Dossier of Positions in the “ and the Dark Lord’s Ascension” Committee 1. Avery Avery since birth was destined to attend to the needs of the Dark Lord. His father was schoolmates with Tom Riddle himself, while he found himself peers with during his days at . Though serving evil seems to be in his genes, he is not as competent when it comes to following orders as some of his fellow Death Eaters. After the Harry Potter incident, Avery abandoned his call and did not seek out the Dark Lord. During this time, he was rumored to be imprisoned in Azkaban but was freed after pleading that he had been a victim of the Imperius curse. Avery is a bit of a snake if it was hard to tell.1 2. ​Regulus Arcturus Black Regulus Black was born into a pureblood family, where he was the chosen son and grew up to firmly uphold the views that wizard blood is not to be tainted. His brother did not in fact hold these views, creating some controversy. During his time at Hogwarts, he excelled in many domains, including in his study of the Dark Arts and Occlumency, and was even a favorite of Professor Slughorn. Though he has faithfully discharged the tasks given to him by , he currently appears to have had his faith shaken.2 3. ​Alecto Carrow Alecto and her brother are inseparable. Between the two of them, she shows stronger signs of intelligence, though not by much, and has the habit almost giggling when in tense situations. She quite strongly despises even the notion of and does little to hide her loathing. Alecto is rather trusting, and this trust is not always justified. What she lacks in brains she makes up for in a lust for torture, with the Cruciatus curse being her personal favorite. She shows unwavering devotion to the Dark Lord, and also to her brother. Alecto at her core has a strong desire to follow the guidance of those above her, and enforces this adherence into those beneath her, with painful consequences.3 4. ​Amycus Carrow Amycus Carrow shares an unparalleled closeness with his sister. While neither of the two is known for their intellect, his sister has the greater share, which Amycus makes up for with forcefulness and aggression. The only person who Amycus shows as close of loyalty for is the Dark Lord himself, who he came to the aid of after the Harry Potter incident. For every ounce of hate his sister has for muggles, he has an ounce of love for the Dark Arts, something which he is not hesitant to make useful, considering he is certainly not the brains of the operation. He is more of a spell now, talk later sort of fellow, which can be to his benefit and simultaneously his detriment.4 5. ​Crabbe Sr.

1 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Avery.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 27 June 2017, ​ ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Characters/Avery. 2 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Regulus Black.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 26 Oct. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Regulus_Black. 3 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Alecto Carrow.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 11 Dec. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Alecto_Carrow. 4 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Amycus Carrow.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 12 Dec. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Amycus_Carrow. Crabbe Sr., occasionally known as Mr. Crabbe, has been known to follow barking orders. Between him and his fellow , Goyle Sr., neither is known for their wits, yet Mr. Crabbe appears to hold the greater share. Both follow the lead set by Lucius Malfoy, and then that set by the Dark Lord, and in the past, neither has strayed or defied. Since Mr. Crabbe may be slightly more intelligent, though not by much, he would be the more likely of the pair to act out against those above him, but is at the same time, more likely to come out of any issues relatively cleanly.5 6. ​Barty Crouch Jr. Bartemius Crouch is one of the more frightening members of the Death Eaters. Though his appearance alone does not instill fright, his magical ability excels beyond almost all other Death Eaters, and though he is most certainly evil, it is his humanity that is his strength. While others may have lost their connection to humanity in order to fulfill the wishes of the Dark Lord, Barty uses his comprehension of human emotions to manipulate those around him into doing his bidding. Though this “humanity” could be questioned as he is currently imprisoned in Azkaban for the torture of the Longbottoms, his heartbreaking love for the Dark Lord and blindness to his disposability is distinctly human. As he manipulates others, so too does the Dark Lord manipulate him.6 7. ​Antonin Dolohov Dolohov was around when Lord Voldemort was known as Tom Riddle. He is a loyal friend, something which both the Dark Lord and Yaxley benefit from. He has been around for quite some time and does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. Like many other Death Eaters, Dolohov is capable of torture, but does not need to resort to such methods often, as he is a capable combatant, unless his attention is compromised.7 8. ​Gibbon Little is known about Gibbon. It appears that his sense of fear may be stronger than his sense of loyalty when the going gets tough, something of which the Dark Lord is keenly aware. His whereabouts after the Harry Potter incident could not be accounted for. This questionable loyalty has put him on thin ice with the Dark Lord and his fellow Death Eaters. He may have to prove his usefulness to the Dark Lord if he seeks to remain unharmed.8, 9 9. ​Goyle Sr. Goyle Sr. has never been known as a leader of men, but is much more likely to be considered a follower. He, along with Crabbe Sr., form a posse led by Lucius Malfoy, who’s whims they constantly obey. Hard as he may try, Goyle Sr. has failed his superiors, Lucius and

5 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Crabbe, Sr.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 13 Dec. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Crabbe,_Sr. 6 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Barty Crouch Jr.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 5 Aug. 2018, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Barty_Crouch_Jr. 7 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Antonin Dolohov.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 27 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Antonin_Dolohov. 8 “Gibbon.” Harry Potter Wiki, ​ ​ ​ 9 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Gibbon.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 28 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Gibbon. Lord Voldemort, in the past and there is little room for error on his part because of this. He has been tried in the past, and let go, but his future is less certain.10 10. ​Fenrir Greyback One could describe Fenrir Greyback as “hungry like the wolf” when it comes to the kill. It is his singular desire to turn as many people as possible into werewolves, sometimes killing in the process. It was he that bit , and he has the habit of intentionally placing himself near other people when he is about to transform in order to infect others. This ferociousness is an asset to the Dark Lord and other Death Eaters, who use him as a threatening force when necessary. However, it appears that Greyback does not maintain full Death Eater status, despite his ruthlessness. The reasons for this are unknown.11 11. ​Igor Karkaroff Head of the Durmstrang Institute, Karkaroff is quite agile when it comes to the Dark Arts and his wizarding skills are evident to those around him. It is also evident that he is not to be trusted, since he has betrayed some fellow Death Eaters in the past out of self-preservation. The Dark Lord has noticed this cowardice and is not pleased. Karkaroff is peers with Severus Snape, and Snape is one of the few people Karkaroff trusts, but whether this trust is justified has yet to be seen. Karkaroff is primarily motivated by protecting himself, and given his skills, is in a position to do so for quite some time. He does all in his power to prevent harm from befalling him, at the expense of his fellow Death Eaters.12 12. ​Rabastan Lestrange Less can be said for Rabastan than for his brother, Rodolphus. He similarly ranks highly with Lord Voldemort, though his brother and sister-in-law gain more notoriety. The Dark Lord is indebted to him and the three other death eaters who are imprisoned in Azkaban for the torture of the Longbottoms, and Rabastan is aware of this fact. While he exerts some influence, of course he could seek more. His time in Azkaban has certainly affected him, though it is not clear how.13 13. ​Rodolphus Lestrange Rodolphus is the husband of , and clearly they make a good match. Both have a penchant for inflicting torture even when it is not necessary. Along with his brother, Rabastan, he was a part of the generation of Hogwarts students that were recruited by the Dark Lord around the same time Severus was. After torturing the Longbottoms, he, along with his wife and brother, currently awaits freedom in Azkaban. The Dark Lord favors him and the other Lestranges and will reward them once they make it out of Azkaban. Naturally, he maintains much influence among the Death Eaters due to his closeness to the Dark Lord.14 14. ​Walden Macnair

10 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Goyle, Sr.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 28 June 2017, ​ ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Characters/Goyle,_Sr. 11 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Fenrir Greyback.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 28 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Fenrir_Greyback. 12 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Igor Karkaroff.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 22 Dec. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Igor_Karkaroff. 13 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Rabastan Lestrange.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 29 June 2018, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Rabastan_Lestrange. 14 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Rodolphus Lestrange.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 29 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Rodolphus_Lestrange. Serving as an executioner, Macnair certainly takes pride in his work. He holds a position in the Ministry and therefore has some political influence and savvy. Lucius Malfoy and him get along well, despite the fact that he is quite clearly bloodthirsty. His love for his job extends beyond executing just animals, and the Dark Lord has promised him that soon he can change his victims to the most dangerous game of all after his ascension, not that this will stop Macnair. Somehow, Macnair walks the line between diplomat and manslaughterer quite deftly, which the Death Eaters could use to their collective advantage.15 15. ​Lucius Malfoy Lucius is a people-person, and maintains great influence over the , Hogwarts and his fellow Death Eaters. Always a successful man, he has a talent for understanding others, and uses this to acquire power, manipulate others, and ultimately get what he desires. Despite the fact that he does the bidding of the Dark Lord, many trust Lucius, mostly because he makes large donations to charity and is slightly threatening. While he shows strong loyalty to Lord Voldemort, his priorities appear to be somewhat shifted since his son arrived in his life. Many Death Eaters look to Lucius for leadership, and in the past he has shown himself to be quite capable.16 16. ​Narcissa Malfoy Though it is unclear whether Narcissa has been graced with the dark mark, she might as well be, for a number of reasons. Narcissa believes firmly in the inferiority of muggles and other non-pureblood wizards. Her familial connections include her sister, Bellatrix, who she refers to as “Bella,” and is a cousin to Regulus Black, as well as being an aunt to Nymphadora Tonks, though the latter relation is not exactly recognized. She shows strong faith to the Dark Lord, though her devotion to her blood relatives, like her sister and her young son could possibly be stronger. Love is in her possession, but whether or not this affects her ability to serve Lord Voldemort’s great vision must be tested. She also shows a closeness with Severus Snape.17 17. ​Nott Sr. Nott was one of the original followers of Lord Voldemort, and has known him since his Tom Riddle days. His age is somewhat ambiguous, but it is clear that most of the other Death Eaters address him with some deverance. His loyalty to the Dark Lord has not been shaken in the long time since they have known each other, and therefore, Nott has little patience for those whose faith has been even slightly shaken. The Dark Lord has placed his trust in Nott and Nott serves as a model which other Death Eaters aspire to live up to.18 18. ​Peter Pettigrew Pettigrew was a member of the same generation as Severus and a few other fellow Death Eaters. He is often mocked for his lack of skill and is generally considered, at best, lukewarmly. His animagus is a rat, fittingly, as he is not generally refined and only maintains

15 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Walden Macnair.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 30 June 2017, ​ ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Characters/Walden_Macnair. 16 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Lucius Malfoy.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 9 Oct. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Lucius_Malfoy. 17 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Narcissa Malfoy.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 22 Jan. 2018, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Narcissa_Malfoy. 18 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Nott.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 29 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Nott. loyalty to whomever is the most powerful person present. He is the ultimate servant, of which the Dark Lord and other Death Eaters take advantage. This servanthood is not out of some allegiance to any individual or their cause, but rather because Pettigrew’s greatest devotion is to himself. This nature often harms those who are “close” to him, and the Dark Lord will not tolerate this selfishness.19 19. ​Augustus Rookwood Rookwood is generally considered well-liked and is one of the more useful members of the Death Eaters. He has great notoriety as a famous player and works in the Department of Mysteries within the Ministry of Magic. A charming presence, along with Lucius, he is one of the few Death Eaters who garners little suspicion. Unfortunately, because of his warmth, he is often tasked with telling the Dark Lord that which he does not want to hear, of which the Dark Lord has taken notice. This has not caused Rookwood much trouble so far, and he currently acts as a spy for the Death Eaters into the innerworks and happenings of the Ministry.20 20. ​Evan Rosier Another slightly mysterious Death Eater, little is known about Evan Rosier. Like many other Death Eaters, he maintains familial ties with the Black family, and therefore, is quite loathing of those who lack pureblood. His father was also a servant of the Dark Lord, so it would be very difficult for Rosier to be pulled away from the influence of the Dark Lord. Much of his life was dedicated to fulfilling the desires of Lord Voldemort, though he seems to be somewhat indifferent at the moment, which the Dark Lord is not pleased with. He is a skilled combatant, so in the past the Dark Lord has not minded his apathy, but after his fall, the Dark Lord will be less tolerant of ambivalence from his followers.21 21.​Thorfinn Rowle Rowle is one of the larger Death Eaters, and though his size is certainly an asset, it is his ability to quickly and decisively cast spells that makes him a dangerous opponent. At the same time, this quickness and decisiveness also makes him a bit of a liability to anyone else present, as his size and rapidness make his targeting ability somewhat compromised. Many fellow Death Eaters have found themselves accidental victims of his spells, and have waning mercy for his foolishness. The Dark Lord has not witnessed this, and Rowle will do anything in his power to stop himself from falling out of the Dark Lord’s favor.22 22. ​Scabior Scabior remains somewhat a mystery to the rest of his fellow Death Eaters. It is presumed that he was a member of the Slytherin House during his time at Hogwarts but when exactly that was, no one can be sure. He is in it for his own gain, and is always willing to make a little extra money where he can. Despite his greedy nature, he is quite tactful and strategic,

19 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Peter Pettigrew.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 16 Sept. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Peter_Pettigrew. 20 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Augustus Rookwood.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 27 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Augustus_Rookwood. 21 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Evan Rosier.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 28 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Evan_Rosier. 22 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Thorfinn Rowle.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 15 Oct. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Thorfinn_Rowle. knowing to pick his battles. Though he is a bit of a rogue, he is most often accompanying Fenrir Greyback oddly enough, acting as a moderating force on some occasions.23 23. ​Selwyn Selwyn is not one of the more well-established Death Eaters. He is basically a for the Dark Lord, unquestionably obeying his every command. Coming from a notably pure-blooded family, his main motivation is simply bloodline superiority. Because of his family’s status, Selwyn is looking for a chance to prove his worth to the Dark Lord, and though he lacks the initiative and creativity to initiate this on his own, he will most certainly do whatever is asked of him. He is considerably loyal, in spite of his relatively low rank, and seeks to gain the favor of the Dark Lord.24 24. ​Travers Known for his perceptiveness, the Dark Lord often uses Travers as a means to test the loyalty of his fellow Death Eaters. His rank may be low, but Travers is quite aware of the actions of those around him. It is quite a shame that unfortunately he is sitting in Azkaban, imprisoned for killing a witch and her family, as he is rather useful to the Dark Lord. His time in Azkaban has proven a test of his loyalty to the Dark Lord, and therefore, he is all the more willing to identify any Death Eaters who would not show the same faith as he. This ability could propel him higher into the Dark Lord’s ranks, or simply be a nuisance to his fellow Death Eaters.25 25. ​Wilkes Wilkes was a peer of Severus during their time at Hogwarts. He is quite a warrior, and looks down upon those who would betray one another or submit to capture as opposed to standing up and fighting. Quick to duel, Wilkes is often thinking with his wand rather than his mind, but it has not caused him too many troubles yet. He holds the utmost admiration for those who are skilled with spells and treats those imprisoned in Azkaban with disdain. In fact, he would rather they stay imprisoned, a fitting punishment for their inability to discharge the tasks thrusted upon them by the Dark Lord. His defiance is both a strength and a weakness and will prove most divisive to his fellow Death Eaters.26 26. ​Yaxley Yaxley appears to be a middle-of-the-pack Death Eater. He is certainly not high-ranking, but definitely maintains some privileges. This may not be permanent, as after the Dark Lord fell, Yaxley was nowhere to be found. He exerts some influence over lower-ranking Death Eaters, though considering these Death Eaters are looking for a chance to prove themselves, Yaxley’s position may not be safe. His friendship with Dolohov and other pureblood supremacists are the only thing standing in the way of his facing the ire of the Dark Lord or being disposed of by

23 “Scabior.” Harry Potter Wiki, ​ ​ ​ 24 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Selwyn.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 29 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Selwyn. 25 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Travers.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 30 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Travers. 26 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Wilkes.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 30 June 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Wilkes. those beneath him. This is something for which Yaxley will not stand, as he seeks to rise above in the ranks.27

27 “Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Yaxley.” Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World, 26 Oct. 2017, ​ ​'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter/Character​ s/Yaxley. Sources “Gibbon.” Harry Potter Wiki, ​ ​

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