Regenerating the Scholendriehoek Amsterdam West P1 Report Tom Rijvers|4032535 7 January 2012

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Regenerating the Scholendriehoek Amsterdam West P1 Report Tom Rijvers|4032535 7 January 2012 1 REGENERATING THE SCHOLENDRIEHOEK research report AMSTERDAM WEST P1 REPORT Thesis plan & TOM RIJVERS | 4032535 7 JANUARY 2012 2 research report Thesis plan & 3 research report REGENERATING THE SCHOLENDRIEHOEK Thesis plan & Thesis plan and research report Graduation project Msc3 RMIT Mixed projects 2012/2013 Student: Tom Rijvers | 4032535 Oudstraat 22 5103 MN Dongen 06 44 195 360 [email protected] Tutors: Ir.W.L.E.C.Meijers Ir.W.Willers Ir.F.W.A.Koopman 4 research report Thesis plan & “Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must come from old buildings” Jane Jacobs, 1960 CONTENT 5 1. INTRODUCTION 6 Personal motivation 6 Project 6 Mixed projects studio 7 research report 2. AIMS OF THE PROJECT 8-9 Project Location 8-9 Problem statement/Goal 10 Research Question 11 Thesis plan & 3. APPROACH OF RESEARCH 12 Research Method 12 Syntses 14 4. RESEARCH AREAS 14-30 Urban Analysis 14-19 Architectural Analysis 20-26 Buildingtechniology 27-30 5. RELEVANCE 31 Social 31 Scientific 31-32 6. SOURCES 33-34 7. TIME PLANNING 35 1. INTRODUCTION 6 PERSONAL MOTIVATION PROJECT In early 2011, I attended a lecture by The research by design concentrates on ous grades of architecture and urbanism, Joost Beunderman on the Spontaneous the urban, architectural and technical as- construction and the interior. Implementa- City (part of Urhahn Urban Design). Beun- pects involved in the growing need for the tion strategies must also be developed for research report derman presented the book “Compendi- preservation and transformation of build- ethical, aesthetic, intangible and technical um for the civic economy. Since then the ings, including those of cultural signifi- improvement. The design concentrates book has never left me. cance. The first step in the methodology on the incorporation of the starting points The book is about 25 trailblazers how the applied concerns the conclusion in a value from your research and you will focus on Thesis plan & current time (crisis) can be handled with assessment of the the urban planning, ar- all levels of scale from urban implementa- the limited space and resources. chitectural and technical analysis of exist- tion, architectural design and technologi- ing buildings and ensembles, especially of cal design (structure, use of materials and Reusing existing buildings can fill the lim- categories and areas affected by radical installations). In the RMIT Graduation Stu- ited space and resources. This reuse is renewal and ageing processes. Particular dio, you have to be able to develop the what I think is interesting. The RMIT grad- attention is paid to the relevant values as synthesis necessary to respond effective- uation project fits well with this topic. As regards architectural history and the vari- ly to the brief defined by yourself.1 an architect, you have the opportunity to develop social initiatives into a sustainable way for the future. 1.source: Digital Study Guide Information/ RMIT Graduation Studio: Conservation-Modification-Intervention-Transformation MIXED PROJECT STUDIO 7 All projects of the studio “Mixed Projects” are located in Amsterdam West in the area at the North of the ‘De Clerqstraat’ and the ‘Jan van Galenstraat’, at the South research report of ‘’t IJ’, at the West of the ‘Nassaukade’ and at the East of the ‘Einsteinweg’ (A10). PROJECTS: Thesis plan & 1. Hotel at the Westergasfabriek 2. Pink concrete office building 3. Scholendriehoek and Elsevier building 4. Complex R.K. St. Josephkerk 5. Houthavens area redevelopment 6. Haarlemmerpoort (Willemspoort) 7. Foodcenter area redevelopment 8. Project X 2. AIMS OF THE PROJECT 8 PROJECT LOCATION De Scholendriehoek is located in the north- School). In relation to these buildings is working, learning and leisure. ern part of the district Bos en Lommer. The an integral vision of the area developed in A10, Sara Burgerhartstraat and Wiltzang- which the School Hendrick de Keyser, the De Scholendriehoek is adjacent to the research report hlaan bound the area. It is a green zone building of the community center and the neighbourhood Bosleeuw Midden. The built in the post war reconstruction, in this Schaffelaar Multatuli School are included. proposed large-scale housing renewal triangle there are four different schools. In In the months of November 2010 to April plans of the fifties housing blocks are no the early sixties arose an eleven-storey of- 2011, the Overleggroep Herontwikkeling longer achievable because of the crisis. Thesis plan & fice building as a headquarters for pub- Scholendriehoek (OHS) examined pos- Postponement of these plans makes the lisher Elsevier. In the current area are eight sible reuse scenarios’ for de Scholendrie- intensifying and upgrading of the real es- buildings (including a temporary emergen- hoek with accent on a rezoning of the El- tate in De Scholendriehoek more impor- cy building) including three buildings suf- sevier building. Research shows that de tant. fer (full or partial) vacancy. Commissioned Scholendriehoek has specific and special New features can provide a concrete qual- by the West district and with the support qualities, but these are only partially uti- ity of the entire area of de Scholendrie- of an Impulse Budget of the Ministry of lized. By a well-coordinated strategy for hoek. 2 WWI (Housing, Communities and Integra- reuse of existing property and intensifica- tion) is a new development plan for eco- tion of the programming significant steps nomic and social functions for the three can be put to improve the quality of life in main “buildings” of de Scholendriehoek. and around de Scholendriehoek. Eventu- The focus is on the Elsevier building and ally de Scholendriehoek can change into the former ROC (formerly Daniel Cheap a lively area with a balanced mix of living, 2 source: Eindrapportage Herontwikkelingsplan Scholendriehoek 9 research report Thesis plan & photo: aerial view Scholendriehoek, from left to right in the spotlight: the Elsevier building, Hendrick de Keyser School, the Schaffelaar, Multatuli School and vml. ROC / Daniel Goedkoopschool 10 PROBLEM STATEMENT/GOAL De Scholendriehoek has in its urban lay- number of problems; including insecurity New features are of added value to the out something of an enclave in the city. and limited social cohesion. In de Scho- quality of life of Bosleeuw-midden and de This is a potentially area where residents, lendriehoek are a number of organizations Gulden Winckelbuurt. research report businesses men, school children, visitors that are housed intensively engaged in se- and users can come together in different curity and positive participation of young places and activities to meet. Because of people, such as Connect Foundation, the the many green, the protective perimeter Multatuli School and in the near future, Thesis plan & development and the relative no traffic- the social debate centre. It is important movement the triangle is a quite haven to improve the links between these orga- near the busy urban hubs of Teleport, nizations in order to achieve a common Admiral Ruyterweg and the Bos en Lom- approach to social issues. This applies merplein. Furthermore it is the area at the not only to the above organizations, but intersection of two major spatial axes: the also for future tenants in the three main creative radial west and the north-south buildings. Upgrading de Scholendriehoek route along the area of the A10. De Scho- must be considered as a joint mission. lendriehoek may start functioning as an important link between these areas. The aim is to replace the existing property and give a new meaning to the neighbour- In the coming years is important to make hood. Residents still look expectantly to use of these qualities. The area also has a the Elsevier building and the former ROC. RESEARCH QUESTION 11 To what extent can the buildings in the scholendriehoek contribute to a more social environment in the Amsterdam district Bos en Lommer? research report Thesis plan & SUB RESEARCH QUESTION - What is /was the relation between the buildings? - What is/was the relation between de Scholendriehoek and th neighborhood? - What are the qualities of this area - What is the social environment? - What are the qualities of each building? - In what way can the collaborate? - What is the quality of the public space? - What is the relation with Amsterdam? 3. APPROACH OF RESEARCH 12 RESEARCH METHOD The first semester is roughly divided into two pe- the buildings and an old caretaker of Hendrick de For the architectural analysis, the group again riods. The first period consists of analyzing the Keyser School. The obtained information consist divided into smaller groups for the specific proj- project location and the second part consists of notes, photographs and sketches. ect sites to analyze. This analysis consists of an of a design assignment. However, as with every examination of a building or buildings and the research report design challenge is inconceivable that research During subsequent visits, I visited the Amster- immediate surroundings. The groups consist- and design do not occur simultaneously. During dam archives and the archives of the Amsterdan ed of 2 to 3 persons each analyzed a building. the analysis, the first design ideas emerged and West district. These archives have a rich collec- The group I worked with studied the area of ‘de vise versa. To get a grip on both the analysis and tion of drawings of the buildings with in the proj- Scholendriehoek’. the design specification, analysis methods and ect location. For the third analysis, I have made an analysis re- Thesis plan & design methodologies are of great importance. garding to the Building Technology of the Daniel For literature I have visited the NAI and the library Goedkoopschool. This school is one of the five The first step of the analysis I started collecting of the Technical University of Delft. The literature buildings in the triangle schools.
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