Geologic Map of Washington - Northeast Quadrant
DE , )I .., I HINGTOh 98504 GEOLOGIC MAP OF WASHINGTON - NORTHEAST QUADRANT by KEITH L. STOFFEL, NANCY L. JOSEPH, STEPHANIE ZURENKO WAGGONER, CHARLES W. GULICK, MICHAEL A. KOROSEC, and BONNIE B. BUNNING WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES GEOLOGIC MAP GM-3 9 "'991 5 a WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF 18' Natural Resources Bnan Boyle - CommJss1oner of Pubbc lnndl ' l Ari St8C!ns Supervtsor Division ot Geology and Earth Resources Raymond Lasmanls. Stale Geologjsl UBRP.RY DEPAPT'v'""'·.. ~-,T ,.,..,,.... ,,. "''·~·,·n"!r·1,·s1 .J,J'L. or:c-nuRcr-s,,,._ .... ·,., , L. GEOLOGY Ar:11J E:,-:1:-1 . F:c:s rnv1s10N ""'- OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504 WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES Raymond Lasmanis, State Geologist GEOLOGIC MAP OF WASHINGTON - NORTHEAST QUADRANT by KEITH L. STOFFEL, NANCY L. JOSEPH, STEPHANIE ZURENKO WAGGONER, CHARLES W. GULICK, MICHAEL A. KOROSEC, and BONNIE B. BUNNING WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES GEOLOGIC MAP GM-39 1991 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources QE175 Brian Boyle - Comm1ss1oner of Publlc Lands A3 Art Stearns - Supervisor M3 39 copy l [text]e Photograph on envelope: Northwest-dipping cuesta formed on resistant layers of gneiss in the Okanogan meta morphic core complex near Riverside, Washington; Okanogan River in the foreground. Aerial view to the northeast. Photograph courtesy of K. F. Fox, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey. This report is for sale by: Publications Washington Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources Mail Stop PY-12 Olympia, WA 98504 Folded map set: Price $ 7.42 Tax .58 (Washington residents only) Total $ 8.00 Flat map set: Price $ 9.28 Tax .
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