
Causes of Growth: A Quantitative Study

Mohnnad Alshalalda

Faculty sponsor: Dr. Andrew Ziegler Department of Political

Abstract This study employed a uantitative and comparative data to examine the factors that correlate to . The study was conducted using the Microcase global file Le Roy, 201. The maor findings were that social factors—such as education, marriage, contraception use, and —correlate most strongly to population growth. Educated couples tend to have fewer children. People who are more religious tend to have more children. Economic variables, such as GDP per capita are influential, but not as much as the social variables. A political variable, political stability, has the weaest correlation to population growth. As policy maers in different countries pursue their agendas in regard to population growth, these findings may be useful to achieve the desired results efficiently. For a government that wants to increase population, this research identifies factors that have the strongest lin to population growth. The research findings may also be valuable to governments that wish to reduce population.


In the last two centuries, population growth has been an important subect for policy maers internationally, as the witnessed a significant increase in the population. The human population is growing by about 8 million annually. According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, human population grew from one billion in 1800 to about .5 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach about 11 billion by 2100 (“World” 2018). Many nations with high population growth have low standards of living, and many nations with low population growth have good standards of living. Intellectuals have debated this matter: Some warn of severe conseuences, and others argue that people will be able to deal with the problems. One of the prominent early intellectuals to warn of population growth was Thomas Malthus 198. Malthus was an English scholar, influential in the fields of and political . In his influential boo An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in 198, Malthus argued that population grows geometrically, whereas supplies grow arithmetically. At some point, the food production will not meet the needs of the population, leading to massive that will ill millions of people. Despite the remarable progress that people have made so far, is still prevalent. As 80 statd y th ood and riltr raniation o th 2 illion ol o hnry ry day (“925 Million” 2010). thr intlltals sh as str osr oosd Malths’s iws (1). osr was a roinnt rnh and anish onoist. Whil Malths (18) said that th rowth o olation dnds on ariltral thods and ood sly osr (1) ard th oosit riltral thods dnd on th si o olation. n th iw o Malths whn th ood sly is insiint th ss olation will di. osrs ontr arnt was that ol ndr rssr will always ind ways to inras ood rodtion. olation rowth is rardd as on o th ist thrats to th nironnt. ol s ossil ls to owr thir ahinry olation rowth ans hihr dand or as oil and oal. Whn ths ls ar rnd or aron dioid is ittd to th atoshr ladin to loal in. Moror inrasd olation ans or onstion o nonrnwal rsors whih will as onlit or tr nrations. olation rows at dirnt rats in dirnt ontris as o ators li irth rat ortality rat rtility rat and nt iration. rtility rat and irth rat an inlnd y soial ators inldin rliion ra ll o dation ass to aortion and ontrati thods hild laor iiration soial srity or ldrs th ost o raisin hildrn and ornnt roras to sort or disora hildarin. olation rowth os with sstantial onoi soial and olitial iliations. or instan lowino ontris do not rod noh ood to ath thir olation rowth ladin th to or dndnt on nsi rain iorts and ths to inr or dt. n addition raid olation rowth lads to slow onoi dlont whih widns th a twn oor and rih ol and nations. or al nloynt rows at a hihr rat in lss dlod ontris as o th inras in th worina olation. nloynt ontrits to hihr rats o alination and ri ths ratr soial rols. inally ast olation rowth as it hard or ornnts to aintain adat li sris or ryon. n ontris whr ol ar strlin or loynt oortnitis and li sris onlit is or lily to aris asin or instaility. olation rowth inrass th lilihood o orty onlit tris and dstrtion o th oloial syst. his rsarh ais to roid a ttr ndrstandin o th rols asrtainin dirnt ators that at th rowth o olation and ronds oliy asrs and rassroots soltions to rsol th iss. antitati thods ar sd in this rsarh. ata on 1 ontris will sd ro th loal il o Miroas ( oy 201). o addrss th isss disssd ao this rsarh ains the following research question: “What are the factors that orrlat to olation rowth in different countries?” The paper is oranid into stions on litratr riw thodoloy and indins and analysis.

itratr iw

h toi o orolation has n ontrorsial. o sholars rss at onrn aot this hnonon and onsidr it a i rol. holars sh as hoas Malths (18) and al . hrlih (18) ha ard that orolation lads to ain

81 and staration ther scholars regard oerpopulation as a aor cause of enironental crises and een ore consider it a cause of poert and low standards of liing n the other hand soe scholars hae taen the opposite stance on the issue or instance, Ester Boserup (1965) was one of Malthus’s biggest opponents, arguing that huans hae a great capacit to adapt to changing conditions and will alwas find the eans to fulfill their needs n 9 ulian ion pulished the Ultimate in which he agreed with oserup thers argued that the faines of the past centur occurred ecause of poor anageent of resources not a lac of resources ecentl fewer scholars epress concern aout oerpopulation perhaps ecause of credile predictions that the population will fall at soe point in this centur apan outh orea oania and other countries are eaples of falling irth rates urtherore policies put in place to counter oerpopulation hae rought criticis as soe of these policies depried people of their personal freedo erall scholarl perspecties on oerpopulation can e diided into two schools of thought: “ is a problem,” and “overpopulation is not a problem.”

Overpopulation Is a Problem Malthus (9 claied “Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio usistence increases onl in an arithetical ratio slight acquaintance with nuers will shewsic the immensity of the first power in comparison of the second” (12) This quotation fro An Essay on the Principle of Population articulates Malthus’s essential point: opulation increases geoetricall ut food production grows aritheticall Therefore population growth has to e checed therwise food production will lag behind the population’s needs which will lead to faine and staration ne of the ost proinent neoMalthusians in the 2th centur was aul hrlich (9 the ing rofessor of opulation tudies at tanford niersit and president of tanford’s enter for onseration iolog n 9 he and nne hrlich his wife pulished the estselling oo . The oo warned of assie starations in the 9s and 9s and called for iediate action to liit population growth The oo attracted criticis for its inaccurate predictions and alarist tone The hrlichs anifested their pessiis in this stateent: “the battle to feed humanity is alread lost in the sense that we will not e ale to preent largescale faines in the net decade or so” (Ehrlich 1968, 36). That prediction led the to call for reducing population growth to ero or een a negatie rate The Ehrlichs’ claims were even more dire than Malthus’s, but the primary concern of oth was faine The factors affecting fertilit rate can e either econoic or social such as education leel and religion (risch 9 risch discussed the social iplications of oerpopulation ne of his ain points was that poert can e a cause of oerpopulation and a result at the sae tie e eplained how a large fail could ean a lower standard of liing ecause parents with an children a struggle to proide a good life for the fail risch argued that a large woringage population could ean higher uneploent thus a greater urden on the goernent to proide enough os and pulic serices for the whole population neploent in turn has negatie consequences such as the rise of conflict and higher crie rates The concern of enironentalists has een the consequences of huan oerpopulation for the enironent arl eidel (9 the aniel lare anders 82 Professor of Environmental tudies and the director of the Environmental Program at the niversity of ermont, argued that overpopulation is one of the most pressing . n his thinking, overpopulation drives environmental , global warming, practices, the sith mass etinction, and the consumption of nonrenewable resources, such as arable , fossil fuels, and freshwater. The solution he proposed is to implement a global strategy (eidel 1988).

Overpopulation Is Not a Problem espite the negative predictions of the conseuences of , many have presented optimistic views and promising scholarly predictions. n response to Malthus’s views (1798), Boserup (1965) argued in her book The Conditions of Agricultural Growth that the intensity of agricultural production is driven by population change. he endorsed the adage that “necessity is the mother of invention,” asserting that people’s needs will drive them to come up with efficient means of food production. People have the capacity to handle the demands of overpopulation, wrote ulian imon (1981), formerly a professor of business administration at the niversity of Maryland. e devoted his book , published in 1981, to this proposition. He argued that “the most important benefit of and growth is the increase it brings to the stock of useful knowledge. Minds matter economically as much as, or more than, hands or mouths” (Simon 1981, 12). From his perspective, population growth creates more resources. The resource of more brains means more innovative production. Moreover, the Ehrlichs’ prediction of famines due to human overpopulation turned out to be false, according to an ardner (21), a New York Times bestselling author about psychology and decisionmaking. The Ehrlichs (1968) warned that famines would kill hundreds of millions in the 19s, but such famines did not come to pass. These predictions received much criticism however, continued to take same stance, that if population growth is not controlled, famines will happen sooner or later (ardner 21). t used to be believed that would continue to grow forever, and that is why many scholars advocated measures to slow its growth. owever, the case seems to be different today, and for various reasons birth rates are falling in different parts of the world. Eastern and apan make good case studies. Billingsley (21) eplained the decline in as a result of urbaniation and attainment of education, particularly (13). iting , imon (21) asserted that the number of births in apan dropped by a million in 216 only. Patrick mam (213) discussed the problems associated with this decline and described how the decline has already affected different sectors of apanese life, especially the economic sector. e also reported on the government’s struggles in its attempts to resolve this issue, a critical problem for apan. urthermore, policies to counter overpopulation have garnered criticism, as some of these policies violated , such as ’s onechild policy. That policy, according to onnie ford (21), violated the right of selfdetermination. People were subect to punitive fines when they had more than one child. teriliation and forced were not uncommon practices. hen parents learned their unborn child was female, they often sought abortion, which led to a wide gender imbalance in hina 83 (ford 217). hether China did the right thing by this policy is debatable. he policy prevented million births according to arkinson (215). Some see the policy as a favor that China did for the world, and others see it as a human rights violation. Summary he topic of human overpopulation is complicated and therefore widely debatable. his topic is not new in international politics t was brought up over 2 hundred years ago. homas Malthus (1798) was one of the first scholars to open the debate. He warned of massive famines if the population continued to grow in the same pattern. ther prominent scholars disagreed and argued that more population meant more creativity and more efficient means of food production. hese scholars believed that people have the capacity to handle such a problem. Furthermore, birthrates are falling in places such as Eastern Europe and apan. Some scholarly predictions show that world population will reach its peak in this century and start to decline, which raises its own concerns. o eplore the causes of human population growth, the net section will eamine several variables and their correlation to population growth.


his section presents the methodology used to answer the research uestion “What are the factors that affect human population growth?” he dependent variable chosen for this study from the Microcase lobal File is the average annual population growth from 2 to 25, labeled (op rowth) in this database. he seven independent variables chosen for this study are the following mean years of school among 25yearolds (Education) percentage of children in child marriage (id ed) percentage of women using contraception (Contracept) percent of those who say that they get comfort and strength from religion (eligion Comfort) the inde, which measures the overall average level of economic, political, social, and technological engagement across nationstate borders (lobal) per capita based on purchasing power parity (C ) and , institutions, political stability, and absence of violence (Stable.ol). n order to answer the research uestion, this study will use the lobal file from the MicroCase software (e oy 21).

Concepts and Variables o help define population growth as the dependent variable, this research uses H, variable from the lobal file. he variable has a ratio level of measurement and gives the average annual population growth rate, by country, from the year 2 to 25. he variable provides data on 172 countries and is the only dependent variable. he chosen independent variables will help eplain why human population grows at different rates in different countries. he following variables were selected education, religion, child marriage, contraceptive use, globalization inde, per capita, and political stability. hese variables will be further analyzed below. he numbers in parentheses are the variable numbers for the Microcase lobal data file.

84 ocial ariales shows the mean ears of school among aults an oler in ifferent countries he ata are presente ase on a range of igher ran means more ears of school W gies information on the percentage of chilren in chil marriage in countries he ata are presente ase on a range of igher ran means more cases of chil marriage measures the percentage of women who use contraception in ifferent countries he ata are presente ase on a range of igher ran means more contraceptie use presents the percentage of those who sa that the receie comfort an strength from religion in ifferent countries he ata are ase on a range of igher ran means a higher percentage of people who gain strength an comfort from religion

conomic ariales proies information on the gloaliation ine of countries he gloalaliation ine measures the oerall aerage leel of economic political social an technological engagement across nationstate orers he ata are presente ase on a range of igher ran means greater gloaliation proies information on countries’ GDP per capita based on purchasing power parit he ata are presente ase on a range of he alue reflects the actual of a countr

olitical ariales gies information on the of goernance an institutions in a country based on the country’s political stability. he ata is presente from worst goernance to est on a range of igher ran means etter goernance


ocial ariales pothesis here is a negatie relationship etween population growth an eucation ucate couples ten to want fewer chilren than those who are less eucate pothesis here is a positie relationship etween population growth an chil marriage pothesis here is a negatie relationship etween population growth an contraceptie use pothesis here is a positie relationship etween population growth an the egree of comfort erie from religion

conomic ariales pothesis here is a negatie relationship etween population growth an the leel of gloaliation 85 ypothesis here is a neatie relationship beteen population roth and GDP per capita.

Political ariable ypothesis here is no relationship beteen population roth and political stability.

Research Method

his research is based on secondary analysis ro the Global ile hich coers data on countries. n conunction ith the Methods in Political Science: An Introduction to Using Microcase e oy the data as copiled in the icrocase prora. n the ile ariables are based on ansers to surey uestions ien to surey taers. his analysis uses scatterplot raphs to depict the relationship beteen dependent and independent ariables in each country. he dependent ariable oes on the yais ertical and the independent ariables is placed alon the ais horiontal. n the analysis a reression line ill represent the direction o the relationship hether it is neatie or positie. he ore points near the reression line the stroner the relationship. n addition to distinuish the strenth o the relationship beteen the independent and dependent ariables the researcher calculated statistical siniicance the probability o the relationship occurrin by chance. the probability is less than . then the relationship is considered statistically siniicant as there is less than a chance that the relationship occurred by chance. n addition to probability the researcher has deterined the strenth o these relationships by the easure o association hich is dependent on the speciic ariable. ll chosen ariables hae the ratio easureent thereore they are measured using Pearson’s correlation coeicient. If Pearson’s is less than 0.25, the relationship between the ariables is too ea to be eaninul. it is beteen . and . the relationship is ea. it is beteen . and . the relationship is oderate. Pearson’s is 0.40 or above, the relationship is stron.

indins and nalysis

he olloin analysis tests all the hypotheses presented in the ethodoloy section. olloin the tests all o the indins ill be analyed and presented in this section. ased on all o the statistical indins the researcher has deterined hether the hypotheses are supported or not supported by the data.

Social Variables

Population Groth by ducation he irst hypothesis proposes a neatie relationship beteen population roth and leel o education. n iure the scatterplot shos population roth the dependent ariable alon the yais. he reression line indicates a neatie relationship beteen the to ariables. o eaine statistical siniicance the probability alue prob

86 was found to be 0.00, whih means that the relationship between population growth and eduation level is statistiall signifiant. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient is 0.2, indiating a strong negative relationship between the two variables. It is not surprising that suh high orrelation eists between these two variables. he reasons for suh a result will be disussed below. igure shows that, in ountries where people are highl eduated, birth rates tend to be low. estern uropean ountries, suh as erman and inland, have low birth rates and also a high level of eduation among adults. ouples in ountries lie ali and iger have fewer ears of eduation among adults, thus higher birth rates. n the other hand, ountries lie nited rab mirates and atar are outliers, having a good level of eduation but the highest population growth one of the main reasons ma be the high into these two ountries. If these two outliers were removed, r would inrease from 0.2 to 0., maing the relationship between the two variables stronger.

Figure 1: he elationship etween Population rowth and duation

Population rowth b hild arriage he seond hpothesis proposes a positive relationship between population growth and hild marriage. igure 2 supports this hpothesis. he graph shows that a higher rate of hild marriage orresponds to a higher population growth. had and ali have both a high rate of hild marriage and high population growth. n the other hand,

87 oth frica an Thailan hae lo rates of chil arriae an loer irth rates tliers incle contries lie entral frican elic an Trinia an Toao hich hae hih rates of chil arriae t lo olation roth Trinia an Toao has a lo fertilit rate erhas e to the hih contracetie se aon oen in the contr The entral frican elic has a hih infant ortalit rate liel ecase of the lac of a oo healthcare sste rtherore Pearson’s correlation coefficient is ince the ale of r is aoe the relationshi eteen olation roth an chil arriae is stron The roailit is fon to e eanin that this relationshi is statisticall sinificant f the to otliers entione aoe ere reoe fro the lot the ale of r ol fro to inicatin a ch stroner relationshi eteen the to ariales

Figure 2: The elationshi eteen Polation roth an hil arriae

Polation roth ontracetie se The thir hothesis osits a neatie relationshi eteen olation roth an contracetion se ire sests the sae reslt The rah shos that contries ith hiher contracetie se hae loer olation roth hina an the nite ino hae the hihest rate of contracetie se at an the hae aon the sloest rates of olation roth ith rates of an resectiel n the other han aia an nola hae soe of the loest easres of contracetie se an resectiel 88 s s s s s s s ss s s s ss s s’s s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s s

Figure 3: s s

ss s s s ss s s ss ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s 89 s s s s s ss s s s s s’s s s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s

Figure 4: s

Economic Variables

ss ss s ss ss s s s s s ss s s s s

90 s s ss s s s s ss ss ss s s s s s s’s s s s s s s s s ss s ss s s

Figure 5: s

s ss sss s s ss s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s 91 s s ’s population growth may be s’s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s

Figure 6: s

Political Variable

s ss s s s ss ss ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s

92 earson’s orrelation oeiient is whih implies a moerate relationship robability is oun to be meaning that this relationship is statistially signiiant the two outliers were remoe rom the plot the alue o r woul hange rom to maing the relationship a strong one

Figure 7: he elationship etween opulation rowth an olitial tability

able lists the inepenent ariables examine in this stuy an presents their respetie leels o assoiation with the epenent ariable o population growth


he researh presente in this paper explores the arious ators that orrelate an may ontribute to population growth he topi o population growth has been ontroersial ome sholars are optimisti an others are pessimisti about the problems o ontinuing population growth o sole the ontroersy it is important to now the ators aeting population growth ollowing the literature reiew seen ators were lassiie into three groups soial eonomi an politial ll seen hypothesis were teste using the iroase lobal ile any beliee that population growth has ause or will ause massie problems suh as amines an staration through an inability to meet the essential nees o the 93 Table 1: ss ss

s s ss

Social Variables ● s

● s

● s s

● s

Economic Variables ● s

● s

Political Variable ● s

ss s s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ss s ss s s s s s ss ss s s s ss s s s s s ’s lives s s s s s s ss s s s s s ss s ss ss s s s s ss ss ss s ss — s 94 ill ii e liil see e ese ese e vile liil sili e iis ses s esie ee is elisi eee liil sili li e iis sil viles e se ieesi iliis il vees ieil isiis sive l li ee iesi eesi i e esls ses ll sil s e e e ive ele i e li ele li es i ies lie ssi l esie e li eeive seies s ili sil viles ee ele ve e ile s s esii e ie e ei sse ei eee ei se iill ies lie i ee li e s es e ilii es e es slve e ves li is vi i le ee s sive ee li se le level ive sil s see ve e ies eli li e ese i sil s el i eveli eeive s se li le se level ii e eiis li i iee ies e ell i esi e le evisii e e i li es ill iil s liil viles l el eeie ee liil s ilee li


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