


'e Superbad bear 'Kung Fu Panda 2' is in film clips PAGE 84


How grows it? New guide for raising edibles PAGE 24

Nues PoLice Detective George Alexopoulos collects a donation from Samantha Silva, of Skokie, at the Dunkin Donuts drive- DUNKIN DONATIONthrough window on Dempster Street in NUes on May 20 during the Cop on Top fundraiserto coflect money for the Illinois Spedal OLympics Torch Run. PAGE 5. Ryan Pagetow-Sun-Times Media

Q Discounts to 100% off $5 off L_. Fun Stuff to do in your first the Northern Suburbs order Enter code Rrst5 at heckout* SOC-'LO9 -II S3'1IN I, New Offers Daily IA LS NQ.LNJO (0959 _LsI0 AèJEII1 OI1Sfld SflIN G sgii Up for FREE and See 88cin9Wa0AèIt;JèIEI1 DI1Bfld S31IN What The Got Spot's Got for You 0Q0000 6T03 at www.thegotspot.com 6T0-3siO1 LJmlt I per peJon ¿IWWW.PIONLEYLACAL.COMI THURSDAY. MAY 26. 2DA NIL IL tHURSDAY. MA'Y 2EASi IiHWW.YIORRERL6CALTCN 3 il L "Do G,ut Work! i. Givr, A GraiDru!! TI,ul's Gulrnri.il" ...... i - -din: f4' w ?!fm7&rvc . t

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Ruvopvg bAllot: Matt Schmitt oca 700524-4433 I msahmifoffipiooeelloaul.vom PIONEERLOCAL.COM [News THURSDAY MAY 26, 2011 5 COP ON TOP Police charge phony doctor

BY TRACY GRUES Oionth ehrst Iposoibly m an aruponetoro trsatmeat) and guoe him pilla bOned "Peas. Nitaa Potise Sgt. perros Parroco Diatesy Sop. Bois Lembseoistc The phony physician whoplemento." The label na the sed Cemmsntty ellegediy performed tooth.botola stated that the pilla ea- Seeeíee Officer pick acupuncture on a "pa.;picad Pabrasey aSilO. CirsiO$ee tient" end prescribed 0050f. ile April 20, rohre Ohs via. Cetomiso sot» data pills hen b sea recostad,tino and hi a son ea lied tira ted donations Hiles poiler reported. clinic, an employee seid ehe and seit items George Fleming, 65, nf 6250didn't mow mba the Acatar bescfltlsg Bise N. Kenneth ilhohla, ovan ne.mes, palias espartad. The fu. titirnis Spedet rested on May 18 and chargedthee oad sca then went ta the Otywpios loesS withpracticing medicinoattua and saw Flesaiak who 'Ranattha osithoutailcenue. lIed cent oa Golf Road, poilas Dusisin Oecsts flemioth ocha police soid os Dempster does eat havealicensa to taveatigararn reported that Stoentin Nitos peurilce medicine in illinois,Pirmiag valuatarily cama ta se Mey 20. I rapoctadlyAcontad s menOho Nifes Foliar Dopaetmrat April 22 at a clinic on the ROYOfoe an interview Dacio0 the blank at Yap Dard. Acaardinginterviewlisadmittedla to the Medicei t°mrtiaa Act offaanctiriegmodiaineaoithaata 1987, the sonpeat "k0000inglySamos, pailas said. and toithout e valid Secam "He's not ilacneed to pana. ooder this Acta nuggcnted,tier medicina in the stata oil recommeaded or parsarthedillianis," Thanshana said. "t treetmrnt....- don't boom if he bed breoCoke donates rain barrels Hiles police Sgi. Robera Ternebana seid ihr victim 1fcanoictod, Fleming could on 0606560tiStlissIlstire fealties, 10 distributiongardan. "Ware teaching away attife!' saw aa advartleemoat foe Abebe sent ta pelona far betaarea Sast,lbola,aentama and ronce than 0,000 In less than loro weokt Larry Hsepater, o plumb- friar dnetor's medirol servicesone and three yeses and Rond employers bostA in illinois. mace than 150 Caau-Culaing aagbooee who epacinilcos la a Bolgoatsa newspaper.np la $25,000, according ta ilray claude loomed chace Through itowatee.atcw.perginoel and daneas of oth-in atoanawatom managemeat, The clinic wen closed ut theNitro police. Culvar Daban an Rataedsyardship program Caaa.Criner commanily members hodprovided a held totamlal foe time the petirot sawFlraoie Fleming's seraigmoentmoaning butthe weatheraims to ceduce sad recyalaaanaafoemed an andeaneedreuidenturnhnwto nasemble Tb rsuspectreportedlydate was Muy 1h Otis bandcouldn't put a damper oc thewater in ite saarnfnataeiagvacant lot iatoaaparirliaedsod ase min barrels. put toolhpielroin the pa.roas mt ut $0,000. dala rennt. Aa axpartontOperstiras,undroplealebgarden designed ta enak op Aa s famose Highmood al- mia, in fact, made it eli thawatea ha aammanitieo undand Alter mia ovaire runoffdacman, Hsrpster developed more meaningfarl. the oaoieuamcat throagh lo.feam soreraundiag buildiagathe treu's kent Aras raja-bar- Pmm itssignntueo.redeat partosrehips. Cnhc gaveand peeking lots. eel prtgoveo in September hybrid trach, Ceoa.Cala dit.away the fees rais barrels, Cuan-Cola aboso gulvee2009 with vinte Sea. A000n teibated filo role barrels todeveloped feam cempoay'nSahoal ositadistributianOberati, P-Lake Forest, and 55010 YtI IH'S11.h YJG5I 5) NQYffi'S HW.AffMa)11 Deadline to display Nuca residents on May OlinllS.galloa syrup dromn, on acentonan Datordap einer lAtoCoca-Cola. Gioia6 tirs bareala celebeatina uf the rarpaan.fiest.came, ilest.seeved ha-thu batuco Oils nia rain gar-awuy at aa coat to resideota CISRIS H $HCR i,5Iffi G55 t5HS HI051)0. ticob 125th anniveecocy and woo impartaat to the projeafs carsticker is JuLy 1 cammitmant ta watar stew. "Ac a key ingredient la "Thn main gaol of the SEllessuccess, tdncpster esid,os ordohip. arary Coca.Cala beverage,Community Rain Gardea inbarrels and their aump000nts 55$ jta5 Cot .0IÑ0 OH5) $101101$ 5G0f1 yp,cr tleeidentnofoaiaraepoeatedddnara Pallnv'tagopeeseatativalwnterlisosacatial to Oarto rduaate avd ionpiee oth-can coo tapwaedn of $000. MsiaeToavaukip ana ceoriaded ta oddlioa to the rosi of theby local leadces and a dem.apematiant," Kate wrote in oers, ta we ccc very pleenrd Margoter said a RAIlSfloH55I fl10I5 0tb95HPa 1511 YiGftshOsil VAhO 0QGI1); that Cook Cuaatyvehtrle stich.stirher them in a $2 peoacneiagaaatratianauaasemblingblogpontiag abuat the eveat.to see Culver ilahoal movingt000-sqoorm-f001 roof peo- aenmanthapoerhaned saddle.he, bat iba fra vilI be waivedthe barrels, o pecado of rare"Rat 00cc mora so, water infocavard with snob an east-davas so wnvh no 022 gamos plapad by July 0. ilorseaiorv ocA rho dimbled. lined opta the nehual peek.critical to Iba woll.boiag ofruamentolly sound project,"nf ooatae for each every barb The shirkers, risa baaww The Malee Tawanbip Clarh'elao lot na Day Scant mem.the rammonitiea and 000ayn.Cslbom said. of rabafoll. es wheel tan atiahoen, am beOffice, nomoally afaca t 0m. tohero landed thn harcela in. toms la which we work and ColaseS bataeim ansintaat Rolo barrebo oulleat and 630.4055715 purahsred si Mains Tawnuhipil p.m. Monday thraogh D'ridap 'dis global s brand os Co. pcioaipal, Frggie Maniracal-atoro ann-potable rainwater NormcinclyBuUdors.com Ahana Hail, hOhl Paliaed Road,will he npen 00 Datardays inaa.Cola is, liait aamse doann Ta recogaise the eurpara-co, said ninth-, eevrath- andfrom r000a thcougk a disaaa- Jane kvm t am, to aura tota thin Itt nil about beivil a sOlArnoswill oo CoKeufibs rso stII our ffitti oUtowroom g5 ,Cdtiio Avst, Fach AliAga The rart is $40 foe tianS argaingrommilmoateighth-grade 000tmd downspout. Addition- CU too eegvloe pmseagar achatas,previde eateadod bouma farmembre of toral aammoei.tu Hilen, Msyue lOaban Ost.roach la aniv gardva dorivgal tabing und boten oua ha $00 for larger pasoragar oriol.pomhaningvehirlasilakera lies," auld Duoid Aleta, CaberIseo u000,o aced that Coca.tholoar,eaanrlassos dur-added to lrmnediately divert rice and between $50 and $12G Pasara to diaplay o coroacolar nias peesidrat af theCala in the Chamber of Cam.ing the veut feov wooko. 'rhowater to gardean ae sawer far trucha, dependbag aa abaeeatvahioleslialaer000 rotoliMioloaaat regiro. merare"Sonivcss of thenahool will alun boat "pluatiagnyntema. AbIJI1'IONR HYI1OOMS 5NOVATION and weight. Mobarayalo slick.la tirkota ham Cock Couaty Nilesja home to Caca.Mouth" far 200e. dnya" for Ihr Ray Orants mad 551110v aablartcd, the paro, em are $15 and ntiakrre forAheelilhPallacafficorr. Cole'sMidweat headguac. ThevillogrnodCoon.broader vommoaity. cloua waler in jAcob foe plants eoa.aommeraiolrearoalloanl She morn lafoemalion calltreu nod the lorgeet bottlingCola forged itn partoerthip "We're vat ioni deivoa byand gardaos be000ss al rolar tmilem are Roil. There is orMaine Thwoasinp at 15471 157.faoility in iba raglan. The101 Jo00 2005 to amate Ihrrurniavbum." Mooirnrobvo000trc's natural nutri rata and ahaoga lorseal000 or dieabled 2010. caeporatian bun two pruoluc.aoea'n Oasi mualoipulaulonoiA at the huadn-on plvjcvt.m'merule. Harpoter acid. 6 WWW.PI09004LOCALCOMI THURSDAY, nAY 26. 202NIl.

Oil TH605D4O, MAY 25, 201/ I WgW.YIOr000000CALCIrOI 7

NuES HERALD-SPECTATOR Vocal jazz featured in Nues Northconcert Aloclonlooppen ...... cit 00 PAT ttROCHMAL Calend...... 07 Crossword...... BOA 0e josas riscal ocx Divenoices ...... Bi Film clips ...... BA Noes North High Behuut Fixer...... 20 recai (cee performers otto- Food...... 24 dey owd yestecdsy are harsono. otoing together Bctocedoy to Moine Township...... B ortehmte iO yeors nf the est, NilecNonth...... 7 Lisnea tliopnslns, Mere thso TO Otesoet, na Achten Briefs ...... 9 3,8 preaslsaelet at wet es s00000roossttsdonss, Opinion ...... 04 Brintotte Pseoshnal mii geb togathar at TotO p.m. Phetetee...... it and Kisdssgsrten theO day is the school's au- ditorium, 0000 Lswler Axe. Police bloB...... 8 atSt. Ilaratambos 'us Bkohlu, Oc tcho port les the Property transfers .05 Greek Orthodox Chutshin tilles, 000x059. runs tlntsegh the Voectjuoe les soyta et scud' obstacle ooutsO hog either o cnppetto or oc- H dseieg the second oompooted hi' o rhythm sec- annual Mini-Olyscs' tion, which emleotinhes the pics no Mey 20. melody with orsumrototiov orimprooinoso'os 00trues- form o song tote somothing TOP FIVE STORIES thatioctive sod persousi, sold Deulei Grogecooso, she moste teacher who t000dsd sloe pen-t-. i. Phony physician grow hem ha LOOt. Fake doctor ohangcd for practicing "i hsd a teno cod passion without tueuse. ter vocal joua, oud when t cerne there 000sooneraljoss Goin' for gold at mini-Olympics progrom, cor coy outre mor- Police Blotter sIroter outiut Tor sisgere, so Crime reports from your uittagc. Cseeytsg oos trudisien steeped f storied onu," Gregeemss ix hictueiout mccwiug the Aenste- 00e i°resxhuot uod KiwdeoBeetew ist U 'Íwosoes uf those 'peuple' Blies held its ceouod miot.Otycuc- who maw whct I wonted Basses Ban Weins (bask row, from left) Oirrgos Lesatf and Giansarlo Regoeho spalt the teli. hey sisg il sg Cele cIaseis Cops stake out pius 00 Br. Biorotcmbuc Greek Or. tu de tuttle wheo T Bnished School,000000rttroo-ruoetoc.01ers orwu ttcodoolitnrLeeh. my ta-euhooceco paar in high Dunkin Donuts The sohoot also sceveseesidecots scheeL I huowt 000wiad tobeuehoct administrators thatended op sich membeen ef Police collected dooatioon too ottuor500 Groen. u mesto teceher end sevrrversi je owes nomethiog theovary elogie graduating oteas Spectct Olympios. "Thiu Ouess ta held co ecc cod. changed my miod. Ipeesoodbids would roolly like. And wesinne she group has been of.00oc-yece enlebrecien where cte. edacutiou from the get-gewont from hanteg one groupfounded," Gregermoesrid, 4-The Unemployee deocs enjoy a mcrsiug el ergeoiccd beth icetromentetly cud vu.te throe helI-bl0000 groupa." Te keetlusr reemtemoceas spurte cod hew, 'w the mecceonxot caty ai mp tife,' he edded, Oregormon sold, Ohr 10th 0000versary of thu Pioneer Press' Oro 100uitt works as Otte 0001500 Greek Otysapien," pce. 12e dooble.msjerrd in the "Press,Ifounded'Teksvocal jose progeom nr N'dea e bellhop. not Kristicuc Otte eopteiead. "l'rose subjectsatNcethw000emOsrI Theo pesce lsOo I NerOb, compusar/acroeger tu the 500x0 of the gemea, the chit. Uoixoenity furhiounder-nsked Ohs admisisteotino forGsey Pry was eowmissioned treo cong she Otycupie sxthem, geud000o degroer. He utero-seme money te turo some-to esile "Ofold On Te This 5. Animal-controL rorried hocodwude psper 'toenhes' . r' lePresch ed hie tesehing emeer 'wone elan torasecaud g000p,Parting" which mill be per- aroused cha ceh000 locos Gtycopoea- Kiosdergardeerts (team att) Sofia Dalamengea, Georgia Mellenry doing beth, somali'BoondChock.'Then weformed during the cencert. GiNetas Stkoraf, 38 preschastee, fisrews tire slyte peeade cod ec000ed no OtYco 00 worhiog with o marchingstarsod s thonS group, 'Olor- And the finale te Oho eve- job cut "(acaBo" duntngthe erased annuel Mlei.01yone. Kletnsntrmit, 5, sed Gabetel Kousctbfs, 5, sarrytlse banner tar ha MisiOlysepics at Aristotle Persshooi and Kindergarten based, momie Metioo' oit boscosa uing wilt belog together at Budget outs torce police to rescRiBe se May 20,1x000 n000000.500nlorc onciA animal officer. thaw fcreocd coccus atst. Haeatarebaa Greek Orticedas Clsuenh.jonosnuuuouw-nuu. Afone ihnen yners, he por.i gut ticed et 000rning tedsvsenl jase pertermero, pont sud engugediec reteyrecec eethe ooed his mestees dagras utswap. The 0000m et the ersoad prcnnst, for n rendition geouudsbnhiodiheetcue000. Westero Toliehigee Unioncti-form is (bet ynu don't haveof "Bridge Over Troubled Si', where ho fecosed esche.mare than LO singuen, enusity Wstee," rutnoerkte core blu degrao heeight girls end eighuhuys,' he 'Totos One" also mut per- odv000rd choral eosduehcgadded. form "Mettendo" cod "Ply Me Ond (eso studlee. Gregsemso ciso sold hoto Oho Mees," as onction uSh-TeeoeAsthospPsseelaings e entole "Don't Step Gelceseing' at Nifes Nontis itigbselcsal,in CONTACT USet filles Herelt'Speotator Asod because there were coo han bara "birdoed" bonnunners. "Bound Cheek" mli sing pmparetionferSatorday'sahow. l00000veotnlr'resoicetuounxutu vertu (oes gc'eops et either etfer pesen, his ersisOnot duren-"i'm Begisascing te Bee the LETTReS TO TOE EB010It Ours all losen baro saudestnLighs" sod "Buudsp Macn- Os, os, oto, e, oc000,,el,s,o ...... ,,, (nOr) snouts thosa ptaeeo, ho asOsbishod and Oh'os rooeeeo Should 000yoo won't he chie Ou toll is'sold nephomurs trum Bbc/de them there, 000, who hsvs mede aboie emslog, and murs. "Hnrmoeicbemissrd. the anme group yoo'vr hemd ,sutleos.0000 ae n'matto ne000its@nicran,leual.cos who seeeoged o rouditioo of 15001 050 tuco se nett, latter, tu ha autre,, Gregermeo otso beenmenomos in the muslo Odd endMsOioo" ociO deliver "Merry- "Iota 20 peers neerih ofbetere," hr ndded. "Bluebhird° tor thesvewt, soins retale'Oteotstco, ones w. Lake 00e., puro nf e peutensl000l, eight'beve returned as his ossis-thing" end "I'm Yourn," pluspsepts mho hcuo heeo in Ohio Antheop l'soci, en 10-peer- abrujas, tO 00020 eysaa, lou/I uot.zunc sold all if the shadent groups Lottare muaI include ases, oddtess and vaice feas geeep in Chicagotant direcOses. others. The olumni witt pres-group, And there toltI ha soold onsier from Bhebin who isboon been worhisg really (suA Laureo laonluacosos leu thet wos htghty accishned, Bin000lsepmgrem500rOrd,ent oumbero on Oheir owe,msnp ditfeenot geneses of mo-siso s mnmbsr, seid there leherd en she show bot when fsredwftla the den- sbuuO 075 people hnvr pse-as weT os enlieherstbog wishste - pep, (see, reek - olmostnething bstsrr Shen putting 'These will be nump000r. eeecaerecssrsnasscsccssacflcns cooaotas,ssterio 4s,ciopsbesOsoicsaronslrus5Acsscossdr5äiO0toaih tsusnieaoa,scae000aulos000000u ero eessc,srco,'eau. atoo of reachiog fur nose sto'ticipsOad unit, ixetuding Ohsthe ntudeot mewbees et Sheemsyth'ung yeo coo Shhoh nf," on n good show. hood lighting sud u vneirty 0050' aessteiscabi,nstcs.iu eesstlol,cstOO5,wac sToats, cxseus,snsecthatraelcuso'coex,l,lneaiecestsaoteo,sn,00,ss 19r515t05u50. crer ricte,r,troral050hian. N jis, unrats's rotate, 10 0 05 nso.etnl usO ca. ce. ea. Pa bOssas nu tos er fuiowing thair utreody0000 it antx and the TB.ptnugroup, Bregerman neid. Waiee asid. "And Ohio lu gniog sobe aet mesto to eppesO 00 yeuog rol s, seos st I musio.00nnncted careers, allslum mtorohog tu participate Bee Weise, en iB-pear-uld "We gu up un theO stognpretty ceci show. I'm very eu-mod old. It onill he bigger nod rol cheer Ohr 550cc And toe Ben-io iba concoct, senior frem Bhohie who isthinking we srs a differsn5trstnd about Lt. And it's su hone-better thea psut ekome - aleO- eh5» 00 rePu germen, Ohnt messo teaebiog "i thiob IbsEn on astound-psrO nf the gmnp, soldbe geoap every Oimc we slog nev On auno with thaso elumei,"eiteiy duo te remnmbnr," ube narucs000no,,a000,e,500lston0125ctaet000acnsrr001,ctt saaiusrteec001,oausruOnsutcuroc000s000su,oiea - andvoeeljose. ing number -' BO percent'.hos bees too nlooir sinon hediffar000 type of soog, If yeeheedded. edded. "Bc, iB yeaca oye I OddAnd without trying, mecewoe right or nhoa yesm old,0105e yom eyes sod hateo, Phoebe Yen,a10-pror- Tiehets err $10 st she doex www.PONEc0L0CAL.COM I Nil ThUISIHy. eon 26, 2011 I O W I IO'5 E LOCAl M THURSDAY MAY26 2011NIL RUSH DERMATOLOGY IMPACT Iluso 20, 9:30 am.- of E000don theough a beoni! LOITER OAKTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 12:30 p.m.). study pnwgnom sponsored by in Skukse "The Pittsburgh Play Oabboo Ibis dy, Ostober, and feam ssmn000 claiming to and 'Gulloh English' to create Cyole," or ocominatian of this N ou e m ben. A2rafutlewieg innidersla Asese THEFT Emeritus Arts and eriur K. Ronish, M.D., Ph.D. work foe en insestig000r eod on unfoegotlablo sound end Tony Awoed-winnieg series, Begin ir the 480'yeor-old listed irs 00e offivietwrparre cf Mary Drislene, 54,0f 852H Toed Cxnbiynd pxsm000LoO,ul tlraNiieoPolieeDeportIe700. W. Normal, was arrested May thorn Mase claim ogoiset rho Humanities anew dramatic logic Aura 7, including "The Placa Lesson," capilal city ci Quito and Reedurnwseremiodadlisalers 1610e allegedly stealing $105 ulctim fan unpaid bills, end Festival 00-11:30 am.). "Fusons,""King Hedley IO" eaperferoa lacohigua, the snodo S. Cfenuem, M.D. WA .E, Ibas if the woman sent $278 "Jar Tuneare Como and and "Joe Turnen's Came and Ecuodorian folklore ballot Bosml CeO,T:nO oonmcmoioaisO arrest donenooeesraiilureu aod produsse frame retail Wmenicee playwright HOMES WITH DIRTY IR DUCTS. oie "AZ Cssh" the motter Gone," a lock at the third playGone" fluye 21,3-4 p.m.). Obis Oswaldo Buayasamis's )rorliogafgrsil& Ontyaveurtef erore on the 1000 black Ougust Wilson is the bous Lady C. Dy M.D. would be cleaned up; but first in Wilnon'o 00-play histeeioal "Iba piana Lassen," a gallery ob conbemporory lewsee ea0000sotdarermirso- of Aolf Mood. Oriolano woo ci this summer's Emeritus 600,2 COY:t:od Tormo:oiwyoc sho mould houe talas her oyele flune C 0-2:30 p.m.). eb000r look at this Pulitoen peintings, and labe a day oksryed with retail thefr. She Ans end Humanities pastival, "she lugust Wilson and Shonsal Mehea, M.D. HIGHEST UVALITY WORK IN CHICAQOLAND! hue cocues dose Mey 2M. name, credit-card infoerna- Peine-winning deama - Ihn snip to Celderon, home of ASSAULT tian, Sosial Sevonity rumben Sobeo Brusrein Debate." te only Wil000 play sobe 00h50 breed dolls. Enloy o Sound Cevit:ed Oormntnlna:Or offered by Dables Community W lA-yese-old boy was SA RA KART aedo photo OD, 1996 Wilson delluered bis od-limed in lull Jluna 26, 9:30 sever-day Galapegas Islands College. Tmealmenbol 021m, i U$1UNI1UR L $ACf UV$IY armored Mey 071e she MAMO dness, "The Gesund on Which 0w-12:30 p.m.). cruise that inoludes outdoor W1$'1 R A S5'yesr.cld mon from Uugust Wilson: AO Ameai- block of CuItee alten roparr- CRIMINAL DAMAGE Island." Brustein, founder cf 611 cessices lake place adventure at the Chunles ha,m aronolsosoasos Wiles said an someone on san Mester: Inaditienl Hearl- edly Ahocino hin lasher wirh Aweman reported Io the Oslo Oepertaey Theater, et Oekton'o Skekie campus, ganwin Research Stosico end leim nancee lmOanmenn May07 entered hia home le breakl Lovel pnidal Familym o knife. The svenite woo polleo shot her 099M Lecus responded With "50h51. 7700W. Lincoln Woe. Ohs Isa Pinnacle Rock. she 1400 kleck oloewoed. Macel will kink 01100 Tuesday, ohanood wish unlawful use cf ponked on the 5600 block of diced Saperatism," end the is $16 per lecture, on $70 loe Partiolpanto ir this physi' 000 eves The siotim said he discouered lone?, end continuo through a weapwe, oggnaueeed nosnult a number ay items miseing. Touhy Woanue was domoged Iheatan commuobty erupted the entine series, Helhpnioe coup demanding trip should and knowingly damaging May 69. Someone mode twa lune 28. Weakly lectuneo will in tunbulert debate about tuition dons eat apply. be be good health. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, property, pohne seid. A 602er HARASSMENT deep sorarohes on the dnioer's bous or the life end work cf rane and nepeesentation on Fora cemplete list el An oplienal week-long this oreos wniben, boiled os the PLEASE CALL 1047) N60-MMI1. date wes pending. A 25-year-old woman cold sida of the oehicle. Ihn Amenioan slogo. )lune 14, Emeritus classas, course levo, eocenoioo te Peru's Machu "poet cl the Wfni100-Amerisao she got a voicemeil May08 lUD1n30 am.). seminars, and cuento, obis / Picchu is alInead amonad' 4711 WeslOnilYd , SuibaMll. lkwkie. ill. ewpeniesrce." Topios will "Wilson's Lila/IPeeceo," www.00klon.edu/emerituo. ditionel cosI, For complete Hvumu Uy appoyroemb. o eeoiaw of Wilson's lilo and itinuranies end inloemoObon "Wvguot Wilson's Genius," Cocvcr:unrlyluwnod near Old bvohu,l Shoppieg Moli, his ee000llp-mauiued ploy, ab eve upcom ing leurs, 0011 an eoamineeian of Wilson's Visit Ecuador assi ',nnunonce pinne asonpted, SHERIFF'S REPORTS "Fonces." Koy soenes wilt be Baa Coenalissen 011847f 63S- nonteaditionel plut steuclura Eupb000 the oast cul' perfcrmed by the Chicago- 1812, or visir www.oakloe, Addicicoxi uopoumOmeno bocaOomuls, ovoS oamwxOolase ThofeiiossiegievtdoaOc Onlue was nepoetad burglar- and how he combinad luxo turel and natunal tevosunos 4BE FO R E basad Iheoter oompeny ed u/n ow s/birse/tna s e I. h Im le ootrsnerisoresedMoiee Sheuno Wagner, DA, of iced Mey OS. Uccoeding to musc Onimomotuer Ovoh le,oarviese Ouub 000nonolouy Torooshfso wore earrspileot Ay rho yoo block of Ham, police o wemae netuneed 1120 W. Hasm:rocun. enro O nocuowuoc 0101 onp:n you sise Ceols Macely Ohoriffis neon Strass, uemeoerpo- home to find hen laptop oagol onooueoad that Eric learn Edens Book in Wil- leg, Connard Mortgage, Doperroseet. Reeders ore re. computre hod bane stolen cnungo. I::. 55n,lounl. si. Oak rc,5, 5F. rated Melee Township, 5uuAKERS Cerdoso has been monead weIte, whore ho oorued as Primelanding, Citimeelgage, from hen living room. The marci 04v-crei IdTOb000-m500 morti oae-urss mindodsiseroo nrseasdeeswet wan oherged wiIh barrery Moelgegn Loan 01110er. a Mortgage Lean Olfioer. He inc., and olbers. nsrs5555rsceaflrsdiogafgoiltt. May05 albo ehe alleg- consents ala lewelry boo His 01110e 100e 011o also spent lime in sanious le canned u hachelan's Orslywnawrrof tew van waise edly punched her husband's wenn also dumped out en New loan officer W, Oobton St., Nilea. Ha montgagn-londing roles wish degree feom Ncrlhweslenn rs cynIl ussVhIsYlTY www,nunh.ydc Oisaodorernnioerreo. girlfriend io the face during bad, bus oothing else mao TWIn Ihind BL:rlkfChi' oomas fa Fifth Thied Bank Wmtnuct Mortgage Bank' Uniseesity im Auanstce. st, l,lclnmCAL ccnrcn a disputo. Pwlr'co said the taken, police said. Entey SATT EST dispute nccueeod at ehe was repantadly goined SenATe King, 69,07 she residence Wagner end her theough on unlocked nono block of Wenn Oaks, husband share. Floe hours sliding-glass door. fEly DO YOU HAVE uninoorporered Maire laten pollee returned to the GASTRIC REFLUX? Townnhiy, was charged wish residence after Wegose's PROPERTY RAMAGE One Incredible Bath. One Incredible Price. bultory MeyA. 4000rdieg fe Peapenty-demage vom- frederisk Masengs, M.D., Surgeon, will discuss symploes ûf 9051cc- hosbaed alleged he hod pelion e 58-year-old sanees bsee pueohed in she Mouth pleiots were made MayA osophogenl reflue discese GESSI end ssrgisnl spriuns for relief, free. of King's ullegod thar King end bittes by his 23-year- er the 9500 bioub al Pack 4 weeks start-to-finish, - 255080 OJUME 7560M ocsovked her rho preoi. cId girlfnieed during an Lene, May pend May 90e aus day. Police reported aegumeet, pollue said. Na the 9100 block of Ter- on time & on budget guarangeed! preoiwos diepuies berween race Plsca end May lusas armut was made in the les- KTbusoepllrlu.nhuso/y package inclsades: ABC'S OF GASTROEP1TEIEOLOGY- landlord sed tenant and ear leoldone, escoedieg to Ceastwood aportmonts and eaid Kino hed be we attempt- police. condominiums on the 9900 lnuaa'rasov.stoutiuv c:scsJOv. olccignue clmosucm.-eturin AocI 'uBDOMINAL PAIN, BLEEDING, CONSTIPATION lngco ovile she wawon. block cf Linde Lane, h:scluopt;ssls. iaocgosccul sink Join Decid Oohoaiis, DO., end Ami Belrsre, M.D., RU RS LAST IMisusblv scmnauc liyAc limuuuvc, rocdicioc culrlocc und minvAu Goslreenlerolcgisls, us ihey discuss bosir iwuos of liso Mercedes Quiuk, Mief H resident of tIsa 9500 A uehicle was neportad Ovvuston cob, ocp;sv:sou slsuvnncr, bmw-dow ecitut rho 700 kiosk of Norrh bisok of Torease Pleca told damaged Moy tUne Ihn II Inno. Ondersiond sysrrprnms and treulmenis. Eren. Cur,umoic site Assirr, bruIs vaul nlossnncesnolLn Honelmn, Chicela, ond police he rerurned homo 9100 block of Terrace PlaIe. WesoWn . JUNE 4. 670M tçobalur prumiummo bocean sad Avoorco Oncia Honoennan,23, efshe Moy 855 find two gong 200 block of Weehingron, meMbres walking out of BURGIARYTO VEHICLE shoot noouls oossnnI Oehicle bueglanies wane Carpens000villle, wore eaoh his residence and carrying íd! fss)im' irmrlvmlJvul tvutbrrmus'ss'imoy:vcrlrhIvnlorryGory/a repontod May 70e the 9000 charged Wish barsery May bio flat-ooreen TO. The men Sll inac'kvub by ssmm' v.nclrc.ois:v 2-s'v'or lmsniumllestb055 / MEDIA block cf Chunoh Smear and 15. 4000rding ro police a loaded the gy lesa asiluen 15-m'vsvrutr'suclssm'url ss:usn'ommly' AND THE EFFECT ON CHILDREN Auu-ynar.eld woman olleged BUick, whish was penked Bay 150e the 0900 block 0f Month Panksida lebe. 181(1v Join Kerhel Sorroro, 0.0., PedixIrisine, os she discusses hoe medio she wee standieg le front of as Terrace aed Golf wood, Alifor only ospesure impolis our children und odiar ihey sra exposed Incluido her eparlmeer on she gnoo and drove away, the mon block cf Linde Lane when mg-ASO-ORN 2 Mosoolon O:mrucsr As C;cdn I:isovcmciey:Isn:mitobl000 mmmcl, Pt end sides 900es. Goure eshsl fernere sun do. free, told polioo. Acoonding to Quick end Horsemen began police the uicts'm repseted 611-and' nu n a cor'denfo Call 847,82M,0212 br a 1mo in-kurse oslimnale. eseseun. sume za. 6.7PM shouting obscenities, and IheT ha keows both weM by were raponted May io ea then arteoked her, punching Iheli creeen cames und that Church Street and Kennedy I her in fha isce and body. thoy useeemesm'de hio homo Drive and Flay 150e the Police did Tos specify e mo. a week eenlmne. In addition 9200 kIosk 01 North lee five Ton the olleged ortack. to the My, three vides-goma goad. Pulivo aiea ohonged lakes systems wane nino ra- FIRE Tsiplar, 31, of rho yoo panted seMino. Ihn inoident e block of Linda Lane, unie. Food left cooking ines AIRMEN semoined under iooesriga- auen started afine MuyM oorpsreted Maleo Township,tian and no arresto wane inside a room'dance on tho with obesrLotiwn after he immediately moda. ebennwaoeliee,00m 847,gD9,02T2 was cocus ad siirtarforing 9200 block of Nani Wuenue. 8000e wao et home whet in the police officens' mues. An aparrmenr on the B fimafightars arrived. tigelles. 9000 block of ColUmbus toto IO WWW.OIONEERLOCAL.COMI THURSDAY. sAY 26, 2011NIL t le

u ANIMALS AFTER DARK Teacher gets u certification 0v MILKY MARIO PAIOVOLOS lera program." Alter watching nidena nl themmlvea teorhiop Onudi- datas moat volte estopa ce- Maine Sooth teacher Al-gvrdiug riusarnum deoiai000, exander Slatheloia was de-what meat right cud what Caes Van Buses lighted nod relieved to havethay could do to improve their chastes eut Fred earned National Board Carli-seetmiquet. tite igaaea Battito. Stuthakia uuid thu worb befeeetheutert Stathalais, on Englishinvolved in rreutiog the port. et the Acinesia folio ruene naturally berouae teacher at the high aohonl, After Dark- add "it voua n let of ovorte Itthat it erbat ho und lait rol- f Reinfteest Line wea very rewardheg worh,longues, us teorheru, do ev- peeseetaties et though." eryday The moat difficult ,.lIeft Mill Shep- Blothohis received hin un-part oras finding time tu re. ping Costases dergrudoatederaetramBert ou the lessons he ulreudy JMryZtIoAeeoe Northwoatarv Universitytaught. lt tooh him about u in Eogllah, seith a loros tapeur tu nomplete the proreas. 00010 Aeoerioau Literature. He then A father el boo, Chiara, t, completed Ida Mester nl Ari-todLuoa,toaoutbu,Stuthubiu care in Edooahnn at North-seid he wus ioepimd in acab Halloual Buard Carlifiootiou Stothakis baa taught atby his suife, tiebehah. Bio suifs Meine South for eight years.herame rertifled a few yours He now tanohea sophomorebach rad he sold teeing beerBlue Ribbon for Culver EngBah,Liteeaeure010tdragodiiBrait and rewarding itwaa and the Nawapapar PoncIl-fer her made him want to du Be 5OTO5IIAWO1IIISKI The umoriatiov deliveredyour's award. Avery Cunolaplion, where they will receive rom murta He in alan theit, eu weil. LestO bato the ueoce in the Biles BmhoolSmhool of Doesnors ScoreO l0ty5 blue banner to dis- sponsor nfthe sohoolnawapa- "ttahe my inopbotiou from Plalrirt 71 Board uf flirte-und Park e/leer Arhoel ofploy the oehievrmeue. par, Youth000rds. mp atudeuto," ht suid. "The Culote Sohool ix u oclonertoco at ita mouihly meetingMorusu Grove are the olher "We ore proud of oar P,B. lhorhingennamthelamllpthing thut'a moat inspiringof the 2011 Bion Ribbue Peo.May 17. PB. atoll membersraripieuoa. deparimeot'a philoonphy 01 Stathahio aaid. Hit mother isoboot ueaohiug la tu uee thegram Abord foe OutatandiugPiuma Buhier, Aoo Panee The umaluatiuu-Ioam re-lifeluog litueun and hope tu a teacher at Oahtoo Cne0000-rhouge thut 0000es io thePbpairol Bdonctiuo Pmgram. oud Toay Polureolo Woreport rited voriuuaoieaogthurontiaur to improve the Pt- oIly College and Nia lothar is a000eas of u school yeae or Tloe stutevide couinai hou-prescottrammept the hnonr. and anpruvemeuta lu Cul-ases and wallneas of nur oto' philnaophyteamhav a high achool career, to eseoea PE. progromu nf rocIo- "lIbia award la anmifiog be-var'a PB. program, lamlod-deute here et Culver School," "ITeorhingi is somethingwhore uNideal come in andplacy qoelity rad diuplay umauoeyouoolllhelpto atttheiog curriculum worh dyeingfluperiotrodeau Aaety tlirup- thattireaiwaytthoughterhem they end op." etmng rnmmitment to aiutatuna loe the futnee 01 physi-the post few peace, doily PE.pe aaid. ahout ... .11 was olmoye in the fituthaldu eoid hr trices theund xatiootlatuodoedo invol education in the ature,"ivateuctioo for all studoata, Culver und its PB, deport- bnohnfmyodnd,"he said. energy and earitemeut nl thephyoiosl edorofinu. wrote Maxoeea Pourniar, theadhereoce tu the diatriot'ameat hooted iba third au- There voua another part nlatudenit. Baleina to fonos it The Blue Ribbuo AwordaBlue Ilibbox peogeom rhaiciwelineen plan ucd PB-dr-aoal "Pua Rua" nu May 14. yeaebeakswsse him that tlrogglnd with theow the aobjent ou hand "loore prnseutad by the Blinniaintbouwardlettev partmentleodeenhip. All studesia participated ta MsineSeuth Nigh Seheelctedeetnlstetdenennenleis, Cksiatitte Kieticand Kdotiss Wegneeeseeka leekettheirpeoebesks MayeN betete thesereeh efstedests, Abeet2,300 dsriutoo to 6000mo O teach-help uhem undenaeuod why/aoauoiotion nf Healih, Phpai- Colouriacaeol only Culver ttaffwill be formal.walk or rua artioities roug- distributed at the end et theseheelday.ltoaoox000000l-e050uo0000t aIuto ea Both uf hit pnreots wereif's impurttut oad erbot theyaalEdorat000,Rrmmutioothreeelemeutaryschoolsly remogolead io Novambering from o queden ola mile traoheea, which made him000 du tu their noon lilo to aug-and Baums. in the siate to mereive Ibisut iba oesorielioo'a rouvea-too Ht. wonder if uvaybe he ahoaldu'tment their euperleural' beone, Stothahia eujoyn oli of the more Idelved into thaolaums he teorhen, each for Yay for yearbooks atMaine South studies, the mora I realiueddifteeentreaaona; thor are oli Iteonhiagi was anmething tpaaaioua of his. As the spon-Arts camp invites NUes student had a pseeion loe and wantedenv nf Bnothwords, the uchool lt lu oct01 the must high- to de," Btathatds uaid. uewapapm, he hoaaeptrial ly anticipated r000it et the Btathobin seid he had amnuoeotion with tyuroalbm BY sPutO ASIlEN The Olumni cummuuitp ufubout uctiog unid I etartedund oll000 him lu grow otan nehnel yesrt the antivol of sto' somewhat dillareut peeaper-and aujuye the "xoique inter- lule010rhns Amts Camp, in-driug the Hunibridgo ploya,"netiat. deatyeuebonko. tine na adueatioo bennuen heuotioa" he hua with studente oludiag aingeet Norab AunasCorhune seid. Poop Corbuae odd Jonehv AiMai00BonthHigh attended taunteaaoei aohuolxiou blu ae000poprr-peartioom Chele Carbone, of North-ucd Uuah Grohm, baa buen Juneim directed the luciwon "iastnomooial"in her SrhnolihaidoyureoreedMep mu thud. ridge Praparainry flohool ina000rdedlidrammyacraedu.playutNorthtldguPrep,aoub uudtiino lupa Abe sold IS ot houdeeds uf alndenta Tubammo vended, tearb- "lt's a real-world copen-NAss, v'bA nItrad the wooidb Carbuce aobmltiodanwhereCarbone wna roother sua hot atteeded a the- roshed to collect their copy ara mutt oomplete a sedee nleure, pouting together a pub-prouder nonaner arto romp,ouditico Pe/fi that ivrludedw Mum in "The P000rd inatre romp in the pani md hm of the 0510-Il "Byriu" often portfolios aovoeisg u rangelioatiou,"he aaid."Yuu gai loWhich hm baro afleodcd byhum m000logoeo. Ove of theube 0100e." lie ulso ployedtabee piano and voice buteno. sohuol. yoorbcoks of tenehiug aupeota. Criteeiaare whot they rare obrut mote/famous ortbtx m000logurt woo u ordpt freonMaorppoin Nnrihridgeb Carboneneidcumed000 About1,15f includefeedberhtauchersThet'e a lot of fuu fur me." Curbnoor has been urreptedIhm Buocytr io which he bndtoll 25fb peodoochou el "TheJeff Pnmennihy ia nos per000 wenn dieteikuted in Ihn school give tu their etudentp types Biuthahie soid the inaeh-io the mn050ued Inierlorhenthe rholleugo of huviog tu od-Thwarting cl Boron Bolli-who hat inspirad him io du gpte io just 25 minoica. Thin yearh "Bpnio" is nub- of aeausnmente recatad, theio0 cpality ut Mnion BoothArio Comp, where he olAmiitodniugt000eihiugv'roag125cv," and io spciog 1015 hetheater worte rlamroom enoiromneut aodin aireody very high und heutudy theoter 000emble in thnio asubilewap titled "AHawh'sBye°e°tow." plapud the lend io iho orhool's At tke Intaelncl000 Aria Editors ht rhiel are utu- ability lo fouler divauaniou inbelieveu 1h00 more01his cui-ommuerinfolirhigau. Pan Janeim, n loucherproduction ol"flioor," Comp, wudd-clusn inatron- Il the rluseruom. leugxat valli aleo uchievo Nu- "I'm very peoud ut him,"ut Horthridge Preparatory "Reh got u lot nl ioleot,"lorawoeluwithetudeoi ortiots douta Leorel Hogan, ICefy and "16h a very regeotive peu-lionel Bomd Cerilllrotion. Pulp Carbone Bald of her uts,Arbuol,pnivoinlycoachedUnueiro unid, uoiitg that hoand produce preseaintions in Pisher,ToniR000 resa," Ststhuloiu aaid. "It woo "Ita u great piare io oonrh -.whs is lu aeveath grude. TheCueb000 and brlpud him pm-fouis uiiondiug ihe lutecio'theater, danre, creative ovnI- Meghan Loop. Tearboub spna- Btnmensnl Asesen, Etik Sisee sed Resin Obtest cheek eat their sapino et the the hind of regeotire thialdog 100dbgreat envirom000t theramp lu her aupio'irg arbolo iopuen for hie monuloguns. met are Cathy Glose todMaitosSanth high Schott etodests pisk aptisein peenitseka POop es. riot ches Arta Comp will heohop visuel unte, musir and Avx000nuat-rortUc.Tloe000010 Meine Seoth High Schanlyeeebesk after scheel, uuoa 0000000001-ena006-licEs I badu't doue sinne my mua-teorbing" hr sold. grudeu l-12. "I didn't really know murkgreat eopedeore the Carbuaebow /canyiflsdis. / ,// ((20011V,, 17072(0)11! WWW.PIONNNOLONALGOW' Il;. i NIL'

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lIc re using old infrastructute to t13 Io do nevothing

00 40401 lodo9jteclonolog$ no io4-ostsud 77$0 ncod o ioder i elect oc grid to 1« p up V sol Sm u tEnerlL corn lo coot oct vous lo1oslqto oil uigc the ii to sotc flor flouse Riti 14 beNIaurdo ooNocleonIllirools desorveo so oìodero0124N11.6'70grid.

:4COU" 111211' ',32 N 03)00700277707(00071 15 WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM 11:1 1156 Vi 1011502506117 i1103.JA10J534A014 1100 I20e I I THURSDAY. MAY 26, 2011NIL

u PROPERTY TRANSFERS ftOSA501tDniorApt3b: Starojnoic, $160,000, Apr, 861 76,2051 Edtter:Jnremp Sehoi000e Ioformofloe is provided by Ne' 155 Euclid Ave.: Rilkjr Tryst 3507 Covotoynide Lene: Ko. MORTON GROVE Mayeaen Kodolto Williov M Home Front by BlockShopper to Gary Shapiro Maria Shop. lier Tryst lo Arvird K Agrnoonl 28 bADI 661-0463 [email protected] cordleformstjonservjves, AO. SBUS Enraroen St.: Mvrh E Selles, $y4,OOy, Ape. 27 NoN 874, 016100,0068119; iro, $1,350,000, Apr.23 Manta M Agrauol, $670,000, Esparve Estate tolvotir Rode, NORTHBROOK 4U5SWne Ave.: Frank H pRose (630) 557-1090;foo 265 Rendotph St.: Fey OuAis Apr.26 $250,000, Apr. 2A 515351001 Reed Unit 23 52: Collorwo tu Chriotopher M (630)5571001. Trvot to Nobert Selvaggio 3729 Montage Lana: Meyers 9508 OaanloAoe.: Wil:or Federal Home Loar Mtg Corp Sepver Nicole I Deprer, HOT PROPERTIES SA ROE P131101 Werdi I Selvaggio, $450,000.Trust to Stevnr Mokhtor. DES PLAINES T:yst to Kroysotol Koropka to Korer M Oxee, $186,000, $880,000, Apr.27 Apr.26 jar Roselyr Mokhtariar, Areta Konopko, $290,000, Gpr. 27 910 UWeohingtenAve.: 103 N Mount Ptoopaet Reed: 466 Rennet Ase.: 601dm Tryst $600,000, Apr.25 Ap:. 28 1740 Mioeion HitS Reed Apt Pelt Trust to 50x81 Riohter, Schultz Orvet to Arturo Trejo 3819 Seaee Lane: Snelig M to Daniell glaoka, $50,000, $300,000, Apr.25 OleAr Irejo, $155,000, Apr. Apr.27 Pearlsteir to Ciby M Daniel MOUNT PROSPECT 385: SeldmesTryot to Rita Ch050r, $189,0x0, Apr.25 Contemporary 26 space Siru Psulose, $472,500, Apr. SURS EmnrOaa St. Unit 303: PORTAGE PARK 1095 Macgoat SN.: losepirire GLEN VIE W 28 Aovillo W Morley to Chris' 23 Covet Roland Pt: gris' 4145 N NereegsnoettAoe. Unit A Carlir to Salvatore Nvrgiu 0047 Lieden Lene: Mioheel 924 RaIling Peco: lohr C topher R Manca, $215,000, loi Tryst to lames R RuhT U: Finstmerit Ruck Na Tovotee 1950s-era 2-story features updated kitchen jaoqveline Uvrgio, $378,009, I ONoro to Stepher E ShAte Avila to Elisabeth A Molough' Virgilio R Uohr, $412.000, Apr.26 to Heether 5 KAsten Lukeoo Apr.25 Svsan Lee Shute, $1.310,000,lin Mentir P Molaoghlin, ApA 27 OSSU N Deaweed Drive: joue Knoten, $243,008, Apr. 28 9508 Normandy Ave., Morton Grove- $485,000 1656 Reword Ave.: Fed- Apr.25 $257,000, Apr.26 A AyAerrez to Ivan Anua, 31U4 Antelope Springe Read: 44498 Mobilndve.: Soon eral Horre LOON Mit Corp to 1324 Heatheefletd Lone: $80,000, Apr.27 parsie Man to FoAl Artorov, 9011110 1000. Ohio vsrv.oIory Coolomyonoey loor 163601063go Makora, RAR WOOD HEIGNTS $171,y00, Apr.25 Spitos Ectstnto Shaoor Ryl- Kevin O Walsh to Devin Ar. 130S Debby Lene: panne 000ree misi o kilehor Oho: lo eqvippad visi $92,000, Apr.27 thory Molloy Suuerre Molloy.4810 N OtenMAve. Relt 311: 360 Mnnoeiltno Relvo: Piutek lustreo lerniler Bylhjstror, ordeno opplionees, honUcovod 1x000, gryoilo Mou to Gholomre:a Ayrom. $100,000, Ape. 25 257 Wildflower St.: Leoirgtrr $425,000, Apr.25 Parkway Rack & Orvet Cs Otee povr, $211,000, Apr.27 Trysi tolyrs Soon Choi Sang cvur:nnlopa 00H bvilu.ic esbiroony. Thnreio Des Plaioeo 11v to Avril S 1795 Camdan Drive: Charleo to Cynthia L Torraco lyseph I Spur Seo, $520,000, Apr.20 6460W Wenone Ann. Apt 402: 010e o bevohlerl oeoa. which 00000 Iv tAo liv. Torraco, $206,500, Apr.27 IMBU W Kniglotobeidga Ovine Oarrbah, $243,000, Apr.28 ESohaoflo GrenoyVovoglree 3051 Minden OlAs Road Apt Chieego Tille Land TA Co TIne Apt 3d: FaderaI Hose Loar A000000dbya ohordolior, Oho Alelo0 rovo, 8647 Rregony Lene Unít2: lire, $525,000. Apr.25 4945 Noeiele Ase.: Oevtsohe 4U4 Unit W: Mor5oljs Trust to to Heno Golnmi, $150,x00, Mtg Corp to Poyl Toupin, Orvoueooelorgnwiodowrnilhunim, ovo. Peoria Mae to Corlere D Col- Bnrk NatI Ort Co Toco to Vio Mulero 8 Iguvoti, $l3S,000, Apr.27 1955 Tanglewend Doive Unit $28,000. Apr.27 too, :nall.movniod lisSons nod ycreus 0v Oho uro, $109,009, Apr.25 Cirio, $165,000, Apr.27 Apr.28 Ar Raymurd A Majesty to 406 W Leeequiot Boulevard: PROSPECT HEIGHTS kilnhor. 9455 HernIen St.: Cirristo- Raymond Alexander Majesty, 6062 Pinardy Reise: ylfrnd Cvnp000dxooea :nohe op :he lomen ieoel, LINCOLN WOOD Meurioe Glerr Toylor lii to 1376 Coon (Irisa: Eur 0kNv phon Goroik to bAnter lnrV $229,500, Apr.25 Matthew Grow Elieabeth Sags11 to Stephen W Sarrhart whieheom000lOhohrinkoroplvuo. n000000d rirgs, $215,000, Apr.25 3472WNonthRhoneAoe.: loAr Ri Kim Kwong leve Kiv, TSr 501103 6100e prepeol Son marvin rro:o, 2308 Rience Decease: Solaeao Tlromso, $360,000. Apr.27 cnr L Rerohorl, $455,0x0. hiAhui000ede000d-7000lod000llo Oenmor Properties troto Carl Apr.25 $45,500, APA 26 The proponly colvou vdlhv:mn.000gorogn o tonos: 801000 03H10 oloon 100e ArIno. Trust to leser Erickson boise 6R2N Mein St.: lohr R Helper G LEN CO E E:igksor, $600,000. Apr.25 E Aill Dr, $635,000, APA 25 00H lo ysyoeloe.mìlo levo, Oho OellMeOronIo. Uranio Eetate to Robnrt C Euginl, 42 Count Of Cebh cotone: ROSEMONT 0099 Skelde Ridge Driver 4SOsWJeeaio Ave.: Cralli RemUe: u 2339 Chaotnvvt6oe.: Oytovr $7S,000, Apr.25 Osrnrtt Tryst to William Phil. LAtIno ofeet: Vive Mi:boli,IAO/1AAXOopo. Patricia S Ullrrury to joel Troet to Haider Abdul Ri000k lip Orunning Alice M Rruer- 9S2UWttiggino Read Apt Selhe6.ole,woll,eloluo:lrvi:lf,vis llloin:l? T:votto lohr C Svteholl Sv000 6U7S Schont St.: Rvlh E rivnPeopeeoies. innoi 501.404:, divomiehnliM S Corwir Linda Corooir, E Sutehall, $060,000, Apr.20 Reis Al buh, $215,000, Apr, irK, $025,x00, Apr.27 2e: NiOv Cetalana to Daniehl Ailloli lOI 00000penlim@blnckol,oppnnvon: $930,000, Apr.27 25 gudelik ENtole to boseph Stepheno, $140,000, Apr. 2S Uedolik, 1285,000, Apr.28 NORTHFIELD iv,, 742 Rempoter St. Unit RS: SKOKIE 10m 111000e Sao breo ypbalks niIh modern appli000eo, tronilo 000elnrlopo ord 0004 oobmrvto. IRR Diskenn Rned: Nioholo nor gorsgoieslro inelvdod, IiAouiolhuluuiogaguok Fanrje Mae to Rujendre S314 Madioern St.: Uekim ON THE MARKET TrusttoClracy KeIm Nioholee 000ora00000000100ind& R Shah Devika R Shah, Mehmel to Abdyl Mehveo, R ROURDUP OF 9ER LITIINGI Our Goal... O F019, $1,830,000, Apr. AS Wonnen io rho 110110g :5er:. vreer'bseroon.rmn'Iaeoheare $45,500. Apr.27 $260,x00, APA 27 MARINO REALTORS etuee-bedrnoe, two-bath 00 0010 W. ForeAbemOoive 5000 Dempstee - MortoU Grove Your Complete Satisfaction. 925 N Sorteo Lena: Fodrrol NOR WOOD PARK 5344 Feitniew Leve: Ken homey: 0001 NoloOol Aro. Ateoehedmnenr. tb,ee'batlr ioNilcouooihemspkoitor Omtu! Hume Loes MIg Corp 1090e 53438 NotRorghem6vn.: Fook Chia to Mudonne I Mule oMonImi boyo 1000 uSe home 00 1240 Neglo Avvio 1100, 000. The bi.leoA wie boil: 847) 967-5500 Kyvrg Che, $249,000, Apr. market nov sity.voo. Thu bi' Mvr000 0:000 iv or iSo mo'. io10000yAvtlaesoAdeddvo CENTRAL A/O1UNITS Loro Sola Estuteto 69H00 0e CIento M Male, $258,x00, The Gold Ansndsnd f1m 26 lonel homo hon boon com' AnO Ion 1000,000. AvilI io 00 ooinwuceoeohoteeea:poo. Rertolo, $193,000, Apr.25 Apt. 26 pie lo Ip e0000ulod a ed lus' 0507, Ohio Colooi:d leulv:oo o oae0050edmovd000n000v- FURNACES 930K Wheettog Rood: 8035 Lamen Ave. Stet 0e: 17218 Rearaba Ana.: Lourel iveuu Onooiroeou000nlopn gnsoilolvperscd 0010ham. ermvaivllhm home, oodehrn. Pro Mortgage to Aiep Le, George Aboatrem to Praoed POWER GENERATORS A Gentile Io Mioheel Sods io Oho booboo. mooble io 1ko boo Ureeing:nlhobodnoow. vw'gunogo'oolsxivnludod. $78,000, Apr. 2V Themos, $60,000, Apr.28 WATER HEATERS Elivoheth Sods, $299,500, hyOh:uom, and hondicood Au 001-ir booboo 6x0 oeooilo 000 Pooss xi Ud W° OoAty A Apr.26 Icono ll:evvghvvl. TIlo 10ml. 000nloni000 yod aliding devra Iooe510000Sth0100000g000. NILES WILMETTE SUMP PUMPS 65SRNUokPenkSue.: Weliv 17 room alleva accese 0005e Ohoivyonlolhodenlv bvonoho 82S0 N Roseaba Aoe.: Merlin Forgo Rark Truotee to Sleven 1455 Ashland Leso: lames yord,ord onorennieodumo. Mop :1160er loA Obey Ocal -Nallixe Spicco PlOfySSjOSyj bnsto)ation Otoole to Adam Leraoo 6011er, $169,SxO, Apr.25 T Megeath le Chsd A Rruoo Ketherire Leroun, $237,550, bindery K Oruro. $850,x00, and SAIVjCV Avsjjabjo. Ap:. 28 PlP2WPetnreenAoe.r Apr.28 RRAND rom'WUUTINsI II000RRDIULE LOW PRICEI Odoislaw Kulvoykto Mslthew 01 Di SORDAS 8361 N Unonla Aun.: n.lorlrnd MARKET WATCH oumu'o...io: 00011oeaol000 7 es book OcImoollv loseph Eskew Lioa Rembnlsky 1606 Sheridan Rnad Rnit 2e: Nikolayo to 1019e 1 Weomor, 002:enx:eg [00000000v: 014 0:OflalO 601100 001m 0Kb 156es, $400,000, Apr.20 Ailler InuIt to Robert Sulljoar $170,000, Apr. 2S Forno tooero ttet 001 S0300li Honlo rrtnlnlr8 Nordemna limon &ll001lrevlslru 0066000.101100000000 00000rnml nrl000ryoan anlaib mo: Manloyne Sollivar, $19G,000, arluSloa:m:iOIo 000inoOa: 00000nuor00000000a00000 78S0 WFeoteeAaa.: Chi' CIty Foe nate Neeieoe pelee feeeoleeoren boos boleo en OAnIrmln'L',l.sronontm:nOvloflomnlOi 9U29 R Clifton Ace.: Varo Mr. Apr. 2S 0050l0005ellosoro. O leon 6:050 loi 1010m 1V lover RoolO nnoo mio, ilon 10 lob 610:0 lO 10060 OliO, Loom 000rmm 00go Titlr Lend TrY Co Oteo lo kajic to Ashok Amin Koilaeh 10x01 1010116 iv A 6200 leanLy re. Sloe laib & pollo 6001 Timothy Prokyoki, $020,000, 306 17th St.: 308 17th Dro Ploinno 0.81% G1OS.O10 34.54% 004 246 l0500l00000eor005e000u1011000romuourlyor0000no Amin, $155,000, Apr.20 Wobei Pay 1001e 01200 b011 00200... 000 00h 1000500 nlo101oulomnelur00000relaoroale000l ...... 0100e Apr.25 loo to Eliusbeth Ourbir. Eliseo Polk 0.0 0% 1260600 615% 00 $5,050,000. APoZO NOR RID G E 6:13010e 3.16% 2312,500 1671% 694 109 PARK RIDGE 911 Weutee8eld Odono Meier 48138 Eent Rivet Mood: Fernot Sieri DUS°A 1101,000' 0,86% IV lUIR N WaotnenAen.: Noree Trost to bvmvsT Mtgranh Featuring: anos Tryst to Luis A Sarchea LyrreS Mogroth. $440.000, Gleroivn 11DM $43k251 ihlR0/o 593 II '°umD' Maria Saroheu, $250,000, CWihlionrs to Mitei P Thomas ApA 26 0000l300ol 0104 1281,100 14.15% 140 20 Apr.25 Frodeep Thomas, $375,x00, TPJSAT Apr.28 loador Gloso 2.11% 950,200 20.04% 211 60 r GENERAC 7704WWieona St.: Gogley WINNETKA Tryatto Derrio Floro, 175 Roendwelk Plaon Unit Nimm 2.40% 1110,151 2660% 264 65 D 1256 Scott Aso.: lohn Riley to $205,000, Apr.27 203: Ator owuky Tru st No:n000 Folk 113G 1285000 2h4l% 168 31 toloenre lb Strardqyiot, Scott Conben MondI lenire, OSSU W Footer Ana. Unit lInAR 000 42 $255,000, ApA 25 $855,000, Apt. 28 Furl AdAn 2.34% $310,011 PIO i:p vit auuiu 8KW' sonn.aggI 086F DISTRICT 57 SCHeeL52 SUS: Forne Mae to Thomas I Oiorolos,..1000 01,2 rulOOnal onrorlunIS le 0:0 PorIon Oaoo,,,L00000r.Conoonleroo000 000100 450 Codee St.: NoAh Caer' 51081e 2.41% $231510 2672% 579 56 KirreH, $136,509. Apr. 2V 316 Arend 800laoond: leOrey OimS000000i510l000lil LmlloOnOOlSl000nd mils ISO vaxi 00000 lOI omurn050ni. boyle 00101054 Williomo toArthoryo M5000, moritygooktooeuirR 811100110 2.007v 1610500 4.11% 301 1S 0000l:20500,Eaosror In nvoko.l000l im Ir ommO :1 sono bno:mmn'O 5000060k Romot 00 0000:6:0e Ayo mp 8580 W F001erAan, Unit 603: $662,500, Apr.28 Reilly Paiga N Ilupkirc, 010 061052 lull balAs. LoOn loIns ro & sirles in lOI. ninlocos 50000mnlo:lO 410 0000x10. larry moons Arthuoyj Sotte to Artoorete $1,620,800, APA 26 Oeuol000 ionmr 10001 aniS meNoR 100051e 010:0000 cl 51000e Holdv002 Ieee :o:o;oc,u: lime lumoor 5 00101 oli 2021, noIr lix 010001, IInr0000S,el. 9000500 oar000 pomos lv ella: onlil...... 0010,000 kv T'l'jnSDyv,90y 2e. 2011 .PIONEIRLOCAL.CTe 11f J

CALENDAR hÍORIALDAY Sobmieeienn for CemmeoSy Chamber muy be feamd nr the PNA'a Coleador ore eegoiredl4 deys weboite, wnu.pma-iep.omg. Ailes Chsmber of Com- The businesses telowcommemorate Movegivg Editor: Melt Sthmit, prrnedlvg the dotr of paHlivo- The Meuve Snath High Sue. Seed to: 0lire ?'teeogieg messo sed indantry, 8000 School hmt hwords Ouhibitiet 708.524.4433 rnschooitzftpinvecrlocol.00w Editor, PioerrrPrnae, 3701 W. Onkton 51.1847) 268-8180. is ratting through lames those who servedour country on this Opinion lekedre., Glcevieuofi0o2A. et Brirkter Amt Ceetne, 306 THURSDAY, MAY 2h, 2811 56 PISHEERLTCAE.CTM Ivfarmehav meybefeeddto Civic Bunte Highmey it Psck Ridge. (0d7 HOU-7490 Or c-waged ta lIete Rep. Raorwsmy Mal- The upnmirg roesptioe isH-B day of remèniranCe :. 1000 WORDS BY JACKIflGGllo5 [email protected]. ligev, 8-65th, hen npevcd her p.m. Mey 12. Ohio yner, Ihr nen 05th District alune et artel dmupley will mnpmeseot Benefit 1ko lollomieg eddrsvs: 1420 the crochue welk of both Honor all the Meal Day Rersiossnee lrioe, Saitn Moite South std Peek Ridge- ADOLF FUNERAL HOME & CASEY'S The LOor Ssge Csvafr Siles ETrmettery listmicl 64 2011- Rnseatah Roandetinr will 30k, Perk Ridgn IL 60060. CREMATION SERVICES. LTD Gourmet -«Meats Deli hent the 20th Amad they fer Hem other content lelammetiem stadeetn, The womb of meetly mroeivn the seme: Ph000: 80 Msirc Soath otadsets atA the Care Golf 50101g no lare 7000 South Madison Street 18b71 29f-6533; tee: 18471 abaat 20 "ap cod 000ieg" We,n?L58 Uncle Vincents 20 ut Eosnntnv Gall CIjib, Willowbrook, IL 60527 708.246-0380 to451 Onmpster St., in Skokie. 297-2978: n'molI: repmal- orlAto fron listrict 640 With preereds mm8 tonerd ligengtate,mct; uebeite smd Limcnlm evd Emeeser Middle 630.325-2300 w'ww.caseysniarketonline.cotn E-fi eut sign -ap: http:f/rep- Suhools mill be foatseed. breenfeeoaerrcocaeoh, the Sty monee letemested ir raunt ieuitct golfeen uf sil malligcm.oum. The 65th Ois- who went to war tris? beladen oli nr pnrtinet )oirirgthn Reiebow Honpice skill Insolo to enjoy s dey el end Palliatioe Cere Threthold tanin the san no they "putt of lee Pleires, Perk Ridge, PARLIAMENT ENTERPRISES Muant Preupect, Resemort, Sieg eme aae oem tact Kathy TRUST and SAVINGS BANK oto Vincent, o cliso young noun bay- fer pirk." She I8-hol natieg 15 Welt Grand Ave begies mith tcgintretiue coil tiottidge, Hsr000ed Hoightt, Haber at 18471 685-9900. inhly handsome ooith shot crooked Hiles, Elk kraus Olullege, amd Pmactinru are brid am two 7315 W. Grand Avg. Elmwsod Pork amusait pilots seem to hove. ko em., follomed by lançh. Cee' ChIC090e IL 60654 otfitatlp.u., ned Thu dsymn the vaghmest commet of Ihn Thartdays esnh north 708-453.3131 several photos he is weorisg n etertiegat 6:45 p.m. ir Perk nepped off with et e)etitg AtstRsed elChioege. 312-822-1037 leather flying juoket and n white Ridge. Threshold Sirgeen ere www.F5TSB.com uoarf. te soother piolare he is ut 000ktsil aod hors d'oeuvres treimed te tiegin groups of rooeptior. The 0051 i) $908 Clubs Br PAUl. OSOSOS the ronteols ola two-nester train- Inn end three et the bednide per pernee,srd opo(sotnhips Orend Kvight Keaim Chep- mg pinne. e? these who eme sich and dy cre eoeilable trum $7,500 ta men iroifes all Krights nl Thnre in unothnr of him atapo irR. The sceme are getreully RED°S HAULING SERVICE SHAWNEE SERVICE CENTER rumel near ehe Ornat Pyramid in $20,000. The first gòlfer/s Colambas bmatheme to the root Cearcil laureen Meet- traditinmel sr simple muards, Por muet of us Memorial DoyEgypt. nourieg ensacar se et the ehents. lallebien erd hynen 2235 W. Belmont 332 Linden in junO e day off end a purode. But Aed thoth cheat it. Thnt'e shunt fact Per 3 holes st 090001er leg ned emotion of olficeme that serbe chotet to sespord of 7:30 p.m. lane t sttho St. Chicago, II 60618 Wilmetle, IL 60091 Memuriul Day aleo is my Unclealit know nf Uncle Vinrent. kalt Clab mill mire lanarines to maaical taste ard opimitaal Vieoeet. He mus splint hilled over Nu, t know noms other thiege satornobile. Cell (312) 92k' lohr Imebsaf Fetish Mieislmy Ceetre, 8385N. Harlem Aun. dirrutiom. Siegret go thruagh 773-616-0979 (847) 251-1234 Sicily in World Wer IL sbooe him: f133 at aitit mttnn.t(oroege, patient cere oalnefecm frein- i don't beam much about him. I know he caver married. The Nominstieg CommuTer hes arenamosd 010 sIete el ing. bat theme ame en aadi' The fuawily never talked murk Throw he never hod children. 00es; oety reqar'mnmrcts oreo ub000 him. I know ho never had the chance Center of Concern nftienmt fas Ihr Irutemeel year; VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN PARK enwioetiaes eme euslisbir loue el matit aed a droier to VILLAGE OF BERKELEY Ho wenuwunnd that nuvertu test his obliitieni'e a osreer, The Center of C000ett, President, BarrettF.Pedersen Oreo the fiant. The Coaccil temo atOres. keeled. whesrver Ohne onceno migkt bave tS8SN. Nurthwent jlighwey, 5819 Electric Ave 433m OlReem'o lmalaltstier 847-671.4800 What bled uf perene woe he?kean. Saite 310, Petk Ridge, (047) Fundraiaers 708.449-8840 9500 W. Belmont Ave. 533.0453, uelsrdss of 000010 Oinmnm, will be held lune 11 warstories at the Stiebe Brebeaf Peminh The Adoucete Addictiur Fronklin Parke IL 60131 Father-in-law's _ u I I'll never know. I would doubt that he ever existed, I iroladev Treatmert Pmsgeam, Itt- www. er e ay.! Mendeyt, lore H, 13. 20, Mimittmy Cretor. Irueruetiers Have a safe and happy except for some flotsam he Left before he atol peyment ore esked im meth, kennt ut Psmbtide, Mayor Tony Esposito Memorial Day Weekend$ cod 27 Employwert toar- oelsbretee ito hIstory of disappeared from the surface of Life - for instance, his selivg, by eppoieti)rcet. tseetmeet end erunvery still vividonMemorial Day Mordsy lane 13 Al. thsoaghmhs"tuppemuoirh tiro photo Lthe Maywood Herald together with other eheimes'n Cesegivsrt Sappusi Community VILLAGE OF HILLSIDE VILLAGE OF NORRIDGE fisherman and rejoyrd 000kiag. boia0 tortured for nO 000500. Ito. Sistern" ferdrebsieg racel Groap, 10:00 em. Ohr Polish llstioral 611m- ard elanci Airear. Or lore village residents who had been killed in the war. He'd pickle cucmebece into P01kb man nature, ho maread, wm the eroe leurtet Seo Fers ta joie Mayor Joseph T. Tamburino Memorial Day Ceremony Taesdeyo, lacesed 21 10, the Top Deck liting Ream dills. fha hause reeked of garlic for seme, no mntterwbst side you them slang with the Puuioh - Medie ere voursplleg, by ethdonaute Eathcmen Heretet 425 Hillside Avenue Sunday May 29th 1 2.noon Wket mere kin fuvocite bnohs? Did I know ho sever knew who was weehn. fougkt as. oppnirtment. Reinar Cuthelis Orlan, Pol- he libo Humphrey Bogare? WhetWand War II. Wheewevieitrdthrir South Side One nnnoey Nooembec day wkile Hetpitel mill hatte ballet Hillside IL 60162 4020 Olcott Tacedey, lare t(i - 18th ish Esic005 ucd the P01mb dirent, nilert 000tiue ard career did he mano? Hum tall woe I huow he never watched TV. Chicago busgoton, Tond besot and pmporiagto welcome na fortoisit, Aenaut f.liristamn Salt Tattoo,Wumno'n Silieree tom their xv- Mayor Ron Oppedisono ho? 'Abe, ceolly, was he? I 1000w ko never uned a coli rrnek for my ses, who wet thon bio heart falteced. Hr atombird mod teIlle, as bell es pteneets- 708.449-6450 5:30.8:30 p.m., Moarteir noel Palieh-gmemieee Night et liars by hnrcred guett tpesk- I'll never know. I would doubtphono, or Tivestod. n eqoiggly baby Wad chow eno dìed,Mymather-in.lewcsodled hic Tien kdoettate Unii, 510 E. 0.1. Cellelee Finid Iseo Perkl ems, Sittem Maurice Soody that he ever euinted, encepO for I know he never rode in a jre 60 CHasCO 00060005mouth.000tceiagmeulmymothar. head andbegged blm sot to 1000e Aigoeqalo Road. 10ev Pleines, as laiS 2H, otortieg et 7:10 oume finteam be loft brioso ke din.plane. ie.luwprepnced, sed latergathorin er p.m.; the Chioago White Sen etA Sialer Rose Reilly. Sister VILLAGE OF RIVER GROVE $15 per edolt; $8 per ahild Maatice Oeady is e highly WILMEIFE AUTO BODY epprered from the nurfuce of life I hoow ho never watched men the living room. did. mill piay the Detroit Tigemu. egr IT neynangot Remitter ontcnwed leetarom aed moti- Mayor Marilynn May for metanos, hin photo in the May.south on the moon 000rykirmosinlDoylthmhef Sorno mee don't tollo ohout their Ifs hod been outaide, salting the by lars 10. (Rein dele is larePrien nf tickete lot bannt boo 1920 Lake Avenue wood Herold together 0500k othor And I buona he never got to talkmyfother-in-luw, a World Wer II warexperienoen. Myfatkec.tn.law sidewalku, to noska noce we would vetiutel speskem who begat 2621 Thatcher Ave 15.) sesto is $23,50, Ticketu ase a life aloabriety at PerknidcJ villoge occidente who had baretome, cor Ito kim. vetoreuwbo toiled and two tedio desoilkedmorfore and its aumkiag be toTe. be parohetod from the Polish Wilmette IL 60091 Wedtrodsys, leer t, 15, Latherer Geretel Hospitel 40 kited in the wan Turret Uncle Vie. There were 401,000 Unole Vis.the 50ml solOs 000r Haon000d, kid. oliremotholoidly Englues horn- flot bis funemi, mourners ekaffad Natinral Alliorae 11-800-6H-. River Grove, IL 60171 ,erd 09 Grief cod lots sap- ycsrs ago. A popular mecou' 847-25 1-1S3 cent, right before Tummy Etboondsrenta in World War ti. And thon- By the Ohne Imecrind luto the mieR plecas wovldlewer over the by the resket, suilfiing sud droodug pasl greup (oeil fissI). 3723, Eut. 316); Palith Romeo 708-453.8000 and right after Rokert Thylor. tends of other Uncle Vinceots infomily, ho hnd rotierd sed molluwed,gruoud, nimio un aren aodncorrh croesea errata tkeir chests. Catholic Union (I-800-772- cry prugmem metreot leader, Sutardays,larc4erd 18- the belieoes passinmately ir When my geondmetbnr wasnil Oho w ara amor his. yet embmced his flöeootth vigor. ooythiog greco avd kolag from it. One of myhoobandft oncles neme 8h32, Est. 26011; Pelinh Fol- Engel coaronitogi by eppomrt- helping ponpledi0000srtheie olive there woe n gloso cose in the Poc the families of these killedHo ROtad hit 8obviosvdthnvono Artillery fies woo alteo deafening to ahalL He struggled op frem his 0000 nf Americe (t-574-209- vv corono of bec living mom. Lovinglyio was Memorial Day io ont juno uteat, ttrongn rodio 000andthr He wore otresnoredctiucostthnt vms, sunpped hic borTs together vrStd 21401; at the Polish Womee's digrity by o0000emt'mg their HAVE A HAPPYAND SAFE lare 25 Blood owm ariqae qaelitien. Siotor diupluyed was the Propio HenO mpday off work. lois n nearing polofront ovirrbenkoi und tonled arounddoobled rna pillow end hoyt him und soluted. prestare evd blood sager Almuerce )1-888-S22-1898, gcroodmotker bud received le en.chut may noi end nEar 60 prora, orhie eoighborkood libe an rogar bid worm. Ruhe ood Iba Sod Infantry Thr anoten glory dey's had lang Ent. 2081. Tickets must alvn Roto Reilly hat drooled mors MEMORIALDAY FROM teotiog,toem-hone leo sp. yaams of hem lite ed000atieg change for the cou oho trot ta war.05 yesre. dekoesingpoprcn.00 uloited hic Sieleiou udv0000d through North fadrd. He was frail Tram ago. Botin bu picked ap darirg regular peietmert ecedçd). end ehaoirg the impomteet And thorn were photogrephe of Un- friend, Jack, who run a fluh.boit Attica, Italy OeA geemimy they that moment, I cought aglimpon of Wntn: The erriet nul be baoinsss bourn; oall eheod chop. Thoy'd wutch yroyla hem the . sapport and edacetian that wooldlikeroto POW5 nod athreu uyoueg, splendid infeeolry moo. olonnd lar Memqriel ley before parakesieg hobels, A store porch, sipping slow boore. e tcappediepsistno.The ttueohwat One lost guod.bye neo old mkkec meeberd Hey 28-38. Ilyam with somplete deteils SEE CALEtIDIB, P06020 PIONEERPRESS & Myfsthar.m.lewwan emsoter oebaarnblo. He ooiteessad peuple honoring eootken ft IWWS.PIOIIEEOLOCAI.LOOtt 16000000, 000V 26. 250III lIli llld'[,r,l'i bhllullld'ifulr.riluriuor I s LEAVE THE POWER LINESALONE AND


At ComEd wo'ee commined io trovidiog yort uvititrolieble, elfoodablo enorgy, and cneosiog the safety of oor ou000r aod employece. Electricity cao hodang000us foui coed pooperly. There 4 For Your goidelioos aviD protect ynor family tod you. Consideration 'Bug' expLores grittyabi uities of life

Seven Sufety Rodeo to lico by: BO MOONS PtTLil Aqoiortclofoclicilieo Sis' Etelr,bals, t.Alrrcyetseomeapereee licoislrco. the corniogrvcck t. Novo or puroor Os tise heels of Redto'isi t. Keep sii conree, scoduldiug sud l,igl,.oesrh oqrriporeot000tyfern yowcolrncs. 1.PieoiatJeffreySitgnl Theatre's Jeif.nowiseird 4.Koepyooesslftrd others 0000y from tilo,, porrorhoos. pecformo the AnsI Keybsoed yesdaefiso nOMon from Converontissn concert nf the Nsbeaehe," the company led Do oct throb or leiro tesos ceso por000 2010.21 0550m, "Ports tOIt byhoobond mrd soifs team ru botte pcoreoioe holcos you drg. Allentue'y Cetef,mtisn," at Mieheet Calayel sad Jon You ose seqoiocd by loro to cell liti 7,00 p.m. Mey 27es Neetlr. Efsallravessfflhalaio io pee. f. 1f you ere occdoctiug toy mush co scrivA7 tirer ruy bris6 f00 your sqcrpuooui 05 ncestecs Ifolverotly's Fich. due'otg "Bug," santberplayby ooyllmirrg you carry tritIno to tots: 10 feet oft poovor lico, cell ConEd. Cleaearoo Obiger 0000ert Hell, 50 Tenvy Lotta. Acts Circle Debe, Eranston. Aa'tbsttc Director Celoryt Thnprogrsen festures mocIto said tises beonose oftise sue. by Rouet, Debutsy Foses, cena eocemi peoro seo of corr,cdnn105y.co:ol-800.EDISON-I Deft SnAe end Slrenteoky Lclts' Tony sovsrd.ncbooing Ttrlsnto see $DD $21 for pcodorttmeof°Aaguoi, Oaags sentor nitiasnRit fsr sto. Caosty,"he mod every pity deoto. CatI 1147) 467.4006 srhyLetto. The nampesyde. riots nsuuno.pislsstsigenoc dded te slogo the tono Lests marisa bach.to.boch beosoet, 2. Tosey Recosed peeeentu"Tirotee no different. One "Sorry Menilonc sed Neil roan very lyciosi end isthomte Diamond 500gbtohn" st 2:00 end more mduntveem - e peo. Jano ist the Sttrtsie simple story ohnut gnod Theetm, 7524 Lincoln Ave., peeplo. 'Dug' roso typteal nf Skokte. Ttcknto ore $20 te Tenoy Lette' nortee p5. tdvanee, $25 si the doce Celldad bra very gritty, edgy 1047) 677.7751 seurisitrerone. Ckicggo etnreire0605rle," 0005htethcstre,com. Lonely seats S. "Manie Ceaey" 119221, Kimksrly $csdsrdiresta essrringHsneld Lloyd, rollt "Brag" ostrich io shoot "toso beoeeeensel etyp.m. Mop sanely saule who mtst no 25 as pnct cf Ihn 5Legendo ofthe edge of soleo st same Lsaghtee° film sertes et thy asedy moteT Col000t sold. Penh tsidge Pobtie Library, Patee ldindesov Jntsopl may MleleanlColsesi. (fnees left) isaqeellne GrandI, red Tomesys Lee isheetne le Bedtastot Thsstre'n peedaefleo et"Bssg" bylemy 20 S. Prospect Ave., PorE ben Golf Wtrvetemsa sohn Lefts, I nmon000looamuseses000 l;r toAWOL from the temo Ridge. The nhoreieg seAl he elthosgh ito not clear C eeoempaoted by e ehren tolE r he ootoetly ever served. 'BUG' end totcodontion by $tso "IOn emotiseoliastabiEty h'rateciosoMattbere Enflions. maulfeetutteylfes adels. $edlsttnllheatra. 2044W. Rqoe Mowrdae., Chiru7y Fees. Vtoitonwoo,psnite'tdgsli. oteo of 'mfesiotias nfbstga," ys3S p.sra Thsrsdayo.55larslrys asd 3p.m. Suullyyc tsrsry.ocg. CoIned ooid. digass fJao' ttseou8h laste 2G BEFORE AFTER qosEse Geosdt), rohe Oven '$25 Thursdays, $2f Fridays and trtedeys. $30 Sclllrduyr. 4.Cleieogo.besedeee. io that motel, in debiliteted tnesperary dense s000mble etllh $5 achse end slodessl disanrrssto $55 fer 011urudyt, by hastog lesi hoe sao irs a .Mnp'26 peeaioes Melty Shtetslsso/Med mpeemachei yeses 0go. Skala sriA prootst"Sksctso Agote la hiding frsm her 1173)720-7529 eesresw.sedlvsisi.oeg Stiftet Deoreniog" at R p.m. en.hssbssd, os eu.entoiyt Glee your hsmeaoemplete estertor makeooer in less tIran a month. God enjoy the benefits for years to voest flsvolrcns r ready June 2.5 io the Dsttnnom temed Jerry, pioyedby Eo.srdfeAgses "io oeetshsiy It's aies io beve on sppaetee. todo luts that, 010v 50e Esso wster,els on Ihn moNet, Ihn beso croes you'll lInd, und the unmatched 005l,ty sud 50005m 500ndards cl cur Andersets Theotre 'mNnethwaetern Tommy Loe Jtlansi000f ont iashtng forroned to isis oisyOo'gsihere.'" pn000r000,c Weatheegeetioem p,cceru Weil 3011011 withcur touch,ng the 010010e snd OrnInO in se lrllle st tour urorks trum the dec run cro,r Ueterrettyh Marjorie Ward Deartleld. Jatataion 'u s etturo," Jalasoana sold. "EnS As so 0500f Johatoton neid, Moreteolt Dessen Centre, 10 cturklcy' And the reeds lee tonelero assur 011,013 015051rO besury, ys010rmsncs and celue W5 tall ,t CurbEppeslru cccii coli lt psnttcr Cat Bedtrviatenropnaymesnbsr a pretty vsaiesEiog goy tuo importent that he dorm's 0%APR' dieto Cirole Deive, Ersootes. serosO seo pinynneight. Hin sver iseo He nuoto hack hs.tjodge bu ehsssoteo "Despite Mishsei Cosenel etsÌselsle Teseesy Lee Jolsocteso or clero Elev05005 rodorl.Call 847.984.3306 fono free oereoeitotioO. WwW.eeyeleeatlees.cerrn/dle No money down, es interest The eosembte piece te the ploys, "Anses" end "Lift's tlaialahe groernOy sores far itas may people might feel Deesfield .40 msetho 25 repay latest iastnitment sO the Teemarsj' orees beth pro. herbai tuck oat the bent nf shoot blm rriaes they leave CALL FOR DETAILS1 donne oompany'a matti.yeac doord st Redinniot. 'Ames" people.° the sheeter, them ura some he can't aodoretasd why bio in so he moo gut kim berk peeleot, "Stseuins of Canoe. receioad e Jofissosisution Jnheotos had eesd the playg000eioe qoslitieonbsaibim7 es-rotin "lost wsiting foe himes Orook bec0050 he suffers ru, ity," at aodsrtehing ai oste for now wash last yeue. prise 55 being eppmoohed Jaheotus ssted. "If ysa reo seith open arma." secinasty from dolseinoal l'" I ,. t 847.984.3306 sod eenembte mevtment Jobosten said shot pinyiogby Col000l te pity Jerry. He boas io na ita000 qaelifleo, io In odditinnsapeodocbag / nesesrnh sed mottiplo per. V I I N Llneelenned Heme Desloo 5650555m I 60250. l.,uCclv Aun, Civcolncruod I Ofen mur 'urO, OS. Jeeeyis "Bag" "to silbad derided that tabla5 tho rais makes ti more eseL I would "Bag," Cnisrci tabeo tise role Colacei anted that hoonne CareeE r ne recesos r 000 ese neun esce Suudsy by roer fncmsnrettenstienn. Tishete of atorr forme. lassolty ploy ooaldstaorvsodiesces o dit. boye shot isitiaDy the nodi. siDo Swent. Ho said Shot ail shear qaeliyjisg terme rtaynruille Home Design Olrewraem I 2204 cururo Ace. Osperclllo loyer 000505. S'O, Ourdouby sept see $20; $15 fac Northwest. that nngelic.lihe site goy freent sido of kim. "Ssmo. esse woold muybo lOse him e hi s churco ter "in prebabty s rohes desreiblog bio Cisne- seo fsoutty and otaff; end $10 Tisis io ion everybody hastimes pon get iamprd ints a titile btt." togitimute urmy doctor who nasse heosaen, "oatldsg's EXTERIOR MAKEOVERS WINDOWS I DOORS SIDING I ROOFINGI PORTICO5 for otodents end sonior sttt. e Sitio dark sido." esrtu'mretegosyT Jototaton prabobly renco fur Peter ever 0150e oettb Traoy Lesso." u 0505, pnmhmed io odyssee; Whes the play apeno, Ore.asid. "t 0050ldo't oormofiy be Mr, Net-se.nice gay and probably comet voith Thoab 00e of the ressens $20 at the dono Visit uctrum. gr is fresh from Ave yeses iscated 'ta ice a part libo this Tiss 0050e noted that Seam gued Inteotinno te cheehop that Lests' playa are uioeeys mnelnhoh,cam/evento. prions foe semed robbery. bmedenmyhtataey sastege. iba ehoesctorbptropectiae, an him end bessg blm bach satoteigreing. 2t WWW?IONPEOLOCCL.COO TIllI00260. 1466 16, 2011 01f aWRPbSiirCLSCrL,COMI In SIC T010S200, fr01 ti, 2711 I

tlodrreon & tt:,rnnoerniniuo'r' The pi'g,,'k1ç ,,u)S1 n F14ILY FRA_IWLY beloved in flic jeu!! MOVIE REVIEW \itti 3ff-piece orchesla'tt

Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 7: 3O A retrorom-com Sunday, June12. 201 at 3:0O InWoodyAllen's 'Paris; Owen Wilson travels intime to visit a lost generation

soenucr escono

MIDNIGHT IN rAnis * * * III Por ropono rohe bao ever Ohoughuit might knee been wnnderthl te tiorr'n New York City inthr '1Go or Ser tust praaa "pawa"r an ohntaala acunar sea a aug/owner luolualike easIest are ameecthe dross Pronol000 'mthn '6Go or, cay utWuelatualu 2011, lene 511 Pouah Parbie Skukia. Pools in the lolOs, "Midnight in Paris" in mrdr to under Oven if pon'rr not nor nl there penpie looms nro, Woofstock fun will have ndmil it: yore eral, tins enjoy' ohm, lighllyonmir, lightly romnntir film in une rlth000 sewi-rrgolnr Wondp Allen Tinun.trasatisctaoristr Owen Wilaon and Rachel MaAdema stur tongues, tails wagging modes theO 00mo olnog ioWaodyahhnr'a lataatihtm, "Midnduhtin Paria," every third or hue-tb rllert three deyn, delivering ade. robaI eeems nl Snot tobo n vOIb aPrearhbeauoy/noneld- un ooeeu piritcrt rowrouhohtelibooriy.irrto. groe nf uetislertion that ru- 00000meperlywitbaoerynaeoints net groupie named Adriane ISgarion Cshllardb. In the aye of the beholder mmdc us why hr hen elmeyn dressed 'w she ulyle 010ko bren worth vontobing. Jaue Age. Theo he melon lt's ewet000 nf nptoioa but, ar000diogto Ihr aoqneirtenne ofZelde I,coeable feats Tickets ON SALE NOW! Dogs nod Ihr people who lore them relit she toarheee from Ontruordinury tOdo, "00go ttomnantia fable Fiteg000ld, E SontO SlInger- WIrst moker "Paris ut Tickets ($10-$30) available at 800.982.2787, Inulto toe free nl Wuot0000k 2011,11 am-O pro. Are Oeoutitul lend tntarestingll." "Pools" ice romeatio tobir, aid, rad Cote Porree, who's Midnight" worb as woG os Ounricy, Jones nO P0006 Perk, 2116W Onto. The odura0000milldemonoteotelnet e000l. busirullc oboutn ktolpwnud sing/ag ore of his roogo ai il dora, thongh, ore Gil's www.ticketmaster.com, all Ticketmaster outlets, too St., Okrkie, on the erst henh nttha North Ip how brautiSel nerd lertereethog loom 11:0010 norernOnriter named Gil Oho piran. IThe party's in perpeenaily astonished ho- Shorn Chnrrnol. 0:00 nw. Seturdoy Juco dat the Glen P00000 lGwen Wilson, no awhwordlph000rrlJena Corieon, rd turarlioresvsilhNrmhgway or at the Athenaeum Theatre Box ONice: 773.935.6860 "We'll hune aouioitiea ovd oorotents for the Ceroteo, 0671 Nasy Blvd., Glonutuw. The loor opheal und egrreablr us )Cnrey Stoll, hilorionol, Otrin ilnga nod their omroeeu' und Crystal Vaotttno- porge-oro ortS bu 'rn the Glen Springtime Pro hobo Alten ntood-in miel, Lntri nllrrnaighl 01 /KuokySatenb, Salvador Dali Music by Richard RodgersLyrics by Oscar Hammerstein il ink SkokiePnr'koiuloioltnolitpwmngnrr Spore on Chu enraIe sida olNenpPnrh. u'hob niuiuieg Ferio wish his dncnhenranoouing, he rrertn lAdrienolrndyl, Loin Bsanet, Those 05111 motorIe ro ubsteole rocoso, odog/ Pur detalu, roll 18471 724-1055 or vieil rold, emitiorb Se000e Ines Erneut Nsmingovay silting P0kb Pioe500,'Mar Ruy TO. Book by Howard Lindsay & Ruosel Crouse Stage Director: Chuck Geosart uuwerlonlralilrerooeeur end amnoowalk Our orr000gl000ìemgmsisgloundotian.000. IRorhelModidaunsl end her alone irerontl and spoutiag 0h01, el al Music Director: Brian BurkhardtChoreographer: Lindo Fortunato indu. weullbtrprre000. highly estertaining Homing- The dormotir emphasis "Skydogoonillbr doing aporloowunonnl Its a ciscos in Ibero Gil is ouivelpinlnvr ooith wap-nuqee dintogree: "ShoreSnl"Midrright io Parie" is nr One of the most popular oousicals of oit time, Rodgers mrd Ftammroeteio's t p.m. .- [hot's the Poishne thur dng group;' "drerOvaning otOorbogNervWnrh" is bio momentio ideals oliai nnthing rnbte obust dying mmuoou, eu Sil surto ont blu Snoaphome legend Churlos Lhuyd brings an ovenfeg at negugimg and ionpiring teno story of the coo Trupp Family Singers will till your huarts with Vonleyohrg mid. There rodI sien be muelo, promised loo Oboes is Progroee, 7:00 p.m. Poulul and 1kb 1ko autira of in Ohr mud" and "No subisou hrliags 10m Ieee eodlndrmaou looentior jocote Spmphrnp Conter, Thn first hail uf thy norrort with demorrolraliuoe nod eothibite.Holdugu,hern- Ontuoday Mey 20 el tha Actors Gprrmeeium, bungastruggliog nnnelieL in terrible if iho 05001' is Oree - sod groduntlpbrrnmeo 1505cm Llsyd with drarnmer Er/a Hnrined and tokio titan Znkir Hessein PIJE SOUNDOFMUSIC.CU000ESIIWIICIIISUDCL000DEtSOSSS63 buegeoc, olripu nod beveea0oe ooillhu sold. Noyrs Cultmool Arte Center, 927 Nopal 01., Hub aleo soivelp noowuna nod the pros ois olIno nod umore nl000ther polnotiul performing maslo Irren Iheir acclaimed albern 500gam, which linda Bvyyyool2ooOfoCthDOODOp0ctODO/fcttol1flDlBSt2lD Por this ruent 00ly, whioh le mn by the 00000ton. The show tuatreree profeeslOOnll that ines is edging lowsod bonnet." ennineato in his nono ers. Shuhir PuekDiuteiot nod Ihn City uStIono. The 01m works best, Ilrongb, common greund betwern lore end sonsacas Enstoro rhpthrno, Chnrlrs CCC 00211p1110151200U22'! ondndvanoudutndootn. Tirkets aro $1G un uffeir odib a pompons sloe, you don't need aProob Penh pone, Alt Por dateds, 001110001 ele-SOTO ooniuit prohuarr IMirhoel Sheanb stein mf the times dor'mg 0000elonal momonen Llnpd's quartof, irnlading garland, pianist Jaooe Meran aOd bassist nra cuss Includo. dogs, troweoro, wont he bushed. Sog Obedi- rrnrwbeooenpopnrtirheln.00eo. onko'e intonso In lertnre at Sil anhaNemingoray oliaspired naeokneninm, Ronben Rogers, takes coenor stage far the narrend boll nl the program. 011a lauden lfuru:roonrsrrlKnilgertas Irisa Schussel eure Group mod Hrppp ltuel,y Ocho0 io the Sorborov lIeb too bney his heno, to raed Oho nIvel cuehm Gil otlerbog a Valium Sveouloe ere co.npoouors otW007etook. Maushnuallows and magic he has been melting nnd to a hyslorioal Zeldn Pituger- leSura Lnrdiel000sl Pule0000roolrcopOonrrur:nrl Chambe wesdering Iba streute or por debito, roll 18071 674.1500 oromnit Pringo blnoket to the Sooth Coortyordol Pnriu,wiuhirghs000ldhnvr Hnmiogwuy retnaun, but uld. terso Hollow faul I4ru Merr000 lo,aoroataaul era u'wno.uholdepurlos.00nr. she Sknloie Publir Libreey, 0215 GoDson St., been there in tIre 1910e, his ollero In ehow it to hic poI lt dun moves 0100g ola Carni lumi fr105051 Onus Burle Lunlu ls:uarunronl plesesol, 000blirg pore lIbe Chicago Outlet - without un outlett 0:00 p.m. herido5 Juno S for Cnmp000 0100es ideal geograploirnl/obrono- Gertrude rosin, Thea Ike Catheter indo Q-0:01 Car Ruturlurd laIurn:earuuahH 050eh Obvio MoBelen. lin mill spin poros, logioolhteoneoiion. vioino dienppeare, reluroing sort pen mighl employ white terror Opow, MedeAjjnrdobtol Toue toroilp roo haue bun together tendon 50444005 p501 L:uo MaboulS :s:en:oaroe ut blendod with romady, ventriloquism rod Sil to Ihr preseoL menodnringthmnngh ihn Uetuoed, Unplugged Same Say, t-5p.m. Set- wogic. Alteronarda, there wiT be nmreolorosl' Into the past Ohr pellnm Peugeot mnp- streets olPnr'iu/enitamryeo Sarah Marturìnlueuhral Inernu sassunroarl lnulnrcuOreral rar mene lnrsumatlan, ordap Mey 20 rl Sloobir Publio Librnry,011o low roust 'mtbe rouetynrd. Irr rese olOain, ihr Somewhat prediotnbly Gilpeurs every night nI mid- iOn lainly yredirinble morel nuda000uosie louse Sarah e0:uhrnloalnroasoal aaoraat cOrmier Opera ChiaRa Oule100 St. Drop io cod uhuw your kidnthat geta his ooiub. Sor night, e night, Ihoogh, allowing Gil obnnl beoroing tommie Ohr au 3154 55 .59 a4 er pOnlIouronnill moon into the Pnttp Auditorium ColIna Ourrirurdi lOruul Frudoickiouuph ps:U there le ISa h0000dloyuliohu, oowpnlereund - Sane rempare. knaohofdrurtoeo Prrioinns ir live in knob timos al 0000, mnn0010ne'u onore pl ere nerd eoraw,uhamhnrugcrachicugu,seg hondheldgodgute. an000400urtol Chorus 0024 sing:nu Dusel C'or details, oeS /047) 210-5105 00 onset loo oinlrge Peugeot renring e00000r'oIty sad gining him time, No metssr knw murb Pue dnteilc, roll 10071 724.0145 orslsrt rovrrnshobieltbruey.tnfo. cor pnll norm, moltuo him Oho ohnore to onmparr nnd better Ihingo might 100k 00 inside, sad mine him In cr010000, and In laIt in love Ike other beak rl the Sniae, SB WWW.PIONEEMLOCAL.COM THURSDAY. fIA? 25, 20v DIC I S U/C vsussocv, 000 16, 2011 I OWW.PIO8EEPLOCAL.COM

Janle,on's FILM CLIPS 5KO WTIMES Reasons to Movie times are effeotise Mon 11:IS'l'3:1S'4:1S-6:ZO- Advertise 'J Pniday and are xempiled 7:25; Tue-Thu 3:1S'A:1S-6:20' OPENING FRIDAY from infarmetiae available 0 7:20 460g North Hselem4n000e Newspapers The Hangover Part II on Puesdoy, Please rote thof Bridesmaids (RIFri 1:19- lran000drteogsA Steaks, C/tops, theater schedules ore subIect 4:05-6:55-9:45; Sat, Sun FIasco: 301.157-4072 Rated: R for pervasive lan- to ohange, 1f co listings are 1O:30-1:1S'4:OS'6:SS-9:4S; Fresh Fish, SEASON #3 guage, strong sexual osrtart provided, please call the Mon 10:301:15-4:05-6:55; 5 TACOS FOR $5.00 inaludirggraplcio nudity, Burgers theater for information, Tue, Wed 1:1S'A:OS'A:SS; Thu eUJNCHMore-Fai, 5 Crispy Corn drug use end brief violent 1:OS-4:OS INTELUGENT IIIGIILGHB PARK PeOple ORS Troces Thee(PS-53)Fri 1:30-4:20' - Shelllacos vos Central Osa., yígsleod park Length: 102 mirutes 7:159:50; Sat, Sun 10:AS- -CMERb'4G 10401 512.3500 Disueno do$Sek Chelsea) heel, chIchas te pork likely co rood naoapapOrs 1:30'4:2T-7:OS-9:5T; Moo Sues: Bradley Cooper, Ed Piratee olthe Cadbbaae IPS. 00:45-1:30-4:20-7:15; Tun, (847) 967-0606 Heins, Zesh Aalifierakis t3) Pri, Sat t'4'7'9:45; Sur, Maggie Q eneas in Soeaon Gem ai'Nastiea thdtfee "Pdeet, Wed 1:30-4:25.7:11; Thu PIONEER PRESS The three degenerate pnrty Thu 1-AT; Mon'Wed A'7 1: 30-4:2 Picotee selbe Caribbean: On 847.673-9700 CALL 841_486-7300 boys from the origirel smash Wateetarglephants (PR- OT-12:35-3:0O'S:A5-B:2T' Feet Fioe(P6-53)Fri 1:20. Stranger Tides In 3-0 0.000 10:55 hO gro bosh Togethor fora 83) Pri, Sat u:3T-4:3G-T:15- 4:007:05-5:50; Sat, Sun (Pg.53) Fri Sot 11:AS-3-6:1S- Kaeg Fo Poeda2in3'D bash befare Urus (helms') 9:45; Sur, Ohs 1:30-A:3G' 10 :3 S-1:20 'A: 19-7:05 '9 : SS 9:25-02:38; Sur'Thu 11:4S'3' (PS) FriSur 11:4S-2:2T- weddirgiv Thailand, 7115; Mon-Wed 4:30.7:15

Mor 1T:35'1:21-4:1T'7:OS; - The Cetepitolee (P6-53) pri, 5:15-9:25 4:SS-O:3T-OT:1T-12:35; Mor #1 Tue, Wed 1:204:10-7:05; Thu PriMor il:4S-2:20-4:55' 7:30-10:10 MOvIE IN THE WORLD! Kong F Panda 2 Sat l:15-OvOS-7-9:GS; hun, Thu Bridesmaids (R) 1:20 '4: 10 11'1:55'1:S0-Os:SS'7:10-7:50- Picotee et the Caribbean, Ga Rated: PA for sequences of 1:1S'4:1A-7; Men-Wed 4:19-T Zesh 500Lsteerseruie, eeadley oasper, ¡asas tasise aJ Ed Heftes pfak ap aehere they Reh nel ire 'The tKe(S( Pri 1:35'A:25; Sat- ST:5A; Tua'Thu 1:00-1:55- Steangor Tides (P653) Fri "THE PERFECT SUMMER MovIE r martial-arts acticr end mild KooK Fa Preda 2/PS) Tri, Hesgsseett." gerbe sequelts the nseeway 2009 htt somedy, the qaaetet'a ntieedoentuees teed Mxc 10:55-1:35-4:25; Tut, A:Sb'0:1O-7:AO-OT:S0 'Sun 50:35-12:15-2 -3:40- Sat 1:3T-A:3T'7:15-9:45; Sun, Wed 1:35-4:25; Thu 1:3S Fri-Thu 5:2S-7:OS-R:SO- 10:30-12:15; "Great Fun) Johnny t(epp And thare ta Thailand, Thu 0:30-4:30-7:11; Mar-Wed Prient)PS-t3) Length: fo minutes tesidioas)PS-S3( Fri'Gun 12:50-3:20'5:4S'G:10'1O:30 Men 10:3502:05-2-3:40-5:25- join Boasts ru defeat a drug Picanas efthe Canilebeaos 4:30-7:15 Pené(ope Cruz Are Magic Together," Stete: lack Black, Angelita puppet at his life ocach and 6:45-9:35; Mon-Wed 6:45 SemethiegOereewed (PG' 7:05-0:50-10:30 official spohesmsr. (BI) 0e Straegor Tides Idle, 50th Ragen RENAISSANCE PLACE PICKWICK S3) Pni'Thu 1:50-7:25 Pfeates of the Cetib bean, "Fresh And Exhilaratingi' Rung Ru-fighting parda Po ORSO led SC, yigsland Park Ther)PB-n3)Fri'Mon 11:05' On Steaegoe lides tMSO3'D Furious"j directed the lateet Rated, P6-13 forreteneton- 55. P:oeOecI Ase,, Perk gicla lßlaok) returns fnr a show- Bridesmaids qsle000s of octron-eduentuce 10071 ong-1002 4:4011:15; Tue-Thu 4:40- (PR-Ss)Fri-Sun 9:4S-1:10- irsfaUment is the hard-dniu- /0001 505-5234 door with or old evemy in * * 1/0 vroleeoe, some frightening Midaightie Pedo (P653) Pri, oom.p/okaicklcae Ira so O 10:11 4:3S-g-11:2S; Mor R:4S'I:lO' leg action sacies. Fn, Sat 4:350 r hie sequel te the hit aninat' Rated: R for acme oeouality, images, some sersuslily end Sot 11'11:30't2:00'2:0O- Kong FaPandaz)P6)Pri- 'Tbneie S'O (P6-IS) Pieeteo slobs Codbbeonr ed comedy and lasguafe thnoughuur. cenuends, 2: 30' A: 3 O -O: O 0' A :10-7:00- Mor 1-4-6:30-8:45; Tue'Phu 12:5S-3:4A'Ar40'9:30'12:1b; The First Grader Sun-Thu 12:53-3:45-6:40- OnStraagerTfdexieoiseey Lengths 139 minutes T:3o-G:30-9:2R; Sun, Man 4-6:3T-B:4S - Midnight in Parir Length: 91 minutes 11:00 -11:30-12o o'2uo- Bddeomoido(R) Psi-Mon 9:30 Digital 3D (P5.13) Psi-Sur * * 2 Stats, )ohery Depp, Peralope Sears', Tristen Wog, Meya 2:30-A:30-S:00.A:1O- 1:45-4:30.7-9:30; Tue-Thu Poet Fixe (P6-53)Fri,Sot T1:25-2:S0-6:OS-9:40; Mon * * * 110 Ccua, Aaaffrep Rush, lar Rudolph, Chris l'onorA Rotad: PU-13 toe some dis' 7:00-7:308:30; Tue'Thu 4:30-i-9:30 02:20-3:25-4:10-5:35-9:35- 11:252:50-6:15-9:40 tunbing ulolent sortent and Rated: PA-13 fer sone sexual Whg, of"Saturday Night t-fsshere 2:TT-2:3o-u:30-S:TO'6:10- Thet(PB'53) Fri-Ron iO:OS-12:35; Sun-Thu 12:20- Rddnsmeids IR)Fri-Sun brief nudity. Nico things make the fourth references and smoking, Live," oeste and stars as 7:00-7:30-0:30 2:15-4:30-7-0:11; Tue-Thu 3:29-5:00-6:30-9:35-10:05 tl:STd-6:1O-9:30'12:30; Ansie, s 30/oh wcmec "Piraten" a good time: the The First Brader (PgS3) Pci- Mon 11:50-3-A:10'9:30 Length: ITO mirutes f,esnnhr 103 ninutes 4:30-7-9:15 ROSERONT PREMIEN whose life is a financial and - absence of Telardo Bloom'n Thu 1:15'3:A0 Bddesmaide (R) Digital ruerL' ron o, aomre Picoteo ofthe Caribbean, 0e ccoo Bryn raer Oca., eoreeranr St4ee: leer Wilsor, Rachel 'Al' end Keira Knighfley'schec- Peasestseiece Tri-Mon 10:10- romantic dioastar, and oho is The Rnohte Rear 18g) ErI' Seaaegnt Tides (P5-53) FrA' lecT/S4T-0030 M chAo es ha having a hard dme adjuslirg - - asters anda determireticn Mon 11:T5-1:20-3:AS'6:1S' Mor 2-S-B; Tue-Thu S-B 1:20-4:30-7:4010:50 r reg,ut ser..u.Jr NA romarficscceereciter orn cArnes ta get backfo old-fashiored, Peleen in 3-O (P5.53) FriSur to the impendicg, adsanto. ' 8:40; Tue-Thu 1:20-3:45-6:15- SARBENS 06 'fJ )Wilsor) who aleo yo carted race-up adventure. Thia time, ROSERO NT IO /5./1: ii gross marc/age al her best ( 8:40 22251g Oc050rd CarIar, Skoko 7:20-00-12:25; Ron 7:20-IT - ,. Relise ir 19200 PAris gets the d'vt k gfth nTOOscds020csae.,Os0005nt 15401 604-0054 )ompfeg ehe Eraste/PA' friand Lillisc, "Bridesmaids" C Pt) Win min (R) PriMor 11:45' 5sulìuN1' -.mio1yu(1,:nig.8 l,si(- opportunity while uisitirg Ch rAw k( 0h Geh oip thy /0471 440-ccoo is a volleotioc st 000ruoiating alo;Tue-Thu 5:lg 13) Fri'Iur 6:20-9:25-12:10; DFri- ('lisO"-,17'Sl/,o:-;f. the city with his ill-matched semis sooial disasters, on rrsus csrnptc- teeeodies(R) pci'Thu 2:15- g-Mas: Fleet Ctaee (PG' l-ter 6:20-9:25 minded quest far liferasy ot noh5e RABRENSP-13 TenoRe IMshdams), Wuudy emotinno/ garniel Arnie must SriO 53) Thu 12:01 0,0, Semeehiegtermmed (PB' in Kevye ir 2003 is worthy 005 OlA O r: 50 cd CarIer, S ko klo Allen Wrote end directed the run before realiairg she ir (Bush) sod fha blak-lnee0ed, Bong Fo PendaS (PS)Fri 13) Fri-Moo: 12:10 p.m. SNOW PLACE 12 lacol 014-0004 cenedy, revieeed in this sec- her own warst eremy - with blesk-mogio.praotidicg Block- Sat 12:2S-1:10'2:SO-3:35- Thee)P6-13) Fri-Sun 11:40- infarst It's' 01 350 Golf alu Cancer, Rilas tice by Bruce Irgram, some startlingly out-of'plaon beard )Mslhose), Ah yes, old S:15'G-7:40'B:20'IT' 2:40-5:35-0:40-11:40; Rar "The P'rst Gr d 100cl 320-nuls Blaokbeard'sgctadaughter 10:45-12:20; Sun-Thu VILLAGE CROSSING 11:40-2:40-5:35-0:40 gross-out ssenes thrown inox useras be ondth BBI) I ' (Cruo), a grudga-hald:ng 12:25-0:10 -2 : 50-3:35-S : 15-6' 1000 Carpenler raed, 54,4e Tharie3'D (PA-Ss) Psi-Moo STILL PLAYING a lure for the hard-R cccwd. ry level ir lermo of emetirl Pik 1h 7:40-B:2T'1O-iG:45 1x801 265-anos 9:SO-12:S0-3:S0-6:S0'R:SO (You know oho you are,) (BI) gte tigli fmI NORRIOGE - The Beaser 005v Harlan sae,, Oorriagn long Fo Pande 2 le 34e Fast Fias (P5.13) Psi-Sun Eseeything Most So 10x81 555-4385 (PA)Fmi, Sat 5O:3S'2-4:25- The Ha ng580t Pa re nl OO:2S'l:35'4:50-8:50-01:25; beeping the Renom 4:50-9:1S'll:SS; Sur'Ths (R)Fri-Sun l0:OS-l1:30- Mor 1O:25-1:35-4:50-0:10 *** Rated:afoc language and Rated: PI-13 for some sexual ("Nine," "Memoirs sf0 The HaogeeerPaettt (0)Pri lt:3S'2'4:25-6:SO-9:05 0'2:OS-3:4S'S:0 S-6:30' Water fer Elepheets (PA' onme sexual sortant. noted: Ph-13 foc motvre The Haogeaae Poet tt (R)Fr1, 7:SA-9:15'lO:35'12; Mor 13) Psi-Mon 11:55.3:15 thematic material, some cortesI acd language. Geisha") in mostly unreseo- 12:45.2:553:0 S-4:30- Length: 100 minutes 5:30'7-B'9-1O:30; Sat, Sur Set lt:39-12:30-1-l:30' 10:1S-l1:30-l-2:OS'3:4S- Rio in 3-0/PS) Pri-Mec disturbing contort, arasai' Length, 101 mirutes sary 3D, Stare: Will Petroli, Rebtosa 11:SS-12:4S-2:05'3:05-4:30' 2:10-3:1O-3:40-A:20-4:S0- S:TS-6:3G-0:50'9:15-l0:35; 10 :0 51:5 0-4 : 40 ity ard language including a State: Mike Eppo, Angola Hall Thee 1:307-G-9:40-10:30; Mor 5:50-6:30-T-7:30-8:30' Tue-Thu 10:OA'1-3:AS'6:30' drug refereron, WILMETTE A calapaed alcoholic 11:4S'12:4S'2:gS'3:01'4:30' 9:i0'9:40-10:10-l1:1O- 9:1S Tsus mismatched families Rated, p1.13 for sequencer 1122 LeerlO I Ose., Wilnolle Length, 91 minutea lFerrel/j holds a yord sala ir 5:30-70; Tue-Thu 2:OG'3:OS- 11:40-03:1012:40; Sun-Thu The 000goaee Pant It(o) cenuargo on Martha's Aine- ofinteree sci'R ochos and levcl 051-0401 Stare: Mel GlAsee, lcdie his Icoct yard Iran attempt 4:3 0-5:30-7-8 11:30'12:30-O'S:30'2:T0'3:1g-Diginet PeeeaetotioaEri' yard foca nodding, Saum Akilsiclenoe, Win Win (P6.13) Pri, Wed, to put hin lita ir order after KaegFo Parda zIPS)Fri 3:A0'4:20'4:S0-S:S0-A:30'7' Suc Sd:SS-i:40'2:SS- (Television's "The Asee") Thu 4:45-O; Sot-Tue 2:30- Ii you've got She pabence, losing bio cite and hie job. Lsngthr 130 Ricuras 12: 30 '1:4A-2 : AS' 4-5- 7:30-0:30-9:1O-91A0-1O:tO- 4:2S'S:40-D:10-f:3T- dcrectad the comedy, 4:45-7 sed the flexibility, worry The vomedio Arome is hosed Statsr Chds yfemsoorth, 6:407:40-9-10; Sat, Gun 11:10 9:SS-1O:iS'12:40; Mon Dill Cunelegham Nere leek senieg fsr its sheer audacity os a short story by Raymond Arthnoy RopkirO. Natalie O1:30-12:30-1:4S'2:45-4- Picones oteha Caribbean: Go 10:SS-1:A0'2:55'4:2S'S:40- - atd for Bibscn's tortured: Prom -.5-6:40-7:40-9-10; Mon SleesgeeTidos(P6'531Fri. 0:10'B:SO-R:SS'lO:SO (P0-53) Fr1, Wed S-7:10; Sat- Tua 0:45.5.7:101 Thu S hrlarraus, strangely moving Rated: pp for mild language l0Noreegod of thunder 11:3T-02:30.1:4S-2:GS'4'9' Thu 12:usS'l:1S-A-4:30-T;GS- 000g Fo Pande 2(PG)Fri The Bunky Horree Pistore perlormance. Gibson plays sed a beret Rghf, is banished to Earth to learn 6:45-7:40; Tue'Thu 1:4S-2:4S' 7:45- 10 : 2S '00 :5 10:S0-1:30'4:OS'6:40'9:i5' 1et roe Shaw Fri 9:30 pm, a middle-aged toy.compary humility ard piche up the 4'S-6:Ag'7:Ag Piernas nf the Carihbene: 0e 11:55; SoI, Sud 10:50-1:30' msul,asv DtSrOAL, 3D, 5OOc/sdAaOnrÑrAw OD Rated: LeseeN, 104 mir::res Gloera le Cinema - Batber CEO ir the firal throes of truc mermoEsBwOs Picanas at the Caeibheenr Rn Steorgee Sides in 3'S (PS-ls) 4:05-6:40-9:20- 11:55; Mon Length, 13e mir, SsecaiÇrg stades Eri, Sat 11:4S'02:1S'3'3:30' T0:51-1:3G'4:05'A:40-9r20 elSeellle trete Parme, iN DISNEY DIGITAL 3D e0ws,ad'UIMAX30 auicidal deprensr'cr, who of romantic relatinnshrps Seeaegerlfdee (PG-t3)pri Afonmer osp )PauiWelhen) 6;1S'6:4S'9:25-9:5S'12:30'1; goeg Fo Pande 2 (PS) Digital ttell ThaT Atoo Ar TAEaeRES esreemWHese comes book from the brisk unfold as teenagers prepare )"yennyV") directed the 1'3:1S'A:1S'6:20'7:20-9:20" andan aovan 10cr Ocesell Sun'Thu nO:4S-t2:IS'3'3:35' Peesentatian Pci-Sun 10' Pagera Seeeee: Heuss se CtcW4o25:OrWs, oece roeraodweo,,aleaaeewase,eleoe4e after adopting a besser herd for the annual school darse, csmïs.boak adventure, 10:20; Ist, Sun 11:SS-1-3:1S' 4r19-A:2g-7:2G-9:20-S0:2G; A;1A-6:4S-9:2 S9:SS 12:35-3:10-5:4S'B:Zg-lO; Mon Saodoedreg Thul 'fE


We specraliae les Special Osloasros Ihealle tase 17-25 al Ihr chicsgechembenmcsia.ang. ralseaiety.ong 01 oeIl 1224) 5,1:50 p.m.: Cool uermsrd'a PARTIES NEW ON VIDEO Edisen Peek Uniled Method- Conaarts are held st 7:30 5859127. "Soney Msnimanm sed Neil isI Churnh, 1740 N. Olipheol p.m. Sondays at Pick.Slaigen Diamond Ssrgbooks." (ann Ace., Chinage. Fedanme0005 Concert feilen Northwest- POP/FOLK/JAll 'a, O pm.: Speoisi Connol- ana aI 7,38 p.m. Fridays and one briceraily's campus, 00 Chasebees, 18815. sos. lose 5, 2p.m.: "I'm Sliti 1:30 p.m. end 7,38 p.m. Als Cinale Dniva, Eusonten. Mibwuukee les., Siles. (847) Here," Feonn Colons's one' 'Biutiful' mind Saturdays, $Sfu $12 500i015 Losing his Tiskels: $20140 Inn gnoeral 657.8282. www.thcolramber- Conduarios Peales maman shew. Jan05, 7p.m.: Shuraune' RehranaslDimrace sod aladeels. Adeerce 10h01 edmiss)ool SII len students, aooline.aom. Sundey music Charlane Snooks in "BiAas grialy resulta. Origitoellyss ..Woddiog &A 'cncsp' Rcvapriooa BA BRUCE INGRAM IrSenusIi000 noquiredo cell Jasas, F:3S p.m.: The is Iron 5.9 p.m. Thersday are People Tan!" Ihr nham, Aepriams1&CSou1ioosurioe Intarnot mioi'oarien. The 1224) F253496 ooe-msil prognam iooludes wenkn by musma is from 7.15 p.m.o Fri. Onetoming 800adwup hits, DVD fealaere the 000eo. What to do. Privanc Pnoniaa Iamesdawningtheatre© huis Spnhn, Pelan Lisberson, dsy-Setvndsy moula io from 9 bronSls Ihe WnlfI'Berger- NEW THIS WEEK cored versi na oensiduood gmeil.cna. Samuel Barban and Arbole p.m-i eon. Mop 27, S000nd Crnlb.Knlndny Cheptel el the too ghastly foe the Gime de. This week and beyond. Dvnrak. Hand Soul lard )Molawe, Leekemia Raseanoh Foenda- Biectifesl bat onbaslo enbia's MTVI YOU WAST IN? HERE'S HOW. CLASSICAL The Rssth Shose Chambas soul eId neck). No 000er. Map 1er, 135(1 adaemco $40 at L847-647-,, cheunol. * * 1/2 to Submit ge. noroIs ene mark prior te the data of pekliealiea. nareqae Deed, s penad-lo- Deshestea ooIehralcs itS 30th 2Rr Riuk Cindy & the Wild tiro door. Jase 8, 5:31 p.m. 61MO N. iu0il,mck'oo ' NOoe slnument oneheatna, yenfnrms ennicensery with a fued.neia' Oras ISIs-SIs neoh). $5 Becky Helker's"Fclhsnogn TlrrChbrreOvLivc.vua Rated, R fer disturbiog in' u EnlIas must be lypod. WeIB sann), but me tent fake il 00er Stanley Kabeisht Limit ed in Michele Sali at lYe Mulle ing 000acnt sod recaption el neuer. May 29,6:30.10:30 ollilinois lIre01." Jane 15f ages, language, Sorne snobai the loisphere. We poafor n'nell submasines, please. Editioo Collestion Inalitute el Chiesge, 0490 3,35 p.m. teceS al the Ini. p.m.: Ceenie &(oheoy. content, nudity and dnug use. e go. linliogn ere lIre1 Include brief desnripliur nl the cuoRI, p.m.: iimmy Silealub, Jose Alun-dise BIn'oay sat time, dsle, eddness, price and ph une rumbar. Chicago 44e,, Ecsnsten. $35: tonar Church al Evaoston, IrrtorCoe6eantet Chi. 12,2 p.m.: Eddy Patay io LentIls, 132 n'Ioules inclodhog every Blm Ka. onsy mail, go. e/a Pl000er Presa, 3701 W. Lake loe,, $30 senions $15 students. 1330 Ridge lue. $20 if Seid 00go O'Hare Haret, 5305 "lhnne Wena Iba Deys." (use "PURE AWESOMENESS:' Stan, aviar geldern beloh made obre 11f 10, 'A Sleouiew IL 60221. E-mail: [email protected]. Cell (312)235-2358er olsIt balare May311 $25 at Ihn N. 0(05er Read, Rsaemnns. 02,7 p.m.: fols Bmumr io Cloohnoorh Draoga," "Lulita," P41,18471 486.71St wmm,banoqueband.sng. (sos dsor. Cell 18471 861.2288 IO 184F) 544-5300. Friday oeonnrt, (aso 15,1:30 p.m.: IS'S lunrd lobePOORIt's "Berry Lyudno," "Sparts. 'I, F,30 p.m., Handel's "Le n'mail hsrueylregengegmail. Nights hue, Rouluriog mIsmo Monk ferlali'o loingtimn, woena Io he poor whOa you're eus," "Dr. Straegeluue," from B,30 p.m..midoight io dyiog. thud ilS 0,005e yel IO "2)01, A Space Odyssey" STAGE ing brIs, 95Gb Skokie Bled, Castete, ceeduolad by the Rorthesest Cheeet Seal- the 5001mb Rann. lickel ART GALLERIES be peor sod dylog 'ou a saW "Thu Ahioiog,""Foll Metel "The Cadsas Ssaege" will Skekis. Penfonmances on Beniomin Rivans, presenls etywill pnosenl "hmerieesa," prices loo shown vany. Fer 000bteflree by Sitien, uooeoiously ael'valio macear. Jaohel" aod "Eyes Wide be pnrsunted by 15e Menoel' Toesdays al 7,31 p.m. (0000pl "Varislmans uns Iheme," an featuring munio by lmenicse infarmetior, oisit aww, 9599 Sknkie Blud., Sknkie, SediA ObeYs ube lolo of poor Shot" molt mnldng their nos Methodist Flagons al 7,38 lune 7)l Wedrosdeys at 1p.m. e oeppelie ahensi 0000ent, al composers, al 7:30 p.m. (cee movt000enuum.asm. (ene 2: Thenagh Aagant: Simply IJobal, the soulfully collaring Sbo'rey debuts. B000s p.m. lose iyei sed 1p.m. lecce sod 7,32 p.m. lhursdeya st 7p.m. fans get Immenuel OasI Edisne Park Loolhrran Sp Close W Morbose with Chiosge Ion will sponsor hee001"Bialitusl' lOeel'mgly featUres include aweslth of Sin (engoncen Hallal FinsI 7,30 p.In.1 Fridays el 8 F.m.i Lulherov Chunoh, 616 Laka Church, 662A N. Slipherl guitarist Lse Kottke. $35 111F: "Alteorate Realily," marks by played by Pecar ooeuivae 0000mentenies, documenta- United Melhndisl Chunnh, Satendays al 2,30 p.m. end SI., Easrslno. The program loe., Chicago, sod 014 p.m. $30 general admission, lane lessi edilI Idem lhnmas, Bnrdem), e friega Rgnurai,o t'tra aal lateetiews. 415 Touhy Ace,, Perk Ridge. 8 p.m. and Sundogs al 2,30 cootnasts sacred manko of JaseS alînirity Sniled 3: The Ce0010 Beet Festins wwau.Simplythluagolnt.cem, Ihn Barcelona underworld (leper person. Pnosneds mill p.m. and 7 p.m. (e000pt re 7 Ihe Reoniasanee with 20th MeIhodIst Chunoh, 605 W. tribute band). Saisine Commseity Cel' stu'ugglicg to raise bis two lessee teedew (with Hansa Baseballs) was osms'nutsd fsre RECENT benefit UMCSR layan Relief. p.m. 50100es sod sn). SOuS- century OalIiOgn of the sama Sell Read, Moult Fnespeat. Skskie Theatre, 7925 Lin. lege, Knnhnlioe Muscles el childraonuho'srareotly best-eaton gsaanfee his performance ao a taso-bit faeselsee CelllRh7j825-3144. $5W $10 fon IhOne 25 end tesla. $15 .0/sil maw.esn. $18o $15 Inn students end nom Vue., Skokie. Call (847) Ort, lIDI 0.501f Road, Das bees diegoased n'ith leroolnelaaeskatesggliegts calce Sia atrildees egaisst deeeting adds. RELEASES "The Ratgeing Tide," unIon Cali 18471 673-6300 nrlalschinage.eng en call (773) seniona. Camplimertary 177-7761 sr tiail nww.skoki' PIniles, 1817) 6352633. cancer. Things beep geetiog thesegh lane 5941 Nudhlight visil nwn.nnrlhlighl,ong. 7820543. pns.nanesnl molones sIsnI 45 elhvatre.00m. fliokats are $20 wmu.oakton.edu/museum, 510es, Miaulas Cage, lumben 000rne for Gobai also o port- 14 TV serins highlights the The Recai DictaSen Cheatre, lecalrd 5115e Nanlh "Perish Play" asili be Chisago Chamhen Casi- minutes prien te aaoh el the ir aballe, $25 at the door heard, William Fiohtoar Ohne psychic abo roporta doe io 100001 male 'ou odious **** Shone Coller fer Ihr Penlurm- poeseeted by lames boning siam. 1312) 225.5226. wmn. a0000ds. finit wmn.nwahe. uoless notad nlhnnwlae. Jase SEE 50, PISE IOR grim hdioge Irons the dead, "Aogry' in s bis of ao aattinge, isvbodir,g "Po Voon' Bated, I just te lightan the '00001, loo understatemool, cosa. tilo," "0v Solari" sod la "Leu Length, 125 min. noaythso'e lotanded loup the ally Cuge luI h'reorsniasl) Vegas." Citadel Theatre Cruanv dremeeiv sote. Unlortenataly redafoes road rage ase StosS: Chunlie Chaplin though, vohoo dooaoaho deceased herd. rasa or levi. hmericeo Sesifiti: Choplin mho 00001e, onleeryir entirely ralaollesu, oui Oumed Juho Milano loo Special Edition directed, scored and sturced FE_nra, no musser hew basnlitl.atly loo oalatiaol, who brocha ouI This re-puohagieg al inn dosI role) gets puliti. DINE-IN biotiysflyl ra500000, it caos oIE eli to areuhveugeaoce Grunge Loess' pca."Stsr celia this nose.thombing fomethTngAfoot Ihn risk of slipp'mg osto self' 000hesulunlccaltiat who Wnes" 'tos Irrusge 00m. estire ogfsacism, tahing sa PRIME To SIRLOIN mochery ThaIS besically Ihn mordoced Miltnu'a duugh. log of nge sage steoring andy puSe st Hitler bef000 May 6-June 5 Iroublrutth "Biulifull' Iba 1er 000 picos toeeoriloe Roo Howard cod Obenan Amerlos euteredWorid STEAK & BROILED firsl 111m 10cm direotor nod his gonoddaughler Io the Menlo Smith frut000sa Woo II. Thu oemedymigbl LOBSTER TAIL co.ne'ioar Alejandro Cionanlno deuil su ho can taluo ovar new cammeotery 10cm now suem tebe ebit Isohiog * lonroilu l'duaocan Porros," Ihn world. And rrrrah it ho L aces and the doaumeutnryin bits, hut it did its job by * "21 Grame,' "Bsbel'l,attlanal does, lu u stolen '1) Podge "Tho Muking of i°,ounrirsn holdiug Hitler apte anrly Fgt, Sul, Sue MBNDIY hin leogsime soeeanwritee Chsrgeo, 0000mpesind by Grelgti.' ridioule. The neaely gurgel- rfVi * Goillaoaeothrsiega. bernia gorgeous flruod in her mi. ten Jaah Oehie is u pbs applies world-aInsI 45001 rcu.Daisp Pokes. Direrlor Eflery lisses Mysteriers as the Msnsnlini stand'io 1 6 luir Io ehe corrono uod mio- Feiriob Lusniori mho also The Dísappeaaieg Daggee "Nepullal" is thia griterico Ioohun,aio'Bistilal" sod it's halmed Isst your's cerosha Four digitsllyremnslnred 110112011es release. * JTAKE-AWAY * yratsyrlanr, frOm the Aim's of Oho 'lIn slasher "My episodes frem the 1575.71 * * lumluous Rosi momeots, that Bloody Vsleutioa," delisars Le Mans TV series nbest myntaey FBLL Stsn ¼ CHICKEN & /a he leteeded the sala nf Gobai, all she olt-tha-rharle00h00,00010er Qaees (Jim bdottos), *** ollimetely Io betesusoen. blood sod gontui100s ogling Rio Dtssrn SLAB RIB DINNER assisting his deteotire fatloae Bated, G dans md bitteonweel. balead of oehed buhes peo cauld in sulving crimen. of eansing Ohetamotlootl hope 1er, bol somehow it all LeegthrloS mir. effect asestealler, Ihoogh,grows tediooa fuirly qu/robly Neaee Apologize Stesso SIsan MoQueen $1 he reSes oc his coloro and hisThough Piohluer is deRtolte. A Zany, Musical Mystery Romp British 20100 Mulenlm MoQaren io the whole 11KULTUE erttulease to malonit neem lye placas Basso's bounty MoDawrll l'A Claehnvarh Or- chow in this ieeeioalysluOm * Ihr Rim hes moro lo any then CATERING bouler, oho's datarminarf Io tsge"l steel in tien une.mse masiug 1S71 drewo shout * is aotually dens. We're Coohie' For any ooscas(oe,,, mag Millos bach Yama Our SIege ohuw shoal Ifue Sfe end creee our drioee Igurns In our NEW West Campus Theatre a alero telhisg.lo. bIsduelibos, Iulowons & moro Deine Angry 00000e 01 lire0100 L'mdssy who) retarnteog te tiorgtotel- 'DII SttSRETliulTiHNI : 300 S. Waukogan Road, LakeForeag Anderson ("This Spooling ingeedarouae000r.ufters ter See Fail Cateeffig Cneo * * III GIBME H Altksrssldde Psrb ALSO NEW LUe," "Looh Bach in Auger").cmoh.op that elmostidlied Baled, R fe, streng brutal F%H1E PHD IDMPPJI tOS Sabler SIcarI THIS WEEK him. Them's 2h11 of torturad oielenee threugheut, grisly Soaage Couoty romsace with Ike teideovof I 847-735-8554 * Agroap sI anlooby and imagen, seme graphic nesuel The Attisott And Costal ( afslnw aliter, hai meholy STARTS TODAY decidedly uewury hide all'o vantent, nuditp end peraasiae Show, Rig The Road ilS al ahoat Iba 00000 IN THEATRES,reaL)3o ANDDIGITAL 3D language. teespass 000helendafa McQueoe la oluuoepiee 000er CaLL arsl.G7r4.tSCc alrQ fliEsT Tiria 'tossI el" ralleution cOse uf mutant in-bred Tes. himself) doing mont uf his www.citadeltheatre.org -r:rHgneE,eoe-fit Leegthr 104 minutes foam the ouwedy te000's 1550. DKISEzEPAI%IfCCIIM FD MMPK looPS nessae brIsco fruahs, millo erra drialeg. kSomiAe100G00881IbUrfrfod008U'oevNU4oAg«dsls r"

8B wWW.PiONEIRLOCA1.COM THURSDAY, RAY 16, Dlii DIC liC 16115100 HOY DO, doll www.plunDcnLfCOd.ClMi 95 We've got Si" PK Rn THE PICTURE YOURSELF the local FAOMP$ 5, E ROO!ie1&» IN Orchestra aims to unleashmusical magic stage ° .h Stiro PORT WASHINGTON covered, LIKE A SEASIDE GETAWAY BY DOROIHY 59291ES String Orchestre, tvbich colli . mcr try to hoopire end delight RENOVO STRING ORCHESTRA from world JUST UP THE ROAD enanote on May27 ooith g ig Hfohels Conocer Hell, MusiR lcstitnto of Chicege, 6112 premieres "Muslo icono the Germuc Mnttheor Ocluid: la SchooL" BraveSt., Enacerar to popular 7:30 pta. Friday, Mey 27 big ten cimbel he catis the The 14-anenober chumbar revivals. r goose-bump" Rector in live eneomble bon been togallooe $25 per person ' concerto. The Evanston resi- for nver a year end has breo (847) 312-9936, norite iofor©roeaoaetriegs.erg oetinit dent, nvho holdn e masterS attioteg to gire progretwe canae.reeocontriegs.otg degree in trioDo performance that ootll molte their Ibten Reed peeeiews sr - epeamlsg plays sed °VERNEAT" from Northwestern Uni- ace relaies' sfinisce vcrsiey la the founder end 'We're goiog for e sew en least pesduanlars Park Ridge Farmers Market e Memorebic dining, fun music director tithe Recovo rind of e000d," odd Colaldi, whole ro udine lreelonner baa played with the Chicago b001iqnmo, welking lourd, Symphony Orchestre, Are and regulerlypleye io the Opens Saturday May 28th! tons Ilglrtllcusco Vine, the Buninlo pevaival Baroque Band. 'We're io- 19 S. Prairie ThEMEIERS teceetedin piapiog corbel it Drcheelra nod Mavnhaiw FESTIVALS: enandaspontaneove." Strowtvller, Com)ng AffraCtisnfol "I du a loo of special Juec 3-5 Pirate Feanisat Confidense rules events," loe declared, "paptcg Truck Farm Chicago. Mao 28th. 9-11 July16 FiCh flay Onenthoogh, ofooucee, jobs. t get together rgrnup Diversions Learn hew pou eue grow a garder anywhere ewen NONÏEUJ Ana 19-21 the ensemble propanes loo clwosicims andweplay ¡e the bank ola trngk www.truakfarmahiaaga.arg leeaaecoseari ManiBme Heritage Fesfleal each concert rcitb vomerouo foroconuantion cc nyecty. Salol doSo Recovo ieanon.profit and it Brickton Art Center returnsJune 4th, 9-11 reheoreala lo ecoid any no- Lakeside Farmers Marken pltosadt sarycims. 'We ace given mee chance to invest Kid's help paint e banner to hang in Hodges Park eli well pcepocrd, ro me hove in something that gicee bach 3f mimulmu code cf confidoare," he said. "With On the onornounittc lt in oct Matt CencidO, feerdee sed noedsetos ofita Mansas Steisf The Market s open every Saturday 7am 1pm FRIDAY NIGHTS Oreleestra Milwaukee fricke MiChigan coafidence, wo con tel go eod 1cc note erba." through tite end of October dllOhaatantflaraind watte acme mogle." OlivI dovetaila with 6/llHlddeaa Village Sied Catddi'sdesba fo give bis Deamerb cori HoGand. Ha anbtitled"Ytcntegies foc Cateloti describes hie plop- Joining us titis Season! p oftvseeflingt anlanf le m fern treue diverse md encone. musiciens cepenioleoperl cegvlcrly playt with the Merhetiog the Pcrforcniog Weight Wep Certified Orgasia Farms u ence. "f moot the nvdience Elmionrat, Rochiord cad riais-" lAtid ViPikkelt RoomPackages er ash l-800'7l9-4881 'We beva o oem of etbaic Kereel Dan's Kenia Cera and irt gal A tebe engaged, of coarse," Green Boy ncch.eatras. Ha V,Uth help from hie foe celeeden & eorastars. groupe md many egts' he Deeansr's Fein Trade Cagna. Soltad Caramel 005ff 016f 008fl,COfl s declared. ho seid, "hat t dent want (vet Swished pihylog for mnther, who teaches erOs Find unan Faaabaok of 5300 0, 8fat$ 90f D Double-bem player Jobo to lose that toe aro bore for "Medea,'l presented by Chi.edmhoiatetgoa st Shin Side, Visit oar webeite ter moro market happenings: eeew,fecabaek.cam/ www,parknidgn,as/farmers market "OI feeaeteoeaea flioirionll 1 60018 Thch)o'wrd Recovo when the music' feeling aciong the cago Opera Theater atabe and hie gfrlfrieod, who is in (647) 544-8300 PodWeshiegtanlenlsm A4 it was fovoded. "I driva muaiciane aloben» lIorna Theater for Manic arta manogemeal, he eel around the MidweSt oint," Ttcn 000rloo ace on the und Dante et Millennium ap the sernchareofoenova. Thoh acid, when coached la peogmm - Mnsm'th "Dient. Park Ia Chioego, "There mere semmydetnite Illatameono, Mich. "t lina in nance Quartet," erwagod for Sie bes also berne granel to meeter," he said, erIce- Boeoetoa and en dore Molt. stricg erchestm, and Men- lenlamrat Colombia College clog teca lo the mondons l'va banoon bien fera laag deleenbnh String Syvophory erri hohl Sorest Colloge, rBfficalty nf telling np a No.2. "The Moaact is one apealning about mortero aed rehearaeleehsdole, "Von can't 'anegice how ofeiuqncrtofadadicetod fo period ycrfcrntmcr prentice. eThean ere so mmv I a IA uppealiaog it is toptayecco- Ocydo," CorrIdo eaplaiced, good masicians and mesi- cera righe in my nra'a bach adding thst ita namc comes Sfeactaral elesGesge cal geanpe aol there," he yard. Iran 'maite my fricada, bow Iba certes of choeda Hin gceatest challcrge in onaetaded, "bot 1hsacreel feroily md caletgnts." tiret slowly move into putting togetber the Reanvo io how to rearb nue Omm Thoh, who holde s hecto- ncceiatcd type al the veri, Striog Deobeatmtoened nut aodteace and titeo brep the ¡I.I rite and mactar's degree beghmivgnfthawoeh. ta be the odmirietantive as- people com'mgI' from the tinrtlonrstrrw Cataldi's oem 23-year pect, hr adnoilted. "t read abc Perhape,he behaves, ¡ I - UnicertityofSchnnl otMu- musical cseaec hoe in- bnnhsfaetditrgReow Ocly," Beaomah ercrenwill bato s e', sic, is on the faculty at the clnded solo, chembec ned ho seid, referring ta the play ruth roch apbit md Mono Institoteofhhicogo necheetco pretormtnce not vaaG-hcotnoo theater tenthoob ehandoa that the audiecra I. ¡ . and le a member nf aba Lain Only la this 000nfry bot la by Philip Rohre and Jcanae taillget"gooeabrnnpn" sad .5'. Portal Dyrophoay Dreien Canuda, Freacr, Germany Schaff Bernstein, winchit becomelo ,lfase e,-..- '1)aO(ef(f/( 1" 5''I...... - ?fc 'Vti"

LTVE flRTIfl" REASON DIVERSE elta,vetoest,omPsrre ade. :o,ga,edpu7hilceva s t " ". t " a ' s' a , '"i s .' st," PIONEER P' $Ifl IiVflr, WI fiHl.Mdff,H9t8 CALL 847.486-7 PLEASE CONTACT (866) VIP.T OR CifiCAGO ©L NATION.COM 11M WC OH005AOA. Nod 25. 2011 I www.F:0NEEnLACOL.CvoT lee I WWW.PI096ERLOCALCOA ITIIIIRSBAr, MAY 26, 2011DIC

sporsarad by the Remattae $78 Teethe entire series. Visit isgtetrteirs et the Married 4000 w. Pratt Ave. (047) Collocai Eaeherle, will be www.oaktoe.edu/emeritus. GO ICONTINUED FROMPASEOS Meshogaras." $20- $25. 677-5277. wecco.lircoleouoid' ltbrary.erg. FaldeO Filos et held Map 2729 atthelkshie Through Asgas: "Arieti MUSEUMS CHILD'S PLAY 1p.m. - May27: "Made Theetre, 79249. hiteolt Ave., Ferrily Cellebtiev: Selt-Teugirt DANCE Jilleols HslssaastMsssoum Biles Publia Library, 6960 le Oagerrhere." Iseo 3: Skykie. For yore ittermatiee, Lier doseing 1er all ages &Edssotiae Ceetee, 9683 Artists et the 20th Certury." Oaktor St., Nues. (047) 663- "Hrtesttrr."Maeeteg MeSsernvisit w Ow. roma ciar so tu re' is held tram 7.10 p.m. acces Weedo Driva, Skokie. (847) bAOS. www.rtileelihrary.erg. at 00:30 am. Thvrrdays levoherg e. org. AUDITIONS & Tseoday at the White Eagle 9674889. www.tlhelocavat. May28, 2 p.m.: Ssreeeitg et Batquet Hell, 6839 N. Mit- Jale 2: "The Tourist." OPPORTUNITIES mucrum.erg. $12: $8 for "Tangled," rated FG. wavkoe Ave., Siles. Beginner Pork Bidge rabile Library, LECTURES b Call Rea leAses fer the Leteeilua Arts ord Named' students and seeiars: $6 Ter lessees ate at 7:30 p.m. sed 205. Preepeet Ave,, Path - ON SALE Skokie Art Guild's 50th COMEDY 8es Festival teatutes "August children. Thtasgh Boy Sir 'l reo derce or reo:'ew at 8p.m. Ridge. (847) 825-3123. uomo. 'Asc6s#nvsy errrual Art Fair, to be held Skakin Theatre, 7924 Wilson, An American Master: "Beyond Sweatika and (in Admisster: $7: $5 tot ages 17 perkridgelibrary.erg. "Leg' "CIehrty updat'tL e N0W July 9-loor Skekie's Village Lirceln Ave., Skokie. Call Traditiorl yesrtbrealct Lacet Crow: (ecs'ish Retugee Schol- ria,' and vedes. For irformatien, ends aiLssghter"Alm series, :0 Green, 5200 W. Osktorr. Fire (847) 677-7761 or visit wow. Pride! Familyl Macnt", a civ. ars at Blanc Colleges." Jose 5. oeil (847) 965-6363 err-mail preseeted eel p.m. Thurs- est yelp; prizes sed awerds skvkietheatte.cem. Jars 3, Udì! iiy4 \de days. Admissirt is tree. 5,loy arador lestu:e sedes, Jose 1:30.2:30 p.m.: lt Carver. 'J available. Fer an epplisatior, et eemadayddllett.eet. sation With ... Holocoost 8:30 p.m.: Oho Edge Comedy 26: "Ravie Creeo" (1932). 7'28 at Oekter Commurity visit eruow.skekieartguild.org Club. $15. Jaez 10,0 pry.: Suruivers Margrit ard Herry s FILM Jase 2: "The Geceral" (1927). College. 77019. LincOln Ave., I er call (047) 677-0163. Ileltie end Steve Hirereelreet Birt1.aYi Lieeelewesd PsbIiE Library, Rassaeiee Fille Foatisal, Skebie. $18 per lecture, sr


Ci'tadelTheatre.org P1W J:Jy\(( Jmeth1n'iAroo June 9 S$T. JULY 30 Zoll Rosemont Theatre MEMÖRIAL0PEPÁHbUS'E at 12:30 & 4:00 B

sh8Iwiearoh Fhcalre Bco Office yoga Ir HALLELUJAH BROADWAY 312 595.8600 OWW cirAsser. k s cerc Itsee 3, 0, IN IlS B PM b,vuy,ullyc voli Suptambarl7. OOtt latte 5, Ii 82 PM 00,-cor-51cv ON STAGE WITH...SUSAN WERNER BLACK ENSEMBLE iibi WTll" b Mut rlsd,rIta THEATER Septemser2a, Zorn Thcasee Compass0 T-ilì DS(Iri: Tcrla:lOe,la:&t,auoeVWAuvsI DRUMLINE LIVE Orteber2y SSO, 2010 The Hog L Balgimoee P.0, .60,c,d e0,n t,c5, :1,, 1À ihi a,u,:,A:lmruaa,aothmetr BOSTON POPS ESPLANADE ORCHESTRA WITH ROCKAPELLA v:v,aA4 IìiA 'I November00. 2ctl a p a i Maaok2d, 2011 .SMsp 29, 2811 ini TOO HOTTO HANDELO Call 312-335-1650 se .y(aui8llii$ THE JAZZ COSPEL MESSIAH www.etejrpeeswolf,seg Janv cry tO & 1S. 2012 russi urcas

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A JEFF RECOMMENDEDI RASTA THOMAS' BAD BOYO otu DANCE 4 Acne 4-12 only NeuamberS&6,201t Light Opeea Works V)0hcl(V:E0)A)rvn:rAr)c0:y:ttE at Cohn Auditorium, AXIS DANCE COMPANY . islieday, Jase 11 el,.,Au,,,, Evansion Nevernlsrls& 20, 2011 ilD:4 SaliDoS, Jara ID al S:lOeo (847)869-6300 BATSHEVA DANCE COMPANY March tO & te, 2v72 AviasE us

- sAOuOGui' GrO, 6e AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE - OISELLE Exehn. CHASEOJ.P.Morgaec rcservm1)$oavs:v' ul:gt,uu'unubc March 22-ZS.Z0t2 ( )I'I') ;( (I \( ALVIN AILEYAMERICAN DANCETHEATER April11- 15. 2012 vc,4,uos,ou P8L9oasE !\:bbV.IIll:u):lno IA. DIC THURSOYK 45V 26. 2011 WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM 13ß WWW.P[ONEEAUUCALCOM R6URSDAR, eAR 26. 202 "*****! À:.AsTÉr'FtJt P:P'c.ttJCTION performed by three of Chicago'sfinest actors" voríon (.. -AFi0UNDTOTIt'YC /- thCOUTGO1\G

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"il AUe:. j 2Ui lLLIolS O Tilo ENTIRE JIULAgLfjiJ Wee keñ MIDWEST AL3'TE1E 4 YEARS VEflY RUNNING!1 New 2011 Ford FIESTA 37, Op SOlStd TRANSIT CONNECT 47 COMPLiiUWArF VOTER ONE OF TEJE - wònde r Citylights:The drunaalllstibis spaotaaalsrlatingwostlramths420d Iupstme Pcrk000ra,.sOaMlvt0000lO 1MILESPREMI Park Monroe offers city lights, -Fop ¡VÉb-2tOMAINTENANCEPL 7AWoNrMIIWPOINT INSPEC entertainment and lifestyle L 'IOtl'°ilK EROST -e -. loo ORO: /N dOng nanay Toraaveekand cacaAoc it eOcnOd,ind FORD DEALERS Nw 2051 FQrd FOCUS' 57 EW2O12rAST L IhntcnooIpeopleenjny.Achsngeatscanecysaad_ IN THE COUNTRY p pace cache Ihecapantic cud ouhntnp Suma vana- bnl most 5 YEARS N A ROW L S, ' EE APR tanta, in the cast ut deuce debele and endaae the hauste cl AAAIURE flyangto gacaaoi. 7VAVA!1ABtos. Odeca Chicaguaca enjoy doming lu tohlihigac ca dea AT,V&RYIND PRICES weekends tu else although thaaa is nueignlboactweothaa changu.Vnmsliodnonntay escapas bcalngscdnnevecdul, bnldataacilycanpla cc indiulduel wants tu ncyeainncn a :oE;PR X B! Mi kffOOiSfl ccaahand uwsy, it la hsad to aegna tolde the simplicity cta ow 2011 FordFUSION New 2011 Ford EIJOE SE 68 location toithic delving dietscca cl achuna na an. iLABLE* Msay snbuabsoitas ha-ce tunad that oweehaod gotdavcy 4 io dnool000 Chicago is an cocupe Sdod avide tnn und an- CORO FORD nitamedt.Vnme at thom have mec decided tu msloe duwn- HERE!. totontheie peamsuent weekend aelaeat. lt liso heaume oeoy 2012 FORDFOCUS S pcpulaa tac tsrnihus that live io the schuotco to pucchaoa o APPLY TODAY! carda docmtooan. Tac o mhde, caen-tu-be aetianea vaeae sail- SALES PEOPLE Q'2T99389, ing thoinhumno nod moving In s cundo dnumlnuan. lthYiiiI0Ji0Á Vuotavo,, since the ossi asidta moahcl hes changed, WANTED! 000V ampty-cestecs eagleluatncllcsulilhaialonooas icdee WOKE FOR . ltti2lli FI F-150X11 CRE5N CAB subueliscoiththalt5gacopacchasiaagapeiacaeyaesideoaa CHECK SIFT duont000. 0cc atabe 000sona toe thin is list dea msallet PI0s1 OUR PAY APR lima Too ooliicg nhome in tho suburbs laVa incueaeed edhot000allyme:adenriaaueiu the selling paine.Theae sas 72 toony peupin aahu, aenacushly so, do out avaut to sod hala home ins donut machel. 1 24M8 19IDO Theaetcoe oulivabsuhnm0000cnos cae moo keeping hein o9IMo° hamo Inlha snhuabe cud pucchssiogapiod-n-l000a davor. Oleoquil astucE mc p011,11 tag, with Oaugaol eaetdsav t el Ihr loaftap puoi ut Pall Maous. i taltul010ala town ut a atisconut.NOW is a peoteot thou lu talca udoaolago j uleasi estola dodo that oso be Icuald Ita me city. nom 000enucdonls okainloiog.Tho loaon"oomcoos,,.. Oid cod Backy Inoked st multiplo high-dee dovalnp- Iecloyandoidllelsuu dedjnoldest.Theylivoicdeutao lion" mosca that den hume baa oevoa been livad laclietuas, meals io dea cana licInIo cashing deela declamo. -Lj..._, t llaathvaosl Vuhuabs sud did nul lisce plucantavohing allhnngh deeoo 00e sume 000dos that have beso coniplela "Wolunhod al secaaalliuitdingsliaavhspuakMna,aoa duaaolnuoctheiepaicluoyaasiderOu.ThayssW Iheadvon- tuaa goso or mata lint cuoco lived in duo ta dea cn000titoaal had 0000yalaing mc meas luolting tar. The tOner mejua tao- tage cl heaping desia huma india anOmalie and the valuo nl colate maclist. P.101 aT des, is ohsnging ss aulinalianiles loas tua us socayaalily,lcnwimnnndpdoa.ThsPa,nMumone bnpit,ga gasal nardo io dea clIp p000hsso sama olden amallercondos and deaeenae the hodlt digno lava In alas the indonn lap-pool soid dec 'We didalut even conoides asatliugnoundu duaoolcloo; supply qainidy. llacas ocalee in den mcrning.Tho psaly anom deal opens vocees oua puccheoe ca clony-lacmtamdylnvashlacatl.Vdl The Psak Mnmoe,laanled at dg D. Monaco, ic eahin laaspaaolling eundackis Want too dea doydma bot cIao I Il l'a banna al av avnasge nl one pea 000slo says lasay Dahin uns vamcae many choioas dnaaotocau but the inveoluay ut ntlho dsvelnpam. SEE PORtI MONROE. PAESI °"" e ., s,ss. L ailtHOe&.HOgescsO OnU ER OHO pOcOss SHoRe HOHORAOlilKwsols050selOeOIsRils005lclH,sdehe0000k$lRlWo ilSlOHst6 eaoilsevitaOT.T8oall C1II(Go Don DeBat, 2 I Real estate transactions, 3 C&orier-News Nf'1LSun 0009CHCIIIÇ050.SUNIIOIEOIH000S I 2 SYARCIICHICAGO.SUNTIOES)AOMES TIIURSOA9. MAY 20, 2011 00 00 IHORSOA9. MAY 25, 2011 I 2 I TODAY,SHO1VIES TODAY! SHOMES

PARK MONROE I 1050089090 FROM PAGE tocpocliee otctight.Ths ourchoice toporoh000 aime Heimberg brings experienceto clients Oneater tournis agerat piece ParkMoreee.We2001cedst Restored fares te eetertsiegoests er rcsoyhomesbefore decid' BY 18851E MARCO that it iss"osee-hy- case copan' noce" munit nOroIs 000 oadorgn' jootccetchor00060rtit0010rviiyicgtepoeohesrheer sOd We For nan-liver OsOs orbieodo.We leve it here:' were very solcherai" log ashnot aale ortorerl0000e. Meokynrid. Reeideoceaatiilsreilable ortllpest20 yeses, Peu- gehoheeg slaves to be a roel- American Four Biherd$eckyhaveecreet-atThePsrloMoreorrssige Oteen, healtor boceo ed000h00001edgeablegnsltor tenieg toc bedroom rdth emir ace bcdcrocts, tose rdaohnfHoimhrrg bss hero osrolag who ehneen her esyroinore with atvrlengoityvi000s.The high brdeaemo,toeobedreecos olireta io the geeotm Eogto errs, 9m oliente, the 0016500e tier goal 11 ceilingacealiyeroeaooatethep100deaup to tsbulaae helping thorn threogh thr buying by beeping op with eduoudon Square offered oietesbameveryoievcpuiot hoa-etorypenthooses.Msey procsas sud msldog sure thou cad orsilable toohoologins uod hcthehomo. otthehomeetaatuerptivrte 001asatserncathftsresOhana. osteiliog hoorrit of all the meohat- 'Our oferto ere remsrh- eetdaorbalraeira and ah ttriroberg asid ehe begea her 10g tools otiered by PrsdectiOi BY 58051E MARCO oebitoogph000me,b000nd rblesedrveobetteeetoight.hsoegaomoetliltcheesesith csrrrc,oithgcevnrgurridge ttstoh. For Ouv'limoo enojoglosa cebiont borts with Webbing the city hghta cad Eneapeeortyhag,0000riaou sod arrnoiord toile the oampeoy "Theta echoes peo reebly hrfpn. beedhosod e0000ls on Ihn vieaoitcg the eco going 40,10 botha eodpcemiumhacd- rohcuitresopcochoosdbyat000k It proo6dre sgeno 106th the tools Tfyarh000 becoo0000biotg wells sod 000y'rnointcneoon iothe000stissprolactilaci' woe0000rs.Ersigcee Eesltoos,9'thOo the rccrnt mergerto help uo gboo the ldgheetlevrl I t0000hietooio,pmoiod' bloob00000mrtope. Prahietityto ecteotsiroorat,teaches see reidrot 1000gb- bchoemoterohssodyrndrotiai of se00000 to nur dienta." ¿stglnd homo bot teno the Iffsv000blemnrnthor mOntee red Outdone 00195610e oot,cdtbelsgaotdoteda,goe gave tine rompeey cs0000l "f 0g to an9dpote the cenOte abon invoiced io oastonotìos, ceOe you to dine albesno, was aise so imp000rat tamer appointroents aod pcerroum exposure, $leionbeog mmsinod ood prreidn them with the best loobooborthootheotloin l un coposo from the Htohoo iethetheleasa'devithce. Rotores. onith the 9mo. passible adr6oe saId oOloti005. i mecklu teotutehoroe, i to tho bsoh dock nevede o ilaBeobypctit,"thaiooa- it'eurtvrrsicrtherevecto gniaoberg said alte boo sold tonal eveo$000 honprntreeiooal Og000d through (nm.ethco oovcrmdpeogoie too dioniog. Aonio r000tiyohutwewrm conoce atyeobMaceae'e re- bothresidrcfisluedc0000rociel mInoro," she said. gchonidtstPmuden6rlotn000 Thmspooious dockocemlooho 100biogtac.arioga000esthe cap600slrseidecces.roicee brad sad leoodend. Ohr said that Oereone we roe io a marbet hoal0000, this occoplotrly 0 0001es sheet bare Milleeeium Parb ars perli000002y etttectioc ter robot ehe libes best shout the Wet hes home colore faillai0, rmtorbishud il000ni000 F000 siooaOydeeig0050iuOdaOepe bao eere0000 adroatagee. oewrcotaorteatthirthoe, basiaessisboildingcelnti000hipa gehobsag seid lilas groat lione to tq0000.etpleGncsidm000 hes within the Ic000d 00010 ysod. The mabeooaote ace plentlhil barn 00 perorettamcre criai 0600ts. buy nhotnr. 0000y bit of ho nhermotthO The home fmstuoos s ho' ano io which it voeu bailo, hot ishedbeeem0000thstinnludet 056th cosida variety 000treic 30 Foment belote the build- "i libo boildiogcelsheoehips "Paires ere dtoon.3 eoellec Reetmtsd$t lIed 0e 0400 05040. I ucInO locdchciceeeroaenevrrget iog'epaerdooepriaiog. and helping people with the Wartocote to sefl-yse it uoill be lees witlo.sll the modero opgesdec o soge teocily nooW roldo Roc. leed of going cet toOst.We Thepdceoetartinthe hopoeteot boenniai400isiaoia -butwhoteorrtbeyboywdlbo j, boday's hoRnos onoos. PI500 o scostodhsh Oath with bequeotmr Oat lnstìeote andappre $000,000s for Ore-brO- hfr,ihbc helping them get thera, lesa sino," eno seid."My gordo P0000 the 000rncnt you sot glaos 05020-in shower sod tiled Ths tyorphony.." mare sad the edil 5400,000e hrlgiogto mebeibeosyfarth000,"tomebeiteosoeasbansnd000- trot opco the vtelroeoiog 0000ing,plon nholl'sisrdleoa' ABOUT THIS dnymom. 80000dooystepa "We roeaoidiccs100trae too twa-bede000rs.5°rta-sterg she said. reesfolssyreeoble." Ospettenus anuals: 002001101 StoIci Reoftor Rave Hsiobnrg s8soa hoot p0mb sod etep tioough PROPERTY so thcpsrbththeoioteria peoth000ee sae siso available. Oho 000011e that reel eststr bee Th 0000007 geimbrog, 0019042)osperieetroeitlltlirots,helpirgtnoocsdh trenseotisen ohnthet luy' the boot door, you wib eme imsd hoch op to inc bitohoo foe ¡0g et 00910g.r Arre errsu-ree ntl.Oact arelo aenbi000hosl tours na soob esce otcutcrteiniog. diner. Going to sil of d, mo cr00095 ordenes rhaogedio the pest 00 oesrs stud $87-8842. 85510mleostiton lolotolitt as on0000 000idiogs sod The second 0000 at averts Oaths parE at no cost acotar at 90 East flOrear are olPlsdentiol OstrA rl 10411 h000unood 000010g otduya this home otOono tous iahsedtebrst.Thrlocadan opeeseceodageeeeeslt, 412-0508 isla the rector of everythieg sand those interested cae gooe by.The Ingenie abmight pmoleeniooeilypoiotod dcvcotcrca.Evea (Ort cvultdcbg roO (802) 8W-0550 et riait epece, aoon000000dbynoaod bedrooms, 05th with Osee 01100es: 319 WololO dcogthelufcebootiaajaytarParltMooroe.00mtorrnare New condo conversion law better protects consumers nolomoO and 000ato 0000nintem hondoosdfioodng.aeaotibd Ion., ElRiO ua.We are veeyhsppyvrith iofarreotioc. eWago ata tough, d000ioiuro 0000eosion ñocos. moih000 ot the open nteba window trnOOneots nod noomy ON THE closets 062e the seoonG SppOanl005 5150: 0000es "Gbiocga wioloas thou' losdisgto the e0000d 000m ellhlnut beb0005 sed toce rL' 000do ordionnoethet HOME FRONT eeedsof(obsioWe r000000' cod those Inuding co the 0000 00moch moco Obro (out opb00000 mloep.Thebomr bstlto utneode Gtd0000's coiwiog DON DaBAT 000 industry because bio OcishedbsnorncctbOlOvt. 000doodcoiuoo 0000ecsioo loon omdioaooe teili dis00000gr The f00001 0060g 00000 Otfmen0950050b000WOntOrin 5009g noem; 10 by 13 trot i s L ottmms o ncuOol pelettm 06th level tmnturio$ oolsw-toot 00h ecos quietly psased ab Meyto sore deoelopmmnt," eoidliabm, Siring reces: 116$ 03 lOot flooe-to.00ilioqwisdowc too eosldng. hiohocdM.00ley'e lest City ocho im the broom Olinais heel Sf069013 boil lesO Council roeefiog. Estate G0000,isrionen. ondbdiytoi00000d000000ya Additi000lteat000e inobodo s005lio.up stdo, sodo WiththoussodectCldrsgo preside ontaodordiood, nosy' is nateodeti to 320 days loom "The ordi00000 siso wiO that lend to the gosond dining FemO nono: ORnO lIHent syattmeotunib000vnotedto to.rneddieoloenoe stet000eot 080 deys. deter OoOdu 000csesioo 002 mom.Th000 the t000tsl dntoohrd gsongoodthsloWcn 100ml etnosgo rome. Ptlen Si$5dCl oaodoodniuWooeoetship Olio' ehoutthebuildingliphyainsl itgioeeeelooalioneseie. will aemdt io tIce loen nf onilbore clogOece oeigeuoupoemo For rn000 iootoemstboo about io0 the dorade before the oeuf 000thtioobetore asaleolosea. 000cr to noioting Osenots who of d0000e of rece500 ta tho 0110 vdthopeeiod000tiog50000c rsteternreseirohit,expeda fosddidoo,the ilevelopee hace ohouoehoidinoown of uf Ghicogo ht 05005100 some, rod genenoos veiod000e.Phn thispeupmety,ronts0000ei000 saythe 2000 moyheor voceo e rnustproeidn an ef000vit fisc. 000m000thao IbOp00000tof nodnausethelosa ofasisetso od(oioiogldtOheo ottema a joosth0000looildt 00(8411 bit lutebbo olouiogtttr 0000cl 0g the oesons of sil motel the area nnedioo i000me.The rcvooumaoothry000hsse cf olean, polished 1000 with 412-tOfO. Come see gete aber the odldharees te000tl by nodi norober and the 0000001 of aesiota000e in the oppbanons cod other houes' recaynd. dace the tnoeot wee cutiAnO goratnrof$i,200 orthahigh- hold goode?' $040,572 yenegimin;$21f,f20 Carp eels mua 111e what the talk .gòf37n%- 4ß%!! The ordle00000,sohiohweo shoot the 000creeioo. eut cent rhsegnd for thot Wilt, ciclos 01es stressed thst the TRANSACTIONS lsn9mdn: oeoe.onOprn.Suse.&See.12-4preo 1522f tee WilLs Od 2h 200mo, lIOn; $04,110 059 Sa4050t le: 08:0 Oso011. OiOlsOo hemmered eut over s pnaiod Oednreloprefeilat000gis. up to 09,000. vest nOoObeO of 0005000er tom' Aelittgtcg Heighto TOWNHOMES Frees $159,990 of ebout those yesos by Meyoc tee hin ea boo pro(eot,soita600 Theoitybilepectmentot pishotoiothmnaed0000000eion Curiosa about flore home acOco lo fIl Swlintits 20: F0001, CiRa lilla, 00909e: $194,201 is about! 802850002e 1h umber, MsSlncC RShoke: Ocactdaosç.11,anarlonSolcc,oroeslhr, 50,05050 Peony's COOd000itdtlso G0000r. onoldf000w.Thv developer BosioeastideiansodCoosornneaoeou wcnc touad in buildings your moighhomhOOd7 Fon more Chicago $301,110 Carg $lff,fOf Thr Ii(ooty(e yoo deoitn, lid8,boit Sier Origieef Priee Sale Prior Saur rioctteslop000e,eotahhshor nould be required to pop a Pautnci000'dlleof000e the neueooithtveo-to-hceoodts,whioh sono t000toe06000, moo "mormot salme" 210W0000 It: galleon, AlnosntelO &Pgsr$ 5ff 0es 1h Vjcltt, 0400,0 R 090ietism, $100,tOl it Il Oossafsn Ans: gsosllíotsr. 1590cl; I 101A 2,2i0 $352,129 $159,909$162,225 s 000d000hdornregisbelioo 600.00190 derelopreorgoerle ordincoce. aro eooropt loom the oitylaoe. atrnvvoo.s0000hohiongun000d000e.00to/ R: $011,200 Thn addceos you gart. $100,ifl 251f ftsne 108514, CcsthlaO, 0700,0ff I 102$ 2,200 $296,022 $169,020 $126,422 poogruoo, no both sew nod ahneeiog,000rnpharrebood goWevnr, developroe any hr gowecee,iaepeoved homed. Now SELLING. 00000ttOd 00080 develop' must he posted, ones 000Go oce,whirh roosusoerpmtoedonio the 10164 09815eS Ors: Ne0000, 8000ilP& Oil- Bsnri0010e 1211 Ilislary Ont Goces Od: F:ntr001s, Benito & i 103C 2,200 $292,100 $169,900 $102,200 100615: $020,017 WroM 000 br rosily trsrbrd Eoistiegaportocnrnteeoteos goesin000tf00000)aouaryi, coodonoinluw aeotoe OhmIO odIl Algceqm'rn liges, lstSnes L:$tOE,Oft 240 Odetel On MOlARI, leer0005 I; $191,011 2 003C 2,200 $292,472 $169,900 $102,972 325 lOid,od 0es: 000ali Dassid OR Ioodosy by the city. it alas nequirea that htbuddiogebeingn000000d 0012, edIl robo air ydnee of be o moot point oent Chicogolt Itt Bresesed On 05105e, $10401mO S 010400 f29211 Mitetleli 05e: lsoossO, Ileleveos I & ROS liolsisO thosisO, HssIOcoi & Fnobeìs,. II 020 2,200 $287,391 $169,900$112,401 809r5:020f,ltf 9,0581,640 devnloperseegisbeooeiththe tocando ootooerlcipoeoeive 00000e in a ovo n000eeeboe by noodoa000ersi0000dorW toe $765$lO tli095ni F: $f00,Ofi LOWER & UPPER CONDOS Esses $199,980 soma benebts osdeo the oem 40150 MiOohsll 50:4057, Ons040 Ocor: MEADOW. I$JDCE tOrrlollOrrg O,Oonss0000,OSei3O00c,OOcb,, Ocrnhsogr nitgobtaieevabdeenidentiel atlesuttlO,000,org pe0000Otoooe000ntion condo menhmt 051 Briofsthr: llorAse, flssont9W& Sellais, 111f 70050e Od, Icoob000, Pecio: COffi500 reel estate developer 00000r, urdica5000, hoc102iog the toi- 7.8 pe0000t. mb000de bem thnmecrusbon. Rnbnoosl: $llblOf $441,778 0411,lfO Bldg.belt SireOdgieat PrirrSole Prior 550e 4110 Alstiss SI; 95cl, 7100 R Kelle: $79,000 sod psy e peo-ooit udotioioeo. l000log: "The neon 000do ordina000 Eupeds say thon tooldtaho 14911506401550 ROoq: lltsos, loll: $ilf,lfO 47ff 2090es Pl: 00,9500, $110 C; $91101f 1520 05k Edge lin 000950, Resi SR Lests ti; 3 202 2,064 $221,202 9138,900 0191.992 1520 20501es 8h Gelo, Oelk(; $15,012 0AA;:,0,00:nl,4 600 tee. Ilti0000eors000do conreo-rdo di500utsge the oree those 00 fice (toare. 19f 40000nO 050, 2010159, Otello: $320,303 $512,070 12 lOI 1,549 $204,422 9199.602 $114,522 OIS Rieltotest Ir: tOstar, 8000cc 909101, Condo regienetioowith eioc notice mod cose roten- developoonototrn020i-ieodly ff15 Sfnsbbsd Edite, HIer, Solees & :,,&045o, 00029snooli 02 002 1.549 9269,908 $169,020 $98,908 Oet9aeiel Y: $150.302 Clysfol Lobe thriloobCouotyheooeder siens foe re000re to 180 days 000jnotsinCbicsgobyootiooel Oro naRrIa 0000g col 001010 Yesmib $19f 2f ReBele Reame 12 201 2,064 $290,942 $li9,920$129,042 325 gongsssd on 8005k, ysvjs: $101.054 of Desde is Oeqoiaed 200 bom IDO deys. Per ceotere who d000iOpnra'yeedioedhledon onbo.00r lu qiodinolnd by 00001 226 ghentnsesd St, 556, EOseld 1816515e 2065 0s&iliss Or: LsSor, lottO 5 0505:19 9: $19,110 12001 lllgOtlaOd 005: Holt, ieojC& Recels: Door [email protected] dayaydoo to hllong the 00000 coo over 93 yesos of ege, dort, 9. tysOn, toosoecnisl mmcl esiste Oft III 55K lit: Hettoso. $6otrc: $100,105 Man002000000.ilbrmolrirmc' a $196,117 loo, Stepha4s: $3f$,7l0 847-559-9800 denletation. The oegieonlioo oc bliod, so uOebln to roalic 0005ultantoodrneeicnoincsoo buyiugoobnmabnu bolOkWollOta 22f$tsOan P509: M59000 InfInIP$llt,lOf :,nioon,iocn,rlhinokuooñ 7215 Mita001l gee, Od500so, Il019pe 0008 0005550 Cf W: Oolito, besot M; $101,010 0605006f, Pn090 reqoi000thv d000l0000ta without aosinteror,the 0060e oos of ho salions loogoet coo. ottncvnd000nOoiflnl 725f fsntridge loi: PoteI, Mengslbhsl R 4 UEARCHCAIÇAGO.SUNYIMESIHOMES NC IHARSOII, WAY 26, 2011 uSRAPCAC11CI&S,SSNIIMESIHCWSS I5 I r THURSDAY. MAY 26, 2011 NO TODAY0SHOMES TODAY'SHOMES

54 SChi0000Aaerl051iella,Miohnri OnOraI; 0206,202 0133,000 Lake Snria& u SALES I C$7lTlllUES P8069 PASEO ah lendo bey; $178,200 53465 Delaney Bd; 51014gb, loloS lSlSroaoh Mllleynnpnlnrn,latlrny tClenaiew 240 Welken PE linnyorl, Syonnnn' 1055 6010nrnerent Dr: WhAlerS Minds 61210690e Baer Malen, 000ilA& Ibalene', $48,000 S Belly; $225,250 Optima Old Orchard Woods' leasing program nears completion $110,020 M; $080,402 lenlay E; $440,000 539 Ceebalee Se: Sellen, Andree 75 9A4 Sinon LS; lAnoline, SIren S 201 kiOto 0k Cr010, dM0150 S Carolyn R; $470,002 blysmagaoethatthaap- Oroarym0000lyLeenithboodum uodtvm-oloay,Wb000nnc0000d Old Oaslnsldlhcppiasg Cromas lz944erlirre :RnNtwsNi, M0rEW & 775 MaIland St IR; Snober, FrankS; Innen; $034,000 StolooiR $166,000 AIitRn pssrtoailyln Ovo os OpImo Old frsmthrmeiomracense sia ecleanceotocnoohlovsecthan $roalthbaoblocla scoop. Ernestirn; $DI0,020 $111,000 2n86 Lenington La: 26mo, Scusi; 9457 glaaooe:Anníah,OdnnnoES 10544 NonIee0nerlenbntry, Briar OoslssadWsolm is tos gOnd siocgle-4ssoilplarna," osid Dais oprrsanaioopmoniooeomar,co. The Ornano poloole 0240,000 Li&ontyoitte 675 BerlinS Md; Ornery, lasnnT& 1729 50k Ann 205, DeSamen, SAernI Rehnonay; $118,000 1:0014,200 tarnomsl,aytossIacIteLW od- lLcboade,sllearoeafoa20000d then rcaroielo ale 010-Ocol mbdeolo'psnbo,egaipped Encarar, IredeYsk lahR 0104,000 & Rejal A; $152,020 42SLIoeolnSO;Anlrnnne, Reelecta R 05000 Sleet Ploiera On,510enor, IllS loyale Err Moment, Omod 01 1120 AHIletooken 600 405: Oankn- veomlage ottlropapuloeLllsaay mnelso&nrW. pnelisn,paveadcinmseyaomd ldthpicabybrtirlla,gb010,a & Sornaran, Megan; $206,020 sailimne, Moroeret M; $468,020 804 tlrenelield Ln4: Dasdaan, Lenin 1140 Oak Ene 666: lnpelnb, llaretAs Scelsi S; $111,712 taboo, Soldons: $156,020 IoesdcgtrasgaOcothoiiendpidLy "Thsluibdiamgorao svenynt- 000cdasapedqoothocgbeosilm losada 00045,Ilsreepscdaaold & tesi; $115,000 7:0166,020 601 Enel Et; PernA, Lora 560104; i 11950 aanmlaa Le: Sinnnn, StOnmrlI I 72249 Nene Moe; Sands, IloAdon& masSimI conoplelomr. moclaa la acabe caoldero 1000 EW0tl0dAltLY 020-0401 mOnoS- o bIlge thaI coetaoato lo the $073.204 MMEalga 221E Pnairin St: MarSo, 113101m & 902 Stnnidan Ed; 1011m, Jay; AnilnA; $208,202 00 17 .50E Appaomiososlelylbpealacl el hams, ebothoc Lt mu msqati5- irMpccdmd000aoobeia5. Naethlesothritaail. 1601 100gaalleMat; Enlodes Aol- 15400001006 lodrnader, Corle Inline; Rertisgar, lennan,012l,000 0260,600 11220 toni na Br: Oystan II 5may91, 1001 hlleorder Sao; IolnA;ernoli, sltheolrsclvarosaaploire ooSlvLocm000tho cLoy alsybsme ca Ouldaontlielolpoyac010a Adaoiycnrlcbbmgpeek. lhanrP&lflgela C:920CSDO $120,002 526 Saale St; Dnrtrghlr. AnsiO M; 0514 Serraron Ene lE: 036, lin; $115,400 boonhl lenaento OnlAbiaente. mancmiomnvailablo Is Imson mora llrovmoada,canvesieace cLap- 00401malteosomoboinaabne, Pciaoo al Oplicrme Old 0e- $17,002 $076,070 4924 Aihgrrennd I.e 8: Cinco, IlIon & 12226 Oakere000r:Cl'nnohirnlla, 251 kWe0050 Sieda. berna; Gltb;nla Malle; &mialytabe000 006admnninrbuann, picrgolghliotthobroblthc4 04 toeeocoo orb ga000 roLO nty sOrood Woa do orant at $076,200 Mega e; $ 1,0 43,002 911 lancear Sin: ColeaDa, Michael & Anrhnoy O & LecIte 6:0131,200 - $125,000 1001 W Dorsi One Inmoto, Shornai vIththapaAoIe5loOptmlolLaeiog the appenlsclirpbmmcuy lypeo gordr&o. gma lvva-bethanrn pInole end Den Ptainen IroniE $065,200 2062 Bagna Rd 0, lIane, lIndel & 726ES Wilotiro Wrn: 45cl, StonlatA: &Ioorno, 000id; $160,000 ii 1mm the 0151m. ooeecaeelacsnrdS&sar000clei- Flaacso.caiLcgoeiadcaooia bcrn140N,bgI 5cc mInase- gen Allee SII; ArIto, 506rinin & Slam, Loa; $144,000 MnHnnny 'MomnyaOosooarnrbsahsve each cocdosoiciorn them berne Sod0000npleae,S°Ohealeeairg, 791 Lede Ca: OrnAn, Aislad D: $111,300 elBOW 5000cr Lo 3SS ladykeemna, Ieo.&a&palceo am ortanclve Mila e; $0 8,500 $171,200 1558 Snnlnrd Sn: SpAnn, Rn3nrlR& 0065 DoObiooa ytnE'SA 5: laucan, bIrmanO lbotMde; $100,320 moines 56100110go mOtOre pro. eheamoompeeadla thoco lonthe noocioelmmn,emrdvemsr&e rnancthlppoyemeasoancga barn 6284 AnM Salone Or 25, teIde, Sosa'reg; $661,000 loninib & Coeliont; $94,500 gaasvia the LaOttarmmvnanke sity.SSnom mho sre ioirceelatg op40000rp]oImo sod ioclndod 01,61510 91,800 tal nro. 6956 lIner llorepnhirn Ori; SSO tssgtenida 1140M boo St, Arar, PetlokA & 20001Cr; $06,000 noldue theywaomra&Is&oeon iocorosLrmannaybasoir,gPragsorrm 030005050m hOObecObOOlemcW bethcnrnnciio,frsmOl,810 nn4er, Aermeln & Richards, Daniel; 4444 Shnnnnaad EH ClEaR, ChangeS: 251060 Lehr Mantkerra Ill Onto, 1941 Cnnaaod Sor 0000mnan, Bono I; daiM; $016,200 $250,007 776 Cereal Sr; Pnalya, latin & & lion, ChunnIc', 0670,000 William 06 Roblo L; $50,000 $35,500 - OplLainsOIdOcClnoadWsado 010011 aol aonob0000ne the ion the ionicI oaeoe, lrLIchgrn 1150,455 toe 1000-bndecorn 55SdB4SeeSn:CotaasnA, Intesa S Henne; $170,500 Inmlwareamatyot stale lo buy," eomceimrimnoappanluciliraeoo't orith010iom2000.ssoal ayylieccee, naodanciaminmna, frorn 03,150 440 P aYer Men: Ra rs, J ans S & Sr na 200M Velos Dt SS, Solnarlahi Ir, Ar- SOMOS aMilano AL: Aeon, Sishosl; 5155 Draanent 60e: lInger. Docili; OrInamos; 001S,520 Eking in looter: TEe Laamri Lyooicg Prggraeo 00 OptionS Oit Cmaoord WallS in osid100idHavoy,6005caJIy loot 000g." 5m 04,SllOaathcne bodaoarn M; $114,502 256 Cornell Ase: SoltnnknSp, lardero lPerA& MaIenrInMi, Bell S; $082,602 $tA,2t2 $54,070 na orleS ose piolina, orth mnrnlhoa Soll et the sooriohin cecdosiniEm0 leaned bebgreecbimnieyoadganaise seepsssemleaclmimosb en&pnooi- Ostsacg the dasieolnba 0es- OsaImlsmOOpe,lnmOOcs'IathO, rneidecceo, sed barn 51,100 io 1852 Steckten On: RennA, RItmar, REhílA: 0206,005 S1SA Segaron 25: SillaS, Kt&IatIYK: NolOiabrook 15 0001610dm, Shoes to Ile hAStIen 0115e OSSIa calvi. i tlnwrIInoySoIa dnctallplmmrsloo.,dnv010per Inoernalthe dioninmcrivcliOeolyln ateiadoeo-eleelrnaeleeooad 34,121 0cl pecthcOeen. $040,102 lasoEllrenken St502,Iubrnrrnnmnn, Draye take Onvennene $148,100 2071 ChenoyOa:Iranev, Arana S Oroeai&ali oOrinobaildìnnM."TSmnLrrmrto'p atsa0000lalynrsayoycenoma Slcae,eadhaaeloaamceivnd beyoneploeebondmolensuoonln. Toca Opimas Old Oacbnad 1347 allIage 40; Chrinlarann, 003:4 0;$66,405 25606M SaonatAne; AnA, 70610030 5502 SatInaron Srrlardia, FrankS 809 Legend In; Orada, ins L; Coarto, ScIalba; $442,050 7enaissgPnagnomieupeonlarg the City olCodcaga oedsthor- impteeolvn ersonYaclnreab Aoniatdcoopacteosd doI FaaplSnoosnidathecopliase Waad0001 eonealeela' StIllI Y &Slrnecas 0; $216,000 820 RairnreeI Ct: Dean:, SenOrR R & N Danea M; $010,022 Wo r da; 188 5. tOO $111,200 y CoomtOl MenSordOeSll:bandbnrg, opneeeoppaatrmotileeosnthsen Iroc amptsymrol cocIere, neoada,ir.clodiomg the 2000 opaa in a mom ciSl 00cc-So. ele aveiloble, WaadaOcioe,Taobait,nalre the 4120 Mdinnnnlrod:Onrbnairh, Peral S; $316,200 OSOS Saaannr 00e: HeY, Anllerirn; 001 LeEred In 2Ml; lItAI, honey; lsyaAY $215,000 1402W BoO Polin PI: RalaS, Slrae & toOts ondgltt otheo&o0a500ve T4asviaitaS000pheea,tho Dklcgrmiebadloldirg000un oeiliorgvmicdovc000rdnmeemoaf S0010saireoocaeoLooic- Ddrnnaorqtacoomneyocd oeil Mr6100l P; $110,207 663 enamors st, Unbind, lanes OS $160,020 $108,202 KalIF $441,020 044 Poir Ea:llltoSenE 000hnrrR I artleend 0104 as n grast place ta beildiagiccicdee 545 ssc- brood Seam thnrlsonoicoanbamn&- 0200mo Wosdo pints o ouandostc. clndicngna 08-hala gsOsoscoe al OldOmhocdlaad,mseailo Ont tra , $4 73 .000 18 753 e espIe Mae: W; anrnrr inn, LoMe Sarrirglac 100401 Seaoli TOI: liman, hone & Icy E; $252,000 - donoirduon.e ion llano lareacoam- 0014 atAactdIocIo,IOcoin,erd PoelymoOnr,bardorroeanmto in the taoeal panneroo, o honoe- WoadaOeive,oaothoco black DnerMield 1470 Perry St 551; Reenl:nak:, Sintnell SAns P; $121.000 OLanlIs $205,020 2106S ESaenanohlrl: Aclrn010, 5120 SoMe Cool Rd SOS; Spnrbrt. Aataildngpmnaomca aveu- oenledlovaoaeuamlaeaaooloaed theMeairthnneadlaeimmomavelao loaned poaldog, 00mb C0450- bockhdiatgalabome,eailee allae- 55001camOnesMaana ate Iareno; $011,602 060 lIcItare Rd 226, Rordan, NnL;a I; Wiohoal ES Ariners $642,024 44104 Mmnerdole Or: haYan, Pnsma I; Mooch PAreo, $054,500 lsoltlongtharodemna&ap0000nnysy ecdcsuvemtinlrcl amlrentitle InaroSrmildiarge MogoSiare. doran oboppbogiathobcoild- col pcooaose lnAo, the 10-anile MorroeythrooghPaidcy,20s.m. $111,002 Wessen 1452 eines Stase, AmIcI, DeAne M; O DM L 0 20 lOSO &nngrket At: Sadinohi, MarkE lo the mees amId Ilse tools Sbeoamsa alresmdbyall, "OpSmnOlAOacIread borgthslinct510eoOoaoacval Narlim Slaorch trail thor coon mme la A p.m.,Oalmnodny SI 0.54mal 5650 SoleAran Ene; YertA, Robert & 0120,000 645 eerdea Da, Agir, Cstherreal; LAke Solle Mille 552 OellinE SI: Ksolni Pool E; & Elia 8:0018,100 Womb Oomet pn000rvn to the OpIace Old OacboedWcado Waodoia soaiqoe 00101g goocee, coffee olsap sosddcy 10000nodoa loe ra the Cbicaga p.m.,enndlrmdoylom110.rn. $072,100 Serbare; $132,222 10595 Sad Men; Crennhnna, 6000: S & 101SAtanno SI;Lald, Lnnn;lar, $08,302 0650 nioabno aille Md 202: lamlard, vmeel,OpImnOIIOaaOruod lreemronreinlacCybeecthe enceiraomonmoctthathoe modoit s0000seraslthdoLveeyoeccLca. BciocmnOoednaabomGLatcoa, la i p.m.Col 14411 553-lAGO Der;tmr P; $005.402 $01,040 SnSSWAigt SI, Unoell, OírkR & hsltnniaA & BaLonbeR $117,101 Wosdain a 5054 liteelyle cam- beor-ey000mlsacdomiotiom lapecioCy Ieemaslol Io oInte lltheeaoeobomocmltno resolba,acdwoelnl-r00000Eop- Sae vriOo anal st oacy liana, 0e IManar peline Eeansdnn Don no lb: $15 .00 2 cssrmsmiry, biaodicg the oliasslola courmoaityassthereeeOlaath vealesyalboysmeehoesearlo psollsooeeflonc 0000clstawea pimgvdllrLnmenollbagnonleoco al eiailcpbcnrmcoh.rom. East Dundee I Satoin&lna CE Corlas, Polrra';e. 2119 RIant P011055 LoW, lalnrlo; 2766 Oabnry Ann; DIeNen, Kyle C & Ml7 BollaeLr:lEoeRnab. Brian 0; $171200 4918W Ookeoad Dr: Mantua, lheaeo $420,000 411 Mill Str Olneander, Sann Starke, 0014,400 IrAnia Y 6;alntl; $651,520 C & bacas, Insmnyl; $115,000 Hellt; $151,002 465 Cedne SIr lele, Einr&nriyl, 1259 endoWS Od 4Am Siene, lebe L; 2520 MohIneS Ene, Gruler, Mrsdanl & $161,002 $265,000 $10,002 5120 Woods Ir 1002, ISolanI. 000,bLan; $011,000 SEOSSeietOoeeptI Ch Snogero, Kyla Srinrne. $462,002 Howard Moloc Arose 4280 Srnrsgnlddn:Ssl0000necll, 4006 Seeernot La, 0010300 51:00e', SALESI CGMIISGRO FEIWPOSEA lacReS EoadobpmaaeE EathIa; C S Mhnlsor L; 0171,510 St011 5407 SaMnIta EA Cnepdnll, EncalO E 5241JIooreoodOt BO: loasen. lacio 0626 Central St B; Chanrplin, Tiny; 0000 0; 01 11 400 ASSI Cneoord Es 010km0 StatA $415, ODO $105,000 551 Nao Cantlo SI: Stetrrrlh. 5:sha. L:'OIAP,020 Wheeting $300,007 lrlkAellennenae: lntlnmn,tdceas &lnymnM; $l$&,D00 P05k Ridge 429 Motoeat gaterlWnin, lammL; MoSconI S lenenoo; $212,050 Wasde505k & PeonIa; $06,022 OOSSIhoS01004rlgnar,lonlM& loA 810S,500 18MO kkedgeeaod La: Morneni, Ilelly; WS0&Mosd050 101, SOrliont, 80011 I50000m800 Dt lE: Klalrrooky, 2966 Enntrel 60 262; Slacker, 601W Bnnonoelt SI; Orados, serbare 011 OdAeWoatLo;PolIliaeo, Onetotri; $175,000 1841 Senta SI, l:llalam, Inent IA & Daraos,lrnoibonL; $652,100 1011; 0056,252 Lnooil; 010,202 025 boaohlmnniguonra, 015005 EoLìc. 2044 Belnidere Line Sr; llaman, 1:0110,200 3:1480,000 2401 Welliognee Cl 401, Arlad. Song $243,001 Nnrayan; $242,020 Snyani Il; $110,002 $5 0, 550 Rayraardn&Sharnn 1; $241,300 94 Hornear Sate: Areca, Daort ES loo; $111,000 204 Winnohomo DIO: Smells. AnImO lM05500dpobbio 5r244; Oe&000, 7224 Oarrnwgne; lhnrrrin. Nnnohsield SOI BlInIth Anoder, POIhOl: 0000m Elgia MIare, hohen i; 070,002 OSOS Siesela Ane 255; Sanaba, AnnO 50100g 5100y; $t0S,S0O 001010; $80,000 S310yppleneodle:101tae, EtEerdo Chr:nlnntnr AsertO Snarl DIloobolt; 622 Ohnlnna Ct: Onabnl;nat, Rerrinon I4aWth005 Woods $550,000 ISA MillIoM 25 Calleas, Gamo; 0;$145,000 5295 Winnelke Alo; S:enkiaeina, BaSTI Lake All Beorde Str Ooohniahao, 80100. MonA O Borra000, IoyoyLoyalo; $706,002 M: $111,500 liBrase Ele M: Slnad:nemiso, Inhan- SII SIano PI: levaron, loco; Slnam000irS AI;oba; $520,000 1200 aebtbnoal lera OBOr Aides. dos & Arto; $OSS,001 $021,100 lila & Ene: $320,222 $68,000 8211 MacgeOner Annor, PestAI 14431 ebinglno Sc Cmoneh;lI, Sl0000', Okakie $115,000 228 Errrernnn St S02;bnn, lacetAno 206 Caenlnak Er: Wella, liger& 101010E KIel, loAbA $070,200 9Mam Dl; ealnohy, MoChen & RnIh- YsOy $201,000 $eS,010 MOI Gomol6oel000ro, bell: M&Satneol 6:0184,000 ligne; $265,202 28 &ni004nhn Or: Pranke, RrmMOrd W & DakWmod Wilts 1004 Mender Sae: Lento, &nnloein P ANOS Dnon.lord Sao; Caldalern, 20h01 arien M; $111,020 BOSS kongo One; OnLila,lnthnry& SOeeomwoed Wileeoe $111,250 019992 lalllnp At; 1061er, laIty; till; $414 0 20 &ioodoo L: $015,000 LO Wesel S; $IAI,202 lolgwnranrd Ter, AnOn, Chat & Patrisno; $150,000 2 CASSiS Dl; Friar, ChAt 06 MSS Inhalan Wd, P;neo,ChnloiSphan $110,205 4640 Pynartar En; lehen000o, ReneW Ronnd LaIe Beach 0210 sleolood400 540, 00090, POt- 451 500korlo: Corloon, Homann S; SOIl CoolIe Bd: PollaIo, 5010ES Start; $300,202 Weoiloeoli, Snota; 0110,125 1161 PeoJIlon Woo 202: Micyerel, P $101,250 loros, Sel; $OAt,000 HelEAn 3:0053,020 0151 MatlaI050 dosera, LenarY 0044050 001berty Sn: Cr0001, Innaibno rImAI Sladrr, Deco A: $151,002 0551,001 MIO tianron Ann SA: 0a;lny, Nialnian 600 Siluetan Ial: 011:00, lnnnthae & InnIgeS Ilathlens; $211452 $125,000 5591 Onkteoot Dy 0000ko, Istriall A Ponitsolen le: OSases, OecheryR; 10511 Dogenmyolabed:Onole,tnnmy; Onnini; $100,070 72816 POdrir Bee: teMía, RatBorren', SSMO Sanen 00: hiebleo 15118 00- P: $72,002 MOOS Smerern Sb IRe, Cnoola& aol Mbdbaad 5h: Insolai, P10011; M; $112,000 0511194; $211,020 0005 See 801G: Andlia, Coral t; $110,010 $106,002 Snnn; $044,400 DOSS 51001 Arm Mollamon, Vello C: 10010e, Jeeaa; $116,000 $100,000 $351,100 4206 SanglaIt Cil; Panno, lar- $141,020 555 Intone See: Tolbelt, isla trían; $118,270 Oghnombolg 204 lAo 0E BolIna, 000nrA & ErikA; rands laInier SOasaba, Madeno; i S010deorn Ct: Yin, ArrAS Onneioh; Pat baise 5019 KennelS 00e, l000ro, Rootno E 2551 Ir0401nit: COtOnA. LIOn; 020 Sermon 9 0e: R OSten . Antoan OC $162,000 51155IJeESI: P011011, Werd & Sold; $150,000 S CESO; 1100,001 $002,202 HighlAnd Porlo $018,202 9514 SnerdilI Ene; lEal, 0:006; 1210 51500e Sn: K0000, RylnI SII 01100100, OsInO: $411200 $610,000 1007 SB01000tSn:Woaniaoha,Sll6;a; $772,000 02L2, 500 soy, leSna; $229,000 9 Larn000ter SS: Codales, 100e A OIS S 5005951, Nedor000 , Rrohero L: 074 Milanagae, Cnarra, Jnar & 44 Sheridan 68, YaOtaan, LOLe;5; $229,222 4045 P000cm St 001, Alaakies, Inline; 1255 N0M104AO;SIEenKol, Chilotn. Lake Glow lC25WIaInolAd; MAmalAl, P44010 $121,000 $110,000 AchInaR $62,000 $732,420 622 0090cc Le Allen, Abonondap, 0100,1St phaIL& 200100', $1,102,210 191 EFOnrngaye 58: ContA, AOIIAAIS tAmnlolbo $104,200 905 AnoMland Tb: Satnnirob, Canear Meunl PloSpeaM $210,005 232 Loekoloe Sr: Alarroy, loroS S 511 Samaltoynefld: CorOnio, 1101511; 010M Onrknhirn Ca E; Caarel, InseTS Lindoa$110,500 9645 Keolon Aao: Wino, boon & 700 Bidoe ROSO; loeS, IcOnOS 6:0015,000 5300 WISleol Bd 2ES: SemInI, Joerea', $112,500 6:066,002 Hoffman EnOoSnn 408g geleond Ave: Oenon, Potriobs 1040 500105 lItt; 000ing,lromy; Mercy; $150,550 S000yL:$114,LOD $55,000 040 SProl Str Payent, BioBoSIl S Annt000ka; $115,004 944 SoleIl Ano: Clniennereen, Re- Oiliorn, 00es; 000S,200 $65,020 1028 Nokool Sao; PanelS, PolLi O 900 Minlorin Sr:Omnando, Serro S: 1465 Conceit Ct 2E; Prete, 2005000: Caralys A; 8201,602 1900 Krdoale Moe: 500011, 100mo P; 450DSheoitao BO SE: Dnlan,Ioled e (eakarl& lanai, 5mal; $623,020 hibou; $12,000 $120,500 Elk Grove vitloge $06,500 958 ErrengelO Et: Feb00, Wolnoyl Pinglee Glose 1001 500neneel 510, 16, BioogEoj $000,000 A &lSamybro; $110200 GOOD TO ira; $104.500 15041 Sa100m000 Bar: llnko, Ans E; 110 Cerner St; lai Rielo, moler; 1225 Solomon Ad, Peinase, Pando & $82,000 4I4W000II00SSI,Ks000e,Mons S $000,020 1001 Pronom Sor Anion, Misloell & 8221 Kreley000: Sollen, bortW S Synoeore $135,250 leolos, SIebe; $0t2,500 tole Fnrent 9500 &ooMry Se bach, AnMAauO WiOneOko rinothnrmo; $135,000 SlOSPlaerSrAneMdlS4:Oie, tinI llano 10001,000 0068 Coai05000 OcOormik, Chiala. lard, 00065; 1116,220 XN' .W 5552 SII Ocra Le 001110,11175er CS S CocabA, Inthrle; OlbO,100 112 Beloli DA: KnIlos, Soon P Slam. phonE MonSArot: $110,052 sSOecdolen Bd: lIocdnah;ld, 60501E 125 Tntnhia Sr; laina, Yreonnel S S90 LareerWe Ir: Ooln:ok;,inllrnne; 0h01, lane 1; 001,200 0919 BIlSonro Ben; WgEynn, bAnnI: Ares L, $424,120 lesO, boeold; $155,200 lcrtrsn;InO'lnrmnalo.rprcridel chIOt $140.207 $182,220 AOOSAMnardSt: Grey, LnnnnnW & 502 Goeborl000 SI; ibodemon, Molli $170,000 Sto PIO rk 0; $5.120g 25 124W GAllee St OOlrWntoI, OnneA; ParO Narsing005 Oírnno; $SN1,ISS 075M Brosk Gis W00000, leeoaW& byAacordbshcnm,elovoennrncea 1066 SanoS St, Klinmaoh, OlaeoeTS 470 eilten Eno, Abel, PELI Olas S Aath 1: $224,200 SES Srooetlae: Pm oaoiolmO'r, gnaen SPEC l$LSRCIISMS. La kernen o $187,007 152 Baigklor Sinn Caldi, Oonìnl; SOSO Lolos Sb lli00okt, 111Cr A; Ars, cffcrirrgprtblcrasomrt dala sentInA. Margnrol J; $002,202 &l050mnraosSn; PoenIMo. Yalo& Agi ElogotooePi:Poledi, Morali 1001001,0115,000 R:$2,1Sl,020 Pnmtaneta, Nrrsl;r 5:0060,200 $200,050 $201, SOS S EtITIMES.0 O M ACE Brtar Oint Anllein, 1001511; 2M4WK01WIOeWOYr Farleil, MON: 112 Sorloarr Str Kolior, Eegnnol; fcm'gnrrltcl'lllmrlgorosbidcmg 75 Manderont In: Ctriatnannn,tnrq 124S RnnaMoIe 0e: Anhlerd, Cdriyln- Mngdnione; $205,050 Mohos &Aoltibocdle,Snehoahnnla; 0109 Sakton SI: 0na,lnallnn & 802 810 05: losren,1eh66 S Dehan $80,500 15 55, SI O $00,002 (creslosrtres, maw lnmeomnrs Y; 012E,000 ptrrS & $nhenedn; $160,020 llOWCoIhyLn: Oinmeeali, Bron108l $SRL020 M orinO y $24 2, 200 Cernrt;$557,120 Edterr Pall Helero, 125 MAclen Nd; Serb, MoMln3; Prospect WeigSnOe brrnla.oeWbrmnmreeoes.lnonmlrnrpbcieo 150 Hrr&o Dl; SonOr:, eel; $71,004 & PolonIa 0;$312,S22 SOS Bla000nt 0e WO; Welioll, Ineala; 1205 5000e 000,CsnO, CI risS os S p Me ltr a Staten I in na lucrAse e $070205 lOSS Daoe Or 141D; Knien, MirabAn 514M 010110 Slot 25; PAIono, 111015:5 Weeoon Hills morlbogrseccsdrcgr,babntlrg Gagen Lake Henotey 15 SOheritee Bd; AliabA loberO 020W Eanoot et: Woeed, labo RS $045,000 I Oaaiee; $10,000 losalbnn; $1,222,005 ROot 57h-S060 60MW RellanO Ort P0501, Robenbra I & SOla; $101,020 pesruY and nao Yero, Amase aoorl- Ano; $75,002 MartEn layon; $000,000 005 N001erlan cl: Destnonbo. Ginlae- OIS ELaaolle SI: RasSIr, Ooaaldl& 026749 Lnke Stono Dl; 061489, Cat- 1221M Bartels Sn: Liplek, Yntroas S & 9120 Woolo 051011, Bryant, liahoel OblIo et rnnWpttOlC-nOconrl,sory, Tn7daertian: Rita Welder, Irroha;$&lO,502 h; SOnane, tanto Cls'nabine. $047,505 breo. IbOb IA; $114,000 WaIler Lake ions M: $300,000 LoCro A; 0286,120 Goulag MNadoeao O;$OOI,550 coosomcsprtbls-reconlicamoord Lake Witla 106W RoniIasd Ort Osario, Arno5erlb 1645 Iling010r Cl; IonIen, Meen; rrnalknr©eustimnn.Cnm 9951 relIent 00, Bobin000,Chenlalla Morodetets lOSO Oiegotae La: woOlen, lenin; 1118 Cetol Rd:Worhalkn,Ieena E booboo M; $545,510 0001 ley le Oanotalr,l&llenl & 5555 Hoodo Sa lOAS, Stanleld, Yahoo colsh,pubIs.rvscrd,coo, orceA OlA 40M &B1000 InI; Sl000n, CArote. $150,000 $INO, 000 Rnh000 5; $150,001 (7781 633-4924 Danno MO lnnlrnm, 100rph M; $170,050 1120 Lonoed Str P050aheik, SIsal Inemele; $400,007 k Ellos 001101; 0670,000 A0A.507-1000 pinrB S emolo Y; $110,020 S Miatnile 1:0226,200 2145 BrAnI Mill 0e: lleno, WOA & 06112 Enable Sr, Cr50500, ChOLAS 01940 Bronanhar Sr: Manor. label: SSE SALES. PASEO 111 851050 2115:0010, troono EslOntA; 00 1626502v, MAY 16, 1011IIYARCHCH1CBGR,5UMIIMES(IIOMIS I 6 I THURSDA7. MAY 26. 2011 60 SEARCHCHICAGO.SUNTIMES!HOMES I TODAYtSHOMES

ROME FRONT BY BLOCKSHOPPER - s se . . -Dìeam kitchen WHERE WE LIVE I Lake ViHa home offers granite counters, pantry, hardwood floors

BY BELRNL SIBANZAR er ksflrpper.r cv

Moe Hedlood AfRO/MAX Soborbee is listieg a asoeh-sfyle heme ut 39474 N.thtderle Ave. io Lekeyillafor$399,000.The aear-cooetrect100 hillside home has frac hedrorma end these

batheoeme.lt obere 1,630 moae.ae feet of liviog HARRISON HILLS WISCONSIN VIOLA WISCÓIiSIN - Atthr getcwey fr abe Noclh Wrrd8, $035 mirrrasu deem Airirelaeder and Locoted le Wiscrosirr's Kickupro Volley, %iuerbcre is almost 240 nAcos ofwoodr, 0Tttemelter saite iorludee cierge oeopeted Trrnrhawb, this rocepairecl 5506 *uqouer fi/of homéhur 4 bedmoros, 365 bethe poutoers, trolls, ricen, und nprivetc 2 acce stocked pord. The 4000 aqueen foot bedroom end a saoroomtbat leads rotto a 1898 Vicaooioo homo with 4 hrdrcoms rod 3 brthn was completely remodeled palcatu rarere. barbie siehe, a oh Ord sopa- aed rateedor to derail throughort. The huieg 8paoeu are ropnrasivr iambi/hug reis shower hrghlight the mmler bathroom. er irrepresa ive 1000 aquore Arrt voulted lieiag room ea'iih 800er frrrplece. A t ctrly with creep wodeer correoirocr. Pro the bosse oweno, there urn touerai forced ft eier hes teeeaomrsirrdovae,tile Tracing oeil lathe feneiiyeoom,theaeie ewoed-bueriog Irvely m000rr salar feohreésasittirg roso with wet bee eelt Macplace. These ore paddocks ord o foIl horse, atreoge, Oeactoo bore plosraach reom ir fleo moho mceaaed lights. aespluos onda hay oailìrvg.Treaveh dares perorotoic virwo of the moode red water Sri/or every bueno, ropecially the walkrut baca. The 8ecrod crol of ahia baco is 3500 sqorro feet cf Iorcriouo livio4 withy There is else er office that cuarheused as off the fewily aeomlsed te tIre tremol 4iniog goedeo level bcdrroms. Rejrythc onadores ro orreral'lrrge Ope declrs, Soitdble bedroews, 2 bathe, bogo restooroetbitchee, sed loege private offico. Pro the coo aeroodury bedroom. rrem,wbiohhuaherdwacd100etrrg, for year rorro4 bviog, this pcoprcay is ideal foe c fuovity crmprmrd orride o gorsa ofrmioaado, Obere', the rie-meeditinoed BOBO sqocee fret profosairoally equipped The hems's islaed hitcher factures grao- Thr irndeoa utility mcm has awsahee arid crhugr sr ernA or letrrd for erporeiro. fa io beiog effeeed adds 35 woodrd ecara rhop/gcrrgr with showroom foc 31+corr, loft urca with office, full both and wet ita reorreas, hardwoed 000es card a paotay. deyee.The peaperry icrlirdas o derh,baivh Prspsrstiss spree'. 73e BlIckes (rises) Iba plethoteutgteottr-lappedreanlrrspsae, scosti as euoervuaaubivsle with 5060 fret of barrage er Loeg Lohr erd Lehr Aotrru for 82,050,000 or 8.8 brr, ovenlooluieg She refrdeetial property. lois offrend folly foroished, irrludiog lt ia equipped with cf clari sss steel appli- paver petie,steasgaehsdsodahsatedtero-rar aedo Irrtot lateral Lorstsd le [eke Atila, Its Bees iaitrtedtct$f93,03A I SORIfIfTSU P48903 oilfarm oquipmeot red ATVs. 02,750,000. gsaoge. mroded acrrs with 1200 feet of f000loge ro beth Irbea for $1,250,000,

ON THE BLOCK Iseo efboldwellasclrer Naesttheaakih two-bedroom, hesidaottalBaobrtcge rs the 3.6-bath home ut 4114 A ROUNDUP OF NEW LISTINGS hsliog sUcer. Liodeewrad Leas is oc tIre REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB fleffeeass Estates, A those- merbet for 8398,000.The bedearm, 1.6-bethlrame et Oelauasairsug:A treo-Red- raoch-etyle heme war buih Curious about home sales in your neighborhood? 486f Lictdield Drive trae mom, aba-beth heme st f120 le 1943 red rames so/tb hood- the muelret for U231,3bb,The Rmrdhurst Corrrt,%cit OZIO ra werd brocs und renussed For Chicago-area transactions, see 'recent sates" Coloriai-style honor, which the mselaetfer $t54,900.Tbe llghtiargfiolorss.Ohs ldtrhec cres brait io 1930, leatrraes two-bore home oftecs fesa rep- cooluies aebylight end stair- at www.searchchkago.suntimes.com/homes/. aldtohearetth rab ea.hirets gosdedbsthrraes,alreplsce lese steel upphuorau, as well sed ear eapsedsd set-ia ease und eldrvheeodrh 42-rich ca gaaoita 000ateategs. lodo arith ceraseir tilas. Ntorrororrs msple rebiarsts, aew Coder OerrbotColdwell Beclesc feetoass, arroti as t he beef reoartees,ebrsabfast baserei besidaotielis the liebeg soekr000recg door cod ododaws, hoer beco wulh-iopaotay.A100tfeethooita dplreded, sod three is atore- elCeldreellliuohee Redder- oar atturhed garage. Cyothia tisi is the hstiog sgsat. hrutheo Opiace THREE LAKES WISCONSIN KENOSHA WISCONSIN today8s LI' 3f yoo'vr drruaerd of owrrirg pror orno irlard, Derby 151004 is mr roca loodmeolo le dec hears of Keeoshds Third Aeeooc Historic Disldut, the IandaoarhGooegim homes The three isleedo bordee Medidor Lehr ucd Laurel Lobe ir the Threr Lulrrs llrvivel Aller Hoo,c kcepe good compury tr/de 25 uncldtecOrrrullyflgniflcrrat Choir. With the bogie Rierc Chino, there lobas sor der lorgoot olerlo of frrrhwuarc properties ho dec bonrediutr care, scverei of which beve brou pieced rodee Nrtioerl MARKET WATCH Rrgieteo ofplistodc Plrcrs. Conoteuctod io 3983, der ARan 9400er roflocte der Arsetussu.eesu 888-525-8498 IrIons hr Ihr world. The wert irboodhas 2 doohle slip weabrethouses md the malo Refest Bai 5op$trreoaietaeeaer hrmr. They brdoram, 4 beth sf000 eesidrnce hou overoier cerera and weep gracious Oír/cg afobygrocote bot ha8 hone totollyopgradrd aocrotrmptranp City Ese saie Medies else lsasslsssre 6h58 suiesforesiosares 30 yr tIrer 4373 f737 9137e20% 4.407 lovely foctoecs ioclodirrg roblar reh Peore, oot000l werd Salobro, rod raree wood huir6, 0e recese acre of loud, der howr ia ovre 8000 squeno feet wide ugccciros ra crasS 3,843 0,002 4117100% ASir borathrg fireplace. The home bao cbuedcter red good horco, hot would bcrcflt foret ri/try magnificent word paneled monoe room, formel deairg room, 8 Ba ringt ea 3.74% 5381,900 3.55% 070 10 toit leo 1,87ftIfo 91975care aeto ay ARM 087e 0.003 31079 from opdoa'mg. TIrc middle islord 'o almost 20 acces with corinto coaboildiege. The bei/norma, S'Ar bedes and spomiom rorro foe oetertaieirg. A lovely stroo renace Buttate irrer 1,66% $237,475 13.24% 440 81 30% 0044 05,3954 laierai [saSsi rutes a Bru basas runt croo blood is moody lewlard rad howe Or marty cf der ercole moss photogerphed overlooks dee eopaooice yArd boasbag 120 fret of Lebe Michigur froetego. This Des Plaises 2.87% 5169,033 34.84% 0114 241 l6atatsoiasrrirarra,oreras,aoersesetaeasr, MIstrust wildlife. Witido crop accore of eooreeiooal rorro inciodieg golf. slAm5 urd trudy eprciol opporatretty is cirre to der hooch, msoino ord dorrrto,or seco, yet toldeirr easy dietorcc of Mibucuobtor nod Chloogo. 81,595,000, louvetas 3,16% $312,520 15.0171 594 109 RUTES & INFORMATION AVS8I,AOLE DAILY AT O hItpPIwww.ieeeresessealYpidelScN'- eeowmobthog, this i, der perfect grtuwep $1,950,000. 311% $211,211 2.42% f15 LUNDERS, TO PARTICIPATE 8H THIS-FEATURE CALL RANKRATE.COM R AOs-SOs-4536 ltighlrrd Perk 2.6% $415,011 2.66% 3f 8 8 asaS 000es Is lrdspsrdssrly Owrrsd esd Opseered. Luke Ferret 13% $500,040 0,52% 198 5r,5 res se sorrsurse rOsero, strasse's is,5,O5555.i acirn 00100,, oroeSsi ocec,rsav rssew Pari Ridge 2.34% $39f,Sfl 11,15% ii. 390 42

DibBle 2.40% $233,510 74.72% - 578 111 KURT PRNN kul'O.po'lolociFsctlhcbysl'e.IIly.Colll773.206.035)2 (cell/leOl) Wi helft e 2.54% $611,100 4.87% 221 15

,nrcrce:Chmvugolltrc0000pperrom Dstavvcklurtllwrruiroisaiur i



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PLUS>»L' L' J..PJIIIL1 I JftCWI1 KIA.FOBTE ACCENT . w A.- EQUIPPED NOT STRIPPED! AUTO. AIR. LOADED! EtA odg MINI VAN MONTH SAVE GAS SAVE MONEY 1645O AS1590. 201$ 04702120$ TOURING MEMORIAL DAYLEA'E 2011 SOSSE 2011 04180080 MIDAl" GRAND CARAVAN TOWN & COUNTRY PEO MO." MPG MOEPSAIRO5 c4i2 - EN 0. LOA10000: 19.195 :.:S249n. E1 A? so MOSTO LEASE AT IEEWOSST :. 51102011 ..-.- "lIEW.' ,w L3...1 Y7 I 128$OPPIIII SIElS IIII'EEIH i ..KIARIO KIAtSEDONAKIAOITIMI 05470 0027 MEMORIALOAYLT SlOOP $24820 LOSS E0i .l 1.495 21,995' 199'- 2119 .9 SA0IVATION! 10E lOi 19395''1ß9 /00.9 8 . SALE PRICE BUY FOR: - BLOFEO: T: - or f" «-- 9$;i LOtEO HOOP $20,200 SAT0* E ORS.., ., ,,_. CN$10251 517 KIA' SOU LKIA'SORENTOKMSPÔRTACE 289n. eepç,,om 99,1299D199 19,79O 199- 19,49OE 101 100.8090 00 E:EEEW 101 101 59080,0.,,., OAWD 04,8 8070,0.0, 2011 5404WRAMGLER 4X4 08M 2011 800? COMPASS 2011 s000 PATRIOT 040080 L ,050085408E4.I050 MEMORIAL I1A'C'o EVENT MEMORIALOAY EVENT 1OIEMORIALOAYLEAÚEVENT SALE POlCO AALE POlCO SALE PRICE: or180,IlwIo7IIr000SioVs180.8iO4784E10..r8. :lIülTApooiS 0% FINANCING ON USED LEASE F085 BAY POR: 000VIl, 0,309 NI, VW,,,.,,'l,995''07 00009001,.,,,,, '11,035' '03 BMW M3 '07,345' '04 FOrd F,Eus ,,,,,,,,, ----'0,095''E9 110.03101 EISISS ,,,,,, 'l,,R9I''9O OSan 1107.0, 38459,,,.'17.098' RtE J/EAD"MSoPSo5sos RSE? $21,345 55050550 0300, LE..,,,. '9,995''04001111,5 SOl.,,,,, '13,010' 'OB 05,0300509,.,, '10,940 EOE 500...E '$9 PE003A$I VaGlI ,,,, '11,100''10 Tord Poou,.,,,,, '14.518'E009,0,dls E Sas,..,,, '08,594 ',o,so pvolA!YM0WTIOII4210IICH200802IE '09 0000, 93 ..,,,...... 'Il,SSE''lO Hola 0000rd.,.,..'IE,IIS''TOHIlIflIEISOOIO 09,.,,,., 'BS,GSF IuIIUIIIEI) NOT STIIIPPEIL IIVI!II'I'EII TOESTOIII'EIC EOIJ$l'IEl) TOT STIEIPIOEE! 9000 HERE '0E 00004 040 20..,,,.. 'rr,004'079'0021, Ma,Ima,,,,,,,'lI,990''l03351no 005,59,,,,,,, '00,995' TIR CREDIT SHORT TIOEE Oil THE JOB BAD CREDIT ID VAS OIP InEORI900I SHORT TIME 5H THE 9001110V GOT $ JOB & $199 ORWE1? AS LITTLE AS '505 DOWN ADO I YEAR AT THOR JOR & WE WILL FINANCE VOli! YOU'LL BRIOS 00MB TODAYS CALLo 0011'NDl.011D

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WHEN A GREAT DEAL MATTERS, SHOP ROB PADDOR'S... uçge$9 'AtGrirAutopIex HYUflDRI .1-_ II Li II O Lili Il O in Lincoinwood, YOU get &rossinNer "°j. . EW01$ V:i Iii bInì JthIUll lilDiIftI® lias More Cars per Than Any mo. BBQRLL 2/o U - Annual Memorial Weekend Other Dealerl Loaded! AliGo, Aft Satellite RadIo

Tomorrow, Saturday & Monday WE'VE GOT YOUR 1! CAR INSTOCK! VER300 a ¿ Cniuni1fmirt VAILAILE $575 No PURCHASE NECESSARY ' BUICK VALUE Winners' bikes I' Ca,Rack Drawing Tomorrow at i :Oopni CHOOSE A MANS OR INOMAN'S BIKE will be sized by ( il

PREsENIEDBYEvGEsToi Suo.nuATIHE VILLAGEIIaIR INDOWNTOWNSKOIUE4UiC °Fannlly FUnh . : 'ir'\Yednesdjs on the " FR E E ADM ESSI t \J A NEW EVENT EVEV WEDNESDAY EVENING' J Fod cet NEW 2111 NEW 2011 Illinois' #1: The news out o Japon isaving o de mite e'ect onte ACAA sx supply of automobiles throughout the world. During the Subaru. De'àier 27 990 S30190 40 post weeks many customers out shop ing have reported MPS 16,450' 159- SLJEsAU - alack of inventoryondealer lots anc even fewer deals. Ra-,a- "- Evanston Subaru in Skokie, 01 Illinois' #1 Subaru Dealer, iswell stocked SIERRA .c$4 $002051 CTS 19.195249C. ,with 2011 Subarus ¡na variety of colors. 15990289o- 29,9905249n SUEIARU A' 'Co6,2J,O.J N) 1. And we're Still making great deals. ONTAU R0R 1011 LACROSSE NJ 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARU NEW 2011 SUBARU Ott! ¡EI3RAIN 113102111lITS S19 623,9900 395 AlBO !ME'REZA 2.51 SEDAN LEGACY 2.51SEDAN FORESTER 2.5X OUTBACK 2.51 $22,9900 t3Lo199 027 MPG Ii MPG 616" ALLOYS 029MPG HWY° ajj-'4'w° 0ROOF RAILS HWY'

19%" 19%" 19%" 10081011 tIES T011EN C LAVE 'APR U APR 'APR 1"Tí±' ,)04I 109 lOttYIJ I(Ot1 000011 ESCÏLADE 20,875 S289. 49.990° 62,990' 30,990° ,hOA!iIllUlllk$UII1EAILI.IL$l011$IIIT. T- ' wvwv lv«f'owMíSl' AIkWh6eI-Dkaa, ..9('LLtfllfl' A$-Wheel-Drive, a-$111 mltI$15!E ,tA00kEl lAklIIEIll$EtlElllMllIktlI011dO llIIlR(tL0LlMllL I I L' L) ¿010,0101 canals tIp i 'now ,o,o, OtOT banato 07 1' ¿ASO, 010$ curia 'JJ0JJ' Áic''ii'n Reduced! AIrbags, MP3, Atbags,MP3, '' AlrbagoM3, Every Used Vehicle Drusticully 1i)Mö. Altbags,MP3, 22 ÌMÖ Jk±M'o. LJ.- )ÌMÖ. 'loess 9000.E0$raAetptlErA .,, fleAlSToyototi0090 Oto,,, MPG $0 SECURITY DEPOSITI EU SECOYTY DEPOStI! 60 SECURII'? DEPOSIT! AO SECURITY DEPOSITI 0000i,BUOC,OmO CXLa-,, Ruas'Elsoeuo E0000, 150,8501,, ILSIUFI SpArSo 30 muAIS 0,s,.Ostos duaatoigung. 1100,0200 36m nih lade,. $2,401 dEe otoitaillS awartas 36m, At Io,,,. $3,351 do,,toIgn,ng. SF50.1, alta! 35 moAt!, nase. $1,601 due at 15,1,3. 00500283 lICl5uI,rTo,uECouOqlS,,,,'toe,u O00000oo GO SIP, u,, '12690 ")n,,UIu r DA5ISn0010II!U]iaE,L sOSoSo!oS,le,a000ul.. r '1100011 02000 800,0 0LAWOa 'Ir_me. 0e_00 SUBARU FORESTThF""" "SUBARU LEGACY J OUTBACKS 10 Cheer Imputo 20. - 'tilla'lOjoer Cemmaodo,oue,,r 0% FINANCING ON USED '06 ConI. PEI0100'LO6OD wtI00900,16,,6e,rno5050,Sro,,,pSOtA .$25,995 '10 Fermst,rPomm, o-Le-35,5 Moon,, 1,0,60! aP3lOO,$A3,001!o .. S2I,995 '$0 LegdoyLtd------000IE',S,00000ae800t,5!,apO4I ------$23,495 - 'tErm 00 Si,,o,Podto$o,12905,,0S,rr '30101003e Rouse 1000m EdItIOtlUrnomotI,lcRuIIP000,lIa, SII osaiS 605,,,,, 'tOPon0005r000P$o0IP.,,,rr'0,000''M7POIlOe, SM.,,,,, 'll,lA' '20 BMW MI,,,,,, '01,008 13236 .020,995 '00 CormIer Lt 1000m... L0050a000501rau,1 gU,.sLSo,Tt06 ------$01,909'10000.0k From,.. Aa,eotca!woot005p,w,,300!,,,,A PUTS-----$23,290 lllloe$oPiIOt$O'LOOO., 'lAmm 1990000 001,00, 0,-U,,,,'uO,ro- ,ees''09 6000001 BIrIllo ,,mr '0,0000 019900 Ilwooeuloeu,, '1,000, '$0 Mazda 00.77009eR.. lo,IO0IM,wcouílo!,,00F 01,0, 65E' - $14,995 'Ea ForO P0000,,,,,, ' 0004elta a,,,,,,,,oa,w '0, '0000 633 91I,o,16360 ...... $10995 '08 009amüotbock Lid. -000!a,r,S,lout,uau.,3n$000,t6,o.. $20993 IO Me,Bo Sr, flEeSm S010W01001,.o - 'uomo 'nr.005' '00 bouta Raus tta...... AeI,m000 Sae,u,t P!I So,,,, SII,,,, 2260 017,995 ' '0510511e 00,1110 LE,,, a- '0,000 '04 CotillO, 000 ,,',0,00000 00050 Pilota-, , '1009009 Pmm, - - eI000Ibn,flaS,Powr,Seut 500,1000...$19,1090 10 Ford 0,0000 OLI yor, 'toso O0I,teloliA,,IIIIOEII000 .21,990 'OORomnde,OtlOoo,,,,,, '10,000' '10 Toyota Cam,$ LO------0000ISI!l 10!! P5,015505 5091 .. $19,995 'OS BliS050Irl Galeno.,, '11.000'10 Feld F0,20,,,, 'toleS SUBARU IMPREZAS 'os sosos o.og,oy ST so,.. 0,00,,, 6001000 1-6030E, 6,01, 46000 .....$110,995 10 D,5o1b,lS,e,rElE,,i.n,'uRe'l- '3e Rt0000AIISmO 2.1 SL ... L0OI0000IOOIA,!0u!,.6!!,,,tAtO.....$14,990 SIMo,or000-0000 IO12,.a'tF,ROr 'IO SOl0000.,,,, 'rl,oue''OhHoodo 002014,,,, 'IE,Oer''O$II$uodoi 00010 F001,,., '00,001' 'to solomo ImpOuawox 0.200, ..1-,,rru,W!k3o1a5U2aue .021,950 '09 Oolbask 5.6$ LLORO, 000lIoutl,uS,sL000,4,OI,,0,T0730...... $17,995 'OStodIlloaOusolode,,a, '100011 bolS,,010,St,00000, n 001e, '09 theo, 660 Ll,a-.,. '51,00007 010000 MaCmo,, ,,',e,OOn 'IO SUSuru Tlbr65,,,,,r, '29,009' 672 yeta St 5000 A, mr SI, 307 $11 9 09 Irnpe,oa 05052 1 $19030 OIS ban, Lagyo0 0100 3 22! 1 000 $10 995 65k 00E 66 Md 03,! h 0 lO It AS LITTLE 000500 DOWN MRD i TOAR AT YOIJB JOBO 100 Oread Rom 50 B P t tso! 006 osa-$17990 tas s em toll, k PO PElt $13909 " e"o' DOWN? WE WILL FINANCE YOU! YOU'LL DROVE 04093E TOtAnI CALL1 R0O'651'U715 01101 00 P 09 04004 4 Aa, a 81 $0995 lot tonad P m 40 6 AO SS 10 $10 405 "00 io Izo 000001 GOT 0000k 'tOR 'O2FOrd $ISOXLT4Y4 Cre0000b .....no!,Eu,,tau,lruI uno .49,901 '070000mo Imp100a 0.50 ...... 00,01,0, OTY,p,n,,tIl,,r,T1000 .....A13,495 '05 Sub000TrIbe,, AId,SUBARU 00090l5000r,al,Ilou!odSeaS,000,T!100 TRIBECAS .$09,995 551011,20 u001Wu000u,' GrossingerAUtoPleX.COm Ortest Oar, Vra orad Ia 650w,,, ff" rr.yo,wrOr,ara-MIrn

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0O0 541. 34) 03d5 O' MINI BILL jACOBS MINI 2495 Aurora Aso,, Black paint. Black instrument cluster. HYUflOPI 3a0000tlI,. IL W-000.SISAS.O40000000Ili000boninio And a total lack of gray area. FAMILY HYUNDAI 8101W. 159th St., BILL JACOBS MITSUBISHI, 2005 W. d000l500 SL, voller 15040-ObOOSIItv0000miSvAIoOi.00rn - O'HARE HYUNDAI River Rd & Canton, 167L Ms all black and every bit a Porsche. lotroduciog tOn 911 Black Editioo. Its sleek black iostrunneot cluster, 19" Turbo Il Wheels, touch MAU MADSEN MITSUBISHI - ese 01010es. FollAr 100000 PrIora call 11,00 screeo Porsche Communication Maoagemeon system dod BOSE° Surround Sound System are anything but doom and gloom. Even 00v-4003507 HOA5 ModO 404- °0% 010 OOLO WoaS000 n, P36TRiCWKY6lNOAF'5326.C.Goit'ÏtSi 0000011 MIr000toVt more pleasurable is that it costs coosiderably less than a similarly equipped 9t 1 Carrera. The thrills are neuer ending. The car, S0100u,050000001/.pOtrloflOon00000 000314-4040 howeoer, s a limited edinion. Come and see the 911-Black Edition at The Porsche Eochange. Porsche.There inno subutinute. 000EOS HOURDAI 2720 S. Mibbi 0M LANCER Ovo. 8000750030 Iom000.nvgot000urogn000.00 NISSAN ROSEN HYUNOAI IN ALR000UTN Aotsh000 Nissan el Coorstee 000 SOuth Randall 40. lusO S000 en6003db04, 500200100go 40e. 007.40M000VOa0000eadt000m,000r Experience a different shade of Porsche at The Porsche Exchange. 0000004712 vovtv.Ovoennnynonootouo (ELLO NISSAN 0300 W. 55th SL TJAGUAR Oak Lao/n 030403.O15000.000llyrnbseundom The 911 Black Edition. Martin Nissan 5240 Golf RGad, Skvkio EAR ELMHORST 000A3O.Od000iWaonnfllason Jmo. anoor,logoolrVvnsoo06'v0e.3090 ROSEN NISSAN IN GORREE 00000nand000, 36080 PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPERYOLLE 0000 TIIE+EXCHANGE W. 30deP Suo. V00035415000ai.00Hioi)aevevvoo 00m -,,,lOítOl2H6-7000 Jeep. SUBARUO - 2900 Okakie Valley ed. DOPASE DODGE CHRYSLER.0EEP Astoham Salero 6078 S. LoGran o Rd. Highland Park, IL 60025 090E. 800000010 Rd. IOni 3001100 lOor or ASS) 0ororda 55 0000e noon 000,100,0 cogS /0W 01Ai, -,,: ----- hnrp://porocseeeohange.ponochedealer.00m 0350544300 ddQagoaO 0000Y0IO,l0OP.Crm GURNEE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP BILLJACOBSSUOA060 25250.JrYorerr SL. - - HpursM Oh OHM. 80M, Fri 90M - 8PM, Or 90M. 5PM 0225 AranO 00000e vocee. (007)003-0300 000r40003u oorouo5so36onu.eom 00000.41nn 00300go Vorn 00004 Subaru York Rd. & Grand hoes. SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7601 N. Cicero 0000004lie/clrnSvrnl e000vSO250 onandsuou,voorn A00..SkvkIO 100n1030-v044w,no.eooimon0000dools,00 l TOYOTA KIA MOTORS AoivaOgta(Snisn 2095 N. Rarod Rd. Authorized BuI Javobs (io 2525 W. doYnn000 00. 001100 0300300007 3000.011I0000550d00001 Boedenoane 0000tu/Seion New 20101 Mitsubishi N000n201 I Mitsubishi New 2011 Mitsubishi EVERGREEN RIA 9205 5. Western Ase., 0351 W. Oarngsnor, Padl 04go Dealers 00E650.UAvo ENDEAVOR GALANT OUTLANDER New Car Buyers Guide ELMHURST TOYOTA ROSEN (IA DFELGIN '0H01.00 PrIvo Loador" rvS0000SIH000.0000 0000050300. hdp://nn000,aimhunvtoonot0000 )rOvilloioofIoSna u A LbSantyolIlo Oor.3u1,Soln coo. ibbononoll (0100000 dom PaulO HeBra 20m SkoOle Volley Od. BILL JACOBS CADILLAC PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 866.281.0769 Highland Poni, IL. 100014300230 GORREE 0000E CHRYSLER JEEP BIO Jaeshs Leed RoSar Hiesdole 04. IllInois' 1.016000 0055 10000005 . RIre. 3d WOO 03350000000080e SOrnar, (0001020315 390lCAornAos1SoedoIe. IL 40021 000.51030400 000e. gum Bedo 02e CORn 8iE8iTÄOE CADILLAC 303 W. Roosevelt OAR LAWN TOYOTA 42320 W 90th St. RAYMOND CHWIROLET 0080A.Oruyos000 Hiii]aaobe Land 0000, gorI tot.005uW. 4101es 53.. 032SEW0000TO 00E-0330000 Rd., Lombard 0320233306 0000e.OevtvVe,edillaodom 047) 335.3600 or000.10ynoodohoonoler.00rn SHERMAN JEEP 0008E 7681 N. Cicero Auôi - PATRICK CADILLAC 0db Moli Os., S0000nrhvng Ove.. 0001101000) 03000440000.000rnraosrnoodoalo.o 't9000lddoolltlioilwidlolitliIoiklogtoselrlripfoilllllnoeeinoirb000adl010irll00060RIomlIoo,ogn,rt LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT arno, nudo, nnr.740000u 000e.70tyokeud,lloovunr ROGERS CHEOROLEO 2T20S. Mich an Ave., 0603n5a530 000.n0000eovtog000000 PATRICK LAND ROVER 1559 W. B doe tor$lVuirlo7godiafpnordImIuutOrOrtIlrIOoo,o$IbHtrltlMioloo3nidappsooiolI1"Hihipprootandi Oddla8 STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 000G. Skehie 000.50eOnvlIlO 530-S32l1530nodandtvvmon0000llle. elda 000trur000 e00000.0050 0000.0100010100 vont WEBB CHEOROLET 008.540.0270 lsvo II(0,Ib10100lil(e4.KltOliOlIiIliOtsIrrod l000fiidIiIIlptb(011TOiOidOOeiarOd tffItotHtthrrloolaletlphiObbo l BMW. Sidos cicero Are., 0011 Lore, onioo.Vrb0000ij000n - u AL PIEMONTE FORO 2900W. MORIr Ado. DILL JACOBS 0MW 2400 Avroro Ove. 0511000 Pvrl, 00004S00003000.onton000m 50000IlIe, IL 0.OeO300ade2 i000,bllllr000ubme orn, ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET 1.5080001003 CI-i IVS Lr- BILL JACOBS YOLKSWAOEN 221103100000. edltng0000l, oOvoOS.53s30000.aevon000eet1004dem ARLINGTON fiTS. FORO i500.atronddorn - 500000Ite, IL b-003-5b00000 1100 bili000b000 000. OuPAGE 0000E CHRYSLER.IEEP IlL.215 WWk00n 40 , Ato noire - s ELMHURST BMW 400W. LoVe St, 0000101 8101100 0600.00000ve[tod.los Onil050ioarvraOsl 001W. Dundee nu. Oiflrrgyvn HelenOs (0005403300 000.207.0050 0000.0 [mOu 03mo 00m 0300534000 Ovoogrdo 000rmsl0000poorn Oho Avtob000 Voikswogee BILL KAY FOOD MIOLOTHIAN 090.8043050 MiTSRBIHI LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT GORREE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 14033 b.010010000. 0000.olllkoyrord4rm ln 440 T. Ogden Ove. 0400055027 umworoovrmvnn nom DILL JACOBS CHEVROLET 033000003 0000v, COrneo. (047) OvA4 unes w. 00000000 Sr. 001101, IL 0000.gvl50000dgodoo rIoeoiPori0FRrd'LiecoroMercory PATRICK BMW 0ML voir P004 30000000lrig oanoor.eeur. uilt0006Hotloo,ovm Highland Pork Ford/Lincalfl McoeurP Oee.ne00000 anuo, .00510kberw Vorn SHERMAN CHRYSLER 0000E 00000, ElM 1007)4330290. HPksoom PanI, Suo. West 4000Ianl P010.10 aju, 0 00v.. 010110 I000lodoona40000shmmorornoaveuts )040(831.S000. HPFL 40M fik MCCARTHY FORD, INC 03400 S. Pulaski, Chevrolet of Hemewbod 10004 W HOIStS, cseogo onuuavov000moo.m000rnslevalno voli, Home000d nOo.050u000Iwou.000000vdcbrwoor, ANTHOYRUICII dronHgo00SWvSoSloe JACK PHELAN CREeO Hod 0000000000k' I I - ffMOalA1305ECvCu0i.bK0 lASOS Horton,, Leona 003442.4000lookeHeIon,000 DWPAGE DODGE 000YSLER.JEEP ou us PATRICK VOLVO 1030E 9gl00o Ad. ROGERS BUICK 2720 S. Michigan Ace. Mike A0000soo Cheoroint 5333 W. Irving 3606.80000001100.1001 anneo erar oreos) corn 0000go 0062n0.e5005n050.00ge0000rovrove.nrr Pli rd 003.40020000,000.Wlkran00000000i0000.000 530053.4000 ddeog000 000H010l0300y vorn I0Oeuavv AUlSO World RI AUTOMOTIVE Used Car KIA tO0 A&A N We Buy Cars AwtIquO, 0100010, 05,10e Clearance Oslo Doololo SUBARLJ AilluN lo, Sole Center Used Cars Gei cash 00105 WurtlSd Over 35 Used HeaiSoalperorl Velolcles Priced OUA orN 4-WbeoADrloe Under '5,000! NOEW! TASk, 2004 FOrd Taurus SEL TfllOkS-Corrrr,,oIal 8lLLp- SI/TOASt RI' AtilA3 T,ulle,o 04,878 DRIVE TO RIFt 000I.AAAO0o,,I8N DXII SNOS? 000atior REPOS '15W CORSET SCORES 0140K TROUBLE 00 0050E NEON ASCO 08! 708-248-4500 VelrloleS-I000,uror RU/TO, 9W/PL '4,998 APPROVE ALL CREDIT TYPES! beblolNu Lou,, MUSS SEE AR7S053C CO-U/SALK, NO COAL/AVER. VAOTOOIE500ER $800 & Up!! 0,10101er- RIet, Loue, $3,999 2002 P0,1/sc 010,0 / OHSOAPOMCUSUO8, CULO CGT/OVO. $800 & Up!! 5,818,5 Se,vlor, Nepal, 9000500ISIII EXUPSEAS PAT OR PI/CUSEN UHOATT/ME/UCOORTO/' 000SROOF, ALLOY 08888 Cash in i hrl WHEELS U/OT27SISOC 2X01 11,001, NOvi00000 MIke's Jonklog $3,999 404 TI/TO/AT 1-877-638-66111 For Good Corso OD SATURN LODO '7,988 GIJARANTEED CREDIT M'PRO VAL! 54W0 Sol BeSlers 9W/PL ASSAY CLAYS 8/505555 00w, paIwOflL NCOO7OSNOC 2Si0000i000154CeuOu, OD! $4,744 021400 SCOSTO Coli 2417 TOI-DON-0X31 '8,488 708-246-4500 SO CODILLOS SEVILLE SLS CROO T U EUT THIS PRICE L - 20X0 Il/I Rio LO We Pick UpO 007410TC REP/TEA Auto Loan Phone $4,987 29,9882e'189.Po,o HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED We Are Fost GOOD CREDIT? OTT 708-248-4500 LX F0100540 001000 2411 01 22I10rOM 105,05E DOWN BY A BANK fYI/POOL TiLO ° Y2LAmC Rl/PROAl POOR CREDIT? CAR DEALER °l0,78800°2091ou, T Al $4,997 NO CREDIT AT ALL? ' DR FINANCE 2000180200 0521010ES Al AA&A We Buy Junks OU BUICK 15508X5 COMPANY? /' CUSTOM SUELA CLERO INPOIOS APPLY BY PHONE! TIP 00$ P0101 W! or Wie Titles CAR! OOT5OSTC '10,898 ,r'2000mo WE CAN HELP YOU WA OR WAO Cors, T,uoks TITLEXI $50477 2X10 loyola Cor011a 00 Coli Mr. LeoNor Boj CresOS, Sloe' Credi!, REpON, CORNA Trucks 773-610-6313 L U2 TOYOTA tOMMY LE Juotgeme,000 DOtATI TA CRC FOLLO FACTORS '13,724 o,'2691,00 AnO' CORdIIIXO COU PPSA 007401BC WHY BUY 773-905- 4037 10,800,0, Bquipnort I STO II $5,955 2X1000,105110 IC 1-888-833-6412 ALEMON OSPO75U 010yclo, orO OSSA/co 1'O

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Additionaloptions extra. Lessee is responsible for excess wear/tear, t:;- CLASSIC LOVE STORY maintenance and insurance. Subject to early termination penalty Valid three days from publication. Dealer will not honor errors n this advertisement. Not availablewith any previous offers. The Student Prince August 18-28 ' - ' Rodgers & Hart: A Celebration October 2November 6 TONY AWARD WINNER The Secret Garden December 26January 1 SUBSCRIBE Now AND SAVE! S/i op On -L in e A t w w w. in u lier- on da. corns 847-831-4200 2-, 3- and 4-show plans available '.. - .. 5O Swki - Vi.lic,y 16B WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011DIC Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 17 Cemetery Lots Death Notices TEME WARP In Memoriam In Memoriam HOROSCOPES 5 Grave Sites, Chapel Section In Acacia Park Super Crossword Cemetery, 7800 W Irving Park Rd. $1600/each. Cali 847-884-8389 Bernardi, Joseph Ceasar ACROSS 46 James 01 times 3 Fill in 46 MachIne 8 Without For the week ofJwie i - June 7 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE Joseph Ceasar Bernardi, 85, of Dubuque, IA, i Puccini Misery" Dl Chucky, for 4 Circus parts value Memorial Park, Makom Shalom, Annex, formerlyof Chicago and heroine 47 - facto one performer 48 NeIghbor of87 Detect ARIES (March 21 to ApriL 19) Lots of pos- relationships that could develop from this ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE 18 plots, great location, worth $5000, asking $3000, Park Ridge, died May 18, G Keen 1 Part 2 ol 93 Yellowish 5 Reach ll6Down 92Triangle sibitities begin to open up by midweek. Some lucky turn of events. all fees paid. 847-729-0154 or 847-877.3485 2011 in Dubuque. lo Actress remark brown 6 Fowl 49 "Slammin' part seem more appealing than others. But wait In Memoriam Services are private. Lanchester 58 KInd of 95 WWII she feature Sam 94 TennIs SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) born for more facts to emerge (ater on before you Cooney Joseph was 14 8e in darn 97 Room tor 7 Feel sore 50 Bouquet term Some surprises are expected to accompany a December 28, 1925 in charge 59 Ohamars research 8 Wrath 52 Crone consider which to choose. 95 Ignominy number of changes that will continue through Chicago,toJosephand 18 Fully locale 100 Ginnie - 9 Permit 53 Simple life 96 Starch TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Bravo to the General Information Mary (Bulgareill) Bernard!. developed 60 RebOI 101 Friend 10 Act like form source part of next week. At least one could involve a He served with theU.S. determined Bovine. White others might give Funeral Home Concerning The 19 Farm Without a 104 EMÌ's skill Etna 54 Garr of "Mr.97 lt's down in romantic situation. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Marine Corps during WWII, measure Cause 105 Command- 11 Stud site Mom" the mouth up, you continue to search for an5wers. Expect Death Notice Page during which time he was 20 Sag actor ment word 12 Impresario 55 Glasses 98 "- Blue? your Taurean tenacity to begin paying off by SAGI11ARIUS (November 22 to December the ping pong champion of 21 Inspect too 61 Rocker 106 Remarkable Hurok 56 Loser to To Be Worthy of Your Confidence e A paid death notice may be ordered to appear in ('29 song) week's end. 21) You might be upset by some of your cr11- Pavuvu Island. He married closely? Halliwell 108 Talisman 13 italy's- Truman 99 Zoo the Pioneer Press when funeral àrrangements 1949 atSt. ics. But most of your associates continue to Kathryn Mast June 4, 22 Automaton 62 ttan biles110 ealaxy Mountains 57 Big bird attraction GEMINI (May 1 to June 20) You might 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 are made, and must be submitted inwriting. Peter Canislus Catholic Church, 23 Start of a dog," e.g. glitlerer 14 Celeste or 62 Jawaharlals 101 It's tossed have faith in your ability to get the job done, want to consider stepping back from the task Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 Information about charges for death notices may Chicago. He was employed in sales at remark by 63 Myrdal or Ill Buy oft Ian jacket with sauce Baker Paper Company, Oshkosh, WI. Doug Nelsen 112 Writer 15 Tut's turf 63 Bellyache 102 Menotti title at hand for a white. This could help you get a and done welt. be obtained from area funeral directors or by calling better perspective on what you've done and 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Joseph's father was the equipmentmanager for Larson 64 Fall behind Pareisky 16 Maui 64 Terrier character CAPRICORN (December 22 to January19) (847) 998-3400. A 24-hour lax service is offered at the Chicago Cubs, and Joe grew up at Wrigley SlEncore ll3Eridof greeting tether 103 Novelist Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 25Sueof what stilt needs to be done. Field,often helpinghisfather. He had the Lolita exclamation remak 17 Obtuse 65 A Pointer Alisan A workplace goal that suddenly seems out of (847) 486-6836 or death notices may be e-mailed to CANCER (June 21 to JuLy 22) Your keen opportunity to meet many players through the 26Squander 6BFiock llTToo 20 "Light My sister 105 Place tor reach is no problem for the sure-footed Goat, [email protected]. years, including MIckey Mantle, and was an avid 28 Clintons lemale heavy Fire" 66 Uke Notre pots Cancerian insight shoutd hetp you determine who moves steadily forward despite any i An in memoriam or card of thanks may be He was very athletic, and 121 Mix with 107 Striped Cubs and Bears fan. hometown 69 Norm rockers Dame whether a new offer is soLid or just more fluff coached baseball and football in Park Ridge while 29 Woodland 71 Move, with wafer 24 Big bird 69 Early sprinter obstacles placed in his or her way. placed using the same information above. 'n' stuff. The clues are all there, waiting for his son was in school. He also enjoyed playing deIties "about 122 Inexperi- 27 i told you Silts 109 Path RYAN -PARKE i, The deadline for placing a death notice,in 31 Sporting 72 Spanish title enced sol" 70 Baseball 110 Move a bit you to find them. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) tennis doubles with his wile. At age 62, he 74 '. . . sorne123 European 3e Tasty family name 111 Unadorned Uncertainty about who is right and who isn't funeral home memoriam or card of thanks, is Monday at 5:00 pm. became nanny to his granddaughter, Laura after dog LEO (July 23 to August 22) Being ignored is her fathers' death and she was his proudest 34 Manifest curds capital biber 72 MASH" 114 Dundee might keep you from making a clear-cut deci- Photos must me submitted by Monday at 2:00pm. 36 Heredity and - 124 Talk really 31 Wine word Emmy denial difficult for any proud Leo or Leona. But push- accomplishment.He was a sight to see when "Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936" i The death notice department is staffed from dancing with his wife.Joe and Kathryn were letters 75 Tennis pro big 32 Deere winner 115 l-toopsters' ing yourself back into the spotlight might be sion. Wait until you know more about what Retirement...Life Insurance..Wills..But What 37 - kwon do Nastase 125 Away from things 73 Actor org. you're being asked to decide. 8:30 am to 5:00 pin Monday through Saturday and fortunate to travel to Luca, Italy, the birthplace of unwise. Instead, let things work themselves About Funeral Pre-Planning? his grandparents, and to Greece, where her family 38 Antiquity, 77 Ralph of the wind 33 Fesa up Stephen 116 Newark's st out at their own pace. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday. archaically The 126 RIchard of 34 Poet 74 Power unit118 Put away a PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Be Pre-planning is a step that many people overlook when was from. 39 Bom Waltons" inter- lthayyam 76 Urban pastry VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) s A deathnotice,inrnemoriamoracard He will be dearly missed. careful to keep your emotions in check when planning for the future. Knowing that these decisions are his wife, Kathryn, Dubuque; 40 Serpico" 78 Stiller's section" 35 Windmill transport 119 PolIce Trying to uncover a colleague's secret under of thanks may be submittedin person from Survivors include author panner 127 Rocker-Van part 78 Carpenter's hdqrs. dealing with a demanding personal situation. complete ensures that your family won't have this difficult his son, Joseph Constantine (Suzanne) Bernardi, the pretext of showing concern is 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at 41 'The 8D"Appalachian Halan 36 - butler comer 120 Sniggler's You need to set an example ofstrength for task at an emotional time. Dubuque; two daughters, Diane Bernardi and Clementi. Ryan Michael C. Ryan the Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave., Gleriview, IL DonnaBernardi-Jacox,bothofParkRidge; Donkey Spñn" 128 Birth-related41 Actress 79 Usi ender quarry ill-advised. Control your curiosity in order others to follow. Serenade" composer Dunaway al Posifix to avoid raising resentment in the work- 60026. grandchildren, Laura Jacox, Harvard University; composer 84 Part 3 of DOWN 42 Fondness 82 Cover girl Nina Bernard!, Dubuque; and Glana Bernardi, place. BORN THIS WEEK: You have an extra ordi- s Family and friands may visit our website and sign 43 ..- remark I Pitch 44 Printemps Campbell Family owned & operated for over 75 years Dubuque; his brother, John (Gloria)Bernard!, September88 Siamese 2 "Deep follower 83 Poet LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Expect nary ability to rally people to do their best. 120 South Northwest Highway s Park Ridge (847) 8234171 a guest book at Pioneerlocal.com. Arlington Heights; and his sister, Lorraine Herley, ('61 film) 69 Coup d' Space 45 Comic Thomas to hear good news about a loved one. Also, be You would be a treasure as a teacher. Visit our website at wwryan-parke.com Elmhurst. 45 Fire 90 Good Nine" role Elliott 85 Seductive (773) 792-1811 Preceded in death by his parents; son-in-law, prepared for some changes in several family (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. Larry Jacox; sister, Gloria Bernardi; and brother-In- "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 14151617 law, Tom "Tiny" Herley. SUN MEDIA N0WIswi TI-Its iior, usr'' w-r,' oo 'ouos somea A A i Memorials to Smile Train, www.smiletrain.org. E)OOyI4G PE, .Q4OQUITE? Will-I ALI. ThAT TEXUNG? J.T 18 19 20 21 f CAN WE 601YOUR Online condolences at ' ITS3USîSo5PER$ONL.),, ONE? w www.hoffinannschnelderfunera1homes.com. 22 ' 23 24 25 f Sti Çuest Boo&at ww.cñkago!ind6s.com - 28 27 28 29 30 ; *vp. Kritzberg, Harold 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ¿lib 3 ' (()4il :C Harold Kritzberg,born December 26,1927, ? ' *\ ' AL' passed away May 22, 2011; 83 years 41 _%,.___ -. .. --..,-- . -f"'- .'- --.-----..- .- - 38 39 40 42 old. Served in the Navy. Burial at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 'h 20953 W. Hoff Road, Elwood, IL, 60421 at 11:00AM May 27, 2011. Dave T. Phipps 51 52 53 54 55 56 Share your 58 59 60 '( 'iES t4( Ut&DlPI '.lsF? SO4'. Share your ' kind thoughts 61 63 l' -IEFE. 162 -itc LAST Tl-lltJ.' with the family 646565 67 68 69 70 71 Iou Wf9iT i kind thoughts and loved ones You may send 72 73 74 75 76 ot'lI'tP *-1E. with the family i 77 7879 80 81 82 83 of those a death notice to and loved ones 84 I65 86 87 who have deathno tices ,r:- A"Ili&\ ¡J 88 89 90 91 92 of those passed away @pioneerlocal.com 93 95 96 9798 99 100 Find at least six differences in details between panels i who have passed away by signing the online or call 101102103 104 105 108 107 guest book: 108 109 110 111 'J by signing more information i 12 113114 115116 117 118119120 o Limi the online guest book: www. legacy. 121 124 'n

127 128 pioneerlocal.com 125 126 I o'J www.legacy.pioneerlocal.com D(fferences:1.Girls bow is missing. 2. Tackle box is different. 3. Name on boat 4. Worm on PIONEER PREss PÍdÑEER PRESS Answers: Inside today's classified section hook. 5 Birds aremi.ssing. 6. Cloud f.sgone.:' PIornER Piss vote LOCAL SOIlICt YOUR LOCAL SOURCE YOUR LOCAL SOURCE i 8 PIoneer Press (DC) Thursday, May 26, 2011 Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 19

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Call Today Sunday, Our average luit limo drivers pay- bids. operations s (inI data recom- FINANCIAL HAPPY COUPLE LOOKING PLBOTOMISTS. or any dayll check 1551 week was $1,012, pIas Competency with MS Word, Ex- mend suIntions, Identity dvlpmt sp- ChIld Care, Wanted TO ADOPT UsojobCodo 521 benehts.lt ysu didn't make that Cet, and Power Point are needed. porlunitiesprepfielreports & Area blood bank seeks tall-time Must have reliable transportation budgets dsip & onecule finI stral- amount why are you not working eqo OS In Finance, Eco- We have love. IaUghler, oncouraga-center & mabita Phlebotosilula near 1-866-374-8302 with us' We have local, glonal ogles. Adult Care Provider Business for Sale maul and slrong valuas Io share Aurora Wislield, 81gmCrystol or and OTRjs,sltisns available mme- ThIs posilion Is responsible fornomics or closely rel S 5 yrs post- with your baby. 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All ap- Cast. focus S a team player attitude.Our automated system creates onepass a DOT physical and drug Please emaIl resume to: MYSTERY SHOPPERS Olstributorshlps Avail. to work a variable schedule asonnenbergO CARE FOR ELDERLY AVAILABLE. proved expenses psid. Fer more In- for yos-FREEI With en 6-minute screen. To apply, call Ms. Biown Make sp to SISO/dey. I have references and eaperlence. lorrsatlon, please call 868-419-70go req'd. Sac. benefits & career ad- phone call nr use our convenleol ptanoorlocal.00m Financial Services sascement. Resume with cover tel- (877) 219-5270. Shoppers needed to judge Prelerred live in. i don't dnne. LCFS LIc. No. 012998 Ontina Ions, Monster Match can reluit & dining est. Exp. not Call 630-290-9510 1er to: Heartland Blood Cestero, mulch you with emloyers hal are req. 800-$07-3340. Franchise MARJORIE WANTS TO 8E A Altiv HR. Fao: 630-892-4590 hirIng-NO WI CaregIver avaIlable. Coma & Go MOMMYI :) Ready Io adapl, an 6; [email protected]. 60E Help Wanted Full-Time Help Wanted Full-Time Part Time Cashier Wanted. Oak or 24/7 lIve-In. Bast price All Loans race/gender. Call me lull Iree a This FREE servIce Is available 24 Park. 333 Lake Sfreet at Ridgeland. Loo.'s, No Fees. Eng.SpI'cn 855-229-2292 or visit www.msmrny hsurs a day-7-days a wuek andin Seivice Slnfion-No Store. Weekday Bonded/tnsur 708-692-258 Work at Home nlarlsrle.com. God bless. prosonled by Police Officer evenings. Saturday day lime. Apply Sun limes Media. In person. Call 706-383-769714 FIND YOUR PERFECT APARTMENT VILLAGE 0F GRAYSI.AKE Busínèss Opportunity ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. Don't Walt, On lt Todnyl PEPSI & CHEETO COMBO FIND t011O PERFECT PET Mandatory Ortontatton at 7:00 p.m. sharp un Monday, Jane 6, 2011, DON'T NEED li? SEIL IT FAST. MACHINES 59,995. CANDY/TOY at Grayslake Central Hiah School, 400 North Luke Street, Graysluhe, CALI 847-998-3400 IN TUE (LASSIFIEDS ROUTE 53 495, GREAT INCOME Happy Ads Happy Ads HappyAds liiinois ldoors open al 000 p.m.l. Applications and job descnptlons & LOCAT1dNS, 773-297-0400 cus be downloaded from www.viliag,eotgrayslake.conlnews/emplsym enl,html. Application peckaga must be complete ut time of physical eplitude and Wellen examination on Solsrdyy, .1550 11, 201 1 , ut 8:00 am. al the Grayolake North High School (doors open at 7:00 n.m.) Are you Appllcoliss package must include PhysIcian's Fitness Certificate and copies nf Social Secusty Curd, Valid Dsver's License, and Birth Certif cato. made for Equal Opportunity Employer THE GRftYSLAKE POLICE OEPARTMENT :; : with a happy ad Is a ii- ALDI? NATIONALLY ACCREDITED POLICE AGENCY On Thursday, June 2, 2011 0mal FactS we will publish a special classified ad Help Wanted Full-Time Help Wanted Full-Time iien*' Full and ,fr::;.,z feature devoted to Graduates Part Time C a s hie rs Congrats on your SUN1 MEDIA Kindergarten $12.65/Hr AdvertisingAccount Executive itths:a unique person, Someone who's dedicated, Who excels in a Sign Graduation. supported, team-oriented environment And is ready to do what it takes to a guest earn the rewards - like higher wages. generous vactlon time. and greet book,. iies Sus-Times Media seeks as experIenced und successful soles proteo- Love, Mommy & Reid sional fo (ois our Major Relail Accoonl Team. Il you are passionale benefits - that come from a successful career at ALDI. With more than 30 about sales and media and wanf ta work le a last-paced, growth- years in the industry. we are the leading select-assortment grocer and one Orlenfed envirsnmenl, we would like to hear from you. of the largos) lood retailers in the world. with over 4,000 locations. Our U.S. The successful candidate will have Iba opportunity Io work with some growth continuos to explode: we're odding nearly 100 110W atoros every year, and send flow of the largest and rrrosl mopecled advertisers in the United Slates. Ho/she will develop advertising revenue in leading ChIcago regional and wo need more hard-working individuals to be a part of oui- solid family. CongratUlations publications. The Ideal candidate moot have a track record of successful solution- Lupe; o,n. Large size based selling on a national level, eapenance with print and now media HiringEvent producfs end must be willing lo travel Io vlsil clienfu and prospects na- and charitable contribution of 2x3 available fionwide. for our 2 Plainfield stores I-fe/She should possess: (Ridge Road store and Caton Farm Road store) y,uJ ,MaMesJ, . A college degree In advertising, communications, markehng or for $60. related major Wednesday, May25thlam-lpm &4pm-7pm Love . A minimum el five years s! successful B-to-B sales oupenence In a customer-focused company Mom & Dad . Strong Interpersonal und communication skills For opportunilies at both locations apply at , A winning team agitada ALDIFoods P1oER PRESS Resumes wlIh cover latter should be emailed, mailed, or faxed Io the following address: 2301 Route 59. Plainfield, IL VIs1tAWI.us/storejobsfor more information To piace your ad e-mail text and piloto to SunTlmoa Medle aniplete list of t.. Akin: Human Reaources-Malor Retail Requirements: High school diploma/BED. mustbe l8years or olderto apply. [email protected] 350 N Orlaana, les Chicago, IL 60654 must be available to work anytime between bam-lOpm. rotoli exparlene orcall847-998-3400opt.4formore information.Whè)i'- enlllng Fax: (312) 321-2268 Email address: mallto:hreauntlmes,com preferred, drug screening! background check. the ability to lift 45 pounds please include your name, address and a contact phone number in which No phone calla pleaao Benefits: Higher wages Major medical. dental and vision insurance Death Notices and In Mernoriams you may be reached for payment. Deadline iqr ad submission is May 26th . Generous vacation timoPaid holidays 401 (k) NoCells Please. Aldi is an Equal Opportunity Employer at 4:00 p.m. - Sun-TImes MedIa Is an equal opportunIty employer Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 21 - 20 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, May 26, 2011 . Antiques and CollectiblesAntiques and Collectibles Estate Sales Estate Sales Estate Sales MULTI-ESTATES ANTIQUE WE ARE BUYING US A FOREIGN s. BarrIngton Movinn/Eslale Sate. 1 Answers to Super Crossword AUCTIONI SILVER & GOLD COINS LORI REIFMAN Polo Drive. Fri A Sal 5/27 A 28. lO MCMAHON'S BUSINESS&SERVICE D IRECTOR1Tuesday May 31, 3:00 - 10:00 PM 847-373-7199 Io 3 bolh days. FROM PRETtY TO Of Wlnnetka TOSCAWAI,L ELSAHEAD 7232 N. Western Ave., Chgo. [email protected] TRIO LIMITED PRACTICALI Great finds In hIgh-SaL 19-3. Sun li-2. No's 9:30 SeI. Gutters Security Systems Estate Sales of Distinction end crystal, art glass, porceloinu, Wlnnetka- 1120 Ash SI. E. off ADULTACRE DROOPOGL Over 3 Lg. 8MaI00, Plan Arts, Crafts, Hobbies collectibles, dnsignar label clothing, of Hibbard. I bib. N. of WIllow Air Condtloners BUSINESS DIRECTORY Conslgnmental tnctudxa: 2 U.S. 877-835-2009 quality household,homoricer, PIONEER PRESS HOME k BUSINESS SECURITY Gold typo Salo wil 1 and 12 Gold Christmas and so much more. Gracious home offers eclecllo ROBOTTHETROUBLE . LYO Garage Sale Guide cclv - ALARM - CABLING - POS www.lorlrelfmarr.com array Incl. Knoll TulIp tbl & 6 Antiques, CollecUbleS t..)(:L1s1k c;-lrLl LIVE VIEW via PC I Smorlphona CoIns In Each: '00 Discovery II Junet LewIs, Signature 1000 et items. Were unpacking all chrs, George Nelson bench, YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Land Rover SUV' Rare Book Member of the Nalional Park Ridge Estala Sale. 118 N weak so came see what wa fincO. All WAflE HOPENYMPHS Appliances Cleaning GUTTERS INSTALLED Free Quotes: 547-312-0647 Works at James di/ray, Vol. It; Collage Society, will enhibit Eames ottoman, Bruno Melhsson Addreso Thursday FrIday Saturday Sunday x44WThleliôttd2hsotutisns.com Waslam 5126 9 Io 5, 5/27 9 Ia 3 priced lo sell. Sao pin,deteils: xmxwfoldIng tbl, Wlddlcomb Ioveaeat, SPANIEL Arts, Crafts, Hobbles and REPAIRED n Pc. Mahogany Dining Room her collages andnwulry at House packed with old things, Isads.rocoilectiooslld.com. Edwardlsr, armchr, pr. empIre- OVERTDNATAE Apartment & Housecleaning Suite; 4 Pc. Morganlon Mahogany Iha Westminster Art Eahibit, of costume., Photos al SidingSalutFascia Siding Bedroom Suite, Olhar Astique, 3200 GranI St, Oos Calvin style armchrs, fIne occas Ibis A ELD Auctlons 90m to 3pm Sam to 3pm Experienced & References Roof Repairs . Painting junemooncalleclibles.com. clots, Iran A llhr saBea, floral sofa NEE MAAS FA I ML 1335 Valley Rd. & 2100 Stfrling Rd. Alicia 708268-0668 Vistano & Decorativo Furniture: Circle, Evanston, IL on A lounge chrs mId-cent armchrs, Building Material 25 Yr. Pernil Business JOSEPH CONSTRUCTION e Lallqua Pcs.; Lladnos; Walerf sod Saturday Jun04, llam-4pm. . Estate Sales gIrls whIle Bk, old Novelo rug, COME CAN CAAN øichPak HOME DELIGHT, INC. Siding, Windowo Galleon Crystal; Spralling Silver Ball: Other www.lonlawlsaOist.com Estate Sales IPSO C LEAN E D AND S CREEN ED SoIl/I Fascia. F'ree Est ptctoral rug A orIental ruog, trIbal Business Equipment 10816 West FaIrbanks 7:30am to 4pm 7:30am to 4pm Cleunlng Servlco. DetoiI Silver llama: Lg. Erta PrInt: Lg. erIlIaclu, prinls, WWt poslers w i 10% oit SUMMER JOBSI Wood Buddha Fmsre (Very 0101; THHR E E DAYWE E K END Oriented, Atfordabia, 15 Yrs. Exp. Pacer Watt/flu TonItoot PrIces Is TossI 773.el43733 19th C. Auetrlen tazza Clothing, Furs 1140 Ten PIn Lone 9am to 3pm 9om to 3pm lnafBonded Exc. Rats. 847-253-1822 2 Antq. Slag Gloss lamps; Electronics, Accessories TRIO'S MUNDELEIN MANSION Blaokemoor figs, pr. ietlr o. STEAMER 312-n8111009 773B252676 Victorian Floral Oispluy in Doms YEMENMINEO Electronics, Accessories i 0454 W Boirstow Ave Barn to 5pm Sam to 5pm Samto 5pm 8am to 5pm Case: Antq. Clocks' Laudad Glosa SAT 28 MAY 1O:3OAM-430PM i. SUN 29 MAY 12-4PM crIcket lamps, French iardlnlère, Handyman Tiling WANTED HOME STEREO WMF epergne, ceramIca, GEA I NEWS GUNNAR Windows; Odantal I1lags A Chivase 26720 COUNTRYSIDE LAKE DR, MUNDELEIN glass, miso. Estate Sales Circle ThIs! IF YOU NEED A MAN TO LEND MR. GROUT 847-359-4156 Art Deco Russ; Oil Paintings A Equip. A Records, 335-455-755 RI 41 lo 60 W to RI 83, then N/N to Midlothlan, www,mcmal,onaeaeatoaales,cam 95m to 4pm 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm A HELPING HAND REPAIR CAULK Prints sorno Listad: WWI Poslars: , Will pick.up Cash LAGBISEWEPARGAD Exercise Equipment 5414 N Linder Cali FIxBusTEns - Jeff BATHROOM REMODELS Oid bous; Upper Deck Michael 847-266-0190 then LW fo Countryside Lake, thon R Io lis on L ad street. 6325 N. Hiawatha 8:30am to 4pm 847-729-4881 C: 847-431-0959 TILE/MARBLE INSTALLS Jordan Autogrophad Bali & Jarsay, PrIt ad you come In on A do not block driveways. Sat it's lOAM. NEW TRIER SALES i L SENORA WHEY lE Farm and Gardening EUROPEAN CRAFTSMAN Musical lvstrumnnts; Also, Many Estate Sales SHOP THIS SPECTACULAR LAKESIDE HOME Clarondan nnts: Polish CleanIng Lady Hauling Beaulitul Gold Rings w(Dlamonos, 667 SherIdan Rd., Wlnnetka WAITE'MEARA Farm Equipment Tree Service Rubies, Sapphires etc.' Gold A Furs incld: Bob Timberlake ter Lexington Hm: bedrm sel + pedestalSat. May 28, 9-2:30, 8 's 8:30 COPLAND 5701 Clarendon Hills rd Sam to 4pm Sam to 4pm Algonquin Eslals Sale, 1037 desk, map IbI A barrisler'o bkcs; Uoyd Flanders porch: Post Mod Firewood References upon request. Diamond Bracelalu; i'aart InteriochI. Th-Sat May 26-2e, House on the Lako - All Goes I STHATi TTURNSTUESDAY DôäàiT Call todayl 847-852-9574 RED'S HAULING SERVICE ARBOR TECH Necklaces: Costume Jewelry' Coinsle-4. Antique tumiture, collectibles, style Cano cabs, sofas, lounge Obra & Ibis: Otfice credenza See oslalosales.nel for mb Flea Markets Comploto Clean out Service Treo Removai & Trimming inc. Many Uno. & Hi Gradeilver onentul rugs, misc. Tivoli Garden lAstra signd pyramid tIri; wickr elogeres; pr fulled Wir wing cloro THA I ETAT UPS DOLL i 526 Crown Ave 9am to 3pm Family owned tor over 50 years Stump Gdndinq Momas A Pauco Douars; Other Estate Sales, 847-01 2-5335 kids bunk bed set. Carpots acId: Orientais. Fine A Doc Art Incld Food, Produce Computer Service 847-400-4860 Cati 708-654-0236 U.S. A Foreign Ceins; Morel... colI of Rizal 3-D, Agamogarm' Prescott kivotìc metal scalp' Pote NEW TRIER SALES Evanston . Over 700 Lob in ali, Most Sold Highland Park, Max pnlg; FA prints by' Mcfnlghf, Kootabi, French; R Williams Estabo seles-Anlqs.. . CAMEL STLO LAB MAE COMPUTER PRODLEMS? Barbara's Absolulo Furniture Friendly, exp. proVI cornos lo WWW.I4OAR0ERCLEANOUTS.COM with Na Rasewesl pntg; Batty Goop sonco1; studio pottery vessel. Jewelry incld: Fn Art, 50'v DesIgner Furti. 2505 Greeley Ava. lOam to 3pm lOam to 3pm MAJOR MESS TRASH esidential & Commercia Estale Sales our speclolly.Ghnrlliea, PALCPB SHALT AMAZ I NG your door to help. Jon Byrd Fully InsuredFree Estimates Mey 20 A 27, 0.5 gold w/semi & precioua alones A fashion pieces. Toblofop irrcld: a Giveaways 637 SherIdan Square Sam to 3pm Barn to 3pm (700)a34-4335. www.bilh.blz CLEANOUTSI 25 VRS. EXP. PrevIew: Mon. May 30, very large call o? glass A crystal meld pos by: Watorford, Lenox, Clean-up avallablo. 24-7 SVC 847-338-0588 Gustily Work 3:30-7:30 11M A May 28, 8-12 Walter - 847-471-7333 AMULET STAR BR i BE Horses PiìMfln Puji Tree tnmmlng . Tree removal I Hour Botare Sels. 2018 Linden Ava. Orretors + Nambe; full kifchan. Also: Anfq cash register, loads Concrete Landscaping Slump Gnnding Full Listing & Photos et: Fumiiure, artwork, glassware, moro boro. And be soro to view the inhouso movie thealert SARA ØTOMONDAY OBESE Jewelry 2908 Calwagnur 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm Firewood S Mulch Avail. www.directauction.com ceppar, books-many lut editions, We look forword Io seeing you @ this fubulous sotol Nyce Things CONCRETE. ETC. ALWAYS CuTTING LAWN 10% ate wIth lobs over $500 Seeking Quality Estalas linens, salesman sample trunks, For photos & more details visIt estatesales.net Lawn, Garden Equipment OInv1w ' THIN NAIVE BERN ORATE Onvesatios. lepo.sr Ir SERVICE Clean-Ups A Conslrtnrnxnlsi vintago furs, full household. Estate Sales Weekly Servtca, AeratIon Vow aslulasales not PHYLLIS REIFMAN Machinery, Tools 2400 Chestnut Ave Sam to 3pm 9am to 3pm Sam to 3pm Escavotlsn.Remsvul DIRECT AUCTION GALLERIES Carol 847-431-5464 ALEE.GERE ALEX NATAL Foundation Cracks FertIlIzIng 847-361.9522 Tuckpointing 773-465-3300 TRIO HOUSE SALES 847-432-3770 nycethgsl @comcast.net Medical Equipment 935 Queens Ln. 9am to 3pm Sarn to 3pm Waterprootrxg pAUL'S LANDSCAPING Storm Drolvo.e Concrele/BrickPwalkwoys/Petros! Park Ridge Estala Sala. 627 S. Misc. Merchandise Retaining Wails/Trees & Skrubs/ 1-773-282-2332 847-376-0212 Gralak Concrete . Tuckpolnllng Home 5/27 8 5/28 9 ta 3. Oid home Musical instruments 37372 North ShIrley Sam to 5pm SlsnelSod'MulchlOrainoge with antiques,collectibles,peint- RE. ROHDE & SONS 15+ Yrs Exp 847-736-6699 WaterproofIng Ingo, lots moral Photas at Office Furniture COMPLETE CONCRETE SERVICES Painting-Decorating. Steps Chlmneya - GARAGE SALES luvemooncolbecubias.com 559 Judson 9am to 6pm Sam to 4pm lOom to 2pm FREE ESTIMATES www.graIokconcreIe.com SCHAUMBERG 2176 Frost Rd. Man Search the homes network wfth the local edge Resale Shops LIcensxdBonded-lnsurxd 1-847-299-10051-847- 222-0589 May 3Orh, N000'5. 6BR Haase. Ail Snow Removal Equipment - : 708-453-7753 847-678-4120 Al FRITZ & SON PAINTING 1-847-679-7660 Garage Sales , Garage Sales Gagé.Sales house items. Art, othce equip, Mo- tnt/Ext Free Est. Wallpaper Garage Sales torcycis trailers and many misc SAC-ICHICAGO.COM/HOPV1S 7th and Elm lOam to 2pm 80m to 12pm NEIHAUS CONSTRUCTION Gianviaw HUGE MOVING SALEMORTON GROVE - 9028 NorthPARK RIDGE 1409 Wast Talcottitems. i-loi Dogs and Drinks avail. Sporting Goods Construction-Remodeling Generai Conlrectors - 29 Vra. 938 Queens Lone Fnday May 27thMeado Ayo, Frl 5/27 0 Sal 5/28Rd, Saturday May Path, eam-Opm. 409 S. Monroe 90m to 12pm A. SANCHEZ BANNOCKBURN 2 Naighbarin Swap, Trade 1-Ml-679-7860 Deck Malatenonce, BrIck Pacers, Fumilies: 1335 Vallay Rd & 210 & Sat 28th Oam.3pm. Furniture,nam-Spm. Household dams, COO,Fumitere, color TV, oak cabinet Furniture and the most rental listings ¡n Chícagoland. I_* orju Repaira, Pmsouro Wash. Insured, 1-847-724-5600 StirlivO Rd May 27th A 28th, 95.3g.hausehold items, chiidoans clothingOVOs, clothing, kids lamo & muchfreezer,worsens bike,several Swimming Pools, Supplies NEIHAUS CONSTRUCTION 847-336.2381 or 224.715-2600 Household ilems, baanies, toolsA much morel morel household items, A clolhing Convertible twin bank beds: solid 1610 W 55th St 9am to 4pm loam to 1pm General Contractera - au Vra. 1-773-307-2332 artwork, turn. aortiques, ski gearGURNEE 37372 Norlh Shirley DrMorton Grava1 Moving Sale. 9123ParIr Ridge 300 N. Dee Rd. (andwood construction, mncludiag ladder Tickets KnNNEDY BROTHERS HPS INTERIOR PAINTING EDMAR, INC. purses, camera, game Systeme. Ist Delaney and Mayer, 1daysOriolo Ave. Fnday & Saturday MayElm SII 5/27-2e, FrI Sa-3p, Sal 9a-light color, convsrts to twin beds il CONSTRUCTION LaGranvo, IL 05ml Work, Good Resume, saieSat.5/28 gam-5pm Maki-27 A 28, 8.lpm. Snow blower.Noes. Poker Table, Toys.needed, aecallant corrdilloo, $200 Wanted to Buy 60525, Pb: 75u7t7-8148. Fax Good Retorencos, Gsod Insurance. BEACH PARK Gi0anticmovingfsmily evaryltring mast go, Stamps,loots, household items, etc. Collectibles,telescope,bike,iceor best 011er, 847602-4464 850 Carlyle CIrcle lOam to 4pm lOam to 4pm 708-383-744e Tuckpolnting.Masonry 7vo-s7a.004u. Complole Remsdailrg, sola. May 25 - May 30 from 90m.Fum. Household, alO. skates, electric guitar A much moral DOWNSIZING Adddians Rosisruvons, Bsxelrrenrs, C. CELINSKI Tuckpolnttng ta 3p.m. 1140 Ten Pin Lane In MORTON GROVE Moving Sale. Antiques and Collectibles LFk! Brick Work. Pressuro Wash, Tawes Fairs Eslales loll Beach hd)GURNEE Seeburg Jukebox, ant-Sut. May 21 10-3. 8825 Moody, in-Park RIdge, KIwanIs Garage Sale. 3 Sotas: I leather 84 Marshoil Kilciravs baths, Decks, New Hamos. KASAL quo dressers, retro awolly, old LPs,eluding lurnitare. artwork, cryslol,826 S Prospect Ava, FrIday A Sat- Fields: t 84 Drenel beige: t 9W 481 LexIngton Eren Esdmolos. Ucensed & Insured. Walls A ChImneys SEARCHcHcAG homes 90m to 2pm Sam to 2pm Painting & Decorating Repslr/Rebullt, Untel Bauch Park HUGE Multi-Family.neon signs. antique display casos,and lolo of miscellaneous llame.urday, May 27 A 28, 9-4pm. Furet-loupe D. Edmunds Interiors, Brass Collectors Corner Mall Interior I Estertor Occupied Japan, gurnball machine.Sae Eslataselos.nel lar details. Lamp 24 h, 7' w, red lacquer camy ljtó. .... Replacement Fam, Riding mower, Marblo turo, toys, deocrallona, mIsc, etc. 901 Rldqe Rd Wilmetto, IL Decks and Patios Painting & Wallpoporing wagon, scooters, vintage clothing, Chinese Chasl wilh 54 a 10 112 o B47-25-1138 LIc.Ins. Free Est. labia/chaIrs, play table, Griil,TV's, Perk RIdge. MovIng Sale, Amber PraIrIe Or Wall WashIng 947-724-5448773-282-9495 Stereo's, Clothes 10016 W. Fair-kOchen items,perfumehollies. 25, Moroccan cog, hand kno5od, * * * SPRING SALEI * * * 90m to 4pm 90m to 4pm DECKS & PORCH 2451 Lawson Bind, Sal. May 28 bQ, 1535 PotIer Rd. Friday-Saturday aqua dominant color, 7a10. MAY 1-31ST. 10-50% Oft On REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES COAST TO COAST CO. banks May 27 & 28 7:30-4 May 27th-28lh, 9am-3pm. Curiocabmnetl3x2l li2w&l1 Doug: 708-453.5921 Item 9-4 Selected Items nd Dealers. Call Steve (630)968-5593 TuckpolntingBrickwork BEACH PAPI< MUST SEE GEN lYs, furnIture, clothes, deep. McDownli desk, stainless lop, Co11708-712-1743 Chimneys Glass Block Wind HIGHLAND PARK Friday, June 3rd Jis mIsc Items, treadmIll. 2485 Heron Dr Tom to 5pm 70m to 5pm 7am to 5pm TLV USED ITEMS AT GOOD PRI-(9.5), Sal June 41k 19-4) A Sun, 40_ u 31 w, 700-246-4470 Plumbers - Licensed All Typos of Masonry Work CES THAT MUST Gol BABY Mount rospecllalsN AK 'RPARK RIDGE Moving Sale. 807 Màhi Drywall Free EsIILlcItns 847-438-0165 Juno 5th 110-21. Bikes, electronics, SAT 5/28 - MON 5/30 eam-3prrr Wanes Buy A Bed? Save BIG SSS. items; Electronics' designar pumas:merr & womavs clolhing, tumiluro A Clothing, Dishware Electronics. Syiviawood. Sal. May 25 only.8 PiIlsw Teps-Pluuh-Firm Models on AFFORDABLE REPAIRS hedgari many ktcli items orinar set: ars-2 p.m. Moving Saie.I'(osse- 2555 Roberto Ave 9am to 5pm Sam to 5pm NC'S WALt. WORKS accesoonos, sports equip. bedo A Small Famiture, Coilecliblos, Lots Display NEWIII Cloud Like Memory Repair/All Phases of Orywall By RetIred Plumber HAWK MASONRY 73 MustangFri/Sal Sam.SpmmoInesses, books A antiques. ayo el Misc llame. held itemsaiore. Foam Beds AS SEEN ON TV lar MoflonGvc Fully Insured LIC. 8 055-020762 Bnck & Chimney Repair 10438 W. Illinois Ave Ecach Park THOUSANDS LESSI For REALI 847-297-6441 cell o47-4l45471 Celi 705-814.8755 847-674-1584 Judsen. Iblock N. et Rogar Wil-Mundeiein 1935 Victona Rd - MayPLEASANT PRAIRIE 3383 125TH A Rebuilds Tackpoinling lisons - 1 block E. St Johns st Thu 5/28 - Sat 5/20 8aSp HagaNew in Plastic, Warranlied, can de- . 27 & 28 9.00-5:00 Toddler clothes e e 9123 OrIole Ave Sam to 1pm Samts 1pm Electrical i_P.m. PLUMBING Chemical Civanisg Beach Park, Rummage Sala, solaI Familuro, Anliquns, Very sirsliver, call nie 547.421-4449 cc oc- ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS Free Est, 847-3952305 10454 W EuirsloW Ave. Thursday- a toys, double stroller, women's captad 9044 Meada Ave. Sam to 3pm Sunday May 26li.26th, eam.Spm. cluthes and shoes, vaneas house-clothing, Household lema, Jewelry, Sam to 3pm AN EXPO. ELECTRICIAN BIG or small Reasonable Tools, Automotive Parts + Morel 9028 N. Meada Ave. Free Est- LIc M'Li 5497174332 Clolhlng, Isolo, liohing equipmnnl, hold items including dishes blan- Lawnand Garden Equip. 9am to 5pm 9am to 5pm Looking tor sido work. No jab estiques. diohvo. OUIQSALE kats, piOlaras. Iaeascripl.yoid(0): RIVER FOREST 7209 Lemoyne IDO bior small. FREE ESTI 647-516-0300 - uno Moving Sala. Twin Bed wi Mount Prospact NILES 7851 NORA AVE. Pkwy Frl 5/27-Sat 5/2e, 9am-dpm,HOSTAS rare, eucaptmooat mature, e47-n4-lou4 VIsa/MCIAmeo .MIKWAY Chicago TOih Annaal Area Sola, matching drassar, Jenny Lind crib colleclibles, childrens clothes, high- polled. Summer Breeze, duardian s & D SEWER und chansing tabla, holiday irama,May 27th and May 28th 1815 N Park Dr 9am to 3pm Sam to 3pm & PLUMBING Brlckwork/TuCkpointing 22 Garagns - Fn, Sat, Sun 9um-4pm, Bedroom furnIture, chair, kitchen, glassware, paintings, Angel, Touch of Class, Great Schneider National is hiring drivers in your Fencing May 27'29. Oam-4pm books,gTassware,Halloween A bm, eleclrenics, record aibums Expectations, Savon, Jans, Electric rod main lina & mais sink 5300-5000 N Central - Luna - Christmas decor, kids toys, linens,sportIng goads, toys lina, clean & deodonza catch basin 847-965-2146 and much moral RIVER FOREST Aztec Treasure eSO'32S-06e5 A-1 FENCE INC. al mlkway.com Usdar- Long-Lotus -Lynch VHS topas, tos much lo list 5441 area! From muftipe Dethcated accounts 8122 N Ozark 9am to 5pm 9am to 5pm Now & Repair-All Types $140 compi. plumbing repair. Woodland Avenue Western SpringsN/as 8122 N Ozark. 5/27-28, 9- 746 Monroe Ave. Medical Equipment 70e-452-1210 Licenso U 56150441 Chicago, 300B N Ponliac l3O0 W -. Friday, May 27 e - 1pm and Salar-5pm Bmwoe -Bondie -Bargain -Ba Saturday, May 28th, 7551 Nora Ave 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm Thurs'Mns 5/26-30 9-4pm. 3 Farn -day, May 2, o - Noon Dinette/Polls Tables, BikesLe - 9sm-2pm. providing predictab'e schedu'es and BRECKENRIDGE FENCE 708-780-1671 Window Cleaning. Great bargalnal Celonconcer sell scraaving tesI ad NorTJdge ly Garage Sala. Ñaw and UsedLo Grange Moving Salo. 1610 Wders, Scaflold, Victrola, FislVilaplilo [email protected] www.00lo Chain, Link & Wood Fences ilerns,Clean Anasanabla Prices.55thSt. uturday 5/28,9-4pm.Tanks, Bambou Fly Fishing Rods,SCHILLER PK MOVING SALE.care.as9eltir000m SlWpack of 3 weekly home time to ntermoda positions 4342 N Overkill Ave 9am to 4pm 9am to 4pm Sam to 4pm InstallatIon & Repairs Roofing Rain or Shine. No Junkl Sunday 5/29, 10-lpm. Pool tableFanion Glass EVERYTHING MUST GDIIII 10041lest. For info 630-271-1866 Easy to antiques, large screened TVs, lotsNorridge, MultI-Family Solo. 4342 NAGATITE AVE 547.6713405 5/27do. Ovar 50000 die/year lo USA. Nthbãk ...:: BEST PRICES 847-729-5137 Chicago/Edgebrook Saio.Keudg, a 5/28 9AM - 5PM EVERYTHING MIKE'S whiteboardutiiily cart. craft itemset ilemsi Everythinçi Must 00111 Overkill Ave. Friday-Sunday, May offering weekly and daHy home time to Fix ur Fence 27, 28 A 29. gam-4pm Tools cloth-YOU FIND IN A HOMEI Misc. Merchandise 2344 Greenvlow Rd Sam to 4pm Sum to 4pm WINDOW CLEANING old Electrodes, edo A adult clolhas,LAKE BLUFF - 850 Cadvje Circle Repairs & Reutoralions. Why buy lumiture, books much misc. 3 tom.locatari in Tannlay Oaks. Frl A Sating, housewares, ottica equipmentSE Hinsdale. 7th and Elm. Fn 5/27, Chorboilar 3 Bumer/ Sido Bum- Tanker positions offering 6 days off per $àfljo now? Let us fix your oid. dent PowerWash Guter Cleaning 6835 Mendsta Al/Sal 0-4 5/27 A 28, løam-4pm. Desk, chairs a miscellaneous. 10-2pm, Sat 5/28, e-l2pm. Waath. Free Estimates 847-220-4349 er Permilting.MIn. Bike, Liqhfing,er Gas Gnll-$130.Outslde Ta- 315 East Lemoyne Free Est. 847-296-3089 household,vintagechina,tools,NORTHBROOK MOVING SALE bIo, AIWA Compact Disc Stereo month that you schedule, you choose Sam to 5pm 8um to 6pm Sam to 5pm Con(ruction CHICAGO Garage Sale, 6325 Ncomputer parts. adult clolhes. 2344 GREENVIEW RD. Saturday,Kids clothes, toys, Gear, Sports Garage Doors, Openers Hiawatha. Ixisy 281k, 8:30-4pm. Fur. May 28th, Oam-4pm, Sunday, Equip and Morel No Early Birotsl System, Call 847-630-2360 siluro, housewsres, kids statt, andLabo Forest. 40 WashIngton CIr. "The Roofing Specialist?' 551 5/28 FurnIture,May 29th, Oam-.lpm. Skokie, 5040 Stummel, Frl & SatGlenetaw Movinq Sale, , 1035 South Harvey Ave FOREST DOOR CO. larga selection of plants. 9-3pm. NO EARLY BIRDSI Cash onlyl the job that best meets your needs. 9am to 3pm Garage Doors & Openers Womans lolhlng, Shoes, Pur- 5/27 & 5/28, 9a-3p. Household, hoI-call 847-508-5790 Sales Semine InstallatIon www.exceilontroots.com CLARENDON HILLS, River of Litoses,MlscallsnaoushouseholdNORTHLAKE MOVING SALE iday, kids temo, uhren, electronicsbetween Tam-4pm. ?1oRIde Items, SomethIng tor Everyone. 315 EAST LEMOYNE, a costume Jewelry. No early birdslFurniture and clothes. 70e-652-9405 830-9es-9416 FREE ESTIMATES Church 5701 Claresdon Hills Rd. Something tor ecerybodyl 111 S Lincoln Ave 9am to 3pm ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Fri 5/27 MAY 27, 28, 29 & 35th, 8um-5pm Sam to 12pm , Stop in and see what fits best for you! ResidentialCommercial Tools, lumiture, hnusalìold goods,SIÇOKIE MOVING SALE 5007 W. Musical instruments 826 S Prospect Ave A Sul 5/2e eum-4pm. Variate of LAKE FOREST BIgMatIt- 9am to 4pm Sam to 4pm TEAR-OFFS REROOFS REPAIR FIND MORE items innI. Fam, Clothes, Applian' famIly Salut 481LexIngton Salmon tishing gear. Fargo Ano. 5/20-29 SatiSun San,- 1317 S. Delphla Ave ces, Tools, Toys and Much Maraili (1w. oIt Wsukugsn on Enerything mast gol 3pm. Sola, lsvaseot, BR sal wO 90m to 4pm 90m to 4pm e FLAT ROOFS CEDAR SHINGLES Doerpelh, W. to Levtnqlon) dressers, DR sell lamps, desks, co- 1325 5. Ashland Ave. SUBSCRIBE TO THE OAK PARK GARAGE SALEI Sam to 3pm Sam to 3pm ASPI4ALTSHINGLES SIDING Deertleld, Movlag Sale, 5W-28, 9-2, Adult/KId 1035 Soulh Harvey Ave. na & filin9 cabinets,tas, tools, 1526 CroWe Ave, Salurday clolhoa,toys,homegoods, Salurday, June 4th 6 lllh, dishes, palio turn, gell, lays 1108 S Homlin 9am to 5pm LOCAL JOBS May 28fb, 9om-3pm. Sum to 5pm CHICAGO SUN-TIMES SKYLIGHTS GUTTERS furnIture A morel Oam-3pm. Clsthion, lurnituro, SKOKIE Yard Sale Friday MayPIANO 1911 o mannuprirtht, Schneider also has Van 1535 PotIer Rd Lela ot household Items, epplluaces and onice equlpmenl 9am to 3pm 90m io 3pm A1.L WORK GUARANTEED toys, clathes, everythIng, 27th, 28th, A 211th. 9a-4p. 4955 Leobeautiful condition, beautilul detail, i 409 West Talcott Rd. TODAY CALI Lake Forest Garage Seta al 709Oak Park, Multi.Family Salol 134 NSIreel. Kids toys, tools householddark walnul, asking $1500. Pieuse Sam to 6pm EVANSTON - 2505 Grealey Ava. Beverly Pisco, Fri., June 3rd, 9amCapter, Saturday Muy 28, 7:30am-stall, china, etc. Something Ion ev-call 630-330-7514 (RegonaI, OTR and Team) 630-782-9736 AT erpenel PuíeaktÇ 1.800E.680.2068 OR Friday and Saturday Man 27th 3pm A Sat., Juno 41k, Oam-Iriaon 12:30pm. Toas of clolhlng lot all, Piano, 5 yxar old Steinway piasa, and'May 2alh, loam - 3pm. Ouldoor & Indoor Furniture Chinahousehold itemskids items. Too 3383 125th St. 8am to 5pm Sam to 5pm 630-964-8708 WAUKEGAN 2716 Mohawk Rd,Crown Jewel collection, 52 inch ver- openings ¡n your area 8am to 5pm PIONEERLOCALCOMONSTIR House full at retro and 4Go end Electronics, Bikes A Much 11oraiil mach la menlionlll FrIday 5/27-Saturday 5128, 8am-licol,tradilional,walnut,pnuiine $koiI VISIT SUNTIMES.COM LICENSED BONDED INSURED 500 lurnilure. Lake Villa 959 E Amber Prairie C 4pm, baby clulheslloya, furnIturecondition, $27,000. 630-279'6505 Fri 5/27 A Sal 5/25 9a-4p Jest E o A much morel 4955 Lee Street EVANSTON 637 Sheridan Square. Park RIdge, 1109 S Hamfln. Frl A 90m to 4pm 9am to 4pm 90m to 4pm Rl 83 A Hook Dr. BR Fumitaro, Ap Waukogao, Huge GarageSalol Office Furniture Fri-Sal, Ma.y 27-2e eam'Spm. Mon-piiaocas, Clothes, Tees Manras505,Sal, May 27 5 25, 9-5pm. Don't 5007 W. Purgo Ave. ing Salai Toys, T'Va. aloe., trailer 35766 Oarnck, 3 blocks East ofMISC ITEMS. Conference table 9am to 3pm 9am to 3pm Escarsizo Equip and Much Morel mIss thIs huge multI-famIly salaIGreenbay Rd. Fnday & Saturday, NATIONAL 5040 Brurumel equIp, camp, Ort, tools, the strunge Greet sluff at very low prlcesl wIth 6 chairs, Hort U-Shape work- Sam to 3pm Sam to 3pm A naotici 2 heated gar. tall et stuIIF LINDENI-IURST ESTATE SALE SomethIng lar everyonel May 27 n, 28 9-Spm. Clathas, lopsstatIon,filecabInets desks, waikaêun SAY ti iN THE TO PLACE A Evvrtthisrr must crol a much moralll bookshelves. Lake BIufL Call for FRANKLIN PARK Hagh2485 HERON DR May 27, 28 undPARK RIDGE Wiirvatle Moviog Sala--All must gol.prIce Inbarmetten. 547-234-8880. 35766 Gorrlck SUBSCRIBE Garage/Yard Salo Looking for Bar-29, 7am-5pm. Farnilure. household 9am to 5pm Sam to 5pm I 1 1 S Lincoln Ave. Downsizing largo household Fumi- CLASSIFIEDS, CLASSIFIED AD, gains? Do your Holiday Shopping itoms, knlckknacks & much morel Fri 5127 9a'3p a Sal 5/28 eu-noon. turo, household loins. Sun & Mon, Wanted to Buy Wopio hksg)New&Usad.VerietyMisc.iterns- Metroso Park, 221e Maahelm Rd.Baby toys, clolhas and May 29 A 30. 9-5. 529 Kin Court,. househoid,yard,olc... Sat-Sun 5/2e- much miscelianeousl IBUYOLD 3951 Forest Ave TODAY CALL 29 9a-4p aeon Calwugner Thurs-Sal, May 28-28, l0sm8pm. Trains Lionel Arnoncan Flyer 11am to 5pm 11am to 5pm FurnIture, applIances, beds, Winnolku PRE-ESTATE SALEI Vin. Oid barbie bells, Ql Joe5, R 5441 Woodland Avenue CALL CALL more.Ev. AR A 80m to 1pm 8am to 12pm GARAGE SALE For Relay for Lito.clothes A muet,, muoh Park Ridon 1317 5. Detphia Avelage treasures, beaulilul decoralive and Old Toys. I i .800680.2068 730 Lindes Ayo., Wilmalla. Sanday,erylhlng must qot 847-514-6099 Drosser, King Bed Frame, Side To.1150,5, high-quality hsahold 005ds, I pay cash. Call 630-24e-3222 May 291h eam-3pm. Ail ProceedsMetross Park. 2555 N RobeRabies Sofa, Otlarvan, Black Leathercoilecliblos,arlwark, alhnic arttocts, 730 LInden Ave. 847-998-3400 847-998-3400 will gp to Relay for Lito, the Amori-Ave. FrI/Sat 5127-28, 9-5pm. LotsChoir, ColleyTable Joningchina,sporting goods elc1162 80m to 3pm can Concur Society. 01 Clothes, General MerchandIse,Stmllaru, Outdoor Toys dat/San 9.4Tower Rd. Fri. 9:30-3 Sal. 9:30-2 - 529 KIn Court OR VISIT Toots, KIng Sloe Bedroom Sel, I- s. s. 9am to 5pm TO PLACE OR VISIT Glonviaw. Fri/set 9-4, 1445end lamps. Stand up freezer. PARK RIDGE 1325 Soalh Ashland Koywoud by Luke and Wegner. Ave. Fvday 5/27 eam-3pm and Sut-Zion, 2 Family Garage SuIe. 1902 FIND YOUR PERFECT Household collectibles, parannlals,Morton Oroya Memorial Oay Multi- Joppa Ave (irr the allay). Saturday 1162 Tower Road PIONEERLOCAI.COM PIOHEERi.00IILCOM/tI.ASS(FIEDS urday 5/2e eam-4pm. Sawing ma-5/28 A Sunday 5/29 e:300m-dpm. a 9:30am to 3pm 9:30am to 2pm YOUR AD videos and CD's, Glasowura, Slrol-Iumiiy soin 5/30 Kid-stall: bike, toychine, outdoor lire pit, space healer, . :1. 44.. B. s s ziuí ..::...... er, Eesla, Dlhar Good Statt. kitchen. clothes, moro. 9am-l2pm.games, loIs of nIco stulf. Women's & men's clothino, lots et PET IN THE CLASSIFIEDS No eadybirds. 6642 Caliis Ava mis5allanaous items. Paced lo selll 1902 Joppa Ave 8:30am to 4pm 8:30am to 4pm 22 PIoneer Press (DC) Thursday, May 26, 2011 Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 23 Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Apartments, Unfurn'd. Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est. PETS Cook County Chgo. N. Cook County- Chgo. S.Cook County - Suburban Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est. LINCOLNWOOD Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales.Real Est. GLENCOB Cute, cozy & clean, 2Chicago 11934 S Wallace. MastELMWOOD PARK 2439 77th Ava. 91(010E SKOKIE BR apt, I bath, parking. Close toSee AptI gateO 38R, IBA, 2nd Ir,3 bedroom 1.5 balh. Near Iranspor- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY Cats IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION bench, park S public transportatIon.h,dwd tIra, endonad S bkyd patio,talion. Available immediately. NEW LTING Houses DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISIDN BUFFALO GROVE $1000 heat Inc. Call 847-564-5887rear prkg. $750/ida seo dep. TenantSi 100/month. 709-452-7247 HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR BANKUNITED, F58 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Dogs I-Fr- MORTGAGEIT, INC. WELLS FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION, MORT- Plaletith, pays allIs. Archie, 773-430.3441 _,,(J,tcGaw YMCA Townhomes Plaintiht, COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION PARK RIDGE831-651 Busse Elmwoocl Park, 3 bedroom, 2 balh, Harwood Heights, Harlem and GAGE ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW Mßc. Pets Chicago, 85th 5 Carpenter, Two 2$1400/month includes heut 2 bed- EVANSTON Reams for Men 2008-ARI IOR PEYSAKHOVICH, al al lBdrm, iSath. AvaIlable tmmed, Lawrence, 2 bedroom apartment, wimald service, daily S weekly rares: Condos, Lofts /I.AN GEORGE, eh el YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWALT, Near Metra S Shopping $745/mobedrooms, remodeled, paInted, car-room, I bath. $550/month Includes lut Ilsor, avallablajune ist, Pleinlill, Deten/ant INC. ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-S4CB MORTGAGE PASS- 5h31 S sp Includes useol Bosuti ut 3 BR, 3,5 bath two story Datan/ant Dogs McLennan 847-825-0011 petad, $775/mo -a sec. Heat S appt.heat. Available 6/1. 708-509-7511 no pets. 708-45e-5391 Duplex 08 CH 40111 THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-54CO3 Included. Ms. Craig (773 947-0749 lacililios: call Ihn Y tor availability. localad In Munster school district. 10 CH 012327 biHAl SMALBERGHER, et al NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- EVANSTON Highland Park 2BR, Ist hoot, 1009 Grove 847-475-7400 - vet 214 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- Plainlill, SKOKIE - 4901-15 Craln L.ovety Itt Open Houses Ltslad tar $365000 219-934-0555 - D0c30 AHENTINO Pups, Chicago, Brorizeville, lutItoor, 3 all electric clase lo town and train, suenl to a Judgmnnl nl Foreclosure and Sale entered In thu above Dotandanl suent Io a Jodgrnenb st Foroclosare and Sale entered in Ihe above UKC reg, Champ ines, show 2ER tor $865 AvaIlable Nowttbedroom apartment heat and cook- www.buyowrrer.csss/CH117099 09 CH 32749 cause on Apnl 1, 2011, un agent et The Judicial Sales Corporellon, CHAEL KEUTH' MILL CREEK CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION: Heat end water tnctudnd, Spa- 1000-12 AUSTIN na pela,970fmo. Available 5/28. Wanted to Rent Mobile Homes causa os April 1, 2011, an agsrrt at The Judicial Salsa Corporation, NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREGY GIVEN that par- quality. M 6 F.Shipping asad. ng included, $120&morrth. Clase to Call 847-831-8080 will eh 10:30 AM on July 5, 2011, al the Thu Jodicial Sales Corpora- will al 10:30 AM on July 5. 2011, el Iba The JudicIal Salas Corpora- CITIBANK FEDEAAL SAVINGS BANK: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND 5500+. Tony 217-520-0750 clous rooms and closets. CloneIransportalion. 773-280-1335 Delightlsl 2B11 on Ridgs Ase rieur Condos-Lofts suent lo a Judgment st Foreclosure and Sala entelad in Ihe above lion, Ono Ssulh Wackar Drive - 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, seil LE/lATEES OF MICHAEL KEUTH IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS tostoresandtransportatIon. St Francis Hospital. central sic, led Cook County - Suburban Manufactured Homes tian, Dna South Wecker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, neIl cause on Aogost 30, 2010, an agent oh The Judicial Salas Corpora- * * * French SuUdog * * * MORTON GROVE et public eucllon ha Ihn highenl bidder, es sat torlh below Ike tallswing al public auction Io the hIghest bid/er, as sel borth below. Ihn bollowjqg AND NON RECORD CLAIMANT; Laundry tri buIldIng. To seo callChicago-Cumberland/Foster, 4heut hot wIr reserved piling, mod-tmmed. 0cc, 2BR, 2BA, eIns. bldg.Park Ridge / Des Plainas DuPage County tise, will at 10:30 AM on June 17, 201 b, al Iba The JudIcial Sales Cor- described real estala: Commonly known as 4940 FOSTER STREET, Delendanto, 6 months old, lrt-000r, with papers,Tony 706/417-5887 rooms2 bedroom,appliances,em kt wf oW and disposal. Avail Apartment BuIldings described roel eslelu: Commonly knawn en 7453 KARLbV AVENUE, porution, One SsuIlr Wecker Dave - 241h Floor CHICAGO. IL, 6000e, UNIT 200, SKOKIE, IL 65077 Property Indau No, 10-16-204-024- Pñced to last, $750. Please call 1 heated lndr. prkg. sp. All epplcs.Sinitla, employed, clean, sober, Lombard. 2BR, 2BA, Mutt BR w/ WI 51(0(10, IL 60076 Property Indite No. 10-27-414-502. The roel ostato 09 CH 20345 SKOKIE - 4906-28 Conrad Spa-heated, AC, 2 parkiag spaces. Callsaw. $1 150. Chudle, 847-339-025515cl. w/d In unit. No pets allowed.geslleman , 55, seekIng lining Co-Op Apartments soll et public auclion Io 1ro highest bidder, as sel ho/h below. the tel- 1018. The roel estate Is Improved wilh a multi unit brown brick build- NOTICE OF SALE 773-297-6645 Call anytirsel 847-250-1944 or 647-825-4409 closet Sec Sys,>rnoVsauna, htd ge- Is Improved wilh e residence. Sale terms: 25% dawn oh the highest bid lowing described real enlale.Commonly known as 6942 NORTH ing ni/h an attached 4 car garage. Sale terms: 25% down oh the high- cloustl 2BR for $995 AvaIlable EVANSTON 2021 Thayer, designerNeartrainslatisn,2 vr.lease.arrangement by July Ist In a quiet rage, Ira DI4ILR 6 tIr balc, Close la by corhillell tundo el the close 01 the aoclinn; The balance including PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant lo a Judgment oh Now. Heat and water Included. Chicago-Managed By Draper and housuhald. $500$E00 f month. Senior Housing KNOX AVENUE, LI14COLNWOOD, IL 60712 Properlylndoo Na. 10- est bid by cart/ied lan/o at the close oh the auction: The balance in- Foreclosure and Sale entered in lbs above aol/led cause os Jena IO, apI, 2nd tloor. newly decorated S$1450-$1550 847-470-8100 mall. $055,500. '08-927-0314, Iba Judicial salo leu tor Abendsned Residential Property lufunlcipality 34-1 13-004-0000. The real volate In Improved with a brick single temi- Spacious rooms andctosets. Kramer, Inc. t , 2 5 3 DRo troni remodeled, new carpet in BR S DR, Jim 700-769-2497 ReImt Fund, which Is calculated on residenlial reel esteta et the rete du/ing the Judicial salo loe ter Abandsned Resirienlial Properly julo- 2010 Inlercounly Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, June Close to stoma and transporta-$505-$1213. SPECIAL. SPECIAL,LR Oak loom, kitchen S bath ce-HILES 26R, near Forest Preserve, Commercial, Industrial ly wilh en alleched 2 car garage. Salo terms: 25% down oh the highest nicipelily Reliol Fund, which Is calculated se residential roel estate el 16, 2011 al Ihn hour oh lt e rn, in Iheir obbice al 125 West Madison heat included, ott street parking, Dúplex oh $1 Ion each $1 000 or Ireclion Ihereob oh the amount paid by Ihe par- bid by cerliliod tonds al the Close oh the auction: The balance, Includ- the raIe oh $1 tor each $1,000 or Iradlion therool oh the amount paid lIon. Laundry In buildIng. ParkIngSPECIALI Reduced Security DepIramio lila, 3 new skyllghts, large Garages chaser noI to oncead $300, In cart/led tends, is due within twenty-tour Shred, Suite lISA, Chicago, Illinois, nell at pable sachos Io the high- Included.Tosen sattTony $900 plus security deposit, credit Farms, Farmland Ing the Judicial sale tes tor Abandoned Residential Properly Municipal- by the purchaser est lo exceed $300, in certilind hundo, In due within Ost bidder br dash, 05 sat Is/h below, lue hollowing doscnbed 773-667-6011 roams, privata deck, W/D, walk inchock. 773-992-8370 Cook County . Chgo. S >24) haars. No tee shall be paId by the mortgagee acquiring lbs resi- Ily Relict Fund, which Is calculalad on residenlial real osIate al the 700-417-5897 closet, many windows, great light, Cook County . Suburban dantlal real eshahe pursuant to Its cre/iI bid at Ihn sale or by any twenly-losr 124) hours. No leo shell be paid by the mortgaoee acquir- morloeqed real colate: Chicago South Shore, on busline, Homes Built to Order rate 01 $1 lar each $1,000 or traction Ihercob st the amount paid by Ing the residential roel osIate pursuant to Is credit bid at The sale or P.I,N' 03-06-101-017-1167. SKOKIE- 4909-21 CHURCH3 bedroom, 2 balh apartment, $1 125. Cult Anne 647-328-3544 NORRIDGE Large 1 BR. $710 + mortgagee, >odgment credilor, or oIlier honor acquiring Ihe realdenlial the purchaser nel lo exceed $300, In certiliod tundo, is duo willlin by any rnortgeooe, judgment creditor, vr sthvr lienor acquiring the resi- uhilities, parking Included. Na pets. Store Your Speclol Car Vacant Property Circfe Tills! roel estate whose dghto In end to the residential real volate arose pri- Commonly known au 1105 Miller Laso, Unit 211, BullaIs Grove, II Goldencloodle FIB 9 weeks old.IBR's $965 AvaIlable Now. Close2nd Haar, $1000/month + 1.5 EVANSTON EAST, 1233 .ludson. twenty-tour (24> hours. I/o bee shell ho paid by Ihe mortgagee acquit- donliel real colche whose nghls le end to the residential reel estate 60009. to transportatIon. Heat, watet andmonth secusty. 773.955.3954 Vint apt Is 4 unIt bldrt, liv risi wiltrIc,tdeWty decorated & carpeled, appIa,Healed, secure. Month sr Annual or le the salo. The oubledt property is sobject lo general real eslnln Ing the residential real eslale pursuant la ils credit bid atIbo sale or arose poor to the spIe. The subledt property is subject lo general roel Shed,allergy tree.Raised in home A/C. Laundry avail. 708-453-4988 Vacation Property leseo, Opacial essassmenls, or special lenes levied egelnol saId roel The msrtqaged roel asIde Is improved wilh a condominium resi- with love and potty trained,black,parkIng Included. Storage room din im, porch, 3 br, fha, new hitch, Alls Slarago 773-66$-1454 by asy mo/gogee, judgmenb credilnr, nr ulhar lleno, acquiring Iba resi- estate laces, special ss0005mentu, or special lenes levied against dence. The purchaser oh the unit other Ihen u mortgagee shall tra and laundry. Must seetltt TonyOak Park. 2BR Apt, 3rd FIr. Heat0*55, heat IndI. Avull 7/I. $2200.OAK PARK: Studio 12.5 ROams> estate und Is alterad lar sale without any rapresenlalisn as lo qsalily donliel real esisto whose nghls In und Io the resi/esImI real estelo cream, parti 9200601872. Papad tar. $1000. 705-383-1266 Income Property sr quantity st title and withost recourse to Plaint/h end Is AS 1S con/i- said roel eshahe and Is ollered tor sale without any representation as the assessmenbu end Iho leqel levo required by subdivisions 19>11 706/417-5897 647-744-7780 sr 847-069-2272 $550, 1ER $750 SBR $1100. Comm'I-Industrial HANDYMAN'S SPECIALI arose prior to the aale. The subject properly Is subject Is general real IO quality or ouentilv ob lillo end wílhsul recourse to PlolntiU end rs end jgj(4l ob Sedlion 9 sI the Condominium Properly Act GoldenDoodlaPuppies, tans Washington S FesiIworIh. Hdwd lion. The sale In lurther sot,JncI Io csnhlrreelion by the court. Il Ihre sala coleto laces, special ansessrnenls, or special tesos levied against AS 1W con/ilion. The sale Is lurther subject to conhlrraalion by Iho raised parents on site,all shots,SKOKIE - 8250-00 NILES CENTER Evanston, Must Seal 2 bedrooms, Investment Property (Brighton Park) Cheap - Cash Is set aside lot any reason, Ihe Purchaser oh the sels shall be enlllled Sale lerms: 10% down by cerlibied lands, balance. by certilied tundo, RD. Lovely 1BR's $875 AvaIlable tIrs, new kit, LR, tonrtal DR. CableCook County - Suburban $30,0002 FIat-2BedilBath each neId reel estelo ond Is ollared tsr oele wilhaut any representation us court. Upon payment In bull st Iba amount bid, Ike purchaser will re- wilhin 24 hours. No ralunds. The property will NOT be open tor in- w/o dew claws,wellsocialized, I and 2 baths, 000 Ruba Place f ready. Idry in bldgHt md. No only lo a rvlum sIlbo deposit paid. The Purchaser shell have no lar- Io quality or quantity oh lilla end wilhsul recourse lo Plainlill unit In deine a Corlil,cete ob Salo Ihel will antille the purchaser lo e deed lo $500. Born 2/8111. 815-258-7079 NowLergor modern kItchens S 525 Forest I 800 Sherman, Lots 312-646-1060 IherrncoorseagainstIhnMorlgagor theMortgagee orthe spedhian Dogs. (7731 754.3535 GLEN VIE W-OtllcelWarehouso AS 1Scondition. The sela Is lurther oubyrct to cenlirmation by Iba the raul estala altar conhirmabon st Iba suIe The properly will NOT be For Inlomielios call the Sales Clark al Plainlill's Attorney, TIre Wirbicki baths. Storage laundry & park- . tealuring flaw kitchens with granite Real Estate Auctions Mortgagee's allamey. Upon payment In teli oh Ihe amount bid, the pur- court. Upon oayment Is bull st the amount bid, Iho purchaser will ra- open bar Inspection and pIombIt makes no ropre500lalion as lo Ihe MORKIES, 9 weeks old. Malas S sq. Heat Included,Call Tony coustertops, new balhrosms, wilh PARK RIDGE: Designer 2BR ac,1200, 2000 5 2950/SF Open Houses chaser will tecnico a Cerlilicate el SaIn that will entitle Ihn purchaser Law Group. 33 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 65003 (312> Females,shots,t-tomeRaised, 708 417-5097 ApI For lont drive'in daars. B EST PRICES deine e Ce/i/irate oh Sale that will antille Iba purchaser to e deed to con/ilion ol Iba preperty. Prospedtiee bidders are admonished to 360-9455 W09-23I5. French provincial vanilles, recess coil lass SpI mantle, psI prhg, bit-in Real Estate Wanted Io a deed lo Ihn real entole alter 000lirmallsn oh the sale The protrerty Iba real eslale alter contirmaliss oh Ihn salo The properly will NOT be check the court bile to venly all inlormetion. II this property io a condo- Health Guarantee, $400-S500. SOUTH 1949 East 78th St, 2nd lighting, hardwood llosrs, slalnless cabls. DW. New Windows No pets Kola Mgmt Group 647-671-1717 LaPorte County, IN will NOT by open lar inspection und pinlnlilt makes on repreoentellvn INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Call 630-830-7733 Coók Cóunty - Chgo. S Iloar, I bedroom, newly remodeled, open tor inspection und plaint/I makes no reprasenlalion as lo the minium unit, the purchaser el Iba uniI ut lbs Isreclosure sale. other 5011mo Olticer, (3121 444-1 122 134632 steel appliances, washer i dryer Irr $975. 647-698-7137 Northbrook, 20,470 square tent, Real Estate Misc. as Is Ihn condition oh Iba propaSe. Prospeclive bl/dura are adinronislr- condition oh the property. Prospective bidders are a/mon/shod to then e morlgeone, shall pay the assessments and the Innul leas re- ROTTWEILER Pups, Barri1/13, hardwood tlaors, apIiances. unit, centralair and heat, new HihIsnd $245,000 Custom Ballt 4 ed lo check Ihe court hile to verily eli Inlormellon. Il this property Is a Pub: 5(12, 5/19, 5Gb/2011 1172640 C 5854 S FaIrfIeld, 1246 West 83rd 725/month.. ut/n 312-29e-6571 PARK RIDGE: Spac brioht 2 privatednpreoseddocks, BN 3 BA Wdn.ground pool. View check Ihe coatI bile lo verily all nlsrrneliso. Il this properly Is a condo- quired by The'Condominlam Properly PcI, 765 ILCS 605/5(oJ(1) end blacklmahogany, tust shots i male,St. i & 2 bctrm other locatIons windows, private dach and easy i BR. ht nc, new crpt, MC, cell tans, Out-Of-Town Real Est. condominium unit, the purchaser st the Unit ut the horeclosuro sale, minium unit, Iho purchaser nI Iba unit ut the loreclosore sale, olber Ig)(4j. Il this properly Is a condominium unit which is part or a corn 1 female. S350 wlo AKC Anq and street parking. $120O-1 700/month, dIme-in door. available immedi- al:www.8349parnshpl.com Call: other Iban a ms/gages, shall pay the assessments and Ihe legal lees avaIlable. Also dann Space avaIl-Cook County - Suburban pst pkg, storg, Idry. Ns pets. close 219-301-4589 than a marbgasox, shell pay the assessments end ISO lanaI loes re- mou Inlereat commanity, the purchasnr ob the soil al the loreclosure $500 w/AKC Rag 312-925-2932 elsIe. $550-$850.630-863-4653 available now. Call 773-508-7000 to trans. $760. Call 047-659-7137. slyly, Contact Mall at Margen Out-Of-Town, Commercial required by The Cnndsminlom Property Act, 760 ILCS 605/0(g)(l) qulred by Ths'Condominiam Properly Aol, ?6ILCS 005/9>g)(l) and sale other then e mortgagee shell pay Ihe ossousments required by 51(0111E BELLWOOD 2 bdmr apt. Nice und (g)(4). It Ihis property Is a condominium unit which iv part 01 a IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS Stilhlzu poppies rare colors smashAuburn Greoham Chgo, 97th St FOREST PARK 26R, beautitully re- Managoment, SI 2-960-1212 Lakes, Resort Property Out.Of-Town Real ESt Ig)(4). II this proporly is e condominium unit which Is pert st a corn- The Condominium Properly Adt, 765 ILCS 605/l0.5Iq-ItIF YOU COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION tacos AI, YOU HAVE'THE RIGHT V. 773769-1135 CICERO. LaEstacionCnnlral. Homeowners Insurance VIews S wIld tItel $549k ARE THE MORTGAGOR IROMEOWNERI, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT 170t(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For FOREST PARK: Deluae 1BR Apt. diataly, Contact Matt at Margen TO REMAIN ltd POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN inborroelion: Visit our webs/u at service.alln-plerce.com. between Ihe LEON MAYDEN: BANCO POPULAR NORTH AMERICA; 5110111E 2300 S Central Ave. Coming soonHeal/Gas Included. NC, New Win- DuPage County . Management, 312-968-1212 Add'l Info rk 600-502-221e ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- TERRACE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION: UNKNOWN OWNERS Chicano, 117th & LaSalle, 2-3 Sr,2bdrm Conda stOla apIs tos rent. Real Estate Seminars ORDER OP POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- hours ob 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE S ASSOC1ATES, Plaintill's Allsrneys, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, BUSINESS DIRECTORY$695-$095. Heal inSt.Negotiable. dawo, Tile Kitchen, Oak Cuhinots,CLARENOOF4 HILLS . 17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For 1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO. IL 60602. Tel Rn. Starling $1 100/mn 81 5 306-0143Laundry Facilities. $6994tunIh. PARK RIDGE- Bristol Ct. 2BR, Real Estate Services Lakes Resorts inlarmalinn. contadPlaint/h's allsrney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS S Dales/anIs Section 8 oh New ruhab. New car- i bedroom, remodeled, 2BA Condo w/alevatnr, Indaor Gar. Inlormelien: Visit our websile al service.ettypierce corn. belween Ihe t3l2j 476-5500. Please retar lo hile number PAt023955. THE JUDI- 10 CH 28103 pet. Appliances innI. 773-392-0374 Des Plaines IBR, Fresh Paint, Gas,Mr Luis: 708-366-5602 1 block hmm train, $750. IAKE Home-Wis.OPEN HOUSE ASSOCIATES P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE hours nl 3 end a pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaint,Irs Allameys. dAL SALES CORPORATION One SoulIr Wacker Dnvo, 24th Floor, Close To Schools. Secure baSting. Judicial Saies . Legal 100, BURR RIbGE, IL 60527, (630) 704-9076 bnlwean Iba boum el I NOTICE 0F FORECLOSURE SALE . CONDOMINIUM Gutters Heat, Water, parking included, laus-FOREST PARt< S OAK PARK Call 630-267-2212 $1300 Avail nomI 708-557-012e Sunday, Mey 29th, 1-dpm Now re- One No/h Dearborn Shreet Suite 1305, CHICAGO, IL 60652. Tal No. Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312> 236-SALE You can also violI The JaS- FIsher end ShapIro lIte O 09-032680 dry tacilities, clean. quiet area. NoStadio, 1 & 2 BR, heat, appl, laun- model 2 bed S 2 bath home. and 3 PM only end ask ter Ihn sales de0artmenl.. Please ralor la tile 3I2) 476-5500. Please taler lo lilo number PA0924350, THE JUDI- ciel Sales Corporation el www.ljsc corn her a 7 day slalus report ob pets, $760/monlh. 8d7-361 -6254 Lake County Waterskl Lake Keesus. 25 miles number 14-10-10260. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Onu CAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wecker Dove, 24111 Flaur, pending sales. PIERCE S ASSOCIATES One North Doarbom Street (Il Is advised lhal Inleresled parties consull wilh their Gavas dry, parking. Clase lo transporta- Soalh Wecker Drive, 24th Floor, Chiceto, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236- own attorneys balote bidding al mortgage Isredlosure sales.) Gutter Cleaning. lion. $635 Is $925. 708-369-9166 HIGHLAND PARK EAST - Spac 2 west ut Milwaukee.Gourmat Viking Chicago, IL 60606-4650 1312> 236-SALE You can also visit The Judi- Sulle 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 L3l2) 476-550G Aoorney File No.: PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant lo a Judgment oh Fora- Kitch & Sunsets. $424,900 202- SALE You can alsa visit The Judicial Salua Csrparalisn et savw.bLsc.c ciel Sales Carporalise et insw.tIoc.corn bar e 7 dey stales report oh PA0823955 Atlornny Code 91220 Cese II 08 CH 40111 1353608 Gutters cleaned and washed. Cook-County - SuburbahCook County SuburbanFRANKLIN PARK 2BIrt,bi-levaI,br/sIc, nice kit, oak hmm, WFP, strg, om tor e 7 dan status renarl al neo/inrI sales. COGILIS S ASSOCI- closure entered on ApnI 6, 201 I , (alles Realty Services. Inc., es Sell- Free Estimates. 630-831-0971 yd, Nr Lake. shops, Im, Gar avail. 527-3106. drpaalkrealzerrkme.csnr pending Oelen. PIERCE S ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Streot Pub:5/26, 6/2, 6/91201 1 079733 C Ing Olhciel will et 12:30 p.m. on July 7, 2011, at 205 W. Randolph C/A appls, carpets, pnvate purking, Harlem ATES P.C. lSWeae NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR Soile 1305 CHICAGO, IL 60652 L312) 476-0500 Altsrney File No.: yard, park view, $850 + 1 .5 mo sec.$1326 S $1576 Now. 224-730-5905CHICAGO- 5151 N. MATTESON 3bd 2bth ranch home RIDG, IL 60527 (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.: 14-10-10260 Street, Suite 1020 Chicago, Illinois, snIl at poblic auction Io Ihe high- OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT PA0924350 Allomey Code. 91220 Ceso il 00 CH 32749 137S31 est bid/Or tor cash, as sel lorS below, the hollowing descnbed reel No smoking/pats. 847-455-787e Zion, 2 bedroom, lut lInar, close Io w/modem upgrades,opentlosr ARDC1I 00468002 Attomey Code. 21762 Ceoe ii10 CH 012327 Pub:5/26, 6/2, 05/2011 #78808 C MORTON GROVE RENTALS $2$O Moco In Pee I No securItyplan, a liaI screen TV w/t yr home NOTE: PersuasI ta the Fair Oobl Colleclion Practices Act, you ere ad' property: town, uecusty deposit I lease, Soc-DeposIt and 2 MonthS Freettltt IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY Commonly known es 8712 North Skokia Boulevard, Unit 2-0-N, SKOKE OFFICE SPACE Gtonvlew- 1,2,3 Eda lion 8 welcome. Ott street parking. warranty. Call 700-203-9931 visnd thaI Plaint/I's allamey is deemed te be a debt cnllndlor esempI- DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION 600-i000Sq.Ft. Must SveltI ing la collect a debt and any inlormation obtained will be usad tor that Skokie. IL 60077 LUXURY RESIDENCES $800 negotiable, 047-401-9557 Great LocatIon floady to Mane TO PIACE A SKOKIE US BANK, N.A. Permanent In/coNo,: 10-21-229-052-1027 2ROOMOFFICE SUITE polposo. 1352838 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY Plaint/I, Valley Lo Towers lt In 0n-SIto ParkIng Llght, BrIght Pub:5126, 6/2, 6/9/2011 f179701 C The mortgaged real astute Is Improved with a dwelling. The property Apartments, Unfurnished CondosTownhomes SpacesExcotlenl Foot Trollto DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION will NOT be open tor Inspection. The purchaser st the unit 010er than Available June 1 * $600/Mo 1910 Chestnut Ave. iheottng Included, Colt Bruce CLASSIFIED AD, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR STRUC- G°EORGIA G. PAPPAS A/K/A GEORGIA PAPPAS, el al ColI (847) 990-1800 x200 TURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE PASS- a mortrieuee shall tray Ihn a55050mento and the legal lees required by Apartments, FurnIshed IN THE 4240 DEMPSTER BLDG. Cook County Chgo. N 773-491-4191 Deles/ant 765 ILCS6O6/9(gl(1( and (gI(41. . Mon-Frt9:30-5pm DONT NEED li? SELL IT FAST. THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-BNC3 Pleintill, 09CH 035182 Includes: . AU Utilities e Air Conditioning Chicugn, Near North Sludis Condo, Cook County - Suburbán CALL 847-998-3400 MORTON GROVE The judgment amount was $172,698.02. Sale terms br non-parties' Condos, Townhomes www.vaIloytotowers.com NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 pur- 10% oh aucceostul bid immediately al conclusionol audlion, balando 1150 N Lakeshore Dr, across trom CALL 847-998-3400 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY I&RNIC KARAMIAN, el el suant ho e Judgment ob Foreclosure end Sale entered In the abone Homes ILarge Common Receplion Area Oak S/root Beach, security, utilitiesLlncolnwood-Skokle-NIlos by 12:30 p.m. the soot business day, bola by cashiar% checks: corI no SKOKIE - 8042 N. KNOX 2611 DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Deten/ant causo on August 10 2010, os agent el TIre Judicial Sales Corpora- ralonds. The sale shall be subjecf to general real estelo terres, spa- . Large FREE Parking Area Deluua 2ER apt w/AC, cab. kitchenincluded, $950. 847-464-9S54 114-54 000 SF Top Nulch CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO ABN AMRO 10 CH 014780 lion, will al 10:30 AM on June 2, 201 1, at the The Judicial Sales Cor- Duplex 011ice suites dial haces, special aooessmonlo, special leves levied, end superior newer apptc., microwave, parking,ChIcago StudIo condo, avail 6/15. MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI pur- perahnn, Ose South Wacker Dsne - 24th Floor CHICAGO. IL, 60606, CALL FOR APPOINTMENT trnporial 773-736-4100 BUFFALO GROVE Plainlill, noasl Io e Judgment sI Foreclosure und Sale entered In the above liens, il any. The property Is Olbored es io, wilh no cypress or implied Rooms laundry lankly. near transp. Parkssecure building, laundyt In building, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS sell al public cochon to Ihe highasl bid/er, us nel boSh below the toI- warranties end wilhoal any represenlalios as to the quality oh tille or and shsppisri. Avail. 7/I/11 $1,030. O'HARE AREA - OttIco Space - cause on March 23, 201 1, an agent ob The JudicIal Sales Corporation, lowing dosdribed reel aslule' Commonly known as 9536 OLANOER Wilfred Jacobson & Co. (847) 674.5303 elevalsr, close IO shopping S public COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION 'Y.ADIMIR BRUNSHTEYN, nl al recourso Io Plainlill.Proopeclive bid/Orn ere admonished lo review Housing to Share Call Jens Etlinger, 312-605-1234,Irans. $725 + soc. 773-517-4543 elevaturs, cabo, health club, FIRST MIDWEST BANK: will el 10:30 AM on .155e 27, 251 1, et the The Judicial Sales Corpora- AVENUE, MORTON GROVE. IL 65083 Properly In/ao Ne. 09-13- the coart tile lo vanly eli inlorrnalion. [email protected] BEST RATES - 300 1015,050 SF. Delandent lion, One South Wacker Dove - 24th Floor CHICAGO. IL, 60606, salI 204-003. The real estela Is Improved wilb e duplex. Salo tenso: 25% Plaint/I, 09 Ch-1 0.39426 For inbormalion:Salo Clerk, Fisher end Shapiro Atlamey O 42160, Mobile Homes GLENVIEW CT CONDO 1BRKatz Mgml Group 647-671-1717 at public eudtion Is Iba hiqhest bidder, es sel boSh below, Iba lollowin down ob lhe highest bid by certiliod tondo al the close st the eudlion; 2123 Waukegun Road, Suite 301, Baeoockbum, Illinois 60515, 1847> $850; Available How. Heal Indu- NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI pur- described real estelo.Commonly known as 8601 N. TRUMEUL The balance, including the Judicial sale lee br Abandoned Rosi/an- 490-5900, belwean 1:00 p.m. end 3.00 p.m. weekdays only. 1352941 Retirement Rentals Cook-Count SUburbanCookCounty,- SuburbanCook County. - Suburbán Skokle- Istmo. rent $1 JBERT M. RILEY' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' UNKNOWN ascot to O Judgmnnl oh Foreclosure end Sala eslered In Iba above AVENUE, SKOKIE, IL 00076 Properly Indos No. 10-23-210-048. The liaI Properly Municipality ReliaI Fund, which is calculated on residen- ded. ORE .ro. B47-297-ISOO 2nd mo. rent $2, LTL. CIlices lar OWNERS, NONREÔORD CLAIMANTS: UNKNOWN 1'ENANTS ANO causo on Apnl 4, 2011, en agent ob The Judicial Salas Corpsralios, real estelo is improved wilh e residence. Sale terms' 25% down ob the liaI real estala et lue rete 01 $1 br each $1,500 vr Iradtion thereol oh Pub:5/26. 6/2, 6/97201 1 #10707 C Co-Op Housing Rent. Nr Touhy S Edens. 350tt- OCCUPANTS; will al 10:30 AM on July 6, 2011, at bile The Judicial Sales Corpora- hIghest bid by ce/iliad bands al the dosa ob Iba auction; The balance, the amount paid by Iba purchaser not to exceed $300, In caShed Cook County - Suburbán 40011-805ll-1200l1. May cnmbino, Dutandanta, lias, One South Wacker Drino - 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60600, sell including Iho Judicial sale bee tor Abandoned Residential Properly Mu- bonds, io dun within twenty-hour 124) hours. No tea shall be paid by thy NORRIDGE Sleeping Rooms no entran, nlqhlly clean-up. 10 CH 48370 al public auction Io the h>thesl bidder, as nat loriS below, Ihn hollowing nicipalily Rolinl Fand, which Is calculaled on roOldsnliet real natale al mortgeeo acqalnng Ihe residential roel estela pursuant Io ils credit HILES groat location, beastilul now Call 041-602-6622 NOTICE OF SALE described reel estate: Commonly knswn as 0640 N WAUKEGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY IBR condo, new appliances, Har- Iba rate 01 $1 tor each $1,080 or hraction theroeb ob the arnuunl paId bld et Ihe sale or by asp mortgagee, judgment creditor sr other honor DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Housekeeping Rooms PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that pursuanl Is e Jadgmant st Fore- ROAD UNIT 0120, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Property Index No. by the purchaser not to cocead $300, in corlilied lands, Is due wilhin ucquiong Ihe resideollal real osIate whose oghls In and to the residen- tern & Toshy Ave, parking opaco, closure entered in Ihe abono enliliud cause on March 3, 201/, 10-10-109-o40-101I8. The reel asIde Is improved with a residence. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA $850 + secunly. 708-579-7011 twenty-lear (24) hours. No bee shell be paid by Iba mortgagee acquir- liaI real astute arose pnor lo the sale. The sabject property is subject PIxiolill, Finder Service Intercsanty Judicial Salas Corparelian will on Tuesday, June 28, Sale terms: 25% down oh Iba hi0lrost bid by certihied tundo at the Ing the residenlial real estole puisant la ils cro/iI bid el Ihn sale or to general reel estate bases, special assaosmonro or special Ieoos lev- Place an Ad in 2611, at the hour nl 11 em. a their olticn at 120 West Madison clase of the auction; The balance, isola/bg thu Judicial saIn tea ton entais by any mortgagee, judgmenl credilor, or olhor henar acquiring the resi- Apartments - Hotels Skokle Lotus CondomInIums led against said real asIate und is olborad tor sajo without any repre- JRZY KULAK, et al Street, Sulle 710A, Chicago, Illinois, sell lo the highest bidder tor Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relict Fund, whIch In cal- dential mol colate whose rights In and lo the resldvnllal real eslale uantelisn es Is quality or quenlity ob lilIe unIt wilhout recourse to Plein- 1 Bedroom / $020 cash, the hollowing described mortgaged real estala: Delendash Vacation, Resort Rentals Por A . . ts. Colt 705-407-8135 culalert on residential real solaba at the rete ob $1 tot each $1,000 or arose prier Is the sale. The subject property is sublodt lo gvneral real tilt and In AS l5 condition. The sale is lurther subjecl to conlìrrnation 10 CH 018441 Commonly known as 436 Forestwey Driva, Bollato Gravo, IL 60000. fraction thereat oh the amount paid by the purchaser not Is ouceed estate lanes, special assesomenls, or special lanes levied against by Iba court. lt Iba salo Is 001 asidO bon ass reason, Iba Parcheser at P.1.14. 03-05-305-052-0000. NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI pur- Out-of-State Rentals . , . Lákè County. .... $300, In certilivd tonds, Is duo wilhin Wanly-hour (24) hours. No lee seid real ostato and Is stterod lar sale wilhoul any represenlaliov es the sale shall be entitled only lo a relum situe deposit paid. The Pur- & get access to our The improvement On the property 005sists oh a singlo homily rosi- shall be paid by Ihn mortgagee acqulnng tue residential real estate suad Id u Judgment ob Foreclosure end Sehe enlered is the above FIND YOUR lo quality or qsanli/y ob title end without recourse to PlanrI/Il und in chaser ohall have no heilbar recourse aqalost the Mortg000r, the cesse on March 30, 201 1 , en agent ot The Judicial Sales Corporation. Garages Lake Forest- DIe 180/ISBA. dunce. Il the sobludt mortgaged real asIate Is a unit oh e common inter- parouanl In ils credit bid al tIro sale or by any mortgagee, judgment AS 1Scondition. The sale is luCher subject be contirmalion by the Mortgagee or the Mortgegne's ellomey. IJsn payment in bull ol the granite hilf baths, balo, Irais, beach, Ost community, Ihn purchaser o! Ihe unit other then a martgagae shall credilor, or olber henar acquiring the residential roel estate whose court. Il thu salo Is sol aside bon any reason, the Purchaser el the oele umounl bid, the purchaser will receive e Carl/male et Salo that will en- will al 10.30 AM os July 5,2011, eI Iba The Judicial Sales Corpora- Farms, Farmland nnnrdiso/ party rm, $695. pay the essessmvnta reqnired by subsection (g-1) oh Section 18.5 oh rights le end la tIre resIdential reel estate eroso pnsr lo the sale. The shall be anlitlolt only Is e return oh Ihn deposit paId. The Purchesar tilla the purchaser to e deed Io the real estate abler coolirmalion st the lion, One Soulh Wacher Osso - 241h Floor CHICAGO, IL, 6060e, sell 047-295-8351 or 847-2l90353 thu Condominium Property Act. et public audlian lo the highest bidder, as set orth below Ihn bollswinrt subject pnoperty is subject In general real estate lanes, special assess- shall have so tu/her recourse ageinsl Iho Morlctegsr, the Mortgaoee sale 71ro property will NOT be opon lar inspection and plaint/h makes doscnbed real estate: Commonly known as 4050 N, OZARK AVE Commercial, Industrial . - Sale terms: Bictaurs must present, al Ihn time oh sale a cashier's or monIs, on special teses levied against sold real estate and is ottvrad or the Mo/gagne's attorney. Upon payment In full el Ihe amount bid, no raprasenlellon as to Iba condilion oh the properly. Prospective bid- NUE, NORRIDGE, IL 60707 Property le/an l'lo. 12-13-314-040. The ones: .;i cerhilind check tor 10% 01 ISa successlul bid ornassI. 'Iba balunce el tor sale without any represantelion es to quality or quantity ob lillo end the pvrchaser will receive e Cerlilicele oh Sale that will antille lIte par- dem are admonished lo check the court lila Io varrty all lnrorrnetieoIl Storage, Warehouses the successlul bid shell bn paid within 24 hours, by similar hands. Thu without recourse la Pleinlilb and In AS 1W condiliori. The sale Is ter- real estate is improved with a resideoce. Sale terms: 25% down ob the chaser In e deed to Iha real estala aller conlirmetisn el the oele The Ibis proporly Is a cosdorninium uniI, Iba purchaser oh the unit at the "Thighest bid by certibie/ hundo al the close pl the auction: The balance, .ÇookÇouiity.. ChoS'. propnrty will NOT he open tor inspection. thor subledl to conbirmetion by the coud. It the sale Is nel asido br any properly will NOT be open tor moped/on and plalohitl makes no repro- loreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shell pay Iba esuessmonls Desk Space For inhormulion cvii Mr. Stephen G. Daday et Klein, Dadey, Arabs S including the Judicial sale tee br Abandoned Residential Property Mu- reason. lbs Purchaser at the sale shell be enlilled only Is a return or seetehon as lo the con/ilion st Irlo property. Proopechna blddera ere end Ihe legal lees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 nidigehity 1101,01 Fund, which is calculated on residonliel reel estate el Offices Chicaga, Morgan Park, unwly ruhab O'Dsnonhua, LLC, 25110 West Goll Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois the deposit paid. The Parchaner shall have no lu/her recourse admonished lo check Ihe coatI hile to sooty all lnlorrnellsn. lt this prop- ILCS 60al9(g>jl) and Ig)(4). II this properly Is e condominium osit 4 bdrm, 1.5 be, liv rm din im, kitch, 60008. 047590-0700. 20100695 against Iba Marhgegor, the Msrlgagoe or the Mortgagee's attorney. arty Is a condominium unit, the purchosor ob the unit el the buredlasure which is pert ob a common Inleroot community, Iba purchaser el the Iba ralo oh SI br each $1,080 or brechan hersaI sI the amount paid Indry rm, 2 cur gar, WfD, stove, PERFECT II9TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Upon payment In tall ob the amount bld, the purchaser will receive e by the purchaser Ost ha caeced $300, in deSliad hundo. lo due wilhin Stores sale, other Iban a ms/nngee shell pay the assessments and the le- unit ut the bsredlosure sale olhor thana mortgagee shall pay Ihe as- twenty-tour 124) hours No bee shall be paid by Ihe mortgagee acquir- Iridge md. $1350. 847-732-6303 Soiling 011icer, (3121444-112235726e Cerlihicele sI Sale that will antille the purchaser lo a deed to the reel gel teas required by The Iondomiri1um Properly Act, 765 ILCS seusments required by The Condominium Proeerty Act 705 ILCS Pub:5/26, 612, 6/912th #79752 C estate aller conblrmelion oh the Oele The properly will NOT be open tsr log the residential real estelo psrsoant Io ils credil bld et Iba sala or Rental Services CHICAGO, Roseland 4 bdrm, ais- 60519(gl(1) end (g)(4I. lt this properly Is e condominium unit which Is 606/19.510-l). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOP,IEOWNERI, by any mortgartee, judgmonl creditor, or Other honor 000uinog the resI- gin hse W/D, stove, ridge, security Inspeclion and plaintith mokas no represantellon us Io the conO/len ob pert oh e common Interest community, the purchaser nl the unit at the YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 Iba properly. Prospective bl//aro ere admonished to chock the court danlial real eslale whose nghls in end to Ihe residential real estate Rental Misc system, Lrg bkyd, lull bsmt, Section boreclosure sale olhor than e mortgagee shell pay Ihn assesameols re- DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- arose prior lo the sale. The subject property lo subledt lo 9500ml roal ewelcsmn No .ets 773-374-8960 tile to vanty alt lntsrmetlsn. Ib thIa propody Is e condominIum uniI. Iba oaired by The Condominium Properly Act 765 ILCS 605/10.5(n-lb IF CORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-170IIC> DF THE ILUNOIS MORT- estala teces, special asaessmento, or special tenso levied against Wanted to Rent purchaser st the uniI el the toreclosuro sale, other than a rnort5agae, you ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEÒWNER) YOU HAVE THE GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For inborrrretion, cooled PIeinhilb'o altor- CóókCountSuburbän shell pen the assessments and Iba Ieoel lees required by Tha t..sndo- said real estale and is olbered tor sale withoub any rapresontalins as PER SKOKIE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER EN- non: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W03s Io quality or usantiln st tille und withoul recourse Is Plaintill and In minium Property Act. 765 ILCS E05/81g)(1I and (g)(4j. If this properly TRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, AS 1S condibiss. The sels la lurther subject to contirmahon by the Apartments, tinfurn'cl. Hazelcrnst 3BR 167th & Artesian IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Is e condaminiam unit which Is pert or e commun isteresI community, SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOI MORTGAGE FORECLO- (630) 794-9876 between the hours ob 1 end 3 PM only end ash tor the v'iE E K $1200 backs2park. UPD in 07. 1 COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION court. lb Ihe sale Is set aside tor any reason, Ihe Purchaser al the sala ..CookCoùnty - Chgo..N $25 APARTMENT the purchesor oh the unit el the boredloOare sale other than a SURE LAW. For Inlormetlon, cooled Plainlill's attorney: The Sala sales department.. Please rOber Io hile oumber 14-09-29528. THE JU- shall be enlitled only lo a relom st Ihe deposit paid. The Purchaser EA. C/A. LoIs dlosotol Call Janice 4 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE morlgegee shell sen the assnoornenlu required by The Condominium Clark, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. , 15We30 NORTH FRONT- DICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Sooth Wacker Drive, 2/tu appl.708-263-9529. $1205 sec dep. FOR AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE ASSETS TRUST 20116-2. shall bane no turthsr recourse against the Mortgogor, Ihe Mortgagee CHICAGO I bedroom with garage, Property Act, 76$ ILCS 605118.5Iq-lt. IF YOU AllE THE MORTGA- AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (635) 794-9876 be- Floor Chicago IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also rosit The or the Mortgagee's eltomey. Upon payment Is bull st Ihn amount bid, Highland Park Ranch 3 BR, 3 BA + MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES GOR Il-IDMEOWNERI, YOU HAVETHE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS- tween the hoots oh I end 3 PM only and ank bon the sates depart- JudicIal Soles òorpvretioo al wvwi.hisc.com lar a 7 day status report ob ,- with heat and gas, hardwood tloors, 2006-2 SESSION FOR 311 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POS- mesI.. Please rular Io tile number 14-10-11517. THE JUDICIAL the purchaser will receive a Cerlilicate ob Sale that will astille the pur- .-. 5 closets, Lawrence S Cuinberland Lq Br in bsmt w/ Jaccuzzi, ALL Plaint/I, eenthnq sales CODILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.C. 13W030 NORTH chasxr to a deed lo the real estate alter coslimretion st the sale The area, $875/month. 708-453-7801 FOR4 NEW Granite, SIS uppl. kilchen SESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE SALES CORPORATION One Sooth Wecker Drive, 24th Floor, Chica- FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 18301 794- property will NOT be opes bar lespectios and plaint/I makes so repre- lInar, washer, dryor S water heater ILLINOIS KIORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Inlormelion con- Sa IL 60606-4650 (312> 236-SALE You can elsovisit The Judicial 9876 Attorney File No.: 14-09-29528 ARDCII 00468002 Altoreoy nenlatios as lo Ihe coed/ion st the properly. Prospective bidders are Chicago. ßGn Mawr/Milwaukee Close lo Metre Park play 0/cand S EO STAMES, CURRENT SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF CLEO STAMES, tact PlalnIdI's aoorney; The Sele Clark, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES, Solea Corpsrulion et wiew.Itsc.corn her e 7 dey abatas report oh pond- Coda. 21762 Case Il 09 CH 035182 NOTE: Pursuant Io the Fair DebI UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIM- 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR admonished to check the court bile to verity all Iobsrrrralion. Il lhis prop- Arca. ApIt $1 150/mo heat included. wE E KS lunnis cts. Ownetlbroker $2200 nc P.C. iso sales. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- Collection Practicas Act you are advised that Plaint/b's attorney io srty Is a condominium unit, the purchaser ob the unit al the boredlosure .Ap12-595a/ma, heat not included. $75 landscaping. David 847-650-2299 ANTS. RIDGE, IL 60527. (630) 794-9076 between the hours el 1 and 3 PM AGE ROAD. SUITE 100 BURR RIDÒE, IL 60527 1630) 794-9876 At- deemed to be a debt csh>oclor altarnpling lo collect a debt and any In- sale, ether than e mortgpgae shall pay the assesamanla and lue le- Both 2 bdrm. laundry.312-375-4891 Detendants, only and ask lar the sales department.. Please ratet to lila number 14- 15mev File Na.: 14-10-11517 ARDCII 00468002 Agomey Coda, lormation obtained will be used br that purpose. 1355518 NORTHBROOK 30R, 1.5EA, loca- 10 CH 49332 gal bees raquired by The òos/ominium Property Act. 765 ILCS 09-51309. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Ssulh 21762 Caso U 10 CH 014765 NOTE: Pursuaol lo the Fair Debt CoIled- Pub: 5/12, 5/19, 5/26/2011 *72670 C 605/9(g((Ij and (g)(4). Ib this properly is a condominium Unit which is CHICAGO Harlem S NW Hwy. ted in DisIrict 28, lnrms hiunibln, IN THE NOTICE OF SALE Wecker Dove, 241h Floor, Chicago, IL 65605-4650 (312) 236-SALE lion Practices Act, you ere ednised that Plaintill's allorney la deemed 6018 N Avoodale, spacious 1BR mf availableimmedialnlv.Nopets. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Eral pursuant Is o Judgmsst ol pert ob a common Interest community, the purchaser ol the Unit at the You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation al wwwjjsc.com lar lo be a debt celledlar nllernpllng la collect e debt and uny inlormalion boredlouure sala other then a mortgagee shall pay the assasomenlo re- DR, pets ok, heat, A/C, padrin, Ist $2000/mo. 047-400.6254 Foreclosure end Sale entered in thu above astillad cesse os March e 7 day nletus reSort oh poe/inn sales. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES, obtaIned will be used br that purpose. 1352083 tir, train, $850/mo. 647-338-8983 uired by TIre Condominium Properly Act 765 ILCS 605/18 510-11. IF s CALL TODAY! SCHILLER PARK 2-38R, no bsmnl, 22, 2011 Intercousty Judicial SaIns Corporation will on Thursday, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUITE 100 BURR Pub: 5/19, 5/26, 6t2J201T #75511 C June 23, 201 1 al the hour st I I am. in their ottico el 120 West Maoi- RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-0876 Attorney /Rle No.: 14-09-31369 YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEÓWNER> YOU HAVE TI-lE , DES PLAINESI Bcirm $75O quiet iron, lanced yd, 1.5 car gar, RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER EN- 2 Bdrm $900, IncIdo heat, laun- now wndws/tsrsace, newly painted, son Street, Suite 7t8A, Chicago, Illinois, sell al public auction IO the ARDCII 00460002 Aoomay Code. 21762 Case It 09 CH 039426 To PLACE A . highest bidder lar cash, nu sel Ia/h below, the hollowing described TRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH dry & parking. Immediate Ocep. 847-998-3400, Opt.i $1200dep, Pets oli. 708 357-7792 NOTE; Pursuant lo Iba Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are ed- SECTION 15-l701(C( OF THE lLLlNOl MORTGAGE FORECLO- , mortctaqnd real 05151e: vIsed Ihel Plaint/h's attorney lu deemed to be e debt colloclor 000mpt- GRE prop 847-824-6970 Suburbs, RENT TO OWNI Buy P.l.N. /0-i5-250-5450O50, SURE LAW. For intormalion, contact Plaintill's atbsrnev: The Sale - . Ing lo collect a debt and any Inbormellon obtaIned will be used bar that with No closing cools and get help Commonly known os 0521 Kvslner Avenue, Skokin, IL 60076. FIND MORE HELP WANTED Clerk CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONT- * EDISON PARK AREA * osmose. 353271 AGE hOAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9976 be- '-ea i I Bndrooni, wdh your credit. Call 750868-2422 Thu mnrtgagod riraI colate Is improved with e single emily residence. Puls:5126, 6/2, 619/201 1 #79721 C Olmstad f Overtiill or visit www.nhba.com CIASSIFIEDS. Ib Ihn sub1ect mo/gaged real esIsto Is a unit el e common Interest FIND YOUR To PLACE A toi000 the bourn ob 1 and 3 FM only and ask tor the sales deoarl- i 1 Bath. No pets, Near Metro, communily, Ihn purchasur o? Ihn unit other then e mortgagee shall AD IN THE manI.. Pleane celer to lilo number 14-10-09551. THE JUDICIAL , NearShopping. $870/month. SALES CORPORATION One Soalh Wacker Drive, 24th PIsar, Chica- McLonnan 847-82-0011 pay Iba essessments required by subsectIon (g-l) SI Section 10.5 el LOCAL JOBS ' ISO Condominium Property Act. go, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Jsdlclal Evanston Apartment Three bed- Sale termo: 10% clown by certilisd hundo, balance, by cerlihind hundo, SAY IT IN THE SAY IT IN THE PERFECT PET CLASSI FI ED Sales Corporation et www.11uc.com br a 7 dey stoles report ob peed- IONEER .CòokCoùñty,-. Cho. S. CLASSIFIEDS, Ing sales. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- rooms one bath, and eat-in kitchen, PRESS Cook:CoUñty.Chgos within 24 hours. No rehundo. The properly will NOT be open tor in- . .dining/tamily room, remodeled and spedivo AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDÓE, IL 60527 1630) 794-987e Ah- . updalnd - schooldistnct 65. Rental Guide runs on Thursdays. For inlormatlan call Mr. David C. Kluever 01 P15151/I's Attorney. CIASS{FIEDS, CALL CLASSIFIEDS, CALL AT lomen Rio No.: 14-10-09551 AR008 00465005 A6omey Cede. HARWOOD HEIGHTS 2,900-100005F WEBCB312731 21762 Ceso is 10 CH 018441 NOTE: Pursuant Is the Fair DabI Collec- S SI.te500 month, socallGreg Kluavor S Plath, LIC., 65 East Wacker Placo, Chicago, Illinois INTHE AD, CALL CALL 847-564-1650 RETAIUOFFICE tise Predices Ad, you are advised that PlaInt/I's attomoy Is deemed f847) 909-2257 tar appointment. Deadline for Pioneer 2pm Friday the week before. 60601. (312> 238-0077. 847-998-3400 TO 847-999-3400 TO PIONEERLOCALCOÑWONSTER ,, 4600 N. Harlem 7,600- 10,000 retaIl sit, ht & 2,900 INTERCDUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION lo be a dobt collodlor asempting la coIled e debt and any Intormatios Expiration date: 10/31111 ottIco sq. lt. Trutllc count: 28,000 vehIcles/day. Selling Otticer, 312)444-112213S610 847-998-3400 obtained will be used Ion Ihat purpose. 1352391 847-564-1 600 www.josept,roelentate,not Pub: 5/19, 5/26, 6/2/2011 075539 C PLACE YOUR AD PIACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIEDS 847-998-3400 Pub:5/26, 6/2, 6/9/201 1 #19699 C Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 25 - 24 Pioneer Press (DC) ThurSday,May 26, 2011 Assumed Name Assumed Name JudciaI Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est. Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est. ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME Notice Is hereby gIven. pursuantNotice is hereby given, pumuant MORTON GROVE 5KO Kf E SKOKIE IN II-4E CIRCUIT COURT OI COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNIY MORTON GROVE Io An ACt In retallon fo fha useto An Act In relation Io the use IN TI-IS CIRCUIT COURT 0E COOK COUNTY. ILLt14OIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY E:B CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT- CHANCERY DIViSION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT . CHANCERY DIVISION ot en Assumed Business Nameof an Assumed Buslness Name WELLS FARGO BANK, NA GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC in Ike conduct or franaacflon ofIn Ike conduct or transactIon of FIaInII?, CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO ASH AMRO GREEN TREE SERVICING. LLC WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Plainlilt, MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. Plulnlilt, Plalnllbt, BusInessIntheSlob,'asBuSinessInIkeSIaI6, es SkMIR RAOISIC, el al PlaintlIb, amended,thate certibicalionamended,Ihal ecertificaI Ion There'sa great IWNOALE HOLDINGS TRUST 8327, et al IANNA MANSOUR, el sI (/lAN SHAMAYEL; SARKOON SHMAUEL' DIANA SHMAUEL; Defendant Defendant was filed by the undersignedwas tiled by Ike undersigned lo CH 038017 KISTINA SIMANKOVA, el eI Debendant STATE OF ILLINOIS; PHD BANK, N.A., SUCdESSOR TO NATION- with the Counly Clerk of Cookwith Ihe County Clerk of Cook 10 CH 33882 Defendant lo CH 38979 AL CITY BANK; NOTICE OF SALS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat pur- NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- County, I°lle No, D11i26012 onCounty. File No, 011125434 on suant Io a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sala entered in the above 10 CH 039707 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that par- Defendants, suant to u Judgment 01 Foreclosure and Sale entered In the above NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- suant 10 a Judgmnnl 01 Fareclusure and Salo enlered In the above 10 CH 42837 May 2, 2G11, Under Ike As-May 6, 2011, Under Ike As- cause on April 26, 2011, an agent of TIre Judicial Solas Corporallon, cause on January 24, 2011, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corpora- suant to a Judgment of Foreclosure end Sale entered in the above sumed Name of will at 10:30 AM on June 28, 2011, al the TIre Judicial Salas Corpora- cause on March 21 , 2011, an agent of The JudIcial Sales Corporation PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pumuant Io a Jadgmenl ob slimed Name of lion, will at 10:30 AM on June 7, 2011, at the The Judicial Sales Cor- cause on January 20. 201 1 , un asent ob The Judicial Sales Corpora- will al 10:30 AM on June 23, 201 1, at Ike The Judicial Sales Comora Foreclosure end Sale entered In the above antilled cause en Merck Norwood Tax ServIce STANLEY GENERAL lion, Ono South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 6060E, sell poration, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, lion, will at 10:30 AM on Juno 16, 201 1. at lhe The JudicIal Sales Cor- at public auction Io Ihn hlghnsl bidder, as ont forth below, Ihn followin lIon, One Soulk Wacker Dnve - 241h Floor CHICAGO. IL e060, sell 29. 201 1Intercounly JudicIal Salon Corporellon will on Thursday, al 5027 N. Hartem Ave., Chica- CONSTRUCTION sellaI public auction lo the highest bidder, as set forth below, the toI- pornllon, One Soulh Wacker Osee - 24th FloOr CHICAGO. IL, 60606, ut public auction lo Iba highest bIdder, as set forth below, Ike bollnwin June 30, 201 1 aI the heur ob I I am. in Ihnlr ottiCo al 120 West Modi- at 5850 W. 551k SI., ChIcago, IL job described real estafe: Commonly known as 8812 OZARK AVENUE, go, IL 60656. The 1mo name(s) lowing described reel estate: Commonly known as 8327 LAWNOALE sell at public auction to the highest blddsr, en set bilk below. the bnl- descnbed realeslule: Cnmmonly known au 4934 MULFOR son Street. Suite 718A, Chicago Illinois, sell al public auction to Ike MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Property Index No. 09-13-328-021. The AVE., Skokia, IL 60076 Property Index No. 1O-23-306-otS-000o Vol, and resIdence address of Ike60638. The true name(s) end real nuble is improved wiG a sixIo family wuldeoce. Sale terms: lowing described real estule: Commsnly known as 5001 MADISON STREET, AFT 1W, Skokln, IL 60077 Properly Inden No. 10-29-217- hIghest bidder for cash, as sel 10db below, 15e fsllowlng descsbed 0123. The real estate Is Improved with u single family residence. The STREET UNIT 112E, SKOKIE. IL 60077 Properly Index No. 10-21- 026-1001, The real eulale Is Improved wdh e condominIum, The judg- mortrturind roel enlate: owner(s)Is;Domerrlc L,obello,resIdence addreas of Ike 25% down of Ihn highesi bld by cerlilind funds al Ihn close 01 Ihn auc- judument amount was $345,81 I .82 Sale terms: 25% down cl the hIgh. 045-078-1008 Prnperty loden No. (UIL 10-21-402-002 8 10-21-405- PIlL d0-13-104-006-0000. (o;SIan(slaw Plorek, box; The balance, lncIudinIhn Judicial sale foe br Abandoned Resi. ment amount was $149,018.90 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest 8320 W, Carmen Ave.,omner(u( estbld by cerliried funds at the Close o? the auction; The balance in- 003(. The real estate lu Improved with a residence. Sale turms: 25% bid by cerlitied bends al the Close ob Ike euclion; The balance, loclud- Commonly known as 7704 Palme Lune, Mortun Grove, IL 60053. Nonidge, (L 60706, 5850 W. 551k Sf., Chicago, IL dential Property Munlcipalily ReImt Fund, which Is calculaled on resi- Cluding the Judicial sale tee fur Abandoned Residential Property lrtu- down of the highest bld by certitied tundo al the cInse of the auction; dnolial resI estate al Ihn raie of Si for each SI 000 or fruclion thereof Ing the Judicial sale tee tor Abanduned ResIdential Property Municipal- The mortgaged real estate Is Improved with a singlo family resIdence. Pub:5112 5119 5t26111#73244C 60636. nicipurity Rellet Fund, which Is calculated on residential real estate ut Thn balunce, including the Judicial sale lea bor Abandoned Residen- ily Reimt Fund, whIch Is calculated on resIdential real eslate at Ihn If the sublect mortgaged resI enlate Is e unit st a commun Interest out cl Ihn amount paid by Ihn purchaser not to exceed $300, in certihed ASSUMED NAME Pub:S/19,S/26,6/2/l1 #76654W the rate et $1 for nach $1,000 or traction thnreul st the amount paid liaI Property Municipality ReImt Fund, which Is calculated on residen- rule ob $1 for each si,00p or fraction Iheroot ob Ike amount paid by community, Ike purchaser of Ike unit olber than a mortgagee shall lands, is due within Iwoxty-four 24 hours. No Inn shall be paid by the by the purchaser not to encend $300, in Certified tonds, is due within liaI real eslule at the raIn of $1 ber euch $1,000 or truchos Ihereni of pay the assessmnnls required by usbsecllon (g-1) of Snclion 18.5 of Notice is hereby given. pumliunt ASSUMED NAME mortgagee acquiring the resIdential real estate pursuant to Ils crodil Ihn purchuser not Io esceed $300, in certilieri funds, is due wilhin twenty-tour (24) hOurs. No fee shall be paId by the mortgagee ecquir- Ihe amount paid by the purchaser sot lo eaceed $300, in certitied Iwenly-tour (24( hours. No tee shall be paId by the mortguque acqalr- the Cnndsmlnlum Property Act. Io 'An Act In relulisn to 1ko useNolise lu hereby given, pursuant bld at 10e sale or by any mortgagee, udgrnnnl credilor or olher lienor ng the resIdentIal reel estate pursuant to Its credit hid al the sale or funds, Is due within twenly-bour (24) hsurs. No fee shall be paid by Ihe Sale terms: 10% down by certibied funds, balance, by certihed lands, ol an Assurrigd Business Namefo An Ad in relation Io the use acquiring the residential real eslate whose rights In and to the residen- Ing Ike residenlial real enlale purssast lu Ils credit bld al Ike sala or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other linnor acquIrIng the renI- mortgagee acquiring Ihu residenlial real estate pursuant Io ils credil by any mortgagee, judgment credilor, or olher lienor acquiring Ike resi- wilhin 24 hours. No retands. The property will NOT be open for In- in the conducl or tranuaclion ofof an Assumed Businens Name liaI real nslutn arose pnor lo the Sale. The sub1ect property Is sub oct denllal real estate whose nghts in end to the resldenlial real ontale bid al the sale or by any mortgagee, jadgmenl credilur or other honor dentinI real eslale whose sghls In and te Ike residential real eslale spechion Buulness In IkeStafe, asIn Iho Conducl or Iranoscllon of to general rnul estate tanes, special assessments or special tanes ev arase prior to Ike sale. The subject property is subject lo general real scquinng the resideotlal real aulale whone righls In and Io the residen- For Information call Kara Findlay al PlaInbIf's Altsmey, Freedmen ieri againsl said real eulate and Is otlernd ter saie without any repre- arose prior to the sale, The subject property is sublect to general rouI certibicalion IntheSbale, as estate tanes, special assessments, or special tanes levied ugalnnt liaI real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property Is subject osIate lanes, specIal sssnssmenls, or special luses levied agaInst Anselmo Llnriberg LLC, 1807 WesI Olehl Rond, Naperville, IllinoIs amended,thaIa Business here. snntution as to quality or quanlity of fille and wilhcut recourse to Plum- said real estate end is offered for sale wilhuut any reprenenlation an tu general real estate tanes, specIal assessments or special tuses lev- was filed by the undersIgnedamended,fkal acertification tilt and In AS IS" condilion. The sale is lurther subject te conlirmulion said real enlate und is ottored for sale without any represenlalton as 65563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding Inslruclionu cull (6301 453- to quality or quanlity of title and wIthout recourse toPlalntill and In Ieri agalnsl said real enlute and Is oltered bar sale without any repre- lo quality or quanliof tille and without recourne Io Plulntiff arid Is 671324 houm prior In sale. W10tl70112 wilt, the County Clods ob Coulewas filed by Ike undersIgned by the coud. lt the sale Is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at "AS 15 condition. The sale Is turthnr subject to contirmuhon by the sentation es to quality or quantity nl tille end wilhsul recourse Io Plain- AS lS condillon. Thn sale In further subject to contimiatlon by the INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION County. File No. D11128007 onwith Ike County Clerk ol Cook the sale shall be nntilled only to a return of Ihn deposit paid. The Pur- court. Upon payment In tell of the amsunt bld, the purchaser will re- lilt and In AS IS" condihon. The sale Is briber sub(ecI to canbinnolion chaser shall have no treiber recourse against the Mnrtgagar, the court. Upen payment in bull ob the amounl bld, Ike purchaser will re- Sellins Olficer, (3121444-11221307314 May 2, 2011. Under Iho As-County. File No. 011126121 on seine e Certificate st Sale that will errtille the purchaser to a deed In by the court If the naIn In sel anide ber any reason, the Purchuser al seine a Certiticale ob Sale that will enhIle the purchaser lo a deed Is Peb:9126, 6/2, 6/9/2011 #75779 C Morlgagne or Ihn Mortgagee's attorney. Upen payment in full of the the real estule alter contirmalion st the sale The property will NOT be Ihn sale shell be enlilled only to a relum ob the deposit paid. The Pur- ssmed Name of May 9,2011. Under the Au- amount bld, the purchaser will receive a Certificate 01 SaIe that will en the real estate after conhrmalisn of the eule The pruperly will NOT be OAK REMODELING surned Name of open far Inspection and plalntilt makes no representation as to the chaser shall have no burther recourse against the Mortgagor, the open for Inspecliun sed plulnt:tf makes no reprnsenlalion an to Ike tille Ihn purchaser te a dead to the real estate aller conhrmation St the condition st Ihn property. Prospective blddern are admonIshed to Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's allomey. Upon payment in full of the al 122 Garden Lx.,Prospecf Tazza Red aale The property will NOT be open fur Inspecliun and plaIntiff makes condilion of Ike property. Prospective bidders are admonished lo check the Court tile to venly all Inlorniution. It this property is a condo- amnanl bid, Ike purchaser will receive a Cerliticate of Sale Ihal will en- chock Ike court tile lo verity all Inrormullon. If thIs properly Is e condo- HIs., IL 60070. The trueal45)3 N, Ooage Ave,, no representation as to the condilion St the prsperty. Prospncluvu bid- minium unit, the purchaser of the uniI at the loreclosurn sale, Other tille the purchaser to a deed In the real estate aller contirrnalisn ob the dem urn admonished to check the court tile lo verity all inlonnation. lt minium Unit, Ike purchaser of the uniI at the loreclosure sale, other neme(a) and residence addresstdsrr(dge,IL 60700-4428, The than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal leen re- sale Thu property will NOT be neun for inspection and plalnhlt makes than s mortgagee, shall puy Ike assessments and the legal feos re- St(OI. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOkISOWNER), TO ROMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN Debendants. Io An Ad In relation Io Ike uueIL 60706-4428. ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- unit ut the toreclosure sale olher Ihan a mortgagee shall pay Ike an- ORDER DF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 1701(Cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For sesnmenln required be The Condominium Pronnrtv Act 785 ILCS 1OCH41763t of an Assumed Business NamePub:5119 M26,6!2111 4175253C DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- 1701(0) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Sheriff's No. 110166-001F. in Ike conducl or transaction of ASUMED NAME Intormallon, contuct Plaintiff's attorney: JOHNSON, SLUMBERS & AS- 6O5/18.5(rt-l). IF YOU ARE 1H10 MORTGAGOR (HOkIEOWNER(, Inbonnation, conluct Plainlill's atlomey JOHNSON, SLUMBERG & AS- Pursuant lo a Judgmenl mude end entered by cold Court in Ihe above COROANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- SOCIATES. LLC , 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 111125, Chicago, IL YOU I-hAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 Business In IkeSIete, asNotice Is hereby gIven, pursuant GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Forintormalion, contact Plaiotilrsatlor- SOCIAlES, LIC , 230 W. Monroe Street, Sulle 61 125, Chicano, IL enlillod casse, Thomas J. Dart, Sherilt 01 Cook County, Illinois, will on 60606, (312) 541-9710 . Please mIer to file number 10-7349 THE JU- DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- 00606, (312) 541-9710 . Please rober to bile number 10-7524. THE JU- June 16, 2011, eI 12 Noon In Ike hallwayoulslde Room 701 of the RI- amended,that a certificationto An Ad (n relation to the uoe nec: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES, P.C.,laWO3O DICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive. 24th CORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, DICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Soslh Wacker Drive, 241h chard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washinglon SIrnol, Chicago, IllinoIs, was filed by Ike undersignedot an Assumed Business Name Floors Chicago IL 60656-4600 (312) 236-SALE You can also vIsit The GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Inlorrnutisn, contad Plainlilt's allor- Floor Chicago IL 60606-4650 (312( 236-SALE You can also visit The (630) 794-9876 between the hours ut i and 3 PM only and ask tor thu Judicial Sales óorporation ut www.tjsc.com tor a 7 day status report et ney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS k ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 sell et publio auction the bellowing descosed premises end real estate with Ike Counly Clerk of CookIs the conduct or transection of sales department.. Please refer to hIe number 14-10-24830. THE JU- Judicial SuIes ósrporatisn st www.lisc.com for a 7 day 515155 r050rt of meslionod in saId Judgmenl: PIN.: 10-21-414-572-0000. Address: County. Filo No. D11126097 onBusiness In fheStste, as pending unIes. JOHNSON, SLUMBERS & ASSOCIATES, LLO 230 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE. IL 60527, needing sales. JOHNSON, SLUM8ERG & ASSOCIATES, LLO 230 5543 Warren Strool, Skokie. IL 60077. Improvomenls: Miued use cam- DICtAI SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Once, 24th W. Mouron Street, Suite 01125 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 541-9710 At- (630( 794-9876 bolween Ihe haurs ut I and 3 FM only and ask tor the May 5, 2011, Under the As-amended,thaI a certiticalion Floor, Chimigu IL 60606-4650 (312) 23E-SALE You can also visit The W. Monroe SIrenI, Suite e1125 ChIcano, IL 60606 (312) 541-9710 AI- mercIaI and residentIal condominIum unit. Sale shall be under Ihe fol torney File No.: 10-7349 Attorney Code. Case II 10 CH 33882 NOTE: sales department.. Please rete, to tile number 14-10-31049. THE JU- bmop File No.: 10-7524 Attorney Code. Case Il 10 CH 38579 NOTE: sumed Neme of was filed by Ihe undersIgned Judicial Sales borporation st www.tjsc cnmfor a 7 day status report SI Pursuant to the Fair Debt Csllectian Predices Act, you are advIsed DICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Soslh Wacker Drive, 241k lowing 10005: 10% down In cauhlnm funds, balance wilhin 24 hnurs of Eendinq salen. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH Pursuant lo the Fair Debt Cslleclinn Practices Act, you are advised sale in cashiers funds. The purchaser of Ihe sull other than a POL-ART SPOLKA ZOO with Ike County Clerk of Cook that Pluintrlrs atlumey u deemed to be a deW collector attempting to Floor Chicago IL eEuO6-4e50 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Ikat Plalelill's attorney Is deemed lo be a debl collector ellompllng Is mortgagee shall pay Ike assessments and the legal tees requIred by at 1236 S. KnighI Ave,, ParkCounty. Filo No, 011126129 on FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 16301 794- collect u debt and any Intorrnalisn oblalned will be snort br Ihat pur- Judicial Sales òorpuratiun at www.tjsc.com tot a 7 day status report ob 9876 Attorney File No,: 14-10-24830 APOCE 00468002 Attorney collect a debt and any Inbormulion obtained will be used for that par- 765 ILCS 60518(g)(1) acri (g)(4). SuIe shall be subject Is general las- Ridge, IL 60066,ThetrueMuy 9, 2011. Under Ike As- 505e. 1356282 pendinq sales. CODILIS S ASSOCIATES. P.C. 15W030 NORTH pose. 1348984 es, special assessments. and any prIor timt mortgages. Fremlsou will Code. 21762 Case O 10 CH 038017 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Pub: 5)12, 5/19, 512612011 #72685 C FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (6301 794- name(s) end residence addresssumed Neme of Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintilt's attorney in 9876 Atlnrney File No.: 14-10-31046 ARDCII 00468002 Attorney Pub: 5/12, 5/19, 512612011 ff72636 C be open bor Inspection by prior arrangement made through counsel ofIke owner(s)is;1236 S. VIdeo Patrol deemed to be a debt collector aSempling ta collect a debt end any in- Idenlitied below. For lnbsrmallon: LeNin O SteIn, Plaintilt's Allomeys, Code. 21762 Case Il 10 CH 039707 NOTE: Parsuunl to the Fair Debt 541 N. FaIrbanks Court, Sulle 2121, Chicago, IL e0611,Tel. No. (312) KnlgkI Ave,,ParkRidge,ILet liii N. Placa Orine, Suite lorrnation obtulned will be used for that purpose. 1396830 Collection Predices Act you are advised Ihat Plaintitt'o attorney io (L 60173. Pub: 5/16, 508, 6/2/2011 #75687 C 527-2641. ThIs Is an altompl to collect a debt parssanl Io the Fair 60068, 640, Schsumburg, Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judicial Sales-Real Est deemed lu be a ctoblcollector allempling to collect s debt and any in- Judicial Sales-Real Est.Judiciál Sales-Real Est; Debt Collection Practicas Act aoci any Inbormalion oblalned will be Pub:5112,5119,5!26/l1#73340C The lise nome(a) end residence tormallon obtained will be used for thaI purpuse. 357901 used loi that osmose. 1356746 Pub:5I26, 6/2, 6190011 079821 C address of Ike owner(a) Is; Dan- Pub:5/26, 6/5, 61912011 *79741 C leI 44Germain t SKOKIE BUFFALO GROVE Edgewsrlh, Judicial Sales-Reàl Est.JudicialSales-Real Est. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY Placo, Scheumburq, IL 60173. DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Assumed Name Pub:5/19,5/26,6/ZT1 1#74255C FANNIE MAE ("FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION") BUFFALO GROVE U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR RASC LEGAL SKOKfE Plaislitf, 2005KS11 ASSUMED NAME IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY Pluinlilt, Notice is hereby given, pursuen DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION JAMER ZOMAIA, AMEL A. ZOMAIA, 4641 W. MAIN CONDOMINIUM CITIMORTGAGE. INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO to An Act (n relalion to Ike use FIND MORE FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C(1ARLES J. STEVENS AlE/A CHARLES JOSEPH STEVENS, el al Plaintiff, ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIM- ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC Adoption of as Assumed BusIness Name ANTS Plaintiff, Debendanl In the sondad or Iransectlsn of TO PLACE A Defendant 10 CH 044719 IKLAS E. POULES, el al Assumed Name BusIness In IbaStafe, as la CH 30468 ¿'ÑNA RIVTIS, nl al NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhsI par- Datendant NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- suant In a Judgment of Foreclosure end Sale enlerod in the above amended,that a certiticution LOCAL JOBS 10 CH 030428 Detendast Auction- Rea' Estate CLASSIFIED AD, suanl Is a Judgment 01 Foreclosure and Sate entered in the above lo CH 049738 cause ou April 4. 2011, an agent ob The JudicIal Sales Corpsrullsn, was filed by the undersIgned NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- cause on April 27, 2011, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corpuralian, will al 10.30 AM on July 6, 2011. at Ihe The Judicial Sales Corpora- suant to u Judgment at Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that por- Bld Notice wilh the County Clerk of Cook will at 10:30 AM on Jene 13, 2011, at the The JudicIal Sales Corpora- Ousnl to a Judgmest of Foreclosure and Sale entered In Ihn abpve lise, One Soalk Wacker Dove - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell County. File No. 011125995 on cause on March 31 , 201 1 , an agent sI The Judicial SaIns Corporation, lion, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell al public aucbon lo Ihn highest bidder, as sel borth below, the bsllnwing CALL will at 10:30 AM on July 5, 2011, ut the The Judicial Sales Corpora- cause on April 18. 2011, un agent ob The Judicial Sales Corsoralian, Divorce May 2, 2011, Under the As- AT al public aucliun Io the hlhesI bidder, es set forth below, Ihn following will at 10:30 AM on June 21 , 201 1 , at the The Judicial Salen Corpora- dsscnbed real eslala: Commonly koswn us 22e TIMBER HILL ROAD, trou, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Flenr CHICAGO, IL 6060E, sell described resI estate: Commonly known as 4641 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO GROVE, IL 60089 Properly Inden No, 03-05-114-020. The Foreclosures sumad Name of at public auction to the highest bidder, us set forth below, the tsllowin lion, Ose Soalh Wacker Once - 241k Flsor CHICAGO, IL 60606, oeIl Guitar DesIgn & RepaIr Shop UNIT 2A, Skokie, IL 60076 Property Indus No. 10-22-301-055-0000 at public auclion lo Ihn hlghnsl bidder, au sel torth below, Ike bollowin real enlate is Improved milk a residence. Sale lermu:25% down of Iho PIONEERLOCALCO?MtONSTER 847-998-3400 described real eslule: Communly known as 9439 LONG AVENUE, (OLD); 10-22-301-062-1002 (NEW(. The real estate Is Improved wilh highest bld by cerblled funds at the Close of Ike auction: ike balance, Foundation Notices al 3311 W. Carroll Ave., Ste SKOKIE, IL 60077 Property Indes No. 10-16-108-037. The real notule described real nslale:Commonly knswrr au 1089 MILLER LAN a cunduminium. The judgment amount was $194 733.12 Sale terms: UNIT 6209, BUFFALO GROVE IL 6SEE9 Property Indes No. 03-08- Including Ihn Judicial nulo tee for Abandoned ResIdential Property Mu- 1)4, Chicago,IL. 60624, The la Improved wiIh a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down ol 25% down of the highenl hid by certified funds at tIre close of the usc- nicipalily Relleb Fund, which Is calculated on resldenliul real estate al Judicial Saies the highest bid by cortitied funds at the close of the auction; The bal- 101-017-1117. The real estate s improved with a csndollowshsuue, title name(s) and realdence ad- lion; The balance, including the Judicial sale tee tor Abandoned Resi- Sale terms: 25% down ob the highest bid by cerlibied funds at the Ike raIe ob $1 tor eack $1.000 or traction thereof ob the smount paid dress of Ihn owner(s) Is; Jacek STATE OF INDIANA j arico, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Resideulial Proper- denlial Property Municipality Relief Fund, which Is colculatod on reSI- by Ike purchaser not lo esceed $300. In certilied fundo, Is due wilkio Mechanics Liens ty Municipality ReImt Fund, which s calculated on residential real es- close of the auction: The balance, Including Ihe Judicial saie tse for Bogdenokl,4840S,Harding >55: denlial real estala at Ike rete of $1 fur each $1 000 or traction Ihereot Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fand, which is cul- twenty-tour (241 hours. No tee shall be paid by Ihn mortgagee ucquir- tate at the rate st $1 for euch $1,000 sr fraclion Ihereot 01 the amount of the amount paid by thu purchaser not to euceed $300, in certilied Name Change Ave., Chicago, IL. 60632. COUNTY 01° HAMILTON) paid by the purchaser not to euceed $300 in certified tends, is due colaled on residential real estale al Ike rate nl $1 for euch $1,000 or Ing Ihn residenllal real 05101e parsoanl to ils credit bld alIke sale or IN THE HAMILTON SUPERIOR COURT NO. I funds, is due within twenty-tour (24) hours. No tee shall be paid by the brachne Ihereot of the amounl paid by the purchaser not to esceod by any mortgagee, judgment credilnr, or other lienor acqulneg Ihn resi- Psb:5112,511 9,5/26/1 I lt74547C within twnnty-tnur )24) hours. No tee shall be paid by the mortgagee mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit Probate CAUSE NO. 29D01-1104-AD- acqalung the residenlial real entale persaunt to its credit bld at the $300. In certified tundo, Is due wilhln Iwenty-boar (24) hours. No bee denlial real estate whsse rights In and Io the resldenliul real eslale ASSUMED NAME bid et the sale or by any mortgagee, (udgmenl Creditor or other lienor shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring Ihn reuldenlial real enlate aroso prior lo the sale. The sublect property Is subject to general real Public Hearings NotIce (s herebyiven, pursuant (N THE MArrER OP THE ADOPTION OF MAT)SA SANARAN sale or,by any mnrtgageo, lsdgment credilor, or other Ilerror acquiring acquiring the residential real estala whose nghts In and to the resIden- estala tases, special ussessmonts, or specIal lasos levied against the residential real estate whose righls in and to the reuirinnllal real es- pursuant to ils credit bld at 1ko sale or by any mnrlgugsn, (udgrnont to An Ad In relel(on to Ihe use BROWN liaI real eulale eroso prior to the sale. The subject properly io subject credilor, or Olhnr lienor acquiriog Ike residenlial real eslale whose said real eslale und In offered for sale without any ropresenlaliss go Public Notices TO;UNNAMED PUTATIVE FATHER VIA PUBLICATION tule arose pnor Io the sale. The nublnct property in ssblect to general Io general real estate tases, special assessments or special taues lev- to quality or quanliby of tille und without recourse lo Plainlilt and in of an Assumed Business Name real estate tnues, special assessments, or special tases levied against nghts In and to the residential real estate arase prior to the sale. The COON COUNTY, ILLINOIS led againsl said real estate and Is ollered tor saje wilhout any repre- subject property Is sebject la general real estala tanes, special assess- AS lS Condihon. The sale is burther subjuct lo cnnlirmatlon by Ihe Storage - Legal In the conduct or lransacflon of saId real estate and is ollered br sale wilhout any representation an senlalisn as tu qoalily or qauntily of title and without recoume io PlaIn- Business IntheSfebe, as NOTICE TO UNNAMED FATHER to quality or quanlity of title and without recourse to PlainlitI end in musts, or special tases levied against said real notule and Insttered court, It the sale is sel aside for uny reason, the Purchaser at the sale tilt and In AS lS condition. The oste Is turtlier uobjncl to contirmsllsn for sale wilhost any reprenentulinn as to quality sr quanlily ob lilla and shall be onlilled only to a return of Ike deposit paid. The Purchaser Take Notices emended,thatacertihcallorr The unnamed pulative father of the child born Io Mosquita AS lS condition. The sale lu turther subject to confirmation by the by the court. Upon payment In full of the amount bid, Iba purchaser court. It the sale is set asido tor any reason, the Purchaser at the sale wilhsul recourse to Pleinlilt und In "AS 1S cosdition, The sale In tar- shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgane was filed by the undorslgrred Brown on October 9, 2006, or the person who Claims Io be the will receive a Certiticale st Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a Iher subject to Confirmation by the court. It the sale In sel aside for any or Ike Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment In lull otthe amount old, father of Ike child born Io Merqulla Brown on October 9, 2006, shall be entilled only to a return of the deposit paId The Purchaser deed to the real eslule aher sonllrmatlon of the sale The property will Ike purckaser will receive a Certilicale of Sale that will entitle Ihn pur- Assumed Name with Ihe County Clerk of Cook shall have no turlher recourue against the Murlgagor, the Mortgagee masan, Ihn Purchaser al Ike sale shell be enhilled only lo a relum sI County. File No. D11126071 on lu nolified Ihat e pelillon for adoption of the child wee filed Is NDT be open for inspection and plainlift makes nu represunlalion as the deposit paId. The Purchaser shall have no farther recourue chaser lo a deed Is the real estula attercuetonnulion of Ihn sale Ike ASSUMED NAME or the Mnrtgagee's attorney. Upnn payment In tull ofthe amount bld, Io the condilion 01 the property. Prospectivo bidders are admonished property will NOT be upen ber inspection and plaintibt makes no repro- May 4, 20)1. Under Ike As- Ike office of 1ko Clerk of Hamilton County Superior Court I, I the purchaser will receive a Certiticate xl Salo thatwill enhIle the pur- against Ihn Mortgagor. the Msrtgogee or Ike Mortgagee's allsrnoy. NoIlce lo hereby given, pursuant Hamilton Sqosre, Noblesvillo, Indiana 46060. fo check the court file to venfy all Inlormatlon. It IhIs property Is o con- Upon payment In full St Ike amoust bid, the purchaser will receive a nentshon as lo Ihn conditIon of Ike property. Prospecline bIdders are ssmed Name of chaser to a deed to the real estale aher contirrnaliun of the sale The dnminium unit. or a unit which Is part 01 e common interest communi- fo An Act lit relation Io the use If Ike unnamed pateline falher seeks to contest Ike adoption of property will NOT be opes for inspeclion and plalntilf makes no repre- Certilicule ob Sale that will entitle the purcknser Isa deed tu Ike real admonished lo check the court file to nenby all intormahlon. It Ibis prop- JUST FAUX FUN ly, Ihn purchaser st the unit at the foreclosure sale, olher Ihun a estate aller conbrmahlon ut the sale The property will NOT be open bar arty is a condominium sell, Ike purchaser 01 Ihe unit al the foreclosure of an Asssmed Business Name Ike child, the unnamed putative father must file a motion Icr con- sedation as to the conditIon el the property. Prospective bidders are morlgagee, shall pay Ihe assessments and the legal fees required by (n the Conduct Oi frensacfiorl ofal 6727 N, OlympIa Ana., ChIca- admonished tu check the court hIe tu nerity all Intormation. If this prop- inupechion and plainlilt makes no represenlaliun as to Ike csndihlsn ob sale, other Iban a msrtpageo shall pay Ihn ussnusmenla and Ihn le' go, IL 60631 , The 1mo name(s) fest Ike adoplion In accordance wilh IC 3)-19-10-1In the The Cundominlarrr Property Act, 765 ILCS 605191g))» und 101(4). In Ike property. Prospeclive bIdders are admonished In check the court gal boos required by The áondominium Propnrly Act, 76$ ILCS BusinessIntheState, es erty Is a Condominium unit, the purchaser st the unit at the foreclosure accordance with 735 ILCS 5115-1507(c)(1)(h-1) and (h-2). 765 ILCS and residence address of the above named court or a paternity action under IC 31-14 wilkin safe. other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the le- filo In verity all inbormallon. lb Ibis property is a condomInium sf11, Ike 605/9(g)(1) and (g((4), If Ibis property Is a condominium axil which s amended,1h01 a certihcu)lon Ihirty (30) days after Ike dato of service of thin notice, This no- 60519(g)(5), and 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g.1), OU ore hereby nolilied that purchaser ob the unit at the foreclosure sale, olher Ikan a mortgagee, part 01 a csmrnae interest Community, the purchaser of the unit al the owner(s) (o: Mary Kay Warden, gal tens required by The áondnmirnum Property Act, 765 ILCS the purchuser of the property. olher thun e mortgagee, shall pay Iha was filed by the underSIgned tice may be servod by psblicution. 60519(g)(1) and (9X41. If this property is a condominium unit which is shall puy Ike assessments and Ike legal teen required by The Condo- toroclssure sale other thun a mortgagee shall pay the assessments re- with Iho County ClerIc of Cook6727 N. Olympia Ave., Chicago, assessmenls and legal tees requIred by subsections g((l( and (g)(4) minium Property Act, 765 ILCS eE5/9jg((1) ucd (g)(4). It 1km qulred by The Condominium Property Act 765 ILCS 605/18.5W-11. IF IL 60631. If the unnamed pululive telhoc part ot a common interest Commsnity, the purchaser xl the unit at the of section 9 and the assessmenla required by subsection In-11 of sec- property County. File No, 0)1(26055 on foreclosure sale olher thun a mortgagee shall pay the assessments re- lu a condominium unit which is part 01 0 Common interest community, YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEòWNER) YOU HAVE THE Pub:5119,5126,6/2/1l #76679C I (does noI file: lion 18.5 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act. IF YOIJ ARE THE the purchaser xl the unit ut the tsreclonure sula other Iban a RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER EN- May 4, 20(1, Under the Aa- A)a motion to contest Ike adoplion; or oulred by The Condominium Property Act. 765 ILCS E05118.5tg-1). IF MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- ASSUMED NAME YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWNER) YOU HAVE THE mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium TRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH sumedName of B)A paternity aclion under IC 31-14; MAIN IN POSSGSSION FOR 3h DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN OR- Proserty Act 765 ILCS 605/16 alo-lI. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLlNOlMORTGAGE FORECLO' Notice Is hereby gIven, purasunt PIONEER PRESS ThOnS ter RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 bAYS AFTER EN- DER OF POSSESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- EUNICE CLEANERS Wilkin thirty (30) days aller service of this notice; or Gott IHOMOWNER). YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS- SURE LAW. For lnlsrmalion contact Plainlitrs atturney: The Sale Parkfo An Ad In relation to the use TRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH t701(Cl OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Clerk CODILIS & ASSOCIAtES P.C. , 15W0311 NORTH FRONT- et 2620 Dompslor St., ob an Assumed BusIness Hamo (2)eller tiling a paternity eclion under IC 31-14 fells to establish SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO- SESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POS- Ridge,IL60068. inlorma(ion, contact FlaInlilt's allorney: Anthony Porto, FREEDMAN SESSION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE AGE IIDAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 be- The 1mo(n Ihe corrducl or transaction of paternity; SURE LAW. For information. Contact Plaintilt's attorney' The Sale ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333, NA- neme(s) arid residence address ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For intormalion can- Iween Ike hourn ob I and 3 PM only and ask for Iho sales depart' In IkeSlabe, es Ike above named court shall hear end determine Ike petition Clerk, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONT- PERVILLE. IL 60563, (866( 402-8661 For bidding Instrucliuns, call menI,. Please mier to tile number 14-09-31979. THE JUDKJAL of the owner(s) Is; Whu SoonBusIness AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-8876 be- tact Plaiiitilf'u alfurney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS S ASSOCIATES. amended,Ihat a certification for adopllon. The unnamed putative talker's consent (a Irrevo- 630-453-6713 24 hours prior to sale. Please reter to filo number P.C. SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor. Chica- Roh, 1260 S, Purlislcle Rd., Pa- tween the hours 01 1 und 3 PM only and ask tar the sales depart- C100?0007. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Ose South 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR woo tIled by the undersigned cabty Implied and the unnamed putative lather loses the right ment.. Please retar to tile number 14-10-234ES. THE JUDICIAL RlDG, IL 60527, (630) 794-0876 between Ihe hours st 1 und 3 PM ito, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also nisil The Judicial feline, (L 60067. Io conlent Ike edoplion or validity of Ike unnamed pufatìve fa- Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago. IL 60606-4650 (312(236-SALE oslo and ask tsr Ike salen departmenl.. Please retar lo lila number 14- Sales Corporation al w,llsc,com bor a 7 dan 5151es report of pend- milk the Counly Clerk of Cook SALES CORPORATION One Soulh Wacker Drive, 24th Floor. Chica- You cue also visit Thu Judicial Sales Corporation al www.ljsc corn br Pub:5112.5!19.S!26111 #7401 5C Ibera Implied consenl Io Ike adoplion. The unnamed putalino 00 IL 60606-4650 1312) 23E-SALE You can also visit The JudicIal 10-32437. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One Soslh Ing sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONT- County. File No, 011126138 on a 7 day stalus resort st nendino soles. FREEDMAN ANSELMO LIND- Wacker Drive, 241k Fluer, Cklcarto, IL 60806-4650 (312) 236.SALE AGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDàE, IL 60527 (630( 794-9076 AI- ASSUMED NAME May 10, 2011. Under the Au- father bono Ike right Io eslablisk paternity of Ike child under IC cules Corporation at WwW.tlnc oem fur a 7 day stulun rqpnrt of pend- BERG LLC 180V W. OIEHL lIGAD. SUITE 333 NAPERVILLE, IL torneO Notice Is hereby given, pursuant ins sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES P.C. ISWO3O NORTH FRONT- You can also visit The JudicIal Suies Corporation at www.lisc corn for FIle Nu.: 14-09-31878 ARDCII 00466002 Attorney Code. sumeri Name of 31-14. 60563 (806) 402-8061AtlornoyFileNo.: C10070007 ARDCt a 7 day status report of pesdinn sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES 21762 Case k 10 CH 044719 NOTE: Pursuanl lo the FaIr Debt Cullec- lo "An Act In relation to the use Nolklng Margulle Brown or any one else says to Ike unnamed ACE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDáE, IL 60527 (6301 794-9876 At- 627559t .Atlerney Code. 26122 Case II 10 CH 30468 NOTE: Per- lion Practices Act, you are advised Ikat PlamnIlIrs attomey Is deemed LB MOTOR SERVICE tome FlIcNo.: 14-10-23480 ARDCII 00468002 Attorney Code. P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD. SUITE 100 BURI4 of en Assumed BusIness Nameat 4643D Church Street, Skokie, putative father of Ike chIld relieves Ike unnamed putative father suant to the FaIr Debt Collection Practices Act, yoa are advised that RIDGE, IL 60527 (635( 794-9876 Atlomey File Nu.: 14-10-32437 lo be a debl collector allernphing lo collect a debt and any letormahlos In Ike conduct or fmnsacllon of Pioneer Press 2t76 Case h 10 CH 030428 NOTE: Parsuantto the Pair Debt Colles- Fluinlilt's atlomey Is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to col- sblained will be used for that purpose. 353269 Illinois 60076. 111e Iwo neme(s) of his obligallons under Ibis notice. lion Practices Act, you are advised that Plelntitf's atlomsy In deemed AROCII 00468002 Atlorney Code. 21762 Case 6 10 CH 049738 BusIness InIhn Stete. es led a debt end any Information obtaIned will be used tor that purpose. NOTE: Pursuant lo the Fair Debt Collection Praclices Ad, you ore ad- Pub:5/26, 6t2, 6/9f2011 #79716 C and residenCe address of Ike Under Indiana law, a putative falber Is a person who Is named to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any inlurmation f356861 amended,thata cortlticallon as or claims thaI he may be Ike talker of a Child born out of oblained will be used for that purpose. 352255 vised Ikal Plaintilt's allorney Is deemed lo be a debt cnllecbor atlnmpt owner(s) Is: Leon Berg, 4643D Pub: $119, 5/26, 6/2/2011 tf75712C Ing lo collect a debl and any Inlormalisn oblalned will be used tar that was filed by the underslgnod wedlock buI who kas not yet been legally proven fo be Ike and Monster Pub:5126, 6/2, 6/91201 1 #79692 C Church Street, Skokio, (L purpose. 1355173 with the County Clerk of Cook60076. child's talker, Pub: 5/12, 5/19, 5/26/2011 #72663 C County. File No. D11126052 on This notIce complies with IC 31-19-4-4 but does noI exhaustIve- SUBSCRIBE TODAY Pub:5112,5/19,5/26/1l#74888 C SUBSCRIBE TODAY Mey 4, 20)1. Under fha As- (y sel forth Ike unnamed pulalivo talker's legal obligafionu un- now work together ssmed Name of der the Indiana edsplion statutes, A pomon being served with SAY IT IN THE CALL CALL VASY'S REMODELING thIs notIce should consult Iho Indiana adoption st atuf es, TO PLACE YOUR FIND MORE To PIACE A et 3360 Greenleef, Skokie, (L Dated: www.pioneerlocal.com/monster 1.800.680.2068 OR 60076. The true neme(s) and FIND YOUR PERFECT Peggy Beaver, Clerk of Hamillon Counly CLASSIFIEDS, CALL FIND MORE LOCAL 1.800.680.2068 OR resIdence address ob the Affornoy Information: Shelley Hiles Haymaker Attorney al Low GARAGE SALE AD, CLASSIFIED AD, FIND MORE LOCAL APARTMENT IN THE VISIT VISIT owner(s) (s: Vesile Pop, 336G 124 N. 101k St. Noblosville, IN 46060 (317) 776.0480 847-998-3400 TO LOCAL JOBS AT JOBS AT JOBS AT Greanleef, Skokle, IL 60076. Pub; 5)26, 6/2 6/911 1 (69463) CALL 847-998-3400 CALL 847-998-3400 PIONEERLOCAL.COM Pub:5112,5Il9,5126/u1#74556C CLASSIFIEDS. PIOHEEKLOCALCOMj1ONsTER PIONEERLOCAL.COM , PLACE YOUR AD P1ONEER[OCALCOMI?DHS1ER PIONEERLOCALCOM41ONSTER ''Ir Thursday, May 26, 2011 Pioneer Press (DC) 27 26 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, May 26, 2011 Storage - Legal Storage - Legai Storage - Legal Storage - Legal Storage - Legal Name Change Public Notices Nolice of PublIc Sole of Bid Notice Bid Notice Bid Notice Bid Notice Bid Notice Bid Notice Personal Property VILLAGE OF HARW000 NOTICE OF AUCTION NolIce Is hereby given that pursuant Io Illinois Sell-Storage Fe- NOTICE OF SIDOING NOTICE OF BIDDING BID NOTICE BID NOTICE BID NOTICE LEGALNOTICB COOK COUNTY CHANGE OF chilles Act, a salo will be held on June 13, 2011 el 10:00 am., Metro Seit Storage NAME FORM HEIGHTS Life Slorage Centers cl Wrlglnyville will hold a public sale lo entorco a Notice lo hereby given Ihal Ike Notce is hereby given that theNofice is hereby given that theThe North Shore Center for theComniunily ConsolidatedCommunity Consolidated011iclal notice Is hereby given PUBLIC HEARING tien Imposed on said property, as described below pumsanl la the liii- at UfeSlorags of Little Villsge, 3245 West 30th Slreel, ChIca- Skokía Park Cistrict s acceptingSkokie Park District Is acceptingPerformIng Arts In SkokieSchool District 64, 164 S. Pros-School Dislrict 64, 164 S. Pros-that bids will be received In theStata of IllInoIs A Public Hearing will be nais Sell-Service Storage Facilily Act, Illinois Code 770 ILCS 9511 lo go,It.60623 (773) 376-8577. The conlenls of the below undersigned self storage unit(s) bids for the lease or purchase ofbids for the Maintenance Con-(NSCPAS) will receive Propos-pedt Ave., Park Ridge, IL. willpedt Ave., Park Rldga, IL.willBusiness Olfice of the SkokieCounty of Cook held on Thursday, Jane 9, 95//, at 12:05 PM on Mondsy, June 13, 2011, at Lite Slorage Ces- spaces will be sold et a public aale for cash, credit card or certi-will be sold al a public sale by 23 Schwinn AC Sport Indoortract for Fitness First. Bid sped-als for: accept bids for xerographic pa-accept bids for snow removalWeberConler,9300 WeberIn The CIrcuIt Court For Cook 201 i ut 7:00pm ut Ike lare of Wriglayville, 3323 West Addison SIrael, Chlcaga, Illinsis, compelilive bidding, in their en- Harwood Heights Villaga lied funda. il there lo no market value or no bids received, Ike Cycles.Bid specifications arefrcstions ere available at 9300 REPLACEMENT OF per. Specilications may be re-equipment. Specificaflons mayPark Place Skokie, IL 60077 un- County, IllinoIs 60e18.773478-0555. Management reserves ihe right lo willidraw any goods will be otherwise disposed of. tirety to the hlgkesl bidder, on or In The Mailer of the Pelilion of Hall, 7350 West Wilson Ave- UnII Irom sale. Ifugislared or motor vehicles are sold 'As Is / Paris On- aller 6115/11 to satisfy the lien available at 9300 Weber Place,Weber Place, Skokie, IL 60077 ELECTRONIC MESSAGE quested troni the Board Ottico,be requested from the BoardiiI 1:00 pm local time on June 9, nue, Harwood Heights, liii- li',' no titles er regislrallon. Unit fi 2125 --- Esfole Bohren- Household Goods, Fumliure, Skokie, IL 60077 between Ihnbetween the hours of 8:30 am. PANELS AND RELATED 164 South Prospect Avenue,Ottico, 164 South Prospect Ave-201 1 , for the following: Kathy Saysamphan nais, at which lime Ihere will Tenant Neme Unit 0 Stared Ilesa Boxes UnII ri 2478 --- Rogelio Charo- Household Goods, Fumi- of Melro Self Storage for renIaI hours at 8:30 am. and 4:30and 4:30 p.m., Monday through CONTROLS Park Ridge, IL 60068. Bids arenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068. INTERIOR SIGNAGE For be a discussion al Ike pro- Jamas Rosenthal 1086 HHG, Fusilare, Boxas lure, Boxes Unit 8 2068 --- Pedro Doranles- Household Goods, and olher charges due from Iha p.m.. Monday through Friday. Friday. Until 4:00 p.m. local lime Junedue and will be publicly openedBids are due and will be publicly f or the Change of Name posed budgel which will than JamesRosenlhal 1146 HHG, Furniture, Bones Fumilare, Boxes Unit 8 3136 --- Daisy Rivera- Household undersigned. The seid properly Bids Will be received Until Tues-Bids will be received until Tues-23, 2011 atthe NSCPAS aland read on Monday, June 6,opened and road on Tuesday, EXPANSION/RENOVATION Casoii 11 M3 1599 be used as a basis br the 2011- Andrew Pulser 1300 HIlO, Fumilure, Bones has been stored and generally 2012 Apprsprlatloo Ordinance. Tara Garber4O3O HHG Furniture, Bones Goods, Fumliure, Bones, Toys, Tools Unit fi 1169 --- Juan J. day June 14th, 2011at 10day Juno 14th, 2011at 119501Skokie End, Skokle,IL201 1 aI 1 :00 p.m.Bidders areJune 7, 2011 at 10:00 am,Bid- OF TIlE SKATIUM NoIlce of PublIcation Veladas- Paper Supplies UniIli1170 --- Aguolin Vallejo- described below is located al Public NoticeIs hereby givenSubsequent Io auch hearing Pub: 3/24, 3/31/1 1I8OGO8IC25 ihereapecliveaddress.The a.m., at which time the bids willam., st which time the bids will60077 Inviled to attend ihn opening butriera are Invited to attend the 9300 WEBER PARK PLACE and helare 1mal echan there-on, Household Goods, Furniture, Boses, Toys, Toots be opened and publicly read. Allbe opened and publicly read. AllThe projecl requires Ihe biddertheir presence la not required. opening but their presenceIs SKOK1E, IL 60077 that on June 23, 2011, at 9:00,lha Corporale Authonlies may Pub:5/26, 6/2/11(80239) C2s sale will be held ai the Irrst of bids must be submItted in sbIds must be aubmitledin ato provide and maIalI three LEDBetty LatIendo not required. The acope of work Includes:AM being one ofthe returnravise, alter, increase or decreaon Ike following addresses, lisiad in seated envelope marked01dsealed envelope marked81dmessage panels approximatelyPurchasing Manager Belly Latlanzio certain new signage and relateddays In the Circuit Court of fhauny hems conlalned Iharelo, und Public Notices Public Notices order, end will begin al 8:30am forLoaseor Purchaseoffor MaIntenance Contract-II'S" wide by 46" taIl on an ex-rub: 5f26ft1 #78250C Purchasing Manager equlprneni for the renovation olCounty of Cook, i will file my pe-sil items will act as a basis br the Public Notices Public Notices or alter on said date and will Schwtnn Indoor Cycles" andFItness FIrst' and addressed the office and public areas ottilionIn said court praying forAppropriation Ordinance continue hour by hour unlil all isfng sign structure along with BID NOTICE Pub: 5/26111 #80979C scheiNtod for passage ai a Regular nddrossed to MtchotteTuft,to MIchelle Tuft, ShoNe Parkrelaledprogrammingcontrols.Community Consolidated BID NOTICE the existing Ice Rink Facility. Ike change of my name from THIS ORDINANCE MAY BE CITED AS LEGAL NOTICE unito are sold. Board Mauling 01 Ike Village NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SkokteParkDIstrict,9300DisIrIct, 9300 Weber Place,Installation Is to occur prior toSchool District 64, 164 S. Proa-The BoardofEducationofPlans, specifications, bld formsKathy Saysamphan iofhat ofBoard of Truslaea on Thursday. VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Elizabeth Saysamphan, pur- . THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE Metro Sell Storsge - 9501 W. Weber Place, Skokte, IL 60017.Skoh)o, IL BOOTh October 1, 2011. podI Ave., Park Ridge, IL. willRlcigewood High School Dlstnctand all required bld documenta June 9, 201 i ai 7:30pm 11-5-P-3833 VILLAGE OF NORRIOGE The Board of Park Commission-The Board of Park Commission-A copy of the Request for Pro-accepl bids for Ford F350 truck.234 Is receiving bids tor Trans-may be oblalned on Thumday,suant to the sfalute in such casolollowing Ike Publio Hearing. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OP 4811 NOTICE is hereby givee by the Village of Norrtage that a public hear- Grand Ave, Frankiln Park, iL ers of the Skokie Park Dïsldct,ers ot the ShoNe Park Dislrict,posaI can be obtained from Mi-Specifications may be requesl-portalion Services.Bids shallMay 26, 201 1 , by contacting Ihnmade and provided. All cillzens of Ike Village are DEMPSTER STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS, AND APPROVING log will be held en Wednesday June 08, 201 1 at 6:00 P.M. al the 60131 Cook CountyIllinois reservesCook County,Illinois reservescIlenI Pauken, General Manag-ed from the Board Ottica, 164be submiltedIoMs.CheiylOwner's Representative: Doled atRolling Meadows, lIli-encouraged Io alleM and will A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SUCH PROPERTY IN Norridge Village Hall, 4550 Honk Olcoll Avenue Nsrridge, Illinois, la Unii 144 Patricia Neri: bones, be given Ike opportunity ta rliscusstke proposed budget for the liscal year Ixtay I, 2011 10 AprIl misc. ilems. Unii 168 Yolanda the nght to reject any or all bidsthe right to reject any or all bidser, 847-679-9501 s 3007.Pro-Soufh Prospect Avenue, ParkFlinn, Business Manager, The AT Group, Inc. nais, April 29, 2011 give oral and walten comments CONJUNCTION WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT 0F WEST Signature of Petilioser , O . Chavez: box springs, mallress- or pariions thereof. or portions thereof. posais should be mailed or de-RIdge, IL 60068. BIds are dueRidgewood High School Disliict 7 N. Wisner Street on Ike proposed Budget and DEMPSTER STREET, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS BUDGET SUMMARY Please direct questions to Mi-Please direct questions to Ml-livered to NSCPAS Aun:Mi-and will be publicly opened and234, 7500 W. Monirose Ave., Park Ridge, Ililnola 60068 Kaihy Saysarnphan Approprialion Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Village of Skokle «he Village) la o home rule GENERALGOVERNMENT S 2,613,264.00 es, headboard. Unit 440 Mlchal chollo Tuft,Superintendentofchelle Tuff, Superintendent ofchael Pauken at 950) Skokieread on Tuesday, June 7, 2011Norridge, IL 60706 by 1:30 p.m. Afin: Jerry Aulisia Pub:S/12 5/19 S/26111#55520C The proposed Budget and Ap- municipality In accordance with the Conoliluilon of ihe Slate of POLICE DEPARTMENT 5 7,688,213.00 Pawlowaki: bones,labte, yac- Recreation at mltufteskokieparRecreation al mlult@skokieparBInd, Skokie, IL 60077. at 11:00 am.Bidders are InviI-on June 8, 2011. 8476927515 Probate propriatlon Ordinance will ha Illinois (1970); and STREET DEPARTMENT S 4,299,734.00 uum cleaner. kdistrict.org or 847-933-4355 kdistrict.org or 847-933-4355 Anyproposalsubmiltedun-ed io attend the opening butSincerely, All bids shall be accompanied available tar viewing at the WHEREAS, as a home rute municipality, Iho Village has ihe VILLAGE PROPERTIES i,eo4,320.00 Metro Self Storage - 60 E. Harwood Heighls Village GARBAGE DEPARTMENT 1.020,000.05 Lake Street, Pub:5126F1 1 #78991C Pub:512611 I #78992C sealed, unsigned, fax transmis-their presence Is noI required. Cheryl Flinn by a Bid Bond,CertIfiedor IN ThE CIRCUIT COURT OF Halt, 7305 West Wilson Ave- authority to edopi ordinances pertainIng lo Its government and Northlake,IL COOK COUNTY, WATER DEPARTMENT 2,853,294.00 60164 BID NOTICE BID NOTICE sions or received subsequent toBetty Laltarizio School Business Manager Cashier's Check made payable nue, Harwood HeIghts, liii- affairs, Ike declarailon of surplus properly, the disposition of TOTAL CORPORATE 16,432,369.00 Nibs Township I-ugh Schools,Niles Township High Schools,the aforementioneddate andPurchasIng Manager Pub: 5GB/Il #81009 fo the Shohie Park District for ILLINOIS noia on Thursday May 26,2011 property and the protection of the public heatlh, safety, and wel- TOTAL WATER 2,893,254.00 Unii B38 David Bloome: bicycle, District 219, will receive sealedDistrict 219, will receive sealedtime will be disqualified and re-Pub: 5126111 ii8O794C not lesa than Ten percent 110%) COUNTY DEPARTMENT- Puiy 5/28/i 1 18079510 fare of Ils cuisons; and TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE LEVIED I 053,162.00 fishing polen, boxes. Unit 049 bids for the Loan of Automo-bids for the purchase of TowelturnedtoIbabidder.The BID NOTICE of the bld amount. PROBATE DIVISION PRIVATE FOUNDATiON WHEREAS, the Village Is the owner ol the following dascri- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $20,378,825.00 William Kaup: kitchen table, air bItos for the DrIver EducaltonServIce for the 2011-12 schoolNSCPAS reserves the right foTheBoardofEducallon of All bids greater than $20,000.00ESTATE OF The Annual Report (Form bed real property: Completa badgel Is available tsr Inspection at Ihe Norridge Village conditioner, microwave. Unit Programup to 2:gO p.m. onyear up to 2:00 p.m. on Thurs-reject any and all bids or partsRidgewood High School District shallIncludothe coststor aJEANETTE C. P1-fILLIPS, 990PF) of ike Paul & Pearl Lola 1 through 6, inclusive, (excopt the north 7.00 feet of said Hall, 4500 North OlcstI Avesse, Norndge, Illinois. 017 David Calalano: restaurant All citizens el tIre Village are Invitad to attend and conlnbute Ihelr aug. equipment, ladders, boxas. Unit Thursday, June 9, 2011 at theday, June 9, 201 1at fha Busi-thereof, to waive any lrre9ulari-234 is receiving bids for Office Payment & Performance Bond. Disabled Person Caslow Family Foundaflon, a lota laken for the widening of Dempolar Streel, and eucepl the geslions on Ibis subledl. Business Office of District 219,floss Office of District 219, 7701)lies or lnfomialiileaIn biddingFumilure. Bids shall be submit- All work under this conlract shall No. 07 P 7913 private foundation, for the year east 7.00 feet ol Lot I taken for the widening of Skokle Goule- Judith Drove Bemardi, G56 Ignacio L Reyes: airless 7700 Gross Point Road, ShoNe,Gross Point Road, Skokie, ILprocedures and to award theted Io Ms. Cheiyl Filan, Busi- complywith the Prevailing PUBLICATION NOTICE ending December 31, 2010, Is yard, and excepl Ihat portion of Lola i and 2 lehen for alreel Village Clerk sprayers, drum sat, amplifiern. IL 60077. 60077. contractinthemanner bestness Manager, Ridgewood High To PLACE Wage Raie Act of the Slate of Il-i. JEANEUE C. PHILLIPS diedavailable at its principal office, purposes In case number 80L8688(, all in Terminal Subdivision PUBLISHED by mo thin 261k day xl May 201 1 In the Pisseur Pressi Thursday, June 16, 2011 Bids wilt thereafler be publiclyBids will thereafter be publiclyservingtheInlerestof theSchool District 234, 7500 W. linols, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. on February 27, 2011, and was6759 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, in the Northeast Ousrtar of Seclion 21, Township 41 North, Norndga and Hsrwosd Heights News. Judith Ouone Barnardi. Village Metro Self Slorage-465 N Clerk Deaplalnes, ChIcago, IL 60854 opened and read aloud.Speci-opened and read aloud. Speci- NSCPAS. MonlroseAve.,Norndge, IL 011era may not be wilhdrawn fora resident of Des Plaines,lili-IL 60626, for lnnpeclion dunng Rango 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, In Cook Coun- Pub:5/26/I1 #80916 C ticatlons of items to be suppliedfications of Items to be suppliedThe NSCPAS is a fully accessi-60706 by 1:00 p.m. on June 8, YOUR a period of sixty (60) days aft ornoix. re9ular business hours by any lv, Illinois. Unit 3217 Jim Johnson: boses, may be obtained from the Busi- may be obtained from the Bual-bin building. Persons requiring2011. closing date withouf the consent The Represenlative for Ikecilicen who requests It within lo PINS: 10-21 -204-001-0000 and 10-21-204-016-0000 kuchenchairs,dresser.UniI ness Office at the above ad-ness Office at the above ad-assistance should confact theSincerely, of the Board of Trustees. Estate Is VIRGINIA ORR, 55days from the date of this no. commonly known as 481 1 Dempsler SIreel, Skokie, Illinois STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT 3219 JImJohnson: boues. dress. dress. NSCPAS administrative office atCheryl Flinn Any Bid aubmiltedunsealed,Forest Lene, Elk Grove Village,tice. The Foundation's Principal (hereinafter 'Subjedl Properly"); and : RACINE COUNTY pallela, dollies. Unit 4105 Berry For further information contact: For further information contact: 847679-9501. School Business Manager GARAGE unai9ned, fax Iransmissions orIL 60007. Manager is David Mann. WHEREAS, the Subjecl Property Is In the West Dumpster THE PRIVATEBANI< AND TRUST COMPANY Chill: boxes. Unit 5089 TimoIhy Jean Hedstrom, Jean Hedatroni, Pub:5/26/11 1180647 C Pub: 5/26/11 #81014 received subsequenttothe The Atlornay for the Estala is 5/26/ii 79871 C Tax Incremenl Finance Allocation District (the 'TIF Oislricr) 70 W. Madison Slreel, Suite 200 Summem: dresser, microwave, Purchasing Agent Purchasing Agent aforementioned dale and time,CARY A. LINO, P.C., 121 S. Storage - Legai and was acquired by the Village for the purpose of furthanng Chicago, 1L60602, Case No. 11-CV-1599 TV. UniI 5228 Tyrone Peale: District 219 - Business Office District 219 - Business Oltice may bedisqualifiedandre-Wilke Rd., Suite 407, ArlIngton Ihe goals of the TIP Distridl; and Plaintiff, y. Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage bags. 847-626-3976 847-626-3978 SALE AD, turned to the bidder. HIs,, Illinois 60005. Public Notice WHEREAS, the funds used Io purchase the Subledt Property RPMONE, LLC Casa Code: 30301 Money Judgmenl Metro Self Storage - 601 W Pub: 5/26/11 #80688 C Pub: 5/26/11 #80662 C The SkokieParkDistrictre- On May 9, 2011, the Second Notice of Auction were, end remain, a financial obligation of the TIF Districl: end 1300 17th SIreel Case Code: 30303 Olher - Contracts Harrison Street. ChIcago, IL TO PIACE A FIND MORE serves the right to reject anyand Final Account Report ofDate: June 10, 2011 WHEREAS, Iho Village received a proposal to purchase and Racina, WI 53403, 60607 and all bids or parta thereof, loPlenary Guardian was filed;ifLocallon: 3400 Oakton SI. develop the Subject Property frorn Oborwels Oaliy, Inc. (herein- FARAH TRADING CORP. Unii 151 Eric Kelly: box, radio, CALL craies. UniI 151 Eric D. Rally: FIND MORE LOCAL FIND MORE LOCAL CLASSIFIED AD, wave any irregularities orno objection la tiled by June 9,Skohie, IL B0076 aller 'Dberwels'). The development of the Subject Property 10004 Soulh 76th Avenue, Unit 1 informaliliesInbld procedures2011, the Plenary Guardian willHousehold goods not paid for in wilt further the purpose ut Ike TIP District, generate property Bndgeview, IL 60455, box, radio, crates, Unii 283 Rey JOBS AT JOBS AT LOCAL JOBS AT and to award the contract In abe diacharged and the Estatestorage belonging to Abina and salas tax revenues, create employmenl and improve the SORIN P. MICLEA Nonato: bags, chairs, suilca505. CALL 847-998-3400 847-998-3400 manner besf serving the Intorestclosed. Goncatves. aesthetics of the West Oempsler 51mal area. The Mayor and 6830 N. Kedvale Unii 640 Rennelh Voegele: box- PIONEER1OCALCOWV?ON5TER NONEERLOCALCOMAONSTER PONEERLOCALCOM,1WN5TER of The Skokie Park Distncl. /5/ BY: CARY A. LIND, P.C. Pub: /26,6/2/11(79247)0 Board of Trustees have determined that (i) Ihn proposed deval- Liscolnwood, IL 60712, as, rug. Unit 640 Rann Voegete: Pub:5/26/1 i #80580C Attorneys for Representative opment by Ober-wels Is In the basI Interests of Ihn Villago, end OSAMA 1°. SHUBLAQ boses, rug. Unit 804 Lashawn CARY A. LIND, P.C. (o) the Subjecl Property Is not likely Io be redeveloped indo- 9930 Soulh 8611, Court Miller: box spring, ctoIhlng, dvd Mechanics Liens - Attorneys for Plenaiy Guardian pendent of Iho proposal by Obarweis; and Palos Hills, IL 60465, and player. Unii 823 Alen Maynle: Asta Gaileviciene last owner of121 5. Wilke Road - Sulle 407 WHEREAS the Village hss published a notice inviting any par- AYMAN ODEH chairs, sofas, table. Unii 1070B ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK 2007Lexus ES330 VINIlArlington Heights, il. 60005 ty to submit an aliemalive proposal for Ike Subjeci Property 15W 104 Harvard SIreel HectorMoreau: bags,rags, JTHBF46S072128088 owes(847) 577-0030 and to date no addilional proposal has been submiited; and Elmhumt, IL 60126, crate. Ruano Auto Body $27,300.gl, AAllorney No.: 23703 WHEREAS, the Village, In the exercise of its homo rule pow- Dai endonls. The terms of the sale will be Driver - CDL A: Earn Thu Drivers-LocalDrivIngand mechanic's lien will be enforcedPub:S/19,5G6,6/2/11 #76153C ers, hereby approves the sala of the Subledl Properly lo SUMMONS cash only and must be paid for AUTO DONATIONS EDUCATION Paycheck You Deserve DockWork. HomeDAILY. Obeiwels. The Village also desires to enter mb an agreement THE STATE OF WISCONSIN at the lima of sale. All goods are and vehicle will be sold at 1310 State of lilinols sold as lo. Metro Self Slorage DONATE VEHICLE MedIcal Management Careers WIthout HIgh Mlles and Good famIly BCBS benefits. Marquelto Dr. STE 6-7 In The CIrcuIt Court of Cook with Oberweis for the development of an Ice cream and dairy To each person named above as a defendant: OutstandIng StartIng PayI CDL-AwJl yr experience Rorneoville, siore and a quick service reslauranl. The consideration and You are hereby noiSed that Ike plalnlill named above has tiled reuervea the ngkl to wilhdraw RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY start here. Get connected IL 60446 on IS County, f lIlnols any or all units Irom Ike sate al required.Applyfor June 2011. Probate Dlvislon benelils io Ike Village in relation to the sale of ihe Subiect Prop- a lawsuit or other legal aclion against you.The complaint, COUPONS. NATIONAL online, Attend college ori your 2-day orientatIon PLUS $500 W HM any lime. All contents must be ANIMAL WELFARE own tImo. Job placement SIgn-On Bonuat COL-A, 6 mo. Combo position at 75149 Pub 5/19,5126,6/2/2o11 In the matter of the estafe of artyIs:(Il the receipt of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars which is elleched, slates the natura and basis of the legal ad- NOTICE OF LIEN ($400,000.00),(ii) the commiiment from Ober-wels lo develop lion. removed wilhln72 hoursor FOUNDATION SUPPORT assIstance. Computer avaIlable. OTR W TWlC Carvi Preferred AVERiUcareers,com. EOE Sharon Walking Joeceasedl sooner. Nolice is hereby given thai ori Case No. 2011 P 002401 Ike Sublect Properly In a certain manner within a given Within Iwenly (20) days, or wilhin forty-five (451 days II Defend- i .Attach ag!f-orjpeg photo of your property NO KILL SHELTERS. HELP FInancial Aid if qualifIed. 866-863-4117 Drivers needed. Pub:5/28, 6/21/11 RV Delivery June 19, 2011, a sale will be Publication Notice TO PLACE A Iimeframe, as defined in lite proposed agreemeni, (iii) the re- ant Is the State of Wisconsin or a divioion of Ike government of #77174C HOMELESS PETS. FREE Call 800-481-9409 Drivers - Flatbed .46/ml PaId Deliver RVs, bonIs and other held al: Notice is hereby given of the ceipt of polentlal payments over a ten year penod based upon Ike Stale of Wisconsin or an Insurance company, or within sin- and e-mail with ad copy and contact TOWING, TAX DEDUCTABLE. www.CenturaOnllne.com Vacations, 401K, Free RIder traIlersIo the 48 slates and Autotronics dealh of Sharon Walklns of Ar- Ihe success In achieving a certain level of gross sales, as roler- ty (601 days it Deiendant Is the Uniled Stales of America, aher NON-RUNNERS ACCEPTED. HELP WANTED Program CDL TrainIng Canada. For detalle log on Io 8025 Sliokle Blvd linglon Heights IL. Loftem of of- enced in the proposed agreemenl, (iv) the elimination of liabill- receiving this Summons, you must respond with a mullen an- information to :classiuieds @pioneerlocal.com. 1-866-912-GIVE Avallablef Cali PrIme inc.Todayt www.horlzontransport.com StoNo, IllInois 811077 fice were issued on 5/4/2011 to ty and mainlenance costs or obligations that would be incurred swer, as that term Is used in Chapter 602 of the Wisconsin Slat- SUPPLEMENTAL INCOMEI 800-277-0212 To sell the following article IoBryan Baits, 10984 N. Cornpa- by tIre Village if the Subject Properly was noi developed, end eles, Io Ike complaint.Tire Court may reject or disregard an BOATS Place and supervise or wwW.primelflc.com HELP WANTED SALES enforce a lien esisting under thenyLake Rd.,Hayward, WI (e) tau and other economic benefits that will occur in the Vil- answer thai does not follow Ike requirements of the Statutes. 2. On the Subject Line of the e-mail, indicate The Boat Dock We Buy W InternatIonal High School Driver - Experienced Contract salespersons Io sell lawsofhieStatoofIllinois54843, whose altomey Is Karl lage attendant with the development of the Subjeci Property; The answer must be sent or delivered lo Ike court, whose ad- ConsIgn Used Boatst Sluderits tri familles in your aerial photography of farms on against such article for sforageH. Magnus, 121 S. Wilke, Sulle end dm05 is:Clerk 01 CIrcuit Court, Racina County Courthouse, thecityand address of your property. OTR Drivers Up to $3000 WHEREAS, a copy of the Agreement for the Sale and Pur- 730 Wisconsin Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 53403, and to Plain- SprIngfIeld, IL 217-793-7300 communIty! Traintng, BONUS Call For Details commissIon basis, $5,000- furnished for such article ai the201, Arlington HeIghts, iL 60005 . www.theboatdock.com compensation. intematlonal request of the following deslg.847-368-0000 CLASSIFIED chase of Real Estafe' (hereinafter Ike "Agreement'), with lilt's allomeys, Michael Best A Friedrich LLP, aitenlion Attor- Up to .39Per Mile $8,000/month. Proven product Oberwels Is aileched hercIo as Exhibit 'i'; and nay Timoihy A. Burkerd, 1000 Mantisa Drive, Monitowoc, Wis- travel lncenfivesf Also LookIng 888-463-3962 and earnIngs. Travel required; nated persona, unless such arti-Claims against the estala may To PLACE 3. Submissions received before 5 p.m. Monday Want to plaCe your cIes are redeemed price to thebe filed In the office of Ihe Clerk WHEREAS, fha Village Manager recommended io Ike Mayor consin 54220. You may have an attorney help or repreoeni for Host FamIlies Call Jaymo NO EXPERIENCE? sales experience preferred. end Board of Trustees al a duly held meeting on ApnI 20, you. will be processed for that week's issue. 877-238-8721 1-877-682-3566 designated sale dale: of the Circuit Court In Room ad ti more that-i Cali 886-753-6417 6 mo. VehIcles: 2000 Volkswagen1202, Richard J. Daley Center, 201 1 , Ihal the Subject Properly be sold lo Oberweis and that If you do not provide a proper answer within twenty (201 days, 380 newspapers HELP WANTED OTR exp. W current CDL LAKE PROPERTY Cabriolet Chicago, Illinois 60602 or with the Agreement be approved, and the Mayor and Board of Trual- or wilhin forty-five (45) days If Defendant la the Slate of Wiacon- STATEWI DE? www,usatruck.jobs eoe m/f/h/v VIN # 3VWDC2IVOYM000079 the repreaenfalive, or both, on ees concurred In the aloresald recommendation; sin or a division of the government of the Stata of Wisconsin or DRIVERS Earn up lo 52.00/mil Save up to Newly BuIlti Lake VacatIon Amount of LIen: $17460.36 or belore November 12, 2011 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by Ike Mayor end an insurance compony, or wilkin sixty (60) days if Defendant is CaIt Illinois Press LTI TruckIng. MadIson, IL hiring 32/gaIlon wilh our Fuel Homo on1.71acresonly Pub:5/1 9 5/26 6/211 1 #77954 Cwhich dale is not less than 6 Board of Trustees of Ike Village of Skoklo, Cook County, 1111- the United Stales of America, the Court may grant judgment $97,500. Designer ready hai on e27J2'trf1, a sala will hamonths from the date 01 ike first nuls: against you fer Ike award of money or other legal eclion re- Advertising Service class A CDL company drivers. Dlscounl Networld Small Fleet quested In Ike complaint, and you may lose your nghl lo object YOUR Owner Operators, single/teams Owners or Owner Operators 3BRJ2BA, 1200' vacation home. heldat 3:00 p.m. al: publicationofthis notice and AD, CALL Secllon 1: That the foregoing recilals are material Io this Ordi- 21 7-241 .1 700 Enjoy prIvate access to 160,000 Phillips Towing any claim not filed within that nance and are hereby incorporated and reslalod as though lo anyiking ihal Is or may be Incorrect In the complaint. A judg- lIvIngalongl-70andI-55 needed for OTR Flatbed. 1-800- 1168 N. Halaled they were fully sei forth In iheir entirety In this Section. ment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment award- corridors In MIssouri. Midwesl i 743-0435 acre Kentucky Lake. Walk to Chicago, IL 60822 penod is barred. Copleo of any CAMPRS/RVS All bids to be in writing Io sell IbaclaIm filed with the Clerk must SectIon 2: That pursueni to ils home rule aulhonty and appli- Ing money may become a lien against any real estate you own Long Haul runs. Clean driving Drivers Company Drivers .32e- marinaI BONUS: FREE Boat cable Olelules the Mayor end Board of Trustees 01 the Village now or In Ike lutare, and may abo be enforced by garnishment In following articles Io eo(orce a lienbe mailed or delivered fo the Colman's Country Campera We record. 2 experience. Call 800- ConsIstent Home SlIpsI desIrablelakefront eKisfiog under Iba laws of Iba Stale ol Skokia hereby find that II is no longer necessary, appropri- or seizure of property. .35/Mlle communIty w! recreation center, representative and Io the atior- Buy & Consign Used Campers 338-8965 x7752. Time and Great Benefits. oI Illinois against such articles tornay within 10 days after It has ale, or In the best inlerest of the Village of Skokie thai il retain Dated this 27th day of April, 2011. and RV's Springfield, IL 217- Owner Operators ateo needed. Infinity-edge pool W 150 acre labor, services, uk/Ia or malerial eu- the real properly,legally described above, and commonly MICHAEL BEST W FRIEDRICH LLP Driver- Plentyof mlles. nature preserve. Excellent pended upon sr olorage furnishedbeen filed. GARAGE 793-7300 Recession Proof FreIght. $1000 ZERO Down Lease Purchase /o/Karl H. Magnus known as 481 I Oempster Streel, Skokia, Illinois, and ihat the By: loi Timothy A. Burkard financing. Call now 1-800-704- br such anidas al Ike request of sale and development shalt proceed according io the A9ree- Timolhy A. Burkerd, SBN 1018200 Sign-on for experienced CO's program Bay W Bay Cali 888- 3154. X 3660 hie lollowing deulgnated persanlsl Attorney 1000 Manlime Drive CARERIEDUCATION and incentives for O/Os. Driver 482-3554 unless such arlidlua are redueweciPub:5/12,5/19,5/26/1l #74545C 847-998-3400 ment beiween Oberwels and the Village, a copy of which is et- wilhin ihirly 1301 days o? the publica- lachod herab as Exhibit 'l. Manitowoc, WI 54220 AIRLINES ARE HIRING - AcademyRefresher Course $150 Bonus for Experienced MISCELLANEOUS lion of ihis nalice. SectIon 3: That the Agreement is hereby approved, subject Io Allomeys for Plainliff, The Privalafiank and Trust Company Train for hIgh payIng AvIation available. [email protected] 855- Drivers or Recent Gradsf 20 FOR SALE NAME 0F PERSON(S) necessary revisions approved by the Village Manager, or deslg- Micheel Best S Friedrich LLP is altompting lo collect a debt on MaIntenance Career. FAA 356-7124 days on, 10 days off available. Anlhony Casper neo, and the Corporallon Counsel. our cIlenI'a behalf and any lnlom,alion oblalned will be used for approved program. FinancIal HSBC Aulo Finance TO PLACE A that purpose.If you have previously received a discharge In a CLASS A DRIVERS NEEDED CRST EXPEDITED 800-326- DESCRIPTiON 01: ARTiCLE SectIon 4: That Ike Village Manager Is hereby auihonzad to SALE AD, aId If qualilied - Houstng Mldwesl Regional 38 to 40 2778 www.JolnCRST.com 2001 Ford Windslar execule Ike Agreemenl end direcled Io proceed wiih the sate chapter 7 banhruplcy cese, this communication should noi be avaIlable. CALL AvIatIon construed as an allampt Io hold you personally liable 1er the CPM PaId OrientatIon 401 K Drivers-BETtER HOURSI 2FMDA534918AE4440 CLASSIFIED AD, o! the Subleci Property. InstItuto of MaIntenance Health Coverage AMOUNT 51970.00 SectIon 5: That this Ordinance shall be In full force and oIled debt. Regional Van Drivera start at NAME OF PERSON(S) Pub: 5/26, 6/2, 6/9/1 1 (79607) 800481-8312 from end aller Ils passage, approval and publicalion as provid- - - ONLINE TRANSPORT 41.5 cpm w/12+ month Jared Brian Sorkin CALL 847-998-3400 SIwIß qcwL ,iuff 866-543-1234 xl 18 Apply at experIence, HOME EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE ed by law. www.onlinetrarisport.com 1998 Cadillac Duville ADOPTED this 16th day of Mey, 20f i. WEEK. Great Family Benefits. Ayes: 6 (Bromberg, Lorge, Roberts,Marlene Williams 1061(054 Vi WlJ771615 - visIt - Driver - ARRIVING NOW 2012 Cali88e-362-8608,or AMOUNT $1970.00 Public Notices Pubiic.Notices.: Shah, Sulker, Van Dosen) Village Clerk willi a pAto daö,4ied ad Volvos arid Internationals. AVERiTTcareers.com EOE Pub. 5/26/1 1 1792351 Nays: o CALL Plenty of milest LOCAL Absent: i(Perilla) DON'T NEED IT? SAY IT IN THE OrientatIon. DAILY or WEEKLY BRITrA JACQUELINE MILDRED MILLWARD (Deceasedl Approved by me this ía Payl COL-A, 3 months currenl Pursuanl to the Truslee Ad 1925 any persons having a claim Allesfed and iiled In rny oflice 16th day of May, 201 I. CIASSIFIEDS, CALI OTR experience. 800-414-9569 TO PEACE against or an interest in the Eslafe of the aforemenlioned da- Ihis 17th day of May, 2011; SELL IT FAST. www.drlveknight.com ceased, lele of 6835 Northeast Prairie Road Lincolnwood Chl and published In the Skokie Review Photos may also be mailed to: cago Illinois 60645.2517 USA, who died on 07/07/2009, are re- according to law on May George Ven Dusen CALL 847-998-3400 TO YOUR GARAGE quired to send particulars Ihereof In wniing io the undersïgned 26, 201 1 and June 2, 201 I . Mayor, Village of Skokie 847-998-3400 Classified Photo: 3701 W. Lake PIONEER PRESS: bolicitors on or before two months from the date of IhIs publica' Marlene Williams Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025. The illinois Classified Advertising Network ((CAN) provides Pioneer Press and the Doings with advertisin9 of a national appeal. lion, alter which dale the Estala will be disiributed haviog re- Village Clerk t I. . I li , 847-998-3400 PLACE YOUR AD A scanning tee may apply. 'II If il ( ' li To advertise in this section, please call (CAN directly at (21 7) 241-1700. SAIE AD, (ALL gard only to claims and Interests of which they have hod PO- Pub: 5126, 6/2111 #78854 C lice. TINSOILLS SOLICITORS Hava House 25 Alblon Street Both Pioneer Press and the Doings recommend discretion when responding. Please refer questions and comments directly to (CAN. Henley Stoke-on-Tronl STI 10F ngland 847-998-3400 Pub:S-26-1 i (79224) ccWUcc7cccav7awrsr , ..,i . . MOJ iA3Oifl4Oli WWW 1O , YAM YA(JUF1 {.11V NIL THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011I WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM I 19

28 Pioneer Press (DC) Thursday, May26, 2011 - The Conquer Cancer Foundation. Our name says a little. Our mission says Storage - Legal Storage - Legal Storage - Legal Storage - Legal j Storage - Legal Storagd- Legal Get Decked Out for Summer a lot: Conquering cancer worldwide by funding breakthrough research NOTICE OF PUBLIC SAIE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758069 NIles Notice is hereby given thaI pursuant to Illinois Sell-Storage Fucililles and sharing cutting-edge knowledge. We are the "go-to" organization in CAE Notice s hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satiety Act, a raie will be held on June 161h, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.at R NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE tien ot the owner, at public sale by competitive bidling on June FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, LifeSlorago of Morton Greve, 6505 West Ouhton St, Morton Grone, IL How otd -is your deck? supporting the world's preeminent cancer speciaIits, so one day we can FOUNDATION" 15, 201 I at or after 10:00 AM at the Extra Space Storage facili- CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. (847)966-1899. The contents of the below spaces wIll be sold at a ty located at: public sale tar cash, credit card or certilied tunde. if Ihere Is no murliet Notice Is hereby given tIret on June 7, 2011, U-HAUL Auction- velue or no bids received, the goods will be otherwise disposed CI. jive in a world free from the fear of cancer, To get to know us better and 7540 McCormick Blvd eer, Executive Adrnlnislrafor, Storage Clerk for U-Haul Co. Unit #1415 -- WinnIe Viscous - Vendlnit MacIrIses Is it safe? Skokie, IL. 60076 North Shore Chicago will ho offerIng for sale under the Judi- Unit #1240 -- Michael A Jones - Houodhold Goods, Fumilure, Boues be a part ofour ambitious future, visit ConquerCancerFoundatlon.org. Con querCarl cerFoundation.org Unit #1027 TOlulope Sanni Arlwoi*, Chair, Crates cisl Loin process, by public auctIon, the following storage units. Unit #1105 - Michael A. Jones - Household Gsods Boses Unit #2091 Feiecia R. Mcafee-Johnson Malress, Fan, Tables, The goods to be sold are generally described es household Pub: 5/26, 8/211 1 180151)C2s The American Society of Honte inspectors is offering Boxes goods. The terms of the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Co. of Unit #1095 Thomas J. Dybas Dressers, Tables, Chairs, Boxes North Shore Chicago reserves the right to refuse any end ali free deck inspections to homeowners in the Chicago Unit #3001 Tyrans Gibbs Tools, Clothes, Luggage, Bags bids. The saies will be al the following locallon,7644 N Mltwau. NOTICE OF AUCTION area during Deck Inspection Week, June 21-28. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time kee Avenue, NIles, IL 60714 and will be at or utter 9:00am LIfe Storage Centera of South Loop will hold a public sale Io en- of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the and conlinue dey by day until ali units are sold. force a lien imposed on said property, as described below, pur- time of purchase. Extra Space Storage resaives the right to Saleh Issu - 2440 Croekbond Rd, Schaumborg, IL suant to the Illinois Self-Service Simone Facility ActIllinois 0 G )o bld. Saie is subiect to adjournment.. Unit 136 - Boxeo, bags and totes Code 770 ILOS 95f1 to 95/7, at 10:00 AM on FrIday, June 17, Sign up for a free deck inspection by June 14 at Pub 56, 6/2, 6/9/11 #80703C Rob Stenton-6167 N Broadway, ChIcago, IL 2011, et UTe Storage Cenlers of South Loop, 2361 S. Stato UnIt 213 - DVD's, chuir, boxes, weights and microwuve st., Chicago, Illinois, 60616. 312-842-0004.Management re- www.facehook.cem/decksalety. (spaces are limited, Evin Stelly - 3702 Vorhalen, Houston, TX I o o NOTICE OF AUCTiON serves the right to withdraw any unit from saie. Registered or so sign up now) . Life Storage Cestera ol Herniosa wiii hold a public sale to enforce a UnIt 222 -Totes, toys, bags, kids stuff and chair motor vehicles ere sold 'As fa f Parta Only," no titles or registra- lien imposed on said properly, as ciescabed below psrosant lo the lili- Pub: 5/26, 61211 1 #79069 C lion. noie Sell-Seivice Storeqe Facility Act, Illinois Code 7o ILCS 95/I to Tenant Name UnIt # Slored lIorna 95/7, at 4:00 PM on Monday, June 13, 2011, at Life Storage Cen- Ronald Bowers 2126 NNO, Furniture, Bones Enter to Win! fers of Herniosa, 4500 Wast Grand Averiuo, Chicago, Illinois, 60639 U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758059 LIncoln Park NHO, Ctothes, Boxes Phone Somber Is 773-235.8452. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ThE SELF STORAGE Daretha Redmond 3104 In addition to a free deck inspection, you can enter Mansgoment reserves the right lo withdrew any Unit tram saie. Regio- FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, Pub:5126, 612/11(80460) C2x fared or motor vehicles are sold "As Is I Parts Only, no biles or regis- our Get Decked Out Giveaway. Prizes include a gas tralion, CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Tenant Name UnIt h Stored Items Notice is hereby given that on Juno 7, 2011, U-HAUL Auction- grill and a variety of deck accessories. Melinda Gholstn 29 HI-1G, BOXES eer, Executive Administrator, Stomge Clerk for U-Haul Co. Lite Storage Contera of Addison will hold a public saie to en- Melvin RobInson 35 HHG North Sham Chicago Will be offonng (or sale under the Judi- force a lien imposed on said properly, as described below, pur- Chartes Gonzalez Jr 84 Ht-1G cisl Loin process, by public auction, the following storage units. Suant to the Iltnols Seit-Service Storage Facility Act, Illinois Derrick Glenn i 10 HI-1G The goods Io be sold are generally described es household JohnWhiteside 116 HHG Codo 770 ILCS 95/I to 95/7, at 11:00AM on Tuesday, June Michael Shan 153 HI-1G goods. The ternis of the sale will be cash only. U-Haul Co. of 14, 2011 aI Life Storage contera of Addison, 426 South LoidaCinlron 166 HI-1G, BOXES North Shore Chicago reserves the right to refuse any and ail Westgote, Addison, lilinoïs 60101. Management reserves the Mana Bandare 174 HI-1G bids. The suies will be at the followin9 location, 1200 W Futter- tight to wiihdraw any unit from sale. Reglslerod or motor nahm- Robert Walker 209 HHG, BOXES ton Ave, ChIcago, IL 60614 and will be ut or otter 12:45pm cies are sold 'As ful Parts Only, ' no litios or registration. Ruby G Smith White 279 HHG end continue day by day until ail Units are sold. Tenant Neme UnII# Stored Items Nathaniel Steel 283 1-ING Patricia Robinson - 3961 ElIzabeth Plymouth, Ml . Melvin Robinson 336 HHG Steven Renello 1083 Boses, NNO, Pum. BrIdget Brown 342 11HS. BAGS Unit H183-Boxes, totes and 516mo Regina Jackson 1045 NNO, Boxes iose Garcia 358 1-ING Melvin Oeorge - 31 12 W Montrose, Chicago, IL Luis Carrasco 1066 NNO, Boxes, Furo. Tyrsne Rakes 404 HI-1G Unit 0315 - Bike, kuchen chairs, fable and boxes Jason Roberts 1075 Boxes, Car Parto Tenanse R Middleton 470 HHG Luke Eastman - 2244 N Cleveland, Chicago, IL Richard 1(0cl 1093 NNO Coiika Grant 514 I-II-1G, BOXES Unit C373 -Boxes, bags. chaIrs and end lubie Jouseft Woodali 540 Pub:5/26, 6/2111(80465) C HI-1G Pub: 5/26, 612th C Jimmy Viera 592 HHG #79062 HormlnioCastro 612 1-jHS, BAGS John Whitnsiiie 639 tINO NOTICE OF AUCTION Roberto Patino 653 HI-1G U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2011 758061 Uptown George Jones 686 Notice is hereby given that pursuant Io Illinois Self-Storage Fa- HHG, BOXES NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ThE SELF STORAGE cilities Act, a sale will be held on June IS, 2011 al 11:00 am., Louis Kelly 749 1-ING. BAGS FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, Pub: 5126, 6t2/i1 #80458 C at LiloSlorage Contera of 619m, 450 Airport Rd. 51gm, IL CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. 60123 (847)888-1834. The contents of the below spaces will Nolice Is hereby given that on June 7, 2011, UHAUL Auction- be sold et o public salo for cash, credit card or certified funds. 0er, Execufive Administrator, Storage Clerk for U-Haul Co. If there is no market value or no bids received, the goods will U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTiON 2011 758075 Fortrese North Shore ChIcago will be oltering for sale under the Judi- be otherwise disposed of. NOTiCE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE cial Lein process, by public auction, the followIng Storage unils. UniIkS2D-Chñs B,an- NI-lS, Personal Items, Unit#521-I


In the northern 'burba, their problem' Jacqueline ' there's another free shred- wrote The Fixer. ATTENTION: CD OWNERS Rebate follies end happily ding event from 9 am. to 3 The lemon law of course pm. June 16 at the Gurnee won't help her, as the car was CALENDAR ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 BANKRUPTCY Hunt Club Park Communitynot new. Even worse, it was ing. SCORE is a nonprofit may choose how much time I went back to the store Here are some more tips for only to be told later that kids Center, 920 N. Hunt Club "as-is." For anyone else shop- association of volunteers. they wish to devote. Require- April 6 and talked to the StOre would-be rebate submitters: outside the village can't play. Rd. Participants may bring píng for a used car this sum- Weekly sessions are held on ments include a current FROM $350 Total* manager and a supervisor. Photocopy everything. After we e-mailed the up to eight bags of personal mer, make sure you get the alternating Tuesday evenings drivers license and proof of They checked my Menards That includes the completed league, Dawn got $90 of her documents (they also will Federal Trade Commissjons or Wednesday mornings. auto insurance. The program Why pay more! Talk to a Lawyer! card and verified the pur- rebate form, the receipt, the $110 fee, but we wondered accept CDs, DVDs and tip sheet for used vehicle buyJ Sessions are free but an ap- requires residents in need Know your options. chase, but said there is noth- UPO code or other proof of àloud where the other 20 diskettes, but they must be ers, available at ftc.gov/bcpJ pointment is required. To set be mobile, or be able to use BY STEPHANIE ZIMMERMANN ing they can do. purchase, even the envelope bucks were. presented separately from edu/pubs/consumer/autos/ Make the right choice PaulAbram up an appointment online, a cane or walker. FISH also 2 you plan to mail it in (to The Fixer Guess what? Another the documents). They're autO3.shtm. It has an easy- visit the counseling page at asks that appointments be prove it went to the correct Experience Counts! CASH GIFT check for $20 arrived this also collecting donations of to-understand checklist of www.scorechicago.org/. If set three or more days in ad- . CD's FixedAnnultios IRAIRoIIoversl Dear Fixer: On Dec. 26,1 Dear Paul: Team Fixer address). week. non-perishable food items what to know about payment there are questions, call (312) vance. To become a volunteer e charged a sofa and chair to went to bat for you with Make sure you follow ev- I - ; -s s. for the Northern Illinois options and financing. 353-7724 or e-mail info@ driver call Ed Oken, (847) FROM my Menards Big Card and Menards after you failed to ely rule, no matter how silly. Shredding season :- s s S . Food Bank. The event Then get the "Buying a scorechicago.org. 696-0761. To schedule a ride planned to rent a Menards get help from the Wisconsin- Ifthey want to you underline Attention, spring cleaners! is sponsored by the Des Used Car" tip sheet from the Youth programs on a or for information call FISH ASSET MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE truck for de1ìvery based rebate company, the price on the receipt, don't e There are two free shredding Plaines River Valley Chap- Better Business Bureau - drop-in basis - Babytime: coordinator Gloria Stepek, The purchase rang up, Rebate International. dare circle it! events next month: ter of ARMA International, at bbb.org/us/article/buying- 11 a.m. Mondays, for babies (847) 297-2510, Ext. 283. WHEN YOU PURCHASE A 6 MONTH but I was told the Menards But our intervention Send your submission by s R-, The Fixer Will attend the a nonprofit association of a-used-car-404 - which age 2 and under. Continuous truck hadjust left the lot. So turned out to be unneeessar certified mail, return receipt June 25 shredding event information management tells you specifically what year-round drop-in program FDIC INSURED CD I asked the associate to hold You apparently were more requested. Parks at the United Center. That professionals. to look for on the car, inside for children with an adult. the merchandise for me whileconvincing than you realized, Submit before the Maine.Niles Association goes from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in and out. Print these out and Includes stories, songs, CALL FOR I called my friend who has a because before we could deadline, and note on your Costly lesson of Special Recreation offers Parking Lot E. Participants bring them with you to the fingerplays and extended truck. Unbeknownst to me, hear back from Menards, the calendar the approximate people wfth physical and may bring upto 10 boxes of This song has been sung dealership. playtime afterward. Rise & CURRENT CD RATES she tagged the sale in error rebate company wound up date you expect to receive mental challenges, behavior documents to be shredded before, but here it is again: Always make sure an in- Shine Storytime: 10 a.m. as a merchandise return. having a change ofheart and and learning disorders, hear- DEERFIELD (847) 580-4227 your check. Ifyou don't get on site and may register to This week's tale ofwoe is dependent mechanic looks at Thursdays, ages 2-6 with My friend arrived within 15promising to credit you for it by then, contact the rebate ing and visual impairments win a free personal shred- from Jacqueline of JoUet, whothe cat Ifthe mechanic finds caregiver; enjoy stories, minutes and we took the sofa the missing money. (Maybe company. and emotional disabilities an OAKBROOK (630) 705-5333 der. Old, broken electronics bought a used car "as-is' a small problem, you can use songs and more. and chair home. you should join Team Fixer!) items also will be accepted only to have the transmission it to bargain with the dealer. opportunity to enjoy a variety Secondcheck ORLANOPARK (708) 403-0440 There was a $100 rebate Your story, however, for recycling. The event is collapse a month later. When If there's a huge problem, of recreation activities. on the sofa and a $50 rebate reminds The Fixer why we completes double p(ay sponsored by the Better she went back to the dealer you'll be able to walk away. Maine Township MNASR serves Des Plaines, PARK RIDGE (847) 656-5422 on the chait But now I can't aren't big fans ofrebates in A happy update: Last Business Bureau, Federal to see if she could swap it Maine Township's FISH Golf-Maine, Lincolnwood, get my rebates because general They entice consuni- week, we wrote about gettingTrade Commission, U.S. for a car of equal value, the Getting the runaround about (Friends Indeed Serve and Morton Grove, Niles, Park SCHAUMBURG (847)981-5025 - Help) is in need of volunteer Rebate International insists ers to buy, but they can be a refund for Dawn Garcia of Postal Inspection Service dealer's smile quickly disap- a consumerproblem? Tell itto Ridge and Skokie. To receive that the merchandise was difficult to claim. You learned Berwyn, who'd registered and several other agencies. peared. drivers to provide resi- a seasonal brochure, or to 'Annual Percentage Yield. $10000 minimum deposit AMA cash gift TheFixer atwww.pioneerlo- based on amount on CO and limited to one gift per household and a price-adjusted, exchanged or the hard way to make sure her son to play baseball in For more info, see chica- The answer was, "No ways' dents free transportation to offer support for people with - cal.com/flxer, where you'll/lad maximum $15,000 CD. AMA is a CO deposit broker that offers FDIC returned. you have a clean receipt. the Riverside Little League, goshreds.com. medical facilities in and near special needs by volunteer- "Basically, they say it's not a simpleformtofu out www_ pioneerlocalçom insured CD's and other products. CD's are issued by participating Maine Township. Volunteers Your local source 4 hours a day. SEE CALENDAR, PAGE 22 banks. Advertised rates subject to availability. Ridge, has introduced a cupational therapy services C ALENDAR ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Library Book Buddies. Buddies read special fund-raising pro- and learning instruction and/or listen to children read Niles Public Library, At-ALon brings to families photography services, raffle gram that benefits Advocate programs to children with once a week for an hour. The 6960 W. Oakton St., (847) and loved ones ofthe addict. prizes, children's crafts and Lutheran General Hospital! physical, social, emotional, Niles Public Library provides 663-1234 or online at www. "Supper with the Sisters" music activities, a bake sale, Advocate Lutheran General and learning difficulties. Con- all materials and training. nileslibraryorg. Registra- SAVE UP TO celebrates Lutheran General a silent auction, a 50/50 Children's Hospital. Anyone tact: Ingrid Kenron at (847) During the April Niles Pub- tion is required for most Hospital's long history of raffle, cash bar, and live who visits Like New to have 791-1631 or (847) 966-1505. lic Library Board meeting, programs unless indicated recovery, while raising funds music performed by a local their car washed or detailed, A local dialysis clinic, otherwise. the trustees voted unani- for scholarships to help par- band, Straight Ethyl. The or buys a gift card from Fresenius Medical Care MIes, mousty in favor of keeping "Morning Glory" (PG-13) ticipants in the AATP receive silent auction will begin a the company and also asks 9371 N. Milwaukee Ave., has the library open on Sundays will be screened at 2 p.m. the services they need to few weeks before the event for the Lutheran General started a new night-time from 1-5 p.m. alt year. The 3O May 19. The family film, "Tan- reclaim their lives. Tickets for on www.avasgivingtree.org discount will receive a price program for dialysis patients. Niles Library will be closed gled" (PG), will be screened ON GREAT SUMMER the event are $100, and pro- and will close the day of the cut for the service, with a The new service allows pa- May 29 and Sept. 4, but will at 2 p.m. May 28. GEARAND CLOTHING ceeds will allow for financial event. Raffle tickets will be portion of the proceeds going tients to receive treatments be open on all other Sundays Students who will be assistance to patients who sold at the event. Tickets are specifically to benefit the in the clinic at night, for eight throughout the summer. To would otherwise not be able available at the Children's Older Adult Services program hours, while sleeping or entering seventh grade and MAY 20-30 up in the fall can help mentor kick offthe new hours, the to afford this life-saving care. Heart Foundation website, of the hospital. Call AiMee resting, usually three times a Nues Public Library will have younger children through Tickets may be purchased on- www.childrensheartfounda- Madden, Lutheran General week. In addition to having a Summer Sunday Celebra- the summer reading game. line at advocateheatth.com/ tion.org, and at the door, at Development Office, (847) their days free for other ac- tion on June 12. The day Volunteers must attend one sisters or by caLling (847) $20 per adult or $5 per child. 723-8518; Steve Radakovic tivities, patients often report will include special fun and training orientation to be 723-2327. Included with each ticket at Like New Auto Spa, (847) having more energy and bet- entertainment for the entire eligible: 10:30 a.m. to noon Ava's Giving Tree will will be pizza and live music. 823-9274; or visit www. ter dìalysis results. Medicare- family. May 28; 7-8:30 p.m. June 16. host its second fundraiser Parking is free in the Edison likenewautospa.com. The certified Fresenius Medical Weekly, counselors from Those who complete at least to honor and celebrate the Park Inn's lot, westofthe Me- fundraising program is fea- Care Nites is now accepting the Chicago Chapter of 10 hours of service will be life ofthe late Ava Lillian tra tracks at the intersection tured on the home page with new dialysis patients. Call SCORE, the Service Corps of invited to the summer read- LaVere, 5-year-old daughter ofüUphant and Olmstead a link to a more detailed flyer (847) 581-0334. Retired Executives, will be ing volunteer pizza party in , ofJennifer and John La Vere, avenues; the restaurant is containing the discount and Senior Advocate of Advo- early August. at the Library to help small of Evanston. Ava passed opposite the Metra Train donation matrix. This offer cate Lutheran General Hospi- business owners and anyone away from complications of Station. AU proceeds will be is not valid with an outside tal offers free blood-pressure Thursday After-School Club (for kindergartners through considering starting a small congenital heart disease, a given to the parent organiza- wash only, or any other pro- screenings 10 a.ni.-noon business. SCORE counselors third-graders will meet from condition for which the cause tion, the Children's Heart motion/program. on the first Wednesday of aresuccessful executives 3:45-4:45 p.m. May 26. is often unknown. The public Foundation. With the help every month at thehospital's and business owners who Settle in for an afterschool is invited to attend the Ava's ofa medical advisory board, Health Patient Resource Cénter, can help with a wide variety snack and a chance to chat, Giving Tree 2011 Fundraiser Ava's Giving Tree will decide Pediatric developmental 8820 W. Dempster St., Niles then listen to some stories of business issues. These 3.7 p.m., June 12 at Edison what Congenital Heart Dis- screenings offered at no cost. (across from the hospital). experienced businesspeople and create an art project. Park Inn, 6715 N. Olmstead ease studies will be funded. No appointment is necessary. offer private one-hour ses- LYNX Therapeutics, 9436 Book Buddies - Students Ave. in Chicago. The family Like New Auto Spa, Inc., Ozark Ave., Morton Grove, Call (847) 723-7277. sions of business coach- entering eighth grade in the affair will include on-site 1050 Busse Highway, Park provides specialized oc- SHOP YOUR WAY 100+ STORES RELCOM REI APP FOR IPHONE & ANDROID'S fall and adults can become f SEE CALENDAR, PAGE 21 LINCOLN PARK 312.951.6020 NORTHROOK 847.480.1938 OAKBROOK TERRACE 630.574.7700 SCHAUMBURG 847.619.6729 I 23 NIL THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011I WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM E rroc . YAM YAO1UHT JUil MOJ.JAJOJnB3IIOIq.WWW I


SPTPS to adult. Ongoing classes EARLY CIRO SPECIAL CALENDAR ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 year round. Dee and Feldman Parks. %jpS Monday-Thursday SAM-2PM Ing, caU (847) 966-5522. damenta(s of technique, mu- sic theory and good practice Youth Baseball - Leagues - I NUes habits. CaLl (847) 967-6633 available for participants - A%RG'-' Tarn O'Shanter Family Golf to reserve a lesson time. ages 7-15. Register now. Dee 11 Nights - Up to two children GoLf Maine Park. 6NTMENS Men's Haircut (17 and under) can play free Visit one of the Golf Maine 3rd Shift Indoor Adult when accompanied by a pay- Park District offices, Feldman Soccer League - join this flInhullull Ing adult on Sunday evenings Recreation Center, 8800 early morning indoor league after 4:30 p.m. all season Kathy Lone (one block south Tuesday mornings. Feldman. Park Ridge tong at the Tam O'Shanter of Golf Road on Western The Painting Studio 35 S. Northwest Highway Golf Course, 6700 Howard Avenue), NUes; or Dee Park, classes for adults: 10 a.m.-2 Between Panera Bread G Five Guys St. Junior tees will be set up at the corner of Dee and p.m. Mondays, Thursdays Boys' Haircut and 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays. 8'47.292.q000 on the course so beginners of Emerson Roads, Des Plaine5; I aLt skiLL Levets can enjoy play- or call (847) 297-3000; www. Feldman. Tiny Tots Open Gym - HaircutMenParkRk1gelL.com I nyoIer oUY Id only wIth ocupen al Park RidYe craYon. ing and keeping score from gmpd.org. I Parents may drop in and su- EXPIRESGI3OI1I t'4EN:2135 BOYS: 2136 tee to green. Family Day - Splash & Ice New 3's PreschooL - This Cream: noon-3 p.m. June 11 at pervise their 1-5 year-oLd any dass offered at WiLes Park Dee Park. Wednesday or Thursday from District is for chiLdren who Annual Art Exhibit - 9-11:30 a.m. for a variety of turned 3 after Sept. 1, 2010, Veteran instructor Winnie gym games at Dee Park. missing the deadline for the Seibert presents work of Preschool - There are still regu(ar 3-year-old preschool. her longtime accomplished spots available for second-se- Children wilt experience their students from 7-9 p.m. June 1 mester preschool (for 4-year. first classroom experience. at Feldman; free. aIds). Offered are morning (5 Classes are held Wednesdays Zumba - Fun and easy days per week) and afternoon and Fridays from 12:30-2 Latin-inspired workout, to classes (Mondays through pm. at Howard Leisure Cen- get in shape, on Mondays or Thursdays). Alt classes are at ter. Session runs to May 20. Tuesdays at Feldman starting Dee Park. Call (847) 967-6633. June 13 or June lIp, 7:15 p.m. Tae Kwon Do - Popular Niles Park District is (nine weeks). martial arts classes for chit- dren (ages 7-15) and adults offering private piano (es- Summer Camp - Sign up Book online, call i -888-61 9-8622 sons (30-45 minutes) for now for summer camp which offered Mondays, Wednes- beginning and intermediate runs from June 13-Aug. 5, days and Saturdays all year or contact your travel agent. students Wednesdays and 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mondays round. Thursdays at Howard Leisure through Fridays. Field trips Youth Soccer Leagues for Center, 6676 W. Howard St. included. Dee Park. Lessons will focus on the fun- Ballet & Tap - Ages 3 years SEE CALENDAR, PAGE 25

O' L I ELKHART COUNTY iNDIANA To advertise Own a Piece of American History The World's Largest Wood Peg Structure Built in 2006 by Local Amish Craftsmen here, call A k 1k k I Frontage Along US 20 & SR 19 - Minutes from 80/90 o3 'nightsät IoSàjhïr'e' RivieràCáñcùn L ' 630-978-8229 o Round-tripÌter airfare Selling Regardless of Price i 5 Tracts Ranging From sopphire t Former 51,000 SF. Farmers Market 9± Acres to 57± Acres . to speak with I Surrounding Commercia' Lots IDEAL FOR: 250± Acres of Productive Farmland Retail, Restaurant, Hotel, , Shovel Ready forYour New BusinessData Center, Museum, Edu- search for new and used cars cation, Theatre. Hundreds CityWater/Utilities/Sewer of Potential Uses a sales s Developed Infrastucture PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION I Separate Power Substation Swaepstakenins 5/16/11 b 6/IVIl.Seezun5møa.comJwfor dìI and campiate official wIe WtIICh appiy.NOPUflCHASENSSAI1YR TER OH MN it for a spin. Commercial Restaurant Equipment Visit ToDrive..com today to take Dark Fiber Optics - Broadband A PHRDIASEWIU. NOT McBEASEYOUR CHANOES OFWINNING.VOId whr, prohibited.Piize:one (1) AppleVaca5on tsip for two (2) tn Mexico, inctudinq & Supplies -Thurs., June 16, 10AM (3) nigNs at Now Sapphi Rviara Cancin. mund-hip chai1r airtaw (acm OlIare, txansterin rasad. ai ineIs ,nd dnk and sewices of a Appia WcaUon Reprasontative.Approximato retail valua (Alti) ol Prize:S2IOI.AIIV al all pthas:$1t,IIDAII prua items ara non-taanslerable.t3ßnemtOrganized by Sua-111116$ CaliforBrochure representative .1 Media Pmductions,LLC. Opon to legal rosidenta at IIinoislndiana,Wiscausia and Iowa aged 21 years ai older. exupt ataployces ofSpunaor.it affiliated c0111p8fl180 & Inspection Dates o,the1reIavesWInne1swiIlbemndumty selocted.Uddaotwinningdepend on numberoteliIbIaentñosrecuived.Tdp isvaidApl 1.2011 to llmher 10.2011. BROUGHT TO YOU BY SUNS MEDIA Blackout daba apply - 5 days pilar and after major holidays.All atata,laderai and local taxas or otlior axpen$es oat spocitlod io thu official rules Willhe thg sole I I 1,' I, ... s responsibility of the grand prizawinnoincludint,withoutlimitation,laeI surcharges, tratuitioa,addional ground Iiansportalioa,in-room Charles, sooveflim, airport hoosiers, oponal excoruions. golf.spa treatments,and any expenses miatod to travel to and from Uricago,lllinois to take tIm trip. Travel compaaioa of each wrnflet .11 i s must be at least 21 years ut oe or oldeL Sponsor maervas the ghtb uhstitot any stated prize with another prize el equal er groatervalue$hOUld the otatodprrae Auctioneer: Rex Schrader AC63001504 5% Buyer's Premium bocome unavailable. II the sweepotakes is oat capable at maclog as planned for airy reason, Spoosor reserves the righL in ¡tu sole discretion. to cancel,modIfy or surpend tire swoopstokes.Sponsor.Sua-Trmes Media Pmdoctioos LLC.35I N.0eann SL lOtir floor,Chicato, IL 60554. ._rv qIftÇrn rrnr r vn;'q 1T I1I 'j"FHIIPÇflAV MAY ?6. 2011I WNW,PIONEERLOCAL.COM"I"25 rzter. 00 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 ' PIONEERLOCAL.COM -- live Solutions for: rnage Age Spots ven Color Tone Skin Acne Wrinkles Recipesfor awanted Hair . L--ù -uLJ based to offer: . SMn Cáre consuitiison by ned ficensed aesthetican. harvesting in care products taUored : it your needs. òcations rk and garden bounty =LT: ?tte L-- n BY TOM WITOM s- Contrthutor anuae Spring planting is just around the corner, arid Midwest gardeners already are entertaining visions of harvesting L homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and zucchini - and thinking about how they 'will put such produce to work feeding Photos from TheComplete = their families. Kitchen Garden byEllen Ecker s rid With its extensive collection ofgarden designs and sea- Ogden. See more at www. = S.SEAFOOD CD sonal recipes, Ellen Ecker Ogden's newest book, The Complete ellenogden.com. C Kitchen Garden (Stewart, Tabori & Ohang, $24.95), ìsjust the The Edible Garnish Garden e:2 ticket for getting started. T1 =a l FARM FRESH First-time and experienced gardeners will rn CI. EET . find adaptable ideas and recommendations 1% 'I CORN from the Vermont-based organic gardener, LL CD food writer and co-founder of The Cook's I ¡49 1oo Garden seed company. I o Ogden leads off with a discussion of soil, a- Ib.4 for H- CD Food for compost, seeds, maintenance and tools. Thought Illustrated layouts and appealing photos LTr e e GREEKSAUSAGE OR and TabLe help readers match a design that best fits L s their "garden personality" Ogden provides =9 ITALIAN SAUSAGE plant lists, vegetable profiles and recipes for L-i--1 the Mure crops. Among the 14 different themes highlighted L CD a are The Edible Garnish Garden, The Paint Box Garden, The CD Artist's Garden and The Children's Garden. X 29. .' Ogden also weighs in with tips on the benefits of raised I Cas beds, watering requirements and how to keep pests attracted SORRENTO sCD to kitchen gardens at bay. 0< a- )ZZARELLA CHEESE The author's recipes will come in handy whether you have - CD the patience to grow your own or decide to "harvest" the nec- \ L-(J a essary ingredients from local farmers' markets. I A case in point: Stewed Leeks with Fillet of Salmon. This Io rich, indulgent entree, suitable for company or a romantic '!j dinner with a special someone, gives leeks the star treatment. e Serve it with a chilled Chardonnay. j ®OH C DUTCH FARMS Among other recipes you'll encounter are Asparagus Soup BACON with Coconut Lemon Creme, Eggplant Caponata, Rainbow Chard Enchiladas, Mache and Chicken Salad with Lemon L Tahini Dressing and Fresh Strawberry Creme Tart. CD 99 The Artist's Garden CD The Paint Box Garden (L__ e9 ea. I Ib. Stewed Leeks withFiltétÒfìaLmon .: sa aC ET HE LIMAN NS 8 tabLespoons (1. stick) unsalted butter, divided soften ánd caramelize, abóut 20 minutes. 1 aCD ICE VI MAYONA IS E 5 tablespoons olive oil, divided Meanwhile, cut the remaining butterinto smaEtpieces and a 4 Leeks, trimmed, cleaned and chopped into½4nch sections o &449 Iñ a small saucepan, combiné thewine and shatLotand boil 4 = u. -I. ea. 30 u. Satt and fréshtyground pepper, to taste over medium-high heat until réduced by tw-thirds, aboút S IO HIILAS OR ARIS ¼ CUj3dry white wine minutes. Reduce hèat to low and whisk in thremè fraiche, : 'Or) IMPORTED GREEK BEER ishallot, mhìced thenadd the butter a piece at a time, whisking until smooth. Add the tarragon, cover and keep warm. s = 3 tabtespoonscreme fraiche T a Skin the salmonand light'y season with saltand pepper.In = I tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon a Large cast-iron skillet, heat the remaining pii over medium V.' 02. 'J 00. 6 pack 12h pounds wild salmon fillets, divided into four portions heat, and gentLy sauté the salmon, turning once, until cooked CD through, about 5 minutes per side. 4fl Fresh chervil, finely chopped, for garnish (optional) ¿) Toserve, dividethe carametized Leeks amòngfOirplates. L :: Spoon a generous amount of the sauce over the Leeks, then -e - "In amediurn saucepan, melt a tab[espoonofthe butter placethe salmon on top ofeach. Drizzle with more sauce and ,p i: with a tabLespoon of the olive oit. Add the Leeks and season garnish with the chervil. II with salt and pepper. Çoverand simmer, stirring often, to Serves4. « e : PtA55 APPLIANCE All nine Plass Showrooms are filled with incredible valuesEMO on appliances,furniture & bedding, exclusively for our Memorial Day Sale! AL DAY SALE! r r) r P C _J _J _J EJ r C i \ Pc' D I /\- .,' o,? se/e;1 $4r Y>)D OCL/pl.. 'GSPÙpr.L '-1/Q /c' 'L SPECIAL BUY! SPECIAL BUY! CLOSEOUT! Whirlpool gas dryer6.7 Cu. ft. capacity Itd j j TH 9 automatic cycles & LED display Only 899 for the pair!Save $500* Save Only $399 55%* Delivery & Assembly on all Weber grills! Free .SamsungWF2O)1W 4.0 cv. ft.& DV2DAIWnwhcapadllyhigh-efficiency front-toad washer & dryer oy. Sbnwrth phonuIpedestuIs. 7.3 cu. ft. capucity Save $800* FrenchFrigidaire door Gallery stainless4 SpiIISue Series steel glass 27.8 refrigerator shelves tu. ft. 6 wash cycles 47 temperaturedrying cycles settings a Only 1,499 FR 1G IDIREExternal ice/water dispenser G A L L E R Y. WASHERS & DRYERS PLASS HAS CHICAG LAND'S LARGEST ELECIIO Electrolux D THEY'RE f6n82844u dW1111' FRIGIDIRE 5iUffll5 steel onfy. Lt O SALE N Wí F_ L) - - Q p : WA SHERS**. ¿ SUPER BUY! SUPER BUY! i: Save over $100 off! Only $J49 40%* --u---ee----- en-e--- e GE9900 BTU 115vSave 9O Only 199 a -n- room air conditioner -n Electronic3-speed fan digital & 24-hour thermostat delay timer SUPER BUY! $279* over-the-rangeSanisung 1.5 ca. microwave ft. staintess steel Only Save 170 la power000 levels watts s PremiumFRIGIDAAiREFrigidaire nylon dishwasher racks5 wash cycles PLR5®A P www.plassapp Piance.com L I A N C E u&an24x2vwfn white or bfoct onfy SAVE 25% ON THIS 4-PIECE FRIGIDAIRE ALSO AVAILABLE IN WHITESTAINLESS FOR ONLY sSTEEL 1,299* PACKAGE NOW ONLY 31,499* s*v STAINLESS STEEL PACKAGE!NOW ONLY ON THIS 4-PIECE MAYTAG $2,849* over.ihe.rangeFrigidaire i .6mitrowove Cu. fi. aver-the-rangeMoytog 1.6 cu. microwaveft.1000 coaking walls Frigidaire i 6.5 cu. ft. FFMVI62tS . IOf000 pavees cooking levels waits F R I G I D I R E. 25Maytag ce. ft. ke2O French series door - uyuni 1640/5 . Hidden vent .refrigerator SpoceWise adjustable Frigidaire dishwasher Frigidaire 30 I refrigerator 3 adluslable - Maylag Jeicleon Plus gasMaytag range 30" . Full-width freezerglass shelf shelves . 3 vìash cyclesI 4 place setting capacity . gas range clean4 2 oven sealed burners ca h manual -. glassSpill-Catcher shelves Iseries 5 wash dishwasher cycles, 6 nplinnsg StearnClean I 4 sealed burners5 0 cx ft FFHTt72bt IFBDZ4O7LS FF6530471S L-!AF12569505 dispensenExternal ice/water MDBII49AWM 14 place setting capacity 'uGn7662wS self cleaning oven p L , ) II I I I i i i I I i I I I i h I U iii i t 11 ill . I 1h Ih h il li I t III Il iiiIll i i l11 lllllttllI II .'i.,iii., '.. I. I llblliii ONRESAVE ALLFRIGE RATORS 15% ! 1 t ON ALL RANGES & SAVE10% OVENS!* . SAVETHROUGHOUT 40%OR OUR FURNITURE MORE DEPARTMENTS! & ENGLANDERONSAVE SEALYOR POSTUREPEDIC CLOSEOUT 60%MORE MATTRESS SETS! Elruhurst, Marengo,only. Englander Naperville available & SeolyTinley at PosturepedicPark Elmhurst showrooms showroom available only.at Arlington Heights, IGNATUREALLERY. Flexsteel Delivery, set-up & removal extra. Available at Elmhurst & Naperville showrooms only. ULTIMATE LOWEST SAMEDAYSTANDARD DEUVERYSee showroom lar details. EXCEIIENNAONAL IN APPLIANCE AWARD Y,9NNER REÍAJNG 4YEARSANDCOUNI1NG PRICEWe'll beat yourPROMISE: best deal or it's free! See shawraom lar details. 1000 W. Northwest Uw ARLINGTON HEIGHTSShowroom & Outlet Center 847-255-0100 Valley View Rd. BLOOMINGDALE Outlet Center 630-351-4020 201 9 W. Irving Park Rd. Just west ofDamen, with free indoor parking. CHICAGO 773-868-0100 1 34 N. York Rd. 2blockssouih ofilorihAve.ELMHURST 630-832-1 422 1 881 S. Randall Rd. Justnorth ofFabyan Parkway GENEVA 630-262-5701 Just noith of Eudfd l.indow's Appliances & lYs MARENGO Just west of355 offArmy Trail Rd. 1 943 Glacier Park NAPERVJLLE 630-41 6-4700 Enter on N. Seeley 45 Skokie Blvd. NORTHBROOK 847-579-8530Free parking behindourbuilding. Sé hablo espafloL 9501 W. 171st St. TINLEY PARK 708-349-2062 GET INSTANT ANSWERS & SAVE TIME - CALL '20014OUR E. GrantPLASS Hwy. ADVERTISING HOTLINE: 877-752-7727 815-568-8848 south ofihe MetroOffRoule tracks. 59, Sétwo habla milessouih espafiol. oíl-BU, just southeast corner oftake Cook & Skokie Blvd.In the Village Square Shopping Center, Just west ofBB!h Ave. TUES,OPEN MONWED & FRITHURS 10-7 10-8 P L I E BBBA+ BBB RATING RUSINESSACCREDITED SAT 10-5 SUN 11-4 pc1mnv o, eqheddurmg the p000ni pthod lnteel. Offer v6d through 530-i 1. Sho,,00m, not eswnbIe fr pnang U 6, chwgedto yoi mpnnt, or towtcphcI ,rrnrs nccontiran ihs ad " theA,lobO pucMse on seIecdaf prdcis on1 A P t the ,egrR i the www.plassappliance.com thae b&ace noipd m 5/i whn h, p:mo1 penod o: / you mc/, Ask fr d,vIs 5peal terms appij o pchases hcred w,th cprai aedt , the ncss 5pIane card ct, pjment ne/j opened accouv. the reguir 0R s 21 99 sued by l/e/s FQrgo FQflCl NOanQI xc The ASR m vcry The Arr s çve as of 9i2i RegOi mnmum month/j YOUR PLACE If you ate chcrged ,teeCl fl fl/ b/iC5 qcle. the mnmum iete:est hwge eel1 be SI Offer eepree 5-3D-1 i PLR5'®OR A MUCH BETTER EXPERIENCECenno? be corebmed ,eth an ether vtoniconcI offer See store for detl..... A N C ff ,ç5pp Bed on 4 SOlDi i deplcjflooi su&1 ci mele; bo and rndependent r,lers Secludes Electeolex cd TheO NIL TAur5Dvv. OvO 2e. 2011J 'WlbW.PlANFgfLOCvu.COPV'l"1s

Ase., 5kokie, will hold Adult CALENDAR CONTINUED FROM PASE 22 Christiar Eduoatior oleosos thevein care center.. AY26,2OD1 12 rhildreo ages bec sixth grade ausilable. A neoyolirg bin for following 10 0.0. Sunday So/el/oes Wi/heel Swrgery Non.fnyaoiye Solulierco for: serA/cee. Classes will be held = are Under way. Games are used CFL5 sill also be eva/l- 75'astoearctof: Scv Dcwcge Age Spece plsyed et Premie Lakes ir abio. CFL0 nay be purchased or avarioty cftopics.AFeI- 'recre Cebe lave Voaicesr Veine Log twell/e Des Plaines. Practices at Dee at Feldman Pork, 8000 Kathy lowuhip Heur follows the 1g 'GcuglviDuyskicAcerWeìeklrs LU n.m. service each week with Parb. Lare, Wiles, 0:30 a.on,-10:30 Spider Voice Log Diaromfor Urec1cdHcln loriots rooms/gyms are p.m. Call (847) 297-300G, "Orino a Friend te Chunch sod L) eveilable fon rental len par- The Gell Maine Pack Oruneh" Ihr first Gunday of Full Wsetnemctthrrsples cseilsble B/ow pleased lo eifert - each meoth. Coil the churoh ties, meetings or ongoing District offers the community 00000rceeparleeea vcmcsesctarc eco, vors wrou050sr 00 z at (047) 073'0A3A. t amedlw:beteurss:vaflsedoaethstc:ar. - sobertiex. Call (847) 297- or opportunity te recycle Alivescuod Oulisd leoertirarsly 3059. popen products. A re008- Messiah Lutheran Church. u-3 netfycureseis. The Gell Ralee Park nioable green-and-yellow 0005 Ventor Uve., Park recrU CeOifrd Orleerslh 0011098 sien e Oidor, huido o Christian. Voici crest Amebas 'sp Dosons' District offerse selection container supplied by Ubitibi Convenient 100000es 1/toBeaf ç edvoaycn hour atOe.O. Assspt mesi lnscrsnoe pIses & MoUser,: of ENERGY GIGS qualified Scooter was drepped off/n io Geh Pech aed to ¿ compsot fluorescent light the Feldman Penh lot, SOTO each Surdoy, with worahip WAmotte t u-3 bulbo fon sale to the Publio Kathy Lane, neon the cerner service st 00:00 a.m. During 1-866-204-5100 WI/mo110 - Vlv:t AO st www.the ..- LU from a Lights fon Learning cf Western Avenue and Kathy the hour, Sunday school is io i O- ohureh porsenage; children kiosk. Prooeeds from the sale Lene. Producto that cache - cf every bulb will directly reuycled ir this container from preecheol-cloth grade >( welccme. Ch/Ido acaso micas SO fund the scholarship program include: newspapers, mago- Quality. Value Sc Service (n An Lanuae o u-3 uponoered by the distniot. eines, off/cc paper (tao ard are available during worship. ___ The scholarship program al- copy), shopping catalogs, Call (047) 023-0904. r lows children the uppertunity mcii and envelopes, netalogs, St. lobe Orekeufddoratico ttdwl The Complete their to attend camp when they folders, colored paper ond Chepol n the Parish Miniatny en by Fleo Eokrr Center. 0307W. Hanlem uve., Prodúce World w may not have the resources shredded popen (bagged): co LU te do soon their oven. The hi' cerdbocrd or phone books. is open 24 hours a doy, souen INTERNATIONAL MARKET DELE BAKERY MEATS SEAFOOD oskuvill else heuee the Lights All morey reised will furd days a week, fer spiritual de- Rttoh uJ _1 votion, prayers and medita' tiche I fon Learning teacher tori the scholArship prcgcem, PRODUCE kits, designed fer educatore allowing children to ottend tier. Coil (8471 96K-0145. I'- FARM PRISM and srganieation leaders. summer camp end other pro- Ecra-Habonim, the Siles SEEDlESS PO R TA E E LIA RED RIP/STEMFARM FRESH SWEET LU CORN LL1 w to provide informational gramo. Call (047) 207-30GO Township lewish Ccegnega' WATERMELON MUSHROOMS TO H ATO OS ARTICHOKESAPRICOTS mateniolo er the cArroll or go to www.paperretnieuer, Gen, 4500 DempoterSt., 50 Lights fon Learning Program, Gkokie, offers Introduction to s ENEOGI 01Go Activity seeks (udoism end beginning adult 8 8 si fer children, es well as Religion Aehrew olaoses on Sun. 400e = days and monthly Yiddish. ENERGY STAR heme energy- Holy Trinity Episoepal MEAT rorsenvatico ord eleetnenics I,) Church, 0200 N. Kanicu gRADE H FRODO MOT-NOT.VOS SALE HOI-HOI-HOf SALE GREEK SAUSAGE SE infermatien, will aloe be SEO CAIsNDAR, PAGE 27 SKI HEISS BONELESS USDA CHOISI U/AH SIEH/ER BABY hALlAl SAUSAGE CHICKEN BREAST UIOIRE S/EAR EACH PORK RIES the fu secT S49 ArtA:z'- 0g DEU beds E te bib o SARAI/E REEF SARA LEE OVER SARA LIE SORRENTO 5=: PASTRAMI ROASTED TURKEY CHICKEN BREASMOZZARELLA CHEESE the pr Get more BREAST $399 $39 Ac Q for less: elch, t o-o -ou- adeertising circulare, coupens, r° o deals, teueel specials and more. DAIRY lau BORDEN 2% 8 DEARS SOUR DEARS HALF & BOTCH FARMS luLl o- It's all online at eip2saee.ceml with C W SKIM MILK CREAM HALF BACON Chard labios L) 49 $00 $189 os. Igel2/or co, piel I ss.l 3!Ilb. GROCERY ALU VARI/Il/I HEINZ KETCHUP All HYRIETIES SS/EI HULIMANNS EAEH OHHS OES SAUgE O- COCA 551V SUT FRS)GSfS 06 AZ M AYO N A IS E nab pieces a

$200 ea, tOse, i shallot and boil 99Dll.2/or sssl 06es.99 1 00.300e. bleds, obout S RLIKI EXTRA KRAKOS POLISH WISHBONE ER1SSIIT HILL/S DR ARIE nLlJ o until srciootlr VIRUIN OLIVE SIL DIEU PICKLES AIL 18X111115 Ill/DRIll ORIEl BEHR and pepr. in - S 00 5L49 f >- 1.?ose. Olor ea. tOse. 00, 6 posI 5= e, unGI cooked JCPenñ 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. g flur p Ia tes. LnWE kIS C011IER OFWAUKEGA5 & DEMPSTER HOURS. MOe-FRI 00. SAT 8.8. SUN CU leeks, thee TARGET www.produceworldmsrket.com 847-581-1029 Fer adoeetlsing infermatino please contest Mike Sperling, Vige President, SALL DATES S-26200 THROUGh 8.1-2011 p,dsertising, at 18411486.7317er yesar local a5000nt I WE ACCEPT ALL MANUFACTURERS COUPONS NOW I !: MO lA)flR4nIq WWW rrùc Ç YAM YA(1RIIHT i


Marriott Lincolnshire Resort, guests are to be included. The alumni festivities will receive updates and ongoing C CONTINUED FROM ALENDAR PAGE 25 10 Marriott Drive, Lincoln. The nucleus of new students reignite on Saturday evening, information on classmates

Schools ' Members and nonmembers USS Columbus CA-74/. shire. Cost is $69 per person that celebrated the open- and the venues will include and relevant information. PIONEERLOCAL.COM I THURSDAY, MAY 26, YEAR I 26 are welcome. Call (847) 675- CG-12/SSN-762 Reunion will includes dinner and dancing ing of Maine South High Houlihan's, Jason's Deli The 1966 Class of Ridge- 4141, or go to www.ehnt.org. be held from Sept. 21-24 at with a cash bar. Contact: School migrated from both and various neighboring . wood High School is planning CUeèa Sheraton National Hotel- Anita Pedersen, anitawarren- Maine East and Maine West entities within the Uptown a reunion and looking for // pr©sbcglobal.net, (630) and includes the classes of Plaza. Tickets for one or both graduates. Anyone with in- k? "" - Reunions Arlington, Va. Contact Allen '' 803-7593. 1965, 1966 and 1967. The evening events are on sale formation concerning alumni -, The Maine South High R. Hope, president, 3828 J ' Maine Township High two-day event will be held now and must be purchased is asked to e-mail haydelju© Citera' "'+:, School Class of 1971 is hold- Hobson Road, Fort Wayne CAf-U-LA IN 46815-4505. Call (260) South, Class of1966, is in Park Ridge at the recently in advance. For reservations, comcast.net or call (217) RMADtRA ing its 40th reunion on July acee I 486-2221 from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. spearheading a two-day developed Uptown Plaza contact event coordina- 352-7254. L Çudadea - 15 and 16 at two local ven- Summer 5 Q?-'--- c-' Eastern time, fax: 260-492- "Mass Reunion" to be held located at the intersection of tor, Glenn Woerz (Class of st. John Brebeuf is look- LA MANCHA u ues. All are welcome. For reg- ; 'T, '- ; Aug. 26 and 27. Accompany- Touhy and Prospect avenues 1966), at MassReunion@ ing for all St. John Brebeuf istration and lodging infor- 9771 or e-mail: Hope4391© frontier.com. ing cla5ses that represented and Northwest Highway. gmail.com or (847) 757-8377. School alumni. Alumni - x ' mation, e-mail: mshsl97l@ --,'-'. (_._/ Aflcantei the first collective student The Friday evening event Maine South alumni can should contact Libby Ryder, i . ; yahoo.com or visit Facebook The Maine East Class of Alacont body to attend the newly will take place at 1-loulihan's also subscribe to the "Hawk (847) 966-3266, or e-mail o RGIOt4a page: Maine South Class of 1969 Reunion and 60th -- ,, , 'j/ MuOA. 4., Birthday Bash will take place opened high school in 1964 Restaurant, which will be Droppings" newsletter via --'-. - \C6tdba r'-DE ''°} '71 40th Reunion. as well as their spouses and closed to the general public. the above e-mail address to SEE CALENDAR, PAGE 29 AND( ti ,C-ÍÁ..!ÇMURqlA,. from 7-11 p.m. July 16 at in Spain '_'"3 4 ''- \

M Maine East High Schooltheir fluency inspeaking, Spanish-language teacherreading and writing Spanish. Barbara Englebert will travel 'As a teacher with a sig- MAORD to Spain in the summer asnificant Muslim population I iARCELQNA c, one of 16 applicants nation- MIaga feel a dual moral obligation to Pço gram Aale Pelele %Oewn APR Program Rato Pointe Feeo Y. Down APR wide to be accepted into abe cognizant of my students' * four-week National Endow-histories and to educate oth- UNITED HOME LOANS 708-531-8388 COMMUNITY BANK OF OAK PARK RIVER FoREsr 708.660.7038 PARK RiDGE COMMUNITY BANK 847-384.9221 ment forthe Humanitiesers about it," Englebert wrote http://www.UHLoans.com http://www.cboprf.com seminar. in her application essay. 30 yr fixed 4.625 0.000 $995 20% 4.677 30 yr fixed Call for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.625 0.000 $1600 20% 4.709 The seminar titled "Me- Englebert'slastvisitto dieval and Early ModernIs-Spain was in 1978. She has -I 5 yr fixed 3.875 0.000$995 20% 3.964 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 20yrfixed 4.375 0.000 $1600 20% 4.489 lamic Iberia," will offer an in-taught both Spanish and 5/1 ARM 3.125 0.000 $995 20% 2.932 5/1 ARM Call for Rates 15 yr fixed 3875 0_000 $1600 20% 4.019 troduction to Islamic cultureFrench at Maine East since 7/1 ARM 3.500 0.000 $995 20% 3.149 30 yr FHA Call for Rates 10 yr fixed 3.500 0.000 20% 4.045 and help participants perfect 1991. $1600

Maine East High School teacher Barbara Englebert points to one ofher destinations in Spain where she will spend four weeks (A) 3 Wesfijionk Cnrporalo Coaler, Suite 1010, Westchester, IL 60154 (C) 1001 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60301 (C) 626 Talcolt Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 in the summer attending a National Endowment for the Humanities seminar. Contributed photo AIMLOAN.COM 888-525-8496 EVERGREEN BANK GROUP 630.413-9580 PNA DANK 630-371-6931 htlp:/!www.aimloan.com http://www.EvergreenBankGroup.com [email protected] NOTRE DAME Seminary Fundraising Commit- Biology, AP Government and in grades 4-12. Registration is SCHOOLS DIGEST 30 yr fixed 4.375 0.000 $1975 20% 4.477 30 yr fixed 4.625 0.000 $914 COLLEGE PREP tee since 1992; a past Director AP English at the high school. open for each ofthe following 20% 4673 30 yr fixed 4.750 0.000 $1175 20% 4812 ofthe University of Notre BelIer will pursue biomedi- sports: Basketball, Golf, Run- 15 yr fixed 3.625 0.000 $1975 20% 3.801 15 yr fixed 3.875 0.000 $914 20% 3.957 l5yrfixed 3.875 0.000 20% 3.980 roll, jordan Oslowski, Carly $1175 DISTRICT 64 Dame Alumni Board (Region cal engineering in the fall, but ning, Soccer, Softball, Tennis Swanson, Marina Lisova; Commencement 10/1 ARM 3.875 0.000 $1975 20% 3.632 5/1 ARM 3.250 0.000 $914 20% 3.124 loyrfixed 3.250 0.000 $1175 20% 3.400 16); past member of Board of he is unsure as to which school and Volleyball. Athletic camps Lincoln - Emma Stetzenmey- Art work Directors at NDCP; and past he will attend. run at various times for differ- 5/1 ARM 2.875 0.000 $1975 20% 3.044 7/1 ARM 3.750 0,000 $914 20% 3.387 30 yr jumbo 5.375 1.000 $1325 20% 5.493 er, Tommy Deeter, Tommy Activities Notre Dame College Prep in President of Notre Dame Club ent age groups. Camp sched- Certified Upfrant Lenderl Rates & GFE Online 24171 Hassle Free - Local closing and funding 720 min.credit score required on 30 yr Jumbo. Call 1-630-371-6931 on display Russell, Sophie Miller, Fiona of Chicago. Niles has announced the corn- utes and registration forms are (.4) 4121 Camino Del Ria Soulft, San Diego, CA 92108, NMLS#2890, M86759981 (C) 1515 W. 22nd Street, Su/le 125, Oak Brook, IL 60523 (C) 3250 Lacey Road, Suite 140, Downers Grove, IL 60515 08-486 Park Ridge-Niles School Kurylowicz, Emily Donahue; Biggest BLood mencement activities for the available on the Resurrection District's art department is Roosevelt - Samantha Class of 2011. A Baccalaureate Art Contest Drive Ever College Prep High School AI.LSTAR HOME MORTOAOE, INC 847-441-5050 KENILWORTH FINANCIAL, INC RICHLAND MORTGAGE COMPANY partnering for a third year withHeitzman; Kate Dillon, Zoe 630-812-2100 847-809-2996 Mass will be held at 7:30 p.m. On May 4, Notre Dame website at www.reshs.org or Park Ridge's Le Peep Resta u- Kleinschmit, Petra Espinosa, Iiltp://www.allstarkomemarlgage.com !,tlp://www.KenilworlhFinanciaLcorn cha [email protected] May 26 at St. John Brebeuf winner College Prep's National Honor by catting (773) 775-6616, rant and Brickton Art Center Cayla Walton, Alexandra in NUes. The commencement On May 13, Rep. Jan Scha. Society recently sponsored the Ext. 110. Questions regarding 3Oyrfixed 4.500 0.000 $850 20% 4.544 30 yr fixed 4.625 0.000$499 20% 4.651 30 yr fixed 4.500 0.000 $743 20% 4.539 to create an ongoing public Milkowski; and Washington ceremony will be held at 10:30 kowsky, D-9th, announced the school's biggest blood drive, summer athletic camps at Res- 15 yr fixed 3.750 0.000 $850 20% 3.826 5/1 ARM 3.125 0.000$499 20% 2.856 5/1 jumbo ARM refi 3.875 0.000 20% exhibit of children's artwork at - Caroline Tully, Kasia Szum- $920 3.316 a.m. May 28 in the stadium at Illinois 9th District's winners when 78 units were collected. urrection can be directed to linski, Makenzi Levin, Ryne 5/1 ARM 3.125 $850 20% 3.077 30 yr jumbo refi 5.375 0.000 20% 0.000 20% LePeep. District 6L will exhibit of the 2011 "An Artistic Discov-"Which means that Notre 0.000 $499 5.385 15 yr fixed 3.750 $743 3.816 Downing, Gillian Niezyniecki the school at 7655 W. Dem p- Athletic Director Lynn O'Linski works from May through Octo- ery Congressional Art Competi-Dame College Prep helped 5/1 jumbo ARM refi 3.250 0.000 $850 20% 2.930 15 yrfixed 3.875 0.000 $499 20% 3920 10 yr fixed 3.250 0.000 $743 20% 3.345 and Jack Dezelan. ster St., Nues. (The ceremony at (773) 775-6616, Ext. 134. ber and Brickton Will exhibit tion." Notre Dame College Prep save 254 lives in the Chicago An opening reception for will take place in the gymna- Call Bob Betel and experience the "Alistar" difference! FHA and VA Approved- Call us for Details Save with Aichiand Mortgage from Novemberthrough April. sium ifit rains.) senior Chong Myung Jeong's area," said Maureen Crowley, student artists, parents and Entrance exam (B) 1780 Maple Street, Suite 22, Northfleld, IL 60093 MB.0006457 (B) One Oakbrook Terrace, Suife 210, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6G f81 MB.6760321 (B) 1701 E. Woodileld Road, Suite 814, Sckauinburg, IL 50173 MB.0002D38 The display of 42 works painting, "Longing for Home," LifeSource Account Manager. art teachers was held May2 Commencement speaker - a half-dozen from each was chosen first. It will hang This donation, coupled with kudos at Le Peep, loo Euclid Ave. is Michael Roche, a 1959 30 yr fixed i 5 yr fixed 5 yr ARM school - offers a stimulating in the U.S. Capitol for a year the school's donation drive in Students receive a certificate graduate of Notre Dame Col- Resurrection College Prep .$1.6.5,000.loan.amount.. array ofthemes, techniques and Jeong will be honored at December 2010, means that for their achievement. lege Prep, who is a partner High School will present MORTGAGE RATES & Thiéweek 4.77 3.95 Loan Program Rate Monthly Payment and media created by stu- a ceremony in Washington on 349 people have been saved 3.48 with the lawlirm of Schuyler, scholarships to 10 incoming i yr ARM 3.93% dent artists from: Carpenter June 22. Senior Dan French's $781.09 MAINE EAST Roche & Zwirner in Chicago, by blood donated by Notre freshman students who will be 5/1 ARM 3.50% - Dominik Kozyra and Elaine INFORMATION AVAILABLE 2417 $74092 where he practices securities painting "Beautiful Routine" Dame students, faculty and members ofthe Resurrection Last week 4.82 4.00 3.52 l5yrfixed 3.95% $1 .216.35 Smith, Gloria Lutomski, and commodities litigation; captured fifth place. staff during the 2010-11 school Class of 2015. These students Heres what the 30 yr fixed 4.77% $86271 Alex Farahany, Jarck Carani, Accounting ON THE INTERNET monthly toan payment commercial and employment year. are receiving the awards for Last year 4.96 4.34 4.14 .y$435,0OOlòamouht '. Juliana Tosic, Lily Nelson; would be on a home Team places litigation; labor arbitration Chemistry honors achieving top test scores on mortgage toan using the30 yr jumbo 523% $2,39610 Emerson Katie Lee, Rachel RESURRECTION @ http://www,ïnterest.com/?pidi_PIP Source:Bankrale.com,tormore intormalion Visit w#wbankrateccm. Bankmtenaongl aver- following programs at The Maine East High School and litigation; and intellectual Notre Dame College Prep se- the Resurrection College Prep Nidea, Samantha Golbeck, anos are based on 100 Isrgest institutions in the top 10 marketo in the Ueited States. prevailing Interest rates Source: Bankrate.com Accounting Team placed third property litigation. nior Zach Belier won first place High School Entránce Exam. Sarah Asson, Roy Roman, Recognized by his peers in in chemistry in the Worldwide Summer athLetic Awards are to be presented DanielLe Georgevich, Victoria at the Oakton Community Col- a Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Youth in Science and Engineer- at the students' grammar Gawedzki, Nora Ostrow; lege Accounting Contest. Team camps members are Alema Pri jic, poll, Roche was named a ing Academic Challenge at the schools. Field - Julia Nawara, Aidan Spaces are still available Nikesh Shah, David Cruz, Kiran "Leading Lawyer." He was University of Illinois-Urbana/ Local student include Jil- Kelly, Anthony Mesi, Charlie also recognized by Law & for Summer Athletic Camps at Amlani, Joshua Opada, Krys Champaign on April12. han Davis, Carla Greco and Os of 5/lUll I. O 201 I Oankmle. Inc. trIIpJIwww.haokralc coni. flic APLI niayiIucrnceoCccrc,, n,ornu,aLIc,n and n.ay bal). t'y,ricnEs do noi buh In Doubleday, Abby Streightiff, Resurrection College Prep High I; Lcgend: 1h,nilo md annualpercdotagc .10(AlIt) artclfcCti,C include a,nounh,(or thflnul n,urancL . lut itt, sct roan h advefl,conlcnl ab, ,snn,a y bn ch.ogcd Io open Ito plan (A) Mompgc Wszolek, Mariam Zikaria, Krys Politics as one oflllinois Super BelIer currently takes Ad- Mary Ann Metzger at Immacu- rank,,(i)) Morggn l)rnor, IC) ILonL(D) 5 & L. (E) C,ndiI Union. (Ile) Indicat,, Llcnnnod Mongagn NYS llanitagDnpt(IlK) indont,, R,gotn,nd M«n,gn Uroka,, NYS IlankIng l)npi.. (mann nnongndtinnagl,Ihi,d paean.). CaItforRnOa flOn,, aianl roo On,nnoI,va labt, ot inno All run, un qontd on n nrinin,u,o Gabriela Brown; Franklin School, 7500 W. Talcott Ave., rico 5:Inrc nl 700, IllinnIs Modgagn Uccosno. Conv,nlinnal loans nn, boand nn toan amount, of Sl65t. lu,,,4,, loansorn based nu, loa,,amountsnr$435fX l'nii,U ,1uoI,d includo di,coui,i ondin, origiuiution.LkPays 30-60 Annual ¡vnnIago mies(APRa)we Izaund on fully indexed rilo, for adjusioW, ritO enx1oges (ARMs). The Izak, Jonathan Coldea, Matt Lawyers. l-lis civic affiliations vanced Placement chemistry. late Conception on Taicott Al'S on your spncllio tuai, nay difine &nm lie nampin u,cc). r,,, mOod cliongtc reluit,, In ho APR. tfynur down payrnont Is Ics Ihan 20%nl tin botijos valuo. you wilt be subjeti o privai nom n fugcins amone. nr ¡'Sil. Oonk,uin. Inc donc ont gitoraninn alio 300uncy nf linnfo,n,utinna ppnniing abon, nr tIno ovullobdoy of wins and Inns - Mary Kate Fitzpatrick, include St. Mary ofthe Lake Chicago. Camps are offered iii tills alilo. All tain, fcos onO oilier lofonnollnn are sahjnot io Clitlifo wilhnut ntlen. tlank,oin, no. do,n not own any linunciat Instilulions. Son in,,,oil nf lin cnililio nit, oppnoriìif in lus labio puy o rs Io appear in lits lubie. ifyna a,, cooking o ,,,tinagn in nncnss of5417IXXI.recent iciinlioi. slay nuble london in utfloio locotinns Wszolek and Shwetang Patel. BelIer is also enrolled in AP lo prnvldn wins thai ore diflutnnl Ini,n lit n,n,iiuw n In Ihnbln abile. We rroni,lineii4 hut you 000lout yont nun, donully In dnln,n,in, wl,ul nu lnInay ho ,,o,iubi, lu you. TO APPEAR IN TItIS TAttLE. CALL80e-509-4636 TO REI'ORT ANY IN,tCCURÀCIES, CAli. NOS-509-1636.IolpIuon.inlerra.nuto/?plaJod_pIp Thomas Yager, Kelly Car- in June and July, 2011 for girls SEE DIGEST, PAGE 29 28 WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COMI THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 NIL : NIL THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 I WWW.PIOÑEERIÓCÀL.COM i 29

treamers monthly newsletter, CALENDAR ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 which details activities for àiit batí [email protected], and be accepted. Troop 41675's the upcoming month. Most Q submit their name, year project is to raise awareness activities are at Maine Town graduáted, address, phone of pets in low-income/home- Hall, 1700 Ballard Road, number, maiden name (if ap- less families that rely on food Park Ridge, unless otherwise noted. Contact the MameS- pticabte) and e-mail address, pantries from animal shelters SKOKIE and may share a story or tell for food. The Treehouse treamers, (847) 297-2510, or how St. John Brebeuf made Humane Society in Chicago go to wwwmamnetownship. (9 an impact on their life. maintains a food pantry for corn. Central United Methodist Church carter-Westminster qualified pet owners to re- Maine Township is asking 8237 Kenton, Ave., Skokie UnitedPresbyterian Church for assistance in locating Scouts ceive pet food twice a month, 490W. Pratt, 847-673-4441 good, reliable handymen (847) 673-1311 but relies on donations to www.cwupc.org Park Ridge junior Girl in the area. Ifyou know of www.skokiecentralumc.org Centraf Zor Scouts Troop L1675 will keep their shelves stocked. someone and would like collect pet food from parade The troop also will collect Worship: Sundays at 10:30 AM Lyfe Youth Group to submit a name, contact New watchers at the Park Ridge donations of pet food at the Sundays 5:30-7:3Opm Therese Tully, (847) 297- CH!CAGO Memorial Day Parade. The Miles July 4 Parade. 2510, Ext. 260, and she will St. Timothy Lutheran Church troop is working on their forward a form to complete. 9000 Kildare Ave. Skokie Assyrian Fellowship Edison Park Lutheran Church st. John Lutheran Church Park Ridge Prèsbyterian Church Bronze Award, which is the Maine Seniors Maine Township, in coop- Fridays 7:30-9:30 pm Faith Lutheran Church (ELCA) highest award that a Junior The Maine Township Main- 847-676-1 300 6626 N. O)phant Ave. Chicago, IL 7429 Milwaukee Ave., Niles 1 300 West Crescent Avenue eration with the Cook County Girl Scout can earn. Look for eStreamers program offers www.StTimothySkokie.org Coffeehouse & Open (Across park fromEdison Park Mea) 6201 W Peterson Ave. 847-647-9867 Sheriff's Office, is collecting 847-823-4135 : the decorated wagons and a variety of opportunities used cell phones to be con- Worship: Sundays at lOAM Microphone 773.631.9131, www.edisonparkchurth.com www.st-john-niles.org help the girls achieve a dona- for residents 55 and older. Chicago, IL (773) 631-0715 www.parkridgepresby.org verted for emergency 911 use 2nd Sat. Each Month 7:30-9:30 pm Saturday Worship 4:30 p.m. Evensong, Sunday Service 9:30AM tion of loo pounds of pet Membership includes a free for seniors. Donate phones at Congregation Bene Shalom Saturday Worship 5:30PM Sunday Service: 10:30 AM food; all types of pet food will subscription to the MaineS- Sunday Worship Maine Town Hall. 4435 Oakton, Skokie, (847) 677-3330 Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 a.nì. Traditions (Sept.-May) Contemporary & CW Café 9 am Sunday Worship 10:30AM www.beneshalom.org 9:00 am. Spirit Badge, 10:30 am. Conteniporary Traditional 1 1 am Friday Shabbat Services 7:30pm; Holy Communion Weekly Rev. Dr, Michael D. Sparby, Sr, Pastor CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 Honor Society DIGEST I Family Shabbat 6:30pm, 3' Fri/month Sunday School (all ages) 10 am Carole Edwards, Pash Deacon Pastors:Barbara Berry-Bailey NORTHFIELD... , Avenue in Chicago (May 21); include local Chicago stu- induction Kabbalistic Prayer Service 1 O:3Oam. Michael Scott Porter, Sr. Pastor Maft Haider, Worship /Music On April 19, Resurrection and Jeffery King Giahanna Martorano at St. dents Jennifer HUger, Danielle 2Sat.fmonth Michael Lyda, ChildreiV'outt'Faniuly Willow Creek Community Church Tarcissus in Chicago on June Kolaczewski, and Rebecca College Prep High School's Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer Ezra-Flabonim, the North Shore Campus 2; Molly Flynn at St. Juliana Wallace; Kira Mosthof of annual honor-society inductions were held in the Asst. Rabbi Shari Chen 315 Waukegan Road in Chicago on June 2,; Katelyn Harwood Heights and Colleen Nues Township Jewish st Paul Lutheran Church O'Grady at St. Thecla in Chi- Santella of Park Ridge. Resurrection Little Theatre. Cantonal Soloist Charlene Brooks 847-441-6599 cago ori June 3; and CecyUa Students were inducted into Congregation 5650 N. Canfield, 60631, DEERFIELD: Interfaith Families Welcome Sunday Services: 9 & 11 a.m. Rudel at Edison Park School nine honor societies and cur- Recognized All services voice & sign language Y u home for Jewish, Learning, (708)867-5044, www.stpaulcan1ieId.org in Chicago on June14. rent honor society members Promiseland (Infants - Grade 5): North Shore Unitarian Church for artwork were acknowledged, includ- Living and Loving Street Level, Air Conditioned 9&11 am. Evanshire Presbyterian Deerfield, IL Phone: 847-234-2460 Music honors Resurrection College Prep ing members ofthe National 4500 Oempster St. Skokie, IL 60076 Sunday Worship 8:1 5 & i 0:45AM Hugh School senior Kristine Honor Society, International www.nsuc.org Elevate (Grades 6 - 8): 1 1 a.m. Four Resurrection College 847-675-41 41 , Fax: 847-675-0327 Florentino of Park Ridge was Thespian Society, Modern Church Sunday School & Adult Bible 9:30AM Impact (Grades 9 12): 6 p.m. Prep High School music stu- Every Sunday at Music Masters (Tri-M) Honor - 4555 Church Street www.ehnt.org dents received awards at the a participant in the annual Saturday Worship 6PM For more information visit Society, Mu Alpha Theta/ 9:15AM&11:15AM annual Notre Dame/Resurrec- Congressional Art Competi- www.evanshirepresbytedan.com Weekly Shabbat Services tion, "An Artistic Discovery," Math Honor Society, National St. Paul Lutheran Christian Day www.WillowCreekNorthShore.org tion Band Banquet held May Art Honor Society, Italian Every Sunday at 11AM Fri 8PM & Sat 9:30AM 3 at the Fairway Inn in Nues. sponsored by 9th Congressio- School, Pro K-Grade 8, SHARING GOD, nal District Rep. Jan Scha- Honor Society, French Honor Minyan Mon-Thurs 7PM; The band, made up of stu- kowsky's office. Her artwork, Society, Sociedad Honoraria TOUCHING LIVES EVERYWHERE dents from both Notre Dame St. Peter's United Sat & Sun 6PM along with art from other Hispanica/Spanish Honor and Resurrection, performs Church of Christ I I area schools, is on display at Society and Quill & Scroll Monthly Shabbat dinners at 6:30PM at Notre Dame home football the Skokie Public Library up International Honor Society. Oakton Street & Laramie Avenue NORW000 PARK games, parades, Notre Dame Religious School Wed & Sat; Morton Grove Community Church to May 31. The keynote speaker was All Saints Cathedral Parish basketball games, concerts, 847-673-8166 Cantor BenjaminWarschawski Each spring, the Artis- Resurrection alumna Lauren Norwood Park Lutheran Church competitions, band trips, www.stpeteruccskokie.org National Catholic Church PresbyterianChurch (USA) tic Discovery Contest, a Holly, Class of 1998. Holly is Rabbi Neil Brief, Emeeltus Fine Arts lests and gradua- 8944 Austin Avenue 5917 N. Nina Ave. nationwide high school arts a Deputy U.S. Marshal with Sunday Worship 1 OAM 9201 W. Higgins Road tions. (Lake and Austin) Chicago, L competition, is sponsored the U.S. Marshal Service. She WILMETTE The awards for the 2010-11 Sunday School 9AM (Sept. thru Chicago, IL 60631,773-380-7131 by the members ofthe U.S. holds a bachelor's degree Morton Grove, IL 773-631-2860 school year were presented May) House of Representatives. in administration of justice Beth Hillel Congregation Website: www.asCpncc.org (847) 965-2982 by Band Director Mike Wat- Fax: 773-631-0142 The overall winner of each from Manan University and Rev. Richard Lantord Bnai Emunah Sunday Masses 8:30AM & 11AM www.mgccpresbyterian.org lace and included Resurrec- district is displayed for one has completed Criminal Childcare Provided 3220 Big Tree Lane 847-256-1213 tion students Kathryn Moro Sunday School/Catechism Sunday Worship 10 AM Sunday Service 10AM year in the U.S. Capitol. Investigator Training from www.bhcbe.org of Des Plaines for Freshman Air Conditioned Sanctuary Kbbalat Shabbat Fridays 6:00 PM Fellowship 11 AM Florentino is a member the Federal Law Enforcement 9:45AM Sunday School 9AM Musicianship; Hailee Higgins Shabbat ServiceSaturdays 9:1 5 AM Rev. Lolly Dominski of the National Art Honor Academy. Holly is one of of Harwood Heights for Jr. Congregation, Tot Shabbat, Weekday Masses at Noon (September thru May) Society and was winner of approximately 3,200 deputy Temple Beth Israel Handicapped Accessible Sophomore Musicianship; Torah Time 10:30 AM "Best in Show" at the annual marshals and criminal inves- Bishop Anthony Kopka, Pastor ALL ARE WELCOMEI Rev. Robert C. Johnson, Pastor Cotleen SanteUa of Park 3601 W. Dempter St. Followed by Kiddush Resurrection Art Show. She tigators across the country Ridge for Senior Musician- Skokie, IL 60076 Daiy Minyan AM and PM has been studying oil paint- and in foreign countries that Rabbi Allan Kensky ship; and Siobhan McManus ing with Northwestern Uni- form the backbone of the 847-675-0951 Cantor Pavel Roytman ofthe local Chicago area for - . '- versity graduate Ryan Shultz U.S. Marshals Service. As a www.tbiskokie.org Dean Marshall Kupchan Most Improved Sophomore. and credits Resurrection Deputy U.S. Marshal she is A multi-generational egalitarian Hailee Higgins was also se- art teacher Jen Salerno for one of only nine other women conservative congregation lected to be the band's Drum Devar Emet Messianic supporting her and encourag- in her age bracket throughout A Place to Grow as a Jew To showcase your House of Worship here Major for the 2011-12 school Synagogue ing her to pursue art school. the continental United States year. The Drum Major is cho- 7800 MIes Ave., Skokie 847-674-9146 Florentino will be attending and foreign field offices. showcase your sen after a process of student caD 630-978-8290 or mgarrigan@stmedianetworkcom the American Academy of Art Holly talked to the Honor www.devaremet.org HouseTo 01 Worship here essays and interviews and is in Chicago with an emphasis Society inductees about the Join us for Shabbat Services at lOam a highly sought after honor. call 630-978-8290 or in oil painting. guidance, support and qual- 'A Community of Jews who believe and teach Resurrection band mem- ity education she received at mgarrigan©strneWanotwork.com thatYeshua (Jesus) is the Promised Jewish Messiah' bers who will be graduating Resurrection. .à. OILThURS511. 011020,201 IWWW.PiOlOEOtuC01.CoM I SI --

BO WWW.PION600LOCAL.00a 16600200 MAO26. 2011IlL STANDINGS BacaLla takes aim at top IO at State BASEBALL SOFTBALL CENTRAL SUBURBAN LEAGUE CENTRAL SUBURBAN LEAGUE BY DAN SHALIN Socolle Sniahed third atteam nf Sorb Weisonbeeger Inst waekondh New Triarand Chris ftsor in the second FINAL FINAL Seotional. Ho closed out theround 0-1 l'I 1, 0-4, 0-0. TSNOGS - toilas Northmeat io imprannive fashion. "They were my two best SOUTH SOUTH aopbomoreDavidSocolloThough he 1001 to New Tri- playern, nod both were in- Gleohenoh Sooth lb-2 Nan TIler lo-o add his Orso IHSA SteteerO defending niste vhnmpi-jumd,a Riles West hood coach Nen Inico 02-4 Sleoboock Snoth7,3 Meet io 0010 toan a leoredngon Robert Slinomea 0-S, 0-3Andrew fucena acid. "Thny UGHES CIEEEIk ouperienre from a mind andio the aemiSoel, ha did man-played Otra good oath, but Melar Scuth to-S 0(1ro West S-5 ide»iCh.b Io.tites7/U"IaNt Reap.» lee body olondpoiat. age to tobe three of the Saalneben io wenO to a third ant, Eus voteo 9-y Maies Sooth 4-6 Apprreltetioer SpeeiHl Lupolo teem( Aa hr hoodo bacia to Slatefour goeoen from Sniarman,(the started Nilen Want 7-9 Euaoatuo 3-f this wealorod, Socelin bo-the aecund-eanhed playor inpioblog no their iojurion. They Wauheav 3-t3 Reukelee 1-9 FREE GOLF" llaren he is better preporedthe country. hung 'mmwet mthey could." WHEN YOU PAY CART FEE, Oar the cuaopetitioa, tnldch Socolle thon panted o O-1, fRira Went seniera Shul- new-ieee Och lnaolooee tremedal asyl will tobe piare at iteroey end 1-Svictory overLoyola'omoo and Phou inrord io on other Mid-Sobuchon LeaugeLewaonBartav improedve pra'lnemaora al NORTH NORTH arhaala. Nues North'n other niaglesthe seotionnb, The pair de- Glaomhrooh Month04-2 Salue Weot a-1 PHSdldNf Rus RESORB "I've been training bord onployse, jouine Eeir Roseo,frotad Nulos North'a Gupeo/ Highlnad Path 9-1 Nibs Neoth S-2 myphyairol end mentol labil-bottled rr000po io o three-Rcisfrach and toppled Moine itpl," ho odd. "Lent yeesltgotant luna tu Maiue Sonta SheaSuuthh Serio Hamphill end ieerSeld 7-9 Sleubtask llsrthf-3 pete Sahopoubua brfsre full- Boarfirld tired end atorird croanpiogetLoliwnloiothesaroodruond. Melee West 7-9 4-6 fely2flalnotne$eeth Stato. Ibad 000vorh 0000pfit- The Nilen North doublonlog 0-1, 5-0 to avenlool saute Highlsod Pooh t-9 team Ion Creee end Finelyqualifiera Sam Wdnon and hilas tooth 3-13 of lac l-BU & l-57 00m nvdbnicg oblato atoyac lelemtargn the court louger. AbiurO, bothaophonsuees,Adam Collies froto Brou- Msive kent O-ib Molon East 1-9 "(Meotallyl, i hcow thatopened with o two-sal ovAn e Nuira West senior Anto- Visif asp challenging, IS-hole rt one letdown roo rhoogo oover Moto Be000tt end Scott mooch. t boce been workingBolooc from Nurthridga be-nio Kim won bio Sret-r000d CLIMBING THE RANKS mie-style course, Weekly CeÍ/ C(uO raneseanl010ases oc that oud aol getting angryforemai05 toBvauatOO'umoleh ovar Notre Someb opeciala, lessons and morel losddnaoouj gai,, ream... eearme.a. or nnythiag1' Connor Woolf ood SthonKyle Smiab io atoo gomee s000aa,ne casiO: e. Reaeaa brollo, Oxeo. basollel, a. Borato oOsOt 4-0 ut lentSchnnil. before felling tu New TrincO cteeodae leeel001 feprbnek6slcernr eereteeoeleoeh 81546R8827 ycorin Stute Ment, eventually Suph0000ro Eddia Re- Stioamnn, the stole0 Nv i ployne, io toco. oiimmvctrd by Melomoro'ainfreuh 004 aeniur Seogor ea asele, s, kaeoe011e nao a PGrtdSOtOett VialI ene Wrbaitr fer Sneet Weekday, Strphon Rauh. Ho void hinGupta dnuppnd thnir opening Wolves sophomcra Simou atetnloOeaebansOlealeeell,a.eooe,olseell 0.000e netene050 resa macwe amarlos eselei Wrahnvd ret 1151(150 Rafee. gool Oho ne000d tian aroundmutob tu Silas Went'a Reed.Kim doupped hin Bent-round ooeO,meeter0001r,asm isto remain in the frontley Shuimou ood Sdmucdmatch io Moine Soothb Pot- drow bogar, which ha woold0h00. rich Dsleideas. acolen al Cseflnlr000le dall orromplioh by oo000ingoli Nuira North lt puintol lic. Suaren soldha won 5pECIA ple050d by hin bastos overall tiaras of his matches today. shod sloth at the 10-teem TIeere1l "Last pror, IBocoilal wona00000al. perinrmnnre. Nulas Went 115 F010100 11100 GOtT CLOD e Menor? fha hide! WEBSIlt four mntcheo, two io the pointai tied Rvucnton nod JOIN US FOR TRYOUTS! . front oud tsoo io the barb. WeNues Went Nnethridge lue third in the tael hacen icoprnve on thot," The doublen trum of sa-aa000nob. tOilet North hood roach BlobolerDanielLongerocd "Everybodypinyodthe "Developingtodayrs technique for 2001e said. "Moybo he connaphumoes Robert Maeohnbest they could cod it meo orool000 usw SUPER -' ..' getto the round 0100. Theoappeared capable nl reach-gond to sao," Buceen said. tomorrowes ta/enter would be good. Meybu he'lling the Stnto Meet. How-"They played their hrorts 'n out. Wo bed a bodionte from do well in the hoch drow nodever, both ware humperad eeonaa.dearfoIdgole.arg leapt Soish in the top 10 in theby ovrint iyiurien ot Ondoya0001ereoos, mhara we come no rove e in is stoic, met would be o bigNew Trier S000i000l, whoreio loot. Bot tu come in 014040115e North aapftamorr Dace Nacelle sempetea darteg the seaetNeett of tIse flaw Ester ScHussel, sel areaOmn rtrrl0000eoha"eo,.easW gaol far him." they bowed oui to o Layobootihenectiuneb naps o lot." litt oe000005al-eoa tOATI000 socio To place an ad tmn this section, call Donssee roomfor improvement after sectional -. Da DAN StALIN yenr-ruond. kida who hove boon playingriothee nod oboes, You hoveend," Jonhomohi said. "Wetionni, Smith wan rowing 630-978-8229 "Mys0000oge to the hide io,for 00 pears. And our goyato get 'aomarad in it. get grounds posses for ooff e tbird-pince Sniab ni 'If you ore troly going tu beore not (Oat going to win br- "loor ployaral ohoold pirhSelordoy night ond SnadoyNo, f tingles ot the pravl000 to speak with a TRNNOS - This wee Orompetitive iaourroofoeonoe,cuune they ore athletic, Theyo fovnrife playar, like thapond oro ohio lagen op doorweehb ESCO T000rnnmeot. raboildicg poor of aorta foeyou should ploy in the offoew0004 to loare privole Ir000na,do with boeshnil, 0004 try teoed ose the proo, The bids Netre Dnme aopkcm000 Ene sales representative. Noter Dews tennis. 00v, tobo laamva, warb herdgroup Ioniens, join the USTAemulots themyoyla, try aubedisoovee how wsrh fon youGabe Conenan wet coOed up CCE/ So, the fact the Done didacdbe out three all n0000er,"und get involvod io the world111cr thot por500, strive to getheur ate tenoain wolrh whoofenwtho 2V to play No.0 vin' out ornee u paint in lostJookowahi unid. "Il peo oraof taenia." bettae," you neo neoing the boat nf theglen, Ha foot to Noetbridgob weehood's ISSSA New Tri-(out playing tamdo to have Fou, Joakowskl polveo not thAt To give his play ree ogecat-best," Marro Reati In atroight nets. er Secti000l was not a biglbot'o grano. Sot you're not go-it oleo con be ben000iob to loi'er oppreciatino nl the nport The cooch said the expon- On doebiso, ND soniore Gofo 2011 GOLF ohuch. mg to taie in our vuoferenre.low the spnrt onaprnfenniun-01 ita higheal leoni, Jonkome.000roon be konobling, Danny O'Snyle and Mirhoal U5-U19 Boys and Girls Thruogh001 the neo-lt's ont e loso brogue. Ito 0000y01 barril obeeruiog closely nedhi io once agAin pinnoieg to "loosing ouneld-cinen play-Ingorgialndropped th000 suntimes.com/golf ano, ND heed ceerb Stavammpetitive and a lot of thetoying to rmulnte the hsst, labe u groop nf pboyars toarel mohos you reolise howepreingmot010tePolea for your complete Jenhowald hes roved aboutplayera (from othee tanmul go "I lived sod brecihed theSaptemberb 12.0. Open inhod yon aro, no matter bumWotan Daniel L nager 00d G V I D E the rem talent on the 2V lev-onto play io mOrga." npnrt (when in bigla schau»,"New Yank City. The coachgood yoo ere," ho said. Robert Maroha, foleanonldle, Register for tryouts atEuroSoccerClub.net ai. Now, the coach has caged Jenhuwobi 000tinued:"A odd Jaahnwthi, who playeddid eat bead the trip lost year, Dona jseoiurSacad Lundy earcesafoty atND in the ear-but did au in OSSO and 'go. Racapo Senior Spie Smith oc the youngsters tu toenlee of cue guyn josa picked end auphomera Gori Cercho- Think EUro thnwmivetteamethletsoup a rochet Iwbenthey got Only 55 aid-SSs. "I asad to nit "We bahr oc uvarege of 10fell to Nibra Wrnt'n AntonieSto best their Seat matob to Think Unique Think Personal More" than 250 searchable course profiles iobo tenda playera by tenlyhigh srhool(, 00 they are soy'nod neeirb tonno noii the time.hide and acme cheparnoesKim in bio Seat 500tch atNorthridge's Tikka George or commitliegtothesportrrgoiog to bean good ea theIhad lAnded Ageuei rechne,and go Labor 5ey wach-Saturdnyln New Trier Ser-and flsuid Streak, 32 WWW,PIO1OEERLOCAI,C0M THURSDAY. MAY 26, 2011 NIL reiuTRU0550Y. atr na, noir r ggw,pioeeoocvo,cnrI 33 FC CHICA/JO 5OCCER TRVOLIT5Vikings denied regional crown Daleiden, Cannon survive BY MATT NAONE55 3-set openers NISLPremier t Club oh Mo, erIoul,as Bonet saetee thaI wee represented by theirtlorre-erlter when he went Brsi-mtbchparfoemuams." op egeboat Layoburs Meeter in 0126DM SOCCER Hielosy oiS have Ages U8 - U18Boys Mt-eon Enutbitdoublethile aral round, Barter, who Come and join tu wait at Rilas North. TENNIS - Meine South tesm clacainra Keu'in Hemp-eveatnebby Oniebed fourth in lu search cf the program's Scot-ever i head nooch Seeg Young was hill end Peto Bailapauloa had the sectional, moa M-b, M-0 bu o Craig Blazer regional championship, the VUalogo feil i iloopingbiodoublesteam rcsercd the serbioS ra themobch played ondre the biglaIt Head Soccer Coach of DePaul University ahnet in a S-t loss to Mame South On Pri- could cuotead foc e berth al No. Aeeed. Bat theyboat their01 Winoetbe'a Nirbsee Tennis thym Shohie. the IleSA Stete Meet. Sret match d-M, M'I, S-4 toCenter, Head Coach of FC Chicago High School Boys Eilte North, the No. 7 seed at the tThetdida'thappes,Eutthe NilraWesl'oftradbeySholmac "Shoe is avery sebid pbnyar Evanston Sectional, feD tu Meine South i couch went heme from loso end Edmund Phen. whohasberoNo.lfnrusmoet fue the second titan this RodeE mo No. - ",crehsedbNeovToieromtino- The Hemkadoubletufnf the teuton,' Meine Esst I-seeded Heonbu blmheri tice VOdnga t'il 1,,oleucitrdaboutthebetuooat- iuoior Kenia Sniowebi andheed roach John Schwan said no April 1. lue aal'od peefeo'saeaces by twa atome DOch Kasus lose theirabout Lobiwube, who lciahsd 'l°nethec hand-fought guene," Maine - singlesplayesn. upevlrg match S-O, M-B lothe atasco 15-S. "He's just o Sauth mach 2.2. Cruonlard arid nf San -. SophcoocraPatetchSu- Cememo Tally and Dylanjuniov libe woriro heed coer Edmicalecie club. "They are Ihr most ri leidenendioniorCeIba Ball uf North Share CaaateyOhs aummer, ho rea defloibeby physical tonne ocena played, by lac, und Canaca 'vece both muldog Doy be 'w lice mio for the stole we hod to playthem boire. Each thee it's lhe'oesect'anual debuto Inc mho Meure South 14 pointol tiedtournsooeatnenteesson,' U8-U1 I Thursday June 2 & June 9 libe, 'EaclUeup, here we go." Acoche, Sat bailo dinployed Moms Oust cad North Shore Meine Satt frsshmou San- from 6:O07:30pm Moloc South went ahead 0.0 helare iihyticel und meutul tough- Country Day foe aeveeth-cyghol bed Ihr mhfoelome nf NOno North brehe the ahutcut cc Sehn- ,,reaia npeoieg.euuud, three- pIses otthr IO-tetto eocoonal.meeting New Teleeh Robert U12.U14 Thursday June 2 & June 9 mil Steioheeg'e croce he the closing min- 'oeavictosien. Sticamea in his OrsI malch, utos. Maine East from 7:30.9:OOpm 1111cc Seghe Deborah Steieberg cleans rhoball away from terthoide's trobey Schabe After struggling early, So- The dehsnd'mg n000e cham- "Sac dues a aica jail nf getting the leidea bounced herb ta defeat U1S-U18 Saturday June 4 & June11 during tite Vikingo' cuir in the eatienal earnlisaS, leveooeo-oah-ocea cesIo Sloe Semons tut-or Sheapiou Slineman, a'saohad Na, t moat nut of bio gicla," Ccuoalccdaaid. "lie Vibra Weut'e Simue Klan 0.0, Labhoeba ensued nIl Onur of hisio the octioo, pontad n6-O, M-O from 4t00.GoOOpm tilas intube you off ycuc goner andere it j'1.5, 7-5. After foiling lo oria a teum'o pa'uate st the sertiunob, Nues West H.S. Stadium Field thstwaehari 'Just une nf these things," Edmiaatecdida't beSana the Haonha mold aquol iba i.riume la the fleet cet, DdeidraMeise Nest's Danny Chai racista ateugh singlas deere laut weakeed et the New leier Seetiseat, ia'iaaicg Ida heat toco matches The Sbus Semons doubles The DEL North champion Vihingo, Vltunge'wiillonia. I,: "cue d000m-t io the cerned BO Pride5 teeosodidn'tgrtrnncb barioler 5101 West Oakton Street, Skokie, IL mita ileished 4-1 in leagve pisy, oucupped Tc ennonu's end nun ospecially hand "I enpect it tu he eaallyioteoae, boot cur orlare storming bach, Altee epeolag with a with thais drewa, The teem cf For mere information call Coach Nico up thair eeaaau S-IS-S. mey opened thene Tilfuoy Ebelicg who played ea varsitygiclawasetitmnra,"aheeaidfuil000icg the "He eboeted playing more sor aver Nodo Shore Countryeecioeu Eno Hua Loa ted Jo- playclthvdthel.Oootaacertooctheidebe.eu fcucyeaee. regianal aemlileal utotury. "Everybody h - Ihighlperceatagetenais,gruelho CannondroppedSartre lkuyubal cad Canacaenea had vurdly aepedesreSop's Juli00 fOhoiteon, Loll-seph Chica Inst its lest watch hieed goals by ColoSo 7001mw and Cueaila 847.962-6062 'Th's le nay iloocrite beam," she tala. ployteg together." picla'oog hin opota to utOeoh'the Erst set 4-M before com- Oeiln-f, i-S lu third-placebart peer,' Young said. "Youwela got heine ebugfeet wichla eventual doubles champs www.fcchicago.net Macgore. Macquee'agoal neme whonhec Ebeling's hupo wem high far the ForMdne Sauth,thelieochuadcauced Young sold. "The oteaeegping bach to oria the heel twoilaither Parid Bovalla 010escoal teach enperisere, youNilra North's Odo Rocen. TheDrew Campholl and Thomun comer tuch fcand the herb cf the net- eemntchwithMaine South.Shetu their fittb sec5000l ha a eeoc. i 'sorbed ansI he came bachn-g, T-a. Nccthl, runt ruach enpedence. YauMama Baso player emergedPawrstl from New ToRen nod won a anotch that took Both playersceded up Both Meine South plcyeeshave tohone them eupeciroce,ointudout eher boo and a halfMeanwhile,scalare Juespb awn cod ehabihuarer' losingtheirsecoad.cauadearued valuable eaperleeceand bopahally that odo makehours, holding oB the reomp-B, Chai and Bily Show fell ÍIAI,l'.)rrl\ coil C000ce't upeabag oho overmatclaentc strong opponents,and libely improved their coo-the diger000e. Soth have'mgnueen d-M, 7-S, 0-4. ho their opener lathe Loyola North abaca Country Say'sSeleidea fell S'I, 0g bu enea-Ideare. the mhod.eet lo compete sod I,diwubuno doubl onesItem of Ryan Sunohua end rJvJ liarey Mete onesniwilselytuaistute-qunloiee Luwsea "Nicother cor of thmr gayonever give apia u moOch, ucdfeelingtheellectsof theRiley Jacobs. Ii Evans blanks Northside in playoffopener Fishing Charters Hunting Bolos aliStes "It won rire to teh the Idolo ri." RoO Ohal Iba arma nous edobmog deheelneby 'sa the out- LBGrange f acks 5K Rur0Walklo benefit loMar the segni mo he mody for bud'mtfiil.Clnrhmidtlaelaanafield. CNPYouth Leadership. Camping Equipmen pmcticei0000ad of melting oSen played competitiva bene- Another solid drisnaive naO- Friday, J505 101F B,B,SBB01aO,L - Maire SautIolncn to porb it lea' bed,junb000oeicoiogbueabalb. ilebderwuaeeniorNilsbibDroai, head mach San Clash et- Junior Dory Bvtce hes had "We've mmpoOsdonbtholontwho plcyed leS- Hohes bren Registration begins at 5pm, Kids CAPTAIN AL'S BOAT FLEET THE LEPRECHAUN trmptad to matinate bis teemebl-coafarsnoe campaign so a OoaonO'onaormafersoce,We'oeatbeObadto pley in Ohr CAL Re- Racla at 6pls and SKat Ppm .eehinefrlpelselooe spuntI for the stale pbtyofla by asheneboetatop and pitcher, ted he juol bren 'moonuinteat,"loeodor All-Slur Gatos on Jens Ib retsl,Ue,e.bel,belBelut,,tppurle Individual rngislralion $25 511-5/31); $30 /6/1-latI day) CHARTER SERVICE the old clichée uhoub at belangeuved bio biggrea performance asid. "In the nnigoday ni the000abaton. Kids races $10 Siano nyllerteryarladiag new anotan, a freob atuot nodun Ihr mound for rohea il gamas, we've had une lepas de- Maine Seat wea rcodag eBb SO M50 & nonat Vslisg Family Ra3iltrlf los $605/1-5/31); $10 6/1-rats day) everytoatusterlicgoto-A. counted mast, fearalveby 0e piOcldag-ovisu, and7-g oicboeyoverMethreinSot- Cplar, D'il Kelly 773-445-6112 The message teemed tu finassa wenl the diabaooe, it beoda to os gidog op tenerciasday's regeabor-setaun fl000be. Foalirgn local bin/u 11000 the iuta reilo, food and tun toi the 55001es Heuer lese, celer Oele) gioie5 up just thror Idla,webh- eocew.eapteioaleeheateea.com knllyla3@ctmuastsat resonate ea Iba Ne IT-soeded raBe Ita the cae'hud-hmiagClerk substituted frealy in 0es wholl family all/a god el the race Slat Demean Id-tel openedlag one und abribing out ola, nyeadr000e Thufa whal pouc000eob in ceder tu gaB sesduen More information Yod hagirinof ionat loww.ccp4yoath.srg Charter Meet Cloae d,SsEibea Regional acEaa "tovould toy it noes lela beob hava when yorrire s yoang ho-ou the Seid und heop others FREDDIE BEAR SPORTS "cost'uSloN,. na Monday with at-S sictoryl001iani of the yesal' Clorla said t 000shtonbOeont" leech fur the pustae000ts. U olslnnn&r100llahe arec Ne IM NerOlaside 'm e play-nbnat Enana, who saberad with The'ar haue bers bdghm Joaoior TuvO bnaeman Stove or by calling 708.519,5898: Baaraais Usos Guais ',ccl 51001e t'i I'll ha gems al Rogose Pads io Chi-0414 ERA. 'Reh bud sevee'ab spots, bbs Enana' play. Tha)u-Ithttchedaas'ita toI a home )1wa Gaie COLLECTIONS Ogisdiuet'PethilO teclee natisogs where hers baal pmo- or, nono sou rompees res cas atoll 'itrItOsiOl Meise cane Moine facto Cosy feast shut att Ne,thside 3-O Meedayin the sea, jast Malee Best's ascona I DIrei teals le tisses lose Muis,r Beet was sohadabetmy good shelf sed hoyt es ioatoe Oemsss' regitnol opener. I not Hosn-SiOTl000 verlo CaL North io nett manIOcsbong boll otthe ,xauaa. Jaxioro 708 532 4133 teat nel Pelseleto Ou eduasce te Wedersdayhgetane Bot Odo nono bio OrnI StevensonAhawrene, 0000 Aedrew llbuwecbi nod 124er t -DON-929-3474 abutons md it wtaagnod tisasdidn't houa to una Oho charge -o'asgleendmBEt good on the bill, in the middle rIttI lukpabhe,Eelea Part IL 11117 'esletiettlt riens sea regloS eemiBnd ugeleet Ne Gbawecto 50db got bita fur the To place an ad in this t Leydse. formt up obbthnt morts." Though hab hoping Sur mawield und told at the plaie. Demoras "WI break up nur seeaoc "lEneesl had really goad The Sloe Damnes scoredentended pnat,s0000u run,Ile5000red the postoc0000 SuphemosvGregDado weekly 'section- To advertise in The r Sudoor into three sonnant: pre-voa-pop on bio lioutbell.f don'tin Sor fourth isessieg ucd agab Clerh alan in loohing kr000rdwith a 2610 bolting uvsesgs,obastad the cmos on the IdE call Brian at Oncenas, roofereore end theknow whet got hobo bise. Hein Ohs 010mb, Joniar outfieldertotbeeasmnerleagueundneaOe beam-high 17 hit-5,0215 en-and ovenl these hwoiage Tyfer r ca I ploy005' Cbeeh said. 'We've 0000theosologboarder theaSeorge Zebaleeria hsd tova ofeprbe 'tyath just ace asalurlosar perceotegs eBd tu otoireGlowarbd pitched two ieedogs 63O'97882 tuatntarledl-Sbathathirdeee-omet Rs could poI Oboe hal-Malos EnvOie 51x1450, stole toca among the regalate Maine med Aeda'ew 010005 reavard uue BdopatoaOy it nail ha a loanbell sehers ha wnntrd md bisbates and scored e nao, 2050e5x00 dl bson bights capada- Zddando hod 1g bita duringthe vicbory 'anu coca-inning 630 978 881 to speak with a sales rereseiative bmoldeg baO wta tight HtaatilebdorDuntOsmeruuhadetioesfortbatattseaoon. the regalar aessoso mod wooavorebematiat OIL 0945010f, 007 26. 2211 I AWW,PIOOELSLOCOI,C00I 35

t.lovegivgCditos: RashMactin Loca Sports 547-405-74511 eocstio©picveerlanol.00n PIONEERI.BCAL.COM IHUSSOAY, MAO 26, 2001 I 31. Vikes' Casey. carries hopes for state title

BY MOOT OO5ESo -'ne ' -' .,. ,. , end arilo joie Caaey Dawn. atate. Pepsag100'o 920.50 was ensene,ewsio,aican goad for sonand pinne io Ihn BOYS TRACK - Paul 0,205, and Velosqers Boinhed Sweonno isn't heepiag bio esnoad in the pois 00011 008th NI RCUS sopertali001asnnret Irr this hia mach 0202-0. Engagement weeh'a Stale Meet io Charles- Dea Egeo was eec of thnae ta who narrowly miaaed eaton l(epsoak and Yaangnhenl Airo rf Cnnina CA oeil Nile. North raenh be- getting to the big atege, Cha Naacy end Maosicn Moecaa of Winenoba con drlighoed lieves De000ier Casey eon thrower mea third botha dis. sa onnoonor the rogagomnot of shnie rhddr/n Jayncoa nus 0.0th e aaa000-high 1mo raboarhampionship. The "CnOhy" Abo lo Deniol Maecaa. The cauplr ùvns in Baa Soar-year vareity athlete 00129-S end Sfth io lbs abet Smythe- Kouri aiaalifiad lar three avents et pat aber going 49-1 1/2. Ogan stand io second Doors io the - Tharedayb NOes Went Ser- A 2001 graduesr of Norahoirm High School ia Carica, Engagement tiaoal redis amaog the favor- diurne entil Heraey'e Saneo tes la hna at them. Olean edged him oat 0e the CA,CeekyssndiedPsadocoDrdgansSsaofoodUnivsesiiy findy Sovyebe, daaghsnv afMo. avd Mn. William Svcyrhn cf "A tremeadoaotalant," lest throw. gvadaaoivg io2005.After ororlalag nO jump Aaaociaseeio Fhsk Sidge, nod Niaalae Roan, aro afMo. cad Mea. Ch aseso Swanson sold. "Devenien is "Oar tiorowera bada grena 'Sao Masro, CA fas O ynass, she is now wophingaann Nied Jozwiak 41kb0,,01, of Damascos, Sysia sedi be maeoisd in Chionga rapeble el briegiog heme a day end conrad e banni at ivdepnadeos basi oese 000aabOenL this javn. Evilly is e 1099 gcadansn of Maine Sooth High title, end the achare are Ca- pointa Sar naP Sweneon edd. Engagement School, n 2003 gredvnsn nf Ohio Wrslnyan Idoivnrsiry, aad a pable nf ploriag high io their HOEHLD PARKrow ee/ "But they reme op a tItIs A0995grodaase afNscrTsisr High School, Dan studied Mc sad Odie. Ta,er Mac Niod of Plenda, dois osa ass ylrarrdir 2017 gvndcase efebo Unicorsiry of Mnvyland Dootul School. eventa. abort." l°abhc Policy no Sanofond Uoivcsaity gsadaasiog io 2001. iva calcaswsns nf shois daagbtse, noiay Lynn, so aaIan Ohn is amarad7 a ensidnos in Deal and Maodiehaisi Snegesy "I don't thieole oh ase orean- Afecr2ynasaaan Anancialonolysaasjooee,Lng,LeSablr, Charloajanailak, ran afl°aark avdJsasphir010enahrfdelinpaa eerie Medinal Cailogn of Wjeccesio iv Mdnaaheo. Nichoim realistic eapertaliana far en." Nitos West Hoinhca,lffinnir. fisc9, spoil cate afflraka Ueiaesairy ir Oicannraf Dan joined Gnogln in 2003 where hn isamanagno in she ian fisodeern of sien Cen Woaancn Resacan livioossiay School Casey negiatarad the OtIlo- NOen Wsstb Levels Jon. Cauncairailnes &PeblindBain lcralnanavnuoyshainindvimna. of Dnnrsl Mndieioe io Clocrland, Ohio and hes his denral acoco Dioisino. I best coach in the triple jasaD den will reatend in bath Oeles gosdoarril heu Macsian lOuais Uoineirp calci, s degna in pracrico iv Lowoll, lodiene. Tho coapin will onscnially make at aentineals 0.0th hia loop nf opeint mnm thin neelcood at kndnsas, and is cnyiayed byThr Maorfv,d, A Oea ceaddisg is plaeved mis hams iv Chicago. 40-lies-O. He's seeded nivob io O'Brien 2104mm. The 000pin pions a Fnbsanoy wrddiag io Sac Foanniaco. in Sileno, 15 noir. the 400 nastee's eher nook- The jvadae balo second ireg 4047 et P6101 Went. Casey pleca io the 100 he 15.50 sad 'a an 000tianal titles io bath nerand io the 250 io 22.10 at sonnte ta help the Vihings Tharaday'a Mdcl Wast Sec- captare their first seotinoel tinnel. He had abe aiath-fest- title cinca 0007. est aertianal time in Ihr 100 Casey alee avili neo the 250 cad in seeded 12th in theaso. et S'Be-ieo Stediaee. lote tankMiles Mactb's Zhnsg Fang clears the tact haedie end takes Mrst piaseis his heat afile sarsity 100 melee pseliss deeing tire Ceased Noel Omarwillbe enather ebird lea filad atabe aentianal,Suburban teagee Nsrth Champiesships at Highland Park Nigh lahsel Faiday. reacio csvOsaaL-000sl000 asola le watch rn Cbeeleatoo. The bat hab far dawn the let of jmeios"st:50.11 bathe SSS peto qnaliflara. high borrica io 14.56. Dreg isweekend. it's n heartbreolaing way to MoatnealSyhea,Kantebien cloth la Ihn ntnsa. Zheng Pang adn000ed taneeded 10th in the BO end bah "lt'e a Pony alciag borausesod the scaseo er career. Pepsogloe nod Etheo Valse- Tba W010eo' dabS reley the 0000e Meet P Oven meers.bribe ISO. there's olwaya higho and Ions "Rat we ore pleased toqans elf entended Ihab lea-tisdEvensloeforthetop time The senior waa the OSO ia- Rabiad Casey and Poop,with the aertiarsl," the nnarhwin the sectional, md we areaaas by enaaher rasch. et the aectianel with 042.27. el famIly ose terncediato hardies io 09.21NilsoNorthethletened-seid. "We hed e hareollal ofpleesed with Iba peeformenn- Bybra Oniohed cercad ioNOes Weal aloe edvanned io Setsaoids/Obersa end wen asentad in the ilSneared in sanen eva010 thisgnon with Oser misnes, endes." the triple jmap is 44-6 i/Otbe4oloorelaywilhalilS.02. ENGAGEMENT Ovo ovil Cindy Ob,cssa000aocasl,o evgsasnwc nl shah ans, /leg$4Ie5t44n1eW Cl,,ircnyhn,,ca Palesino 0a1,wids. Koiivn iaacannanielnirlae 4lat a,,0 Chis/nylac is en lafiw Landelialacairis9. "Aoy fas ncc a00 & regeXgrtgaolu while sOandiag jonias high ed,00liell,onnadpast Asawocas, 2512 r6Nt% Gordon grabs sixth naudiogisplsnved. Cnneeandaciasaicsl,e lsoypyoinylsl betAd4qW W9e29edKefttd at State Meet in IO Sweeoo-4 Scitea GIRLS TRACK - Relimovaors oat the preliminariesabet pot Od-fesa-IO Oid, while www.pioneerlocal.com Garden caalde't ropedthela the 205 with her 26.10.Hellwig eecoedsd 15.41 io lbs same magic abe eopsnienredRath of Gordoa'e tenca ja150 huedles. Fas mnrn inhessagos, mnsanll lest ssaoaa oa lbe Stole Meet.the ISO and 200 wore slower The Miles Went acolar otilothen hoe clochings na a ja- MILES MORTHl 10000 63a-978as79or nino when abe earned a pairDoremanatadheonemarie ceded her ataod0000arser Goleb/Eseseta [email protected] with e cloth-piano medal ioof third-place madala. Reid ended their senaona the lOB matera with atiene of Saedoa wes the naly eneio Ihn pmlima et the State Wccfeling 11,11. Lbenalo-Wey Bent aayh-alloue Wolves to mebe theMeet, Oacly&Mial,aacbosskcearcneaiadaeøoirber2Leolossodlltsrre omare eeaeliyeh Braovo, thetonals. Poeemnn cone 59.92 in the Cn,etii Chcneh ia Ocl,llec PaiL The sroayt'nn na ailles Cevvr as PION1ER PRESS Na,tl,lnkin01anldinP.ak a ter sprinter in Charleston, Saphomora thrower Jan-405, while Reid didn't regio- i I . . .1 Orcty la sir daoghsav of Sah end indo Orlai rl Il,avklin Park, IL. naptered nbaaepiooshipn iomina Tasnnnsnd and hurdlertereheightislhepolenaalt- ...... ii0,ckssl lachs era rIPai Idre loro Dm1 effllgin, IL. Tha aaoyle 505'2 1js thooB both the 105 ead 500. SydaeyilsSwig gained eape-But both have naa mare sea-KntliasSardseaiMtlsa Weet pashaa elf the biestes se tirs 200 meten dash,l007elccaic.snae-ean Gordan crea nachts load-risana. Tevansend toaeed theson left. nuanCen acoco ll,oichannpvncn ea Disney Woold.

I ' I .,, ßòwna; drt;va . : L2i 7tU Str 471Ø1go;:,- ', j ,r .r . P -- - - .JI j. . Z 4-'1' Á j u


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