Top Authors.. Top Books…

Rights & Distribution Catalog Table of Contents

Action/Adventure ...... 1 Adult Fiction ...... 4 Adult Non-Fiction ...... 6 Biography/Autobiogaphy/Memoir ...... 10 Business ...... 26 Children’s Books ...... 30 Children’s Illustrated Books ...... 61 Educational ...... 77 General Fiction ...... 81 General Non-Fiction ...... 119 Health & Wellness ...... 123 Historical Fiction ...... 136 Historical Non-Fiction ...... 149 Mind, Body & Soul ...... 153 Mystery ...... 154 Poetry ...... 159 Religion ...... 163 Romance ...... 169 Science ...... 179 Science Fiction & Fantasy ...... 182 Self-Help ...... 189 Sports/Athletics ...... 195 Thriller ...... 197 Young Adult ...... 204 Fishing in Foreign Seas Action/Adventure Author: William Peace

Keywords: Romance, Temptation, Business, Contract, Sale, Sicily, Sex

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608602810 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 460 Word Count: 178694 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 29.54 Alt ISBN 9781622122127 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622122134 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: It’s love at first sight when US Naval Officer Jamie Morrison meets Caterina Lo Gado, the beautiful daughter of an aristocratic wine-making family, at an opera in Sicily. Their passionate love unfolds amidst the Sicilian backdrop. Marrying after a tantalizing year, they move to Boston, Philadelphia and then Atlanta where Jamie’s multi-million dollar sales career reaches a crisis. While pursuing a huge contract, he’s sorely tempted by his voluptuous, young PA, and he encounters an autocratic and unethical customer chief executive. Will these two individuals wreck his marriage and his career? Review: In his first novel Mr. Peace has spun a tale of the moral dilemmas confronting his protagonist both in his personal and professional life. Jamie Morrison, a likeable, intelligent, up and coming young executive with his company's power generation group has the opportunity for the biggest sale deal of his career. The intricacies and machinations of closing the deal make for exciting and absorbing reading. Lots of tension there. In the meantime his wife, who has played the corporate gypsy as he climbed the corporate ladder, finds herself living in a town where she feels she doesn't fit in. Caterina is a stay at home mom with two young daughters and a Downs Syndrome little boy who keep her busy, but she knows something is missing. Tension at home, too. As the business deal reaches its conclusion, Jamie discovers that it will only become reality if he does something unethical. Tempted by the attractiveness and sexiness of his personal assistant, he faces another dilemma, as he considers cheating on his wife. In a delightful way, the chapters move back and forth from the present business dealings and home life to the story of their personal life. These chapters tell how he met his wife when he was a naval officer in port in Sicily. Seeing this beautiful woman at an opera, he manages to engage her in conversation and she later agrees to lunch with him. Her family owns a winery and he visits there. Their relationship develops into love. As her mother observes their obvious attraction and feelings and scared that they will marry and go to America, she warns her daughter about "fishing in foreign seas." However, to no avail, as the young couple do marry. He leaves the navy, goes to work for a large manufacturing company, and they first settle in the Boston area. Other chapters detail their early married life, birth of children, and his progression in the company. As an aside, for those readers who only think Mafia when they hear the word Sicily, it should be noted that the chapters in Sicily provide wonderful insights into the history, culture and people of this island with which many readers might not be familiar. Mr. Peace has created two very appealing characters in Jamie and Caterina. We are rooting for him to figure out how to "do the right thing" in business and for him and Caterina to solve this temporary glitch in their relationship. At times it was difficult to keep all the business “personages straight

1 (perhaps too many?) and the footnotes are distracting.” For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

2 Blow Out Summer Action/Adventure

Author: Denise Ann Stock

Keywords: Drug Trafficking, Surfing, Summer, Relationships

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628570823 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 358 Word Count: 121650 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.95

Overview: Dee Dee lives in a very well-to-do area and is introduced to social drug experimentation and drug trafficking while maintaining a normal family life. She and her friends enjoy the surf up and down the coast of California. Her friends run the gamut from the very wealthy to beach bums she met at the pier. Dee Dee For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

3 Houston’s Homegrown Terror Adult Fiction Author: Peter Alan Olsson


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628579925 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 124 Word Count: 26287 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 12.00 Alt ISBN 9781631354090 Hardcover $ 21.50

Overview: Religious zeal and passionate dogma can combine with an individual’s psychodynamic vulnerability and proclivity to be powerful motivators behind the recruitment of homegrown terrorists. In this book, Peter A. Olsson, MD, applies his years of work with disordered personalities to the psychological understanding of why seemingly ordinary Americans turn into murderers of their countrymen. He identifies the psychodynamic patterns in the lives of those who become "homegrown terrorists" and commit acts of cold-blooded murder or acts of terror. Olsson examines twenty detailed case histories of individuals—often youths or young adults—to provide theoretical and practical understanding of homegrown terrorists. The book focuses on individuals that include Timothy McVeigh; Ted Kaczynski, a.k.a. "The Unabomber"; the "Shoe-Bomber" Richard Reid; Colleen LaRose, a.k.a. "Jihad Jane"; Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born physician psychiatrist and former U.S. Army officer who opened fire on American troops at Fort Hood, Killeen, TX, killing 13 and injuring more than 30; and Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tzarnaev, the two brothers charged with placing pressure cooker bombs at the finish line area of the 2013 Boston Marathon. This book also delves into topics such as distinguishing between "good charisma" in a youth versus "evil charisma" and recognizing the characteristics of a healthy group or leader versus those with unhealthy motivations. Indoctrination techniques by Al Qaeda recruiters and the subtle processes found in so called self-radicalization via the internet are discussed in detail. Such subject matter will be of interest and importance to anyone, from concerned citizens and parents to teachers and terrorism specialists. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

4 Sable Shadow & The Presence Adult Fiction Author: William Peace


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628572414 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 528 Word Count: 159171 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 24.95 Alt ISBN 9781628576368 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628576375 e-book - KINDLE - $ 24.95

Overview: This is a fictional autobiographical novel of Henry Lawson, who at a young age hears strange voices which, at first, he does not recognise. He attributes one voice to ‘Sable Shadow’, a confidant of the devil, and the other to The Presence, a representative of God. In high school, Henry is introduced to the writings of Jean-Paul Sartre, and he begins to see life in existential terms, while not infringing on his rudimentary Christian beliefs. Upon Henry’s entry into the world of business, he receives guidance from Sable Shadow; this advances him to a high corporate level. With his career nearly at its peak, he suffers a series of devastating tragedies. He feels tormented and attempts suicide. With the help of his wife, and a psychiatrist with whom he engages in existential dialogue, he constructs a successful, new Identity. The novel follows Henry’s growing and selective acceptance of existentialism, and his efforts to make it a personal guide to living rather than a series of abstractions. The novel has philosophical, psychological and theological dimensions, but it is firmly set in the every-day world of good and evil, triumph and tragedy.

Review: Bill Peace has done it again. His latest book, Sable Shadow and the Presence, which has already won several awards, combines a clever plot with thought provoking discussions on good and evil, the contradictions and complexities of life, and the meaning of relationships. The book is written by the main character, Henry Lawson, in autobiographical form. It is difficult to sustain the first person voice and not have the reader tire of it, but Mr. Peace has managed to make the story interesting, readable, and anything but tiring. We meet Henry's parents, learn about their individual personalities and the way their relationship develops over a long marriage and his very likeable, but different from him, sister, who is also his friend. His grandfather and uncles seem to Henry to be more successful than his father and Henry admires them, while not yet understanding his father or his motivations. As he matures, he grows in his understanding of his mother and his father is able to help them through this crisis in their marriage. We follow Henry through college, his success in business, his marriage to a woman he deeply loves. There are some wonderful vignettes describing the world of office politics and what some people do to get ahead. Everything seems to be going just the way Henry has planned until a tragic fire in a plant in Mexico that he technically supervises results in the deaths of many people. Sentenced to jail in Mexico, his career over, he begins to think about what is really important in life and when he is released turns his life in a completely different direction. Mr. Lawson explains in the first chapter what the title means. Sable Shadow and the Presence are two voices that Henry begins to hear as a child. Lest you think that Henry is just some closet

186 schizophrenic, that is not the case. These two represent "good" and "evil" and Henry hears them the way we all do when we are making a decision, whether it be a serious moral one, like deciding to have an extra-marital relationship or something more practical like choosing a career. How many of us have felt/heard those voices arguing inside of us, each presenting a different way of looking at the problem., As in previous books, Mr. Peace explores questions of religion. In Efraim's Eye and The Iranian Scorpion he investigated Islam and its tenets. In Sin and Contrition different branches of Christianity were examined. In this book he presents the thesis that existentialism is not necessarily in conflict with the beliefs of Christians. Not everyone will agree with him, but he posits some compelling arguments to support his ideas. As in all his previous books, the research is amazing. Many famous authors employ researches. Mr. Peace does all of his own and does a superb job with it. One of the things I like best about Mr. Peace's writing is that one is able to read on so many different levels. His plots are well thought out and his characters developed nicely. One is anxious to turn the page and find out what will happen next. But when the story is over, one is left thinking about the ideas that have been raised. What are good and evil? What makes success and how do we measure it? What makes something moral and something immoral? It is easy to see why it has won awards.

Awards: Awarded runner-up in adult fiction at the London Book Festival, 2013

For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

187 Sin & Contrition Adult Fiction Author: William Peace

Keywords: Sin, Sex, Religion, Regret, Emotion

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612041483 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 482 Word Count: 186000 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.1 Width: 9.2 - $ 24.95 Alt ISBN 9781618970459 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: Sin & Contrition follows the lives of six teenagers, classmates from different backgrounds, from the age of thirteen to sixty-two. This captivating and riveting novel charts the diverse journeys of three boys: Gary, LaMarr and Gene; and three girls: Ellen, Bettina and Josie, as they experience various transgressions, and face life-changing decisions, all against a background of secular, moral and religious debate. Fascinating, informative and highly entertaining, Sin & Contrition is a candid portrait of human vulnerability, and will provoke thoughtful and unique, personal insights. The reader will discover an extraordinary literary experience within its pages. Review: What is sin and what is contrition? In exploring these issues, Bill Peace has written a page turner in his new novel Sin and Contrition, as he follows the lives of three males and three females from early adolescence through middle age. As with all of us, these characters confront life's issues - schooling, relationships, families, faith, careers all requiring choices. An additional character in the form of the pastor of a local church injects questions humans deal with throughout their lives - is there a God, does He act in our lives, and for Christians, what is the meaning of Jesus? A most intriguing and unique device is the "epilogue" where Mr. Peace interviews each one of the characters and asks them to examine their consciences, so to speak. As they look back on their lives, do they have any regrets? What would they do differently? What would they say about some of the moral choices they made? The reader reacts to the justifications presented by the characters, but also considers the responses in terms of his/her own life choices. The book is compelling and thought provoking at the same time. I look forward to Mr. Peace's next book. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

5 A Heart of Dreams Adult Non-Fiction Author: John Berry

Keywords: Joseph, faith, hope, forgiveness, patience, perseverance, humility, family, dreams Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site: Book Details: ISBN: 9781612044422 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 100 Word Count: 25800 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95 Alt ISBN 9781631353987 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631353994 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Abused, sold by his jealous brothers into slavery, and imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, life as a refugee was far from easy for Joseph, the dreamer. How was he to cope with life’s challenges and experiences as a friendless, dejected slave? Follow his Old testament adventures and take a fresh look at the old familiar story of one of Judaism’s greatest patriarchs.

Review: By Mike Billington - He was handsome, intelligent and a dreamer; boastful, however, and a tattle-tale. He was destined for greatness and yet was cast into a pit and later sold by his own brothers into slavery. Joseph, son of Jacob, led a heroic life and his is one of the Bible’s most-beloved stories of courage in the face of adversity, of faithfulness not only to God but to the men who held him in bondage, of perseverance and of forgiveness. In “A Heart of Dreams” author John Berry presents this famous story in careful, precise language that opens the reader’s eyes to a deeper understanding of Joseph’s journey from best-beloved son to slave; from prisoner to the second-most powerful man in Egypt. Berry relates Joseph’s story in a narrative that can be easily understood by modern readers who might have difficulty following the sometimes archaic language of the Bible. He also takes special care to point out the similarities between life 4,000-plus years ago and life in the fast-paced 21st Century. He, for example, notes that Jacob’s family was, for all practical purposes, the dictionary definition of what today we would call “dysfunctional.” “If this family were alive today,” he writes, “Joseph, at the very least, would be on the ‘at risk register’ under close scrutiny.” In doing so, Berry makes his commentary on the life of Joseph not only easy to understand but also relevant to people who are struggling in today’s equally uncertain world. “A Heart of Dreams” is not long – approximately 100 pages – but that does not lessen its impact. In addition to the narrative and commentary, Berry provides readers with boxes of information that help make the story of Joseph easier to understand. He defines terms that we think we know based upon today’s understanding of the words but which meant something else entirely in Joseph’s time. The word “rest” today, for example, usually means time spent away from work and could include anything from having a cup of tea in the kitchen to napping on the couch. In Joseph’s day, however, it meant a period of spiritual renewal. These info-boxes make his book extremely easy to understand. Throughout the book, Berry also asks readers to think about what has been written. He constantly poses questions that are designed to make us examine our own lives and the choices that we have made and will make in the future. This makes “A Heart of Dreams” more than the simple retelling of a story many readers are already familiar with and, instead, turns it into a guide for living a Christian life. And that

6 makes it a valuable book to read not once but many times. By Acacia Slaton - John Berry in his biblical commentary titled, "The Heart of Dreams," retells the biblical story of Joseph. I will not go into all the details of Joseph's life as most are familiar with his story found in Genesis. However, I will say that John Berry's account is very encouraging and applicable to believers. He details the life of Joseph to remind the follower of Christ that serving God is not an easy task. However, we can look at the life of Joseph and see God's faithfulness and grace upon His life as a result of his perseverance and willingness to hold firmly to his faith despite betrayal, enslavement, and imprisonment. Joseph maintained his hope in the promises of God unveiled to him during his youth in the form of dreams. I recommend this book to Bible study groups or individuals who need to be reminded that in moments of uncertainty our greatest miracle can be birthed if we faint not and look to Jesus-the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). John Berry includes discussions questions throughout the book and concludes the commentary by reflecting back on all that was taught and how we can personalize these lessons to our own lives. My favorite quote from the book: "Joseph had been let down by so many people, yet ironically other people helped him out of prison. God has such a wonderful sense of irony. He almost expects us not to trust people after so many negative experiences, but then he uses human contact to save us and bring his plan to fruition. Such are the mysteries of God." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

7 Our Neighbor Stars Adult Non-Fiction Sub Title: Including Brown Dwarfs

Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton

Keywords: Science, Astronomy, Stars, Planets, Space

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618971326 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 64 Word Count: 21850 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 11.0 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781622125234 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622125241 e-book - KINDLE $ 9.99 Overview: This book describes the 100 stars nearest to Earth and the brown dwarfs within that region. It also gives info on brightness, size, star type, distance, whether there are planets, location, astronomers involved, and much more. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

8 Internet Girls Adult Non-Fiction Sub Title: Beginner's Guide to Eastern Europe's Marriage Agencies

Author: Tom Harding

Keywords: Russian, Ukrainian, Women, Dating, Scams

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618972903 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 227 Word Count: 80533 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618972910 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: This book is Tom's true account of all his major personal experiences since 1997, including twelve trips abroad to Ukraine, Russia, & Belarus, meetings with 100's of women via internet, introduction socials, media photo ads, extended relationships, two short-term marriages, one girlfriend murdered by a jealous ex-boyfriend, all documented in detail. Learn about correspondences, life abroad, contacts with other foreigners, scams by agencies & women, all described extensively, providing an eye-opener on one of today's biggest personals industries. Great assistance to 100,000's of clients searching internet girl websites, giving them a different, unique, candid view of the business, with realistic presentations of problems encountered overseas when searching for an internet girl. All potential clients in this business are customers for the book. Websites all advertise "happy foreign bride couples", but how many are still together today? Very, very few! This book also provides information for people curious about the phenomenon, who aren't clients of the product. Available in soft-cover for bulk orders of 100 copies or more. Foreign translation rights available. Review: PROFESSIONAL CRITIQUE: Cynthia Sherman, New York Literary Association "Title is catchy, conveys manuscript's information. This interesting title will draw potential readers in." "Current Synopsis is catchy and intriguing." Target market: 100,000’s of men purchasing email addresses daily, from Eastern European Marriage Agencies. Many purchase tours to Eastern Europe, meeting internet girls in large-scale foreign socials. Some travel abroad independently, spending time in Eastern Europe, visiting agencies,running their own personal ads, meeting/dating/often marrying internet girls. "I agree with this target market." The power of the opening 3-5 sentences!"In over 1,000,000 years of evolution, there have only been two kinds of people on this earth, gatherers & hunters...Gatherers stay at home, & find what they need to survive in their immediate surroundings...Hunters wander far & wide, going as far as they must, in order to find what they need for survival...This is a book for hunters, about hunters, written by a hunter. Always remember as you hunt in the game of life, a hunter can become the hunted in the flash of a moment." "Powerful opening words for a powerful book!" For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

9 Destiny's Waltz Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Sub Title: In Step with Giants

Author: Robert de Warren

Keywords: Nureyev, Shah Iran, Ballet, International dance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618977113 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 412 Word Count: 124700 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 22.00 Alt ISBN 9781608604579 hardcover - Length: 5.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 36.50 Alt ISBN 9781618975829 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618975836 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: In a memoir both fascinating and amazing de Warren recounts his life and as a dancer, director, choreographer, choreographer and designer. From Eva Peron, to the Royal Ballet, Shah of Iran to President Ford, amazing twists in a fascinating life. Review: By K. Costello "Kerensa" (Boston, MA) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Destiny's Waltz, In Step with Giants (Hardcover) FANS OF RUDOLF NUREYEV WILL GREATLY ENJOY THIS BOOK! This is a fascinating autobiography of dancer, choreographer, artistic director Robert De Warren, from his tenure as Artistic Director for England's famed Northern Ballet Theater, to the Iran National Ballet, under the Shah, to Milan's La Scala Ballet and all its behind-the-scenes political intrigue. Mr. De Warren's colorful writing skills brings the reader along on an amazing world-wide journey. Mr. De Warren and his wife had a long professional relationship and very close friendship with Rudolf Nureyev - built on mutual respect and trust. Mr. De Warren shares many warm, poignant memories of their friendship with dignity and class. These chapters include many corrections and contradictions to the majority of recent so-called biographies of Rudolf. It is a captivating read. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

10 From Pamela Jane With Some Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Honor

Author: Jane Douch

Keywords: Memoirs

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609763565 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 280 Word Count: 76945 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.00

Overview: From Pamela Jane With Some Honor is a memoir that takes the author from a traumatised childhood up to the year 1995, when her sequel will begin. Pamela Jane was born during WWII to very young parents. She was an independent child and did what she liked. This ended when peace was declared and she was brought from Somerset to London by her father (her 'knight in shining armour') to be raised by her grandparents. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

11 Thrill of the Rookie Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

Author: Osaze Ehigiator

Keywords: Rookie, Osaze Ehigiator, Corruption, Nigeria

Web: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781477237427 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 176 Publisher: AuthorHouse softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.00 Alt ISBN 9781447237441 e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: Thrill of the Rookie chronicles the life of Osaze Ehigiator, beginning in Nigeria, and how the author escaped to the USA. The tale then follows his difficult years in the States and his experiences with the underside of American society who operate under different sets of codes called "The Eleventh Commandments," before pulling himself up by the bootstraps and finding success. Review: Ehigiator remains largely on point in his message that the American dream is attainable but must be appreciated and nurtured…….Engaging -Kirkus Review A highly readable book----Ehigiator’s talent for story telling is evident -BlueInk Review An intense, personal story of what it takes to embrace the American dream. Told with an intoxicating blend of humility, earnestness, and absurdity. Clarion Review- 4 stars out of 5. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

12 Ain't All Good, Ain't All Bad Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

Sub Title: That's The Way It Was

Author: Thomas Newton Frisby III

Keywords: Social evolution, civil rights, depression, the 60's

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781502724212 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 176 Publisher: CreateSpace softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781606935118 hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 22.50

Overview: Frisby’s memoir, Ain’t All Good, Ain’t All Bad, looks back at his own life’s trajectory—including family lore going back several generations. With sharp wisdom and a touch of wry humor, he explores changing social dynamics around race, homosexuality, women’s rights, and domestic abuse. Some stories are fun and quirky, like when Frisby’s brother tried to bury him alive. And while he celebrates the good times, he doesn’t mince words about the bad. As the title indicates, life is a mishmash of ups and downs. Through it all, Frisby recognizes the truly important things: family, tenacity, and the ability to learn from mistakes and grow as a human being. Review: By Michael Facchinello Ain't All Good Ain't All Bad is a fascinating glimpse into Americana through the life of a very interesting man. It was great from a historical perspective, but it also provided a subjective take on what matters in life -- intellectually, professionally, and virtuously. It truly gets at what it means to lead a good life; a good life that is not filled with rainbows and lollipops, but one filled with challenges, adversities and older brothers willing to burry you alive to prove a point. I do not believe in self help books, and this is not one, but this book helped me reflect on my life and connect with the oft idealized "Greatest Generation" in a way I could incorporate the noble tradition of past into my modern lifestyle. I think this is because the writing style connected me with the author on a personal level emotionally and intellectually, allowing me to try on the authors brain and take it for a spin. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

13 Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Sub Title: A Memoir of a Citizen Warrior

Author: Montgomery J. Granger

Keywords: Gitmo, War on terror, Guantanamo Bay, Detainee, GTMO

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618979636 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 260 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 5.9 Thickness: 0.7 - $ 16.50 Alt ISBN 9781622124688 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622124695 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Overview: "Hard as it is to believe, one of the most significant stories of the post-9/11 age is also one of the least known-life at Gitmo, the detention facility for many of the world's worst terrorists. Few individuals are more qualified to tell this story than Montgomery Granger, a citizen soldier, family man, dedicated educator, and Army Reserve Medical Service Corps officer involved in one of the most intriguing military missions of our time. Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay is about that historic experience, and it relates not only what it was like for Granger to live and work at Gitmo, but about the sacrifices made by him and his fellow Reservists serving around the world." Andrew Carroll, editor of the New York Times bestsellers War Letters and Behind the Lines. Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay, or "Gitmo: The Real Story," is a "good history of medical, security, and intelligence aspects of Gitmo; also, it will be valuable for anyone assigned to a Gitmo-like facility." Jason Wetzel, Field Historian, Office of Army Reserve History U.S. Army Reserve. Captain Montgomery Granger found himself the ranking Army Medical Department officer in a joint military operation like no other before it - taking care of terrorists and murderers just months after the horrors of September 11, 2001. Granger and his fellow Reservists end up running the Joint Detainee Operations Group (JDOG) at Guantanamo Bay's infamous Camp X-Ray. In this moving memoir, Granger writes about his feelings of guilt, leaving his family and job back home, while in Guantanamo, he faces myriad torturous emotions and self-doubt, at once hating the inmates he is nonetheless duty bound to care for and protect. Through long distance love, and much heartache, Granger finds a way to keep his sanity and dignity. Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay is his story. Review: Very Intense Read, May 30, 2012, C.R. Hiatt, C. C. Consultants. Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay: A Memoir of a Citizen Warrior is a very intense and highly detailed account of the author's experience at the prison known to most as Gitmo. It is not a book you can read in a short sitting, but one that you need to take your time and process the information. Not much was known about Gitmo until images and accounts of abuse surfaced all over the news and internet blogs. Reporters and commentators had a field day with the "alleged abuse" talks. Before thorough investigations were conducted, the troops were depicted in a negative light for the world to see. The terrorists' rights suddenly became more important than the men and women who were sacrificing their lives for their country. As the information flowed back and forth in media circles, more questions than answers flowed through the minds of the average American. Where could they go to get the truth? Montgomery Granger had to stand face-to-face with terrorists at Gitmo. But, in Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay, he gives detailed accounts - totally opposite of the images depicted by mainstream media - and shows the restraint and respect our military continuously bestowed upon the prisoners. This book is a must read for anyone who would like a true account, as taken from the journal by a man who

14 was there, and not from rumor and innuendo. Highly recommend. Bay-Citizen/product- reviews/1609112830/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_btm?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

15 A Snapshot Autobiography Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Author: Andrew Harries

Keywords: Autobiography, Photographs, Reminisce, Humorous, Moments to Remember, Life in Photos

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628570793 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 212 Word Count: 75996 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 7.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 64.95 Alt ISBN 9781628572902 hardcover - Length: 7.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 26.50 Alt ISBN 9781631354045 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631354052 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: We all have a list of things we would love to accomplish in life. One of the goals I have wanted to achieve is publishing a book. The idea of what to write started me thinking about my holidays, adventures, and vacations over the past and present during the past 50-odd years. The idea of recapturing my life in photographs, along with family, wife, and friends, has helped me to recall and expand on the humorous and touching moments I have experienced. After all, a picture is worth 1,000 words. Here then is my life condensed pictorially in A Snapshot Autobiography. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

16 What Will Not Kill You... Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Sub Title: A Memoir

Author: Annemarie Duparc

Keywords: Abuse, Insomnia, Dépression, Resilience, Autonomy, Serenity

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622128075 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 254 Word Count: 75463 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.6 - $ 17.97 Alt ISBN 9781628578003 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628577990 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: This Memoir covers the AUTHOR' life from birth to the end of her marriage. It comprises five parts: The Early Years, A First Career, A Second Career, A Third Career and an Epilogue. Those significant periods, each one filled with unusual events, and ranging over sixty years depict the harrowing obstacles she had to overcome in order to achieve freedom and serenity while steeped in depression and anxiety. THE EARLY YEARS describe her childhood and education until she starts to earn a living. A FIRST CAREER describes her working environment in the fifties and explains her marriage; it covers married life and motherhood, through untreated post-partum depression. A SECOND CAREER relates the author's university experience as she goes back to school, from acquiring a B.A. to a Ph. D., in spite of great opposition and lack of support. This period also deals with various calamities: children's severe illnesses, teenagers' misconduct, her own bout with cancer, a dysfunctional family life. It relates her futile attempts at separating from her husband and her failure to secure a position in academe due to discrimination and ageism. A THIRD CAREER depicts her joining the Justice System, how it works, how she coped, how this prestigious position finally allows her to become financially independent, through a severely conflicted relationship with a daughter-in- law, and a professional catastrophe. It describes the protracted legal and physical process of achieving a definite separation from her husband due to his relentless opposition, as well as ineffective psychotherapy. The Memoir ends with her spouse finally and definitely relinquishing the family abode. The EPILOGUE tells how, when you think you've been through it all, it can always get worse but you once again survive, the stronger for having triumphed over adversity. However this book is unequivocally about RESILIENCE and DETERMINATION. While maintaining SUSPENSE Throughout the narrative, the author manages to show how she overcomes the obstacles which keep springing up in her way, PREVAILS and ACHIEVES HER GOALS. IT IS TRULY A STORY WITH A HAPPY ENDING. Review: By Amazon Customer on November 19, 2013 Format: Paperback Annemarie Duparc’s What Will Not Kill You is a unique work of memoir non-fiction. They say that what doesn’t kill will make you stronger. In this book, Annemarie tells her life story and how her various adversities did just that. Over a period of 60 years, she had to deal with negligent parents, institutional abuse, sexism, rejection when it came to want of a higher education, medical problems, a troubled marriage, addiction, and even a little incest. From which, she grew resilient and, at the risk of sounding cliché, managed to grow stronger and become someone people could look up to. This inspirational book was touching, entertaining, and, at times shocking and even humorous. Her story grabs the reader and makes

17 them want to root for the author, even at the lowest point in her life. My favorite part of the story was the message. A reminder to us all that even through adversity, one can retain a sense of accomplishment and overcome anything if they try. The main problem I noticed in the book, however, was that the layout was the writing was a little jumpy, but it didn’t affect the reader’s ability to become engrossed in Annemarie’s world. Readers who like endearing, engaging, inspirational memoir non-fiction will enjoy reading this book. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

18 Throwaway Child Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Author: Sarah Lowe

Keywords: Autobiography, Memoir, Abandoned Child, Abused Child, Lost Innocence, Throwaway Child

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625162595 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 200 Word Count: 77367 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.50

Overview: Annie was eight years old when her father took away her innocence and subjected her to horrific cruelty. Savagely beaten and thrown down a railway embankment, she was left in the winter cold to die on the railway tracks. The child survived, only to be placed in a convent. She not only had to face her demons, but find her own identity when she became a Throwaway Child. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

19 Umbria Outside My Window Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

Author: Nina Hansen Machotka

Keywords: Travel in Italy, Umbria, Photography, Cats, Memoirs, Renovating Italian Farmhouse, Aix-en-Provence

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631350672 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 128 Word Count: 37235 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 7.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 36.50

Overview: One day, Nina and her husband chanced upon a ruined stone farmhouse in Umbria, in an isolated valley where time seemed to stand still. The crumbling walls and battered staircases whispered to them, and they answered the call. The stories in Umbria Outside My Window recount renovating the farmhouse, but they portray so much more. Nina states, "The real stories and photos are about what I have seen and experienced outside my window and beyond – capturing the small moments in life that can change you forever.” For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

20 The Calling Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

Sub Title: Stories and Reflections from Working with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity

Author: Katie Mccloskey

Keywords: India, Missionaries, Mother Teresa, Charity

Web: Publisher Web Site: 000090563/The-Calling.aspx

Book Details: ISBN: 9780595899517 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 350 Publisher: iUniverse, Inc e-book - PDF - $ 9.99 Overview: Katie McCloskey was forever changed by the privilege of working under Mother Teresa, one of history's great humanitarians, and the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity, attending to God's poor, the needy, the lonely, and the abandoned. In her tours of service in India, the author, along with her fellow volunteers, found her own life transformed as she helped uplift the lives of others. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

21 Food, Sex, Wine and Cigars Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Sub Title: A Memoir

Author: Lisa Stalvey

Keywords: Female Chef, Memoir, Restaurant Industry, Head Chef, Spago’s, Wolfgang Puck, Personal Relationships

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353635 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 248 Word Count: 83808 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 30.95

Overview: This is Lisa Stalvey’s account of being a woman chef in a male-dominated industry, complete with a complicated relationship with food and a man, resulting in a long self-destructive streak. I have been cooking for 38 years professionally, including an apprenticeship in 1980 with Wolfgang Puck, ultimately becoming his head chef at Spago, Sunset. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

22 Family and Love Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Author: Paul Tagney

Keywords: ‘50s-‘60s Culture, Society, Music, Family Life, Challenges

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625161239 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 121 Word Count: 72375 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625161222 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Originally written in 1969, when he was twenty-four, Paul’s book initially describes his early years in Bristol, England, a brief torrid equatorial experience, and subsequent immigration by ship to Canada in 1953. Numerous challenges and adaptations spring from this major uprooting. We share them through Paul’s interesting and descriptive record of growing up in the fifties and sixties, initially in rural Alberta, followed by later childhood and adolescent experiences in a small town on the Ottawa River, west of Montreal. Next comes life in Montreal during the sixties, with all the social, cultural, and musical changes. As Paul’s story goes along life’s road, he fills it with many unique, clearly creative descriptions of Nature during all seasons. Challenges, like a negative father-son relationship, are more than balanced by bonding with a best friend’s family, time and escapades with other friends, and young early parenthood. Available in soft-cover bulk orders, 100 copies minimum. Foreign translation rights available. Review: "Buckle up and take a wild ride through the 50’s and 60’s ! Paul Tagney’s new ebook, “Family and Love”, gives an unflinchingly honest and gritty account of growing up in Canada as a baby boomer. And this baby boomer did not have an easy childhood. Running throughout the story is the motif of Paul trying to come to terms with the negative impact of his father. He searches for meaningful connection through each of these early stages with little success. But this search is truly fascinating, at times disturbing and sometimes downright harsh. Written when he was 24 years old, Paul manages to capture vividly the voice of each stage in his early wounded life The young boy, the awkward adolescent, the rebellious teenager and finally the young and confused adult. In staccato-like paragraphs he recounts a huge variety of experiences such as the often harsh and insensitive treatment of his father, his awe at the many beauties of the Canadian landscape, nasty attacks of boyhood bullies, his many sexual experiences, and his profound love for his newborn son. “Family and Love” is an intensely personal portrait of one young man’s attempt to find redemption and it’s one helluva read." Richard Zajchowski, Instructor, Camosun College, Victoria, B.C.,Canada. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

23 The Silent Heroes Biography/Autobiography/Memoir Sub Title: A Memoir of Holland During World War II

Author: Hans Moederzoon van Kuilenburg

Keywords: WWII, True Story, Holland, Fighting Nazis, Starvation, Fear, Hardship, Survival, Occupation

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622122813 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 166 Word Count: 49658 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 16.97 Alt ISBN 9781628576085 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628576078 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Author Hans Moederzoon van Kuilenburg was a 10-year-old girl living in Amsterdam when German soldiers invaded Holland in the spring of 1940. The Dutch had intended to stay neutral at the outbreak of the war, as their military was no match for the Nazi hordes. Within five days, Holland had fallen and the German occupation was underway. The five ensuing years were among the darkest chapters in Dutch history, culminating in the "hunger winter" of 1944, during which 30,000 Dutch citizens died of hunger and cold. Even today, people like the author, who grew up during that time, are more prone to heart attacks as a result of the physical stress of those years. But despite having capitulated so quickly in the face of the overwhelming might of the German war machine, there were many heroes in Holland during the occupation; people like the author’s father, a civilian supervisor of marine supplies, who robbed the Germans blind and gave stolen food and clothing to Dutch people in need. Eventually his activities attracted the attention of the German authorities and he was imprisoned. Thankfully Hans’ mother was able to stage a dramatic escape with the help of the family doctor. The Silent Heroes is a true story of heroism, survival and resistance during a time of fear, despair, and hardship. Review: "Very, interesting and enlightening book. Many things I did not know about the time of the Nazi occupation of Holland. The book meet all my expectations, and I would most certainly recommend this book. I feel everyone should read, a terrible time in the history of the world, and should make us thankful for the courage of these wonderful people. We should all be vigilant and aware, so that this never happens again. Thank you Hans, for sharing your most frightening and difficult time with us." - Michael Lamsley, Chino Valley, Arizona Awards: There was a large article in the Sun and News on Aug the 4th, and a week later in de Reminder. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

24 Evil Paradise Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

Author: Jane Schwalger-Wyatt

Keywords: Supernatural, Horror, Fear, Abuse, Depression, Inspirational, Determination, Faith

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631357664 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 348 Word Count: 101802 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 23.50

Overview: Jane Schwalger-Wyatt was born the illegitimate child of a wealthy plantation owner’s nephew and a traditional village girl on the exotic Polynesian island of Samoa. Born between two cultures and classes in the turbulent post-colonial years, and unwanted by either parent, her future looked bleak. After Jane’s birth, a pact was made between her grandmother and her wealthy great aunt. Jane spent her first ten years as a village girl raised by her grandmother, with her identity kept secret. Although adored by her grandmother, she endured hardship, brutality, and sexual abuse. Upon her grandmother’s death, Jane escaped to what she thought would be paradise on earth: her rich aunt’s estate, but she discovered that it held terrible secrets. In time, Jane learned about the savage history that blighted the plantation and the bizarre secret kept hidden upstairs in the mansion. After a failed reunion with her father, she was sent to her mother in New Zealand, where she was abused and became homeless. Whilst battling severe postnatal depression and tried to stay alive for the sake of her daughter, Jane's second child was diagnosed with profound disabilities. How she managed to endure proves an unparalleled feat of human endurance and faith. She clung to the few that truly loved her, striving to make a life for herself with fierce and inspirational determination. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

25 Everybody Needs a Place to Live Business Sub Title: Successful Management of Rental Property

Author: Nancy Janorschke

Keywords: Real Estate, Rental Property, Buying, Selling, Finding Renters, Managing Property, Rentals

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625166838 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 170 Word Count: 27305 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.97

Overview: This little book gives you the A to Z of rental property. Learn how to buy it, prepare it, find good renters, maintain it, and make money almost effortlessly while doing it. Author Nancy Janorschke has been managing rental property for 30 years and is still having fun doing it. "I’ve met so many wonderful people over the years and feel so good when I can help someone find a nice place to live. Everybody truly does need a place to live." Her book on Successful Management of Rental Property is just the ticket if you want to enter the lucrative housing and real estate management market. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

26 Toolkit for Business Leaders Business Sub Title: Containing how to use each tool

Author: Bernt Olaf Krohn Solvang

Keywords: Life, managers, strategy, sales, customer.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622123391 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 72 Word Count: 11183 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 23.00

Overview: The purpose of this book is to provide a toolkit for life. I hope it will be useful for managers in practical work and thinking as well for students working in related topics. The purpose is not to provide elaboration on all these topics but to give you what you need to take the first steps. We define the concept of tool here to be ways of thinking to solve practical leadership problems. The book has this content: Problem solving in teams Scenario Technique Strategy Releaser Planning Business Strategy Process Logic for Strategic Work Customer Satisfaction Provide Customer with Added Value If You Lose Customers and Complaints Increase Industrial Sales Contract Negotiation Keeping the Organization Abreast of Innovation and Skills Development Developing a Reward System Launching E-Commerce Early Warning of Changes in the Market Developing a Business Idea For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

27 The Day an Angel Ran Into My Children's Books Room Author: Anabelle Valenzuela-Alarcon

Keywords: Angels, Bedtime Stories, Childrens Fiction, Action & Adventure, Morals

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631358609 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 56 Word Count: 1464 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 20.50 Alt ISBN 9781618977946 hardcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 30.50 Alt ISBN 9781625160003 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625160010 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: One night Alessandra asks her mother if she can stay up for “only five more minutes.” Then she gets a wonderful surprise: her guardian angel, Angelisse, comes for a visit. The angel looks so much like a child that it is easy for Alessandra to relate to her. The angel explains how very important every person is and teaches Alessandra many other magical things such as the power of visualization. This uplifting story teaches kids that they are never alone because their guardian angels are always looking out for them, and that children have the power to change their world through their thoughts and deeds. This marvelous story could happen to anyone that believes! That is the wonderful transformational tale of The Day an Angel Ran into My Room. Review: The Day an Angel Ran into my Room is a story of love and spiritual teaching for young children. With its beautiful illustrations and simple language it shows children that we are always being guided and protected by our guardian angel. It's a book any child will love and want to read many times by Sandra Averhoff (Amazon) For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

28 El Día Que Un Angel Se Apareció Children’s Books En Mi Habitación

Author: Anabelle Valenzuela-Alarcon

Keywords: mágico, dormir, solo cinco minutos más, angelito guardián

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631350306 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 56 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 20.50 Alt ISBN 9781628577631 hardcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 30.50

Overview: Alessandra es una típica niña de seis años que un día conoce a un angelito ¡en su propio cuarto! Por medio de este encuentro, la niña descubre su inmenso poder y mágico mundo interior. Este es el maravilloso cuento de El Día Que Un Angel Se Apareció En Mi Habitación. A la hora de dormir, Alessandra le pide a su mama "solo cinco minutos más." Es entonces que se le aparece un visitante inusual: su angelito guardián, Angelisse. El ángel se parece mucho a la niña, haciéndosele fácil a Alessandra relacionarse con el. El ángel le explica a la niña lo importante que es cada persona en el universo, como cada acción causa una reacción, la importancia de la visualización, y muchas otras cosas mágicas. El cuento les enseña a los niños que nunca están solos ya que sus ángeles guardianes siempre los están cuidando y que ellos tienen el poder de cambiar su mundo por medio de sus pensamientos y acciones. Review: "Me encanto este libro y su gran mensaje. Es perfecto para leerselo a tus hijos sobretodo si tienen preguntas sobre su angelito guardián. Me encantaron los dibujos pues encajan perfecto con el mensaje. Este libro es mágico, y todos los niños lo deben leer!" For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

29 Eucalypt Stew Children’s Books Author: David J. McMullen

Keywords: Eucalypt Stew, Children's Book, Koala Bears

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625160119 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 24 Word Count: 1325 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Alt ISBN 9781631356575 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Eucalypt Stew takes the reader through the koala’s sleep-eat-sleep cycle by combining a fun rhyming storyline with some beautifully hand crafted illustrations created by one of Australia’s most talented multi-award winning up and coming artists. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

30 The Fearless Five Children's Books Sub Title: One Up

Author: David J. McMullen

Keywords: Children, Young Teens, Action, Adventure

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612046242 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 154 Word Count: 48824 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 12.95

Overview: Jordie, Jess, Marty, Robbie and Josh - The Fearless Five. Sure they come from the wrong side of the tracks, but money isn't everything. Using their imaginations and whatever resources they can scrounge up, The Fearless Five roll from one adventure to the next. Some of the stunts they pull off are life defining. Some are just outright dangerous! Together or individually they get themselves into and out of many sticky situations, from being marooned on the pylon of a bridge, stuck halfway up a cliff face or seemingly left for dead in an underground cave when somebody cuts their ropes. Ah, life in the mid sixties, when a kid could be a kid. The Fearless Five - One Up is a no holds barred adventure. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

31 One Old Ox Opening Oysters Children's Books Sub Title: A Tongue Twister Book for Children of all ages

Author: Paula Colette Bayley

Keywords: Tongue Twister, Fun, Challenge, All ages, Children's

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631350603 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 28 Word Count: 390 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 10.9 Width: 8.4 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 14.00

Overview: All ages will enjoy testing their linguistic talents on these challenging, light-hearted teasers. The author and former Public Health Nurse Paula Colette Bayley believes that reading should be fun, and her wonderful book with its fun alliteration certainly fits the bill. In One Old Ox Opening Oysters, you’ll enjoy trying to get your tongue around “Three tame tigers taking tea together,” or “Six Scottish soldiers singing Scottish songs,” or maybe “Ten tired tinkers tenderly tinkling tinder tins.” There will be fun and laughter as individuals or groups endeavor to pronounce all the words of the tongue twisters out loud. Brought to life by talented New Zealand artist Alysha Heyrick, the imaginary characters in the book have been in the memory of the author since childhood. Individuals, groups or school teachers with their classes. Review: "Bought this book for my grandson and we had great fun trying to get our tongues around the phrases! A fun book for all ages." Mary Jepson - For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

32 Ben's Rainbowland Adventures Children's Books

Author: Chrystel Bell

Keywords: Adventure, Battle, Children, Rainbow, Dog

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625165305 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 36 Word Count: 4800 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 14.90

Overview: Sean sat on a rock and started to cry. "Don't be afraid little boy, I'm here to help you find your way home." Sean looked up and saw a big hairy smiling collie dog in front of him. "How did you know I was lost?" "When little boys or girls cry they are always lost," said the dog. "My name is Ben." Join Ben and Sean for their first Rainbowland adventure. Chrystel Bell's real name is Clare Bell. She works and lives in Cork, Ireland, and is originally from Dublin. She has worked with children of all ages and backgrounds. At present she is a story teller for adults and children with special needs. Her other passion is music. Publisher's website: For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

33 Webina Children's Books

Author: Dani Ben-Ari

Keywords: Native American, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and Fables

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628578577 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 32 Word Count: 6144 softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 5.5 - $ 13.00

Overview: For this children’s book, the author has reached back into her Native American heritage to create a fairytale about Webina, a wicked child who must overcome a series of trials before she can find redemption through the love of others and a way back home. She encounters several characters far more evil than herself! Meet Old Ghoul and her sister, Old Hagia. Along the way, she is helped by Kekkek the hawk, an old man in a cave who raises her as his daughter, and Tewa, brother of the Sun, who takes her for his wife and finds that the only way he can keep her safe is to turn her into a dove. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

34 Peaches the Private Eye Poodle Children's Books Sub Title: Finding Dipsey Doodle

Author: Patricia D. Hamilton

Keywords: Finding Friends, Animals

Web: Publisher Web Site: http://www. Author Web Site: http://www.

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606932766 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 28 Word Count: 652 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781622120000 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622120048 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In Finding Dipsey Doodle, Peaches is asked by Baby Squirrel to help find Dipsey. She seems to be lost and no one can locate her. Since Peaches believes it’s important to help friends whenever possible, she puts on her "private-eye hat" and looks everywhere for Dipsey. She even gets her mommy to take her out in the snow. She asks Mr. Rooster, Mrs. Pig, and Mr. Horse if they’ve seen Dipsey Doodle. At last, Peaches finds Dipsey safe and sound in a very surprising place. Peaches returns Dipsey to her friends and everyone is happy once again. Look for other adventures of Peaches the Private Eye Poodle, such as The Missing Muffin Caper, and Where is Loosey Goosey? Review: I read this story to my pre-k class and they loved it. Peaches is a cute and smart dog who takes time to help her friend find a missing toy. Peaches always takes time to help her friends. She is thorough and does not stop until the job is done. After reading this story all the children wanted to have a turn to tell how they are helpful at home and at school. What a good influence! This book is written in a delightful rhyme and ends with an adorable photo of Peaches taking a well deserved nap. The class was happy to find out there are other Peaches adventure that we will be reading soon. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

35 Peaches The Private Eye Poodle Children's Books Sub Title: The Missing Muffin Caper

Author: Patricia D. Hamilton

Keywords: neighbors, helping others, problem solving

Web: Publisher Web Site: TheMissingMuffinCaper.html Author Web Site: TheMissingMuffinCaper.html

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606932773 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 32 Word Count: 757 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781631350108 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631350092 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In The Missing Muffin Caper, Peaches is asked by her dog neighbor Jill to help find Jill's sister, Muffin. She seems to be lost and no one can locate her. Because it's important to help neighbors, Peaches puts on her "private eye hat" and she and Jill make a plan to look for Muffin. They search inside and out. At last, Peaches and Jill find Muffin safe and sound in a very surprising place. Jill and her sister are reunited and everyone is happy. Oh by the way, Muffin is a cat! Look for other adventures of Peaches the Private Eye Poodle, such as Finding Dipsey Doodle and Where is Loosey Goosey?

Review: Very cute and engaging children's book! The kids in my family loved hearing and reading this book. They see a little white poodle somewhere and say "Look, it's Peaches!!" Peaches, the adorable private eye poodle, is on another adventure, this time with her neighbor friend. This book, like the others, includes many real life photographs of Peaches and the animal friends in her world. The story is told in an engaging rhyme and younger children thoroughly enjoy hearing the story and looking at the delightful pictures. Young readers benefit from the easy to read text. This is a great book for animal lovers everywhere!! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

36 Peaches the Private Eye Poodle Children's Books Sub Title: Where is Loosey Goosey?

Author: Patricia D. Hamilton

Keywords: Helping Friends, Teaching Values, Rhyming Animals,

Web: Publisher Web Site: http://www. PeachesThePrivateEyePoodleWhereIsLooseyGoosey.html Author Web Site: http://www. PeachesThePrivateEyePoodleWhereIsLooseyGoosey.html

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608600632 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 32 Word Count: 560 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781628579284 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628579307 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In Where Is Loosey Goosey?, Peaches' best friend Maggie, asks Peaches to help her find her favorite toy, Loosey Goosey. Maggie lost Loosey at a local lake when they were out walking the day before. Since Peaches believes it's important to help your best friend whenever possible, she puts on her "private eye hat" and sets off for the lake to help Maggie find her favorite toy. In their quest to find Loosey, they come across several little creatures who live at the lake. Find out what happens when Peaches helps a friend in need. A fun adventure awaits you in this exciting detective tale of tails. Look for other adventures of Peaches the Private Eye Poodle, such as Finding Dipsey Doodle, and The Missing Muffin Caper. Review: Peaches and her best friend Maggie are such endearing little dogs. In this episode Peaches has another mission. She needs to help Maggie find her missing toy, Loosey Goosey, that she left at the lake. My favorite photo of Peaches is when she is looking up at Mommy and they both know that she must help Maggie. They are so in tune with each other. Unlike the other Peaches stories where the dogs and cats help each other this is the first story where Peaches and her friend interact with the woodland animals to solve a mystery. We meet Sandy the doe, a squirel and a chipmunk that all help locate Loosey Goosey. They all seem to know that this toy is a very special friend to someone and must be kept in a safe place until found. All of the Peaches books are terrific for circletime but they also make great bedtime stories because Peaches always takes a well deserved nap after her work is done. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

37 Peaches the Private Eye Poodle Children's Books Sub Title: Finding Foster a Home

Author: Patricia D. Hamilton

Keywords: Helping Friends, Teaching Values, Rhyming Animals,

Web: Publisher Web Site: PeachesThePrivateEyePoodle-FindingFosterAHome.html Author Web Site: PeachesThePrivateEyePoodle-FindingFosterAHome.html

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609111083 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 36 Word Count: 695 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781628579277 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628579291 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In Finding Foster a Home, Foster's family moved and couldn't take him along. He is put up for adoption and luckily is staying at Peaches' Doggie DayCare until a new family can be found. Peaches puts on her "private-eye hat" and along with her boyfriend, Mel, takes charge of finding Foster a new home. Did they succeed? Was Foster adopted by a new family? You'll have to read the book to find out! Review: I think this is my favorite story so far. Peaches has such a cute friend at Doggie Daycare who needs a home and if anyone can help him it is Peaches! I read this story recently at preschool and the children think that Peaches' school looks like nursery school! Peaches has a lot of friends that help her and they are so cute especially when they are in their car seats going to check out a possible family for Foster. A nice touch to this story is the school yearbook featuring photos of no less than 79 of Peaches' doggie friends. I now have all four Peaches books in my collection at school. The book covers are each so attractive that children reach for them often in the day. Also, these books makes a very nice gift. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

38 Peaches The Private Eye Poodle Children's Books Sub Title: Finding My New Home

Author: Patricia D. Hamilton

Keywords: Helping Friends, Teaching Values, Rhyming Animals, Picture Book Ages: 1-8

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119300 Publish Year: 2105 Pages: 28 Word Count: 400 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781631359767 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631359750 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In her other private eye cases, Peaches helps her friends find things they’ve lost. In Finding My New Home, however, Peaches and her mommy move to another state and she has to find everything new for herself. She needs daycare, a place to stay when her mommy has to go out of town, a vet, and a groomer. The move makes Peaches pretty scared in the beginning, but she makes new friends right away and everything else falls into place quickly. She realizes that moving can be fun and is not something to be afraid of. She loves her new home. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

39 Little Jakey Children's Books Sub Title: Book 1: Little Jakey

Author: Richard Edgley

Keywords: Children's Story, Adventure, Fantasy, Panther, Jungle, New Home

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625167750 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 28 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781631355196 e-book - EPUB - $ 7.99 Alt ISBN 9781631355189 e-book - KINDLE - $ 7.99 Overview: Little Jakey, the greatest black panther of all time, has ventured deep into the rainforest alone in search of adventure and excitement. Jakey finds himself in need of a house, but not just any home! He is searching for the best place he can possibly find. Finally, Jakey finds the perfect place, and all that’s left to do is make a few minor improvements. Just what kind of house would Jakey want? Find out in the exciting new children’s book Little Jakey’s House. Look for the next book in the Little Jakey series, Book 2: Little Jakey Goes Swimming. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Just Right Children’s Books

Author: Old Nana

Keywords: Just right, Weather, Wind, Seasons

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628572124 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 24 Word Count: 441 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 11.50

Overview: This delightful children’s book is all about finding a Just Right moment. Mazz-Mazz-razz-ma-tazz, the Northwest wind, also known as Mazz, loves to blow cold winds. But when people want a warm spring wind, his aunt, Sara-Tara-Clara-Farrah, the Southwest wind, or Sara for short, hears the people’s wishes and sings to Mazz while blowing a soft spring wind. The Northwest wind and the Southwest wind combine to create a “just right” moment for everyone to enjoy. And that’s how the weather turns Just Right! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

40 Lasre Children’s Books Sub Title: A Magical Christmas Story

Author: Old Nana

Keywords: Fiction Science Fiction

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612041292 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 24 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 11.50

Overview: In the heartfelt and imaginative story Lasre, author Old Nana asks “What magical secret does a beautiful fawn possess?” Children will delight in the fantastic answer. It’s a wintry night at the North Pole and one of Santa’s elves has lost her way. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

41 Audie Children's Books Sub Title: The Rabbit with Magical Ears

Author: Old Nana

Keywords: Christmas, Audie, Rabbit, Magical Ears, Bullying

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622127177 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 24 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 11.50

Overview: This very special Christmas story features Audie as he meets Santa Claus. What can they do together to stop a bully? Bullying is an ongoing issue and many choose to simply ignore it. This book is dedicated to all the children, young and old, who are brave. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

42 The Girl Who Converses with Children’s Books Butterflies Author: Old Nana


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612049724 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 24 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 11.50

Overview: When Lena and her cat, Puffy Muffy, go outside, Lena discovers the most beautiful butterfly, one that is very different in color and size from all the other butterflies. Lena converses with the butterfly and learns that she only wishes that she could look like all the other monarch butterflies. Lena and her cat try to convince the butterfly that being different is fun! Who wants to look like everyone else? This charming book teaches a valuable lesson in a very imaginative way. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

43 Mark's Big Surprise Children’s Books Author: Janet G. Sims

Keywords: Surprise, Birthday, Crystal, Dad, Whimsical

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609115043 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 24 Word Count: 400 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 5.0 Width: 8.0 - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618972835 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618972842 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Bunny siblings join together in planning a big surprise birthday party for their papa bunny. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

44 Cristy and Her Amazing Friends Children’s Books

Author: Janet G. Sims

Keywords: Wonderful, Diversity, Delightful, Advisory, Charming

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608607280 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 36 Word Count: 4070 softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5

Overview: Endearing Book Reflects Diverse and Special Qualities of Children Cristy's amazing friends come together to teach children how each part of their bodies works. In Cristy and Her Amazing Friends, author Janet G. Sims tells a wonderful tale about the diversity within us and the variety outside of us. And it all starts when Cristy wakes up on what is supposed to be an ordinary morning. As Cristy jumps out of bed and prepares for her school day, her amazing friends band together to help her get out the door. Each one of her buddies has an extraordinary talent to share, and each one is eager to help Cristy get ready for her school day. Cristy and Her Amazing Friends is a charming tale about a girl named Cristy, her geeky brother Mark, and an unusual friend named Brainy Brain. This book is a wonderful way to absorb children in the magic that is the human body and to entertain them with delightful characters while they are learning. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

45 Joshua’s Magnetized Soccer Ball Children’s Books Author: Beatrice Ferraro

Keywords: Children, magnets, soccer, practice

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608606801 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 36 Word Count: 1832 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.95

Overview: Imaginative and Fun-loving Tale for Children of All Ages Science and soccer come together in an experiment that “goes for the goal” in this cleverly written children’s story. When eleven-year-old Joshua got his new soccer ball, he was overjoyed. All he could think about was playing, but the ball never seemed to stay at his feet. After trying a number of ideas and techniques, he finally discovers that he can insert magnets into the ball. In a frantic rush to get to the soccer field on Saturday morning, Joshua only has time to put the magnets in place and have a quick practice before the game. He can’t wait to test it out on the field, but will his invention work the way he planned? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

46 To Give Away - Lonely Beagle Children's Books Puppy

Author: Nancy Janorschke

Keywords: Dogs, Pets, Puppy

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631356315 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 64 Word Count: 2227 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 10.95 Alt ISBN 9781631359330 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631359323 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: This little book tells the all too familiar story of children begging for a pet and then losing interest as other interests develop.The first happy scenes are of getting a much longed for puppy. But gradually the puppy gets forgotten as friends and school activities take over. The puppy becomes lonelier and the children seem to forget their special friend. Finally, Mom decides the best thing for the puppy is to find a new home for him, so he ends up at the local Humane Society. The lucky puppy is found by an equally lucky little boy, and the two share a lifelong friendship. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

47 Farmer John`s Farm Children's Books Author: Tysoe Laurence

Keywords: School Trip to Farm, Educational, Spanish, English, Children, Communication, Farmer, Farm Animals, Tractor

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781483658988 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 17 Word Count: 1159 Publisher: Xlibris e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781483658971 softcover - Length: 11.0 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 11.50

Overview: In the children's book Farmer Johns Farm, the story line relates to school children visiting a farm in the countryside. The children engage in conversation with farmer John, who tells them all about the animals and their contributions to the farm. The students are treated to drinks and cakes by the farmer's wife, enjoy a ride on the farm tractor, and see the farm animals. The children exclaim that it has been a great day out and that they had learnt a lot about country life. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

48 Zoo Quest Children's Books Author: Laurence Tysoe

Keywords: School Trip to Zoo, Educational, Children, Students, Zoo Animals, Animal Conservation, Deforestation of Natural Habitat

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781483673585 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 23 Word Count: 830 Publisher: Xlibris e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781483673578 softcover - Length: 11.0 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.3 - $ 11.50

Overview: The story relates to school children visiting a wild animal zoo park. The aim was to have an enjoyable day away from the classroom, coupled with an educational experience learning about wild animals. The information is to be used in a school project about the protection and conservation of wild animals, which are now under threat due to deforestation causing destruction of their natural habitat. The book is in full colour, and is illustrated and written in classic form. It will appeal to children of all ages, especially those who are interested in wild animals. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

49 Incidents at Moore Field School Children's Books

Author: Liam Moiser

Keywords: Moore Field, Mystery, Ghost

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612042794 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 104 Word Count: 24807 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95

Overview: Incidents at Moore Field School, the second book of the series set at Moore Field School in England, begins where Moore Field School and the Mystery left off. The mystery of the missing trophies continues as the students wonder what they can do to get the school’s trophies back. The head of the school, Miss Moore, used to attend the old school at the site, and has friends who have died. They turn out to be the ghosts that students Samantha and Jessica have been talking to. Meanwhile, another student named Olivia is worried about her dad, because he once again announces he won’t be home until Easter at the earliest, which lets Olivia down. The men that are after the trophy realise this and use Olivia’s father as bait to get what they want. Olivia finds out about what her father has done and that he wants to put things right. Incidents ends on a cliffhanger. Liam Moiser lives in East Yorkshire. This is the second book in the Moore Field School series, and he is working on the next book. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

50 Cats Tails Children's Books Sub Title: (The Adventures of Rommy and Reemy)

Author: Derek Morgan

Keywords: animals, boat

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609767297 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 378 Word Count: 127377 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.8 - $ 20.95 Alt ISBN 9781622121892 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622121908 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Two abandoned kittens are taken in by a family living on a Yorkshire canal houseboat. The adventures of Rommy and Reemy begins as the twin kittens settle into life on the boat. With a colouring of light grey and some stripes, Rommy and Reemy soon meet Mr. B. Luggs, Mr. Tibbs, Whits and Ermin, other cats on the prowl. Join these little kittens as they live on the canal, and come to learn that life is much more fun when you have friends and people who care about you. This is the first in a series of children's books by Derek T. Morgan. As long as there are cats, there will always be more Cats Tails. About the Author: Derek T. Morgan lives in Yorkshire and wrote this book for his children. He previously lived on a houseboat and says all the animals in his story are based on his pets. Publisher's website: Review: Loved every minute of this book. Great book for catlovers. Can't wait for book two to come along to see what they get up to. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

51 Who's In Charge? Children's Books Sub Title: A School Fantasy

Author: Chris O'Donoghue

Keywords: In Charge, Teachers, Students, School

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631355899 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 132 Word Count: 25844 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.50

Overview: The teachers at Waning Elementary School are probably the worst in the world! The children don’t mind at all, but when they learn that school inspectors are coming to decide if their school must close, they realise that they must save the school. If they don’t, they will have to go to another school where the teachers will make them work. Will the inspectors close Waning Elementary School because it is so bad, or will the students of Miss Horsefeather’s class trick them into thinking it must stay open? They arrange a bunch of tricks to fool the inspectors into thinking the school is worth saving. Although the inspectors see right through the tricks, they decide to keep the school open anyway for now because of the school spirit of the students. But they will come back in six months’ time to see if the things have improved. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

52 Greg and the Sea Monster Children's Books

Author: Natalia G. Toreeva

Keywords: Loyalty, Friendship, Adventures

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612043326 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 34 Word Count: 1793 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 14.50

Overview: Written and illustrated by Natalia G. Toreeva, the creative new children’s book Greg and the Sea Monster will delight your little ones with its thrilling watery adventures. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

53 Lucy the Chicken and Her Friends Children's Books Author: Natalia G. Toreeva

Keywords: Fiction Animal Stories Relationships

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609762117 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 20 Word Count: 949 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 10.95

Overview: Lucy the Chicken sets out with a basket of apples to bring to her good friend, George, who lives on a lake far away. On the way to his house, Lucy meets some of her friends who all wish to bring something along and are anxious to see George once again. This book is written and illustrated by Natalia G. Toreeva. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

54 The Battle on the Kalinov-bridge Children's Books Sub Title: A Russian Fairy Tale

Author: Natalia G. Toreeva

Keywords: Battle, Kalinov-bridge, Russian, Friendship, Loyalty

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618974341 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 48 Word Count: 3921 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 18.50

Overview: Normally Russian fairy tales were not written specifically for children or adults, so everyone could find their own meaning. While children may be fascinated by the adventures of boys battling several-headed serpents, adults would consider the hidden meaning of the symbolic battle, interpreting it as a fight between good and evil. In the end, all will learn an important lesson about friendship and loyalty, which should be given to each other and to your country. This book is retold and illustrated by Natalia G. Toreeva For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

58 Dora's Dolls Children's Books

Author: Old Nana

Keywords: Dolls, Dora, Toys

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631354786 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 20 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 10.50

Overview: In this captivating story for young readers, Dora has a wonderful collection of dolls that she shares with her friends Ceci and Kate. But one day, Dora hides all the male dolls. Why? And what happens when they reappear? If your child loves playing with dolls and spends hours enjoying all the make-believe that comes with these special toys, Dora’s Dolls will bring even more enchantment. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

55 Hebee, the Quibber Children's Books Author: Patricia D. Pottorf

Keywords: Hebee, Zooboo, Quibber, Wingchee, Butterbell

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618973504 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 64 Word Count: 9338 Publisher: SBPRA softcover

Overview: Hebee and Zooboo are as different as different can be, but they still are the very best of friends. They love to play and explore in Quibber Land. One day, Hebee gets lost and meets some new friends. A winged creature named Wingchee appears with a batch of flying Butterbells. One Butterbell follows Hebee home and falls in love with his best friend, Zooboo. Hebee meets a pretty Quibber girl named Shebee, but she is kidnapped and taken to the cave of the evil Gruncher. It will take a lot of courage to rescue Shebee! Can Hebee and Zooboo save her and make all of Quibber Land proud? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

56 Mice & Spiders & Webs Children's Books

Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: Mice, Spiders, Rhymes, Misunderstood Words, Listening

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631359491 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 30 Word Count: 1269 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.00

Overview: Is your child a good listener? Rosemary is a little girl who is worried about returning to school after her teacher warns the class that they would soon have some mice, spiders, and webs in the classroom. Could Rosemary have misunderstood something? How can mice and spiders and webs belong at school? Full of “Computer Speak,” this story introduces young readers to basic computer terms in a delightful way! See if your child can discover the mystery of the misunderstood words, and learn about the fun of computers with Rosemary. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

57 The Boys from Datra Children's Books Author: Jan Weeks

Keywords: Girl From England, Australian Relatives, Weird Kid Next Door, Aliens in The Bush, Brothers Three, Black Holes, Decision Time

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353079 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 158 Word Count: 36938 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.00 Alt ISBN 9781631357640 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357657 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Eleven-year-old Meg definitely does not want to be left in Australia with her aunt and uncle, even if they are nice people, while her father goes to the South Pole to make a documentary about endangered animals. It’s so unfair, particularly when he’s always taken her in the past when he visited other countries. But before, she always had Anna to take care of her and tutor her at home. To make things even worse, she now has to go to public school. It doesn’t take Meg long to realize that there’s something weird about Peter, the boy next door. He quotes statistics like a parrot, leading Meg to believe he has a computer where his brain should be! When she sees Peter sneaking out of his bedroom to disappear into the bush behind his house in the middle of the night, she follows him to discover where he goes. If she had known what was hidden in that clearing in the bush, perhaps she might not have been so eager to discover his secret. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

59 Moore Field School and the Children's Books Mystery Author: Liam Moiser

Keywords: Tween, Children, Mystery, Manchester, England

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625167873 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 118 Word Count: 28641 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95 Alt ISBN 9781631355417 e-book - EPUB - $ 4.99 Alt ISBN 9781631355424 e-book - KINDLE - $ 4.99

Overview: Moore Field School and the Mystery is the start of an exciting children's series featuring Samantha, whose parents teach at her school, Moore Field School in Manchester, England. Her best friend is Jessica. But Moore Field School is about to close down. At the last minute, the headmistress, Miss Moore, moves the school to Lakeview, a place she has always liked. Just what is the mystery at Moore Field School? Before the first term starts at Lakeview, the students go to a fun camp where they hear about a local haunted house. Meanwhile, some scary men are searching for long-lost trophies that they will do anything to find. They even search Miss Moore's office for clues to where the trophies could be hidden. What is happening with the trophies and how is Moore Field School involved? Liam Moiser lives in the port town of Goole in Yorkshire, England. This is his first book. Review: Liam Moiser's debut book, a mystery for Tweens, is intriguing and full of British flavor! "Moore Field School and the Mystery" provides not only an introduction to some memorable characters, but also an authentic look into the life of relatively affluent British school children. Written as an introductory story, setting the stage for further stories in a series, Moiser sets the tone and pace with realistic dialogue, and hints of future supernatural interaction with the introduction of ghosts in the closing chapters. I really enjoyed the ending, but you'll have to read that for yourself... Awards: Honorable Mention in the Readers' Favorite International Contest For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

60 Anthology of a Childhood Dream Children's Books Author: Urbano Salvati

Keywords: childhood, journey, life, world, child

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609761424 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 92 Word Count: 27436 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 10.95

Overview: Anthology of a Childhood Dream takes children on a journey into imagination and traverses a world that only children truly understand. The author wanted to write and speak with the voice of a child, dream like a child dreams, and fantasize like only a child can. So he searched the world over to look for differences in children’s stories, allowing him to speak the language of children in different languages. But when he wrote these stories, “I too became a child; and like a child have learned. I learned that it is in the fantastic world of a child’s dream that we find our soul, the true and pristine meaning of the word love.” For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Jerome, the Short-Necked Giraffe Children's Books Author: Urbano Salvati

Keywords: Giraffe, Short-necked, Animals, Children's Books

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631355851 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 36 Word Count: 1675 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.95

Overview: The grassland savannas of Africa where wild animals roam is the setting for this thoroughly delightful children’s story.Jerome, the Short-Necked Giraffe is the main character, but whoever heard of a short-necked giraffe? What’s more important to a giraffe than to have a beautiful long neck, which allows him/her to eat leaves and fruit from tall trees?One can only imagine what happens when the young giraffe Jerome refuses to do his neck-stretching exercises and ends up with a short neck.Jerome, the Short-Necked Giraffe is the result! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

The Three Little Green Pigs, LLC Children's Illustrated Books Sub Title: A Recycling Pig Tale

Author: Richard Oldenburg

Keywords: communities, construction, story telling, jobs, recycling

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625166494 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 27 Word Count: 714 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781625167538 Hardcover - $ 23.50 Alt ISBN 9781631353734 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631353741 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: The Three Little Pigs go green in the updated children’s book The Three Little Green Pigs, LLC: A Recycling Pig Tale. The descendants of the original Three Little Pigs are now in the construction business building green homes out of recyclable materials. A contest pits the pigs against one another and the winner will be able to build his home throughout the town. Using different recyclable materials, the winning pig must satisfy the city inspector (a descendant of the Big Bad Wolf!). The story ends with the wolf purchasing an ecological home that has several modern changes, and the winning pig hiring his two cousins. This is one home that no one can huff and puff and blow the house down! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

61 How the Quail Earned His Topknot Children’s Illustrated Books Author: Richard Oldenburg

Keywords: Competition, Sharing, Challenge, Difference, Values

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609116682 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 30 Word Count: 889 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781612040707 hardcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 24.50 Alt ISBN 9781612041612 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: A young quail loves running so much that he's never even tried to fly. All the other quail tease him and think he's strange. Tired of being made fun of, he decides to learn to fly as well. The quail enters a contest that requires him to run and fly, and he's set to race against a fast road runner bird. Will his running skills come in handy? Has he had enough practice flying so he can win the race? This cute story teaches children to value each other's differences. Richard Oldenburg has included science as an integral component in his teaching career. A graduate of California State University, Long Beach, he has been a teacher and administrator at all levels of education. A member of the Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators, as well a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature, he continues to write on animal themes. In his spare time Oldenburg concentrates on golf, fishing, and spending time with the grandchildren. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

62 The Musical Dragon Children's Illustrated Books Sub Title: The dragon that wanted to join the band

Author: Richard Oldenburg

Keywords: Children's Book, Music, Educational, Fun

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618970435 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 28 Word Count: 664 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781618973351 hardcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 23.50

Overview: When a dragon comes to San Francisco’s Chinatown from China just before the Chinese New Year, he hears that a swan has learned to play the trumpet. The dragon tries to play the trumpet too, but each time he plays a tune, disaster strikes. Although a dragon is considered good luck in Asian myths, this dragon is not having any luck at all playing music! The friendly dragon master brings in a band to help solve the problem. Will the band be able to make beautiful music with the dragon? Find out if this musically challenged dragon is really The Musical Dragon. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

63 A Dragon Called Wilbur Children's Illustrated Books Sub Title: How a Fire-Breathing Dragon Made Friends

Author: Bronwyn Heeney

Keywords: Understanding, Empathy, Problem Solving, Friendship

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612048031 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 40 Word Count: 808 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 16.97 Alt ISBN 9781631350405 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631350399 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Wilbur was a very lonely dragon, because everyone was afraid of him. What could Wilbur possibly do to make friends? This lonely dragon is convinced that if he can alter his behavior and convince his neighbors that he is not dangerous, he can become valued in the village. Wilbur hopes can make a big difference in his community. Hopefully, he will also make friends and will no longer be lonely. Can Wilbur convince everyone that dragons are not so scary after all? Review: Firstly I just want to say that I looove your new book. It is a beautiful story!!! Congratulations Kerryn For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

64 Nibbles Children's Illustrated Books

Author: Bronwyn Heeney

Keywords: goats, pets, food, friendship, mischief

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608602780 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 26 Word Count: 160 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 13.50

Overview: Nibbles in typical goat fashion will eat anything. This is not what the family wants. How will they keep Nibbles from nibbling everything in sight? Bronwyn writes a delightful story filled with colorful charismatic characters and whimsical narration that is certain to be a favorite among toddlers. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

65 Gimme-Jimmy Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: Manners

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618972675 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 32 Word Count: 1321 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.00 Alt ISBN 9781612047652 e-book - EPUB - $ 4.99 Alt ISBN 9781622120468 e-book - KINDLE - $ 4.99

Overview: How a Bully Learns to Share … “James Alexander’s nickname was Jim, But nobody would be friends with him. No one wanted to play with Jimmy, For Jim Alexander always said, “Gimme.” Thus begins the rhyming story of Jim Alexander, whose nickname was Gimme-Jimmy because he was a greedy and selfish bully. Imagine Jimmy’s concern when he found that every time he said the word “Gimme,” his hand grew larger! Jimmy was happy to discover that when he was polite and said, “Please” and “Thank you,” his hand began to shrink. He started practicing his new “Polite Rule” and found out that it was much more fun to share. Author Sherrill S. Cannon wrote three children’s books that garnered prestigious awards in 2011. In less than two years, this award-winning grandmother of nine had three books and five children’s plays published. Gimme-Jimmy is her fourth book. Her earlier book The Magic Word received a Readers Favorite Gold Medal, a NABE Pinnacle Achievement Award and a Global eBook Finalist Award; Santa’s Birthday Gift received a National Indie Excellence Finalist Award and a Readers Favorite Silver Medal; and Peter and the Whimper-Whineys won a Readers Favorite Bronze Medal and a USA Best Books Finalist Award. These three award-winning titles are all available as eBooks, and Peter and the Whimper-Whineys is also available as an app. A former teacher, Sherrill S. Cannon of Great Bend, Pennsylvania, is retired and travels the country with her husband in an RV, going from coast to coast to visit their children and grandchildren, sharing her wonderfully rhyming books along the way. Publisher’s website: Review: Delightful, adorable and hilarious. When little Jimmy Alexander is warned by his father that his unwillingness to share and his inability to politely ask for things will eventually cause him trouble, he refuses to listen. Until, of course, he realizes that his hand grows larger every time he says “Gimme”. How will this bully learn to share? Awards: Readers Favorite Silver, Indie Excellence Finalist, Reader Views Third, Pinnacle Achievement. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

66 Manner- Man Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: character Ed, Guidance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622124787 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 28 Word Count: 928 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781625165510 e-book - ePub - $ 4.99 Alt ISBN 9781625165527 e-book - Kindle - $ 4.99

Overview: "I am strong, and my flash is bright, And I will defend you and make things all right." These are the magic words to call upon Manner-Man - a superhero who can help control bullies and teach children ways to be considerate of others. Manner-Man arrives, shouting "To the Rescue", helping children learn about sharing and warning about not 'hitting with words.' He teaches that if someone starts pushing, just shout out "not nice!" Meet the children who form the Manner-Man team and find out how to join! Manner-Man incorporates messages and characters found within some of Cannon's earlier books - helping children learn how to cope with bullies and look within themselves for their inner superhero! This is the fifth rhyming children's book by this award-winning author whose other bestselling books include Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won a dozen awards for her four previous rhyming books and is also the author of six published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called "a modern day Dr.Seuss" - GMTA Review. Publisher's website: Review: Ms. Cannon has a unique ability to teach children very valuable behavioral lessons through her awesome writing. And the rhyming style of writing makes the story fun and enjoyable and easy to read… they are not only fun for children, they are just as much fun for parents to read! Awards: Winner of 10 Awards including the CLIPPA Principals' Award, Reviewer's Choice and Readers Favorite. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

67 My Fingerpaint Masterpiece Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: Self-expression, Imagination, Art

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628572889 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 28 Word Count: 1005 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781631350238 e-book - EPUB - $ 4.99 Alt ISBN 9781631350221 e-book - KINDLE - $ 4.99

Overview: Have you ever seen a "work of art" worth millions, which looks like something your child just brought home from school? The dual perspective of "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder" and just a little bit of "The Emperor’s New Clothes" is evident in this clever artwork story of a child who paints a fingerpaint print in class and then loses it in the wind on the way home. Illustrated from the point of view of a child, whose identity is left to the imagination of the reader since all of the illustrations are what the child sees, the fingerpaint print is interpreted by official "judges" as well as by bystanders. Should people be influenced by what others see, or use their own self- esteem to make their own judgments? This is the sixth rhyming children’s book by this award-winning author, whose other bestselling books include Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper- Whineys, and Santa’s Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won eighteen awards for her five previous rhyming books, and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called "a modern day Dr. Seuss." – GTMA Review Publisher’s website: Review: "My Fingerpaint Masterpiece" is a rhyming book about a child's painting accidentally ending up in an art gallery and, much to his surprise, winning a blue ribbon. Kids will like the rhymes and the colorful pictures throughout the book." - Sheri Fink Awards: : Pinnacle Achievement Award and 2014 Readers Favorite Gold Medal Winner plus Illustration Award For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

68 Peter and the Whimper Whineys Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: character Ed, Guidance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Whineys.html Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609115173 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 30 Word Count: 1139 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 13.00 Alt ISBN 9781622120260 e-book - ePub - $ 4.99 Alt ISBN 9781612042138 e-book - Kindle - $ 4.99

Overview: "In a house in the forest all covered with vines, Lived a very small rabbit who did nothing but whine." Thus begins the rhymed story of Peter and the Whimper-Whineys. Peter's mother warns him that if he cannot stop whining and crying, he'll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. His adventure continues as he later hops into the woods and finds lots of frightening Whimper-Whineymen! He discovers that the Whimper-Whineys are very ill-mannered and rude, and that everything is sour in Whimper-Whineland. He decides his mother was right...If only he can get back home...! According to a recent Critique, "I cannot imagine any parent or guardian not wanting to read this book to their child!... Parents everywhere applaud you!" Sherrill S. Cannon is also the author of the popular Santa's Birthday Gift, published by Eloquent Books in November, 2009. Cannon, a former teacher, enjoys the creative process and says her goal in each book is to teach good manners, as well as caring for others. She is already working on several new children's books. Publisher's Web site: Review: "I not only enjoyed the story and the moral message of the book but the Illustrations captured each important scene of the story." By LJN Awards: Winner of a 2011 Readers Favorite Bronze Medal as well as a 2011 USA Best Books Finalist Award. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

69 Santa's Birthday Gift Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: Award Winning, Age 3-8, Santa, Christmas, Nativity,

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608608249 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 26 Word Count: 614 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 11.50 Alt ISBN 9781612042169 e-book - MFE - $ 4.99

Overview: If your child or grandchild has ever wondered where Santa fits in with the traditional Christmas story, now you can read them Santa's Birthday Gift. Finally, a book that ties two holiday traditions into one inspirational tale of wonder - as Santa brings gifts to baby Jesus. The cleverly-written, rhyming book reveals Santa's adventure from toymaker to star follower -- right into the heart of Bethlehem where he meets Baby Jesus in the manger. Delivering toys to a king is a touching experience for both Santa and readers alike, as they discover where the tradition began -- Santa makes a promise to Jesus to bring gifts to good boys and girls each year on Jesus' birthday. This delightful story is engaging and delivers meaningful lessons using recognizable nativity characters, and of course, Santa and Jesus. Author Sherrill S. Cannon says her inspiration for this book came from her granddaughter who, after hearing the Christmas story, asked, "But where's Santa?" Cannon has been weaving stories and poems even before she could write. She enjoys the creative process and says her goal in each book is to teach good manners, as well as caring for others. Her background is in physical education, sports photography and she also had a column in a newspaper. Cannon is already working on several new children's books. "Santa's Birthday Gift" is a recipient of an 2011 National Indie Excellence Finalist Award. "Santa's Birthday Gift" is a Silver Winner in the 2011 Readers Favorites Awards (along with Sherrill S. Cannon's two other books, "Peter and the Whimper-Whineys" which received a Bronze and "The Magic Word" which received a Gold.) Review: "I have often wondered the best way to incorporate both Jesus and Santa into Christmas in such a way it would make sense to a child how the holiday could be about both aspects, without losing the true reason and meaning. In this book, "Santa’s Birthday Gift" Awards: 2011-Readers Favorite Silver Medal 2011-Indie Excellence Finalist Award For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

70 The Magic Word Children's Illustrated Books Author: Sherrill S. Cannon

Keywords: character Ed, Guidance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site: yvXHhNc

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609769093 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 30 Word Count: 732 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781612045580 e-book - MFE - $ 4.99

Overview: This is a rhyming tale about a little girl who needs to learn how to be polite. Review: Another fabulous book by Sherrill Cannon. Elisabeth, like many children her age, needs to learn to be polite. All children can learn the consequences of saying "pleases" and "thank you's" by following Elisabeth's example. Great picture book featuring rhyming text that is beautifully illustrated, and shares an important lesson. We loved it! Awards: 6 Awards: Gold Readers Fav.,Pinnacle, IBA, Reader Views, Global eBook, Indie For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

71 Albert’s New Friendly Everyday Children's Illustrated Books Song

Author: Chrissy Tetley

Keywords: Children’s Music Education, Storybooks, Stories about Music

Web: Publisher Web Site: http/ Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9780987296801 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 56 Publisher: Jason Swiney Fontaine Publishing Group softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0

Overview: When Albert enters an original song competition, he decides to write a new friendly everyday song. /"Songs just pop into my head,/"he says as he explores his neighbourhood collecting different sounds to make tuneful chords and a catchy chorus. Phoebe helps him choose some musical instruments to accompany his singing. But will his new song be good enough to win the big competition? Awards: Silver Award from Mom’s Choice Awards, honouring excellence in family For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

72 The Surround Sounds of Music Children's Illustrated Books

Sub Title: The Musical Adventures of Professor Anacrusis – Book One

Author: Chrissy Tetley

Keywords: Children’s Music Education, Storybooks, Stories about Music

Web: Publisher Web Site: http/ Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9780987296818 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 54 Publisher: Jason Swiney Fontaine Publishing Group softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Overview: Wombat, Koe the koala, and Pocket the kangaroo, three little bush animals on holiday, are dismayed to find that a really difficult question about music is part of their homework. Koe is even more concerned when he considers that he doesn’t even like music! Or at least he doesn’t think he does. The animals need help. Then they meet Professor Anacrusis at the Music Shed and experience the wonder of classical music instruments playing. They soon discover that learning about music is a fun and exciting adventure. Awards: Silver Award from Mom’s Choice Awards, honouring excellence in family For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

73 Music On The Bookshelf Children's Illustrated Books

Sub Title: The Musical Adventures of Professor Anacrusis – Book Two

Author: Chrissy Tetley

Keywords: Children’s Music Education, Storybooks, Stories about Music

Web: Publisher Web Site: http/ Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9780987296825 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 48 Publisher: Jason Swiney Fontaine Publishing Group softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Overview: Wombat is having cello lessons, but finds that learning how to read music and the meaning of musical notes and values is much too hard to understand. Accompanied by Koe and Pocket, Wombat visits the Music Shed, where the animals enjoy movement and rhythm discussions with Professor Anacrusis. While they are busy working out note values and playing with music notes in the train carriages, there is trouble brewing at the Music Shed. What really happens when some of the music notes decide to run away? Awards: Silver Award from Mom’s Choice Awards, honouring excellence in family For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

74 Wombat’s Musical Adventure Children's Illustrated Books

Author: Chrissy Tetley

Keywords: Children’s Music Education, Storybooks, Stories about Music

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9780987296856 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 30 Publisher: Jason Swiney Fontaine Publishing Group softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 4.49

Overview: Wombat is looking for a musical instrument to play. But his real problem is finding one that is not too big and not too long. Not too difficult and not too tall. And not too heavy and not too loud. With the help of Bundy the dog, Wombat begins studying some musical instruments. Will he find one that is just the right size and shape for a little wombat to play? Review: "A recipient of the Mom's Choice Awards! The Mom's Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and services created for parents and educators and is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. Using a rigorous evaluation process, entries are scored on a number of elements including production quality, design, educational value, entertainment value, originality, appeal and cost. Around the world, parents, educators, retailers and members of the media trust the MCA Honoring Excellence seal when selecting quality products and services for families and children." Awards: Gold Award from Mom’s Choice Awards, honouring excellence in family For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

75 Jinja of the Munjyburra Children's Illustrated Books Author: Kerrie Annette Thomas

Keywords: tribal dance, ritual, confidence to educational, vibrant, adventure

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612044217 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 34 Word Count: 737 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 13.50

Overview: Jinja, a vivacious little girl and member of the indigenous Australian Munjyburra tribe, can't understand why she's not included in a traditional ritual which is exclusive to the boys. Jinja of the Munjyburra follows her adventurous and inventive journey to find her identity and achieve her dreams. Readers of all ages will delight in Jinja's remarkable quest to carve out her individuality within the intriguing and vibrant world of the Munjyburra. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

76 Charlie's Reading Rescue Educational Author: Chris O'Donoghue

Keywords: Learn to Read English Education Vocabulary Skills Second Language

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612046372 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 90 Word Count: 24385 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781609765736 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.50

Overview: A systematic method to improve reading ability. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

77 Mathematics To Do Educational

Sub Title: a recreational mathematics book

Author: Chris O'Donoghue

Keywords: Mathematics. Mathematics Recreation, Math Fun

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612048284 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 453 Word Count: 32000 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: A book for those interested in learning more about mathematics. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

78 Easy Spoken English Educational Author: Paul Tagney

Keywords: English, Language, Lessons, 5-Star, Series.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618972880 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 82 Word Count: 14055 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 10.03 Alt ISBN 9781618972897 e-book - KINDLE - $ 10.03

Overview: To speak English, or any other language, quickly, easily, correctly, without grammar analysis, this book's series of lessons and a native-speaking coach is all you need. Perfect for private tutors or language schools. This book gets you to speak about yourself & everyday topics with your instructor. 3-hour lessons are encouraged for maximum rapid progress & retention. 18 highly creative, original short stories + questions complete Paul's unique book's program. Available in soft-cover format for bulk orders of 100 copies or more. Foreign translation rights available. Eight 5-star reviews on Review: Great practical guide, January 22, 2012 Amazon Verified Purchase (What's this?) This review is from: Easy Spoken English (Kindle Edition) A great, practical step by step guide for teaching English (or for that matter any language) in a one on one or small group setting. The book has a series of lessons that are based on the learner's experiences and interests, and gives an excellent scaffold for a teacher to build on each lesson. The book works as a resource for teaching both beginning and more advanced students. Overall, I have found the book invaluable in preparing and extending lessons for my students. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

79 English Short Stories Educational Author: Paul Tagney

Keywords: English, Language, Learning, Conversation, Lessons, Short Stories

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622123919 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 136 Word Count: 13521 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631352102 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: "An exceptionally well written collection of 60 short stories, each having five questions with multiple- choice answers, and some extra questions to further animate student-teacher conversation. Divided into three groups of 20 stories, beginner, intermediate, and advanced, these stories describe family, places visited and lived in, daily life in Vancouver, Canada, various fun activities, different interesting jobs, and many special aspects of nature and wildlife. The stories can be used as language lessons on their own, or as part of a course with other language books and methods. All topics are presented in an original, highly creative, literary manner, and will definitely stimulate conversation between tutors and clients. Paul’s natural talent for writing and describing people, places, and things shows clearly in each story. The stories are a great reading experience for native English speakers too, simply based on their well-written, poetic content." Review: "As a follow-up to his novel, Family and Love, and his language learning book, Easy Spoken English, Paul now presents us with a highly original, very well-written collection of '60 short stories' covering different times and experiences in his life so far. These stories are a great read simply from a literary point of view, and with the questions and multiple choice answers added to each story for their use as part of a language course, it's a great addition to the course materials of anyone teaching English. Read, enjoy, and tell your friends and colleagues about this special literary banquet!” For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

80 The Opal Dragon General Fiction

Author: James. A. Calderwood

Keywords: Opal, Dragon, Australia

Book Details: ISBN: 9781503215926 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 387 Publisher: (none) e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: The Dragon starts his life in the Philippines on one of the smaller islands. Ali is the son of one of the town’s local prostitutes Zeena. He works the markets looking for customers for his mother, who is starting to lose her looks due to her age and the volatile lifestyle she has lead over the years. Drugs in her early years did not help. Zeena’s lifestyle has not helped Ali in his upbringing. He has been beaten by her customers on many occasions as he has tried to stop his mother being beaten by violent customers. Ali launches into a life of crime after robbing and stabbing an elderly jewellery trader on his way home from work one night. The police are looking for Ali who slips out of town to stay with his aunt Sasha in the mountains. He is with Sasha for a long time and has met a nice girl in the village. For the first time in his life the eighteen year old Ali is happy. Gentle Sasha is murdered by a young terrorist. Ali catches him and stabs him. Ali and Zeena leave their island town for Manilla. A sense of normality finds its way into their life only to be shattered by a chance meeting with a violent customer from her past. Ali and Zeena contrive a plan to murder this violent man. He is garroted with a length of wire as he is having sex with Zeena. Ali is then involved in the drug trade and is warned about a hit on his life arranged by Emelio Sanchez one of Manilla’s head drug dealers and brothel owners. Emilio has threatened to toss Zeena off the local wharf bound with chains if Ali does not show up. Ali devises a cunning plan to murder Emilio on the way home from church one Sunday. Ali burns Emilio in his car after he causes it to crash. He and Zeena leave the Philippines and catch a small ship for Australia. In Cairns Australia Ali sees his first beautiful opal. He decides on buying opals and having other people steal them for him in his new base At Coober Pedy. Ali has now conscience when it comes to pay backs to and threat to his new business. People just go missing. He now has others to do these jobs. A sense of normality enters his life. All of this is shattered when a chain of disastrous events occur over a short time. There is an intertwining of different characters that are also on a quest to find the beautiful Australian black opal. Review: Intense and graphic at times The Opal Dragon by James Calderwood is written in the tradition of action- packed noir crime fiction and Calderwood doesn’t pull his punches. Taking a tried and tested formula, he adds his own twist to deliver an original narrative where characterization is clearly his forte. Each of his characters looming large and memorable with plenty of inspired twists to his plot, whilst the dialogue is up tempo and the pace rarely lets up. It certainly isn’t a tale for the faint hearted and Calderwood hasn’t set out to create a saccharin protagonist. The odds are against Ali from the very start, the shadowy and gritty backdrops to his life resonating through every page and yet there is always a glimmer of hope. It’s this that Calderwood cleverly threads through his plot as an ever present thematic undertone and it’s this that ultimately keeps the pages turning as events in Ali’s life evolve.

81 An atmospheric novel with a cracking denouement The Opal Dragon won’t easily be forgotten and certainly deserves your consideration. (By Book Viral For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

82 Great White Shark Tales General Fiction

Author: James. A. Calderwood

Keywords: Great White Shark, Sharks, Stories, Poetic

Book Details: ISBN: 9781508826705 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 125 Publisher: (none) e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: Great White Shark Tales has a humorous tone with stories of great white sharks sinking a fishing boat, attacking a film crew, and even engaging in a feeding frenzy. Written in first-person and also including poetic verse, Great White Shark Tales offers a hilarious take on some common events in everyday Australia. Calderwood also spoke to his father-in-law for several stories, included in the volume, about truck-driving, World War II, and more. Review: By Cayce Hrivnak - There are not many books about the sea out there anymore. We see "The Deadliest Catch" on television but reading about it is a different story. It's nice to get another view about fishermen and their job as well as other things that occur. The different terms in this book actually teach me something new which goes nicely with the subject. Each small tale has it's own lesson. Some seem like a mini-"Tales From the Darkside" episode in a mere few pages.

If you are looking for something different. Looking for something about the sea with a thrill mixed in? My friend, pick this set up and enjoy!. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

83 Time For Patriots General Fiction Sub Title: The 21st Century Confronts Bunker Hill--And After!

Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton

Keywords: Science Fiction, Adventure, Inspirational

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612046563 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 207 Word Count: 39000 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 14.50 Alt ISBN 9781606932247 hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.87

Overview: A physics experiment gone wrong sends a military academy and some neighbors on New York's Long Island back to 1770. After accepting the truth of this unlikely event, they adjust the American War for Independence to suit their tastes, have some amusing adventures in getting the vote for women a lot earlier, crush slavery, and prolong the life of Mozart, among other feats. Review: “Time for Patriots is a fascinating look into a world changed by knowledge from the future.” Christopher Nuttall, Producer and Managing Editor of Changing the Times, the online Alternate History Magazine. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

84 Mother's Tongue General Fiction Sub Title: A Story of Forgiving and Forgetting

Author: Susanna Ho

Keywords: Brain Surgery, Memory, Language, Chinese, Truthfulness, Relationships, Integrity, Forgive, Forget

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622121298 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 360 Word Count: 125273 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 20.00 Alt ISBN 9781628578423 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628578416 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: A woman has brain surgery that lasts 14 hours, far longer than her surgeon expects. She survives the operation, but the first sentence she speaks after she gains consciousness is spoken in a dialect that nobody in the family understands. Like everyone in Hong Kong, the woman’s family speaks Cantonese. Some older members also use Hakka, a dialect of the Guangdong Province. So when the woman starts talking in Chiu Chow, her family is worried. Is it possible for someone to lose the ability to speak a language she’s been using for 50 years after undergoing brain surgery? The woman’s daughter is not convinced this is simply a side effect of surgery, and decides to investigate the cause behind the mystery. She discovers a chapter of her mother’s life that has been hidden from her family, learning from her mother’s older brother that his sister spent her early childhood and adolescence in Chiu Chow, away from her family to escape war and starvation. The story’s theme is about making life choices. What could have happened in this woman’s past that would now block her language ability? Her daughter intends to find out the buried secrets in the fascinating novel Mother’s Tongue: A Story of Forgiving and Forgetting.

Reviews: Hong Kong novelist tells a fascinating story. . . . The author is talented at creating suspense and surprises. Shenzhen Daily The novel flows like a story being told by the author to us. From Amazon Customer Review For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

85 Flash General Fiction Sub Title: A Diary of Disaster

Author: Tony Lambert

Keywords: Nuclear, Superpower, Competition, Shock, Disaster

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609763008 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 156 Word Count: 41187 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.95 Alt ISBN 9781612049625 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: This story is set in a time when people’s lives are being greatly influenced by Super Powers whose aim is to seek nuclear superiority. After a chance meeting in the United States by the four main characters the story relates, in three parts, a series of dramatic events all influenced by the presence of FLASH a new breed of American micro-missiles. There are those who desire world peace and totally reject the presence of FLASH while on the opposite spectrum there are those who want to possess them to gain great power. Set in the USA, UK, France, Central and South America and finally Australia the novel’s ending comes full circle to its beginning: a chance encounter that leads to a shocking conclusion. Review: An exciting read from start to finish with important and relevant subject matter. A thoroughly enjoyable and engaging short story A great read. Very exciting and I loved the way he included so many countries in his easy to read story. A gripping read that leaves you begging for more. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

86 The Guardians General Fiction

Author: Sandra Carvalho

Keywords: The Rise of the power of the catholic church

Book Details: ISBN: 9781634101370 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 80 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 9.99

Overview: In a world overrun by demons, in the midst of the chaos the battle rages on. Father Pont, a young priest, finds his way to safety in a church on the east coast with two brave other men of the cloth, Markus Rossi and Gideon McElroy. Somehow they must save the Vatican City from the creeping darkness an evil that can and may destroy all within. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

87 Danced With the Devil General Fiction

Author: Ronald Thompson

Keywords: Murder, Robbery, Wealth, Metamorphosis

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606935699 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 136 Word Count: 43496 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 22.50 Alt ISBN 9781631354304 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631354311 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: On a cold, rainy night Bill Wilson makes a fatal mistake. In a fit of rage he accidentally kills a woman. Fearing prison and the agony such a place would heap upon him, he decides to flee. Needing money, he makes another poor decision: he robs a Mob runner to get it. The words "Say, I know you. You're Blinky," spoken by the man being held up, seal his fate. Now he needs to disappear, on the run for keeps, never to return home or live anywhere without fear of being seen. With his stolen wealth, Bill begins the process of making himself vanish by changing his appearance…not by wearing a disguise but by physically making himself a new person…the person he always thought he should be. As his metamorphosis progresses, he must murder again, several times. But now, there is nothing accidental about it… For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

88 Murder in Tusmore Park General Fiction

Sub Title: Biddy and Justin Series

Author: Pamela M. Arnold

Keywords: Australian, Fast-Paced, Murder, Suspense, Thriller

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625167835 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 250 Word Count: 62935 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 17.95 Alt ISBN 9781628576283 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628576290 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: In the first book of a new Biddy and Justin series, the spry 60-year-olds are embroiled in a series of homicides, two of which are committed in Tusmore Park opposite Justin’s duplex. Due to Justin finding both bodies, the couple are designated police suspects. Murder just does not happen in this quiet Adelaide suburb. The murders continue and Biddy becomes an amateur sleuth to exonerate them both. Targeting Biddy, the psychotic killer eventually manages to trap her. While Justin and the police desperately search for her, Biddy is trying to survive being drugged, tortured, and observing her dog being killed, while praying they will find her in time. Review: Some people never retire and Pam Arnold is one of them. Well known to many Adelaideans for her successful talent school and childcare courses. On retiring Pam enrolled in a WEA writing course and at 82 she now has her third book underway. Murder In Tusmore Park is her first book and the main characters – Biddy and Justin – a pair of energetic 60-somethings find themselves tangled in an intriguing series of homicides, mostly taking place just over the front fence in Tusmore Park, South Australia. Familiar faces easily spring to mind as Pam sets the scene in the leafy eastern suburbs of Adelaide and on the banks of the River Murray at Mannum, with Biddy and Justin becoming both suspects and sleuths. Like a budding Agatha Christie, Pam cleverly builds suspense around a plot that twists and turns leading to a surprising grand finale, that is horrifying in its clarity. I enjoyed Biddy and Justin’s company for a few days as I read Murder In Tusmore Park. It was interesting and insightful to read a book set in Adelaide that could well be starring “your parents’ friends”. I’m keen to find out what they get up to in the series, Pacific Incident 9-11-13 and its sequel, The Procurers. Mary Taylor, Deputy Ed. SA Life Magazine For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

89 Until Death Do We Part General Fiction Author: Angelica Deveraux

Keywords: Contemporary Romance, Crumbling Marriage, Ex-Wife, Relationships, New York

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119249 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 132 Word Count: 46629 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.50

Overview: After building an empire any woman would be jealous of, Angelica is in trouble. She’s been enjoying a successful career as an architect as well as her fairytale marriage to her high-power attorney husband, who is a prestigious partner at a New York law firm. Angelica fights to save her marriage that is crumbling around her. Who should show up to spoil her dream relationship? Only Kevin’s ex-wife and his ex-friend. Will they be able to work things out and hold on to the vows spoken Until Death Do We Part? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

90 Heroes Don't Cry General Fiction Author: Denise Buckley

Keywords: WWII, RAF Pilot, Plane Shot Down, Escape Germans, Savior Captured, Love Story

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625164193 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 188 Word Count: 72010 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781628572186 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628572193 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: In this action-packed World War II novel, Jonathon is eighteen when he enlists in the RAF in 1940 to become a pilot. After finally getting his wings, he is sent on a night raid in a Mosquito aircraft. Jonathan’s plane is shot down over France and he hides in a farmer’s barn. Then he meets Michelle, a member of the French Resistance. Michelle helps Jonathan escape, but she is captured and taken prisoner by the Germans. Jonathon leaves the RAF when the war is over and goes in search of Michelle. What he finds is unexpected and will change his life forever. Heroes Don’t Cry is a war story that shakes the lives of all those who were brave enough and lucky enough to survive. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

91 Of Angels and Orphans General Fiction Author: Barbara T. Cerny

Keywords: Orphanage, Food, Survive, Rescue, Struggle

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353413 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 366 Word Count: 110896 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.95 Alt ISBN 9781608600137 hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 29.95

Overview: Orphaned Nate will do anything for his Angel Audra. However, is he willing to become the most wanted jewel thief in the kingdom for her? Audra Markham is a ten-year-old girl born into privilege, but only in the sense of wealth. The granddaughter of a Viscount, Audra is the object of ridicule in her spoiled and spiteful family. Alone and unloved, Audra seeks solace in the comfort of food. In another part of London thirteen-year-old Nathaniel Abbot lives a wretched life, forced to steal food in order to survive. Living in squalid conditions at the local orphanage, Nathaniel and three of his friends are spared further suffering when Audra “rescues” them from their plight. Two lost souls that cannot find their place in the word suddenly find a place in each other’s hearts. Follow the lives of Audra and Nate as they grow from loyal childhood companions to inseparable young lovers, struggling through the perils of their own lives and facing difficult decisions that threaten to keep them apart. Review: Reviewed by Melinda Hills for Readers’ Favorite – Five stars. How can a spoiled French princess and a young peasant save a world inhabited by beings of myth and legend? That is the basis of Shield of the Palidine by Barbara T. Cerny. Beginning in France in the early 1600s, the tale brings seven-year-old Pierre into possession of an unusual necklace that he and his friend Guy use as the basis of all their childhood adventures. When financial hardship causes Pierre to try to sell the necklace, he and Guy meet the chubby self-serving Princess Elise, niece to the King of France. As Pierre clasps the necklace around Elise’s neck, they are both transported to a magical land – the home of creatures of Greek myth and other ancient legends that have sought refuge away from the hatred of man. Unable to stand up to the threat of destruction at the hands of the evil Asmodai as individual races, these inhabitants of the land of Amorgos look to Elise and Pierre as the fulfillment of the prophecies that tell of The Redeemer and her Consort who will come to lead them to victory. In spite of lengthy training, powerful mentors, and the possession of magic armor and weapons, will two humans live through a real life adventure and be able to defeat evil that has grown for over 2,000 years? Will all the different races agree to follow them? Tremendous action, historical references and fantastic imagination combine in Shield of the Palidine by Barbara T. Cerny to create an excellent story of hope, dedication, loss and love. An incredible number of well-developed characters, both historical and mythical, take part in several quests to find the tools mentioned by the prophecies to aid in the final battle. Elise and Pierre try to bring the quarrelsome races together in order to lead them into an epic battle that will determine the fate of Amorgos. This story is full of emotion and clearly follows the growth in maturity of the young French princess and the peasant she thinks is beneath her. It is an outstanding book for fantasy readers of all ages.

92 For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

93 Shield of the Palidine General Fiction Author: Barbara T. Cerny

Keywords: Overcoming class difference, finding inner strength, personal growth, development

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622123698 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 364 Word Count: 119000 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 30.00 Alt ISBN 9781631353390 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.50

Overview: What happens when you throw a spoiled French princess and a stinky peasant boy into the world of Greek Mythology? Chaos, intrigue, adventure, and love. Accidently discovering a portal between Earth and Amorgos, Pierre and Elise find themselves surrounded by frightful creatures from beyond their imagination. Princess Elise d’Orleans, niece to King Louis XIII, is a spoiled brat used to having everyone cater to her every need. She hates Amorgos, hates the races of people populating Amorgos, and hates the fact that everyone believes she is their Redeemer, the One to free them from enslavement of their common enemy, the Asmodai. But most of all, she hates the fact that the only other human in Amorgos is a stinky peasant that doesn’t kowtow to her every whim. Pierre Tonnelier, the village’s journeyman cooper, found an extraordinary necklace in the woods outside Chateau de Saint-Germain en Laye, a castle in the French countryside. He is forced to sell this unusual piece to pay off his father’s debts. What he didn’t contend with was it taking him on a strange journey with an egotistical royal pain in the derriere. Shield of the Palidine chronicles the journey of Elise to the true Redeemer, of Pierre to a warrior of immense abilities, and their unbridled love, despite all the tensions of class, bigotry, and intolerance. Review: Reviewed by Melinda Hills for Readers’ Favorite – Five stars. How can a spoiled French princess and a young peasant save a world inhabited by beings of myth and legend? That is the basis of Shield of the Palidine by Barbara T. Cerny. Beginning in France in the early 1600s, the tale brings seven-year-old Pierre into possession of an unusual necklace that he and his friend Guy use as the basis of all their childhood adventures. When financial hardship causes Pierre to try to sell the necklace, he and Guy meet the chubby self-serving Princess Elise, niece to the King of France. As Pierre clasps the necklace around Elise’s neck, they are both transported to a magical land – the home of creatures of Greek myth and other ancient legends that have sought refuge away from the hatred of man. Unable to stand up to the threat of destruction at the hands of the evil Asmodai as individual races, these inhabitants of the land of Amorgos look to Elise and Pierre as the fulfillment of the prophecies that tell of The Redeemer and her Consort who will come to lead them to victory. In spite of lengthy training, powerful mentors, and the possession of magic armor and weapons, will two humans live through a real life adventure and be able to defeat evil that has grown for over 2,000 years? Will all the different races agree to follow them? Tremendous action, historical references and fantastic imagination combine in Shield of the Palidine by Barbara T. Cerny to create an excellent story of hope, dedication, loss and love. An incredible number of well-developed characters, both historical and mythical, take part in several quests to find the tools mentioned by the prophecies to aid in the final battle. Elise and Pierre try to bring the quarrelsome races together

94 in order to lead them into an epic battle that will determine the fate of Amorgos. This story is full of emotion and clearly follows the growth in maturity of the young French princess and the peasant she thinks is beneath her. It is an outstanding book for fantasy readers of all ages. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

95 Tressa General Fiction Author: Barbara T. Cerny

Keywords: Nurse-Maid, Trading, Baking Oven, Abusing Husband, Business

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353406 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 294 Word Count: 96546 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781612043418 hardcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.8 - $ 28.95

Overview: Driven from her Irish home to the shores of New York, Tressa must face not only the demons of her past but somehow follow her dreams. Escaping an abusive husband and the tragic loss of her newborn child, Tressa O’Daire leaves her home of Dublin, Ireland, for the unknown shores of New York City. There, she finds work in the powerful Langley family as a nurse-maid to a baby girl. The Langleys allow Tressa, a master baker by trade, to use their baking oven and she starts a business and a new life. Ethan Langley, crippled in a riding accident that left him bound to a wheel chair, has spent the last eight years in his room escaping the embarrassment to his family and the hatred of his brother, Heaton. The only bright spot in his life is his sister, Sarah; until a certain Irish baker arrives and turns his life upside down. Their very lives are threatened when the head of the Langley household dies unexpectedly leaving the business and family fortune to Heaton. As Heaton and his wife, Victoria, bring the family to the brink of ruination, Tressa and Ethan must save whatever they can, including the budding love between them. Review: Reviewed by Rubina Ramesh for The Book Club – Five stars. The flow of the story is beautiful with each character being very much the part of the story. The evil Heaton versus the goodness of Ethan is beautifully depicted. Tressa is a beautiful person who is sensitive to all the relationships around her. She is gutsy enough to start her own business, foresighted enough to plan her future and sensitive enough to care for the less fortunate. Not to forget she was damn smart- planning the escape, landing in America and starting her business could not have been done if she did not have a sound head over her shoulder. A beautifully depicted strong character. Ethan was an equal partner. Though crippled at an early age he was the motivation behind her actions. He too comes out as a strong character as he moves out of his father’s house and makes his own living. He could have depended on Tressa, but he chose to make a life of his own. The best part I loved was the relationship between them. A sweet understand, a camaraderie which encouraged the goodness in each other. See the whole review at: For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

96 Bed of Roses, Bed of Thorns General Fiction Author: Uta Christensen

Keywords: Generational story, War time, Coming-of-age, tyranny, Betrayal

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608608713 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 299 Word Count: 116031 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 16.95 Alt ISBN 9781609764937 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: An intricate family saga, Bed of Roses, Bed of Thorns covers the loves, losses, tragedies and joys of three generations of a family during the first half of the 20th century. It is a tale of the citizenry of . While the German Armies fight their devastating battles, these ordinary citizens try to cope with the hardships, fears and heartbreaks. They witness the rampant destruction caused by the two world wars. They are affected by changing social mores, the changing role of women, and attitude toward religion. Family affairs and national events filter through young Ursula's consciousness. A central character, she is insatiably curious, a keen observer, independent thinker, and has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. From an early age, she gains access to fascinating stories of extraordinary family members. They fire Ursula's imagination and lead her to question her origin, family ties, religious belief, and her father's unexamined loyalty to authority. Central to her struggles is her relationship with her beautiful, insensitive and punishing mother. Review: Norman Edelen, Author of "After a While You Begin to Wonder". As I read the new novel Bed of Roses, Bed of Thorns by Uta Christensen, I thought: what a many-faceted story of a bygone era it is, a revisiting of the German culture of the early 20th century. While two horrendous wars were unfolding, WWI and WWII, families tried to cope with losing loved ones, being uprooted, experiencing hardships, witnessing their cities being destroyed and eventually welcoming their conquerors. In these chaotic times, Ursula Meister grows up. It is her engrossing coming-of-age story, set in a rich family saga of three generations of colorful characters. Young Ursula is precocious and insatiably curious with a mind of her own, a rich inner life and a deep-rooted love for nature. By the novel's end, every love-filled, luminous, humorous and disturbing piece has been assembled into a rich tapestry that was deeply satisfying to me. The long stories told by two minor characters of pleasures, beauty, magnanimity, love, compassion, deceptions, lies, brutality, and destruction shine even in the novel's darkest moments. Simply yet masterfully told, it is a complex, moving, ambitious and interesting work of fiction. I loved every bit of it. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

97 Tough as Fine Silk General Fiction Sub Title: Escape from Beijing

Author: Uta Christensen

Keywords: Love, Betrayal, Passion, China, History, Imperial, Modern

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618970886 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 240 Word Count: 82409 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.6 - $ 16.95 Alt ISBN 9781622120703 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622120789 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: Tough as Fine Silk is a fast-paced, intricate and subtly alluring tale of love, betrayal and a journey through China's colorful, fascinating and monumental history. Michael Sorensen, a young Californian, has a serendipitous as well as frightening encounter on China's Great Wall. A beautiful young Chinese woman, Li Juan, trips on a steep stairway above him and falls literally into his arms. If he hadn't caught her, Juan could have been killed. Michael works in Beijing as an electronics engineer. Juan is the star attraction at Beijing's elegant Blue Moon night club. The club owners' most precious asset is Juan--gorgeous, sociable, self-educated and independent. Juan decides to leave the Blue Moon for a day job to spend more time with Michael. Shortly thereafter, with seeming intent, a hit-and-run accident totals Michael's car. He is shaken, but unharmed. Hearing about the accident, Juan is terrified. After some contemplation, she believes that her former bosses may mean Michael harm and her as well. The couple flees Beijing. Leaving everything behind, they embark on a long train journey to Guangzhou that takes them through China's ancient and recent past. With greater distance from Beijing, the couple feels safer and falls passionately in love. Ultimately it is Juan, embodying her unfathomable country, who causes events to take unexpected and traumatic turns. Review: Review by: Gisela Juengling. Uta Christensen did it again! She wrote a most fascinating novel, so different from her other books. What impressed me first is her incredible knowledge of China. I learned so much about that part of the country—the historical, cultural, and political aspects—through her wonderful and detailed expositions during that long train journey. I wondered whether she followed that route herself when she visited China. The intriguing love story that Uta Christensen has so masterfully interwoven is a delightful contrast. It brings the reader back to reality, even though it does not feel quite real at times with all the premonitions hinting at a different outcome than desired. The betrayal was a shock, of course, but thinking about the planned future of the couple in California, it becomes clear that that kind of life would not have suited lovely Juan. She yearns for freedom, success, and independence—for a life that she can control herself. The intricate ideas Uta Christensen brought together in this book, and the easy-flowing style make the reading of the novel a true pleasure. I am happy she wrote this fine book, and I hope she will find a lot of excited readers. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

98 White Bars General Fiction Author: David Dagley

Keywords: Comedy, Inspirational, Adventure, Animals, Educational

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609114695 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 100 Word Count: 28157 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.00 Alt ISBN 9781612045269 e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: This is a comical tale for teens and adults alike which follows two myna birds trapped in a pet shop. With the help of other animals, in and out of cages, they plot their escape. Soren, a young myna plucked from his nest as an egg, has never flown, nor known what it means to be free. But Fife, an older, worldly bird does, and he longs to fly home across the Pacific Ocean to the tropical forests of South East Asia. Every evening after the pet shop closes, the store becomes a stock market facilitated by field mice. The caged animals trade what they have for what they want: seed, sand, plants and bugs. Will Soren and Fife be able to barter for their freedom? Or will their wings stay clipped? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

99 Achievement Motivated General Fiction Leadership םולש גושגשו לכל Sub Title: Peace and Prosperity for All

Author: Thomas D. Darby

Keywords: President Paul Harvey Collins, Government

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631352775 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 212 Word Count: 61427 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50 Alt ISBN 9781631356797 e-book - ePub - $ 9.00 Alt ISBN 9781631356780 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.00 Overview: This intriguing novel uses an unusual method to present the lifestyle and political achievements of former President Paul Harvey Collins. The ex-president narrates the account of his career to presidential biographer Dylan Johnson. During their high school years, Paul and a friend take part in a civics class trip to the state legislature, but are dissatisfied with what they witness. They decide to enter politics to improve government efficiency. During their careers, they reduce the number and size of the haphazardly formed state and local governments, and support the merging of government departments. The result is a large decrease in the cost of government operations. Removing state House of Representatives reduces funding and increases effectiveness. Collins also improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the executive branch. His new constitution produces a unicameral federal government. Collins relates how senators are now elected from near equal population senate districts, making the Senate the most powerful branch of government. The President serves at the pleasure of the Senate. As democratic principles spread throughout the world, peace and prosperity follow. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

100 Aurélie - Survival General Fiction Author: Christiane Duts

Keywords: Vampires, French Revolution, Historical Drama, September Massacres, Bastille

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618975744 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 250 Word Count: 81779 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 18.97 Alt ISBN 9781631353215 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631353208 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Aurélie – Survival is a provocative historical drama that asks if a vampire can find true love, or has this vampire bitten off more than she can chew? The blood-filled novel begins with Aurélie recounting her memories of the French Revolution, her participation in the storming of the Bastille, witnessing her father’s arrest, and the trial of Marie Antoinette. When Aurélie leaves the murderous mob in the September Massacres, she meets Lucan, a Roman vampire, who saves her from death and introduces her to the world of vampires. Seduced by the lure of immortality, she embarks on a journey filled with unsuspected turns, a mortal man that stirs her passion, and surprising allies. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

101 Figs, Vines and Roses General Fiction Sub Title: A Family Saga

Author: Joy M Lilley

Keywords: Figs, Vines, Roses, Saga

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781781321942 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 139 Word Count: 54225 Publisher: SilverWood Books softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 9.99

Overview: Joy M. Lilley’s first novel 'Figs, Vines and Roses' tells a moving tale of love and loss at the turn of the nineteenth century. In 1888 eight-year-old Issy Merryweather has a comfortable family life in Cobnut Hall, Derby. Sharing carefree summers with her brother Clarence, beloved dog Molly and cherished grandma Ella, Issy enjoys the freedom of childhood innocence. But as she comes of age a move to Kent changes her life forever. When Issy meets Terence she is enraptured by him and despite his humble background an inseparable bond is formed in secret. But, it’s a secret which Issy will never escape after a heartbreaking turn in events… For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

102 Ignis Fatuus General Fiction Author: Martin C C Graham

Keywords: Perfect Crime, Meticulous Planning, Execution, Gamble, Invisible Criminal, Escape

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618978875 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 392 Word Count: 128145 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 21.50 Alt ISBN 9781628573398 Hardcover - $ 32.50 Alt ISBN 9781628574869 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628574876 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Ignis Fatuus: A mysterious light that tempts the weary traveler from the safe path and into peril. Bored with the ennui of everyday existence? The daily grind that propels you to a too little pension and aged decrepitude, which offers no blue-skied haven to enjoy the rewards of your labours? If you had the means to commit a crime with little or no chance of being found out, would you do it? Could such an opportunity exist? With meticulous planning and execution, total self-reliance and faith in your abilities, just such an opportunity could be engineered. But you have really got to want to do it. The rewards will bring financial freedom…or incarceration. If all goes as planned, you get your old job back! Follow the path of Connor, a man who ventures away from the constraints of society’s norms, who dares to take the gamble and establish that which police forces the world over are helpless against: an invisible criminal. The story follows Connor escaping to the highlands of Scotland after a journey that starts in sub Saharan Africa. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

103 Animal Bridge General Fiction Author: Wende Gripentrog

Keywords: Children’s Bedtime Story, Animals, Tickling, Hopping, Slithering, Animal Sounds and Sizes

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625162472 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 28 Word Count: 434 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 12.50

Overview: One day three children playing outside decide to take a rest under a big oak tree. As they drift off to sleep, little do they know that they are lying on a path or "bridge" that the animals cross one by one, starting with the smallest. As parents read this book to their children at bedtime, they should mimic the animals walking across the bridge over the children’s bellies. Small ants tickle, frogs hop, porcupines poke, and the snake slithers. Don’t move or they could bite! This is a wonderful way to bond with your children and send them off to bed with giggles and tickles. It’s also a unique way to teach children about different animals, their sizes, and the sounds they make. Hooray for Animal Bridge! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

104 The Boy General Fiction Author: Trevor Herron

Keywords: Apartheid, South Africa Uprisings, Protests, Soweto, 1976, ANC, African Nat

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612042763 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 272 Word Count: 76857 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.00 Alt ISBN 9781628577600 e-book - EPUB - $ 6.99 Alt ISBN 9781628577594 e-book - KINDLE - $ 6.99

Overview: This is the story of a child but not a child’s story. By 1976, apartheid had a firm grip on South Africa. All major protestors had fled the country, or were in jail. It was at this point that the Nationalist Government passed a senseless law that all African education was to be in Afrikaans, a language the Africans considered their oppressor’s. The students waited in vain for their parents and teachers to protest and finally took matters into their own hands challenging the monolith of Afrikanerdom. There is no doubt their brave action marked the beginning of the end of an odious system. The story follows the events surrounding the life of 13-year-old Jonah Moloi plotting the exciting events surrounding him in those tumultuous days. What was so special about this child that some, even among his own people, wanted him dead and others struggled so valiantly to keep him alive? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

105 A Perfect Solution General Fiction Author: Larry Hill

Keywords: Serial Killer, Son of Baptist Minister, Hitler’s Final Solution, Hitler, Suspense, Murder Plan

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625169136 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 184 Word Count: 80521 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.50

Overview: The serial killer got his start on an Iowa farm. Being the son of a fire and brimstone Baptist minister, Gunther Heisman killed his first victim, a young girl, in the local pond while they were practicing baptism. Gunther began studying the life of Adolf Hitler while still a young boy. When he reached the age of 21, he started a killing spree in the Midwest without having any kind of plan; he just knew he had to kill. Right before he sets off for the West Coast to begin killing there, he goes into the desert to fast and pray. It is there that he finds A Perfect Solution. His system of murder would be based on the pruning system, much like the way people prune tree limbs to make the whole tree healthy. The way he saw it, his mission was to kill as many people as possible from a single segment of the population before moving on to another group. His solution was completely different from Hitler’s Final Solution, which was based on race. This difference of opinion causes friction between Gunther and Hitler because Gunther could see, hear, and talk to Hitler. This chilling novel offers a perfect read for suspense fans. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

106 For One More Tomorrow General Fiction

Sub Title: The real Macbeth v Shakespeare's villain

Author: Elizabeth Bailey

Keywords: contemporary romance, contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, paranormal, metaphysical

Web: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781634101356 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 276 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: Is director Sadie Grey going mad? Or is the Macbeth play really haunted by his ghost? Captured by the spirit’s virile and complex character, Sadie struggles to invest the commonplace performance of actor Curtis with the intensity of the true Macbeth. Her direction flounders as she falls under the spirit’s spell, creating dissension in the Cast. With her contract in jeopardy, Sadie has to choose – the play or “Mac”? The resulting maelstrom throws Sadie into a nightmare encounter. Tragedy strikes. Can Mac and Sadie find a way through? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

107 Oracle at Delphi General Fiction

Author: Kat Kem M

Keywords: Oracle at Delphi Predictions, Ancient World, King Croesus, Wage War, Persians, Predictions, Cyrus, Goddess

Book Details: ISBN: 9781452574882 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 156 Publisher: BalboaPress e-book - Kindle - $ 6.99 Alt ISBN 9781452574899 hardcover - Length: 8.4 Width: 5.4 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 23.24

Overview: The predictions from the Oracle at Delphi were known to be the most accurate in the ancient world. When King Croesus of Lydia sought the best oracular reading, he tested eight oracle sites and found the Oracle at Delphi, the Pythia - goddess and priestess to Apollo - predicted the correct answer he sought. Through a series of visits to the oracle at Delphi, each with a different set of questions, King Croesus decided to wage war upon the Persians and Cyrus after an oracle said, "A great empire would be lost if he waged war against the Persians." Fate and the destiny of King Croesus was predicted four generations prior, from the Oracle at Delphi. After spending too many days in the oracle chamber, one of the oracles collapsed and died from inhaling the toxic fumes. Review: "Very interested in stories like these. Kept my interest going!! Can't wait to finish the story and definitely will purchase more from Kat Kemm!!" - Liz For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

108 Blacktime Song by Rosalie Wolfe General Fiction Author: Marylee Daniel Mitcham

Keywords: Blacktime, Song, Modern Novel, Fairy child

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609114978 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 158 Word Count: 46363 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.95

Overview: It’s 1973 when Rosalie Wolfe and her daughter Meadow leave Cincinnati and head to rural Kentucky where Rosalie hopes to “find” the God she feels abandoned by. Both mother and daughter are excited by their God-seeking adventure in different ways and romanticize being poor like the “poor people” God is known to love. Blacktime Song by Rosalie Wolfe is a first novel more complex in design than its simple, religious plot would suggest. Don’t beware, but be aware! The novel’s name on the book’s cover is Mitcham’s name for HER novel, while a similar title on the Contents page is the character Rosalie’s name for HER novel about someone she calls Hannah Wolfe; a voice within a voice within Mitcham’s voice. On the final page, Mark Twain checks in from the Dead with an Afterword; will wonders never cease? “This is unquestionably a fine work for the reader interested in the post-modern novel, presenting a single mother and her six-year-old fairy child, who strive to forge a family while leading lives infused with a strong current of spiritual mysticism.” —Levi S. Peterson, author of The Backslider “One of the more unusual and funny post-modern farcical novels I have ever read and wondered about. Its pathos surprises you.” —Rev. Perry C. Bramlett, founder of C.S. Lewis for the Local Church – Interstate Ministries For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

109 A Boyish God General Fiction Sub Title: Thwarting Evil Powers

Author: Peter Alan Olsson

Keywords: Intensive psychotherapy, dysfunctional family, romance, spirituality, love

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622126163 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 144 Word Count: 33067 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 15.00 Alt ISBN 9781625164391 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625164407 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: A Boyish God is a troubling novel with deep insights. According to author Peter Alan Olsson, “I was jolted to my core when I learned that a college friend’s son died at the Rev. Jim Jones’ side at Jonestown. Two books and over 30 years later, I am still searching for answers, especially about terror prevention.” This fascinating yet terrifying book probes into the psyche of a schoolboy who deeply needs therapy. On the playground of Saint Thomas Moore School in Houston, Sister Agnes hears young Will Powers’ fiery funeral sermon for a dead bird. At the insistence of his teachers, Will reluctantly stops his explosive eulogy. Will’s parents have apparently turned their back on their son and won’t return the school’s calls. The school psychologist turns for help to a trusted psychiatrist friend, who is able to delve into Will’s perspective and what is driving him. But can this troubled boy be helped? The novel is disturbing, but deeply necessary. Perhaps the Rev. Jim Jones at one time was also considered A Boyish God. The story is about the possibilities and profound difficulties in changing destinies. Unlike many melodramatic Hollywood movie scenarios, such changes occurring in psychotherapy are deceptively quiet…muted. Psychotherapy involves many experiences, anxiety, fear, fascination, wonder, boredom, humor/laughter, anger, sadness and often pain. But, the more severe and ominous forms of pain, destruction, and even deaths that are prevented, go unheralded…unnoticed; because existentially, they like a suicide prevented… never exist. Any genuine change in psychotherapy is always a story about two or more lives. People receiving psychotherapy, psychotherapists, counselors, and those in the helping professions will identify with this story. Other readers are sure welcome to join the journey. Review: Novellas have many ways of being born. This one found its genesis when, after reading the author’s first book Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time, the janitor asked, "Hey, Doc. If you treated Reverend Jim Jones when he was twelve-years old, could 918 deaths at Jonestown have been prevented?" "Maybe," The author replied. Then this novella started unfolding. It is partly a memoir about the love of psychotherapy work. The story is about the possibilities and profound difficulties in spotting false Gods and changing destructive destinies. Unlike many melodramatic Hollywood movie scenarios, such changes occurring in psychotherapy are deceptively quiet...often muted. Psychotherapy involves many emotional experiences...anxiety, fear, fascination, wonder, boredom, humor/laughter, anger, sadness and often pain. However, the more severe and ominous forms of pain, destruction, and, even a death prevented, go unheralded. They are unnoticed because existentially, they like a suicide prevented... never exist. Hopefully Will Powers and his treatment can help thwart the evil of destructive cults by increasing awareness of the psychological dynamics behind the spawning of destructive leaders and

110 their minions. In essence... be wary of all gurus! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

111 FantaSea General Fiction Author: John L. Marris

Keywords: Friendship; Mutual trust; Adventures; Dolphin; Princess

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609767976 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 307 Word Count: 95324 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 9.70 Alt ISBN 9781612047881 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: A mermaid and a dolphin go on an adventure where they befriend pixies and elves and fight against sharks and barracudas. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Tales from the Shadows General Fiction

Author: John L. Marris

Keywords: Horror Stories, Shadows, Tales, Supernatural, Historical

Book Details: ISBN: 9781427653819 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 261 Publisher: ECKO House Publishing e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: This is the first book of horror stories in a trilogy of terror. Several stories are supernatural, but have roots in historical fact. The reader's sense of terror increases, realizing there is enough truth to question whether the tale has the possibility to really happen. For those suffering from katsaridaphobia (fear of cockroaches) in particular or insects in general, there is a tale you will absolutely hate! Did you ever wonder what would happen if you met the "Gatherer of Souls" before it was your time? Are you a reader a bookworm? After reading the story you may reconsider! What if you met the woman of your dreams and found out she was worse than your worst nightmare? Read these stories and more if you dare! Remember, there is a very thin veil hidden in the shadows that separate reality from the unknown. Review: By Wordsmith - I knew by the end of the first page of the first story that I was in for a wild ride! The stories are creative, well written, and surprisingly well researched. There is great diversity in content and I couldn't wait to read what came next. I'm now on to book 2. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Tales from the Shadows II General Fiction

Author: John L. Marris

Keywords: Horror Stories, Shadows, Tales, Supernatural, Historical

Book Details: ISBN: 9781427653826 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 263 Publisher: ECKO House Publishing e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: This is the second horror book in the trilogy of terror. The tales range from short stories to novellas. The readers find themselves touring the globe from the jungles of the Amazon, to the Himalayas, to the west coast of Africa, and to Anywhere. As with the original Tales from the Shadows, Shadows II continues in the tradition of spinning tales around truth. Get new insight into voodoo; discover the horrifying secret of a lost, mythical tribe in the rain forest; and what lies hidden within snowcapped mountains that warrant protection from a creature residing in the bowels of hell? Even more disturbing are the secrets hidden within the halls of Graye Manor, a story destined to be a horror classic. And as always, there's more horror lurking in the shadows! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Tales from the Shadows III General Fiction

Author: John L. Marris

Keywords: Horror Stories, Shadows, Tales, Supernatural, Historical

Book Details: ISBN: 9781427653833 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 261 Publisher: ECKO House Publishing e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: This is the third book in the Tales from the Shadows trilogy of terror. Although some of the stories have roots in fact, the majority are supernatural at its best. Look deep inside your mind, your heart, and dare to find what scares you most. Beware, it might be in one of these stories. For instance, some people are terrified of clowns. Others are frightened of dolls. How about a story about a possessed clown doll? What else might terrify you; an apocalyptical world where living humans are no longer the top of the food chain? And what collection of stories would be complete unless somewhere there were spiders very large and very hungry spiders! Other stories can't even be described, but must be read more than once! Oh, do you believe in curses? There's something for everyone hidden within these pages, in the dark, in the shadows! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

The All-Write Winsome Collection General Fiction of Short Stories

Author: Winsome Mary Payter

Keywords: 100 Short Stories, Uplifting, Amusing, Surrogate Mother

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622121786 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 324 Word Count: 110739 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 18.95

Overview: The All-Write Winsome Collection of Short Stories features "The Abduction of Amy Sellers," in which a young woman hires her body out as a surrogate mother to a wealthy middle-aged American couple who are childless. There are just over 100 short stories, very diverse in content. Some are exciting, some uplifting, and some are written from an animal’s point of view, which can be most amusing. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

Where the Wild Daffodils Grow General Fiction Author: Elizabeth Rickards and Hannah Amelia Holbrook

Keywords: Tasmania, Love Story, Violence, 1800s, Convicts, Voyage from England, Immigrants

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622124862 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 340 Word Count: 78763 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.95

Overview: The central location for this novel is in the sylvan valleys surrounding the Tasmanian township of Waterloo, near Geeveston. ." Where the Wild Daffodils Grow is a romantic fiction with drama and ironic twists which involves a group of people from various walks of life including convicts, who make the long journey from England and Ireland to a new future. In doing so, they experience romance and violence during the 1800s through to the 1950s in a small country village in Tasmania. This historical novel covers the lives of over 4 generations of several families who find themselves on the same boat to settle across the world and decide to make their homes in the same area where they form a community and intermarry. The eye witness accounts of a family relative are discovered and explain the hardships, violence, tragedies and romances based on some facts which ring with authenticity. The story line is separated into two sections, the first book covers the backgrounds of the individuals and their family history and how they arrive in the same place. The second book tells mainly of the Cavenders and their extended family and issues which separate and reunite some of the characters. The eldest son Ricky joined the army in 1914. In France he was among a handful of survivors in his regiment. He did more than survive he made a conversion to the church, fathered more children and re-enlisted when World War 11 started. This in an incredulous story that will have wide appeal. ‘Where the Wild Daffodils Grow’ was written by the late Hannah Amelia Holbrook, with an assist many years later by her granddaughter, Elizabeth Rickards. Hannah wrote a book and several unpublished manuscripts before she died of lung cancer at the age of 53. Her granddaughter, Elizabeth, was entrusted with Hannah’s works, but never examined them closely because she married young and had six children to raise. She says: "Now retired, I finally had the time to look at my grandmother’s scripts. I was impressed and added to her first book, giving it a different title. I updated it and put in more romance, sex, and drama. I think she would be very proud of the end result. I’m only sorry that neither she nor my parents are alive to see the finished book, but I hope they are with me in spirit. Hannah Holbrook and her grand daughter Elizabeth Rickards have achieved an intimate, honest, raw, even sexy dialogue with readers say several critics and the book was certainly worth the wai For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

112 Blue Speaks Eternally General Fiction

Author: Victoria Wagner

Keywords: Whale Watching, Blue Whales, Whale Hunters, Ocean Life, Sea News, Ocean Conservation, Marine Life, Climate Change

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628574197 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - $ 9.95 Alt ISBN 9781631357046 e-book - EPUB - $ 6.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357039 e-book - KINDLE - $ 6.99

Overview: Blue Speaks Eternally is a reminder from the ocean and its inhabitants about the future of the planet. Travel with whales as they migrate from the warm waters of Southern California to the changing waters of Alaska, warming into the threats of climate change. The story is seen through the eyes of a young adult Blue Whale named Kip. Among his tales are the history of his pod family and their amazing survival from extinction, encounters with his ocean friends, and a single dangerous enemy. Startling news from the humans atop the water brings a life threatening message to Kip and all ocean life. Kip and the voices from the ocean’s creatures tell of the future for the planet due to the imbalance caused by pollution, wars, and ocean acidification, all which lead back to mankind. The choices at the end are offered to everyone. Review: "Blue Speaks Eternally is a fiction work by Victoria Wagner. It's the story of a blue whale named, Kip, who is a young adult traveling with his pod, or family, from their winter grounds near La Jolla, California, up the coast to Chukchi Sea, where they summer. Hearing the stories from her main character, Kip, made me feel like I was sharing their lives as they migrated the thousands of miles up north, and it was quite an amazing and marvelous voyage. It's eloquent and very moving, and it's highly recommended." - Jack Magnus, Readers' Favorite For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

113 English Poems and Writings General Fiction Author: Paul Tagney

Keywords: English, Poetry, Writing, Artistic Journalism, Creative Writing, Romantic Poetry, Personal Prose

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631352676 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 50 Word Count: 20349 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631352669 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: A significant collection of truly artistic and original poetry and prose was created by Paul Tagney's natural ability to record his unique perspectives on life's special moments. These include inspirations from family, friends, nature, challenges, romance, passion, cultures, life, and death. The book's artistic writings cover the author’s life experiences and travels over 40-plus years, from the 1960s cultural revolution, well into the 21st century. He opens his heart and soul through all the many creative word tapestries included in this, his latest of four published books. Each poem or writing is a memorial tribute to people, places, and times that are woven into his life's tapestry. As you read and re-read each unique presentation, your appreciation of the author’s talent will grow, and your own life will be richer for it. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

114 The Distant Dreams: Elusive General Fiction Hopes Sub Title: A Collection of Short Stories

Author: B S Thapliyal

Keywords: Appalling Conditions, Refugees, Malawi, Turkmenistan, Moldavia, Lesotho, Georgia

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625167255 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 226 Word Count: 66456 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 15.00

Overview: ‘The Distant Dreams: Elusive Hopes’ is a collection of short stories written during three decades of author’s career in the government service. Most of his stories are based on the impressions gained from the people and places he has visited. His stories have Indian/ Asian and African backdrop and the narration generally covers the rural working class. Two stories are set in the back drop of former Soviet Republic of Georgia where the author worked as an International Monetary Fund’s Treasury Advisor for three years. The conditions in Georgia during 1994-1996 were appalling. The new economic order had shattered the life of the common man, leaving no jobs, gas or power in the bitter winters. The author says, “I was amazed by the indomitable will power of the Georgians to survive in such conditions. I also saw the refugees from north-western Georgia, driven out from their homes by the Abkhazians suffering under wretched conditions.” A few stories reflect the effect of economic globalization on poor countries like Malawi where also, the author worked for three years. Its main export of tobacco leaves shrinked with growing global opinion against smoking and its tourism potential was never harnessed since the British who left the country in 1964 were not interested in creating any infrastructure to boost its economy. Prejudice, harsh and insulting behaviour towards the local natives by Asian settlers is the theme of some other stories. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

115 Bolting Horses and Falling Bombs General Fiction Sub Title: The Making of a Plymouth Family, 1924 to 1945

Author: Anthony Trevail

Keywords: WWII, England, Plymouth, Devastation of War, Family Life, Real People

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631351518 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 184 Word Count: 59518 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.50

Overview: Travel back to England to feel the effects of world war that became The Making of a Plymouth Family, 1924 to 1945. The book is of great interest not only for its evocation of what it was like for one family that lived through the devastation of war, but for the way it highlights how individual events, such as bolting horses, determine the course of history, making and breaking families along the way. This incredible story is based on real persons and events, as experienced by the author and also as recounted to him by his parents. To fill in certain gaps in the events, and to protect the identity of some of those still living, some names and events are fictional. Travel back to England to feel the effects of world war that became The Making of a Plymouth Family, 1924 to 1945. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

116 Guilty Until Proven Innocent General Fiction Author: Alida van den Bos

Keywords: Mystery Suspense Amnesia Quest Proven Innocence

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119157 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 238 Word Count: 71729 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50 Alt ISBN 9781612046907 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: A woman uncovers a plot to kill her grandmother and the theft of her estate. She must find a way to thwart the conspirators. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

117 The Twin General Fiction

Author: R. L. Wogrin

Keywords: space shuttle, Galaxy, space station Able, orbit

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612043333 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 204 Word Count: 71004 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781618977342 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618977717 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: The space shuttle Galaxy, while attempting to dock with the space station Able, has a malfunction of the retro fire rockets. This jettisons the Galaxy, with Captain Jonathan Raney and his four fellow astronauts, far out into space, into its own orbit around the sun. After months of futile efforts, the crew loses contact with Earth. Running out of supplies and hope, they fall asleep, only to awake to find their shuttle docked with a sophisticated spacecraft full of humans – or are they? These rescuers are from the Planet Kaldea. So starts the crew’s journey to a planet and civilization thousands of years advanced of earth and humans in terms of science, technology and culture. Are these Kaldeans friends or foe to the astronauts, who don’t know if they are guests or prisoners? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

118 How To Cook For Your Pet General Non-Fiction

Author: Amy Cousino

Keywords: Children's Books, Animals, Pets, Nonfiction

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606933756 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 76 Word Count: 7864 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781618979896 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618979919 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: Cousino, a chef and licensed veterinarian, has combined her talents to come up with healthy, nutritious recipes that are not only simple, but are made with fresh foods. You’ll be able to incorporate fresh ingredients found at your local grocery store and get your kids involved in the process with her step-by-step instructions, designed especially for quick and easy preparation. Included is her exclusive “No-No List” of foods for reference as well as a “Yes-Yes List” for dog and cat owners that illustrate common foods safe for your dog or cat. In addition, you’ll find feeding guides, supplies you’ll need for preparation and a questionnaire to help you determine your pet’s favorite foods. With continuing pet food recalls, wouldn’t you like to ensure that your pet is eating non-toxic, healthy, and delicious food made at home? Now you can control the quality and safety of your pet’s food-with a guarantee that your special dog or cat will find that fresh homemade food just tastes better than alternative pet foods. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

119 Law of Duality General Non-Fiction

Sub Title: Extraterrestrial, Phenomena, Communications and Contacts

Author: A. C. Fritsch, M.Div., Ph.D.

Keywords: Philosophy, Metaphysics, Social and Behavioral, Research, Social and Spirit

Book Details: ISBN: 9780986022018 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 101 Word Count: 10000 Publisher: Wisdom Ministries hardcover - $ 20.00

Overview: Humanity's yet unanswered forensic questions regarding its origin are uniquely answered. Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our basic origin? What is dilution and what reality? What happens upon death? The author invites science and metaphysics to engage in a joint effort to answer these questions by bridging the gap which separates them. She believes bridging the gap between science and metaphysics would lead to greater understanding of the true human nature. Fine tuning scientific parameters is suggested. Key element introduced is “The Law of Duality,” which contemplates two components of human nature: matter and spirit. The spiritual component of humans is evidenced by events and occurrences unexplainable by science. Extraterrestrial communications and contacts is one type of scientifically unexplainable events. They do explain the spiritual nature of humankind. Engaging, challenging, well-defended, opens doors and suggests potential answers. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

120 The Personal, Spiritual, General Non-Fiction Professional, Metaphysics Practitioner

Sub Title: And Universal Code of Conduct and Ethics

Author: A. C. Fritsch, M.Div., Ph.D.


Book Details: ISBN: 9780986020001 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 54 Word Count: 10000 Publisher: Wisdom Ministries e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: Very concerned with social decay running rampant in Western society, she carried out social and behavioral research relying on applied Benchmarking techniques for her investigation. She coined the phrase Social and Spiritual Benchmarking. Due to this unique application of benchmarking, her methodology is innovative. Very well documented, this investigation includes historical and social frames of reference, as well as human behavioral evolution from a macro point of view. She makes valid questions that motivates one to reflect. Philosophically and psychologically engaging. She has a deep understanding of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology and philosophy easily reflected in this work. Her keen observation that ethics is crucial for social survival and human growth may prove to be another of her prophetic visions. She believes no society can withstand the test of time without a well engrained ethical fiber at every level of society. Brilliant work. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

121 Paint This! General Non-Fiction

Sub Title: An Unprecedented Occurrence in Art

Author: A.C. Fritsch, M.Div., Ph.D.

Keywords: Painting Images, Visionary Art, Spiritual, Napa Valley, Persistence, Art Works, Prophetic, Multidimensional

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353024 Pages: 72 Word Count: 12383 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 23.95

Overview: Along with the command to PAINT THIS! came other information and images, all included in the book. Set in the Napa Valley, this volume is the result of persistence and perseverance by the author to comply with the order. The book is spiritually engaging, involving an inspirational experience of another kind and vision. Its message includes narrative and visionary art, all painted and written by the author. The author studied REVELATIONS for the past five years with the hope of painting the contents in a big mural. Her goal was that the work would be self-explanatory and the viewer would not have to read text to understand the message. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

122 The Bermuda Triangle Islamic General Non-Fiction Perspective Sub Title: Within the Context of Bermuda Muslim History

Author: Wayne Lonnie Brown

Keywords: Bermuda Triangle, Islam, Religion

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625168245 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 66 Word Count: 13607 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 10.97 Alt ISBN 9781631351983 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631351976 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Wayne Lonnie Brown wrote The Bermuda Triangle Islamic Perspective: Within the Context of Bermuda Muslim History to set the record straight. It offers a new perspective of untold proportions. Like his first book, published in 1999, The Historical Roots of Proper Islamic Governance in Bermuda, this is a history book. It clarifies points made in the first book, but more importantly, answers questions about the Bermuda Triangle that are continuously asked by Muslims the world over, both by the Ulama as well as ordinary Muslims, and also by non-Muslims. He says, “No one prior to me has discovered the answers I relate in this book about the Bermuda Triangle. The so-called mystery is solved by me, a Bermudian Muslim, and all praise is due to God. Why shouldn’t God’s mercy allow a Bermudian to discover something unique about Bermuda?” For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

123 Lies/Mentiras General Non-Fiction Sub Title: The Bible never lies / La Biblia nunca miente

Author: Agustin S. Contin

Keywords: Catholics, Catholicism, Bible

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631351839 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 356 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.95 Alt ISBN 9781631355875 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631355868 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: For centuries, the Catholic Church has been teaching lies to its followers. Catholic clergymen pretend to be “representatives of God,” having the power to forgive the sins of other men during confession. They claim to be able to transform the host, providing wafers and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and the faithful eat and drink it as cannibals. Priests say their mass is a repetition of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, when Jesus died and resurrected almost 2,000 years ago. Yet God forbids us to communicate with dead people, so why would the church want Catholics to accept the great number of “saints” and “virgins” who are dead people? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

124 Practical Perspectives on Youth General Non-Fiction Sub Title: Engagement and Mobilisation Strategy

Author: Odianose Dominic Matthew

Keywords: Perspectives, Practical, Youth, Mobilisation, Social Science

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612042909 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 152 Word Count: 28162 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95

Overview: The book is segmented into eight chapters with focus on youth development, how youths can be mobilised for community or national development employing time tested strategies by getting them into the voluntary sector through formation of voluntary youth clubs. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to a youth problem and how it can be overcome employing practical initiatives that can deliver better result than long held traditional approach when working with young people. Some of the topics it discussed are Youth identity, Youth mobilisation strategy, Networking for success, Youth crime, Youth drug abuse, Civic education, HIV/Aids and Youth investment clubs. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

125 Just Add Music General Non-Fiction Sub Title: Top 50 Plus 5

Author: David J. McMullen

Keywords: Music, Lyrics, Top 50

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625166708 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 62 Word Count: 15300 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 10.95 Alt ISBN 9781628574388 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628574371 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: The Hooks – The Verses – The Rhymes! They’re all here. In his new book Just Add Music, or JAM, David J McMullen has written the lyrics to fit most popular genres of music, including rock, pop, blues, country, Caribbean, and adult contemporary. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

126 Before General Non-Fiction Sub Title: A Journey From (Within)

Author: V.H. Alcantar

Keywords: Physical, Natural, Brain, Mind-Analogies

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622127429 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 188 Word Count: 30897 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 11.0 Width: 8.5 - $ 16.95 Alt ISBN 9781628575446 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628575439 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: What did you know (Before) you came to know by name? Is there a (Before)-words way today and another after-words? This notion of (Before) came from my childhood, a certain way of knowing-seeing following a near-death incident that began this Journey from (Within). To this day I tend to see as (Autistics) more in pictures less in words. Later in my life reading "split-brain studies" and "two parallel ways of knowing" I was again intrigued with the contrast of the two views and began to create symbols and a model to express the two. A more (Central) and (Neutral) view began to appear (Before) a sided and divided view after-words are learned and used to name. Are the two to do with the two of energy, e.g. "Rest and motion"? And are the two the difference between Eastern and Western thinking? Searching and researching through old teachings of religion, philosophy, etc. I began to view the two in terms or in light of these modern findings in physics and physiological processes. Putting all of this together a (Common Center) was found to be (Common) to (All), a (Way) to see to bring together a torn- up world (Before) war. Can we experience (One)ness with Creation as of old native teachings and as said in the 08 Beijing Olympics, "(One) world, (One) dream" For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

127 Lost Ties General Non-Fiction Sub Title: A Journey by Image

Author: Tim Anthony

Keywords: General

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612046105 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 65 Publisher: SBPRA

Overview: The book of art work contains descriptive works in three parts. The first section contains a run of “stills” from an imaginary screen play the artist conjured up. Over time, as the images developed, a sequence of chronological flow, time and story ensued. This all happened by accident but eventually he was able to incorporate all the images into a WWII screen play with two separate operating theaters, Indo-Europe and North Africa. Somehow he managed to weave a story line of five disparted girls and the dilemma of the father being forced to develop biological warfare for the Germans. This is exemplified by the intertwined bug motif. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

128 Riding Shotgun in an 18-Wheeler General Non-Fiction Sub Title: Sights, sounds and stories from Long Haul Trucking

Author: Toni Dietkus

Keywords: Trucker stories, Long haul truck driving, Stories online, Adventures in travel, Big Rig courage

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606930564 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 232 Word Count: 64756 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 5.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 33.50 Alt ISBN 9781618970305 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: Only hair-raising experience makes “truck drivers the safest on the road.” Nick drove. I noted the best bits of the day with pen and paper, a sketchbook or a camera. Riding Shotgun In An 18-Wheeler is the best of 7 years of long haul driving. It is a diary of beauty and terror on winter’s icy roadways, skill and nerve to drive past other big rigs toppled by high winds, or a fun sight like girls in a limo giving us the arm-jerk gesture, “Honk Your Horn,” and relief when a doe and fawn beside a highway do not wander into our headlights. Oh, and knowing what “a gator on the zipper” means, or “a bear with a gun at milepost . . .” Sitting in the cab of a big rig is as high up as sitting in a chair on the roof of an ordinary car—what a view. We wish you’d ride along with us— from the comfort of your own chair—because trucking turned out to be a real Adventure of a Lifetime. Illustrated in color. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

129 A Journey Through General Non-Fiction Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Geraldine McCall

Keywords: Health, Disease, Faith, God

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618978448 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 282 Word Count: 97618 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.8 - $ 17.00 Alt ISBN 9781631350320 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631350313 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Nora Scruggs McCall was a deeply religious woman, who never lost her faith that God was always in control, and that everything would work our as it should. Even as her dementia progressed she continued working as a volunteer grandmother. She also continued attending church services a Mount Calvary Baptist Church every weeknight and on Sundays. As Nora goes into decline, the task of taking care of her falls to her second eldest daughter Gerry. With power of attorney, Gerry must try and unite her siblings John, Jessie, Jeannie, and Carolyn, in agreeing how to handle their mother’s declining health, and eventually how to settle her estate. A Journey Through Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease is Gerry’s story as she struggles to take care of her mother and resolve her divided family’s conflicts. It is a story that will undoubtedly resonate with anyone who has cared for a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

130 Solutions General Non-Fiction

Sub Title: The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Made Simple

Author: Samer Muala

Keywords: Palestine, Israel, Terrorism, World Peace

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781482396591 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 150 Word Count: 30000 Publisher: CreateSpace softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.3 - $ 9.95

Overview: Terrorism has become an international threat, as radical Islamic groups clinging on to misguided teaching of one of the most peaceful religions try to create rifts among mankind. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the center of today's political turmoil. It allows radical Islamists to recruit young men into their organizations. The West, in turn, falls into a trap by waging wars and using a flagrant double standard in its relationship with Israel. This book explores the many mistakes both sides make by following strict policies and forgetting the needs of humanity to co-exist. It starts out by dispelling some myths that are propagated today that simply are not true. It proves that the Palestinian question is not a religious, but a land issue. It offers solutions to the present Middle East conflict. It concludes with a poetic journey into the future and is a personal outcry to end the conflict. By living on both sides of the globe, the author understands the beliefs of most Palestinians and Arabs in the region. "I am responding to the calls of many in the West asking for Palestinians and Arabs to speak up and denounce terrorism in all its shapes and forms. I wholeheartedly feel the majority of Arabs want a lasting and comprehensive peace based on trust and mutual respect. It is time that the humiliation and iron-clad fist of occupation end, so that those who seek to destroy the common bonds of humanity can drift away into forgetfulness." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

131 A Bridge Too Far or Seldom General Non-Fiction Crossed Sub Title: he Value of Work Means Different Things to Different People, Spanning Cultural Disparity in a Globalising Labour Market

Author: Ruby Welch

Keywords: Ideal Systems, Globalizing Market, Maori Holistic Views, Political Considerations, Capitalist Economy

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628575552 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 166 Word Count: 58778 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.00 Overview: This book examines what is generally accepted in Western European societies as the work ethic, comparing it with the motivation to work of non-Western people in the labour market. People’s expectations and perceptions about work are comprised of shared ideas, values, beliefs, rules, and meanings expressed through their social institutions, which the author terms "ideal systems." It is these ideal systems that influence the ways people organize their workplaces, which are in turn a subsystem of their broader society. Industrial relations are therefore culturally shaped, rather than solely determined by technological, industrial, or political considerations. Changes in societies due to industrialization and technological innovation do occur, but they don’t necessarily converge, because actors in various social systems drive and adapt to social change in culturally specific ways. The Maori people of New Zealand, who have been predominantly integrated in the capitalist economy of that country, persistently show they have different expectations and purposes for participating in the workforce. In a globalizing market, workers from various cultural backgrounds are expected to work together in relative harmony, yet the author’s studies indicate it is the distinction between Western individualistic thought about work that contrasts significantly with Maori holistic views of work and society. Review: "Excellent, common sense presentation. This should be widely used in classrooms, and boardrooms. A must for all human resource departments. It far surpasses any so-called diversity programmes used in the workplace." - Georgina Bradley For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

132 The Chemical Carousel Health & Wellness

Sub Title: What Science Tells Us About Beating Addiction

Author: Dirk Hanson

Keywords: Addiction, Drugs, Medical Treatment, Substance Abuse

Web: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781439212998 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 472 Publisher: BookSurge Publishing softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 1.2 - $ 13.45

Overview: The Chemical Carousel is an in-depth look at addiction science and medical treatments for drug dependence and alcoholism. An experienced science and business journalist, author Dirk Hanson brings a complex and widely misunderstood subject out of the shadows and into the light of understanding. In this groundbreaking and highly readable examination of addiction science and the biological, emotional and scientific underpinnings of substance abuse, The Chemical Carousel breaks through the myths, while presenting the surprising and cutting-edge facts about addiction and its medical origins. Review: "Well researched, written and edited, providing the most current/contemporary information available." - Midwest Book Review, June 2009 Awards: Winner of 2010 Independent Publisher Book Award in Health/Medicine/Nutrition For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

133 A Nutritional Approach to a Health & Wellness Revised Model for Medicine Sub Title: Does Modern Medicine Help you?

Author: Derrick Lonsdale M.D.

Keywords: Nutrition, Brain, Health

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618970923 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 188 Word Count: 60426 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781631353369 Hardcover - $ 24.95 Alt ISBN 9781625169129 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625169112 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: This book was written as a result of 64 years in the practice of medicine. As a pediatrician at Cleveland Clinic Foundation I became aware that most of the children brought for emotional problems had poor diet rather than poor parenting. Their behavior and physical health responded dramatically to natural foods, withdrawal of all forms of sugar and a few nutritional supplements. An adult body consists of trillions of cells, each of which has to extract energy from food. Mother Nature has developed a computer to organize all the emotional and physical responses that occur automatically when adapting to the stresses that we encounter on a day-to- day basis. The computer is in the lower part of the brain and its consumption of oxygen in the process of oxidation is very high. Oxidation is on the same principle as burning gasoline in a car cylinder. Some of us will remember that we started a car engine with a mechanism called a choke. This was released automatically as the engine warmed. If the choke stuck, the engine would run roughly and black smoke from the exhaust would indicate unburned hydrocarbons. This resulted in loss of energy from the inefficient combustion of fuel. That is what happens in the human body when we take in high calorie foods that do not contain the vitamins and minerals that are the equivalent of a spark plug. I have referred to this as “the choked engine syndrome." The computer becomes erratic in its automatic reactions that enable us to adapt to the changes in our environment. We may feel cold when it is hot or hot when it is cold, or we may become angry too easily and even react violently. The book refers to this as “high calorie malnutrition," very different from our usual concept of insufficient food. Too much is as bad as too little and the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang is used to illustrate this. This form of malnutrition is causing a huge amount of disease in America that is traditionally diagnosed as “psychosomatic." It is so widespread that it may well affect our progress toward better humanitarian behavior. Our collective ignorance is compared to the ignorance of the ancient Romans where chronic lead poisoning was at least part of the decline of their civilization. Small amounts of lead taste sweet and they kept their wines in lead glazed containers. Perhaps the sweetness that encouraged them to drink more wine may be compared to the massive contemporary use of sugar and sweeteners. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

134 LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Health & Wellness Sub Title: A Practical Mind Technique to Lose Weight Steadily, Easily and Effectively

Author: Antony Maurice-Nneke

Keywords: Diets & Dieting Assertiveness, Motivation & Self-esteem

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612047300 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 136 Word Count: 33702 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 12.95

Overview: LOSE WEIGHT NOW! A Practical Mind Technique to Lose Weight Steadily, Easily and Effectively outlines some of the essential secret weapons you need to feel good and look great in every way! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

135 Love & War Historical Fiction Sub Title: Commander Hursey's Story

Author: David Arnold

Keywords: WW2 ,Navy, Adventure, Love, Romance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618976727 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 342 Word Count: 111500 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.95 Overview: SHORT SYNOPSIS OF THE NOVEL 'LOVE AND WAR' Warwick Hursey, 27 and single, is serving as the Junior Second Officer of a big P&O Liner which is carrying Australian troops. His ship docks in London's Royal Albert Dock from a deep sea voyage in late October 1941. Before he can go on leave he is approached by an official of the Ministry of Transport Shipping Board and ordered to join an ancient tramp ship as its captain as he has a Master Mariner's Certificate. The old ship has been pressed back into service to relieve the chronic shortage of shipping caused by recent U-boat sinking. England is also very short of qualified officers since many have been lost and others have been appointed to the vastly expanded RN as Royal Naval Reserve officers. He joins his new ship, SS Freshwater Bay, in Newcastle and supervises her refit, making her ready for sea. He lodges with a very attractive landlady, Sarah Walker, with whom he falls in deeply in love. She is relatively well off, having left home when her stepfather tried to rape her, and subsequently becoming the housekeeper and mistress of a well-to-do local businessman, considerably older than she. He died and left her all his money and possessions. After a few weeks the ship goes to sea with Warwick in command, and proceeds to Gibraltar after loading coal and general cargo in Wales. They get to Gibraltar after a successful tussle with a U-boat in which the Second Officer and two of the crew are killed. He is involved in a dispute over the funeral arrangements with a very pompous staff officer in the Naval Ward master department. He and his ship are pressed into the Royal Naval Reserve by the local RN flag officer, Rear Admiral MacDonald. The Admiral's son (David MacDonald) joins his ship as Third Officer with an admonition from his father to Warwick to make a seaman of him. Warwick’s 28th birthday party takes place in the local Red Shoes Bar, where he makes the acquaintance of a resident hostess called Esperanza, and arrives back on his ship the following morning. This escapade leaves him with several worries and a troubled conscience. Meanwhile his ship is repaired and loaded with food and captured armaments for England. They get back to the UK where SS Freshwater Bay is sunk by a bombing raid while discharging in Southampton Docks. Meanwhile Sarah has bought a big house in Hampshire with money left to her by her erstwhile, deceased lover. Review: David Arnold is a fabulous yachtsman and former naval man so he really knows his stuff. Spins quite a tale! Awards: None yet For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

136 Hursey in Conflict Historical Fiction Sub Title: A Story of Love and Victory

Author: David Arnold

Keywords: World War II Novel, Axis, Captured Warship, Croatian Spy, Winston Churchill, Secret Missions

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625166128 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 366 Word Count: 114888 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.50 Alt ISBN 9781628576191 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628576184 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Hursey in Conflict continues the story of Reserve Commander Warwick Hursey during World War II and is the sequel to the first book of the series, Love and War. This is a graphic and realistically told story of action at sea and romance ashore. Warwick participates in clandestine missions and plots to deceive the Axis, eventually escaping with a large, captured Italian warship after a short incarceration as a POW in Sardinia. He falls in love with Evona, a beautiful Croatian spy working for the Admiralty. Warwick is honoured by the King and personally appointed to his next mission by Winston Churchill. Hursey in Conflict: A Story of Love and Victory takes historical fiction to a whole new level. Review: "Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the first book of the dashing Hursey and his exploits on land and sea, I eagerly picked up this second one to see what new scrapes, both with ships and women, my new friend, Hursey, was going to get himself into and how he was going to extricate himself from these predicaments. He did not disappoint." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

137 The Beginning of the End Historical Fiction Sub Title: Hursey: Annapolis to Normandy: A Novel of World War II

Author: David Arnold

Keywords: World War II, Love, War, Romance, Action, Sea, America

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353086 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 368 Word Count: 121278 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.50 Alt ISBN 9781631355660 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631355653 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: The Beginning of the End continues the story of Reserve Commander Warwick Hursey during World War II, and is the third and final book of the series that began with Love and War and continued with Hursey in Conflict. This is a graphic and realistically told story of action at sea and romance ashore. On his return from America, Warwick is appointed to command the light cruiser HMS Delhi and is employed escorting convoys to Murmansk, where his ship plays a part in the sinking of the German Battleship Scharnhorst. After escorting a fleet of landing craft to England from Gibraltar, he is posted to Camp Widewing, the huge U.S. and Allied Camp near London, which was planning for the D-Day landings. He observes and reports on the disastrous Operation Tiger, when over 900 American servicemen lost their lives. Warwick eventually falls in love with Brigitte Ziegler, a Danish refugee. The book ends as the USS Augusta with General Bradley and Commodore Hursey onboard weighs her anchor for the D-day invasion of June 6, 1944. This action-packed series takes historical military fiction to a new level. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

138 Yesterday's Tomorrows Historical Fiction Sub Title: The Dark Secret

Author: Denise Buckley

Keywords: Fiction, Romance, historical, secret, mill, war, rape.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618973610 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 168 Word Count: 71262 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 17.97 Alt ISBN 9781622129317 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622129300 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: What is the terrible secret in the historical novel Yesterday’s Tomorrows: The Dark Secret? This eloquent story describes life in England in the early years of the 1900's, when two young orphans go to live with their aunt and uncle. Eight-year-old Ruth escapes a house fire with her half-sister, but the rest of the family perishes in the blaze. Ruth later works in the local mill, where she falls in love with Billy. When Billy goes missing in World War I and is presumed dead, Ruth learns that Billy is seriously injured and can no longer father children. She tells him that it doesn't matter and they marry. Ruth is brutally raped and becomes pregnant by an unknown assailant. Although Billy pretends to be the father, it is too much for him to bear. Startling revelations continue into the book’s sequel that continues this sad tale. Is there hope for a happy future? Review: Excellent first novel 17 October 2012 Considering this was the author's first book it was fantastic. A book which I couldn't put down. A real twist at the end too instead of the usual predictable endings. A really good read. Would highly recommend and look forward to her next book. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

139 Caught Historical Fiction Sub Title: Surviving the Turbulent River of Life

Author: Uta Christensen

Keywords: End WWII, teenage recruit, prisoner-of-war, near-death- experience, recovery, physical starvation

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631355455 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 320 Word Count: 109370 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 18.95 Alt ISBN 9781631358197 e-book - EPUB - $ 7.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358203 e-book - KINDLE - $ 7.99 Overview: In Caught: Surviving the Turbulent River of Life, Janos, a successful executive for a large German conglomerate, reveals the untold experiences of his youth to Sparrow, a young woman he seems attracted to. She is allowed to relive his epic journey and becomes drawn into an unnerving yet moving tapestry of extraordinary events that take place in prisoner of war camps deep within Russia. Taken by force at age sixteen from the protective circle of his family in Germany, Janos is tossed into the cataclysmic, last-gasp efforts of World War II. His several years-long journey takes him to a place of darkness, where he lives through a near-death experience and must survive physical and emotional starvation, hard labor and ostracism; yet it also carries him into unlikely places and relationships where friendship, compassion, healing, mentoring, and love can amazingly still flourish. As the story unfolds, Janos' journey accelerates his passage from adolescence to manhood. Almost miraculously, he survives while vast numbers of his fellow prisoners of war perish. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

140 A Pyrrhic Victory Historical Fiction Sub Title: The Shaping of Destiny

Author: Ian Crouch

Keywords: Pyrrhus of Epirus, Alexander the Great, Rise of Rome, Chandragupta Maurya

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119140 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 379 Word Count: 118520 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 19.50 Alt ISBN 9781612041162 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: Pyrrhus is the king of Epirus in the generation following Alexander the Great. He is a central figure in the politics of the day and gave rise to the expression "A Pyrrhic victory," one that comes at such a cost that it threatens to destroy the victor. This came as a result of his second battle against the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC. Pyrrhus is considered one of the greatest commanders of the ancient world. Hannibal described him as the finest commander the world had seen, after Alexander himself. The story begins in what is now modern Turkey in 301 BC, where great armies are preparing for battle to determine which of Alexander's generals will rule the eastern Mediterranean. Pyrrhus later travels to Greece and then Egypt, where he becomes Ptolemy's protege and son-in-law. He ultimately fails because his visions were greater than his resources. Review: "The greatest value of A Pyrrhic Victory is in its effort to bring Pyrrhus of Epirus into the consciousness of the common reader. Hannibal had strong affirmative words for Pyrrhus and quoting him verbatim will speak volumes of credibility about the main character of the novel. Hannibal's commendation together with the Gold Medal in Historical Fiction makes a convincing case for a remarkable protagonist and an accomplished author. A Pyrrhic Victory is another creation that successfully showcases the greatness of one person that has been buried in history books." - The US Review of Books, reviewed by RJM Terrado Awards: Gold Medal IPPY 2011, NABE Pinnacle Awards, Indie Excellence Awards For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

141 A Pyrrhic Victory Historical Fiction Sub Title: Volume II, Destiny Unfolds

Author: Ian Crouch

Keywords: Pyrrhus of Epirus, Hellenistic World, Alexander the Great, Rise of Rome, Rise of Carthage

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631356469 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 480 Word Count: 137577 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 30.00 Alt ISBN 9781609119140 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 19.50 Alt ISBN 9781631359064 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631359057 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: Following up from the award-winning first volume of this trilogy, The Shaping of Destiny, Pyrrhus is now comfortable in his role as king of Epirus. It is 295 BC. He is soon to be embroiled again in his dealings with the great power, Macedonia, and his one-time friend, Demetrius. The cataclysmic event of his life then occurs: the invitation to help the Greek city of Tarentum in Italy. He invades Italy and confronts the growing power of Rome. This struggle between Greece and Rome lasted until 146 BC, the year of the sack of Corinth. It was Pyrrhus’ second victory against the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC that gave rise to the expression: A Pyrrhic Victory, one that comes at such a cost that it threatens to destroy the victor. Pyrrhus was described by Hannibal as the finest commander the world had seen, after Alexander himself.

Review: Destiny Unfolds, the second volume of Dr. Ian Crouch’s three-part epic, A Pyrrhic Victory, takes the brilliance and scope of its predecessor and amplifies it tenfold— expanding the ancient world into a global battlefield where men are made or broken… and history is born. Following Pyrrhus on his life’s violent journey, we find the Epirote king once more in bloody conflict with Macedonia, pitted against his old ally Demetrius as great reckonings unfold and the world itself begins to shift into a new epoch. For, at the invitation of Greece, Pyrrhus is called to fight against the rising power of Rome— and save the city of Tarentum from total destruction. With this campaign, Pyrrhus attains his greatest fame, crushing the Romans at Asculum while nearly obliterating his own army in the fearless and dogged operation— a costly style of conquest that’s come to be known as a ‘Pyrrhic Victory.’ Destiny Unfolds captures the same inventive spark as The Shaping of Destiny, but manages to simultaneously explore the broader factors of history while as well delving even deeper into the inner workings of Pyrrhus himself. The blend of the intimate and the majestic crafts a breathtaking tapestry of history, humans, and the age-old question— does the time make a man, or does a man make the time? Dr. Crouch explores this dialectic with electric prose and a steadfast honesty to fact. Destiny Unfolds is truly a tour de force, and I can’t wait for Fate, the concluding volume of A Pyrrhic Victory. But for now, I’m just so thrilled to have the first two-thirds of this masterpiece. —Charles Asher

For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

142 Sea Rose Historical Fiction

Author: Belle Cruze

Keywords: Pirate, Treasure, Kidnapping

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628575033 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 412 Word Count: 124420 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 20.50

Overview: Pirate treasure, kidnapping, and survival on the high seas create the backdrop for the 16th-century historical adventure, Sea Rose. An angry countess, Anna Dumont, feels threatened by the prospect of a new countess of Berkshire. She despises her son’s bride, Lydia, and plans to get rid of her. Full of hatred, Anna drugs Lydia’s wine and arranges to have the unconscious girl sent to the colonies, never to return. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

143 Annie's Journey Historical Fiction Author: Joyce Dorsey Ostlund

Keywords: Quest, love, journey, truth, drama.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612042053 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 310 Word Count: 97030 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 18.50 Alt ISBN 9781622120826 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781622120833 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: In this dramatic historical novel, a sequel to author Joyce Dorsey Ostlund’s Love’s Gift, 17 year-old Annie faces a shocking and stark future when her father sells the family farm and leaves Annie and her mother to work as servants for the new owner and his son. Annie’s life becomes miserable, especially due to the sexual advances of her bosses, but she finds solace in friendship with other workers on the farm, and at the local church. When she continues to encounter abuse, the priest helps Annie move to the city, and then to London. Five years later, Annie returns to the farm and finds it has been left to her. After falling in love with the grandson of people she worked with in the past, Annie finds a letter from her mother, now deceased, which holds a great mystery. Anne sets out on a quest which takes her out of the country, once again, in order to uncover the truth of the past. Can she and her new love conquer the obstacles that threaten to keep them apart? Will Annie be able to keep the farm and live out her dreams? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

144 Bread and Stone Historical Fiction Sub Title: A New Kingdom

Author: Cheryl Ann Toliver

Keywords: History, 1st Century, Judaism, Roman Empire, Christianity

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612040288 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 296 Word Count: 117500 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 16.50 Alt ISBN 9781612040400 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: In AD 30, Valerio Tullus and his Jerusalem household are shaken by an earthquake, but more so by Yeshua, a Galilean rabbi proclaiming God’s coming kingdom and generating opposition from Jewish and Roman leaders. With Leah, a young Jewish woman Valerio has come to love, he recognizes God’s compassion in Yeshua, but they wonder – will their love for one another survive the coming of God’s new kingdom? And what will happen to Yeshua? Review: Highly recommended book, June 1, 2011 By Christina O'Halloran (Fremont, CA United States) - Cheryl Toliver's Bread and Stone continues the story of Valerio Tullus, a Roman living in Judea during the time of Jesus Christ's ministry. This is a wonderfully researched historical novel that makes you feel a part of times in which it is set. Actually historical figures play a part in the story adding to the historic realism. At the same time Miss Toliver creates fascinating, three-dimensional characters that draw you in and make you want to learn more about their lives, thoughts and motivations. I also enjoyed Miss Toliver's first novel, Wilderness Refuge and can't wait to read the next installment in her continuing story. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

145 Wilderness Refuge Historical Fiction

Sub Title: A Prophet's Kingdom

Author: Cheryl Toliver

Keywords: History, 1st Century, Judaism, Roman Empire, Christianity

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606935644 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 290 Word Count: 118000 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 16.95 Alt ISBN 9781609764357 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: Valerio Tullus arrives in Judea in AD 22, disowned and despairing, but finds hope as his life becomes entangled with those of children Simon and Anna, and their aunt, Leah, a young Jewish woman whose struggles to survive and serve God inspire him. Then, in AD 28, when a powerful and strange prophet named Yochanan proclaims the coming of God’s kingdom, Valerio and Leah wonder what kind of kingdom it will be and what redemption it will bring. First book in a series on 1st century New Testament history, Bread and Stone: A New Kingdom is the second book (see separate catalog page). Both books are also available in Hard cover and as E- books. Review: I liked about Wilderness Refuge is that you can tell the author did her research. She took her time getting everything just right so we, the readers, would feel as if we actually walked those streets long ago with John The Baptist, Jesus, peasants and royalty. Instead of talking AT the reader and being one, long preaching session, Ms. Toliver teaches us Biblical history through her own love for the subject. Her passion shows on each and every page. I highly recommend Wilderness Refuge, even if you think you aren't interested in the New Testament. The book is highly enjoyable and one can easily get lost among the characters and their lives.understanding and viewpoint of the New Testament. I must admit that I'm not one to read religious books because so many of them are dry or simply rewrites of what I've read many, many times before. Ms. Toliver offers an engaging twist by combining history with fiction. Although the technique isn't new, what I liked about Wilderness Refuge is that you can tell the author did her research. She took her time getting everything just right so we, the readers, would feel as if we actually walked those streets long ago with John The Baptist, Jesus, peasants and royalty. Instead of talking AT the reader and being one, long preaching session, Ms. Toliver teaches us Biblical history through her own love for the subject. Her passion shows on each and every page. I highly recommend Wilderness Refuge, even if you think you aren't interested in the the New Testament. The book is highly enjoyable and one can easily get lost among the characters and their lives. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

146 Innocence and Gold Dust Historical Fiction Author: Frances Webb

Keywords: Roman Empire, slavery, early Christianity, gender differences, feminism

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609113407 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 469 Word Count: 114844 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.95 Alt ISBN 9781612045757 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: A eunuch boy somehow rises in political power in the latter days of the Roman Empire. Review: "...Webb's utterly fantastic INNOCENCE and GOLD DUST...shares all the strengths of (Mary) Renault's work--extensive research lightly worn, deftly drawn characters...a pitch-perfect ear for dialog, a sure hand for plotting...a wry, twinkling sense of humor..." “…deftly drawn characters of all kinds, a pitch perfect ear for dialog, a sure hand for plotting… a wry twinkling sense of humor…” Steve Donahue, Historical Novels Review Online For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

147 For a Fee of 2 Shillings Historical Fiction Author: Faye Whittaker

Keywords: Mystery, Fantasy, Family Relations, Culture, Religious & Spritual

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628573374 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 253 Word Count: 121100 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 16.50

Overview: Fate weaves its tricky threads amongst the intrigue and mystery shrouding Miri, a beautiful young Maori woman. Her attempt to materialize her childhood obsession and fantasy to be other than she is, only serves to create a mantle of despair that hovers over her life. Her choices, and her mistakes, impact her children's lives as well as those she unwittingly influences. These adults are confronted by their own personal weaknesses, and they are given cause to examine their religious and spiritual beliefs, their family relationships, as well as the cultural expectations, bigotry and prejudices, accepted as the norm within pre and post World War II New Zealand society. Publisher's website: Review: By kop-poet "robbie" (UK) - This review is from: For a Fee of Two Shillings (Paperback) This is a really excellent read. Engaging characters, and deep story. The history of NZ is shown here - insightful examination of early racial challenges and differences. A well-paced narrative, which picks up as the reader gets drawn into the lives of the people and their stories told. The sense of the landscape and its color shines out. This is a sad and at times painful tale, and conveys the richness of lived experience. The book reaches its conclusion in a satisfying way, and one comes away from it in a thoughtful mood - the complexity of human dynamics is laid out before one. Recommended read! Awards: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, 2015 Finalist Book Buzz Prize Writer Competition For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

148 The Ghost Ship Historical Non-Fiction

Author: Ed Franklin

Keywords: Ghost Ship, World War II

Book Details: ISBN: 9781507601624 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 339 Publisher: CreateSpace softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 17.43

Overview: The GHOST SHIP was launched in 1940, prior to World War II, she helped supply the Pacific Islands with men and material, one of those was the “Alamo of the Pacific” Wake Island. She was anchored northwest of Ford Island on December 7, 1941, shot down several Japanese planes, and helped sink a mini sub. She had a storied record during the Second World War, earning seven battle stars from Guadalcanal Canal to Okinawa. She was one of the last ships to be hit by a Kamikaze off Okinawa. It hit the cabin of Air Officer Lt. Henry Fonda. In 1943 Bob Hope and his USO group performed on the Curtiss. Readers will learn about the “secrecy” that went on in the Atomic Energy Commission and other agencies that occurred during the post war years. Review: By William Few: I was there also Operation Greenhouse, but Ed speaks true for all of us. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

149 The Last Crusades Historical Non-Fiction Sub Title: Abdullah of Arabia

Author: Abdullah Juttie

Keywords: Jewish, Foreign policy, conflict, Quran quotations, Israeli Lobby AIPAC

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622124480 Publish Year: 2012 Word Count: 128335 Publisher: SBPRA softcover Alt ISBN 9781631357367 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357374 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: The American public’s disdain for international terrorism, why did the Arab Spring evolve? May 23, 2012 ... Iran's Basij Press is claiming a purported Gospel of Barnabas, discovered in 2000, will prove that Islam is the final and righteous religion. The recently discovered Bible of Barnabas says that Jesus was a prophet of God. The essence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is one faith in the eyes of God. Muslims believe in the return of Jesus to Palestine, Jerusalem and Syria. America fought a war of independence from their British brothers; The Palestinians are fighting for independence. How can America deny a people that which they died for? Americans must honor the rights for all to fulfill what God has ordained every man to inherit. If Israel makes real peace with its Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese neighbors America will guarantee its security. The author has traveled through the Middle East from Morocco to the U.A.E. and interviewed countless individuals from all the sectors of the Middle East including Jewish supporters of Israel and according to all those who contributed to this riveting account, a real road map to a lasting peace is the only way to end the conflict. Both communities will have to embrace mutual peace, security, sovereignty for Israel and Palestine. Anything less than total security for Israel and total sovereignty for Palestine will exacerbate this conflict to reach the unknown. The conflicts that are raging through the Middle East, Arabian Gulf, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America have engulfed the whole world. The only solution to avert this international catastrophe will be to save Israel and Palestine from eventually drawing the whole world into an apocalyptic war. The sound track for the book is available at:http:/ For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

150 Bombshell Historical Non-Fiction Author: Ludwig Leidig

Keywords: Focke-Wulf, ITT Corp, WWII German Aircraft, Kaffee Hag, , Ludwig Roselius, , Barbara Goette, Böttcherstrasse, Women's Rights

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625163462 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 256 Word Count: 63979 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - $ 19.50 Alt ISBN 9781628571493 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628571486 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Here we have an unknown true story unearthed from WWII. Although a historical biography, it reads as a dramatic psychological thriller, and covers mainly the dark period of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. Barbara Goette accepts the offer to join global tycoon Ludwig Roselius and work for the HAG conglomerate. She is 26 and has just completed her state examinations at Kiel University in early 1935. Being intelligent, glamorous, and hard-working, she quickly rises to become Dr Roselius's closest collaborator. The Lion had established himself in New York prior to WWI and became the most diversified industrialist Germany had ever seen. He rejected Hitler as a dreamer and sent him away empty-handed when Hitler asked him for funds in 1922 and 1930. This was not forgotten. In 1936 Hitler launched a vitriolic verbal attack on the Böttcherstrasse and Dr Roselius's nordic themes. Barbara saved his life by appealing to Hitler during a chance meeting in . Dr Roselius and Colonel Sosthenes Behn of ITT then injected capital into Focke-Wulf and gained control of the aircraft manufacturer. Dr Roselius died in May 1943. Barbara was cut loose and barely survived the war. She married English lecturer Dr J.P. Leidig in February 1945 and in 1950 the family emigrated to Australia. Following the tragic death of her husband in 1957, Barbara became bread-winner and never remarried. Shortly before her death in 1997 she said she 'just wanted to be in heaven with the Lion and her four dachshunds'. Review: Set predominantly in Germany during one of the most tumultuous periods of history, Bombshell is based on diaries and letters written and preserved by the author's mother and family members. In 1935, attractive university graduate Barbara Goette goes to work for billionaire businessman, and founder of decaffeinated coffee, Dr Ludwig Roselius. The two share a close friendship, and through her association with Roselius's many businesses, Barbara travels the world, develops a passion for art and culture, and crosses paths, and words, with Hitler. Bombshell isn't a straightforward love story though, and more questions are raised for the reader than answered. How much did Barbara know about Roselius's political affiliations? What was his involvement with German aircraft manufacturer Focke-Wulf? And was his support of Jewish friends and workers employed at his companies, and his contradictory behaviour to some Nazi ideologies, to be his undoing? Aside from the political intrigue and unanswered questions underpinning the book, Bombshell is fundamentally Barbara's story. Her exquisitely written letters span her lifetime and two continents; they convey humour, sadness, intelligence, and

151 compassion, and I found myself wanting to know more about Barbara. This would make a terrific film. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

152 Through the Gate of Time Mind, Body & Soul Sub Title: A revealing story & spiritual guidebook

Author: Adasthra

Keywords: Spirituality, Evolution, Soul, Human, History

Web: Publisher Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781477622988 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 232 Word Count: 6935 Publisher: CreateSpace softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.6 - $ 9.90 Alt ISBN 9781477622988 e-book - Kindle - $ 5.99

Overview: This book gives a deeper understanding of creation and all that lives in the Universe, especially on Earth. It provides a clear picture about how everything was created with a special purpose and how it all functions. Consciousness and the Evolving human Soul (reincarnation) are key elements from which follows an awareness of the role of humanity in the framework of evolution. Issues to be dealt with include “What happens with our soul and physical body after we die?” and “What is the history and the future of humanity?” The book tells how the author, as a child, discovered his spiritual gifts and how he developed; his clash with negative entities who tried to stop his actions of love and compassion; how he became spiritually gifted and able to travel through time and space. The book ends with latest events in which powerful evil spirits are able to return to the Light and find compassion. This book will be of interest to people who enjoy all things spiritual. It can be regarded either as a spiritual guide or as a book for study purposes. Review: "This book changed my view of the world and humanity and all within. The book unites religion and spirituality and provides a staggering view how the evolution fits a major plan. Although I am not a spiritual gifted person, I have had amazing experiences after reading this book and meeting spiritual people. It enriched my person and my awareness of the world and my purpose in life." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

153 Cale Dixon and the Moguk Mystery Murders

Author: David Dagley

Keywords: Mystery Murder, South Korea, Burma, Intrigue, Captivating, Historical, Adventure

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119560 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 336 Word Count: 107240 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 18.50 Alt ISBN 9781606939093 hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 29.50 Alt ISBN 9781612048154 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: Work loads are mounting and Cale Dixon, a San Francisco detective at the end of his one-year suspension, is assigned the most recent research case. An Asian man is found before dawn inside a museum, stabbed in the back with an Un Jang do, a silver knife elaborately jeweled with red rubies and green sapphires, that has been discreetly passed on through generations of the Cho dynasty women. And the victim’s mouth is filled with Moguk rubies. Having nothing to go on, Cale goes on a scheduled vacation but alters course to Burma to learn more about the Moguk Ruby. As he travels through the repressed lands, he gets more than he bargains for. He, by chance, falls in the right hands and meets up with a major Mandalay jewelry family. While the jewelers do some black market research for Cale, he tours the Burmese countryside all the while hiding and running from the secret police. After Cale returns to the states he gets more twists and turns than he could possibly have imagined. Review: Featuring interesting colorful characters writer Dagley takes us on a fascinating journey with the exotic East figuring as a leitmotif throughout. History and culture is treated with respect as it provides a precious resource for the tale of the Moguk Ruby. David Dagley has been working in the Bering Sea for the last 10 years and resides in Seward, Alaska. He travels frequently through South East Asia. Prem Kishore - Indian Post For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

154 Sometimes Things Work Out, But Mystery Sometimes They Don't Sub Title: Who Knows This Time?

Author: Thomas D. Darby

Keywords: Detective Story, Computer Hacking, Chinese Gangs, Illegal Bank Transfers, Toxicology, Crime Scene Investigation

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631352782 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 158 Word Count: 56115 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 12.50 Alt ISBN 9781631356827 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.00 Alt ISBN 9781631356834 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.00 Overview: Mystery is afoot in the fascinating novel Sometimes Things Work Out But Sometimes They Don’t. Donald Powers, a professor who teaches toxicology and becomes involved in poison cases, uses his genius to get a degree in criminal justice and obtain a private detective license. Don becomes involved in the shooting down of a company aircraft that was destroyed to protect the leaders of a group of criminals. Money laundering and computer hacking of data is involved in their plot, which takes Don from Washington, D.C., to California in search of clues. As Don gathers the evidence to bring the group to trial, he discovers that Sometimes Things Work Out But Sometimes They Don’t. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

155 Jennifer Shot-The First Shot Mystery Author: Patricia Kristensen

Keywords: Murder, Mystery, Humor, Mob, Australia

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618971630 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 257 Word Count: 84000 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.6 - $ 19.97 Alt ISBN 9781625161949 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625161932 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: "Orphaned at the age of thirteen, Jennifer is sent to live with her Aunt Elizabeth in the historic Tasmanian suburb of Battery Point in Australia. Her aunt’s two storey home with its turret and spectacular vista provides a fertile environment for her childhood fantasy of becoming a Princess and riding off on a white horse with a Prince. In reality however her life takes a very different direction. After traveling overseas Jennifer enrolls to study law at the University of Tasmania. To make ends meet until she finishes studying, Jennifer rents out two rooms and a bungalow at her aunt’s house to a couple of oversexed mature age law students, Rod and Nathan, and a newly separated, police officer, Cindy, who has an anger management problem. Still unable to cover her mounting expenses, Jennifer takes a job at a detective agency and is head hunted to work on an urgent case. A bush walker is found dead and cannibalized. Then an American Senator’s daughter has gone missing and her companion turns up dead. Hunter, an American mercenary employed by the Senator is working the case alongside Jet Damon, a local police officer and old flame, who Jennifer has known since primary school and who stole her first kiss. While the two jostle for Jennifer’s affections, she becomes a target of a notorious mafia gang involved not only with the current abduction but also with her father’s death. The Mob has reunited for one last job to boost their retirement fund. Chester, a Mafioso hit man obsessed with convict history, has Jennifer’s death on his bucket list. Smart and elusive, Chester evades capture and the hunted becomes the hunter." Review: This is a delightful mystery novel with a very likable main character. The writing is good and the use of humor is a welcome addition. The story is captivating and each chapter well paced. This story will surely take the reader on a thrilling journey full of suspense. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

156 Jennifer Shot - Another Shot Mystery Author: Patricia Kristensen

Keywords: Crime, Serial Killer, Murder Mystery, Humor, Romance, Australia, Detective,

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625162724 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 300 Word Count: 90853 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.00 Alt ISBN 9781631355547 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631355530 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Orphaned at the age of 13, Jennifer lives with her Aunt Elizabeth in the historic Tasmanian suburb of Battery Point. After her aunt moves into assisted care following dementia-related incidents, Jennifer studies law with her best friend, Mary, at the University of Tasmania. To help with expenses, she rents rooms to two over- sexed fellow law students, Rod and Nathan, and a police officer, Cindy, who has anger-management issues. While working part-time as a private investigator, she becomes involved in the investigation of an international serial killer who dresses his victims like Barbie dolls and is nicknamed The Barbie Slasher by the press. Joining forces with the FBI, the local police, and an American mercenary, Jennifer agrees to use herself as bait to catch a hitman with links to the killer. But it is Jennifer and her friends who are caught and earmarked to become part of the deadly "doll collection." Another Shot is a humorous thrill-a-minute murder mystery. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

157 Jennifer Shot Mystery Sub Title: Shot Through the Heart

Author: Patricia Kristensen


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631354731 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 320 Word Count: 90059 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.50 Alt ISBN 9781631359170 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631359163 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: The bodies of beautiful dead women are washing up on Tasmanian beaches. As Jennifer Shot, law student and part-time private detective, begins her end-of-year vacation, the serial killer known as The Seaside Strangler is not taking a holiday. Jennifer gets involved when Hunter, an American mercenary she has worked with on other cases, is tracking an international drug trafficking ring and enlists her help. She finds herself spying on her first love, handsome, Antonio Italiano, who arrives inTasmania on his super yacht. The lead investigator on the case is Jet Damon, a local police officer and old flame, who gave Jennifer her very first kiss. As the beautiful young lady struggles with her feelings for all three men, The Seaside Strangler has picked his next target … and it’s one of them!

For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

158 Rudimentary Poetry Sub Title: (very imperfectly developed)

Author: Jesse Cougot

Keywords: poetry, negative, spirituality, diary, experiences.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609113650 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 344 Word Count: 16996 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 29.50 Alt ISBN 9781625163394 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625163387 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: “The pieces you are about to read are not just poetry. These pieces are my diary. It is a growing experience for me and hopefully for you too. Some of the pieces are riddles … Some of the pieces are to be taken literally; others are not. You decide.” – Jesse Cougot It is poetry from the soul. Readers will find it very difficult to put down Rudimentary, one man’s expressions of his personal life experiences. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

159 Oz Words Poetry

Sub Title: Poems, Odes & Other Works

Author: David J. McMullen

Keywords: Poetry, General Books, Children's Books, Stories

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606934326 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 140 Word Count: 10624 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95

Overview: McMullen gleans his inspiration from his travels all over the world and his experiences with the places and people that stirred his creative soul. His words will speak to the most cynical of spirits. His poetic take on life, love, loss and everything in between explores cities, people and places all over the world—you’ll recognize yourself in his verse. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

160 Oz Words Too Poetry Sub Title: Poems, Verse & Rapid Rhyme

Author: David J. McMullen

Keywords: Poetry, Verse, Rapid Rhyme, Love, Good

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609760427 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 106 Word Count: 10625 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.00 Overview: In the Land Down Under, there are two sports that bring grown men to their knees in reverence: cricket and Aussie-rules football. The beauty of sport has never been more eloquently expressed than in the new book of verse Oz Words Too. This mixed bag of Poetry, Verse and Rapid Rhyme also takes a look at the backbone of Australia in its highly diverse people and changing landscapes. Take a literary journey to the Outback, where nature can be beautiful but brutal. Come see the world through the eyes of a poet, with greed, fear, loss and love. It’s all here. Oz Words Too is about the inherent good in people. Through prose, visit this beautiful place where inspiration lies around every corner and where no two sunsets are ever the same. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

161 The Poetry of Life II Poetry Author: Walter N. Davenport Jr.

Keywords: Poetry, Poems, Observations, Love, Relationships, Hunger, Poverty, War, Nature, Death, Hope

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625163974 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 204 Word Count: 7498 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50

Overview: In my poetry, I, the writer, search for answers to life’s questions. The Poetry of Life II, sometimes emotional, sometimes playful, is based on my personal feelings, observations, and experiences in my life and travels. It is a book about everyday occurrences, such as love, relationships, hunger, poverty, war, nature, and death. The poem "Memory" describes lovers separated by time and distance, while their love remains strong. The poems "Lover’s Prayer," "Lover’s Thanks," "Lover’s Questions," "Response," and "Soulmate," describe the openness between two lovers. "Celestial" tells of a love that is unattainable. Nature, a mysterious power in the poems "Cry of the Ancients" and "O’Moon," contains secrets of Mother Earth. The poems "Hope," "Faith," and "Paradise Lost" reminds us that no matter how bad things are, no matter what humanity does, there is always hope for the "Salvation of Humankind." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

162 Wisdom for a New Era: Religion 21 Contemporary Dialogues

Author: Benjamin C. Godfrey

Keywords: Spiritual Life, Common Sense, Devising Myths, Natural Universe, Religious Concepts

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628576603 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 204 Word Count: 38443 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50 Overview: Reading Wisdom for a New Era will be of great value to anyone genuinely searching for a natural, realistic, and spiritual life in these challenging times. You will find uncommon common sense, critical thinking and a practical approach to living. American mythologist Joseph Campbell (d. 1987) suggested that old myths are no longer satisfying the needs of modern humankind. Those myths served as truth to the people of that era. However, amazing new discoveries about the universe, our natural environment, and our minds and bodies are constantly nudging us toward a more realistic understanding of our place in the cosmos. The realities of the natural universe are the same for all cultures. From early childhood, we develop the concepts of myths or gods. As we mature through personal experiences and expanding knowledge, we strive to keep our beliefs in sync with new discoveries and developing ideas. Review: 5* Review on Amazon, February 3, 2015 - This review is from: Wisdom for a New Era: Balancing Nature, Science, and Belief (Paperback) After meeting Ben Godfrey at Furman University in Greenville, SC, USA, I bought his book. I was taken aback by the book! Wow and OMG, he has nailed it down. What a great read, could not put it down. I’m a truth seeker and this book has taken me to a new level that I have been yearning for. Ben has built a bridge out of serious intellectual laboring and solid wisdom, which I have crossed and have become a much more enlightened man! His thinking is bold and the book is courageous. He has written it in layman’s language and it is chocked full of powerful concepts that send chills up my spine; a true serendipity in my life long search of wisdom, meaning of life and truth. If you are like minded, you will not be disappointed in this dynamic book! Review by Greenville Dude For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

163 Break Through and Break Free! Religion Sub Title: How to Use Bible Meditation to Turn Head Knowledge into Revelation Knowledge and Receive What You Believe For

Author: Vicki Heymann

Keywords: meditation, revelation, breakthrough, freedom, lifestyle

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609761943 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 208 Word Count: 34317 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781612048604 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: How to use Bible meditation to turn head knowledge into Revelation knowledge and receive what you believe for. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

164 The Children of God Religion Sub Title: There is Life After the Cult

Author: Faye Thomas, M.Div.

Keywords: Cult, Religion, Christianity, God

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608605286 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 259 Word Count: 89133 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 16.99 Overview: Cult members approach their victims by highlighting the supposed attributes of their organization, such as communal living, shared financial responsibilities, and the freedom to dedicate your life 100 percent to God by dropping out of school or society. They separate their victims from their friends, family, and money. This compelling book is a must read for parents and young people. There Is Life After the Cult! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

165 The Gene Factor Religion Sub Title: Cracked the Code, Genetically, How Communication with God is Manifest.

Author: M. J. Manley

Keywords: DNA of Our Souls, Genetic Factors, God’s Communication, Blessings, Prayers, Religion

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622120772 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 334 Word Count: 113036 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.95 Alt ISBN 9781631351754 e-book - ePub - $ 9.95 Alt ISBN 9781631351761 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.95 Overview: The Gene Factor by M. J. Manley portrays a "youthful" mission of the challenges to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that God manifests communications through the DNA of our very souls. The novel is a breakthrough scientifically, on how communications with a highly spiritual being - God - is manifest deep, deep down into the very soul of transmission genetic factors: the DNA cell. Scientific discoveries show how communications through gene factors are transmitted. The scripted discoveries in The Gene Factor tell how blessings, prayers, and having faith are communicated. Manley states that The Gene Factor is the most revolutionary novel ever written about how God communicates man. "I have written, I have researched, and I have documented all the information that is ‘within, not without’ that our heavenly father fulfills all the blessings, the prayers, and the hopes of all mankind and all religions from DNA." Deeply embedded in our DNA is where communications with God are sent, and where our heavenly father communicates back to us through the living cells and to answer our prayers. The Gene Factor is written so the layman can understand, but this concept is deeper than simply the story of genetic DNA. To fully understand, "I must present my theory and do presentations and promote my premises by giving lectures and appearances." Review: "Captivating from the beginning. I like a book that grabs my attention and keeps me wondering what's next. This book took me on a journey while touching on current and historic issues relating our own DNA structure. I like how he takes scientific information and scripts it into a story that is relatable to everyday life." For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

166 The Laws of Life Religion Sub Title: The Chosen One's Answers

Author: Maureen O'Malley

Keywords: Christ, Religion, Lifelong Journey, Salvation

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622123810 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 28 Word Count: 7085 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.00

Overview: Begin a lifelong journey by following these precise instructions written for those of serious mind. You will pray for much needed answers sought within the Tree of Life. You will learn to seek salvation with a new method, tested like a new machine, built to save yourself—and the world. If you are seriously ready to change your entire life, follow The Laws of Life. “It is a fact of life: this is your one whole day, drawn out for you from Christ Himself to me to give the world. This book is very specifically directed and instructed for the serious pros. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

167 It's Only a Bubble Religion Sub Title: Our Universe and All We Think We Have!

Author: Dr. Andreas Zachariou

Keywords: God, Sin, Punishment, Prayers, Evolution, Religion, Life's Difficulties

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628578737 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 164 Word Count: 39204 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.50 Alt ISBN 9781631358654 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358661 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99 Overview: It's Only a Bubble aims at the liberation of man from his conviction that he suffers because he is inherently sinful. The traditional religious idea that man fell from the state of perfection that he was made by God is replaced by the idea that man was made perfect in the "core field," but he was simultaneously placed in the "dimensions" for gaining perfection also by free choice. Man moves up the dimensions by evolving, which is achieved by overcoming obstacles. Obstacles are not punishments by God, but stimulation for growth. God does not interfere directly, because He wants man to act so he can grow. Help is not offered as a result of faith or prayers, but is embedded in the creation and is released automatically as one grows. The author walks readers through the process of facing obstacles, including such overwhelming events as death. He also identifies the benefits of moving up the steps of spiritual evolution and describes how formal education can become meaningful, if it’s finally made an integral part of growth. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

168 Grays Hill Romance Author: Barbara T. Cerny

Keywords: Gambling, Debts, Suicide, Family, Younger Brother

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353420 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 280 Word Count: 81183 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781609113032 hardcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 27.50

Overview: Oksana and Rafe mix like oil and water. Can she melt his hardened heart and breathe life back into him once again or will he stay on the sidelines forever? After her father committed suicide rather than face his mounting gambling debts, Oksana Wallingford knows she will have to work in order to keep food on the table and her younger brother, the new baron, in school. When her best friend finders her a position as the nanny of his brother’s children, it is the opportunity Oksana needs. But what she didn’t contend with was Rafe, the recently widowed Duke of Essex and her new employer. Oksana and Rafe’s personalities are like oil and water. However, what begins as mutual hate slowly begins to change into something more. But what future can they have when Rafe has sworn off marriage for good? As the mismatched pair struggles to come to terms with one another, a disaster that throws everything into question strikes them both. Review: Reviewed by Lucy Wang for IndieReader – Four stars. Lady Oksana Jane Wallingford, nicknamed “OJ,” finds herself homeless and penniless at the start of this romance. Ruined by her father’s debts and suicide, and with nowhere to go, Lord Geoffrey Tarkington, OJ’s best friend since childhood, comes to the rescue. It seems Geoff’s brother, the widowed Duke Raphael (“Rafe”), is in desperate need of a governess. And a heart transplant. Only the Duke doesn’t know it. The Duke has good reason to be detached. Once again a “catch,” conniving women are in hot pursuit. Not so fast. He is still recovering from his not-so-dearly-departed vicious witch of a wife, the Lady Paula. The Duke vows never to marry again and barely shows up in his children’s lives. He can’t possibly trust women, can’t open his heart up again. Never! So when OJ moves into Grays Hill and takes over his staff, his estate and his children, there will be blood. Blood boiling, curdling and pumping at the rapier speed of desire. A rapier, as fans of armed combat will recall, is a thin sword, used in fencing, thrusting attacks, and in this novel, courtship. Duke Rafe is an expert at fencing, and naturally, he offers some sharp tips to OJ who has already shown unusual aptitude. The two will feint, stab, lunge, and add insult to injury – while trying valiantly not to fall for and over each other. Kudos to Cerny for creating a female protagonist who can match wits and parry with the best of them. GRAYS HILL turns romance into a fun sporting event where you find yourself cheering the opponents onto victory. Score, love. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

169 Sebastian Romance

Sub Title: The Life of Sebastian and Anna Greene

Author: Elizabeth Johnson

Keywords: Struggle, Death, Vampire, Secrecy

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622120680 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 376 Word Count: 117864 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 20.95 Alt ISBN 9781631358395 e-book - ePub - $ 7.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358401 e-book - Kindle - $ 7.99

Overview: Sebastain is the story of a boy who struggled with the death of his mother, only to be turned into a vampire when he turned 18 by the very mother he thought he lost. They lived together for almost two centuries before she met with her death at the hands of humans. Angered by his mother’s death, he went on a killing spree, embracing his darker side until fate brought him together with Hannah the love of his life. Even though at the time she was only a baby he knew he would do anything to protect her. There was only one problem, he killed her birth mother and must keep this a secret for the rest of his life. To keep her safe, he had to give her away; he knew he was dangerous for her. Eighteen years later on his return, Hannah had grown into a beautiful young girl raised by a family Sebastian found for her. He harshed out a plan to meet her, pretending he had never met her, they met and she fell in love with him and he couldn’t resist falling for her as well. He soon found out she had powers, and every unnatural creature wanted a part of her. It was his job to keep her safe, it was his job to love her and keep her away from harm until she found out he had a secret of his own For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

170 The White Dress Romance Author: Denise Buckley


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628575064 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 260 Word Count: 70492 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 16.50 Alt ISBN 9781631358180 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358173 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: In 1886, Clara, a young peasant girl and prostitute, steals a baby from a rich family in the hope that Henry, the man she lives with will believe the baby is his and will marry her. He doesn’t believe her and leaves. Stuck with the stolen child Nellie, Clara has two more children with unknown fathers and spends all her money on drink. One day while Nellie is out looking for food, the police arrest her "mother" because of her neglect of the children, and her "siblings" are taken to the workhouse. Nellie runs away from her hometown and settles in Ulverston, Cumbria, making a makeshift bed near the canal and boat yards. She eats what she can forage and steals when she must. Nellie meets a rich boy named Charles Nicholson, who left home to become a sailor. Nellie persuades Charles to return home and they become friends. Nellie becomes employed by a farmer who tries to assault her. The man injures himself on the pitchfork she uses to defend herself and Nellie runs away. The farmer finds her, beats her badly, and leaves her for dead. Charles and his father find Nellie and get her medical attention. Nellie becomes a kitchen maid in the Warburton household, only to discover that she is the lost baby kidnapped from the Nicholson family so many years before. Could it be that Charles, the man she has come to love, is really her brother? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

171 Deepening Your Personal Romance Relationships Sub Title: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication

Author: Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler

Keywords: Deepen Relationships, Interpersonal Communication, Marriage, Family, Soul-Mates/Twin Flames

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: 9781618975904 ISBN: Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 428 Word Count: 133523 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 24.50 Alt ISBN 9781628579031 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628579048 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: Everyone wants to improve and deepen their relationships. This book explains the development of psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships involving effective communication, empathic emotional intimacy, shared transformational development, and constructive conflict resolution to achieve this aim. A section on improving society through enhancing interpersonal relationships is included. The authors anticipate that this book will be of keen interest to professional relationship counselors, including marriage counselors, family counselors, and conflict mediators. Readers interested in enhancing their personal relationships and gaining insight into transformational self-help and social transformation will also find this volume helpful. Deepening Your Personal Relationships provides original, meaningful, and transformational insights. These insights can be especially helpful in understanding how to overcome the separate ego’s mostly subconscious fear of and resistance against emotional intimacy and good communication, as well as understanding how good relationships can produce enhanced levels of spiritual development, psychological healing, self-understanding, creative functioning, inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment in life. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

172 Fly The Wild Echoes Romance

Sub Title: A mystery of the mind told in dual time

Author: Elizabeth Bailey

Keywords: literary fiction, romantic fiction, romance, mystery, intrigue, historical fiction

Web: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781634101363 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 355 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: ‘Why do you stare from the window, Adelaide? I am waiting, but he does not come.’ Haunted by dread and shadows of tragedy, Fliss Gregory is driven to search for answers at a chateau retreat. Who is the strange “Adelaide”? What is the link between Fliss’s dead lover and the bullet hole of her recurring nightmare? Why is she afraid of the faded star Edana? And why is she drawn by the mysterious allure of the rose garden? As she and her therapist, Gérard, strive to unravel the dream, Fliss must delve into a past to which Edana seems to hold a vital key. Gérard resists the dangerous empathy between them as, together, he and Fliss peel away the layers to expose a shocking truth. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

173 Only Love Twice Romance Author: Kat Canfield

Keywords: Romance, American, Saudi

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625161130 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 355 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 5.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 19.95 Alt ISBN 9781628570670 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628570663 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Only Love Twice is a stirring romance novel about the challenges of cross-cultural relationships that continue to emerge in a world fractured by religious and cultural divides. Madison is a 50-something retired police officer from South Florida who takes a chance on love by dating Saleem, a man a bit younger than herself and a Saudi national. Being a businessman who grew up in England and the son of a diplomat, he is used to Western ways. Madison is a widow without children, whose driving passions are her horse and her business. Saleem is an oil company executive, divorced, with four children, and a bit of a playboy reputation. But the biggest obstacle between them is that Madison is Jewish. She has always had a curiosity about the Muslim faith and Saleem is pleased to share his beliefs. Can these two opposites find the second love of their lives in a post-9/11 world? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

174 Love's Gift Romance Author: Joyce Dorsey Ostlund

Keywords: thrilling , love story, suprising, intriguing

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609110567 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 246 Word Count: 97406 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 25.95

Overview: Forty-year-old Lily is a widow, discouraged about her life. Living in Minnesota and estranged from her father for 20 years, Lily resigns herself to the fact she will always be alone. Until the day a letter arrives from a London lawyer. The lawyer urges Lily to come to London to discuss her father’s wishes. Thinking that her father is most likely dead, but intrigued, Lily boards an overseas flight where she sits next to a good-looking stranger. Lily checks into her hotel and a good-looking stranger appears stating he is her protection—but protection from whom? A familiar-looking cross necklace is around the man’s neck and memories of her childhood come rushing back. The man is Charlie, a grade-school friend who kept Lily’s cross, all these years. The two embark on a wondrous and dangerous journey, falling in love and traveling across Europe. Lily discovers her father was involved in government secrets and others are willing to kill for those secrets. As Lily finds out more about her father’s past, she may have to sacrifice love once again to discover just who she is. Love’s Gift is a thrilling love story that sweeps the reader into an intricate plotline with memorable characters that exude warmth and heartfelt spirit. Cuddle up on the couch with this lovely, juicy novel—you won’t stop reading until its surprising ending. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

175 Only Us Romance Author: Kat Canfield

Keywords: Love, Russian Mafia, Kidnapping, Murder

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631354816 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 210 Word Count: 55464 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50 Alt ISBN 9781631356889 e-book - ePub - $ 6.99 Alt ISBN 9781631356896 e-book - Kindle - $ 6.99

Overview: After their marriage, Madison and Saleem settle into their lives together. But incidents from the past come back to haunt them. Madison has had no contact with her ex-husband since the day she walked out of the courtroom where he was convicted of battery and spousal abuse. He’s the last person she ever expected to see again. Saleem’s life was turned upside down twenty years ago when a woman he had an affair with named him the father of her child. He never believed it, but opted to financially support the girl. Now twenty-one, his daughter calls him with news that will rock the newfound bliss of his marriage to Madison. Both must face the past, even as some of the world’s worst criminals tear them apart. Will they survive kidnapping, murder, and the Russian Mafia? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

176 The Man in the Dark Suit Romance Author: Janet G. Sims

Keywords: Dark Suit, Mystery Man, Amnesia, Forgotten Past, Romance, Suspense

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628577822 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 256 Word Count: 80731 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Alt ISBN 9781631358210 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358227 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: As she opens her eyes, a young woman finds herself lying in a hospital bed, and at the same time realizes that she can no longer remember her past. Her nurse explains that she has amnesia from an accident that she also can For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

177 Serendipity Romance Sub Title: Unexpected Romance on a Greek Island

Author: Murray James

Keywords: Romance, Gay, Relationships, Greek Island

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609769208 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 312 Word Count: 113936 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.50

Overview: Set against the idyllic backdrop of their villa overlooking the Aegean Sea on one of the most beautiful islands on earth, the story is not intended as a “gay romance,” but instead to explore relationships in general. Relationships are examined via observations and conversations between the couple, and in their private introspections and reflections. This is the story of how a chance meeting changed the writer’s life and the life of the young man he met, forever. It is the first book in a different romance trilogy. In Serendipity, an aging writer travels to the Greek Islands for a working holiday to complete his next novel. Approaching 60, he sees himself too old to be loved and well past the age of sexual attraction. What happens next changes his life forever. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

178 Dwarf Planets and Asteroids Science Sub Title: Minor Bodies of the Solar System

Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton

Keywords: Astronomy, Asteroids, Orbits, Moons, Photos, Planets, Classifications, Discovery

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628577280 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 74 Word Count: 32144 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 15.95 Alt ISBN 9781631352164 e-book - ePub - $ 9.98 Alt ISBN 9781631352157 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.98 Overview: This stunning astronomy book explores Dwarf Planets and Asteroids: Minor Bodies of the Solar System. Written by a retired astronomer, the book provides a survey of the dwarf planets and asteroids, giving details of the discovery, naming, orbits, and physical characteristics of hundreds of examples of the known asteroids found by astronomers in the past two centuries. It also includes the different groups and classes of asteroids. Those bodies that have been visited by spacecraft are singled out for extra attention, including close- up photos where available. About 200 asteroids have been found to have moons of their own, and the story of their discovery and examples of these moons is also included. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

179 Moons of the Solar System Science Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton

Keywords: Astronomy Book, Moons, Solar System, Cassini Spacecraft, 185 Known Moons

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625161758 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 76 Word Count: 26336 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 11.0 - $ 15.97

Overview: This is author Thomas Wm. Hamilton’s third astronomy book in the past three years. Having worked on the Apollo Project, the retired astronomer has long been fascinated in studying moons. His new book Moons of the Solar System incorporates the latest research and information on dozens of these amazing objects. From Galileo’s discoveries in 1610 to the latest returns from the Cassini spacecraft currently working in orbit around Saturn, four centuries of discoveries in the solar system are summarized, complete with the names of scores of people responsible for finding them. The 185 known moons of the planets and dwarf planets are described in great detail, from how they were discovered and by whom, to the facts on their sizes and orbits. The strange and exotic origins of their names also make for amazing stories. You will also learn of the possible dangers faced by human landings in space. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

180 Useful Star Names Science Sub Title: With Nebulas and other Celestial Features

Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton

Keywords: stars, nebulas, galaxies,astronomy,

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612046143 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 76 Word Count: 14104 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 11.0 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 12.97 Alt ISBN 9781618972736 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781618972743 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: A comprehensive reference book on the names of stars, constellations, some in English, Greek and Chinese among others. Review: April Whitt, book review editor, The Planetarian: This aptly named useful book is divided in four parts. The first lists the various constellations, their names' meanings and pronunciations, size rank, and number of named objects. The second part is the really useful one, with stars listed by constellation with their catalog number, name, apparent magnitude, distance, right ascension and declination. The third is a complete alphabetical list of all names, including variants. The last is a cross index various catalogs. I'm going to have to learn how to pronounce some of those Chinese names. Do not wait, order a copy for yourself, your planetarium, local astronomy club, observatory, everyone! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

181 Of Rats and Men Science Fiction & Fantasy Sub Title: The Last Man's War

Author: Todor Bombov

Keywords: rats,men,God,robot,war of the worlds

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site: xq8lRcLkvA

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622122752 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 19 Word Count: 5375 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 8.00 Alt ISBN 9781625166012 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625166029 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: In 1990 a message appears in the press that the Moscow’s underground basements are conquered by enormous fierce rats.€ Fourty years later a high-tech’s man wages war on these primitive hairy monsters, which become the new dominating species in the Earth! And they call this absurd slaughter a war! This war has other one, a new, unknown face, an interspecies war. A war, already not only between human beings. A war of the worlds. It is the last war on the Earth!These gigantic rats are a product of mutations. The ordinary grey rats from the urban undergrounds and sewerages have been exposed imperceptibly on the combined influence of the super increased radiation from the numerous consecutive nuclear power station accidents, the powerful electromagnetic fields above the cities and the use of all sorts of toxic chemical substances and preparations. As a result of these mutations the ordinary rats’ bodies have changed and rats look like sheep in size nearly 50 inches height while half-upright, with a huge and hairy torso from robust, well-developed muscles, building stocky mass with weight 100-120 pounds. They have improbable physical strength. But the most improbable is their intellect! The TV broadcasting of the wars is in fashion. However, two cold, unmeaning eyes are gazing at the TV monitor too, but with no trace of emotion. A deus ex machina story! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

182 Kortzea's Independence Science Fiction & Fantasy /Independiencia de Kortzea

Author: A. S. Contin

Keywords: Kortzea, Independence

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631356070 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 340 Word Count: 55497 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.50

Overview: I am the author of this science fiction book. Born and raised among the oldest people and country of Europe (Euskal Herria), I believe that the situation of my beloved country influenced my ideas. Nowadays, I am proud to be an American citizen. In fact, I say this to explain that in the book I’m not referring to Spain or France, the two countries enslaving my people. I really love both the Spaniards and the French. However, I cannot say the same thing about their governments. I once fought with the Foreign Legion for five years in Algeria. I am in love with Paris, and with the way of thinking of most Parisians. The only thing I can add here is the fact that I enormously enjoyed writing this particular book, and I hope that you, the reader, will also enjoy reading it. This science fiction novel takes place on a different planet (Plucar), and in two different nations (Kortzea and Hazoka). Perhaps it would be a good idea if some of our politicians read the ideas offered here to apply them to our government. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

183 The Mountain of Long Eyes Science Fiction & Fantasy Sub Title: An Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy (formerly none)

Author: Thomas Wm. Hamilton (formerly Thomas Hamilton)

Keywords: Mountain, Anthology, Fiction, Fantasy, Terrorists

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622120284 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 222 Word Count: 63100

Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.95 Alt ISBN 9781625161420 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625161413 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: About 500 years pass between the first story and the last in The Mountain of Long Eyes: An Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy. This wonderful collection of science fiction and fantasy stories range from a Native American shaman using magic to battle modern-day terrorists in "Mountain of Long Eyes," to space opera mysteries in distant galaxies in the story "Beyond Space." A character playing a prime role in two of the stories is a woman who flees a planet ruled by a repressive theocracy as a teenager in "Crime and Consequences." Her adult story is told in "Beyond Space." There is humor and social criticism in "Why My Mother Hates Me," and there is horror in "The Seat of Learning" and the vampire story "Red Blood." A president may or may not have stopped an attempted coup in "Viewpoints." It is left for the reader to decide. An assault across alternate universes takes place in one tale, and there’s even a ghost story in "Why I Must Move." The collection is well balanced with humor, politics, horror, space opera, alternate history and time travel. Review: To find an anthology of science fiction and fantasy that is just that – pure science fiction and fantasy, is priceless! From pure freedom of inter-dimensional travel, to the hilarious new game show of Who Wants To Live Forever, author Thomas William Hamilton has created a masterpiece. Despite my attraction to science fiction and fantasy, I was raised on Asimov and Ray Bradbury, so my expectations are high when it comes to trusting my entertainment to a new author. Well written, deeply engrossing, and uniquely creative, Mountain of Long Eyes has been certainly well worth my time! I absolutely enjoyed Hamilton’s humorous side, and literally laughed out loud at the prospect of a wrong answer in a game show could mean the contestant was banned for life from ever using an aspirin. The stories are short enough that even the busiest reader can find time to read them, and each story in this book leaves the reader hungering for the next. This book was a complete enjoyment and was so incredibly easy to get lost in. Thomas William Hamilton has hit the mark with this science fiction and fantasy anthology! I can’t wait to read more work from this creative genius! Reviewed by Emily Ann Jones-Parker For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

184 Knock, Knock, Knocking On Science Fiction & Fantasy Heaven's Door Author: Tammy Lyons

Keywords: Jesus, Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin, Dead, Heaven, Music

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631354717 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 120 Word Count: 33065 softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357787 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357794 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: In the novel Knock, Knock, Knocking On Heaven’s Door, members of the 27 Club – Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison – arrive in heaven. They find themselves onstage at a talk show hosted by Jesus. The three don’t know why they’re there or what’s going on. They doubt they should even be in heaven, what with the lavish lifestyles that they’ve led, which included sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. Eventually, their humanity is called into question. Their pasts come to haunt them, and one by one the three relive their lives on earth. Their old loves and pain are replayed before their eyes. Jesus is toying with the artists, getting His kicks as each of the guests experience misery. Their tortured souls and losses only make them more human. Are the musicians alive or dead? Are they in heaven or hell? One by one, they question their existence and whether they will make it up the stairway to heaven. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

185 The Silver Dragon's Quest Science Fiction & Fantasy Author: Zoe Topping

Keywords: Adult Fictions, General Books, Science, children 8 to 12 plus

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9780979593581 Publish Year: 2008 Pages: 188 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 0.4 Thickness: 9.0 - $ 9.95 Alt ISBN 9781934925201 e-book - PDF - $ 9.99

Overview: The Silver Dragon, Robert Alexander the Third, known to all as Robbie, decides to defy tradition, leave his village and go searching for the legendary Great Shining Dragon. Unbeknownst to him, his path will lead him to three ferocious Red Dragons, each of whom he must somehow overcome to fulfill his Quest.˝˝As the story unfolds, Robbie - in the company of the audacious, educated mouse, Wilberforce Abercrombie the 27th - discovers his own extraordinary personal power as well as the true meaning of love and friendship For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

188 Psychological Healing Through Self-Help Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation Author: Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler

Keywords: Self-Understanding, Psychological Healing, Inner Conflicts, Psychological and Spiritual Fulfillment, Transformation

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628570755 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 556 Word Count: 167008

Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.1 - $ 28.50 Alt ISBN 9781628579055 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628579062 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: This book focuses on the development of psychological self-understanding, healing psychologically painful inner conflicts, and the basis of psychological and spiritual fulfillment. Readers will discover a new understanding of effective psychotherapy, groundbreaking diagnostic psychological testing research, and the distinction between the ego self-concept, the experiential self, and the transpersonal self (the real self, the relational self, or the holistic self). It also clarifies aspects of optimal psychological health, such as authenticity, sincerity, integrity, creativity, intuition, empathy, courage, strength of character, inspiration, unselfish love (or warm-hearted caring), emotional security, inner wholeness, vitality, and fulfillment. Principles of psychological healing and self-transformation can enhance the development of interpersonal relationships, as well as facilitate effective and fulfilling ways of living in society. The authors deeply explored their own psychological pain and experiential truth to write this book, so readers can achieve greater self-understanding, fulfillment, and liberation from psychological pain. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

189 The I Ching Self-Help Sub Title: The Book to Turn to for Wisdom and Guidance

Author: Michael Hurn

Keywords: Chinese, Wisdom, Ancient Chinese Self-Help, Life, Ancient Oracle

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609119171 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 179 Word Count: 34704 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 - $ 14.00 Alt ISBN 9781612041261 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: At last, a version of the I Ching that's not for dummies or scholars, but for the rest of us. Like most modern versions of the I Ching, Michael Hurn's book is used to consult the ancient wisdom of the I Ching. But its use of simple English and a unique new layout make for a version that is more usable in everyday life. Everyone needs guidance, but in today's busy world, the usual sources (family, friends, church, etc.) may not always be on hand to help. This is where the I Ching (the book of change) can be a useful source of comfort and advice that is always available. The I Ching is an ancient oracle that's been in use in China for over 5,000 years in one format or another. People are still asking it questions today because the answers continue to make sense. Consulting it is like asking a friend or mentor for their thoughts. Anyone can consult it for advice. Since the mid 1970s, the author has been studying, using, and introducing it to others. He has found that people new to I Ching find it easy to learn and use, but find it a bit clumsy using the traditional look-up tables to access wisdom contained within the oracle. He has been able to merge his high-tech background with his love for the I Ching, and discovered that by re-sequencing the hexagrams, you can use pattern recognition to look up hexagrams. Review: "What I liked about this book was how well it explains everything and how easy it is to look up the hexagrams. Even if you've never heard of the I Ching, you can get started within minutes (I was a TOTAL newbie, someone gave me this book as a present). The answers themselves have been modernized just enough to make them less cryptic and much more understandable to someone living in the 21st century. AND – they were amazing!! They really provided good insights. I had some of my friends and family members try the book and they also had no trouble following the instructions. If you are looking for a nice, short, and easy-to-understand introduction to the I Ching, then this book is for you. (It also makes a great gift, as I can attest to!)" – J. Ehninger on For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

190 When Reasoning Is on Vacation Mind, Body & Soul

Author: Emokpae Odigie

Keywords: Reasoning, Humanity, Social and Economic Progress, Africa

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631351914 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 214 Word Count: 61419 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.50

Overview: When Reasoning Is on Vacation is all about humanity, and how social and economic progress can be affected with outmoded thinking. The author chose events to write about for which the machinations of witches and other invisible powers were attributed in Africa and tried to place them as natural laws. He raises questions about some and then tries to explain them in the background of natural occurrence. The book was written to reflect the lack of social and economic progress of Africans, as well as the common accusation of innocent people possessing the power of witchcraft, which is believed to be responsible for misfortune. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

How to Feel and Understand Love Self-Help Attraction

Author: Kat Kem M

Keywords: Forms of Love, Karmic Love, Romantic Love, Sacred Love, Spiritual Love, Peaceful World

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781452551517 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 74 Word Count: 10000 Publisher: BalboaPress e-book - Kindle - $ 6.99 Alt ISBN 9781452551500 softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 5.5 Thickness: 0.3 - $ 8.99

Overview: Love and the many different forms of love attraction bring two souls together. Love brings the feeling of peace, and the two souls coming together in agreement brings the entire human population up a notch in conscious listening. Forces of love attraction to get these souls together are eros love, karmic love, romantic love, sacred love, spiritual love, and many others. These types of love are generated by influences of the mirror, love wound, soul love, shadow and invisible forces working to the greater good for the whole of humanity. Review: "Kat Kemm's book How to Feel and Understand Love Attraction really helped me open up to what I was attracting and blocking in my own life. It allowed me to heal from old wounds and to begin changing old patterns. I now attract the type of people into my life that enrich and fulfill my life, rather than dragging me down. Very healing!" - By Laura L. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

191 How NOT to Kill the Woman You Self-Help Love Sub Title: Your Guide to Surviving Her Menopause

Author: Nina Hansen Machotka

Keywords: Menopause, Post-Menopause, Menopause Humor, Humor, Menopause Survival Guide

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609113070 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 22 Word Count: 5133 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 5.0 Width: 8.0 - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781612049281 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: This is a humorous guide on how to deal with a woman suffering from menopause. Review: My wife read your book out loud to me and had to stop on every other page, she was laughing so hard. We both got a kick out of your steps for survival, although I'm still not convinced of the 10th step! -A friend's email. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

192 Stop Smoking Now! Self-Help Sub Title: A Practical Mind Technique to Stop Smoking Completely, Easily and Effectively

Author: Antony Maurice-Nneke

Keywords: Health, Reducing Stress, Anxiety, Good way, Stop Smoking

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609118372 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 124 Word Count: 35341 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 10.95 Overview: Do you want to regain the energy, stamina, health, and fitness you have lost due to the ravaging tar and nicotine you have inhaled into your lungs through cigarettes, cigars, or pipes? Stop Smoking Now! offers you essential secret weapons to help you regain your energy and your health. In addition to assisting individuals to stop smoking completely, easily, effectively, and effortlessly, Stop Smoking Now! offers a uniquely positive and powerful effect on its audience and teaches them how to accomplish the following: Relax and take control of any situation Deal with stress and anxiety Acquire confidence, self esteem, and self worth Formulate goals and make plans for the future Make a plan of action to achieve a specific goal Visualize for success in any venture Build with effective thought bricks to erect an impregnable mind castle Stop Smoking Now! is a practical application of ideas and fundamental principles for the achievement of success in any venture. These principles were first introduced in the author's earlier books, Mind Castles - The Power to Achieve Success and Lose Weight Now! For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

193 Our Highest Priority Self-Help Sub Title: Embrace Courage, Abandon Fear

Author: Marva A. Smith

Keywords: Courage, Fear, Highest Priority, Poetry, Faith, Inspiration, Spirituality, Relationship

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631353925 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 96 Word Count: 6430 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 28.95

Overview: This poetic collection of stories, Our Highest Priority: Embrace Courage, Abandon Fear, is brilliantly written and offers a foundation of thought that’s innovative and original. Stunningly illuminating and timeless, they capture the essence of daily life, its complication and simplicity, and give it vitality with “The world functions on a vision of hope.” This idea suggests there are no dead ends; only perseverance will produce results. It inspires courage, builds confidence, and quickens one’s desire for action in a world where dreams do succeed. Daring and mesmerizing, these bold ideas deeply explore the quality of relationships, e.g., “Trust is essential to fuel persuasion”; or “A relationship based on jealousy cannot survive.” Factors that influence our world view and forces that impact our philosophy of life are all given scrutiny. We are encouraged to be proud of ourselves and our own accomplishments because we contribute to the greater cause. Using our life skills, we are shown roots of a problem and the approach to solve it. Included are fascinating descriptions of how discipline and competition, faith, and optimism function in our world, e.g., “Discipline must be encouraged for competition to flourish”; and “Faith is reflected in our confidence, our inner sense of security.” These are attitude changers intended to energize our self-image and motivate us to let our imagination and our vision soar. Review: Enjoyable to read, easy to believe. You will come back to these poems again and again for encouragement, advice and sheer entertainment. This poet has a sense of humor that will lift your spirits and keep dark clouds away. They can become a daily tonic. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

194 Golf Made Easy! Sports/Athletics Sub Title: A Backward Approach to Learning Golf... Or Is It?

Author: Jeffrey W. Kern

Keywords: Golf, Sports, Fitness, Learning, Education.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625163677 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 70 Word Count: 16124 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 23.97 Overview: The key to learning any game is that it should be both fun and easy. For years people have struggled to learn the game by trying to master the long drive only to find that the rest of their game has gone by the way side. With this method, by the time you get to learn the drive you will already know the rest of the game. What is more fun than putting the ball in the hole on the first lesson! Review: A fantastic read, this book is a great way to familiarize yourself with the game of golf. A must-have for any level of golfer!- Amazon Awards: Kindle Book of the Month, 2/14; Book of the Month 10/13 "50 great authors you should be reading" For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

195 Classes Apart Sports/Athletics Sub Title: The Crazy Nature of Sunday Morning Football

Author: Philip W. O'Mara

Keywords: Sports, Adult Books, General Books, Non fiction

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781606933152 Publish Year: 2009 Pages: 264 Word Count: 93334 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 25.50

Overview: The story describes the remarkable camaraderie between the players and supporters of this little club and their desire to achieve success. The team had previously been known more for its antics off the field, rather than their performances on it. During his time at the club he meets and becomes involved with Emma Potter, who is the sister of James Potter, a major player for their bitter rivals Moortown Inn. Thus, begins an entangled web of romance and conflict. He also begins working at Derry High School, a school with a poor reputation of academic success, where he becomes coach of the school cricket team. Here he develops an amazing relationship with the children and they embark on an epic journey. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

196 Pacific Incident 9-11-13 Thriller Sub Title: Biddy and Justin Series book 2

Author: Pamela M. Arnold

Keywords: Suspense, Terrorism, Inspirational, Humour, Travel

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622122653 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 257 Word Count: 71671 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 17.95 Alt ISBN 9781625168023 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625168016 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: Pacific Incident 9-11-13, is a fascinating, well-plotted thriller with credible characters and deep suspense, a real page turner. Biddy and Justin uncover an extremist jihad, designed to punish Australia for deploying troops to Afghanistan. Extremists, utilizing a suitcase nuclear device smuggled aboard the cruise ship Pacific Queen Royale in Petropavolovask, Russia, plan to annihilate an Australian icon, the Sydney Harbor Bridge. In Cambodia, Justin finds two fellow passengers, murdered for their identities. Christian-born, Rukan, kidnapped by the Taliban as a child, is raised as a Muslim, believing that Aussie soldiers massacred her family. She is educated as a physicist, solely for the success of the planned nuclear jihad. Taught that women are inferior to men and strictly chaperoned while at university, she was not permitted to listen to music, wear anything other than a burqua and reading was restricted to textbooks. Biddy and Detective Inspector Brian Schultz and their cohorts contact the Anti-Terrorist Branch for aid in thwarting the jihad and stopping the detonation as the ship sails under the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Review: James Garrett B.A Eng.Educ. ( U.S.A) Step aside Mr& Mrs North, look over your shoulder Nick and Nora Charles, here come those other intrepid middle-aged detectives, Biddy Jennings and Justin Fuller, who are back in Pam Arnold’s latest novel, Pacific Incident,9-11-13. Booked for a leisurely holiday cruise aboard the pacific Queen Royale, Biddy and Justin again find themselves entangled not only in good old mystery and intrigue, but also in modern day piracy, jihads, and Taliban terrorists. All the romance and adventure of the High seas are present in Pacific Incident, as well as the charmingly delicious affaire d’amour between Biddy and Justin, who prove that you’re never too old for love. Pam Arnold’s intriguing and delightful yarn spins a web of mystery and surprise as she peels away the veneer of the characters and we discover that nothing is what it seems to be. Justin may not be the swashbuckling hero in seven-league boots, nor Biddy, Winged Victory leading the charge, but they do a damn good imitation, and give us, the reader, a stirring heartiness that good will always triumph over evil, and that love will conquer all. Pacific Incident is a rollicking good read and Madam Arnold an emerging author headed for the best seller list. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

197 The Procurers Thriller Sub Title: Biddy and Justin Series Book Three

Author: Pamela M. Arnold

Keywords: exciting, suspense, sea disappearances,credible

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628575798 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 302 Word Count: 79536 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 19.50 Alt ISBN 9781631351556 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631351549 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99 Overview: In The Procurers, amateur but lively senior sleuths Biddy and Justin find themselves back on board the Pacific Queen Royale as agents for the Australian National Veterans Network. They are tasked with uncovering increasing and unexplained passenger disappearances at sea, and also to keep an eye on Professor Witherspoon, who is working with a world consortium to provide free, clean fusion energy via a Tokomak reactor in France. ANVN and Detective Inspector Brien Schultz from Adelaide Crime also seeks help from celebrated Australian yachtsman, Sir Tim Harvey, to uncover terrorists at sea, whom Biddy suspects of abducting boat people as fodder for body parts, and processing them aboard the Goliath, a giant fishing trawler fitted with huge freezers. As one of the abductees is an American National, the U.S. Coast Guard is involved, providing use of a Black Hawk helicopter to track the Goliath, which escapes for concealment to an Indian ship demolition graveyard to continue its macabre butchery. Will Justin and the Black Hawk crew be in time to save Biddy and the abductees on the disabled trawler from imminent demolition? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

198 Helena's Vendetta Thriller Author: Mario Fenech

Keywords: Malta, Crime Saga, Criminal Mastermind, Greed, Revenge, Murder, Romance

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631355745 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 222 Word Count: 71606 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781631358470 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631358463 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Helena's Vendetta is an epic crime saga and thriller featuring Edward Borg, son of renowned criminal mastermind Leo Borg. Edward is orphaned young when an angry associate murders his father, and his mother dies of heartbreak. As a wealthy but lonely young man, Edward falls in love with the beautiful but sad Helena, the stepdaughter of Malta's most vicious criminal. Helena tells Edward she is being forced to marry her stepbrother and that her stepfather is then planning to kill her to steal her wealth. She is also certain that her stepfather poisoned her mother. Vowing to save Helena, Edward enlists the help of trusted friends to fake Helena's death. But events spiral out of control, and Edward is framed for a crime he didn't commit. Edward realizes that his desire for love was too naïve in a world driven by lies, greed, and revenge. Will he be able to outsmart the top criminal minds in Malta to unite with Helena, or is Edward being used as a pawn? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

199 Efraim's Eye Thriller Author: William Peace


Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781618973993 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 370 Word Count: 119501 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.1 Width: 9.2 - $ 19.95 Alt ISBN 9781625163264 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625163271 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: The London Eye and its 800 riders are the target for Efraim, an Iraqi terrorist. Funded by his half- brother, Yusuf, the corrupt chief executive of a Moroccan charity, Efraim travels to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Chechnya to build the necessary shaped charges. Paul, a British financial consultant, is sent to investigate the Moroccan charity by its British parent organization. He is joined in Marrakech by Naomi, the operations director of the British charity. Naomi is a beautiful Israeli, who speaks seven languages and is an accomplished musician. Will Paul and Naomi discover Yusuf Review: Some writers produce a great first book, but subsequent books are mediocre. Some sustain their proficiency from book to book. And some seem to get even better with each book written. Mr. Peace's first two books were both good reads, but his third, Efraim's Eye is his best so far. It is a fast paced page turner revolving around a terrorist plot to destroy the London Eye. While doing pro-bono work for a London charity checking on one of its subsidiaries, Paul Winthrop along with Naomi, a consultant with the charity, discover a terrorist plot to destroy the London Eye. Each one of the characters is developed in depth and with a complexity that makes them believable. No cardboard cutouts here. We follow two storylines as the book develops. One is with the developing relationship between Paul, a widower but in a relationship back in London, and Naomi, a well- travelled, intelligent and younger Israeli. The other deals with the organization of the plot from obtaining the necessary weapons and equipment to choosing the personnel to be involved. As we follow the terrorist Yusef as he travels to several countries to complete the plans, one cannot help but be impressed with Mr. Peace's attention to detail. Whether describing weapons or the intricacies of an audit or the geography of a city, his information is so well researched and written that one is reminded of Tom Clancy in his early books. Mr. Peace appears to have an interest in religion and in the spiritual aspects that guide and motivate individuals. This was a thread in his previous book as he explored facets of Christianity. In this book, Mr. Peace is able to explore the beliefs of Islam and the teachings of the Koran. He is never judgmental and gives his reader much to ponder. I look forward to the next book by this talented writer. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

200 Hidden Battlefields Thriller

Author: William Peace

Keywords: Thriller, Psychology, Romance, Adventure, Conflicting Priorities, Drugs Trafficking, Travel

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631355684 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.7 - $ 18.95 Alt ISBN 9781631357442 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781631357435 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: In Hidden Battlefields, the sequel to The Iranian Scorpion, Robert Dawson goes undercover in Peru. There he follows a huge cocaine shipment by the Maoist guerrilla organisation Shining Path to the dreaded ‘Ndrangheta mafia in southern Italy. The action proceeds down the Amazon, across the Atlantic, and from northwest Africa to Italy. Robert’s father, David, a retired U.S. army general, is involved once again in the undercover operation. Mary Jo, a defence department contractor with a top secret clearance, and Kate, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, have to decide romantically between Robert and David. All the characters must deal with internal conflicts with the choices they face. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

201 The Iranian Scorpion Thriller Author: William Peace

Keywords: Iran, Drugs, Romance, Afghanistan, Terror

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622129263 Publish Year: 2012 Pages: 370 Word Count: 108475 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.5 - $ 20.95 Alt ISBN 9781625164384 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625164377 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Robert Dawson,an agent of the Drug Enforcement Agency, is sent to Afghanistan to stop the flow of heroin made from the country's biggest crop, opium. With the help of Kate Conway,a freelance journalist and Vizier Ashraf, a shadowy Taliban leader, Robert is disguised as an opium field hand. In Helmand Province he learns the secrets of the Afghan drugs trade, and illegally enters Iran with his 'boss', and a fifteen-year-old 'chemist'. The principal buyer is known as The Scorpion. A sale of 25 kg of heroin is completed and traced the New York City, where a bust is made. Furious, The Scorpion orders Robert captured and executed. Robert's father, General David Dawson, is in Tehran on assignment with the International Atomic Energy Agency investigating Iran's use of nuclear energy. Learning of Robert's reported execution, he vows to assassinate The Scorpion, who is also a provincial governor of Iran. Intrigue and surprise dominate the conclusion of the fascinating story of The Iranian Scorpion. Review: "William, congratulations! There is quite a difference between reading a manuscript and holding a book in one’s hand. Efraim’s Eye is a first rate thriller. It will have a wide audience. It is tightly plotted – no loose ends - the sex is just right - in other words, very believable, and the settings are interesting – even London – and the incompetence of the Police!! They were warned beforehand, in detail, where the explosive charges were going to be placed – they had sharpshooters stationed, and they didn’t shoot the perp - it was the civilian, admittedly ex- SAS, who foiled the villain!!! Poor old Scotland Yard! A good read and I am now going to bed, sad to have come to the end. I am a good boy, like your hero Paul, but that doesn’t prevent me from dreaming about Naomi. Well done!" Efraim’s Eye is afirst rate thriller. It will have a wide audience. It is tightly plotted – no loose ends- the sex is just right- in other words, very beliefable, and the setting s are interesting – even London – and Bill the incompetence of the Police!! They were warned beforehand, in detail, where the explosive charges were going to be placed – they had sharpshooters stationed, and they didn’t shoot the perp- it was the civilian, admittedly ex SAS, who foiled the villain!!! Poor old Scotland Yard! A good read and I am now going to bed, sad to have come to the end. I am a good boy, like your hero Paul, but that doesn’t prevent me from dreaming about Naomi. Well done For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

202 Tales from the Addict Files Thriller Volume 1

Sub Title: Immortality, A Journey of Life and Death—Here and Beyond

Author: King Khan

Keywords: Drug Addiction, Drug-Filled Partying, Fatal Drug Experience, Fateful Night, Survival

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628575255 Pages: 110 Word Count: 31833 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 11.00

Overview: Building on his research as a young psychology student and on several alcohol and drug overdoses, King Khan describes in this thrilling novel how the main character’s chance encounter with an alluring young lady leads to an evening of drug-filled partying and a fatal drug experience. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

203 DARK-Millennium 3 Young Adult Author: Christopher D Corran

Keywords: Afterlife, Spiritual, Mormon, Priesthood, Pagan

Web: Publisher Web Site: Millennium3.html Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609767235 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 200 Word Count: 48326 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 0.4 - $ 13.50 Alt ISBN 9781612043883 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99

Overview: What do people DO after they die? Loosely based on the tenet of the Mormon Church, in this stunning novel, a high priest named Eber passes through the veil of death and discovers what is on the other side. DARK – Millennium 3 describes what Eber encounters in his new environs. He meets people he knew in mortal life and some who lived before he was born. In the spirit realm, he experiences both the Dark region of unenlightened spirits, and the Light region sheltering those who have progressed. Called to be a Ministering Angel, he ‘works’ in the Dark region, seeking to bring enlightenment to those caught in their own Dark spirit prison. Eber was tested in life, and now he is being tested in death. DARK will open your eyes to the possibilities of the universe as we all enter the third millennium. Review: Surprisingly Subtle Take on Death, April 18, 2011 It was only on the second reading of this book that the inner connectedness began to become apparent. This is far more subtle and is deeper than I first thought. It was only on the second reading that I saw why the priest Eber knew all along, the little girl with no undies in 'Dark' was not kosher. That's when I started looking for the metaphors and realised the entire book is built on Icons, Avatars and Metaphors. It was like finding two books in one. This is more like hardcore literature than a simple fiction novel. Also amusing! I found sexual references were in an acceptable context and suitable for Young Adult. I know a schoolgirl who read it and finished the book in one day. Well worth the read-and Yes!… also worth the ‘read again’. The book overall seems short for the introduction to a trilogy but that may be the point? ‘RaiofOz’ For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

204 FORTH-Millennium 3 Young Adult Author: Christopher D. Corran

Keywords: Afterlife, War, Resurrection, Islam, Mormon

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622129010 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 414 Word Count: 190000 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 9.0 Width: 6.0 Thickness: 1.0 - $ 23.95 Alt ISBN 9781625163820 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781621563837 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: Eber, a Mormon priest, is murdered by Islamist Jihadists. Cast out of his body, he finds himself among the dead. Exercising his priesthood keys of authority, Eber is escorted to Paradise… He discovers that his solitary condition creates obstacles but rejoices to find, in the economy of God’s wisdom, his Spirit World stewardship is added to by a number of sacred female Covenanters. Follow the discussion between Eber and his Islamist executioner. Explore the religion of Islam and its prophet. Join the dead as they discuss Islam’s Arabian origins. Journey through the Surah of the Qur’an and the Hadith Commentaries…and read what is described by its followers as Holy Writ. Discover how and why Abraham was introduced into the Qur’an by Lucifer. Ponder upon the coming Apocalypse…the Mother of All Wars…as 5,500,000,000 die in the mortal world. Watch as hordes of the dead burst through the Veil of Death…INTO THE DARK SPIRIT PRISON. Rise with the Angels of Paradise as they are resurrected…to come FORTH with Christ at THE SECOND COMING and begin THE THIRD MILLENNIUM. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

205 MAGOG - Millennium 3 Young Adult Author: Christopher D. Corran

Keywords: Afterlife, Christian, God, Future, War

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781628574968 Publish Year: 2014 Pages: 220 Word Count: 82136 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 Thickness: 0.7 - $ 14.95 Alt ISBN 9781625879505 e-book - ePub - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628579499 e-book - Kindle - $ 9.99

Overview: In paradise, Eber is covenanted with many sacred female companions. They also serve. They nurture and love those who come from mortal lives of sickness, pain, and suffering. They also bring pure love and solace to his heart, which is torn by the thousands and millions who will not follow. Many will not come unto Christ. Time passes in the mortal world and Mankind turns again toward the temptations of Lucifer. Satan again rages within the hearts of men. GOG and MAGOG fight upon the face of the Earth. Few survive the chaos and destruction of the final war. Some desperately launch into deep space, seeking life on other planets. The first Man, ADAM, is the Archangel: The Seventh Angel, who ordains that the Sun must expand. The Sun becomes a RED GIANT. Earth, Venus and Mercury are within the outer mantle of the Sun. GOG and MAGOG are defeated! EARTH DIES! Jesus Christ ordains the final resurrection. All Mankind stand: before God and The Son. JUDGEMENT DAY HAS COME! Eber is judged a Good and Faithful Servant. He will reign forever. EBER: A GOD. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

206 Millennium 3 Trilogy Science Fiction & Fantasy Author: Christopher D. Corran

Keywords: Afterlife, Christian, Islam, Angels, Armageddon, Holy Priesthood, Resurrection

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site: Author Trailer / UTube Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781631359545 Publish Year: 2015 Pages: 834 Publisher: SBPRA e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99

Overview: A work of Religious Historical Fiction, beginning at 2010 and covering the next Thousand Years. This Doctrine is based upon the tenet of the Mormon Church, the Further Light and Knowledge of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The action is set beyond the Veil of Death, as seen through the eyes of Eber, a murdered priest who enters the Spirit World. We see the Biblical Millennium of Peace, when swords will be turned to ploughshares. But first, NOW! This Great War, in which billions must die! Dialogue exposes the idolatrous, pagan origins of Islam and illustrates the Keys and Powers of the Holy Priesthood. We see the ongoing relationships among the dead. We journey between the Spirit Realms of Dark and Light. We observe the End of the Mortal World, and the Fates of Mankind, judged by the Living God. BUT WHO IS EBER? Review: Eber is a highly complex character in a complicated multi-layered novel. There is nothing simple in this book, this is a dialogue between Eber and those for whom he feels responsible, and in its complexity, reflects the struggle mortals have with eternal questions. From Dark to Magog Eber takes us along his personal journey, sometimes looking back briefly on his mortal life, but focussing on the work with those who have passed beyond the veil. They are not all pleasant people but the focus is on those who are more righteous. There is a clear relationship between choices people made and continue to make as they progress through mortality and the afterlife, and their happiness throughout the eternities. Magog is essentially about love. The love of Eber for his people, and in fact, all people, wherever they are and regardless of the lives they have lived in mortality. But the depth of ethereal love between Eber and his Covenant wives dominates this book. Eber's concern about complacency and the need to warn of the need for vigilance can be applied to all of us at any time in our lives. Achieving immortality does not mean the end of struggles, trials, disappointments but rather the abundance of love, goodwill, kindness and loyalty will provide the strength to find great fulfillment. N'Or ta is, for Eber, the Beatrice of Dante's The Divine Comedy - the supreme relationship. Bruce Dawe – March 2015 ( For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

207 The Neighbourhood Children Young Adult Author: Beatrice Ferraro [formerly R. Beatrice A. Ferraro

Keywords: Young Adult, Adventures, Thriller, General Books

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781608605101 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 80 Word Count: 7990 Publisher: SBPRA hardcover - Length: 7.0 Width: 10.0 - $ 35.50

Overview: The immigrant children’s lives faced an increasing awareness of the consequences and restricted responsibilities placed upon them. These children summarise their adventures by unraveling even further restrictions placed on their activities, including learning problem-solving methods that made it possible to thrive. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

208 My Sanctuary, A Place I Call Young Adult Home Author: Doreen Ingram

Keywords: South Africa, endangered, animals, chimpanzees

Web: Publisher Web Site: APlaceICallHome.html Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781609114800 Publish Year: 2010 Pages: 54 Word Count: 9567 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 - $ 17.50 Alt ISBN 9781625160997 e-book - EPUB - $ 17.50 Alt ISBN 9781625160980 e-book - KINDLE - $ 19.95

Overview: Joao lives in a sanctuary called Chimp Eden in South Africa. He is the oldest known chimp in his group. He tells the sad story of how he was taken from his family and sold to a circus, ultimately to sit in a small cage at a zoo for more than 50 years. Now Joao has been rescued and lives in the Chimp Eden sanctuary as part of the Jane Goodall Institute of South Africa. After his many years in captivity, he learns that people can be good and caring. Another chimp named Cozy is also rescued and comes to the sanctuary, where Joao helps him and the other chimps to become a family. The staff at Chimp Eden give these abused and neglected chimps a life as close as possible to the one stolen away from them. This adventure for youthful readers succeeds on many levels, as it balances ecology, animal behavior and some unforgettable chimpanzees. "A truly enthralling read for young and old," – Chimp Eden Sanctuary Manager Phillip Cronje, "This is a sensitive and insightful book and a perfect guide to being in the other's place," – Animal World USA Development Director Susan McCauley, "Children love stories. This delightful book, with its captivating illustrations, tells the true stories of Joao, Cozy and some of the other orphaned chimpanzees who have been lucky enough to end up in Chimp Eden. It will help young people – and their parents – understand the dangers faced by chimpanzees in the wild and the often brutal treatment they receive in captivity. It will generate empathy and a desire to help. A perfect gift for all children who love animals." – Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace, Review: “Children love stories. This delightful book, with its captivating illustrations, tells the true stories of Joao, Cozy and some of the other orphaned chimpanzees who have been lucky enough to end up in Chimp Eden. It will help young people – and their parents – understand the dangers faced by chimpanzees in the wild and the often brutal treatment they receive in captivity. It will generate empathy and a desire to help. A perfect gift for all children who love animals.” – Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

209 My Sanctuary: A Place I Call Young Adult Home Sub Title: The Mission

Author: Doreen Ingram

Keywords: Animals, life, love, freedom, chimpanzees.

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781612048062 Publish Year: 2011 Pages: 58 Word Count: 9700 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 17.50 Alt ISBN 9781625162731 softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 17.50 Alt ISBN 9781625161017 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781625161000 e-book - MFE - $ 9.99 Overview: The first book that author Doreen Ingram wrote, My Sanctuary: A Place I Call Home, tells the story of a chimpanzee named Joao, how he was taken from his family, sold to a circus, and sat in a small cage at a zoo for more than 50 years. Through her insightful second book, My Sanctuary: A Place I Call Home – The Mission, you will once again see the world through the eyes of the occupants of Chimp Eden, a chimpanzee sanctuary, where Joao began his second life. Time is precious for all the remaining chimpanzees left in the wild. In this compelling story, Joao, the granddad chimp of the sanctuary, finds that it is time to pass his “voice” on to another chimp to continue the mission of teaching about the chimps’ lives and the plight of the great apes. It is up to Jessica, a 30-year-old female chimp, to carry on Joao’s stories that will hopefully change the way chimpanzees have been used by humans for entertainment or as pets. The team also goes on an exciting mission to rescue some chimps. “My Sanctuary: A Place I Call Home” captures the desperate need of orphaned chimpanzees and how they find love and a new life at Chimp Eden. The perfect gift for every child. I love this book. – Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace The unforgettable pages of the book embody the spirit of the Jane Goodall Institute of South Africa. You will never look at a chimp again in the same way, because you will understand that they too only want a place to call home. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

210 My Sanctuary: A Place I Call Young Adult Home Sub Title: Keepers of the Wild

Author: Doreen Ingram

Keywords: Animals, Life, Love, Freedom, Chimpanzees

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625162731 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 54 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 8.5 Width: 8.5 Thickness: 0.2 - $ 17.50 Alt ISBN 9781628570694 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628570700 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: Elvis, a maneless African lion, tells the story of his life performing in a big cat show. Kept caged when not performing, Elvis and the other big cats are about to leave their cages to now roam a natural enclosure they will call home. Review: “A charming and enlightening book that holds the key to the door of how we can better understand our treasured animals. Doreen’s done a great job and its ambition clearly comes from the heart.” – Nicky (Taylor) Waltham, series producer, producer/director Awards: Not Yet For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

211 Full Circle Young Adult Author: Joyce Dorsey Ostlund

Keywords: Friends, Forgivness, Love, Travel, Compassion, Hope

Web: Publisher Web Site: http//sbpra/joyceDorseyostlund

Book Details: ISBN: 9781625167552 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 250 Word Count: 83867 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - $ 15.00 Alt ISBN 9781628573060 e-book - EPUB - $ 9.99 Alt ISBN 9781628573053 e-book - KINDLE - $ 9.99

Overview: The 12-year-old grandson of an American soldier serving in Vietnam is sent by his Vietnamese grandmother to find his grandfather in America. He is accidentally put on the wrong boat and ends up in Guatemala, alone and homeless. He is rescued from a dismal future by an American woman who takes him back to the U.S. with her. After he has finished a year of college, he decides to back to Vietnam and a whole new life begins … he has come Full Circle. For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].

212 The Enchanted Opera Young Adult Sub Title: Supernaturally Enchanting & Spiritually Enlightening

Author: Novene Thomas

Keywords: Opera Singer, Fairies, Power to Heal, Evil Sprites, Theater Performances, Choir Members

Web: Publisher Web Site: Author Web Site:

Book Details: ISBN: 9781622129867 Publish Year: 2013 Pages: 192 Word Count: 52089 Publisher: SBPRA softcover - Length: 6.0 Width: 9.0 - $ 13.95 Alt ISBN 9781628577532 e-book - ePub - $ 3.99 Alt ISBN 9781628577549 e-book - Kindle - $ 3.99 Overview: It’s show time at The Enchanted Opera. Maude is an opera singer whose voice has the talent to heal. On the night of an opera performance, she discovers that her human form has been transformed into a fairy, so she can no longer perform. Her rival, the opera singer Angelique, is a dark sprite who cast a fairy spell on Maude so she can’t heal people anymore with her melodious voice. Angelique wants to receive all the attention at the theater herself, so she uses an ancient fairy spell to rid herself of Maude. For many years Maude tries to regain her natural human body. She asks for help from two other opera singers, Jeanette and Zelda, who are also chorus members of the local Baptist church. They use an ancient fairy book of spells to counteract the first spell, as they battle the force of dark sprites who work for Angelique. Will Maude get her body back and be able to use her healing voice once again? The show must go on, but who will be performing? For more information about this fine book or for a custom catalog please email [email protected].