the united nations educational, scientific abdus salam and cultural organization international centre for theoretical physics international atomic energy agency SMR 1521/17 AUTUMN COLLEGE ON PLASMA PHYSICS 13 October - 7 November 2003 Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Laser Produced Plasmas S. Atzeni Universita' "La Sapienza" and INFM Roma, Italy These are preliminary lecture notes, intended only for distribution to participants. strada costiera, I I - 34014 trieste italy - tel.+39 040 22401 I I fax+39 040 224163 -
[email protected] UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA DIPARTIMENTO DI ENERGETICA Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Laser Produced Plasmas Stefano Atzeni Dipartimento di Energetica Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" and INFM Via A. Scarpa, 14-16, 00161 Roma, Italy E-mail:
[email protected] Autumn College on Plasma Physics The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste, 13 October - 7 November 2003 The following material is Chapter 8 of the book "Physics of inertial confinement fusion" by S. Atzeni and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn Clarendon Press, Oxford (to appear in Spring 2004) -io Ok) 8 HYDRODYNAMIC STABILITY This chapter is devoted to hydrodynamic instabilities. ICF capsule implosions are inherently unstable. In particular, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) tends to destroy the imploding shell (see Fig. 8.1). It should be clear that the goal of central hot spot ignition depends most critically on how to control the instability. Fig. 8.1 This is a major challenge facing ICF. For this reason, large efforts have been undertaken over the last two decades to study all aspects of RTI and related instabilities.