Remarks at Latvia University in Riga November 28, 2006

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Remarks at Latvia University in Riga November 28, 2006 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2099 that has been working at its democracy for Remarks at Latvia University in Riga a long time, that keeps perfecting it. I would November 28, 2006 hope that Latvia, as well, has the same oppor- tunities; that we can go ahead, have our own Thank you all. Labdien. Madam President, choices, make our own mistakes, and do so thank you for your kind words. Thank you with the help and understanding and support for your leadership, and thank you for your of fellow nations who share the same values friendship. Mr. Speaker; Mr. Prime Minister; as us. Senator Sessions from the great State of Ala- bama, who is with us; Marc Leland, my President Bush. Madam President, friend from a long period of time. I want thanks for inviting me back to Riga. Our ex- to thank the rector of this important univer- perience was so good the first time that we sity. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentle- couldn’t wait to get back. I want to congratu- men, thank you for your warm welcome. I’m late you on hosting this very important delighted to be back in Riga. NATO summit. You and your Government I appreciate the Latvian Transatlantic Or- have done a spectacular job, and I want to ganization, the Commission of Strategic thank the people of Riga for accommodating Analysis, and the German Marshall Fund of all the world leaders who have come to this the United States for organizing this impor- important meeting. tant conference. This is my third visit to the I appreciate very much your strong belief Baltics as the President of the United States, and it’s my second visit to this beautiful city. that liberty has got the capacity to transform I just can’t stay away. I’m thrilled and hon- the world for the good. I thank you and the ored to be back here, and I bring the greet- Latvian people for supporting young democ- ings and good wishes of the American peo- racies in Afghanistan and in Iraq. ple. We spent time talking about our bilateral Not far from where we meet today stands relations. Trade is good between the United Riga’s Freedom Monument. It was erected States and Latvia, and that’s very positive. in 1935, during this country’s brief period of The President brought up the visa waiver independence between the two world wars. program. She is deeply concerned that the During the dark years of Soviet occupation, people of Latvia aren’t able to travel to the the simple act of laying flowers at the foot United States as freely as she would like. And of this monument was considered a crime I fully understand your concerns, Madam by Communist authorities. In 1989, the President. And to this end, I’ll be sending monument was the scene of one of the most to Congress a new proposal to make it easier remarkable protests in the history of free- for the citizens of Latvia to come to the dom. Hundreds of thousands of people stood United States and, at the same time, for us together and formed a human chain that to share information to make sure that we’re stretched nearly 400 miles across the Bal- able to thwart any type of terrorist activities tics—from Tallinn in the north, through in our country. And I’m confident we can downtown Riga, and into the heart of Vilnius. work this through. By joining hands, the people of this region showed their unity and their determination And I want to thank you for working hard to live in freedom, and it made clear to the on this issue. Every time I’ve met with you, Soviet authorities that the Baltic peoples you brought it up, because you deeply care would accept nothing less than complete about the people of your country. I want to independence. congratulate you on your strong leadership, It took more years of struggle, but today, and again, thank you for your very warm hos- the Baltic nations have taken their rightful pitality. place in the community of free nations, and Latvia is a host for an important NATO sum- NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 3:40 mit—the first time our alliance has met in p.m. at Riga Castle. A tape was not available for one of the ‘‘captive nations’’ annexed by the verification of the content of these remarks. Soviet Union. This is a proud day for the VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:02 Dec 05, 2006 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P48DET4.001 P48DET4 2100 Nov. 28 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 people of Latvia and all the Baltic States. And their aspirations to join the Atlantic alliance. on behalf of the American people, I thank Georgia is seeking NATO membership as you for your hospitality, your friendship, and well, and as it continues on the path of re- the courage you are showing in the NATO form, we will continue to support Georgia’s alliance. desire to become a NATO ally. We are also As members of NATO, you are a vital part supporting the leaders of Ukraine as they of the most effective multilateral organiza- work to curb corruption, promote the rule tion in the world and the most important of law, and serve the cause of peace. Our military alliance in history. As NATO allies, position is clear: As democracy takes hold in you will never again stand alone in defense Ukraine and its leaders pursue vital reforms, of your freedom, and you’ll never be occu- NATO membership will be open to the pied by a foreign power. Ukrainian people if they choose it. Each of the Baltic countries is meeting its We’re also working with Russia through obligations to strengthen NATO by bringing the NATO-Russia Council. We recognize new energy and vitality and clarity of purpose that Russia is a vital and important country, to the alliance. Your love of liberty has made NATO stronger. And with your help, our alli- and that it’s in our interests to increase our ance is rising to meet the great challenges cooperation with Russia in areas such as and responsibilities of this young century by countering terrorism and preventing the making NATO the world’s most effective spread of weapons of mass destruction. By united force for freedom. building ties between Russia and this alli- One of the great responsibilities of this alli- ance, we will strengthen our common secu- ance is to strengthen and expand the circle rity, and we will advance the cause of peace. of freedom here in Europe. In the nearly As we help the new democracies of Eu- six decades since NATO’s founding, Europe rope join the institutions of Europe, we must has experienced an unprecedented expansion not forget those who still languish in tyranny. of liberty. A continent that was once divided Just across the border from here lies the na- by an ugly wall is now united in freedom. tion of Belarus—a place where peaceful pro- Yet the work of uniting Europe is not fully testers are beaten and opposition leaders are complete. Many nations that threw off the ‘‘disappeared’’ by the agents of a cruel re- shackles of tyranny are still working to build gime. The existence of such oppression in the free institutions that are the foundation our midst offends the conscience of Europe, of successful democracies. NATO is encour- and it offends the conscience of America. We aging these nations on the path to reform— have a message for the people of Belarus: and as governments make hard decisions for The vision of a Europe whole, free, and at their people, they will be welcomed into the peace includes you, and we stand with you institutions of the Euro-Atlantic community. in your struggle for freedom. After I took office in 2001, I declared that Another great responsibility of this alliance the United States believes in NATO mem- is to transform for new challenges. When bership for all of Europe’s democracies that NATO was formed in 1949, its principal mis- seek it and are ready to share the responsibil- sion was to protect Europe from a Soviet tank ities that NATO brings. The following year in Prague, we invited seven nations to join invasion. Today, the Soviet threat is gone. our alliance—Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ro- And under the able leadership of the Sec- mania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Here retary General, NATO is transforming from in Riga, allies will make clear that the door a static alliance focused on the defense of to NATO membership remains open, and at Europe, into an expedentiary [expedi- our next summit in 2008, we hope to issue tionary] * alliance ready to deploy outside of additional invitations to nations that are Europe in the defense of freedom. This is ready for membership. a vital mission. Today, Croatia, Macedonia, and Albania are all participating in NATO’s Membership Action Plan, and the United States supports * White House correction. VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:02 Dec 05, 2006 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P48DET4.001 P48DET4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 28 2101 Over the past 6 years, we’ve taken decisive International Security Assistance Force in action to transform our capabilities in the alli- Afghanistan, NATO has expanded it from a ance. We created a new NATO trans- small force that was operating only in Kabul formation command to ensure that our alli- into a robust force that conducts security op- ance is always preparing for the threats of erations in all of Afghanistan.
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