Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Annexe 5. Éléments d’interprétation du topic model

L’interprétation d’un topic model consiste à donner un titre, ou plutôt un sujet, à chaque thème produit. Pour cela, nous avons employé deux méthodes. D’abord, nous examinons la distribution des termes dans les thèmes. Chaque thème est en effet définit par la probabilité de présence de chacun des termes du corpus dans ce thème. Un thème définit par une forte surreprésentation de “Tesla”, “Uber”, “car” et “self-driving” peut ainsi être considéré comme portant sur l’automobile. Pour mesurer la représentation d’un terme dans un thème, nous avons utilisé la métrique suivante. Soit la probabilité postérieure d’appartenance du terme i au topic k et la fréquence d’apparition du terme i dans le corpus.

Plus cette métrique est élevée et plus le terme est considéré comme représentatif du topic. Le paramètre a été fixé à 0,6. Compris entre 0 et 1, il permet de tempérer l’effet de l’inégale distribution des termes dans le corpus. Lorsqu’il vaut 0, la représentation du terme dans le thème est rapportée à sa représentation dans le corpus ; lorsqu’il vaut 1, la probabilité d’appartenance au thème est utilisée de façon brute. Plus lambda est élevé, et plus les termes les plus fréquents dans le corpus sont considérés comme représentatifs de chaque thème. Ensuite, pour interpréter les thèmes, nous examinons les documents les plus fortement associés à chaque thème. Cette méthode est peu utile dans le cas ou les topic models sont employés sur des corpus constitués de documents très longs, car chaque document peut alors être considéré comme un mélange d’un grand nombre de thèmes. Mais dans notre cas, la taille réduite des documents (moins de 140 caractères chacuns) associés à un paramètre alpha très faible tend à assigner à chaque document un thème fortement surreprésenté. En examinant les documents du corpus les plus typiques de chaque thème, on peut donc trouver des indices de sa signification. L’interprétation tient donc compte à la fois des mots les plus surreprésentés dans le thème et des tweets les plus fortement associés au thème. Or, les thèmes dégagés ne sont pas strictement homogènes : on aimerait bien entendu reconstituer précisément les modalités d’écriture des documents du corpus et identifier clairement quels termes évoquent l’intelligence artificielle et quels autres le cloud, mais nous ne disposons que d’une estimation imparfaite. De ce fait, nos interprétations ne sont pas parfaitement ajustées. Si nous nommons un thème, cela ne signifie pas que l’ensemble des messages dans lequel ce thème est majoritaire portent exclusivement, voire même principalement, sur ce thème. De même, certains des termes les plus fréquents ne vont pas forcément dans le sens de l’interprétation proposée. Notre interprétation signifie que nous avons considéré tous deux que la plupart des messages et la plupart des termes pouvaient être interprétés ainsi. Par souci de transparence, nous fournissons dans cette annexe l’ensemble des résultats employés pour l’interprétation. Il convient de garder à l’esprit que, comme nous le décrivons dans la section précédente, les messages présentés ici ont été transformé avant de passer à l’analyse, notamment par la suppression de la ponctuation, des chiffres, et des stopwords. Ainsi, le document « I wrote this a

1 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021. year ago. Still relevant for 2017, I believe » est present dans le modèle sous la forme « wrote year ago still relevant believe ». Nous conservons la forme originale des messages dans ce document pour plus de lisibilité. Une fois les 60 thèmes interprétés, nous les avons rassemblés par catégories en procédant par rapprochement sémantique. Nous avons catégorisé ensemble les thèmes dont nous pouvions faire l’hypothèse, en regardant les messages les plus caractéristiques, que ces messages visaient à accomplir le même type d’action (informer sur la politique ; faire de la veille sur l’industrie du numérique ; mettre en scène son capital social…). La description de ces grandes catégories est présente dans le Tableau 1 de l’article. D’autres types de classification statistiques ont été tentés (ACP et CAH sur le tableau des probabilités postérieures, et algorithme de Louvain sur un réseau de coocurrence des thèmes) mais ne sont pas apparu probant. Cela ne préjuge pas de l’intérêt d’utiliser de telles classifications dans les approches par topic model, mais tient aux particularités de notre corpus (documents très courts). Nous présentons ci-dessous la liste détaillée des thèmes avec leurs interprétations. Le Tableau 1 donne la liste détaillée des 60 thèmes avec leur interprétation, ainsi que leur distribution en tant que thème majoritaire dans le corpus. Les thèmes sont numérotés de façon arbitraire par l’algorithme, et trié ici par grande catégorie.

Tableau 1. Tri à plat des thèmes issus du topic model, avec leur interprétation

Thème Messages Proportion t15 Business: Achievements 1110 1.81% t37 Business: Customer relationship, customer experience 886 1.44% t53 Business: Decisions, bad, good 915 1.49% t33 Business: Disruption, Innovation 855 1.39% t43 Business: Fundings, 1038 1.69% t16 Business: Hiring 1047 1.70% t07 Business: lawsuits 989 1.61% t48 Business: Leadership, empathy at work 947 1.54% t49 Business: Marketing, content, audience 758 1.23% t23 Business: Motivation, self, inspiration 1290 2.10% t12 Business: Rounds, Silicon Valley 1492 2.43% t31 Business: Social business, strategies 1005 1.63% t55 Business: Startup culture 940 1.53% t50 Business: Support, thanks, kuddos 882 1.43% t20 Business:Management, careers 1295 2.11% t27 Media: annoucements 791 1.29% t45 Media: Interview, keynote, presentation 1139 1.85% t35 Media: Interview, Podcasts , contents 917 1.49% t17 Media: News (Weather, movies) 1186 1.93% t34 Media: Questions, answers, audience community 812 1.32% t51 Media: Book release 890 1.45% t47 Media: interview annoucement 1050 1.71%

2 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

t41 Media: Thanks, followers, trips 851 1.38% t03 Media: TV, SharkTank 1363 2.22% t38 Media: events, talks, conferences 1020 1.66% t21 Personal: Celebrations, birthdays 1000 1.63% t18 Personal: Food, drinks, culture 1053 1.71% t08 Personal: Music, family 1225 1.99% t25 Personal: Sports, win 1015 1.65% t58 Personal: travels, airports 799 1.30% t06 Philo: Interesting piece (ideas, theories) 1338 2.18% t60 Philo: Lessons, learning, observations 768 1.25% t13 Philo: Normative words (congrats, tips) 1254 2.04% t32 Philo: Right or wrong, real or fake, filter 1152 1.87% t39 Philo: Setting goals 1006 1.64% t56 Philo: Stories (of great people) 731 1.19% t22 Politics: Diversity, gender, pay 1085 1.76% t14 Politics: Education, schools, institutions 1256 2.04% t46 Politics: Health care, public administration 848 1.38% t24 Politics: Income, inequalities 916 1.49% t04 Politics: Sexual harassement, rape 1187 1.93% t44 Politics: Trump, immigration, religion, tolerance 893 1.45% t10 Politics: Trump, russia 1390 2.26% t36 Politics: US election, Donald Trump , populism 1057 1.72% t57 Tech: Apps, platforms 815 1.33% t52 Tech: Big data, deep learning, Artificial intelligence 885 1.44% t54 Tech: Bitcoin 638 1.04% t42 Tech: cars (self-driving, Tesla) 899 1.46% t02 Tech: Devices, hardware, smartphones 1302 2.12% t26 Tech: future 980 1.59% t59 Tech: Health, biotech 723 1.18% t19 Tech: infrastructure, Cloud 933 1.52% t30 Tech: Intelligence, IA 927 1.51% t11 Tech: Retail, broadcast, Amazon 1157 1.88% t05 Tech: Security, privacy 1110 1.81% t09 Tech: Social media, FB 1290 2.10% t29 Tech: Space exploration, launch 957 1.56% t28 Time: Time markers 1103 1.79% t01 Time: Time passing 1430 2.33% t40 Time: Today, day 893 1.45% Total 61483 100.00%

Enfin, la section suivante présente pour chaque thème les indicateurs employés pour son interprétation, à savoir les 20 termes ainsi que les 10 documents les plus représentatifs de ce thème. La réprésentativité des termes est mesurée par la métrique définie plus haut. Les thèmes sont présentés dans l’ordre arbitraire de leur numérotation.

3 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 1 : Time: Time passing Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 1 : years, ago, year, last, old, months, yrs, since, days, time, two, almost, three, past, month, took, next, decade, still, half, learned, hours, long, started, nearly, billion, changed, weeks, yr, five

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 1 Beta Message Usager 0.73 Alibaba+breaks+last+year+Singles+Day+record+in+half+the+time+ geoff_yang 0.72 Americans spent $70BB/year on lottery tickets (avg of $300 per adult per auren year) … and they get back 53% in winnings 0.72 Six years since I visited the West Bank/Israel last. So much has changed Joi but so much is the same. 0.70 Paralyzed from the neck down…He made half a million dollars in 9 jaltucher months… (writing). 0.70 Can’t believe that it is two years since #livewhatyoulove arrived in NaomiSimson bookstores … still… 0.67 I wrote this a year ago. Still relevant for 2017, I believe dylan20 0.67 if you really look closely most overnight successes took a long time - PeterGuber #stevejobs 0.67 We’ve come a long way since the first HIV test was invented 30 years ago: BillGates 0.67 Hard to remember those days! How many pictures you take on the average Bill_Gross day now? 0.67 Constitutional amendments are hard. The last one took 203 years: 27th Caterina Amdt introduced in 1789 approved in 1992.

4 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 2 : Tech: Devices, hardware, smartphones Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 2 : apple, iphone, phone, google, pro, , watch, new, camera, feature, samsung, mac, vr, siri, TIM_COOK, echo, smart, android, ios, device, screen, battery, apple’s, windows, phones, google’s, verge, touch, , laptop

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 2 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Apple Microphone and the very first , both circa 1990 chrisfralic Taken on an iPhone 6 (with a headphone jack) 0.77 There should be an app for my phone to check if my laptop screen is mlevchin unlocked, lock, and unlock it from remote. Is there one? 0.77 Unpacking in my new apartment, found the prototype hardware that we plibin used to design Evernote for iPad back in 2010. 0.75 Got demo of tetherless VR from @VRStudios, designed for enterprise use charleneli cases. Also G8 for blasting zombies! 0.75 Somehow I lost my AirPods case (like a dummy, I know). But still have johnolilly the 2 AirPods. Anyone lost their pods want to sell me a case? 0.75 The set at @TWiT where I’ll be hanging for the next hour with philosophygeek @leolaporte on some sweet Restoration Hardware chairs 0.73 Apple PowerCD player, circa 1993 Taken on an iPhone 6 Plus (with a chrisfralic headphone jack) 0.73 The Echo Show’s killer feature is next-level FaceTime via @Verge // stevesi intercom feature (like Yi camera) 0.73 My laptop got nuked and had to erase everything. What are the first 5-10 tferriss applications I should install? Also: Chrome or Safari and why? 0.73 I had already switched to Windows 10 on my MacBook. Now will also wadhwa abandon Apple hardwa…

5 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 3 : Media: TV, SharkTank Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 3 : sharktank, tonight, abcsharktank, wait, season, see, show, tank, deal, back, kevinolearytv, tweeting, pitch, mcuban, episode, SHARK_TANK, ready, abc, friday, lorigreiner, beyondthetank, barbaracorcoran, fans, watching, deals, sharks, special, love, wonderful, shark

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 3 Beta Message Usager 0.80 #STOPTHEMADNESS! @jimmykimmel is hitting the #SharkTank kevinolearytv for a second time tonight… What he going to bring this time? Horse Pants 2.0? 0.79 Congrats to @ABCSharkTank for being the #1 show on Friday Night mcuban for the 6th week in a row !!! @TheSharkDaymond @LoriGreiner @kevinolearytv 0.77 Thank you for live tweeting this exciting #SharkTank episode with BarbaraCorcoran me! See you next week @ABCSharkTank 0.77 Today the day!!! Who’s watching the season premiere of kevinolearytv @ABCSharkTank tonight and live tweeting with me?! #SharkTank #Season7 0.77 15 mins til a brand new episode of @ABCSharkTank! Who going to kevinolearytv feel the wrath of Mr. Wonderful tonight!? 0.77 excited for the Season # 8 premier of @ABCSharkTank - hard to robertherjavec believe it has been 8 Seasons - thank u to our incredible fans !!! 0.75 when I see Friday coming and I know it time for #SharkTank ! all new robertherjavec episode tomorrow at 9/8C 0.75 #SharkTank fans, I’m back in the Tank this week taping Season 9, and TheSharkDaymond I’m letting YOU pick my looks. Which should I… 0.74 Thanks for tweeting along #SharkTank fans! Try @bubbasq60 Baby TheSharkDaymond Back Rib Burger at @CarlsJr @Hardees starting April 26. 0.73 10 mins until a brand new episode of @ABCSharkTank ! Who live kevinolearytv tweeting with me? #SharkTank #SharkTankNation

6 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 4 : Politics: Sexual harassement, rape Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 4 : house, white, man, room, guy, sexual, red, wear, blue, color, wall, one, dance, door, harassment, full, baby, shirt, dark, shoes, black, easter, went, got, wearing, victim, standing, lines, sxsw, stuck

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 4 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Old chrome car handle and lock #rust #chrome #car #door #red #lock #handle mjskok #round #shiny 0.75 “I’m one of the 3 women who went on the record to expose Justin’s sexual ginab harassment.” — Niniane Wang 0.73 Is there a throw your hands up in the air & flip table emoji? Cause this is nuts dpatil 0.73 I went fishing and caught … a snapping turtle. This man helped me remove fmanjoo the turtle. 0.73 incapacitated (drugged) rape is a large part of campus sexual assault. -director JulesHanna of #TheHuntingGround 0.70 one of the more absurd threads i’ve been part of inside @jonteo astounding sarahcuda victim syndrome as being pushed by pals 0.67 we shouldn’t be telling women don’t get raped , we need to be telling men JulesHanna don’t rape #TheHuntingGround 0.67 This is the America I migrated to and proudly call my home. And yes, I love wadhwa Superman. :) 0.67 You can dance if you want to: There going to be a huge queer dance protest karaswisher outside of Ivanka Trump’s house # 0.67 Just an observation: after we published this we noticed white vans outside my sarahcuda house again bet they’re gone now

7 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 5 : Tech: Security, privacy Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 5 : privacy, security, data, cybersecurity, hacking, law, protect, forum, hipaa, cyber, danielsolove, futureofprivacy, information, protection, eu, cartoon, training, info, ftc, breach, access, issues, defense, safe, gdpr, ransomware, personal, harbor, infosec, phishing

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 5 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Interested in privacy + security issues? Please join my Privacy and Data DanielSolove Security LinkedIn Group:… 0.77 HIPAA AUDIT PROTOCOL CHECKLIST - free chart with info HHS will DanielSolove look for – searchable and editable… 0.77 Interested in privacy+security issues? Please join my Privacy & Security DanielSolove LinkedIn Group: 0.77 My LinkedIn HIPAA Privacy & Security Group - please join if interested: DanielSolove #HIPAA #privacy 0.77 PRIVACY+SECURITY FORUM – See 70 recorded sessions from 2016 DanielSolove event online: #privacy #infosec 0.77 Solving National Security Issues @Georgetown Hacking for Defense Info sgblank session Oct 19 4:15pm-White-Gravenor 311 0.77 Hundreds of speakers at Privacy+Security Forum (Oct 4-6,2017 in DC)? DanielSolove Register now – early bird rates end Aug 30!… 0.75 Please join my Privacy and Data Security LinkedIn Group: #privacy DanielSolove #cybersecurity 0.75 GDPR, BCR, and Privacy Shield Training Requirements FAQ #GDPR DanielSolove #PrivacyShield #privacy 0.75 Register soon for the Privacy+Security Forum. 100+ speakers + CLE + CPE DanielSolove credit available.

8 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 6 : Philo: Interesting piece (ideas, theories) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 6 : read, piece, article, nice, great, must, thoughtful, excellent, lunchtime, interesting, insightful, thread, re, essay, analysis, silicon, fascinating, written, leadership, via, newyorker, nytimes, worth, terrific, smart, response, important, column, reading, wrote

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 6 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Bridging the Disconnect between Leadership Theory and Practice via JeffreyPfeffer @stratandbiz #leadership Insightful interview 0.75 None more thoughtful on Iran than @washingtonpost @jrezaian. He/3 davidwkenny others jailed there must be released. #Iran 0.75 h can be Terrific responses to my Writing Tenure Review Letters essay, whic (re)read at… ericgoldman 0.75 It time to admit it: Silicon Valley has an honesty problem by @eringriffith wadhwa –this is an extremely important piece 0.73 The Dark Side issue of @TalentQuarterly ( has great writing on narcissism JeffreyPfeffer and other dark-side leadership aspects. 0.73 The Eternal Return of Unenlightened Despotism Great data & analysis of JeffreyPfeffer the role of fear in this election! 0.73 Have we created an unachievable myth of leadership? - via @FT U.K. JeffreyPfeffer take by Simon Caulkin 0.73 Nice to see @lyndagratton at #HRintheBoardroom. Time for Western SteveTappin CEOs to take in #100yearlife as well as #Brexit. 0.73 Powerful, insightful and broad interview with bill gates. Well worth a zachcoelius read. 0.72 Getting beyond the BS of leadership literature via @sharethis Some books JeffreyPfeffer that provide better insight on leadership

9 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 7 : Business: lawsuits Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 7 : post, blog, court, washington, law, case, supreme, patent, venkat, copyright, action, google, judge, guest, sex, lungcancer, trolls, lawsuit, search, goldmanlisa, ruling, issues, claims, gawker, decide, icymi, name, section, confirmation, act

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 7 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Blog Post: Q4 2014 & Q1 2015 Quick Links Part 7 (Consumer Reviews, ericgoldman RTBF, Defamation, Censorship, Sec. 230) 0.77 .@sfbar Ethics Opinion on how attorneys can respond to Yelp reviews ericgoldman Related post re doctors 0.75 Blog Post: Unfortunate Expansion of ’Failure to Warn’ Exception to ericgoldman Section 230–Beckman v. @match 0.75 In my latest blog post, I break down the implications of Google and PeterDiamandis Facebook latest acquisitions: 0.74 Blog Post: Plaintiffs’ Law Firm Can Reference Targeted Business’ Name ericgoldman In Ad Copy–McHugh Fuller v Pruitt #dilution 0.74 A new federal trade secret law would be a Big Deal. I’ve posted a primer ericgoldman and critique of the pending bills to SSRN 0.73 Blog Post: Court Beats Down Another Keyword Advertising Lawsuit– ericgoldman @BeastSports v @bpi_sports 0.73 Judge issues lengthy & scholarly opinion to explain why he didn’t order ericgoldman jailtime for child porn downloader 0.73 Amidst marriage & ACA, Supreme Court has (sorta) re-opened disparate zephoria impact. @iajunwa & @wilneidanegron explain: 0.73 ICYMI (buried on Xmas eve): Irony #1: Google sued Visa for antitrust ericgoldman violations Irony #2: Google picked ED Tex venue

10 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 8 : Personal: Music, family Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 8 : star, music, rip, movie, rock, king, wars, dr, made, love, hero, musical, son, teen, chris, johnson, also, jazz, party, martin, song, michael, prince, daughter, omg, hamilton, little, god, father, girl

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 8 Beta Message Usager 0.77 June 15, 1994: Disney releases The Lion King, animated musical with jbecher music by Elton John #OnThisDay 0.75 I’m playing Christmas music early, AND I AM NOT ASHAMED! 66B> benparr #NowPlaying A Holly Jolly Christmas by Lady Antebellum

11 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 9 : Tech: Social media, FB Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 9 : facebook, twitter, news, ad, snapchat, fb, instagram, fake, ads, via, twtr, messenger, users, feed, blocking, google, page, f8, whatsapp, account, sites, publishers, platform, digiday, network, advertising, videos, video, instant, advertisers

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 9 Beta Message Usager 0.80 2015: media sites flood your browser with crap ads 2017: media sites whine dylan20 at you to stop blocking their crap ads 0.80 FB continues to spread its wings. Mobile ad network test announced. Big zachcoelius move by FB. 0.79 Sheryl Sandberg on expanding outside advertising: beginning to JBoorstin experiment with other forms of monetization, Messenger, e-commerce #Facebook 0.77 Twitter Account of Journalist, Activist Hacked to Spread Fake News /via craignewmark @mathewi 0.75 Snapchat’s user growth accelerated in Q1: Up 8 million DAUs to 166 fromedome million. Stock tanking though.… 0.75 Gotta go? There’s an app for that: My latest on Airpnp and the explosive invoker new sharing economy via @WSJ 0.74 Guardian confirms it has stopped publishing its articles to Apple News and davewiner Facebook Instant Articles. (RSS works.) 0.73 Feed used to promote social games . For $FB the format itself is the content. jonsteinberg /1 0.73 Death by a thousand likes: How Facebook and Twitter are killing the open steverubel web - Quartz 0.73 Google News is getting its own carousel of AMP stories, and other AMP steverubel features in the works » Nieman Journalism Lab

12 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 10 : Politics: Trump, russia Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 10 : trump, russia, comey, president, fbi, cnn, obama, fox, news, putin, russian, house, flynn, white, investigation, administration, press, tweets, lies, secretary, firing, calls, donald, reporter, wapo, director, former, election, ties, russians

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 10 Beta Message Usager 0.79 WaPo: Flynn holds call with Pence amid calls for probes of contacts with davemcclure Russian ambassador 0.79 Even Vlad admits it: Putin Hints at U.S. Election Meddling by ’Patriotically karaswisher Minded’ Russians, via @nytimes 0.78 Sunday shows finally cover IRS scandal..maybe media will now focus on jack_welch clearing the air on this by forcing major investigation 0.77 White House Aide Makes False Claims on Voter Fraud via @politicalwire craignewmark 0.77 Trump Urges Spy Agencies to Lay Off Russia and Focus on Threat Posed davemcclure by Actresses via @BorowitzReport 0.77 Former FBI Director Robert Mueller appointed as special counsel to davewiner oversee Russia investigation. 0.77 FBI Comey confirms investigation of Russia meddling and potential hblodget Trump-Russia campaign ties 0.77 I said Tel Aviv, but never, you know … Trump: I never said ’Israel’ in karaswisher meeting w/Russians 0.77 Via the @NYTimes: Former C.I.A. Chief Reveals Mounting Concern Over kmin Trump Campaign and Russia 0.77 Trump flubs. Blame the media. Trump fails. Blame the media. Trump davepell humiliates himself an the US. Blame the media. (Hint: Blame Trump.)

13 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 11 : Tech: Retail, broadcast, Amazon Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 11 : amazon, buy, tv, netflix, amzn, retail, foods, stock, cable, ceo, stores, sell, streaming, dis, via, online, comcast, market, subscription, buying, apple, cbs, deal, goog, service, cap, buys, delivery, espn, price

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 11 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Hulu to Deliver Free TV Shows, Movies via Pluto TV Service ilyaNeverSleeps (Exclusive) via @Variety 0.80 Wow. Move aside fat cable bundles, move in streaming services and geoff_yang skinny OTT bundles. 0.79 Scoop by @DelRey AGAIN: Walmart is in advanced talks to acquire karaswisher online men’s retailer Bonobos via @Recode 0.77 eBay CEO @devinwenig says fraud is a non-issue on the site. Guessing fromedome he hasn’t tried to sell a MacBook recently. 0.77 Correction to prior Tweet: Market Cap, not revenues 2007 market cap: Bill_Gross Amazon - $15B Macy - $20B 2017 mkt cap: Amazon - $451B Macy’s - $7B 0.75 Comcast Plans to Drop Time Warner Cable Deal - Bloomberg Business FrankEliason 0.75 HBO says Internet subscription service HBO Now is not a cannibal geoff_yang August 05 - CNNMoney 0.75 Im doing my part to keep viewing time up for Adian Americans! TV geoff_yang Viewers Up Overall Screen Time, Online Video 0.74 Movie theaters arent going anywhere, survived TV/VCR/cable/etc you NeilBlumenthal have a kitchen & you still go to restaurants @BRUCKHEIMERJB #GSInnovators 0.74 Tesco Promises More Price Cuts As Profits Drop 6% - It crunch time for SteveTappin CEO Philip Clarke @clarkepatesco #CEO

14 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 12 : Business: Rounds, Silicon Valley Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 12 : congrats, team, proud, excited, congratulations, huge, launch, big, partner, awesome, named, deserved, super, thrilled, announce, see, award, welcome, kudos, twilio, year, work, cc, great, cool, launching, felicisventures, amazing, list, bessemervp

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 12 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Big news from #BVPfunded @twilio announcing new vid product! Congrats bdeeter @jeffiel @ottk @twilio It awesome @BessemerVP 0.80 .@Accel just closed a $2b fund. See the 9 thesis waves. Huge congrats to my invoker friend & board member @ryanjsweeney 0.79 Congrats to @Counsyl selected among 50 smartest companies this year by asenkut MIT @techreview - in great company 0.77 Huge congrats to @SoundHound on $75M raise & to continue building a asenkut massive platform for conversational AI 0.75 Thrilled to welcome @SocialCP & @mamoonha to @ClearSlide team; and bdeeter for @BessemerVP to re-up big in the $50m round! 0.75 Welcome @spdholakia to the @SendGrid team! Another big milestone for bdeeter this great co! @isaldana @BessemerVP 0.75 Congrats @bethcomstock @klemkau @mzuna @annbglover on being named clarashih Forbes Most Influential CMOs. A well deserved honor 0.75 Congrats to my team Affirm, Inc. as @FastCompany Most Innovative mlevchin Companies for 2016 & 2nd Most Innov in Finance! 0.75 Very excited to have participated in the latest huge round of funding for zachcoelius @branchmetrics. Amazing team and growth 0.73 4 @felicisventures companies @WarbyParker @fitbit @inkling & asenkut @WatchPhilo in @FastCompany 50 Most Innovative Co List -

15 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 13 : Philo: Normative words (congrats, tips) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 13 : good, well, bad, done, luck, idea, things, people, sharktankau, stuff, job, news, nice, cool, actually, sbxr, thinking, janineboost, dream, example, goldman, got, nicely, great, wow, put, folks, andrewbanks, drglenrichards, thekaranetwork

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 13 Beta Message Usager 0.73 #VeryImpressive to all the #sharks #remarkable #andrewbanks NaomiSimson #sharkexperience #introductions #Sharktankau @JanineBoost @SBXR @DrGlenRichards 0.70 The Internet remembers the stuff we wish it wouldn’t and forgets the stuff JBoorstin we wish it would remember @vgcerf #PrincetonFung 0.70 Knowing when to delegate is part of being a great leader. #tkn karagoldin #thekaranetwork 0.70 Brilliant to have met you Anastasia! Good luck with the biz - it a brilliant sarahfwood idea :) 0.67 And we’ve arrived at the #TVWEEKLogies @Janineboost @sharktankau NaomiSimson @sbxr @DrGlenRichards 0.67 good luck to my friends @Hinchtown @MarcoAndretti @indy100 robertherjavec #Indy500 - wish I was there - be fast, be safe ! 0.67 Told today: people rarely thank; most undervalue what was done for them; cmschroed most who do a good deed over estimate their role. 0.67 “Critical thinking without hope is cynicism. Hope without critical thinking johnmaeda is naïveté.” —@brainpicker 0.67 People who can focus, get things done. People who can prioritize, get the johnmaeda right things done. 0.67 anyone out there use open mesh instead of cisco and/or think that’s a laurawp good/bad idea? cc @seansegal

16 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 14 : Politics: Education, schools, institutions Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 14 : students, school, edsurge, college, education, edtech, university, schools, highered, class, science, kids, teaching, teachers, learning, universities, colleges, computer, high, teach, harvard, student, aftercollege, grads, hourofcode, online, stanford, timeshighered, degree, codeorg

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 14 Beta Message Usager 0.77 SMASH comes to UC Davis! UC Davis : Summer Math and Science mkapor Honors Pathway Program 0.75 Lecturer who prepared “alternative” economics course will not have ChrisParrTHE contract renewed at the University of Manchester: 0.75 Schools are teaching kids to meditate so that they’ll be more focused Walkerjc and less stressed via @qz 0.74 Mooc teacher course results in near job loss and the attention of several ChrisParrTHE Middle Eastern regimes: #moocs 0.73 Your #College Major Can Lead to Surprising #Careers, Even With a GeorgeAnders #STEM Degree 0.72 Grayling on plans for NCH regarding overseas students: fees for ChrisParrTHE international students will not be much more than those for domestic #ierhe 0.70 Graduate calls University College Suffolk unhealthy environment for ChrisParrTHE black students: 0.70 Learning happens best in a supportive environment. #education DanielGolemanEI #teachers #backtoschool 0.70 Collegetowns that provide ample hands-on learning in college & job jselingo opps #aftercollege 0.70 The best tech for students studying abroad. [via @engadget] randizuckerberg

17 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 15 : Business: Achievements Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 15 : take, step, taking, net, giving, away, neutrality, give, control, takes, back, level, steps, selfie, time, always, seriously, stand, end, everybody, one, failure, risks, moment, way, nobody, learn, move, first, must

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 15 Beta Message Usager 0.75 The FCC wants to destroy #netneutrality & give Big Cable control over bfeld the Internet. This is how we stop them. 0.72 Another good take on the next step toward good faith, trustworthy craignewmark journalism, from @kdoctor 0.70 This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, ianbremmer perhaps, the end of the beginning.” 0.70 Taking your career game to the next level starts NOW.. jtodonnell 0.70 #COPENHAGEN This is why i could never move away - and enjoy ML comming back all the time… 0.70 Give back. Move forward. @Lvojvodich makes an inspired plea urging lazerow marketers to give back #Aadigital #newCMO 0.69 After enough embarrassing failures I learned that in the end, nobody’s BarbaraCorcoran watching and nobody gives a damn. So get back up and keep trying! 0.67 Innovation begins when you step outside of your comfort zone… briansolis 0.67 Train yourself to see what you can control and what you can’t. Then loic focus on what you can control Tim Ferriss #t…… 0.67 But first, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE, Center for Selfie Improvement: MichaelDell

18 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 16 : Business: Hiring Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 16 : loua, hiring, job, hire, talent, quality, recruiting, skills, candidates, , dailymuse, candidate, passive, recruiters, interview, manager, webcast, muse, adler, LOU_ADLER, guide, fit, recruiter, jobs, performance-based, performance, tips, predict, seekers, interviewing

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 16 Beta Message Usager 0.80 use high tech to fill jobs, use high touch to hire great people @LouA LouA 0.80 Using Performance-based Hiring for diversity hiring, high potential hiring and LouA passive candidate recruiting @LouA 0.80 Adler Talent Connect #intalent session How to Calculate ROI of Improving LouA Quality of Hire template to use - 0.79 use agile sprints to improve quality of hire, reduce cost and minimize time to fill - LouA @LouA 0.79 Lou Adler LinkedIn webcast on May 25 on measuring quality of hire pre-hire using LouA agile recruiting techniques @LouA 0.79 Lever ATS and Adler May 10 Use Small Batch High Touch to Improve Quality of LouA Hire @LouA 0.77 hiring managers - here your complete DIY guide for finding and recruiting stronger LouA people - @LouA 0.77 here a competency model to rank hiring managers on their ability to hire top talent LouA - @LouA 0.77 survey reveals active job seekers use networking to find jobs @LouA LouA 0.77 The Underground Guide for Getting a Better Job offers recruiting secrets for LouA getting more job offers @LouA

19 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 17 : Media: News (Weather, movies) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 17 : via, mashable, youtube, video, newco, weatherchannel, liked, nytimes, nireyal, WEATHER_CHANNEL, washingtonpost, c0nvey, weather, inside, ozy, techcrunch, official, trailer, bowl, hbo, oscars, photos, boingboing, gets, nuzzel, super, shocking, wsj, watch, directv

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 17 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Breaking Now - ALERT: Tornado Watch, Severe Thunderstorm Warnings davidwkenny Issued - via @weatherchannel/ 0.75 Yes, there a Guinness World Record for longest live weather forecasts davidwkenny #Skimm via @theSkimm 0.74 EXCLUSIVE: Peanuts Touching Super Bowl Spot Packs Sweet Emotion petecashmore [VIDEO] via @mashable 0.73 Hurricane forecasters: Unpredictable paths to fame via @washingtonpost davidwkenny @JimCantore @TWCBryan @weatherchannel 0.73 Wildfires cause evacuation of Olympic venues near Rio by DonPeppers @washingtonpost via @c0nvey 0.73 15-Minute ’Game of Thrones’ Teaser Gives Glimpse of Shocking Season 4 petecashmore via @mashable 0.73 ’SNL’ Hilariously Shows What Happens If You Mess With Beyonce via petecashmore @mashable 0.73 Watch the First Nail-Biting Trailer for ’Game of Thrones’ Season 4 via petecashmore @mashable 0.70 Hurricane forecasters: Unpredictable paths to fame via @washingtonpost davidwkenny @weatherchannel 0.70 YouTube officially launches YouTube TV in select markets JBoorstin

20 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 18 : Personal: Food, drinks, culture Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 18 : food, coffee, hintwater, dog, water, starbucks, eating, breakfast, cool, eat, drink, hint, dogs, table, love, holy, fish, wine, tea, street, restaurant, chocolate, delicious, cake, cheese, french, unrulyco, milk, menu, order

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 18 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Should the meat be in balls or sprinkled? This is a real debate. Real nancylublin grown men. #balls #meat #train 0.77 loody Plant Burger Smells, Tastes & Sizzles Like Meat; vkhosla indistinguishable + avoids cruelty to animals & helps climate 0.75 Gwyneth Paltrow does the food stamp challenge, apparently unable to benmangan resist food styling along the way: 0.75 that what i drink Passover. (& tequila).No grain.Tastes lousy (the kosher JulesPolonetsky for passover vodka. tequila just fine) 0.73 #1 product served at @Starbucks - milk, not coffee. Should be renamed Aaron_Hurst - Starbucks Milk. 0.73 difference between dogs and kids: you never have to nag dogs to eat their auren dinner 0.73 From your toilet to my glass…I got to taste water made from human BillGates waste: 0.70 Now serving at @CMLobster #WestHollywood restaurant: Maine BarbaraCorcoran Lobster Grilled Cheese!! 0.70 Love the Food Foundry! Delicious cappuccino, spaghetti and crepe cake. cherylyeoh <3 @ Food Foundry 0.70 I just published “What do you prefer? The French dinner or the Silicon loic Valley dinner?”

21 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 19 : Tech: infrastructure, Cloud Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 19 : dell, cloud, open, ceo, source, follow, missed, popular, redhat, benioff, customers, microsoft, growing, company, salesforce, hat, companies, fastest, vmware, among, sap, thoughtleader, delltech, link, oracle, dellemc, thanks, business, red, mike

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 19 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Zone to Win: Attacking, Defending, Maintaining - Case Studies with geoffreyamoore Salesforce and Microsoft #Salesforce #Microsoft 0.75 Dell Workload-Specific,Converged Infrastructure Appliances/Integrated MichaelDell Systems @Oracle @Cloudera @SAP @Nutanix 0.75 Choice and Open @DellAlliances @Microsoft @VMware MichaelDell @RedHatNews @SAP @Oracle @Nutanix @Nexenta @Cloudera @SanDisk 0.75 Why There’s No Stopping @DellTech @DellEMC @VMware @pivotal MichaelDell @SecureWorks @virtustream Juggernaut #DellEMCWorld 0.74 Red Hat Wins SIIA Software @CODiEAwards for Best Cloud JWhitehurst Management Solution and Best Open Source Innovation: 0.73 #DellTechnologies @DellEMC @VMware @pivotal @SecureWorks MichaelDell @virtustream @RSAsecurity @boomi @DellEMC_CI @Dell… 0.73 Over 9 billion medical images now secured and managed in our Dell MichaelDell Could Clinical Archive 0.73 Dell @Boomi helps companies win with #Cloud #IoT #APIeconomy MichaelDell #PaaS 0.73 Proud collaboration w/@Microsoft @SatyaNadella on new CPS MichaelDell Standard. Thanks! #DellWorld 0.72 On @SquawkAlley, @VMware CEO @PGelsinger talks Dell , jonfortt enterprise outlook & Microsoft surprise move:

22 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 20 : Business:Management, careers Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 20 : linkedin, lessons, advice, career, business, latest, ceo, inc, post, best, great, learned, via, tips, ceos, job, management, quit, top, new, employees, gary, practices, start, reasons, vaynerchuk, entrepreneur, hacks, donpeppers, boss

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 20 Beta Message Usager 0.75 Harness the Power of Diverse Ideas by Relying on Engaged Employees by DonPeppers @DonPeppers on @LinkedIn 0.75 Check out my interview with @FortuneMagazine A Serial Entrepreneur jaltucher Advice for Breaking Into Startup Life… 0.75 From Taylor Swift to Kim Kardashian: 4 Brilliant Business Lessons from jeff_haden Celebrities via @Inc 0.75 Warren Buffett top 3 pieces of advice for entrepreneurs — via PeterGuber @Entrepreneur via @bi_contributors 0.75 Why Followership is the New #Leadership | You don’t lead by following, SteveTappin you lead by building a trusted fellowship #CEO 0.75 Management must learn to leave the room –sometimes the best management work_matters is none at all! 0.73 Learn to attract and retain the #best employees by building a #culture of DanielBurrus trust #employeeretention 0.73 15 Great Business Books You Should Read This Year - @jeff_haden in DaveKerpen Inc. Magazine 0.73 Advice For Millennials Entering Their First Job – Gary Vaynerchuk – garyvee Medium 0.73 Choices You Will Regrets In 10 Years 3/10: Keeping Negative Company SteveTappin #CEO #Authenticity

23 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 21 : Personal: Celebrations, birthdays Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 21 : happy, day, birthday, mom, appreciate, dad, anniversary, mother, family, holiday, today, miss, celebrate, feed, great, america, thanksgiving, kids, retweets, tweet, gift, celebrating, beautiful, popular, thursday, friends, link, recent, pi, children

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 21 Beta Message Usager 0.73 Appreciate your recent retweets @evankirstel @gvalan @MACPA! Have DanielBurrus a great Thursday :) 0.73 Happy Holidays! Warmest wishes to you & your family - TonyRobbins Love, Tony & Sage 0.72 Two generations of mothers to think about today. Mine and Linda with kevinolearytv our first born. Happy #MothersDay everybody! 0.72 My dad is this strategic, persuasive attorney, and my mom is this very randizuckerberg soft spoken, compassionate artist. -Sara Blakely 0.70 Link by @JohnLegere is the most popular tweet in my news feed today. betsy_ 0.70 Link by @mattbish is the most popular tweet in my news feed today. betsy_ 0.70 Link by @BillGates is the most popular tweet in my news feed today. betsy_ 0.70 Appreciate your recent retweets @ronaldmizrahi @goaudax DanielBurrus @innovativetecht! Have a great Thursday :) 0.70 Appreciate your recent retweets @TrippBraden @ronaldmizrahi DanielBurrus @theneverboss! Have a great Thursday :) 0.70 Origins of ’eh’: How 2 little letters came to define Canadians - Calgary - kmd_drev CBC News

24 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 22 : Politics: Diversity, gender, pay Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 22 : women, gender, men, female, tech, ellevest, diversity, power, gap, ur, black, talentinnovate, bias, likely, wmn, investing, executivepresence, ceos, vets, lgbt, abt, equality, shows, inclusion, ownit, ldrs, talent, fortunempw, salliekrawcheck, close

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 22 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Female CEOs r bringing more wmn execs on2 boards: More female ldrs SAHewlett = more female role models/sponsors #WW5T 0.77 white men viewing a crowd w 17% women perceived it as 50-50; when laurawp 33% women, they perceived it to be majority women 0.77 Exec presence is impt in all stages of UR career My new book will help SAHewlett you lrn how 2 exude it: 0.77 Our rsrch finds that only 11% of black womn hav sponsors. Y do orgs SAHewlett need 2 address this issue? Lrn more: #BWReady2Lead 0.77 .@TalentInnovate’s new rprt on #women & #power explores what SAHewlett women want from their careers & lives: #WW5T 0.77 CTI report reveals Black wmn r leading but not reaping the benefits @ SAHewlett wrk. How cn orgs support Black wmn careers? 0.75 #Women rising in rank @ work means more wmn bankrolling political SAHewlett campaigns. 1 of many #joysofpower: 0.75 Wmn ldrs tend 2 tlk abt the sacrifices that come w/ #power but let’s talk SAHewlett abt the joys! #JoysofPower @AmbassadorPower 0.75 A How-To on Closing Your Gender Pricing Gap (and, yes, there a SallieKrawcheck gender pricing gap) @Ellevest 0.75 Foundations Lack Understanding of Causes They Support, Study Says Walkerjc via @Philanthropy

25 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 23 : Business: Motivation, self, inspiration Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 23 : inc, inspiration, motivation, people, via, success, successful, things, createpositivity, try, happiness, life, without, thursdaythoughts, achieve, quotes, mondaymotivation, ways, fear, creativity, habits, wednesdaywisdom, tuesdaymotivation, never, fail, failure, way, become, goals, impossible

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 23 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person johnrampton of value. – Albert Einstein 0.75 Can’t find a single instance of courage wo vulnerability #NSVFSummit betsy_ @BreneBrown @EdSurge 0.75 Optimism is the #faith that leads to achievement.– Helen Keller MurrayNewlands #Motivation #Inspiration #CreatePositivity 0.75 i think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary - PeterGuber @elonmusk #inspire #motivate #destiny 0.75 How To Increase Mental Toughness: 4 Secrets Of Navy SEALs And work_matters Olympians via @bakadesuyo 0.73 Introverts: Stop forcing yourself to be different! Embrace your BernardMarr successful qualities with these 10 habits…… 0.73 To motivate people to change is manipulation. What we need is betsy_ inspiration. #NSVFSummit @BreneBrown @EdSurge 0.73 9 Ways Successful People See Life Differently via @Inc jeff_haden 0.73 10 Stupid Phrases the Worst Bosses Love to Use via @Inc jeff_haden 0.73 11 Mistakes Remarkably Successful People Never Make via @Inc jeff_haden

26 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 24 : Politics: Income, inequalities Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 24 : income, pay, low, century, housing, high, average, rates, 21st, debt, poverty, interest, countries, rate, study, attention, wage, costs, us, higher, paying, population, level, market, cost, labor, lower, shows, sweden, inequality

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 24 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Norway and Sweden drinking rates lower than UK, US, Spain, Ireland, azeem Germany. Bottom quartile of OECD. 0.77 How come companies don’t pay taxes on R&D, investments in themselves, rmchase but individuals pay taxes on their education costs? #taxes 0.75 Academic pay still falling in real terms. Gender / ethnicity still an issue. ChrisParrTHE Slow hand clap. #HEpay Survey results:… 0.75 This relates to free trade vs. fair trade argument. Market wage vs. fair wage. jonfortt Both have pros and cons 0.73 2015 Student Outcomes Report: Our graduates had a 98% placement rate cherylyeoh and $104K average salary @HackReactor 0.73 How much would basic income be? And how much would it cost? (How hblodget high would taxes have to rise?) @chriswweller 0.73 U.S. Wealth Gap Is Widest in at Least 30 Years, Pew Study Finds mkapor 0.73 apparently 2014 US inflation was 0.8% against a target of 2.0%. maybe 0% sama interest rates are too high?! 0.70 NYT: US Household Debt Up, Student Loans Rising. davemcclure 0.70 .@sciam: Immigrants Do Not Increase Crime, Research Shows If the facts ericgoldman mattered, this would be important

27 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 25 : Personal: Sports, win Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 25 : game, warriors, nba, win, sports, baseball, play, players, sfgiants, football, fans, mets, team, basketball, coach, player, super, first, beat, nfl, final, vs, ball, gold, cup, winning, bowl, soccer, games, playing

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 25 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Big shout out to @Big_Blake4 & @CraigJones_30 on their big Rose Bowl jeff_jordan win! Great athletes as well as great young men! 0.82 #SFGiants don’t want a Game 7. Home team has won 9 straight Game 7s. Last lazerow team to win on the road was the ’79 Pirates vs Balto. 0.80 Notre Dame proves once again that a prevent defense simply prevents jack_welch winning. Terrible defensive coaching final 30 seconds 0.79 Video Game: when @StephenCurry30 shoots 68% from field, 69% from 3 and chamath scores 51 in 36 minutes: as in Steph just went video game. #MVP 0.77 If the Warriors win tonight they will have the 6th best record in NBA regular geoff_yang season history! 0.75 HUGE kudos to @StanfordMSoccer for winning back-to-back consecutive jeff_jordan NCAA championship! Very impressive run. 0.75 HUGE congrats to @Big_Blake4 and his #stanfordfootball teammates on their jeff_jordan last second victory over Notre Dame! 0.75 . @dodgers win first game in #australia - @yasielpuig homers …it time for PeterGuber #dodgers baseball! #openingseries 0.75 YEE-HAH! @CMcCaffrey5 at #8 to @Panthers. Two @StanfordFball players jeff_jordan picked in the first eight picks of the @NFL draft. #NerdNation rules! 0.74 Watched history being made with @warriors huge win tonight; broke NBA asenkut record for 3 pointers at 17 now leading 3-1

28 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 26 : Tech: future Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 26 : tech, economy, jobs, davos, future, china, wef, companies, industry, growth, sector, us, manufacturing, economic, generation, energy, behind, world, chinese, emerging, disrupt, ceos, technologies, gig, rules, cities, plans, opportunities, create, exponential

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 26 Beta Message Usager 0.80 Cheap, clean energy will help us fight poverty & climate change. That’s BillGates why I’m investing in energy innovations: 0.79 (esp true for seed) “Why today’s tech themes are poor predictors of alexisohanian tomorrow’s hot startups” by @fcollective… 0.79 This is a big deal. US #3 Internet population behind China and India. Will hadip our Internet companies stay #1? 0.79 A compelling future is the food on which our souls thrive; we all need a TonyRobbins continuing sense of emotional and spiritual growth. #FridayFeeling 0.77 Big executive surveys, especially in the tech sector, announce the past as geoffreyamoore if it were the future #Surveys 0.77 The fundamental difference between Chinese CEOs and Western CEOs SteveTappin is that in China they are powered by their dreams #CEOSecrets 0.75 Every company will be hacked, every country will be hacked. John Bill_Gross Chambers in #Davos #WEF #WEF15 panel on the new digital context. 0.73 If Narendra Modi gets growth engine working, he will transform India chamath and 2002 will be forgotten/forgiven…rightly or wrongly… 0.73 “Why today’s tech themes are poor predictors of tomorrow’s hot startups” davemcclure by @fcollective 0.73 Indian Amb to US Singh calls for innovative tech & improved manuf for kmd_drev India future growth. Panel convo has shifted to bureaucracy. #IITGLC

29 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 27 : Media: annoucements Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 27 : new, tip, york, year, daily, times, mediagazer, old, techmeme, orleans, office, ny, entirely, yorker, jersey, happy, resolutions, resolution, head, wanted, busy, exchange, yorkers, brand, client, try, vice, cool, city, profit

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 27 Beta Message Usager 0.77 As mentioned at the beginning of the year, I’m expecting ~70% success elonmusk rate on landings for the year. 2016 is the year of experimentation. 0.75 Hundreds of Iranian Americans in Seattle City Hall wishing you Happy hadip Iranian New Year for the Norooz Challenge.… 0.70 Good way to frame opportunity. Before low-hanging fruit, focus on the scottbelsky fruit that already rolling around on the floor. - @tobiaspeggs 0.67 Check out our new @Ideo office space… It’ll be all restored & ready in a metacool few months! 0.64 Challenge yourself to learn something new. Here @larrykim ’s list of the Blakei 40 best places 0.64 Experimenting with extreme macro photography for a client project. dylan20 #nickel #macro #closeup 0.64 Wow! @OpenUniversity #OUreflect pop-up reflection cube is a tranquil, sarahfwood thought-provoking moment of zen in a busy… 0.64 The Oculus at the 911 Site. A huge bird ready to fly. New York… Walkerjc 0.64 Cop who befriended Brian Williams after Katrina believes anchor’s WalterIsaacson recollections are honest -The New Orleans Advocate 0.63 New Space, New Perspectives #TuesdayMotivation bethcomstock

30 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 28 : Time: Time markers Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 28 : last, night, week, early, days, time, day, hours, newsletter, sleep, got, late, minute, wake, morning, bed, inbox, sunday, BAY_AREA, back, emails, spent, every, first, long, couple, email, times, THE_BAY_AREA, weekend

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 28 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Hurry ..Early Bird pricing for @AmyEisenstein Mastering Major Gifts kanter course ends in one week! Register now… 0.75 Pretty sure I saw the beginnings of a sideshow down at the Port this alexismadrigal afternoon. Then a bunch of cops racing after a… 0.75 Spent 24 of the last 48 hours traveling for @codeorg. Majority of the time hadip was spent waiting in airports for delayed flights. Ugh 0.75 Early Bird pricing for @AmyEisenstein Mastering Major Gifts course ends kanter in one week! Learn more and register today 0.74 What I read this week. A trip to California and back gave me a lot of good gretchenrubin reading time. Do you read on planes?… 0.74 We’ve got the perfect #graduation gift for your loved one. Use Code: jtodonnell GRADSM40. Hurry! This #deal ends at MIDNIGHT!… 0.73 An email beginning with the words “last chance” is never about last chance mlevchin for anything. 0.72 Customer just sent us this email: Domo is like my morning coffee. A good joshjames start to every day! 0.72 Given this year’s near-record California rains, good time to revisit the truly pkedrosky epic California storms of 1861-62.… 0.70 You know it going to be a fun weekend when @phish breaks this out … lazerow Shabbat Shalom!

31 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 29 : Tech: Space exploration, launch Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 29 : space, rocket, landing, rain, beach, light, weather, nasa, sun, storm, moon, bay, falcon, sunset, ride, amazing, stunning, spring, weatherchannel, drone, valley, island, boston, winter, mission, spacex, ship, earth, water, hot

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 29 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Stormy sky, broken shell #storm #sky #clouds #sea #sand #wave #beach mjskok #shell #broken #gree… 0.80 Daylight rocket launch & landing at the Cape this weekend. Will be the 1st elonmusk SpaceX flight from the Apollo launch pad. 0.80 Opening scene of Moonraker has 747 carrying space shuttle on back. But michaelfertik space shuttle is fueled so terrorists can launch it. Yep. 0.80 Butterfly at the beach #butterfly #shell #beach #duxbury #sand #sunset mjskok #summer #light #clouds #nature… 0.75 Honored that @NASA would entrust @SpaceX with the Apollo 11 (first elonmusk moon landing) launch pad 0.75 Yesterday mission to the Space Station lights up the cloudy night sky of elonmusk Cape Canaveral 0.75 This is 1st ever orbital rocket launch w landing legs. Will attempt leg deploy elonmusk & soft landing out to sea. 0.75 My @SFBART engineer: 16th Street Station. Hold on, I’m gonna try the Veronica doors. OK! That worked out! 16th St station. 0.74 Aiming to launch this weekend and (hopefully) land on our droneship. Ship elonmusk landings needed for high velocity missions 0.74 Mega storm preventing droneship from remaining on station, so rocket will elonmusk try to land on water. Survival probability <1%.

32 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 30 : Tech: Intelligence, IA Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 30 : change, world, lives, climate, science, changing, save, 3d, life, past, language, saving, art, progress, humans, da, printing, us, better, pope, human, future, still, upon, behavior, mind, way, understanding, systems, technology

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 30 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Taa da ta dada dada da tum tum tata tum tum tata tum tata tum tum plibin 0.77 The reasonable adapt themselves to the world; the unreasonable adapt the AdamMGrant world to themselves. Progress depends on the unreasonable. -Shaw 0.75 Neurotic Robots Act More Human mimicking the action of the chemicals vkhosla with equations; steady improvement in robotics 0.73 Ppl everywhere can act but go to Hollywood. Ppl everywhere can do stevesi finance but go to NY. And so on…comparative advan… 0.73 What would Charles Darwin make of these images? @LevonBissPhoto timoreilly shows astonishing insect portraits #TED2017 See 0.70 Infect the world with your light; press forward the human genius. Our cmschroed future is greater than our past. @DPRamaphosa #GEC2017 0.67 This surprised me…wheat, rice, and corn all have more complex genomes BillGates than humans: 0.67 If everything is breaking, nothing is breaking. Are we clear on this? It not clean_freak breaking, it’s broken. 0.67 Why can’t we just invent doors that come pre-prepared? That would save lazerow us from having to prepare them for arrival? 0.67 Is technology making us more alone, even when we’re together? PeterDiamandis

33 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 31 : Business: Social business, strategies Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 31 : social, media, digital, transformation, hearsaysocial, marketing, via, lab, altimetergroup, business, trends, brands, identity, technology, network, briansolis, disrupting, report, llsmc, sifmasocial, insights, networks, limra, latest, advertising, officer, employee, digitaltransformation, impact, strategies

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 31 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Top 10 Australian entrepreneurs to follow on social media Business NaomiSimson Review Australia @janineboost @kateKendall @SBXR 0.77 New Research: Leveraging Social Identity to Know and Engage charleneli Customers More Effectively @andrewjns. Download it at: 0.77 Business Transformation Insights & Strategies: D&B CEO Bob Carrigan geoffreyamoore with Advisor Geoffrey A. Moore 0.75 NEW research Key Elements for Building A Content Strategy by charleneli @altimetergroup @ProphetBrand 0.75 Rise of the customer and social business in financial services: Recap from clarashih @HearsaySocial @LinkedInMktg #inFC14 0.75 How Social Business Will Grow Up in 2014– my @LinkedInPulse post clarashih @LinkedInMktg @linkedinselling via @HearsaySocial 0.75 I’m ecstatic to announce that @TarletonG has joined Microsoft Research zephoria Social Media Collective!!! 0.73 Awesome! MIT Media Lab Changes Software Default to FLOSS* - bfeld 0.73 New @AltimeterGroup report: Strengthening Employee Relationships in charleneli the Digital Era w/@joncifuentes 0.73 We’re surveying digital, social, and content strategists again. Would love charleneli your insights for our upcoming research.

34 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 32 : Philo: Right or wrong, real or fake, filter Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 32 : twitter, pretty, saying, actually, shit, tweet, right, sure, seems, now, funny, going, though, email, even, used, weird, tweets, someone, people, still, maybe, use, guess, ok, wrong, stop, something, hey, never

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 32 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Hate journalists who dont understand logical statements or repeat other vkhosla journalists; too many english majors do that 0.77 (more spam) An email from a name you definitely recognize, but is spam, mlevchin it’s probably because someone’s email account has been taken over. 0.74 So…how much longer do we have with this new POTUS? We must be johnolilly about halfway by now, right? Seems like even longer so far. 0.73 I wonder if Google maps could show me what 1 mile blast radius would dylan20 actually look like 0.73 People who argue against filters must not use Gmail. It filters out spam very Scobleizer efficiently. 0.72 Food for thought: I try to minimize complaining on twitter. Separately, mlevchin pretty sure that my complaining tweets get most retweets/likes. 0.70 Immunity?? Why would we even want immunity? hahaha. I mean, lol. No johnolilly but seriously, can we have immunity? 0.70 True, though if you’ve been hit by something like this… Anyway, better to craignewmark light a candle than to curse the dark… 0.69 I wonder if, as the biological basis of intelligence becomes better paulg understood, it will start to seem wrong to call people stupid. 0.67 If you use your candle to light mine, I get light without darkening you. AdamMGrant #ThankYourMentor

35 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 33 : Business: Disruption, Innovation Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 33 : reality, innovation, problem, problems, solve, virtual, technology, mixed, zonetowin, solving, disruptive, vr, disruption, big, zone, tech, crisis, oculus, solutions, augmented, digital, ar, performance, real, xprize, solved, talking, solution, perspective, sees

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 33 Beta Message Usager 0.82 It helps to know even the big boys started out small. Go ahead and TheSharkDaymond dream big, but keep it real out of the gate. #PowerOfBroke 0.79 Bold positive move by @JeffImmelt. GE returns to its industrial roots, SteveTappin maybe preparing for GE 2.0 0.77 Hah bitcoins and virtual reality ;) Marc Andreessen on the Future of cherylyeoh Silicon Valley(s), and the Next Big Technology 0.75 Optimism about technology future isn’t a biased perspective at all. It’s DonPeppers the only truly objective point of view. 0.75 A recent exchange which helped me clarify my thinking on applying geoffreyamoore #ZoneToWin principles #BusinessStrategy 0.73 Message to the CIO: Keep Your Eye on the Zones! #ZoneToWin geoffreyamoore #ProjectPrioritization #CIO #ROI 0.73 Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption (4 Zones geoffreyamoore Playlist) 0.72 PR does not fix operational issues! Operational issues create PR FrankEliason issues. Right @united 0.70 To get the Incubation Zone right we have to distinguish between two geoffreyamoore kinds of #innovation—sustaining and #disruptive. 0.70 Q & A on Zone to Win #ZoneToWin #Innovation #BusinessStrategy geoffreyamoore #Performance #Productivity

36 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 34 : Media: Questions, answers, audience community Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 34 : answer, thoughts, questions, right, question, feld, quora, now, answers, asking, asked, please, reddit, tell, important, wrong, ama, whether, answering, founder, give, code, medium, send, quick, reasons, way, note, startup, started

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 34 Beta Message Usager 0.73 The Falcons @Reddit community right now is still reeling. Why didn’t alexisohanian they run thrice and kick the FG?… 0.73 Pride is concerned with WHO is right. Humility is concerned with MurrayNewlands WHAT is right. – Ezra T. Bernard #Humility… 0.70 Simple answers to complex questions are invariably wrong. A quick avinash lesson: 0.70 An easy way for companies to get started on Snapchat My thoughts for invoker @FastCompany 0.70 Use code 483a for $25 off your 1st @GetZeel Massage On Demand. In- sophiaamoruso home massages from the best therapists. #Zeel 0.69 Starting now, all @snapdeal employees will briefly pause their work to anandc use the product and find issues for engineers to fix. #24hrsofawesome 0.67 I’m taking questions to answer on @Quora – please send! auren 0.67 When it comes to clearing clutter, there is no right way, only what’s right gretchenrubin for you. #sparkjoy #clutter 0.67 Quick question about the #DemDebate - is @BernieSanders wearing johnbattelle makeup? 0.67 Some Thoughts on Fixing Obamacare – Shoot Holes in this Please mcuban

37 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 35 : Media: Itw, Podcasts , contents Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 35 : podcast, interview, episode, talk, video, ted, conversation, watch, fun, listen, awesome, listening, great, radio, weekly, topics, thx, watched, show, soundcloud, new, tferriss, forttknox, ceo, full, bbc, design, subscribe, preview, amazing

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 35 Beta Message Usager 0.75 Britt Robertson Is A ’Girlboss’ Already, So Her New Netflix Show Is sophiaamoruso Bound To Be Amazing | Bustle 0.73 My interview with Reed Hastings at Stanford talking about the history of geoff_yang Netflix and its upcoming challenges. 0.73 new podcast today: Don’t write what you know, write what fascinates you! jaltucher - @briankoppelman . Check out full podca… 0.73 Interesting interview on #LeadershipBS on NPR @WBUR Here & Now JeffreyPfeffer radio show. Interview is at. 0.73 I’m doing a podcast round 2 with Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) – click tferriss below to ask a question and get mentioned! 0.72 Big @Recode Decode pod this week w/ guest host @tonyromm and guest fromedome guest @AjitPaiFCC: 0.70 Podcast: 6-12 August 2015 issue review. Hosted by me, with ChrisParrTHE @CHavergalTHE @TimesHigherArts @elliebothwell @JMorganTHE: 0.70 Awesome video on Torah-Box Today. Must Watch (in english, subtitles jberrebi in French) 0.70 this week is about design in Lagos and @jkglei new e-mail wisdom. johnmaeda 0.70 My latest BBC #CEOguru episode: The mother-of-nine pushing for SteveTappin boardroom equality

38 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 36 : Politics: US election, Donald Trump , populism Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 36 : trump, vote, clinton, brexit, election, president, debate, voters, votes, DONALD_TRUMP, won, gop, presidential, country, hillary, campaign, electoral, politics, political, realdonaldtrump, le, democracy, debates, presidency, far, nominee, democrats, party, america, obama

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 36 Beta Message Usager 0.77 You win some [populist votes in Europe], you lose some [populist votes ianbremmer in Europe]. Here this week’s #Winners and… 0.77 Given Romney secretly recorded speech, it’s interesting that both he and nxthompson Trump ended up with exactly 47% of the vote. 0.77 Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump first presidential debate. Who do you Scaramucci think won? Time Hillary Clinton 41 % Donald Trump 59 % 523,798 Votes 0.75 We knew country was not bigger than party. Now we know country isn’t davepell even bigger than dinner party… 0.75 Prediction: @realDonaldTrump will lose, claim election rigged, will start clean_freak new alt-right network with Roger Ailes to compete w/@FoxNews. 0.73 11 states where >30% of under 65 population has pre-existing medical ianbremmer conditions. All 11 won by Trump in election. (… 0.73 George Will: If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the WalterIsaacson conservative party 0.72 Great argument by @lessig The Constitution lets the electoral college Joi choose the winner. They should choose Clinton. 0.72 100 days of Trump Resistance: wins so far and battles to come, including rmchase list of most successful #resist effort s 0.72 Trump supporters now need to focus their energy on making sure he wadhwa delivers on his promises. Hillary is history. Let…

39 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 37 : Business: Customer relationship, customer experience Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 37 : customer, design, experience, product, customers, brand, service, experiences, user, building, value, custserv, community, different, build, knowledge, thinking, concept, designer, process, creating, trust, new, business, features, brands, relationships, key, create, evolution

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 37 Beta Message Usager 0.79 good piece 4 brands…the importance of shifting from conversation 2 PeterGuber #story 2 make emotional connections w/ customers 0.75 Customizing your product or service for an individual customer isn’t as DonPeppers simple as it sounds. Two important processes… 0.75 Customer experience is the architecture of your business proposition, not DonPeppers just interior design for your offering (w/ apologies to Hemingway) 0.75 #SAP Build aims to ease UI design through iterative user feedback via jbecher @searchcloudapps 0.75 I-Corps @ NIH teams presenting. After 9 weeks 19 teams spoke to 2112 sgblank customers, tested 696 hypotheses 0.73 Provocative discussion, brand / customer experience: @DonPeppers DonPeppers @tmuellernyc, Eric Villain 0.72 How should you choose your #MarTech solutions? Start with charleneli types/complexity of customer data and # of channels via @obakhtar #cxcloud 0.72 Connect with Your Customer in a Whole New Way #Engage #Respond geoffreyamoore #Enable #Focus #Community #Empower 0.70 The Evolution of Design with Culture Thinking by @themadray Blakei #evolution #design #culture 0.70 Personal acknowledgement is a key to building strong relationships and DonPeppers customer trust.

40 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 38 : Media:,Sharing_self: events, talks, conferences Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 38 : join, next, free, speaking, event, excited, webinar, april, roundtable, week, mentoring, july, coming, nonprofit, march, discuss, summit, conference, tomorrow, june, us, kiip, register, tickets, dc, today, speaker, speakers, sign, events

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 38 Beta Message Usager 0.80 Sign up for Harrison Metal online info session re: General Management class. mcgd Tues 730PM Pacific 0.79 Tomorrow evening we’ll be at the May 1st: General Strike – Mountain View ericgoldman March & Rally Hope to see you there 0.77 Nonprofits in Marin County: Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop in Marin kanter County 6/21 Join me… 0.77 [WEBINAR] I’ll join @CQRollCall to talk about the Happy, Healthy kanter #Nonprofit for #Advocacy on 5/17. Register now: 0.75 Want to learn about Probabilistic Programming? Join @FastForwardLabs hmason and @mcmc_stan for an online talk on Feb 7th! 0.75 First attempt at personally webcasting from SF live event 7/20 5pm PDT. johnmaeda Register here: 0.75 [Workshop] Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop in Marin County on June kanter 21. Join me!… 0.75 Join our event about VR in SF July 11th 6 to 9pm - $30 while it lasts tickets loic 0.75 NYC folks: Come to my talk on Monday w/ Alondra Nelson, sponsored by zephoria the Ford Foundation! RSVP here: 0.75 I’m giving my Parker Lecture in DC tomorrow. (Yippee) If anyone wants to zephoria join us, you can get tickets here:

41 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 39 : Philo: Setting goals Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 39 : agree, hard, people, love, work, often, disagree, something, nothing, sometimes, find, wrong, always, never, many, totally, lose, way, true, place, someone, matter, ideas, works, things, sight, attitude, working, turn, expect

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 39 Beta Message Usager 0.80 A goal is not always something meant to be reached. It often serves MurrayNewlands simply as something to aim at – Bruce Lee… 0.79 a #goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as PeterGuber something to aim at - bruce lee 0.79 things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things PeterGuber turn out - john wooden 0.77 Boxing always seems to be trying to kill itself and is never quite nxthompson competent enough to succeed. 0.77 What’s opposite of confirmation bias? Something that describes people pkedrosky who love finding out they’re wrong: Disconfirmation bias? I have that. 0.77 Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. PeterGuber Working hard for something we love is called passion @simonsinek #success 0.75 The things that GO WRONG often make the BEST MEMORIES. gretchenrubin Agree, disagree? #SecretsOfAdulthood 0.73 Never confuse activity with momentum. Never confuse momentum Aaron_Hurst with results. 0.73 People recall negative interactions with a boss more often than they do DanielGolemanEI positive ones. 0.73 What makes difficult tasks easy? Enthusiasm. Agree, disagree? gretchenrubin #SecretsOfAdulthood

42 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 40 : Time: Today, day Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 40 : every, time, day, one, spend, another, reason, long, person, much, life, single, thing, number, things, something, people, balance, good, work, second, reminder, probably, term, realize, hard, important, also, kind, needed

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 40 Beta Message Usager 0.77 You’re so crazy & open minded at Burning Man! That means you’re so michaelfertik interesting every other day of the year. You have so much to say. 0.75 TODAY was (also) a crazy day - so much good news Torben Pedersen ML and Alex Staun killed it…… 0.74 Speak at your normal pace. If you find yourself struggling to get plibin through the deck on time, cut slides. Better than rushing. #VCPitchTips 0.73 Another day, another TV photo shoot for @nrmehta ! @GainsightHQ bdeeter 0.73 I agree – and something millions of people have needed for a long, long dharmesh time. 0.73 When @AlyssaMastro44 arrived at the West Wing, there wasn’t a randizuckerberg tampon dispenser… she didn’t think twice until one day she needed one. 0.72 Trying to put this into practice today! Why I Choose to Integrate Work kmin and Life, Not Balance It w @UOPX #sponsored 0.70 Tronc is also a Swahili term for find another branding agency chrisfralic 0.70 This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do clarashih with it. –Ralph Waldo Emerson 0.70 Deciding what you really would like to spend your life doing is more DanielGolemanEI important than deciding what particular job to …

43 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 41 : Media: Thanks, followers, trips Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 41 : thanks, week, hoteltonight, board, meeting, much, zillowgroup, top, hotel, stay, zillow, team, appreciated, great, zillowlife, members, pics, vegas, office, room, ht, followers, trip, member, hotels, connect, followfriday, tuned, nyc, meetings

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 41 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Recently stayed at the highly recommended @SIXTYLES in NYC thanks samshank to HT - my pics: #SnapYourStay @HotelTonight 0.75 Tons of great hip and luxe hotel deals in #nyc for tonight on samshank @HotelTonight #MLKWeekend 0.73 Hey @gowthy87 @horrorbooks33 @HenshawArrey thanks for being top DanielBurrus new followers this week! Much appreciated :) 0.73 Thanks @itknowingness @twilli2861 @PCinTheCloud for being High DanielBurrus Value Members this week, Much appreciated :) 0.73 #FollowFriday top influencers this week @ArkangelScrap @evankirstel DanielBurrus @DrFerdowsi, have a great weekend :) 0.73 Hey @stathisgould @jonathanmaietta @engineering_uk thanks for being DanielBurrus top new followers this week! Much appreciated :) 0.73 Hey @ShedtheBitch @drdpfox @lewis_dab thanks for being top new DanielBurrus followers this week! Much appreciated :) 0.73 #FollowFriday top supports this week @b_patrizia @leannerva DanielBurrus @DarrylRealistic, have a great weekend :) 0.73 Stayed in the hip @WBostonHotel for a @RunKeeper board meeting - here samshank are my pics: #SnapYourStay @HotelTonight 0.73 Checking out my stage for @ZillowGroup all-hands keynote today spencerrascoff #zgweek #ZGlife

44 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 42 : Tech: cars (self-driving, Tesla) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 42 : uber, car, cars, tesla, self-driving, driving, autonomous, electric, lyft, drivers, driver, solar, vehicles, model, ELON_MUSK, ford, autopilot, elonmusk, driverless, coal, future, drive, self, ownership, crash, gas, taxi, ride, energy, travis

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 42 Beta Message Usager 0.82 Pack swap now operating in limited beta mode for SF to LA route. Can swap elonmusk battery faster than visiting a gas station. Tesla blog out soon. 0.77 Autonomous vehicles running closer to 24/7 will have so many more miles Bill_Gross will make big service opportunity. Ford CEO Mark Fields at #wsjECO 0.77 Aiming for Oct 28 unveil in SF Bay Area of new Tesla/SolarCity solar roof elonmusk with integrated Powerwall 2.0 battery and Tesla charger. 0.75 It going to be weird to have a car without autonomy in the future @elonmusk JBoorstin @TeslaMotors #codecon 0.75 We’re going from an auto company to an auto and mobility company Ford JBoorstin Mark Fields #codecon 0.75 #Google is testing their first fully functional integrated prototype of their mjskok self-driving car 0.74 Tesla’s #solar roof to cost less than a regular roof – even before energy DanielBurrus production, says Elon Musk 0.73 My Uber driver: shaved head, beard, lots of tattoos. Drives a Prius. arrington #onlyinSF 0.73 NYC taxi patterns by neighborhood demographics. Are Taxi Drivers Racist? zephoria 0.72 Ford is building an autonomous vehicle that can drive in snow. We call it Bill_Gross #Snowtonomy. Ford CEO Mark Fields at #wsjECO

45 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 43 : Business: Fundings, venture capital Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 43 : capital, venture, startup, startups, 500startups, vc, investors, techcrunch, raises, million, fund, funding, dollar, founders, vcs, tech, billion, cc, investor, yc, valuation, seed, raising, bubble, series, via, round, SILICON_VALLEY, raised, investment

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 43 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Binary Capital Justin Caldbeck accused of unwanted sexual advances cherylyeoh towards female founders. Where’s the outrage? 0.79 Binary Capital Justin Caldbeck accused of unwanted sexual advances rachelsklar towards female founders. Where’s the outrage? 0.79 Binary Capital Justin Caldbeck accused of unwanted sexual advances sarahcuda towards female founders. Where’s the outrage? 0.79 Startups run with speed and urgency. Venture Capital is a Portfolio of Bets sgblank Run with Speed and Urgency 0.77 99 VC Problems But a Batch Ain’t 1: Why Portfolio Size Matters. cc davemcclure @500Startups @TwentyMinuteVC @MatthLerner 0.77 .@Medallia Becomes A Tech #Unicorn, Via $150 Million GeorgeAnders via @forbes #tech 0.75 Municipal Debt Startup @Neighborly Quadruples Capital davemcclure with $25M Series A Round cc @500startups 0.75 LivePerson S-1 from 1999: $222k in trailing nine months revenue. That’s ttunguz a $300k ARR for a public co. $32M raised 0.74 Sequoia, Redpoint and First Round Lead Smart Money VCs on Follow-On geoff_yang Investment Rates via @cbinsights 0.74 Share of U.S. metro areas that attracted early stage venture capital has mlevchin increased by ~50% since 2009. #entrepreneurship #startups

46 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 44 : Politics: Trump, immigration, religion, tolerance Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 44 : us, ban, trump, immigration, america, policy, states, police, american, foreign, united, refugees, order, korea, rights, north, immigrants, war, rule, trump’s, u.s, civil, state, nuclear, government, legal, muslim, racism, canada, mass

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 44 Beta Message Usager 0.77 Giuliani foreign policy: torture terrorists Bolton’s foreign policy: torture nxthompson UN officials. So it’s #teamrudy I gu… 0.75 Really? Florida police brought body armor and assault weapons to raids on GeorgeAnders unlicensed barber shops #why 0.75 Singapore? Non. Canada? Non. UK? Mais non. Germany? Zut alors! ianbremmer Americans, to France? 0.74 NYT: Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump Immigration Order (but people davemcclure still not being let back in, still in limbo) 0.73 Stupid logic like this is why we just experienced the most deadly attack on benparr U.S. soil since 9/11. 0.73 I can’t stand Trump, but if you’re a liberal, you want America to stand up davepell to mass murderers like Assad. 0.73 If you believe German Jews were not Hitler own people you are basically dylan20 agreeing with Hitler 0.73 Really worrisome and what I had warned about: An Indian immigrant asks wadhwa where Trump’s bigotry will leave America… 0.73 It is same for people of other religions, colors, values. #sad that bigotry, wadhwa sexism, racism have been legitimized 0.72 Trump calls for a Zero Tolerance policy when it comes to violence against davepell law enforcement officers. (Down from the original zero)

47 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 45 : Media: Itw, keynote, presentation Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 45 : looking, forward, welcome, great, thanks, keynote, thank, magic, panel, stage, fun, enjoyed, sxsw, excited, speaking, asia, sharing, talk, together, hearsaysocial, conference, fwd, presenting, tomorrow, morning, speak, warm, talking, event, discussion

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 45 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Really enjoyed discussing Unique Insights in Venture #PreMoney today - asenkut fantastic audience & feedback - the slides: 0.77 Really excited to be at #UpfrontSummit, speaking this afternoon & seeing asenkut so many great friends - thanks @msuster ! 0.73 Looking fwd to my fireside chat w/@MartinSFP at #WebSummit Dublin clarashih next week! @WebSummitHQ 0.73 The greats weren’t great because as birth they could paint, the greats were karagoldin great because they paint a lot. 0.72 Awesome fun sharing the stage w/awesome @ChipConley to talk about JulesHanna sharing economy. TY 4 warm welcome @SVNetwork @HansonBridgett 0.70 . @CBSThisMorning @charlierose thank you for having me on, super fun mlevchin and such great energy. 0.70 Great introduction to @BrinkInstitute - looking forward to a thought- sarahfwood provoking evening at #LTW2017 dinner supportin… 0.70 Great seeing you today Swapnil - see you tomorrow at Day 2 of spencerrascoff #PremierAgentForum! 0.70 Looking forward to meeting many fellow #productgeeks Friday - (cc anandc @1kunalbahl, @kunalb11, @rohitkbansal, @snapdeal) 0.70 great memories #GES2015 Kenya. looking forward to welcoming this year JulesHanna global entrepreneurs to Silicon Valley

48 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 46 : Politics: Health care, public administration Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 46 : bill, health, tax, care, trump, , plan, healthcare, congress, gop, cuts, obamacare, cut, public, returns, president, says, budget, dollars, climate, reform, coverage, ryan, millions, pay, sign, still, potus, cheaper, repeal

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 46 Beta Message Usager 0.84 Stigma is real. Increased coverage helps reduce stigma. TY! But increased nancylublin coverage without including resources can trigger people. 0.79 .@ConsumerReports: Plan to repeal and replace the #ACA could lead to craignewmark less coverage, increased costs for consumers. 0.79 #Pruitt EPA point here will be to reduce the agency’s effectiveness so much rmchase that it can’t recover even when the political winds change 0.78 Paul Ryan saying he supports double dip (fed/state taxes) SINGLE PAYER mcuban insurance to subsidize risk pools. No mention of healthier taxpayers 0.77 Trump elected –> markets rally –> EOs stayed –> tax plan postponed –> chamath Russia –> healthcare [pass/fail] –> markets [rally/capitulate]? 0.74 Congress wants to slash A) subsidies for private jets; B) the vkhosla tax C) food stamps; D) the estate tax 0.73 You might imagine Zuck saying, like Trump about health care, Who knew davewiner people would kill each other? 0.73 Addiction experts say GOP proposal to replace Medicaid spending won’t drchrisstout help 0.73 Hospital groups slam health care bill released by Senate drchrisstout 0.73 Finally… Pres Trump was very clear on campaign: He promised cheaper hblodget and better healthcare for all.

49 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 47 : Media: Sharing_self,Sharing self: interview annoucement Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 47 : live, periscope, et, pt, cnbc, siriusxm, today, now, tune, cheddar, talking, join, tomorrow, show, channel, cheddarlive, facebook, meerkat, minutes, bus, chat, stream, est, pst, squawkalley, talk, nyse, starting, 11am, 2pm

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 47 Beta Message Usager 0.83 Tune in today, 1pm PT 4pm ET for Entrepreneurs are Everywhere: sgblank interviews w/@Columbia Richard Witten & @kmin on SiriusXM Channel 111 0.80 Going live on Facebook at 9am PT/noon ET from @Sephora in the leila_c Meatpacking district to talk about our @lxmiofficial launch :) 0.80 Recording my @SIRIUSXM Entrepreneurs are Everywhere radio show sgblank from floor of #LeanStartup Conf Nov. 17. Join us! 0.80 Starting at 4 pm PT on Sirius XM Channel 111: Join me as I discuss Lean sgblank Startups with @ericries and Jon Sebastiani of @KraveJerky 0.80 Entrepreneurs Are Everywhere! - my radio show launching tomorrow, sgblank 1pm PT, 4pm ET on SiriusXM Channel 111 0.79 (1/2) Tune in for tomorrow show w/ guest @HollandHaiis on randizuckerberg @SIRIUSXM Bus Ch. 111 at 9 am PT/12 pm ET! 0.77 .@cheddar on #Periscope: LIVE - Will the Dow Jones break 20K today? jonsteinberg $DJIA #CheddarLIVE #GoLive 0.77 Tomorrow I’m interviewing Ed @Snowden at #CES (11am). What PeterDiamandis questions should i ask him? Tweet me questions @peterdiamandis & @suitabletech 0.77 Surprise, suspense and laughter today on SiriusXM 111 sgblank w/@AlexOsterwalder & @orenjacob.Tune in Apr 27 for guest @ericries and more fun 0.75 Breaking News! Pluto is being reclassified as a planet. Tune in now to a ilyaNeverSleeps live press conference -

50 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 48 : Business: Leadership, empathy at work Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 48 : leadership, leaders, hr, psychology, culture, purpose, work, leader, emotional, effective, focus, workplace, shared, featuring, personal, stories, leadershipbs, nonprofit, empathy, linkedin, development, ability, stress, change, mindfulness, organizational, learn, create, newsletter, communication

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 48 Beta Message Usager 0.80 Socially intelligent leaders create environments with low drama and DanielGolemanEI high productivity. @LinkedIn #leadership #HR 0.77 The higher up the ranks you climb in an organization, the less honest DanielGolemanEI feedback you receive from peers. #leadership #… 0.77 PODCAST: @Bill_George on why failure is an essential ingredient to DanielGolemanEI effective leadership. #podcast #leadership #HR #p… 0.77 If we can direct our thoughts toward the well-being of others, it will DanielGolemanEI help promote a more enduring, genuine kind of… 0.75 If we can direct our thoughts toward the well-being of others, it actually DanielGolemanEI will help promote a more enduring, genui… 0.75 Why do you think academics focus on other factors as keys to success DanielGolemanEI and ignore emotional intelligence? #EI 0.75 Conscious Communication: The Benefits of Cultivating Emotional DanielGolemanEI Intelligence at Work #HR #communication 0.75 Tech Wellness in the Nonprofit Workplace: Tips for Avoiding kanter Collaborative Overload #nptech 0.74 Every strong emotion has at its root an impulse to action; managing DanielGolemanEI those impulses is basic to emotional intelligence. #EI 0.73 .@ISPI1962 28% of the workforce is purpose oriented and outperform Aaron_Hurst their colleagues. And orientation to work doesn’t really change.

51 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 49 : Business: Marketing, content, audience Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 49 : content, marketing, cmworld, cmicontent, tools, contentmarketing, audience, marketers, seo, strategy, via, storytelling, tips, contentwritingchat, platforms, presentation, b2b, contentchat, titans, lieblink, intelcontent, brands, resource, a5, communications, smcamp, mygivingstory, a3, research, influencer

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 49 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Optimizely, Mixpanel, Omniture, GA: 3K pros reveal the best conversion dharmesh optimization tools w comments by @theRealSJR 0.77 The Ultimate Blog Marketing Checklist: 65 Tips, Tools, and Resources via JoePulizzi @cmicontent #CMWorld 0.75 Convert Your Content Into Slides to Increase Website Traffic via @cmicontent JoePulizzi #CMWorld 0.74 A4: Two drivers to building an audience: Truly valuable, targeted content AND JoePulizzi consistent delivery #contentwritingchat 0.73 How to Stop Worrying and Love Content Inventories and Audits via JoePulizzi @cmicontent #intelcontent #cmworld 0.73 One Thing is Killing Content Marketing and Everyone Is Ignoring It via JoePulizzi @cmicontent 0.73 Super valuable from @Robert_Rose - New Framework for Strategic JoePulizzi #ContentMarketing #CMWorld 0.73 Starting in 20 minutes. Hope to see you there. #enterprise #contentmarketing JoePulizzi #research #CMWorld 0.73 Just a week until Content Marketing World. Hope to see you there. #CMWorld JoePulizzi #contentmarketing 0.73 Liven Up Old-Hat Content: 4 Ways to Find a New Twist via @cmicontent JoePulizzi #CMWorld

52 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 50 : Business: Support, thanks, kuddos Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 50 : thank, support, please, help, thanks, give, kickstarter, respect, honor, supporting, giving, kiva, backed, work, pls, thx, share, community, word, spread, amazing, honored, girls, us, helping, join, hosting, friend, dear, proud

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 50 Beta Message Usager 0.80 We’ve reached 100k and the halfway mark in our campaign today! Very danariely grateful! Please help us spread the word: 0.79 an inspiring honor to honor my inspiring friend @reidhoffman for his mass JulesHanna scale impact on society #ChurchillClub 0.77 Thank you to the official #Sundance sponsors who support @SundanceFest JackiZehner and the important work of the filmmakers pre… 0.77 Heading to the 9 am screening of @unrestfilm @jenbrea #documentary - I JackiZehner am so honored to know this INCREDIBLE woman and filmmaker. #sundance 0.75 Kudos to @samner for leading Assessing the Impact of Mobility on D-Rev kmd_drev ReMotion Knee in @ASMEtweet DEMAND: 0.73 I’m participating in the Canary Challenge ’16 -please join or support this great bdeeter cause! Info 0.72 We are throwing an impromptu @MagicCyberjaya Appreciation Dinner cherylyeoh tonight outside our office at 7.30pm. Please come by and celebrate with us! 0.72 Pls vote to help Big Dog Rescue @bdrr.. Step-daughter volunteers @ this grt jack_welch place. Thx so much. 0.70 Help teachers get ready for #backtoschool. We’ll match your donation to BillGates @DonorsChoose today: 0.70 Thank you to everyone at #FORUMIAB2016 + @IABPolska @iab. I hope briansolis my work will help you in your work. Photo @INISpl

53 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 51 : Media: Sharing_self,Sharing self: Book release Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 51 : book, books, new, read, list, reading, copy, pre- order, writing, recommend, startup, available, purposeeconomy, published, free, way, check, lund, review, good, worth, fantastic, kindle, write, reinventing, cover, highly, recommendations, version, amazon

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 51 Beta Message Usager 0.83 Pre-order @least 5 copies of my #executivepresence book (b4 6/1) & earn a SAHewlett free seat 2 a webinar & personal assessment on the topic. DM me. 0.80 Excited to announce my new book! UNSHAKEABLE: Your Financial TonyRobbins Freedom Playbook Pre-order & receive a free gift:… 0.78 Pre-order @least 5 copies of my executive presence book (b4 6/1) & earn a SAHewlett free seat 2 a webinar & personal assessment on the topic. DM me. 0.75 I’m excited to share my next book The Startup Way with you this October. ericries You can preorder a copy here 0.75 The Startup Way, my next book coming this fall, is available for pre-order ericries now: 0.75 My new book, The Startup Way, is coming this October from Crown Biz. ericries Check it out here: 0.75 Looking forward to sharing The Startup Way with you this October. It ericries available now for pre-order here: 0.75 My new book, The Startup Way, is coming out this fall, but is now available ericries for pre-order here: 0.75 I just finished Apex, the third book in @ramez Nexus trilogy. It’s such good hmason scifi! Read it: 0.74 I wrote a love letter to @theskimm. Oh, and @mightybell launched an ginab Ambassador program free in every network #nbd

54 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 52 : Tech: Big data, deep learning, Artificial intelligence Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 52 : ai, data, bigdata, forbes, machine, iot, learning, ibm, intelligence, analytics, artificial, machinelearning, ibmwatson, watson, uses, big, internet, machines, guide, smart, robots, algorithms, deep, human, artificialintelligence, scientist, humans, using, soon, future

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 52 Beta Message Usager 0.77 IBM, Lightbend partner to build cognitive enterprise tech via @ZDNet & davidwkenny @SecurityCharlie @ibm #IBMWatson 0.77 AI is from Venus, Machine Learning is from Mars #ArtificialIntelligence geoffreyamoore #ML #BigData #MachineLearning #AI 0.75 Really Big #BigData At #Walmart: #Real-Time Insights From Their 40+ BernardMarr Petabyte Data Cloud - Forbes 0.75 What The Wikileaks CIA Revelations Mean In A #BigData, #IoT And BernardMarr #AI Enabled World - Forbes 0.75 The Amazing Ways #Google #DeepLearning And #MachineLearning BernardMarr Projects Are Changing Our World - Forbes 0.75 Industry Giant #Caterpillar Delivers Amazing #ROI From Their #IoT and BernardMarr #BigData Initiatives – Here’s How: 0.75 AI is from Venus, Machine Learning is from Mars #ArtificialIntelligence geoffreyamoore #MachineLearning #AI #BigData 0.73 10 jobs that A.I. and chatbots are poised to eventually replace via andrewchen @jeanettesuh 0.73 What The CIA Revelations Mean In A #BigData, #IoT And #AI Enabled BernardMarr World - Forbes 0.73 Big Data, Smart Machines and More: 6 Vital Trends for IT Decision- BernardMarr Makers in 2017 & Beyond

55 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 53 : Business: Decisions, bad, good Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 53 : make, makes, sense, better, decisions, making, people, sure, happen, difference, easier, even, made, money, mistakes, smarter, less, mistake, decision, vcpitchtips, easy, work, understand, habits, lot, life, happier, hard, help, safer

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 53 Beta Message Usager 0.82 When Sam Altman makes a surprising investment, either he wrong or it’s paulg better than people realize. I.e. it’s better than people realize. 0.73 What motivates you at work? If it just about money, then you must be very DonPeppers unhappy, even if you make a lot… 0.73 When work is automated, it not just menial work. Information work is often hadip easier to automate. 0.73 Salary negotiation is stressful. Here why knowing your worth can make it jtodonnell much easier… 0.70 REMEMBER: if you are not making the choices in your life, someone else jaltucher is – and the results won’t be good. 0.70 Say what you will, but expecting the worst from someone, and having them pkedrosky always do even worse than that, is a kind of outperformance. 0.70 Children need to know that we choose them, always, even before they rachelsklar understand the choices we’ve made to do that. 0.70 omg these people know that makes no sense and don’t care, they just think rachelsklar it sounds good. LORD HELP US ALL. 0.69 Charles Darwin: men endowed with understanding of math seem endowed vkhosla with a 6th sense. Feels true! Maybe even the the most insightful sense 0.67 With all the stimuli we have at work, maybe less is sometimes more. bethcomstock #thursdaythoughts #architecture #officespace

56 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 54 : Tech: Bitcoin Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 54 : bitcoin, xapo, credit, via, real, money, bank, medialab, banks, wired, estate, card, cards, banking, mit, internet, blockchain, currency, economics, competition, coindesk, gets, revolution, ha, price, financial, profits, running, satoshi, industrial

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 54 Beta Message Usager 0.79 .@mit creates wallet to accept #bitcoin from donors for $900K Bitcoin wences Developer Fund via @brianforde 0.77 Bitcoin wallet Xapo raises security in battle over bitcoin via @usatoday wences @kajawhitehouse @xapo 0.75 Benchmark Backs Bitcoin Storage Provider Xapo via @BloombergNews wences @serenasaitto @Xapo 0.73 Bull market is 3rd longest in U.S. history via @CNNMoney geoff_yang 0.73 Taringa! and Xapo launch largest bitcoin integration @xapo @tiburcio wences @hernanbotbol 0.72 Bitcoin Wallet Xapo Raises $20 Million From Greylock, Index via wences @techcrunch @johnbiggs @xapo 0.70 Bitcoin Foundation Hires Developer Sergio Lerner for Full-Time wences Security Role via @coindesk @SDLerner 0.67 Canada’s largest newspaper chain is in trouble via @cjr @bborzyko craignewmark 0.67 @TheNextWeb: Bitcoin: It’s the platform, not the currency, stupid! this ilyaNeverSleeps is dumb 0.67 #Internet Advertising Pioneer: Kevin OConnor, #Founder of sramana @DoubleClick and @FindTheBest

57 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 55 : Business: Startup culture Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 55 : business, entrepreneurs, company, startup, small, startups, vision, success, model, saas, start, build, product, entrepreneur, businesses, scale, founders, great, market, execution, strategy, sales, culture, competitive, everywhere, startupsecrets, idea, learn, grow, built

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 55 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Most startups fail before product/market fit. Focus on traction b4 mkapor hacking growth. Preso by @andrewchen. 0.77 If you plan to be a big success in life, don’t pace yourself or rely on a BarbaraCorcoran business plan -the key is biting off more than you can chew. 0.77 Culture, mission, vision, and values are the threads that tie together a mjskok company,.. @chew @Adamchef 0.77 What makes #entrepreneurs like @Dries @bhalligan Jason Purcell mjskok @Salsify & Paula Long @DataGravityInc great #HUBgrown 0.77 What are appropriate core values to drive your company and team? Lean mjskok from @adamchef #startups #founders 0.75 .@Idealab company @IdeaMarket helps match Ideas, Money, and Bill_Gross Entrepreneurs to create Startups 0.75 What is your value prop? Learn from Patrick Morley @bit9 mjskok @innovationlab for #startupsecrets Wed Nov5 0.75 Culture, mission, vision, and values are the threads that tie together a mjskok company,.. @adamchef 0.75 Culture, mission, vision, and values are the threads that tie together a mjskok company,.. @Adamchef 0.75 What could you learn from Paula Long @DataGravityInc ? A startup mjskok roadmap to success Oct 30 @innovationlab

58 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 56 : Philo: Stories (of great people) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 56 : story, hear, kind, prize, sad, love, words, nobel, true, behind, telling, amazing, person, man, david, tell, brilliant, told, stories, many, young, scenes, sorry, wise, woman, family, brave, loved, remarkable, incredible

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 56 Beta Message Usager 0.77 The story of the pastry that led to @reddit getting acquired by Conde Nast. alexisohanian How a pastry changed my life. 0.77 (From a great grand child I’ve never met, but the family stories are sarahtavel definitely the ones I grew up with!) 0.75 Very proud of @vocativ for first telling Khirz Khan’s story - which led to vivian his extraordinary DNC speech: 0.75 #WayneDyer. So sad the passing of Wayne Dyer. An inspiring, kind, deep SteveTappin human being. A fantastic motivator with no ego. Missed by the world. 0.73 The behind the scenes story of a recent, fun experience cooking #sousvide briansolis with @nomiku and friends -… 0.72 So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives hblodget murdered by evil losers 0.70 If you don’t use your mind, somebody else will. Great story about ex-cons nxthompson studying at Berkeley. 0.70 What are you hoping to hear during #SOTU? Would love to hear UR SAHewlett thoughts! 0.70 Young ppl w rich parents and no experience scare me. They need some sophiaamoruso abuse. 0.70 The Story Behind That Famous GIF of All of David Bowie Hairstyles | steverubel VICE

59 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 57 : Tech: Apps, platforms Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 57 : app, mobile, apps, google, bot, search, slack, web, users, snapdeal, slackhq, ios, email, site, desktop, bots, new, platform, now, techcrunch, android, project, pinterest, use, track, docs, store, traffic, issue, smartphone

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 57 Beta Message Usager 0.79 Finally email reinvented. @acompli is the powerhouse email app for iPhone geoff_yang that Outlook users have been waiting for 0.77 ’My Airtel’ App for iOS is here. Same intuitive interface and Shake Offers. anandc Come and get ’em cc @airtelindia 0.77 7/ Launch of ’Janus’ - the online to offline initiative - for smartphones, anandc motors and other categories. Convenience + Flexibility. 0.77 New issue of Bot! zine is out! Bot IPOs, the Bot Stack Compendium, and Veronica coffee bots! 0.77 12/ Sherpalo: reboot of @snapdeal seller experience to become best in anandc breed; launch of native ads platform for sellers to drive discovery. 0.75 DigitalOcean Teams Up With Bitnami, Now Lets You Install Over 100 Web arrington Apps With A Few Clicks via @techcrunch 0.75 Criminals beware! Google #AI can now identify faces from heavily DanielBurrus pixellated #images 0.75 Woo hoo! My fun new chatbot project GrowthBot is now on @producthunt dharmesh 0.75 I give up. The upgrades suck. I have officially deleted/demoted iOS native bdeeter email on all my devices & cut over to @Microsoft outlook mobile 0.73 I use @Wealthfront to manage my investments. Use this link to get $15,000 Jason managed for free.

60 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 58 : Personal: travels, airports Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 58 : san, francisco, , international, city, flight, toronto, la, town, nyc, home, sfo, alto, east, palo, crossing, park, sf, hall, chasm, united, los, hello, carlospache_co, jose, angeles, flysfo, wifi, miami, beautiful

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 58 Beta Message Usager 0.83 Starting the holiday weekend w/a fun @SouthwestAir flight to LAX. No charleneli whining no complaining flight. Also no Wifi flight. Luv flying w/them 0.83 Amazing 3D style movie in the Los Angeles Airport gate area. @ Los Angeles Walkerjc International Airport (LAX) 0.80 Score! Got on an earlier flight! Headed home…sweet home (@ Montréal Int’l missrogue Airport Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau (YUL)) 0.79 After a 4 hour delay… I’m home. (@ San Francisco International Airport - benparr @flysfo in San Francisco, CA) 0.79 Just posted a photo @ Grand Canyon West, Hualapai Nation, Grand Canyon brian_wong National Park, AZ 0.77 Heading home (@ Hong Kong International Airport - @hkairport in Islands brian_wong District, Hong Kong) 0.77 I’m at Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) (Salt Lake City, UT) w/ 35 brian_wong others 0.77 Headed to YUL for a few days. (@ Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - missrogue @bbishopairport in Toronto, ON) 0.77 Ottawa for meetings for the day. (@ Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - missrogue @bbishopairport in Toronto, ON) 0.75 Home and b-lining to Adtech (@ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) - brian_wong @flysfo w/ 161 others)

61 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 59 : Tech: Health, biotech (?) Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 59 : health, cancer, techonomy, brain, care, medicine, fight, via, patients, disease, global, mental, patient, scientists, diseases, human, study, doctors, diabetes, gene, cure, researchers, diet, child, genetic, heart, risk, research, cells, treatment

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 59 Beta Message Usager 0.75 From Ebola to Zika, this “lab in a suitcase” provides crucial data for BillGates outbreaks: via @verge 0.75 The Cost of Drugs for Rare Diseases Is Threatening the U.S. Health Care drchrisstout System 0.75 A Cure For Obesity? Scientists Discover Genetic Switch That Turns Off TonyRobbins Fat Cells 0.74 Preliminary reports on @Amtrak accident 5 deaths, 6 critically injured, FrankEliason & 42 injured to hospitals. No speculation on cause but devastating 0.73 This is encouraging progress: since 2005, deaths from both HIV/AIDS BillGates and malaria have been reduced by 40%. 0.73 Randomly 2% of the population are immune from HIV and it loic reproducible editing DNA of future children. 0.72 The @gatesfoundation Grand Challenges #GCSeattle mtg kicks off this kmd_drev morn - with ’Pump up the Jam’ + ’It Takes Two’. #GatesSocial 0.72 DNA nanobots will target cancer cells in the first human trial using a peterarvai terminally ill patient via @The_PlaidZebra 0.70 Fighting ISIS in the Cyber Age - Techonomy via @techonomy DavidKirkpatric 0.70 Seeking an alternative to medication, parents tinker with diet to treat drchrisstout ADHD

62 Annexe 5 de l’article « Les influenceurs de la Silicon Valley. Entreprendre, promouvoir et guider la révolution numérique », Olivier Alexandre et Samuel Coavoux, Sociologie, vol. 12, no 2, 2021.

Thème 60 : Philo: Lessons, learning, observations Termes les plus fortement associés au thème 60 : ever, one, best, thing, seen, greatest, favorite, worst, never, worked, wanted, two, lesson, perhaps, important, history, said, biggest, realized, picture, least, better, thought, places, world, yet, films, nothing, always, coolest

Documents les plus fortements associés au thème 60 Beta Message Usager 0.79 I haven’t seen this before! A hawk sat right outside my window at @a16z jeff_jordan with a hawk in its talons. Plz no VC jokes! 0.79 my advice @adambain: always know what the main thing is and remember PeterGuber to keep the main thing the main thing 0.73 If you read one thing today read this and treasure the moments we have dpatil together 0.72 Unicorns are Lame…said no one ever with the original unicorn whisperer bdeeter and one of my favorite peeps @aileenlee 0.70 My favorite Porsche ever… a lesson in doing a few things very well, and metacool the hell with everything else 0.70 Perhaps ignorance is bliss. Perhaps it is dangerous – or perhaps it is just NaomiSimson very expensive ::: 0.70 I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say, ’Hey look! That one is AdamMGrant shaped like an idiot. -Jack Handey 0.67 One thing I know for sure: I’m definitely pulling for @KamalaHarris in alexismadrigal 2024. 0.67 Thanks @PCMag! The only thing better than one of these is two of them. MichaelDell My favorite config :) 0.67 Best ad of the year - I wish I would have thought of this one myself peterarvai