Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fish Caught in Swedish Water Areas Or Kept for Sale in Sweden, 1967 - 1970

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Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fish Caught in Swedish Water Areas Or Kept for Sale in Sweden, 1967 - 1970 • FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No. 1934 Levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish caught in Swedish water areas or kept for sale in Sweden, 1967 - 1970 by Gunnel Westoo and Koidu Noren Original title: Klorpesticid-och polyklorbifenylhalter i fisk fangad i. svenska vatten eller saluford i Sverige 1967 - 1970 From: Var foda (Our Food), (9-10): 94-146 1970 Translated by the Translation Bureau( EJH) Foreign Languages Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada Pacific Environmnent Institute West Vancouver, B. C. 1971 39 pages typescript J • pEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS ' FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DES LANGUES DIVISION "7:7" ÉTRANGÈRES TRANSLATED FROM - TRADUCTION DE INTO - EN -Swedish EnFlish AUTHOR - AUTEUR West18.8, Gunnel and Nerén, TITL E IN ENGLISH - TITRE ANGLAIS LEVELS OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES AND POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS . IN FISH CAUGHT IN SWEDISH WATERS OR KEPT FOR SALE IN SWEDEN 1967-70 .Title in . foreign language (transliterate foreign characters) Ylorpesticid- och nolyklorbifenyitslter j fisk fangnd svenska vatten eller saluferd i Sverige 1967-1970 RVFÇRENCE IN FOREIGN 1„ANGUA9E (NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHAIRACTERS. REFERENCE EN LANGUE ETRANGERE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET. TRANSCRIRE EN•CARACTERES PHONÉTIQUES. Vgr fee l Fôdamneshygieniska Wdelnin7en, Vitaminavdelningen,.. • Staténs Institut for - FolkbMisnn. hEFERENCE IN ENGLISH RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS Food Hygiene Dept./Vitamin Dent. Our Food 3-bate Institute for Public Ilealth PUBLISH ER EDITEUR PAGE,NUMIIIERS IN ORIGINAL DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMEROS DES PAGES DANS DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL 93 - 146 YE(IIR ISSUE NO. VOLUME ANNEE NUMÉrto PLACE OF PUBLICATION• NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION HOMBRE DE PAGES DACTY LOGRAPHIEES. Stockholm . 1970 9 - lq 39 REQUEeTING DEPARTMENT Inviron‘surnt TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 0970 MIN ISTERE•CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER N9 FAH BRANCH OR DIVISION %sine Inviranaent Institute TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALESI PERSON pm:NESTING; D. I.A.J. Thospson DATE COMPLETED DEMANDE PAR ACHEVÉ. LE NOv .1 8 19 71 --lanceuvrri YOUR NUMBER 760-Z8-14 VOT R E DOSSI ER N 9 • rcr DATE OF REQUEST Oct. 14, 1971 TI-ZAZ.);C* i•ICN R v ; DATE DE L A DEMANDE • _44 501.200-10.6 (NEV. 2/118) •• , 41•10,011L,, , F•lee .‘e" r,,Cre,'"S",..grartiet1 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT t TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DIVISION DES LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES CANADA CLIENTS NO. DEPARTMENT DI VISI ON/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTERE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE 769-18-14 Environment Pacific Environment Vancouver, B. Institute BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) DATE N° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) 0970 Swedish EJH NOV 1 3 1971 „Levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls. in fish caught in Swedish water areas or kept for sale in Sweden, 1967-197 0 by Gunite! Wester and Koidu Norén The levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) were determined in about 1 000 fish from lakes, rivers and seas. Lean fish usus. 11; showed low levels of these con- taminants. Fat fish had higher levels of PCB, dieldrirk, and DDT, including the metabolites DDE and DDD, than other foods of animal origin. Cod liver can -have very high levels of these Com- pounds. In Sweden the use of organochlorine pesticides has been reduced to a minimum. It is 1 desirable that the other Baltic countries should follow suit and that also the pollution with PCB 1 should be restrained. 1 Fish caught st different places in Sweden and alào fish bought in Stockholm stores were tested for their levels of chlorinated pesticides and polychlori- nated biphenyls (PCB) with the aid of thin-layer chroma- tography and also employing gas chromatograPhy using the electron capture detector. The method has been described in Acta Chemica Scandinavida (1, 2) and in Vgr Fbcla (3). The gas chromatograph column was filled,with a mixture of equal parts of 10% DC 200 and 15% QF 1 deposited on 80- 100 mesh. Chromosorb W or Gas-Chrom Q. I o In the p es chroffiatogram of polychlorinated bi- , C11 phenyls each peak represents several isoMers as well as 0 - e mixture of compounds having different chlorine• contents. Various tests of .these compounds may show different pro- 1-- r.: 0 portions which may differ from the ratios'present in the C3 io standard used. The electron capture detector may show :71 0 tJ tà... C.) b 70(1-10-31 2. variable sensitivity for tbe different compounds in a peak. This rèsults in some • .uncertainty in PCB analyses. The question of sample'selection. is discussed in Vbr Ftida 21 (1969) p. 20. Sampling W8S based on a homo- Fenate of the fish meat. In the case of small fish such as Baltic herring à whole filet including skin was bomb- genized; in the case of large fish such as cod,10. grams of the fish meat wes removed from the back of each fish. When deepfrozen filets were tested the Whole package was- homogenized. in sil cases 10 grams of the hOmogenate was• subjected to analysis. The lévels . of chlorinated pesticides and PCB found are s-rown in Tables 1 - 9 as well es in Figures 1 - 4. In Table 1 the places of catch have been arranged around the coast of Sweden starting . at Haparanda and ending in northern Bobuslbn. In Table 2 tes e- have been ordered according to province from south to north and within each province in alphabetical order according to the place of catch. The catching places are indicated in Maps 1 and 2. In Table 3 > tests on fish bought in Stockholm general stores have been collected and arranFed alphabetically according to species. Table 4 shows the dieldrin levels in fish from Viskan Hgggan - Store Hglsen - Klosterfjord. In Table 5 are given the chlorinated pesticide and PCB levels of cod liver and cod roe. Tables 6 - 9 show the chlorinated pesticide and PCB distributions at different levels. .1n addition to chlorinated pesticide contents also tests for É?.-3HC I nentachlorbenzene, hexachlorbenzene and pentachlornibrobenzene have been carried out. Yellow eel from the Göta River estuary and from Rlvsborgsfjord and whitefish:from the Kattfjord were found to contain hexa- and pentachlorbenzene. • Chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated bi- phenyls are ft solilble but lack reactive groups to bond • 3. them to proteins. They therefore accumulate in the fat- producin pert (of the fis). The tables show that fat fish such es eel, salon end herring (including "altic 1. 2) herrin g ) havin 25, 15, 1 0 and 7 1 fnt respectivel con— tain higher lewil.s. of these contaminants thon in low fat fish such n53 salmon—trout and whitefish (about 3 fat). Leen fish such as pike, perch, cod and haddock , (<fl% f? -0 7enera11y- have much lower levels of chlorinated pesticides and PCP 2 The FAO/WHO Committee .on pesticides bas suFFested (6) the followinF maximum acceptable intake of chlorinated -Pesticides .(16.12.1968). Peticide. r117./kG_body weibt per day. • Dieldrin 0.0601 DDT, DDE and DDD (together) 0,01 Lindane 0.0125 The 1i7ure 0,01 for the DDT Froup will probably be lowered to 0.005. In the -following calculations this lower level has been usec'.. A 70 kg Person'accordingly hns a maximum. allowable intake cf 0.007 mF dieldrin, 0.35 mg, DDT±DDE+ DDD and 0.87 mg lindane. In the consumption of 150 gr. fish per dey (a rether high consumption average for I) Accordirp; to His En;lesty's .roclamation 17.6.48 (SFS. 312/148) only hein F caught in the Baltic or the , Botbnian Gulf end then taken ashore at the coast can be called "str8mminF".(Foi. herring taken ashore on the S'Ane coast the name "str8mming" is unusual; on the other hand north of Kalmar the name "sill" is rarely used). 2) The fat levels indicated are taken from Ernst Abram- son's Cdst Table (4) with exception of Baltic herring whose fat level is quoted from Vr F8de 1968 No. 10 (5) The variation in fat content within , a species can be quite 1ar, 7e. Fat levels less than hall or more then double the afcrementioned men levels have been recorded in some cases. LL ;3weden is about 30 7/day) it should contain at the most 0.05 mg dildrin/k., 2.3. m7 DDTA-DDE+DDD/kE nnd 5.8 mg lindnne per k7 in order not to exceed the daily allowable intake of chlorinnted Pesicides If we compare thé chlorinated nesticide levels in fish given in the tables we.see that for most fish thè pet'cide levels are conside- rably'lowr than the nbove limits. Fat fish however can show . high levels. It,is of interest to note that most of the • other foods basic to sustainin7 life contribute usually only slightly to the daily intake of chlorinnted pesticides and PCE (3,8). • in respect to individual pesticides it iS observed that lindnne and -BHC cntents nre very low in both fat and lean fish. The lindnne level is *less than 0.04 mg/kg rish meat •which is less than one hundredth part of the . 'hypothetical limit .L 5.8 miP7 lindane per kg. Lindane is used only in limited amounts in Sweden as a Pesticide. Dieldrin contents especially in fat fish are some- times hi7her than theglypothetical permissible limit of 0.05 mF dieldrin per kir. The use of dieldrdn and aldrin . (which lalPr is transformed by living or7anisms to dieldrin). has been •banned in Sweden by the Pollution Board since jan.
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