Pink Salmon in the Barents Region
Pink salmon in the Barents region With special attention to the status in the transboundary rivers Tana and Neiden, rivers in North West Russia and in East Canada Niemelä, E.1), Johansen, N.2), Zubchenko, A.V.3), Dempson, J.B. 4), Veselov, A. 5) Ieshko, E.P. 5), Barskaya, Yu. 5), Novokhatskaya, O.V. 5), Shulman, B.S. 6), Länsman, M.1), Hassinen, E.1), Kuusela, J.1), Haantie, J.1), Kylmäaho, M.1), Kivilahti, E., Arvola K-M.7) and Kalske, T.H. (ed.)8) Office of the Finnmark County Governor Department of Environmental Affairs Report 3 – 2016 The REPORTs from the Office of the Finnmark County Governor, Department of Environmental Affairs presents results from different works relevant for and under the governance of the mentioned department. The main aim is to document and to disseminate information on important environmental issues to a broader audience. We highlight that all authors/ contributors in this report are themselves responsible for their own conclusions and evaluations. ISSN 0800-2118 Report no. 3-2016 is mainly published on the internet under “miljø og klima‟ and “Rapportserie‟. Hard copies are produced after request. Printing/ layout: Fylkesmannen i Finnmark For more information concerning this publication contact: Fylkesmannen i Finnmark Miljøvernavdelinga Statens hus 9815 VADSØ Cover photo: Two pink salmon caught in the river Neiden with käpälä-seine method. The silvery pink has just arrived into the river and the a little brownish pink has been in the river c. 1-2 weeks. Photo Eero Niemelä 1) Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), the River Teno Research Station, Utsjoki, Finland 2) Tanavassdragets Fiskeforvaltning (TF), Tana, Norway 3) Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), Murmansk, Russia 4) Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science, County and Environmental Branch, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada 5) Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia 6) Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.
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