County of Essex Transit Assessment Report, Phase 2 Project No. 29-46B FINAL A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 Final Report Transit Solutions GENIVAR Consultants LP. 2800 Fourteenth Avenue, Suite 210, Markham, Ontario L3R 0E4 Telephone: 905.946.8900 Fax: 905.946.8966 Contact: Dennis J. Fletcher, M.E.S. E-mail:
[email protected] 29-46B August 8, 2011 Mr. T. Bateman County Engineer County of Essex 360 Fairview Avenue West Essex, ON N8M 1Y6 Re: Transit Assessment Report Phase 2 Final Report Dear Mr. Bateman: GENIVAR Inc. is pleased to present this final report on the implementation of transit services for the County of Essex. This report builds on the Phase 1 Feasibility Study submitted in April 2010, and identifies a detailed implementation plan for the short-term to operate inter-municipal transit services in the County. A brief summary of the major conclusions relevant to Phase 2 of the study are outlined in Section 1. This document refines the details in the Phase 2 Interim Report submitted in August 2010, and addresses the comments made by stakeholders, provides additional governance considerations, identifies an initial marketing strategy, and provides Transportation Demand Management mechanisms to encourage transit use. We hope this report provides a helpful source when you proceed with the next stage of work, and we hope to have the opportunity to work together soon. Yours truly, GENIVAR Inc. Dennis J. Fletcher, M.E.S. Director, Transit Solutions DJF/ml 2800 Fourteenth Avenue, Suite 210, Markham, Ontario L3R 0E4 Telephone: 905.946.8900 Fax: 905.946.8966 Transit Assessment Report Phase 2 Final Report Table of Contents GENIVAR ii Table of Contents 1.