikura, kia, koru, kura, meru, merua, naka , namami, nameru, w namerua

wade uru 183

wag tata ' i we 'ami , arni 'i, i'ami, i'eru , i'erua, ikia, ikoru, ikura, kia, wagtai L kiriwi , maerewa, kia' i, kii, koru, kura ririu' api , sisikuri , totopu, totokiri we ak akara, ari , atori , ehe , ehe'o, herohero , makeokeo, waiL nara marnaku, mara 'u, moka , see , tatakuta 'inia, totoi waist kaoa-na, tarurna-na, 'upura-na weaken ha' arnaraua , sisia wait arisia, haiapatai ohia, haimasia, haitotori , haro'a, we akness mara ' uha kasia, mahane 'ia, masia, 'oni resia, resia , toponi , totorisia wean hisia waken arisia weapon 'are mae waLk ewa, pahe , tarahera wear out ani a, hahana, rahu, rahu'a wa Lking-stick eo weather rato wa LL anateuru, hahate , pani , atohono weave hao , haosia, morea , rehea , takiri , hahao wane manisi wedding hairuru want iu, iusia, rae-na we dding fea8 t torana wanton muka weed aea, haia; rumu , suhanua , war haiara , haihoroi , haimae , mae , surununu 'u oho; haiarana, haihoroina, rnaeha weep akaro , aresi, nara , tora'ira'i warm mamarisu, raka , rakahia, rakani , rarania, sTrato we igh ha 'ahi ' aa , hi 'aia warn ha ' apasua we ZZ hura , kakaru , sus ura ; mahu, nununa, anisi , rete wart hui , poroporo we st hau, urihau wash ha'arnarni , ha ' apapare 'aia , hota, piaa , roto , sa'ua, wasia we t ha' apisua, nepo 'a, pisu'a, pisu'aia, tanuhia wa 8p pu wha Ze pusu 'asi, raurasi , uhisu, wa ste 'ahe , aniri, moka ; huro , uhi 'au pota what 'ana ta , 'are 'uta , ata , wa tch 'aoma 'ia, apata 'i, karia , ata'i, atei, hata , 'ita , mani karita 'inia, mahane (ohia) , ta , rihi 'uta , ta , ta 'i, 'uta ; mauru hahia, rio isuria, ne si'ohono when horo 'a 'uta , itana , wa ter kahu, karusi, ohuohua , nanita , ro 'ua 'uta , ana ro ' ua wai ; tarupisua whe re ihei wa terfaLL pTa which ne watery waira, waiwai 'a whine 'ake ' akeke wattLe parusupua whip rapu , rapus ia wave aputua, kunakuna, naho tototo ; waiwaia ahuia, whirLwind tapa' ero wakara'inia 184

whiskers uhuna ana nisu-na , uhuna wi ther heko, kopa, muru ana papari-na without mania whisper heheru , rawaru, wainuru witness resia ha ' inia ma-na whistle wa si woman hu 'a, huka, keni whi te eke, para, parapara 'a, paraparahia , pare pare a womb karemera white haired uhu para wonder anea, auna, 'aura'i, natare whiteman mane ni haka , ta 'a parapara 'a, poro ni haka wood 'ai who atei, kira atei: ne woo lly po 'u whole 'ahu, 'ahuni , 'ahutana, word id. speak ha ' iraku, ha ' irau, 0'0, pupupu, raku , rauraku , siko , wari work to 'ia why hanita , to 'ona ta , mani ta wor ld hu 'a, maraukari wide aroka, heara 'i worm hou , rna , masuhi , mariwai, rahao , rahoi, roropia widow aho 'a, aumasu, keni nao , umasu worship hi 'ona , ho 'a, hO ' asia, rotu (lotul widower aho'a, aumasu, nao , umasu wor thy marisi wife hu 'a, huka , hu 'a to ' ora , wound kitaa, onaria: kita ma 'ana, maira 'ina wrap 'ahu , 'ahuria, aruhia , wi ld ha ' aro'oa, korakora , wasi hohoana , nihisia , putaria wi ll marohi, ma rohita 'inia wreckage hataraia wi l ling marohi , raroni wr ing hi 'ua win horo , horoia, kemo , riua , wrinkle nuku, ruku taria, tari to 'o wrist panepanena, ka ' ika ' i-na wind hikusia, hiru, paihikuta 'inia: aau, iru, maraau, maraharisi, wr ite usu, kiri ma rau, oru, sisiho wrong kipo; kipoa , kirahia , window rauma masike tau kirahia: tau ta ' aha windpipe 'ato ' ato-na wing apa , heheo ana pano-na y wink (hail ma ' arusia, ma ' aru yam Uh i wipe a'arisu, aripoto , sikihia , unusia, usu, usuria yaw ine, kere , tapasua, tare , wa ' ahura wisdom manata-na yawn awaia , hariwaka wise mamata , manata year harisi wish harihai, iu, iusia ye Zl awara with 'ana, 'ani , api-na, ha'i, ha' inia ye l low haratai, kakamira ' a, kuru , popora wit hdraw hairae , hairuka 'asi, makuku 185

yes 'a'a, eo, iau, io, iu, iuka, kane , e siani, ta' ana yesterday naponi yet 'ua you 'amaoru, 'amarua , 'amiu, 'amu, 'aoru, 'arua , au , hamaoru, hamarua , hamiu, hamu , ha'o, i'amu, i'o, i'oe, i'oi, ko, marua , ' namiu, namu, namu' a, namu 'i, 0, 'o'i, ·'oke , 'oko , 'oko'i young kare , karena your 'amiu, 'amu, 'amua , hamiu, hamu, i'amu, i'aoru, i'arua, i'o, namiu, namu , namu 'a, namu 'i yours i'amu, i'aoru , i'arua , i'o, namu, namu'a, namu 'i


aea Zous marohi

K 0 \ 0 MALAITA (MALA) ------PAINA

o 5 10 I , I I I MILES

N f

o LOCATION MAP /� �C' � �� N �. � /SABEL t 80d"� � ALAITA NEW GEORGIA 4' GROUP "=>&!> Moropono ., Porasi• � KOkOUSUri5 BinO GUADAL� � o 100 I I � MILES SAN CRISTO



(Series A, Nos .1-9 , Series B, No s .1-6 , Series C, Nos . 1 and 3, and Bulletins



No . 1 WURM , S.A. Some Rema�k� on the Rote 06 Language �n the A���m�- $0 .30

tat�o n 06 Au� t�at�an Abo��g�ne6 . 1963 ; 12 pp .

No . 2 HEALEY , Alan Handt�ng Un60ph�6 t�cated L�ngu��t�c In60�mant� . $0.75

1964 ; iii + 30 pp .

No . 3 PENCE , Alan , DEIBLER Jr ., Ellis , HEALEY , Phyllis M. and HOOLEY , $0 .95

Bruce A. Pape�� �n New Gu�nea L�ngu�� t�c� No .1. 1964 ;

iv + 42 pp .

No . 4 WURM , S.A. Pape�� �n New Gu�nea L�ngu�� t�c� No .2. 1964 ; $0 .95

iv + 41 pp .; 1 map

No . 5 HEALEY , Phyllis M. Pape�� �n New Gu�nea L�ngu�� t�c� No .3. $1.25

1965 ; iv + 53 pp .; 3 tables

No . 6 BEE , Darlene Pape�� �n New Gu�nea L�ngu�6 t�c6 No .4 . 1965 ; $1.50

iv + 68 pp .; 4 diagrams

No . 7 FRANTZ , C.I. & M.E., OATRIDGE , D. & J. , LOVING , R. , SWICK, J. , $2.15 PENCE , A. , STAALSEN , P. and BOXWELL , H. & M. Pape�� �n New Gu�nea L�ngu��t�c� No .5. 1966 ; viii + 93 pp .

No . 8 SHETLER, J. , PITTMAN , R. , FORSBERG , V. and HUSSEY , J. Pape�� $0 .95 �n Ph�t�pp�ne L�ngu��t�c6 No .1. 1966 ; iv + 38 pp .


Pape�� �n Sout h Ea�t A��an L�ngu��t�c� No .1. 1967 ;

iv + 43 pp . + 30 tables + 3 chart tables, + 27 chart s. Re ­ printed in 1970 as Pacific Linguistics, Series A, No .9

No .10 GLASGOW , D. & K. , KIRTON , Jean F. , OATES , W.J. and SOMMER, B.A. $1.25 & E.G. Pape�� �n Au� t�at�an L�ngu��t�c� No .1. 1967 ; v + 59 pp . ; 18 charts

No .l1 VON BRANDENSTEIN , C.G., CAPELL , A. and HALE , K. Pape�� �n $1.85

Au� t�at�a� ' L�ngu�� t�c� No .2. 1967 ; iii + 73 pp . + 7 maps 2


Occasional Papers - continued

No .12 McELHANON , K.A. and RENCK , G. P�pe�� �n New Gu�ne� L�n­ $1.00

gu��t�e� No .6. 1967 ; iv + 48 pp .; 6 chart s; 2 figures

No .13 GODDARD , J. and FRANKLIN , K.J. P�pe�� �n New Gu�ne� L�n­ $1.25

gu��t�e� No .7. 1967 ; iv + 59 pp .

No .14 AGUAS , E.F. and TRYON , D.T. P�pe�� �n Au�t��t��n L�ngu�� t�e� $1.00

No .3. 1968 ; iii + 46 pp . + 1 map ; 1 table

. . No .15 CAPELL , A. , PARKER, G.J. and SCHUTZ , A.J. P�pe�� �n L�n- $1.25 gU�4t�e4 06 Met�ne4�� No .1. 1968 ; iii + 52 pp . + 1 map

No .16 VOORHOEVE , C.L. , FRANKLIN , K.J. and SCOTT , G. P�pe�4 �n New $1.35

Gu�ne� L�ngu��t�e4 No .8. 1968 ; iv + 62 pp .; 2 maps

No .1? KINSLOW HARRIS, J. , WURM , S.A. and LAYCOCK , D.C. P�pe�4 �n $2 .15

AU4t��t��n L�ngu�4 t�e� No .4. 1969 ; vi + 97 pp .; 3 maps


and WILSON , D.B. P�pe�� �n New Gu�ne� L�ngu��t�e� No .9. 1969;

vi + 110 pp .; 1 map

No .19 MILLER , J. and MILLER, H.W. P�pe�4 �n Ph�t�pp�ne L�ngu�4t�e4 $0.S5 No .2. 1969 ; iii + 32 pp .

No .20 PRENTICE, D.J. P�pe�4 �n Bo�neo L�ngu�4 t�e4 No .1. 1969 ; $1.05 iv + 41 pp .

No .21 CAPELL , A. , CHOWNING , A. and WURM , S.A. Pape�� �n L�ngu�4t�e4 $2 .25 06 Met�ne4�� No .2. 1970 ; v + 105 pp .; 5 maps

No .22 LAYCOCK , D.C. , LLOYD , Richard G. and STAALSEN , Philip P�pe�4 $1.95 �n New Gu�ne� L�ngu�4 t�e� No .10 . 1969 ; v + 84 pp .

No.23 BUNN , G. & R. ; PENCE , Alan, GEARY , Elaine and BJORKMAN , Doris; $2 .00

WEIMER, H. & N.; and CLAASSEN , O.R. and McELHANON , K.A. Pape�4 �n New Gu�ne� L�ngu��t�e4 No .ll. 1970 ; v + 78 pp .; 1 map

No .24 ABRAMS , N. , FORSTER, J. and BRICHOUX , R. P�pe�4 �n Ph�t�pp�ne $1.95 L�ngu�4t�e4 No .3. 1970 ; vi + 77 pp .

No .25 VOORHOEVE , C.L. , McELHANON , K.A. and" BLOWERS , Bruce L. & Ruth $1.25 P�pe�4 �n New Gu�ne� L�ngu�4t�e4 No .12 . 1970; iv + 60 pp . +

1 map 3


Occasional Papers - continued

No .26 BLOWERS , B.L., GRIFFIN , Ma rgie and McELHANON , K.A. Pape�¢ �n $1. 35 New Gu�nea L�ngu�¢z�c¢ No .13. 1970 ; iv + 48 pp .

In preparation :

No .27 KIRTON , Jean F. Pape�¢ �n Au¢z�al�an L�ngu�¢z�c¢ No .5


No . 1 WURM , S.A. and HARRIS , J.B. PO LICE MOTU , An �nz�oducz�o n zo $1. 85 zhe T�ade Language 06 Papua (New Gu�nea ) 60� Anzh�o polog�¢z¢

and ozhe� 6�eidwo�ke�¢ . 1963 ; vi + 81 pp .

No . 2 WURM , S.A. Phonolog�cai V�v e�¢�6�caz�on �n Au¢z�al�an New $1. 85 Gu�nea H�ghland¢ Languag e¢ . 1964 ; iii + 87 pp .; 1 map

No . 3 HEALEY , Alan Tele60l Phonology. 1964 ; iii + 1 figure + $1. 25

53 pp . + 5 tables

No . 4 HEALEY , Phyllis M. Tele60i Noun Ph�a¢ e¢ . 1965 ; iii + 51 pp .; $1. 25

3 tables

No . 5 HEALEY , Phyllis M. Levei¢ and Cha�n�ng �n Teie60i Senzence¢ . $1. 50 1966 ; iv + 64 pp .; 5 tables

No . 6 TRYON , Darre ll T. Nengone G�amma� . 1967 ; x + 91 pp .; $2.00 10 tables

No . 7 TRYON , Darre ll T. Vehu G�amma� . 1968 ; ix + 111 pp .; $2.50 10 tables

No . 8 TRYON , Darrell T. la� G�amma� . 1968 ; xii + 125 pp .; $2.95

11 tables

No . 9 DUTTON , T.E. The Peopl�ng 06 Cenz�al Papua : Some P�el�m�na�y $3.75 Ob¢e�vaz�o n¢ . 1969 ; viii + 182 pp .

No .10 FRANKLIN, K.J. The V�aiecz¢ 06 Kewa . 1968; lV + 72 pp .; $2.50

20 maps

No .11 SOMMER, B.A. Kunjen Phonology: Synch�on�c and V�ach�on�c . $1. 95 1969 ; iv .+ 72 pp .; 3 maps

No .12 KLOKEID, T.J. Tha�ga�� Phonolog y and Mo�phology. 1969 ; $1. 25 viii + 56 pp .; 1 map 4


Mo nographs - oontinued

No .13 TREFRY , D. A Compa�a�ive S�udy 06 Kuman and Pawaian. 1969 ; $2.00

iv + 94 pp . ; 1 map

No .14 McELHANON , K.A. Seiepe� Phonoiogy. 1970 ; v + 47 pp .; 1 map $1. 25

No .15 TRYON , D.T. An In��oduc�io n �o Ma�anungku (No�the�n AU4 - $2 .50 ��aiia l. 1970 ; vi + III pp .; 1 map

No .16 McELHANON , K.A. and VOORHOEVE , C.L. The T�an4 -New Guinea $2 .50 Phyium : Expio�a�ion4 in Veep-ievei Gene�ic Reia�ion4 hip4 .

1970 ; v + 107 pp .; 4 maps

No .17 KUKI , Hiroshi Tuamo�uan Phonoiogy. 1970 ; ix + 119 pp .; $2 .50 2 maps

In preparat ion :

No .lS YOUNG , R.A. The Ve�b in Bena-Bena : i�4 Fo�m and Fu nc�io n

No .19 PATON , W.S. Amb�ym G�amma�


No . 1 LAYCOCK , D.C. The Ndu Lang uage Famiiy (Sepik Vi4��ic� , New $5.00 Guineal . 1965; xi + 224 pp .; 1 map

No . 3 NGUYEN DANG LIEM Engii4 h G�amma� (A Cont�a4�ive AnaiY4i4 06 $5 .00 Engii4 h and Vietname4 e vol.ll . 1966 ; xliv + 177 pp .; 16 tables . Re printed in 1970 as Paoifio Linguistios, Serie8 C, No .3

No . 4 NGUYEN DANG LIEM Vietname4 e G�amma� (A Cont�a4�ive AnaiY4i4 $5.50 06 Engii4 h and Vie�name4 e vol.21 . 1969; xliii + 209 pp .; 37 tables

No. 5 NGUYEN DANG LIEM A Con��a4�ive G�amma�icai AnaiY4i4 06 Engii4 h $3.25 and Vie�name4 e (A Con��a4�ive AnaiY4i4 06 Engii4 h and Vie�- name4 e vol.31 . 1967 ; xv + 151 pp .; 15 tables

No . 6 TRYON , Darrell T. Vehu-Engii4 h Vic�iona�y. 1967 ; v + 137 pp . $2 .95

No . 7 TRYON , Darrell T. Engii4 h-Vehu Vic�iona�y. 1967 ; $3 .25 iii + 162' pp . 5


Books - continued

No . 8 NGUYEN DANG LIEM A Cont�a�tiv� Phonological Anaty�i� 06 $5 .25 Engti� h and Vi�tnam�� � (A Cont�a6tiv � AnatY6i6 06 Engti6 h and

Vi�tnam�6 � vol.4) . 1970 ; xv + 206 pp .; 22 chart s; 19 tables

No . 9 TRYON , D.T. and DUBOIS, M.-J. N�ngon� Victiona�y. Pa�t I: $9 .00

N�ngon�-Engti�h. 1969 ; vii + 445 pp .

No .10 OATES, W. and OATES , L. Kapau P�dago gicat GAammaA . 1968; $3.75

v + 178 pp .

No .ll FOX, C.E. AA06i-Engti6 h Victio naAy. 1970 ; iv + 406 pp .; $8.95

1 map

No .13 WURM , S.A. and LAYCOCK , D.C. , eds . Paci 6ic Lingui6 tic $25.00

Studi�� in Ho nOUA 06 AAthuA Cap�tt . 1970 ; viii + 1292 pp .;

25 maps , 1 photograph .

Art icles authored , or co-authored , by :

B.W. Bender, Catherine M. Berndt , R.M. Berndt , H. Bluhme ,

J.E. Bolt , C.G. von Brandenstein , tC .D. Chretien , J.R.

Cleverly , C. Court , R.M.W. Dixon , W.H. Douglas , T.E. Dutton ,

I. Dyen , S.H. Elbert , A.P. Elkin , E.H. Flint , K.J. Franklin ,

Marie Godfrey , G.W. Grace , K. Hale , Joy Harris, A. Healey ,

H. Hershberger , Ruth Hershberger , W.G. Hoddinot , P.W. Hohepa ,

N.M. Holmer , B.A. Hooley , Dorothy J. James, H. Kahler , Susan

Kaldor , H. Kerr , Jean F. Kirton , D.C. Laycock , Nguyen Dang

Liem, K.A. McElhanon , H. McKaughan , G.N. O'Grady , A. Pawley,

Eunice V. Pike , R. Pittman , D.J. Prentice , A.J. Schutz, M.C.

Sharpe , tW .E. Smythe , A.J. Taylor , D.T. Tryon , E.M. Uhlen­

beck , C.F. Voegelin , F.M. Voegelin , C.L. Voorhoeve , S.A. Wurm ,

J. Z'Graggen .

No .14 GEERTS , P. 'A�� la�� Victio na�y. 1970 ; iv + 185 pp .; 1 map $3.95

No .15 McELHANON , K.A. and N.A. s�t�p�t-Engti6 h VictionaAY. 1970; $3.95

xxi + 144 pp .

No .16 FRANKLIN , K.J. A G�amma� 06 K�wa , N�w Guin�a . 1970; $2.95

ix + 138 pp .

No .17 PARKER , G.J. South�a6t Amb�ym Victio na�y. 1970 ; xiii + 60 pp . $1.50

In preparation :

No . 2 WURM, S.A. Handboo� 06 N�w Guin�a Pidgin 6


Books in preparation - continued

No .12 LAYCOCK , D.C. Ba4ic Mate�iat4 in Buin : G�amma� , Text4 , and Victiona�y

No .la PRENTICE , D.J. The Mu�ut Language4 06 Sabah

No .19 Z'GRAGGEN , J.A. Cta44i6icato�y and Typotogicat Studie4 in Language4

06 the Madang Vi4t�ict

No .20 LANG , C.A. Enga-Engti4 h and Engti4h-Enga Victiona�y

No .21 PATON , W.S. Amb�ym (Lonwotwot) Victiona�y


(Bul letins . archi val materials and other publ ications )

No . 1 Buttetin No . 1 . 1964 ; 9 pp . $0.25

No . 2 Buttetin No .2. 1965 ; 84 pp . $1. 50

No . 4 WURM , S.A. Languag e Map 06 the Ea4te�n , We4te�n and Southe�n $0 .35

Hightand4 , Te��ito�y 06 Papua and New Guinea (in 14 colours ).


No . 5 LAYCOCK , Don Mate�iat4 in New Guinea Pidgin (Coa4tat and Low­ $2 .50 tand4 ). 1970 ; xxxvii + 62 pp .

No . 6 NGUYEN DANG LIEM Fou�-Syttabte Idiomatic Exp�e44ion4 in Viet­ $1.50 name4 e. 1970 ; v + 60 pp .

In preparation :

No . 3 WURM , S .A. New Guinea Hig htand4 Pidgin : G,'tamma� Note4 and Mate�iat4

No . 7 ELBERT , S.H. Th�ee Leg end� 06 Putuwat and a Bit 06 Tatk

No . a LANG , C.A. , MATHER, K.E.W. and ROSE , M.L. In60�matio n Sto�age and Ret�ievat : a Victiona�y P�oject

No. 9 Index to Paci6ic Lingui�tic4 , Se�ie4 A-V, a� at the end 06 7970

No .lO PATON , W.S. Tate4 06 Amb�ym

No .ll PATON , W.S. CU4 tom4 06 Amb�ym, with Te xt4

Gerts, P. 'Āre'āre Dictionary. C-14, iv + 191 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1970. DOI:10.15144/PL-C14.1 ©1970 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative.