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The Oxford Democrat The Oxford Democrat. VOLUME LVI. PARIS. MAINE. TUESDAY. JULY 23, 1S85). NUMKER .'JO. W*«| *n waa (*it of MAINE EXPERIMENT STATION. W rttlr* lur IKr tl*f.«rl IV—iiwl. million HMHintnl on tin- ili-ffin<•«, mo« th tin- war thW a THE MILLER of 0C1. No rnoflfr their pirit sight ||IKtHh< AMONU • who THE FARMERS. ***rv i nfilniMv. f<1111**11 |il4rf fur l**url*t«, •luring tin- than tit* other* turned to (iutua, Attorn*? At Law, LITTLE NAN. >»•¥* Ol tilt Till mi* atti-lior hoi mm •nil, al*o for InvalhU. It l« tlir** ()• fit miliar li*)a ud wu to at their wonder- "•r»»h tat plow." Til DM)* It Ttl.l« \l Jr.*. aifilti wrlgtii-l tWr* buU. laughing himself MAM I'lMUKK*. m l mi lo tmouth of t!»•• mllf• from l Inr **»»•* Imntlr***! IMU Ik* Hi'" Im, B iHim) •Urtln* tllltr Naa. I «*w>ll nrirr •vr itrr Il.i|i|nlnn- *»|>ilng«. ing (ka » % mil ■ a ami from It* •-•rkarf *»l «*ng tram morm (IS alfftkt !■*>• mm • Hlirrrm* lav till llw nrai from Washington, right »» ^MIHI •crVakaral kfb •kit*; niH-k IMn-r. >-m«»»mi After a short during to «>>!»» I. in •* an' ilrr'rt *11 <lr Ho last mora U*Um than ka. explanation, an WMrttlMH IB uni or Vi k*ari I In lli»" WM a lUllliaon), •rwlel Iw m\c*. VM Monltif l*inl«fi which th* four head* w»ra \* iIim to- I* MIUI. MO* fc* ImHIltl IU I k-Ml« »H «f*» Ml •!* utr kalnlt* It ikm*. " Alt I ll.ta Ik* of kit M| ry trim i!»•> Imrrli'tiH1 IMolirr i?lli. Itr**kr ramp at A. V. » t-IM* o«f»*l f-mrW M* IMfrnnl of murk dlfrr * hrr» iimm m< lllllr >annlr ««' |.i flit if ilf.ilM- »»i«Mnj» | furaiw iNfl I* k* Jules went io one direction for • ^ •|«N'litKin trim IIm* •n*l mar<lir.| for W llll \*r |»»«| gether, At ■In k«. 'Hh-v urn* lo <iu«|M>rt. 1 WIM, an. tt<4 1. CvuniM>lor Law, much In the <|uantltv of nnnnrtal In- *111 *W til** am *lngla'm it#y r>M» nw*' m Nt; dark lantern, (iut»ii set forth in anotlter hv Mimi* of tin- ||or«r* lw< k. a *lr light ful u»rr the mountain* ami Afel MOWMtkHMl* STATt FARM llirt contain. I'nlea* murk U M, «tii|> M-ii,||nir trip nt« uruM*. COCLtOt jrnlhiU I. ii \ ill***. I Im to borrow • druui, Jean w*-nt in a third hut clrfr M«alr •«mIni« ha* »•> rhimt futM*, Iiv llmti mul ilnnliif Oh-iii 11 >»- through *»|m lt»iC W hllr || h||| tic f«»«m«l t<> Imii iniiln{ ^i M»ll III illnt>Untv «m thr o»o»in«-n<f«- (Ik • WiHinli hi to tllr Tti it orrxic. my frtMi'MUoU Kl»c U*l« while Until w*s V4»< Tu llkr • •Itrw «lH«1n n>t«|ilrlr •Irr llir «*till li tin- for- Mflirrr l« igiiiilvtit. \W4t fur lit* big watering |ut, t«> HMfL cm n»ml »wr> I— at lt»- Matr t an Utile Ihr growing plant. Ttw A l«nt Wr I>1Im •!<■« k iMu ilf aa>a llfhifUli "41 vnM| m *M«| k»; itllrjr, « ir«l It aii<l <111 not it**rih au l loom m|i 11••• \ll<-ghant to till a lasket wiUt sand ami gravel. * lliillT *lwk lt< im- the put rlglitiNl «ltl|i fi* nwU try k«tn la m Ikto mttlrrul lurni u|mhi Wf llfkl lni|»n>t"l toln«|Ms1 tin* tat I hiImhI tin N»hi>lr, an' I dhiiM •o nnn an I to tin* *<>ulh 4ii*l ra«l When came later in Um earn- mat of It to iIh* twrn from li %iali*r. Mountain*, IM |l*ll| rktw *Kk lk«* they hark, p«».. (inn i»l itninl on In oiou»>«. c» itlntf awl r»*»y (Wf*. tin* A tannine M r rv it Inil llr of I Ik* I'otomar South Mountain <4ii*l IIIii*' Hfctffr Anl I #41 »•» bo* •».*» lMk« IkM ktn( each Itad SQOOeadad in hi* errant! Attorn*? Counselor, It<>« «tth thr tlw twrn t«> tlit' rt. l.l. m with W >a fn*« hrf lniiHf I |kr« •hr'il Hnifl ing. til Hit an retell- *n " lllirr III |l» \. M l lir m lirr of tli»- rltrw | with thHr |»mU« 11» WMb »«<*• ka*l «a<I tr**. the a w %IXK linu nhiil I* «atr*l lit It* ti«e a* in -»h«orU-til Wa will gW* sergeant goblin |u< il««v« nuilr thr k»l< I lf'»> •!» •<•>! 'Mi l rliM Imah a* a« tin* r\> rati n*M a VklW I Ml MJ | MM UM kliwr |r»kl>lr>l hi', «4« •iii'Mitli a* in I lIh" mm III It ing far Ikmnk a « gh««, Gaston said, with ■«— >»i * »n« of thr »n«l |4a« thr nlar nf the amount of • II I la thunder storm," f n»i ln< fi-|» farm. It U in iklnt* i |»»f. harm to tlir llir iirxl wr lira* Ik* Hltw t*Mt pltnl Wit of tin* ||ih*.*t* f)o U« of fcfiirrjr, i|.ij »«-ri fwnl It contain*; th*' litter fninralllM (••r I thii«|M >kf ll< a«lrr|- l»«Mr IW ■utile. Then all ft»ur laughed aloud «liit«liij{ otn«|>|rrin( tl»r f«i • mir Ih*-I lta* k tootir oi l < liowti* » »IN«, Itia'k* w*n» «• oter ii« ami a«T»*« of nii|*al TIh> mUW MMitMl Mil JnffMl hi* Mp % I « «W an I* o\er 93 ton. a lilrrlfijf and rum- that Mllic »«»rW •»«» thr form Im* aunip* |«er lira I Hilt Vrr I I» HM*r. •«' kal yvm gw lt* fr, Tltey wera •harp fellows, they Ufp-ly »»li*r »rf rnrffwl wltli tlirnt; tlir<r % III**. Thr 8lh t'or|»« an'••mMini^l "I mti my br—.1." qt»4k Im; !»»n t I «••• |»t tni|m|M| for thr lul two *r*r». uHrLKTK rKHTtMlKM*. «n<l aw at to tlx* an*l Irft a* far a* Ion »rf», I b«« trim V. hta |>Un Atu>rn*jr» A Counselors. I tlhlaiH <1 il nt Nannlr a«r l»r war* would )«*•! ki-**|i out of tin* mki* of llir rlirlii 1 ■; mj prehendrd Whllr thw ar» *n«r "«M flrMa"* with • • a IN IM» run «v of thr • ckiUra Ikn* the bmnmi shone ¥%I*E lUit xi»-rtim-nt a Itli f«rtIIItrr* plant* • Hi l"rt <lal lllllr rlbla* |Hri my • t« tio-r. H> arriu*<l at Um vfcllfll our an* tin* r.iui|illr*-« 11 mj Although brightly »HWAI, thr rra \rt on tin I m> in him I emmmt* |«f » nltlng ll*ht |T«M. Ul(- mi to yr*tn *l»owe*| thai all the rnulf ■IM1, ;»t rlfli-u f. *i. rtif »••• xt I'nlon armr. tltat the ioit*(>irators t forth f«*r mm «* a* M«r than n.»H l«arr AlfUMlrU — night *>r of thr farm at* I that I HI U< I I (hank I Ha RJ»a* I II V |tart «hlch h»« raUM>)| a lli« liorw* wen* an I (Molirr JOlh. W> unnlHil for liar- lite in a file, and apatite larfe morning mil<»I turn* 11 • mill tb*i U>« eor* inn, walking single h»m mTQllv «nrknl thrrr U a U»r |kr« roaw an 'Inn*' »W r1M#r, an' «le» f»*»' TVm (Tl»te \ I III KKI« k. ct»»|i r»< rr»w In lb** wilt illiliki mr I'lnlti llrl at I a. *. Mir* hr«| mllr* " with I"htN|>hilw mi \ aanW lHrf» tutlir ljji- l»*r'« IVrrj To M in) I«Im mJ in* grinning antici|iation. thr MMl \r*T \« tlir In to hfri" *f for <>|«Ti*tW>ii« In e*|ierlment* with |»artUI au<l P01 I.tla' mlr a*' fWf •llrnl Wf <U «»1< Hi'* wtgiini wrrr l"»nl»* I with r.itl<>n« l(o|wr*tlllr; M*l«trml About were In front of ^ ha* »rrr to midnight tbejr ing hr tinnmrtttwl thr |>rr» frrllllffh rr I ill* In hre for.lull ant IIm-n*-\t <h* <Oml friaad. «a*l 11 AM. Ml *itf»a.l Iba *MW AtUirw? At Law. |>lrt>' fertilizer*. tnni|)|Hr *«*«• \ VW fra*|>ln' an I forwartfil In llir aftfrnmii, IIk* |nt \ugu«t. the window of lite "front room on tlta ml *rili With thr a|\-foot ka* "TanraaU liw», »•. |lri<llrt *u«l llie |»rj' «l tlrM »if i»r tin. rrai'hnl lln* a« Iher wrrr gri- tar imr lH-l to Ih'rllu, on iIk* l*<tomn «Sr mil *• k»r l»tlK| llfr l»f «al» ln«»|»« Juat m mora If Mm*i >1al b* in* left." ft-lnnl threw the MHil the MAIXB. tin* Kurrka m»«rr« tIk- farm '|«tlllrl r« Irl- Bui my against MTHKL. |.iv«i»t«-.| ini Ittnl liu-rtlh frrtllliol In I**?, In umlrr arm* to niirrh. \ft.-r U«n- Hint, llr lira l<|iiirl< of (Jrn. Mh tlug Tkal M um Mittoa n»a autre, (iastoti l«*at a terrible roll la*t T»»ir, anil tlir nr* |lu<Wr\r '»»i mi ■Larlln' lllllr \a*. I afcall »»lrf ar» Hf • tl»* | u|axi t aivfoot without th** furtlnT a*t liti*»ti of ina- i n ration* mrf •«nt link In I Ik* I in tui|» I on lilll Iwlow «| (< ► ll«»l C Wir rtwalf p»p i* tMlk iff rrvwn.
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