Hochman has a date and a Angola party. Neither go according to plan, but do come together There Is No Light in this comedic, playful genre Inside the Mirror film. World premiere La enorme presencia Programme section: Deep Focus Short de los muertos Director(s): Kiluanji Kia International premiere 49th Henda Programme section: Wait INTERNATIONAL Prod. Countries: Angola and See FILM FESTIVAL Prod. Year: 2020 Director(s): José María Avilés ROTTERDAM Length: 15 Prod. Countries: Argentina, Genre: Fiction Spain January 22 – Contact: Kiluanji Kia Henda Prod. Year: 2019 February 02, 2020 Email:
[email protected] Length: 13 Phone: +24 4929011080 Genre: Fiction IFFR SHORTS Logline: A man finds refuge Company: Una Presencia CONTACT LIST in a deserted building in Contact: José María Avilés January 31, 2020 Luanda. Confronted by his Email:
[email protected] obnoxious shadow, he makes Phone: +59 32385153 a radical decision. Logline: After receiving his last wage and sending it off to his home country, a house Argentina painter deliberately abandons his mobile phone En la plaza oscura on a park bench. International premiere Programme section: Voices Persona 5 Short Programme section: Voices Director(s): Nicolás Short Schujman Director(s): Ulises Conti Prod. Countries: Argentina Prod. Countries: Argentina Prod. Year: 2019 Prod. Year: 2019 Length: 13 Length: 17 Genre: Fiction Genre: Creative Contact: Nicolás Schujman Documentary Email: Contact: Ulises Conti
[email protected] Email: Phone: +54 91158885502
[email protected] Logline: That evening, Logline: A group of game- addicted friends strive for perfect control, an extreme ultra-short unguent for the Phone: +64-21-025.516.48 form of escapism equal parts soul.