


IN THE lUGF OF HAOCOUGITwo Mea Were Killed aad Ftarty- FELAHIB CAPTran. And Her Orew 1 Klght of the Crew are Mlada«. Londoa. AprU »—Tlie Iowa ot ONENajiugiOT Fetahle la Me^ipotaaM. lam beaa tlMliy8Dd>aain,HinreTCr|obel0 m Portthm U> DomUwi* the V1U««<. Qneenatown, April •—The Brltlah eapeared by Uw Brtttafa, it la aa- Part*. April (—A Oenaaa aubamr- Oa* AMUp RaiM tee N**4h*B*t CM )|m With ArtUlerr ^ «»**»* **•«> l-'rencfc 8a««dcd ateamer Cent waa torpedoed without Bo«iredofffetaUy todag. AO Ine waa sank today by a aquadraa ot Freoeh aad Britiaii warahlpa, Drirem edy *Bcrlflce» they were *uc- EPW0R1H LEAGUE WRl hoapiui chip Portugal, alw declare* 0Bptibl6 toiMs on onr nd“ cesaful___* “* *tn“ getting footing jitirin»during iiuithe that the "Whole world wOl hear THEimTIAND pad. hat then te ae k raraarle* and brloKlap back twenty r'r;U :ti Ihl. vIllaKc. We now hold thl* outrage." yet a* to the reea a ltle. aad _ prteoaer*. the Tillage under the fire of our do­ ENMAIN T04II6H1 That another elraUp te addUtea to Tks Baasw ’s AUacka Is tlw 1 Oaring thta attack our artillery In minating poaltlona. ANOTHBR NECTBAli 81TXK. tb* Irlt was hit te th* On onr aide after a abort prepara ­ oaBaslaad waateeatets Tha eaaoadad tear! ...... fa Uie Wallace H The Hague, April 6, rta London— that portion of the Arocourt wood* tory artillery fire, we dellrered a It i* officially announced that by Mr. Harold J. TaaaBat. parttemea- te aaatber leeato abate tt M .plrlted atuek. onr men coming out torWar, te the •eeapied by the Oermaaa. ur'e Bride" WIB be Bu«cd thta Dutch achooner Blalnbelta waa terpo alteotete H waa te tea aalMBMMA . fa the region ofVerdun the enemy from the redoubt of Arocourt with doed.yeaterday in (he North Sea. Tho Hanaa ot < Mr. Tmmamt tor seme date, a* batela Mate Rome,April t—Th* toUowlagatti- after the reUttre calm of yeaterday the Intention to connect thU redoubt crew hare been brought to Noord- al oommnnleatloa waa iaaaad ta- a gare erideace of great ac- with one of our work. »lttt*led on the hiader. Aaotear raider telMaal bonndary line of the wood north of Brery potalble care ha* been tak ­ aight: ta a third loaallty Onty dnrtag the erenlng hour*, en toeoiurethe aueeeea ofthe enter- A goremment enquiry wtU be hMd **lB theTreatlao ragloa, aad opth* the night progreaaed. to the we«of Arocourt. During thl* operation, AUboagh uinment which the member* of the when the crew reach Rotterdam. Tho Dpper Adige, there haa beta the aa- the Meuie a bombardment ofextreme which wa. entirely .ncce..ful we oc- mlnlatry of marine announeea that seat by tiM eoanaoater oftha Cappe- ped by it onlyaUdM aMartel dgatei Wallace Street Epworth League arc aal artUlery aettritp. la tha Chrte- Tiolenee occurred In the region be- copied a large portion of the terri­ Ua. which was piehad .ap on tea Tb. teial aantear e providing for their friend* tonight. the goremmeat ha* decided to con- tmo aoae. oa Moaday night, i twaeai Arocoort and Bethtneonrt. toryknownaa Leboi* Carre and took daet an examlaatloa of th# Tnbaa- groaad. The bumoron* character aketeh en­ intaaae artOtarr preparatloaa. the aa- boaiba dropped wro M teatetero tte - -f Thl# wne followedby a eeriec of at ­ Ua wreck, thua taking It oat of lb* Loadoa. Apaft »—On* peraoa waa SO prieonera titled "The Mlnlater'i Bride" U tho emy opeaed a freah rioleat attack oa adtory, eaJ tea easHMaa a tack* In which targe nnmberi of killed aad eight tejarod la Uat aWrta Eaat of the Mcu*e two enemy at ­ reblele ehoaen. and it haa been - *o band* of the owner*. oar new poalttoaa oa the Raaekotal. ra a a ate d aro «MMat. ama mea tookpart agalaat the two prin­ Ceppelte raid, it waa etftaiany aa- tack. north ofthe Calllette woodre- earefnlly rebearaed and aaeh atrlet Tho attack waa repalaad arlth heavy cipal aalienU of thl* front. All the aoaaaad telaattaraooa. TheoOtalal teUd; eighttelarod. to«Npiparte attention haa been paid to eren tbc leaeea. aad the eacoqr left come pri- affbru of the aaeny «g«<»ttthe rtl- aulted only In loaaea to the Germi Berne, SwUaerlaad. April S—Con- atatoma a t ia aa Mtewa: moat minute deUll*. that a really ftn- wmera la ear hand*. alderatlon la being glraa by the gor­ Uhed prodnaion la expected tobe the "On the upper aad middle laoaao emment of Swltierland to the mark ­ reaulL ing ofthe frontier* with atgn* rlalblc front there ha* been aa lataaa* arUl- The followingla the eaat: at long dlataaco by daylight and lUn- lery doeL Haemp troop* attempted MEAT CARDS WILl BE Mlntater (Mr. Weet) .Mr. C. Wright to break onr line* earn ot Babottao. irlde...... Mia* Ethal Roger* mlnated at night. *o aa to avoid aueh i mtataks* aa German avlatora recent­ Mr*. Betterday* .Mlaa E. Thompaon ytited to ly made In bombarding a Swtaa rU- ISSUED ON AH9L15TH Mrt. Seegood...... Miaa F. Holland Verona, but were driven away. lage. Negotiation! hare been begun Mr*. Sharpe ...... Mra C. Wright Ocber enemp avlaton eaceaa ded te with Germany. Ml** Jone*...... Mr*. T. Wood. throwing a few bembe on Baaaaae. lACTESGEiANSEOSEGGOUND Mr*. Charity ...... Mra. 0. Scott kUllng two ehildrea. Molly CharUy ...... Mlaa U Morton HALF niLUON A MONTH "Oa the lower leoaao and oa the Amo* Wright ...... Mr. J. Fee FOR BELGIAN RCUEF Legnae Oraado almllar ah- attempla r Haro Qlrea mpthe Ma»cd Kormatlcm of Adrai e bat la Spite of Mr. Joe Crabbe. Mr. W.R. Manaon were made aad aoaM bamha wav* Barite. April d. rte Loadoa—Meet tbeaaaad ot tea tddd ■taaaa te tea Thta 11^9 lioetVery Hearlly Veeteeday at Ve. ua l-krarh Goa. Mr*. ,o# Crahbe ...... MU* Hunter Thta 1. the Amoaac Now Bcdag Ooa- thrown on hamleta. Oar air agaad- Attagbaagr aad mabtaiteate* aaUapR tribnled bp arena fop He- earda aro to ha tetrodmead te Bava ­ Jim Curti* (relnctant bride: >ora) roaa droveth* air ^ eft Two ria and flaaaay. oa AprU Id, panalt- who yateerday atrate tor raaaWtea Uef te Beigteaa ai ...... Mr. Lawrenaon of th* maehlaee were *«M to tall to tteg a>a aoaaaaiptioa of ltd gram- of thatr newly tented utea. ntaaiK Miranla Meek (Would-be bride).. the ground bohted tho Iteea." ataa (oaothird ota poaad) par capl- ed to work today. London,April «— Tb* Brltlah Go- ed to adrance to the anpport of the ...... Mlaa E. Lythgoe te dauy. aaeapt oa two daya te each Parta. April »—The French gained veramenfa contribntionforthe relief flr.1 line but were .topped far In the Robert teence (city boy) Mr. Corlett week, wbiah wUl ha aaaatlaaa. Bo- gnuad Bortb of CalUetto wood, north of Belgium and northera Fraaoe 1* rear by machine gun fire. Ephrlac Sni lgroT* .. Mr. E. Snider haa lOrblddaB tea aala of eaa- eaat of Verdun, la the «onr»e of *e- aboat ttOO.OOO moathlp. Sir Edward The Oerman* In the front line were Little Tommy Charity ...... GERMANS ARE PlANNIiG aaata. whole haaia. wheia aaa- taral oagagoaioato daring the nlgbt...... Douglaa Manaon Grey, foreign aeeretary, told the dtaM,oaadtte*.aBBiMteto the War Office aanomneed IhU after- la a rery crtileal poaltlon. Shrapnel Honae of Common*. "He expUlned , ata. to tedlrid worked haroc among them. To . that thl* money U not p*M directly, tot la aa tea Bad Oiate » ato charg* was out of the qneatlon and MOREOlilRAGES ladiTldaal aiaat earda wlU proboblhy iB yeeterday'* flghllng around Ver but waa given by the Belgian Oorera be oaad te BarUa. 'where the regn dBB the Oermaaa lo.t conaiderablc aa long aa they remained at the ment from fund* loaned to tt. Sir latloa ofdtatribatloa la etfeetad by groBBd and again .n.ulned hear} point to which they had adranced. RUSSIAN FORCES ARE Edward was naked whether the Am­ cacaalUaa notwitbgtandinig the new they were expoaed to a declmlnat- erican Goremment had contributed Umltteg tha eapply for aete retaUer. fomnllon of their atucklng partle. ing fire. The aecond and third line* anything to the fund. He replied; were HiUe betur off. for they were Sll ADVANCING At I p.m.. after the ground hart •The United State* goremment ha* within ranke of the French S-lnch heoB battered by aereral hundred While the Turka are Only Offarteg n* far aa I know not lent any money Windsor. OnL. AprU t— The leeal loBa of proJecUlea. a thin line of ri­ gun*.ing. HnrfBfnrr ItieThe MarchStereh’u, the Belgium goremment State*. antbortUea claim they hare eridene* flemen debouched from Chauffeur The entire attacking force flMlly ^ to be a luud nor to one of the Allle*.' adopted the only moveopen, retreat- of a German-Americaa plaa of i wood.lu*t northweat of Donaumont One. However. palgn of lawleaaaeas and anarchy la Ing nnder a raking fire to Chauffeur The Oermaaa adraaeed by thorl Petrograd. April 6 — Although FIFTEEN AIR FIGHTS. Canada thl. sammar, compared wood. They left half their number beuBda toward the ProBch treachea. there hare been no recent report* con Verdun. April 5— "In th* region white last year ’s ontragea woald atek attaatBd abOBt *00 yard, aouth ofthe on the field. At leaat three reglmenU cerolng the moremenU on the Can- NOTICE. of Verdun," «iy» a French official Into iaalgnineaace. TtlUt*. A aeoond aad third llae tol- took part tn the attack. front. It haa been teamed from Chauffeur woodproved tobe an In­ report. "French aeroplane* on April Windsor and district, they clateL Iswed at aqaal dtataaoe. with .mat. private sourcea that the Ruaalan ar ­ 4 engaged In no fewer than (ifteen secure »helter. for the French artil ­ e to be the especial aeenea of O) agpportlBg and attacking colnmna In mies beyond Erxerum and In Persia, aerial combat*, during the course of Uonsot DetroitGermaaa. lery. Increnatng tl* range, covered the the rear. Thta formaUon baa been are progreaalng awlflly. and that the which a double-motored German ma ­ Every preeautloa 1* being takea to Boticad dBriBg the laai few daya and entire are*...... ' Turkish forces are offering only oo- d the Oerman loaaea. chine waa brought down near the guard agalaat dynamiting outn ta regarded by the Pronoh a. proof easlonal retlaUnce. Pond of Hants Foroeaux. Another The loaaea ofyeeterday are regard ­ that the Oerman, hare been aorely It U evident that the Rnsslan »ol- machine fell down ed at the Windsor waterworks. ed by critic* a* of great algnlflcance fgalabed la thetr prerioua aaaaulu dlers advancing through Persia to ! vfoodof Pllly. and a third German Chief of Police WlIll, 1* lasulag re- »howlngthat the German* are unable la aarried rank*. the Mesopotamian frontier have not ^roplane (ell vertically tothe ground rolrar permits toeacape the fnrion* reaponeee ofthe McRae & Lucier’s Store Bat the ehaage prored laeffectiro. yet met the main TurltUh forces. French pilot, got back wlth- kinds. Tha flrat Uae of rtnemaa adrancod French arttllery; that the French po- eonslstlng of the Bagdad divl-1 damage. . te wtthia yard* of the French ■itlon*. though they may be vulnera ­ slons and reinforcement, lent wnth-1 -onrlng the night of April »-4 one of SIR BAM RETURNING. will be closed Thursday tronehea and there had to drop to ble at certain local and expoaed part* ward, after tho fall of Bltll. and I .erial Mjuadron. threw down 14 London. April 6 —«lr Sam Hughs*, tha gieand aader beary blaau of accompanied by Capt. Baaaett. eaonot be .haken. and that their Mnih. are reported to be sMembllng , ,^eUa on the railroad .tatlon at Nan- aad Friday to allow stoek ahrapael aad .oatalned muaketry. ._ the Hanikan pam, and when the njoi,, ,nd five other, on the bar- Londontoday homeward boud.Gen. counter offensive, are effective. The aoeoad aad third Itnea attempe Rumlan. reach thU point, they will r,ek. of the enemy at DanvtUler*." Carson went with the HiateUr of Mi­ be confronted no longer by mountain | ------litia to the port where he boarded'the to be marked down‘d and band, and remnanU of broken and hrj ILLERY HAS BEEN ler. Sir Sam travelled la drl------‘ * VERY ACTIVE OF LATE llaa attire. Hla departure was very store re-adjusted for the STEEL BRIDGE SPANS quiet. Sir -Max Altkea being the only But There Wa. Very Uttle Infantry other prominent Canadian preeant big final clean up sale, ultimate junction with the Britl.h ItebUng Yewterday. who was aware of Sir Sam ’a d HEADS IHE LIST SIM TESTS force. Is not doubted here. It is not London. April S—The Britl.h offl- tur* when he left the Rlti-Carlton ho- that thl. consul lement from the weatero starting a Wtate Pbwt Place la he nty Kmeteecr aad Aldenaea Who lasiwirted Them Yealerday. the Rutelan pUns will be easily reach front issued tonight 1. aa follow.: The 'Welsh Glee Club 1a to giro WUI ft La.t night we iprang Mreral mine. The Oerman force, hare paued ■ucceMfully near Hullueh and dam ­ concert In the DominionTheatre oa GordonBloaa, eoa ofMr. William quickly to the general offensive al ­ aged a hostile g.llery with watching Sunday evedlng. It 1s a long Sloaa ot thU city, paaaed with high ember* of the Finance and Saturday Morning StreeU Committee* of the City Coun­ ong the entire northern front In Hus- post, established In the old craters I this popular orgsaisatton put ria. their attack, reaching the hlgh- Today we bombarded some ho.Ule on a performance, and there will no eaaaeetloB with the recent examina- cil are to meet at 7 o'clock this eve­ cri intensity In the Riga region, working,near Bol.Grenier with good doubt be a good crowd to hear them tlona oondaeted by the BrtiUh Colu- ning to reCo ve the report of Aider- men Coburn and McKenile. who. ac- where the preliminary .klrmUhe. de­ effect. About St. EIol the artillery Sunday night. mbU Law Soctetp. veloped Into a steady asMUlt. support both . wa. very .ctlve. North AtlOa.iB. April 8th _ Gordon took bis conra* of atndies compaalod by aty Engineer W. A. Owen, visited Vancouver yesterday ed by beivy .rtlllery. of tho Ypres-St. Jullen road at Uagar*. aad hla many friend* wUl and made aa examination ot the two The German, have, however been ry artillery carried out a succewful be pleased to laaro he beaded unable to gain territory by frontal Hat of th* sueceastnl sUdente In the steel bridge span* which have been DOMINION THEATRE offered to tho city. attack and now are attempting to Tho report will. It ta Mid. atrongly flank the Riga position, from the "The Explorer" which wfll be aeen The reealts aa a southeast. torta are a* follow*: recomlbend tbn purchase by the city (or the last time tonight at the Dom­ From the other points on the front •The Minister's Bride" tonight. inion Theatre 1* a photo-play la a •. G. 8. Sloan. H. of tbeao apan*. as a moel careful In­ spection has dl*clo.ed no defect* of there Is little to report, except a eon- It ha. everything that a any kind In them. They are com­ ilnutUon of mining operations and CHINESE REBELS TAKE popular and i Watch for^ sensational aeroplane warfare. POSSESSION OF SWATOW have. Thrill*, snspenMi. and heart In­ Kltohte. J. F. Downea. ft. B. Yato*. pletely aaacmbled and mo»t rigid , teste could discover no corrosion to I Araeriran Ganhnet fai onthe Sceate terest are all there aad la addltloa M. Oonaalea, T. G. Corwpn.M J- L. BIJOU THEATI announcement in Da^ Clap. T. R. Hughes and Mlaa ipesk of In the metal. At the price to Protort the It U Interpeted by a company of real I at which they are offered to the city "Extravagance",xtravagance". the totoctat feature actors haded by one of the greatest drama, with rieo -Madlaon. showing they are moet certainly a bargain. In Amoy. China. April l romantic actors, Lon Tellegen. The Papers and posters. the great evils of debt, how It U so scenes In the jangle are marvels ot Oner. the opinion of those who have seen Lllv c; iracted and hkrd to get out PostoMlonofthe entire pliotography and the attack by the ; Stndenta for calls them, and no doubt a bylaw win ITwill be shown for the last time Swatow and buslne*. Is at a •bortly be submitted to the ratepay ­ ot will, oc s standsUIl..f.nH.tlll Th«The n-lWenative nnnnlstlonpopni.tionIsI* savages at the ford and stockade are tterk. tor a tonight. A very fine acreen storyha. er*. authorlxlng their purchase. reported to be panic stricken with realistic in the extreme. fon. H. P. Dawson. W. C. Fillmore. been woven .round this evil and H la fear ofan attack b> *overoment aol- The comedy 'Pressing BuslneM” H. M. Smith and N. E. PoaUU. well worth toeing. The llth episode UCKNHK8 MUST BK PAID. dlera. (urnUbes unlimited, goodclean fun, , RrttUh CMumbta aollcitor for ealt of 'Graft" showing the completecol­ J. Aviaon. Thq Chief of Police has been The American gunboat Wilmington and the Gaumont Graphic show. atrncted to take Immediate step lapse of the Milk TruM will be an Baatorn Canadian barrister aad ao- U protecting the foreign Inloreal* In M>me late war view*. enforcethe payment oflicense fees In added feature on today's program. ^tor for call and admlaaloa —G. A. Swatow. The commander of the war For Friday and Saturday the Do­ McRae & lucier The comedy part ofthe program te th* city. It Is said that the outstand- ship and the American conaul are pre minion announces exceptionally good. “Almost * Pa ­ tng tees for traders, teanuter, and paring to prevent fighting In the for­ pa" with Warren Kerrigan, aad Keep tha evealng of April 1* to many other, who are required to take eign area If any attempt la made by "The Wrong Bird", a household ae* "Baa Hur" la the Preahyterlaa out aa annual llcente. now amount government troopsto recapture the farce, will be found very funny, and Chareh. The cantata will he well to no lBoon«lderableturn, and i city. The rebel troop.»re well dla- were thoroughlyenjoyed by all who mary action U to be taken Immediate ­ elpllued. ly. la the ease of all deltnquenU teen them yerierday. MfUV Ibt iHiki cbiMNr »t ib« 8urtMi««a*rftt mtt la rtawt Mitin D. J. Jenkin'sWant A^i; to eoMldtr “eortoln taform&tiun" AD»it)rTire&t^ KIDHEl DISUSE Undei-tnking Parlors irhleh the n>»Bn>ineBt had recalv»d. NOTICE ObTlooilr thU Information related to fhone me plan on the part of Oenuiuijr NOTICE Is hereby given to firms i Indlridusls who sell provisions I; 3 and R B stiou .StreBl We Gei The Basiufi^ Tiolate the integrity of the Nethar- WAS spe nmi landa. other supplies to Stewards of Cana ­ A year or two before BeUlum be­ dian Government .Ships under this You Provide TW' came the victim of the Hun ‘'eerlaln USil h'8 Used "Fnitt-a-lte" Department, that the Department Is InformaUon" reached the Belgian go- not responsible for debts contracted Goods. Ternment anil a oecret aMrion of par­ TIi8 Great IQiiiiey Remii)| by such*Stewards. liament waa held. Aa a rcKUlt the Bel •■ Clause No. 8 of Contract with Stew WANTED- Smalt modern Clan fortreaaee were FlrenKihened. ll.toaBv.uj:, Oar., Aug. 26th, 1918. srds covering the victualling of such 1 the townsllo. must have and the army ao dlaposed aa to offer ‘Mbont two years ago7 I found my ships reads as follows: COAL-WOOD garden. Apply Free Prasa. lu-ailli in a very lad state. Mjr Kidiuyt "It is distinctly understoodby the 4 laxtmnm realriance to an Invn- Any Size, Any Length alon from Germany. How thle fora- were not doing their work and 1 was all "parties hereto that the said Depart WANTED—Bskery buslnaas. Gira run do-sn In condition. Haring seen "meat shall not be responsible for full details and prlca„ Box ttl«, allthl waa Jnstlfled alj the world now tioupond Given for $10 known. ’'.■rui;-a-tivc.i' mlvertiscd, I decided to "any debts contracted by the said i ■ e Pr,>ai. Nanaimo. ji# ' Will history repeat Itself In the t:y thi’in. Tlicir action was mild, and "Steward, and the said Steward (Drawing Monthly),-for TO RENT — BIX roomed moda^ Mt Of Holland? Has Germany the result all that feuld be expected. "grees to notify all persons i Cash Deliveries. learnt so little by her experiences In Jly ICiduuj's resumed their normal "whom be wishes to contract tor the houxe. Apply James Knight, thi- ioM ovrnue. Phone887. |4g m CANADIAN BANK Belgium that nhe Is prepartng to re- action aCof T had taken upwards of a "purchase of any such Mr crimes and atrocities In the dMca boxes and I re^ainfJmyold-tim4 "store or groceries, and before con- H. WEEKS. vUalily Today, I am as well as ever.” TO RE.N.T—Two-roomed.cottaga am "tractlng for same, that the said De- Tel. 93 Fry Street. OF COMMERCE The guarded hInU that are drop­ B. A. KELLV. "parlment, shall not be responsible the Townslte^ snltabla for a ktea- ped by Dntch aUteamen would Indi­ 60c. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial sixe 25e. lor. Apply D. Dailey. ' |t .O.V.O, XA.lb, D O.-Ii., f cate that aoma such outrage u con­ Atdvalera gr sent on rectupt of prion ' ..h°m *n^thnt*or nn^o”er”^ templated by the war lorda of Pota- FOR RE.NT— FnmUhed Cabin, HgU. hnrton atraet, |8 par month. Alw dam. Bnt BriglumVi caae will not bb the Stale Department forIts Informs- Deputy Minister ofthe Naral Service. - furnished housekeeping roote. MMRVe FUUD, f1SJB00,000 Holland-V BrtUln Is now In a posl- Hon. The Turkish government some Dept, oftbe Naval Service. jeuAd Apply Mn. Harold, corner tevlg tloB to tend bar armlaa to the Low lime BED denied that there were any OtUwa. March 81st, 1816. and Sebastian streets. Mg OonatTiim Just aa aoon aa the first submarines Hying the Turkish flag, Dnaulhorlied publication of this mm BANK ACCOUNTS German aoldler croaeoa the Dutch so It Is aesnmed In all diplomatic j adverllsei will not be jtald'for. LOST— $10 near PostOftloa. F!a4- frontier. And Holland In the war on quarters that the Portugal waa the 2311-wl Hto In >Uo««i m an depostt* of |1 and np- Synopsis of Coal er please ratum to thU otHoa.-Re­ the Allies' aide would he an Immense victim of an Austrian craft. edranUge, not because of her milH- ward. f* Eollowlng is the despatch to the LAND ACT. ary atrength, hot becanne of her stra- erahasey: Mining Regulations 1-^Nin ofNotice. EGGS FOR HATCHINO— Road W-" tagte poaltlon and the fadlUles It "Cm March ‘30, at 6.30 a.m., the afford, fora fatal blowat Germany's Nnantmo Land District. Dtatrlet of land Reds. White Wyandotte, aM tha« ar kp aacr a Fran co-Russian hospital ship Portu­ W’hite Leghorna J. Pargatar, FWa ST bases In the Rhine prorlnces. Nanaimo. Coal _ rtgnis of tuv Do gal. proceeding to the south coast of TAKE NOTICE, that the Nsnalmo Ion. la Manitoba,oba, Saskalchewas Acre Lota. 88-1# Neatmls say that Holland fear, a the Black Sea to take over wounded Canners and Paokers, Umlted, of iUbena.______the VukVukon urrltory. . C. H. MRO, ■mufl BMtlah inraten Just as much a« a soldiers. stoppTid her engines tn sight N'ortbweit terrltorlea. and In a per­ .Nanaimo, occupation Canners and FOR SALE—A bay horse 4 years old. German one. Snob atatements arc of Kstish. four miles from the coast il :ho Provinca _f BrlUab Col I Par Da$ Unta 9 O'clock. Packers, Intend to apply for permis­ Broken to saddle, will drive aterik ■ wmnehmbWsh. Reaponsible public and began pumping out some barges i. may bo ionaad tor a tarm o sion to Iisase the followingdescribed y-one yean at an anaai .' nu or double. Apply 'Trooper W. V. opinion tn HoBand, despite the larlali when an enemy sul land: in acre Not mora than 3,6o Brlnd, lltb C.M.R. tig snbaidtsinc of the prssa by German and niter clrcUng round the Portu­ to Ota work doM and to g at n post planted at ■craa will ba leased to one applicant -fre«i ^ aganU. and the Irritation eansed by gal forsometime, chosea positiona- AppUeatlon tor a laaaa muat s- •tandlBg te the aarriee. Wkne high vrater mark, oppositethe 8.E. will ofomme mlUtate th. BritWi naral bloeknde.. knows Irnut 100 yards from her and launch ­ made by the-^ppllcant In person tn comer of D.L. 8 of See. 1, Nknsimo the Agent or Sub-Agant of the dla- vary well that no attack on Dutch ed at her two torpedoes. The first District, onthe west side ofExit Pas ­ triet tn which the rtghu appllad ' nentiamy will ha made by the Allies. torpedomissed the Portugal, bnt the •eattk- kr kOoU in TaMovrar sage, Nanaimo Harbor, thence north are al'dalad. FOR SALE— A k The Natbertand'a only possible enemy second struck her amidships, the boll In sarveyed tarrttory tba land via. thoagn at the aniDe time 88 degrees. 88 mlnntes, E. 80 feet; la'Oarmsny. and tt Germany rej er exploded, the ship breaking In two most ba d...... bad by aectlona,' or te them of a maa^ and tnOI- thence north 1 degree 08 minutes W. and sinking In one minute and a I of sactlona; aad tr S of«UsdMekkt^ 896.8 feet: thence south 88 degrees half." 58 minutes W. 331 feet more to high ■re ate toip wriaed. and The Russian ombafiy despatch stat plloant him „ water followingthe high waUr t hardly etQ to Wa a tarop- ex that of 872 on hoard the Portugal Each applicaUog mmat aa aaoom 461 Milton StreeL in a aontheasterly direction 300 feet panled by a tee of $8 whleb wUl bi 87 are missing. ratumad If tbe rtghte applied forare more or leas to the point of com­ FOR QUICK SALE—Young Ayrahira mencement and containing 8.18 nerei not avKtejla, bat not otharwtea. d WilllEPORn royalty absU be paid oa the meri cow with calf. Just fresh In, good more or leas. chanuble ontpnt of tba mine at tna milker, also buggy In good eondl- I..mdon. April 6 —A StefHnl des­ The Nanaimo fbnners M Parkers rata of five nente par ton. patch from Romesays that King Vic­ tlon with hameas. Chlokans aad WAS iuifri.''iy Umlted. householdfnmlhire. etc. Apfiy tor Emmanuel has accepted the re­ By Alfred O. King, Agent. Mrs. A. C. Wakeham, Brnoa Ava- signation of War Minister Znppeltl, Dated Mnrrii Slat. 1916. 81nm and appointed General Morronne to nne. Five Acres. llal . the royaltyroj tberaon., U tba coal trlna Submarine vraa Responaiblo succeed him. It U stated that Gen­ miningBitting rlglrlghte-wre not being oparat- Famitnre. by private sale gt t|l tat Ike Oartnrdly Act. eral Znpelll desires to participate In ad. aueb returns should ba fnrateb- active service. -ert8 ALBX. HBHDUtaON. P«te The Business World is flat to some men •> O Box 7$ Tkiapboaa ST» Their profit-bearing shores of Opportunity stietdi on|y so far.as their grandfathers trod. Custom/superrtition and apathy have set them confines which th^ may not {MteB. For instance, they believe the business year is a flat one— not an all-year round of trade, with East joining West* with Spring merging into Autumn—but just two What Your j seasons, with sawed-off edges gaping into space. am teTtog the uMthua nfm ■tearpteBMkT. an wBctea bri They confine their activities to a Spring trade and to a Telephone wm ummxo to b* oom. dwteg i|m Failv,trade. To thenl there is no mterveiiing cootinent ate OCte PPHA ksitlag te tteMlCk- with stores of waiting wealth. Their world is fiat They tetead «e UM9 sMk or n total aa- ha NT not explored the mid-year months of Summer trade. paadltnrn of fI2.M9. Tha June, July and August are never-never land. Represents sir«eiai» wbtek tb# CUy la bring - Surely this conception of Summer as a *'dull ** greerm ie PS fallacious as the delusion that the earth was flat People have just aa modimuch dodc ; b tlm k>t weatlte sad iptel i|dte The MAM tor tha 1 AS freel.v aa in Spring and Fall G^l^thst^_ sw not DO YOU EVER REALIZE that having a telephone pi tr la M akat« luid anew ahoveU in^Auguat, yet they at your disposal the rcaourcea of an |8,000,000 invefV^ kat. ff Fnrtliennore, they have an eye on Immm «IM«______tounting upon purrhaaing fa tha FalL ment? ’ . - ' . . HTBrnto in tmoto aad sMh MM of aaik property 18 U» The modern Colunibus has discovered this Not only are you always in instant coromunioatioo I ate tag yaMk. whkk'b with your friends, but also with all parU of the provinoh. Mich the ioansmipte &Lmrrvr trade- -this golden West lying between thektUnm teAterthamWortMl continents of old beliefa Departing from established tka Mr win e«B a habit, many have made their energies snd their Advertis* There is also the advantage, loo, of being able to |nganall-> telephone to all parts of the Pacific Coast, and even lo theSui Toronto, Montr^, Chicago and eastern American ciU<^ but piodaoes rich hsM vests from tbe Summer month '* Sf&~a32vas*sasTa B.C. Telephone Co.

— —Ail I MioiionoMuy '!*»• atrognsM of arau. the teU« of bU kultnr. the very lonw «i>4 tetters of his laagqaga akaH be DISLIKES “ICH IN' from oar sight and from onr ears. We will not talk with him, we will not trade with him. •No».Seotiwi:- I* HI* P*p«r "JTolui Bair He SUkr. "And I desire also to mention an ­ the Volte BeaeoneMe DenuKi STEElIBHUii other matter. The Duke of Aioaay. thM Uie Prince of Walee ’ MoUo now in arms against us. should no PROVED ruH . Oood Teethkeepih^ longer remain on the roU of peers as London, April S—Tho ai that of .the Prinee standing third la THE BEST BY fesIffnWEVtR? ‘ preeedenee of all the flower of our EVERY TEST Always Reflected in me to UkeOinI>Ul...n 0* tion and they will do their part west quarter (K) of Section oigbt of aentlmenl, a war for ideals. We the fatherleee over half the world. (I). Oabriola Uland. In the ProTlnoe fighting all that la worm In tm "Theee men are traUors to the in keeping you healthy and fit land that nurtured them, they are of Brltlah CoInnibU. world, the product of debased dvi- for the duties of life. n; we are fighting the Germ- enemies to tho throne and are flghtr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of bun. This la Just aa much a war of Ing on tho side of damnation." Perfect assimilation ofnulrihious foodis one of the my Intentton at tha axplratlon of one hate with na aa with him. We do ChUdraa Cry Mr«eteli*A calendar month from tha flrat pnbll- ehief functions of the human system, if that syslenij not proclaim onr hate as a morning eatlon hereof to tasne a freak 0«tUl- greeting In the famUy elrele: It la too b to be in good condition and the individual to remain! e«ta of Tula in Uaa of the CertUloaU deep and fixed for words; U la haU iNDMDill'lS' healthy. of Title iaaned to Robert Brana on In deed, the hate of a nation's deep the 8th day ofJane, 1S04, and nnm- Howcan oneassimilate f.md perfecUy if the teeth, determination, of aa empire’s Iron BEMNeTOGeilNT bored 1016SC, which has been lost. resolve. those marvelloiu instruments so perfectly designed to Dated at the Land Regtatry Offlea. "Nothing that perpetnatea or re­ prepare the food for digestion, are not in proper con­ Victoria, B.a, tkU Sth day ol minds na ot the hated and hateful CASTORl/i dition to perform their work? Maroh. Ills. enemy must be allowed to remain. S. T. WOOTBN. From the hallowed walla ot the cha ­ Modern metlmds of Uie science of dentistry ma ke it pel ofIhe Gartered Knlghu we have Paris. AprH S—A high authority ...... lUgisUar Gonaral ofTlUat possible for each person to keep the teeth as they tom down the degraded banners of of the war office ^vea a anmmary should be. Whatever lack or defect that time or ae- the kings and princes unworthy of of official opinion of the -recamptioa eident may have caused, I can remedy nnn GahrioU laUnd and .Nanai ­ removed. 'Ich dlen!' In the hateful "That Is ths worst of a bloff. Thera mo, and twice per week between Dr* ICeeley language of the Han what doM It »mea a time when ealy deeperate North Gakriola and Nanaimo, from tund for? What U It that tho foe Deasaree can prevent tha trnth ba- the lit July next. k. ■erves? With the name ofGod ever oomtag evWeat. Printed noUcea eoatalaing further Modern Method Dentistry on his lips ho 'aervee* the devil; with "Although thU new hatUo may be Information aa to eonditlona of pro- uyes Uplifted In impiona worship he I a scale ecarcely leee gigaattc thaa poaed contracu may be ae Btrikes down the woman and the the ones before, there la oae Import- bUnk forma of Tender mar Ofer Herald Office. Nanaimo, B.C. babe. lltfereaea. the keynote ot whlca talned at tha Poet Oftlcaa of Oebrio- "When the Prince ofWales' plum­ was etrnck la the opening engage la laland (SonUi End) NorUGabrt- es and mottowere Ukeo as the tro­ ta. The Freack are ao loagar ola Ii'and. and Nanaimo, and at Ue phy of vletoCT by tho Black Prince confined to etaadlng on tha defensive fice of the nodenlsnad. and set onbla cap the defeated King making connter-attacka aa the E. H. FLETCHER. John of BobemU was onlyformofoffeaslva. We have PoKOffice Inapector. Try a “Free Press’* Want Ad. foe. and In the tread and regained tha InlUaUve, and ara pre­ Victoria. B.C., March IS, ISIS. the centuries 'Ich dlen' did not pared to attack whenever the o lean that those who spokee thr German language served God ■The German praes has described fought cblvalrottsly. Today ■ onr Le Mort Homme sad Hill 834 aa changed. To speak the aame tongue intenable aalieat which U at the as those who ravished In Belglui mercy of tho first aaaaalt from Avo- who laid Louvain a waste of broken conrt wood. Tho recapture of tho bricks and atones and 1 who have moat Important forUficallona la that spread their bestial wood provea that they, are stUI far •he fair places of onr allies Is to in­ from having n mastery ^f the eallent cult the tongue in onr mouths.” which, without being n rltM part of Mr. Bottomley suggests that the onr defenses, wonld enable them to English equavelent of "Ich dlen' enfilade the French hatteriee acroas anbatUnted. "I serve” he says the river, which have hitherto barred ‘ Job \ grand motto for a prince. tha road to Pepper Hill. Doaanmont i "To some," he oontinues. “It may or Vanz. wem a small thing that two words ■They have learned the cost of al- ahonid anger or inspire, just ucklng there, while we hold Le Mort Ing as they are expressed In the lan ­ Homme, ao it ia probable Uat their ef guage we hate or the tongue we love. torts will be directed mainly west of But It U not a small thing. It la s the Mouse, with merely sporadic at ­ Slg thing. This great empire of ours tacks on tho east as a diversion. Is in the process of remaking. In the "But there U another factor against Printing them. Oaring to tho terrific bom­ King’s domlnlonB throughout world all that serves to remind bardment. a modern batUa tends to the days when the deathly grip of become more and more n qnestlon ol the Germhnna was upon the land and individuals. The trenehoa 1 2,000,000^ Belgians rp Anything trom a Visiting Depend on us for Bread! Card to a Full-sheet Poster Since shortly after the Gennaa BYasioD. die Bel(iaiis have depended for food ei^tdy oa the "Coomissioa for Relief in Belghnn". Their own store ol food, even if not destroyed or pilla(ed. would last pnly Low Prioesl and Quick Delivery three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— and die tudiless Getinans refuse to supply ibemi Backedbytfae Bd^MePrund eo icna^ coolitbaled m the Brilah Ei^m* and 1^ Stoles, ibe neulral Belgian Relief Commiidaa hm issperted eiioogb wbeat. Bout end otber foods to feed the wimin anlieu ^ The great maimiiy of the 7.000.000 Bdp... Uh m the country have E^en al>le lo pay for then daly nfcwam* cl bcTtod-bot nucmlily growing aumhci hnvu.w* amaar Isfu Free Press Urdem we are wdEng lo lei these hnndimls ef dimsma di ef Job Dept.

Phone 17 ' e of out own aelf-« —let as ^ al w« CM la 1 VAMAtMO rnuii mm. AWMtMiiSi »JS.'8BSrSSWIli,» i-i oont IN AND tit OUR STOOK Of lAtw ihss toss ItiaAa ■MS BmSs. t«m ■aicbi Low irat*r ...... *:M FISHIN& TACKLE Hlxh w* ‘«r...... 7:04 ii.* Remarkable Low water ...... 14:4J High water ...... 3Z:1S 11.7 Dodd-a Marrowa —Black wi PPS::=^^ rd‘•?u;r"i^4t.^‘?^ru.v Piano Offer r at Sand Haada Gabrlola Paaa —Black water 1 1 Id mlaneaa batora bigk water ax boar S4 mlnntaa batora low wata Band Haada.

OhUdreo’s Fishing Tackle »5 OR A MONTH. A gentleman whoee true pntrony- IcVK: mie aeema ahrouded In mratery, bat who hna at varioaa tlmae anawered leaa than fire different names al ­ though apparently he farora the uae of cither Bnma or Alexander,. brooKht up in the police court Geo. S. Pearson& Co. day on a charge of carrying conceal­ Oroo«rles, Crockery, QIastware, Hardware ed weapona. From the eridence brought forward Phonet <10, 16, 89. Johnston Block by the Chief of Police. Hla W'orah>. the Mayor end Mr. A. E. Plant*, who were on the bench, bad litUe diffi­ culty in finding the prtaoner gnilty of tbe charge. It being cbnelualvely proved that at the time of hla nrreat he waa carrying * S2 calibre rerolrer DRESS UP They were dlapoaed to take a lenient view of the caae. however, and mere­ ly fined the aoenaed $5 with the al ­ ternative of a month In Inll. The fide A suiUful Upright Qrund Plano, the Original Coat «f For SPRING paid. Which was $4SS. Always Exc illty and Styles FOB SALE—Fresh Jersey Cows. Good MUkera. H. Vlcoiw, South Cedar. nS-7t. When you favor.us with n rail for .New Clothes, you Por Onli| $233 will see our idea is lo show you what will suit you FOR SALE. Cheap, one doien pure OUR IDEA IS TO SATISFY YOU Leghorn ^chickens. Apply Free On Easy Tei You will Find some striking fabrics in Spring Suitings Tiiig instrument is of Cani

The Lodlce' GniU of 8L Paul'e lureh are giving a whlat drive on BaMv Monday. April g4th. For Sale! One black mere 1 yafcrs old, gt>od Tteketa ore out for “Ben Hur" ae- driver or saddle horae. One bey oere yonra. April 11. in tbe Preaby- mare 8 years old. 140* pounds, Visit Oor Furniture Dept terian church. Tbe production pro- work anywhere. Also one bey. miaea to he good. b mare lOOP pounds. One steel tyred top buggy. No. 1 sbspe. Engrlish Wilton Bugrs for COBMANS IN CRETE Two aets express hsmess end two ■eta baggy hameae. Three aad- I. April g dioe. Will sell dieep. Apply Dining and Living Rooms Bople dispatch atatea that the French with a close pile surface tlietla cosy to walk oa. We show conaal on tbe laland of Crete has dn REX COOPER them in rich colorings, in designs snitsble for deng, manded that tbe Oenaaaa on tbe la- dicing-roomt and living rooms. The best wearing raga msnufsetured. and these prices make them easy to bay. load be Intmed by the Greek anlU. sal of "Ben Reed: oritiea, and boa sUted that If the 8 feel 3 Inches by 10 feet 6 Inches...... B«»Bf Greeks do not take ocMon. the Fren­ church this evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. * feet by 10 feel six inches ch wtiu F. Dyke arlll be present to oondnet * feel by 12 feet from . ____BSOiOo to B4SJli Large anmbera of Qermana ore re and all members are asked to be ported to he leevleg the Island. promptly In nuendnnee. m Brussels Rugs Sale pricid DO TOD WANT AN EXTRA SIX TO NOnOE. CLEAN WITH OVEDAR TEN DOLLARS A WEEK? Indus Notice is hereby given that at the O’Cednr Mop...... 7«e, •imo.SIJW uiona peraoaa will be provided next sitting of the Lieenae Commia- wUh eonaunt home work on Auto- O'Oder PolUl KmttiM Heehlaea Experience on xlonera I Intend to apply for a neeeae niy. dlatenee Unmatarlal, fer of the Hotel Wilson, Chapel St, Half OmOom Tbrn at . war orders uBxent. Write todey Hi?, VA lieeiue htdd by me to John Medrteh. Linoleum, per square yard ...... SSt ' tor rated«f pay. etc., ancloalng ad- „H. „G. HORTH. FULTON 00-0ART8 »■ SS7 CoUm euaeL Toronto. The Felton Line of Baby Cerrieg- The Chief OoBt of • Ruige ie not the FIret Ooil, cs baa meinUlned Its position ns tbe But the Yearly Fu el Bill. The “ArwuRan ” uaaB premier baby ear for many year* We Lest FueU have to eonjnnetlon with our Vea- eoavar Md Victoria storee pnrebns- The Arcedisa Malleable Non-Rreekabie Range saves at WorKmen’s Co-Operative least one-lhlrd of the fuel nsumlly eousumed by the esM ed n whole ear load of theie goods, or part cast sod pert steal ranges that are constmetod Association, Limited, which bes glran ns tbe edvMtnge of with belu and have putty lolnu for, after a little n»A bolu loosen, and tbe putty dries up end fnlU out, iMritf Fitzwillian St. tbe very lowest pocsible prices. We slr-sncklng cracks, which force the heat end unburnsd ere in a poalUoa to quote yon exeep- gases up the chimney. tional prises. Bee tbU Una. Perfect oombuatlon of fuel CMnot be ettetaed range having leaky Joints, admitting air Into the flnto Bnlkiee at ...... BSJW to SS.SO which Is In no way controlled. Such falselae drmfU entering Your Own Store BB.M. B6AO. BTAO, SU.7S o a range cause a large waste of fnel.fuel. Whether hsrd^ Bmagkmae BB-BB. BBKW. Bia.SO. $is •oft coal Is burned, a greet per eentoge of tbe efficiency, Equal TreatmenU Delivery heating power U gne—soft coal is fully one-hnlf go* T* B1B.7B, BBOXW. properly consume the fuel, therefore, tbe range must »• We are offeringNo.1 Japan Rice direct fromthe mill ebsmutely tight to snecessfuliy burn these gases. The ArcadianIrcgdlsn Mensble-Cbsroosly - ■ -----Iron eonstrnrtW— made without either bolt or stove putty—all BUY I Iveted metal to mats!) Insures an absolutely airtigm 19 lbs for $1.00 ■ ~WS» Oitg: gain require diabee yon will find the St away until they are consumad. and Ibe me w ^1 times under perfect control. 501b sack $2.50 prices will be almost doable, only Arcndlan Malleable Range U tbe moat x»°°mly. than wUl yon reeltse tbe reel oppor- tnnity offered to oonneeUonwith tbe wlll pay iu°7rlgtoai coat In fuM aavril dertog • .. Large -Sunkisl Naval Oranges Masons. clearing oat of this stock. We give 35c Per Dozen yoB fair wemtog. Bnpply your wants now. Tiy our Ayrshire Break fiist Bacon at 30c Per lb. VaUtrday we have Fre* Out Flowers, Oafrodlls, I DAVID SPENCER. Ltd -Nareitsus and OamotlMM i