Storicamente 7 - 2011 Rivista del Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche, Antropologiche e Geografiche Università di Bologna ArchetipoLibri ________________________________________________________________________ Dossier - Antisemitismo e Chiesa cattolica in Italia (XIX-XX sec.) Tullia Catalan La ricezione del sionismo nella stampa cattolica italiana (1897-1917) Una ricerca in corso ________________________________________________________________________ Storicamente ISSN 1825-411X volume 7 - 2011, December 2011 23rd, art. 47 DOI: 10.1473/stor123 Reprint's Address: Università di Trieste, Dipartimento di Storia e Culture dall'Antichità al Mondo Contemporaneo, Androna Campo Marzio 10, Trieste, I-34123, Italy,
[email protected] Abstract: This article intends to examine the reception of the first Zionism by the Italian Catholic press close to the Holy See: “Osservatore Romano” and “Civiltà Cattolica”. Three years are analysed in this study: 1897, birth of Zionism; 1904 visit of the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl to the Pope in Rome; 1917, Balfour Declaration. Particular attention has been paid to the 1897, crucial moment for the political European Anti- semitism. For this year have been examined also some local intransigent Catholic newspapers. Principal aim of this research is highlighting how the Holy See reacted to the Zionist project of settling a Jewish State in Palestine. Keywords: Zionism, Catholic Church, Anti-semitism, Italy La ricezione del sionismo nella stampa cattolica italiana (1897-1917). Una ricerca in corso Tullia Catalan <
[email protected]> 23/12/2011 The Reception of Zionism in the Italian Catholic Press (1897-1917): a Research in Progress. This article intends to examine the reception of the first Zionism by the Italian Catholic press close to the Holy See: “Osservatore Romano” and “Civiltà Cattolica”.