
Case Study Info Grafik

Brand Identity Aloha Airgroup: Build an Identity System based on the New Livery Graphics Info Grafik

We were tasked with building a new brand identity based on Aloha’s most important asset.

A new brand identity for ’s leading airline Showing his characteristic marketing chutzpa, Maurie Myers contracted a mainland firm that specialized in airline graphics to design a totally new look for his incoming The most natural solution fleet of 737s. It was our assignment to develop a new brand identity system for Aloha would have been to use the Airgroup based on the jet, and to extend the branding system to Island Air, its prop bird of paradise flower as a plane subsidiary. logo and the Aloha script as a logotype.

However, the flower was Developing a logical system too spindly and intricate A typical identification system begins with a logo, typographic signature and color sys- to work across a variety tem. These are then adapted to a range of collateral items from letterhead to signage. In of media. This led us to propose a solution where this case Aloha’s system was to evolve from the most visible piece, the jet. the flower would be used as We organized the airplane graphics into three categories: typographic, picto- a promotional graphic and rial and color based. the script as a logo. After considerable exploration, we reviewed the options with the client and decided to By using the three elements use the Aloha script as a logotype, the flower as a promotional graphic motif, and the in different combinations we could adapt to most three main colors as the brand color system. situations while building a lively, consistent identity.

 Aloha Airgroup: Build an Identity System based on the New Livery Graphics Info Grafik

The ground support vehicles were designed to mimic the livery, and the flexible graphic system was consistently applied to everything from baggage carts to fuel trucks.

The tail flower from the jet in use as a promotional graphic on a ticket jacket and timetable. The variations on this theme are endless.

The design for the Aloha signage system. The solid blue background sends an organized and elegant tropical signal, appropriate to Aloha’s leadership position.

At the top, the Aloha logotype is shown in a signature format devised for most airline marketing uses. Below, the logotype is adapted for various divisions of the parent company.

 Aloha Airgroup: Build an Identity System based on the New Livery Graphics Info Grafik

The executive club was renamed Suite 737 after the new jets. This sign combines a sculpted flower in five colors and polished brass typography to evoke an elegant executive sensibility.

The Primary Sign Aloha felt it was important to welcome its customers with a sign that demonstrates its leadership posi- tion and reflects confidence in providing passengers with premium service. This sixteen foot long sign at International Airport is designed with raised letters and a sculpted flower. The letterhead system was designed to help build awareness of the new brand identity.

The Aloha identity system was rolled out From parking lot to jetway, a consistent signage program over a three to four year period as part of helps build the brand. the natural cycle of refurbishment and replacement.

 Island Air: Build an Identity System based on the New Livery Graphics Info Grafik

Aside from the name, the only noticeable difference in Islands Air’s identity We used Aloha’s livery design and system is a white background for signage and promotional materials contrasting with Aloha’s dark blue. This lets Island Air share the strength of produced an Island Air logotype to Aloha’s more prominent identity but also provides a bit of distinction. mimic Aloha’s stylized letterforms.

The tail flower on the ticket jacket and timetable with a white background.

A more economical approach used in less prominent areas of the airport.