An Anomalous F
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VOL LXXII NO. 52. REV. WM. McMAHON DEAD. AMERICANS THANKED AN ANOMALOUS F -<0N NOTED CATHOLIC WOMAN. Editor of the Cleveland Universe Succumbs Founded Daughters of Faith—Great Catholic CARDINAL MEIUIER, PRIMATE OF BEL- to Pneumonia. THE POPE'S PLACE IK CON- Worker. (¿1131, COMMENDS MANNER IN TINTES TO BE ON* ROPE'S WHICH AID HAS BEEN Rev. William McMahon, LL.D., editor and president of the Catholic Universe Publish- UNSOLVED Pilo: ¿MS. Miss Eliza O'Brien Lummis, who founded GIVEN. ing Company, Cleveland, died Wednesday, the Daughters of the Faith, a society whose members were drawn from the highest cir- December 22, of pneumonia. Speaking recently in Palermo, the minis- cles of the Catholic Church, died on Tues- Father McMahon suffered a stroke of ter of justice in the government of Italy, Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, has day, December 21, at her home, 324 West paralysis some years ago, and in his en- said: addressed the following letter to Herbert S. One Hundred and Third street, New York. feebled condition was unable to live through "Difficulties of another, and were it possi- Hoover, chairman of the American Commit- Miss Lummis early took an active part in an attack of pneumonia. ble, graver nature were created by the sit- ter for Relief in Belgium: church work. The Eucharistic League Faher McMahon was the first priest or- uation of the Supreme Pontiff, whose spe- "I understand you have so kindly address- founded in St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1896 dained at the hands of the late Rt. Rev. cial sovereignty had been recognized by a ed anew an appeal to the generpsity of your owed its start to her and she paved the way Richard Gilmour, second Bishop of Cleve- fundamental law of the State, applied for countrymen to provide clothing for our so for the establishment in New York of the land, the ceremony occurring on the 21st nearly half a century with perfect good painfully destitute people. "I confess I had Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament. The day of July, 1872. He was given pastoral faith. In this law the case of war had not much preferred to shake hands with ray- Catholic Theater movement also was started charge of Elmore and missions in Ottawa been explicitly provided for, and that omis- American brothers in token of thankfulness by Miss Lummis. She had written many county for a few years and later came to sion did not arise from want of fore- for what they already have done than that poems and magazine articles. Cleveland, where he was stationed at St. thought but, as the parliamentary reports we should again stretch to them the open John's Cathedral. He was appointed pas- of the time attest, from the hesitation and hand to beg. tor of St. Bridget's parish on E. Twenty- perplexity caused by the consideration of CHRISTMAS IN THE VATICAN. "Your country already has done so much second street on February 10, 1876, and the grave complications which war would for us; it has given us so much in food and-, built the present plant there. have produced in a matter already of itself Christinas was a day of anguish to Pope above all, in personal co-operation for our so difficult. Well, we have faced and over- economic rehabilitation; it brings us this Benedict, who sent a message to America come these difficulties which caused so through the United Press, urging universal help with such a moving and complete spon- CARDINAL GIBBONS much perplexity to the men of that time, prayers for an early ending of the Euro- taneity that we have long desired to convey SANCTIONS BILLY SUNDAY great men though they were—we have o\^r- pean slaughter. The Pope's exhortation to your people a full expression of grati- come them simply by a scrupulous observ- was received by cable December 25, as tude, untarnished by renewed appeals to Cardinal Gibbons gave his sanction to the ance of the law, not only conserving intact follows: their generous impulses, but you yourself, Billy Sunday campaign movement in Balti- all the guarantees it contained, but filling "To the United Press, New York: dear friend, invoke us to appease our scru- more Monday, December 27, when he as- up in a spirit of broad interpretation of "Rome, Dec, 25.—While the hymn of the ples and therefore I, knowing better than sured a committee that he had no objection the fundamental principle of the law itself angels resounds 'Glory be God in the High- anyone the destitution of our Belgian peo- whatever to the Catholic clergy being ask- some deficiencies which experience reveal- est Heaven and Peace on Earth, Good Will ple, should feel myself traitor to my duty ed, in a letter, to co-operate with their ed in it. While in other colossal contests, to Men,' the slaughter in Europe, of which a<? their pastor, if through an exaggerated prayers in the campaign. not greater than the present, of interests there is no example in history, continues. feeling of national pride, I should refrain The committee expressed satisfaction at and peoples the sacred character of the "All men are brothers, because they are from also pleading for those who are suffer- the liberal views of the prelate. Rev. Dr. Head of the Church had not prevented the sons of God and more specifically are ing. George Peck of the First M. E. church, who temporal sovereign from undergoing perse- Christians and Catholics. All, moved by visited the Cardinal, was received grac- cutions and violence, imprisonment or ex- "Only yesterday tears arose in my eyes the feeling of spiritual brotherhood, must iously. ile, from Gregory VII to Boniface VIII and when, crossing the street in Malines, I met work and pray for the speedy ending of Dr. Peck said: "The Cardinal expressed Pius VII, during the present frightful storm a party of strong, honest workmen with this terrible war, which has dishonored.. much interest in Mr. Sunday and his work which has not spared the most accepted drooping head, their eyes fixed on new Europe and plunged all humanity "into and said he was glad 10 approve of the principles nor the most powerful empires, clogs. These were men habited to the sup- mourning. soundness of Mr. Sunday's doctrine in cer- and which has proved the little worth of port of wives and children through their "This is the exhortation of the Holy Fa- tain great truths neglected by many mod- the most solemn international pledges, the own labor, but had been for fifteen months ther, his heart filled with anguish, sends ern churches. He had no objection to Sovereign Pontiff governs the Church and without work. The last of their savings are forth to the world. (Signed) the proposed letter being sent to Catho- carries on his sublime ministry with a ful- exhausted. Their shoes were worn out and "PIETRO CARDINAL GAS PAR III, lic clergy." ness of rights, a liberty, a security, a pres- the relief committee had distributed among "Papal Secretary of State." them some clogs, with the injunction to use tige, altogether worthy of the truly sov- TO HONOR COLUMBUS. ereign authority belonging to him in the the leather rags from the worn out shoes as INOPPORTUNE TIME. linings to keep their feet from dampness. spiritual domain." "You Americans, who prize highly the Senator Saulsbury, of Delaware, has in- The "fundamental law of the state" re- value of labor and who so possess the nat- troduced a bill in the Senate to make Octo- ferred to by the minister of justice is usual- A dispatch from Paris, dated December ural impulse of earning comfort and hap- ber 12, Columbus day, a legal holiday in ly called the Law of Guarantees. Its pur- 2-i, says: "Monsignor Touchett, Bishop of piness by your own exertions, will well un- the national Capital. This day has already pose was to give security to other Catholic Orleans asked the Pope during a visit to derstand the mental suffering of noble souls been made a holiday in many states. The countries that the Pope's administration of Rome to hasten the canonization of Joan forced to depend on charity. Therefore you bill has been referred to the Senate Dis- the Church affairs would not be hampered oi Arc," says the Rome correspondent of also know how to hide your liberalities un- trict committee, and Senator Saulsbury by the government of Italy. The objection the Petit Journal. "The Pontiff, however, pointed out the significance attaching to der anonymous names and how to distribute expects favorable action upon it, since more to it on the part of Catholics everywhere such a step at the present time when Joan them through hands as delicate as they are than two-thirds of the states represented by has always been that the law in question of Arc more than ever is a symbol of the discreet. senators on that committee have made Oc- did not really give the security needed, military valor and heroism of France, and "Interpreter of the feelings of the Belgian tober 12 a legal holiday. since an adverse majority in the Italian population, we thank you as much and more Parliament could, at any time, repeal the said that to avoid the appearance of has- tening the canonization, which could be for your way of giving than for the gifts IIH.II PROMOTION. Law of Guarantees. The minister calls it themselves. May I add that one of the great- "fundamental," not in the sense that it is considered contrary to the neutrality that est benefits for which we shall feel eternally part of the constitution of the nation, but the Vatican desires to maintain towards all indebted to the American people, will be the The Very Rev.