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,fc 28bb& Daily ESS. ..- .- .. . ., ii , i , ,..,. ... .1 i ii Pr VOLUME I. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1885.- - NO. '96 lr- - MAGNIFICAT. JJiofcBisiomtl GTsttbs. $turittC00 Gfctvba. gumitccB CTiirbc. Eiwunmcc lotkcs, Shipping. Shipping. Edward J, Harding la Tlio Crltlo.J -- - All that wo folgn of gracious or illvlnj CLARBNCIt WILDRK I VOLNEY VAILLANCOURT s B. ASIirOKD, WILLIAMS, M'. OAT, JR., & CO. DEPARTMENT, PACIFIC In woman hath lit typsi; oach holy sprits, A1KFORD. J ACCIDENT Llfs Insurance Company, INTER-ISLAN- D Martyr, or prlost, or saintly oroimto, Importer Steamship Company. A SHFORD & ASHFORD. and Dealer in .Vdit'oiioi Sews Dealers. I OF CALIPORNIA, liter's Breathes very woman; all that ilotb roflno and J'urnlture of livery Description, Also lied llubber Stamp Agtncy S. G. WILDER, AGENT. The Arts, the manner.', to lier 8 way bonlgn Attorneys, Commotion, Ortos high alleglanco; all things fair anil Solicitor, Advo- Upholsterer anil Manufacturer. GAiErTB Block No. aj Merchant Street Aiseti, December 3, (884.. ,..,,...,$1,163,000 (urxjn:x'srBT.) cates, l'roctors, Conveyancers. Etc. Policies issued right, furnltuto Wartrooms No. 11 1 Fort Street, Work- o6 I. against Accident for one day up to T OrFlcn-"ilono- lulu Honolulu. II. oj Hale," adjoining Her woaknora ohamplom In tbo world's shop at old stand on Hotel Street, All orders promptly " y". f I attended to. asa-3- TOHN NOTT. Where woman Is, no houso but baths a T"R. A. McWAYNE, V JJOSTON DOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. (Limited KnJEDDEssiHc9 hrlnni HUSTACE, JTin, Copper Sheet J J n I ' anil Ijon'llorrter, II How oft, aim, prof nod Hon cruotfy vhysicia .v a s vn c. Stoves C. BREH'AK Ce., .New: Route Her gontlo spirit, or to shamt bjtray nd uaotf. PORMERLV KITH EOLLBS & CO.) and Itanoe: ' to the Volcano Hor tnnocsnca with a kls; Iior agony Orncs ano Residence 34 Alaliea street. W all kinds, Plumbers' stock and metals, hoisc furnish Agents for tha Hawaliait Islandsr OmcE Hours 0 10 11 8 holesale anil JleJall grocer, ing gooas, cnanueiicrs,-umpf- , etc. (i , And bloody swont tho winds that ovor a. m.i 6 to r. M. aio-a- THE BEST ROUTE Via Keauhou. 111, Kino No, 8 Kaahumahu ...... Honolulu stray StreetT....i....Un'derHarmonv'IaLl. """ Street.. cry sio-a-6t Porovor vltnou: anil bor blttor L. BABCOCK, ORBMBN BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. ' Tu the World'Renowned Uoos up to Hoavon for vougoanco night QHO. Family, rianutlon, and Ship stores supplied at short ROUTE AND notice. by TIME TABLE and day. New goods every steamer. Orders from T B. WISEMAN, F. A. SClfAEFER & Co., Teacher of the Vlanoforte, the other Island faithfully executed, Afini. Telephone Also agents Boxwood Griming Eonrco. Address, cara Meur. West, Dow & Co., No. no. for the ,Volcano of Kilauea, T E K1NAU No. 103 Fokt St., Ileal Estate Droker and Employment Dresden Board of Underwriters. Selontlfle AnvrlcAn.l Honolulu. Vienna Board of Underwriter!. .,",c' Commands: Residiinck No. 11 Emma COOKE," Uureau. Boxwood, which Is almost exclusively itrctt, ijjili ASTLE & For the Hawaiian Islands. Leaves 1ION01 ULU, II. no-a-il Via Punaluu, Hawaii. I. at 4.00 o'clock r. u. used for wood engraving. Is becoming Rents Rooms, Cottages, Houses, and sells and leases eaJi week. Touching at Lahaina. Maaiaea. M. WHITNEY, M. D D. D. S. Real MnWn. Tho Shipping and Commission Estate In all parts of the Kingdom. Employ, Maul, more and tnoro scarce. largest wood Merthants, ment found seeking FOREIGN MARINE 1NSUR-anc- e Maljma, Kawalliae, Laupahoehoe and llllo, J for, those work 11 all the sarlous BRITISH Company. comes from tho countries bordering on Venial lloom on Fort Street. 'No. 80 Kino Street Hoholulv branches of business connected wlih these Islands. (Limited) anuv.111 make tv.o trips to the Volcano each tho Black sea. Tho quantity exported Honolulu jjf TltEO. U. DAVIRS, AGENT. TIEiXtW AKDSTA.UH month, leaving Honolulu i. N. D. Legal Documents Dills collected, on the first Monday following Office in Brewer's tar draw, "Hie above agent from I'otl direct to England is immenso; Mock, corner Hotel and Fort importrss and dealers in DooVi and Accounts kept, office has received Instructions' to re- Wt G. the airival of the mall steamers from San Street!, entrance on Hotel and geieral work duce the Insurance Stmr. Hall Malulani.) Franrltro. besides this from 0,000 to 7,000 tons' of iatrccl. 910-1- transacted. Patronage .Commissions mtes of between Honolulu and GENERAL solicited.. 1 . .When the sirimer arrlies on Monday lhe tho finest quality, brought from southern " MERCHANDISE. orts in the Pacific, and Is now prepared to issue poll Cam-- BATES Purser SIMEKSON. K1NAU wll JONATHAN AUSTIN, cies at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on icv on inai uay. Russia, annually pass through Constant- Aftenti lor Honolulu, II I. 53-- lr freight per steamers. 310-1- 61 LEAVES HONOLULU AT 3 P. M. PASSEN'GfR TRAINS will inople Au inferior smaller kind of Attorney unit t connect with the and Counsellor Law, The Hitchcock h Company's Plantation. ON Klnau at Mahukona. wood, supplied from tho neighborhood of Ana Auent to take Acknowledgements, The Alexander & Ilaldwin Plaitation. & COM-pan- AINB Co., GENERAL INSURANCE y Tuesda1y, Dec 15, Friday, Dec and Tuesday, J The KlS-A- R. HaUtead or Walalua J FORTUNA 35, Jan. WILLI OUCH at Honokala and fcamsoun, is also shipped at Constantino' No. 14 Kaahumanu Plantation. of Berlin. s. tone rung at Street Honolulu A. H. Smith & Company, K0I0.1, t". . . . Paauhau onilown trips from plo to tho extent ot nbout 1,500 tons Kauai.' Commission Merchonls, .Maaiaea Maui ,, about 11 a. m. Hilo(or Passengers if a 231-3- 71 J. M. Alexander, IniUu, Maul. F. A. SCUAKFER A Co., AGENTS. annually. Importers and dealers (n Hay, Grain and General Kailua, Hawaii , about 10 a. m. signal is made from the shore. The Haiku Sugar Company. ' The above Insurance Company, has established Kealakeajpua, Hawaii about noon. The legnrd NO. A. HASSINGER, Produce. a steamer KINAU will make the Volcano Trii-- , With to tho boxwood forests of The Kohala Sugar Company, Geneial Agency here, and the undersigned, General And other Kona ports, arriving Punaluu 6 P. M Honolulu . 1, at at reaching Keauhou sTurkoy, tho Uritish cousul nt Constant!' J Hamakua Plantation' l'. Agents, are authorised to take risks against the danrers of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the following on Wednesday morning, giving Ayent to toll Acknowledgment Con- aio-a- oi of the Seas at the most reasonable Tourists two uoplo reports that they nro nearly ex- to the Union Imnrance Lompanyol San rales and on the morning, 5 A. M. he arrives e 'fonuapo. days and tv.o nights tt the Volcano Franlcvsi. most favorable terms. (i hausted, and that very little really good tract for Labor, The New Kngland Life Insurance Company of Mottoi. EWERS & COOKE, aio-a- Returning she, will leave kauutj A. M. on Monday, House. I he lllake Manufacturing Company of Dec. 11, and Thursday, Dec 'touching at all way for wood can bo obtained from them. In Interior Oppick UnvnuiLu !loton J 31, Tickets the round trip $50.00, whljh pap aU D. M. Wrton's Patent Centrifugal Machines. (SUCCRISORJ LLOYD ports, including Maaiaea, Maui, at 6 a. m., and arriv- Russia, howevor, whoro some Ilttlo go 3 TO I. KUKRI & DttKSON,) GERMAN MARINE INSURANCE charges. $r 'lhe New York and Honolulu Prcket Line. Importers Company of Berlin ing at Honolulu 3 P. M. on the day following her de- crnmout caro lias been bestowed upon TOHN H. PATy! llie Mtrchanl'a Line, Honolulu and San Francisco and healers tit t.mnber and all parture from Kau, The KINAU will arrive in Honolulu Sunday morn- forestry, n wr. non lilmls of llulldtny Materials. F. A. SCJtAEFER A Co., AGENTS. ings considerable quantity of choice jaynes i.eieiirated Meilicines. The steamer passes along the entire coast of the on Volcano Tilps. On Hilo ulll leave Witcov Oilih's Marufacturing Comuinv. No. 8a Fiirt J affording Iriis. wood still oxlsts: but oven tlicro It can .otary Sliir Street Honomiii' The above Insurant- - Hnmnanv l..,.,VJ!.l.-.t- ... leiward side of Hawaii, Tourists a uanorama Honolulu on Tuewlajs, l'ubllc anil Commission Wheeler & Wilson's Sewlnj Jio-a- ol ' . r and return Satuiday motnljg. only bo obtained o f Jived, Machines. fii of harming Scenery, and will stop at Kealakua Bay at nn r"r Stales of Californl-- And Vorlt. eral Agency here, and the above lgned. General Agents. New Office nn, .ntKl. I, , .1 . auiiiwicii, .iiiic is Miiuwru ,u cost, as tho forests near tho tea have licoti at the Hank of Bishop & Co. AHLO, "wim - hnn.1 .. ...'m !!. against me Dangers ol the ntc visit inc monumcni i.iit ni. 1 nt:. P, ADAMS & Seas at thev"most reasonableiim ofCAPTAIN . denuded of their best trees. Tho trade is CO,, J lates, and on the mhst fa- L0"r'", COMMAMDtR HoHOtULU. Oaiiu. H. I. aio-a- 6i vorable Tourists by this reach v E turns. 1 route Punaluu at 6 o'clock now entirely In Lnglish hands, ntthough Heater In Dry-Good- Ulee, on the day leaving being Leaies Mondays at for TAVCRN1EK, l'ea. Silk, and Ml,, after HONOLULU s r. u "Kaunnkakal, Knhu-lu- i, lormerly ( reek merchauts exclusively ox JULES Auctioneer and Couitnluston Merchants. fancy Goods, only one night on the vessel, and making the entire Hats, lliots and TTAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- Huelo, liana and Klpahulu j and for Kennae, ported tlio wood. In tbo provitfeo of No, 415 QuKhN Street ... Honolulu Shoes, llran, 1'eed andl'lour, FIRE INSUR. passage In smooth water. A 1 a. a ance company or Hamburg and Nuu every other week. v. list, io-s-6i t'lyar and Tobaeeo. A. Hilt,.,,,, ,k... l.tli.,. An... 11a. I lf....tf Returning ill slop Trobizoudo tho wood is generally ot an ... ivnnbtiw t, t,c line,, ..U.CI Wll 11.1411. at lhe above Also proprietor of Rice and Sugat Plantations and from here Tourists will be conveyed by Railroad ports, arriving back Satuiday mornings. infcriorquallty, nevertheless, from 25,000 Studio 1 Room 6, Spreckels Illick at A.JAEGER. AGENT , h.aneohe, Koolau, Waipio, and Heela. riau-wa- For mail and passengers only. ijO.OUl) Ea, Building, 10 incncc oy stage coacn to House, to hundred weight nro annually Fort Street. Honolulu. - HOPFSCHLAEGER & Co. Cor. NutiANU Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery where Horses and Guides will be In attendance to con ED- and Chaplain Sts..1.. Honolulu Insured against ire on the most favorable shipped, chlolly to tho United Kingdom. Hours ; 3 to 5 p. . t terms. vey them to the Volcano. Till! 11 1 LAVE A V V. fi3, aio-a- ot II Importers anil Commission Merchant. By this route the entire trip Is made In fivi end a Wbisdart Commander A THURSTON. No. YONS & allowing Early Supuratltion About Comots. 48 Queen Street Honolulu Oaiiu, H 1 COHEN, half day), Tourists two nights and one whole Leaves " J HAMBURG-BREME- FIRE INSURANCE1 me regularly for Paauhau, Koho atele, fPmfessor White In Popular Selenco Jlonthly.l (Successor aio-a- 6i aayat volcano House, Ookala, to smith & tmukston) Company. Kukalau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Tho belief that every comet is a ball of ' .liicdoneera nml Commission Merchants? THIS IS THE ONLY CAltlll AGE HOVTE Hakalau and Ono-me- Attorney at Law, F. A. & Ce., AGENTS. for the fire, C. CORNER PORT AND QUEEN SCAEFER Tickets round trip $30, which pays all ex. Hung from tho right hand of nn ROWb STWETSJ HONOLULU. penses. angry God to warn tho groveling dwellers No. 38 Merchant Street Honolulu ED The above firm having been appointed agents of this THELEHVA. of earth, was received into tho early Itouse and Sign Valnter, Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estats and General company are prepared to Irsure risks against fire on OT Apply to HARRY ARMITAGE, Aoent for the Davies : Merchandise promptly attended to. Sde agents for Stone and Brick buildings and on Merchandise stored 1. 1. S. N. Co.'e "New Route to the Volcano." at I. j, ...... vvrimnnusiii church, transmitted through tho middle D P. GRAY, M. D., Paper Hanger, etc., American and piropean merchandise. therein, on the most favorable terms. particulars, Williams, Photographer, No. 10a Fort street, Honolulu; Will leave r.... a Lons, For regularly for JJ, appiyattheirofT.ee. same pons as the Kilauea ages to tho reformation period, and In its No, Kino Ji. i Cohen jio-a-6i Or at Office or the I. I, S. N. Co., on the Esplanade. Hou. VUYMOIA,' A.VI 107 Street Honolulu transmission and reception was mado all SUlir.KON, 311-2- 61 .7-t- f PHILLIPS & tho moro precious by supposed toxtual Olfice, next door to the Honolulu Library. Co. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM. THEMOKOLI1. proofs Scripture. M pany, of New York. McGeecor, from IISITBIi.-ISI.AJSr- Commander 9 to 10 A.M. O. HALL & SON (Limited Importers and Wholesale Cloth- - S. G. WILDER, AGENT. Tho great fathers of tho church com- rf Dealer in Leaves each Monday UKficK Hours: a to 4 p. m. Ing. Hoot, Shoes, ltats, Men' Fur-- at 5 p, i. for KaunakaUl, Ka. mitted themselves unreservedly to this IMPORTERS Assets, December 31, 1884 ,$103,876,178 7 to 8 F. m. and dealers in ntshtng Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc. 51 Steam Navigation Comp'y, iiialo, 1'ukoo, Lahaina, Lanal, Moanul, Halavia, Wa. doctrine. Tertulliandoclarcd that "comets Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. No. to Kaahumanu J'oliLles Issued on the Life Term and Endowment lau, Peleunu Hardware and General Merchandise, Street Honolulu plan. and Returning leaves Pukoo portend revolutions of kingdoms, pcstl RCSIHENCCcor. Klnau 110-3- and PensacolaStt Mtf (LIMITED) Frida nt 10 a. si. for Honolulu, louce. war. winds or heat. " Orlceu In 5 Corner op Kins arriving Saturdty and Fort Streets, Honolulu morning. slsted that they indLato ucatnstrophos TUT S. GR1NBAUM ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSUR. U. DOLE, . & CO., s. G. and tho downfall of empires and O iltrDe NEW -- nce .Company of, Boston- .- ' WILDER, Pre.. It. ROiE, Sec'y v& WiHiain V. Hall Btmr. ir. Q. Malulani) T z - " worms. " jjocio, so President and Manager CASTLE & Hall'f e 'tuo voucrauio justly Counsellor at taw .Votary Secretary Importers COOKE, AGENTS. 3ltf '7 made and I'ubtlc, AJles and Treasurer of General Merchandise and Bates Commander dear to tho English church, in tho W. F. Allen., ...: Auditor INCORPORATED 1S3J. I a declaration. OFFICE, Directors May, Commission Merchants, ninth century similar St. Thon.as t. O. White uo-3- Wdl run regularly t Msalaea, Maul, and Kona and Australian Mail Service". Queen , 1 The oldest Purely Mutual "l Thomas Aquinas, tho great light of tho Nc. 15. KAAHUMANU.STREItr..,.., HONOLULU Street Honolulu. H. Life Insurance Kau, Hawaii a56-3- No. Company universal church in tho thiitccnth cen- SCHABFBR ot Lo. 134 California street, San Francisco, Cal. in the United States. tury, whoso works tbo popo now reigning R. FA. Policies Issued on the most Favorable Terms ycr CASTLE For San 1 commends as tho contcr of all unhcrsitv Importers and Commission Merchants, Steamer Planter (Lilinoe) Francisco, Losses paid through Honolulu Agency, $44,000 The instruction, No. ao Merchant M. A. CONSALVES. B. mw and splendid Al Steel Steamship n accepted and handed down tho Attorney at Law and .Votary 1'ublle. Strrkt, Honolulu HUTCHINSON. aio-a- 6i Caueron Commander aio-at- ii samo opluloa Tho sainted Albert the No. A. GONSALVES & CO., J 19, Merchant Street TVJ Leaves every Tuesday at j r. M." for Nawiliwill, - " Great, tho noted cemus of tbo ORTH- - Koloa. Eteele and 1WARAROA," medieval al1 llie Collr,, KInKdom.y'ilo-a- GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE Valmea. Returning, will leave ''?Cncl' of lhe et , Nawillwih Hono-ul- church in natural science, rocolvcd and JRANK GERT2 N Company of Hamburg-- every Saturday at 4 r. u,, arriving al Of the Union Steamship Companv, ,"?ew M Wholesale Grocers, every Sunday ut 5 A. Zealard developed tuts theory. antliWIne '.Merchants, . HACKFELD cV Ce., AGENTS. si. villi be due at Honolulu fnm yJney and Hoot and Shoemaker, Auckland on j,bout Beaver Block, Queen Strekt Honolulu CapitaUnd Reserve ., ..Relchsmark 8,830,00 or Boots and Shoes made to II cut Ara Caught. justness datfiu., Order. Post their Companies, " r llllsbiml. No, Office Box No. 309. Telephone No. J. 33,000,00 Steamer Iwalani, Decen-ijbe- INow York Cor. 103 Fort Street .. Honolulu Thf Agent, of the above Cnntmnv Fnr ,lm ll..u:t Commander 19th; Atlanta Islands, Freeuan 310-3- are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture AnJ will leave fo- - the above port with mails and pas It is rnoro than a jocoso faying that Merchandise and Produce, Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukul sengers S. CLEGHORN & Co. TUT W. Machinery, etc, also Suga. haele. Honokaa and Paauhau, Hawaii. on or nbout that dute. . managing mothors keep their younger McCHESNEY & SON, and Rice Mills, and vessels In the harbor, against loss A H. OED1NG. ur damage by modar.ionV,8appryr,ol'"S!":e' h"S 'Up" : daughters childish until thu older ones Importer J7 hie, on the most favorable terms. "" and Dealers in General Mer- aio-3- aro married. Suppose thcro aro sisters chandise, lixpress and Drayman, Dealers in Steamer C. It. Bishop, who might bo twins, so nliko Leather, Hides, Tallow and Commission WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,- arc Corner Queen and Koahumanu Streets, Honolulu. MacaULBV... Commander their faces and figures, but for the llvo Office. No. 81 Klntr Street. Merchants. englavd-mutua- l aic a6i life Leaves every FridaV at 8 a. si. for Walanae, Agent. years of dlfftrcnco in their ages. Ono is Agents for the Royal Soap Company. NEW Co.M.)any of V-- Residence. No, Pnnchbowl Boston.Mass. Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai. Reluming PEIRCEaCo. ' 47 Steret. No. ili, say, and tho other IT. A 4a Queen SrEEST...... Honolulu INI eases Hanalet every Tuesday at 4 r. M., and touching 185. at Waialua and Walanae Wednesdays, it desirable fellow of 25 comes along Ship Chandlers Honolulu, Oahu, H. I, and arriving at For Sydney and Auckland, Ho Is sttuck by tho. idea that tho and Commission Mer- Assets January 1st., 1884, nearly $17,. Honolulu same day. chants. Freight, Packages, and Haggige delivered to and from 000,000. The aSS. Company's fine Al Steamship senior girl is ust about what ho wishes No. all parts Honolulu OACIFIC HARDWARE CO. u Queen St , of and vicinity. Careful at- Polices Issued on tho most for'a wlfo. Tho Junior is around in shoit Honolulu. tention paid to moving Furniture, with favorable terms, and Steamer James Makee, '' ' ,..??',I'r!n?.?,'J''r,u",and 1'omli Lancen and Per. tijiorf-sr- absolutely after Two MARIPOSA skirts, juvonilo manners, and all her WAGONS and Dealers In Hardware, Cut- Weir aio-a- EXPRESSLY FOR PURPOSE. Payment's. Commander Will be due at Honolnlu carefully suppressed. ad- THE lery, Tools, from San. Francisco on or maturity Ills Office Telephone. 86. about A LLEN & No. Paints EXAMrLB Or fLAN t Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauat. f, miration is not diverted by her from tho ROBINSON, (1QUM3 g ar.J Oils, and General Merchandise. icicpnonc. ro. pp. 339-- , 90 Insured age 35 years 30 years Endowment for other, and a wedding is tho happy No. Plan Inter-Islan- result 74 and 76, Fort For further particulars Inquire at the office of d 26tfci, Street Honolulu J Navigation December Then tho dresses of tho otlior nro nT,W'.) z"''":n'"1"" kt'"' ofllulUU U W MACrARLANE, II. R. MACrARLANS. jio-j- Si Steam Co , Honolulu, And will have Materials, l'remlunl prompt dispatch with mails aud pasien-ger- s lengthened, and sho "comes out" in faints, Oils, Nails, etc., annual $21i.SO ENA, T. R. for the No. 44 QttuKN J. , above poi.s. socloty as a woman, to lake proper Strfet Honolulu, H. I. W. MACPARLANE & CO. )4 For, freight or passage, having - her Q C'sh-Sur- p Secretary. President. su;erior WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN V'l'e, Pd-u- acc9m- catching a Int. ....,.., -- ,w turn in the of suitor. AL'KNTS OF SCHOONEPS THE vestment Company (limited.) At the eod of the sd Year, $ s8o.8 vvt, is (lone 15, Impoi-tors- , " M . 41 Sometimes it at often at lit, Huleiikala, Kulamanu, Kekauluohl, OumiuUalon Morohnnta Money loaned for long 3d 461.70 840 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Mary Ellen, or short periods on approved 4th " 41 and in ono somowhat noted instance on Ullama, Pauahl and Leahl, security, Apply to V. L. GREEN, ' 1,130 NAVIGATION CO. 4 small-ncs- s nntl Supjar Jfaotors. Sth Agents.4 Murray Hill, a with At Office Heaver 8jl.8j .45 PACIFIC (limited) Roblnion's Vharf. aic-a- Block, Fort St. Manager 6th " Si f 1,03900 and smoothness to favor tho delny, is Building ,, , .Queen street, Honolulu. )3 ' .9S 7th ."3S-- 1,970 Coasting Commission Agents. For San Francisco. kept a victim to juvenility becauso her A L. SMI Sth .4S;-7- J and ill AGENTS FOR .3S sister is a maid at BO. -- oth ' 1,676.05 1,500 H. DAVIES & Co.l loth Conut QUEEN NUUANU Strnti, Honolulu Importer and Dealer In Glassware, Puutoa Sheen Ranch Co. Hiiwnit pHBO. 1,911.65 .7SJ Silver-Plate- nth " A Ciiao of Iloro Worship. Mertden d Ware, J" F?.lc.r Steam Plow and Portable iS7 9 3.00s Regular vessels for the ports ol P0' Tramvtai (Late anion, Green & Co.) lath " .4'S-4- J I llruehets, Vanes, vvorKS, 3.50 Exchange i.eeus. Importers 13th "' 1,685.00 3,484 The Magnificent No. 83 Fort Sterkt , Mlrrless, Watson 4 Co's Sugar Machinery, Glasgow and Commission Merchant. Maliko on Maul Steamship Arlo Bates, of Boston, has Icon tolling Honolulu Glasgow 14th " .97-7- 3,7o and Honolulu Line of Packets, " 4 iaaiiumant 3r Honolulu isih " 3,163.90 story of woman who went to Liverpool and Honolulu Line agents poe 3,945 Laupahoehoe, Ilonomu, Paukaa and llllo on a a Concord, V"'".'f'." llion Spectacles of Packets, 16th '" "ZEALANDIA," and London and Honolulu Line of Steamers, Lloyd's nn'd the Llveriwol Hawaii; Mass., aud asked for soma of lialpli Lu,tnil Wire V.,re. Fancv S,,V 1.,1 i"""' Underwriters, 17th 3.9 IS 4.38ol II. WEBBER Conm.ai.tler Sun Office 1 yoslcnholms 1- I Fire of London '43-a- llntiih and oteign Marine Insurance ) Company, iStli ' Waldo Emerson s old clothes to uso in a Pocket Cutfcrv. II. 'l. i"h,.l'. 1. "- and 4,148 50 4,5o. Koloa Hanapepe and Walmea on Kauai, and news. C ' (Wil rVitr.its HI..- - u A.I northern Assurance Comiianv. aio-a- oi " Will leave fur above on "poet's rug" rnado of patchwork. I can irk's ii 19th 4,623.70 4, the port or nbout Both Waialua on Oahu, n6-t- O. P. I HACKFELD & to. 5,000.00 S.oooi JANUARY 12, 18S6. corrohorato this atory, says nthrop "F JT -- And anyother " r"' ""ivrsany ncKnowieugea Llcht G. ports when inducementsoffer. in Tho Kochcster Lnlon, becauso whon I Running Domestic Sewing Machine, General pHOS, THRUM, s The second and Commission Agent. subseqeut premiums are likely to Persons having freight for any part of the Islands owned and lived in Tho Wayside, Na- aio-a- oi Imcorting be reduced by frcrtating annual dittnhuthni of tur. For Sydney,' N. S. thaniel old homo nt (.'on Cor. Fort and Quern Strketh,....,,, .Honolulu and Manufacturino tlus. he forwarded from San Francisco by way of Honolulu, W. llawtlionio's .Vriitioiirr, Doolt-fller- , aio-a- 6i rrtnter, Book- or direct shipments from Honolulu will en- cord, tho sanio woman applied thero on a B ISHOP & CO., Bankers ' VT Applications can be had of; and full information do well to The Magnificent Steamship similar errand. Being told Unit it was binder, etc., will be given by the Agents, quire first of the Pacific Navigation Co., Dcfore making E. Ami publisher Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. McINTYRE & BROTHER of thtllawailan Almanac and Annual. 5- -7 cV final arrangements. futilo.'sho asked "May I pick up some I CASTLE COOKE. Draw Exchange JT Dealer In me Stationery, Books, Music, Toys and "AUSTRALIA," thing around tho place to carry away as 011 rancy Goods. Goods Intended for shtpment by any of our vessels Brouoh , Commander, Tiir. HANK OF Grocery and Feed Store. a momento?" Permission was granted, CALIFORNIA, BOARD OF UNDER received and stored free of charge in our SAN FRANCISCO. Cor. Kino and FoRTSr Honolulu Fort Street. Near Hotel, Honolulu PHILADELPHIA Will leave for the above noit on or about and sho Dually caught a cricket in tho 34i-- 6i hnddlng at any time. Apply to the captains on board, Anil,hel",Sn..ln ato-a- ni grass of the lawn and put it into a hottlo. NEW YORK, C. JJREU'ER & Co., or to A, F. COOKE, January otli, 1886. She eald sho also had a qrickot from Manager Pacific Navigation freight IIOSTON, & Co. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. aillf Co. For or parage, apply to Emerson's front nrd, I supposo alio was JTOLLISTER ALLEN. aio-a- 6i j 94-- td II. HACKKI'LD & Agents. 11101 PARIS. WF CO., demented; but how much e domoutcd rRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAI- N, Wholesaln and itetall Druggist ; was sho than tho people who havo been AND and Hasan office with Messrs Bishop & Co.-- of Messrs. N M. ROTHSCHILD comer FIRE INSURANCE SCHOONER DOMITILA. buying dust and gra ol ovcuvatod from SONS, Merchant and Kaahumanu Mreets, and he will be TRANSATLANTIC Hamburg;, Pacific Mail Steamship Co. tho of Grant's .. LONDON. No. 59, Nuuanu Sti.eet Honolulu pleased to aitend to any business entrusted to him. J.'JPAIKO, Master. sito tomb? - ao- -i r If. HACKFELD tr Co., AClntl, The aio-i- COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. Capital and Reserve Relchsmark 6.000.000. FOR YOKOHAMA AND HONGKONG Another lilt: Klitorprlao, OF SYDNEY, i their Companies LONDON. CLAUS SFRECKBLI. " 101,650,000 IDemcr st's Monthly.) The COMMERCIAL HANKING CO.' JTONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., wir. a Irwin, The n Fasorite Steamship CK Total , Reichsmaik Another glgantio engineering scheme Is SYDNEY, SYDNEY, N. S. W. G. IRWIN & CO.l 107,650,000 tapis. is The COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. Steam Engines, Hollers, The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian " CITY also on tho It to connect tlio OF Sugar Mills, Islands, are nrenared to Insure Httil.lln,. - M OF SYDNEY," SYDNEY, w Prf,r- MELBOURNE, Coolers, Caspian sea with tho Porsluu gulf by way VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Iron, llrass and I,cad Castings. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc,' also Sugar II. C. DEARBORN Comnianiltr of tho valley of tho Euphrates. This I'hc Honolulu,,,, , , ( h, j miu n, iHuii, aim vcsicis in ine narpor loss Maine, IUNK Ol NEW ZEALAND: Honolulu ., ,,, jj, against ICaneohe, Heela, Kuhaluu, If'ulrr Will leave for lhe ubove ports (in 01 alii mako Asia nn Island, urudiuagq uy lire, nn me most lavoranlo tctms. til would and would AUCKLAND, Maclllr.CrV 38-- tf of CVerv Htrrlntlnn m,. tn ....I- -. 310-3- Watkane,and other ' JANUARY sTII. For frc'ght anil patsace chango tho tides of tiavel and buslnoss Its holef I'orts onphe And urnrencs in Particular attention paid (o Ship's Blacksmlihlng! appU-t- II. IIACKFI.LD A. CO , throughout tho oastorn world. Thcro nro work executed on the atf-s- CIIRLSICHURCH, DUNEDIN, Job shortest notice, iji Coast Koolau, Oahu, l ho of Agfntf. vast Improvements yot to tnnde upon AND WELLING! ON ILLIAM McCANDLBSS LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND 33.6W this planet of ours. What a pity wo can THE HANK OF URITISH COLUMBIA, THE Globe Insurance Company, go to sloop and wako up n contury & ROBERTSON w New York & Honolulu not I'ORl'LAND.OR, JTUSTACE Deuter In Choicest lleef, realMutton, Etc, CHARLES DRBVVHR & Co Packet Line hence and sco tho changes which will havo The AZORES AND BISHOP & Co., AGENTS. MADEIRA ISLANDS. Draymen. HO. O yUBEN OTBEET, flSII MARKET, taken place duihig that time. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, Family and Shipping orders carefully KiLUY Boston, All orders for attended to. a; Street, the U'ARTERRD HANK OF LONDON cartage promptly attended to. Paril. Live Stock furnished to Vessels at short notice. ESTABISIIED 1836. Stood tlio AUSTRALIA AND cular attention paid to the Storing Simi-iNOo- f Vegetables of all kinds supplied CHINA. and to order. Unlimited Liability to Stockholders. AGENTS OF HAWAIIAN VACKETS, Cincinnati Enquirer. "ONOKONIt, CHINA, goods In tiansLt to the other Islands. Also, TuLKHioxir,.,., , t'tf(0 AND Black Assets 537iO'o,93 story by Mist Martlnoau of YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. Sand Sand In aso-- Hero is a told and White quantities to suit at lowest Reserve, 7,500,000 General Cemmisnon Agent. sorvant girl who camo to her to bo hlrai prices. UESSBS. C. II. CK0SSJI.W 1 URO. a Tramatt a Goural lUnkinr Busiiias, might havu been t) WEST, II. M. UOW, C. W, INCOME TOR Special attention given to the purchasing of goods of Tut girl bad 0 broguo that 135-3- Corner SIAtRARLANE 1884I OmcR Kaahumanu and Queen streets lbs Hawaiian trade. lowest rates, Will dispatch about December First-Qa- s nn nx, donlod tut? elio was DOW & Frelfht at i, 188;, a cut with but t ITirEST CO., Premiums received after deduction of io-t- Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. ,' f Vessel from .Vi Yolk for this Toil direct, 'Irish. "Woll," tafd tho novolitt, "I don't - 33, 9,000 000 BREWER & COMPANY, yr ,.,.,$ '?-i- Mutual ' know whether you avt an Irish woman nr UimttfiU Telephone No. 19 Importers and Dealers In all kinds ot Losses promptly adjurted and paid here. M rchnnts and Others ." Music, Fancy .iutKiiicvsn 364 not. All 1 know is, you wore born In and Goods. 913 LINh General Mercantlleaml Commission Agents WATERHOUSE, PLANTERS Wishing to Ship by this Fas orile Line will please for. "Woll, ina'nm," ropliod tho girl, JOHN ", of all kinds. Queen Street, riirnlture Sewing Machines, Mirrors, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ward their Ordrrs as early possible. I was born in stable Honolulu. Paintings, Lhromos as "upposo I wni If a . ind Toys, Picture Frames ami MARINBINSURANCB COMPANV .?'-'- and Importer and Dealer In General Mer Cornices to crder. Moving UNION would I bo a bono!" Situ was engaged with- rJ25?frA "' PIant manager! and repairing Furniture of San Francisco, s7. HJtNWEH Agents Very Truly, : chandise, a speciality, - COMPANY Etc, parlay, I out further irargg-s- 3t CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS, Merchandise No.aj-- Queen Strtei,. '...,, Honolulu No. 10s Fort Street., ,.,.,,,,,,, Honolulu received Storage Free, and IlLeial cash CASTLE & COOKE. 6i oi "I aio-a- 340-a- I" 7J- ulvanee made so shipments by this line, aio-- tf ' "n Honolulu Acints, O

m .tP &, .jh..' , ,ji.f, y.'tjfctist - i !'. '

DAILY HONOLULU PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1883. a-- its foundation. The traffic on the Pa dUtctum jikss. (Scttcrnl .lluucrtiecmcni. mewl tocrttocMistttfl. Latest Foreign flews. nama Railroad has been suspended. DAILY The track at Ahorca and Lagarte is HONOLULU PRESS submerged. SANTA CXjA.TJS' IS PUBLISHED FOREIGN NEWS. ORDER' cOF SALES BUY YOUR EVERY MOItNING The Mormon Trouble. - inv- - HEADiQUARTERS Uxoopt Stitttluyw. Tho British Eloottons-Qlndston- o'a Ela tion Parnoll Donounood Tho Brit- Troops Called Outto Main- 2XTO-- ODPEIST. At the Office, No. 29 Merchant St. ish in Burmah Soivla and Bulga- LYONS '& COHEN, IS ria. tain Law in Utah. Etc - Hosiery, Neckwear xjcjmta 1 Knits, Underwear of svnsaitivTios. AT TttEIR SALESROOMS. cranr.um...... $4 The llrttlsh Miction. Six mouths 3.00 New YoRk, December 6, G. W. Thrte moturu...... 1, 1,50 Shormnn President of tho Sonrtto-Cnrl- With an excellent assortment of fcrmonth ..... joctn Smalley's cable special to the Tribune Postage additional. Spon.lr.or of tho Houso-TU-il- ou i from London, of December 5th, says : Wednesday, December 23d, tar Subscriptions I'aiable itlxriiyn in .tit- "Write' n Iiottor Disastrous The Liberal successes in the English FROM an ce Storm Fourteen Vossola Sunk nt counties have far outrun Libera) calcu AtfP. OOODS. New and Seasonable Goods Urief communications from all pint of the Kingdom Colon Tho Situation in Portt-Et- o, will always be very Acceptable. lations. The results, so far as known Matter intended for publication In : the editorial morning, give Liberals ninety-emh- t lumni should be addressed to this the county seats and the Tories &YONS & COHEN, In keeping with the usual extra Dailv Honolulu 1'pks. IKditor Uy, the barkcntlpc Euteka, wnich eighty-one-, fifty-fiv- e unascertain- quality of novelties and desirable leaving tt Auctioneer. Iliwines t Communication and numusements should arrived yesterday from San Francisco, ed. Many of these voted yesterday, be addressed simply "Business Manager," and only a small number of elections Phksj, wc have the following interesting news: . EISHEL iUailv Honolulu CHAS. J. arc still to be held. The Parnellitcs Baoks, Toys, Fancy Goods, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. The Mormon 1 rouble. and Tones completely monopolize Ire- Advertisements', to ensure prompt insertion, should Christinas Cards, be handed in before n r. M. Omaha, December 5. Early this land. The actual Returns from the EGIAL NOTICE! morning General Howard received svholc Kingdom so neatly balance that orders to send troops 'westward, pre with five-sixt- of the House already l'"6r which ,thjs, establishment is noted. ! Jlutltonl!). sumedly to Salt Lake City. Batteries cho'seu, it is still uncertain whether the .JusLiccdveU-- a eoj)lgnm?nt of Wc can snlcly 'guarantee a saving of s per cent to purchasers of clothing B and C of the Fifth Artillery wet; Liberals will have a majority over both accordingly first ordered out, .and left parties. Whether it is a few more or Wax Dolls; etc. Call and sec what wo offer. Holiday Editions of Poets, this afternoon on a special train for less matters little. A Liberal plurality (Dressed aid undressed), Special the AVest over the Union Pacific. Ii over the Tories, if obtained, of even is all the remaining slight Baby understood that too would be too to do more Carriages, In fine bindings, Ttrsian and Turkey troops at Fort Omaha, consisting often than to expel the Tories from office. Seal Skin, companies of infantry and one of The Liberals on succeeding to power Aocordeons. Morrocco, Alligator and CHAS. J. FISHEL. NOTICE. ' cavalry, have been put under orders would find themselves incapable of Tree Calf, Plush and Cloth. . . splendid lot of to be ready to move at i moment's carrying on the Government, unless S3 tf notice. by the help of the very Parnellite alli- for by the Oil Paintings.' Prang's Prize Cards (plain and fringed), All persons having garbage, etc., rim6al ance which they denounced the Tories General Howard has persistently Xma's Aloha (fringed) Bookmarks, . City Scavenjet, are requested to have the sane In refused to answer questions regarding for accepting. The changes are still And Oleographs, Fine Plush Geo Is, Celuloid Sets, --eadintss I core 8 o'clock A. M. Aft.rthat hourlht the destination of these troops. "My against any Liberal majority whatever, - ! 4 EX VJU PIT VZR." Brackets, cartmen otherwise emptojed, and will not cal orders are strictly confidential in this and equally against any working major- REMEMBER ate Howard your ity over the Tories and Parnellites. i lso a few cases of nnt'd the following morning, thuj leaving the un- case," said General to correspondent, "and I cannot possibly The probable net result, therefore, of That the undersigned has this day received an additional sightly boxes barrels In front of our premises all Extra Manila Cigars, cr j even intimate where these troops arc the present election is a short, stormy EBONY FRAMES &GABINETS, supply ol elegant day. N. KAlAIKAW'AHA, Parliament, speedy dissolution and t going. It is ot the utmost'importancc ! another general election Slow Cases, tj.-t- Conlratlor for Cleanlnp Streets. that the people of the community to next year. The and Elcctric.Tojs, which they destined sliall not be Liberals, nevertheless, arc much de- Sleam . aie And a smMl lint: of Ladies , Misses , & Custom Mads Clothing. lighted by the contrast which the New Toys andJGames, Men's Boy's apprised in advance of their coming." Men's and Youths' MONDAY DEC. ax, '1885 The genera! conclusion is that the counties offer to the boroughs. The .roopsofthe department are all to be Liberal county victories throughout biiiters & Boots, Shoes. DIARIES FOR 1SS6 Shrank. Well and carefully made, easy fitting:, repidly concentrated at Salt Lake, in England and Scotland are most striking. PACIFIC COAST It is not olttn that the Daily Hono which will sold (he trade at cut and most important, ' anticipntion of an attack on the Gen- All of be to w.r " GLADSTONE'S LATEST MANIFESTO. (Pocket and Office sizes.) lulu Pkess blows its own trumpet," tiles by the Mormons. Trouble of a reasonable prices. Gladstone, who has passed from ex- J but we feel a pardonable pride in call serious nature has been brewing there J.TOXS .t COlIEjf, .J.l w treme dejection last week to extreme "VIEIR,"" IlsT OH. Bi for the last few days which has grown Commission Merchants Dreka's Dictionary Blotters, I'apeterics, LOW ing attention to the "Grand Offer" elation this week, issued a fresh elec- Auctioneer it out of the arrest of Mormon's leaders Juvenile Books (a fine assortment), Every warranted .is re; esented. made by us, in another column of this for polygamy and the constant Mormon tioneering address on Thursday, which garment Etc., Etc.', Etc. Federal officers. some of his friends regard as singularly issue. 'I'his is an enterprise which, we retaliations against The other night a Deputy Marshal was wanting in dignity and prudence. He ,7SnrS, belittle the Together with a full nnd complete believe, is the first of its kind that has aasaulted by foui Mormons, who lay in attempts to significance of "ARXSTONS" MS& the Tory gains in the boroughs, and in- line of and Blank Books. in this Kingdom, wait for him, one of whom ho danger Stationery ever been attempted timates that they were the work of land- ously shot. The Mormons and their -I- MPROVED STYLE OF Also, just opening this day, the finest, neatest, most sMu and, we trust, will receive the patron- papers denounce this shooting as the lords, churchmen, nobles and Parnell- stylish, nobby, well made, flexible n; : "whereas, fn the counties you hear it is bona-fid- c of an assassin, who made the first ites, age it deserves, as a act " fo.H and the Mormon press is call- the true voice of the English people HA ND ORGA NS, by which the public can assault, All orders faithfully attended to. Prices as arrangement ing for blood atonement. The excitement of the contest, perhaps perversion of the facts. reasonable as good Goods will warrant, and K, A. TV get a six months' subscription to our Later. It is a sure thing now that excuses with A iUrge assoptment of music, S T cheapest in the long run. HAT, and a valuable Holiday Gift, at the troops from this department are AN ABLE LEADER. paper, For sale by Ever imported here or anywhere else. coinc to Salt Lake and it is understood Both parties admit that Parnell has club rates, which are, much less than the from cood authority that trouble is played his game with courage, skill and TIIOS. 0. TURDJI, looked for there & CO aOE-DFIIR- ST regular prices when not combined. accurate foresight, and is likely to find B9.95 H. HACKFELD FIRST SERVED. 104 Port Street. is. EXCITEMENT IN SALT LAKU- .- himself, when the election is over, This offer open only until January j, 65-- he holding tf Lake, December Among exactly where meant to be, - i886. Salt 5. practically, if not numerically, the uta iiia the rumors m circulation to-da- y are balance of power between the English JT. JT. -- 21-iyr USAOUEltS' ASSOCIATION. - that the Mormons arc 'massing and "Williams, parties. will be in the Par- .irming themselves secretly; that the He master HELLER, liament) unless the moderates on both No. 102 TORT STRE & HALBE'S The Teachers' Association of Hawaii Secretary of War is on his way to sides combine on the Iiish question. will convene during the 28th and 29th Utah to declare martial law, and a Loading Photographer of Honolulu. ! T of the present month at1 the Y. M. C hundred others even more improbable. THE LATEST RETURNS. nrgc Assortment of Holiday fe The facts as sifted out are that poli WORK FINISHED IN Ms A. Hall. If we arc rightly informed, the London, December 5. The t Wf the Quartermaster at Fort Douglas has i v tical situation is one of per- first Teachers' Association was held here in the Ice Oream TPairior ; rented quarters the middle of plexity to all parties. The Liberals Water Colors, Crayon, in 1882, and since that time the Associ- M&.1 city for a company of troops to be close the week with a tie with the India Ink or Oil, ation has done much, through its constantly stationed as a preventive of Tories AND WEST, DOW & CO., and Parnellites combined. Photo. Colorod' &n. yearly meetings, to improve the method riotous outbreaks. A battery of artil- There are, however, enough constituen- lery is also on the way from Nebraska The only complete collection of Have on hand, in addition to their usual large stock, a select assortment of of teaching in this Kingdom and to ad- cies yet to vote to make the whole and is expected here night. issue one of absolute uncertainty. The Inland Views, rt vance the cause of learning generally. Excitement and public feeling still nip no, Skolla, Confectioner Libeials have elected 313 candidates, Tor - The present session will doubtless be high. The Morm n crusade against Carlositios, &o !1L the Conservatives 243 and the Parnel- ITaixcy Good. and Toys,- u as well attended and most probably, the Gentiles for lewd and lascivious El. w lites 70. While Gladstone has therefore Charges Moderate. - conduct has begun again in a new Too numerous to more interesting than preceding ses- 70 majority over the Tories, they mention. form. This time complaints are sworn , sions. The programme, already pub- and the Home Rulers tie him. Lincoln's Block, King. Street, !flri.i-fc-ujr- e out before Mormon Justices of the There arc seventy constituencies yet and. HPietxure ItXouldiiijgs, lished, is a good one. The papers which Peace ana served by the smcriit. j a Special Notices. unpolled. Of these, twenty-tw- o are will be (he which will A Fino of Also, read, addresses same arresis have been mdde as pre English, one Welch, four Scotch and Assortment just received per steamer Alameda, an elegant stock of . be made, the topics that will be dis- ouslv under the city ordinance, a. seventeen Irish. A carefurestimale of cussed and the consequent interchange bail has been fixed at $1,000 in eat the probable results in the unpolled - CMDIES MD CAKES, case. districts by the News Association show 'Furnished Rooms. ,, of thought, will certainly draw out many Mlicftlitinvim fi'eirs. 'FURN ITURE: that the House of Commons will . valuable suggestions in regard to teach- Washington, December . The in 5. almost certainly be composed of Conveniently 'and NEATLY FURNISHED ALWAYS ON HAND. Consisting part of and Remiblicnn Senatorial caucus nomi 331 ing English to native Uawaiians, Liberals, Conservatives and 84 ROOMS', Sinele or Double, can be had at nated Sherman of Ohio for Presi 225 Light nnd Dark Cedar and Ash Bedroom Sets, in regard" to other educational matters. John Parnellites. NO, I KUKULSTREET (near Fort). !v dent pro tern. . PA11TI.ES SUPPLIED. Three Quarter and Full Sire Ash Dedsteads, We can now look upon the Associ .S'ctWrt Vr ' Dining Room, Cottage, Nur.c and Children's Chairs and Rockcn, assorted. All the Democratic Senators except olid Jllil(iarll. 243-l- ation as being permanently organized, four met in conference to-da- Sena- Belgrade, December Three 5. A Fine wc interest its was instructed to put in successive councils have resulted in w Assortment of Holiday Goods to arrive liy next Steame and trust that the of tor Voornees Notice. members will not flag before the many nomination for President pro tern. the absolute rejection of the Bulgarian 73-- nn of Tennessee, Senator terms for an armistice, owing to needed reforms in our school system Senator Harris but Ss Harris accepted the the Powers having summoned Servia to WENNEE CO., nomination. this Mr. K. MILLER B. F. DILLINGHAM, JAS. G. SPENCER, are accomplished. Eveiy session of The Democratic 'hietnbeis of the suspend hostilities, the commanders From and after date C will attend to 'my subscription book agency. President & Manager. Secretary & Treasurer. the Association is a step forward, and House of Representatives met in cau are ordered'to await u Bulgarian attack. WILLIAM . Manufacturlns'and Importing Carlisle of the organization of the Teachers' Asso- cus and nominated Vienna, December 5.-- A Belgrade S3.tr ciation should always be looked back Kentucky lor bpcaKcrv dispatch says it has been decided JTESWESXjESXX., Pacific Hardware Company to as a marked event in the history of New York, December 51 to proclaim martial law throughout Samuel Tilden written a Servia. Famished No, education in the Hawaiian Islands. J, has Cottage Wanted. 92. Fort Street letter to Carlisle advocating the use of LIEITEr). BY--A TENANT, -- the surplus in the Treasury for the DESIRABLE JVo. ;. ' Have 7& and 76 Fort Street. Moro Vol can io 'Xroiiblo in Java. erection defenses, just received per "Mariposa' the most tie of seacoast sSS Posloffice Box No- - stating lo BISnOP GO'S. Address 351. gant assortment ot Dillingham & Nott. .'tf It will be remembered that early in cation, description and lowest Successors to Co., and Samuel -- Chester (Pa.), December 5. The of house rent. a was eruption of 91 ' May there an Mount Government cruiser Chicago was suc- tf Smero, the principal volcano in East- cessfully launched here today. She is FINE JEWEL.RY, which ern Java, extended over some the largest of the four vessels contract- weeks. The lava poured down the SOLID AND PLATED SILVL'R WAHK HOLIDAY GOODS! ed or by John Ioach & Son, and when Removed. sides the mountain in several THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE JUST" RECEIVED EX S. S. "ALAMEDA" AND "ST. PAUL." of ( for- completed will be one of the most MONEY AT THEIR SAVINGS T.itt brought to this market. streams, filling wide chasms 300 feet will midable vessels of our havy and removed his residence and EST deep, and practically destroying the DANK UPON THE FOL- Dr. Enlerson has DESIGNS EW rank in size and speed among the higher oliee to 196 Fort street, lately occupied by Clocks, Watches, Bracelets, Neck- wide belt of coffne plantations which class of cruising vessels of the world. LOWING TERMS Capt. Hayley, Office hours from 8 to 10 a, lets, Pius, Lockets, Gold Chains 3?laitec5L 1 T7"a,:i:e, lay around the base of the mountain. m.. to 3 p. M 6130 to 8 r. M. Telephone Silver New York, December 5. Two Oil sums ot Five Hundred Dollars or under, from and Bell Telephones and Guards, Sleeve Buttons Letters from Batavia say that even yet No. 149, both Mutual X-.a,:cn- passenger trains came into collision one person, they will pay interest at the rate of five per used. 64-- tf Studs, Etc., Etc. etrLcL .ps, 01 done 03a.arLd.elia:s the extent the mischief has not cent, per annum, Irom date of receipt, on all sums that near the eastern end of the Brooklyn And -- been ascertained; but it is quite cer- shall have remained on deposit three months, or have ornaments of all kinds. bridge at nine o'clock this morning. an.d. Coolers, tain that over persons lost their been on deposit three months at the time of nuking up Elegant SolliX Water Filters 400 Six were seriouly and two Sllvor Toa Sots, lives by it. Lately the Merahi volcano, persons hurt the yearly accounts. No interest will be computed on Keep your horses cool are thought to be fatally injured. fractions of dollars or for fraction! of a month. CuLtlexsr, ZHtc.7 Eito., in middle Java, has been causing great and healthy, and avoid" ex- nd all kinds of silver ware suitable for pmsentatlon. Etc. No interest will be allowed on noney withdrawn anxiety all over the islands by its indi- Panama, December 5. The terrific These zoods are all of the Rnest within three months from date of deport. cessive sweating; by haying aualitv mil latest cations of an approaching outburst. storm which commenced in Colon on designs find comprlw! a complete Thirty days notice must be given at the Dank of an them clipped with the stock of all articles In H. McOTYllE & BRO., Then, on the west coast, in the Kraka-to- a Wednesday afternoon, and continued E. intention to withdraw ny money l and the Depositor's this branch nf bu.lness which will be sold at close district, the scene of great calamity with great severity on Thursday, did Pass-boo- must be produced at the same time. figures. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN of two years ago, electrical flashes and considerable damage to shipping in the No money will be paid except upon the Draft of the NEW LIGHTNING distuibanccs have become frequent, harbor. Of twenty-nin- e vessels anchor- Depositor, accompanied by the proper Pass-boo- KUKUI MACHINE, AND SHELL JEWELRY by now be seen. HORSE CLIPPING accompanied subterranean rumbling ed there only fifteen can On the first day of September of eai.li year, (hi Mode to order. and explosions, especially in the Many were sunk with their crews. The accounts will be made up, and interest on all sums that Groceries, Provisions and Feed. at Theiepalring branch of our business we regard as an sliall have remained on de, o.lt three months or more, Now in successful operation the neighborhood of the old crater. The loss of life cannot at present be esti Important one, and all jobs entrusted to us will and unpaid, will be credited to the depositors, and great rock masses which were thrown mated, Several docks were badly in Corner 1'unchboiel and Queen streets. be executed in u minner sreond to none. DTTort from that date form part of the principal. of 33uut Corner unci ICin Btraota. up from the sea in the cataclysm of jured, notably that ot the Royal Proprietor. Sums of more than Five Hundred Dollars will . 4 Vim C..BMILES, Company Mail Iiiiyruvlny States and Europe. Fresh Call August, 1883, have vagnin suddenly Mail and the Pacific received, subject to special agreement, co'ods received by every packet from the Eastern Of every description order. faithfully and Goods del vered to disappeared, and there Is now a consid- Company. The newly built office of ione to Particular atun fornia Produce. by steamer. A1I orders attended to, (he week Post-offic- e The Hank will be open every day in except lion 11 paid work from sollefttd. Satisfaction guaranteed. erable depth of where they the Royal Mail vCompany is in a Very to orders and Job the any patt of the city e of charge. Island orders 'water Sundys and Holidays, JOB PRINTING other Itlands. No. a ly NEATEST WAV ottc Dox No. 145 ; Telephone 92. stood a few month ago. critical condition. It was dislodged irom 3q-3- bishop & co. at lh SATWR Vuatf lO'tfll r - , iWWW-V'iyWfa',fi'miimpr- 1 "" W. WST1 , VT ;Tfrjyfjpffii V 'Jin


THE DAILY fie morning, she parted one of her siiivvisa, cIliiuci'iiBcmcnts. (Sciicral cbbcfticcmcnto. chains, and dragging the remaining 4za Vessels Expected Irom forelxn Potti. HPi-es- s anchor, she drifted on to the tetf the southwest of the harbor. UosioN.Am. bk Jas. S. Stone llaistow Jo To sail Dec. -5, C. llrcwcr Co., irol-lowl- The perilous was "Win bo for huIo H illy nl iho utt condition she Agents in was witnessed from the shore TUucoh : Central America, Am. bk. D. C. Murray where a boat was manned, and put of! .... Mudgctt. Now due. Agents. T. M. OAT, & Co A Merclunt TT1 Jr. .treet TP & GRAND 7 OFFER. to the unfortunate vessel. There was GLASGOW, llrit. bk NatUNA bhS ' n AY T. O. THRUM .....I jn street fc0 is CRYSTAL SODA WORKS . ..Ho.cl ireeet a heavy sea running and large breakers To sail Nov. 15.- - F. A. gclncfer & Co Tlir. FOLLOWING Agents. rive Cent mr t'0717. were sweeping the decks of the vessel N. 8iFORT STREET, HONOLULU, II. I . at the time. Evervbodv on the vessel Honokono, Drlt. bkine Mount Leranon.. Nelson. Loading Oct 13. Aginf, 1.00. r. fKirs. was saved, through the bravery of Has just received per Steamer Paul" a Splendid Assorlnient of Hongkong. Haw. brig Allie Kowe "St. tne natives in the put boat, which Holland, Due Jan, 15-2- 0. from The weather gave everybody n sur- out shore. The vessel and rarco Jaluit, Haw. schr Jennie Walker TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE prise yesterday. were sold at nubile auction on the r.itli Anderson, now Due. Pacific Navigation inst., Hon. Samuel Parker being the Co. Agents. CHRISTMAS GOODS! The steamer Mararoa lias not been purchaser, the entire lot bringing $720. Liverpool, Htit.bk Ciiilena Davlcs telephoned up to the time we "DAILY HONOLULU PRESS" 'a go to The vessel was insured for the sum of Due Jan. 0. T. II, Davits & Co. Among which Is a Very Choice Selection of New and Elegant styles of press. Agents. $5,000. The cargo was also insured. IS HEREBY OFFERED. Liverpool, Iltlt. ship Stirlingshire.. Alex- A is ; -- new board sidewalk being laid ivia 25-3- a They say : that one of our worst offi' ander, Madeira.) Due March Christmas Cards also, Glass and Figured Toilet Sets, in front of ftollister's G. V. Macfarlane & Co. drug store, on the cials will be deeply interested in the Agents. Doll Carriages, Velvet Cabinet Picture Frames, corner of Fort and Merchant streets. Mormon New Castle, N. S. W. Brit, bk Lady news; that the Liberal victory Bowen Due Christmas, Candles, Children's Paint Boxes, Mr. Frank Winter and Miss Kate in England is not such a big thing after Agents. Tops, all; that plavcd Musical Glass Ink Stands, With the view to increase 'our already large subscription list we have made arrangements Mossman will be married at Fort-stre- et the weather a uood New Casile,N. S ,W. Brit, bk Lady Lamf- - Autograph Albums, Boxes, with several of our leading merchants, in HONOLULU, to etui our .papur with a choice selec- joke 10-1- c- Work Church this A. on the "chronic "growlers" yester SON Marston, due Feb 5, - evening by Rev. J. tion of articles in their respective lines of business, any of which the subscriber may select, in Cruzau. day; that the town was all out for a Brewer & Co, Agents. Toy Watches, Papeteries, Shaving Mugs, walk in the sunshine yesterday; that New Castle, N. S. W. Am bk HtsrER.... Gift Cups and Saucers, Whisk Broom person, nnd purchase at rates greatly reduced from the regular retail prices of same, thus If the steamer Marat oa arrives be- Ryder. Due Dec. iij-2- 0. Aeents. affording an opportunity of obtaining desirable Holiday Guts, in connection with a subscrip- the weather of yesterday restored the k New N. S. W. . A Holders. Silver Plated Ware, Etc., Etc., tion fore evening, the band will play nt the roads to their normal (miserable) con- Castle, bk to the DAILY HONOLULU PRESS, at very tnu rates. Hawaiian Hotel instead of Emma. dition, as foretold by the Government to sail Nov. 15. Wilder & Co, Agents. New N. S. W. bk Virginia tZT ALT. OF irilCIt MUST UK SHEiT TO JIB A PPHKOlATJtl). 93.JW Squire;, organ; that the Supervisor's Castle, Road to sail about Noy. 15. Wilder St Co., ' The band played to a very good salary ought to be given to the lepers Agents. in good audience on last Saturday afternoon. weather and refunded to the New Castle, N. S. W. ship Dionysus.... We will send the DAILY HONOLULU PRESS (price $6.00 a year) for six months, in Jones, to sail about Dec. 1. It gives another concert at the same bad weather; that the Agents. to any new subscriber, or to any old subscriber renewing in advance, with any of the following half-pa- Islands would all go Democratic if New Vork, Nor. bk Lovsprino place this evening at st seven The American Invention. publications, for the price' named in the Tirst column. The price specified in the second annexed to the United States under Thomson. Over due. Castle & Cooke. Latest o'clock. Agents. column Is that of the publication alone. Each column includes postage prepaid. Cleveland; that Hawaii received the Port blakei.y, Am. bktne The barkentine Eureka, which ar- tail end of the late storm at Amelia Panama; NfcwhaU Due Jan. Allen & Robin- MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. rived yesterday morning, brought five that the December fashions have victory the son. Agents. electricity. the: of $. co for St.oo. Guinea for Brodic. Catechism hens Dr. She also appearance of a circus; that the men San Francisco, Am. tern W. S. of the United States. Kemey. 34 mo. board.. 3.00 $ 50 Bowne.... Hawaii j n Almanac and Annual, to 18S6. G.lhrum, 8 vo. paper. brought one day's later news than the who hold oftice firmly believe that all Paul, 16 sail Dec. 10. F. A. Schaeler & 187J 'Iho. 3.00 50 Since Electricity has been applied for light- A., small size. Height o( complete Lam p, Hawaiian Guide Dock. II, M. Whitney. ,6 mo. paper. 300 jo St. the world is Co, Agents. How to take care of our Eyes, Dr. Anccll. 16 mo. clolli. Faul leagued together to get ing purposes, all efforts of inventors have 14 inches i weight, about 5 pounds j for light- 50 Jessica's First Prayer, Author of rem Hollow. 16 mo. cloth, 3.00 them away San FRANcisco.'Am. S. S. Mariposa been to .1 for general ing rooms, jo from the swill; that the directed construct lamp cellars, storage houses, powder $3-7- for A report comes by the Planter that Hayword, Due Dec 26, G. & $3.10. wedding bells will ring W. Irwin domestic use. The reason why this problem magazines (or similar places where explosives High Art for Little People. 16 mo. boards. several times Co, Agents. 3.10 7J there are three persons electioneering has till now not been solved, is that none of are kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens, Lines left out, Author 01 Peepo'Day. 94 mo Im leather. 3.10 7j during the Christmas holidays; that New 18 at Waimea, for Sydney, Brit. S, S. the inventors could rid themselves of the idea mines, or any other industrial purpose. leftament, Revised. mo. cloth. 3.10 75 Kauai, the Government office-seeker- Mararoa Woman as the Mother. McKecver, 18 mo. cloth. the petty strifes of s are Due Dec. W. & of gas lighting, and that all have adhered to Price, 1 per lamp, delivered free 75 party. "The combat deepens; on ye 19, G. Irwin Co. Agents. to $4.00 for $3.25. degenerating into personal quarrels; the system of producing the Electricity in any pirt of the world. r American Government, Its nature and form. Geo. Shea. 16 mo. cloth. 3 95 1.0 brave," etc. Merchant Vessels Now In some central place, or by laigc machinery, in- B., medium size. Serves all Common Microscope. Wood 18 cloth. that the soldiers who are now eating Port. domestic pur- Oblectsofthe mo. 3 if 1.00 Government Bktne J. D. Spreckels Fries. stead of first laying down the principle that a poses for lighting rooms, houses, etc. This Crescent and the Cross. IS mo. cloth. ' 3.95 1.00 All members of the Young poi and hiding in Dutch Fiflne Houghton. 16 mo. cloth. 3 1 People's Bktne , Cutler. Lamp which should ever become generally Lamp is elegantly decorated, and has remov- 33 00 uniforms will hoka Klikitat Hawaiian Grammar. Andrews 8 vo boards. 3.3", l.ou Christian Temperance Union are in- get after the next Bk C R Bishop useful and popular, must be portable, like an able white Ground Glass Price, Scrnes 16 Wolters Globe. per in the Hawaiian Islands. Mary E. Anderson. mo. cloth. , 3 3J 1.00 vited to meet at Mrs. Southwick's Legislature meets; that Colonel Spreck- - Bk Victoria Cross Robinson Oil Lamp, and contain the generator of Elec- Lamp (inclusive of Bronze Foot and Globe, $4.23 for $3.50. in itself, i. in the of Lamp. richly Appleton's Summer Resorts. 16 mo. cloth. v rooms, at No. Adams lane, this even- els is getting tired of his Government Bk Lizzie Iredali: Iiedale tricity c., foot the and elegantly constructed) 2 , 3 50 1.3J 4 Bk The Norman Electric Light Company ha delivered free to any part of the world. Appleton's Winter Resorts. 16 mo. cloth. VJl that he has decided to change Elsinore lenks Applied Mechanics. Hall. 16 mo. cloth. l.5 ing at six o'clock. circus; Bkine Mary nt last succeeded in completely realizing this C, grand siz for Parlor, Hall, Saloon, 3.50 I.3J ,1 Winkellv. L".ckus Dance of Life, Answer to Dance of Death, llowens. 18 mo. cloth. 3.50 i.aj political clowns next year; that the ideal of Public Building, 16 it Tern Eva Wikman Electric Lighting, and there is no etc. The Lamp gives a Danbury llooji. llailey. mo. cloth. 3.50 1.35 ' oil A tine painting of tlc, volcano, people generally willbc with him in Bk T R doubt that this most important invention will most brilliant and steady light, has large, re- Exercise on Meclianics. Tate. 16 mo cloth. 1.3J Foster Rugg Model Homes. Palhster. 8 vo. cloth. copied from a painting Tavernier Am bring about a complete revolution in all movable white Globe, taste- 3 SO 1.3J by such a move; that the early cat gets bk. Caibarien Hubbard. decorated most New Sonss for Little People. Mary E. Anderson. ia mo. cloth. first-clas- I.tJ by Mr. Geo. Stratemeycr, can be seen the sweet Bktne Eureka Lee. branches of lighting. fully, and the workmanship is both s Occidental Sketches. Truman. 16 mo. cloth. milk from the do6r step; Machin- Old Home. 16. mo. cloth. I.J at the store ol Bertson, Smith & Co., Our Electric Lamp needs neither and elegant. Price 4 FootofLainp Our J.Hawthorne. I.3J that the gay deceiver sometimes gets ery, Conductors, nor any expensive outlay, is either Bronze, 10. Sentimental Journey. Sterne. 1, mi, cloth. 3 So 1.3J Japanese, Faience or Silver Twice-tol- f on Fort street. Aititir.it.s. In Tales. N. Hawthorne. 18 mo cloth. 3.50 I.3J deceived; that the police' officers will and is neither complicated nor disagreeable Oxide. $4.50 for $3.65. Saturday, Dec. 19 J is is relill Any special size now have manipulation all that necessary to or design made to order. American 1 3 a chance to sleep at nights Actor's Series llooth. Clark. mo. cloth J r.jo Our Hilo correspondent writes that ' M Stmr from it every four or five days with acid, The cost Estimates furnished. " Forrest. Winter. 13 mo cloth. 1.50 without getting wet; that the Hawaiian Likelike Maui " " " Barren, heavy boots, oveicoats and big um- C of lighting will be as cheap as gas ( cents All Lamps arc ready for immediate use, and Jefferson. ia mo. clclh. 1.50 dandy will for Secre- Stmr R Bishop from Kauai, and Waialua. History of a Mountain. Reclus. xa mo. cloth. in be a candidate the per hour), and it has before the latter the im- will besent, securely packed in strong wooden 3 5 i.jo ' brellas have been in special demand Stmr Jas I Dowsett, from Molokai. Manners and Social Usages. 16 mo. cloth. 3 63 i.jo taryship of the next Lecislature; that mense advantage of neither producing heat, box, with printed directions for use, a quan- Manuel Hen Pitman. 16 S Hilo for some time past, and at present Stmr Mokolii, from Molokai. of Phonography. mo. cloth. 3 6S 1.50 the late weather has been prolific of smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the tity of chemicals sufficient (or several months' Miracles in Stone. Seiss. 13 mo. cloth. 3 oj 1.50 $ the rain puts a damper on trade. Model Yacht's. Walton. 4 to, clpth. 65 toothache; and that the Government Sunday, December 20 air is not impured, and remains nt the same lighting, and one extra burner for size A, 3 1.50 degree of temperature. It is further abso- and two for sizes B and C, The necessary $4.65 for $3.75. American Shepherd, Morrelt. ia mo. cloth. 1 There was but a small audience at party has got political dyspepsia. 'itmr Kinau, from Maui and Hawaii. lutely inodorous, and does not need to be chemicals can be purchased in any drug store, l.6j Stmr Planter, from Kauai. Exodus of Israel. Urugsch. 16 mo. cloth. 6S St. Andrew's Cathedral at the eleven kindled by match, or otherwise, but simply in even the smallest village. Lessing's 16 Bktne Eureka from San Francisco. Laocoon. mo. cloth. ! He by turning the key, thus avoiding all danger Every Lamp is accompanied by a written Library Wonders. Duplessls. 16 mo. cloth. $5 o'clock service yesterday. Neither the Jllten. Schr from Manuokawai, Koolau. of fire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case guarantee for one year, and will be exchanged On the Road to Riches. Maher. 13 mo. cloth. 3 73 Bishop nor the boys of Iolani College White's Natural History of Selborne. i6uio. cloth of gas, if the key is left open ; and it must be or money refunded, if the same should not '. for '3 were present. The place of the regu- At the Bethel Union Church yester- JiKVAltXUltES. conceded that this advantage alone is invalu- give complete satisfaction. $4.75 $3.85 "M Among our Sailors. Jewell, ia mo. cloth. 3 85 v is On all AI lar organist was filled by a lady. day morning the Rev. E. C. Oggel, the Dec. able. It further preferable to any known orders for six Lamps and above, a llible 1 heology and Modern T houghts. Townsend is mo. cloth. .75 Saturday, 19 Chase, ' vt pastor, continued his series of sermons kind of lighting for the following reasons : discount of six per cent, will be allowed. No Chase's Receipts. Dr. la mo. cloth. .. 3 85 .75 The merchants who have Christinas Stmr James Makee, for Kapaa, Kauai. (1.) Its manipulation is so simple that any orders from abroad filled, unless accompanied as a Uusiness. Parnard. 16 mo. j 3.83 t.75 on the Apostles' Creed. His theme Drawing for llricklavers. Dav dson. 18 mo. cloth. 3 8j 1.73, goods on hand have been looking Stmr Kilauea Hou, for Hamakua. child can keep it in order. by a remittance lo cover the amount, or first-cla- " " Cabinet Makers " " " Ugtne Consuclo, (or is " ' 1.73 pleasantcr and feeling better since the was, "The third day He rose again San Prancisco. (2.) That the Lamp portable, and can be reference on a New York or Philadelphia " Stone Masons " " " 3 'J 75 Schr Nettie Merrill, for Lahaina. removed like any Oil Lamp, from one place house. Kiana. Jarvis. ia mo.(cloth. 3 85 1.73 sun came out last Saturday. They were from the dead." The text was, "Who Model Drawing, Davidson x8 mo. cloth, Schr Emma, (or Koolau. to another. The best method of sending money is bv 3.85 I.6j is he that condemneth? is Christ Trollope's North America. A. lrollope. ia mo. cloth. 4 3.85 1.75 very "blue" until the wind blew in the It Schr Kawallani, for (3.) requires the disagree- draft on Koolau. That it neither New York, which can be procured of $ 5.00 for $4.00 that died, yea rather, that is risen again." Stmr for fixing wick, cleaning of right direction and .scattered the rain Waimanalo, Waimanalo. able of the or the the any banker, and everywhere, or enclose the 's Insectivorous Plants, ia mo cloth. 4 oo t.oo clouds. Romans 8: 34. cylinder, as in the case of Oil Lamps. amount in bank notes, gold coin, or postage Ilorton's Architecture, 16 mo. cloth. 4 CO 3 00 Keat's Letters. John Keats. 16 tuo. cloth. to The preacher said : "In the economy (4.) That the light produced is a soft and stamps of any country of the world. 4.00 3.00 vessels leaving tuts day. Keys of Sect. Siurtevant. ia mo. cloth. 4.OO t.oo Fort--stre- et most steady one ; that it never flickers, and All orders, the smallest as well as the most A large audience assembled at of salvation the manger has its place; Stmr J I Dowsett, for Molokai. Leaves from the Dairy of an Old Lawyer. Richmond 13 mo. cloth. 4 0O 3.00 the flame, though being equal in power of important, will receive the same particular at- Church last evening to witness so has the garden and prominently the Stmr Likelike, for Maui. $5.25 for $4.20 lighting to gas, can be regulated to any de- tention, aud will be forwarded without delay. Hand Dook of Embrotdeiy, L. Hlggln. 13 mo. cloth. 4.30 ."J Stmr Mokolii for Molokai. 8 cHith the Christmas Cantata. The pro- Lross. Yet the death did not com- gree. tf3TOur Electric Lamps are protected by Land of bcott, Hunnewell. vo. 4 SO 1 35 Schr Liholiho, for K&ual. Saxon Studies. N. Hawthorn. 13 mo. cloth. : gramme was carried out very well by plete the work Christ. in (5,) That every danger of fire is absolutely law, and all imitations and infringements will 4.90 9.9J of True, Schr Mary Fosters, for Knuai. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Fairfax Willmott. 16 mo. cloth, 4. JO 4.35 excluded, as light will extinguish immedi- be prosecuted the Sunday School scholars. The ser- one sense, the stupendous task of Schr Leah I, for Hanalei. the Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley. Conant. 8 yo, cloth. 4.30 9.9 If woman s iianuiworK. Harrington, mo. ciotn. were by A. Schr Kulamanu, for Hamakua. ately, by any accident the glass surrounding ia 4.90 3,35 vices conducted Rev. J. Christ culminated on Calvary. I ad- the burner should be broken. 1ST Agents, Salesmen on Commission, and $5.50 for 4.35, etc. etc. Schr Waiehu, for Kauai. History Hawaiian Islands. 8 vo. Cruzan. mit the importance of the death in the (6.) That it will burn, even in the strongest of the Jarvis. cloth. 4 35 9,j Schr Mille Morris, for Molokai. Consignees for our wanted every- rnonetic onon nanu. juarsn 10 mo. colli. I 4 33 wind, completely unaffected, thus being in- Lamps, 9.J0 programme of redemption. It has Sch Manuokawai, for Koolau. Six months in the Sandwich Islands. Miss Isabella L. Bird, ia mo, cloth. 4.50 3.75 Flaming posters are about town, an- valuable for of where. Leaves from finished Stone. B been put into song: illuminations, lighting gardens, No special knowledge or capital re- a Pastorate. 3 00 nouncing the reopening of the Central corridors, etc. Polynesian Races. A. Fornander. Vol. I. 8 vo. cloth. 4.75 " ' ' 8 left I'ASSESaEItS. quired. II, vo. cloth. 4 00 Park Skating Rink. At the bottom of "He His starry crown This Lamp is constructed for the present in Sugar Cane in Australia. 8 vo. cloth. ' ". Arrlvati. Hawaiian Dictionary. Andrew's. 8 vo boards. the poster it is announced that Mullen And laid His robes aside; three different sizes : A fortune to be made by atlive persons. - 4.5o From Waialua, Waianae and Kauai, Practical Home Phjsician. (Henry M. Lyman A. M. M, D. training, morning On wings of love came down Pff I C. Fenger. A. M. M. D. and Hartmun are steamer C R Bishop Saturday: Dec. 10. H And wept and bled and died." Edited by 1 H. W. Jones A. M M. D. and evening, for the championship of A. Widdemanu, Mrs. W. H Aldrich and ser- Address : Norman ( W. T. Delneld. A M M. D. The Electric Light Co., valuable Medical work. Subscription the Islands. vant, Miss Mary Hooleia, Mrs. A. C. Deleany, (A very Piice. is 00) Large 8 vo. roan 8. jo 4 50 Now if the death had been the term- Our irj the Pacific, Wilmot. Large 8 vo. cloth. Miss Annie Pelekani and 19 deck. Journal 7.00 6.0a .".. ination of Christ's career, the composer U. Fire Fountains, C. E. Gordon Cummlng, 3 sol.. Large 8 vo. cloth. - laoo goo " Give me a kiss ? " said the Fort PHILADELPHIA, S. of America. Around the World with General U. S (1 Young. Large 8 would have closed his hymn with the From Maui per steamer Likelike, Satunhy ant, vo. sheep. 15.00 K.co street merchant, as he went home the Dec. 19. W Hutchinson, L Von Tempsky, dying Jesus. But not so, for the song POETICAL WORKS. other . night and took the baby on his Col Sam Norrls, MUs E M Smith, W Dunn, continues: Birthday Hooks, Ingelow, 18 mo. cloth, red edges. knees. got the kiss and has been II Hedger, S M Damon, Mrs Mihi, 2 3 40' 1.15 ' . lie jWTRS. THOMAS LACK, Lmerson. 4 3.40 t.15 Chinese, 2 prisoners, and 60 deck. COOL " Longfellow. " " " combing 'lasses candy out of his mus- "From the dark grave He rose OFF! " 34 3 40 1.15 " " Lowell. 34 " 3.40 : The mansion From Maui and Hawaii per steamer Kinav, ' " MS tache ever since. Moral Don't g6t of the dead; No. 70 Fort Street, Honolulu, " " Whittier. 34 3.40 1.15 Dec. W W I Irving. " I And Sunday, 20. Capt Goodman, " 13 " " " 3 65 I.jo married, boys thence His mighty foes Alameda, Field. cloth, M Lee, A F Strasburger, F Hatr'uon, J .IMFORTBIt AND DSALZIt IN 4 to. 3 '5 ".50 glorious A Summer in the Country, Perk, to. iloth, In triumph led." W Wong Quai, C B Corp, W 11 CRE&M, 4 3.65 1.50 Kalua, ICE Hitter-Swee- t, Holland, 16 A Chinaman was trying to steer a sick mo. cloth. 3 65 Cornwell & Son, Mrs M A Mrs 11 1.50 And likewise scrinture savs : "Tt ic Dean, J DID YOU SAY? SEWING MACHINES Red Line Edition. 13 mo. cloth, eilt edces. each, .50 M looking horse up Nuuanu street yester- Hare, Miss Amy Wodehouse, Mrs Howland Ainsworth. Hyron, Longfellow. Ldgar A. Poe, Swinburne- - 35 Christ that died, yea rather that is AND OBNUINB Poems. day morning. When near Beretania risen & 3 child, Mrs S Macy & child, J Sheldon llryant. George tliot. Uwen Meredith Red Letter Tennyson. No Christinas Dinner is complete without , ' Hums. Ingolsby Legends. Moore. Schiller. Whittier. fur- again. Hence the death was not the wife & 3 child, and deck. 1'at-tt- Attaclunciiti, street the horse refused to go any 75 the celebrated ELITE ICE CREAM, made Oil ami Aeoe3torle$. Ulamd, Jojce. 10 mo. ciotn. 1.75 tfr 1 artist's finishing touch to the painting, from Woodlawn Dairy Cream. Go and Compensation, Author of Stolen Waters, it mo. cloth. . .75 i ther, For fully five minutes there was From Kauai per steamer Planter, Sunday, pure AGINV FOR TllK Mable Martin. Whittier, 10 mo. cloth. was o v,our of 4.00 9.0Q tor tne resurrection to ow. Dec. 20. C Bertclman wife & child, W H surprise folks; order a bucket our The Vagabond, Trowbridge. 4 to. r.loth. 9 a (ood deal of swearing in Chinese, 4 Lioiit-Runnin- 4 00 00 delicious Ice Wiiitb and tne o New Home Machine And the Apostles made the theme Rice, H II Wilcox, Ward, John D Frarer, Cream. We pack orders for Fo'c's'le Yarns, 13 mo. cloth 4 so 9.35 which attracted a large crowd. of J mo. cloth, each Mrs Ma- - Ice Cream (from one to fifty quarts) in Patent Iloward'l Machine Needles, all Linds Household Lditioh. 13 430 3.35 their nreachinn : "Christ, nrlsen. liv. Dr Bull. Ilulbcrt. Cant I Ross. S Holmes. Longfellow. Owen Meredith. cauley, W E Rowell, V Meier, D Schaltze-ma- Refrigerator Cans, warranted to keep its de- Corticell's Silk, In ull colors and sites : weather of yesterday ing Barbour's Linen Bayard Taylor. Tennyson. Whittier. The pleasant Redemer, mighty to pardon and to lightful flavor and perfect form for many Thread, 8 3 Chinese and 55 deck. Clark's O. Machine Cotton. Obliviad, a Satire. vo. cloth. 4.75 N. T. gilt-to- was taken advantage of by several save." hours. Pnnce Deukahon, Bayard Taylor, ia mo. cloth, edge. 3 From San Francisco per barkentine Eureka. Mable Martin, Whittier, 8 vo, doth, gilt. horse-bac- k By last we received a splendid Mint. Dtmorcsfs Ritiabh Cut Patients parties of young people. Sunday, Dec. 20. Dr Brandt. steamer have Paftr Waiki-ki- , lot ol been went to the Pali, some to I'oUeo Court Items. Arrived at Illlo, per Emma AND tZT 1 he above list hat careluuy selected andcompiises all the Books for which we have clubbed at Some schooner rULICATIONS Inspect Claudina, Wednesday, 16. Mrs Sttciat rattt. Subscribers can any of these works at the Store of Mr. 'I nomas G. Thrum, No. 106 Fort and a largo party of native girls and Dec. and Street, where the Book selected will be delivered, with our receipt for six months' subscription to the DAILY Miss Mr Choice French Candies, Dealer in Rifles boys were last seen galloping out the Kimball, I'ol$om wife and 3 child, Revolvers HONOLULU PRESS, upon payment of the amount specified In the first column, Saturday, December and Mrs Jackson, variety. assort- is 19th. In great Also, an elegant Guns ai d SroKTlNa Goods NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Pulama road. The Road Supervisor Bon-Bo- One drunk paid $6 for tapping the ment of Fancy Candy and n Boxes Sn$r, Powder, Cam, With Daily Subscript'n reported to have remained at home. p ftor just the thing for a Christmas pres:nt. anu METALLIC (.ARTItinGBS II Pi en 6 mont(iL ki. Morning-Call-, Weekly festive bottle. Our Macaroons, Fingers, French San Francisco or Sunday, (6 months) 13 50 r,95 Lady HTOVJSS, " 1 comes from Kauai, on The brigantine Consuelo sailed for San Fran KEItOSEXE in all tttet. " " Examiner " 3S" 50 A report Kisses, Jelly Cakes, Coijo, Bills, and many " " Chronicle " 73 Keanu fk) and I, on Saturday taking Lock 3 75 very good authority, that a native man Kanaka (w), Cisco, afternoon, 0,536 other Fancy Cakes, are the favorite with all and promptly " Bulletin " " 4.00 3.00 " attem1 ledto. New York Clipper " charged with adultery; Keanu fined bags sugar, and. 1,064 bags nee. the ladies of Honolulu. - - . Jjvao " 400 t,oo at Waiineq, Kauai, whoso leg below Detroit Free Press " . ' 3,00 mortify-inc- . $30 and $t costs; Kttnka fined $15 Kjnau Scientific Amerkan " " the knee had been hurt and is The steamer brought 1,948 bags " 3.50 and $1 costs. tzr Ring up 11:11 Telephone No. 182, Argonaut " joo 75 has been refused medical attend sugar, 70 hides, 210 goats skins, 1 00 pkgs Leslie's Illustrated Weekly " - " 500 Mutual No, 338. STATIONERY. ' ' Zeitung " " ance. Our informant states that the. sundries and I mill roller. pCONOMIC JOO 7I Chas. Hall, charged with disorderly Nachrlchten and Deutchland " " 300 - Uber Land und Meer. " Government physician at that place has Arrived at Hilo, 13- Ice Cream " 300 conduct; reprimanded and discharged. Hawaii, Dec, i6th, The Elite Parlors, 85 Hotel LUGAL CAP PERFECTION PADS, London Graphic Weekly " 55 the- daily until 9 00 7.00 refused to send man to the Hono schooner Emma Claudina, Capt Wm. Matson, street, are open II r, M. ai iy Delineator (Fashion), Monthly " 5 M 3 1.93 Amerlran Agriculturist ' 75 lulu Hospital, where he could receive Geo. Vogt, charged with assault and 14 days from San Francisco. HODDER'S LETTER PADS ' 3 1.50 Madame Demoresls. Magailno " 4.95 3 00 proper attention. battery; fined $6 and $1 costs. St. Nicholas " " 300 Foreign vessels now at Hilo r Bark C. O. Letter,, Cap and Note II locks of first quality paper. Leslie's Popular Monthly " " " O. Legal Cap, Letter and Note blocks of ruled; 4.50 3.95 Whitmore, brigantine Hazard, schooner Emma Z. MILLER. lllackwoods " " " 4.73 3.J0 The Royal Hawaiian Band will give Manilla paper, clam Memo, and note Century- - " " " Claudina, blocks, M. & II, form blocks " 4 75 9.JO a concert at Emma Square this evening GENERAL" BUSINESS AGENT. Overland " " , 4 75 950 r . for Bills, Statsmenls, Eclectic " " " half-pas- Vro II0110 l'ubllco. . 5.50 OI at t seven o'clock. The follow- The steamer Likelike brought bags Wash lists, eic Popular Science " " " 38 ST., 5.50 .V is the sugar, 140 bags corn, and bags potatoes, 42 MERCHANT HONOLULU. jcmpie jiar ing prograjnme. 59 Or Papsr PUT UP In ANV FORM Desired iaT Any of the abova Publications will b. drlieied tsttitttaij, together with our receipt for six33month tl Overture Part in D'ablc. ..,,.,.,,, ..Auber Go lo King Bros., on Hotel street, for Christ- from Maul. She reports rough weather in the In conjunction with Mr. J. A, Magoon, bscrlptlon to the DAILY HONOLULU PR1S cm payment to Messrs J. M. Oat Jr. !. Co., of the amount .ir runs. a. riiituji'n prcihed In the lirtt column. bong Reaper and Flowers Cuwcn mas cards, fern Aloha cards and beautiful gift channel on Friday night. will attend to all matters of business fur the residents of the Hawaiian Islands who I Wrdti Vienna Hon-Uon- s Stratus pictures. The steamer C. R. Bishop brought 1.016 Kort Strsbt Storb, SILVER PLATED WARE- - may need an Agent. With Perh Dance The Aboriglns , Thiere. bags sugar, and 3,736 bags SI e myself Busi- Henry Hart, at the Elite Parlors, keeps the paddy. re. I do not conline alone to the Subscrp'n. Dose 15 Muhina Malaraalania rough Kauai. ness Houses, hut also to the domestic class Half Dozen Rogers Bro's. Silver Plated Dkshht Kniibs, No. 13 Triple Hate $46 ? ports weather at DCSKHT Fouks " XII " 6. best creams, ices, candles, cigars, and the big- who would wish me to attend to any matter of TJENHOLDERS, ETC. '5 4.83 Reminiscences of Auber Godfrey bark Medium link, " " ' 6.65 5.50 gest stock of Island curious to be lound in The C. R. Bishop received sugar from business, especially to making purchases Spoons, " " " ' l -- either Tea 4.6$ 'fv. Waltrrln the Twilight Coote Faiibr's Arsoktkd bioo-s- , M M Honolulu. the schooner Mary Foster, on Saturday, in Honolulu or San Francisco, in any line of Pbnmoldiks DEssrnr ' 6.15 4.8J Greeting Faust TAOLU SfOONh, " " " 6.65 Mainf The barkentine Mary Winkelman received Gtnerul Merchandise. fAIIER'S S PENHOLDERS 5.50 March-Malan- al me AM Wei a Herder To the Business Houses I will give my AST Silver-plate- d sugar from the schooner Rubber Holders, Cork Holders, Ivory Ebony The above Ware is of tlu very best quWIty from the celebrated manu-fBctor- y Liholiho on careful attention in all and "Hawaii Ponol." MJA'OM JPII1S matters pertaining to Holders gold mounted. Ivory mid Hone of KOOF.US llKOS. and in priced at t)iei wit market rtes. Subscribers can Inspect the rilEStl Saturday, , General Business, viz : Adjusting and Col- Foldersand Papr Cutters, I'aber's 1'ablet .v..T same at the store of the Pacific Hardware Company. No. and who will Eraser, Dcnison's Velvet 74 76 Fott Street, arrived The steamer lecting Accounts, Distribution of Bills and Erasers, the selected, six The brigantine Hesperian at Planter brought 361 bags wood-pe- ncil deliver articles without receipt for months subscription lo the DAILY Circulars, Custom House Entries, Buvlng Crjstal Rubber, Rubber in Kahului on the 10th 111st, 47 days from Daily, sugar, 36 bags rice, and 140 green hides from slupe, '1 huinb Tacks, HONOLULU I'HESS, upon receipt of the price above specified. from and after date at nnd Renting Real Estate and Personal Pro- Pencil Protmtors, Rubber Departure Bay, with a cargo ol coal, Kauai, Hands & perty, of wrloiu NOTICE. to Wilder & Co, The pilot Mellkr Haluu's, Confectionery. All Legal Documents will he carefully slici, etc., etc., consigned The schooner Manuokawai brought 50 bags tir No deviation will be nude from terms above stipulated, and remittances must include the and neatly drawn up by Mr, A. Magoon. O, was compelled to anchor her off port, from Koolau, J. for Sale at rilOti, TUJIUM'H full amount specified In lirs.t column opposite the article selected in order secure Cthe sugar I to all to ft will attend matters entrusted in m) .iTRUItT rates, of unfavorable winds, where N FoT "TORH tint T?V on account FltESU CltKAU VA1CJCH ,C UCLA US care in a careful, courteous and neat I The barkentine Eureka, Capt. Lee, arrived manner, Subscription to commence any time after December 1, 1883, at option cf subscriber. he remained until the 13th inst,, with quid; dispatch yesterday morning, 14 days from San Fran and owing to no change in the weather that Agent or KlinKner n Kcrt .Rubber HEADS, LETTER HEADS. cisco, She reports strong N. W, winds most to. NOTE THIS OFFER WILL Be JANUARY would allow her to enter the harbor, Daily, from and after date at Stamps. HEiDSANl)SIA'lEMENr HEADS WlttDi, I, 1886 M three of the passage. She received a new main Telephone P. 0. Box 113. printed to order by the .On trie 13th inst., at o'clock in M2LLER & Halue's Confectionery. 61-- mast in Sai) Francisco. ly , PRESS, PUBLISHING COMPANY, Proprietors Daily Honolulu Press.

'V 'n, . - v 'l ' t ' ' TWSSPRwSiffS rA''i'1 -,

DAILY HONOLULU PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1835. - tmwmi.iiawiiiwwji' G3cncv.il JiltfibcvUscmcutxs. (General JcUUicrtiecmcnts. (General bueriiacmentfl. (GcmuHtl Julici-liGciucni- (fienci'iil rbucrtiacmcnla. (Scncntl .Sll.um.scmcnlvs. (General bbcttwemtnts.

TO THE PUBLIC. N. JF. BU11GESS, icClraef & CASTLES, COOKE QEORGE LUCAS 'Hie attention of our readers is Intilcd to the CAM'ENTEIt AND CONTRAqTOR and IIUlLUliU. GO very liberal ofTcr made by us, in another IlUILDElt, column, tit furnish any of the articles specified Respectfully Announces to the public that he has purchased the therein, together with six mouth1)' subscription STEAM J'EANING MILLS No. 42 Queen Street. Honolulu', II. 1 ) to the Daily Honolulu 1'ress, nt club talis, B.VGGAGE EXPRESS ICAjiliiniiile, Honolulu, which are much less thr.n If the publications, or Husiness recently conducted by Mr. G. M. Lake, at ."&&' articles, were ordered separately. No. 84 King strcei.wlilcli will be under the manage- s -- -: Manufacture all kindVof ment of BUKGESS. Have now landing r We desire to Im.onD.F. introduce our paper into ctery Ihe Lxnress will iittcnd the arrival ol everv steamer .flblnfVn and promptly deliver Moulilings, Engllslwciilint; Family in this Kingdom, Would calfoltciitlort to their Large arid -- Drackets, feeling lUsiital that It will be permanently FREIGHT, PACKAGES & UAGGAGE y sviqmvajiiju otukii. ui retained after its merits, as a live, wide-awak- e For Alameda & John D. Sprookola, Window frnmes, In Honolulu and vlcintty. DEUGGISTS, journal, are once known. Blinds, sashes- - As anadcrtlsing medium the Daily Ho- aPTXRnsriTTJRB 5e 3PIAJSTOS LARUB SHIPMENTS OP' and Doors nolulu Press posscsscsuncipiakd advantages, Moved with care. AGRIOIH,TURAX IMPLEMENTS, all subscribers to the late and ail kinds of wood-wor- k finish. having retained the HE, ALSO, HAS PURCHASED THE Situnfaf Prtss in addition to a new subscrip- Tobacco, Cigar and Soda Water, Assorted Merchandise tTp, t tion list which is dally increasing, so that the . - Consisting of the unrivalled Paris Steel paper is not only enjoying a large circulation Uuslrcss heretolore kept by .Mr. J. W. Hlnjjley, at TitrniiiK, scroll, anil baud aawlrnj. No. 8.1 Kin street, which ill be Conducted by nil Consisting in part of ") HAVE REMOVED TO. in this city and icinily, but 1, also, mailed by son, U. Wi UUKGESS, and where evervthlng in every steamer to subscribers at almost every the line of SMOKERS' ARTICLES can be found, ol . me uest quality. 11)1.. Flour, Golden Gate. , BrfiWiing IHow, landing on the other Islands and also to for- 1 hanking the public for past favors and guaranteeing Ilbli. Flour. El Dorado. 'i Sawltig, to promptly execute alt Older in either line or bust , c AH kinds of Planing and Mortising, and Ten eign countrii's, thus combining " the advantages ness, at reasonable charges would r.spectfully solicit a ". sharo of public patronage. Sacks Wheat, Uest. '" W, Vlllla of both daily tJid weekly editions. The backs ), liarley, llcst, Mohne Breakers, Furrowing Plow, Mo Saiks Com, Dest, Whole, Tie Steel and coiling month, especially, our paper will have Ofllco Xelcphtine So. 203. line Steel Plows All Sacks Corn, Best, Cracked, Hies Planet, Jr., Cullk t much circulation all vators, Du-- t Scrapers, a larger than the other Jletlilencc Telephone Xo. Mi!. Sacks liran, Coarse and Fme. dully papers combined, as we intend sending ORDERS PROMPrLY ATTENDEb TO VND No, SI Kiny Street, Honolulu. Sacks Beans. White,' Ho, specimen copies to every resident on these Sacks Deans, Red, WORK OHARANTEEDt 109 Sacks Means, Dayou, Joltn Uooro'a Gaiii; Plows, Fort Street Islands who reads English. Sacks Deans, Horse, We, therefore, ask your in our Sacks Deani, Lima Ordrrs fromthe Islands solicitet hore. enterprise and trust you will avail yoi'rsclf of ' Sacks Onions, licit Silver Skin Planters' Hots of the best makes this offer. Very respectfully yours, etc., Crystal Soda Works. Sacks Potatoes, lies' in Gunnies. I'roi'k's of Daily Honolulu I'rbs. Cases Ntcnacs, -- HANUrACTURKHSOI' Cases Extra Soda Crackers, DISSTONS' CELEDRAiED CANE .KNIVES HONOLULU, H. I. Cases Medium Dread, .11 ,! Cases Cracked Wheat, lb. bigs, 1 W-.A.TEIR- lo avai , Cases Corn Meat, white, to lb, bags. t sll, SODA Cases Oat Meal, 10 lb. bags, made Ames' Spadss, Cases Corn to order, Shoveli and UPHOLSTERING. Starch. Garden Hoes. Caail Harrows, Ox Dows, Yokes, Chains, Fence" Casks Dupee Hams, 's Casks C& A Hams Chains, FLORIDA LEMONADE, Cases R. 11. Dacon. r Sugar Mill Requirements. Cases Tairbank's Lard, j lb pail. Cases Fairbank's Lard, 5 lb. pad, D. M. ' JOHN NOTt' CROWLEY. Aerated Waters of All Kinds, Cases Tairbank's Lard, 10 lb, pail, The Only Practical Fruit Syrups and Essoncos. Cases Whitney's Putter, in tins, Half bbls, Duller, Pickle Roll, Qr, bbls. Dutter, Pickle Good are acknow Roil, SUGAR BAGS. SUOAR KEGF, u.ixuv.wrviuxa irvmnsriutKii, Our lced the ItEST. NO CORKS Half lirkins Duller. Gilt Edge, Qr, fitklns Dutter, Qilt Edge, In Honolulu. WE USE PATENT STOPPERS Cases New Cheese. Itoxes and bills. Salt Codfish, fs, Covers French Polishes, Repairs; I In all tur Mottles. Dbls Tierce Colipibia River Salmon' Cumlioi'Inutl Coal. We Invite particular tar attention to our Patent Cues Fresh Eg'js, 'I Ccry description ol KiltLr, recently by which used introduced, alt waters Cases Laundry Starch, Sperm Oil, C) hnder. n ourminuf.wtiirci it absolutely fixed from im- Larn all Iloxes Hrotfrt Laundry Simp, Kerosene Oil, Perfect purities. dozens Drootus, and Lubricators, Plumbago, Al- iRT We deliver our (iood free of clurge to all parts bany Grease, Dillon's and gBHg5sf5TrW ss TS?Wsi HHBi iteflsBssssssssssssWl FURNITURE of the city ' Pure Java Coffee, Roasted mid Ground, 1 lb. tins, S. and J. riles, all siresand Sacks Grem CofTtc, Steam Packing. Careful at e Ion did to Cic'e h kinds, Flit At lowest rates. It t Islu it t. Atldrtrs . Chests Japan 1 ca, : lb. pipers, and Round India Rubber, Chests Japan Tea, ', lb. papers Asbestos and Soap Stone, 'THE CRYSTAL SODA WORKS, Plax Packing, India Rub- noxes Raisins, London Layers, ber Hole, to 1 inch, I'lpni and Couplings, h" P. 0. liOX, 397, HONOLULU. H. I. H boxes Raisins, London Nuts md H boxes liaisins, London Laiers, Washers, finished, Machine GHRIJS.TMAS ISLAND Iloxes Raisins, Muscatel Dolts, all sires, Cold pressed WOODS. Telephone No. 208. Blacksmith's, Engiuter's am' 's Hammers, Pipe Parlfir ShIIm, Lounges. Patent Ilockers, Easy and Orders left with Renson, Smith & Co., No. Fort Drums Citron, inch n Doxes Cutters, Winches, 8 to Street, will receive prompt attention. Currants, inch, Vices, Tube Fancy Chairs, ptc, made of Island Woods, or Cases Chocolate. 34 Anvils, At the Old Stand, 8 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu We also, are agents lor t le'sale of J. W. Hlngley's Scrapers, Grindstones, Dest - io. Case's Mixed Pickles, American Dar AND Black. Walnut, at San Francisco Prices. Cases Iron and T001 IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST IMPROVED Spices, assorted, all sites, Steel, Builders P?ill Mince Meat, Hardware, CELEBRATED CIGARS Atmores, all kinds and styles, Hub- - tV ELEGANT COVCRINCi AND TRIMMING. Tins Mince Meat, Cuttings. buck s Paints and Oils.raw 3A L IV 3E3 S . and boiled. Small Paints 111 STOVES J1S'X O Oflit own nanifaqture. ,. im Sacks Raw Peanuts, Oil, in large variety, Dry Sacks English Walnuts, Umber, Venetian, X.tt.-- Xo Paints, Years'-Cards- . rlltertnit of riofr) Sacks Soft Shell Almonds, Red, Ochres, Metallic, &.C., New Sacks Texas Pecans, extra large. Whiting, German Window Granite Iron Ware, Nlckel-Plate- d ass'td sues, Manila Rope Plain and ; Rubber Hose ; ' Ware, of all kinds;) , r, . Galvanized 1 Ip NO. n'A LILIHA STREET. BEAVER SALOON Cases California Honey, 1 lb. tins, lln Iron ai.ci Lead Cases King, Morse 4 Co's., fresh canned Chandeliers; T , Sheet Lead and Copper; Fruits, and Vegetables. Jellies Lamps and Lanterns ; e Drain Pipe. Dales Wrapping ' Paper, extra quality ' ! ' 4Vtf Hulual Telephone, Xo. 311. - H. I. NOLTErPROPRIETOR. Fcmps; Uegs to announce to his In Staple Groceries, friends. ond the.'public gen A LAlti.K ASSORTMENT T eral that the above Saloon provides ' Blank Bpoks, No. 1 and a Flour, No. 1 and a Rice, Crushed Sugar, Chlnaand Japan Teas, Woi-fi- , t Best California leather. Oysters, Clams, Salmon. Lobsters, Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Slieet iron Finest Table Fruits from the Factory HOPP & CO., (From 3 A. St., till 10 r M Pure English Spices. Condensed Milk, OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDED TO. Sole, Insole, Harness, Skirting and Uppers Cocoa, SPECIALTIES : The J'tt-ae- e French and American Calfskins, Kerosene! Oil, Wrstnn'n Sheep Skins, Coat Skins, Lining, 14 Inch, Jtubher Stationery, Manufacturer and Dealcrs'in The finest Hawaiian Saddle Trees Sjirtnfi nntl Cigarettes ' Cinirnn ltra.e just at hand, Blair e Steam Pumn Valvei.Pack. IS" A variety of House Furnishing Goods too numerous to mention. S48--- Tobaccos, Inrr. &c, Blake Holler Feed, Julca or Cigars And ether goods too numerous to mention. Molasses, Irrlcating Vacuum Pumps Pipes, a and goods These are fresh, were bought sery low, anr Ail FURNITURE, Smokers' Sundries will be sold at Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete, tlie PcrioiJiciils of tfie Day, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Ofeer description". XOWESX MARKET RATES. Special Noti One of Hrua5!ck& Iialke'sccUbrated K, W, KeCHESNff & SON, 'ALSO ON CONSIGNMENT Mattresses and Iivddlnn. BilllorclOrnljloti Ktc, Ktc, Etc. California Hay", Potatoes, Barrels ai-- 6. No. 42 Qtiooii Barley,' I connected with the establisiiinent, where lovers of Stroot. Salmon, Hams, Asbestos Mixture for Boilers me cue can participate, " and Steam Pipes, cheap, Tence Wire Spcciil o , very 89 m attention flvn i's " and Staples, Roofing asi-at- k Galvanlied All Hahd-Painted- ." HAS JUST RECEIVED ETROPOLITAN MARKET, SEWING MACHINES. . UPHOLSTERING, M U3 1 tJ B tea D II ibo 3 I zX lWJi ' V Wilcox andis,Gibbs Automatic; Singer Minufatturingf (asmpany. AT - 3roolsf per tfytalipOlsa,, Offer Assorted: Remington New KTN( STREET, for'sale to arrive per Company, Fnnnly; Wilson Machines,- - the best assortment to be found, kinds 01 all C..J. WALLER, , . Proprietor and at Bottom Prices. fx'OMaJEngjlaixd, BARK AMY TUllNER, v,J Iirect Jofiliing - (lone at- - reasonable Oholooat Moats from rinoit'HoriU. COMPRISING $3F From Hoiton, due New Goo by every arrival from England, New I BSfln lat,Jr.,&Co's, rates. Y ork and San Francisco. Fancy Coatings, sSerges, Families and;shipping supplied on short notice and Trousersings and Tweeds, D 7LY.1, l'aSB, Cassimeres and Trimmings of Every Description. Ko. 74 King Street, Lowest fflarket Prices. 25 Mierctiant St., 1 Now Traotiou Eu;lne, power. These Goods having been bought for Casli at the Factory can be sol Telephone No. : 1 All meats delivered frnityShls marker art. lTmrntiTMi. Stove Coal in Casks, chilled Immediately killing means ii bbls. Crushed Sugar, at the very lowest rates. after by of n cl9-t- l'atent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so Cases I'raitr's Axle Grease, f HONOLULU, II. I. treated retains all Its juicy properties, and is guaranteed Cases Hoe Handles, Bbls. No. 1 Rosin, to keep longer after delivery than freshly-kille- Orders from the other Islai d filled at Best Rates and neat Cases Wheelbarrows, H. F. BERTELMANN, ?n-- w with dispatch , Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed. NESTS TRUNKS, - S3P INSPECTION IS INVITED 3 ! 6:-- Hay (.'utters, The Genuine Patronize Home ndustry tf .Pantheon Stables, Flax Packing,- - Article. Contractor anil Builder, Mbbls WllmlngtoiTVr, Wilmington I'itch, Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Bales Navy Oakum, Cases Hx Lard Oil, t I Gnntstones. Iron Safes HENRY DAVIS. & CO., No. 86 King Street, la mver Sain , FARMER'S BOILERS", lion Jf. "W". TBLing-ley- ,..r 4fe IMPORTERS AND JOMtlJRS OF ALL KINDS-O- ' . . c t 86-j- y HONOLULU, II. I, BUs. Dairy Salt, llbls. Cement, iji and 1 in Ox Dows, Bellies 1885 Catch Cases Axe and Pick Handles, Salmon Cigar Pflannfacturer, CaiiHl Banows, - and, Produce, Oregon, by Groceries, Provisions Bbls. Ex Prime Pork, Just tecelved from Portland, Kegs Nails Formerly of the Pioneer Cigar Factory, has Kits MacVcrel, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Smoked Halibut, Kits Halibut Pins Tnd Nap Cumberland Coal In bulk , OASTLE & COGKE. opened a salesroom In the front part of'thc ' Kits' Tongues anrl Sounds, Boneless Codfish, Tomato Calsun, Chow Chow, Livory, Sale Flrst-Cla- Boarding, and Station. Tnei i'lsh can bo relied upon aa s (in ken). California Cider Vinegar, (casks and Wgs), Dried Apples, ITNTERPRISr Crystal Soda Works, No. 69 Hotel Worcester bauce, Peaches, Eta, Street, California Table Uaisins Assorted Nuts, Assorted Table and Plo Truits, Jams and Jellies ' for hire nil hours MANILA CORDAGE, Cairiagcs at of the day or ntght! where he is prepared to fill all orders at the v L PLANING MILL. dso, convennces of all kinds for pirtles going around Sisal Cordage. L he IsUnd. lowest wholesale SALMON, 1883 . Oak Lumber, rates, COLUMBIA RIVER CATCH, (Bbls. a half bbls,) Excellent Saddle Horses for Ladies and Whlit Wood Lumber, liT Island orders solicited and promptly Alu-lion-. noar Qitoon St. Guaranteed Gentle, Walnut Lumber, CAUl-ORNI- FUESII FRUIT AND UUTTKU IJY EVRUY STEAkR, Ash Lumlwr, filled. , C. J, llardie, Contractor and Dulldcr, is Prupneiri and small omnibus for picnlc and excurslii nrties, carrying from 10 lo passengers, can nlwaj Eastern White Pine Lumbr, No. 3d Port St., Olook Building, Mouldipgs on m ,0 and Finish rlunjs lard, Ihr n secured by special arrangements. Refrigerators, Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 298. "Which nro olTorocl nt Xiowwst Marlcot Eatos for Cash. ' for soft sph Ca-e- s Turned Tomatoes. keeps sale hard and stoso woodcut and Tie Lorn; Branch Dathl'ig House can alwajs Have received a consignment of the most Tconomlcai Telophone No, S5 asvaM ib KMii ior pitancor excursion innies ny appiviuc and Valuable Feedfor all kinds of stock, viz , Mutual Telephone No. 30. 81 lyr It tlid nfTice. Electric & Downer's Kerosene Oil 1 ELM HONK No. 34. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. JAS. DODD, Proprietor. Ketchup and Codfish Balls, JT2T Goods delivered to any part of tin city free of charge. Island Ordeti solicited and satisfaction in Cases Clam Chos-de- It Is the greatest former, Milk raid IJuttcr pro ' Fish Fleih anteed. ' , BUSINESS and GheiMns, duccr in use COLLEGE, Cases Sausage Meat, No. 95 Port Street, Honolulu, Oalm, H. I, Cases Huckin's Tomato Soup. POST OrFICE-UO- No. sis. (i3-l- f TtLEPIIONE o. t7i. 34 Post St. S. F Cases Huckin's MnckTurtlo Soup, Cases Ox 3 ex Has Bla a Send for Circular. Huckin's Tall Soup, Oil Cal q Meat shows about ij per cent ef nuttltise matter ; this nearly 39 per cent. Tne I'ull. Ik'dlNFss Cuni'K includes Single and Printing Paper, Oonli'lftiaral Xanin;H, too lbs. of this meal is equal to 313 lbs. ol oats, or Double Entry us applied to all Depirt 31B lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. Jjovcigiv Jlljbcvtififcmcnlo. Jorcip JlbbcrtijEscmcnt mentsnf business) Commercial Arithmetic, llusineM. Buckets, I.lme Wash Doirds, Also, our Unrivaled MIXED l'1'.ED, as well at our Pntronizo Homo Mnnnfnotnro. Penmanship; Mercantile Law ; Business Correspond Casss Chairs, Cutton Waste, usual supply of the best kinds of tl.co Lcctuies oi t.iw, Business rurns, and tin Cases Yellow Metal Shuuldnz, .'ci'-nc- Keg's HALL, MATEO, CAL. of Accounts! Actual Business Krartlcu i (THREE SIZES), AND Yellow M, Sheuthing Nails, Hny, Ontx, Wlient, Corn, Eto , Etc., QT. MATTHEW'S SAN Wholesale and Ktt.iil McrLhandlsin, Commission Bbls. Twine, Bales Duck, ' lobbing, Importing RiiilroaJlng, Lspress Duslness Hide Poison, Linseed Oil, Which Is offered at the lowest Market Rates, and The Hawaiian Stone Company. Brokerage, and llauklng y Kngludi Jlranchcs, including Cases Turpentine delivered free to any part of the city. A EOll HOYS. Healing, Spelling, Grammer, etc.; Drawing; ana Colored SCHOOL Modem Langujgct, cansistlug of ,raclicil in.lructlar Poster Paper, (Jason Brown Soup, Are now. prepared to furnMi frebh Lime in Military Discipline. in French, German, and Spanish. Agents for the Under SreciAL Bkancii its lire: Ornamental Pcnmin hip )i bbls. Mineral Paint, quantifies to suit purchasers, and satisfaction Higher Malheinatlcs, Suiveying, Natation, Civil En I OK sALB UV Loci ated In the beautiful yillauo of San Mateo, on the Southern Pacific Is, R ei miles from Sn Trincise Mammoth Rockers ' Pacific Mutual Life Co. of California, ...... '1 I. V... ilHlnaast n . a an. Short-Han- Insurance warranted as td both ihe kind and the price. 01f nu I.Il.t iu .m glneerlng, Assain;r, 'i'upeAVriling, Get Book Casrs, Assorted, UstaUllshea In 1865. ou teen instructors reputation..! siimi, t nuniui. ...!..., 111 arranged for the health and (f nfort of the cadets, 'lrinlty gsssie. fraphy, etc, Extension Top Carriages, ' Agents for the (IPOVER TELEPHONE. heated hy steam and are ety way For full Information Cases Curled "iAWUBN begins J my , , addrei Hair, & ROBINSON. For ust address K. V. - CO. H. HACKFELD & GO. Drums Commissioner of Deeds for the State pf California further Information sod catalogue, out, lll'.M.UX- '" ' of Caustic Soda. "" Kuv, ALFRED E BREWER, M. A., aja-a- l San Cal. 93-- f o, atf-3- 'AGENIS. Ptlncipss Francuco TELEPHONK'NO. ui. 7 a88

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