Publications by and About J.C. Kapteyn, His Honors and Academic Genealogy
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Appendix A Publications by and About J.C. Kapteyn, His Honors and Academic Genealogy The compulsion to write should be distrusted, unlike the urge to formulate. Godfried Bomans (1913–1971).1 A.1 Publications by J.C. Kapteyn Below I present a list of all known publications by Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn. As director he must have been involved in supervising all activities, and therefore I have included all papers in the Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory at Gro- ningen during Kapteyn’s lifetime, with the exception of Willem de Sitter’s papers on the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. I have also included papers that are directly re- lated to projects Kapteyn was involved in personally, such as those based on PhD theses written under his supervision. PhD theses that have not been published sep- arately in astronomical periodicals or observatory annals, etc., are included in the list as well. Many, but far from all, of these publications have been listed by the NASA Astronomy Data System ADS [1] and usually scanned copies are available there. I have indicated the ADS code at the end of the full reference between square brackets. The publications by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) are made available on the Digital Library – Dutch History of science web centre [2]. The papers Kapteyn (1883) and Kapteyn (1884) are available electron- ically by downloading a pdf-file of the full volume 3 of Copernicus [3]. The table of contents at the end of that file lists the papers with their dates of publication; for these papers the dates are Febr. 28, 1883, and Febr. 12, 1884. 1De dwang om te schrijven moet men wantrouwen, de drang om te formuleren niet. Godfried Bomans was a Dutch writer and television personality. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 611 P.C. van der Kruit, Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 416, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10876-6 612 A Publications, Honors and Academic Genealogy Fig. A.1 The books of Kapteyn in the Kapteyn Room. From the left the three volumes of the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung plus two of the revisions, four bound volumes with Kapteyn’s publications (see Fig. A.2) and one with his Mount Wilson publications up to 1920, Groningen Publications 1 through 37, the three Selected Areas (Systematic Plan) publications with Edward Pickering in the Harvard Annals and the Durchmusterung of the Special Plan (published in 1952). On the extreme right Kapteyn’s copy of Popular Astronomy by Simon Newcomb (Kapteyn Astro- nomical Institute) On my Kapteyn Web-page [4], I provide the list in this Appendix, together with links to electronic copies of every publication. In Figs. A.1 to A.4 I show some pictures of Kapteyn’s books. For explanations see the captions. Kapteyn. J. C. 1875. Onderzoek der trillende, platte vliezen [Study of vibrating flat membranes], Ph.D. thesis defended at University of Utrecht on June 24, 1875. van de Sande Bakhuyzen, E. F. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1877a. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen b. 1877. Astronomische Nachrichten, 89, 251–252. [1877AN.....89..251 V] van de Sande Bakhuyzen, E. F. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1877b. Ephemeris of comet b. 1877 (Winnecke’s). The Observatory 1, 64–64. [1877Obs.....1...64V] van de Sande Bakhuyzen, H. G. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1879a. Beobachtungen der Heliometer-Sterne in Perseus. Astronomische Nachrichten, 95, 5–14. [1879AN.....95 ....5V] van de Sande Bakhuyzen, H. G. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1879b. Beobachtungen von Gill’s Mars-Sternen. Astronomische Nachrichten, 95, 33–42. [1879AN.....95...33V] Kapteyn, J. C. 1883. Uber¨ das Kepler’sche Problem. Copernicus 3, 25–34. Kapteyn, J. C. 1884. Uber¨ eine Methode die Polhohe¨ moglichtst¨ frei von System- atischen Fehlern zu bestimmen. Copernicus 3, 147–182. Kapteyn, J. C. & Kapteyn, W. 1884. Les sinus de quatrieme` ordre. Verhandelin- gen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, vier en twintigste deel, 1–98. Kapteyn, J. C. & Kapteyn, W. 1886. Die hoheren¨ sinus. XCIII. Bande der Sitzberichten der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenshaften (Wien). II. Abteilung, April-Heft, Jahrgang 1886, 807–868. A.1 Publications by J.C. Kapteyn 613 Kapteyn, J. C. 1888a. Exposedelam´ ethode´ parallactique de mesure. Reduction´ des cliches´ . Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, I, 94–114. Kapteyn, J. C. 1888b. Addition au la methode´ parallactique de mesure. Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, I, 125–127. Kapteyn, J. C. 1888c. Bericht uber¨ die zur Herstellung einer Durchmusterung des sudlichen¨ Himmels ausgefuhrten¨ Arbeiten. Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomi- sche Gesellsschaft, 23, 213–220. Kapteyn, J. C. 1889a. Vorlaufige¨ Mittheilung betr. Bestimmung von Fixstern- Parallaxen. Astronomische Nachrichten 123, 105. [1890AN....123..105K] Kapteyn, J. C. 1889b. Note relative de memoire´ de M. Bakhuyzen sur la mesure de cliches´ . Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, 242–250. Gill, D. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1889b. Expose´ d’un projet de M. J.-C. Kapteyn relative aladetermination´ des mouvements propres et des parallaxes d’etoiles´ . Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, 262–264. Kapteyn, J. C. 1890a. Uber¨ eine photographische Methode der Breitenbestim- mung aus Zenithsternen. Astronomische Nachrichten 125, 81–86. [1890AN....125... 81K] Kapteyn, J. C. 1890b. Sudliche¨ muthmasslich veranderliche¨ Sterne. Astronomi- sche Nachrichten 125, 165–170. [1890AN....125..165K] Kapteyn, J. C. 1890c. De bepaling van de parallaxis van vaste sterren door middel van registreerwaarnemingen. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, derde deel, 114–115. Kapteyn, J. C. 1890d. Zweiter Bericht uber¨ die zur Herstellung einer Durch- musterung des sudlichen¨ Himmels ausgefuhrten¨ Arbeiten. Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomsiche Gesellsschaft, 25, 240–243. van de Sande Bakhuyzen, H. G., Kapteyn, J. C., et al. 1890a. Zonen-beobachtun- gen zwischen 29◦50 und 35◦10 Declination. Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden, 5, I-LII,1–352. [1890AnLei...5....1.] van de Sande Bakhuyzen, H. G., Kapteyn, J. C., et al. 1890b. Reductionen der Zenitdistanzen der Fundsmentalsternen etc.. Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden, 6, I-CXXIX,1–412. [1890AnLei...6....1.] Kapteyn, J. C. 1891a. Bestimmung von Parallaxen durch Registrir-Beobachtungen am Meridiankreise. Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden 7, 117–244. [1897An Lei...7..117K] Boss, L. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1891. Bestimmung von Parallaxen durch Registrir- Beobachtungen am Meridian Kreise. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 3, 346–353. [1891PASP....3..346K] Plummer, W. E. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1891. Stellar parallax, as determined by a transit instrument. The Observatory, 14, 259–263. [1891Obs....14..259P] Kapteyn, J. C. 1891b. De beteekenis der photographie voor de studie van de hoogere delen des hemels, address at the occasion of the transfer of office of Rector Magnificus at the University of Groningen on 15 September 1891. J.B. Wolters, Groningen. 614 A Publications, Honors and Academic Genealogy Fig. A.2 The books of Kapteyn in the Kapteyn Room. Here we see three volumes with reprints of his own papers and one (red) with publications on the Star Streams. After binding all reprints together he had the pages renumbered sequentially. This looks like a streak of vanity in Kapteyn, but may be no more than a appreciation of order and neatness (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute) Kapteyn, J. C. 1891c Verslag van de lotgevallen der Rijks-Universiteit te Gro- ningen in het studiejaar 1890–91, gegeven den 15den September 1891, door den aftredenden Rector-Magnificus Dr J. C. Kapteyn. 1891. J.B. Wolters, Groningen. Kapteyn, J. C. 1892a. Plan et details´ de l’appareil parallactique de mesures. Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, I, 377–381. Kapteyn, J. C. 1892b. Theorie´ des erreurs de l’appareil parallactique de mesures et reduction´ de cliches´ . Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, I, 401–452 Kapteyn, J. C. 1892c. Difference systematique´ entre les grandeurs photographi- ques et visuelles dans le differentes region du ciel. Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, II, 131–158. Kapteyn, J. C. 1892d. Systematische verschillen tusschen de visueele en pho- tographische helderheid der sterren in verschillende deelen der hemel. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natu- urkunde, negende deel, 393–394. Kapteyn, J. C. 1892e. De verdeeling an de sterren in de ruimte. Verslagen en Mededelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natu- urkunde, negende deel, 418–421. Kapteyn, J. C. 1892f. To what stellar system does our Sun belong? (Abstract). Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 4, 259–260. [1892PASP....4.. 259K] A.1 Publications by J.C. Kapteyn 615 Kapteyn, J. C. 1892g. Dritter Bericht uber¨ die zur Herstellung einer Durchmus- terung des sudlichen¨ Himmels ausgefuhrten¨ Arbeiten. Vierteljahrsschrift der Astro- nomische Gesellsschaft, 27, 218–219. Kapteyn, J. C. 1893a. Over de verdeeling van de sterren in de ruimte. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Zittingsverslag 28 Januari 1893, 125–140. Kapteyn, J. C. 1893b. Measuring stellar photographs. Engineering Jan.27, 1893, 91–92 Kapteyn, J. C. 1893c. Uber¨ den neuen Fleming’schen Stern im Sternbilde Norma. Astronomische Nachrichten 134, 59. [1893AN....134...59K] Kapteyn, J. C. 1893d. Eene nieuwe methode ter bepaling van den afstand van vaste sterren. Handelingen van het vierde Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres, gehouden te Groningen op den 7den en 8sten April 1893, 70–75. Kapteyn, J. C. 1895. Over de verdeeling der kosmische snelheden. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Zittingsverslag 25 Mei 1895, 1–15. Kapteyn, J. C. 1896a. Corrections de refraction et d’aberration pour les co- ordonnees´ rectangulaires mesurees´ sur les cliches´ photographiques. Bulletin de Comite´ International Permanent de la Carte du Ciel, III, 17–44. Gill, D. & Kapteyn, J. C. 1896. The Cape Photographic Durchmusterung for the equinox 1875.