Material Worlds
09.03.2011 i i MATERiAL WORLDS Material Worlds ii Plaster, scrim, wire netting, ink & oil on paper, mounted timber, cement, paint, polyester on board, gloss paint, MDF, resin, enamel paint, crushed white collage, emulsion paint, melted marble, carbonized crushed olive gramophone records, tissue paper, stone, silicone, polycarbonate, PVA, water, perspex cover, ink aluminium, acrylic on textile, toys, marker, acrylic paint, hybrid pen, wire, ink, acrylic, fabric, collage foil on paper, ceramic, brass tray, on canvas over panel, silkscreen knives, struck copper, watercolour on canvas, ceramic, industrial on plaster, metal, test tubes, archaeology, embroidery on photo, string, mirrored cast, acrylic porcelain with glaze enamel, pewter sheet, cement fondu reinforced spire, C-print, ink, oil, canvas, with metal and fibreglass, blown porcelain found objects, ceramic glass, oil and spraypaint on canvas, with decals, pen on paper, sugar 10,000 Volts passed through found paper, eyeshadow, thread, ink on board, recycled paper, 120 grade paper, 18 carat gold leaf, soy based sandpaper, 40 gsm pergamijn ink, pigment print, rag paper, transparent paper, cast-coated cardboard, tape, filler, varnish, paper, book cloth, wood veneer, plexiglas tube, poster paper, colour woven polypropylene fabric, stickers, Wii board, resin, vinyl, untreated pulp board, gloss grey cellulose, gouache, watercolour, pigment foil, grease proof paper, coloured pencil on paper, relief lithographic ink, cold-binding glue Material Worlds Auction Catalogue Wednesday 9 March 2011
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