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0 THIE OU WESTER The Weekly Student Newspaper of Rhodes College vol. LXXXiIT No. 19 Wednesday, April 23,1997 RSG Approves Non-Discrimination Statement One of the issues that was As the representative voice of the By Andew Shulman brought up by Senator Stinson was undergrodut and graduate Stu- the makeup of the committee. Com- dents, the Student Government As- After being taken up for recon- mittee member Eric Johnson '99 said sociation shall recognize and protect sideration, the RSG Ad Hoc Diver- that the committee did not have the the rights of students regardless of sity Committee's Nondiscrimination time to take an accurate sample of differing racial, ethnic, ond class Statement was approved by a vote of the student body, and that there were backgrounds, nationalities, political 11 to 5 with one abstenation during four different religions and four dif- and religious beliefs, gender, sexual RSG's meeting last Thursday in ferent races on the committee. He orientation, and physical abilities; Tuthill. The statement had been de- emphasized that the committee had shall insist upon academic freedom, Non-Dicimnaion feated in the previous week and was consulted with different organiza- responsibilit, and excellence; and J Statement t brought up for reconsideration by tions on campus and had spoken to shall foster an environment which Beginning this week, The Sou'wester will periodically Sophomore Senator Adam Beeler. different people. stimulates students to take active roles inform the Rhodes community of how your RSG Senators The debate was at times heated Beeler then tried to table the in the college community. voted on key issues that effect the community. Several members of RSG felt that statement until the next week, but Norcross said that when this was the motion was defeated 8 to 9. Presi- put to the student body last year it Class of 1997 Class of 1999 they were being misrepresented in Catherine Carter Absent. Adam Beeler Nay The Sou'wester and that those quotes dent Damon Norcross '98 siad that was approved by 89.7% of those Jennifer Graves Yea Kate Bishop Yea were being used to attack them dur- the Senators had a week to discuss who voted. RSG approved it, and the Isabel Melo Yea Jason Dunn Yea ing the debate. Chairwoman Neeta and look over the statement, and that administration approved it, thus set- Alison Santillo Yea Diane Fiares Yea Venepalli warned the Senators that those who did not discuss the state- ting a precedent for the approval of Elizabeth Stinson Nay Neely Shar Yea ment were not doing their jobs. this statement, according to Class of 1998 Class of 2000 they were there to debate the issue Sonia Clayton Perderson Yea Mark Anderson Nay at hand, and not about manipula- Both Johnson and Norcross Johnson. Juhee Desai Yea Rachel Bozynski Nay tions. After her reprimand, the de- made reference to Article I, Section A motion was made byVenepalli Nate Gentry Absent Audrey Davis Nay bate was focused on the statement. 2 of the RSG Constitution which to consider the proposal and it was Kristen Rauschkolb Yea Lydia Shih Absent states that: approved. Jordan Schniper Yea Josh Sdomon Abstain Hackers Gain Entry Into Dunham Sustains Paralysis SUN Lab Computers that at least two accounts on his sys- In Apparent Suicide Attempt tem had, in fact, been compromised Staff Wntgsr in RIM some sensation in his chest which ciate all the friends who have come On most computer systems, the Since then, students in that depart- t-ln-(ltif Campbell called a "good prognostic to see him, too." phrase, "We're being hacked' would ment have moved that estimate to Junior Collin Dunham remains sign". Melody Hokanson, Dean of Stu- inspire a fair amount of worry, and nearly fifty, Monday April 7. in the intensive care unit at The Med He sustained damage to his tra- dent Affairs, urges students who likely a flurry of work as systems ad- The Math/CS computer,or the after an apparent suicide attempt chea but should be able to speak nor- have further questions or just want ministrators begin trying to deter- SUNs, network is separate from the early Friday morning. mally. Although Dunham can to talk to contact the Counseling & mine how to remove the hackers. Alpha that most Rhodes students Dunham suffered a gunshot breathe on his own, he is on a venti- Student Development Center at ext. It would mean that the security use. wound to the neck and has sustained lator while damaged muscles above 3849 or stop by 310 Briggs Monday of the computer system in question It uses different machines, run- paralysis. his diaphragm regain their strength. through Friday between 8:30 am. has been compromised, and unau- ning different software than the Al- A suitemate placed a call to the ' He has contracted pneumonia-not and 5 p.m. Students who need as- thorized users were logged into the pha, and is for use by students taking Campus Safety control center after uncommon for patients breathing sistance after hours can call the As- system. computer science classes at Rhodes, finding Dunham at approximately through a ventilator-and is cur- sistance & Referral Center at These hackers make use of sys- and for those who are termed 12:46 am., according to the official rently receiving antibiotics. 448-2474. tems illegally for things as innocu- 'friends of the department.' incident report released by Campus Though the pneumonia has Hokanson notified all faculty by ous as sending prank e-mail "The SUNs are much more ver- Safety. slowed his progress, Campbell said e-mail the night of the incident. The messages, or as felonious as transfer- satile and amenable to The bullet entered Dunham's the family plans to move Dunham Residence Life staff conducted infor- ring money to fraudulent bank ac- customization than the Alpha, which spinal column, but doctors have not to a hospital near the family's home mative hall meetings for all students counts. makes them very useful for students been able to determine the extent of in Dallas, Tex., by the end of the Friday afternoon. The news that the system is in the with more experience with comput- the damage to his spinal cord, ac- week. "When it is later in the semes- process of being hacked, however, is ers," explains CS student Tehsin cording to Dunham's sister Jennifer "He should not need to be in the ter, students tend to be more stressed hardly even worth a chuckle, to the Syed. Campbell. The immediate outlook, ICU for much longer," Campbell about upcoming deadlines, so we administrators of the Math/Com- The news that the system had she said, is partial quadriplegia. said. She added that the family wants want to make sure there are outlets puter Science computer network at been backed was met with consider- Dunham has feeling in both to begin rehabilitation as soon as where students can seek support, Rhodes able interest, and Professor Stuart arms, with considerably more range possible. Hokanson said. "I think the entire Professor Brian Stuart, of the of motion in his right arm and fin- "Rhodes has been extremely community is very sensitive to the 'Math/CS Department; discovered See HACKERS, Page 5 gers, Campbell said. He also has helpful' Campbell said.,"We appre- needs of our students at this time." Opinion Page 2 Wednesday, April 23, 1997 itoral Board Ac So7u~wl 9M6 STF Editor-in-Chief Erin Riches Associate Editor Melody Barnett Managing Editor James Spears Tuesday became more of a community, and journalistic in- Weated to acknowledge We fully stand behind out SECTION EDITORS difficult night for the staff of The tegrity. the importance f h incdent as decisionyteacowdgth A &E Editor Elizabeth Nichols Sou'wester than usual. In the e we decided that. something tob cnsieredrec- oppoing staces regrding this Scene Editor Brandon Bur As you will undoubtedly see the story we ra crossed no ognized sad disussed...... - m . News Editor Andrew Shulman Sports Editor Jason Hood or hear, we decided to run a story boundaries. We acted with jour. We did -act wnt to emthar.e The small sise of Rhos is Rhodc-ster Editor Mary McCoy on Collin Dunham. nalistic integrity to promote rass, upsetor ofe..... ap adai v. The decision was not an easy awareness of the situation an. Obviouly th.e.e ar nocea-trbt* . Tsne of com. u STAPS CORRESPONDENTS one to reach, but we collectively, still espect its delicacy g t Mdia Anderson Mary McCoy - Matt Bed Kat McWhorer stand behind it. We eihed both agu dia issue. anoheb Kathryn DeRoeuin StedeMean There had been a number of carefully and found that thr Vi cnwldete ifcl y btasoalw o the Grant Gandy TannerNeidhardt eann"Hamilton StevenPerry calls from concerned Rhodes were positive and negative effects of the decision to rus &hearice panu ffect of inietsc aon Hood Dav Speac students regarding the respect towa .vrdecisinw made. bu.*i anted to ud.ethe in- a toefcthes u oe.. Benji Hushes ElizabethWats and integrity a situation such as We wanted to uphold our formatio provided at thae'hall Weaecmite~o vd GRAPHICS a DESIGN STAFF thsmerits, Ws entertanedWeenerane eeyeice oieform iothe StatRhodes communityt tenet to i of inform.n g$5 nost uto pinflame.erg ygoal is t ~t nfair thed Rhode urate commity.d news cov- Photography Editor Amy Lawrence that spoke last night, from the the issues and news on campus. Shul the aril' appear- We wish to extend orcn Layout Assistant Carol Curry threatening to the mildly con-,. We wanted to dispel any ru a rcnetofnw init dolee to the. faiy n Copy Editors Ben Houston cerned. Mor and give an update on yo touete etr.o h d-friend ofClinDn.mdr Audrey Stansell They spoke of respect for Collns condition for those inter' tor seciona ini Souwete to lthtimef giefa Design By Jonathan Nolen Collin, respect to the Rhodes d n y Online Editor Andrew Shulman Online Staff Emily Slagle Brian Willis BUSINESS STAFF Was It Worth It? Looking Back On The GSA Business Managers Sherry Lynn Dave Speau controversial organization on campus lieve it or not, these misperceptions be apart of me that wishes there were Subscriptions Manager Ben Strauser Circulation (namely, §) was something I never do not always belong to some at least a more united gay community Manager Mathew Kraus JASON BISHOP Sales Representative Shadenn Zarur 3i:irr"THAT GAY GUY" imagined I'd be brave enough to do. abrasively conservative student with on our campus. Statistics tell us that Legal Consultant Steve Griffith But, after I was elected at the end of that "I'm God, you're Satan" philoso- there are roughly 140 gay people here my sophomore year, I spent the sum- phy of life. Besides,I can handle that (10% of a given population), give or COLUMNISTS As my junior year at Rhodes Col- mer in New York City brainstorming kind; I used to be one. Nope, sadly take a few I am often disappointed at Nell Bolton Tom Logue lege draws to a dose, I pause for a brief tons of ideas to make § more active enough, the resistance often comes the possibility that many who could Allen Boudreaux Rob Marus moment and, with a puzzled expres- on campus. And I returned from those we least suspect. probably benefit from the supportive Mark Cheney Mary McCoy sion, ask the question: "What the hell overenthused, overinspired, and a bit Yeah, I wish I could say that I'm Grant Gandy Brady Potts community offered by an organiza- Matthew Jones Neeta Venepalli just happened?" Now, I'm not so naive. But I was ready to work, and not apprehensive about my "social tion like § are the very ones who aren't pompous as to think that the entire that I did. life" here, but that's not true. Having taking advantage of it. I remain in a As the offiial student newspaper of campus cares about my life experi- I suppose that I can safely say my to be conscious of my every move has dichotomy on this issue. Part of me Rhodes Coliege, ?Ire SouweSter is ences, but as we prepare for an officer "coming out experience"here at Chez been a bitter pill for me to swallow. I says that people live their own lives in prodgced entirely by the students on turnover within the organization for- Rhodes has changed many things tend to wonder what people are think- the way they choose, and that's fine staff. It functions independently of faculty and administration with no merly known as GSA (represented about the way I relate to our campus. ing of me while I'm talking to them; and I respect that. But there's this outside funding from student activ- here by this symbol: §), I find if ap- Being a vocal individual, I've experi- sometimes I am not convinced that damn monkey on my back who won't ity fees or other College sourcs. It propriate to take this opportunity for enced many people who are suspi- people are actually listening tome but stop reminding me that an oppressed Is published weekly throughout the reflection on the past, commentary on cious of me. Go figure. I find both instead are thinking, "Why's he talk- minority divided against itself cannot fall and spring semesters, except dur- the present, and predictions for the humor and bewilderment at the ar- ing to me?","Does he think I'm gay?'; stand. ing exam periods and breaks. future. Staff meetings are open to the ray of vicious rumors that always seem or better yet, "Is he hitting on me?" Perhaps that all sounds rather Rhodes community and convene in I hardly know where to begin, ex- to get back to me in one corrupted Sure can put a big fat road block on dismal. And though I must admit 103 Buckman every Sunday afternoon cept for at the beginning. I was born form or another. Here's a classic: the Communication Avenue, huh? Now, that I never expected to put up with at 3 p.m. The Sos'westeris a member of the Student Publications Board, a a chubby little tyke on June 12, 1976. suggestion that I have used my office realize: I understand the insecurities half of the things I've tolerated over six-publication consortium that in- Then I grew up tall and I grew up right in § to seduce innocent Rhodes boys. and stereotypes involved when deal- the past year, my term of office has cludes the editors of all student pub- lications, class representatives and (no thanks to "them Indiana boys"), As if. I'm often surprised at some of ing with issues of sexual orientation. now come to an end, and I have cho- at-large representatives from the stu- and at the ripe age of 18 came to the looks I get when walking around But I think the lesson to be learned sen not to run for re-election. Now dent body. Rhodes a conservative, fundamental- campus, many times from people I from all of this is just exactly what I am forced to answer the question, All staff editorials published in The Sou'wester represent the majority, ist Christian boy whose wardrobe don't even know. And there's really happens when one person really rocks "Was it worth it?" If I made one per- opinion of the Editorial Board com- consisted of nothing more daring nothing abnormal looking about me, the boat: it forces us to confront and son think, then yes, it was worth it. posed of section editors and execu- tive editors. Opinions expressed in than Polo shirts and Dockers (or Duck except that the roots are starting to at least acknowledge fears, stereotypes, If I helped one person begin over- The Rkede-srr, opinion columns, and Heads, depending on the mood). show in my bleach-blonde hair, but and prejudices that we all have, in- coming stereotypes and prejudices letter-to-the-editor do not necessar- Somehow I discovered that under- ily reflect the opinions of The that's not so uncommon around here, cluding myself. They have been against gay, lesbian, and bisexual Sow'veter Editorial Board. Letter- neath that preppy wrapper lay a big- is it? passed down to us through our cul- people, it was worth it. If I helped a to-the-editor are encouraged; all let- mouthedliberal,"spiritualfeisty, gay There are times when I wonder if ture, so we really can't avoid them. gay, lesbian, or bisexual person at ters must be signed and will be edited fbr clarity. musician with an attitude. The ward- people think that I lead § meetings by Perhaps the experiences I can share Rhodes come to terms with his or robe didn't change all that much. I lighting candles and chanting some might make us as a community- or her identity, regardless of whether REacUNN 7)nSovinss" I (901)4183970 am confident that leaving Burns, TN, cultic creed, after which I obviously as individuals - reevaluate and de- I'Il ever know, it was worth it. If Paze (901) 843-3409 the mecca of civilization where I was facilitate a nasty discussion on who all cide that the lone voice crying in the people are at least talking about the B-Mdu: uouweaershodasedu reared, had a lot to do with this molt- the gay people are on campus and Address: The Sou'wester wilderness actually has something issues, it was worth it. If I did any- Rhod Cole.e Box 3010 ing process. But after three years, I what we think of them. Oh, yes, of valid to say. thing to make Rhodes a better place, 2000 North Parkway take a step back and say "Where am I course, and then we talk about all the And though I realize that Rhodes then it was worth it. Memphis, TN 38112.1690 Or visit ThISM astr Oulias now?" ones we haven't converted yet. After is not a utopian society in which ev- htpV//www.ohdwftsodWsAdk$W/ Becoming co-director of the most all, we have nothing better to do. Be- eryone "gets along," there will always See Was It Worth It? on Page 6. Mb,,w CdqA.A ...... Opinion

Wednesday, April 23, 1997 Page 3v The Last Word: The Legacy Of The Class Of'97 in which the endless pursuit of scholarship - the very things that I know a good half of my reader- good into something truly great. Utopia-on-a-quadrangle is the a liberal-arts education is sup- ship is rolling their eyes by this Change #1: we have to care ROB M S chief end of man). posed to build. A good fraction of point, but I believe whole- about things more. We have to re- HE MOOSE IS LOOSE However, that doesn't mean we the people who paid $80,000 plus heartedly that we - both those alize that liberal learning is about haven't left a legacy. The question to go here for four years could within and without the Greek sys- more than simply preparing us for is: What kind of legacy have we have gotten pretty much the same tem - have turned what should the MCAT, LSAT, or CPA exam. Or, I have been anticipating this left? The only kind that our much- things that they are taking away be one of Rhodes' greatest assets conversely, that it's about more moment ever since I began writ- maligned generation can leave: from Rhodes at their local state- into one of its greatest liabilities, than picking up on the latest aca- ing my column more than two one of profound ambiguity. run SEC school - and for a heck We complain about how divided demic school of thought and years ago, and now that I finally How does this ambiguity of a lot less cash. the Greek system is (and thus how deconstructing everything we've get here, I realize that I have very manifest itself? Everywhere. Ex- Example #2: we are at once impotent against its many detrac- been raised to believe. Rhodes ac- little to say to you. I could rant and ample #1: we are simultaneously radical and conservative. We say tors), and then engage in the same tually offers an excellent liberal- rave about the Administration, or activist and apathetic. Our class we espouse the same beliefs as the divisive behavior by doing some- arts education - our faculty is The Man, or whoever I want to was conceived in strife; we came stereotypical radical liberal-arts thing stupid or talking endless truly top-notch, we have excellent blame our problems on this week, to this school in the midst of the student - pro-diversity, anti-Es- trash about another Greek group. artistic and cultural opportunities but it won't do anyone any good; Gay-Straight Alliance controversy tablishment, pro-egalitarianism. Once again, I am as guilty of this both on campus and in metropoli- nothing of that nature really seems and are leaving it amongst the last However, when we get down to as the next person. However, for a tan Memphis, and the school of- to matter any more as Commence- gasps of the Purpose Statement brass tacks, we realize that we pay class that has done more than any fers a wide range of academic and ment looms ever-more-near, debate. We have taken up issue af- only lip service to our professed other in years to unite Greeks cam- intellectual perks (such as the What does matter, though, is ter issue - Gay-Straight Alliance, ideas. Out of one side of our pus-wide, we've also done a lot to Seidman Lectures) of which few that the much-ballyhooed Class of tenure debates, diversity problems mouths, we indict the Administra- tear each other down. students ever avail themselves. 1997 leave some kind of legacy on - with the kind of gusto that tion for not fostering an atmo- Of course, in true Marus style, An Ivy-quality education is this campus. As far as turning would take a Vegas hustler aback. sphere that nurtures diversity, I refuse to end this column on a there for the taking, but very few Rhodes into the liberal-arts never- Yet, most students in our class then we turn around and laugh at low note; before I climb down out take the whole thing. Why? Par- never-land that we have always en- (and at large) couldn't have cared a racist or homophobic joke out of my pulpit for the last time, I will tially because we have too many visioned, we have failed - in spite less, while the same outspoken of the other side. Of course, I am tell all of y'all younger folks just campus organizations (88 last of all our strident politicking and group of students debated the is- as guilty of this as anyone. Those how to take this ambiguous legacy time I counted) with which to polemicizing on its behalf - to in- sues year in and year out. The fact of us who criticize the bigwigs of the Class of'97 and extract only deal, and partially because we cite the revolution we so desire. In remains that many - dare I say most stridently are also often the the good half of it. But the Col- have a student body whose qual- fact, we recognize that we probably most? - students at Rhodes are ones who tolerate intellectual or lege officials are going to have to ity is not commensurate with never will effect so profound a here simply as part of a stop on social diversity the least readily in listen up and be our partners - that of all other aspects of this change on a campus like Rhodes their career train, and could give our own circles. rather than our combatants - in school. (except, of course, for those of us a rat's ass about philosophy of life, Example #3: we are concomi- the struggle to revolutionize who decide to go into academia, moral character, or dedication to tantly pro-Greek and anti-Greek. Rhodes from something merely See TJ Last Word on Page 6 Redirecting The Diversity Debate may be members of the Nifty crimination statement. The ment. Yet to the committee, their altering it to be PC is unaccept- Fifty, but with the exception of nondiscrimination statement is absence from the statement is able. Sewanee, it is a stretch to call solely a legal requirement. To go "misleading." Perhaps the fundamental dis- them comparable to Rhodes. beyond this is to assign it undue The minor inconsistencies agreement over the report arises Excepting Sewanee, these importance. Apparently, some within the two Rhodes' Nondis- from differing approaches to di- schools (Smith, Reed, Williams, believe the absence of certain crimination Statements need to be versity. Some people believe As this is my farewell col- Bryn Mawr, Wheelock, and groups from the statement to be corrected. However, these are not Rhodes should seek people from a umn, it is perhaps fitting that I Bates) are decidedly liberal, have tantamount to Rhodes discrimi- "critical inconsistencies" as such; variety of racial, cultural, eco- address the same matter which no Christian church relation- nating against these groups. The they are much more likely an over- nomic, and ideological back- led to my first submission to the ship, and half of them (Smith, omission of a group from the sight caused by updating of the grounds (Rhodes Mission Sou'wester. Like a hungry bear Bryn Mawr, Wheelock) are statement is NOT a tacit impli- catalog and application for admis- Statement). In other words, they emerging from hibernation, the women's colleges. The adminis- cation that Rhodes practices dis- sion at different times. The state- seek a heterogeneous mix of indi- issue of diversity reappears ev- tration of Williams has set about crimination against any of these ment should be updated to reflect viduals holding unique ideas and ery spring. Let us turn our at- attacking the publications of individuals. the language of the 1990 ADA law. experiences. If Rhodes had a veri- tention to the Rhodes Student students with conservative view- The committee members' However, the committee's argu- table United Nations of students Government Ad Hoc Diversity points. Reed was founded on reading of Rhodes foundational ment hinges upon semantics. The who all happened to hold the same Committee Report on the Non- secularism, which promotes the documents has led them to con- committee regards "handicap" to beliefs and ideologies, nothing discrimination Statement. The rejection or exclusion of reli- clude that the nondiscrimina- be a term which is "exclusive and would be gained. The focus logic and conclusions of this re- gious considerations. Given tion statement is a mis- misleading," and suggests the sub- should be on diversity of the mind, port provide considerable cause Rhodes' recent reaffirmation of representation of Rhodes ideals. stitution of"disability." While this not the physical body. for concern. its church relationship, the least Neither sexual orientation nor is the word used by the 1990 law, I The opposing viewpoint fo- Several contradictions we can ask for is a comparison marital/parental status is men- fail to see how "handicap" is ex- cuses on a person's race, religion, within the Ad Hoc committee to other church related schools tioned in any of Rhodes' docu- clusive or misleading. Indeed, if or sexual orientation. Diversity are immediately apparent. that truly value a diversity of ments. In light of Rhodes' you check a dictionary or thesau- based solely on these things leads While the committee is com- ideas. Statement of Christian Commit- rus, you will find that the two to separation and balkanization. prised of a broad mix of racial The committee has griev- ment and Church Relationship words are interchangeable. It There is also an inherent under- and socioeconomic back- ously overinflated the purpose and the conservative Christian should be noted that "handicap" is standing in this point of view that grounds, there is little diversity of the nondiscrimination state- stance of the Administration, a word which has long been es- certain ideas and experiences are of ideas and ideologies. It is ment, calling it the "creed of the neither can the inclusion of chewed by the politically correct restricted to particular groups of hardly representative of the stu- college." To the contrary, I un- these groups be implied. There- "speech police." I could under- people and are not to be found in dent body. I also question the derstand the Mission Statement fore, it is understandable that stand the rationale of changing the people outside these groups. selection of schools for compari- to delineate the values and goals these groups do not have a place language of the statement to be son. The so-called peer colleges of the college, not the nondis- in the nondiscrimination state- consistent with current law, but See Divty Debase on ftg 6. IN ews Page 4 SOU'WESTER Wednesday, April 23, 1997

Computer Center \ N1 I: tS. ' AC 1 TY ~ 1 T 1 Introduces ResNet By Blake Rollins standard desktop computer in 1987 Staff Writer more students entered Rhodes trained in Apples from high school computer A new addition to the Rhodes science classes. Now, more students World Wide Web home page has re- learn on PC compatible computers in cently sprouted under the heading high school and Rhodes felt a need to "Computer Center/ResNet. ResNet, accommodate these swelling ranks. short for Resident Hall Network, isthe Two years ago when the campus net- same campus computer network that work started, Rhodes decided to sup- has been operation for two years and port both Mac and the PC. spans all academic buildings and cer- When students pay their $60 tain dorms including Rob-White- ResNet activation fee next year, they Ellet, Bellingrath, and Blount. will receive a kit containing an Computer Center Director Charles Ethernet cable and instructions on Lemond and Assistant Director Judith how to hook up their computers Rutschman informed all students of themselves. The software automati- the upcoming changes in network cally assigns an IPaddress to the com- computing via campus mail in Feb- puter, which allows the computer to ruary. By the Fall 1998 semester, all be found on the Internet. The kits al- dorms will be wired with an Ethernet low the great influx of Internet-hun- connection for each bed. Operating grystudents to connectto the network at a speed of 10 megabits/sec, the net- more quickly. work provides a "port to every pillow" The Computer Center also en- In following with a trend among courages Rhodes students to order the many colleges and universities, the necessary Ethernet cards for their name "campus network" has been computers early to avoid the Fall rush. simplified to "ResNet" Because Ethernet connects directly to ResNet has been designed to ac- the campus network, no phone lines commodate the increased number of are used and a modem proves unnec- new users. In addition to the new essary. Rather, an Ethernet card must additions to the campus network, 214 be installed in the motherboard for Buckman will be converted this sum- the fast file transfer rate. mer to an all PC computer lab. As of As for the future of computing at April 17, the Computer Center was Rhodes, Lemond and Rutschman say still accepting offers from PC vendors they always try to keep track of tech- for the make of computers that will nological trends. File servers and as retirement income, the money you don't send be used. 216 Buckman has already shared printers are still Macintosh of taxes, the nagging ache been converted into a dual platform based but are available to Windows 95 F weor recommendfast relief from TIAA-CREF SRAs. SRAs to Washington can work even harder for you. computer lab with all Macintoshes users through a college licensed soft- are tax-deferred annuities designed to help build What else do SRAs offer? A full range of equipped with PC cards that include ware utility. Both anticipate the de- additional assets-money that can help make the investment choices and the financial expertise Pentium processors. Essentially,these velopment of new network software of TIAA-CREF -America's largest retirement Macs are two computers in one box, that is easily compatible with both difference between living and living rell after and with one key command PC users systems. your working years are over. organization* can switch from the Mac OS to Win- For now PC users should experi- Contributions to your SRAs are deducted To find out more, stop by your benefits office dows 95. According to Lemond and ence little difficulty in connecting to from your salary on a pretax basis, so you pay or give us a call at 1800 842-2888. We'll show Rutschman, the decision to create PC Alpha and enjoying the same utilities on your you how SRAs can lower your taxes. compatible labs does not respond to like the Academic Volume as less in taxes now. And since earnings the current financial malaise of Apple Macintosh users. SRAs are also tax deferred until you receive them Do it today-it couldn't hurt. Computer but rather responds to The Computer Center recom- at www.tiaa-cref.org more and more students who arrive mends students with questions visit Visit us on the Internet to Rhodes their freshman year with the ResNet Site at http:H PCs. www. rhodes.edu/ComputerCenter/ Ensuring the future When Rhodes t chose Apple as the Resnet/indexhtml. for those who shape it ' Rising Bio Seniors Pre-register 'Basedon assetsunder management. CREF certifcates are isirhuted by TIAA-CREF Individual and InstrrutionalServices. Inc For more completeinformatton, including chargesand expensec all 1 800 842-2733. ext. 5509,for a currentCREF prospectus.Read the prospectuscarefully before you insestor sendmoney. Date of Firstuse: 2197 By Steele Mean service was made available to ensure Staff Writer that the seniors would get into the Biology classes which they needed Biology department has been doing one class and Senior Seminar and classes in other departments as nor- Rising Seniors majoring in Bi- to graduate. this for five years." He went on to then go through the line again for mal, said Petke. ology received the chance to prereg- Dr. John Olsen, chair of the Bi- say that before, Biology seniors had your second class." According to As of now, only the Biology de- ister for Biology classes on March ology department, said that each difficulty getting into the specific Petke, these two classes count for the partment gives its seniors this privi- 18th. Students lined up at seven in student was allowed to preregister courses they needed to graduate. first two levels on the student's tree lege, but the Registrar's office said the morning at Frazier-Jelke to take for two Biology classes on a first Sarah Petke, a rising Biology se- and that they must be Biology that any department may do this if advantage of this opportunity. This come first serve basis and that "the nior, said that you stand in line for courses. Biology seniors register for it so chooses. iN ews Wednesday, April 23, 1997 SOUWESTER Page 5 lackers, from Page 1. or Root, access on the SUNs them- selves, but limited their activity to requested that students look for deleting one student's files, stored suspicious users on the network. on the system. The third, and most The next night, Rhodes Juniors disturbing, group was using the Syed, David Mankin, and Bryan Math/CS system as a jumping-off Alexander noticed a user logged on point to hack other systems, so that from a questionable location, else- administrators trying to trace hack- where on the net. Along with the ers, just as ours did, reach Rhodes Math/CS Student Administrator, College, and not the hackers real ad- Erik Berry, they spent over twenty dress. hours over the next two days trac- By all appearances, the different ing hackers around the Internet, groups were aware of each others and occasionally even witnessing activities. In fact, one hacker sent hackers log on on as they watched. Professor Stuart e-mail, complain- They found that the SUNs had ing that the activities of another been hacked by users with ac- were taking up too much of the counts, likely also fraudulent, on system's processing power. It was machines in Norway, Israel, Ku- things like that that made the hack- wait, Sweden, and locations ers easy to catch, explained Mankin. throughout the United States. The "The hackers were very foolish. first known hack, which took place They left a clear trail, and made it on February 23 of this year, was easy to discover where they had from a computer system at Loyola been." Marymount University. Mankin further explained that, Using the information they while the Math/CS machines had gained, Professor Stuart and the been compromised, this said noth- I Want To Thank My Mother... computer science students began ing about the security of the Alpha, disabling suspect accounts, and which most Rhodes students use. tightening network security. There The two networks, while a part of the have been upwards of fifteen at- same Internet, are otherwise separate, tempts to compromise the Math/ and the less malleable nature ofVMS CS network, all of which have been (the operating system used by the unsuccessful. Alpha) makes it inherently more dif- "We've been looking, and as far ficult to hack than the SUNs. He, as we can tell, they haven't been able does, however, urge students on any to get back in since we tightened computer network to be very cau- up security"' said Alexander. tious when choosing a password. It was believed at first that this "Don't use a word that's in any dic- breach was the result of one tionary. A good way to choose a pass- person's hacking, but it is now word is to take two unrelated words, thought that there are three differ- and put them together with a num- ent groups or individuals, each ber in the middle." with a different reason to want ac- If students with accounts on the cess to the network. One group, for Math/CS computers find that they reasons unknown, was using the are unable to log on, it is a good in- SUNs to access Internet chat chan- dication that theirs was one of the nels illegally. The second was in- suspect accounts. See Professor terested in gaining administrator, Stuart to access your account again. Awards Convocation was held yesterday. Dr. Brad Pendley, Assistant Profesor of Chemistry won the Clarence Day Award for Outstandinp Teaching. Dr. Stephen Haynes, Associate Professor of Religious Studies was awarded the Clarence Day Award for Research and/or Creativity.

The sou'wester Daughdrill Elected To APCU is currently taking Board applications- for By Andrew Shulman Said APCU Director Dr. Assistant News Niw Edior Duncan Ferguson on Daughdrill's Editors for the election, President James Daughdrill was "He has provided outstanding upcoming school elected to the Board of Directors of presidential leadership at Rhodes year. If you are the Association of Presbyterian Col- over the years. It is important that interested in leges and Universities (APCU) dur- our senior presidents provide lead- ing its annual meeting. ership, and Jim Daughdrill has that." becoming one, APCU is comprised of 72 col- Daughdrill had served as presi- please email leges and universities across the dent and board member of the As- SOUWESTER or United States that are related to the sociation of Presbyterian Colleges Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Insti- (APC) in 1976. After the reunion Lauren Elizabeth Wile "Sumnte" Prevo of To look at this happX hdhy abGraduating June 4, 1992. call extension tutions such as Tulsa, Davidson, the Northern and Southern Presby- you'd never know what hkilledhGraduatng: May 4,1992 3970. Eckerd and Agnes Scott are members terian churches in the 1980s APC It was a drunk driver Klev May, OH of the APCU. became the APCU. April 1, 1994 Lewisvilkr Texs Oimion Page 6 UWIVESTER Wednesday, April 23, 1997

The Last Wor4 from Page 3 part of a liberal education is learning that you Admissions have, inexplicably, always been won't always be in a situation where everyone a problem for us; we still accept far too large a else thinks like you. In a day and age when a percentage of people who apply here. litigious society that knows nothing of the con- Why do we have these problems? It's not for cept of "personal responsibility" has reduced want of an xellent admissions staff,or a beau- anything that resembles fun into an insurance tiful campus, or significant recruiting strengths. risk, we Greeks don't need to give the school, It's one of those inexplicables. our national , or our insurance com- Change *2: we have to prove our commit- panies any excuse to put an end to us. There are ment to diversity by living it. We cannot con- plenty who are ready topull the plug on us, and tinuetobecompetitive in an increasingly diverse they wait, like vultures, at the slightest sign that society and diverse pool of college applicants we may weaken. Therefore, wehave to showonly while continuing to be a lily-white Presbyterian the best of what we're about, and that is indeed finishing school. Once again, the admissions something wonderful. Michael Faber recently department needs some major help from cur- explained it best: human beings naturally divide rent students in creating an atmosphere where themselves into different social groups, so why diversity is truly valued accepted, and desired. not do that dividing in the most constructive However, to bring this situation about, we need way possible? not only change in the attitudes of students, but I could go on, particularly about the detri- evidence, at the highest levels of power in this ment of the alcohol policy on creating a cam- school and its Board of M stees, of a true pas- pus sense of community, but I have already taken sion for diversity. I have seen very little evidence up far too much space. Suffice it to say that the of this yet, but we must have it, and soon. bottom line is this. when I make my walk out of Deborah Jones-Jobe and can't do Fisher Garden in a couple of weeks with diploma it all themselves. inhand, Iwillnotbeatalldisappointedorcyni- Change #3: we must strengthen our Greek cal about my Rhodes experience; I have learned system. Some may see the Greek system as a multitude of incredibly valuable lessons here. Rhodes greatest single problem, but I choose not However, we have a long way to go before we to. Not even liberal-arts colleges can be ivory can be assured that everyone else who gradu- towers of cooperation and universal acceptance, ates from here feels the same way.


7254m"7 Open 7 Days... 11 am tiu 2 am

Diversity Debatefrom Page 3 in the face of scathing criticism. Despite all the If we concentrate on the group into which calls for respect and diversity, little room is held All Deliver ... someone falls, we risk ignoring the individual's for Christian viewpoints in general, and con- traits, abilities, and attributes while falling prey servative onesin particular. It is apparently OK All The T me to stereotyping. If one's identity is shaped by for the beliefs ofWASPs to be impugned, as long group affiliation, how can we expect to respect as every other cultural, religious, racial, or sexual each other as individuals? category is respected. I bristle at accusations of Additional problems are caused if one, as intolerance and close-mindedness when "RCF 103.00 OFF recently stated,"honors differences" while with- sucks" is scribbled on meeting announcements, holding any type of value judgment If this is FCA is referred to as "Fucking Christians of Any Large Pizza the case, it then seems logical that a neo-Nazi or America," and a year does not pass when con- serial rapist should be "honored" just as readily servative Christians are not labelled simple- * ~or~ as any other individual, because, after all, this minded and bigoted by a student publication person has a "different" set of ideas. Of course, and/or a member of RSG. S$2.0 OFF I this is absurd. Yet the suggestion remains that With this in mind, perhaps the discussion we should refrain from makingvalue judgments. needs to be redirected. Our primary consider- Any Medium Pizza u On the other hand, the beliefs of President ation on this campus should be a re-evaluation Daughdrill and many people on this campus of tolerance and diversity, specifically in regards U Pease prse Copo at pine odelivery rrrrrrrrrrsmrrrrrs lead them to dare to draw distinctions between to conservative Christian viewpoints, before the right and wrong, to believe in universal, objec- nondiscrimination statement iseven considered tive truths, and to stand up for their convictions Wgin Arts & Entertainment Wednsday, April 23, 1997 SUWESER Page7

____ TraditionalWeetzie Bat Theater Revamps

and a witchy seductress and Jayne Mansfield devotee named Vixanne Wigg. Plastic bottles of Coca-cola represent two babies, Cherokee and Spampostoffice, a theatre group made up of Witch Baby. Rhodes College and stu- Weetzie Bat is a fast-paced and innovative dents, presented WezieeBata work-in-progress, production, and it basically stays true to every at McCoy Theatre for three evenings last week. word of the novel- dialogue is in a'he said/she The play is adapted from Wezie tBa; a novel said' format, which took a bit of time to get used by Francecsa Lia Block The book recounts an to in watching the play. exhilarating trip through the Los Angeles of the The actors sport bright, mismatching 1980's. The title character, Weetzie, is a white- clothes, which give a nod to the abundance of haired girl who dresses in fringe and glitter and colorful descriptions in the novel, but seem to clothes defaced with her own poetry. serve more as sources of visual stimulation than Photo by Amy Lowrence/Sou'wester She spins through LA. in wonderment at as costumes that designate the different charac- Weetie Bat Cast (L-R) Elizabeth Watt, Croix Lazzare, Jeff people's indifference to the pop-culture-and- ters. This is not problematic, since the six actors Lockwood, Brandon Ban, Amanda Sisk, Elizabeth Wells movie-star magic of her hometown. The story playing more than three different roles all per- followsWeetzie through various permutations- form convincingly, no matter what they hap- high school student, waitress, actress, wife, and pen to be wearing. Singers To Perform Bach's mother- and shows her constant search for a Weete Bat is an entertaining, funny pro- sense of family, contentment, and joy. duction, and is the first project embarked upon The play brings many interesting characters by spampostoffice. The goal of this group is to Mass In B Minor to life, using a six-person cast to play the likes of take Weetzie Batto the Edinburgh Fringe Festi- Dirk, Weetzie's gay best friend, his lover Duck, val in Scotland this summer, and then return By Mary Ann Whitmire ticing the Mass, participants nevertheless keep dogs named Slinkster Dog and Go-go Girl, from overseas and continue to bring accessible Staff Corerpondent coming back for more. For many of us, it is our Weetzie's husband My Secret Agent Lover Man, theatre productions to a younger audience. first involvement with the work, but for others, Rites of Spring and its bacchanalian merry- this performance marks their second or even making may be over, but this coming weekend fourth time around. Grosse Pointe Blank: will bring another tradition for Rhodes students No matter what their level of experience, and the Memphis community to enjoy On Sun- however, participants unfailingly used adjectives day, April 27, at 2:30 p.m., the Rhodes Singers, such as "sublime" and "overpowering" to de- Say Anything Meets the Rhodes Mastersingers Chorale, Singers scribe the feeling that the performance evokes. Alumni, and the Memphis Symphony Cham- In keeping with the work's theme, the process ber Orchestra will join to perform J.S. Bach's of learning the Mass is somewhat of a "resur- Pulp Fiction Mass in b minor. rection."In contrast to our fumbling beginnings, By Blake Rollins tin Blank returns to Grosse Point he discovers This event at Evergreen Presbyterian Church the choir has moved beyond the notes on the Staff Writer the long lost love he abandoned on prom night will mark the group's fourth "quinquintennial" page to achieve precise musicality and still lives at home and runs her own radio sta- (every five years - try to find THAT sucker on goosebump-inducing harmonies. Despite its often contrived quirkiness, Grosse tion. From that point on, we watch Blank at- WordPerfect's thesaurus!) performance of the The 90-voice choir will be augmented by five Pointe Blank leaves the sweet cotton candy taste tempt to shed his killer skin in favor of the family piece. guest soloists, including soprano Kate Cockrill, of the 80's adolescent comedy flick in the mouth man who never lost his ability to love. Debi Due to the extreme technical difficulty of a 1996 Rhodes graduate. Also featured will be of the movie-goer - a flavor we secretly savor (Minnie Driver), still skeptical, forces Martin the Mass, the Singers have been rehearsing sec- soprano Carole Blankenship of Memphis, alto every Friday when we refuse to go to bed and into a series of tests to prove his loyalty. tions of it since the beginning of fall semester. Jacqueline Pierce from New York, tenor Ron instead watch USA"Up All Night" with Rhonda. Much of the humor in Grosse Pointe Blank These rehearsals were marked by desperate met- Burrichter from Gainesville, and bass Charles Co-writer, producer, and star John Cusack falls flat Tension between Martin's responsibil- ronomic head-bopping and tor-tapping,as well Billings of Memphis. Tickets cost $8 for stu- plays frustrated hitman Martin Q. Blank whose ity to Debi and the assassin who follows him as occasional under-the-breath utterances of dents and seniors, and $16 for adults. They are productivity suffers under the saturated profes- home is unachieved. The scene where Blank's "uurrrgh" (an expression that roughly translates availablethrough the McCoy box office (x3838) sional killing market of the 1990's. secretary attempts to order hollow point bullets into, "Gee whillikers, I sure screwed up that note and at the door if tickets remain. Dan Aykroyd plays the curious role of the then switches to another line to discuss soup - but don't think I didn't know better, because' Whether you are musically-inclined or sim- Jimmy Hoffa of cleaners who tries to organize recipes with her children obviously attempts to I do"). Appropriately, the Singers ended several ply need a break from pre-finals monotony, the the hitmen into a union of professional killers. imitate quitch 90's Robert Altman dialogue, but rehearsals by singing the text Kyrieeleison (Lord, Singers' performance of Mass in b minorprom- Cusack's refusal to join the growing collection the parody felt so forced nobody laughed in the have mercy). We not only sang it-we MEANT ises to provide an engaging escape from the of super killers leads him to venture instead on theater. The looming 80's soundtrack obstructs it! mundane - an experience unmistakably what becomes his last assignment as hitman: his the action of the movie. Despite the frustration that arises from prac- Badnalian. 10"' High School Reunion in Grosse Pointe, But these considerations diminish when one LOOKING FOR A CAREER OR NEED SUMMER MONEY? Michigan. studies the comic relationship between Cusack To his credit, Cusack remains in Grosse Point and his psychologist (Alan Arkin). While Cusack WE HAVE YOUR ANSWERII Blank true to the genre that made him famous. rambles about his problems, the doctor trembles Recalling such 80's roles as One Crazy Summer behind his desk in obvious fear. Arkin would NORRELL SERVICES AVARIETY OF POSITIONS AVAIlABLE and Say Alyhing, Cusack never loses his inse- like to terminate the patient-client relationship, cure sarcasm- translating well into his role as but small disguised threats keep the psycholo- CALL ONE OF THESE BATESvILLE, MISSISSIPPI MEMPHIS EAST CLERICAL pro hitman. Often his character shines when gist riveted to his chair. When Cusack tells his LOCATIONS: (601)563-2102 (901)751-0501 he converses with his secretary (played by his doctor "he'll give the reunion a shot, Arkin FINANCIAL STAFFING OLIVE BRANCH INDUSTRIAL SOUTHPARK INDUSTRIAL real life sister, Joan Cusack). When she prods quickly chirps: "Don't give it a shod! Don't shoot (901)529-9337 (601)895-5500 (901)795-5500 him to go to his reunion, Cusack replies: "Don't anything!" BARTLE-r INDUSTRIAL GRENADA, MISSISSIPPI tease me. You know what I do for a living." Overall, Grosse Pointe Blank is a pleasing (901)387-4854 (601)226-2253 EEO/DISABLED WELCOME Yet like all great 80's movies, "Grosse Pointe though perhaps shallow cinematic experience. Blank" really involves a love story. When Mar- 1aje a date and eat some junk food. $ports

Pate 8 U-ESE Wednesday, April 23, 1977 Major League asebal1leivie, Predictions: American League By Steven Perry solid rotation led by Charles Nagy strong hitters like Tim Salmon and Staff Wrilt should give them first. Minnesota Jim Edmondsbut they lack the mar- has a solid ballclub, starring the ag- quee players than can put them East- Baltimoreseems to have set ing Paul Molitor, Terry Steinbach, ahead of Seattle. Oakland is simply themselves up for a run at the title and Chuck Knoblauch. If the pitch- outmatched when compared to the this year - if their bigger names can ing of Radke, Tewksbury, and Aldred rest of the division; however, with produce. If Cal Ripken and Chris can hold up, they may contend for Canseco and McGwire back together Hoiles hit, Mike Mussina and Scott the wild card. has Belle and and with young talent like Jason Erickson pitch, and Roberto Alomar Frank Thomas, but they must do Giambi, they still may break.500. spits away from the umps, the Ori- without Robin Ventura and Alex For Most Valuable Player, Ken oles should win the division. The Rodriguez. Despite Doug Drabek Griffey Jr. enters as the favorite. New York Yankees may be World and Wilson Alvarez, their pitching However, teammate Alex Rodriguez Champions, but many questions lin- staff is weaker than most, and this could split his voteleaving the award ger. Bernie Williams, Andy Pettitte, will hurt their chances. If Belle blows to Belle, Thomas, Ripken, or Bernie Mariano Rivera, and Derek Jeter all up, this team could sink quickly. Williams, depending on how their had career years last season, and if Kansas City is vastly improved over respective teams finish. Cy Young is they're not repeated, the title won't last season,but this division is prob- tough to predict in this league; I will be repeated either. Toronto acquired ably too tough for them to win in. guess Mike Mussin, but a reliever Roger Clemens to pair up with Pat Kevin Appier and new additions Jeff (John Wetteland?) may sneak in. Hentgen, but the Blue Jays' hitting is King and Jermaine Dye must pro- Postseason Seattles playoff ex- a patchwork of young and old play- duce. Milwaukee (without Greg perience has not been very success- ers who have failed to produce. Bos- Vaughn and Kevin Seitzer) simply ful, but with weaker New York and ton is not shabby, but the Red Sox lacks the manpower to contend. Cleveland squads, their chances for will need career years from Sele, West-Seattle overshadows the taking the pennant and making the Gordon and ex-Brave Avery to even rest of the division with names like series have been greatly improved. contend. Detroit with huge question Ken Griffey, Randy Johnson, and Look for them to defeat the Yankees marks in their lineup, should lose Alex Rodriguez. If Johnson stays then Cleveland on the way to the 100 games as they did last year. healthy, and the rest of the staff, led Series. Central-The division was shaken by Jeff Fassero, is solid, they should World Series Florida I predict up in the offseason when Chicago win the West easily. Texas strength- will have beginner's luck in their first signed Albert Belie from Cleveland. ened its bullpen by signing John playoff try, overcome the Braves' However, Indians fans should notbe Wetteland, adding him to a staff that pure superiority, and make it to the dismayed, as Cleveland will make up already features a respectable set of Series. Seattle, like Atlanta, clearly for the loss with new acquisitions starters led by John Burkett. They dominates on paper, but Florida has Matt Williams, Marquis Grissom, have to compliment that staff strong a well-balanced rotation, hitters to and Dave Justice all hitting well in hitters and should finish behind Se- match Seattle's, and the home field the American League ballparks. A attic. California will contend, with advantage. Marlinr in Seven Whitile Sets Record Chris Bracken '99: He's going the distance By Steve Refontaine University, LeMoyne-Owen and StWff (rnponut other visitors feel not-so-at-home "Whoda thunk I could throw for Saturday's meet. She plans to that spear so far!" cried Allison break out a new, secret weapon for Whittle, intoxicated with, er, glee af- next weeks' conference champion- ter a record setting toss of the jav- ship: snazzy new Javelin shoes, to elin. help her'throw even farther." How- Participating in the Rhodes ever, it may be difficult for this Jun- Open Meet, Whittle helped make the ior from Ellicot City, Maryland to University of Memphis,Vanderbilt break her new school record of 105.4 feet. Nonetheless, Whittle plans a contract with Addidas; she says tu- ition is mighty steep and hopes that her new contacts (read: Run DMC) will pay off in procuring funds for sponsorship for the giant athletic goods supplier. And in referrence to the intoxi- cation, Whittle said she chooses to abide by the 24 oz. policy, which stipulates no more than two beers in a given week. Until the end of the semester, after which her comsumption plans are up in the air. Staff Correspondent Grant Gandy will have a complete track wrap-up in next week's Sports page.