An Anomalous F
VOL LXXII NO. 52. REV. WM. McMAHON DEAD. AMERICANS THANKED AN ANOMALOUS F -<0N NOTED CATHOLIC WOMAN. Editor of the Cleveland Universe Succumbs Founded Daughters of Faith—Great Catholic CARDINAL MEIUIER, PRIMATE OF BEL- to Pneumonia. THE POPE'S PLACE IK CON- Worker. (¿1131, COMMENDS MANNER IN TINTES TO BE ON* ROPE'S WHICH AID HAS BEEN Rev. William McMahon, LL.D., editor and president of the Catholic Universe Publish- UNSOLVED Pilo: ¿MS. Miss Eliza O'Brien Lummis, who founded GIVEN. ing Company, Cleveland, died Wednesday, the Daughters of the Faith, a society whose members were drawn from the highest cir- December 22, of pneumonia. Speaking recently in Palermo, the minis- cles of the Catholic Church, died on Tues- Father McMahon suffered a stroke of ter of justice in the government of Italy, Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, has day, December 21, at her home, 324 West paralysis some years ago, and in his en- said: addressed the following letter to Herbert S. One Hundred and Third street, New York. feebled condition was unable to live through "Difficulties of another, and were it possi- Hoover, chairman of the American Commit- Miss Lummis early took an active part in an attack of pneumonia. ble, graver nature were created by the sit- ter for Relief in Belgium: church work. The Eucharistic League Faher McMahon was the first priest or- uation of the Supreme Pontiff, whose spe- "I understand you have so kindly address- founded in St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1896 dained at the hands of the late Rt. Rev. cial sovereignty had been recognized by a ed anew an appeal to the generpsity of your owed its start to her and she paved the way Richard Gilmour, second Bishop of Cleve- fundamental law of the State, applied for countrymen to provide clothing for our so for the establishment in New York of the land, the ceremony occurring on the 21st nearly half a century with perfect good painfully destitute people.
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