
Qti skin 14 rrBUSHED Every Wednesday Morning, BATES 0E ADVERTISING. AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANXVJI. srh.j'- - Ij..j. lO.Ool Uns Utnelu.. 1 1 Ca S or I J OBtt 4 OM OKJW CO iKcireliru SnfearjlWra, SI.oo to f HAWAIIAN MLlBea Vbic.... 1IOI IK l(W 1M GAZETTE. ItMIlatOoi 3tLine- 0C 00 T 10 CO OrncB-In'tij- -I lo.be... seo 4 td 11 e new Post Office Baild Sd U- -3 Inches. 3 00) 4 00 7 10 M 14 ON It OS tSUnca- -t lathe... 40M 00 10 ft lg OS IS CX 23 CO ing, Mewfeaat Street, Honslalu, H. L Quarter ef Colaaa,. OOMOOC lit JSaotaOOOteSeO .TatrdrOr.0..r. 0( WOO 100 330n eot SO to Hair of ectasia U 09 1 j w Sim wooitseotnm MftjTOBmaeo or 3i. KUttrr t the Oorera- - OnaCalamat.. .. IS oai So oct ts oa It oorfne oajHo co Dfieayito whom aJTbuslncts, wramcrjea- YII-N- -' VOL. O. 45.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, ITOV. 22, 1871. - BuaiaMa Cards, warn prrpa.it firmi ymr, an altow .S6.00 PER YEAE. edadleeoaattrm taw rana. whkh an tar traaalaal adrae

& Hotstlt 44 BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. EOBEIGN NOTICES. SUGAR MOLASSES Tho Afrlcnn Islnxuoml I'leldx. Aldertioat IXchertral or tho Hat-ti-e it without constraint. Every one who has tried The following, from the Detroit iwrts Prrw, is of Worklnsr." to announce the best that is in him thexieepest Mtuux tut. . a. r. cum H. B0L1HAMH, FLINT, PEABODY & Co., 1871 an from a thoughts, the highest aspirations, the warmest C BHEWKB A; CO.. eitract prirate latter, giving a faithful The London Times describes a tbam "attack Isasscicr ef Dealer in .Tobacco and Cigars, description of the diamond Gelds or affections has been conscious that his words fell ul SmPPISQ AKD SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South Africa, on Sir IIopn Grant.'' which took place recently which will doubtless prove short at least of his meaning, if not, indeed, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACC5TS Or of interest to the at Alderahott, and closes Its accoant as follows : I1II.O, II. I. 'Ojp. reader : greatly misrepresenting This is not owing IV. MCni'IiltKYS, IlONOLrUU, il. I. Pacific Barrel and Ke? Company, ify On the whole, y it waa scarcely satisfactory to the poverty language .UtrOTHE A2TD "SFHOLESALE DEALER AGENTS Of tlie Uoeton and Honolulu Packet An rrrpared to fatnbb KKO and BAHKEL 3IIOOK3 In I left Caps Town for the diamond fields by the of the as some may qoantitr required, and rcpMtfiu7 tolidt Continmata. as a spectacle, or quite to be admired in other Ale. Farter, Ac, Ac.. Merchant TIne. atiT Inland I musportation Company 'a think. "Words and Ideas grow by side, sad yoc Strut of ngar ana liund I'rVoacw. wagon, with ten waatj aSSS tae Otace. Ileal.la 6 AGE.VTS-P- or the Halter, Walluku and liana points of Tiew. Uis Excellency General ton to other persons for Poiel. the principal town in the there are always means of adequate xpre$sida4? llantatloli.. s Ilerer Dlumenlhol went away before the closo of the 1. A. rmasoa. BWapAOn. Honolulu wine, where wo arrived safely twelvo at hand, if wo con find sod arranger tl em. Bat ACE.VTS For the of lelanu ilrwn. after days day's " IT. A: FunhuciM !le II. Ilarkbld A Co " Sugar and Molasses, operations. The beginning is always like do A. PEinCE CO., Prod tier. St,7 " OutleAOwcr. " and night's constant riding, passed through the to this rsquirs. a previous tntinic that the IHtfreal thiog," ho observed to an. officpr, " but gin i.mUCI. IUcbiuh a (V.) - ' " AVillrr t Allen " piROr SOW CUMINR IS, and for sale Cnpe Colony and into the Orange Free State, a I school alone can not give, and that only personal in caasUti(f to purchajcrs, do not care for SMp and General J tit bj the end, as it is always nnlike.1 Cixsiicn Commission KeretiaU. 1VALKKK Jt ALLEN, Apenta. distance of eight hundred miles, which is the most attention and coiwtantEblt can produce. Tho uw-Ajfr- aW tar tae taolea Mt Werta. GEXEEAL COMMISSION AGENT AIT? BBOKEB, No. 4 UN California Stmt. San General Slavely was understood to consider that Ha watte Zl It desolate and forbidding one would wish to see. thoughts and ideas that rise in oar minds should n IsUada. OSSce, In BbnlUlori, Qnees 'street, the sadden Hawaiian l.l.nj., riyf) termination did injustice to his com bo lj.) lloaolala. Ij5ilh M EAUPAKUEA PLANTATION The scarcity of water nmkes it almost a barren not permitted to tumble together like an un- Vi'h. CBm. trtnt. binations, nor is General Carey better satisfied itiiioi jt co.. UV.1IAX Sao Franetaeo. t.itrr MicLrir, QIJGAIt SOW CU.MISG IS and for sule waste, und tho only nse the land is pat to is gra organized mob. Jbey must bo disciplined, sys- iiieotiikks, lvriuita, o. KD in quantities tj purchasers by that it was time to cease suit the day's maneuvers, tematized, and placed tinder control, so IMPORTERS AND IY1ACLEAY, AFONG A ACHUCK. zing. Many of the farmer" have from twenty to that in BANKERS, wholesale dealees CORBITT & both officers being only then developing their .VLI.C, HAWAIIAN ISAAXDS. lu FatbianaMe Clothlnz. Hate, dr.. Boots. Shore, and fifty thousand sheep and goats, and with those can express each at its proper time, and lea.ro srew Bale erery arlety of Gentle&ien'i FurnUbing Snow'e imDortors. Wholosnlo Crccors and attacks r Hope Grant. ef Exchange oa Ool. 0N0HEA. vast tierils tlioy get no more than a living. Wool unexpressed those which we would conceal. ' Oar awBesak)fOawaBta. twuciaft. juercnaui street, llanoiala. 1601)7 MCUCH.ATS, fan Franeisco. COMMISSION - tssitl is It is to bo regretted that some departments of nil Xe-- et. 1 Wltar. Vort. SitJii- ?IoInHe Crop 1A7I only worth eight cents a pound, which little ideas beinff thus disciplined, reflect their own In A. Oregon Produce, SALE the stair are in bad order, ""1 X.M.I Uoahn. i. ixoixxi:it. Shippers and Dealers in DOMINO IN, roil IN QUANTITIES more than pays for clipping, and had they to pay if they are to be judged good order upon our words, and we shall find I"" tMlilB Loud.. SHIP, SIGN, CARRIAGE S ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, purchasers, bv feteaaU Beat Oertiorateaa, IY.W 1 VJ to suit by their fruits. Sir. Cardwell, who was present AaMeSnwS. XUmtir, WALKER A ALLEN, god prices for help they would have nothing left. that to think and speak accurately aro parts of am - Kaabnmano at tb OLD PAIXT SHOP. KRAZVCISCO I Agent. Stntt, SAS at the attack and retreat from Hog's Back, may I'MMe Insurance OfaBasy af San Fran- - urcurrd th. crrrkei of a fittliiH Sitn Office 108 California Street. All their help is from the natives, whose serticea the same task. Stranga and .Vaaiauaa Life Ohsmii) of .New JfjKl I'liDtrr asd GiUlrr. all ordrrt will hr with Dave nearu Vara. bntun limited PEINCEVILLE PLANTATION. nro to be obtained for that the Third Dragoon Guards were words should be avoided, for good tiresHtttirti. at low ratoa ao4 In a roul utrle a. can lw dou. I'OKTl.A-lJ- ' OltEGOX I little or nothing, many of speech does oere. left without food, proper food, circum n4 atn j & SIi'IttxacM them one under not consist in belching the dictionary upon ..eac lo If 13 and 15 front, and 10 12 Firtt Street. XllCllr lllltl Crop 1S7I receiving sheep for six month's work. jour IN, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES All who are stances which appear utterly inexcusable, no heads, COMING engaged in farming aro Hollanders hearers' and stunning them with an awful XII EO. II. l)AVICS. JAS. a. ieoui:ktso. ztrmxers : purchasers, by matter who makes excuses, or. what excoses tlie fir3t settlers of this n region. the sense of your profound wisdom. In conversation, UnJumi, Stuir 1 Oa.) rFormcrl of Plrmonth, Ua.t.TJ California San , WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. T. C Bal.ton, F.., Bank of Francico may be. The regiment was warned for outpost IMPSETEE AMI COMMISSION MEHCHANT, CAEEIAGE, WAOON AKD CART BUILDEE. Cuaa. delli Hiq . lTetldrnt F. A l. Suar Coin FranclMm I he discovery of diamonds has infused new life Bimple, plain words, clearly and pointedly apokao. Mh.ii. Croaa A Co San Ftancl-c- o duty at 11 p. ASP aqut MAKEE PLANTATION. into tho people, and most of it., to go out at 3 ju on the-- are the most effective ; for knowledge really con- rn Klag Strrrt, llooolola. Meoara. LadJ i Tilton. Bankers Portland, Oregon the communities d tbe lirerpaal Dudrrwrtln, and Pontine Ve- - Baok of Brith Columbia. ... , Portland, Otegon morniug of the 15th of September. They sists ideas Instead tIUniriar .f a have left their ranches, bai; and bacg.ige, for la and thoughts, of words, and Mm4m I&tBrftace CompaaT, aaa aaiclr inur wttli aeatorft and rfnltcli. 3lMra. L. Gol.l.rnlth a Cb...... 1'ortUnd, Otejton rop oT & 9IoIitf.N-t- the A Susiir marched that hour J"itaia AMwmaec ftitnniiT. 26 6m Curbltt, Falling Co . .Portland, Oregon iiv diamond fields. As 1 have already mentioned. at without rations, and they thoughts and ideas may bo expressed fa simple Biibp 1 Co., Honolulu VT0W C031ING IN. AND FOR SALE IN QUAN-- 1 Messrs. Banket. were out all tlay up to 5 o clock sc.. . purcha-er- s wo arrived eafely at Pniel, where r. without a lacguago as well as la Intricate terms. IIOO.-V- j.v.i i:s i is, Consignments of Island Produce Solicited tlties ts suit by I hardly rested CHOG leia Ultn C. BREWER A CO., Aeentt. morsel to eat except what the officers could got Camtaliiloa Kerthant and General Aeect. li-f- myself before 1 started for this camp, the rash COOPER AND GATJGER, for them by for I'mltl h4 Mitt Cbin.M nni Forriro GooJt from outride camps and new comers being in this paying it out of their own pockets. Smith on the Warpath. ggl"' Ha.attM lYulaot, ana Aat ftr tb At the Old Stand, corner Sing and Bethel Streets. WAILUKU PLANTATION. and that was very little. close rtn-priK- This to great de JWMa Aauaaln umi- FUaUtiou. it BOOKS & STATIONERY direction caused me to join in and coma with the Ktag. writers will tm Strw. Wow a Lars Stork of Oil Shooki and all Undi VTEW CROr NOW COMING IN. FOR SALE pots of provisions I It is in timejsf peace, and Newspaper thoroughly appreciate 8. KhmItA crowd. On my arrival, the whole number on tho f "1 Tlnr " eonsUntly oa hand. Tho Basis of Our Business. in following '' in their own land 1 .And who were to blame? the o'er true tale, which wo take from CASTLE & COOKE, i 0. BF.EWER A CO., Agents. ground wus only two hundred, and at the present Also, Shop on the Esplanade, near the Till It ST. To .Manufacture all each Hooki mid Su .No one. the Dispatch X tlonf ry u cau I tloue lure u well u where, tod timo it numbers five thousand, all having arrived Tho control officers say they were not Custom House. ana two had uierD atrrcuv iKueni oar euiomerj ourteiTedt. informed that the rcgimont was going out, and A wees or ago our .eporters occasion Dealers in General attrnllon to belneM to merit a contlan- To iWki and SUtion inside of five weeks. There are three houses of Jlercbandise, lit honri br SECOM. lltiv and Sell INSURANCE NOTICES. that it was thu to refer to a certain woma'j, whom wo will call asre ofttr jatnirupr whfcli he baa lirrrtKfjre rnjojul tiootry to m to niaVe ft to ibe Interest uf aDd cohihdi- - sheet iron and one of adobe, but tbcro is not a quartermaster's duty to apprise BUpplag- and CoTmlnioa tq to u Merchants, and for wblca a. aow rrlurafl nu tnaok. tn couie Id ireiereDCe lu teoa.nf them and to draw the regimental rations, and Hannah Smith, as a denizen of the Eleventh - . AVe wooden hoiisa in tho place; nil tho other dwell- it S- Kta Hrc, UMolala, IlavaUa JtUsda. lj 47 maiitif4CtDr6 nod Jaipott erert drMrrlptlon of Ward. A day or two aftewirds, a huge man F. II. IIAKIEIS. cwrjf og Ul Re tucks of rapcr, EnTrlopTt and BUivk THE EQUITABLE ings aro the coarnost kind of tents and turners' seems inexcusable neglect on tho part of tho itooKsoi our own unnuturmre, laws, Mkie.eic. entered the office, his brow clothe' with" thunder. WALCm. . C. Attorney Law, Notary w quartermaster if ho took no steps to provide for 3. i. ALLEX. nt Public and 430rer 1.500 Tarletltw cf Ulauk farms kept In Stock. ti'ons. on can well imngine tho appearance supplies of men. i3, In his hands be carried a fearjal club, and at his KALKUK Jfc AU.EV, Master in Chancery, LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of three thonsand tentt dotted over the. Copje. the the It howovcr, strange SO In A. L. BANCROFT &. CO., bull-do- - Offio diode.' UntUing. Kmlmmiinn Street. flj tho control side trotted a whom- hanger had evi Shipping and Commission Mercliants, lMy San Fr&uc'tca, CU. OF T.IE when lighted by night with their camp fire3. This that officers did not send out supplies ai-ox- : .V to the regiment on outpost all day dently made desperate. With' that qnick appre Qmm Stmt, Hwotnlo, II. I. AC1IVCK. is one of tho Grst camps in tho field, cud is said dnty if they H. W. SEVEBANCE & CO., knew was ciation of the situation which is creditable to the Agenti for the Hawaiian FacVet line, Importers, 'Wholesale and Eetail Dealers In United States! to be tho most important point jost now. Thu it without food, and they might have General 2Ierchandtte, DONE MORE BUSINESS during guessed such was tho case, and Colonel superior Intelligence of educated men, tio editor -- rot General Shipping & Commission names of the several places aro Uong-Uou- Klip Tower uon And China Good, in tteFlrtproof Stor. ca Ncu.nl Street, HAS pact year than any other Life Insurance Pit 1 Mi Maatatfea, I might have done something, of this paper and the proprietors darted to tho fpeatM'i llintatlon, onoer me ) tlm as it is very probable rtMrtattoa, XuMig mitiic iihl Compsuy in United Slates. Drift, Pniel. tlebroa, Moonlight Rash and Toils ailia IHautatlsn. JIHKCJIAATS. ho did, to window, climbed outside, slid down the lightning-ro- d, Orrawrfli OoSre. Pan. The diggings differ very much at this camp procure it and wake up tho control I'l ml Fin Onpaar, Loa4oa. Had ail income in 1S70 of. . . .$7,500,000 and liirae 405 Front Street, corner of Clay, San Francisco ouicers. i lie control officers and the quarter went across the street to watch the fray llwIt Hilul Maria. laMnaoe Co., Su FnneUeo. VOIiCAWO HOTJSE Oi IJI from all others Heretofore diamonds have been through & With tho fearlessness of Crater of Kllauea, Hawaii. Its Assets amount to $15,000,000 found on the bunks ol the Vual River, and of masters ought not to be allowed to bandy the iOEX M'CSAKZX, J. c. Muaiix responsibility from one conscious innocence we sat still, merely Inserting U re- course all tho mining has to tho other, but the E. P. ADAMS, Thii etabliehment now open for the - rurtland. S. F. CaU about been cot fined to to wno INSURES OH THE ALL CASH PRINCIPLE our legs in two sections of stovepipe, to'guard cepiion of Timers tn toicano, mar thuso camDS. SnvcrnI months uco. ho evur. a occurrence is only possible because of Imperfect --lactieneer and Commission Merchant, reij on nr.jinc comunabie rwnif, a good M'CEAZEN, MERRILL & CO., against any misapprehension of (acts on the part table, and Iirouu t attendance. arerieoc rew diamonds tvero found on tho furface at this re8ulaii'" al Caches on the part of the general Xj Hooolula, II I. fljt) 1 f.w bull-do- jafrrt. irnidea the crater alwati oa hand. FORWARDING AND ! itaff- of the Tbe man with the dab Si" Steam and Sulffeur batbi ' Horaea eralned and ata-- THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS point, twentv-fou- r milts from the Vaal River, on - A" movements of troops shoold bo notified bieBlIBeaireq. unargcii I c. r. A'icnoi.s, ji. 1. Krnannalilr COirMISSIONMEECHANTS, Sr Premiums payablo Quarterly, an open plain, but tho cround was worked but to tIie conrol officers, nnd then no eicu38 conld or Annually tho Eetneopathic Phyiiclan, Portland. Oregoti. Fcbr'nary, te possible. Tboy, at all events, ar9 willing Are yoa editor?" he asked, spitting on is nuly Companv a resident Director very little nnlil last when tho richness Oarajar Fwrt aa4 Merebaat .trwetn. At OSee foreoooo after S itoi.i.i:s co.. It the havinc bis band and grasping bis dub. ITaTlnr keen encapeJ In our for act,vo and rcm,y enough as anyone will say ; 1 1 . S DerHaah Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants. cment Lmtness unwanln on tbee Island'. Ills Kicellency b. II. 1'niLLirs, of the Copje became known. who t 'lae4 r r..WiBC., fL a and In a - of twelrc Tear, Woe lomted Bond- the Attorney General baring been for many years a Bee3 ,hem work day. We told him tho editor was out ; that be had Importers and Dealers In General Mtrthaodbe, Qaeen dine, Rr prepnred to rerelre and d.ipise .if Islaiid Staples, The method of workinir the uronnd differs con- - at nig'"' and Colonel .Mac S. 31. Ilonntnlu, ftrt, CulTee. Director of tbo Company. gone to the North Pole with Capt. nail, and ha JIL .McIti:lV, I., UaaaHan Ilandi. vuchatifDcar.Srninr. Rfce.Pula. etc. to adrantae. eiderably fruni that of ruer mining. Hero we tenz' '3 aQ officer or larger and more varied ClAte Sargwti tj. S. Aroij.) AaenU for th. KannakaVai, Jloanaloa, and Eakaako Cottt7tnienti eoptcially olidtel I6t (lie Oregon Market, to IfSf No Life Insurance Compsny does business would not return before 1876, in timo for the Cu VeaaaMfted it M rnMeaceon Hotel St, between All. hfr h permMia. altnt.oii will be jwM, and upon which caib more liberally than this, and none is more reliable have scarcely water enough to drink, and that eiperience in the quartermaster-general'- s depart-- k aad N'aaaais Streets. adaiDces will be made when required. in Its dealings witu the injured. centennial celebration. 17 ItTllZXCU only by paying at tho rato of eight cents per meat in. all parts of the world than any one of the CAI.ta,JIIEIa JC CO., CharlM W Brook For full particulars apply to Aro yon the proprietorf asketl tha man. .V. JL JUUII, i San Francisco buckoLiio wiih miter ao scarce wo have to resort irmy, atiu no one is more scrupulous in the dis- IMFOBTESS aiiu ajlerrill a Co ,TB . M.fajrwanw3, explained to him that we wero not, that tha " to dry sifiioir, is called hero. ground cluuga of tils duty. Hat j3 8aiJ general We ATTOEKXT AKD C0UHSELL0B AT LAW. J pftiti. Alra. No. t, Kuusan Street, oppoeite Merchant Badcer Ltndentercer ... Agent for the Hawaiian Ialands uj it The it that tt proprietors wero they-ba- to lj Jatne Tatriek t Co.... ia thrown officers " will send in out; that gone J Qgee Xo. Tort Street, Ilonolola. Mreet, uwolnla. i from tho holes, mostly by natives, and not reports," as they should 'j ra T Coleman a Co " South America for the purposa of investigating-th- SteTent. IJl.eraCo r. a. .sciiAi:risic, then put into coarse selves, mostly by natives, af-- do, and it is further affirmed that they do not TltOS. G. TIIIClMI'.S a. s. ci.i;;iint., Allen a Lewfa Portland" curative properties of cundurango, anil they LaJdaTilton ARKNT or llrrnicn Itonra or Umlenvrllrf. ter being run through it is put through fine I obey orders as to their campmeats, for instance, Nows Depot WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALER IN LeonirdiOreeo " of Itrewlen Board of Underwriters, expected to remain several years. Stationery, Cutlery and Agent of Meuna Bonn! of UnJerwrlteri. seives, and the ground thus left is put on a sort- - ad thu3 create great confusion and prevent tbe GENERAL MERCHANDISE, V ell, whoever and Circulating Library, ttinUast IncaraDce CompiQ.es within the lorlidlctton of " you are," exclaimed tha war Fire-pro- Stwe, corner Qneen and Kaahnmanu Streeta. 0im iug table somewhat similar to an ordinary kitcb- - possibility departments working harmoniously aatttaat Stmt, Hoaolala. Alao SteDdl CstUa;. of of the above Duanl-sts- Underni iters, will hare to he certl " Betait itablHbmenta, on Xnnann Street, and on the corner BTTST I rior, my name is Smith I" aird Copjrlng, promptly eiecnted os nea 10 yy ipa jhqtc itgfnt lo mm them Taild. 7 en table tho women and children, in most cases all around. Tbe baggage of one division was OaUarafar Fort and 6 THE BEST ef Hole! Strreta. We told him wa were glad ; If- - doing the sortiug, as they aro considered tho scattered all over the country near Aldershott because. there nU'ERIAL FIRE IXSURAXCE COMPANY was anythiog better than the possessibaf of the- ERA ICICIIARISO.'V. jcmvirv joses, STRAHLE & CO.'S luckiest. I have seen some beautiful gems, somo Xorth Camp, after tho action was orer, and in Of London. Instituted 1803. name of Smith, it was the privilege of'knowing a IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES GEOUEE AND SHIP CHANDLER, CASII CAPITAL, 88,000,000 In GOLD. as large as one hundred carats. The diamonds I the course of the night and morniag. " Whom man by that name. ItM ff-"- Faralahiac tlovda. Perf unry, corner L.nliatna, Matil. BillicaT'cL found here are pronounced to bo the finest In tho I shall we hang 2" No one now. This campaign af MR aad Saeehaat Streeta. Uoootaln. Talales rjpiIE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to Inns policies on Hut, Smith," we eaid, "why this battle array T ttaa, AsMt far the Uawaiiaa Soap Co. Ordara recelred, Money and Recrulta furnhhed to Ship, on the moat faror. wirn JL Yin lEiiaa (with or wiltmnt tbe arerage cttue) on world in hardness and brilliancy, and the camp is as it u called, mayteacli us whom we ought to aad ptaaaptiy eutaited. 19 able trrnia. Iy7 olaney's Wire lluiluio . Machinery, I'rirat. Dwelling., It is absurd for a man to pot on tbo panoply of ..,...Ol UOOQI IO lO Patent Cushions. Brick. Mone an.1 t.iden Lam- - filled with diamond buyers for the London mar- - bang in future, and it is important now to put ' atWwllOfi tO IB. CfUpiBeBl More, Alerenamliae, Oiala, IM Ships in Port, Xc, ou the most favorable tenns. war, and frisk into editors' sanctums fumbling a .V Patented November 23, 1SC9, in the United States. lr. kets, who pay from one to three pounds sterling tbe saddle ia which the army sits so uneasily on .11. . GKIXIIAI7.ir CO.. a- - All Losses Adjusted and Paid club and accompanied In France and Belgium, in March, 1S70. for here. "ES I by a disheartening bull IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS For parttculara apply at the office per carat in gold fur stones in the rough. A great tho right horse. JOII.A II. PATV, 3t-e-r We keen on hand the LARGEST STOCK OF of WALKER ALL I dog, simply because hh namo happens to bo Notary Public and Commit sioner of Deeds In Faahiunable Clothing, Hatt, Cant, Boots, Shoes and BILLIARD GOODS on the Coast, and SELL L0 II" t EX, many stones of fourteen to twenty carats have Complaints come in from all sides and arms, erery rariety of Gentlemen's enperlor Goods. 32ly Agents for the Hawaiian lalanda. Smith." Office Furnisblaf any Eastern House. been found, but most of aro of " horse, foot dragoons," Far the rotate of California. at th. Bank of Blahop Store in Uakee'a Block, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. Ell than thoIargo ones a and and even artillery. a Oa., Kaaaacuaaa Street, lloaolulu. x He said he called to bunt the head the 100 flj7 California Veneers and Fancy Woods of all kinds. aiKKCIIA'I'S' JIVTUAL. yellowish hue, and do not bring as good price as The Rifles at 5 r. if., had had, according to one of msn mS Orders solicited from the Islands for Tables, INSURANCE who bad Insulted his sister. r. EHLZRS. A. JAEGER. MARINE COMPANY tbo white garnets, both of which are found in informant, nothing to eat since the early morn- - UIL.I.IAGUA3I & CO., t. Cushions or Material. impossible, Of San Frniiclsco. great quantities. ing. They were on picket and It is Smith, that such a thin? IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, ii. r. sc co., A outpost, and i:irii:its JACOB STRAHLE CO., np- could hare been dona by anyone In this office." and General GOODS AND OENEEAL 25 (im SG3 Street, San U.',u.;ic.si(..El) liRvlnc teen - A pjrty of Americans are working a claim ad- - Prince Arthur slept under a hedge in his ' Qaatlty. Pry Ooodt, ralaU and 08i, DEALEES IN DEY ilailet Franci.o. Tin; Agenti for tlie buT Cornpwuj, are prepared great NO Street, l-- lr " Is f but it was, though, and her name M, Kin IIonotallL MERCHANDISE, to Iu Pitliciea on Cargoes. Krcl cms and Trea joinins mine who have taken out some beautiful coat all night and cold enough it was among was 37-- 1 WALKEK 4 ALLKX " on Fort St.. abore Odd Tellowa Hall. ?T urc. published, too Miss Smith, Miss Hanner stones during tho week. Ono of bis men, and he tramp-Si- r. Smith." tc co., BARTLETT SALOON, A pent J. HonoiuJn. past the party, next day was to be seen ii. iiACicrizi.o " May we bo permitted to Inquire what was OENEEAL COMMISSION AGENTS. C. S. IsAKTO.W. ST J. IT. Riley, Secretary of tho Mining Bureau ing along with bis haversack by his side, covered CAIsUOItiMA tbe precise character of tho affront offered to S-- Oaten Street, Honolulu, II. I. fit 1VII.I.IA.11 HUGHES, at Washington, D. C, who is also correspond- - with dust, after hard work skirmishing all the AUCTIONEER, Hotel mid Hannah?" on Queen Street, one door from KuhDmaarj Corner of Fort Streets. INSURANCE COMPANY. ent of the San Francisco papers, has just left for morning to lead hia men to resist the enemy on ED. HOFPSCHIAEGER & CO., FIrroom - Street. CHOICEST AND BEST OF ALES. WINES rtruiK vxDEnsicvED. agents or th home, taking with Well, yoa see," said Mr. Smith, the black JL bare teen author lied to luiure tiska him some fine specimens of the Tongham. " We aro ordered not to beat IMTOETZES AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THE Spirits always to be found at tbe Bar. guard said she was a denizen. on Cnrgo, Frelctit and Treruurt, hjCuailerst African diamonds. them," be eaid to some one who spoke as he And I wani yoa tl IliwHala. Oehn, II. I. fly HONOLULU IRON WOEKS CO from llonolalo to all portj of the Hawaiian Group, and Tics to understand," exclaimed Smitb, becoming Tera. Making a fair estimate, the chance one has of passed, with an emphasis on tbe word ordered, ex Snr-a- r IjT CO. i-SS STKAJI EXGIXES, Mllla, II. HACKFELD k cited, and brandishing his club ia a Wild msnner XIIKOl). C. IIIilJCK, jXCi-i- TOBACCO AND making a fortune is about one in a thousand. which gave one to his ? rtnllera. Coolers, Iron, nrass and Lead Castings. CIGARS! A understand that Royal over our head, while the ball-do- IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. iiA.it iu;ittGii-imi:.in- ;a few do tolerably well, while the balance spend Highness would like to try. Then the Rifle3 advanced and 1T Paha. II. L fly Mchinery of Every Description, commenced to sniff up and down oar store-pip- e -- their money and time, get nothing and leave In had to fall back on Cholhain Ridge, where, Made to Order. C FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY. let " I. disgust. I want yoa to understand sha is a decent V. A. SCHAKPIHt Ac CO., Particular attention paid to Ship's BliclsmitMng, HENRY NOLTE UAUKKSlUAKIl Having licen I hope the Americans will not get the it bo hoped, they found re3t and reason to ba HAS RECEIVED Agent of the aboTe Company, are Diamond young woman, with a gooti character, and nona TVOBK erecnled on lb. thorteat notice. 6 JUST Br THE THIi prepared fever ; if they do tbey will regret it. thankful. It is not pleasant to bo obliged to Importers and Commislon Merchants on ana lyT (oiuiureruu aninst r ire. atone uricK uui ta of your denizens and such track. man Heaalala. Hawaiian lalanda. llies, and on Slerchantllite atored therein, no the If a person is without money nnd has to rely on record the expression of discontent and failure, The wba joii. ai:ii.i. "R. C. Wylie" and other Late Arrivals, mutt favoraUe terma. for iwirtlciilaraaiiplT a.l tbe office of Is his labor dis-- says the a denizen is a blackguard and a i ' hvre. Cod help him, for labor is at a but even on the Cove common regimonts were fhleff C. H. LIWIKi. J. G. CICISOS Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith tflSl f. A. SUaiAEtEK 1 CO. I A Choice count. All and 111 smash him over tho ncse if r Jk WICIiSOIV, Sewlnir tlaehlnes repaired: Dealer In Sportinz Go,.. Large Asssortment of the negroes one requires can be hired left without rations and baggage till 7 o'clock at I nt a mtXRS t Agent lor the Celebrated FLORENCE MACHINES, Insurance Notice. at the rata of from ten to night, and Mr. Cardwell, who cbance. They may say what therDleaio-abou- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LTJMBEB, , tort street, Honolulu, u. I. twenty cents per day. was entertaining i'y Havana, Cerman, me, bat man who A ad art kinds of BaiMiBg Materials, Fort Street, Honolulu. II1K ACKST FOIl THIS DRITISIt Kor-- I pay one of myaKafira seventy-fiv- e cents a day the foreign officers at a state dinner close by. tbe abases my sister his got to st S-- 13 ai. and Manila CIGARS ! tlirn lsrine Insurance Company. (Limited), has re suffer." And Smith struck tho table in a violent t. oi:i.i.. ceived instructions to redoce the rates of Insurance anil tie uoanls himself; I do ao because be is a might, if be had known of the circumstances. ALLEN & CHILLINGWORTH, CABINET MAKES AND UPHOLSTERER THE BEST SMOICIXG AND ClIKIVlJiG between Honolulu and Porta In tbe Pacific, and la now pre. good hand and doe3 not get drunk every have taken counsel of manner with his club, while the ball-do- g pa! hit pared to issue Polfclea at the Lowut Jtatcs, with aapecial other tbe m03t experienced ' ICAIVAIIIAE, HAWAII, King Street, Honolulu, oppMite Lewis1 Cooper Shep. Will TOI1ACCO, reuueuuu on a reigm per ?ieamera. day as is customary with most of the natives; among them of tbe best way of avoiding such forefeet on the back of our chair. 41i boy and sell second-han- Furniture. il;' THE0. n. TJATIF3. Mr WHl eeaitbaae tbeGeaeral&lerehandteeaad Shipping bnslnea. even who have been fostered - mischiefs, which We pacified Smith with a dictionary. at the abore wrt, where they are prepared to furuifh the AND A SPLENDID LOT OF Afnt BriL For. Mdr. Int. a. (Limited) those by the mis- but indicate larger evils belo. TO aad aneh Re- " Web-eteri- 'tatty Celebrated Kawalhae Potatoes, otbsr OLAriELO, sionarie3 prove to' be the worst of the lot. pointed oat to that raging warrior that the an required by whaleahlpa, at the ahorteat notice ai. The cruits aa are CAL.IFOR.iVIA 01 definition and aa the moat reasonable terms. Firewood alwaya on Wagon and Carriage Builder, MEERSH AUM PIPES! Kafirs are very primitive in their habit3. They of tbe word "denizen1 gives bawd. jI 74 and 76 King Street, Honolulu. The Best ever Offered in this Market, INSTJUANCE COMPANY. have no clothing, only a Talking i3 ao susceptible improve- snch a person an unoffending character, and de- . string about the waist art, of - ALSO nrillK TJJIDKTtSION-KD- AOEJTTS OP THE almost a true Georgian costume minn3 and prives the term ot everything, like reproach. i rf CARRIAGES BUILT TO JL abore Company, hare been authorized to inaure rink. tbe spurs cent elaboration, like any other art, JOIX T. WATUKUOl'Sl!, warranted. ViiV ORDER and on ifargo, ana from lionolu and many of them sit the same I and capable of being seriously impaired Smith said ba was satisfied, shook hands, and IMPORTER AND DEALEE IN GENERAL Alto, particular atten Constantly on hand, the Celebrated s'reasnre, at assortinc by to all porta of the world, andrice versa. bull-do- g I kicked the down MERCHANDISE, tion given to uie II IIACKFELTJ k CO table with the women and children, their black neglect; like any vocation which, after beinc stair'. The editors and Repairing of Vehicles of Every Descrlutlnn Green Seal and Diamond Head safo, S Qaeen Street, Hewlnra, Tl. ly ckin, polished with cocoaaut oil, shining like a learned may til' forgotten. U a proprietors seeing all immediately ditched t - Blacksmitblng and Homo Shoeing:, Carriage, Sign and It mistake to Ornamental Painting, Carriage Trimming, ic, will alaaya b. SMOKING TOBACCO ! billiard ball. The style would not quite suit the imagine that all good talkers are born with the the lightning-ro- d and soon appeared attths win- aitenaeaf to in a manner to warrant aatisiacuon. Furnished Rooms C. K. WIMAA3IS, Ci Detroit ladies, dows, wiere they were introduced to Stntfb, 43 Orders from all parte of the lalanda promrtlr executed. For EIe at the Coffee Saloon, corner of Xuu- - TO LET, nt Mrs. T. but out here every fashion prevails, endowment ; someindeed, pos3e33 it 03 a native with MAKCFACTDEEE, IMPORTER AND DEALER 13 1J7 anu and Qaeen Streets. Thrum's, the No. 19 King Street. tnis is the mo3t orderly camp I have ever been talent, but many others acquire it by long, care- - remark that they bad roturaod :from tha Frn!$aT of erery deaerlilon. FnmltnreWarc-Roomao- n In . -- North Pole and tha dime of some- 1 ees , oppowi. wuaae'a Gallery. Work- - U. SlCxUIX. . KlSTLOL uy experience in California and iSevada led Fat. and painful effort. As a general thing, per enndnraego ltrel stand Street, SOLE & awdp at th. aad on Hotel near Tort. .fc SADDLE LEATHEE, me to expect that I should witness what unexpectedly, la order Orier. from the other UUnai promptly attended to. Ij C SEGri,KI!X Co., J. T. CHAYTER, the Bame row-- 30D3 with wide mouths and thin tonzucs are able "L dy scenes relations. And now wo suppose-Smit- TIN. ZINC AND COPPER SMITHS, AND Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins, over again, but snch 13 not the case ; to express their ideas with ease, and to converse will bo GENERAL BLACKSMITH, mad we J. S. D1CKSOS, all is harmony and qaietnes3; no brawls or drank- - and speak wiih envied fluency, while those with becaase have told this story aboutibiaj, SHEET EBON WORKERS, OX HAXD and for Sale, At the Old Stand on Esplanade, COSSTAXTL.Y the near tho Cus enness; no stabbing or shooting, and morals are narrow mouths sod he will be coming down to interview us in HotLse, Ship and Sign Painter, Ktuaxu Street, between Merchant and Queen tom House, and thick tonenes stammer ' Honolulu, H. I., . Hare roniUntly im hand, Etarrs, ripe, quae as good as win be found older communi-- 1 through war's magnificent array, with; a freshbulMog-- So. S3 King Street, Galranited 1VAIJIEA TAXSBUT, C. SOTIaKT, Propr Would respectfully inform his manv in a conversation with labor to themselves. iron tije, an. tioe. xunna,Mcri-cocc- India c Hut it will be in vain. Wa rxearly oppoeite Sleasra. Daiingham A Co. uucoer uoee in lenxtne or and oo ly-- A. & Cl.EOnOBX. 4rent. ifnends and the public cenerallr. that ties. The Dutch people are very kind and hos--1 and little satisfaction to those who listen to have rented an reet, with eouplinrt and pipe complete. BattfTubs. ne do - , eralnlcf, Marbling:, Gilding, Cabomtnlnr, Paper- - is prepared to all kinds or Black- pitable; the English is I them. office in tbe top of tbo . aad alio a Terr larre atocs: of Tin wan of ererr da- - element quite large and But even this latter class maybratten- - hare r.-y- hanging, c, Ac--, executed on uu anoruat nonce. smithing, such as Cnrringc, Drar nntl Wagon 7aad on the most reasonable terms. For Kohala, Hawaii. Work, also, Ship no of a vory respectable portion of London society, tion and effort overcome tbe infirmities planted torpedoes and springs' all the way nn- - I articular attention giren to Orders from the and Home Work, also of their keeps a First-Clas- s stairi. We warn cuier lalanda wui be carerullr attended to. Horsa Shner, and parties favoring .Many of tbe latter have been officers in the army organs of speech, and learn to express themselves thii incendiary Smile to aicCOLGAIY Ac JOIUVSOf, Thankful to the Citllec of Honolulu and the Islands uiui can, cau reiy on naving tneir hones' feet beware. r generally for their liberal patron in past, we hspe Schr. Active, u. who have sold their commissions and are now easily and gracefully. The faculty aft the by S a. . . proiieny aiteauea to dj an experienced workman. of fluent and ' r strict attention to business to merit the same for the future. PETER 3IEM.ISII, . Master, weiiding the pick and shovel graceful MERCHANT TAILORS, s?- -l instead of tbe sword expression is a most charmin" and en- - Max man (lje Will run as a regular packet to the above ports. Sick or Lamo Horses Doctored. A will die for want of air in five so Fort For and rifle, and they rather like the life, I viable at, Honololn, oppoeite T. C Xlrnck's. lyS freight or passage apply to Thankful for past favors, be hopes by attention to I should one, and where it does not exist as a nat- - mlnoteijor'wantdf sleep in ten aaVs. forwan. ir. iota WALKKK A ALLEX. Agents. business to udge from toss, merit a continuance of the patronage appearances. When I ebali return nral gift, is worth the years of attention and or water in a week, JZ. TJ ITa which he has heretofore enjoyed. for want of food at varyinz "iVIIITJIAIY OLSTRRER, home it i3 impossible to say, a3 is all a labor Na 5 Merchant Street, opposite tbe Saner. Home, Regular Packet for Molokai. it lottery that tbe acquisition costs. It requires, in Intervals, dependendent on comftitnlfon,' habits eUas Opened a Xew Eatabllahment, Furniture and alwaya on band, and and is mattraea tld furniture Tax-Collecto- r's here, there no telling bow many blanks tho first place, deliberation and is wfll his attention to repaired and Orden from the Islands this why so of life and tha circumataneea of the occasion? ty "d glre other Notice. are. promptly attended to. My there few cultivate it in thn midst nt tha bneew .n 77 Carriage Trimming, Saddle and Harness Maldnsr, Schr. Pauahi, Tax-Payc- m in BAX.X.ISTKXI, the District .f A quantities of non3ence has been ba3te of bn3'DeM porsaiU. The word3 should D9 Ix describing a new organ, a rural editorcays: saiBepairingin all its Branches- - ; yr. & co., Jlaater. TnE Iaiaod of Oahn, are hereby tact talked ghey Will rejrular notiSed that Xrery c ran u a uactet between Honolnln the undersigned will commence the collection of Taxes of abdnt bad men not looking yoa in the face. I 8elected Wlt" rare ad with taste, and pronounced "The swell died away in a delicious saffbration, desexiptlaa of Articles connected with the Baslneas and Molokai, touching constantly on hand, at HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, at Kaonakakii and Pokoo. for the year 1871, at his oEco ia Marine Street, (op- wit0 okt'octoess and precbioa like one singing a "bed For or rjasiara tn the Don't trust that conventional idea: dishonesty of utterance. At sweet son? nnder too a freifht anntr Cantain m posite tho Honolulu Iron Works,) on Saturday, 7th - Moderate XTicts. Give Illm Trial. At Leleo, Mannfactaxcrs I affeeta-wee- clothes," ' and Sealers board or of. October instant. will stare you out of countenance any day m rst' w'" prodoca an appearanca of k, Ko. King Street, next to Lewia' Cooperafs. c the In all kinds Soap. Eeef, Mutton, and Goat H. PItENDEBOAST, Agent. "Aad in conformity with SOS I on aDl stiffness sf Section of the Civil if there is anything to be gained by it. ; but after a little practice, it Aw TallowTTanted-OSc- e. Code, all persons liable to In this Exchange remarks that " not ia taxation District an easy facile it mitian J. it. xHoaiPsorv, SO Fort Sect, where orders will be "received are hereby required to make immediate: payment rz-i- t, wiiiBecomo and habit ; tbe rery cooJitiol Notice. of is evident that themost.worthy efforts tttS1 man may be placed, proviiloa-- . and promptly attended to. f.t9-ly- 7 the same. Ir often affarl tamloot rltni -'i-iT-m. 2.1 GENEEAL BLACKSMITH, Persons having any Propertr g. .rf torsade for Ms ALL of 03e open ererylTondiy, Wednesday, aad fail while, the worst succeed. -- The tact alone awistasce, if bs cm get to Qneen Street, Honolulu, J. HOLTS in their poflession. are here- them to flow spontaneously to the tongue, and 'tjg' D. H. HITCHCOCK, by requested to report . show Haa coMtantly on band and for sale Lowest Mark, same to the undersigned. . ought to tha folly of basing an estimate dear, rliatinr-r- . m - at th. Jhe Jx,; . . s . OEO;-H"- XUCB, tha nennnnmailnr. of SjIetCU. Get your- smoked ineaa, a good aaaortment ofth.BestBeiaed Bar Iron, ant iYOTAIlT I j.,i,HiaukSwN.lt VI nUI riasr TertfMtSafait 1UIII.IC, r. II. HABRI5, Aitiesce. Honolnla. on & superficial reckoning of the re- - tie Utt Blacasauth'a CoaL IS I t,! ma, Hawalt " become an easy task, for tie orwna of sneech eclipse, which ia to sfrroidlfic-Tcf-a JlcnolsJu, OcMEtb, Oot, 3S-- ba a total 1871ra Ofic, 4th, ISM. tf suits. I ' - will adjust themselves I i ' I - to the work, and perform son and risible in tbe United States In Jcca 1934,

i i A'

m- - ,a ,a.M!....i & laaaaraaaMaataaMaVaa

tioasly opposed TT 1 TTT TT A V P A yiTTT 17 tte C031100 adjoamed witioat making to tba iatrodacUon or the Xialaausa ts, Ktarsocsar.aand Maboe Action of NEW ENTTS. ii-liil-- ADTERTjSEM JLLix ii JjxLiShx xj--i &nj provision for 3 temporary lino. It etc. in. short, tborooghly prejudiced contract for rent of prifUrge ot gathering pnlo, igainjt " foreign irmders " and many difficulties Jhry waived. Plea that the defendants had not ., was stated in. the Conference that the S iSSL M M entered, reason a wOf & with thera have therefore been inevitable. bj of aa.ostaiandlcglcaie to third Uotloe M. RATLEE, Postmaster-Genera- l iu London had an- party. Demurrer to this plea was overruled, and FOLLOWING DOCCJIESTS JlItE Similar misnaderstaadiogs and consequent imtiUhadhrdlnctioaf th Kljkt lion. Earl Orare-Tlll- nounced his intention of charging two- the defendants were allowed loshow tint br reason; - Foreign ' DIRECTOR OF THE GOVERNMENT PRESS to- Iter Britaaalc 3IJt.Ij- Secretary of Stale for recount) arms bare also occurred in a valid t,o Affair, and all Eritiah Mabjeets who naturalized three-penc- e of lease bj the plaintiff other parties they bar heevme pence on each newspaper and Japan thejr have wuhia tL Called State, aM ttvrecametltelr ; but been brought bad not entered, and legallj could not obtain pos AHeUDOe a Dntub Sotjecta, are harebj notified to make BOOK AND STATIONERY WAREHOUSE HONOLULU: oneach letter by Hall's line, in addition mora easily and Mtisfactorily to a close. session. Also, hdd, that a sale of a growlnj crop of tbe I ration before ae, in tbe Furm prescribed, be&r tbe Maj.lSTi the charged puluioratlme within one year wa not required la&of 1ST1. to postage in Australia, on Of coarse, it is well known that there ore many Itlitabcbeerredtbat attboaeb tbe Saprlemental Cos VEyKSDAY, XgT. 25, by tbe Statute Frauds to be tbown a ewlyrrroirM that aoer-- the ground that such letters had teen Japanese who . strenuous! v oppose intercourse of by writ J retMertfc2J4of rbefr ten agreement, and that want of title Iu the ven lt with foreigners who denounce evervthiag of abeokl male tba. Dc!aratfc)a of BanoocUtlun Let an Y forwarded by "a private merchant vessel" e United Star Omrt of XMplocnatt; or II ABTlIOItlTV. dor was a good defeafo to an action for thojpur-ctita- Jottke. or Cvotn.'ar WHITNEY. " J Officer oT United Statet, It will In order to Itl. foreign orfcin who ever weaken the U necmarr. HENRY seek to the We cannot see that the maintenance of money. If the e'efendints had net received the meet tbe requirement cf tbe British Act of Parliament, that Term.-- , PHtt-- AT THE a Pacifieline of steamers has been at, all prestige of the Treaty Powers, and who would raja. Case conllcati to IhoUllo - larecleraUMeaMa40toaWtefOTeer'th a W. Jodkttl, or Cvnsolar OOcert aitationed in tba be dirfng aad reckless enough, perhaps, to rise C Jones for plalntiC 3rd Section. "insured Ty the action of the Inter-Coloni- OFFICE BUILDING, MERCHANT STREET, np and drive every American and European from D. 1L Hitchcock for the defendants. '"o Jet will be levied fur leceltlartbeae Declaration. OLD HONOLULU POST Conference. has made recom- JAMES II. nODEUOCSE. It no their soil, if there were any hope of success. II. B. H.s Oomiatealener and mendation or provision for keeping II. U. M.'i Leg! d CenraUU OeoenJ, up Tbt3 party these fanatical haters of toin The Very Latest. Hooolald, .Nor. IS, 1571. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Tzrt Kccss to rraeriee taei'ierse ctaxted to Dr. either the lines have been of that runninsr, " intruders " will probably become dear headed Ixetoreu 1 fbnmrCM brawn Iftr ibjab and tie Vkiud M. wa tbe M day cf Jdeo last, by the Beard ' e'jlaarKm. irppieafeJitlryta rAe CtaerariM 3. Ftnwt. while the scheme projwsed for the future m the course of a few years ; and their associa- AVeare indebted to V. H.AVebb, Esq owner Statu eJfajr BOOKS, STATIONERY, uf Health, fcis bees noctStJ this dir. 13. rtspcctitg ."a,U7MtrMiea. Sijnfl at ITiutiie, BOOKS, ACCOUNT will fail to enlist among the tions with the world may soon present to their of the Australian steamship lint, far the following ton, rtimry iS. 1S7L S&tjteltieiu eiuaayad at lraaV Feks. W. Bctcsii is. t'vtaa, JUy 4, 1S71.) gradualiy-awakeDiD- i; senses glowing telegrams, being one day later than any published Istxxjok Orncr, Xenr. 14th, 2571. Colonists themselves. a vista of TCanaa, ty the Secood Artkte of tbo Oonrentloo between Portable Writing Desks, Commercial & Law Blanks, for the future in the San Francisco papers at the tima of Her Slajeatj tbe Qseew of the United Kingdom of Great The Melbourne Agf says : brichtness of "Dai Nippon," Britain and Ireland, and tbe United Slates of America, TcMDaT tbe 15th Xevrsbet th "Fortunately of Moses br if uaht rjsry the preserxe of foreigners. I!ut sailing the Taylor: regolatine; tbe eltixeaabfp of loljecU and citiieas of tbe Coo. sf the co(sJtla f IawrpeDdesee by the the agreement contains a clause setting traetinc eartie wbo emigrated orniay ewlrate from Emlu the majority of this Btrangely-interesliri- g people Loxdoic, November 0th. The Time leader, on tbe dominion cf tbe ooe to tboeo of tbe otber rartr. signed SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES, FAlfCT Gwrerntaests ef Frun asd Great Britain, asd witt be forth that it is entered into 'subject to the New York election, rejoices In tbe defeat of the at London, on th lSIh of liar. 1570, It ru Itlnilated tbat are widely different. Most of them fully com- tbe manner in wbkb tbe reonorUiion bj ocb rabjeets and u a peWk Vf. IIctcihs5, tbe condition shall Tammany It congratulates electors on - i.f hiir. that it be approved advan- Rice the dttieu of their natsraliiatkn, and tbe reaamr-tio- of tbelr STATIONERY ARTICLES,- IxTirjea Orrwt, 6ct 1S71. prehend, aad are anxious to embrace the allegiance, ee ta. the result, aud hopes tbat example will be made of natiie maj taaJe aad poMfciy deetared, abonM iz- i i? of by the Legislatures the Colonies npoo cuoa-trie- s; of tage of alliaoces with more advanced cations. ot be irre4 be tbe OVveramenta of tbe reepetiTe Knur tl liTE'ibfDeeetnW, Veinj the birth day interested men guilty corrupt practices. Her Majesty the Queen oftn Called Kingdom, cf cverr Article of ntilitv and fancy connected. vrith the line., adapted to the therein.' This should be fatal They are qskk to perceive tba superiority of The amount received at the Mansion House In aid QrettB itaiaaod Ireland, and tbe President of tbo Colled And be pob-U- e Gentle eflilt tMuEsrr tin'Kua. 8J oVrred as a States of America, fjc the tjm-men- t. House and Onice, and for Artists, Teachers, Professsiona! the scheme." many European productions over or me cjiucazu suuercra to porpote of effectlnir inch Coan&s AH efices win be closed. to American and amounted 17,000. bae resolved to conclude a Sapldcmental ConTentloa, be had ieiaT. Tenixaet : men, Travelers, on as reasonable terra? as can own zealous knowledge of A bailer explosion occurred on board the steamer aad base named a their PieulftrolUriea, tbat U tosa-- etc, Tied. T. Hctceisos, The Sydney Jfail says . "The Confer- their ; to acquire a Her the Queen or Colte.1 ot which, are . Genii, killing lire men ant injarins; nine. MJer the Klogdom Great hero or in San Francisco, arnon the Orncr, Oct Jth, 1SI1. ence, however, agreed! upon a scheme of eBgioeriog, mechanical work generally, and all Britain aad Ireland, Sir Edward TbcrntuB, Knight Com- Staple Articles r ImiHi Kapoleon visited the Military Academy at Chlscl-hur- tt mander cf lie moat UuCOrable. Onler of tbo Bath, and Her following new invention?. The study aad use of arms Enroy Eatraardioarj and Minister PlealooleiUarr to tlie Fkik cad liter this date, it ii ordered that all lam-b- ar postal service which wilt probably come jelexdar, and inspected tbe cadcte. Called Cash and Deed Boxes-Chee- they delight iu, and purchase great quantities ; frMtescr America: aud tbe President of tbe Colled tVItXTESO PAPEltS. landed tbe harbor IXeaotala be restored RiCHxost) (Vj-- J, ?TO(cmber Sib. Tbe election Mates of a aver lea. Hsaultua fish, Secreurr of State, who Cotters aad Canceller Js cf nothing, since it is based upon, the to bate ejtreW a, Meows: EDglbh and French Letter Papen, satin tarfac and tbsy adopt foreign attire, and in a measure con- returns indicate tbe political standard of the House Croquet Sets freta the water frost sriihki a period cf tweatr dajs assumption that the Home Government, Allien L or per0" los origlnallr a dthen of tie extra fine, plain and gilt edge Sshool Satehels Hes- form to the usages of foreign society. The arts Delegates about the same aa last year, s United State WMljaJ. ptetbasly to !aj IS, ISO. been Ii Note, do. do. do. frora the catoadis c! the vessel , ihecli the - -- Do. Billet and Inkstands, la great variety without being first consulted in the ? sntjecr, maj at ane tln.e txfure Anjntt Xote Envelopes, to match tha aJbov ber net be carted away bj that time, a charge cf and sciences are taught in their colleges ; they Conservative, the Republicans jralulns probably 10,ltrr4 aadaoj ,lateartaloreeaId. Do. Letter and Pen Wipers and Hack MiuralUidaja,-,,),.,,,- ,, and niiort-- will one or two senators. bad been th, States, Mourning Soto Paper EnveJopejan Rulers, Slates and Pencils three per iiese eve ry thirty-tw- o feet matter, pay an annual subsidy of are rapidly learning the principal langoages of caied eeati ftt goitre bkj, at mi tltno t.lore Ma, l57ii pahliclr dedue his raentconstantlr on hand All kinds of tin goods Harbor-maste- Yoke, 2oveaber Etb. Tweed, on being reuonciatioo. aocb TrlU "be raise. The r wK rwint eat lets .123,000, or one-ha- lf the total cost .of the the world, and even the Classics are familiar to ?tw cf . natnralnatu br oi t.. an American papers, from tha best makers, of almolt Black Walnut Book Racks " - questioned, was In wrifng-- sabstaatUllr tu esrAs&ade de- said he not prepared to answer any jm, Seranto description Children's Sets Tenpins L, cs the where Itraber can be stared if lo - two services one by way of Suez and some. Steamers are a constant theme of study anl designated a Annex A. erer7 Card! questions in regard to bis reported resignation, but paca an Enamelled surface and pearl tarfaee Drawing - irti, at tke ltd rate of ewsxgts Tit: ece ctat per reuniteuinon oj onginsi citizen r the TJnited Cards on the part of tuacy of the nobles and others, SutM i f UritUh Dittkmalitv tbalU vitbln the Emboeied and Friendihip Catda . the other by way of California." And it Is "pretty certain tbat there Is no truth in tbe , terrnii Copying Presses, Oil Sheets andiBrnies" diem for every tiirtr-tw- o square feet. jaridictl.n ef tbe Uoitvl Mlf-- be mmde (a Uap4ic.tc. n th Perforated Boards, fur Chenella work Crayons, white ana " aad they possess quite a cumber ; the telegraph report. Re- d colored He said tbat tbe great success of the jTerfoet) of dy Court nutborlit-- by Uw Car thm time d the Auckland JTeraki ridicules the idea Wins and Papers . Br order ef the Minnter of the Icterior. to admit aUeot to Dxtcraltxithm, or tbe Clrk or Tiisno Desk Folios, Pads and Weights , . has been Mashing its lightning messages over form Party took hist completely by surprise, aud bere Embosed Paper - " Jots iliir., of the British Government consenting to of any iscb Cvnrt : if the Jeclaxant be bejcql tbe Morocco and Ivory Die ' he was totally nnprtpared for it. Tweed's connstl ttrritonej f tbe Umted State?, it shaJI be ia Gold and Silver " Drawing Books, Drafts and Notes Hareor-cutirac- e a portion of the country for the past two years, tade d Kfaariiser. any postal-schem- byway of the Pacific said yesterday that be would hurry the trial of befjre dj IHpIotsatic or Cooivlar Officer of tb Plaid and Craron, " 250,000 Eavslope of all shea aad variety and the locomotive will soon be conveying the Uoitnl Sutea. Oae tf aocb doplicatce shall rrmaiD of rectml - HtBofatc. yT. it. un. by the Reform CMstudr CaXirt Sronte " Eyelets and Eyelet Machine in which Xew Zealand interests have cliarsrcsibrouzbt leeward Committee, la the ef tb or fllcrr la whoe prrteoce it wm Papaaarie Boxes of various patterns " ' Fosstv-xaat- wondering natives across their beloved CMde; the nhtU be, without delae, tratumittetl the Hetbariuma and Scrap Books ii country as his client bad reason or desire fur delay. vtbr U Fens Hi. Kaaix hi lies ippeld not primary consideration. to Crpattmeat of State. Btit Londira Qjills and Qaill Initial Paper and Envelopes for the Bfe triet of Waiatea. Idas if Oiac. in place at a speed hitherto undreamt of in their The Jfew Tork Triiuiu states tbat Tweed has buch roucditkan. t dcUriNj an oriioal UriUah Steel Pens, from id best makers . The Colonies cf his natkMaiitr a of the UniteJ and colored Wafers 1EATIIEIt GOODS. T. 1 J- - O. Drm!, Australian themselves philosophy. Traly, a great future is opening to been rapidly transferrins property to other hands. ac.alred u citiun Eaglbh Bed of r sUtrs. vbw.ll, if tbe tlecUraat be in tha Cnited Klotm of " Notarial A large and more complete assortment than eaa ftSte, Goverse--r ef must, like Xew Zealand, make absolute Japan. Tbe change in that Empire has already A few Uiii ago ho cold another piece of valuable GrtMt Briuln a oil IifUad, be made to dsplkate, ia tbe pits tiartrswr'l 01. ' Transparent " be found at any other establishment, such as property, which cost $250,000, to his ton, and Ins rctiXjBiticeof thefic; If eUewhrrefa Uer Erltaaiila and Motto HwiWa.yiT.K.lSri. grants for steam lines, il they design to been very remarkable since the negotiation of MitT tlifjtietl.iiJ, la trfp'lciite. In the prraenre of any Initial. Caoto " St plus Writing Desks disposed of his s'.ocks In various railway com- Judge uf dvt) or criminal Jurisdiction, or josttca of tbe English Sealing Wax. red and fancy sax bees arsjvinted Peurrj-xiir- ta anj Roll-u- p Writing Case ila. M. Enuur keep open the Pacific roctte. "Ve believe the Treaties in 1S5S. by Commodore Terry and peaca, or ofaaj other eiScer Zjt xbe ttme belnf aathtjtizad bj Kidder's A Payson'a Indelible Ink panies, iu most Imtacces at a sacrifice. He no r Card and MinUtora Cases ""a far tbi District of Xaeiefcla, Ksalacfeai, Lord EJgin respectively what advancement Uw, ia tbe place in whKh the ddclaract is, to admiobta-- an Bloc, black and red TYriting Ink 4 neither : but longer as - Foitfolios, that England nor the United figures director of the Third Avenne th Ut mnj- joiiciaJ or ether legal pune: if out tf Her Xall and Shaving Brashes with aad wllhfnt Miffrem 31 taSlO Itjatd Oaks. Jxs. 0. Soxois, Majesty dtminitm, triplicate, to the pmouce cf Hair, Cloth, Tooth, each if nay be looked for in the few vears? hattng- - ia anj Tooth-pick- Slates are, or can be, as much interested neit A Rallruad, bis naoe been dropped on CwnsoUr Majeat i. G. verw's OeSere. Gmerzor of Oaas. Ofacer in the DtftemAtlc er eervke uf tier j. Thermometers. Memorandum Books. Fastaga Stamps, Ali urns great aad gratifying ooe, undoubtedly. Yoko- account ot disposing of alt interest iu tbat Janct2 IL The Omtractin; Partiea hereby engage to Maps of Hawaiian Islands. Ivory and Porcelain Tablets ' 21, as the Colonists themselves, or that they exrh to the other, from time to lUt of per-lo- 12 to 12 Inehes. Bcsalcis. Kir, Ifn. hama has line. At the time cult was instituted against him tin, Portable Writing Desks, from become a most important sea port who, within their reipectire domliiloai and territotfrs, Rosewood, adapted for ladies' Bankers' Cases, Toutlits' cut) , Koo-Iicp- wilt Mahogany and is hereby that KaiiVaa Brsdjr. t.. undertake to bear a moiety of the by O'Connor, he teld 700 shares In the Metropoli- or before their Diplomatic and Coosnlar i3cen, hare declurd Bill or Money Books Notkt. ctres since tbe settlement there of foreigners ; from and gentlemen's nse few their rennndatleo ef ntaral.tatkni, with the date and Note aad Dill Books Oa&a, be dosed to traSe f a dari subsidies necessary to maintain tan Gas Works, worth about.$lfio,000, wbich be Brass-bonn- d mounted Desks, mads very strong, the sixty to a hundred foreign keels are constantly pUe ef nAk!D,i: neh declaraxKa, and uncb Information aa and Portmonaies. Autograph Books. j asd alter tie 2Kb tsetast, far tie pu- - ordered to"bc sot'd .Immediately after suit com- to tbe abwde f tbe declarants, d tbe times and places of particularly adapted for seafarinegenllemen and steamers. On tbe contrary, the Legisla- furni-hr- Pocket Books and Wallets at anchor ia the harbor; its steam commani-catio- tt their XaAtcraliiatWn, as tbej nuj Lire purposes tome with' the Dressing se of airi. H. Lrcr, menced, j Stock ttjod lSHbutwas disposed of for for traveling F ry 6l. ture of both countries seems to be. AiTKU III. Thepreseat OoaTrntloo shnll be ratified bj combined, comprising the most complete moving with the principal parts of the world! is about ITS. It Is aftoVr ported that beattempted to Her Brttaonfc ii -: and by the ITeaWent cr the Cntttd Case iilan'ic nooks and wlib th ajrke and cotuent or the Senate and extensive assortment to be had in tho city A very fall, and, extensive jaasartmentaojfrayperior Nor. Jta.lS;i. in an opposite direction. Heace, although frequent aad well established ; and now we learn seil tbe lease, cf tie Metropolitan Hotel. ftatea bj School Books or kinda In i therevC aad the ratlZcatiotis shall be exchanged at Washing- Constantly on hand, all quality, comprising every variety of tfrm and itylo, we hear that several companies are that the amount of freight aad nsmber of pas- A general feellig of satisfaction prevails among ton as 5ou& as ma be eoarenieat. general ne ready . whereof the respeetira Fleotpotentiaries adapted to all kinds of . all classes at the result ol the election.-- Ia wtlaesi Family and Pocket Bibles, Testaments. et. buslnats'naueltjr IntcrwColomlnl Conier-encc- to make tenders, there is occasion sengers passing between America, that port 9'gued tha same, and have affixed thereto their respectite American Books not an Cbos. O'Caono.-- says legislative action will be settls. Standard EnzlUh and Ledgers and China has increased to such an extent 'Washiag.CB, twentj-thir- d dar of February. Ia Paper-c.ire- r Books Joornal The most interesting news from tbe likely to arise for tenders until the taken atonee to erase from tbe Statute Books nefa- InQft at the that the P. M. S. S. Company is induced to run the year i f Oct Lord cue thiyiuaad eight hundred and sevent j Song and Mniie Books Day Books Australian Colonies, at hand by the Colonies are more ready to agree among rious laws, which gave so much poa'er to rascals Juvenile and Toy Books of every description Cash " a line of huge steamships an bad nearly ruined the credit cily (L.S.) ZVVTD. THOKNT0X. Drawing Paper, all liies.,frora .demy to Sales " is themselves than they have thus far shown wbo oftbe tbruub (US.) IIASIILTOX 1U. Enalxh etraner Xevaia, the report of the pro which will command admira- double eTephant Wasto " enterprise universal misgovern men t. AssiX (A.J- X. B.t cf (insert abotU ) beine nrifctnellj a Inter-Coloni- " -t aad.thlokness Book) al a dtpoiition do, in arraus-m- Briltol Beards, of evcrj siia Inrtfee ceedings of tbe Coaierence, to for a tion, aad which Bttst be peculiarly gratifyine to' Tae salt against BlogoISelilswiU notbe auwed ritfifn sf the trailed Stitea ff Anarica. for a BrituX tuhxt. n.fnn.!ited withta tha domuilaa of Her Tracing Papers and Tracing Cambria Note " line. aadb4io? bcvtne . hi A at MeatKMarne, which were pe Wished Pacific all engaged in commerce with those two great to languish, alteoezh they will not be pressed Newman' Water Colors, in bom . . Xata and BUVQeokt , quite so baatHr as heretofore. It bad been tbe tie Fniltd SMe Amtrioi,) d trby rriwinc toy ntn-- Pest Sable and Camel' Hair Brashes ju Letter Books, etc, etc. j simaitaMOttsiy by authority in all the In tbe meantime, we are assured that Empires across the Pacific. We only regret ra.U-iUt- (or i Unikd i u a BiitUh aabjt, n.i.rt af Drawing Pencils . , soperier Alien AceaonJ jSsr'prlrala Mema-randa- m object of tbe proeccattan to press the suit In order Sttit;) anddeeUre ttMt it ts raVlre te rename mj natioasl-i- tj Fabers small Books n Colonies oa the 7th October. This Mr. Webb's iiae will cotuifiae to ran on that the present prospect of this line of steamers Colored Pencils of to Rather, the evidence poislbl, and. place the aa a citirea uf the CniUd aUtea (er EriHih nJct.) Books, with paper and leather!-sever- all A. B. Creta lev! do. this immedi- nwkiez this a port of call is anything but tued) pocket-boo- k Conference was composed of Ministerial route, whatever may be the same beforeTthc people. In drder tbat it' mhrbt be - sai bfnme, ,in imert xvmhy Mathematical, or Drawing Instruments. Ia cases, form, etn etc. , lnlrl or from the several Colonies, ate action of the Colonial governments. flattering. properly cnniMered before election, thus giving' retVr nHMiUn, nd 9 Prmnct, Chtonf, Ugetwn from 31 t $10 each n'g Beaks, of all tbo varraat rnXngs, lent delegates and OnfldU.) i Mi ly of . U7 . do. honest citizens an opportunity of dealing justice Sliae4) E T Tape Measure", Pooket and broad, qaarte term was among things, for The certainty of final support for the 1 Wood and Ivory convened, other to those wbo bad so long defrauded the city; bnt a Ptuct, or etter Wk.) Chess Men. Q&arta Accanat Circuit Court lor Ilutrall. Jtiit Baekgammon and ChesaBoards Baaks the parpaee of arriving at a concert of great enterprise, both from the United the suit would proceed, as there was no intention (L.S.) EfirTlX TilORXTO.N. Btank Drawing " (L.S.) UAUILT0N FlaU- - Intellectual Card 0aBs States tod the Colonies, being such The Xovesiber Terra of tbe Circuit Court for Ha- of shieidios them from the just punishment wbich of various patterns Scrap and Ilerbarinm Books - I, action for subsidising postal steamers, that Dominoes Alsrnms. variety of etegaBt style waii was fceM by ilr. Justice Uanwett, ef the Su- they so richly deserve. IxOeCexax 2. ftrenatM Uttetrm lltr Xifutyand iXe Cnittd Oold and Silver Pencil Cases those connecting tbe Colonies Mr. "Webb is confident of ultimate suc- SUUs a Africa nlatir t Siynsd at Ca " Flu ReoorJ Books, for Societies. CIabs,,ta. iadudiag preme Cocrt, and Mr. Justice Hart, of the Circuit, to- - Gold Pens, with Gold "f Ingersoll returned ew Tork on Monday LmMhm, JLsy 13, lS7tt. lUtiJltativu czthanytd at LtUn, and diamond points, Faaffly Wash Book with England via cess. sitting froei the Slh to 13th of with Silrer Cases Hoeoiak aad San tbe November; L. nizht. He has been In constant communication SO Racbelor's " Great from SI M to $3 each McCotlr, Esq., Depaty Attorney-Genera- l for Rer.ilAjttty the Qoeea et tha United Kinzdera of Workeaen" Tirno Rooks . j Francisco. the wliti bis friends, and ascertained tbat tbe limitation - 6.s 'S'T T g"l PeokBirftSrl to Traiij.-Iacili- c (UtlAlia. aaa iretaOM, aM rteeiaantai id uaiirii. Tl...s.- it. i'i.i lo Family Expense Xlie Ilouto. Crown. Tbe following business was done: order forarreil, whlcb bad been, rraotcd against estixeortttiD or 4 blades, of pearl, shelf, ivory, buck Book.beiag a harUndteair method mtjcraterl whw ay It is ksown to oar readers that Xew The Kin? vs. Kolomoka. Waahta and Eeknallilil On Tuesday was btitUu tecU wav hasa er etairato handles, or rich andbeantlful patterns, imported af keeplnganatcoratoaraaanttf faMIvexittei hi ei bid expired on Saturday. he deeaioinas to the Oafted elates ef America, fneat the &iuh ?xprelv tn order MANIFOLD LBTTER WHITER Far UWng Zealand is paying a subsidy of 30,040 Tee ioaportaace of tbe P. 31. S. S. Co-'- s an Appeal froea Hll on tbe charge of furnishing at tbe polls. Yesterday be sent a messenger to of cutzees t the Uaitcd states ef Ameritx. who bar ad fraeu UnHed Statet Ivory Paper Cutters, etc. Iatoxtcttiajr LJqaers to Hawaiian; also oacbarge office he awaited cnttatrated W h may amifTate the uf Tablet. dapHeate and trlpUeate 00 pies at oorrespaadenre, la to the "Webb steamers, and that the Legis- steamers toecaitrg at noeofera on their way to the SuerrTa with Information tbat America to the Eritlab Aaiatiaions, hae respired toeoodnde Pnrcetalo P lates and Drawing Slates DistiUiBg Spirits ; also the vs. the most effective mode now In oae! Is IgigMy Jap&a reraarked of Elag Kotomoku, with considerable Impatience bis arrest, and bad a Cunteelioe fc that pfaSTp", utd hare oaaed u their Alphabet Bloeks n, lature of Xew Sooth "Wales has voted tta Cltna hs been preritMSiy say : ooe of tire above defendants, o the cbargeof escape gentlemen In readiness to sign bonds for his release. tut n ta Photograph Albums recommended by mersBants and prefimlnal gentta-me- n, speo, tiwsgh with little peofetrHfHy of saeh an Iler Majesty the Qwn f the United Kingdom of Great who have mads nse of IU 15,000 aad that of Queensland 10,000 froei an oQcer waffle under arrest. In the above His arrest cannot be effected until as a awl IreUitd. the lueht Uooonble U our re .TtUtam Musieat do. do. SeJcwald Rings oq arrasgetBeat cosing into operatioc. these cases . was frederick, r CHreoden, Baron lljde of IlloOuo, a Peer Elastic Bands and per anBBm for postal steamers this a pm. catered for the reason tbat new order will be required. UnitedIrlKjnjrftai. of Brittnate i of tbe a Member ller steaer3 call at this port, thev wtnM aodoabt- - there had been a failure to subpoena the witnesses. A cetv order has been granted for the arrest of Moet Honorable P.iey C&cacii, Knight f the Moat Xohle ocean. Bat the divistoa and jealousies -, llouor-abt- tV. C. Jones for tbe deteedtmts. wbo Is his residence. Order cf the Grte- Rniacbt Grand Crese of tb Moat tt Thomas Herns, lyfapill at Orderrtbe Batb. ller UriUnak UJty'a Principal N". B All New Articles of FANCY STATIONERY received by tho of the several Colomes have prevented , f fmis s.Tpraco ; and as a Tae Kibc vs. Kekoala Frost Kan, on charge This monriBS tbe formality of arrest was gone to-tt4r- rf state ftc Foreftrn Affafn; Aad the Presfdefit uf the United States of America, John earliest "arrivals from London and New Yorlr. them from Wtherto to support the . Doieance ia obstructing a pabBc road by beild-rat- g with, and bail immediately. joig TrmtJ eiku j3pao SIKj ttlh ef throezti jiien Lubriyp Motley, Evirev Ennty Kxtraerdicary sad Mlnbter a wall across it. Appeal fnem Local Jastice The HorH says: majority for Slate, Henfptentlary at the United States or AmertCa. to ller tr ACCOUNT BOOKS, for Banks, Insurance Compnnfes, Railroad Cornptyifes, eta, hne. I 3 trade wiS probaery spriac into existeiiee 1 Hart. The accned showed a former acqaittat from 12,030 Legislature, ic Majeaty: . r urn rn 'tr by to 17,000;; Who, fier haTiccvnuinantcatnl to each otber their re made to oruer witu uesjiaicu. Tmr"nrvr ui inu'iiisms,j vireuiar?, ras expected, or at least hoped, tbat . that wHt eoppfr freight Ear YokobaaM, as weR rnuiuiu It the District Justice of Kan, aad was discharged. RepaWienB ia both ko" spectirefulf taiwers, feaatS taheta grvd nat dne fcrm, hare Cards, eta, executed at the Lowtwt laateer. Coaiereaee vroeld be able to reconcile i as frees that port to Hoeefeln : besides which, J. D. Halai for defence. agreed npua and conclad 1 tbe following Articles : the AtTkLal. Brittab snkjecte who er ifctll ) b remarked vs. Kawal iMC(.nlrx-e:- I tw btr brrc " ' every tie jarring interests, Mad' to devise some 1? that this port is a etKveoieet Tbe Kloc (k.,) aad Keal (w., JtppeaL LEGAL jtxtrvrti.Kg Vir witlaia tb United states stock KEC'i:m:i) bv steajiek. B ClMr-e- d withaMstitiitip Verdict, not jreHIr. NOTICES. af America a citizen thrnt, hll, antffect to the ptTbiama ?Kr suUo for tbit steamers. At ef Ankle XI. be beid by Great DrtUln te be fa all Tespxts plan for tie ooettottaace ot the Pacific - Aa5tI3B awi "ew W. C Jtwea for lieiease. aad tor alt parpoees cilbeaf I the United States, aad shall Country Merchant and Dealers wiS Jind it or their interest to call and e&amme. steamers, have, by tbe ener--v and 2 Tae Kio veOfakiee Indicted for a Larceny of COTTIIT OP TIIE IIAirAIXA.V he treeted as secfa by Great Britain. Zeafead Coweies Cmca and Japan, have SCFUCJIE PnilB- Ia tit putot uf iEu aureJliD- - ftcciprtacatiy, cittxe&s uf tb Uaifed State ef Asawriea wbo Honolulu, November 1st. 18T1. AlAm. at thojisk of pnvate parties, been rBBatng . , illQ from tbe mail iroca Eosa to Hilo, he tbin yT tb Erfm T L0UI? 1 and 'IVItLlAM FRtBL. taio tftnt( or shaH ttvtib, ami re naiffnlhed easocdiag I either to etepce a psssafe rs some cou-htae- D bavin; bees a deck of the PostoMster at Eawaihae. Sliman. Uf dr I or cum as uiMtlM of Gturdiaa fjr U law within the BritWi deaaiadiitu a Britbh sabt. shall. this TaWte. j snMtct W tbe rwbfoya of A rtide IT. be held br the libit! npoel ssinagfroea eieTsstle, a somewhat incon- - Verdict, gailiy. The In case was not erldencr this Ob rWlstr d atta; tke Petit ion of S. B DOLE, of tjtte tu be in ell reapecta and f all pwpneee Britfab. Z 1ST I PACIFIC INSURANCE CO. The foHotving is an abstract of the , p partsre trsooch these all circnoestantLal. Toe malt tatzr pased tbroogh 11 'HOin, en atamrahaa at im pr perry oc kSiI &H te treatrd a tmcit bj (a L sited Stat-- e. p,. WiUtJDB Kiirl, niMKf,. pro far aa tder vf sals l Abticu II Sech Britbh tsbfrcla as alWeaoid wbjhare SALE scoeaie arrived at by tbe Ministerial i awsxtwriit are not or rc tbe P. k 0. aoaay band?, aad over half tae roate was unlocked. crUm rtl rsUtt tckMip$ te th iPavrtts. mwI feitinz Wooi aad are nataraltied sa citiieas wlthis the Carted CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Ux-- ariWcEd s latea, ebafl be at Hbertr t reewaaee tberr a j fret W. C Jones far defease. htth itthi Tt&sm lT laxb ml efUt be delegates, which ti?ev are pledged to O.'s staers, by whieh reote thr voyage is (wM.-- and ta reaasM their JSritiah Datk.caaiitt, prwrUed that sweh GOODS PACIFIC IXSTJItAXCE Tbe vs. Kabele Indicted forHoBsebreakirer, Xt w-- p&biatly lsTl-T- Kiag i hrhj orirp-- tbat th nixt of kin of tbe fH reaaasmfaaea be ibvUred althiavtwa years after the OFFICE 10, ko reeeat etaaarraHes at in the riicuiteiis, isag and terSoss, and afeo very mli twelfth (tay of May, 170 a recommend sad support Islatores is a Elotw-hooi- e of the Kotwla Segar Ootapany. He ami itrmi kBAtrrstni in tbe ib& Zlte pfr btture Cafcaas nalUmal caUoulr, Bseaaled la estenl or ear Ia peecedioe by way of Ilotwktla this Omn m HccixUt. thm tilth dw of Dtrtntwr. aca cltaZcoat uf the United Sulea as afrreMtd who bare RECEIVED Mer known to Ife world. The twees are verrkesry, eaa of the Colonies interastfld thereiii. was caught ia the act by two mee statfaiaed there X. D. at narni odaA A. f., at (& Court Kocm of beaaawe aad vt aaioalfzed wftaia the dalalia f ller ic JUST tfceJr eilent 00 hossaa isreslfhs ewtfc! base aatlrrstieZ war Iram Aaektaael to tais pert, aad rter rerso, by lo watek for him. Vercict, guilty ; scuteace, two tm aJMut, ia dawutfta. teen bv1 tftcrc snow avc Uajesty aa Britbh eobsecta, shall bm at liberty - re pcaefMj areomserioed. The Ineae to all Ieemraaew Ctssa. The Colonies of "Victoria, Xew Briate:tsj awancr their sarerelizatioiL. aacl fu mwaae their aUUwtjal.iy bsolee deSR; a sacral boslecc ar : 4j4 1st. "iVefefe MtraHmMM te gmttifortfiiffaleof wJi PER f Sara wba safe lae Kae taeir coarse waald be more years imprisotnaest. I; H ooWe4 a the United State, pmrided teat seeh resaaei-ala- a iVutAoy 1 wltb all wo wis Qaeuas-laa- d Xml tkt eitr f tab txltVe dttznto! th itksrs, in seer tow Soetfe "Wales, Soath. Aaetraha, (t he pstaticry decbred wUhfa t wo year ejlreetaad less expetaeire, with W. Joaes fe--r defease. t bait tarre tcctsfat wrski Wire tke tta tf after tha txehaof paetac aul vr petit, j Bewlere tbat oar rest r MtMeot the certaiaty of a hstqrfe fa tbe BivaCuin GstttU paStfltfeed erf th ratiara tata- - of the preeeet CtrrRtiue. twmeet every HsWlrtr sow Ikat sH emiraete ettrsaiisai for Klar-r-s. orpr, ia a4 sod Tasmania, shoahi eotribte The Eeosi EatatBa Indicted far Burglary Th umu r in bda tbia crMaacMiiMi may be nude aaai 'R. C. Other Late Arrivals, will few prvperlr a&4 rea3tasl adScwlew asje) SMeJ. a speedy passage. Tbes it is obriaas te every- - " Yylie' and ol IMs oae Is the dwetlasr- - bAQe of Hcnrr CbrUtklBien, with Dated UoiatjlTiItt. remix r 9tb. paUiciy aseciaxed, attaii be agreed epoa by tbe Goreriuaenta Oorapway wHl ooetlaoe tu bwstaet. SVlrHo we sr wtfbssal tbe mainvtenaoee of two postal fities, j aae that tais roate woaK take precedence of tbe KLUUX ALLEX. a euaarn. eawtiis ttaeos. Isexa se, Ver- It 4Wrttcrie lobfuuiVa iiietH eiast jee Ite breeay of ttOt in Braeey, soeae gold rtags, &c Chiaf of till csprea Court. AXGCaalll. If aajh&a British sohJft afiresUcl, !. cord at oar oBew w sjrertata that eer' rSeao m alt oae via San Fraacisco, tbe & Qvs. aeaamrtaahy visit-ia- g Jtti9 SUGAIt, iVestphnlia Hams, lae via Sier aad P. 0. Aad if the of dict, rnutty ; sentence, three yean Imprisonment. Attcft: WUTZ B. ExiL, OmIu 44-- the BaitetftfUtea, shooWreaww b'S terHtmt within QIIDSIIED Mreeis IKal rrieUale the karat asatrfct. eileJiet-i- s tie tb atorninkiae of ller Ikbaaiuc Majefty, ilrr Majesty's ( evtfeaae tderver. are 11 BTT.Csyi. Orarorse tkere easeserks provided the Govera-me- nt the Bawanaa Isksds were ot5ered as as sum of 18,000, J. D. Ilatai for defense. COURT rmnaest but, ea bta earn appUcetiajB. aad us each cofidiiioea Best Englbli Pieties, froui Ihls ansostsit see lbs risk en tbo abstee) street OP THE IIAAVAIIAXa a tJlat auy tataH ts nsutaut Usb to Weo4 reacfc 'A rh England agrees to bear ooe half iadartaicat far travefiag per Patifie Mod Tbe Kiotr vs. Keaaa Coataritted by the District SUPITFJin Oiko, 4VioiW Trraa. . t. HTt. All Gtcrw ttAp la ar. St af certala Iket ta raors of UN. LibelUnt far Divorce, W. EOKATUEA the cbaractcr aad prtTKtajes af a Brt.ish abiect, aad the English Pi'eFraitfi, aow anaat tut eaefaeratra. rroea gaiaaai Japes Jastfee of Himakna. for Pcrjacy in that X ACXU. Ueited shall ia that ctaioa hint a eirbeai Mreae(aaaA faftWMlMtMvailf ia steaarers. to persoo? ewor te tertMwr Xate aboe earttiafd UM krr Wrnrre. ta bow- ordered, Sutee aU, ca4. a ef a eiart messed It ww of tbe total cost of both services. it Garrski n aae prewtptly gtrea lev . u did not see a certain aeeaatt. The taea convicted Limt the tMod autrtsminyLeea-teredi- a tba Lite aa aataocat of Mtura.ixtiuo. Quality Korth German Ale Brewery ta ' Clnaa, BMafy "waald cfeooee Aroericaa be tlMtadeereeef trTerce uf aaaue lVr First Bis'.-- hp- ttArrnittevl or tae Strar ef thesaM Ah Ua. the ceaee of adaltery In the ateaaej', if aa each atrzes uf the Cniled A. BaLSTO.I. Vie IHeefcUat. 7ttttarl IB ue lamcict uonn saTiaae; aeea stscaurea on rf nf Staxei witbia the (k mmktaa of ftK J ? vm the M M- - Acfcii. ite tlieexjaratam afxestid. aJtaaraltt iler Bismarck Quality, . . . nnfrrence the one aez. Tbe R tab alter 5lajeety, ibcayid rwtsew reaafeaca Um appeal by the Local Circuit Jastiee, bo iodactmcBt er saoathj the dite rbi derev spun cofaplaaoica? BriMnk bu ia t cital to ta tlie , sir fDS ef States, the GcverwiBeat may. oa own pints, to an - LtLT tm exeHed U the with tbe tefBu thereclV anleee swlBejefit cause shall appear to Uaiod Stat' hb First Qnality.Ale in caste, quarts.! Notice Creditors. was presented, aaat a not. tjrww. was catered. o aecb cetifaQ aa Government auy . her proportional part of tbe 123,000, the cotstrtkry. aad tbat wwfet, fa Tbe Kins: vs. Sawahlne Charged with eoatrana Ami the If Crrdered te aeblwh an attested tbk lit to tapo. nm.fsaft kiai to tbe character aad prtt I First Quality English Ale in casks, Ind the motler or the ffslale Ubhut leaea vf a attxea the Uaited aietvaad Great Briuis. shall ofDAXIEl. and say branch service , Ui-- ir this Order ia tfarT-TBsre- at Oix aad Km Ac Oioi, far f IS CW'ATERIUN, deeeated. by proviiiBg tfce deiOKr direct cottrse aaltaace in swressira; hteeeeat hn$Bage to people ttx roC, ta that case, dasatfttnt aa a British snhfsct ea arceant Coope & Co. nx arcfaMgiTe waeka; Ike VraX patAxatLm te .vita Lb ome i Suic I hereby giren by th. enIerti;ned, on. avaM herself of on tae porbHe raaa. Verdift, jraltty; seateace, a WamtS datt? of t hie order; that- hb iWsaer aataxaioatiisat. f that may be 'necessary, to tfcetjwthe steamers wtwld nsVe m catttoe sere. fmeatbe a3 nertasailitreetil 'AMOx IV. Tbe rraeent shall he ratifled by in Jeffreys, the exeealTS ttodcr tbe will of tae dreeased, to taw may, wittrfa nseethj, why aahf Cveatlan First Quality Scotch Ale csks, fine af aad tpawreols. Exaaaiaaa takes, that r saav eaae decree ahoaid Briton no: Kafeaty by the benefits service. tfee Jbtanee roarld retrrtnea trip iiS aoc be aawalote. ller aad Um lVeeWeat of the United re4itoj1 f saM Sstats. and alt fertoes bar Ins; of the raaia estra ie Sukn. by aad wuh the .irrebe (be Claret in cases, tbe words Bsed did not eooiiitaie aa oa;e aoder BythCawrt. Wttzrt K. Sttu CTerk. , aatl caaeat ef ieaate First Quality eilHB azifatt th said Jel,el, U oxbrllt tae sae 3d. Western .Australia, Xew Caledo-ai- a, aeress bat Uttle, if asr; aad it lbrUn to a tbere-d- aad the ntTautiue. afaaU be cvebaeced at IeOLaba If k the Statitte. I Itereeertrfy the Sefphsg be trae aad orrrert espy as jc. Boiled Oil, d.ly aolbtattealed, with to aeceuarj vooebere, of fa tbe abee ewHtied new on the a osaj be withte tefre aMathe frMR tha date hereof: First Quality ffubbuck's feaiSrfe to that if Hoooiahi were the irgma rdr easje, In witaea wbereuf the reapectiee have wiikiat six moBtbs from tbe first pubtieatloB of W the HaxvaEaa Islands, or any other qake toaetaie W C. Joae for lb- - aVtnaee. fliej ef tSHa Cbwt. PleavcnttBriea e tae saasa, aoi hare tbereta their respecttTf First Quality Hnbhuck's Zinc Paint, notice, to tbo BadriiKB4 eieealar at bta Ia woaK WHaeM my band aad tbe Seal "f tha Soft-cas- Coart, aUrd ffi. an iateraediste aort, the ertenaiK Tbe King vs. Ben aad Kamaha sraie Iudictrd for teais. tba Owverniaent Caittltas;, ia lULotala. And aH country, shall .contribute to the sspport nle LH-- this 21th (by tf Octairer, - D laTl. grati-fr- wz - Basaat kVadaa. the tMrteeath day af 3Uy,lrrtbe year of White Lead, Red Lead, ladebte-- prrr both proStcbte to the Coaefeo y aad Burrtary in the aoose of Henry Biaaop, Hilo, and 41 t . Wallatn E. SfUt, CUrfc. thogsacd trrson l to tbo sjH 8s tat ar of tbe lines, such sum shall go t dimiaLh Oar Lurd one eight Nimf4 and arrenty. to Immediate payment. the rsercaatik asd travetiag pabfie tarcear af SMS. Flea, cafllr; Ben srateaeed to CL1EESDO.V. Ochre?, "Whiting, Chalk, taike r,t'l to (UA.) JOIIS 0. D0MISIS, tbe amosats paid, by tbe Colocies, parties twv years aae six mootbs asd Ejrjaa-teawa- joiis urruBOP motlet. geceraSy. iaacsae:est, BEGUIAE. DISPATCH IIHE. Black Paint, One of tbo Executor oader tbt wHl af D. C to the contract. ) asBoeaceceat takes froei toaaeerraaettixaaactha. Irnwtll a Orier tm OarnaL of Pans warranted fresh at 4$ cts tVatstioan. 4ecasel. FoBewicg is as 1STQ. Plaster 4I-- I W. Joaes for de&aataata. At th Cocrt at Wiiatanr, taw ltrh day U aszcit, TToaolaia. Oct. 23d. 171. it itk. Xo asrreeaeat with any otber wWek a x Preaeat. the ElerftVa Mlieaty Cosoail. ' the S. P. H rtBenia? to we wjjh -. Ap- Qxeia licet la per pound. BAHh. The Eiap T5- - Mata Chartd disUIIU- For San Francisco. WEaaxa wr "The aatafmlnaiioa act. 12711," ft is esactel entered j cocatry or coleay sbaHTie into if aMv be allowed, ex paatme, few ehserratiaes peal frora Ella. Coetiaacd by eoaseat to the Bilo Tire X 1 Asa Clipper Hark that; wke Her iltjmtf kaa eaterrd sou a enveotkn with Licenses Expiring in Hoyemhef, 1871. aaj r"ee4B ante, tu the eSees that Ua solsVeU or ctt'ies HAHIU AND HEW ZEALAHO ROPE, the steaoers cassot make the passage so rer- r3ioc Chin& aad Jaeas : tena. a eta lease Ceoa as fert!i.b Itl itat issttratil saccate Uoooiala, 41b Tat KInf: Ahtpai The defendant, a eeustry aw, orresi inewieetres ei xneir Kim a even saljecls, la ETAIle Oaba. Paak Shan, Sih that the mails shall be delivered between f Mad SaeaaHhia Coaipaey, is a ts. Tboa Ab Ilnta. 6tb uTae Pete c- r 0 Tttia. let . Kth coajlaMe, nrae enaiaaltteai foe aalraetfn jtrMi- by , A5DREW F0LLEP. COMMANDErl t I the inlortv-eich- t vs. j a circdar from the e Tock oSce L Ufstiteei. 1 ttk gboon;. lllb UVaaol Paw, terminal points da feW u .a, ..4 . 1 eawetrvtlj acnaittiac: a praocer to etcape from Ms tint 1 usirPHire-nrcsiTr- rflCTUClRniranaT ieett"M7zlulM!!'n; ead a dUi dote sort rjraeriaoui cnjUTP szcxr7E, Igth Ot , YoaajKfAb Hut. 2d (It Ka4rts. aaj rnua if wriallaallj a eatjeet er of (be 2lt f Lmted erBBeat wit. begja catikdr. Ko indactraeel was nresinteif. iff dbm :2J J B StUoway, I2tt IIolHtter aad Hylaid.Slb Ah ite fatas McT Presidtat, sutes ttet thy For or havisg saperiar aecmno-darna- c Fishing Lines and Twines, Fish Hooks, King Indicted for aggravated ! F.'ttfbt Pasis, a 22"j'".m"'avsy. SSLr'!2r.'SlbT.Ss"rf.Maaay See, Wiac Kooo. tb F II aoJ G Mb srali be invited towards the seat-BOsta- lj traBs-Pi- c liae Sao The vs. Eaiani aa lb S,Uii, to eostribate betseea rat cahia and IteerafF paazers. apply to pm.il- - .n Gasreatem. aaak a deelaratU. A bans. Hh Ahtag aad Aeboek. - c the of aliewwae; "wifli great variety of other goods. Kta, IlawsR, Jtb Japan and Cfcioa. the 15th JUy, assault, beting oat a piece of eoavpbinant'a ear. C. BEE.VTEK Co. a.34fAias ao4 1L ttateBjeawBaaalas soeb deesaratwifi, a Walalaa, msiBteBftaee of the San Praocisco Eae, ( Fraacisco. i .Her Chang Pea. Oahs, litb Ah Cbftt j liaeia, - 1S72, departures thereafter front TertBet. wittr; seatcacev laprfsasceat true year, fnrli iiiA'i tr aa Hea. iA a .SI feet ef ike Sd Ah Tone;. with resafer wMcb orTjpaAl'rtria a and whatever shall be by Scale ta ke oeioaigtil shxtraHi. Xz4 Usnolalc, fith asocnt fnvea oo the 1st aad 15th of every, aad a tae of Sfi. oae-o- f May (sat Wholesale Jobs Tboaias Walar. United States. Hetr Zealand and Australia krea. Jt sr aiBt lie tlwtraft past, And Shortly Expected Tla Saa Francisco tbat Goveramea shall also eo to diminish moats,ris,except when eseh dates fal oo Seadiy. "W. C. Jaaes for aMease. CosecBXiua tetveea Her Ksjsaty aad lb PreeMeut ef ta Hail Steamship Line. tTBstW was Owlr signed as loesdeat. lb noDoIalo. eute of Smeraea OP Vlctoaline JtbEP.yeroft. tbe aooents pledged bv the Colonists. ifSS"84 The Kiar vs. Jetha Joaes Iadleted for as assaolt wWrefef were drj cutiawfeil ax XBTm ttie reals A LARGE A3S0BTME5T Boat Honolulu, Stb Eiebsrl Grbboss Ko 2, 7tif u also ls . . fcitnrtky staleraeat Wftft a pfetut. Verdiet. psittT. ilathm is arrest of aayef Ass-- t inwini. tiwrfaj or otireas clas Kanal 3, 7tb Msoate! 4, aa4 5, Tib ftaffiacta (, t fceca Cnt-ts- a 7lb Sta. Tbat tenders for both, services Coapasy will be prepared to retted ante af Aserva ia hare satsraioed English, Kaklpi T, 7th Peter S, aie te jedsmeat overrate!; ease reserved. fieBteace, three For San Francisco. saSierte ar at ttbcf ly to reccoaca aatcraltxatlan, French Kana.Ia 7th KaUli S.7lh supply aiefiiocal tsanage, sfcocU tie trade aast ctcsaelTe tf textr suto a ecehtlr subjert. WHItatn Partoiraese 7lb Kloa 11, Stb Mom shall be received ap to the 31st of March raoata ipri.onmcQt at hard labor, aad to pay a direst arjtta AXT 1. Ui.iij 5t-- tfeet sefb. rrawncistim awbtici; dacWed 11. 12lb " THE STF.AjrER. yfiAvl rilais Aba J,9ih Asela Joba Erowo if, Utb J next Hrithoct intermission, the San Fran-- ! Cse af 3KJ& two yean after th cxtfcaag of the ratitatioa of tke saM it Hitter, IS. 17, IS asd IS, lltb KtIllom.nal2w.Ulh eeai-nocthl- y - IkersaVe, Xijwty. by ayj wKa the I , tian) That tie Ubfcbe.t of this The Kln--f ts. WlffiaK Hkhirds Cbirecd with Cares t.o- 3w, Ur American Goods Wis gooses-21- litb Ksoa 22, 22d Kaisttteta 22. Ac w;. e,f 'HOSES TAYLOR,' 4sios t Iler Prlsy tVsoast, aVrfil teretV tVlar tbat Her itk ' service wilt be bsHy satisfactory to residents sipte assasit aed battery oa a serraeL Appeal Jclr hu entered Iota, a Csacsestiew wttb Ik aid Costal Edtatle for the Fall Irad. Liloa 21. ilarch IS73. On the point of keeping (rata Local Circuit Joage. Verdict, aoC ssiity. states af saseriea. to tbe effect thai the sat, ts or cstrz iforee nenolala. Stb Klrobe Nc 22. Jtb WRtUsa ia Jspaa tad China, as aba to the Carted States On or about December 18th. of tbswe states tts base beea aatsraltsed a llrftaih seeel WbHc 22. 7th Jersie Aimoo 21. 7th Kaahl 2i. np a temporary service via J5an Francisco t . C Jaaes far aeliesse. tsay eat tieaiseii e U Ueir tatas a , a sataect. IIcwIdcH, tine In all December, aad tba Mamserdal world generally. Is csaces-tioraH- e. in ao.2i. Tib Kakala 27. 7th Kabal Ji. Slh Kepi 27, The Xxacd Fortcsee Csrastitted for 1 Keaw W ttatilthat of lSt3 shall be established, which Eiax;. Ixciazcsx t. ctMsa 2 Vixt. tap It. Stb 29, 7th KabUi 31. 10th D H.at 2, The great increase of trade N. Z. & H. S. W. ef 2-- Pa-B- Ssd, ia rratlUQitKtaa advertisesKat ia the For Auckland. Sydney, clipper ship Nicoya,' 12tb Kabanasa! H, 72th Kanaka 14th Jaba aa fiob-sidi- The re uiw. Waere ha catered lato a Goirrestioa with Victoria delegates deter-mia-e a Iter 31Jt 1 tbe proposed, to fcai iadased the P. 1L S. S. Ceopaay to cbargiavT certain mea ty same with thrrateaiag his ay&re3 Stat to il eSea that sa cts tr cittzca af 16. Mtb Ktaneao M. Htb k'llanii wT37. ltlb COHHECTIHC AT AUCKLAMD a assy Alobikea Kalaa , 1 3 lb the "Webb The JTe-s- Soctb tnooth npoa this Efe. was preseated. that cut w&4 tar bens nataraltied EntMli saojeets C05TAI51S0 IS. ITib Khf. 15th tee. ca rsanin g two stealers a So luiictaeet dlsest t&exasalra cf thalr stats a each eatject. It sba.1 bt I9th Jfela 42. 214 Ifaory Uaywairli, VVTTH STEISEHS FOR OTHER HEWZEJSLiflO PORTS Kamtekoell. , "Wales delegates refused to negotiate for rosta sa&ieatiT icdfcatea tbe growing trade CITir. CT lawfal tx Her JJsjtst, by Ordes f CecccO, to dadan that , 45-- sad , 274 KtHt 47. 2Stb KaUaisrabto It, GecrgeDrrUHaea vs. The Walmea gech Cusreattea ha Leefi eatered into by ller JIaJeaty; aad 25th 29th Papa J9, any service on tie basis of" "tbe Xew with tbe two great empires ofCttaa aad Jspao. Gntirand ffn aad after the dettf sscb Order is 0sc3, any prrsoa ABOUT 1000 TONS OF MERCHANDISE! Aipalesa 0. 39th HaUs 41. Osrapaay Trtspass claimed Tfitb 3IelD0nrne, fceiaa; sul-ie- or cf th ctat ratanaj to UllliardJ lloaorala, 7lb it JlyerWl. from tbeir Acrleclisrxl damasei At Sydnej Sttaners for Ulii Zeaiand contracts; so that the proposal A rapid cbs8 SSR,C0a. ia ea Order, who ha tees sataraBled as a Britlah saljact, BhlppiDClISselals. Ilth W A Maikbim. Tata cue wu cottnaed Irca tern z-- iaterconrse with tteU: THE STEJ2I8TI1T cay, wlthis ssch Eats cf tia a 7 be imidel to tho Arms Eons. Oaba. 12ti W 11 Corewa. isclatica to a esaparativeiy cpea e, the nnderaigned, Fire was dropped. it BHo, wtea the fury disagreed. Jtsigmeat Cesreatiec, sale a tedaratka of ailesare, asi frca and For from a edle to 28th X his so status daetsraiisa This It Patle. farsers hu beea especially ctservsble ia with casts ta tbe defecdacts. '' after th data rath sstti Jer The Sear Sonthr "Wales delegates then tUH W rry.ried IU an fie. jd as Jte JHt cf ti itit an Anchor, a large quantity of English Japas. Xct so wiA Ctica, for satwitbstardiag VT. C Joceaffor piatertrS: as whsrw be ortcmally tsus7d a saWraarfl. Pioneer Mill, lalxaina. December I6th. A may be - aa I proposed that Mr. EalTs line should oa foe easy y On cr about VeaaTlirs t atseaait s4- tbat Government Portland Cement, whiek-wil- l carried Xrtfefeaitaw t ear. -- If the OVrtarast be fa the Carted KmfAm, ta Sbe OUIl'BELi, & TUHTOJf, Poj,rietora. attse gg;- ?- Paawnsark j.kei through at redaeed rates ftamt iae of sa feau; if eisrwaer h Iler be sold cheap for of n mlor net My, so if eoala t eaterewr&SralLaeeertaafeeC Hsieetya fljcbauaibO, is tae oresesea ef aa, JaSte f aa, UASIL ia asd for lala ia noaatkiea tot a by tcrxasica er erlsaiaal JuUtictius,. aay Jaetar.r tk it piv Cewstofeitll f 12-t- si! ( Fes&fkfia George rnaBaH-'atrto-.aa- ncl aay ct- far ta ilea bes Mfaefacd f II, IfA OKFELD k CO. trcwtHn vt ya,xraf - OSnt peiaHSaxrangeiaejit for tic of Cwmgcers always tJaw asd to FoVfreiihrcr'rMUCT'as-- aH fctex iafinalisa. Vf liwTi tS pUc ia wtfca t eestarutl ta adsiatsxr JOIlif sctHsose i cuxrfjgt. Trrrsffrred to Saoreaa Cbart at Ctaa-ber- a. THOMAS WAT1M0U8B. PIICH, per maae. appEicces and iaventfecs, cr to ta caiS tr try JiilfiitI crciltr lejat ftryxt. If eat if Her "lolnnl," fen Fraamco faacvKe shodd be adapt fareiga - SACEPSLD CO.. H jesty isa!a.'l3 Vut prwesc cf airy cSctr ts tt r Krpeati- - S. t tTCrrnTrrawvScai cf Ear Jtajtary Eeft. st, UT1. (2S Tbts-pvopos- pradecticas-- slwaya . Mr Xajela petltlacer. AgazU. BOLLErl 3 CO. al also fell to the grotmd,'and patrccfes fcreigs far IS tt la) Ttrr r NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALES. AUQTJ0N SALBSi' ' I rinnaartrl Strjlmn- - 6 Telrarai, arrtre4 t rX aad uM mt Sjn-- 1 T. Allan; Esajfai finite; Mr. Pirrrinn .VnrmhtrSdfSTl n TW lot,Ti..ili aQayifr,. drVd .4idin hufljuicansTn ciuirM olVrrrtten in MmrtrkOMw. " r. . kL Athm. a of ot jsxun.c. xov.ij.t, mi. ard naber otfeo, midmts the North Ultwlmi, iiundrrd In theb utb, an.l tesoe w MumhiT hi IXortfa Ily C. 8. ItARTOW. Bt E. P. ADAMS. MrKit V" ie the arrival of IfWi.ulfBalWwwrtpwtK.TJMniR HodoIsIu. arri4 bj the Moe Tarter On one. hmidrtd and Bltj in the Vt. PertnlU l"f Iho British ami Mercantile mrr Kmii. tfremltke CHanlia. an tbe lrth. lut BciUet tbe midrati Rtarniag borne there erectlun of the permanent buildings of si our and Tk. Brtikh task AHre Canberra, leek of isaued tha JteeeSfyi.lram San yestsr-- wale the err were a larsrsnnraberof atriaceis TlJUlBEpaj Ulindi brick continue to be dailj.TIi weather REGULAR ROOM SALE. Ml IVuiim. thetart. A n Badger lata see . continues Una and unusually warm for this erasun SaSllO. ye,y alter ataee-J- the time. in the experience ROOm kMMgntflMnMitMiMwt.'nkni of firtt It rottr. of the rear. Um era Uan atiaa Islands - asal The. ariucspwl e the Sarsaeery tbe Sjwo aleh of Australian steam that the Cuirlr O cotjeer taja isat irotn tnrec to six tnu- ON THURSDAY, : : NOV. paxipB. fifm .hanac Wt Own, FubiiH, Irom INSURANCE COMPANY ta great whaaa been nV. K hare riren fullr as Urre a share of latronae to the Hons will btf'recOTemt Tirurd, whose .alders nhta the. in have going uMmrnlMmhalkkritmiHn). It are alio to be proceeded against, OF THISIAY3 At A. numerous ctlgbbors ol Jiew abettors ,.,.,-,- ,. M. al Salesroom. taaWVaim Settee, by vMeh tbe iesaraaee taaH reaeetcaisMsaelstobelltedet Syneeylbr a easier, end iteataartaathtlrcwrt! .,, v. . .r.. m.i.n- - Seat aiU iONIJOIi WEDNESDAY,. : NOV. 22d, osa, ben aeit acia av i crew to go ZnhodaaaAhstralta. The Btrokl sars tbt the cootrolllnc politlral ele AND EDINBURGH! Tlic Uflual Anortmcnof aeete. dlntict,' are, hccSrdlut to Donio-- H fab--. ment f Tweed i m m aa staples it U. S. Consul, crane onus s, Taira- - IO A: 91., B8 Stew Brroea Surra Huts Xerrkera IAsM, J S A otici has beea issued bj the authority, Tacrams, losrers, At o'clock Sal Cft Vefjcls bonds and bumrnelj. Tory would probably co for GENERAL MERCHANDISE! a SaMkJQmmitf the Hnrtt Owsdh, Ca $ S warul:all wamec beloosl.e to AmerVcan to , Ub T, h tn if b CiiiiTlellon, and awaiting his VcHhn that At stank of aa hind fcr 0-- t JOeh heard, and protection of, DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! it sin U. Vc lul Kelso $wr. Oes 0 X rtpalroo tho. under the Bleif, M , rtbher of ,ht. PuD,ic Tr,nr. etaaat at (nxtti and goad prim ut Vetag Iwatatr.kHrrcMeVaKl n the ITrV. But KiA. the Consulate to return to the V. S. Marine Hospital Boston. Sorember G' h. The newa ot the disaster Seventeen Million of Dollars in Gold ! le--n. Oh S R Hnliil. far laotea before ten o'clock every ereeloc;, as otherwise they to the whalln?IeeLbasadTancrd wbalc 61 from 00c. Sneh aa Prints, Danlms, Brown. Bleached and An Assortment of Dry Goods, a$a'thath Blue Cottons, Long Cloth, Muslins, nt -- MexeeB, lerjTTe Sen ftaaa Horroci't , lee-w- MtrwtMsriknAttabSri t Cr O fa ft tM be Habit U amt thi flae.: This reflation Lawns, Clotutug-- Ilonlcry, rT ladtaa witn ISwJitv. Kit"? !" milE UNDERSIGNED are authoriied ta !su Victoria Rugs, Hosiery, aat M til 1 1 I in the Stateajibe da Onu. U a wlwlesomt one, ano those who deem eppre- - ItttQ 3..: t it $i,oco.CVX)L A. Policies en Fir Kiiks at Itcduccd Hates, Slioca, Faralslaltajg Ooodn, may derive some eoasofcUiea from the tact that is that Scnor Buencompagul will h lower thau any othac Company represented hare, on llootM and aire It probable . Choice Common mmmJ S Kiu 11 pointed to Dm-rrcrn- aad Teas. aa ecaamanwirtee rootd HuMt, uV f" tun a kw U not pecaliir to Ilonotaia aloois. Sea- - Italian .Minister France the most Favorable terms on Uttdcrnrilrtn nnrt f, Prlnco apoln las arrirtnl at Genoa, whence Tobacco and Cigars Too toe wm aatft ml y. It men wW donhtleaa see the expediency of a strict be pnKt.rdst0 France. brick: axit ston'b stores, Striped Shirts. Woolen Shirts and G rockery and Olasiware. MM V ansa 1 B of eta. per galHe. aa cosBpHaoce with the regulation. j jckw York, October SOth. A prlrate letter from aa Buenos that there I a frUlitlul preTa wooden' A of Other Merchandise at M 7i eV. Tbe news aw m Ajnisaja stokes. Variety likiali) Asfwt Ut. tfctt tkort KhuMih; Avdns the ptwscm by the Moses Tajter, tn a ol amall-po- Darlnp the GROCERIES. kTisrta rM9 that ciontry TLANTATIOX BUILDINGS and Claret, fee ex- - k4teBeri)tHkacarvoirnMfri ItUaa. tor AwtraBa, was W. II. TTebb, Esq., owner Snmmer!M,W death from yellow feverbareoe-a- f Also Castt of Ale, ie.. Canned Oysters tn I and 2 lb tins. Bkts rvdt rst Show Cases, Farina, Flour, aad the .ta,er. o. the Webb W. uodet.od '? tfce MACUINERV. Canned Table Fruits In 1 and 2 lb tins, ytmaaiaf. i U. 'iS California Brooms. Kerosene Oils, Ika OaMtfcaa tar Saa tai i4t trfltwi m. Ur rijt. vmy t(k t Imt $i Ou,t IMk Zealand inrita-- j SOth." SUGAR-WORK- ' rrMbi that Mr. Wabh Roe to Xew oe the Xew TorK."1October A correspondrnt ol CONTENTS OF BALANCE of a RETAIL STOCK Boston Card Matebts, Kert Hawaiian Sugar. a! Sataraar. O-i- as W ratkf, hat KU . srolprtUr trnkbrn. tkn ef the Getrrommt of that Ootony to perfect the Londiiu Tirol writes from Berlin that dotlnc j CbjrfMtlWrM.'f 1j1 Knsslan Govrrnmcnt PRIVATE DWELLING HOUSES, C. S. BARTOW, Anct'r. 'One Tublr, kafX i. . naag tkraatt t MtMtt, ut ako will TfcManCltTr.iJUldeLt f Ul the contract for I be mail service by bis Hue of Jnne and July the lnradcd Center and annexed the country ot D'Souncarla, on the One Larrxc OfHco Dcnkc. steamers. From Auckland Mr. TVcbb uill proceed uortberu slopes of the Tlati Chain Mountains, on MERCHANDISE. aftValitra mM tk lttk vMtaMI to Mel boa rue. where be aaticlpate taakhtx fivor-abl-e theeaslern honndsrirs of the empire. Thetrrrltory SHIPS IN PORT. ,,. For Salo E. P. ADAMS, Auet'r. Htniaa Iwk Qa taiai uriTfd xt u hucin ta arrareeaeeta with the Victorian GoTeromeot is twkeaslarxe as Inland, is rich in mineral and A few splendid Marble Vases, Mi to.t, tkl port. acrlcnltural resources, and Las a population or ' S dj Jrra for the exteneiosa of his tine of (teamen to that port. AND LUMBER. , . Letter Weights, Card Receivers, etc., SaA Saatw rxMri lytOttaMty aont2,W0,XX HOUSEHOLD I BMUIKTS. two t n.aolla For particulars apply to Unsold at last auction, for sale at low prices for eaib. FURNITURE The Steamship Xetaju. Capt J. a Blethen, ar-- .Ulsccllnneous. Call and examine. LOCU. SE1VS. Tired last Friday evening foarteen days from Auck- - ewTork. oremberSttu TheKepubllcans hate ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.. C. S. BARTOW. land (wale is the heal trip y made), and twenty SS-3- ,... Tam' srnatnr sav William 1 Ageats for the Hawaiian Islands. TMkiii Hull Ilwi of tie Miwa fortes Xtatit al Ser., 1871. daysfnmSyaay. While in tb Utter port she was The Stir. Twccd'spapcr, says: "We I ON MONDAY, : : NOV. 27th taken hate metlbe enemy. aniPcandor compel ns to Ha Mali . Jimte. Marai CAM. iato the srT.doek.aBd .tripfe, Coolies' Cane Knives, DoubleSilebarrel Shot Guns, 10 lr-- For IT JAMIL sum. w I Tam-aa- d At o'clock A. IL, "Ki. fa4 4 urUU eoppered trfcTut Km made a irrcat lmprore-- ouoce. that tie " I .ny-- ,icket is oter.n,lleInllllI.y Uefc!l,fd. Ma 1 NEW AND FASHIONABLE Pistols, Target Sharp Shooters, AT THE BESIDEflCE Of J. W. WIODIFIELD, ESQ., MEAN TIME. est la her speed as well as raakimra dllfaeoec of London, XoremberSd. A coinproiuise has been aiaai m. tta,Lat.Qmztrr SUlx aboat 190 tv less coal osed on the trip up than for-- . arrirtd at between the French and English Gortrn-aerl- r. Silver Plated Harnesses, TCulCTit, Stroot x . ... The Nenda hadl,0 packac for this port ments, in to the commercial treaty. The Linen IMajakntCaarMr. , ' abrogation France been with- - Horse Covers and Sheeta Will be Sold: Mlln ,t - noticeof clten Ir-- bs 3k ran Ma. ,"1 n Psnstrs and 73 hats of drattn Tbe trwty , u eoottattti lu bot audi S left on nine o'clock fo.t C. S. BARTOW. Entire HOUSEHOLD nut sex ei.I-v- s .c i SBrrixa, natter. he return trip at with material modifications, the details of which The FURNITURE, 5r . 7 Eaa$M en Monday CTeeiBgr with 91 passengers, St of whom hare alreade been asreed upon. GOODS lit, K.. ui ISn NAMELY : SSitois. . . $aaM 1 . are froaa here. London', Jiuiember 3rl. Tbe distinguished - BSC. WK . jwluter. Edwin Landjcer, svriously III. ,SIltM... SaaSa ill mals Sir is OPENING ! ! 1 NOW . . H . Black Walnut Parlor Suit akaax aiwai iiali ill a Tkwt?, k 1 SaaBi ..... The Companies. We peMtsh In an- TrstN, November SJ. Tbe Italian Government JUST RECEIVED 4t satk.at,....s . M SaSt.. .. Insckack contemplates the furtlticatlou of tbe Aljdue passes aaaatCaai u.. tit other eoiaain a eard from of the Consisting of .... the at a cost ol seven million francs. -- EX- The Comet Sarar-itt- j. Tete-a-Tcte- karts fcr Su FraadK saxt Tnflc Iaorscce Company, to which we take pleas- THOS. G. THRUM'S STATIONERY STORE Reception Chairs, UttoK liiiit seaiVwr af i4tacn a, fall ure Id cillin; the attention of oar readers. The Hair Scat Cbairs, Easy Chair, l.UIOU'IJ. - fntM. Board of Directors recently made aa assessment IF.I. A FLXE ASSORTMENT OF Marble-to- p Centre Table, upoa tbe stock of S738,000, which will enable the 'Moses Taylor,' "What-not- , Large Mirror, CKOSTkN-- Ia this dtr. at the V. S. Ilomltal. Xsreavbsr e Cotspaay continue with - -- FANCY & USEFUL ARTICLES sext tefc, letTtog Htaaliite aa .Mo)jf and retnrn-h- to its business etery guar ltih. 34r. Htlloua E. Crosteo. belasticc to ChieapH HI- - De- AN Rugs, Chandeliers, Ac rc- ! a .m,Mt)ri wis - tbc ioUoxlac Saaaaj. She wM tka make a antee to the insured of its perfect soaadDCaS and of Cf vas and tad waravd at tb Ntj Tri, A Snpcrlor Cottage Piano. 4 trip ta Kaaal an the 4th of next aaoalb. tbe detenBlaattoo ot the stockholders, who are i,,ti0;ttitbiifinKjrlltmi!rirItrttSt,Chlco. Bronte Inkstands. Letter Weights, Pea Racks, w For Salo at Seasonable Bates a aatoae; toe most canny men ot tantornu, to scs. Cigar Standi, Watch Stands, Black-waln- s Tbaxis. Mr. A. K. Ctark aad ilr. U. S. Alley. Fine ut Carved Chamber Set Pi tam It. The opposition and strife for business Ladies' Work Boxes, Bags and Baskets, t? H.a thaaaBclar; panenot the tutshiM MjMcsTajrhir -- i amDac the various Insurance Companies, both in Card. Br- Reticules in variety. Watch Stands, Complete. 1 Xeraoa, to vhoai nc am nader obltsa-ttoa- , PACtnc I.tscBAXCE Coxpajt, i aaj San Fmbcssco and the Eailera cities, previoas to Orrtct Black-waln- hare oar thaa Br --eaeroas (appHes of late San Francisco, Oct. 51, 1S71. l.ndic' Travelling DrcHsInp Canes, "Wardrobe. tbe tare in Chicago, led many of them to Blaok-waln- nt armors of taefartria?. Tt tkw aftu-aae-c A. & CO. Bureau, T OI' UU.tULVLL'. ;fui, tie. take extraoedioary risks at low rates. That severe tlii.Pairwuo Pacific tChnaay; F. SCHAEFER Writing Dosks, Portfolios, Potards a novelty. I'K l'Our great Chicago 45 Dressed Dolls, Boxes Toy Stencils andcolors. Vusm V 4 Cramrt.f tm9 4 rwimn aad dtsaslroas cheek has bad the eSect to make them losses nt'tho late lire, Bed-roo- m AKK1VBD. , . . . . were at first reported and believed by us to be within Sketching and Map Drawing Lessons, One Oak Suit, t all caatk.a;, and nil reader thetn mocb more safe ! Gents' Companions. Money Purses, Cigar Cases, Complete. $l,M9,kM. upon which was based tha aeticu rcfemd Steamer Kilauea i.tmt kt w fc. Jr in;, E. aad Aoatrafla, rtrjr choice ttkecttomi of ladio' faocr and rcHsUe. The Jibs, ol Xsjir. eth, has the follow-in- ; .Microscopos, Card lleceivers. Card Cases, - to iu oar eirouHr the inst. Oak Dining Table, . 1 SpaaW. call at their orr.'trfc he la- on the subject : af Utb For lataitisi. 1J. Glass Vases, and a few elegant t.-k- fraaa Side-boar- Later hjfarrcatioD placed losses at saeb ex- - AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M Touching at Chairs anil aaa jaaaila miaaal, ijitaWa pro remaacratlvr- tbe "The present posVinn of tbe Insurance Compa. oar an laaaas imaa . sraai aaf J ppas7H Canes Holders, aaaaraaaka-ham- Oaafattaaa ttaaij . aaa ft nieauf thtserty li lar strongrrin consmuenceol tbe t a;gattd figure that it was deemed piudent and H.malci, Waimca, Koloa and Nnuilitvili, Jcvrcl aud Watch Plated and Croclcerywnre. Jladati. d ehaosrs ia ttw rtaiee-- baVtn .which Sow trom ; tL WJ Baatw tnmm War- -' hooet to ducoatu.no issaaoca of policies for a to Iiooolulu Sunday. Dee. 17th. in immitation of anelent Roman ware, and Tj piajaaay.aair. t Saw. Tsuc reasaiBs wUefc were diacorrrrd in tbe tac v.ucwca are. luaa ever oesure. toe ou.-ln-ef sail l - , Is. Rtarnior Kltcben tcoalla. dec. Ace. dkc. aaal aaaar tMaaVkW- - SAM'L G. WILDER. MjjnmMaaaM. Htaw - over the Colon bad been detiKralized by a sharp ffewj dayj, awaitins rfelniti aLdesnsistrat ttate- - XACAaitr otJIaataalaalast week, Ukase Tor- j ooti 4j-4- ww ' t Agent. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF ALBUMS ctxaptnuwo. wmen sirajreiwt tnr bnstreas only on aents, which have E. P. ADA3I5, Aaot'r. S Hi uffirn. laaaatt. M Oar aad IS ham tiafajaMM laaamikr ka the rtaaaar of Mr. Ji E. Wil-- since bun reeeived. Tbe latest BMaa aaa iatMaiui. aeSva Pxaaoa Bw-- a Kaaai. W tbe plea of eheaprst rate by comas rival a-- , information proves more encouraging, aud was tbe Large and small, that has ever bseo offered in Hon- aaavaaaiBaasa-avaaai i aaa I n aaaa Swtsk as awm. sac asms was paruauy uasane, aoa cam paate?, aad evea uiuter the ralaimaoi cost of in insnrtUKe. wild bnslut-s- s subject of consklentioa at a full raeetlog of the olulu, all of which goods, with many others, bard kro aaa-ek- tor seraral moatks. Xr.Wimaias Tbk tnsh lor Ipnorrd j STEALER KILAUEA I tvery other consUemlivn. The public were so bent ' mt VALUABLE REAL ESTATE tUe Board of Directors, and many other prominent Stock- bad raayiws lsaarred oa SssUy Uat. on cheap iusarance j WILL LEAVE "too SAII.BD. ,( that they derided the idea of holders, held yesterday. Their deliberations resulted will Sold Tjow. sorority Tbe cvntpaaks of limited re-- T-- aw aa-- TBaaf. aaat Aeafwaar Fiaaail. Tsc Last. We nbderstaiut that tbe ChBfbrala EeHb Orders from the other Islands wiU be faith kskaftnhsVJa sp-- naitility. tbe Eaatcrn ooipa-ti- e with no radi- - in si assessment upoa the sleek of SrM.aes), payable C3 2?L ON SATURDAY, : : DEO. 2d Mtaetrekka-f- a . - ' fully attended to and shipped as directed, teodererd the sncnabcra of tbe orches- rLtuat r arut V.u,..,-'- ki.l- if. ircmediitely, which enables the Company, pursuant I2IT.0 Waakinaaaa, "aaeta. t A. aad Aat akaa. Friday even-i-a-- r. rided responsibility, all tra a which win take place next conterded with tbe Sin to the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors, ON MONDAY, : : : NOV. 27, At 19 o'clock rVoon. ar As tbk perforaaaAce, we are assarcd, will be Francisco cumpaoies, in which the stockholders ! aa.A'rt.L'X' were snppoca to be fully liable, and the coapanv ta costioue its regular business. Toccntso at Will be sold at Public Auction, that very ! hast wfll the wc VIETVS aaat tVawaatk ah ajttJc. Trtao. the that be rivea br cootpaar. have which sMEered the best security tbe cues pest rate afaa. at Yours respectfully. A. J. ".ALSTON, XinT-tfasTi- i, OF THE did the best business. Motrary, JSKatHon, without capital, IS-- " without experieLce, and ignorant of the efiVcts of tf Desirable Parcel of Land . ZkXrvlsLozxzi. c & " SkS "WlsavBoCNax-T- he cih?pet shap Ceylon tor M b pwo actf, as a poptihtr nn-d- SCawallLao Wrecked Abandoned 1 ???, n.nTVri i .rTr K . Laka a--- tor tlou the nost situated on the writer here. Tt wa ualy a was -- 3. at 9 p m IIllo, touch- t aaa wa tk aai. lliait. tacraai. i Bits, Mac faraway tor a erttKa. (saal ortr Kameba- - tje of what A. Leaving Kawaihse Tuesday for on all ore the Pnkm. nnrirthe Chicarji tire ing Mahokona; leaving Ililo Wednesday at 4pm, Fleet in the Arctic, Cornor of Fort and School l tor Tahiti Tfct Kawaibae, will fan with Jtrst at Stroats, be caored a rode awakening, and the question ot In behalf of the members of Madame States' Ope- will stop Keanbou, (Kau) Kaalualu. thence to or aaa at Six Dollars per Set Six. Having n frontage of 212 fiat on Fort I ' aa l .Saa. Tetr ayrpartara, aaaf that or the thought eoce more to he worthy of ra Troupe, the' undersigned bees most respectfully Bay, Kailaa, Keiahou and Kawaibae, leav- Strut and It.Sn:iiICS. COtrSadcr-tUo- ISO feet on School Street. Cocatt, (ahoat Satnrdaj.) will leave the barhor bare ing at A p m on Friday for Mahnkona, MaVeoa, Maa-le- a Honolulu, $3.00 to tender the. most sincere and heartfelt thanks of ed AND "Jai. This Lot can ha easily Into three "r-S"- a-- ir aoil Lahaina, leaving the latter place Saturday p fcea BaaSaaaaMr araaaa, twa C A ""'" "a imc the company to the residents cf Honolulu for tbe :::::: pareelt suitable for Cottages, and will he sold la this -a- or Wim Wmrnj Spmmcm rOaVrtarfOm m fur Honolulu. fc. aaa ISbL In. I at a. i stare Tbe bark. Hans, ike last of tka Arctic fieet. kind and eordral manner tn which they have been lVrccU ofllrlfr SUcIIelioQ, SOc. manner if so desired. aaaaov aaanaa. aaa aa as asaaaam ajr aara ,ri a, Late Foreign News. It S. G. WILDER. Agent. 42 Zm The Land Is pleasantly was Uwaal to sen yostetaay, kaviafr been in port reeeived here, and for the peneroos patronsse ex situated in a healthy local- -t bo- - y. ity, only few minutes from cen- rata tthsii akaaa, aar ataat Kaaaa.Jbs-l- A iwf Tarawa- - XtTROPEAX. G. a walk the business onaat Jatk--a A C abartwall. T at tended to them through tb Opera Season of thepast VTOT10K Mb. SAMUEL WILDER has arJ mm. I. afcCaJh. SSih-Pru- ter, and presents a good opportunity far a profitable m Oapt Waat TMatraii, W Paris, October ice Xapoleon made a i JN been adiuitted a partner iu our house from and J tJ Itmaaln. t -- aaat has inveitmnnt. For particulars and plans, apply to Maanaaataaansoaek. tt j A unvc awa wife, IKiair at Apaa, near vtotcat pnUtical raeeek al Aiatcio veaterdar. alter this date. Fsskeiisa's palat, bad vtoh-o- t aarref on Xonday ' Thev recrtt, that owin; to their hurried departure D0WSETT CO. GO TO E. P. ADAMS, Anet'r. a diMiaia. Kor i Baron Ibautu, Brazilian Ambassador here, basre - 1. 1 ahar 7, for Australia on tbe steamer ebtaska, they are nn- - Honolaln, Nov. 11th, 1371 rakav. raaav;. atn V AaM. aa W aOi-r- a. tars J K last, when the latter strark her fcavbaad on tb eetvedoeSefalnotidcationofhls appointment by the gaav Thoj Stra Mfc. able to exprtss their personal thanks, to a Greater HAYSELDEN BROS., caya. r bead wttb an tram tea kettle, Intiotine a Tery 1 t r"- n--'- Sk. Emperor of Brazil as arbitrator nnder the Treatv of ' On "Pi-t- - fe ' oaa-- er " of their frelnds, and reqne-j- t tb-i- t this will gJLStlB STEAMER KIXAU1A o33.ea.3a.se, atat nVaaatS. screreaaal aa; wpaad. It is rematcn that tbu '! wtjl.-lfan- r&o. d after Monday, November 13th, the takeB SD tbe'-- neglect. FOR - recoverv pnrtirBiart, PWirtLfcr aPIosr " " sppsrent ms Saa- 3t--C S rhakc nun's is aovbUaL Correct attk " of the undersigned will be with from Mar. ' ZEuS0lce UNDERSIGNED, and after nsaw, La-- B--aa They will remember the citizens of Hono- - aaataash w T i Ira, g ataahsnr. were not ohtaytaahle evea yesteriar, as tie frieadM alys Dowsett A CO. S. G. WILDER. THE date, will Issue BtBs of Exchange and Let- taaaiafe-- a St saaSaraaLaa-r.a-aSaa- - 45-i- aaa 4. aw 1 numerous kind Agent Steamer Kilaaea. of the naa-il- were csajtavottaer t keop the agair as. iL, T,s,t,h u tj ,a., .. J"0 Eratitnde for the sct of ters of Credit on nsaanaaa, Ms Jt J JL, t.., 'oes's CHOICE MOURNING extended to them, and will lout forward with SAN FRANCISCO, NEW Qui inarn. hbaaaasath. lnfcaiib.taViiaB. C)Biet s posihie. then British Mialster of Fwrebra Affairs,.i made over- YORK, aTSaaiTl . aw, tiaw. BL 1 Hi Is. KV- -r J i pleasure to the time when It will be their good Administrator's Notice. tures tbroocb Lord Cowicf,JJrrBritish Ambassador tx LONDON. nAMBURO aad BREMEN, t.ti - ajnr-- a, Oo.L ON Wat. Tke Aasertraa karkAtalan- fortnne to a&aia visit these beautiful Islands. iaa i ITtaax wBiaM. Waa jnnn t Pari, to Ronher, pro pool frc an alliance wjth that UNUEKSICMJD having been in sums to suit at lowest rates. amolaay. nata- -, ' ta left caseostle Oct. HU, aad tbe Geaaan krtc A. BI5CACCIANTL THE Best Commercial Paper laa.li iiiii UtlH iaairy aleavise isad iefentive, and to help Administrator of the Estate of the late dlseoasted. aad Monies i rVteroa the Mth, tbe 6xnser IU XB0 lam of coal bta Honolulu, Noyember SOth, 1STL Vistsr Chaneerel. of Ewa. deceased, herebr notifies ii-t- r on Mortgages on the msit farerxMs terms. UennnrE. case Prossla and Austria were to de- t aad tbe latter with 915 toot, to the arrets of the in aH persons indebted to the above estate tomato im Cash advances tnsda on consignments ol Island against f Webb stjtannets. The BrMrb bark. Dnbe aCEdin- - clare war her, lod waa to cooperate mediate raynient, and all pcrsuns having any claims produce at the rate of 9 B cent. Interest par annum. wttbFraoce, and was wilRns to promise France against sahi estate are requested to present the II. HACKFELD A CO. aaavaThaaka, aaa)aaam, kw TS KaMOkra. i banrh saBed on the 19th with 4S ton Sar tbe Ha tame JaaabiHaai a. Joka --. assbtaoce in tbe of her frontier The Ladles of tbe Bethel Oonertsxtlon propose to the undersigned within six months from this date HORSE FEED! BRAN! BRAN! Honolulu. Not. A, 1871. tf ffTTsVilaa. tsorae-aaacss- t. fly- retarn rectltcatisn aaftaaSntanV aWjolaBafc-aB- 9 ayiV AAaaMB MWtaal waiian Tbe Mary aad Baeth is - or they will he forever barred. .T on Rhine, in annexing a portion Bhenish botdioz a Festival evening. The ques- W T in" WmSaatt, Jaaa McOa. Matjngr. ehrbt days oat traaa tbe banaaport, also wttb. a cargo tbe of tbe JV. C. PARKE. COMET by ar awa,lif en - provtaees. tion has been often asked To what purpose will PER For Sale Consular Notice. b I aja- i)u tor steamers. Rouher asked time to consider, bat Administrator Estate of V. Chaneerel. JECEIVED tj. ,aa m1t!i tbe tbe avails of this Festival be devoted ' T - I throe ay; front thai time they were arasentorf, i Honolulu, Nov. Ia, 1571. 15 lm B0LLES A Co. TtVaii ii I r ia II mrti fl aad FKRSOIfH HAVING CLAIMS Nepoleoa accepted. L"rd Cwley immediately 1ft reply, the' Chaplain offer following o. mmr Xaan, WB-C- Dsath at SzA.lr. SetveMer Wocatbridge, Jr., waald the ALL tha Estate of P. G. HYLAND. deecas-a- wawfvaatsan, Saflac T Ike Kaaperae's acceptance Govern-Mcn- t, Jtlaaaaaar aaa taea. akiVJ Has a. ear ai. n of stramiblp Moeee Taytor. aad eldrst son toia statement: For more than a quarter of a centary Dissolution of Copartnership. COLDEN GATE late of the firm of Holllster A liyland of this S-- wherenpoa Earl replied that It 1 1 T (MMraa. Bala. CM ew. Roell wis place, are hereby notified to lite the same in this Con- ffla Jsiiatli a t of Rev. V. WMdbrMi:e, of5m nantelsco, editor of too late, as Her Majesty's Government had decided be ht! received annually about i800 from tbe Bethel, Wi ?. W akTSv Ckas Waaaa COPAUT.VEHSIIIP ex-J- L Extra Family and Bakers' Extra Flour, sulate for settlement, oa er before the first day of Jan- laSa ,aaitain. Quratfcat, not to atUes-fer- in the ease of Denaxrk. Xo bat principally from, the community. rnilE heretofore the died oa the M inO. oa tkeaaM pajaage attempt Black-smithi- uary next was made to reopen the sabject. isting between tbe undersigned In tbe and all persons indebted to said estate are froan this poet, of of tbe lnrsrs. His This sum has been upended in repairs, sexton's business, under the firm and name of M. In qoarter and half sacks. requested to call at this Consulate and pay the OctotorK-- C body was laka--n to fan Fi incls to tar iaatrmeet, and Latinos, Btroa Voa Beast is few sod jreocrcl expenses. Letis X Co , is this day dissolved by mutual content. PER COMET For Sale by amounts of sueh indebtedness, oa or before the data unippot. Miivs. a aot the fateraatlooal Society, to JECEIVED tbe fborral, wakk wa-- s Urprly atteadid, took place Since the rapid dcoHoe of the .whaling fleet, and ThaJiabilitie ot the firm will ha paid by either of the above named. be addressed ail the G trernaionts ta En row. Tbe aVder'sfrced. and all B0LLES A Co. C. froan iLiMtuat oi his fkther, oa Stb 1dm. Pinasien Govei umeut will propose especially during the past season, owing to tbe loss persons are requested to settle 9. MAIT005. U. S. Consul. r m laa-- al lot QjSai.f aaat tttfc aaa aacoaaa-- tbe tbe to tbe Retebrath accounts promptly. United States Consulate, was a law m ihe same sahject. An emrneot j orlet and a of the 3cet, bat a small amount has been received, their r raa MAMataoata, loar Sr. WoodbriAce thirty laar yean of ac aad a II. Nor. Cth. 1971. U-I- m wm. special functionary cbarged with the daty ot M. LEWIS. Honolulu. I.. awOV-a-H sar-e-on ire or, ?lnce March USP, only tbe sum $VH baa BREAD AND CRACKERS, Taavaaa aM aaal (ka of hVw native of New York. He was fwarmly of draltinr the law. ef been WM. I). WRIGHT. iM the C. S. Marine Hoaafta at San Fnaefcca. receive!, hence a small debt has been aecamnUt ing. Honelalo. Sot. 50, 1571. 4i-l- Pilot and Medium Dread, in EOREIC.V Jurors Drawn for the - i VirvNi, October Sdth. Tbe Jtrraiw aWvsof Is SALOON, lii In 1 1 - - c bores and quarters. of the Circuit Oart 2d JndMal oTSt ' I OaialM. aaa k oputtou poti-Ie- Tbe a rails then of tuts Festival will be devoted to aceaoaw attcajc 'of the that tbe oacatioo pending Circuit H. I., to bo heklen at Lahsin Tuesday,, w; vnh t m watas suuoaaw. lax at tan svssirr before the Smpcrur aiil be decided aeeardine to tbe refaks ttt be Chanel and btbervflfer"fri render It Also, aoa - Copartnership Notice. tbs 12th day of December, 1311 : aaat traaa the uaicttk, i paaaaata n tacan r rsncas- riews of the Imperial Chancellor. Ton Beau, nod a suitable place for worship. - public A Full CRACKERS Westley Burnham M. . ea papers, coatnia a amber of Uaoders aad d that tbe rcsisaaUoa of tbe present Ministry is iaml- Assortment of Tartan. S. C. Dassox, Seamen's Chaplain, CVDEItSIG.VED HAVE THIS day V. H. Rodgers 0. B.AaHraws " R ii sot at aH Ukety tbry TD.E a copartnership as General Per COMET For Sale by erron; bat that Honolaln, Nor. 21st, 1511. Blacksmiths Ii. W. Tenant J. JT. Kir kwaeds. witl a tarnation m that as a tilting Pinli. October 36th. Tbe anaaber of Ceaasanaists and Horse S beers, under the came and firm of Wright B0LLE3" A Co. lathi crrsasab cy teseated by tha Conns Is not than 10,090. is Geo. Miller JoiWCoba ?iEi!ZSltm antb in aa. i lima if y k It and Wilson, at tbe old stand of 31. Lewis and Co. on iki W error is at tiaras sot to caaee here, ef-?Je9- aaaootr said that Prince N'apoleoo baa.leit Cocaiea. H. P. BaHnln Wra,Ea"ty King Street, and respectfully solicit a share of tbe ! tbaae apasear to coaekier tbe disco very of one Viekna, Oetober Soth. Tbe Hohenwarth Wanted H. Cornwall puhUe patronage. T. C. Forsyth) SlaoJsJr. On aewwpaper day, as one of the great eveats of the tbetr reaicnatioo XodoabtliU ir.VDEnSIG.VED, a Committee WM. B. WRIGHT. J, First-Cla- ss Sugar Doilcr J one who D. F. Sandfsrd week and pans aroaaad i iwdlaalj- - Majesty will accept it. THE by the Chamber ef Commerce of this CD AS. B. WILSOX. it li understands boiling In open steam pans. Apply Jas. Reed OaKIIeb &T. PiTni'Brw. October 5oB. A general order City, ta solicit eOBtribotios for the relief of safterers Howolalo, Sor. 2, 1S71. ti-l- A e either in person or by letter, with references as to W. R. Brown Zi S. Spalding Oa aaat, way of tbe War Oflic-- directs the entire rrorjraof uticn of by tbe late dtsastroas fires in the Western States of ataaan-na- f aaaa anew aaSke On laTtnr Ssaday "bibl as Us ability and obaraateT, to F. Mendez Oe. Grey Mn a tbe Imperial army, aud the ealiinr; to arms of tbe the American Union, appeal to their fellow eititeni iasa town, He who was riaakr: aa a ruber Dissolution of Copartnership. 48-- C. A CO. A. 0. Fortes VT. DavU wanile taux naaic noaaiatton at toe cooatry. ine tknflpWllf T.Ssna fur S.!n. Tn" i ha. ' . f ,..I BREWER am robar; op-- inai ilid but, raa into a earriace la the onier ptaert the naxwcrkeal trectk af t Sefci awft jr,tries. witheat anv fault of their own, rieh un COPARTXEItSIIIf heretofore HENRY DICKENSON, Jt. steett, at Kapalaaaa The t--w , T 1 pori1 dliactka 0 EJac taMwenrioreeaoiinetmpsreaiaiotaioii.ew.ouu,- are rained, aad industrious man have Weome THE between Chan Foek and Alee, of tbe firm t&s Clerk Clr. CC 2 JuJ. aaaoaa aaajt cwa ajna anen, when rrnoired Km- war nrpses. Sixty sir dr. , i was goang g alss pace aatH aweary destitute, and multi'udes of delicate women and t. Buy - , bnase at a Co., day Come Xabalna, Iforemher 1571. I, akre?t of and is this dissolved mutual ANTI-ASMAT- 2d. . rejrimtnts of an: not ioctoded. Tbe order Alee by Smoking Tobac-J- L ft Cacks tendac cbQdreB are made homeless at the eommssce-me- et milE rnaav-k-n of tk crrare, when tk asinaal frirAaaxd pj rreaie&at a farther military farce of reswrvts, to All persons haviag accounts with tha late firm co, patented May 2d, 1371. and prepared from of hard aad rigjsreas winter. are requested to settle the with either cf otdeet oa Bke reaat, tota toe carriace, tke skaR be raapsayed la tke orfairaaioc. Tttenrflerls suae the tba purest d Mountain emit The UaJersigaed, or either ef them, wfll thankfully of Chu Lan and Co. Plant. : eoaivajent a Bohinzatioa of the pupolation the partners Russian, at aa ana aa which j Inbsd tka boose ia tbe beai't ahoat a to of receive, and duly aeeaaut for, any sum. ne Turkish and Havana Imported CIGARIT03 flaain entire natioc, aad aaake every tn tbe eosatry matter ALEE, Bartholet'a - an hnw Swiss Closes, Dava Ciaia3..Century, Bant- kaaSaa faot. Mr Lartoo kaaiealately laatnta' o wbeu capable of bca ring areas a soldier on a peace footiur. .jasiN,' that may be sent; and they waaid very CnAJf FOOK. ' Eureka and Eagla Brand Cntwiso TcjACCO. Per 'R.C. wyile areaaor-asa- repselfolly saggest to the of the lan-fS-- rare a t feX orer Oaad. Tke je aaiareennais oraerea to arnnery win add pasUrs different Honolaln, v. 15, lm Genoine Bio Licx ie reiiriMi eangrerations thrnughaettha-Kingdom- , Swokiso Toaacco. ia tke canhtge. drove oa, aaat never streactk of 1,000 gcas to the batteries already Ic that Pace A eolleetiaoi ciigbc be esade in the.eharahes. and the StovaU's Twist do. DIRECT FROM TKE dansace bad been doae. servkc. Dissolution of Peach, Homestead, and Experts and Enlraarina MANUFACTURERS I srtlrca! wMhcr tay Pams. Oetober STth. Rossel, the C4 mmunist, ameawts be remitted as opportunities tSir. They Copartnership. hwsapaeded a second rUae from toe decision of hope to send ta its dsstiaation the first lasuDment PLUG TOBACCO. tbe COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be--J California-mad- e arrived early ttoTMoaday military eoart belnre he was The ap- af scbserietzas by the next steamer. rpHE Uavaxa ClOAas, la prices from $25 A yiSZ SELECTION OF t Tax. 3SQe& Txixok wh wbn trird. tweea Chu Lan and Wang KVai, the firm of peal has agali been rejeeted. Toe Pardon CunsEais-sio- n A. af to SIM per 1.M9; Mb who were focHoatdaia. She J. OARTWRIGHT. Genuan-mae- paiirac C.'PFLCGER.-GODFR- CbaLan and Brother, is this day dissolved by mutual e Cioabs anBnraa?nJkna1BaTnnta rs,of Witt meet on the oruxinw, a iaige ET Havaxa .of .different priies ltd ahca J. ceei-n- t. akolMuoaUlabrrge aaaaftyof mall aaatter, a Bona M AH persons having aeemsnta with the late qualities. wt ta prcrf-wl- al tke CtrtmiwLli rt noaistas in fritou RHODES. aid aaaanSnatat aaaawitnia, a peace aswf' firm are reqaested to settle the with either ef the Cig:arsr to smc S9Saebreiw far tab the will prwoably be liberated. Hecelah. Soveaher 5, 1;TI. 44-- sine Alto,. , Msw Yobe, Oct. 90. Late aaaB ae!vices from partners or whh Chu Lau and Co. Turkish 8mok!ngr-Tobacco- ii um ta nlk r was eoioahsa. The steaiieT laaws for Saa FranckCT this KILAUEA SMOKING TOBACCO, prepared by km; aaoa there is zraat fear of a tsaecJil cnu LAN, - 19 wiak kail and Eiciand that ! myself ef the finest brands of Natoral.;Leaf. Raa- at o'eiock orach a Iarfe cri-i-s. Notice his attorney faet Wot Kwat, Porto HIco rooking1 Bbaarek is dessandine gild for the Foelists ly a Sale 8 Tobacco (jaisemn Bat, teetnaHatr a nninbei Son here," CapT. aatoscsiptsoa of part 01 tke Fieaeb war tana. Tie W0XG EWAI. For at the Tobacco and Cigar Storea of U.t'uUnl jaaani'ala ' ; Hapann, ate of tbe Rfcred brrc ShcJehog, having M9s oe ttre Cank cf Erg'and are e5n present-- j AT "ife, Jtebeka Lnali, having left my HonalcU, Nor. 15. 1S7I. H. Varinas Kanantor, says JammaL, ! z?ed and Beard, hereby eanSati aA parnVs BOLLMANN, recovered has henBh, retnra boame by tbe ed. and, the London lawrt tbe only I My safety for the mtmcat H to declrne to discount the not to trust ar barUrthe laH RKBBKA Li ULI, as I No fi Fort Street, and alio opposite Messrs. C. Ersw-e- r TW aaafl elajet at rfc Paat Qce atae bUkvai buna: will not be Copartnership Notice. Co't. Queen Street. jBiuyiajaaaiaaiiaaa ki iat a ast rnJ i.raar ll Isuaaarek ta avid and rive hint notes resaooriUe or anv debts eonttaeted k Meerschaum Pipes, tail t, KaarMorf. We a sit aaca a. 12-- sarp. of mast stand as if behind r.alicry y aertnzay owe. jAiru. (Parr.) (aa oMaTaTt naeW yor. 4J-- CXDEP.SIG5ED having this day entered tSii ft raaaa. aaraisat the Prnasiia invader who osderUke oor Paaahca. HOn, 18. 1871. lt THE Cigar Holders, inianM-ua- n Miitnnb.i m iiiH n I bW Jes F rival Tbe fcre cream festival for overthrnw Uauash tbe finance.'. Tbe re k no saeb a copartnership usder the firm aad style of 3STOTIOE. Chu Co., iiia tkebeeeSCfrtr tbe Betbel Cbores. oar readers wtR aeBoaet of bnirloa as test which Protein demands of Laa and will carry on. in all its branches, Amber 8?bms, of aajd Sou-an- FOR SALE Tbe Desirable Resi- , aaar a S efU aafi. Fraoce. AH theoep.iits ta amid silver, pontic at the eld stand above the earner of Eisg and a riiffltanber. takes pfctce aa Tkarsday and private, in Europe and Anterica, is less than KTotice Streets, Honolala, ttsbosioeis of Wholesale and dence known as " Green Pial J." sitnatad tr. Etc., Etc, Pteajaat Valley, on Zi. rlbWaaWaM (mat Basshk a evaadas. at ? oUae. It wflf fee a sice sSsir, so two bwadrrd aaiikSaM MeYbae. That aosld not A PB0P0RTIOXAL CHARGE of tie necessary ReUH Dealers ia Geseral Merchandise and Rice Lffiha Stfeet,wt lidj, and two aad oca half aaKaaaaBnaaaaaranac Ski laasl iililii aatk!Btk beea spared to stake it a ewaptete begin to pay half tbe Indemnity. It is believed t lA expesta ineamd for advertisisa! Auction Sales Plasters. abut acres of land, one pains havkac . Good Tenement aS ataaai.p rvawarwlaiaaa. - Bisstarek intend tokaard tke wosad's fioaacrs, azd wal, as beretefare, he charged ta all consignors of CHDLAS-- Home, containing seven Mii.Safiiiiiailal j i aB the- talented aaatear nsnsiciana an 11 Nearaf toceb Eosssncrs vitality tbrnagh ber gnhi. jieresaaoise to cc son ax Rooms, with Shade eoaseated to add Auction, received befsr or WOXG KWAI, seval ; Fruit aad oar. Xacato Ujrzr1nrtJjmr now in Baaabrtrt bare gsaetaasiy Pasis. XaTeober IsC President Tniars, aseaa-paniedhy after tseh advertiieaestj are iilaei. ALEE, Trees ea lnaut,. it iKtiel.n apply to Also, occasion, iee ereasa and theMMdilsrscf Wirand Marine, C. S. it-I- iaam. anal aaaaaaaa ajaaaharaaajieaaare lajaga. aa4 aerSveet j to the eafsyaeat of the wfl.'far BARTOW. 1 , CHAH F00K. t B. E. WAKEilAN. eoraer-ssoo-e the prcected eatabiisbT-me- netioneers. we Wormed, wfl w tbe pnociBal the cf miliury E. P. ADAMS, Hocolula, 1871- tS-l- a LOT aawaK. aaar aoaaaBafllaaaaaaaiaaasaaae&yreaf ksesk strawaefrSrs, are Ronen, oa the STtb Inst. f Sox. 15. - A SEW 0P MS wajea ttaa it fla bsfa Mb. at ku S, sscx V6 ieaasre of tbe sapper. Tbe objeet for MaDSU. Saseaiber 1st. Tke Eaatoi wiii bmS-- aa Administrator's NGace, gs jt aawte aaaas rasV eaav ; fa gtren is one wfeaeb. It is aaaeetsiary nsr to allacV. npo.i toe next week la the NEV YEAR'S GIFTS! Consular Notice. fTThf Tin fl PT. 1 T, H t tux. - 1 Manila a . on particular tjaesrion l.ncln. Cigars and Manila Cheroot?, aaaaataaaaaaaasaaaialali lain ia liuhBs. U wonky af their bcar.v paron- - Oarfew whit Is nacrrtaln. AT . uiu uar ween ac irfwtTJ"" ufm tht o tb - - . v arn a laaaaSnyaTl faat kraaan. ate waM aasaracy U Tke resntr depeeda tke aturnde of the Cartssts, C. PARKE, Eq having been, j .lj i i me &siaie 01 ar xje. Wc expect to see thera there. as they bold aafaare of power. WILXIAM JOHN NOMOEE, 'Iatt of Puula, Puna, a f-- the of the undersigned, appointed as Islacd ef thaaaaat CaaaMana'aosaraAaee aaaavHS so BAT,B ! hT PrfXKSnfi, XufemOrr 1st Toe Jtmnuil de adahristraurof the Chan-eere- x,as louee an partle n.akri-jta- Ba SKATING astats of the tat Victor sl w.uj I bavisr eia aaj ul. rfai il Ca-E-rt on Frrrfay evea-- BINE! TBI Coecert at Tte Hoee, S. Feteribarj denies that Minister Cataeaxy has been or by the Sopreoe Court of tka Hawsiiaa elaiaa against this EiUlo to present them aa er oaaaaaaax was ne stay Islands, before 2fch of lar; for tbe beoeS t of Mr. Gioezx a crand sao told that canout at Waaniaftoa after tbe alt ewa, having any elaiaa aeaiast said. Estate are lie Jaouary next. U72. ar they will At tha eld and favorite resort, Caraar QUXS5 Tka anTaMhw, Imaiirr--i Tnrsiis wereea. de- Tiiit of Grand Aiezis. stales Cur- DEC. SOtli. be forever barred: And ef aad aawiM akaiaa every respect. lirze sadiecce were - tbe Date It that . rtinvU-- l U present th tame to H Administrator, all persons owiag tha ccss in Tte the AxauicaB Minister, has sever informed r are requested to make lies - ioim,nrklalaaxtaf5e evea-- 1 tis, the aad aH pensnt indebted to said itatstdiat, pay meat to NUUANC Stmts. wtlk tbe varices anslcil Eetss of the WILL A EitaU are reqaettsj .aansiaia ltmt harrats pra Jrgste Gorerusect here that tbe Aneriean Government E PP.ESE5T PAIR OP SKATES, to pay the same to the said Administrator. SEVEBA5CB. were wfeetierto accord tic chief threatened to send tbe Resales Mfauster bis passport. perfect order, to nly 1 " Hr. and at aios ia each cf the three fit teat HOo. J 28th. 871. rSo-t-fl . . . . t V SSiC. THEODORE BALLTETJ, AdmlnUtrator. H. sv. tftc accnscesnec aiaaicsra, vire ta-- Lostmt, Oetober Wnrid Special). At n saarers on our CbfTsJier I. NOLTC. t recent Cabinet GonaeB beid" lo eoostder qnesrioirs de Iaiegion d' Donsaar, y. B. So one 'eoncectrf fcs Xarcat, wtsb usteersd inr tbe rccLa, or to the Eeabcrs of tte yal laiaiiv, the Qoeer. waa with tie Sink 3l CnletforTi,ijJraicrnioee. A CARD. nni)h!3,Frft,H,liri. Uiax .brt retatioe: to tte asked to aSaa ed ta fat the prites. Hinololo. ?for. Ig. SaraSaac-raeiaSaawe- whseii bcaenerary is . e r 1 ot tttr ctaiete Igy. cranes? troupe, of tke r3ciCrarccMr. e. c ,o'.. loe marnig Iake af ;!nTjnc; remainlng-her- n wHb, Prneeian Priacers; also ber con- - decided on haajaa, a jna. ahap Via af Xaa Eeery piece of tte cxeeSratlt - eeted prograDKne Bainanrrfc We w?l ail- pretest wh ever Baa feonrht the yermaaently, the undersigned (errteea - to eStiMtobiBeol of 1 Tteg- - with ofiVs his to Wl nk aTSk nsost anexei'XiBsiaae aaa r- sent tbe irgrftjiaaiker of Tfttti from a inthe ietervesing' Los Strayedof SKlfiiif the aantaai ia.1 laaatoeak Bsferasaa uaderud ie tbe aasy-n- if rimanifjaigMiaa" , Tw Prince of Wsirsn Septal. Sue refused her t wiSB cstver ' - -- de- - Uric a,iiAnilfmt iBelsaiagTEorongh Ont-- , ir -- .The States' Trooae too their trsbotb rsrnfKasMaaa. fiauscajnentry soe refnsrc! PabstaUrrerlH liATLSG ATDHSSig Z. Bats; also, of German, Treats RECEIVED PerK.C.WyliefrirHjS, at. ia eaKfa aTajiuiaa. gohs aW3iliatj afSre aaa-a-. Kevada. We affix tier R.,re. sifnatans Ut a.veaaaimxs wbask were" i and Spanish. Engagements to play for eoietrts, One Eeparior Cottage Piano, 7 acuVer; ia purtare fcr Anstraa tm the b, i SJeeetJ giving aJeztssaShs and oae skslia'g,f of Working Oxen, one parties, - hiar's Dark Ac, madoon reasonable terras partieoiars aspry aiirfjaJaajiinabiaoaajlltf olandwl 1 k nrafiMnsnif TansSdil eater- - presented. T&c ObterL afterwafd- aiysiaocS tbe AYOKB j aim, flxais maisafaetnr. For to ' open ax the otter Light, with a dark (anedaird ' il-J- HshH wiiws on qeratioa ot a 'Ejtsrney, and tbe Zi eecli. isrj se P. it. ; cssse at strip npafred. F. MKASTXVi 00. anaaanlHanaat aw b Xart Taaar isccssmh the down the hack, and both branded 21. Any tAiaraanta far sme ubc, deSnitc proposhian wai'Wroiacrtf'to "appotet the 9Jd P.M. PnnUa rn order left a,t Ties. G. Threat's bookstore 31 pabHc Salt Works. Tha finder, by rstorniag the be - wfO, hefttelosg. favor tte with Cfeancrller atgn'dcmerta place cf the WILLIAMS A WALLACE. ahoTa-casa- pmoptly ,Maded to. rilSSS Pembroke fait, Frettoa dcXeniS Trirra to fthe same to tha d place, wia be fJ-l- a i, aaitaHr Professor W. UTJIXER, aad Yeast Psiwlsr. Far Salt by Kzcertfar tie txciit icrlij cWed. Qsces. Pnpriatsn. 5t.i1 J cftc: Liis of Baa 7rtaIicn, CtUbrsIt. E0L1I2 at CO. mmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmwmtmmmmimmmmmmmmmmml

1 The Sufferer's Best G. HEUGK ncu, teat WMn to aefcicTC 0. & CO. THEOD. ko BREWER a MftifWMtlH, b'C lrrCrrS1ta . - HAS fr bK of iMdb. For tiiiiHOTinHt im or m i ot rx ntotk baa. t tat Ooatbaoat; katrcii Ofltor 3Poi Solo arxxst R.ecoived. KX IUVTAUAX BARK - at iat n. tt krl at. h kiwaed ' CARGOES karvaiaaitbowa, lb napk. THE R. C.WYLIE FROM BREMEN ka aVtaVtaM k ttir;aa kd awanhitwi la i w. kytb MUtM-aMtrl- a 3TJST XUSCJOilA. v ,vm riTlosi aba, drtak. oa the! H0LL0WAYJS OINTMENT Tilt? & OF ; England, Germany IVanre, 1 " Bad BrrxutsUad riiaiw. kM kM as Mifl wltk Bad tnceww Sore. e''A tt rasam, aad k kotl !, 014 Wound, ! II S dewptiaa f tool o cr Ver ea 10LANI & CEYLON my fST0 I ril AM. iMii tk kortowed oy Ik tk kMilr a f exml lb, tur a I noons!NWa Ik mm r4fly mmm krtky THITK MAMIKIU.VS. tRP rilT5. i n aa atroa iw4tii t tmiE. akk) ft . , CollM I.ikM HV ' 'ikleme WIIMll IMM Trtik ilrJ aad apptvrrd r tk liw. W Tt. kro sona r k w4. I kit ? vnua Twl. Kt wan . kta FROM BOSTON tb( H oasa HWMN, sakoaa. km eassas Of tame to a ' tk iminl( . t eia. mm Tt.tttttii.lMrKbtuto aJt ai4 jl kte (inhl ( mm k linaaaiai art iwnn ia Vkr ltv WkSt V' Mr ara fr(( k' WbitaM4rla. VIMMI. ,ij COMrRtStNO- f bkto OawSiaatal aaaaalltaaaaBaa IW )te)(btl, m rfc.Apwlk, OMwlKV iWiST""TC. UH rrtklM rSrilllotU. rN W(t KrUltkKO. nm 1 ". M yipMi of tt Loatoa SHIP CHANDLERY 5.lK&t&tW wax mm Bit wWakT Ui. ail iiwmi t" apact ia lr tWi rtm ata Tkltot. ( WK Ckawr. . P , aa M- - Tbh &h, l Ht. r Mr Wtt. Wklt JW., Ml Ih tat Xf. WMJU1 ft4 i'.HtTMt i SM.. KMi t Mn aa. attaint at tajaajfcia' a toM Kim. Kk. VM MkHt. aiaok. WWt I tlir - tW Vt TkAin- - kk i . kn vx tbwaat m Wfe... fcfc. A bt WVif. vV) .iV, vHn ftA WikV. i . rt, rtk Vt. I n4 An )nnh 18 kf; R 4f lb ttuMb (. " fck V M k tVMV Aw mioiaw v kk.. WJSl a. LU.fcaV k i WJM hauakaslkMBMl4ai !!tl.vl..v.KaaMk Va.tVt.taV. kM Mai niitttkf Hv MttCMk tM Ha Wba. Roalkka tbkabbyK A.. K lu. tVaaaa. nMa llvlka. rA A UrM Vr4. fWllWkk4 tA MV Wbll 9 l"kb 4VjH. tVfkH Mi TfWa Tw raw WtHlaK W Kt I , ! rb.rr-- . - - Wbiii l m - WWW l N-- MM in 1Mila f lalh-H-' . IKAIIIIWAUIU Ir mi. piata i vVn'ioitft Vt. "VMh Vkn( r vH Ma Wavt, tUHbjibK A WaaVkt, A Vll VSk b kS,i VU Sw--H rk wf M V tM- - l h K ftirt vm, n '4 fvnti', Vi vniki aiiociiiiaS bW1 vvak lSn." iff UNf AW- - m vv Jit mv 4 i . T w( Mw- - KmM i ft, HkiMt4Nt)M baiiuk. tt, 4ito Mm Oka ' - w atH IkuM Ukkk nt ! h tri wn ' to M MM Ml KkltihM tl Kkivtvi ( kka aasVLaatassMaaft bw W.I (. si. I Ik if VVkb4 ftM bW( TV, tw Vb ,a !to ftl.TaftUbtf Wit. (Hun k I h ., .. - nk Vf t4 OT N- M kat um, m w w Ik kWJ. kWk W ibj Cat. SUlb.t4M iru. M, MM)k 4 ltra aU W "v JV W a taiMkxu mm Ik PUU. Tk ', k4 Aalwi Yata al aw m ' rul i rmnI tMi (Want AkfOM, tMt YW. VW. VMtabal i Vfi luHfl, it S ! y" tfaa urW M w ttmij kW MkN, 4 Put"' Tt tlaMta iWMiaM, naaak ' Ma Cn BuH, tui I1" Zj-- iV&M k MM- - Tut ia flaw, nalla AUii T V, ' - (Willi, NHWH a VNmktat SH, (Su,Nti H(li lia, li VT Oia ) laauia, Ha la Hal, jUm,litliglaw 1VmiJ Tatta Kalabaf, iwtl, ajwp. wyi, Hvu0ll"ir t aiaiWt, t4la iiw Sr Tkrwt, Blkeria, Qatasy, Mumps r Sua, klii, Vah.iMai Meruit rttb i itwi Mb. Oa) xmciMil koaw &ai &X Dera.geiaeaU the a4 Ur aiilal. Ya4 t'. tti Mnil oar of jkai a Vtirati, tltvrT Vpr 4 Hi. 4U kai U, Ati Ik f u MT kW ntU4U. lit OavlavM ihoakl k U nkk4 kii( IfctM Urn x lilQlTOHS! i tl .11 arrik am sm. mm m w mm ik. aaa. v. M IkMtmt, IVI tMTr ST URC'KIVKD! ' Bbi lili,tbx Cktta. CASTLE & COOKE MM JJlH, at kabjfct r MM M, tt MB4Bia W tk itu4. tt mH h fcrw4 at; lrilb. too. ton tnb i mfsiMats - itLmt latXr. Ikkt nil iB mt mm wun !! abJ nkini- Foto, aUn. Tk wSt tmH t Iki tivnUxal 24 DIFFERENT BfUXDS BEST HUNGARIAN WINES tail tatj romatet tta wtwi4 ot Ik mm 03JSP3nri. AT- - & of b m m IK k W K. kjr tk aiattM I Per Wonga Wonga City A ia( tat com cum kr MrH MWWI. ia . KIUNK WINKS win. at Ub tt&mu uJrtlar asat 3flDlsoelli3a.eoxxs, tVaaaiaUb, ib I a. l)iaiair. llubtlnr. NirlMr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I lkn li n rim. rwk nlWiitlaa Scrfila or Siag't Evil aad Swellbg of all wattaat-- 1 it.MW. XaJbiuH, IWi.lKtr. )lfciBll. & aTBr. Cliilu tk gnat MkM Mrtkoritj, K h Gla&dj. Uitbd. Sasar jtaaia. SI4a aad i . From Sydney Sna Fran the B, l5t Satra ' tkt kt tk jt -- ," Mtr Itakia Ifa. .iutli! Ahaiauf, aad Ilaal Satra. Cat OL VKtT of at krtadt. TDK FtfLUiWISU !. oVvm V Vj Mittlaa Cmnt. Cbit CbaaWr-lia- . tat ntt at likt of tk tort kb Ikii of t MJ Mbnr'i rlat. HwUb ab ai LuM. Lagraaf. LiU, .Uaorled Rntriali Tiiyiar Nkt i Oil . u ttoir mM iMk T Batteti.PiQi. CaMi Poll AVia. $kiry. Maraebta. Malt SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOODS I fiisas k aB kaj aariwtaw CamVcrUaJ Wki- - iki.rlir Cak aartoU loaaai. tatak, km nnQnat tk klMl m tckiactkjiMi rta-JB- M Ot. 2Crdb.air Kraolwein. aad Iitk j lr. tot tab tfa K Stk - Haaiaai Caea tmmMIr ktooi om KWUkki tksj dktr malr Am ly. Xardbaattr Kama! aad daakle Kaamal. Sw4- Caostslhis In Patt f ibaaaa'aVaaaj'. itott OikMot JMstki. & A tke M BaHam aowair, aad Coeblall. Pnaeb I'ojaM, tS tnajfiWt f fMa a tar. t. irfuiot ib Pab Aaar Ckaat TraaaoU fanont , tk towvla Vtmr BaWr PiAiaj. Nap Pisklai. aad Bittn, aad Il.tlaad ilia. Ftaeai Afblt all Wool l- -l FUaael. k line. taa4 tot &wl Hoakar kl ml Batalof I i 1 Wbtg aWut Vuafeh. Prtra, Fin CUr, ImrtalKm Holland Ola. eatt Braady Ilia aad Raia. Wktt alt U l A Aaaata WMt Ftaaoolt, AbiefcoiaajMaiatl FiA'k b--1 oii ftifjkty aHki Sh Ft4t A Wa St 0S0.a ?iKm. Wtexbsr, A SebrvKier'l Ur braad Ale ia pta aad aad Wall all Oaaa stoa SJJ1j, Dtja l, Gd llry Wt ea lara A U I r m i.twer weat rat iwati Rile PatMn, Caail Bum). Nrwstaa ia Hi and qt. Mariaa'a Draft Al ia Btvaaked Laaaaa Caft'ic' aaaajy. 8t riaikii 6kit June Mtik al (NMHorf m. at Br Flaeae. lost 8toac, : r-e- -- ii nU i coal a., i ttUra-rtltta- "fx- - toti ort rr W M Hf Taki, liutiu, jc. oaias, .iiiudw ia araiijaaai aaa ai, iur aier. Tkompaaa' Cfta, AIM ,aaMlktlkxd. Aasasaciur iVahas, Jaas. rrilt aad BIabed aad Uakteaeked Cttoa. ON HAND. AND FOB SAXJt, Smd Lc Cunm SMaTtout And numerous other Article j awt Stow mmi fttoitelMTKatotttoMkUtni B(Mita CaatncdU Stkt Mmw taatftkjt!wetk! Cir -- Vi--. ( A Ass't Stationeryj ikvoMMomiOTiikm SriC Mri flhainlir Suitable for the Trade. TT A T i , C . Sup'r of : oakav" N"wifian of RTiTi lotiafll iajt c3 iw MHMMMil Ladies' and BoaaeU. new atylea. CbOdrea'! ear KhntHi-towSnait- y tfataltu llati Water Used Xte Paper. Ha rtooA of lk Mm Cbil-dre- J- -. M tto pctMws coaam ir. Sim C. BREWER & Co. Hat5 and Genti' Felt Hats, cev Ladiei.' WbM Ruled N'ote Paaer. Cases Idibn laBab Rt ij and Geata' GIotm. eoleredill.Kid UlATe for La BUI toait 770 well!. Ifoact, irtoMatkil wkok j T Laato WkH Rated Laid Leaf. Letter aad Pater, i Ckijr-fM- di and GeaU, Saieeaders, Garters, Wkit Piqae White. Can" andAmkcr aad Letter and Bk at vafttkav a 9mcmm of nimpilitr, t B;ne Nf Kk(BlS VTawb VU. Sae Blae Sarbi, BiuW aad Clotb Paau, EareloBes. AfiBorlcd Drjr OooiT, Ac, Jkc. CtopMikfaa4 Soktt' While Daet Sacb. Paati aad YeiU. Onan aad Pa;sa's Indelible, ami Catlar'a Caayfectak, Sr XifttH Sau, Prisa Pants. Srared Moleskin Psats. Artist rlexiaee Kalers, Sir &W C(ft) A. W. PEIRCE & Co. Victoria Paats. SUk Usabreltas. wbalebce Sraitb A t PWUls a PktoafcntoFotoar ' atrvi Wa'a CartrUg!, " at tkt m Pwattot tmt! itiiH bet ttat so U at tto Etablibat at HOL- OFFER FOR SALE fraas extra lite. Ladies' Silk Uabrellas. Brawa aad Hair Girths, Stirrapi a Lealbr, Brit. Barque Carstang,' eatkbi LOW AY, 51 StraM. Tempi Bar) Louisa, Bla Cttoa Vmbrtilas, a canal! assort of Geots' Sme ar tto Tiwnrr cawaf at tata. that cob-- imt lai &aasb Tree, Crafr aad BrMles, Dnt Hmxx Jafom.aai.ta ttof kj aB rwyictiMi BncrUi mi Dvalm feXejuiBei Liaea and Paper CoUrs. Xcektus, Mia's while and I Oab BcHIo;. Street Brorat. is diczvxxk ta aaaH of wkMatkm ia tat rats to iww of ttotr latun?. Oou:qiii!iit- - ttrsht ttootrffind vcUrat tk fnIWwtBf rii: A General Assortment of Merchandise ?rey heary eaertaa balf-nos- raen a and boys, baarj Wood Faaeets, Lamp iKack, FROM NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE raf 1f, tk stroaetk aad actintf of insects fcr li. iL, H 4. (., III., J., aad 31. taea Pot. bruwn eotta Ktj. ladies' soferwr whit stoetias, srpa3 .FOR- Meriaa oaJirshirtl and drawers, extra, liies, Irowa HAS OX BO AID ts-- Tbn k a UVkj tie - Itnlian Packing Iice Lcntlicr, - - Tkat oats is propoctioa. In toe wkoie Said of f ejriWe iite; ij eotua cadirjaifts. pilot reeoBj jicteti. eonkey Jieb-et- s, ' laxjr K. waterproaf white cotton bemraed handker-ebwt- s. yweaat Coal. do. aoastaj Oaat, V? of in i ol5eiei ttor is otkBgoc tiiii Sogtbaa Shipping eoais, Oils, &c. Slaa minf . B. Dinttim tbe smlist f patucb ia and Local Requirements soperior whit tinea oad wn handkerehiefs, Paints, SfOaeri. Biltlad Bear. Who LaL Xka. I.! act at tto tos to tto me ot taoa a St can gay wiags - fr I Lbaseed OH. to saw, itB taar iir lb ill1 err iifepir an- xxI t eveb Pst. awaniiat; baadkerebiefr. calico and taaJapalara ibirta White Zio A L1, in 1, 2 a IS B container Bbxk aad X4 P., j C9PKISOS aad otter oamenws articles. BMfe Varaiik, Oahasatad Cwraaalid sots, uawio i I of aaVoofaw' or? tofntte Mcoai. A tto if posts tkroosk spate at tk - T. WATER HO USE, Agent. Paris and Ckrasae Greeo, if J. Chrasse Tallaw, Cabar, Sienaer, Daavfll' Wbiakoj ia (aaaaar aaat. c to pmt. of sixiwt ia tto: point - La tt4 Ir ttoit vaka nuaiil tott at ia aoai.fc Bat t O TTilV nml TTtmti TlnfL- frnn O In 1ft. Patent Dmr, VenailliM. MarlitV aaad ooaalaak, f rnirMaf ta aawawoaoa t of tto oWta. of ooi of taa tiarake its viae; vo or six tooatoii sved. WhitiB; PraMian. Blae, Btaddert of Putty, Heaacny's Bracdy ki foattK aaabf , NEW HOTEL BUILDING Maratt' Braody la aaaitor (ka. tto Bota api s zre roaaiiai ta Imbt THE BLAXK BOOKS, sack as St Heap and Manila Cordage of all Sues ! ledrers. joarnals, day Carriage and Coach Varnish, Hogshead Ofaa. rfiana ka oe f tto afcoaw caaai artrfi 3lr. Aaaaw fad 3JM is a aaifetate i I'arml . Tke u backs, cash boots, stock boots, accoBBtboks, ey-ia- ; Whiskey ha Qaa. Cwtl Hkissj. a! boots, not boots, book fulios, Gciare bants. Bright, Copal aad FaraHara Varnish, Sth a, rMarfc ofotaaaaa that tto kig soai by itiiafeii if It atkwayti to tasaat ttofe resstti EZ2CP ASD COTT0K IWXSK, WILL BR SOLS TO foeae JFcxc Lease Bill, cap aad letter paper, peas aad pea holders, ink, Bailed Uaseed Oil. TarpeaHne, WniCn ABMTbX ' ajBOEi fta tfcoto toas aEoaeakal aatt tapyia; presses, etc etc. Alasaa's Btackiafr. Caffee Milts, ojs , T foa Am- - Maaj iknbtkHS rseec-- FOR A TERM OF YEARS FaHi, Wiafc lire, Axe. Pick-- Stedg. Ads, lie, Oe, New Styles of Cottons, Ilaamer A Cktl liaadles. Printed t- - - tk toaeaioc storr of tto doaefcter of Sir cfc kw.- br jFa.lTTts Oil. Wool Oinlj, SadJtw, Eaaaielci Tranki, Heoeiiad raralarly ria Paa Sobert aj a btrtaaiy 1 tVhite lea aad sisc, black grcea Ba- - and Jar sale by tb aadorrigaed. to tnatiiut PL Hr fctkr gire kr, Ttii IIaaiiome Three-sto- rr ol Sizes J aad paiats, - Bloclas , of seea au, sceet etc. W. L.Cffi name-nan- Hs-Iul- a leaa, etc 3Cl3j pctitat, a goraoas aaa oat Kraoar. a ceiog- la eil 15 Coopers' f t - tretl PiUnt, Iras Strap; aal Caibed, I ta ia. Tools, HoaolBhi, Sept. 3). 1T1 aj--i , b rea4j- fur as i sa day fiicaa.anoeiE val ecspas7 Jib IXiaTta aad Zlxit i ifBr Brniitocnf iaa 4e- - theaork, IIasi, Melodeons, Iron-Safes- , Craters, llowels, aad Champeila; KnlreJ, i r r . I r a t ' X lie 1st ot" January next, SheaTe. bruhed aad patest i aai Ttiabki, Ceacectia; SbaeUea, BesfEnglish aftec oted ba Ltaud HtJ TWO ROSE-WOO- D COTTAGE PIAHOS! Carpenters Planes, cosesw aayaatfiaa of Tqcij toq bcoa tto caas of bytoribbi. Skoctir see sadaaet! aad Ad ria rs that DiU Portland Cement, fib Ja-- BTr at oxaasBaai eota, aaa Boat Timbers, Stems Fore. SaMotb. X tto iaijn i of aeaate caaW jl to tto 1 'J?3 soft and Strus, cry, cfco. Jiek Join ten. FOR SALK IIV -- bW sto Os. Torms. Ferfinn Cat Nails, X, 1, . S. 10. II, M aad taerowe 7 toi eoaskt Povorablo Best eaa da ealora, poeaataras, bair oil, fiae per J. M.il, u A. W. PsUUCJi A aooadktotaHoioaMofaa It Ba3t Sjprtjslr Barfj, Oarj ef iH Ienrtbi, aaa. Boat .vsiss, i, ij. It a Z lacb. fa- uacctioavit vas i&(vrti Aat t& babtt, Bt Swiebi, famery, teSet maps, etc. ets. i tto aakoaat of aaboao. wfcica air k &c - Bsjbiari, Steering Brani, Beat Nail. Pressed h'aBs, 22 iaeb, -- trmjiLt 2TaBa, Cat SiRs, RheU of all Cofr's Kiret. i, 7 a S B, Fresh California Lime For a First Class Hotel ! Copper Rise a Bars, , i n eat kraaigaaea. soil keea aod ta a Bttfer-- i MISCEIilAATEOUS. j, roit ii ta to foal Nosat la top ftot adae ii M A.Z& ta this i aj iaeh, Gia Taka, sale r attic, vtore tbe gaitoad of tto seaaMtress tnd. Cases niebaaeks ( s tf a. tataag ia Eaatas Mai utiuiuaatj fcus see& wal abk of all Kinds ! aad fancy articles, toys and dolls, Irao a 0pr tatt all stsn. v. rzmeu a oa. Paints, jack tafrcs, keieber katres aad pea tarses. water Best ftobker . 1, 1 a J nifiaati raaaaaW Jksajt. nu VpmqM. of a trver, aa that it tod toes tsed Is ritieiTriti all the Appliances necessary Ile. i. tata, to ia fatan Taan fraat Liaaeed, WTiale aad OtXa, BMateys, fill: fcerrinys. Wbtto-Was- eranet SfrBX rikboos ia lar artaeat, Ceatritbal, Varaiik. PaSat, h 15 to e,TW bfe reriart3. Taos, fcatkers Sowers Cases, each 24 dz., Ma. Xmmst stag :--" B- -i ateeaaVataar at--. to tie Business. Tar, Erijit Tarasa, Psap aad Eirjiaj Leatber, asd plumes, artiavial and wreatbs, and Semk Brweb, C'd Tra Pitts, ws oc of Capf er aad Irts Takri, gatta peraba raand carabf, dressia; aad la tooth I, 8, 1 a qaarU, i vtottor beSers it sot. fte iAHf tae i, Z.1,1,. It Perry Davis' Pain t itaiii. tb soai oa tto niwiw of tto casks, Udie dress trisaaiaf . Cac crakraiderics, the Oarered Stop Palbi, Ihtmers, Killer nrf is ioeahi up is. tto forest, aad if we sr-le- et ' safe. o aK tot c- - kajleit &. lest ot Germs a nrks. Mack bat ribboas. black Dttb and Milk I'sas. roil SAL.R BT I i Ara ez fcb acstral aart f tk Ckj ; ax ani nous, ronir, eiarf. ttoir aatwati, sotai aad iptntaal iaterHts, saaixjr pfuea reae wire, a ga arucfe, np iron, 3lBnda JmHiof'ibitj, sMta I real, T biagM, sleets. A. W. PXIHC i. CO fcioa oax to &c biaoitiany. I aa eoBtiatmi wsfl ftojed aita aad bat a ibart i&tace frssi Preserred Meati, Pie FniU, raae, heaipaaa twin, wattis; itkkj. riarra itrinji, tfcers eoaM a dnaiaM XeeHsi; to tto tto Heasstn' irbarras.tnt iiaenaers, uaacs, sqaartf, Lassets, ttot mKfeeeaes oc tto aact of fte Gaomjawat tS a& Pxkiej, Grea Cra aad Peal, bks aad eyes, bair piss, neerscbanEi pipei, raa-- Anrers, 31 ee. Line Soaeesert, Dtvaa? of Oar Madact, aad we ?;nrea, aad Tariaaa other Graeeriea taal iaaipa, watches, wiadow glass, Stktks, Ship Chandlery and Ship aahito aore Ekaif ta aa au tfeis gaas. OEfasasss qit rT KiS EJTFJSCES FEQiB THE FOflH STEEETS natai flot etc Yard Baa? Startes. Axes, Stores! bt-p- Oas, too wtoa. tiw TOit W , -- Skereli, Spade. Laleraf , TV Jitfaiiiwo aoat cook ta s ttoaue('s vtot Fasoie oar gate al hb, 1LS0 AXSO- LAHGKST ASSOItT3BXT OX That Bouml the Blocks Bad IUne.A aadO Plawt asd TIIH by aay Boo tAtmto. - ot oar btort a Atfdess atus of Treek Paris keft tad a beet iar ttoic om ami at ttof 5u Paiats. Plaws, extra keary and itnaz. tor ease mbn iatr:t tha aasa bsxlexa t&er ar BRAND'S BOMB LANCES! Expected per German Bark "Emilie," at tk Low! plki. Pnee. kf tto lawags HKiaOTat to gr iaatraaaefc as jaa. AaV aA freril ttot Kfaiw iuct Otaasra wkiei b ieaid, It desbvl, to ealarj White Pine Compos ad, ot.ua co. - irB Via San Francisco, PUad's pnoe bf ttoir iaf ria- tat, aad ttot tto nVawaii tb L4iaa. Peirce's TValln (inns, PaHi, Tabs, Brooms, Etc., Bte. ttoa-eo- ff araaV -- Golden Gate Flour. far biioowm tto prices ' Table. Bairy, and Coarse Salt, front GOODS ! ia. Pro Bono Pciiicc" THE HOTEL, IS BUILT OF CONCRETE tie SUITABLE FOR ALL TRADES DOWNER'S KESOSENE OIL, TTtXTXA F.UIILT. BAKbUU' BXISA, AJT at far Stoat filiai r. titof Tg fartb to reair ta Pusloa Salt Works, All alTPBKFIXB. F.r Sas ky - Frra tbe aaaat atoei eaag? viadk arc aaaJtuBa- aajak--i lH feet ij 75 Stct, vitb broad Vcaadabi s tie DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Bita Hni. 12 BOLLU X CO. aa-- . tc rton tto tAiEjaatrrio isiitrserleTeL' Bst l rear neer Ptxrr DaTla Son Fala.EUller, jl M. S. CRINBAUM & CO. CROCKERY, CUTLERY, And Many Other Articles Hemp and Flax Canvas ! And Contains 58 Rooms. 43-- Pi-c- on. HOSIERY, SADDLERY, ALT, TO bin MI,I I,OV. 3m AIIDROATII M.l.NUIACTORK, The Bocal&s. or Carrier BEST 1 on Hjkatt Matt In Traaall Ik VtsoBf aad BiBaH Bmoi an ty 31. Various other Merchandise abers. ta kasd ar dot M. Far Hxn UJley Azfttr. 33 jz. FaiJar,eiiiiIS ky J3, PERFUMERY, by (2 SOLUM A CO. by waaymry at tto j trratr ia sU Tkaaart Maf ajunt Ba-ra- aaa a CirlEFTIXT SELECTED. ic asd ta i lued rariT frsmta. ALSO- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! Saat Ftaaae aa 8 a mi ay. aad tto Water, tk , is k kwiav Baa tiararastst sif ail s ia Fjrtfnrrft, "Zuttzs. lai'nn f tke "pajroc past" kafweeu. tHPORTATIOXS FKOM aS tb iwai, aad. suia far caa hirt lata laid t be Frea tha aad Earcreas Hariata Spunyarn, Houseline, DIRECT st& EoroQesn Xirtea. aad &trabaad M bssaara, w!iea gu iatr- - via Toan aat Fan, aatt kaia arftd teeittiUarrat Chtk-- pi aj t uraera trara ta etaer xseaaoa carexauy at EXPECTED PANAMZ THE LEASE AND WORAILI.VE, JIarlln, Seizins, KalUn, tkiarr!aa4kftaREuaf Kcodr Xaie saaed. IMPROVEMENTS rail tar sat by 1 1 tto Trr !L pttea f tto Eanaaa eriano of, : Tba tended to. TJXALIIS, asioitiaeat tt tb CJbratd CASES PRINTS, wbite and 2 BOLLIff A CO. ; ai iU. Tertsaeter. net eas- - THIS HOTEL WILL BE LEASED graaad Prists, a asa'ika'rarl, i irkiailj tfiia aad GLOBE HOTEL, King St. soe Gsr2se Seotcli Trecd Ssits ! For a Tena of I Olympic Hall Huuanu Valley. MtW topOH. tos oaartaarfy yabfietoi tt Tctn TWEEDS, CASSIHERES, CLOTHS HOCSE 13 IS SPLBXDID OKDER FOE Cedar Boat Boards, T1IE as a Srst-da- u A HOOD ARTICLE. F aal by F u naka of bin kswfer aai otwerntSoe of Cajben Gbta asl BcX Sasusta ec aS rxaeaits, Aad it afan a Srrtnta eaaae its tba aatiibia; Spacious BnildiBg is to be let for katiae. It cosuiai U WHITE and BROWN raeas, 2 detaehci rarest, katb-roae- i, M- - lJ BOLLU A CO. ; klnri j aa4 Bdaasg as a Casz?tta Bhck Sra aad Wa&iaf Ss&f, of a THIS EetcTtaisaxesu. Far paitiealara, aafty rUa;e stabk, Bsa'i iiff caack bmm. keabaase, a Srst-da- kiukea, with of Jdt &e aaatk eiifttr of kU Lirxtr Err" Wb& T.KTn Cariinirr mlOrtiLSato ta the Tea. the Arsadcacaa itAOX, or t XOXG CLOTHS, area, Profitable and Permanent Business. J3-3-a J. T. WATBBH0B5E. amiass isojinii Ksnze and American Stare. Wood Hand Pumps, ba baafe. JJatoe Tb faraftar aaitiwg-.ao- d Soot" Jmaei re teddi;, aad Ukt serrlee WATXB 0& 0IL- - tWe Fta aa as A fsH Genta En Goods, Parties darirm; Laaj asarr at tb FT-- are an new. laM aa Pr sr akkakiijiii asrl ate tto aakau at asscr'tcf in? t RE-0PE1TE- & tier is ia tlx dtSertat ylim uiau rij D. Boots Shoes for Ladies, FS 1 OaV tori toac tat kaosii tto met at wkatk XiCE OFFICE. 31 4a a tb preiss. Iniaediatimtaa caa b srlrea. arts ah. kg GENTS and CHILDREN. Affly o Mr- - C. B. WIHUdu. W.re- - Meoraadto tto oK triaaier, 1Mb-- aad 6a- - Fsraitar criabt tbaatfto aratFi 6nai' Entfer Trail, Aba K. aaic,rioiccprspnctra tk premliel. Tens Iron Stock Anchors, acr tto mrste of rtafcsna to tto VeienJ Fatcsc WSM SMrU, ryfl The Fort Street Coffee Saloon rrarai. 27 - The Photographic Gallery Denims, Brilliants and QIZES, flora 100 ill, to 1,060 c'sF- n-e- vMk, Ito j & lb., ta -k t. trk ft;" O 3Bni or davtj JrVr aVavUVr fee-ase JUST BEEX PEfED tTeat aide of Fort, and Cor. Hotel at., tto tarrMT, aaade of ttose j k5: tT"- HXVTSG ialke To Let or Lease. cf Saa ad aitaated ateiubu. iaeaMriy atiied BT Numerous Other Articles kato a babe acd IT. .3Dt.HiiaBU nuru, a totat ea$rx tto er All tikes aa czzecdlagty be C Seaseat aa a aevt depot, wiil k beat ia a las Tboic rerr Desirable Premiii-- csir; f Cod an lw prlccs. ra w strict ittsntiVni ta basiacsa tbztb Ti abl ! a Plains, aa i ttorc baa toes eoecrt araUea tsVzbds seat aad Irat tyt. SUITAELE FOR THE TRADE tke known PLULASI, at bt-- at Blocks, Xaaco. rmded day filrttMsrrs, eeeapled by Mr. DwtH-- ore raceat tmeri aboat Sbr Jofec Sss aesd-a-e CU f mzj rna II a. a. ta to please t aist ALSO S. B. Dot. Tb L ATEST ttoi ' inr Haa eoniiits at lim. tvt.j- - D ASTI PLAIX BtTSKI &s a par of aigteaa PijUjnsky is ait Its srxxberatttsded to, totb tj rt r . "P,, L ikiafs. daakt. sad tkii labi. Pkr iogl to Dfcp enr -- Aa araefc ta &e Tibseao aad tbrar Eae b ,t i ana &l to. oaVdjer, oa tbe atoat reaaocaife .u.i. iisis, rtotry, two larr 1Z aeaa aa froaas risca a TOfae of two bad aa at ray StmC aad tcra. FROM BOSTON PER CEYLON Stare basement; there is EU.TS, HITS, IUT3 : rkr va u l)a gitisfiffffria BasB alsecn the taad s81b1 tkasaaadoate ttortfayataostfcgtaesafcitfeg CaSa ar ruaeearaSyiratafirBet. rinsa ia CTcry rrsfsnfy. a Cottage matarefe; tea raetas, detacbed Ktttbea HOSIEET", noSTERX, IIOSICRT t J3-- g. cipakHtfn cf rta K B9tIXX5y. X General Asaorttaent orTiertTS and Cases Downer's Best Kerosene Oil, eerraatr noes. Malies, it., tt.. with awHaf Cordage, Far gvn water, aim a uattage fa VaUer, II saaaS fcaterraiiag acesies, &at Xr. TeT nirifr da-- xaati', laiW aad Eti. taataa DMZOff UIB JIAXILA sisat, la - Poirtraitav for Sale, Gases Beat American Card ATatcLes. applied ht faaediatelT. Per farther partitaUrl o oary Atd j ...pe Ear y'lHf-- tse roab of sta ta- NOTICE. eewi ar a. aal r -i C--tt) HLL CHASE. f5 Part at. f'T" J. S. LEJI05. 12 rt Sirai, tia beat izd Zsjfeh Faaty SUjf Drj Gaodi, j- W ;at a sepsatr ad doiaj ta Faaba SctSasx. Bales American Heavy THE USD EKSIGSXD bto-- .SfffCT a ceclal fc I dcrse tice aifcS hams To fIIAI5 CAIJLBS-A- II ferricaar HOR5E-SHOE- S, j fce. Let, t aeaaniag &glr arrtiT earei tie f a ews;Ceat New Manila Cigars, Arnosfceasr Denims, fcc Inch, In Ean-- is,&a &a vaaexc a taxr at patra&aa fjoac A. TEBT DBSIEABLE f l r daly aaH. Fsrsbr Boots ajxd Skoea dlreet irss. &m rmrafii:U.ejj. tow x7exfxB7 BTrai J Bsu.aB aa. tba braaet poejftte ky atffiaatpoetacs. bit Kesdj sad tie pebfie gacaraBy. New COpAOE, csulaioe; as t.-t- T at jrx tie Manila Cigars. wg . - Utt scttoa cf &e . . y 3 r. Parlor, Hz or lifa-i- sj 5f?t f JT fcrfa innri-- i' tujc u& rzszai ot GJt X. 3E5TIELB. AIL THE ABOVE ABE FOB SALE ,Tea drMSBf, TOSS Hawaiian f -- m f Xo. Baors, KKcben Uet Salt, far p..,. jjjMsg, cr ta s cere ttaa ta rrnfrrrl cr tatotIll atria, of tie bus sntarial aad wauaattd a'a and and Panfry, Ealb 2,000 isle ta vasatt. ky tit ot ma aatr Hens, gerranta' ? .1- iasUU ta wtict tSata birds, jroria. Alao. ceaataaiiy aa aaad ta teat ja-- j School. Froca JtaoOa, Tta Saxt - Tt,. BOLtbW A P8L. rcftSasaateaiast Trj infant DIRECT aal ssaas sa sarrOTjaea ay uarses an amfa, Stat girrttfTisi atwtnna-tjain- . tats sr ..iaga fir br REASONABLE TERMS & LIBERAL PRICES Pastar Graasds, saed !a tSe eactsrx asd tto catgBtajr1 -- and is Trtre A SCnOOLi' fct H. J. 3T0LT2. pteasactlj UnitA in os ef tb eoit fceaUby QPKUH OIL Wsrraettd artWt. foe .- "crgret aaygcBBr aad farOJflisiited BBBber ofi tataan '- ft d parts of tic efty. Atpljta j i by tm eigt:U'!f. M. S. CRINBAUM & .Ol TonarGiI.-e3-wi.ce3e- at tbe eiyarnie f r,-- O fs) 20LXB8 A 0 CO., '---r - r,r i Coontry Dealers are Particularly Invited is tr lEtfo' Bfaek. EaK. rs teas xj &n xra saEcicat PapSs. Appty I f . imii'J esAaiifcawALP. I. D. Sortccaat Jfai. SfA55. Pzaaa, ; a- - Good Milk aa 1:'sucTtoca. asjr oners sczt-at- sia iws wia TO ZI2:a.TAXZ2NrX2 Russia Rope, and Sutter, CZ333T. Secured tcts taJUUCEdirera Caadlea.Caan. 4s: do. ! cragadT sttmrTad fa Bolt Vay b bad at kb, MLta BvtlKX. ' K"r irrftfrafal, XJAY, ' 5r t Vj Ebcb tWtta'Varabasias Isw bera. A SHORTED at tfta &&ttsess, cr letcu jee VX do Ss-- Wasaatad rrsaise. Far Sola by E02EET 2TZWCOUB. SIZES For aale br Paoa Orders Iar 4br aat U deBrend kTbeb S9LLES t CO. EOIiES t CO. ' EsMlala, Octiter list, U7U 43 iSia TEE02. C. KEITCK Fcrt Street, is z E0LLE3 A CO. MA30K, B MI, PaafOatea. .Ja