Game Developers’ Census, the Big Three at E3, and More
>>PRODUCT REVIEWS PHOTOSHOP CS3 EXTENDED * SPACENAVIGATOR AUGUST 2007 THE LEADING GAME INDUSTRY MAGAZINE >>CASE FOR THE TECH ARTIST >>CODERS MOUTH OFF >>THE INNER PRODUCT HOW AND WHY STUDIOS EXCLUSIVE ROUNDTABLE PAINTING WITH DOMAIN NEED THESE OXYMORONS WITH FIVE PROGRAMMERS SPECIFIC LANGUAGES Using Autodeskodesk® HumanIK® middle-middle- Autodesk® ware, Ubisoftoft MotionBuilder™ grounded ththee software enabled assassin inn his In Assassin’s Creed, th the assassin to 12 centuryy boots Ubisoft used and his run-time-time ® ® fl uidly jump Autodesk 3ds Max environment.nt. software to create from rooftops to a hero character so cobblestone real you can almost streets with ease. feel the coarseness of his tunic. HOW UBISOFT GAVE AN ASSASSIN HIS SOUL. IImmagge cocouru tteesyy of Ubiisofft Autodesk, MotionBuilder, HumanIK and 3ds Max are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. © 2007 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. []CONTENTS AUGUST 2007 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 7 FEATURES 7 PROGRAMMERS’ ROUNDTABLE In this exclusive roundtable interview, five top technophiles discuss what’s right and wrong with game programming these days, from in-house procedures to multi-processor systems to code reuse. With Brad Bulkley, Stuart Denman, Chris Hecker, Clinton Keith, and Bruce Rogers 17 THE CODE/ART DIVIDE: 7 HOW TECHNICAL ARTISTS BRIDGE THE GAP Game studio Volition (THE PUNISHER, SAINTS ROW) makes a case for hiring a few technical artists, their value 22 ranging from time savings to smoother in-house communication. As linchpins, technical artists keep programmers and artists bonded in their mutual POSTMORTEM cause, helping to ensure that each department gets what it needs from the 22 FINAL FANTASY XII other—and within reason according to The twelfth installment in Square Enix’s wildly popular series was developed the project’s schedule.
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