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U.S. Renews Bombs Plus Peaee Moves

U.S. Renews Bombs Plus Peaee Moves

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A venge Dafljr Net Preae Ron The Weather i, 9 o t %m Week BMea ^ Cold, windy tonight. dieiiW ''^'g|, AHHwqr W, IMC r of enow flurries, low, 110-18; continued cold tomotfow, Itot. 14,577 as windy, blgta In 20*. ' - ' « v-*V • V '••■'/•.• Maiiefc4M(M''~~*A Cily o / Vittage Charm k']- \ •' ■ ' ' (ClsMlfled AdvertUlng on Fege 15) PRICE SEVEN O E N lf MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1966 VOL. LXXXV, NO. 102 (EIGHTEEN PA6ES> U.S. Renews Bombs Plus Peaee Moves

High Court Very Phony UN Meeting Sought MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — To To R eview show young policemen the difference between counter­ feit and legal money, the Po­ To Hear Peace Talk Hoffa Trial lice Academy set up a dis­ play case. It contained two WASHINGTON (A P )— President Johnson launched WASHINGTON (AP) — The »100 bills, two $50s, two a new Viet Nam peace move in the United Nations to­ Supreme Court agreed today to $20s, two 510s, two 56s and day immediately after he ordered the resumed bomb­ a bmlted review of James R. two 51s. ing of North Vietnamese targets at the end of a 37- Hoffa's conviction In 1964 on In each case one was day pause. jury tampering chargee. counterfeit, one real. Johnson told the nation and tions under U.N. sponsorship the world that he ordered re­ might be able to IniUate arbitra­ In a brief order, the court said Someone swiped the lot Sunday. sumption of bombing of military tion. Shortly after the President It would hear the Teamsters targets in North Viet Nam to By now he will have dis­ spoke. Secretary ol State Dean Union president’s appeal on one save lives ol U,S., South Viet­ covered the phony bills are Rusk gave a more specific en­ question alone. namese and allied troops dorsement to the papal sugges­ printed on one only. That is; "whether evidence fighting Communist forces in tion. obtained by the government by South Viet Nani. The Reds are "A role for neutral countries tV j means of deceptively placing a reinforced by supplies and mon to explore the possibilities of secret Informer In the quarters LS€W S sent from North Viet Nam. peace,” Rusk told a news con­ n-m^ and coundls of a defendant dur­ On Johnson’s orders, which ference, “ would be entirely ing one criminal trial so violates the President himself an­ agreeable and welcomed by the i g g f ; S < r . . the defendant’s Fourth, Fifth nounced, U.S. Ambassador Ar­ United States.” vtAij l' 'i Police Probe <^U'' and Sixth Amendment rights thur Goldberg then called lor an Rusk disclosed at the news I'*" 4" b. that suppression of such evi­ immediate meeting of the U.N. conference that the United ' < ^Vs/di. dence is required in a subse­ License Fix, Security Council to hear a re­ States had made an offer to 'tWM] quent trial of the same port on the collapse of the U.S. North Viet Nam to extend the '■Sf. defendant on a different Payoff Deal peace offensive and to receive a bombing lull if North Viet Nam charge.’’ resolution for new diplomatic would respond to Johnson’s Deep Snow, Shallow Water at Globe Hollow Hoffa asked reversal by the action. peace offensive with some ges­ NEW HAVEN (A P I- "The end of the pause does ture of its own. court of his conviction. He was State and New Haven po­ Globe Hollow Reservoir’s present below normal This scene at Globe Hollow, taken by Herald sentenced to eight years in pris­ not mean the end of our own But the only reaction from lice authorities say they pursuit of peace,” Johnson said !r V I condition was aided by yesterday’s six-inch snow­ photographer Joseph Saternis shows the first fair­ on and fined 510,000. Hanoi, Rusk said, were "nega­ way of the Manchester Country Club in the back­ have been investigating for in his broadcast satement. He tive, harsh and unyielding.” He i-M*;'>t r fall, plus some added rain. When the snow cover Three codefendants, each sen­ at least a month an alleged added that the resolution could declared Hanoi had rebuffed melts, the runoff is expected to bring the 1<^1 ground. tenced to three years in prison, “ open the way to the conference every attempt to move toward filed separate appeals, 'Their motor vehicles operator’s F reservoirs closer to but not up to normal capacity. table.’ ’ peace and that he President’s petitions to be heard also were license fix and payoff. A ' " ^ . L They say it involves a New Johnson endorsed a weekend "senior advisers,” having first granted, limited to the one ques­ Haven resident who allegedly peace appeal from Pope Paul tion. The three are Thomas BJw- „ . , _____ paid 51,000 to a state official VI. The Pope said neutral na­ (See Page Eight) Too Cold ing , Larry p return of his suspended Many Tropical Features Ewing King. STEVENS POINT, Wls. operator’s license. the three others (AP)—The National Safety Hoffa and TTie authorities said the man’s Council ran into problems were tried in federal court in (ji-jving license had been sus- Bridges, Highway Hit today, in attempts to start Chattanooga. Tenn., on enlarges pended indefinitely by the State J To" State’s Snow,Storm, -w .J-js,. V ’.a...A *«rv., s. its iUinual skidding and tire of tampering with the jury in j^toitor VeHiictes Departmeini af- SAIGON, South Viet Nam down as the raJders encountered Hoffa’s 1962 cxmsplracy trial in ter he was convicted ficxr a speed- (AP) — The United States un­ heavy ground fire. But a U.S. tero at ames abmg the traction tests on ice. NEW HAVEN (API- _A. bow was sigiHad in tha WHS- i® Nashvllle. The Naah\^le trial ing violation, one of over 40 leased its bombers against Air ^ rce helicopter rescued the mantle area. siwre.^TOtford poUc« ifpprted It was Just too cold. ended In a mistrial when Jurors motor vehicle violations hs was North Viet Nam today after pilot unharmed imder machine « V : I brutal winter storm that Test director Qus W h it^ ' Between noon and 2 p.m. 4be tha* 2B tfaffic Ba6foenta .could not €igree, charged, with since 1968 in New holding off air attacks for 87 gun fire-. He was Lt. -Omdr. Syl­ degree* -eoeureed in a short space o l Hura^i,. 8^^ ^ tengj6rs-tu>rea. In his 82-page appeal, Hoffa Haven alons. days while vainly trying to vester Ohumley of Lemoore, time because pwple couldn’t-sM ran g^ 3!m ‘a higk of sero ,-3". •;. t'’"'r*' to a low o f below Sunday, said hie case presented 18 ques- State’s Atty. George R. Tier- bring the Communists to the Calif. fit. -- dowh Where tfaey’ wefe gobig. made it impossible to pre­ Uons for Supreme Court consid­ nan, who Initiated the investiga­ peace table. Ohumley’s A4 ^yhawk Jet in g o f by rain and sieet Sunday mom- Looking on the- brighter side, 6 to 10 inches snow pare the necessary nine eration. The Justice Depeut- tion; quoted the man as saying The first waves of U.S. Navy went doum about a mile off in its Ing but sUU averaged about 8 the storm brought badly needed wake. acres of smooth, slick Ice, ment opposed hearings for the he “ had paid to get It (his li­ and Air Force planes hit Dong Hoi. ^The Communists “Ijhe enow will probably be mches across the state, the mcristure to the drought-stricken four men. cense) back” when confronted bridges, ferries, barges, ware­ peppered the water around him ■i,.t around for awhile, since the U.S. weather bureau said. state. "The water freeaes before it can spread out," be ex­ Today’s ruling means the by police. house areas and storage facil­ for 36 minutes as he waited to ‘.I?';,*- ■- . Weather Bureau at Windsor Depths of 10 inches were com- The U.S. Weather Bureau The prosecutor said the man ities well south of the Hanoi- be rescued. »V .»^’‘:i plained. Locks expects a eoM wave to mon in northern and western which measured 8.2 inches of (See Page Ten) has since left for California, Halphong industrial area. Later " I ’m glad to see you guys. move in. Connecticut, while along the mow Sunday, melted It down to rendering himself unavailable flights pummeled Highway No. Now, c£m you turn off that ma- Two persons a ed of apparent shore only « inches or so was .96 inch of water.^wW^ for further questioning. 1, a main artery along the chlnegim fire?” Chumley told f^-*, .nO heart Stacks while Shoveling measured. He said no arrest warrants coast, wrecking a truck convoy his rescuers,. The rescue plan* :■ snow during the storm. They At Umes it was difficult to inches, leas than half an inch ^ ' i have been signed at this time. and destroying a bridge, a U.S. was piloted by Lt. Col. Robert were William E. Rudolph, 04, tell whether the phpw was fall- b ^ normal, spokesman reported. E. Freshwater of Canton, Ohio. and Mrs AnnabeUe E. Houley, Ing or Just blowing arpund,aa ^ sto m ^ bro^ht the ECHS Girl Wins Fire Injures Four The later attacks were cen­ On the ground, the Viet Cong fiv’aV^A i' SR hnBh of West Hav«i gusty winds raked the state. total snowfaU for the month to WEST WOODSTOCK (AP) — 88 both of W ^ Haven particularly 17.6 inches at Bradley Field. tered around Vihn, on North backed by regulars of the North Many schTOlB were c lo ^ t^ ^ g,„ce Four persons were injured, two Viet Nam’s central coast. Vietnamese forces were goaded l.v-’';'^, ' ■-? • of them hospitalized, after fire On the ground, U.S. and South into action by allied troops who Bridgeport reported“|U8tB up to winter began. Junior Miss Title broke out in a three-apartment ;-(;'■ north central and northeastern „ „ k was the second consecutive Vietnamese forces stepped up have penetrated Communist nfa 80 miles an hour and an unoffl- — ------building early today on Route their offensives against the Viet hideouts in the central coastal The poise, persanaiity and last night at Bushnell Me­ ■.•?v ■'.''.I'i-.i'-' •■ - ^ clocking of 80 mUea an hour Sunday that Connecticut was hit 171 here. .-■ r ers opened anor. hour naif latera a than reported at CUnton. At hy a major storm. morial Hall, Hartford. Cong, but the Communists In­ plains which had not been dis­ promise exhibited by an East Ten other persons in the build­ usual. As the winner, Mies Rloux flicted heavy losses on a militia turbed for 16 years. -jv'^v"''‘‘A>- -.' -: Block Island, at the eastern end Catholic High School senior ing escaped without injury. Fire The storm had several fea­ received, in addition to a tro­ unit and Red guns hammered Operation Masher, the U.S. of Long Island Sound, one gust Chief Wilbur Peterson estimated 1st Cavalry’s hedge-hopping more commonly associated officially measured at 81 have won her the title of Con­ phy, a 5500 scholarship and allied positions. tures damage to the structure at about with tropical storms, a weath- necticut Junior Miss and the other prizes. She hopes to use A U.S. Spokesman said Navy push around Bong Son, about Deep Snow, right to represent the state at the scholarship to ccmtlnue her pilots claimed destruction of a 300 miles northeast of Saigon, ■ - arman said. 'Hdes were higher than norm- the America'Junior Miss finals education at Smith College. bridge about 10 miles southeast was heavily engaged for tho For one thing, the barometer al, but there was no reccurrence 5 Held in Beating of Dong Hoi and damage to the fifth straight day to a firefight to be held in March at Mobile, The pageant was held in con­ !'\ -c'TT’i! •■' dropped to a startitngly low of the previous Sunday’s serious Strong Wind NAUGATTJCK (AP)—Five per­ approach to the Quang Khe fer­ the Viet Cong used as a with­ Ala. junction with the "Big D” 28.74 Inches Sunday afternoon as flooding that drove hundreds of sons have been arrested in con­ ry landing about 20 miles north­ drawal action. She Is Miss Patricia Ann March of Dimes show, spon­ the center of ttie storm jNi&aed people from their shoreline nection with the robbing and west of Dong Hoi. A storm of automatic fire and Chill East Rioux, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sored by WDRC Radio. by on its way north. homes in Milford, Fairfield, beating of an Army sol- Bad weather prevented esti­ mortar shelling struck a battal­ Louis T. Rioux of 45 Cider Mill Another East Catholic senior,. The storm also bad an “ eye,” Norwalk and other coastal mates of the damage to other ion of troopers at 6 a.m. and CHICA<30 (AP) Lashed by a Rd., Glastonbury, chosen the Miss Beverly A. Blackstone, somewhat like a hurricane, towns. (See Page Eight) raids. Spokesmen declined to lasted for on hour. A spokesman which allowed the sun to break Windblown mist added to the storm piling up deep snow whip- winner among 16 finalists for (See Page Eight) say how many sorties were said the Viet Cong used the bar­ through in the afternoon. A rain- driving snow reduced visibility ped by violent winds, the East the state title In a pageant held flown or what types of bombs rage as cover to slip out of Coast shuddered todte.y in the icy were dropped. what could have been a dqatb grip of a record-breaking cold One Navy plane was shot trap. wave extending from Florida to Maine. Manchester Awarded The blizzard, and extreme cold to other areas, contributed Support in Congress to at least 72 deaths from high­ J'-T* way accidents, fires and heart WASHINO'TON (AP) — Presl- Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, Cleanest Town Prize attacks to 16 states. dent Johnson’s decision to re- sa}rlng “ the President had no Manchester, in its first try, tary o f the Interior Stewart L. The severe storm swept up Bume air attacks on North Viet- other choice” but to resume tho has been named top winner in Udall, the main speaker, the coast over the weekend, namese targets brought approv- bombing, supported Johnson’s the U.S. in the 26-000-60,000 pop- Manchester, along with all leaving cold behind and virtual­ al from congressional leaders new move to bring the conflict ulatlon class to the 37th annual population - class winners, is ly paralyzing travel In major today. Some expressed hope the before the United Nations. National deanest Town also eligible for the Trigg Tro- citiee of the populous Northeast, President could continue peace “ I . wholeheartedly support Achlevement Award Contest, phy, the national award of ex- IniHudtog the nation’s capital. efforts. any action before the United ■ponsored by the Clean Up — cellence, to be won by that city. ’Two states struck the hardest, Others called for intensified Nations and I hope the United Faint Up ft Fix Up Bureau of regardless of classification, Delaware and Virginia, de­ military efforts to win the war Nations will fulfill Its role to Washington, D.C. which best exemplifies the prin- clared a state of emergency. quickly. seeking peace,” Ford said. The award was earned be- clples of the Bureau’s nation- . . . . i, ______Senate Democratic Leader And Senate Republican Lead- cause of the town's year-round wide community betterment m Mike Mansfield of Montana, cr Everett M. Dlrksen of Illtoois

MAKCHBSTER E V E ^ G HEaiALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MOI«)AY, /ANtJARt M, ttW -.'V- ' - ■ . or Dsparimaot, U m Pretident approves (he aiitohalaB of MaJ. Columhia Event9 Oen. Cbariea S. Brosm Jr.'s ^noval openttlaM, m ceofitag to Sheinwold on Bridge •'. J S - r ^ Bni^^lan iB t appointinent as^ohM of 6h^p< V o t e In Capital latas of too Army. / iwav l-irews tnisy -ow in g o o d h b id o e p a r t n e r Noifli dtoler The’ Rsixiblteaa 'TosiMv'Oah&if^. Both sides wJnjrtble in Um twt>-p»rt tnowfaU, but tbo BEtiteMBBBS OPPONENTS Off ice Site OAPEBI^ QDOTBI mlttos win coa vw at S takiiibt < ^ amount at preclpitatlmi waa Five Places n o r t h , Treasiny Secretary Heniy H- “THE WAY 4 109<2 Probe Tax Raise at Whlton Auditorium to laXi, ' greater than that because of By ALFRED SHEINWOLD WAO9NGT0N (AP) — Sec- Fowler on poaslb(lHy of fomml taaS School Fund ■):. v'-Tf ^ the rain, nje run off la expect- On Weekena The man who thinks well of retuy of toe Treasury Henry H. wage end i»lca oontrols: *T plans tor partlotoattei te ths| * . , , ed to benefit town reeervolra, I HEARD m Mg fellow creatures 1* admlr- Voters at Om qMoial town peMWfl wOi IM takan from Mm Fowler says the JiUmson admta- tUnk tiM yohmtary rastrataU of Fab. 17 Mwcslal eleotkai. . i Alternate stints at plowing snow or slush and spread- ^ a long drought. .Five plaoCi w «*.b roton la tM but I don’t want him “ w « r both management labor are jq addition. It will ba asked t o - meeting Saturday rdifit named fund. latxiitlon is studying aB of the ------Ing sand a t chemicals, interrupted by a few hours sleep, ------over ttM 'Waekead involving ^ n»y bridge partner. Cave me ^ Donald TUttis, otainnan s ( atternaUvee that ooidd lead to a working vary weU. $ 1098 I a committee of seven to tamo-, approve a ocmiproimlaa agrs*- kept^rews of the highway division busy over the week­ by John Gruber loitaintfMtur&v oomjpanieti, two pgrtner who thinks ill of the Um hoard of adDeaMon. saltottMi tax raise this year. 8«*>. Wayne Morse, end as they fought to combat a variety of weather haz­ TalcottviUe ssrvloa stattoos and A school, opponents and gives them eve^ j J i ? / *^072 ttgeite po&aitta 'tor Anew equipment tor tba s(fliopl has al­ pr»l. m«U« UniM SUM. to Oto ards. , with total daiunga yet to ha de- chancf to liv e up to his estimate ♦ ^ iouni ^ town office building and voted ways been' purchashd as nsed48L tanhiaad. Two of hraalts oor of them. 0 AKIS7 Hs addsdUMl. if Um inonsy So# The long battle with snow g o’clock, when moat of the men Church Approves ^ AJ to appropriate $40,000 tor addi- eunad on TaUand T t*«- - ^^ben thle hand was irfayed these euppUee Is approprlatsd and ,rain began vdien the di- were diamiased. see the ballet, they usually 6 Q 104 ttonal expenses tor the addition - «»M toto. „-to. ^ ^ t o ,^ to -to .to. s x r « t o " ^ ^ : viahm alerted at midnight 3 $21^75 Budget Somebody bas written me Tha AlUsd Oaattng Corp. M was a believer in minding ixrw, toe stats pays bslf tbs cost didn’t show up for the first snt ♦ 183 to porter ScfaooL ^ t)e increased to seven, in time wanting to know Just bow come 260 TbUahd TT»ka. was brokah y * own business. He won the s m w m of the equipment UltGPVEDnErDfl BUD* __ ^ AuuSI Saturday and continues today ^pot plowing and some St aH and gaised merry Nad Ward Rosebrooka, ichtonnan l a b b u n f o r ABO for toe fall elections. „ . Membsrs of TalcottviUe Con­ there is baUet in operas. Ap­ Into soonatime aftar dark fist- heart trick, drew two 1 k t 3 A Paw ad from the wall and taken opponent would hold three diamond return, if South held i^ ce for town officiala.” Tureck said that at 9 o’clock Paris to get that opera re­ tables, fiaga a ^ pdas, a cot la next year and half. ent. payments to reduce the church (It was Maseeneta “Msnon’’ by M. ^ OW"***®*;- dlamondB tor then he would be Q-io. This makee tt appear tonight the town will begin re­ stored in Paris. The groupt he said, felt the tbe 'biw ito robira, fiirnltura tor Fowier said however, that the Beginning at midnight Satur­ mortgage. The mortgage waa the way.) As a of fact many amount of candy and ^ ^ club on that the eihib lead is twice as best place would ba on tba, moving the snow piled In the Not a few or you wiU prob­ toe teacber’a" lounge, office Johnson administration is ” con- day, crews began spreading center of Main St. and at some reduced by $32,630 in the past pe^Ie stS\oto%»eriju»ttw dummy’s fourth diamond, dangerous as toe diamond lead. OreCn, either In front of toe New Way Found salt and calcliun chloride on year. ably be going to your firrt opera If West happens to return a equipment a stage curtain aa^ sldertag a toH range of all toe other points In town. Most of the ballet and avoid those Inside the building. happened, the diamonds town hall running paraHel with various atternatlves and study­ roads in anticipation of the 'The parsonage mortgage, ob­ March 11 at the BushneU tot' the club. South bae lost nothing. He a piano, aiaang otoar Itoms. that work will be done by out­ operas wMcb don’t have any. Sometime during the week- ny break favorably. South Rt. 87, or at toe Intek of toe ing them.” snowfall. tained in 1962, was burned yes­ Round Table Stogera of MHS can still try out toe diamonds, Tax OoOeeMena To Stop Hair Loss, side contract, the normal pro­ Most Wagnerian operas do not end, the Serv-Well Manufaetur- bad to give up a spade and a ball. He added that toe. oominlt- Jotamon lix^ d ed toe tax i'K A t abont A a-m. Simday, terday morning, in observance will augment the chorus of the and in toe meantime he has A seven member oouunlttee cedure. have bollatB, by the way, and Ing Co., at 44 Stock PI, waa club. Down one. tae has gone as tar as It could warning ta Us iroent budget plowing started on the town’s # the final payment. (A picture Oonnecttcut Opera Association given West the chance to make was named to ttudy the featt' Tureck said one employe, dls- 0 Pve actuBlty seen the rather in- broken into, police report The Hurry Without funds. message to Congress. Grow More Hair 17 routes and it continued until of the mortgage burning ap­ on that occasion as they did toiUty o f muitlpla tax poUecUana __ missed shortly after 9 o'clock vdved ballet in "Die Meieter- mirror on the candy machine there’s no wa^ of being sure, the wrong guess. Several persons suggested about 9 a.m. Sunday when the pears elsewhere in today’s Her­ once in the past. And there Is a Dally Question tt hichidoB tba sdeetnwn, tax HOUSTON, Texas — If tem baldness and <»nnot be covering morning, had worked a 32- ballet scene in Aida, also, which singer’’ reduced to a a do dancer waa broken and an attempt waa gputh would prbbably make ad<^>ttag a *toratt and see” poU- Book Joggliiig? rain beg^an to fall ald.) at______Basrreuth. The Germans made to force toe m a ^ n e the slam If he remembered that As dealer, you bold: Spades, ooUeetor, town traawrw, apd you don’t suffer from male helphd. The "m h®“r stretch. Most others got may come as a surprise. ____ streets with slush. The sun don’t appear too fond of ballet A company official told police opponents were human be- A-K-J-8-7; Hearts, A-J; - Alfred tange and John Demsa- WASHINOTON (AP) — Sen. But, if you are not already peaked out for a while about «ve hours’ sleep In 26 hours The annual meeting also Frankly, I can’t tell you bow MTS. Harriet Lfiown, town Hugh Scott, R-Pa., says Presl- pattern ^------baldneiis, . • you can with toelr operas, but the Aue- that nothing was taken. No -niere was no need to hur- monds, Q-10-4; Onba, K- . . ko. They will report back to tba slick bald, how can you be sure elected Douglas Hayes as presi­ ballet came to be included in 82 treasurer, asked If it would be dent Johnson Juggled toe books now stop your l^ r loSfl . what Is actually causing your noon yesterday, ad^^g to the The work was slowed by one triank do. Germans wlU go forced entry eeemed apparent p^y ^ Q,e diamonds. What do you eay? town at toe Ootober meeting. major breakdown. A transmis­ dent of the church council. opera, except to make a sort of poesible to have a small addi­ when he compiled Ms $U2.8-bil- and grow more hair, hair kMsT Even If baldness may Blush problem. Other officers include Leonard whole evenIngB of ballet, and McCann’s Texaco SUUon at gbould lead out his top Answer: Bid one spade. Tlie Aeilal Mi«s sion gear broke on one truck guess. In tion on the back of ifia haB, The town alsp.voted to appro­ lion budget and actually toe de­ For years “they ssld It seem to “run ta your family,” With toeing temperatures BayUss, vice president; Mrs. “ ****■ "P®** bou»SB 630 CeaUf S t w ss broken into bnmps, cash the other top hand is a trifle too strong for using folding screens to Mock tMs is certainty no proof of toe threatening to freese the rough and It had to be put out of plow­ dramas there were aiwaya priate $11,000 for. aerial mape ficit for flsoti 1967 will run clos­ couldn’t bo done.” But iww a ing service. Other breadtdowns Raymond Young, rierk; Mrs. danced sections nartlculariv in *»^® *»«*®* «*n|>«»*ea gometlmo Saturday night, poUce gjvc West his an opening bid of one notrump off the area from other peteoM er to $9 biUlon than toe $1.8 bll- firm of laboratory oonsultante cause of YOUR hair loss. sUish into Jagged ice, the crews .Sarah ahermsji, secretary; Fred the dramatic p r lx h ^ n e lawwn they axe chiefly employed gald. FUe oablneU were opmed ^^ck at once ----- before since you have not only too max- Ckdumbia. Many conditions can cause were minor and caused delays using the hall. "Perhape we ■ward RosebiKxdta a tax aa- Uon estimated by Johnson. has developed a treatment that plowed it off, and they opened Maycock, treasurer; Fremont a* ..DithvrajnbM^^Dmliur the ^ ’’BaUet-Abenda’’ or ‘ ®we- and ransacked and about $225 the dlamonde. imum count of 16 points but is not only stopping hair lews hair loss. No matter whfoh one o f 16 minutes to an hour. ‘Difthyreinbes.’ ’ During the touching Should watt awMle befora put­ aenor, pptated (Hit that -toeee Scott accused toe 'President of up pockets of impounded water. Wilson Jr., assistant treasurer; nlngs of Ballet.’ was taken In a money bag from West cannot tell whether to also a strong five-card suit. but la really growtag hair! Is causing your hair loss. If you Delivery of four new trucks late renaiaeance some wealthy ting too mudh money Into extra maps would be very valuable to rearranging the figures by ad­ wait until you ore slick bald That operation was completed David Ball, examiner of ac­ 'R m tie-in of opera anid ballet the caSh register, toe owner return a club or a diamond. Copyright 1986 They don’t even ask you to about 4 p.m. while snow flur­ ordered by the town has been FlorenUnee decided to revive office apace until we find out toe aaaessora. He said It would ding one-shot profits from the end your hair roots are dead, counts; Day SimonceBi and is so strong that practically all told police. Hie club return would be fatal General Features Corp. the total coats o f thh addition take their word for it. K they ries continued and the crews delayed, and the lack of those the form of Greek drama In clearly show boundary lines and selling of government mort­ believe that toe treatment will you are beyond help. So, If you William Smith, council mem­ European opera houses of any The Triangle Flying A serv- stin have any hair on tn St Center (Jongr^tional Churdi. He waa minister of Christian education and youth di­ guns and butter and the Great Natufally, they would not to do something about It before 00’ ’ to be encountered in opera the dance. gay. The burglar got in by there was a possibility of rent­ Society will go forward,” Scott oggf this no-risk trial unless Talcott, Franklin Wells, Bv- been taxed CRm cost of toe rector at toe church. His reception was held on Youth Sunday. The stole is white and gold It’s too late. ^ to this day. Sometlmee these ballet com- breaking glass in an overhead ing space,for asstUle. said. “He is giving hints that Gie treatment worked. However, errett Oaatetitler, Anthony TJr- Goes to Board Tomorrow maps is not so nuich to the and worn on special occtoions of the UiUted Church of Christ. The Rev. Mr. Hawes and his Loesch Laboratory Cfonsult- panies are more famous than door. Approximately $35.50 in Foul Merrick pointed out there may be a tax increase it. is impossible to help every- banetti, Douglas Hayes, end Apparently they Ukewtee be­ Edward Rybciyk, executive termine which among them photography aa ta toe clerical family left Manchester t(iday for Bethlehem, Conn., where he will be pastor of toe Federated ante, Inc., vrill supply you with - toe opera companies they are cash was taken, that the town is already ta vlo- wMch, of course, will take place one. treatment for 82 days, at their Donald Loverln, Investment lieved In ^ Including ...... dances , in _supposed _ rr------to support.------’The Royal The ______Robertson School_____ was dkreotor of the Manchester Re- would have to be relocated. work.) Church. He was also sest of $2,500. Thla scribed by the Committee on co^dentially, by mall and wlto- tor town records.” television shows have nosedived for dancing. of Its male dancers, but toe und undetermined num- slble, or to go into a building m(mey Is alqeady to toe treas­ Senate FOibuster Blocks Un-American Aotivitles as offi­ oqt obligation. Adv. acquisition. He has declined, Rjoeebrooks commented, “The challenged Scott’s interpretation veloped stages of male pat- In popularity on local television The last chorus is marked opera company itself is medl- ^ dimes were taken from program. If necessary. ury, through toe collectton of cers of the Ku Klux IQan. however, to estimate the cost of town regtotraiB hove received durtng a radio-television show NO 09UOATION COUPON ' " stations, according to latest rat­ “Bollo a 3” or what would be dog llcene fees,^^tad cannot ba All declined to produce ocre. a dispensing machine in the the project, pending the com­ The greatest need, he said, Ls tbree notloee from the Secre­ Union Shop Repeal Talk taped Sunday. Clark said toe ings. called a "Pas de trois" today. Quite aside from toe histori- grii.\g> bathroom, police said, pletion of plans tor an April to relocate the many elderly used for any other purpose. records which the committee To; Loeach Laboratory OoUauhanta, Inc. Roger K. Davis, writing In the Further, he ordered, “Tutto 11 tary of State’s office asking Joseph Szegda, who apoke on Pretrident merely Is balancing Box 66001, 3311 Watt Main SL cal associations of ballet and ,pjjg cream freeaer in the application to the Federal De- p>erBonfl who reside in one- and siWAfimNGTOM (AP) — Tbe Foes of the repeal blU esti­ said it was entitled to have ta Its toe cash inflow and outgo. Manila Bulletin, said the drop In core insieme oantano e bel- wtMn apace wtS be provided fOr toe clause, eaid there Is a reCttit Houaton. ‘Texaa 77006 opera, there la a very practical cafeteria was forced open and pentment of Housing and Ur­ two-room apartments in the Seiwte today goes into its sec­ mated they had enough speak­ probe of the Klan. “Actually,” he explained, the popularity of American lono” which translates as “The reason for Including dance in- .^hipped cream ww thrown registrar records.” sUto statute maMng It manda­ The Hemse Ways and Means I am aubmitting tha fonowing Informatiim with ^ _ — ban Development. downtown buildings. Tbe town then voted to ac­ ond week cf the unton shop bat­ ers lined up to keep toe filibust­ “what toe President is doing ia atanding that it will be kept strictly confidential and that I shows was due to the increased entire chorus sing and dance terludes in operatic entertain- the cafeteria, ■Whatever the estimated cost, tory for towiui to have dog Ctommittee calls Secretary of Rybezyk revealed that, under cept the need o f office a$)ace. tle with nclthw side ready to er going for several weeks, if to balance toe cash aiul the cash under tao o b li^ o a whatsoever. 1 now have or have bad tha cost of American programs and at toe same time.” So we find ment. Opera is not a pure art, wood carving and a wrall it will be split three ways, with preliminary plans, the MRA pounds. necessary, against even toe mo­ the Treasury Henry H. Flower the custom established at toe However, the douse, wus so budge from its position. outflow In tMs budget so as not foUowiiM conditions: to ah upsurge of locally like music, or painting. It com- ^ ^gre the federal government ocmtri- proposes to construct at least The dogs impounded here will tion to make it toe Senate’s back Tuesday in an effort to very beginning of opera and, I worded tttot voters became Demontracte. pear. Further, since they usu­ aitory survey and planning ap- the abandonment of the exist- will cost toe town about $4 per Such a move failed last Octo­ annual hearings on the Presl- participating ta a program to Attato any other information you feel may ba hatytoL The operas of Dully (or ally appear In toe third act, Goes to Board Voters were to toe position month. Mhiuld^ got an agreement dent’s er DANGEROUS TRAP Influence has made Itaelf felt ^ u,e most spectacular of all r' line (non-aold) powder, sprinkled on Best Director money <»uld be applied to the eaatcTAiiuu. *eMooi.* your plates bWds them flnner so they what is still a rather lengthy ably hot.” denoee and businesses in the amended maps. The proposed group to (o hear Secretary feel more comfortable. Avoid embar- evening's entertainment. —------■' mortgage on a new buUdtag. regpilatlons are on file at toe Defense Robert S. McNamara OASUAirf raeement caused by loose plates. Qet rodevelopmeinit atea, to de- “JULIE CHRISTIE PASTKBTB at any drug counter. Rimski-Korsakov’s ”Le Ck>q The committee members, who town (Uerk’s offtoe and may be again Tuesday on the authoriza­ 88 Lewis St. d’or,” or “Golden Cockerel,” is Public Records ^11 report back to the town by viewed there. tion mkasure. Committee aides Hartford, Conn. supposed to be an opera, but the DARLING” June 1, Include Selectmen Jo- said it ootdd be approved and 625-9168 aeph Szegda and '\fincent Sled- Manchester Evening Herald 167 Church SL only time I ever saw It produced Warrantee Deeds sent to the floor later ta the New Haven, Conn. (more than thirty years ago) It Norman C. Soutoerglll and Jeskl, Robert Tuttle, RusseU In- Oohimbia roireopondenk Vlr- weMi, although tMs is not cer­ 624-9986 was done as- a ballet, with the Lm.y y j soutoerglll to Rocco Btaga, Rosebrooka and the two gliiia M. Oariaen, teL 228-9284. tain. mNCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE stagers and chorus on toe side- gjid Florence C. Traill, hew members, Audrey Idler lines, whUe toe dancers mimed property at 84 N. School S t Dante at and FhUlp Isham Sr. CURLED... • SPRING SEMESTER 1966 • toe entire ocUon. It was very Raymond W. Ck>x Jr. and The Clark’s The meeting then voted to ap- IKUCKS CABBY 82 FEB CENT efiecUve in this manner, and Louise C. Cox to Thomas J. 28 North 8 t • Tel. 428-9001 M ILLER’S pn ^ iiate $6(X) tor antaltect’s Washington — Motor carriers LuUy*s operas may very weU Raimondo and Joyce A. Ral- WILLIMANTIC toes tor the prellmtoary plans. handled 62 per cent of' the (doth- Day In . . Day Out . . Confinuing Education Courses have been done this way. mondo. property at 58 Deep- RESTAURANT School Appropriation lag ahlpped by manufacturera EssentiaUy, we’re most mod­ in 1988, the Commerce Depart­ So I guess we’U have ballet ^ood Dr. 10 E. CENTER ST. The $40,000 voters appropriat- Data Processinsr 104—Mon. and Thurs. 8-10 P.M. est in price but we allow ment reporta. fE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST railgU with opera unUl toe end of Ernest H. LeBlanc Jr. to ourselves—and you—a touch gd tor additional school ex- time. Carl Orff includes done- ghirley M. (Jonverse and Fat­ of true luxury with Planked IS GOING TO RUN Data Processing Applications for individuals with ing ta his modern operas, and rlcla L. Dupret, property at 46 Sirtoln for Two from the FILET MIGNON either experience or training in Unit Record Work. m does Werner ^ k . Certainly Lenox St Charcoal Broiler at $10.76. EVERY NIGHT always toe custom is not dead. Lillian C. Fradta to Harry H. OM PRESCRHTIONS Registration 8:80-9:00 P.M„ Jan. 81-Feb.4 Brownsteta and Isaac Brown- OPEN EVERY DAY ♦3,75 FuU Course steta, property at 832-856 Main Complete Luncheons from With Shrimp Cocktail . . . resulting in meaningful College Office, 184 E. Middle Tpke.—649-6877 99o Twachtman (iets St. together with a right-of- OPEN FOR LUNCHEONS savings to you every day! COLORFUL way on toe west,: Bar Unit Grant ’Trnstoea'Deed ■ No mM and downa In yam Preaerlptfon ’Ihe Connecticut BaiHl and ooa te--^ “dIacoantB" today, “Bognlar W alter A. Twmohtman o f ’Trust Co. and tiUIlan Fradta, iUaPASSLO IN SUSiPlUiF prices” tomorrow! Treat yoorgdf to laxmy$ Manchester, a tow student at trustees under toe win of Julius niiKlANDilNIINIIMFT No "reduced specials”—no “tmpporary let oar atyliits pamper FUETGHER 8LASS CO. Connecticut Mdnettoiu” on PrescripuON* to tare -OF BIANGHBIXEB cnstomeral joa r hair with liMtroii% School of Law, received toe ^t 832-856 Mato Bt, together Hartford County Bar Aasocla- with a right-of-way on toe west A t the anme time, there ta ■bver muy vftsrant looldhg (Xilor I Of '0(Hup|goiniae In aervtoe or quality! **When You Think o f Gla$$f IH4521 tlon’a annual $500 acbotorahlp to Qnltdalm Deed coo|ie it’s Pand-tone, ffw Think of Fletcher** Saturday at toe Barristora BaU PtoRtaald ^ Schmidt to Elda BURNSIDE YOU ora OUB LOWEST which waa held at toe SUUer- Schmidt, property at 97 Del- EBIOBS EVEBV DAY O F ’THE creme hair thit—•» Hilton Hotel, Hartford. mont S t We Deliver Marriage license YBAB ... . AND YOU SAVE pofectly natural lookii^ 54 McKEE STREET Twachtman, who presently MOpOB IHiHlUGHOUT THE residea to West Hartford but Donald Howard Schulse, 100 Everywhere, Fast Weekdays I YIBAB . . . ON ALL TOUB . for gray or dun hair, maintains a legal residence ta Sununer St, and Patricia Anna- belle Parandes, 88 Ptae S t * S at , FBEBOBIRION NEEDS. so gossamer Ught for TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS Manchester, had lived in Man­ 7:00 - 9:10 for a raoreatioa romn? chester wl^e serving ta toe Building Permit from $25.00 to $45.00 ’To ’Texaco Inc., new gasoline TRY US AND SEE ha-hfr U.S. Army's C Battery, 2nd GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES MlosUa Battalion, 56to A rtU lay. station at SIS Adama 8t , Nofw Is Mm ttme to bttog to to be lepelwiJ Ha atoo ooBomuted from Ma«r $20,000. Stona window gtoM reptooed. cheetey to toe Btortford Brandh cf toe Unlverelty of Connecticut PBOGRE88 IN FLORIDA AUTO ULASS INUTUIED oito latw to toe main campus at MIAMI BEACH, Bla. (AP) — $ 600 Stlprrs. He received a HA In po- Mflami Beach’a first graat 1UMX> oceanfrant report hotel has been m ss FURNnWE TOPS litiQai aclence in June from toe T S o o -Ww ooUege. Terachtman la a aac- sold and will be torn down to WRRORS (Hieplim aei Doer) ond-year atudttM at tha law make way tor a rww hotaL Life in su ran (..e includeu aduML____ Barry Mhtoon, who aaU ha T U m N D Bom in Brooklyn. N.T., a aoo hemobt toe 40-jear-o)d Acney THE CONNECTICUT BAEIK PICTURE FMMlin (all t||ws) of Walter A. ’Twachtman Jr. of Ftoaa BotM. announoed ptona AT THE PAMCADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKL Caone Paric, L X , N.Y., ’Twacht- hx* dOO-room, $25-niilUon hotel WALT DISNCrS JUSO m UtT COMPAMY waif^.M—^ ir __ aa— — w WINDOW aii P U n 8LASS man ia a graduate of toe Man- on toe site ot the old landmark, "2 CHIPS & M ISS- oWw wmw9 ■ 1D8I wnosm y ' hattaa (N.T.) High School of Tbe reported salt prioa waa $8.5 u : Ariatton Ttatolng. mOicn. d »9 9 -~ “ O a r 4:15 • SdU • 8dS m F A 6 B IIANCHESIER e v e n i n g H EB4M ), I^ W C H E S p B , OOMM. MDMP4 Y, JAMPABY^ UW MANCHESTER BVENINO HERAI*D. MANCOTSTEB. CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 81,1966

be was not nottftad to writing of B irfto a blaok velL 9ta to vtattlng (he ^ Qmrred J^otel Spuitab ambassadorrto the Vatt>, Poljpe ChiePs ebargos brought agabist him by .120 CQ South,-Wuidspr ' the town pohM commtarion, nor ' 'W S iliit'A ^atk er, r egister 'Antoiilo €toiTl|iMs'i?Dtoa , I Congre^adanal y^S^i^hed for ftonllieriy Marie; 7-.U The board of adstatton wSl V iSS_!fT2?ii! •«»*> "> «*“ oMci, »*»■ Court In lAdAricwn on Feb. 4 You'tl saveror aavs to tur tlira held Ma annoal msctlng Frt- registration to riiow cause why en injisMiton bepanse each Ume U ««its 'and » Vj rbiiitthtt' bold a special m M tiiig on the Oonauuntty. <9nnh; itas, BD- >tl» , P « * ^ ^ pmis TOOT roll of BlMk h d ly , in the tlOth year of tha *• “ >‘ » ' should not be lasued to lot Pack­ Biben Named... trii iB M ANCH^raysL prmosed mIdiSe nildiSe school school tonight tonight rsos . BsUam Plsaaant VsDsy in svpkisM and toe that Itatra- FChoe Chief Koas r e a l eSTAIC SALES apeak on “The Need for the •*» Ctofden Chih. - conloalan IMday oot has deeUned in the'some period would not he renewed. and Mta. Alex C9ierooCf, Wnkea-Barre, Pa. Her paternal aasMont clerk; 2 0 m BUan Jews, WssHiiw throughout the world. Sunoner, tresourer; Philip Itoo- ^ Neve, Wseibw School;” Arthiir Hottln, princi- Also, ’ Rocra Smith, South .topsed tbs floor hf a bar en ttte —igg par thousand to W , The poltoo ofaiat ctatms that grandpareota am Mr. and Mna ^aniir, Bolli. Hingatoo, Pa. 8) Peter Jeantass,. Hews BoUee said tbs yoonger Ikmt, F m : $ 4 0 .0 0 pel of the Wappdng Schpol, who Windsor Sastoriool Society; rimet-floor of ttw hotel, throws ^ ^ ______She haa a abter, Suaan, 3. ley, saslatent treeeurer; Clyde •:S0 ( F Walter CrankHe ■ who has baen reported rntosing iBstnieton Mr. will speak on "Grouping” and Mrit Lawtsaos Andnis, Templa tog patrons into toe h o ^ e n t : ■ • • • • • Beriowith, financial secretory; ilO-lSW Honilejr-Biinklar 19:10 c i S j ^ S r J S , tram McLean Hospital in Bri- Charier Church, assistant fl- MoBcbMter HIgli S e h ^ “Instructional Materials Cen- Beth HUlel; Mrs. 'miUarn Me- IW e swept .up through the ho- Bennett, Beverfy Ana, daughter of Kenneth W. and <90) Amerloa’s PreMerns nsTM-toa secretary and Richard 11:00 ^ S4.im»a04»to40) News, nidbt, Mass., rinoe Jan. u, ter;” Joseph TrlK>. principal of Ootfrey, S t Maigarat Mary’s a n d ^ ra *>>e sdjo- Dorelle Flah Bennett, tO Diane Dr. She n^aa hewn Jan. 21 at ( 8) The Ueutensot Ueute Bporta, Weather ahowsd tip s i tbs home of Us Manchester Memorial Bo(q>ltal. Her maternal grandparenu Jones, auditor. The positions of Intereet (^Vhiinece Theater te. EC.rn.rk 8*01, -ECMte, M ^ e ^ il:18' parents the day balina the stab- hbPmWtn and assiatant liia- NewT plane” and *Rpeclal Subject nicht, - Booth Windsor Wonum’s am Mr. and Mrs. Howard Flab, 77 Oiealmit S t Her paternal Wbat’s N< toe, .basement and three to the gnuul^wreate am Mr. and Mth. Morris m nnatt, 98 Baldwin torion are still open. 7:00 Itorie (O Movie Areas;” ciem Wilson, middle Mrs. Moimsn Walker, SutweripUaa TV l e ^ Wednesday Afternoon Club; upper floors ot the Paramount ■Jdword Shenale and Ronald school teacher, "Elngllsh,”' John OPEN Bd. ^ Toar HeSat Movie ' Charles Bjutomi, South Wtodsor 'Vtorfcex^used a 90-toot crane • • • • • Farris were risotod to four- , Trevel Time Menr Orlffln Gray, middle school teacher, ^ak on tog Fund on ^Feb. 18 at the she had been on the danger Ust • a • • • and Mm. Violet Toomey were iBattoh) broadbosttog, aooordg paririi he9. Send £DH Rd. Two SATURDAY minute length. Some stationa carry other snort newscasts,) A T B O T H "Building Ooeta'’ and "Alter­ since being dragged from the OBriey, Dehna Jean, daughter oT Peter X and Bdpe elected to the board of ra* Ing 'to a study by the Elec- 'sittings w fll Ito served, at 8:16 WDBO-UOO 7:66 Jack, Dreea 4 n atives.” rubble Friday night TILL 6 Smith Curley, RFD X Griding Rd.. Tolland. She waa bom Rgloua cducaUon. AM tti Ohidc 8:00 Long John Wads 8:00 News teonto mdustries Assoclotton. STORES and 6:80 pm . For ftirther to- 8:15 Dial U /jn s f . Audience parUdpaiUtm win be Three others still wera on bos- „ . v , tormstion and telkete, the reo- Jan. 21 at Manchester MenuMrtal HowAsL Hhr maternal waa ro-riocted bo the GbiMlan 8:05 SHt____Boblnsoa ;— 10:06 Comment By oontrast, the lOtto In 1960 welcomed alter the presentation. l:04 News. Sign Oft Inty may be oontected. pitnl danger lists. grandpumta am Mr. and Mrs, Jhlm R. Snxttb, Albany, H.T. BnHotment OomnoKtee. 10:30 Dial 13 wrw 1 In 9. By 1966 1th ex­ i The puWlc Is Invited. WBOB-eie U:00 News r Our Entire Stock* Of Building Oonimlsrioner Rob­ Her paternal grandmother la Mrs. Margarst Curley, IToy, Mrs. Nancy Dlmock, Mm 5:00 Bariford HigbUgbIs U:15 Sisn Oft pected to be 1 in 8. LWV President W^^Rtog Chnreh N.T. She has two brothers, CSiristof^er, 8, and Patrick, 1%. Jacqueline Spencer and Mm 7:00 News WnO-4888 The juntor choir of the Wep- ert E. Toric ordered a delay to • • • • • _ - , j . 8:00 Gaslight 5:00 Afternoon Bdltkai The League of Women Voters the search Sunday. He said he Beverly Webb were elected to u;oo Quiet Hours 6:00 News. Sports, Weadier baa announced the appointment ping OonsnanMy Church wlX 6:85 Americana would determine how tbe search Itordn, Karen lynne, daughter oC John B. and Joyce the missions and stewardship wnnr—me o f M rs. E dw ard CJorcoran, 7 rebeeroe tenigbt toom 6 to 7 Schmier Martin, 14 Ridgewood Ih:., RorinlUe. She waa Men 5:00 Ne 7:06 Conversation Pleca T V S m s R(•p erira d ( v a l e n t i n e s should continue after the beams oommittee. Stanley Batee and 5:15 7:35 Chet Huntley Brian Rd., as its president, to pm . to the chapel. 5:45 I 7:80 News of the World Ora shored up. Jan. 18 at Rockville General Ho^itaL Her maternal grand­ Mra. PoUyaun Swanson wem IN Y O U R HlO ( H E — fill the uncxplred term o i M iss The yiQUch choir wtB meet to- parents am Mr. and Mra. Oscar Schmier, Paocla, ZH. Ete par 6:00 News 8:00 Brad Davla The iMsement of the Para­ elected advisory council mem­ 6:80 Arthur Godfrey 9:46 Nifbtbeat ON THE SPOT Cynthia OrinneU. Miss Grin- night ilnam 7 to 8, also to the GENERAL ELECTRIC tflcnal grani!^>arents am Mr. and MTs. tdKAm Martin, Lair* 6:86 Dial 13 11:00 Newe Sports, Weather mount Hotel had been drained bers at large. ( In 99% Ot The Oases) nell has tendered her rerigna- dhapri. rence, Mass. She haa two hrothMS, John Jr,, 0%, aad Von, The Mduung committee, or­ 6:55 Fhn Rixsute 1BS6 Art Johnson ► /" PRICE ’The lobermedlaito choir wiS of about 10 feet ot water after 7:00 News . WFOP—1418 ONLY! tlon because she Is moving. 0%; and two sisten, Dianne, 8, and Donna, 2. 7:15 Dial 13 6:00 George Brewer Bfau* and WUto f4JW 1 workers riiut off a broken wa­ ganized to build the Religious Mrs. Corcoran, formerly first rebaene Wednesday from 7 to Bducatlon Building, was dls- 7:80 DbnensloB 7:00 Ken Orlffln______(•Does Not Inrinde Fsrimged Cards) ^ 8 pm. to the senctuacy. te r m ain. ■ Crior $6ri9 vice president, will serve until A spokeeman said It would Bnnrn, Lianne Jane^ daughter of Bugene and MkrceDe La Leche League r^ n a ttS T fo r Vu d ln g Hundred Team of New England on Wedneoday, withOmlg Pepin (Both Prices Plus Farts) the annual meeting In May. tak e another 24 hours o f w ork CLOTHES DRYER Begin Damn, 677 W. Middle l ^ e . She was bora Jan. 21 at The South ‘Windsor Group o f A meeting of the local com­ to reach tbe. area where mora Manchester Memorial Hospital. Etor matemal grandparents neete In U m fu l^ . Cookery;” Hale. “New England stoking a record total of 81 L a Leche League wiO bold Its BEITER HOMES mittee wlU be held Feb. 7 at bodies might be found. N O S P E C I A L Up to 14 N». Capacity am Mr. aad Mm Sylva Begin, Wi^t>ptiig. Her paternal grand­ It waa renortad that, as of Discovery;” Jensen, "White points, and beat EJast EDampton monthly meeUIng Feb. 8 at 8 the home of Mrs. David L. Tbe fi've identified deed taken mother is Mm Genevieve Daima, 86 Conway Rd. Sha haa a Deo 81. 1968 there were 882 House and Its Thirty-Three on Friday. 42-88, with Rodger T V S E R V IC E pm. ait the home o f MTs. Gary Evans, Main St. Membera will from the rubble Friday night WIRING NEEDED! 3 Hoot Seloetions rister, Sheila, 11. manbrn of ^ church, a net Families;” Paine, "Report from Groee high scorer for the home Vernon Obole—Vernon Hudson, 20 Brook S t, Wapptag. • • • • • be contlimliig their study of the wera Mrs. Barbara Bawling, » , 24 over la s t ^ M . Village;” RobotU, ‘Whaling team, with 12 points. 649-8900 or 876-4444 Topto flor the meeting w in be Ben, Robert Jamea, son of Robert S. and Hden Bun- * Shim Planned Salem;” Sloane, “Rev- The varsity and Jayvee teams retatlonehlp ot the Capital Re- and Mrs. Fatricla Osborne, 27, glon Planning Agency to South ’The Art of Breastfeeding ebd bank Ben, RFD 1, Slocum Rd.,' Hebron. He waa bmn Dec. 80 The Ladies Benevolent Sod- Wood;” Smith, "Up- will play two away gemee thia Overoomlng Dtoflcumes.” both Boston, MlCbari Cohen, at Hartford HoepltaL Hla maternal grandmother la M m Wil­ ety of the church haa already rtver and L ^ " a g ^ O o v e ^ m W indsor. 66, o f MUton, M ass., A lb e rt Orchard Hdl FTA For further intocmatton liam Burbank, Roslindale, Maoa. EOe paternal grandparents set dates for iU two holiday ^ ... Amdemy W hite, 72, o f P h lla d elp b la and The Orchard Hill PTA wM about the league, Mha Hudson e Variable Time Dry Control e Safety Start Switch e Convenient am Mr. and M m Robert S. Bell, BrookUne, Maas. He has two faim The Christmas fair will ^ Friday, ntay be coobooted. H erb ert M cB rid e, 40. o f tbe meet tomorrow night at 8 in the Paramount Hotel. slatem Mary Ann, 8%, and Helen Loretta, L be held Nov. 8, and the sUver by the Bolton Art Club, l^ e t ln Board Metal Lint Trap e Three-Way Venting e Porcelain Enamel Drum and • • • • • tea and greens fair, Dec. 8. Mra. *■ “NaturaUy,” a pastel of cats The board of education w B school auditorium for the first to a series of programs to ac­ Manoehster Evening Herald ¥sn deef, Patrick, oon of Frank and Jaoqurilne Her- Thomas Johnson of Bolton Can- ^ *® Sooth Wlndaor coitespoadeiri> Top e Friction Door Latch e Operates on Standard 120 or 220-Volt aleux Van Cleef, Old Stafford Rd., Tolland. Efe was bom Jan. ter ia again itaL His matemal grandpsr- «« Wood,” an oU by Catherine K. proposals. Q ren its. mts are Mr. and Mm Bugene Hervleux, Caen, France. Hla Plano Beolial I ^ e r , loaned by Walter The selectmen wffl meet to­ Teachers will exiriain and inter- Talks with Pope paternal grandparents am Mr. and Mm BVank C. Cleef, 70 lira. Biuoe Hutridimon held 'i'««»huk. morrow at 7 in the town offloes. prat the more specialized teach­ ing methods and the objectives 4-Honr Fire Garth Rd. He has two brothers, Frank PhiUppe, 8 ^ , and Brio a monthly piano study-recital Jayvee Wins VATICAN CITY (AP) — Mra. Botton’e Jayvee basketball Blanriiestw Evening H en U of Individual irograms. Anson, 19 months. sit her home on Shoddy M U DERBY (A P )—About 100 fire­ JMm F. Kennedy talked for 10 team won two gomes toot week. Bolton oorreapondent, Cletne- Miss Josephine Zoocq, town Rd. Saturday. Students ptayed men fought a Maze for almost mlnutaa today 'wltti Pope Paul It beat Cheney Tech, 77 to 46, well Voun^, teL I rea d in g d irecto r, ■will explain four hours early today at the Haloney, lis a AHIbob, daughter of WUUam H. aad and toped compostttoas. Jeanpe VT at a private audience in the the role of the reeding Instruc­ Specialty Plastics Oorp. Bdlth Drspans Makmey, Old Post Rd., ToUuul. She waa horn West played and heh>ed lead pontUf’e study to thegjAipoatollc JaiL 21 at Manchester Memorial Hospital Her matemal tor in the school system. No one was reported hurt In a dlsauaaloa on Bach. P a la ce. L . grandparents am Mr. and Mm Peter Dmpana, PhUllpeburg, Mrs. Susan Alpert, psyofaplog- the fire that broke out shortly Also taking prat wera KMliy , R 'traa'Mrs.. Kem «^*s first N J . Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mm WUUam F. ■had'' e s»am tow to r th a-etojp eh - betore midnight. Tbe plant was- Dtxon, Leake Dutton, Sherry kudience with Pope Paul, whom Maloney, Wllllmantic. ' tary ridrioK'W to speak-on .'‘•The cloeed at the time. ^ iiv i n m n ^ • • • • • Dpvld. Pamela OtoKwer, BMn she bad met when he was in Oonower, Jane Gtahnond, ■ Deb­ Role of the Psychological Ex­ Flames were confined chiefly Janlme, Aadraw Seott, son of n srbert A. and Sam Jav- a m in er.” to tbe boiler area of the two- New York last feH to address m m r n ^ © r x i c ^ '^ bie Gueim, Donna Mtamteucl, m g m 127 the United Nations. She was tnaky Jariine, 62 Vernon St. He was bom Jan. 18 at Manches­ dhri Preuim, Donna MiauB, John Nachyfy, PTA president, story structure on Park Avenue. received in audience in 1862 by # # 1 ter Memorial Hospital Hla maternal grandparenta are MT. Shiolee Thompson, Debbie Ne­ says that “The PTA hopes to Fire units from nearby Shel­ and Mrs. Simon Javlnsky, Minneapolis, lann. His paternal gro, Dele Bwebt and Beverly MANCHESTER BETTER HOME HEAT COUNCIL accomplisb to this manner a ton helped fight the blaze. the late Pope John XXiU. grandparents am Mr. and Mm Martin Jarime, IsUp, N.T. Potter. better understanding by parents Cause of the fire was not im­ The fcjrmer First Lady, wbo Grange Book Gift of the total effort mode by the mediately determined, nor was came here on a private visit last Parker, IVedertek Bfany Jr„ son of Frederick and Lliir 7 0 W C / school staff to fulfill best the an estimate of damage avail- FYiday from Gstaad, Switzer­ GENERAL ELECTRIC Seven books have bean added da Cooper Iteker, St., Vernon. He was bom Jan. 14 to the Adelia N. lioomls shelf goal of developing well-axljuated aM e, land, wore a black dress and and well-educated children.” at RockviUa Gmeral Hospital EOs maternal grandparents are at the library. Money for the Mr. and Mm Roy Co<^>er, Outlaton, V t M a paternal grand­ books is donated each yaar by Also on the agenda will be a parents am Mr. and MM. BIroy Patfcer, ^pringflald, Mam He Wliateyet do^ discussion of the type of action 2, Bolton Grange. The ebedees this haa two brothers, Michael, 4, and StSWi, year were on eochlblt at the to be taken by the group on tha CLOTHES CONDITIONER * • • V • coming town middle echool ref­ Orange meeting Friday. wedoHxicetdly Mid-Winfer Special Morriaoetta Faal Hotmaa, son . of Philip H. and Laural The books are; Brown, “Rec- W E ’V E MOVED... erendum . Atkinson Mocrlaeette, 128)ji Canter S t H4 was bore Jan. 22 ipra from Old Hundred: Two The executive board will meet High Air Flow Drying automatically fluffs at Manchester Itanorlal Boa^tal Hla matemal grandfathar to serve you. to the school library Immediate­ la WUUam P. AtUnaon, U SH Omter S t Hla paternal graiid- ly after the problem. clothes through fast moving currents o t parents ora Mr. aad Mlm WUUam Mnrrlaaatt% 271 Antimm Refreshments will be served. properly wanned air, drying them quickly. S t ' Home Tour Oommittee * •see Oothes come out so soft and smooth that The Civic Homes Tour Com­ f t * , VBon, Heidi Marie, daughter eCJNldMlas B. aad Mari­ mittee will meet tomorrow at 8 many require little or no ironing. lyn LeOem VUon, Montank Dr., Vernon. She waa bom Jan. pjn. at tha Wood Memorial 18 at Manchester Memorial HospKal Her matemal gmndpaiv Ldbrary. Fifteen organizations enta are Mr. aad M m Donald Cknhom, EBlngeriands, M.T. from the town are oo-sponsor- Her paternal graadiiarants o n Mb. aad M m Chartos VUon, Ing the toiu:, for the benefit of VoorheesvUltb N-7. v. * e • e e W ^ K I N S ^ E S T the South Windsor Committee for Retarded Children. Omndler, WUUam Seott, son eg Gerald 8. and Diana W u ite / ia £ o e i e T i c e The Rev. Gordon B. Wad- Vnuiaau ChanfBer, 188 B. Mhta St. RookvlUe. He was bom ORMAND^WEST • DUECTdl hams Is honorary chairman and GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC Jan. 22 at Rockville General HMpItal BM maternal grani^iar- ovn Mrs. Raymond Kingman and ents are Mr. and Mra. Bdward DePlonte,.. Hartford. O s pa- 700,000 FHONC Ml 9-71M Mrs. D. P. Cavanaugh are co- temai grandparenta are MT. and M m WSUam Oiandler. West HAVB STEPPID chairm en. Hartford. He has a brothel; Stoven, 1)4. kMUAM A UMNON, Ua AMsdrie I M Off-Stiest hlHag In addition to the general ------/NTO WfLL. PAID JO B S ., ,j 142 EAST CENTEX STKEET. MANCHESTEK committee, the following repre- Londoners Greet ' aentatives of local organizations hi oast oamtral Omada. * SEeURITT w ill attend: ‘Royal’ Burtons ■hreriay Foraeast ■ HNMER MTI Tranparaturaa - Thesday * UST J0B» LONDON (AP) — FUm stars through Saturday are axpected Rtcfasid Burton and MHsstirih to average beiow normaL Cold Bsyfcr were received shnoat tfanugboot the peitod. Uke viaMng royalty at London Nonud high and lew tempera- Airport to(My wtien they flew in tore at thia thna of tha yaar, Hartford 84 and IT, Bridgeport Been Los Angeles. 88 and 23 and New Haven 17 SHOKTHAND The oovpie, en route to Oxford and2L S VOICI-O-MAttC M iM ilSiHHawt k> appear in Ghristopber Mar­ Preclpltatton may total treab (TYMNO) NEW TELEPHONE OFFICE lowe’s ploy *T>oator FaustuB,” er than % inch- melted, ooour-' • nCMTAMAL Caj^Ridiaids were met at ttie plane by a ring early and at end Of perio4 S W J K n Grace Line dhatfenred limousine and with snow thmtos 'wwer hig»«sr • OMMIt—ftW tBMn NOW OPEN AT S2 EAST CENTEN STREET Fre^ter O I.IV E O IL WMdrad to a plueb private elevattons. AND ABVAMCn PERMANENT WAVE loimge at the airpeet. • IMd-nimiMM BnmigrsOcai and customs of- Voyaces FOLARB OVKBHAUL • tUUMW MACHIMI ttrlalB cam* to the lounge hrief- MANCHESTER GROTON (A P )—The Polaria • ■OOMW WHO Easygotog, 12-pssseng«r FOR THE WORLD’S : ly, teen the two stars wem uab- UF.-flag frei^ters. Forts to ered through the terminal. submarine Georga Yhkshlngibn • i r w o r m m a c n im SHOtTNAND tbs Caribbean and Sontb MOST LUSCIOUS COLD WAVE . Antony apurilng a board, baa received an overtand; da- CiutomOT may now pay tdephime bills and make inauiries signed to Increase ka striking • D taAIM O M a ^ th ^ ^ c e at our new building at 52 East Center Americs. All staterooms cut-, draws away Ip a smsK BriUah ride. s s A with s privim Purest, ifolden Italian olive oil to start atr wttb a retoWve^ lOas Tijisr, capacity and wlB laivs Fah. 8 S t ^ t , Mancbeeter. Bills may also be paid by mafl or at any 'with. 17160, an exotic ingredient to create for Charleston. 8.C, wbars It battoooiA Tbe'food is good /Wssitag a tBmn.oaiaied mink WBcta ItoW to the SyoS and ptotiful. Bring s hearty continuous moisturizing 8cti<»i. A dash at •oat, fdBowed In a ROBo-Royce win be outflttod wiih missiles. W n H EUBO- The ship is now side to fiN ^qqwtite. Voyagea last up to delicate conditioner to lend luster and body < sMtb asdas licenae plataa. tUDIO-VISUAL ita weeks. Also eembtostioa A-S Polaris missiles with m AHM. (W M^oyment ^ C M m

Senatora ertw oppoaa the ra- iM>ea and mnrder, and houe- pomptenn of bomUng to flood' k ^ oomplekite aeem Uke m th- FRESirjMinV' In s id e the White Houae with private! aaHillwRa^l# ' ■ -W!- k « to theac W ell, t ta fa non­ ^wmfiw tnt ptivomti sense. What da you caH tbte, lettera, deliver qtaedrea on the; I'WWaAlngtoe. tiMMi oalla from people who R q i o r t floor, and d te W eettro puWte opinion polla and leftere from ^ __ _ _ i’bo dodjiaaBy adlaUan.-,^hero • hare chUdrea ft’Hrtngt *nite (O aattm ndi I P a g e * ) tenk a crime? Let. me tail you. back honie purporting to Mow "o A y a t in m batwaen wmUatactaty B r e s l i n thiat moat Americans oppose an toon-who Stoik;. Isutt weekend I worked the the homhora to North 'Viet Kam, (Oeatiaaed fM Ikga •) phones beta. I fiound three more hotnMng. ttofiV isbbifi; roida pialn oar Intention the order wifi be unavoldabla Thus, the trouble Mr. John- ' tedMta«8. one la the Bronx, <'!' ( I). oot wUbtevir flUitlng takn plaee. w ife mid. aponded. So I ’ve had Inapeclote barraMing anti-bombing state­ johnaon'S pjdWo "agontelng" “Wake hha up." Me was toM. of the highest poMtlona In the ment by 16 Democratic Sena­ -IN , I 1 • t.'i .n>e ProiMeht hae rafiiaM that strat­ lyVer hii deriteda; wkatoer to ^ crowhiig over He terOdtoge. Ngw Democratic Merarohy> But their “ He’s lOee^ng. What la it let me tell you whet’s going to tors. :^i,. .''iiii!! ! egy, and dadded oUierwlae. Wa fear^lw same bookbing if'N n r lk 'Viet Mguinenta were chopped down net PoMMieni Newmoper about?’* ta a p ^ to Mm. We’re taking n I. r-f' I la wTCBg. W e hqpe, M tor eorvtwU It*^ Nam te only erfiboldening' Opn- by power of the Prealdeat’a pro- Srnmoate f^wtdoual .crtkca who “ The heeiM Tte, Owns on Tre- him to oourt and we wanf Mm adf, that ha aah some|iow W lig h t aentation. b(Kr to a A eiM y o f toe hard mont Ave. baa no beat" In Ja«. And be*a not going to be Tha implloatloas of that WMte SUPPORT FOB ORABOWSKI GASH SAVINGS . Aa f real eftorC on the part of toe United for both mlUtaiy ai|^ poUltcal N o T u r k e y in 1 u rk e n J,, convinced in the WMte notoioed ita support tor the re- “ He’s sleeping." House Cabinet Room, or aoina nomination of Rep. Bernard « ( wwMIeaHiiw al apadal dia- Natfotu to diseuss Vletpam has, so far, reasons, sdedUve, ntm-popuia- “Wake him up or weTl'try M O INES, Iow a—Chur- been oonsidered Impractical, becaun it tioh bombing. miiM be resumed keya or turkSna 'are not croesee 90 per cent GrahowsW, DOmn. I’ll; and ask a detective to come and But by agonizing In public, h« The action announced Statur- , Ine.. was not considered likely that the Unit­ where tt waa left oft on Christ­ tap Mm on the ahoplder." between tnrkejte and CMokena <• \l.l ON r muanat' seeks to soften the peace bloc, day Indicated Orabowskl will 3 arwra aptMarina ia adTertiaementa ed States would submit itself to any mas Bve, roapy crlUca of re­ The husband came « i.. the__ as'the names imply but are ac-. 7be llancheater newing toe bontoteg mlglit sup­ In fa c t however, the delay has have solid support at the party a United Natiana Judgment, as to toe le­ phone. "Tm having theV.., hoUer tually a large breed of cMckens port him. RietMd, 11m Freeldent ancouraged Congreasmen and state ccmveeflon tote eummer. gality or moraHty of its role in Viet­ fixed,” be said. “Somebody with'hairteae bead and neck. FUEL OIL has leaked Sbniea from toe ahouid he there Monday to do ... nam. If, bowevin; toe President has now ___ Bpadal •Awacy — Haw Tea*, d * 'White House about how ogoMz- I t ’’ I, Pabait and Boatop.______decided .really to yield to toe w o ^ cy- Ing and kmely It la to tie Presi­ 'What’s Monday got „ - M ^B H R AtriMT HORHAP O f cmCOLZ ganlsation-aome pf that pearo^ieepl^ dent of toe united JStotes. with today?'*' H0H8. ______- and pm ee-en fore^ tor wUob .it This was not toe President "Look, you’re being unreason­ was created, we ;rna^ told some addi- who m «t liaR Tueedhy evening able.’’ tioaai hog# tor pMoa bnOdlng. at the 'White House wtto the 20 “What about the people freez­ leaders ef toe Senate Mid House, ing in your apartment?" » — 1 ptm. WMnaadar. < :ilp.m .T»gjtay/ I>emocrats and 'RepuhUcans. “Look, irs getting fixed. To­ be a smart Mother Hubbard with That preeldont was setf-aaaured, morrow they’ll be there." daadltea i'^ 8 P > S['aaeh Omf it HPlMming* Rkjrs Off esoept aaHirday »- * oafan and fiHed with hard facts ‘Tt’s going to be 10 degreea 1toi''tooat’ nihaibahla^bf^ e f' and figures, nrt te^JMlcing tonight” jtooOayi Jdmwrgr St emotian about toe budshJpa ef "What can I do?" ■ornkhnw sneaks sg o » wa arriving o|t Jack pabrot, the 2©-year-old toe aeahk uUntTO^toOed, nait very strict- toe presidency. Twenty leaders came In toe Aastetairt BulMing Commla- 1y doctsneUed; not even carrying toi ■White House back door that eve- sioner, was on duty in the tele­ WroAK, Hope He's RisM right, ooncto>lve statletlce, but never- Mng, and 16 ef them went out TalcottviUe Church Burns Parsonage MoHgage phone room. toelMS beiag proclaimed with eudi pro- Xt artB m iA ln .OebatAbte wbetbar convinced that the President’s The Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda, center, pastor o f TUlcottvIUe Congregational Chun^ watches "W e’re hiMcy to be gebOng Preaidatt Johnaon oontiiined hla **peace lieaeicaal oompstenoe tiw t we liQrtoe)i case tor resumed bombing was the 13-year-old mortgage for the parsonage disappear In flames as Bveratt Castettter.yreM- tha names of some of these • a dasiDne. W e Just need more One auapeota that toe anawer to that cital of the ebb and flow of the toward a food emergency. . ' room hare. This te the fin k fueatlon. In ttw world, in tola country, military action In toe ground »ace Stations Soon 'tim e we^re stier asked for peo­ and in dongreM win come from vnrloua ... Wltetfinds fe'tlilat!?^^:' war south of the I7to Parallel. Hearing Stalled ple to Inip OB answer the people taitoer exactly In proportion tr He hjire to JU^erlpa haVe at last found Mr. Johnson next produced WASHTNOTON (A P ) — PresI- by Soviet tqjaoeauft throughoul; phones and look at It, we’ve had Irrefutable pieces of evidence to toelr feeUnga even before toe "peace of* a system for payl^ ow^ farmers to cut dent Johnson said today that toe Metory of toelr program, as WASHINOTON (A P)— Weeffa- people ooming in aJl weekend. food biv^ hi tiMi bM|Hk demonstreite how the Commu­ Ceiwlve’’ tvaa launched. We doubt that prodUotion wUCh does-not actually re­ American space achievements weiU as by U.S. spacecraft pre- er wUkto stalled traffic also There used to be a staff of Juat sult-in inore production.! While we have nists had used the bombing last year were a brilliant pre­ vous------to 1966. stalted today’s ttrbertawto Coin- a couple of eWy' workera inhere. the Prealdent’a attategy haa changed paiffie to Increase toe flow of face to toe ooming years of sta­ “ WMle the United States was xneroe Commission resumpOon Now we have interest’’ toelr men and seqipUM down ; -tr^" tha ;; tions ki space end voyages to .-.j.,------.------.... ^ hearing on whether the New The votamteara kept picking Qqe abtleeaWB reaatt. haw»v«r» ft^wss toe Ho Chi Minh Trail into building an impressive record aa food market, wnile India, a friend ot toe planets. It orbited more spacecraft than Haven Railroad should be per­ up the pbonea. Their faces begtamlng to have. I t waa beginning to Sonto Viet Nam. ours, has been developing an Increased In a special message to Con­ any other nation, the U.S.S.R. mitted to dteconUnue passenger were set They were all being —npiAte the debate on our Involvement, The President pulled no pun­ gress, Johnson said 1966 with its *^ziiil"Piko bonuT far MoMdiy# Titsdiy 4 Waherfafl food abortoge. ,, WM far from Idle,” JMuison services. moved by the experience of Us- and ‘OUT atrategy in Vietnam. Vor the ches, used no theatrics, appeal­ walk In space and the rendez­ said. What bad been scfaedMled as tenkig to people tell how they tlrat ti"M> since our Involvement began In toot,' there Is a tebi^rory coming ed to no emotions. He was fact­ vous of two manned U.S. space­ 'M fact, during the year, (hat the final seseton on ttie rail­ Bve in this a ty in 1866- f j there waa, laat week, open rebenion In together o f several trends—a successful ual and detailed. And toe case craft was the most successful nation almoat doubled Ua earth- raed’e appUoation was pul off Cbartta Mioerdter, the Bultd- toe Senate agahut toe poUoy of dead planneg ieducUon of crops in some he made tor a resumption of year In the nation’s aeronautics- orbiting activities over toe pre- until tomorrow. IOC Commto- inga OommiBBloner, came in end miUtaiy escalation In Vietnam. Vos areaa, SB . unplanned failure of crape in bombing—^without actuafiy com- space Mstory. vioua year compared with a 36 aioaer WMllam H. Tucker poek- later. He was in and out of the office all weekend. "N ot a toe fiSst tone, attmiiriMratlaa poUcy rep- other aroee, and toe continued over-pro­ B« BtaM l y SrtTtea Ofiara iKfttfajg blnmOlf—^wae impres­ “ As our space program con­ per cent Increase for the United poned the meeting because of duction of ,riew. hbUea all over ttw sive. And toon he turned to. Us tinues,’’ toe Presld«it told Con­ States,”------Johnson------added.tnabllity of witneases and IOC person has ever gone to jail for leaprtatlvea, aa4 the prerogntlvea of toe not giving h eat" he waa s a y ,world. >' ■ -fi W WH9TBE "WOODS: IilvttHtiot fiTb.A W aft peace offensive. gress, "toe Impact of its devrf- "The Soviets also ttiowed personnel to attend. Prisltaiti Ipei* b a ^ . diteetty «hal- dphlente oh everyday life Tje- ‘The courts eoeptein, and I The Soviet TTMom be . sal^ their determination to speed Richard Joyce Smith, New Ha­ bad Shown not toe s l^ te e t dis­ oomes dally more evident, tt ven trustee, was scheduled to use the wxnd explain in quota- ■to' wUiih wmembart— ’food au> thedr space program as they (BdlTCHf BOUND) IttoMlm' or not IWa Senate rebdlton position to intervene ae a peace oontinues to stimulate our ed­ reaume the stand for furtbar Uona, that they deal with Ufa phisea w en an agonising proUem. NoW, more than doubled toe U.S. ac­ and dtoate w ill now be quelled, by toe broker. Bvery :diplomatic and ucation, improve our material testimony. and death of people all day. Just having got food production down Herald < tivity in lunar and planetary Praeidential reeumptlon of toe bm blng poUtioal avenue had been ex- well-behig, and broaden toe hor­ or Siiii» Steak where we have it controlled, we may be eocploratton during toe year.” at Norto 'Wetnaai, lemalna to be aeen. pfloi^ with Moscow. izons of knowledge, tt to also a MlMwrMBVikoiMr about to face, almost tnatantly, rathe^-- Yesterday 8 powerful force for peace In a separate chapter of the But H cen be Jik^nd that one o f toe No For Tenants Here agsiin, the President OMn iBMts ttm ttett D exdtoig poBstblUitieiL . “The space program of tha lengthy report, the National main knmedlatn emetgency purpoaea c f went into greet detaiL Those Aeronautics and Space Council ear mart cent. Nltfl Chiie is that food prtoro,: wtodh ^bavo 25 Yean Ago United States today Is the largi GOING HOMET Bicnitt tVM ifterUit the Freaidentlal dedidOB waa t o tey . t o who ketened were eonvlnoed noted that U.S. achlevementa been going up even while wb were em- nothing, not one scrap of Infor­ est effort ever undertaken by (toll ahead. They’ll be anxious to know when youH iN l Inpietbn trade cot oft the etorm ^ dteewiwlon rising In Reeolutioo favoring appoint­ any nation to advance the fron­ during the year were so dlttinc- bafrueed by our foodfinirphises, will g e ,. mation available to him, was arrive. Nothing’s so easy aa a Long DIatanca call — Ifg meet Chriee, cw toe Senate, and p ^ (h a f ltody toiek in : WUet . does It msitter who toa honee le (oe sold for eny- ment of Atty. Harold W. Garrity tiers of human knowledge. What tive In quality and quantity aa dp some inore, this t(iiid':toore shagplyii .N0IV. TOiRK—'T’e ^ ^ withheld tram them. Robert Mc­ to cause people at home and the next best thing to being there. The Southern New Blit bmm Otei tbe.peeitkm of- being atoomattoalb^ com* teimMo, with stojsr wbip- MmpilatoedT; ^ yoH ro ,j(at a bo^ to stay te.” ' as Judge of Miancheeter Town we are discovering and building wlto, a potentiu sh ofh i0 Of ..supply as Oourt and H. Olin Orent as Namara and Dean Ruak, 8ecre- abroad to conclude the United England Telephone (tompany. 4mm rntf Tm peOel to Bunmet toe lnlttattve; e f toe ntog out. of thel ']lwrtourk buUdjng to Um Bronx that He gave Ms nema and ad­ trlee of DefenM and State, today will help solve many of •teimt of is the.endasa. deputy Judge, suoceedhig judge toe great problems which an States bad attained world ap&ce Preeldent. latf aataUa, people. vto> .hs4 hesn’t had any beet sinoe Fxi- dress and toe perUeulaia on the Preeldenttal aid MoQeoige Bun­ CMb, k Another la that we^may have te 4e- day night and aR you oaeta to ■ RaNUOtid R. Bowers and Atty. Increasingiy complex and heavi­ leaderaMp. Veafcape tola Objective at toe naomp* oosne to help b^V'1|B> !a. tM.rd- landlord. The landlord was oaB- dy and Central lateUigence hato I increasing o w ;fo o d production be worsted about is who made Charles 8. House, re^ectlvrty, ly populated world wlB faca to- The council said that in many Hob ef bombing win be aolileved. Per* flOtw iottloe at 63 ^ ed. H e lived te Rlverdale. . Chief WUHam F. (Red) Raborn again In order to edible, toe free world . and topk caBs Sae pbone cell. Do you intend oausee some speculation In State morrow. hafa the Prealdent, by hla lateat act aa *T teww,” he said. "But what Senate due to local Democratto filled in what rtiinks of detail to keep on selling grain to the Oom- wto> were witonof. heat 1to» to dOi anything about tt?” ean I do? I wdered the all and "The year 1966 — tha year of eommand«r-ln-ehlef, haa ifspoaed aa end party differencee. - toe President left out.' Top Srioh Steak imtolst world, with the Idea that It Isn’t .i, ‘Tt’s a Sunday afternoon and R*!! come Monday. I thought I Gendni, Ranger, and Mariner — to toe debate which waa juat baglnnlng. And In oonclueion, the Presl*- te a brilliant preface to the com­ IFeV ^ aa altad Idea to have Utot worid depending ' borne. 'What can I do about had enough te toe boose, but I UuKheater March of Dimes dent pointed hie finger a t the tltoat Ilea In atora In yietnam— to ta d k p e ing years of Apollo, stations in TeiMler-ettost!tBril.28» . w ua for its fknw. , right away? Something's figured wrong." tetel reaches 3208JO as dimes Oongreesional leaders, one near aa whotoar this la to be a teatnitied re^ would fray tod i*ttWtoy if toe probably brMe or something in space, and voyages to the pian- (Heoad) S er 4 to a poond, do boDoe, no waste Ifa a good Oiing we have an the r ‘Wan, can’t you order on an ecaUnue te rattle Into 36 bot- site, asking for thedr epihldhs. auniitloa of the atatua whldi existed phonea jcenK. •TUire were over toe furnace, m have somebody ’ eta. I bava great prtde and you r e^ e rb flaveew .■ planners and' experts we do. Otoerwlsd, emergency heate for today?" Qee repreeenUhg actMols, streets A t some length, each of them pleasure in transmitting this beCom toe '^‘peaoe offensive” lull, o f l O ^ p e o ^ in New Torlc Olity look at it" teleph on e how would we ever have solved the wtM called thils weekend bo "I wooldn’t know who to caU. and vailoue other eubdivieione reeponded — an unusual degree remarkable record to toe Con­ whetoor K la to answer toe nxgfeigB of A notation was made on the I keep aQ toe numhera and rec- problem of over-production Just In tone wnttipiate that they had no beet of town at March of Dimes of participation for such 'White gress that, through its enthusi­ tocao whoee belief in toe totonate ettl- eomplalnt sheet about the land- erds in mjr afftei." - IDAHO lUSSEI lARHK latr/m m swarsi to get ready to solve toe pcdblem of un- on toe Wortlt weekend o f the House meetings. astic support, has made poast- e t e i^ of air powir hohtt tibit It'oigfiUd lard. Then the weather bureau ’^haae people aM geiag to And all but two were eoid- I W llilll iipriK llim M U ih lU lllO * dai-lprodttctkmr year. VMS dialed an toe pbrnre. U e." FREE bring Morto Vietnam to Ita knaea iu ' frwM tenii^" vtnoed by toe logic of the Presl- Jofanon said more American Teneht and fe4ik»d end v i“B^tor ertd tonight, wtto 10 Tctts Ago ViMkly aa it was suppoaad to a.ylM age ifWhat oan^X do? RfVevipbteg dentlal ease that, when he'Mders ^taceoraft were orbited than in DELIVERY POTATOES 5- 39* heaftog are words'Rsat mdatty . If only we bombed everytJling tihisre-— westerly winds gnstlng bo 40 te Ahnoat MO oouplee attend LAZY MAPLE BACOH go iih toe sbories o f rent con­ .lg *down te my offick l'in *^ * (See page Sevea) sny provioue year, and astxo- HAHI WIAR IlfflID 00 miles' per hour.- Lowest torn- - mlirtake te erderlng a ll, toat’a Poke Bal at State Armory, may be Indicated fax anatyala at too Radio Free Europe trol beartnge or bouetog hsvea-; nauto spent more hours in space Your order for drag needs perature near 10 degrees." a lt" toerety making contribution to SiORKOU INMAN UVB •W W ite PrasMantb report today. t lgatfcme that toe eye-hw oilhly; toan were flown l>y att U.S. and oosmetios w ill be taken Imammaal Radio Vtee Burope’s current fund- skipe poet It woa afferent The Ught blinked and another 1006 March of Dimes eampaign; Ifeoce and mote it aeema, hawever. ralalBg campaign has some curious as- *T don’t know If I caH manned iqiacecraft In previous care ot immediately. • Mb jMt •when you Worked wMh toeoe ■ than was on the phona “H y toe police or what,’’ a ^man btghUght of evening la crowning A Thought for Today Suit toe President, whatever Us. words peote 'Which set it apart from the cara- jeon — a total of 1,297 hours words owar the jdsoaM yetoer- V|U« got two little babies here calling aald. "M y baby’h' been e f Mlse Pardlne Oormier, Mlse Speosered by the Manohestaf may. be from tone to tone, finds Us Mlgab ef btoer organizatioiia that'ao- and 42 minutes in iqiace for 10 ORANGES S-SS* and 1 Just come home from slak. I bad to have the doctor OtdemobUe, as "Queen of toe Cenncll of Churchee own i^Ucy Inatinots, and Ua iiHeepieto* the gajperal public for money. Not day.' sstronauts on toe five manned *111110 Ig h t aittached to tbo v- tewk and-flitd She.been.hare come for-her.'I Just got as heat ( jJ s d d o jt L ' the 'least - o f these Is the absence of any without heat all day. I go down­ Oemlni flights. tlege a f the dutieo and reaponslbUltieo of phone fiarAied and then K woe|i at alt Pm not makta’ \tp the Discipline your son,’ and be UaTegdoe, decreeing that his acts aiwii detailed financial statement that would stairs to toe BuperlntendeBt OucoesB of Manchester YWCA. He sold the United States flew 901 BIAIN 8T^-643-58*l picked up a man wm oQ toe etbiy about toe baby ae^e you ■wm give you reet;' he will 'give saqro manned hours in apace be 'llioee of deeper Involvement. aa4„ permit prospective donors to know pre- !^tbey got here and aU I do is get finance drive in progress, He Preoor^tlon Fharmsoy do aomethte’ . My baby's been dellriit to your heart.—^P?or- last year ttian had been flown g***tof *tek. ■''noith: money irroS aad"*#'- ih^ itt-'ilie' j' a fight from him. What am I sick. And we altUn’ here and we goM 03,000, win determine ex­ erbs 28:17. most RBB wiU My ob ' tmB ' We have now waged eeoalatoig wair in' got Ml apartineMt' hakV’ ’ W ih ^-jgbing to do with two uitle ba­ got no heat. An day long now tent to Mtolch varied projects • • • A fern e f tkm foe score hi .that Us fund-raising goal for bies? She doesn’t even have hot 4 fam of Ota faatmrm alnt had beet afaipe Friday we got no heat." now carried on by YWCA may Character building begins in I fnm iMa ma^a ^etnam for nearly a year, bombing 1068 la |1S mllUoiL ^ water. She slttin’ In the kitchen * W e i f A t «g 8 6 t JBM Schoo/Syittm in N ew England^ tmma from tUa wear* atreaurl ■rogdit. I got a.l7-#uf-dM hoy be continued and expanded ia our Infancy and continues until North Vletoam at wlH, increasing our RIB a ^ it is a "private, non-profit, (See Page SevMi) to toe bouse btoh; be Joet Oosne wlto toe even on. The real ef year ahead. death.—Mib. Bleanor Rooeevdt awn fightoig strength in South Vietnam non-governmeBt netwo^ broadcasting out of toe boaplteL 'When I t e l PerktBeans **» ta MQ.000 men. One thing we have made Birds Eye Orange 15' through toe IrtJh Curtain- to 80 million you w« etoV.Cot bsat, rm-Hol iOUDAl r? COTTAGE ST. Uear by this te that toe Vietcong is not captive' people in Poland^' Caecbcslo- tODIn’ you,a. he.' tb u flhould see Margarine “SSST" 6 S * l SpaghetB A , 8 ’&*95*" going be be able, it ie never going to vakla; Hungary, Romania and Bul­ U bera. I gi^' toe .Md to had., TEL be able, not In tUs current turn of his­ garia.*^ It ia.aiid'to have^SStransnBtters We can’t let hkn up. The rert ' iHOTJSfe Maxwell Hoase 73* CabhWliileTBn3i:89‘ :: tory at leoat, to complete its military at tone siteer-itwo to .'Wist Qeinany ef us, we don’t evea-haje hpt ., end nae ,^near IJsbpa—and to ' eniploy wwlttr.** ' ■ Hi-CDriabnid 4SS*I? toke-Ovar aC an the country of South 1,800 peMoos. UaUke toe vdtoe of EvapMOkTU* SSin Vlotoam. •Wbat’e toe eddroMt" ha '’ A ih e r i^ ' Itaili|io Free Buiiq)(|..presum­ WM asked. TRAINING * ' 1 9 „ Othaf S m p that demonstration, toa ">x My-T-nBeWr 10 ably, la free to oiperote,jsrltoput govern­ "WeU, lot me ask you som»- ELECTRONIC Matt's Applesance 6 >1 IM uHB of oar year of escalation have ment reetrlctoma end to employ vdiat to ^ . Do I'isave to give m(f Stop.Shop SuisMae Hydrex S Sfi* been a fort.of stalemate. The vietcong Oen. LuctUB B. Clay has deacrtbed as a \W M e on tote?" COMPUTER Next door Hart's Towrte “« 11 - *1 ' aUn ndntaote perhaps two-tUrds of "tough aivgi^ VDtoe," ^ ’Well, we'hswe in to»t R ntOGRAMMING FrwKh Flies » S ’ar SO* ; Sonto-Vletoam. It has lieea ataadlly te- The teBdH^lsndrotiiie R IB oaaM tm- doam.*^ V . -1 PzooRJUii YOUB pim m iiii m - p a w e r 49* der aerutiniy hp IHvM Wise and'Vhom- Bradiees taforeed,' ainoe our bombing of North F^iin’t do Ik TIm hlMt oinm te Gouaias sn FOODS V lc ia m began, with troqpa from N m to as B. R m |( to "The IhvieU ^ OdVera- tone Y waOa a oompinint toe to everything m ent" Their talk Hith* an 1401-1440 COMPUTW VIeliMib> 'i t atffl operataa a t win within g p fto rd ie ia id ant 8 360 spokesliiah,' HiBt. as foUoBlR ■. UNIT RKORD SYSUm B fmebdOaB of-Salgon. Mid he bed aa toiBendble; * 1^ " W e’re supnarted by bontrlhatibne mesUhe." TABULATING S PANBL WUUNG BCawe^ unaatlaeactoty tUa stalemate from the Arnmlton, people, maiiiiy from A fter the men vrsa antored IBM-KMYPUNCH One ef the nice things about . Holiday Buiy ^ taowever, it has one plus tufi- toe Radio Fred'^hliropil a spokes­ landtordB a n not ' gWM Rte. ' . IBM ACCOUNTING SYSTiMS House, our guegtg teU us/ is that we’re tor.rd or eiscalathm Into this htalemato man said. He ^ e d that R IB ia i»rl- rntnee of tM oompliinauts, he YBAR COURSBS^ near to everything . . . storee, beauty hasoBft,' ao tar, produced World War m . itely financed, gaive hia nsime and addreae. aa'^'^ ^ .-ONC 8 TWO Shops, barber shppe, diurches, b iu ^ vroih within the epartmeat houae to toe Brony;.^,'' . 4M Ma. Intamalra Complata TiBfirfaf ntMPbocauae CommuUat C|iina is ter- . ^ AT THB COMPLBTB SCHOOL fr movies... and atmkfc citizens i«»re ^ te tsm Wf our lUgM; or or per- UnltM States, and toe lepdknVra aMne, a th -/X t ^ t ' In fact, we’re just one Mock from i cent!’ R*ed it went -aboot hap^ ^boause ISoe^la jSBd * China are Jtut dreee 'ssM-'phate-Madgkar.' Tlse,;;^''. aad New Havta 'Ouildiig surere Rtot to__ ___.broadcasta______were .Main Staeirt, yet we might f » w«n be a* iaiidclous. of each/dtoer as they are kHMHonl In'R ye. BAY, IV H IIM » oboslstent with states foreign "Who toM fen my’ bidMtoig : RWfiYPik; }n the country, i^s so calm and oppipid to oar role ||| Wbtnaar, waim m policy, he rei^e^ *wa. read the New doesn’t bava haat?’’ toe hmd^I v lAYVMlAY H yon’ie ttinbuftt^ ao !0ai been aiSratliig«to Vletaara wtSk Ydifc Times.” ’' ' ■ , lord' said wtoM- :h»- .wen,- ■«asb'' ■“4 * 3 just Rmipezflt^ f lw 'a hosidtm 'SBflWty. as if wi^wwv being aoeoidM? 'Whatever the fheto’to ey ^ toe v o i- tectM by Bhesse.-i--''’' a'-:-- ' ana Biant to be waited on hand-audr ~'et.i tedn e f base hantfng Pror epiraiMaa o f •B u i^ q gy-’

..J ■ '1 ::,

_ ■. '-r-' ■ • -7 • PVr * \ r if > JANUARY 81,1966 I ' UANciRBmtf m ov«r and Hurricane Rips Science Shnn|ig PUii •kHlM' and Swdi w.JPHVM t l w m daitf on *ntwU at Maa> Toiinsts in Miami adijMaii) Mrt. oi»«st«r Mtiporial Bo^tal tUk L8 ^ Amerieiui Saigon Ittiton AdMnunW Mnk Mlwr monUnc. ‘ ■ • -■ 1 ^ ‘vi'-' ■ ■*■ : •1 . V ‘ ' New Way Withoiit Su .gad ' Mr«t vC9>rtatii>« Sho nraa feom In Northern.. TeUMbmh l i Academy Pim HONOLULU (APj /-J A tcopi- viedaiHL an a t ttu t Haittaid; 10 inland on March SI, 19M. A In ? iOil'liuRkMM w te viliito more naMMt o( MUkhnUr tor 17 tttou UO sSdee ah 'bhur but « Stops iutt -gtandolilldranv a n d __^____ m4at ___ Mda' f ialdwl l ■i Ju n io r Mttse itey and Sti 6 ^ MIAMI BBACH, Fto. (AP) — Mr, and Mra. AI Pastor of •e therexgii that safrateteda. cmdoWUlnB. ' ' yaara, aha had baan ttapioyoA — ^ Pto.tiwhigh Agiari. Mm T«A A T. f8at e l>~.fet the rriMitaMd frani Page One) O i ^ a ' tret tiaw aelenee has teaad a aew estealahlng statemehto lOw *riU | lunanl wilt ha bald In tha ndmnny dapaiteim , Gary ‘^UttettwHi. sou of Mr. outi fetenoA abd hearty totoude Tteristo Who. rame to SS1«S7AvSJ.1he‘1K hafaeeaaef te he a prehtewt* B lad«i«ie w o n e 1300 echoiar- ibo eh 1 Beach tor wSrm temperatures ^ minding the hMHag sabfUaee with the astea- T T jd n fg a /V 9:i# sjn , from 0* Co., Inc., Httrtfora, mown imvo oo«i fffM a • cn li ik m— _ m d a u g h t e r of Mr. and ^ Iha tdPdtva finallau re- iia^ M n. J<*B T W te U ^ of tohlBg ahnity to shriek hewer- The eeeiet Is a BfW toeltag seWr hid their dtoappointeent In the op|g ^^od at all. BtaaM (Blo-D7a^)-^tM®*®tir m tba ISenlanin t . Oallahan daw her Jia^m ant. a « M uon to ha daeidfid hjr tlia odint ' ^ S d ,M n ^ t«w«.por. tiolNaa Raiiil hab heen Uom- rheldA etop itehtog, rad relieve »»r naaml Hama, IdOS Mato St, hara aat Mn: aaaiaiwiaiiM aida. ^ tux tat tha d i jiaill * " ^ oddest weather In yean and "At least we don't have to pria - witkeat eargeiy, a werld-tawens m ierih to ttito ^ SL5522S taUa hair dglwa. oameraa and hMitad by t l A Riep. WUltorn St. mind tihh la ease otter caea while geatly TUa ■obetaaM to aew avalUHe-; ^1* Maat HartJord. with a aolann a mintor _ Tlia ^idpwhit naa aon|M T5|w a«n ie55edided to odhia said today ttey Were having a wear hoots here,” said M n. in wipperilefTf er eiatwmt /e te , ______dlad hirb Maaa a( ra«iilam at Bt. Survivora hgaidw bar hiia- Obrnnwa Plana thOK np in Ocattmon Plana ODOct^at 'tlhga aa his p if^ ^ dhohje ’■ jjafomad down bomm and ido- good time anyway. Pastor, "and that’s eomethlng relUvlof pain, aetual redeatlea : car btt~ Btarriaoo SU Mary*a Cemetery, JDaat A B n^opl^ of Detroit, Mich, ^ refireaafita Oia afyeaUm UMy ttaai H wM Ik nnabad. ' H.IUK1 sad raid, the only Ice he vrere five tochra ot snow." 2 S^^£^w iL**y 5 £ ^ l>^Snninih«r^iM ttnral beauty; Md. Oary*a. p r u e J lv ^ «U te soulhweat ot Honolulu. Hartford. and three to.Ireland. ^ pmpattf ownOn. OM lanal dia|Mte g n ato out h**7Ma WWfo v^eaton. niQifOnroet Catholic m w w «i»n »ariaiiaat» ami ¥\t»r_ found was to toe oocktatl glass. One tourist combining husl- iT ^ Northweat CathoMC m and, pardonahty and per Gary, a 5 foot, 4 Inch honor Navy are oanm hy ^ Jtaporta wore sent foom And who needs warm xreather ness with pieasure was Mrs. r in isod from Frienda may call at the fimer- Pinharty, in a brfaf, p a V h n ^ a t iba eSnalnictlBB, in Hartford, drat ae tonnanca" in'-an'interview with student in tin 'senior rinse at lUa parentg Nith Am4rloin Samoa by radio Tele- dhaiMf Ewn, nhara h» had gi im e tcnlght from 7 to » and at. 1 Kt ^Aitft *^ ~ *•"* ‘*" ortgtoal lagal "a .* a^r<"«•».** I a"*i a t A'for^aaelitiig - and ;|||F the (in8n*ice;ef Uddor.:,’ a!i!!!«w w' fViiim. a aeiilor at S t to enjoy the night life, have a Garrett Lyle of Ironton, Ohio, THINKING AHOOT GKANDMAt for-M yaara and ' Windham RQgh School seems to ^ ” y . N»!g type to H. Rex Leo. gwemor ot friendly drink with new-found sri» had a booth at the antique I hnnorrow from g to 4 a n i 7 to S ^ ’,1 Osement for the aeseaertiftnto ooatty anM ary aewar InatoBa- 7l|a foltowtiii aeeldeitta hapr Sbomaa Aqatoas High School, I"? * ? ' i u ^ inMnded R«v be everyhody’a ritolce. PensacolA Pto-,» d url^ , Whrld amnea. wtto waa In Hohohttu. Give her a call — Long Distance. She lovee to hear from of yCvaa a t the ^ dMecifvo In tlM tR d ld n o t tlc n to lb e west aide, of town. A - fa 0 a Saturday: , jS S J ^ ta to , second runnerup; friends, or take a etroU down show to Convention HaU. hiM n, of He tint was noratoated by 1l7ar n . Hto ta tW wiah ah avia­ - ..The storm Retoyed the gover- you and the children. Makes her feel so much cloeer— rattramant Be acrv- Goepel Han win offld^. Burial foKb the deadline for ap- number of praperty owtom ! ^ « a r ,Wven W George 2 T ^ » g a n Taylor, a sen- tion maebtotot’s mate aad hto COUlns Avenue? “!’«* not complaining about win be in Caat CSemetery. Sea. Thomaa J. Dodd as one at nof’s retuni. "We’re glad to be here," said the weather,’’ she said. ’’It’s It’s the next best thing to being there. The Southern Max O. Perah _ . ^^***7- . peaii. Atty. Irving AroiMnn con- withdrew theit ObJecUona when jBeobit, 41, of TtotbattoMA w. at PortoS High School, five altennteB from Connecti­ ROOKVILLB — Max Otto F r iihds e ^ mayn call at the fu- tended that tb4 defect waa not aaBeasmeoto wCca reduced, eroaaed «»«r a douUe lUe whUe foortb runnerup. tolSrSSvtoor Ber;i;‘V"itoer'"p7 New York murii wi^er than wrat we leR New England Telephone Company. neral home tomorrow from cut. City, wearing a coat and sun- behind. Besides, we’U bo hero PaKta, 81, of Motmtain Rd. died irri home tomorrow from 8 mgflcjent to warrant , setting OttMie. however, have paM un- goinr to Center S t tod other area girls to the finals ^ y . of tavmtory^tentrri ttor Pago Pago-were destroyed but to 0 and 7 to 0 p.m. aside the aaeewnnenia. der. pmtoet mid era pumtog S tl^ IT ^ ^ P ra i jnSuS ^ National Ifouadatlon for He then received a telegram glasses. "I talked to New York three weeks. It'll warm up soon, eady yeoterday at RockviUe from Viice Preetdent Hubert pirtM at Pridt and* ’Whitney **'" Alr- ■ meet of the new housing was Qeoeral Hoqpttel. In denying tto Mmmgry Judg- tbekr appeals. ------« tills morning and It’s getting 1 just want to stay long enough NIoola Trexal H U ^ h re y tofonntog tom he cratL totoot." ' Mr. Perch was txxm Dec. 6, ,«» w .pto,»« - o»<» «, Gary says he mv>N pau a pby- worse there. So much snow. to get thawed out before going __ moola Trexal of 102 School WBs one of six chosen by the : Lea aeld the alipoct nxiway “What do w4 do? Why, wo sit back home.’’ 18M, in Saxony, Oermany, and S t vice president from aU over the deal exanUnatlon ebor^ iuta it was flooded--Md all electric to Um Unitod States about S t died yesterday afternoon at AU of the occupants of the pujo of 10 HJdgewood Souto he does, he’s "to,"' around and talk and be happy country. power held beiea knocked out. The card games are running YALE NEWSMEN NAMED 60 years ago. He has lived in Manchester Memorial Hospital. UN Meeting Sought Chamhen tor, flWe UtoUdtog Windsor; Miss Donna G. MuUe^ H ^ h , Gary TetteBMich . ■ , I. ; ...fc. tMs area aboiit 16 yaars, oomii« Ha was bom Sapt 28, 1878, (The vice preeident receives Wlnd-foUod.treea Mocked roads and the bars are tuU. God la NEW HAVEN (AP)—Lenny the driver, werla treated at the a senior at East Catholic and ford, MU» H«to ^^bbard, > . ' PARKWAY. FA T hllT T apd extenaive damago w « re- here from Hartford. Before his to Vlgevcano, Province of Pav- hospital and released. The other daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Del- chalrm y « t o voice depari- applloatloM from all 50 states ’S ’’ honor zpU as a ft eetunan. good to let U8,b« here.” .J Bavla. a Junior from Jersey WESTPORT (AP)—UM pte- pbrted .to coconut and banana City, N.J., has been elected reUremenl ha was a baker. U, Italy. A resident of Man- oectoanta iware Floyd and ton R. Muller of 32 Monroe S t, m ent Ito rtt Couege of Music, and then chooses six of these Gary was captain of the aon was kiUad. and idk othan in-, Her new friend, Bthd Fur­ Ha was a member of ynkm cheater for 60 years, fie had Ctoeta.Totten of BLMiddle Tpke. Bast Hartford; and Misa Judy Unlveraity H ^ o r d ; and Al­ although he doee not designate swiramtog and , tennis team*. riro^. V ’ man of Detroit, shared Mrs. chairman of the Yale Dally To Hear Peace Talk Jufod to a three-oar collision on hurricane waa reported News, the undergraduate cam- Qrtpgregiuiotial Chuich and tta bfen employed by Cheney Broa and MyrthT and Anthony Chain- s. Williams, a senior at East len W l d ^ torater columnist of between the prtneipek and the prestomt p t the honor society the Merritt Parkway .Saturday, WItoer’s feelings. aAtematee). '^ m a g atondy toward the Socie­ •Wa can’t complain,” Mra. pus newspaper. Men’s union. toitU his retirement to 1048. (OceUtoued from Page One) hew of Walker fit, according Catholic and daughter of Mr. the Hartford Tunes, and vice ^ id e n t of tbp ath- 'p^„ce raid into)7ii«|Ute Gon- SurvivwB Us d au ^ - Survivors include x niece, port or understanding from Pe­ Last week Gary received the ty Islands, vHlteh toolude Tahiti Furman said. "You can’t do Others eliected to the paper’s recommended the bombing lull to, poltep. and Mrs. Jerry S. Williams of The pageant waa held In con- lertc asM lation. Brooklyn, N.Y. wq* ter, Mra. Herbert Heim of Rock- Mlse AmaUa Ardtto of Italy. king tor U.S. efforts to opsh , Benoit was charged with op- 120 WaddeU Rd. JuncUon with W D M ’s first nomtoation from Oongreeainan He anso has a letter of com anything ahdut It anyway.’’. hoard are John H. RoUichlld of and peace drive, finally recom­ the road to peace, Johnson as­ St. Onge aa imtoclpal. killed when hp Waf thrown from Mr and Mrs. Frank Glroy, st. Petersburg, Fla., managing vise; two aiaton, Mrs. MOrle The funeral will be held arattog while .under the to- miw wanda M. Janusklewlcx, “Big D” March of Dimes Show, mendation the National ^ driven by Eatenbrts Prie­ Allen aatfi Mra. Martha Nsiaon, Wedneaday at 8:30 Am. from mended that the bombing be serted. flusnoai. of liquor, and hla court » senior at New Britain Hlj^i which featured Mveral rock n Gary wo« given the Brand Merit Society. : Seminfrieu Incrtesing of wilmtagton, Del., their Vaca- editor; Walter W. Garnsey of the W. P. Qulsh Fimeral Home, He said the United States does Foundation Science and Math to, 82, also ot Brooklyn; tion extended because the PhUa- Denver, Colo., business man- boih <8it of h ^ ; four grand­ resumed. date was ast for Feb. 21. Both school and daughter of Mr. and roll groups. Gtary ivas asked about ifila re­ Police said the Prieto ear DANIA, Fto.—Thqatentorira’ children and eight great-grand- 225 Mato St:, with a aolepm nto regret its 37-day pause to 4san had to be towed away. Mrs. Walter Janusklewlcx of About 2,200 teen-agers tum- Award a l his graduaiUon from actions to Congressman St. H»iphiii airport waa cloeed, ager; Wtothrop B. Conrad Jr. Joimaon said he had ordered crara^i theWtthe' 'hfediah iihd Mt fiUra their time with shopping, of Franklin, Mich., executive ed- chHdran. high Mass of requiem at SL the bombing of North Viet Nam A three-car accident oc- 32 Fortress St, New Britain ed out despite the weather, ac- Horace Porter School here to onge’s telegram. head- Nations ■, ;8ecurttj’' Mrs,"Tfttro tw k treated at the winner’s trophy: a complete er. fciughtera, Mra. MWion DurfOa fatttaa «f MW. Lucy Smith of that a«toPorts North VletiMlheae Ooiuicll. hospltoj| and discharged. ^ wardrobe from ^ge-Allen of Wry em^essed satisfaction at d Mrs, Nancyr Xdwaids,Bdwaida, both Coventry, .. died , , yesterday . at «««*a ^ ekS Lehmam ,, , and Hved to aggression,_ the cost, to lives — "He wlU .present_____ a____ full_ report__ Potter> wj^e,-charged . with___ op- Hartford; «a portable______televirion______the______excellent______response^___ by the Wayland, Mass.; two sons, Windham Communityoommumiy MamonwMemorial HarifordHartford ^ y * ^ - Vietnamese,— ------American •------and al- • on the sltiiaitton ...... - In. Viet Nam- ..erattog — - W le ’«*un^r,...... the Influ-- m 'from Ck^umer Sales' of tera-'agars' tbvthe drived and Xranke Weir of ManebeeUr and Hoin>itol. Wie 'I?*.*,was a member u,,i_wiu only he greatly tar and a resolution witich;can open .ence of Uquor ahd ^da court Hartford; a camera outfit pre- noted that .ibe'original $5,000 L a i Ool. Gordon T. Weir of the U. Survlvora also Include lus Bvangriloal Ltoneran Church, 3 creased. - •- .' the way to tfaq o o n fik ^ e table, date is set for Feb. 21. ’ sented by the Eastman Kodak goal wa* nearly doubled. Plans •T Air Force, and eight grand- wife, a aon, another daughter, ^ Margaretha Lodge, both of '.’'•fo the light of toe words and This report and this'taixriutlon; A car driven by Herbert,tDo. and a gift set from the John are for the teen-age dime drive hhUdran. a brother, a sister, nine grand- H«kvlile, and a charter mem- ariions of the government in will bo responrive to, the apirit Shroyer, 30, cf Tolland, going h . Breck Co. to become an annual event, he ♦ The WatMns-W«st Vlmeral children, one great-grtndchUd Brown - Landers Raitt K^anoi, H la our clear duty to do of the renewed appeal of Pope south on Broad St., hit a truck As third runner Unit, Asnerioan Legion Auxili­ up. Miss said. CLASBAKE fe««ne. 142 E. Center 8t., Is to and several nlsoaa and nsphelvs. lirhat wo can to limit thMo Faul; that aiq>eed has our full driven ! ^ Rlitoard G. Small, 85, ------ary, East Hartford. gbaxge of arrangemento, vrbich Funeral services will be held posts." jqrmpathy.’’ of RFEj 1, Box 841, who waa Burvivera include a son, Leon­ a W. Middle ’Tpke-Tower Rd. iura inoompleU, Thursday at 2 pjn. at Scotland The* President asserted that Johnson spoke oh\ lM radio driving fewest on W. Mlihlle Ooag'VKatlcnal Cburoh. Burial ard B. WUtford of Bast Hart­ Intersection accident when a Mrs. Fradin ford; two brothers, Hermsn bobbing of North Viet Nam was and television from piiiuiBater to Tpke., at the T)»ke., police re­ car driven by Leilani L. Grimme Theodore X- AUeyo Sr. win be to New Scotiand Ceme- Lehmann of Rockville and Paid renewed after it was deter- toe White House lefilvlhan 10 port. r of Glastonbury skidded and was Theodore Louis Allavo Sr., 28, mined that there was no read!- hours after the tlnt.hhrd come Shroyer Wes chargpd with foU- to turn hit by a car driveh by Sells Block M Windsor, brother 08 JEtolMrt '* W anda m ay' oaH at toe neos for peace on the part of through that the UnlUil States ure to obey a traffic Hght and Robert W. JohMon Fitoefal aiatsrk, Mrs. Freda Wliitor of WilUam M. BronelU, 26, of 35 jUlsvo of Manchester, died Sat- Vernon, Mrs. Mary Benton of Hanoi. has begun bombtog Nottil Viet- is scheduled for court appear­ Ashland St. hrday at MoOook Hospital. Home, South Windham, Wednes- OVENWARE J StaffordvUle and Mra. Lena Wil- Nor has there been any sup- namese targets. ance Feb. 14. The truck was On Main St. Other ourvtvora Include hie day from 7 to 8 pjn. A ;Car driven by ’Theodora G. aon of Broad Brook, and four towed away after' flipping. Slaiby, 36, o f 251 Spring St., tv l^ his rootfacr, a aon and a grandotaildren. Robert S. Hamilton, 18, of 543 ’The business block at 832-856 S aunter. Ohavlee A. Nbos until his retirement 12 years Prospect St., Wllllmantic, with going east oil Spring S t was hit Main St., owned since 1939 by IDEAL FOR BAKING, The ftinenl wiU be hsM Ctoarles A. NlntA 68, of Xn- Funeral aervlcee will be held ago; Since — that...... time, -he had...... a Mass of‘requiem at *8 at Sti ^®*‘* ‘* received a written in the rear, by the left front of Wednwday at 2:80 p.m. at New­ been employed at the WeUee Mary’s Church, WUllmantlc. waning for driving too fast for ^ oar driven by John R. Keenly, Mrs. Lillian C. Pradln of Man­ Wedneeday at a time to be an- field, died Saturday while drlv- chester and the late Julius Fra­ ir ... •ounced, from toe -amUano- In f 'hlstruek on Mato 8$.. Has- kirk and Wbliney Funeral Farm ^ W a g o n , Talcottvllle, ' Burial will be In S t Joseph’s roadtj conditions aa the result of 17, of 75 Robert Rd., which SERVING & STORING soma Cemetery, WUllmantlc. a W.5 Vernon St. accident with a din, has been sold for an lin- ZT-T^Mgarlno i FUnorai Hsqte,. M7»gM.TlUAaiv ZSwiii. « • laui »hat o atanfatiisnsuj^tauweez k f ***»#, 818 Bumside ^ Ave., East which he had operated slid into the Slaiby car, police ^^^no Funei^ 11^ «• Th- r «v wuu,:.^ h years ago. car driven by Joseph J. Sulll ddsdoeed amount to Harry H. tWfotogtion St. Hartford, with Mta Edward Poirier of XUtag- Friends ipAy call at the fu­ say. He was a member of the van, 51, of Vernon. and Isaac Brownstein, both of Finished in transkeent white/ with 4 I t o raqul®m at St. Ger- ton_^_Mrs. Robert Skinner of ^ 2 f ^ e ^ , ! Z neral home tojiight from 7 to Church, will officiate. Burial Mancheeteir Lodge of Mbsons 9 and twnorrow froto. 2 to 4, ~A Wbal warning tor parking West Hartford. You get this beautiful Blue Fklral Itude’s Chunto, Wilsom Bur- South Windsor. will be The buyers, owners of the will be to S t Benedict Ceme- Other survivors Include his In HiliaTde CemetiMy, and Nutmeg FVjreert, *1011 Ce­ and 7 to 9 p.m. ' witoout lights was given to each piece decorated in Blue Floral East Hartford. dars of Lebanon. He was a US. Consul tiides Acme Burlap Bag Co. of Hart­ tery, BloomfieM. wlfA bis stepmother, a stepsls- The famUy has requested that Frank Crawshaw, 16, of Chest- Friends may call at the fu­ member of Second Oongrega- flowers be omitted. imt St. when M arked oar was ford, saW today that they GLASBAKE OVENWARE ' Friends may coll at the fu- tar, a sister, a stepaon and an- Uonal Church and was a for­ Woman Escapee bought the parcel for invest- Design. Each piece guaranteed against iperal home ta^gM from 7 to 8 other stepdaughter, neral txMne tonight from 7 to 9 ------— Wt to;the reeu: bumper and trunk and tomorrow fkorn 8 to 5 and 7 mer church deacon. on yi^oodbridge north of and that they ■ -». r. i and tomorrow from 2 to 4 anid -Funeral services will be held some remodeling to 9 p.m. Survivors besidee Ms daugti Avondale M., by a car ^ng From Red China Sttd^KTs breakage due to oven heat. ^ to 9 pm. tomorrow at 2 pm. at the F u n e r a ls to‘"the sHt-store building. I ------Windsor Locks Funeral Home, ter who made her home with south on Woodbridge SS, driven (Continued from Page One) Mta Moiy Berla Mm toriude a Richard B...... gjrs. Annie t'fcdKtf The i^eal estate agent for the Mta A na M. Oagnoa 441 Spring St, Windsor Locke by AUce R. f e a ^ n , 4 ^N . Main LOAF PAN transaction was Samuel Lud- j Mrs. Anna Marotte Gagnim, Burls) will be to Springdale Mrs. Mary Boris of 64 Homs- tonllh of Lebanen; two brerth- The funeral of Mra. Annie I. St. length, border sources said, stead S t was found this morn­ ere. Edvrin L SmNh of Nassau, Cook, formerly of 827 E. Mid- wen of Hartford. BLUE FLORAL GLASBAKl •L formerly of Windsor, moth- Cemetery, Warshouse Point. The Middle Tpke.-Mato S t in­ then took her to a secret desti­ The occupants of the stores To Start Your SGI -1 I Va-PINT OVEN PROOF 4r cf Alfrpd Gagnon of Man- Friends may call at the fu- ing at her home where she ap- N. Y., and Bronson W. Smiith ^le Tpke., was held Saturday tersection waa the scene of a parantly died In her bed over of New Milford; a aister, Mrs. morning from the W. P. Qulsh nation in Kowloon City, across axe the Singer Sewing Machine iduater, died yeaterday at a neral home tonight from 7 to 9. two-car accident that resulted the harbor channel from Hong >Co., Jon-Di's Luncheonette, M l X i m B O W L ifeartford hospital. ’There will be a Masonic the weekend. Nary S. W el^ of SoutoWtod- Funeral Home, 225 Main St., In minor damage |Vfben a car Dr. Robert Keeney, medical Bor; two grandjWM. Rag*** W. ^ Maas of requiem at St driven by Mary B. Cl^deti 43 K < ^ Island. Beck’s Apparel Shoppe and • WE HAVE MAILED COUPONS [ Other survivors include an- Service tonight at 8 at the fu- itrm a. t ^ ^ , Adrian’s Beauty Kiop. The two other son, four daughters, two neral home axijuntoer,^ who m a called to Smith and It BrdW^^ Smith, Bartholomew’s Church. The Gerard St., hitof . WITH sMd tl|o woman ap- bo ^ of l aharaxl,' and many j^gy Richard C. BoIIea was the y, tba qatrah#^ qittoet atbfee, one a long-time TO YOUR HOME ONLY b 6 * COUPON tfrothers, twenty-three grand- , qfca family suggests that a oar driven 0TOO. wtie of a University of P rit^ t., bfff and Jl^ l, are unocoujried. obfidren and twenty-one great- those who wish to dp so may parent^dled of natural cauara. nleoea and nephewA celebrant. Burial waa in S t vensl^ of 98 Sphlce fet., T»Uce grandchildren. contribute to the building fund He la stlU investigating. Funaral s e r ^ will be h^d Mg^^y’s Cemetery, Putnam. repoi professor and the mother of two ' ------The funeral wlU b# hrid to- of tilt New ' Wesley House, Mra. BorlA vrtio Uved alone. Wednesday at 1 p.m.~ at the ” where the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Paul -a written warning ifinmyw at 8:16 Am. from the w vehouse Point had not been aeen by neighbors HotaiM Funeral Home, 400 Auclalr of St. Mary’s Church, ^ boarding house near the frontier for some time, and a neighbor Main St. ’Ihe Rev. FeHx M. obey traffic control signals. * State News Bjsette 'Funeral Home, 20 Sis- Putnam, read the committal - . k car driven b y ^ n P. i Ave., Hartford, with a Mass this morning called police, Dr. a t Second Oongragatton- service. fCkinUimed from Page One) M n. Mary C. Moynlhan Keeney said. 6l Church wlU officiate. Burial Doritvu I7i of -Olastonb'urv ro- '™**®®* resident* to- the area Of requiem at 9 at St. Mark Mrs. Mary Connors Moyni- Mrs. Boris waa thou^t t o ^ “ be, nt tito odnvenlenoei of Wii Maln''St, hit a ® ^ ® t o go to Red China. F 'S'!-' PERSONALIZED COUNTER so that ypM can use It oil 8 weeks of this promo­ other .iwvivnr. irtrhuU hi, Nellssa Repoll, l8 Procter Rd.; P^urtler, S6^ of 185a E. Middle koiwKong.. ^ qrocerios! Save money on Blue Floral Ovenwaro! Sovf mMey Burvivon include three sons, Durham B. mejM MHford on Jan. 22, 1886, and Other aurvivors include his CONVERSE Uved' to Manchester over 45 wife, three other daughters, Mrs. Eileen Ruggiero, 396 Tplze., at Mato and Woodland John C. Barron of East Hart­ Durtiam B. Floyd, 78,. of XmA Woodland Bt.; Mrs. Carolyn St. Sts., poUce ray- Mrs. Reilly oame to Hong on Regal Teflon Coeikwaro! Save money on wrist wotohos! SERVICE ET tion. Redeem your coupons at the stores listed ford, George M. Barron of Man- Hartford, b ro th a f Of Mrs. Prior to World War H, four other sons, ttoee sisters, a Kong from Kuigkok Dec. 13. he owned and operated a butter brother, seventeen grandchll- PAiimm SAVE. SAVE. SAVE!. Maude Tbomey of BoMjod and AND end egg buainessbusiness in Manchee- drendran and aeveral nleee* and 30 Vemwood Dr.. VeT- Morse. 47. of 43 Ashland St. hit Reliable sources said U.S. MEAT DEPARTMENT ^ V ax Nn. EUeabelh Hairioon of ter. He had been employed as nephewA n o n ;, Mrs.. Rose SpblelA 226 a car driven by Fred P. Owen. consular. officials, hearing_____ . ioeh week your Shurflnn lOlaWcr (Ms name is Rsttd bolowl below or in any of the 100 stores with which we r t r s o n T o P o n o n soutli Wlndaor. died S a to rd a y ______^ School SL; Adam 'Wltkowski, 16', of 106 Ridge SL, on Center bad asked local reeidente "about DEGORATINfi a crib attendant at Pratt and The funeral will be held CattB FJti, - A F.M. wM/olflor four frtmondoos mbnoy-soving caypotts not (snly on W o W * ynu'N bo doRghted with tho at Mldifieeex H oeplt^ kOddle- vj^Rney DIvieion of United Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. from " ~ ™®y _ SL, west b ( Winter ^ Damage the prospect* of going to ChtoA I iorvko in stem for you In We h eard town. ADMITTED Phoae 643-2804 Shurfino morchandiso but also other .braods too. Eoeh. woih f r i s M . are ossocioted in oiir A. G* Wethersfield ware­ A ircnft Oorp., East Hartford, the Btowral Home, 71 YESTERDAY: to each car was minor, accord- warned her It was against U.S; 'AOOAfl8(f 'j(d this old story: Surrivore atoo Include hie Christopher Chambers, 677 Cen­ Ing to police. * law for an American to enter r u V L t INSUBBD tlwrE's ono monoy-savlng coupon on Nut Floral Oyiiewore. • w r y «H it... os woB os tho wide A tburlat driv­ wife, two ter St.; Raymond Chartler, 22N Slight damage resulted (tom the Communist country. lew suptnoflihot prices on ing- through hroMiera and five otitor sieterA Eoeh wook thord's ono nngiioy-soving coupon on lob^-hmliig house group to buy better so we con sell lawer* the. mountatna Bt. James SL; James Dbggart, Shwilno uatog the back The (unend wU be hiM to- SO Diane Dr., 'V’emoii; Eouglas. R o y d Toflbn. " ’ . ‘ _ . roads, wasn’t moRow at 1 p.m. a t 11m New- Support in Congress Dugan, 16 Hillside Manor-Ave„ aur4 of his Uric asid Whitney Funeral Vernon; Sharon Phrclgno, 78 way. Coming Bkxne, 818 Buratode Ava, Beat (Oewtianed tram Page One) Alison Rd,, South V fto ^ rr Redeem oil your Isf wort c rt| ^ ^ 1 ^ . 5 at either of these A. G. stpres. If your mailed coupon bort upqn a young Hartford. Burial wlM be to Oen- PA,.explroued regret at the de- auuroh Ftovelli.'fil X Maple m o h a ta ln - ter Oametery, Gkvnfiy. ' obuntry wouM much prefer ctoton. SL; — ...... Mrs...... Ammuirie Godeton, 85 eer, he asked. Thiere will be ao oalttag poUcy of fighting to win than a Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., an Highland Dr. “Vintora does policy qf aurfonder." not reoch you ^ Tuesday. I * minimum purchase except with the free ^1.19 loaf this road go outspoken opponent of tho ad- tek Raik. Xa8tHartftod; Briea And Bqn. SUom Thurmoud. R- mtototration's Viet NSm poll- Kessluk, 67 MWord Rd.; Mta tot- Tho boy Mra. Artehv X. Hoeper B.C., raid "The cessation (to •Taon’t cles, who Sunday urged the Births Lani^otf, Wtodsor; pan the first weeke_.^^j - TOUAiND — Mrs. Arthur E. bombing) only allowed the Oom- UnKed States to lay tiw entire MrA Estelle Lappen, 58 Brain munista to build up and make !12« Sl -.’?!?"?;?: matter before the ttoited Na- ford SL; Mta Grace M«j see son R4.f POpi^-tt to» touch, and the driver Hurt-____ r, a brother aendtog as nuny .Aftoiiban boys' . U A ., reiibintioa to be 8L; •lA -^ou don’t know anything,-.-gag do to Viet Nam and ua to itk ^teR to the Unlto^Mattoos. $L; kKf i!’’ The boy looked at him The (aheral - was hfd this win the war qateer,*-he aald. ‘The If ...... •T know I moniiBg from NewUrk and but I ain’t Statemanto teat . Johnson had work ite wilt on this country’s tage Sft, RrakvUle; X te w In this day ot apeolali- WWiney Funeral Home. 818 no rttotoe to twume bomb- unccnsUtuUcnal war in Viet Smith, Hrat Hartfordi litoh Vto-1 ------Khtof hawoaay Ihuitolrta AvA, Beat Hartford, ing cama atoo a u ^ key. Ham," Iforee said, adding that let SpU^jS| Eho 8L ;M usI^; )r any eC ua lo wOt loat wttli a solemn Ugh Maae of a s‘ R(qp. Itecekeeping forces Stephen^ 422 E. Cieater SLfl are outaida of our own requtom a t 'jSL Roes Church, Gewrga ' H. Malgto. D-Tex.. totetituted for U.S. Steve Uioln, Andoter;' Marie * •COHOMY Ity. Tour only ptoteiBUon Btofi Hartford. Burial was to chairman ot the Bouse Ap- trtxnia in Viet Nam. VeUleux. WUUmanttot / I h w ,, TCltobiUty and oaoiwmy St Mary’s Cemetery, Itet GROCERY Inc. propriatiena dteHmittee ^ and San. George D- Aiken, K-VL, WhltmorA WarehouM Point, pie with whom you do Hartford. Pto prove to you House DemocraUo Leader Carl senior GOP member ot the Sen- BIRTH S ATU BD A Tt . A- 44* CENTER STREET ^ jPUNTY ^O^ AlltaMtGiC ate, took the floor to warn that dau^ter to Mr. and Mn. Kldi- t jwjn to do hMl- .1 •7 M a te Batoe and " Mi a W w e i i w M i ^ I t e d e n of aeitoitor^fd n a v es Mtotom's dactoton n to in tin ard Templeton. 45 & Alton SL CORNEk MAIN A MWOU lURNFIKI Tour Ford dealer, Mra. Mary Jopa CamplMa deotote, In- pniraeot ot "universal oonaerip- BIRTH YESTERDAY)' A a«r OPBi Wi^i TMUB^; rtt. . 8U jtiwKshestor. ScandiMBa^^ toM of Bobart Tanoa Hartke^ D- tfon" and new taxes for.AW«r to HSa Boaadridg* a t 4X Wiltord Rd., jaHv •nd 8- Ctoik, D- the flpWL kMgb. South-St, BOcbdlte. Hi

■‘■aV--'-' f . ■


PAcar^-B^nYiA*' M A N C H ^ T E R E V J m ^ G HERALD, V A N O iE S m OOMII^ IpONDAT, JANUARY H , MW u^mtktd to out, wuma nsro Iskifk to asiilUbla at (MW Deep EGGS j *lVo ^ r i Cqiirt ■ A p w itob ,. In New Autopsy PIdiw 37 HPiiiPs Sttong Wind m u m P t I C A & m i r y L Use, Xp "\OnM otesBody 57 for U aher Ricl^ Property annap wwnww aewie i GbillEast MG-OAK liHBFraeUB, Mara; (AP) ^ Year HoNp Trial * aaooaS iiito]My on BeWoomb \\ collar for gtato, aad two atj^Hka P o s h r y (OtkHned Hem Puga Dm) 839 Verimu Sh^ ___ htott, 37, -who died oa a Soylet Batnrday: Rita (CanthsMa QoalMy Hamas Bie.. die- Hbet to fek boya, a Vrpadt with lo^f jumerNw.<< ^ . . - ir- ■. pamm ptoM recently for a aob- mnnMas wmSS aSMSha cost of 8^ laglrianfe aaariwia wtoe TM. 849-9189 — 849 dOWf, pbUbw- trato, Uon. ratraled .'too' Paulin, Hhyae Dr., Vernon; Xxn> iaoaaaa and tbO aanu wttb no anpriaM ie thlThe bo4ly -wms raturaad to tha iOwltaitii* B. M* In bnr aar Write to the County Ha-i. 43 Ward S t. RoCkvine; Bruce Abe Fqrtas took no part in oon^ action of the silbdMaion ia wseks with s boM fuaSy, TBay W l^ driving eandMUna ex- l^ t e d States Saturday for the ' Kaniring, 85 Vamon Ave., tanaton OCfloa toe any o f thtos iM l nvstt Tlw M«r total u ridemUon or d a « ^ ‘P( # aiy Manned for 87 Snotage kMs on wSI five, work and. Pbara an- treniAy toutoPdous; sehoola taneial today at ^ d Pariah Rookvflla. looOotf. ■ ST. MARY'S CfmgregatlOnBl (Swrclk. 10^ , aa « ( Dec. tt, 1086. psaL WfaMeds atfomar Juattea the Bunt IW Road, Baat perkweas with Iha Iha wbra (rioa^ to many of the CK tlM Mor bbrrowan. 800 are Admitted Simday Carl Do- Dapartmant-offidal and Fortaa aM tha Andover road, S y liHtM Oonuniltag wfllf.poo- {Medical Examiner Dr. ID- titasiriT Tcnand Oreen, Tol­ toataa. M Xthtca, N -t.. about 2,- aMUs and 570 are oUMrea MIm Is oom pariw dy new to the learing tbe Rich bouae lot and rida aoma f ttifinMkM ■ EPISCOPAL el a. LtKoigo, adio pertormad low tua«Na laasM m YOU land; Frod Bwlng, 67 Village 000 Comas Itotvwslly stadmto Ue aaML autopey in BoeUto, said a men an m AMONvrsAviNa St, Rockvine; WHUam Bchww court reroaindar of tha tract On- parianca, report on the autopsy, would OberiaMea roee l « * deyetoped at present iaera gifaa an axtra day to noexYri jwar. M t m ta lOOd to m .- oha, ToUandf Victoria Kula, --- ^ ^ WoU St, Mon prepare' toe mkMerm examtoa- CHURCH ^ v e to wait until a copy of tbe. IV " «M Mk jFear. M t Umvfr books Broad Broiflt. itovlet autopay reached the Mott N a t i o n a l Births Sunder* A son to Mr. Dt tsna ^ «ipB Oharoh and Park Stroefa, were aeot to tlie achools. Town Faces Suit Chtgrged A fte r Icy taoOo and drifting snow d u ty ’s lawyer. and U n . Robkrt Duoharme, 18 wV 1 1 /^i • _ ptana are to develop tha to- for ap* troro «M main baaatds. wttb • Lari Sept. 4, Mott walked S t o r G S •vtotaaajr.* M* Allen D r, Vamon; a son to Mr. O v e r r m l d a i m malnder of . the . . tract in tjwM pUoatlona ia Feb. 19. SIMAaddent *7bere wea a gain of neartjr WribiUty out to aaro to many deroee the Russian border at and Mra. Oaorge Minor, Elling­ ^ booting JO J^kenes, Norway. g^OOO bnnlia droOUted from tiw the question wIS be eat up tad Oounty toea-agan ^ m m n , Porilomi of hey atate ton; a aon to Mr. and Mrs. Don­ Tbe Town of MianefaCetef le jam as 1C. Ck>odmaa .wto higtawaya ware rimt down and .M ott waa arrested Just inside m in Ubncy.'’ ald Morse, 66 Union S t, Rodc- being sued ftn* f 89,000 by An­ announced aa soon aa formal PtofT. m A total o< 1375 new books chaigad with apsadtog a ^ liuMrede of motiortats . Vwre ftviet territory nSjer Boriso- thony J. MoOruden of 43 Jen­ aippttoation and final plana are wlH be riigiM to_p^ttripate to aebek, charged with crossing were added to Xt» eoHectkm, viOe. yaatorday naonitog after the' ear glranded. sen St., In an action atenuning forwarded to the comrolarion. toe OUiMnaUp O M oarc^ to qte border 'without.a 'Visa, found Week ^fedesi 1320 Discharged Friday: Martin he wag drtvhtg rild off WaK'flt. Xp one of the wont traffle ac- goo juvenile and adiiU from an alleged fha on Parker 4-H Exchasgk pbom toa Wational 4^B Center in iUty airi sentenced to 18 bnok«, More than 400 pampMeU Olode, 97 West Rd., Vemoa; . 40 parwma were injured t St., near E. Middle T^pke., on » ia annoimoed that « 9 Ha- WSriilngtoo, DXS.; n into a.traa. . onths in a latxu- camp. and 1000 idotiires were also Lawrence Berube. 129 Tunnel thFweay jdgbt to a serlea of Feb. 1, 1966. ttmto 4rH Foundation wlB Any toenngar who to totoraat- pQUoa rapeit 'that aooUenC * Then, while on a Russian prls- •Med to the dielvea. Rd., Vernon; Scott Chareat, Main S t, Vernon; Iioris Le- McCruden, la a writ flMa in Agaln apottMT a bwo-montfaa ad in attending tUa oonnranoe happened when tloodmaa went riialn-reaction coBlalonB on New «jki train moving out of Mur- H w aesv sctiedule ait ttia 1' Tork’s Thruway between Itooh- Medx, 50 Crest Ridge Dr.. Ver­ the town clerk’f office, clakna exchange progrem tor 4-H club abould write a letter to' toto A jU d as ha was daaeend- Atansk Jan. 20, Newcomb Mott bcBiy, now open on Wednea- that aa a resutt of th a 'tol. mentoere, 17 to 20 yean of County Oub Agents alatkig, why tog a stoap grads, aBd off the eeter and Bitfalo. day, iiaa proven a oonventenee non; Olga Spak, Ellington; f e a s t d a y died — tbe Ruaslans said by Raymond Flsvril, Wellwood he suffered mmenMtt kijUFlee age. The program ia planaed he thMa he would benefit from' right jdda to tUa^road i ^ ; . a Pklgld temperaturea and gale dahlng his throat with a razor. to pdron% ‘nUboiMh a lacge and eoepended coctenrive suma tor ttie 1966 summer months. thia asperience. The cost wIB ,be hM , then aiton around and abd- force winds, rather then the past of tlie pubkc atffl soena Circle, Vernon; Lillian Bkm- EVENING I Neither the U.S. Bhnbassy nor stpln. 84 Dsvla Ave., Rockville; for medioal arid'fabspftal care. loterestod t-Erera may have I80-60, and Ihosa p a ritrip a ^ ad up.in^A saow hMflt. snow, oroated the meet mleery 4ls parents Mr. and Mrs, How­ to be unaware of tt» obaage," He ctalma, further, that, her their choice of viatUng one of toB he expected to pey moat df Ba won atimmonedjyr Troop- to many atatea. Was Ue said. Helen' Berger, 20 Grove St., EUCHARIST ard 8. Mott of Sheffield w ^ Rockville; Theresa Scloacio, 12 a k>cg period. o f thna, be loot 11 .qoutorlea, inoludkig Argen- toeir oton expenada. to the past, ^6r Thomas dark to appear in FUtaen to 304oot waves were ? tlsfied with the Russian ac- Ftancoltoe hiblds •ttod’* W ^ gw i|c5 .p r o i« * 6d IB MCk- OwSri A C C3>risU. PO n C H O PS One probtem repotted by tlie inootM' from hla ftill-tlme Job ttnA' BrozU. Colombia. Den- the Oounty Oub Committee bee esreuit Coort to fraumantie on reported in Nerzegansett Bay in KreUdr 6t Toupgstown, O h^aad the U A Qoari Owu^d,- Aba4«hy> wra kaad o f the tnrialla* Obrarian Is that Mbcncy patrons Bancroft Rd., Rockville; Leeb Presentation Of unt of his death. Gerber, Robin Rd., Vernon; at Pratt and Whitney, and EnSand, Germany. Ire- provided 128 schoUnliipa to Match 1 to answer to tbe speed­ Rhode island, floodtng low-lying Uon suite. (Herald photc^lDy ^t^rnlGaX noe tbe book M v. built in tbe from hla part-time Job at Man- land. Matherlands, Paraguay, eecb delegate and it ie expected ing chaise. The front of the * ’The U.S. State Department Mbracys front door, during tbe Mrs. Sarah S t Germaine and ooeatal eraaa. Winds up to 60 Christ In The Temple $u8t week said tbe Ruastans had dangbtor, 17 lOntarbum Court cheater Auto Peris Co. Peru and Pp**" tfaey:<|^ do the saape thia CkMxbnan car eras badly dam­ miles an hour buffated some boons tba Mbnaiy ia open. Mias y decided, even before the trial, CENTER IMaohaivsd Saturday: Fran- He chargee the town H** Tha 4-H’era wwdd pay thehr y«er. Tbe 'dates of tbe rittsen- aged to the aodid«ht. paris of the New Jeraey ahore. Ida said that, when booka are negligence In not remwlying fhat Mott was be gi'ven the 18- Francoline Receives ris Pinto, 36 Ridgewxrod Dr., own expensea, ranging between ,ri*p conference wUl be Jtoy 17 WEDNESDAY to Skating In Pittsburgh, oCficiaki at one returned when die ■bcecy ia what he daima was a defective IOT6 and $1,060. They would through 28. Any toennger wtth- US,hN gXAAlm MADE ^onth sentence. Vemqn; Flnnle Remenlk, 82 rituTOb had to pour gasoline on open, books ahooU be brought condition at the highway at the also pay all other coats auch aa tog to participate ebould be Waahtojtton — Isia^September FEBRUARY 2 I The State Dexnrtment said it Report to the desk. SpriiH at, Rockville; Margot the ground and light It to mrit ^nsidered the sentwice exces- CUT point at the alleged fall. tran^wrtatlon to and from heard from aa aoon aa poeetbla. work, was staried on' 131,700 pri­ ‘Dad’ Walsh AwaCd Todd, South St, Rockville; loa and anew so a handful of Last year aboerad 'Inoreaoed McCruden la being rtpreeent- Washington, D.C., Immunla- Knltlhig Leeflets vate bouaing units and 1,600 pub­ 7:00 P14. rive tor the offense. All Cut From Tender, Young Porkeri c i w dhig and treniendous ac­ Lawrenoe Bcewiahan, Tolland; earth could be chipped a'way for EWa Luckainger, Upper Butch­ ed In the aotlor by A ity . Wee- Uon and iwarport fees and aoi»- Here’s some more 4-H newa. licly owned housing ntota in the Rocco JaiTiM Francoline Jr. Saturday night petsaiyeiJ 'No'lce sltotkig 'Will be allowed tivity In me Junior Ubnsty. ley C. Giyk of Manoheeter. United' Stato^'-. .: . a ground-tneaklag owemony. er Rd„ Rodcvflie’. PameU yenira. A series of 4-H new knitting the “Dad” Walsh award for being the outstanding De- today or' bon*gbt - at Center Ilia tnadtttonal auhinwr IleafA» HoOk Available PORK CHOPS LB t e OhAi attnactad an aM lin e BucMsy, 4 Bvn OrdA Roch- Molay of the y ^ ". He waS presented with the award at Springs Pond, (Center Springs BONELESS CHINE viSe; David Cfladdan, BWng- semi-public installation ceremonies of John Mather Ugh of add paritelpaata, who On Retardation Annex or Charter Oak Park. bum their own Ubrary lep- ton; Sbaalsy Proalenrid, 94 W. Police Arrests Chapter, Order of DeMolay, at _ - BoM (a paper brlok tor each MUn S t. RoekvMle; Cheryl Mic- Oofilea of a new bookleit ‘The the Masonic Temple .He Is the a member of Center Congrega- Coasting conddtlans are good PWrtane, 44 BSm St, Rockville; Mentally Retailed—^Their New son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. tional Church. at (Center Springs Park. Super- book read),^ the lepoct says. 1 FOR A pMot plaa to nafce modhial Plorenoe Riendeau, 667 .Dart JObn J. Brainard, 28, of 1 Hope” proparod by the Presl- FrancoUne Sr., 616 Spring S t, Other officers installed are visdon is pro'vided daily from ORANGES ‘STJr' ( 30^ HH Rt, Vamon; Dirok Hy and was master councilor of Richard Benoont senior coun- books avahabia to the puUlo TWe*n St wee charged wttb dent’e Oommlttee on Mental 8:30 to dark. has been institabed, with the Jack. U BoMon Rd„ Vomon; broach of peero Saturday after­ Retardation, ’The NcuUcnal As- John Mather Chapter during cilor; Gary Hastings, Junior Mkriparet Beigmi, UUngton; noon after a domestic dlstufh- ’ ■ ' 1, eoriatlon for Retarded CMhh'en, the second half of last year. councUor; Bruce Relnohl, senior Ski bows at the Mt. Nebo ski Lemons cAUfo«HiA «iN(a$T < Vamon Medlaal Aasociatlan. slope will be operaiting tonight 6;»>29< BsiOh month, the Hbrosy pnr- MTO. Monique Downey end anoe at hla home. Bond wee seA 'The U.S. Department of Health, KennethI,- t'u Royce,D son of -w-Mr. deacon;__ ; William. Tuoill, Junior riswes boohs on snob topics as up. They 6 to 8 and 8:30 to 10:30 (mixed M H m jfH i With 2nd Week Coupons on ■void aoquMng phony orquarik daughter, as Proapeot a t. Book- aoheduled to appear in court each indi'viduial oan help and Manchester Lodge of Masons^ Da'vid Teases, David Law- couples ottly.); Saturd->y, 1 to 2 books often heavily adver- vflM. Feb. lA why he shouHd. who grave a resume of Franco- r^qs, ’Thomas Jaihes beginners, 2-30 to 6:30 and 6 to l|| Gloaniiny .^^mencan C^L arm Used," Ifisa Ue said. Hatfateen Irwin of 118 Ooo-. It uiges e:g>ectant mothers line’s Ufe. ’The many hours bf scott, Paiil Wright and WUUam 10; Sunday, 10 to noon, 1 to 2 “Toriunately, the Vbnriaa Tha Hendd’s Vamon bureau per St. was charged with two bo seek good pro-natal care, hard work Francoline had done Moorhouse. beginners, 2:30 to 6:30 and 6 to W ■■ Stainless Steel Flatware for his chapter, his success with Richard Reinohl was soloist has been ronnslcahly free to ae^ to at 88 Park St.. BookvUlA oounta of falluro to obey a traf­ toUa of tests now a-vailahle for 10. By Intnrnational Silver Company - loot books, with btae interter- P4>. Box 887. toL 876-8186 or fic (xmtrol algnal after poWoe infants Ubejt oan prevent some money raising projects during at the ceremonies, and James atsw Iron sSIf-riected oensocs 648-3711. aay they observed her going forms of retardstioQ, and em- his term as master tli^ qfc- Dies in Fire THIS WEEK SAVE *1.80 aald. son and Summit Ste. Saturday vironment, parUoulariy In the parents and devotion To his (fer of |^ii)Itov^(^. GiifiC werik Tba laka Straat Sdioat PTO Tollnd County afternoon. She la scheduled to firat three yearo of Mfo, in the church” were mentioned Uy oaheretfi^.^fltefc^pll^riiits writi * ■ RIDGESPTELD (AP) — Mrs. W(TH COUPONS ia apoonrijig a aquara daaca for appear In court Feb. lA development of the child’s in- Gakeler. FrancoUne ia a stiifor seived by menii>er8 c^thje I>»- EYancis Gage, 76, died Satur­ baghmara Fab. 12, from 8 to Robert W. Oordler, 17, of Bari tsUigenoe. at Manchester Higdi School and Molay Mother’s Club. day in a fire which swept 50c OFF on a 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING 11 p.m., at the aohool. Boh WU- Area Principals HaiCfoird was cberged Sunday through her two-story home on Bama, a local caller will give with recldeaa dri'vlng; operat> Route 7. 50c OFF on Set of 4 SOUP SPOONS View Enrichment Thursday to tbe Ctiurcfa Oom- Police said It probably start­ Instractlons. Ing aa to endanger the Ufe of mnmity House. Coventry ed in a defective electric heater BigUigtate f t tbe sveninr will other than owmpanta, aa a re­ The bidding oommlttee 'will be an exhibition by mambeie of Center in Vernon sult of a Friday car - motor­ In the woman’s second-floor and Save on Platinum Banded Glassware haye.sewttier nieettng, 8 p.m. bedroom, where her body was the Vernon aquara Danoara. cycle accident Oordler wea In­ A I t t e M . tH Af ihvsdi^ to the CBurcb Oom- Principals from elamentary pimAVisiu Up found. Beeauae of the aisa of tfaa an- achools In Vernon, Tolland, Ell­ volved In that necessitated hoa- inuRtty;HouBe. 40c OFF - ANY TWO TUMBLERS dttortum, attendance wiB be ington, Stafford and Ashford pttaUsatlcn tor the cyCUet, An all time high of 1,917 ways and means eommlttee, re­ EHected officero of'th e oburob Bmlted. Ticketa may be pur- Bruce L. Doughty of 161 Cooper now, BERLIN ADDS ART 40c OFF - ANY STEMWARE ITEM were guests recently of tbe staff visits were last year by the 'vis­ ports the annual ftmd member­ -wfll be toatalled during the'wor­ MUSEUM fihannd In advance fay oalUng of the Vernon Enrichment Cen­ HW St., who autfered a frao ship drive totaled 8902.81; (lanc­ ship servloe, at 11 aon. Feb. 6 N BERLIN — Rising in West MTO. Bdward Tharault or Mra. turad leg, i»Uoe say. iting nurses under the PubUc es, 8133; and food sales, 8133-66- in the aanotuas-y. ter, at the orange Ball la Ver- Berlin is a museum designed by AUa Praal 48 Page Album & Picture Pecket No. 1 of "Our Wonderful World of People" wifb Coupon from Mail Circular Inonal ^irriao, both of Jan Dr., Health Nursing Association 'The PHNA’s ’Thrift and Gift Inauranoe Oommlttee Yarnon. Shop progpmn realized^ an ell internationally known architect WSUam F. Whet, principal of progpram. If the total, 810 were The town’s insuience oonuntt- Mies •van der Rohe. It •will house Beaaert and coffee wfll be War Kills Most Men therapeutic nursing visits, 1,076 time high of 82,500 for the tee meets at 7:80 p.m. today to served. Bolt aolad Shoea rw the ICa^a Street School In 19th and 20th century paint­ PMAST FROZEN ASUNCtoiN, Paraguay—Tha were health supervision visits, health program. Mrs. Robert L. tbe town office buBding. Raaf, Chicken, Turtcay, Solitbury Slaok i 2 PKGS. 6 7 < goirod. A fixed donatian wfll be Itodkville and coordinator of tbe Helms is chairmiin. Mrs. GUbert ings. MEAT DINNERS center, dlacuaeed how\ riete Triple AlUance War ( 1885-70) and■U UA31 found llWfcfvrxsjnobody i*wat home. — ...... r- - Luthmus Notee accepted. The annual report presented A. Swanson, treaByrer, and Mr», fundi were obtained tor me pro­ matched Paraguay againet Ar­ The adufk choir ^ Y b * Prtitoe The Subuihgn Women’a Club at the PHNA annual meeting Albert Piper, Mrs. Robert R«i- of Peace’ _ IsStiertm:-' Church ject gentina, BrasU and Uruguay. wUl meet tomorrow at 8 pm. what.wQuld ahows 12 well-child conferences mens and Mrs. James T. Mc- meets et 6:45 p.m. Thursday in Watch for Re-Openlng One of the moat oatastrophic to at the BOks Oerriaga Houaa. lk The centoriM rialC, empprielng Naunara, members. the ssnotuary. MANCHESTER BockvUle for Ita annual *TOan'a Mra. Brian Abuia, social work­ history, tt resulted in the re- held, with a total of 176 chil­ dren recei'vlng physical exami­ Mrs. Harris, president of the Tbe otaurefa’s Junior oboir CYCLE SHOP W elch's Colo Findst i^ h t” . Art 'McCHnley, eporU er, M n. Dorothy Johnson, psy- ductlan of Paraguay’s popula­ March 1st. in our new lo­ tion from more than half a mil- nations and immunizations. PHNA, urges residents to visit meeto at 6:30 p.m. Friday In tbe editor for tbe Hartfordi Times, cbriogleal examiner, and Joeeph church. cation next to the DuBaldo win be the guest apcsker. AU SpUlanA dlractor and teacher, Uon to aome 280,000, of whom ’Theiun six immunization______clinics the Thrift and Gift Shop, and Mnsio Store (across the fewer than 30.000 were men. saw 311 individuals receiving asks that anyone who can vol- Kindergarten Aides street from our old loca­ TOMATO CAT or DOG FACIAL taiembeca and their huibandi aiptotaad their reiqMnalbUltlea. ---^ -paAllA 1 AA f*1k11s fiotfaAv* Tn HaIti T13AIT thS ATE WtiOOmE. oral polio vaccine, and 143 chll- unteer time to help man the Volunteer mothers aesiaUng tion). M n. Edward Roberta, praal* dren and adults receiving 'vac- shop contact Mrs. Helms or one with clasaes of the North 0>v- of her committees. She also dent of the Venun Jbi^ V.. dnations, triple Immunizations, enrtry Cooperative Kindergar­ JUICE FOOD TISSUE Women’! Clnb, baa callad a boosters or tetanus toxoid in­ mentions the Loan Closet for ten in the Second Oongrega- persons wishing to borrow, at iw«»nng tonight of oommlttee jections. tlonal Church this week •win be COME SEE OUR QUART BOTTLE 15V4 OZ CAN BOX 200 - 2 PLY beade, to oompUe year-end re­ At the dental clinics, 39 chil­ no charge, crutches, hospital Mrs. Wifliam Coates and Mrs. ports, at her home, 74 NelU Bd., Choicesf Meats In Town dren had teeth cleaned and were beds, wheel chairs and other Jean P. Dube. In ctaarge of MATERNITY SPRING given fluoride treatments. health aids. Mrs. Harris also Vernon. Chairmen of the ooo- vtsn iiuv/ii«o —------cleaning the itoHwocau Feb. 5 COLLECTION FOR FOR FOR awrvation, education, fine arte, Under the Norwich Referral urges the public to continue to will be Mib , Jemee Tfopiney and bome Ufi^ international rela- TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! Program, the locri PHNA support the annual fm (l drives, Mirs. Albert Trameend. .. Proaqy Draaato, Stretch tione and pubUc afteira com m it With Hartford National Check-Credit, nurses had 32 mentally ill po- food ssJm , dances and other ac­ Vohmtodr moflMira asBirting Slarka, Skirts, Blouses, teas are expected. tlents referred from the Nor­ tivities sponsored by the PHNA, with the classee of the South Bras, Girdles, Slips and Hospital Kotea wich HosxHtal to •visit at home, vriiich provide funds that make Coventry Coop^uttve Nursery Panties, . Admitted Friday: Bruce Fra^ ! U.S. CHOICE to give supportive care and con­ th^ oiganlzatfon and its work and'Ktodetgarten Kln^ ser, Baxter 8t , Tolland; Doro­ sultation. Patients are also vis­ possible. bury Hogee foe-tW-week will INSTANT COFFH 7-OZ 1 f Y y 14-OZ 0 0 thy DeVeau, 158 Proapeot SI, you’d just reach for your pen! ited when discharged. Mrs. Harry McKuslck, chaii^ be M is. Eddrin W tttlg, Mrs. I N G S C d t e Bonus Pack-iOcDed Pad; JAR I.UZ CANS J J C man of the nursing committee. Glazier s Comet Cleanser 2 Bockvina; LuciUa LaHua Old : STEAKS Under the- program, ti» Francis Martin, Mra. Forrest 681 Main S t — Manchester •taftord Rd., TCBand. nurses took part In a program whose members are Mrs. Helms Haun, Mra. Roland Mounter and SHORT — SIRLOIN — POR’TERHOUSE X and Mrs. Mark Spink, reports Oonet and Untfonn Shop (We Reaarve The Bight To Limit Qnanttttes) G Instituted by the sUte to help Mrs. Kenneth ReynoMe. UCJUID DETERGHIT her coimfflttw pHUSs to hold OES XIee4a m O O l ITL 52c N e e d $ 86, $600 or more? When you luive a Cheek-< 7re d it prevent some forms oT mental Thrill "Sf35c Ivory Soap 3 3 5 c M w rt B. Dojrto retordaUon In Infants, and took monthly meetingB with the two Ctonax C3iaptar> CpS, meets 8iecount, you edit acepuirt is really a '’^revolving” credit tiBniwnif voMb Waitcbeeiee Srootog HeiaUr' CLEANING? to the report to the PHNA. Cewtoitry cwxraepondewt, . IF. FUEL OIL loan. Thig m<»ns that U pre-arranged loan provides your Gentlemen: > Mrs. Theresa Kalber, the senior Her e e m m U ^ ^ Panllae Utttle, fol, 743-6381- U(3UID DETERGB4T MAXWELL HOUSE GASOLINE m 40Z ITL 62c «-O Z ITL 3 5 c KkDetlPtok ' 2JACAN 1 . 7 7 available cr^it, and you pay bai^ in regular monthly Without obligation, please send me a free folder and mine, expressed her graUtude aomwfl poBriee, changas Ivory Coffee application form for a Check-Credit account. instalments. ^ r f Mrs. Margaret White, to the board of (Uraoton for FOR A DAY. WEEK . . . OR LONGER staff nurse, for the cooperation cooriderat^ F f t E I UQUID DETERGB4T Hartford National Check-Credit ounbines tiie apeed 3AHTLY OIL tyory Snow 89c ^ 37c Joy m AjOZ 6TL 62c 3 5 c^' zwietved from the public. , DELJYEtY.^ A 196 6 C o r fra m ( OMl’ \N> , INt . and flexibility of modem thecking . . . with the safety and Name The assodatioa reports •. _ I*.- . ^ eoriiiintaig officers and dlrec- FROM A U DEPTS. :i't| ‘•■•lUKKT M oriorly BroHwrt convenienoe of borrowing|(t low bank rateg. . i. FABRIC SOFTENER ton are Mrs. Stanley Harris, i r i , c, I'l i'T i 4 9 c RENT Address resident; Mrs.-RIBhard cfough- ly ^ ■U^e-Tao^ t^ -th e sailurt MTHIHIJIBIW Oxydol «o 37c Downy tQT 1-OZ 8TL 89e F w a Check-Oedit fblder and application, stop m soon Un. treasurer; Mrs. Robert fund djive, wUhreeel^ rt Uiick\ il!c c7.‘i-T-TI City State Zip C ode at any Hartffxd National oflke. Or mail the coiipon. H -bw , 'Vice president; Mrs. Br-^ scene 8902, Bzas-Shnet-of its g l,- ,ALL PURPOSE aEANER 150Z O O - aeat a LeDoyt. secretary for 400_ g o ^ ______two yeawr Dlreetors elected to T^ ftmd trims piaeo to Tide • i«n g a y 's Rertararatt to m ilsit Mm L im A l Ti■9 Cit f i i d 2 CANS 29c Ustariaa Agtisaptk r.^-«^A(a 39c w n i 23c RaacHhrt Ifutoat Ceftoa to MM rxec JM 99( Ctoosga ax>ii«(iMi and Mrs. Don- Tlio * o * r of-.toa Bsomid Oto> A irta^ ebittw and advanced students. 'V P mi netaqp ewi Itrilvaiy mmse titmmr 9oe$ n woltK m p reoMJs •Id and Uioae wUh gregartoesd O bnr* wfll mas* at CUdkaa f f tl# Saa SaU \ toT w a. /•ofCAM'39c\ ' ; G U M8-7788 MmmtrrjOJJt tannatoMHifg to 1967 are 7:30 pan. Wa(tosa(toy to the WHARTY BMTHERS Begistntkai 8 :80-0:00 P J L Jan. 81-F eb. 4 I •8(389 Barth Mali C h artaa^ ^ n i. ICre. Afoert ssndnacy and tbe chueeb bulid- SOI CENTER 8TBEET ^ ' nnu g tt-5188 Ptpar. M n. Bdwaid Sdmlthaias. tog wnnTnittae at 8 pra. to toa DOUBLE JfS CREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY 6 9 5 Main Street, Mnnekester XBASIBG nABB IX » AIX IMS a u iO M it MODELS Owen & Ttaak and Mia. Frank Gburob Owmnantty Baann. ' Coflega E. Middle Tpk»- 649-5877 . . I The brtUtag eoDinlttoe wfll I I Sere*lA'IvtRRRR Dberd^Ard SMr^p OHit T: 37^

f M : ? ; ■■'■■' gif.?:’ ■ '■ i ■ “ llANdinESTBR EVENING ITONDAY, JAOTAEY 81,1966 [.V B v < ^ BfANGHSSim EVENING. BN^tAU), OONN^ MONDAY* JANUARY Sl^ 19W

-i ' 'I M S Hall of Faiiio D ^ r Open to Casey hrald Angle ^ ■'■■'■I* I I I i — -

EARL YOST ' £x-Manage|r Arcfi-Rim l Pairings Foueh^ Signs - ,i Now Eligible With Miami^s Profitable Boidiiig W edcend F ea tu re Diminutive Mavis SmaH, women's ducki>in bowlinir For Electioii By PETE ZANARDI Newest Entry eUampkm in M a ^ «to r the past two years, wound up in eighth pla^ in the 35th annual United States Wom­ NEW YORK (AP)4T^e / m ardt-rivals feature' the ^schoollwy NEW YORK (AP) — en’s Duckpin Bowing Classic yesterday in Warwick, R. door to Basoball^s |biU •Mne this wedc» the 16-game in clu ^ the E j^ George Wilson and Wally t Miss Small w«a f45 for her effortii in a field of 126 Fame , haa - , been i^Crb^ ^ EathoKcSouth CathoHc, BUington ^h-R o<*viD e High Lemm, who lost their head rollers. Cathy Dyak, also f6 Manchester, was 12th and for w e immediate en-^ Slid South Windsor High-Bh»m fi^ High b «t^ . Afl coachitag jobs in the Na- wonS3e.?5witi»ai,a7 ti>uiM ------— ------trance of Casey Siegel, Mancheater Hlfh. i » ««hve tionhl Football League un­ compand to JOss smaH'c 1,226 „ Mercury Arency to form er pJayer, liulnager der controversial circuih- ptalWI to 10 gamea . . . Ice MenclM^ maiu«ed and, at 76, still the sportSv tw ice. . FraiA Bear^ ■Hie Indiana (4-7), losera or stances, have jumped over ^ U n g at the UCoim pubUe i)mKivan, ia baiuIHng naerva- outstanding ambassador^; to the rival American Tink ti *good to exoenent" from ^ 0B8 Sports Spectacu- Itie nem left Stoagel virtuad- their last three, must face ai^ penmnal experience. The rink Sunday aftenwfn wUl fea- ^7 qpeedileeei setting a record Holds SbtAe other layoff before ifieetln^ MA* League and left the St. is open daily, 10 a.m. to 12 loney High in Meriden Friday Louis (Cardinals as the lone tore the Hall of Vame Swim- to the gregaorfous CM night sun smarting from a lose noon, 1 to 6:80, Monday ming Obamplonaliipe from Fort pro football teapi without through Friday, and evening Ijicky Margin to Windham last Friday, Man- a ^ coach . Lennrderdale, Fla. Nine eventa Stengel found out be would be obester Is out to duplicate ah Skating starts at 6 o’clock each are Usted. eUgiblS without tto usual five- Wilson, who won the NTli night. Saturday and Sunday * e * SAIf mAMqiBdO (AP) — earner 68-61 triumph over Mar champiohsMp wltfa the 1067 De­ year wulUiig period when Fo^ Top goKera. dr«w a bead on the loney at the Clarke Arena, hours range from 10 ajn . to 10 Frick, who haa Just retired S f troit Lions, severed a 29-year pjtt. Almo6t U pped Ebt duurpritooter today aa the $67,- Bast (9-2), back to fun connection ildth' the National baaebaH comnUastonec, ra- 000 Lucky fotemattonal Open gtrenth with Ray laOace over * « * BBaaball’s newest HaU-cC- vwaled at the baeebaff w r ite n . League as a .player and coach Fsmer, Tsd WlMlama, remained TouiiMunent ^htoUy reached Its the flu and Bab Martens back when he signed a three-year Short Staff tniii tn M. «**»«• auwtoy JSght that the final loimd with Kentuckian from Washington, must contend m o v i n g u p IN THE WORLD—Scoring in the ^ ®'toie CMdUnUrs’ Oom- and Baltimore’s Don Ohl (right) are positive ex­ oontract ta|tta the new Miami From all appearanoea H ap­ FVanfc Beard almtog for a wire- with St. Bernard’s High in New Dolphins of the AFL Saturday. **" mlttee haa beenucojt ohoDeen .^ fiom a Boaton crowd___ ... T.' "»«*• obvious reference T7” T ".T" to nonnaily enough to bring a Britain Saturday. A victory in took to AFL ohamplonsMp in admitted to tto OwmecOout that knew it bad seen the last mentioning fata first-prize check except that jday either wins a tourney spot for 1962. In so doing Lemm takes on Chapter of the Bastecn Confer- gg the “Big FeBa” in a Red Box by looking down the table on tiu thW round was nullified the Eagles while another win the meat precarious assignment Celtics in Team Effort^ Regain Lead enoe— Aihlettc Conference urttonm. Yet he refused to do« Saturday when rain flooded the over South clinches the HCC New England Cage Powers In pro football, becoming the proved Baseball Ihnpirea’ Ms hat to aoicnowMgement of "THs to not an announcement greens at Harding Park. crown. club’s sixth coach In seven Eastern Division action scored in double figures then sayr the Knlcks, led by Board tor the 1066 ttMir final aahito. of election — M the gatee are So after a 66-67, the bespecta- Rivals also concern Cheney years. w . L. Pc.t G 3 . as the Celtics edged the' v New watt Bbllamy, rally to wlthto SSastonian entry in the Rec open." — one point, 116-116, in the dosing Bowever, an arttcto hi the oted Southerner come baog af- 'Tech (4-10), meeting Vlnal The Wilson and Lemm Mrings Boston ...... 34 16 .680 York KMoka U3-116 Sunday American Volley League has ’Ihe gates were opened by the seconds. Boston’s K.C. Jones ourrent Issue of Sports noaga- tex the weaittoer drenched day to Tech In Middletown Wednes- left only the Cardinals’ job CSnoinnotl . 34 17 .867 % afternoon. lost two forfeits when (nmlile to stoe. part of a mectal U-mura **P*®** waiving the card a 70 and go Into tbe finals day and Prince Tech at home Faced with Rugged Tests opm . The APT, roster now is PWta'ptila . 34 17 .667 H This put the Celtics to the Was fouled Intentionally with field a fidl team . . . With a tow with a your hnt and caX out achieved the start-to-ifinlsh vic- South Windsor returns home . day at home and then Cornell 64 and now goes to Massachu­ asluto ter attcUng in there de- to the crowd. ‘Ibey’il go wild of last ptoice, but kept addtog to In Double BAA Showing egadnst Oanishis Tuesday night setts for a gome Wednesday be­ Burlington, Vt. Assumption wid­ Hecker becoming Atianta’s first ciation Eastern Division race — The Celtics, whb had dropped meane Working around the Ms reputatton aa a goodwifi am- tory to which Beard aspires. Friday to host NCCC rival Suf^ '■ the next Mght. Dartmouth, win- coach. spite grsat odds. Tbe BUUdogs, over pou- And white they’re and then Mt the road to engage fore meeUi^ Maine at home ened a 36-34 halftime edge t9 16 and ore back In first place. out of first Jan. 28, boUt up a 91- okxdc,” Track Supt Arthur BiUy Casper did it the last time field Ittgh. less in five league starts, is Wilson compiled a 64-464 who wUl have their first gradu- feouUng______B their______huasslw— tor — Ted - '****"“ *°*' *** finally was BOSTON (AP) — Cana­ ter mile, the fastest by a relay in October’s Sahara Invitation- An ElUngton High (S-Tyi" St. FYancis Sotunday. host to Penn and then Princeton, Saturday. Vermont is at Mass- points and then held on tor its All eigM Boston players to see 74 lead after three periods and Potenaude said. 13th triumph in 15 starts. 9t. record at Detroit, Including win­ attog claaa to 1987, a rT to m w WMtoimi, Ted WilllanM wiH be 5*®** a t ^ active part M da’s Bill Crothers, one of runner in Boston Mstory. South­ at Palmer topped the field in squad has never been able to FairfieUd, riding a 12 - game the Ivy's only unbeaten team In echusetts in another Yankee their heed to the weU4wlanoed ttwstttag to them: *ao to hell. the game last July _when he ern winning strbak since an opening game Saturday. Mioliael's was left with an U-7 ning the NFL title in 1967, but broke Ms hip. the world’s middle distance University flash Iheron round at the Tournament beat neighboring Rockville Ittgl^.. defense of Its title. became involved in an unusual Charter Oak Oonferenca but tba IDoyou tUnfche’Udo it?’’ Idas to fifth-ranked St. Joseph’s, Last week’s major surpalse record. performers insists he runs earUer won a special 440 oI Champlona and New Zealand- (4-7). The Knlghta have come Harvard playB Princeton la set of circumstances after the boya have kept plugglag away, aaked Doerr, "You never know kfchs off the w e^ by meeting was the upqet of previously un­ Pcores of other weekend fust fast enouD-h to win to a meet record of 48 seconds. «. Boh Charles In the ’Tucson within one point the last twQ, Cambridge Friday and then 1964 season when owner William giving their beat agahut great what be’B do,’’ BtixUe shrugged, ftfrmidatole Niagara tonight and beaten Central (>xmecticut on games included: Springfield 106, Leads in Money And Boston track fans are Orothers’ double triumphs Open. tries and hope to go over the - Clay FV>rd fired all of Ms assist­ “but I have an idea he'll enjoy to“ toe “ eet’B out- “I wasn’t unhappy with my tap Friday night in RockvIUa. then travelB to play VUlanove Ptm. Brown Is at its home court by American In- Colgate 83; Boston College 96, home againat OomeU and Co- OoJiby 79; d o rk 118, Coast ants although offering Wilson a doing aometlilng Mu that. Only QUINCY, m. (AP) — Kathy C o n V 1 n C e a m at S lasi standing athlete award. He tMrd round because It left me Before the encounter, Rockyllta^ Saturday. ternaUoneL AIC snapped Cen­ The Eagles, whose only Kunbia. tral Connecticut’s 12-game win­ Guard 63; Syracuse J li. Mass- new contract. H ere *n Tliere Z wtah it were tomorrow al- WMtworih of San Antonio led enough. gained 88 points, U more than still In the lead," commented hosts CVC rival Middletown BO Wilson, however, decided he reafbr. I don’t Uke the Idea of The ’Toro^ pharmacist poet- John Lawam who low- Beard, who recovered from a High a»I ElUngton weloomep^ Idssee In 14 ou tin g have been Yale posted Us 10th Straight ning streak with a 103-97 decl- achusetts 72; Trenton ^taite 92, I New lOngland Ski Jumping the Ladies Ppofeaalonal Gkdf As- would have trouMe controlling bta steeping on it.” straight Boston two-mlle record ««se of sleeping eickness in 1964 E. O. Smith of Storrs in Tuea,, . two to ProVii^ence and one to victory over Columbia, since alon, but the Blue Devils re­ Bridgeport 80; QulnMpiac 98, -..YOUR JOB aoMetlcn of America tour play­ Obamptansbipe are slated Feb. Garden victory and third In the Fairfieild, ore host to St. Joseph Feb. 24, 1961, by upsetting the bounded to edge Southern Oon- New Platz State 86; Stonhill 96, Me staff because of the situation 18 _ « t______S a ta b ^ . . . ______lin ooln Unfortunately, it rained the ers In money earned during 1968 by 8.2 seconds with a (tone of $40,877 In 1966, but he day action. and resigned. Last year he was VILLAOE MIXERS-^Betty Lapmfin 1,000-yard run and obviouMy would have liked to sun showing a spotless con- ■ Wednesday and HMy Cross Uons 88-69 Saturday Mght. The nectiout 102-100. Amertcan tti- Fairleigh - Dickinson, Matoson, J Downs Is alaM to open Satur- ^ $32,327. She won eight tour- 8:39.8. I ^7 Lynne IBl, Betty Herrington thentumed in a blistering 440 ference record, Coventry (H-2]l\„ three nights later. EHs, Idte sbice Jan. 6, boosted temattonal later boosted ita rec- 92, overtime; Johnson State 96, with Washington as an assistant day to maik the start of the ^itlonal houn to think. ’Ibe fob namenta. Meriene Hagge fin- Lawson, the Big Eight and have done even better. under MePeak and be gave up 202-18B—644, Rose Caglaneho In a mile relay Saturday night meets second place Rham (10- Providence returned from a tbeir record to 6-7, including end to 104 by defeating Am- WUMmenttc State 80; and Bent­ 1966 New Hkigland hone ractng V)wtag day, Ted oame to bet lahed second with five vlctoriea Central Collegiate Conference the Houston Job ztolle Frank ia6-a7P—623, John Chtglanello tn the 77th Boston AA Games. 8) In the Charter Oak headew- ttw • week breek tor exams 24 to ley oettoa, besot 6947, ley 94, Babson 64. should be ““—’■ ■—' ------“ ------and $23,034. U.S. Open champion tt wlH take a lot of work **** toning and amaebed 203, Ike Rhoads 216-210—662, champion, led ail' the way far one (Pop) Ivy, Who had been with to clear tbe snow and prepare • tostbak over the rigtut-lleld Carol Mann was third with $20,- Crothers loped to an easy liner Friday In Hebron. The Roy Richardson 212, p^t Quack- triumph tn ^ 1,000, looking of Ms rare Eastern appear­ Hawks Nip_ Wings Sachems are out to reverse an the Cardinals, went to the Oilers tbe track In order to gat oft cn As he tta ^ to round 876. Her unofflclel eaminga ances. He admitted he was to an unoffictol toter-league the bases, ’Tebbetts and Doerr reached $24,816. BUeven LPOA enrbush 494, Paul Albert 226- over his shoulder most of the acbedide. Poet time wlJl be 1 ““ ’ nro. lack lap besfore Mtting the wire shooting for tbe coUegiate In­ And Share Lead STST ' Perfect Records on Line swap. p.m. ... Perry DeAngells hsa heard Mm muntolhig: I playera won tournaments during door record of 8:88 but said ha ; Ashe Defeat^ 40 Horses Die Lemm left Ms Job with the I too! Detroit’s home toe record Is triotsat Boliton High (2-12) and good fit wxm't do i t I won’t do it. I 1968. ia 2:09.9, well in front of fellow been named winner of Ms fourth COUNTRY OLtJB—Bill Cur- only is learning "to became a enough to discourage most Na­ Cardinals to a squabble 'wUh the w on t!” Canadian Ergas Lepe and Rham at East Hampton High, t SYDNEY, Anstrafia (AP) oounsecuUve national hamese bett 189, John Dyment 140, front runner.” tional Hockey League vlsltorB, PMday Bolton travels to Bacon ' In Bowie Blaze ownera, who said Lemm and the racing driving champtonahlp by “Tod never dtd tip his cap,’’ Tbe Minnesota TvVlns suffered Oeotgetown’s Ricardo UrWna. —Bey Emerson «f Australia, I Fred Baker 196, Charile Spra­ WiUle Davenport of Southern but the Red Wings are only (he Academy In Colchester. ‘ Advantage at Home club bad come to a mutual I only three American League ‘T run to win, not against the world’s tx^ranklng ama­ BOWIE, Md. (AP) — An the U.S. dotting Assn. ... oondudM ’Tebbets. "Thoee <*- gue 370, Carl BOlin 386, John University equalled the world second hottest dub In the Motor agreement to sever relatione. shutouts during 1966. In the time,” Orothera sadA *‘I kept teur tennis player, captured estimated 40 horses died In Alex Hackney* golf pro at the tra 21 houn did it. If it hadn’t Maddox 373, Burt D at^ 363. Indoor record of 6.4 seconds In a ty . Lemm, however, insisted he had World Series, Sandy Koufax looMng over my riioulder to toe msti’a riagles title of the a fire early today as five Manctaestw Country Club, will rahied, I baUeve ha might have the 46-yard hurdles, a relatively The Chdcego Black Hawks, Threat to Quintets been fired with 17 months re­ bead up an Alex Haoknay Ckdf done tt Tea, I do beHeve he shut them out In games 6 and make sure no one was sneaking Milwaukee Asks* i Anstrallaa NaMonM Chauv barns burned at snowbonnd I SPOUSES —Jean Dumond rare distance. Davenport has Who whipped the Wings 6-1 be- maining onJibi contract HoUday to Bermuda, March 12- Just might have.” 7 wlthto four days up on me. I don’t like to run any plenohlpa for a raootd fifth NEW YORK (AP)—The hom§ coort in college bas­ Bowie Race Course. 846, Tony Larson 140-367, Basil won five straight in tbs indoor fatnd reserve goalie Dave Dry- Antitrust R u 1 e ; I harder than I have to. But this season. time today with a 6-4, 6-8, ketball usual^ is worth something, which could be just Martin Meyer, general sn- Hayes 137, Lou ValUerea 360. den Sunday Mght and gained a 6-2, 34 victory ov«r Arthur iwafigii b* auffefia. a was a good race. Anytime you Other winners Included Tom­ enough to wipe out this week the only two jierfect rec­ perintendent of the track, I run around 2:10, ft’s a good share of first place In the NHL Against League 1 itohe iUcbinond, Va. MERCANTILE—Leo FogUa my FarreJl of Fordbam in the race, have made five trips to ords among major teams. said many more 7vei« nm- Yates Quits, race.” Ashe had defeated Emer- Bestdes Ctoctnuaiti, two other ning loose, injured or subject 142-377, Ken MonUe 149-372, 600, 1:09.5; Sam Perry of Ford- Detroit tMs season and won four MILWAUKEE, Wls. (AP) — t Second-ranked Kentucky, itaO, feon to their last three tour- Missouri Valley Conference con­ to Injury as they crashed B)d Slowlk 143-350, Bill Faber Aa if to prove Ms point about hem In the 50, 5:3; John Pennet times. The Wings are 14-64 at Milwaukee, the Cinderella of * travels to Van^erbUt Wetoiea- I Boment meetings bat the tenders lost, WlcMta handed Pats Trade 144-377, A i Rubacfaa 161, Jerry running only as hard as neces­ in the pole vouK, 16 feet; Czech baseball who discovered her > day Mght' to play tha. fourth- through mowdrtfto tq* to boms against the rest of the UCLA student was no match viMttog Ttotaa its first MVC de­ atarke 160-376, Stan Mlcucfci sary, Crothers oame back a Army Lieut. Jos^ki Odloztl In prince was footloose and uri- ! ranked Commodores, and sixth- five feet high on the track league. for tbe AnstraBaa^ who won feat 67-72, and boat Louisville grounds. 366, Joe Santa 386. atMrt time later and ripped off a the mile, 4:06.2, and Dick Roes Meanwhile, Montreal ecnn- faithful, pressed today for ad t ranked Texas Weston, alM 14- Ron Burton antitrust verdict against the I the Nattanala for the fourth trounced Bradtey 108-71. fabulous ancbM' leg to give the of Baton Rouge, La., In the Mgh pileted a weekend sw e ^ with a 0, heads for Fort OcUina, CMo., Meyer said the blase BOSTON (AF) — Utility line­ Batt York Tkack Club a victory Jump, seven feet. National League before the J straight year. and a game with Colorado State Michigan avoided its first Big broke ont about 1:45 aju. 8-1 vlctMy over Boston and Ten setback, edging Wisconsin man .Bo^ Yates, a charter In a special mile relay. ______dlmbed,__, one <»»^ *e Braves’^ scheduled ^ «pemng tmenlng day>«« y-. U. Friday Mght. from an unknown cause, a 8947, Wake Forest upset Da-vld- day after a bllzsard dropped member of the Boston Patriots, Orothers trailed Georgetown’s BING OLJCKINO Each team won tta 14th at snn 62-80 on Jim Boshart’s Standings James Borck by 16 yards as he SYIRAOUBIE N.Y. (AP) — n o Z r C. La F ill Sauldsberry home Saturday night, Kentucky 18 inches at snow on tin announced Ms retirement from thre^point play in overtime, trade and high winds caosed took the baton. Ohen he swept Captain Dave Bing Is really hot f ^ ’fiob Nevtn, blested Toronto ^ m e !^ crushing AUbmn 116-78 and Tex­ active footbaB today to devote and West Virginia came from 16 heavy drifting. fuU-time to a bustnesB career. I I Ceairel Oooa. pa«t tiM dismayed coUegian to with the eyrajous© baake'tball fr4 In Sunday other ^rial date forward to no later as Western wMpping West Tex­ W L Pot. OvonUI 'Latest Hero points back for an 86-81 victory Sixteen pieces of tiro Win by two yards. team this winter. In Ms first as 69-60. ever Furman. The 2^-year-Md Yates, a tack­ BrUM EMten 9 1 .9M la i gojne, xhaxi Peb. 21. Kentucky defeated Vanderbilt equipment managed to sub­ Platt 9 1 .9W laz After a check of several seven games he averag;ed 29 Detroit tied Ihe Black Hawks RoJier ordered attorneys for Frtoceten took over sole poe- le on the 1969 Syracuse natiia 88-69. Hartford Coonty Coaf. ronto overpowered Boston 63. The National League had an- ^ Celtics by coming through when He said “I became a starter W L Pet. overall haven’t loat in 10 games a t ------and Also played in a champicn- Bobby Hull, who scored twice nounced Friday It would ignora • the chips were down and the in­ Eaal CathoUc 4 4 1.404 44 home this season, and another cf m.1 V9 m game. My only regret ta Sooth Catholic 8 1 .667 9-8 against the Red Wings Saturday Roller’s court order that it b«ri jury list was 19. Bbift I PelaskI 1 Z .888 74 G olf Balls Wind Up victory oouw put them on top HoTry Shay t ills Southern Post that 1 never made the all-star Northwest CathoUe 9 4 .999 8-U night for a season total of 42 prepared to keep the Braves in Tbe National BaMceihall Aa- of the Southeastern Oonferance,, , ✓ , r ______, ...... — Ceatral VaUayOoBfereace game but I couldn’t let that goals, was Hmtted to one assist Milwaukee this year and baj* noclation veteran, who had been race. Tbe WUdoots, on W 1. Pet. Overall in the rematch at Detroit. stand In my way.” SouthlnrioB 8 1 .889 18-1 preipared to expand beyond tha-t tar coach Red Auerbach's dog. haiMl, have won aB fl* I Newiartoa 8 1 .889 IBS present 10 teams should tha.:-r house tor Ms lacklustre pertor- Three New England Colleges In Ms six Ameriosn FOotbaB PtetavUle 6 8 .714 7-5 In Strange Places ttiey ye play^ on the ^ motuxiam wi*n duihuu, Woodrow WUsoB 5 4 JSS6 64 W L T Pis. OF OA Judge hand down su<^ an eveikn,; mnnoes of late, iras pressed in­ League seasons with Boston, Mlddletowa 4 5 .444 54 Detroit 23 14 6 62 147 111 Having a Job that ftte ywi (■ vaty topecainhA ie lni> iMliMiliaABopMiliigSfns ’ ttial verdict. to lengthy ' sendee Sunday be­ portant far your personri satirirtfen aMt' for your HockvUle 8 7 .ZZZ ' 4-V CMcago •Xb* tS. h.™ Announce New Grid Loaches tackle and center and handled Windsor 2 7 .ZZZ 84 NEW YORK — (NBA)— 23 16 6 U 161 121 The owners voted unanimous-. cause of the oOMtoupd absence games tonight. Kentw^ Mwt- present and futurs sambp capaclhf... MACHINIHB Qlaataabary 1 8 ,1U Z-Il tinue. I wasn’t tee aame tee Montreal 23 14 6 YuMoa was named to replace the kichoffe most of that time. What makes golf, so Intor- 61 143 110 ly to instruct the Braves to pro-,., of 'Cetta J o t» .llattooek and Wil­ At Prstt A Whitosy Aircraft toe ohenctosiwyeiy good Chatter Oak Sonlhem Dlvtitoa rest of tee round,” he oald. ’Toronto Andy'Mooradlan, aa intertm ap- The Patriots eaiiounced a trade iNSPlECTlOH W L Pet. Overall eetlng Is how that innooent- 20 16 6 46 124 116 ceed wUh plans to play in Atlan- - lie NoUUs and helped the Celtics that yM wlU find the right /o b . . . slob that fits your Coventry 8 1.999 U-8 “You might as well be on New York 11 24 8 Central Connecticut State—had pointee as head coach who will Saturday that amt halfback Ron AIRCRAFT ENeiNEASSEMILt 9 loohlng little wMte ball can 30 127 168 ta after 13 seasons in MUwau-,,, to a U6-U6 victory over the against Auburn. particular Intaresta- arid abilihsa PAWA e^ ra the Bham 6 Z .754 laS n aoferl at some of theee Boston 11 28 4 new head football coaches un­ resume duties as chsirman of Burton to the Kansas Oty Cromwell 5 8 .6Z5 64 come to rest In the strang­ 26 99 176 kea, the city they were once be-,» Now 'York Khteks. . Of Texas Western’s 14 games, wlfest possible variety of jobs and training opportunl- SHEETMETAL Baoqa Academy 5 8 .6ZS 94 oreign courses.” —^ fore Mocked from abandoning SsttMtabeny gave a Mg assM der omitiact today. Interooileglate athletics at New CUefe for UnebacdcTxmter Jim tisB plus the benefit e f experienced atnptaymsnt Portland 4 4 .599 64 est plnoes. only one has been played on the Fraser. counseltora to asstat you jn (naMng a wistapholoe. lENCHWORK ^ East Ramptoa 8 5 .875 34 Saraien onoe had an ele­ BiU MidPeak, recently pb- 1>y a court order, to Bto . Ruasea to the rebound ottiar team's court, to that one, Named «i»rtoig the weekend Hampshire, Avon 1 7 .125 84 “Anybody In this country TOOL & DIE JilK H ia phant ns a oaddy. leased as ooeoh of the Wash- “Open defiance," La FoUetter dspattaMat and oonlriMitsd 14 the Mtoen defeated Arisons were Rooco J. (Rocky) Gaxzo, Shay, a graduate of Notre Fraser lad ttie American Foot- In addlUon to k Job fluid fits, yeu.iii^liiid Maw and Bolts* 9 8 .666 S-tt who hsa played more than baB League in punting for three higher wato s e a l* . . .flawing with bins paM. North Central Coaa. Csateraaee “But oouraea around the tegton Redskliis, held tbe Job said of the league’s action, poinis to the Boston victory. State 3447. 88, Tufts; Joe YuMca, 88, New Dame, coached the Drisb foesb- AIRCRAn ENOINE TESTIN8 _ . _ W I, Pet, Overall one round of golf probably world are huprovlng,” be five seascniB. of ttie four seasons be spent holidays. . . liberal vacation banafItSf. . kn autetanil- SoeUi Windsor 5 6 1.666 194 “More harassment," League Ito additton to the jwlr miss- to last Sato

/ % ' ^ EVENING BB^ACK^ltoCHE^^ C»NN^ MO^AY, JANPABY 19W BaBtacas Sirrkas THERE 0 U6 HTA BIB A LAW BY FA6 ALY and SHORTEN . Mala WaBtB4 ~JSeaalsA6- (M tfersd 13 DENTAL Assistant, alart, iwa|, WANTl|DMENWllb*,f**DA® ^ experience prafarnd,^.-typbig,« oatB.Bft’ a^^ j^jrifiraqN oTO BOABDmG^H^ M AjoBjm f rtaiiiiw*i Imrifit LAUD CUPABDVQ, trss rw A\NArm%8tdG6ST ,r\yeiu\j(tB c u t ITS awnd. n d eUda Rnr Wort. good opiniitunity, rete^efb I'bhUd 4lfe*8 BClkiol. . ' ■ "' .’ i'r '. — ■ '■ ^.... ^ii....,.,-i;i-i.-L f ■ '• m' l/ • .11 I ' requlied. Write Box H. Bierald 64S-0486. A lOehiuid. TBMBIB. AR8CU61QMC«6WOVeU. 'WAmUDSS wanted, piwt-t|ma BSK-PAdg THE HANCBSSTBR OverhMd irfl«TU|l1WAD1 nights, apply Rasa Eatcsi Do- hdth fBmouB beilaa^ pW f ‘^ i j MW WlMlbMIlBiM < Door sales, servloa and Instal­ CfMOUfOCT nut Shop, 160 Center SA, Man- refary rewards lo*‘ ypo, fra* MW^rtfflDMterAl ______lation on «n types of doors, S4 Member . -IRvMleind* for y m * O U S i :i I ;j| I :h I ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS hour service, free aMimatas. MOVIN’ / cheater. wm ,am irum «a0jf^ZtSl i M ends. Gat Iwlii, iwemCW arid 8 AAL to 5 PJL B4$4087, 64B08IR ^GOTTACAtCri A SMM/f WAITRESSES divIdenGi when you order. «»*» CQFT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. DON’ S plowing saTvloa, M sa- BE A JOHNSON GIRL Write PopUiariChfi) Flan, DapA oheeUr-Olastoobury area. OaU P802, Lynbnxik, N .Y . 1 ;^ MOimAY n n i nODtAT lt:M AJL — SATI7BDAS B AJL Fur cr Pait-Alme Eventaga CMOKKANOi 9wam mm Gtestonbury 688-2036. W e WBl 'Train You t D « t « * *•* b u g g s b u n n t , Must Be Over 21 .lONoliaa OM PLEASE READ YOUR AD :------■■—* WOMAN to babyntt In m y hiunai, i ^ ' . . 'u lM d i * Household Services Many Beneflta— r I'L L INDKaKraaJWTlCI<)P«BACT1V|T S S " «WM- » b a advarttaer should read his ad the FIRST Uifitonma provided HAAMi 9 tm n DAT IT AFPBAB8 and REPORT ERRORS la tinm far tba aoJote, WATKINS Products — First In Free Ufe tosurance o a e d laaerUon. Ib e Herald Is respoaatble tor only ONE laeor- hvomATiftyJlBfLS Help Wanted—Male 3$ reep or omitted Inamrtlui for any adverttaement and then only borne service. Ask about our DCMe,00»ie,D0HE Free disabUlty hieuranoe iw U k ) t m ) Party Plan and monthly spa- MedtccU insuranoe u o u f ^ t a m «• to tha extent of a "m ahe good” Insertion. Errors whieh do not 'iOUCANTGET'CMOUT^ Isaaea tho valoa of the advertlsemeat will not bo oorreoted ciais. CaU BReanor Buck, 648- Call 875-8861 cr 648-5418 IMPORTANT NOTICE ‘ES AmOMiat ^ A GUK,aUH,GUM- iS S ei ttooBi "iiiabn good” Insertion. 87S8, 135 ^m ioa. To Arrange Interview a is i* r The 1966 Civil Rights Law t l jaiiiBj i .il tmUMCdH HOWARD JOHNSON prohibits, with oertalB ex­ mUmtOflmm aiiiodK r^ aBMUbir RBWEAVINO of buns, moth fSRMM (RookvQle, Toll Free) holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ Rt. 30, Vernon, Conn. ceptions, dlBcrlmlnatlcni be­ t S u n d a --^ & n ii n W I t John (BttO dow shades made to measure, cause of sex. It wiU now be BTJLL - TIME oounter girto necessary for our readers T WTHT 643-2711 875-3136 all sizes Venetian blinds. Key \i R'"T made while you wait. Tape re­ wanted, morning shift. Pfoase not only to read the usual corders for rent. Marlow’s, B6T apply Mister Donut, 256 West Female Help Wanted and Middle Tpke. w Main., S49-6821. Male Help Wanted blaeslfl- Treulile Reaching Our Advertiser? catlona, but Wanted — Male WANTED — Dependable, ener­ or Female, also our Olasalfl- IM o n r Answering Service Building-—Contracting 14 getic woman to care for 22 cation Help . . . 87. year old female polio patient, BY V. T. HAMLIN irr CARPENTRY — Concrtte work, moraings. 643-0479. a l l y O O P Free to Heraid Readers anything from cellar to root, Bonds— Stocks— Help Wanted— ^Female 35 Help Wanted— Female 35 YEN, r KNOW. W IZER. tnside and out, no substitute for FIRST CLASS mechanic, must ^ " * MBWENtAKB^OOP, r M o r tg a g e s 27 WOMAN for general office uM 06(^ } WHDJ W H D J^EMQE HOU----- B. L. Very, A rroiiots PaVarMe south Windsor PubHc Schools, l» d l - Sn - S ters, rec rooms, remodeling. 16 Lewis St, Hartford, 246- not only to read the usual P&.WA r\t-CUUlU.O J. dyclLllC Mevera Rd.. Wannltur. 644- 97 6 50 2 19 Qutdlty work. Reasonable pric­ Female Help Wanted and 16 1 Havers Rd., Wiqipiug. 644- and leave yonr meaaage. Ton’ll bear from onr advertlaer la 8897. 1634. Jig time without apendlng an evening at the tele^one. es. Free estimates. Call 649- Male He^ Wanted olasalfl- 6986. oatlons, but also our Classifi­ Machine Business Opportunity 28 cation Help Wanted — Male may have the QUALITY Carpentry — Rooms, Operator ' 46 46 r AntomobUes For Sale 4 ’THRIVINa Main Street limch- or Female . . . 87. dormers, porches, basements Opening for an experienced ma- T-V REPAIR PART-TIME 1964 CORVETTE — 365 H.P., eonette tor sale. ExceUent op-- vSgSJSf’ 46 ■ r 52 HERALD refinished, cabinets, buUt-lns, RIGHT JOB c^ e operator, familiar with ^ i-w translsterised Ignition, 4-apeed. poitunity tor a couple to es- formica, aluminum, vinyl, EXPERIENCED legal secre­ NCR Model 33 or slmUar ac- Can you work evenings during itt rw. on. 411 pooitracbion, AM-PM pow­ steel, ceramo siding. Willi am tabliah financial Independence oounta payable machine. In their own bueineae. CpU Dor­ tary wanted for smaU law of­ the wedc end all day Satur­ BOX LEH ER S er windows, tinted glasB, 2 Robbins Carpentry Service, day? If you have experience in tops, 12,995. 64S-6671. is Smith, Jarvis Realty Co., fice in Manchester, salary for YOU BY AL VERMEER 648-3446. the T-V repair field and want PRISCILLA’S POP F o r Y o o r R oalton , 649-X200. open. Write Box O Herald. Figure Clerk u ■ 1 T 71 1966 OU3SMOBILET—F86 Out- to supplement your Income call f c _ CL A K. DION, INC. Roofing, K the "right Job, for You” FuU or part-time days. Must lass, wtdte with black leather KEYPUNCH Operator, experi­ have above average arithmetic 233-7631, Ext. 810 or apply Information siding, painting. Carpentry. Al­ includes security, ^advaince- o u t o u r w a v BY J. B. WILLIAMS Interior, excellent oondition, ence on 026 keypunch. Apply ability and skill on comptometer Personnel Dept. terations and additions. Ceil­ EXCELLENT Perscmrel Dept., Iona Mfg. Co., ment potential and the t h e h e r a l d win not power steeriioig and brakes, ra­ or calculator. I tAhTTBOPE NO, you VW0NT~y3U ings. Workmanship guaran­ Regent St, Manchester, Conn. early recognition of your IN TWESe iscrr A COUPLE coius , dlscloae the identity of dio, etc. 643-7851. teed. 2M Autumn 3t. 643-4860. OPPORTUNITY 80301.0028' o' THAT «OPE ABOUND any advertiser using box s e a r s r o e b u c k & I'M SURE 'iOBB NECK-THAT6 letters. Readers answer­ 1956 CKBIVROLBT — rebuilt Part-Time Nights co. TO MISS/ JUST WHEN VOU'U. motor, very good for parts. Be your own boss. No lay opportunities at Pratt 4k 1445 New Britain Ava. BE LOJCKV/ ing blind box ads who Roofing—Siding 16 desire to protect their Call 643-6627. offs, guaranteed, $10,000 a 'l^iitney Aircraft. And Keypunch Identity can follow this BIDWELL ROME Improvement year net income with a OFHCE CLERK higher wage scales plus, In­ West Hartford, Ooon. procedure: 1964 BOIOK Special, 6 cylinder, Co. — Roofing, siding, altera­ $5,000 cash Investnlent creased paid holiday knd Operator excellent condition, low mile­ tions, additions and remodel­ Please call John B. De High school commercial vacation benefits have re­ Endoso your reply to the age 11,000 mllee, selling due bo Quattro, Broker. Must be «q)^*hced in Alpha- ing of all types. ExceUent course graduate, type ac­ cently gone Into effect. Numeric tBM Keypunch. box In an envelim — lllnesB, $1,700. 643-8387. curately and rapidly, ex­ GUARDS — Male wanted, full workmanship. 649-6496. Among our many current or pertdlme, must be over 21 addressed to the Classi­ perienced In office proce­ requirements are openings fied Manager, Manchester 1952 CHEVROLET — mint con­ J . D R E A L T Y years of age, have a dean rec­ dures and Interested In a tor . . . Company offers excellent wages o Evening Herald, tog^ether dition, cream puff. Call 640- Roofing and Chimneys 16-A 643-5129 position that wUl pay weU and working 'conditions, con­ ord. Wj welcome retired per­ • nM k NU, W. with a memo Ustli^ the venient free parking, in-plant sons in good health and able TM >» M. M. aa. 0678. whUe doing work that Is *-v companies you do NOT ROOBTNQ — Specializing re­ demanding as weU as re­ cafeteria, above average bene­ to prove it. Call for further In­ want to see your letter. pairingVO-UIUB roofs of ^ ail kinds, new OOFFEB SHOPPE — Meal op- warding. Interview and test Stenographers fits. formation between 9-6, 247-8350 BY KEN MUSE Tour letter will be de­ Tracks— ^Tractors roofs, gutter work, chimneys Established locatiS at 2:30 p.m., ’Tuesday, Feb. Apply cr apply 108A Constitution w A y o u t stroyed If the advertissr Is cleaned, repaired. Aluminum 1 at our Manchester one you’ve mentioned. If nl-ce clientele, good bouro. Effl- AND XTana, Taicott St. aide, Hart­ 1969 V-8 DODGE — Pickup siding. SO years’ experience. pleint, com er o f MiU and not It win be handled in bient and pi^itable with low ford. truck, oloeed back. Beat offer, Free estimates. CaU Bowie;/, Oakland Sts. First National the usual manner. overhead. Lappen Agency, 649- 649-7239. 643-6361. 644-8833. DRIVERS for school bus, 7:80- 6261, 649-6140. Cleibk Typists 9 M w ••>. w. TM. ii» U. M. oil ROGERS CORPORATION Stores, Inc 8:46 a.m., 2:16-8:46 p.m. CaU 643-241A “ Don't worry about mD«1t lay! rn go In tha houaa Lost and Found T ra ile rs— Requirements Include a Park and Oakland Aves. Heating and Plumbing 17 Bast Hartford and cry my Dt ou t o f R l" Mobile Homes 6-A Yhc ATLANTIC All EJqual Opportunity high school diploma and LOOT. by JSaperboy, $20 .bill, . . - COMPLETE plumbing and Sknployer good stenographic and typ­ Evenly Interviews Saturday, Main Street between heating service, complete new ing aklUs while additional Tuesday, Feb, l-Hl-S P.M. NOTICE Oak and Maple. 649-0687. bathroom installations and REFINING Go. education or training will TEAR OUT this ad and mall Notice is hereby given that the bathroom remodeling, 30 years t h o r o u g h l y Sbcperlenced be well-rewarded. THE INSURAMOB I- 5 I- U Has several deetrable serv­ with name, address for big box Audit Report for the Town of • Ml k UWUMI« In business. Earl VanCamp, ice stations available In salesperson, women’s wearing “ LOST — GbT’s glasses, vicinity SHOWING 649-4749. of home needs and cosmetics Bolton, Connecticut, for the year Parkade, caU 649-1038. Mendheeteir and surround­ apparel, full or part-time. Ap­ ply Tweed’s, 778 Main St., Man- for fVee Trial to test In your September 16, 1964 to Septem­ B E N C A S E Y BOTTT PLUMBING and heating ing airea. A lso two brand ber 16, 1965 la now on file in ...FOUND — Gray angora cat, 12 WIDE cheater, Conn. Computists home. Tdl your friends, make repairs, alterations, electric new'3-bay Ootonlal design the Town Clerk’s Office for pub­ ^ Copper OH - McKee area. CaU Brand New 2-bedroom, money. Rush name. Blair, LOOK,SHERLOCK AMyWAy,1HEyf lAUSH \ ART, WHATWTHE N /IWBETHE/ and gaui hot water heaters, free Stations avadlaibie soon in SECRETARY — must be ac­ . . . tor challenging assign­ lic inspection. " ___ MEOUTOFTHEPRE-/ CONNECTION AM0N8 ) tiONT REM0ABB? V after 8:80, 649-0480. Beautifully Furnished ManafieU a ^ poliotieater. Dept. 769CA4, I^jmchburg, Va. WII£0H,G0TD1HE ' ______estimates. CaU 643-1496. curate typist. Middle aged ments In our Engineering 24606. OLIVE H. TOOMBY POLICE WITH > « K CINCT-ORPUTAAE <1HETHRffMEN„ rr..BimHEy «■ ______;______12 W id e Paid training. Thi* is an woman i>referred. References. Department. Town Clerk wereauatthe • ...... exioellent opportunity for BY FRANK O’NEAL SUSPICIONS.IF>10U INTHEPSyCHWIKC A , ^ IFANY? $ 3 ,6 9 5 . Write Box J, Herald. S H O R T R IB S S/W£ PLACE AT ^ Announcements 2 Millinery, Dressmaking 19 anyone wWhlng to be his KNOW ABOUT THOSE DELIVERED Minimum quaUfleations In­ HOSTESS MUG6)N6S. THE SAME TIME. own boss in a very saitiafy- nREvfr«£aPEOPHre ' SUREW MXJ PipnV ' OF COURSE f W a aOST €AVE m HARTFORD’S 10th Annual Boat For our one month show DRAPES — custom made to clude graduation from High Dining Room Supervisor ANP THAIS W ^ Show, February 16-20, West your measurements, lined or Ing buslnesB. For complete NOTICE IdUSTSAW FACE IS STRIKE HER? HE(?1HEUSUW.fKK0N1HE we wiU have the finest detaUs call Mr. Crooks at School with honor grades TiSyWERE ■'i Hartford Armory, Farmington homes In the industry unllned. For more information NIGHT in Plane Geometry and Al­ Permanent Yesr Around Week TOWN OF COVENTRY V3UR WIFE. CHEEKHTSMoRtaNfi S i r r i 289-1661 days, or 289-6721 V Many Beneats— PORGOTt>OPEN MVViSOfZ I Ave. available tor your Inspec­ oaU 648-1918. gebra One and Two. Pref- anytime. Mieala provided BOARD OP TAX REVIEW tion. Our display homes ereOM will be given to The Coventry Board, of Tax KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Paid vacation will be heated. Coffee for those who have taken addi­ Review win meet In the Tax P e rs o n a ls Moving—Tracking— Free Ufe Insuranoe everyone. We also have a Private Instractions 82 tional oounses in mather Assessor’s Office to hear any large selection of beach and S to r a g e 20 Opening for experienced matics and have shown a Free disability Insurance uDIOOME TAX Returns — Busl- keypunch operator to work Medloal insunutoe appeals from assessments on w ness and individual, prepared construction units — best MANCHESTER DeUvery. Ught M E N — W 0 M E N — special aptitude for this the Grand List of October 1, C O U P L E S evenings on part-time by fuU-time Income tax ac- offer takes any of them. trucking and jiackage delivery. schedule. Excellent wages subject. A capacity tor OaU 876-8961 or 643-6412 1965, on the follo'wing dates: "* oountant. Raymond Girard, Hours: 9 a.m.-9 pjn. week­ Refrigerators, washers and Motel Careers Available and working cmidltlonB, neat, preclae and accurate TV) Arrange For Interview ’Tuesday, February 1, 1966, at stove moving specialty. Folding Would you Hke a new exciting work is a must. 649-6650 or caU (xfilect 875- ly. Open until H by ap­ convenient fm parking. HOWARD JOHNSON the foUowlng time: 9:00 a.m. 7862. pointment. Saturdays 9-6 chairs tor rent. 649-0768. oareer In the growing mnitel In­ to 4:80 p.m.; Thursday, Febru­ MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI dustry? U niversal Motel Rt. 80, Vernon, Oonn. p.m. ./ Apply APPLY ary 8, 1966, 7:00 pan. to 9:00 PREPARATION of 1966 Income Schools can train you to be Mo­ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANK P^ting^—^Papering 21 p.m. and February 5, 1966, 9:00 B B A L L V ? DO LLS>C&ABOLa&, r'M NOn2LMN/N<3 ’ Tax returns. Samuel J. ’Turk- L IB E R T Y tel Managers, Assistanit Miana- At the Employment Office SDCBUTTARY — Part-time for a jn . to 12 noon. EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ g 643-7481, eweningB call, 649- Interior and exterior. Paper MATT., for fkee details. ABSO­ Yale Typewriter Servloe. 649* LUTELY NO OBOGATTON! WOMAN — Who has been ted - AJ/ 6866. lissqrlng sad WSU remov- 4986. A divteten of U.T.S.. Miami, deot -ln local area for several PRATT & poyiTDl. KndwMg* of typing ossontlcd. INCOME TAXES psvpared by sL Dutch Boy and DuPont SHARPENING Service — Saws, Quality workmanship. Call Fla., eetabkebed 1948. years and active in community retired Intenial Revenue offic­ UDhreraal Motel Schools affairs, such as P.T.A., church, WHITNFY Many Fringo Bonofltt er, Mandh Baker, 8684017. knives, axes, shears, skates, evenings, 246-9898. rotary blades. Quick service. Dept. 408 service organizations needed CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TUI^NER 1872 N. W. 7Mi Street BY LANK LEONARD RIDERS WANTED to Constitu- Capitol Equipmen. Co., S3 PAINTTNO and paper hanging, tor unusual position on full or 9 M IC K Y F IN N good work, reasonable rates, Miami, Ftorida 83125 past-time bads. OoUege or in- AIRCRAFT Writ* ox X e (TKTBR NASH OUft pArAurrpA ^aHnaaTwEmrSTiBK som v. p o c„i couu3»rT moo h« r ok tten PlassL, 8:16 - 4:80. Call af­ Main St, Manebester. Hours s s : ■'HAL MOOprpiSIO HOKTtnWtSOML ClOSMuPW TLAOTrOlOffMNKi----- u n c l e 86 years In Manchester. Your Name ...... terest in education helirfifi. MBVDOWQA T LUCKY WC Hipe OP SHERMiUOl WELL PROP ter 6 p.m ., 668-9467. dafiy 7-6. Thursday 7-9. Satur- Address DIVISION OF e/o Mcmehedtor HnroM ATTITUPB OP 'L«*AHPiP»VVi WB MUST TURN O K S A M ie * 10056.. camaiVB “ 1 NHAK 10WN«AN‘I HOPE <*>0 w o n t neighbor is my recommenda­ ...... PJease write Personnel Direc- AftVKLOUS JOI, \ H A V e ^ WANTED — paasengen to Con- 9a-T9Bi. ew y . . . UNITED AIRCRAFT OORP. CArrAM/ALM^l AMMtO/ OfMOlBOOCKt, UPOER CHEEK. A N ' .d S n M tH T T O F M S M M jp il ooasip ABOUT PW1>^------< tion. Raymond Flake, 649-9287. State ...... tor, 126 Judy Lane, South Wind- POOA*^----— L MPBOpyjWUlP A ge . . . I^lione AU.1WtTR«iON A. NB— WBItTKyiM' t rtj- ■Utution Ptasa. 8:80-4:40. West HAROLD AND SON Rubbish Re­ ...... oor. Conn. East Hartford, Conn. ts e o H V . TOHK.Pl MB.H* side. 648-7869r moval — attics, cellars and PAINTTNQ, eoEterior and In- torior, paperbanging, wallpa­ ^------yards, weekly or monthly plck- Schools and Classes 33 ’ i ? l “ up. Bolton, Manebester vicin­ per r e m o v e d. Reasonable An Equal Opportunity Antomobfles For Sak 4 ity. Hanfid Hoar, 649-4084. rates. FuUy insured. Free es­ TEN MEN WANTED Employer, M A F timates. 669-9658, Joseph P. I3 IBHD eiART Ydur credit turn- ^ppuawniiiH rantorad - ah Lewis. - ' PAYROLL CLERK ^•d do«p^ iNjort on down pay- washers, refrigerators, _____ w . NO EXPERIENCE BBEXJNE FASHIONS — Needs WANTED ,£,)naiitt V Baakraqptr Repoesas- tn e a tm drvers n s and elec- INTERIOB wnfi exterior paird- NECESSARY 6 styUste in this area. $200 free m L i Person with above average t, itoBT zioa’t despairl See Hon- trio ranges. ’ ’ OQ burners *—tng, — wallpaper ------removed,■* ■‘-” fuHy - oampleo. Work 2 niihte a wedt, TRAIN AS TRACTOR derical abiUty and b«u:k- ^ iht Douglas, Inquire about low- cleaned and ropalred. Oosma Insured. .Bqne Belanger, 041- oan earn $60 commisalon, no ) cat do|i^: omaUCst payments 0Ki2 o r 664M ^ f l o o r s Cteaned and waxed In H/W EBKN GOOFING I WEVE POUND ) t-i ■ iiniiTi homes and offices. FuUy to WDOR 8ANDBTO and refinWb- program. If accepted, tui­ i THE a p p l i c a n t s OFFAAUCHTDO OF LOOKING FOR THE tS tfl CADILLAC, an power, ah> FIRST NATIONAL WANTED vacation, sick leave, hospHalizatioii, pension idan n o p TH E JO B OF u m g l Uck' s m is s in g * sured, tree estimates. Geoiga tog (specialfiting to older tion terms will be arrang­ * oonditionlng, best offer. 049- ). Waxing floors. Paint- EPFICIENCy ' INSTRUMENTS IN THE Farr, 6499229. ed. Placement service epon STORES, INC. Clean, Late Model and other benefits. Excellent woridng conditloiis. EKPSTTAnE WRECK ITSELF/ '1919 0 ^ 8 . tog. OeiUiypi. Piqierhanglng. oompletkm>-Phone Hart­ , I HERE. Am. DICK’S SERVICE — Snow-' Wo job too small. John Ver- ford 249-7771 anytime. USED CARS A8BWMH): rTV fHiCPOBSEaGIOIV: Take over Park A Oakland Area faymente, no oaah needed with j^knvlng, trucking, moving, rub­ faffla, 6496760, bish removal, caipantiy, daatk- BMt Hartford, tvmai. ravenga oradK. 1965 Pontlao Hel^ Wanted—Female 35 'T o p M m > F oM Apply In Penm ; CITO, 111^ Ctedaiae 'aodan. 1968 Ing, genaral r^oiis, an types Sond»-*Stodu—' For AB Makes • . 4 ' ■ JMcmmi Snewtoille. CaS 289- of odd Jobs. Tty reason­ M o r ic a g e s 2 7 GQRL FOR port - timo houro- 'SG8S6, akk fo r Graham Hotanea. able. 6494686. , deoning, and teap room work. carter CHEVROLET SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- Laurel Manor, 049-4619. iJ^lLtAirr — I960 V-200, ston- STEPS, sldewalka, shaw walla, UmRed funds available for see ^O .. INC. iimtrlfPHtpr Ettpttfns SGfad tnomilaBion, good 000# * flnplaeift flagatona tmaoea end mortgagee, payments to RN OR IfN for S-11 shift Fun NURSES AIDE, 9 U ditft, fuU- 1229 Main S t Men, moot seO, asking 1918. AH ooncreto rcp i^ Baoaon- ontt ypar • budget Ibqjedicnt' cr porUlaM. Lmrd Manor, thna and- portftma. Laurel Phone 649-5235 t:\ if* CUB m am. obte peteea. S6S-966L fMcvloc. J. D, BcaMy, MM120. 6494619. Manor. 6494619.

J [, '-r iM

■f. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 81,1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1966 PAGE SEVEHTEEn - - - ; ■ -■ ' • ...... - — " ■' »■—»■» ' ' ■" " "" ' ; ■ ..... ' HoBtofl For Sale 72 Houses F«r Sale 7» - HooschoU Gotib * Rootot W itM Bend 5» 1 Weitttod ''- isawaHgBfllBB — to flUfi Aook Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Honsea For Sale 72 . Suburban Fw Sale 75 V ernon 1 68 MAwuMgrim eta wofa 12th Circuit f t Weiss Says Pension Ctumge ■ M a k n F n U k le 87 . li _ CUBJM. UttUD ATTRACnVE Mom for b o o w Dutch Odtadal, garage, nloa to Oils haautltol 4 robm Ranch, gCHALLER RD. new quaUty MANCHESTER — 86 —sprite MANCHESTER — 4 hedrooen VERNON — Oversteed 6 room aSas or pswHsslonal sraonm. glX AOOM apwtment, uneloeed hreoew ay and gto m e n and wonan imm m nagw , ■utomitKi wu^mn oonditioii. good loeatlon. new buUt room Ranch, fire- from Main, exceUently main­ Oap« wM> fuS haMOteift, own­ Cape ta eparkltag condition, School Menus i; m Oentmnr loeafad. .B£asa prtvl> I pcofazrad. nga. esnenwit eondltlnf. Iwga < Court Cases with gaiurantMt. I tbaai «t er rodaoorating! Located ta flreplaco, roo room, h l ^ Northeast School: Tuesday, Policy Matter for Board ,3 L w««,awtM. vM mT for gtatte- Oau ctonfi. has. POr fuU information eafl placed Uvtag room, dtatag tained 2-famUy, 5-6 flat, tadl- si daaaliic srMk,*seoond riitft, B.. 1|. Pawl’s ApiiUsaeas, Mi logos. Call MBton or e o n n lo t fiiD prtoa, 818,80ft Mlttan - room with buUt-ta china closet, w«U MtabUolMd twigtabortMod, to wooded lot, aseumaWe mort- ^ a k ^ hmeheon meat with ptae- Mlttan Afan^. Rsaltors, •«■ vidua.' heating system, 3-car 1 -■ ! ' aaqMrlsfioa nscassar y, (AeaOy *r«iii at. Can______MMITL. altore. 0 3 ( AOOM flat, fln t floor, new ' A ^ . Rwltovft tlf^W. : 8 large bedrooms with large garage, priced to seU. Hayes nice backyard, walking dis­ gage. Haire* Agwacy, 646-0131. apple, mashed potatoes, butter- MANCHESTER SESSION General Manager Robert B. TWe wotUd ieem to pU«9, a — Ogfl Slltodi, obUdran aocaBtad. cloeet 2 fuD bathe, rear Agency, 646-0131. tance to shopping azMl bua. EUtaigtoo—Boonomy Sviag tor ed gelatin Md crem, ------_ _, Weiss declined to comment to- premium on your leavtag th9 i *Dfa*iii actomawc atg zag jca ng HBSTBR — CoBVatoatb*' Armond Rouillard, 21, of day on a request from the Town of Mancheeter at SB *arty J 167 Clurtor Oak Ava., Ban> ly toJatad 6 toom home vrKh » . deck, one oar garage. PhUbrick City water and city rawer are 89,500. 4 rooms, ptoe paneled Wednesday, roast beef, mashed Kerry St., pleaded guilty to a sewing maebtna, IUm naw -ia. town's retired pensioners that date to obtain ottier employment.' ford, sacond floor. eatalnet. Dow erezytbbig. Oalr A»ntM«ito-lfl«a^ «»^ r r L.___ > MANCHESTER Agency^______Manohester two more added featuree to living room with fireplace, one ^tteredaubsUtute charge of lascivious '"™ ' CLASSIFIED ADVKRTIBIN6 DEPT. H0UB8, TflBRBMlto <8 COBViaf ROOM apwtaaot, M bedrooma, long diesry Bvtog - make ttiie a very attractive not only to be ■ taalljr over MOO, taka awor last swmmaam ^ ^ ^ room, Isirga formal dtatag oar pe-hes; Thumday, frankfur- c«e wii;; ‘ ‘^H^iSal SaSieS $ A M . to S P J L MANCHBSTHIR — 6 room Cape, buy sit, $14,990. Oonverse-Du- 6 paynutata, MAO Mdk Can m u a l ROOM beatad ^part> BvliM to MflxKhaa rocm, convenient kttefaen, n a w f garage, conveniently located, YOU’LL BE ENRICHED raisy t o w for. quiet loca- ters in rolls, potato salad, pick- u n u J lo Feb. 17 for disposition. ^ M. ceramic bath, ahnniimm prot Real Estate, 643-2197 Bartford, 622MBL maw, 4M Mata flt, $80. 6M- neighbortiood, la what tUs near sebode, bus, shopping, if you buy this 6 room and 876-1811. cluunning 6 room, 5 yaw storms and screens, 2-car ga-; OOPT CSDSIN6 TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, WHITB OJB. Rafrigarator, with **30, Ad. FnrnislMd j^flUmento 63*A $15,900 tor quick sale. Bel Air Ranch set on a large lot. 4 moaned poutoes, oolestow, ice 7 after a complaint old Ranirii home offers. 8 rage, dean ks a whistle. Re­ Real Estate, 648-9832. Rockville, IKWmAT U rn nODAS MM AM. — SILXITBDAV • A JL experienced years oM and weU buSt. cream. from an 18-year-old girl who re- He said only, "This to a policy square with equitable treat- , UWKINO Iw anything to rasl bedrooms, large Hvtag duced to 817,600. Wohrertou ' Lots For Sale 73 ‘ 1 condition. ObB 6M-S066 altar ANDOTBR, Routa 6 — 3 room Built-taB for oonvenlenoo of Maple Street School; Tues- mains unidentified. m atter for the board of dlrec- ment to the taxpayers e^o aus- ' i ' sstata rantals — i^wtaunto, furnished apartment for rent room, dining room and Agency, Riealtora, 640-3818. ,» f i d RIDA BOUND owners are the wife. Elaey acoees to 6 p.m. homes, muIUpta dartiUngs. call bnflb-in oven and selling their recent 7 room BOLTON — Four wooded acre day, scalloped potatoea wrtth Thomas E. Burdick, 19. of 76 tors to decide.” tain a substantial part tt yourj . heat Ughta. atove. hot water, ICANCHBSTBR — Modern Rt. 16 tor husband. Low pension load including tn tal* TOVB coonouxioN MOL III A | A A 3.97H J. D. Rsal^. 648-6138. range, full ceramic bath Raised Ranch. A few of the homesltee, IdeaUy located on BOLTON ham, corn, pickled beets; xjnion St., pleaded not guilty to The 60-member pension group i] MB ACTMBCIACTP 0 * I ^ A # 1 1 HAIRDRESSERS rafrigarator bxAidad. Can Oape, 4 down, 3 unfinished up, $17,500. OaU R Walker, ttal contribution t t matching with vanity. ProteaetonaHy numerous features are: 2-car secluded deadend street, excel­ Wednesday, hamburg ta gravy, a charge of receiving stolen has retained Attv. Cornelius D. 1 4^ ROOMS, bsai. hot watw, SUens, 742-7378. .gtxngo, basemmt recreatlou 649-5306. funds of $7,353. 1 FOR imPAID BADAMCB landscaped yard, one cw heated garage, 80’ fireplaced lent area of custom homea 6-ROOM RANCH •j stove, rafrigarator, parking: garage, convenient to Hart­ room, nice central net^bor- Hayee Agency, 646-4)181. beans; Thursday, roast to Feb. 16, Bast Hartford, in opposition to the changes, “In fairness some of the As­ . „ 1, 2 0*1 8 TH5ARS TO PATI Completaly redacoratao, llta. TWO ROOM tatniriied apart- hood. B d Air Real Brtnta, famUy room, kitchen with built- BARROWS & WALLACE MNnWMV pnm m ovaRif START PATINO IN MARCH ment, stove, refrigerator, baht ford and new *'ahopplng In oven, rsmge, dishwasher, dls- Manchester Parkcwle Your children wlS enjoy and gravy, buttered rice, peas, xhe charges against Burdick claiming in a letter to Weiss, sociation Officers have suggeet- 16 Barest St, oft Mata S t 64^ 648-9382. ______cranberry sauce; Friday, choice come from a, break-in at the that they are “mere window that you might explore the 0090,643-00001______hot water. Apply Marlow’s, 867 aurea, excellent om^tion, posal and refrigerator! 3 bed- Manchester 649-5306 Suburban For Sale 75 the country setting of this Hd^ WiatoA-xMale 3# Help Wanted—Male 36 BRAND NBW Mrin S t 819,800. MANCHESTER — Ralaad rooms, 16x30 living room - din­ ranch home with Us 100 x of tomato soup or clam chow- child Guidance Clinic in No- dressing . . . designed in a large Po*sibUlty of purchwlng an 3 ROOMS FURNTTORB WB HAVE customers waiting Ranch excellent ooudltlou. 275 lot covered with trees der, tuna fish salad, peanut hut- vember. measure to take care of yQ^ nulty policy If you do not desire BRIoaEpORT 'Oparatom, tior- PART-X7ME faroilar man, ex- THE WIGGERY tor the rental of your apart THREE ROOMS, hath, nfl ntS- ing room, 8 fuU baths. ‘take FIRST OFFERING—Bast Side. VERNON — 13 year old 6 room to come ta to the Manchester not I9A6 MONTHLT 8 bedrooms, large kltdien wlfli out” windows, 8 - rone heat, Ranch with rec room in base­ and shrubs. You will like ter and marahmoUow, and Thomas D. Roche, 21, of (Woiss) and you alone.” . maotaina opar- parlienoad preferred but ttles, one or two okler parnons, U&R Realty Company, Inc. 7 room Cape, tiled bath, fire­ the unusual arrangement of cheese sandwrlches. Dessert, Coventry, pleaded not guilty to Pension Plan on an equal neoeaaary. Apply in person. BEAUTY SALON Bedroom, living Room, Dinette, ment or. boma. J. D. Realty, room tor table, dining room, much more. AU on a 200x288 ment. OaU 876-2027. atoTa, cutter grinders, aU Rugs, Lamps, Tahtoi sad Other 648-6129. atda antranca, pwhlng, 373 place, garage, eWy utilities, rooms. 3 bedrooms or 2 bed­ milk and sandwiches served charges of evading responslbil- „rrfin«nM, around maehinlst, top wages, Bonanaa Sirloin PH, 287 West 648-2692 R. D. Murdbdc family room, two flreplaoea, treed lot. Mid 80’a. Wolverton large lot, trees, good condition, APPLT Accessories Main. COLUMBIA LAKE. $12,000. 4 rooms and formal dining with every meal. ity and driving while under the Moreover, the lump sum Ubaral overtime and benefits, Middle Tpke., Manchester, MA MANCRBSTBR — large, new, 648-6472 two full baths, two cw garage, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. near bus line, shopping, school. room, bright family room HVlgRYTHINO 8228.78 patio, beautifully landscaped _ room Ranch, fireplace, panel­ Lake Street Sttwcl: Tueralay. influence of Intoxicants. He to contribution set up In the pro- jlttiT ’**' working condltioos. U04. 625 MAIN ST. 4 room apartment (wo blockn Quick occupancy. Priced at with Jalousie windows, cihlckein ta gravy, noodlee. ker- scheduled to appear ta court for amendment of the Pen- dppt^ in person. Paragon Tool Business Locations ------— _ — —— lot with trees, wall to wan ear- MANCHESTER — TTie nearest ing, cellar, new furnace. breeseway, garage, outside BRAND NBW from Main St, amaU well con- only $17,000. Ohaiiee Lesper- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 649- nel oom. pud«ng; Wedneeday, trial on Feb. 17. At this time he ^ ~n.i!Tn t i . n “ Oo., me., 7B» Adams St, Man- WA14TUD—^Driver for hgbt de­ OR CALL. MR. WATNB 8 ROOMS FURNTTURB For Rent 64 OONOORD RD. - peting and drapea included to thing to a new home; one own­ ance, 649-7620. patio, wralkout basement, etructed building with a quiet Ranch, large living room, for­ 6324. vegeitehle beef **'•$*’ paahtit will also appear for probable 1,. town ^>nad- Needed. On Display at Main FOUR ROOM apartment, brand 7753. $29,600. Phlibriek Agency 649- conditioned. Shown by ap­ room ajirangement differ­ us shew you this home today mashed potato, creamed corn, warlaty of exneBent tram pair D ept windows. Screened porch over­ bedrooms each, separate utili­ ent and deelrahle, location the required distance apart, *'^® P®??*? ^ ment. tag oppoitunMieB that wM store. new. Includes utilities, $185. J. 8464. pointment onay. CaH the R. F. at $22,500. Harold Hlncks, buttered beets; Wednesday, Directors Hatlen Taylor and “At any rate, aa the general D. Real Estate, 648-5129. MANCHESTER — prime office looks beautiful landscaped ties, excellent value, $21,900. outstanding. Priced tor $35; Robert J. Smith, 34, of pay you good wages while Does Tour Pieaent Job Offer Situations Wanted— Phone for Appointment'' yard, located in one of Man­ Leonard Agency, Realtor, 646- Dimock Oo., 649-5245. Realtor, 875-6284. spaghetti and hamburg, tossed Frank Stamler had said on Dec. manager, you should let tha ASK FOR CARL space, 100 to 2,000 square feet, RANCH — Seven rooms, one quick sale at $18,900. Mr. Hebron, speeding, $20, and Wal­ yon learn. If you already Theae BenefltoT Fem ale 38 ATTRACnVE 4 room apart­ central location, abundance of year old, prestige neighbor­ chester’s best neighborhoods. 0469. Lewis, 649-5306. ~ ' salad; Thursday, Vienna sau­ ter Clchcm Jr.. 19, of Windsor, 1 that they were opposed to the townspeople know how you have a skM, you wifi have ______Htfd. 247-0368 or 527-9036 MANCHESTER preotige area, sage, mashed potato, green ment, convenient location, parking, alter to suit. Hayes hood on deadend street, large Phlibriek Agency, 649-8464. desirable 6 room Ooionial. Improper passing, $26. manner ta which the pension stand on this proposal. Prudent ttte cbanoe to make good EXPERIENOET) legal aecce- See I t Day or Night RESIDENTIAL Area — 100x300 BARROWS & WALLACE Wanted—Real Estate 77 beans, cole slaw; Friday, maca­ matter was being handled. management of town affain by a BxoaBent atarting pay tary deetree pooiUon in Man- If you have no means of trans- parking, adults only. Call 649- Agency, 646-0181. lot with trees, decorated with . room Large fireplaced Uvrlng room, The following cases were con­ nee of it to adranoe and to elegance for rich imd exclusive ILtNOTESTEK ® shaded lot, 6% room Ranch Manchester Parkade roni and cheese, macaroni and tinued; David Baker, 16, of 286 They both admitted that pen- you in your managerial position eani mote money. a Promotion from within cbeeter tow oitftoa Write Box portotlon. Til send my auto for 4319. family with an income of $96. per 1 % baths, sunporch, green- beauty plus luxury. Fireplaces, Rauch, 8 bedrooms, hou.se, garage. Beautifully Manchester 640-5306 MANCHESTER — S bedroom tomato, peas and carrots, let- Porter St., breaking and enter­ Sion benefits for Weiss had would seem to dictate a thumbs a Store dlsoaunt prlvUegas B Herald. you. No obligation whatsoever. Houses For Rent 65 size kitchen, birch cabinets, month. Ideal for In-laws or for Golonial, garage, centrally lo- tuce salad. Dessert, milk, bread R> addmuM, higher wage THREE ROOM apartment, con­ bathrooms, garages. Touname landscaped half acre lot. Re­ ing with criminal Intent and been dtocussed, prior to his hlr- down attitude on this rather ex- a Paid absenoea ------— A—L—B—E—R—T’—S veniently located and econom­ ceramic tiled bath, P<»ala should have been dls- ing ovenUme. benefit plasi 643-8040. water, centrally located, reas­ full basement, excellent condi­ room Oape, could be 4 bed­ price reduced to $18,9<)0. Im­ or baby sitting in her homa tion, $160 monthly. Call 648- fireplace, 1% baths, recently utilities, on bus line, ^ c e d mediate occupancy. For fur­ to Feb. 7; Geraldine Poralll of cussed and acted upon by the Now ta ttia time to tavee* a ISnM benefiita Experienced. CaH 649-9891. SMALL breakfast set, mahog­ onable. 649-5824. mpdemlzed kitchen, reallsU- tion, 180’ frontage. Don’t delay, rooms, garage, nice fenced in for economy conscious buyer 6980. call Hutchins Agency, Real­ lot, only $15,900. Leonard Agen­ ther information call the R. F. Town Reviews Procedures 459 Main St., shoplifting, to board of directors, prior to a ttgato the adventages o t a Profit abaring pension fund any dining room set, electric cttily priced at $19,500. Leon­ at $13,900. Philbrick Agency, Dlmock Oo., 649-5245. Feb. 17, referred to the family recommendation by the pension New Courses working at “the Aircraft’* stove and washing nuudilne. FOUR ROOM apartment, fur­ ard Agency, Realtors, 646- tors, 649-6324. cy, Realtors, 646-0469. a BeUremant benefits nished. $146 per month or un­ FIVE ROOM Ranch, garage, 649-8464. relations division; and Merlyn board. There are hundtedo of good Situations Wanted— Call 643-6696 after 1 p.m. fireplace, $150. nooothly. Call 0469. MANCHESTER — large com- FOUR ROOM Oape, two car ga­ VBIRNON—Recent Ranch home To Seek Open Space Funds Sulham of 202 Oak Grove St., MWioney has defended hto Male 39 furnished 8116. per mon^ MANCHESTER — Older 6’/4 Set at MCC Jobs and training oouieea 649-8464. fortable custom built 8 bed­ rage, completely renovated, on a high shaded lot, 6% large ary, so the payment may be operating a motor vehicle while «>1® l*i the propoeaJs on the aveUaUe now for both ex- U not wouldn’t you Uka to 646-0191. SPACIOUS Custom built all room Oolonial, 3 bedrooms, 2 roomi Includes 8 generous bed­ Members of the board of se­ have a Job that does? Apply at b OT — age 16, will take any ]>8^atenl Instruments 53 brick 6 room house. 2 ceramic room Ranch on 100x200 lot, many extras, must see to ap­ full baths, fireplace, 2-car ga­ lectmen and the conservation brought to class or a check may license under suspension, and basis thajt, since none of the perlenoed and inexpert- 96 WEST Middle ipke.. modem £ country atmo^ihere. Bei Air. rooms. a well cablneted kitch­ Manchester Community Col­ Panonnet Det., second floor. part-time Job, after school or baths, dining room, double preciate. CaU Owner after 4 rage, completely remodeled commission met with the board be mailed to the Tolland Coop­ Benjamin Zlllnskl, 60, of 196 other directors seemed to ■want lege will offer four new oourses enoed people ta auoh fM ds 4\i room duplex, heat, hot wa­ Real Estate 643-9332. en with bullt-lns, dining area, Saturdays. 649-2912. privileges, $30 weekly. Oall' brick garage, plenty of storsge, p.m., 643-6692. throughout, kitchen bullt-ins. of recreation and To'wn Counsel erative Kindergarten, Box 58, N. Main 8L, intoxication, both bo press the issue, it was In- when the second semester gets aa . . . f o r s a l e — One cello, good ter, electric stove, refrigerator, fireplaced living room with to Feb. 3. oumbent upon himself (Ma­ 742-6736. acre’ g a n ^ . trees. Hutchins ^ Large lot, shade trees, central wall to wall carpefibBf natural Robert King Friday to hear an Tolland. under way next Monday. Reg­ SEARS ROEBUCK A CO. ooaiditioin, $60. 643-1225. garage, basement stwnge, $180 Agency. 649-6324. TWO FAMILY—5-6, 3 bedroom to downtown MancheBter. Registration for the 1666 ses- honey) to do so. Dogs— ^Birds— ^Pets 41 monthly, available February separate furnaces, recently re­ oak trim, 2-car garage, $18,600. administrator of the state’s open Aitty. Shea will app>ear at to­ istration began today and eon- MACHINING l e ^ t ^ * ^ : W ^ley R. smith Agency, 643- sp7ce program outline t ^ pro- ^ ^ t o d e r g ^ wiU be tnuee through Friday from 3 1446 New Britain Ave. 10. Call 649-2865 before 6 p.m. Suburban For Rent 66 SPACIOUS SPLIT, 8 twin size decorated kitchen and bath, morrow night’s meeting to GROOMINO and boarding, heat­ A ntiques 56 convenient location, Bel Air ' ... lfS67. 649 2813 cedures for «iiTicrfiling ■nrAiimimLrvpreliminary noia JVLaren i at lu a.m. Stocks in Brief to 6 p.m. dally in tbe college INSPECTION W ert’Hartford, Conn. bedrooms, rec room, 1V4 baths, Wesley R. Smith Agency, 643- apeak in oppoeltion to the ed kennel with seperate runs. ANTIQUE Lovers — Go to the THREE ROOMS, Colonial Man­ MANCHESTER — Bolton town Real Estate, 643-9832. 1567. applications for funds. The town Sport News office. H.C. Chase, Harmony Hill Ken­ hue, four room apartment, stove, trees, near bus, shop­ ONE BLOCK from Mata S t, SPECTACULAR — Bolton [g geeking state and federal Results of last week’s veiUeiy- NEW YORK (AP) — Aero- amendment propoeaJs. ■ AIRCBAPr ENGINE Penny or, utilities and applisinces, Following is the text of the A two-credit course ta oil 288-7681 E x t 310 nel, Hebron Rd., Bolton, 648- annual antique $120. Large yard, quiet nelgto- ping, only, $19,200. Hutchins POR'IER ST. arec - - Conven- established neighborhood, 7V4 Ranch, 6% Immaculate rooms, money to purchase the Crandall baJJbaill games are: Three Sons apace issues and special-sltua' ASSEMBLY Saver Thrift Shop; 617 Mata $116. J. D. Real Estate Co., Agency, 849-6324. CX)LONIAL — 7 rooms, large letter Atty. Shea sent to the painting for beginning and ad­ 6427. bortiood. 643-6988. ImUy located, 7 room fire- rooms, IMi baths, 2 oar ga­ professional landscaping, Rec property on Cider Mill Rd., as deaners, 3, Country Store, 0; fions were strong in an irregu- St., today. 648-6129 modern kitchen every woman’s rage, top condition, $16,900. vanced students will be offered s h e e t METAL placed Colonial, 1 ^ baths, en­ dream but seldom seen. Large Room, swinuntag pool. Own- ^ recreational area, under Hayden and Maaon Insurance, lar stock market early this of- FREE to good home, part Ger- THREE ROOM Apsutment, BOLTON CENTER apartments Hayes Agency, 646-0131. “Dear Mr. Welas: on Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 PORK OFT OPERATOR closed porch, garage, extra dining and living room with ers transferred, excellent fl- the open space program. 3, Town Line Auto Body, 0; ternooti. *' p.m. The class will be limited BENCH WORK PRESS OPERATORS man Shepherd, male, 7 months Wan ring AuDarel— ^FUTS 57 heat, 470 Mata St., first floor. —Now has opontage to 3r(»m a large lot. Leonaud Agency, nancing. Lappen Agency, 648- Qttie, coordinator of the Ohambora Miovera, 2, IViUand 7?ie aerospace defenee "We are writing to you rep­ fireplace, a den, 1% baths, 3 $8.800—Four room Oape, pan­ resenting the Town of Man­ to 15. old. CaH 649-9668. ------— ------nail between 9-6, 648-2486. apartment with hot water, HOUSING SHORTAGE? Realtors, 646-0469. 6261, 649-6140. State’s Open Space program, Bartwr Shop, 1; Conaumere stocks rallied on news of the TOOL A DIE MAKING ASSEMBLERS heat, stove and refrigerator. bedrooms, 2-car garage, near eled living room, full basement, chester Pension Group, constat­ The indtructor tor the course PACKERS ------FUR COAT — brown Mouton ...... warned the town not to commit Centre, 8, Vernon Steak resumption of U.S. bombing of Lamb, very good condition. 12- RE3NT MAN — CaU for ac- C5aU 643-4312, evenings, MANCHESTER—Cuetom buflt high school. Philbrick Agency. imm'ediate occupancy. Leonfird ing of retired pensioners and will be Robert F. Manning, an AmCRAFT ENGINE First Shift, 46 hour week. Articles For Sale 45 Apartments, manage- Who says there Is a hous­ 649-8464. Agency, Realtor, 646-0469. Itself to any actual expenditure House, 0. Three Sons caeaners North Viet Nam. Wall Street, former town employes, request- art teacher for the Glastonbury Apply 14. Reasonable. 649-8879 or 876- tlon. ing shortage ? We've got 6% room Ranch. 3 large bed­ TESTING 2198. ment, complete, fajst efficient, BOLTON Lakefront Tear rooms, Wtehen bullt-taa, 1 % of funds until the town has a «««.• I*"’ tag '«*on their behalf that you, as public - schools------and painting and EASTERN BOILER SALES AND Servloa Agency, 646-0131. lent area. Hayes Agenty, 646- maintenance free Cape with 79 N. Mialn 9t., and not at 39 ^ d ^ o ttto ra S AisocTsied Press average tae training set^on of the H .rt- ••AIRORAFr’ ance plus major medical. results ot regular Blue Lustre aluminum siding, stofms and the banquet sized kitchen has School St. as was printed in the new forms, and Ottie said Springs. of 60 stocks at noon was off 1 at tnwn amr*lav«i You are Inauranc® Group, Rooms Without Board 69 0131. built-in oven, range euid dish­ OAREER TODAT! Applicants must be at least spot cleaning. Rent electric BISSELL ST. — 8 room apart­ screens. Dream kitchen, 3 bed­ error in Saturday’s Herald. the state does not have any *».2 with IndustrlaU up .1, therefore c a U ^ ^ b o oppose IPrinclples of Fire and Marine 5'9" tsdl and ta good physi­ ^ Paint ft FOR Business or profes- ment, third floor, $60. 643-6268, rooms, formal dining room, washer, fireplaced family cal condition. Interviews at WEST SIDE — near bus, 6-4 Also, Game Director Geotge either. High baskettoam t ^ wljlplay Rails off .6, and UtlUtles up .1. thie pension mstt» or expl^ Insurance wlU meet Mondays TtaM. tbe Employment Otfloe WaUpaper Supply.' 9-6. duplex, double garage, modern Uving room with fireplace, oU room, brand new wall to w«U A special town meeting will Coventry Junior High ThUTB- At 400 Miada Street ROQBjRS CORP., comer of slonal girl, kitchen privUeges. Perry is now of West Horttord, The Dow Jones Industrial sv- you are for it. While thie 8 to 10 p.m. The inatruc- kitebens and baths, 200’ deep hot water heat garage Md all around. Has to be seen. have to be called to approve day art 3:30 p.m. in the Hicks Eaat Hartford 8, OnnnenUcut Mill and Oakland Sta., WALLPAPER—Paint Sale. Buy CaU 649-6268, after S p.m. formery of South Windsor. erage at noon was up 1.67 at n»w proposed amendment could b* James E. Brennan lot. SensUdy priced. Bayes patio. Wolverton Agency, Mid 20’s. Wolvertota Agency, the new two-and-a-half page re- School gym. 967.02. ' " " — ------“ ■ Manchester, promptly at one w aU p 4 ^ - get another xHOMPSON HOUSE, Oot- FOUR ROOM apartm ent Third Realtors, 649;2818. possibly benefit 33 people, al- “182 W. Middle T]d(e. »<)t>en tor Tour Oonvenienna— 10 aJn. Tuesday, Feb. 1. , Agency, 646-018L Realton, 649-2813. M anchester Chapter of solution included in the federal Voter Registration Boeing rose 3, Douglas Air­ lowing them to buy into the William F. MIonk of 165 S. roU tor one cent. Latex ceU- tage Street, centrally toeated, ftoor. CaU 643-7773. tag paint, $8.90 gaUon. Limited SPEBSQSA will meet and re- application. Ten reaideRto registered as craft about 2, General Dynam- plan, a boltot of former town Main St. wlM teach a courae ta Mnnday Ttxmigli Friday’ An Equal Opportunity large, pleasantly furnished 2Vi ROOM apartmmt, heat, hot hearse tonight at 8 at the Bunco Federal funds are sometimes voibera art last week’s voter-mah- ioe nearly a point and United Ptincipllee of Casualty Insur­ 6 AM. — 5 PM time. Morrlsun Paint Store, 789 rooma, pariting. CaU 640-2368 employee indicated that 106 Employer Mata. water, rieotriclty, stove and re­ School, Olcott St. All men inter- delayed up to two years from Ing session. Four registered as Aircraft a fraction people manifosrted a desire bo ance. which will meet Wednes­ ^MB., Wed., Thura. Erantaga for overnight and permanent frigerator. References re- ested ta barbershi^-style stag­ the date of approval, Ottie said. Republicans, five os Democrata, .TOi 8 PM. American Motors opened late buy In, If the law was days from 8 to 10 p.m. Botti in­ ------1IYTTT >PTvin— — 1 , TREAT RUGS right, they’U be guest rates. quiredi CSaU after 6, 648-0678. ing are welcome. The town will have to be re­ and one remained unafYlliated. on a block of 60,000 shares, up changed. 'Ihis appears bo be structors are also affiliated ■aturdayn 8 AM — 12 Noon driver delight If clemed with tone ------—------;— - r wanted. cv«r 18. Apply ta per- , C5LBAN pleasant room In pci- sponsible for the federal share The next voter regiartrabion ses­ H at 10^4, later widening its dtooriminatory to nature, be- with the University of Coanect- RKTTJjnn WORKERS son, Aloar Auto Parts, 226 Lustre. Rent electric stuonpoo- vate home tor non-onxddng BEIAUTTFUL nw . apartoents. Arthur lUtag of 166 Porter St. of the cost. Some towns borrow sion wtia be Feb. 16, from 6 to advance to a full point. The cause a ctaSBiflcartion Is Illegal icut'e School of Losuraiioe ta For your oonvenlenoe oaU Mk. Spruce S t er, $1. (Uoott Variety Store. gentleman. OaU after 2 pm., Woodbrldge Gardena. 4% room witi speak on the Rotary Maga­ the funds, smd reimburse them­ 8 p.m. at the ’I'own Hall. stock was spurred by Friday’! when tt grapito exclusive privi- Harbftwd. William Coilcnien at 566-5632 649-1,486. duplex $160. 3H room flat $136. zine at a meeting of the Man­ selves when the federal funds Mrs. John Burokes, chairman news that Detroit industrialist leges and denies equal protec- Data Processing AppHoattons TOOLMAKER, nmehtaist, ma­ REO SNO BLOWER — Ex- chester Rotary Club tomorrow of the Democratic Town Com­ tor an interview appointment. ceUent condition, reasonably 2 large bedrooms, IH baths, ATTENTION are received. Robert B. Evans had bought tdon of the law bo others. will be for a four-credit course chine operators, ' full or part- 128 BIRCH ST. — Room for mittee’s newly formed enroJl- priced. CaU 649-9668. modem, UtriMn wtib G.B. re- at 6:30 p.m. at Howard John­ State funds are received more than 200,000 shares of the •ISuch claaBlflcatlon granting taught by WiUlam Magutae, a If araileUe, bring your mUitaty time, benefits. Mico Mfg. Inc. working man or lady with frig ^ to r, range, diiqxMal, son’s Restaurant, Tolland Tpke. shortly after approval Is grant­ menrt and registration com- stock. exclusive public emoluments systems analyst tor ths Bur- dtaobairge papers (DID-214), 643-1671. Mtcben privUegea, $10. weric- dishwasher. Private basemmts ed, and remain available one mlfatee, has released the fol- Lehn ft Fink held a 5-potat could be deemed arbltary and roughs Oorp. Meeting thnes fetrih ceriffloate and social Diamonds—Watches— ly. 649-1746. piped tor automatic washer and Army-Navy Auxiliary will year from the date of prellmi- lowing comparison of Repub- gain on word that Sterling Drug unreasonable. When a piece of will be Monday and TIuweday ourity curd when you viatt our MBCMANIC — toil or part-tima OtUkoo. to work on obata saws and Jew elry . 48 PLEASANT Room tor gentle­ dryv. Air - oonditioniqg (oir meet Wednesday at 8 pjn. at n^^ry approval. A town may ap- Democrats voter had made an offer for the stock, legislation such aa this pension ft'om 8 to 10 pm. TTils oourae tio i^ ), maater TV antenna, the dub. Members are remind- -jiy an extension of this per- registration figures for the Sterling erased a kwa and is designed tor thooe who hav« small anginas. Home lite Fkc- WATCH AND JEWELRY ra­ man, with parking. 21 Edmund TAXPAYERS > A.. _____i-t —s o J • ------anOA ------a- ___ a — .s_— amendment treats one class of ed to bring articles tor a kitch­ lod however y®®” through 1065, ta- moved a fraction higher. some previous bockgrouzKl and tocy braoob, U4 East Service pairing. Prompt servica. Up to St., Manchester. hot Wider oU beat, open atalr- persons differently from another, and en bingo. A resolution of the planning ‘" “ 'UnK "a 40.7 per cent Dem- WaUace-Murray rose about experience with unit record PRATT & Rd. o u t 527-1804. . $20 on your old watch in case, large alifUng door doeets, there muet be aome natural and sU di^ glaaa doors. On bus Une, and zoning commission, desig< ooratic enrollment increase over 1V4 on news of a 2-for-l stock substential difference germane ■work. WANTED — Bus operator, fuU- S d a . aoS^d S tt^ b Q id e y St. Moryto B^iisooipal Guild the Republican figures." split proposal and dividend hike. A fifth enurae, which Is be­ Bray, 787 Mata Btrest,Street, State “ “ preferred, telephone ta near sohoote, shopping and nating the property aa recrea­ to the subject and purpose be­ tima, bua or heei'vy equipment room. CaU 643-7908. 'Will meet Thursday at 11 a.m. The figures show new regis­ Aunerican Telephone sank to a ing relnertiitutod, wfll teach the WHITNEY 'niaater BuUdtafl. dnirches. Open daily abd weak­ tion area, must be included with tween those within the class experienca preferred. SUvar e r ^ , noon - 6 p,m. 649-6691, MEMBERS of PENSION PLAN 5175-N in Guild Hall st the ohureh. A the appUcatlon. The appUcation trations ta 1962 as Republican, new l066-’66 low of 59';4 as the included and thoee whom it princtpiee of Medical Termlnol- Isma Bus Oo., 49 Brataaid LARGE FRONT room, suitable ^ luncheon will be served at 60, Democrats, 81; ta 1068, Re­ federal investigation of its rate Qgy. A three-credit eomra, Kt for housekeepiiv, com­ 646-0106, 643-1028 eventnga. Lo­ must be approved by the recre­ leaves untouched or on a dif­ ' AIRCRAFT Place, Manchester. Fud and Feed 49-A cated at Junction of WoodbeWRe 12:30 pm . by Mrs. Claude Por­ ation and censervation commia- publican, 06, Democrat, 112; ta structure was scheduled to will meet Tuesday and Friday fortable and convenient, park- ter, president, and a committee. 1064, Republican, 140, Demo­ ferent basis. from 4:66 to 6:10 pjn. and will and Parker Sts. M.P. SSnter- Anieedhg MoRchtstor's P ursIm O rd L aions and be verified by action begin. ConsWerable buying "But leaving aside the ques­ p m s u o N OF OIL BURNER Mechanlo—must tag. Gentleman working d«ya crats, 249; 1965, Repliblioan, 72, be taught by Dr. Martin Duke, prisee. ■vrw m I an II ll|■^l II ...... I Members not at the last meet- of a town meeting. Authoriza­ seemed to come in at the new tion of the 33 ellgibles as oppos­ UNITED AIRCRAFT OORP. be axpertenoeil siid hcMised. FIREPLACE WOOD — fin yoiir preferred. CaH 649-9064, 648- Mne* b» huW M f. Fwbnrary 1. 1966 at 8H)0 PJyl. h Democrat, 119. dtaeotor of medtoal education 8182 s' ing and wishing to attend the tion to apply lor the funds. Maps low price and the stock moved ed to the 106 or more possible Top psy with top skUla. Apfriy oar tnmk, $8. CUl 649-9782. 6961 after 6. g. 7" f luncheon are reminded bO oon- Members of the committee between its low and 60 with sev­ t t Mahclhieeter Memorial Hoe- Haritocd 8. Obnnehcicut FOUR ROOM iold flat, first llw MwRlc^Mi l ulHhig. of the area and a physical and candidates, this phase of the Gibbs Flumhing ft Heating. toot Mra. Porter at 29 are Skurl Beebe, Aim Bloom­ eral large blocks changing pltal. It ta designed to offer OiUber Oonnecttcut Ftants In ' CaH 876-0963 tor-appiHntment. MODERN ROOM, private en- floor, kltdien range and gas legal description of the land proposal appears to be mere Garden—Farm—D ai^ space heater furnished. Inquire Fiattering Is ihe word for thla crocheted in the afghan g^., or Mrs. Arthur Burnap, 95 field, Marilyn Dontorand (rep­ bands. medical secretarlee basic un- liorih Haven and Southington traaoe, rec room privUegea. becoming daytime or afternoon this cover for the young- McKee SL, before Wednesday must also )>e submitted. window dressing, because these Prpdnets 50 at 40 Venicm S t, after 5 p.m. H w loord of Diraeffon haw mod* o r ogpeenw it with o«r wow resenting the Democratic Town Sears, Roebuck, off a fraction, derstondtaga cf medical tenns. An Equal Opportune 643-9896. frock worn with or without the trimmed with a giant- Eklward Bailey of the State amendments to the plan seem Afi the oouses are derigned Help Wanted— GaoMfol MoROgur, Rob«rt W oiss. that wH cost Iha Taxpoyws ohoot Development Commission also Club), Lee Johnson, George touched a 1966-’66 low of 58% on Bpggtoyw, M ft F Baldw ins” Macs, DaUcious, •eUn short sleeves. gj^e jack-ln-the-Box worked in _ _ Rlemer, and 'Vivien Kenneson a b lo ck of 9,800 ahares, losing to be designed in a large mea­ to be port of the certificate Male or Female $30,000 tha irst yap-. Salary $19300, T o w r ' s short hi PM sioa Plaa attending the meeting, and said sure to take care of you, and 37 from economy to the fanciest, No. 8182 is for sizes 32, 34, (.Q^c^rful cross-stitoh! A son was bom to Mir. and (representing the Deftiocratic %. ourrioulo, with the exception of 172 So. Mata S t M. 38, 40, 42. 44 (bust 34 to 46) Pattern No. 6175-N has cro- jjrs. Howand EMmsa be will meet with Hc^ey to aa- you alone. This U ao to an al­ the art olaas. IM s, too con be ' — ~ d e s ig n e r —fuU-tlme, to work $7,500, oad AotsMobila oao costs dboat $3,000. Womens Club. Losses of around a point were ASK YOURSELF toth a PlATT-OdLlMA guide In chet^Md* color chart directions Henry St. kitt Thuraday at St. ^ ^® token by IBM, Xerox, U.S. most unbelievable degree. For taken for credit by oettlng up *'**“ ?? to flower shop.^p^A Apply p^y tato_par- pai- STRICTLY fresh agga tor sale. : • f BaUettn Board tteeatod la solid training in son befme 5 pm. Krause Flor^ •Mil patHem. Size 34, sleeveless, cover measuring 58” x 46”. Hoeiittai, Hartford. ^ High ^»>oi CoanseUiig The executive boom tt the BmeMlng: Air ReduetKi and example, there ta a new fifteen- an acada^ p ro j^ jrith the ** Tomaaaewsld. Box 868 South Have you been searching for a epadous, modem, seven C o r yoo afford thk Agroonoat nodo by oar loard of >% yds. of 46-ta. To order, send tj, order, send 35c in coins to: ----- Andrew Wlnans, school ^ d - ino exwajvive year employment provision in instructor so th at other ap- and management taeii- 1st, 621 Hartford Rd. zoom house with two baths on an acre lot ta town, vrith iilfues, axoritant advaaoemont ______Road, BoMon. Open daily. 649- Tolland Junior Woman’s Club Ztanlth. contemplated amendment proved Mbratt arte oouraes a^w 6472. water, sewer, and sidevralk to r leas than 830,000? We D iro c to rs ? S L S ^ will meet tomorrow t t 8 p.m. at Du Pont, U.S. Gypsum anO ^B iittsl, starting guarantee'of MEN — WOMEN — OoUege sto- have it! Many extras tadaded. Don’t be disappotated, MMchester Evening Herald, Evening HeraW, HM OF partment, wUl meet tomorrow ^ Donald Bar- Homestake gained about 1 each which would enable you to apply taken concurrently. 8U6. per week if qualified. GSIl dents, 'earn $3 • $4 per hour, caU now. 1150 Ave. oi American New AMERICAS, NEW YORK, * * at 8 pjn. at the firehouse at _. ranozMrows. WeigDhl rh Bd, PriceaPrices were generaUy flrenerallv hiaheihigher Itour approxlnr^te thirteen yrars Further information may ^ be 608-6666 or S44-I402 iMtwaan work days or evenings and Sat­ Household Goods 51 W e orgo foo to allted Ihb ■eethig oed woke year ephdee, >v York, N.Y. 10086 100S6. Pine St. and Hartford Rd. that today ta the deadline to boaStt tax rarisw w« to imavy trrallng on the Ameri- Tow« of Wlnd.^ thrtwiB the oofc»o tt- make ajppintmento tor high p jft ' urdays, part-time. Gall 644-14U yos W OppONQo N Ut-ctara matang add 10c For Ist-clara mailing add 10c hear grievances tontocrow from can Stock Exchange. Up a point ® ______- or 638-6666 tor appointment EVERYTHING ta sterilised re- WARREN L tor each pattern. Print Name, tar each pattern. Print Name, ■cbool acheduKng. FEW AUMm JOBUM8 9 aJn. to 5 pjn. and from or ao were O’Oklep OoRior, Town tt Manchester and euh- ■ M teUAh JfOBg now opto, UAL, eondiUoned used tuniltura and REALTOR •Alrosa with Zip Code, Style Address with Zip Code, Style Oooperattve Ktadergarten raquently when eligible tor re- Remove oooktos whflo , Bo. Am., F ar B in t DRUG CLERK — Experisnee appliances, high qusilty — km to 9 p.m. t t the town hall. Lamb toduetriee, Nytronlc, 350 Main S t, Mbachester itvartls No. and Size. No. and Size.___ Oamberra — Unemployment The February tuition MU tt tlrement would have vested are stfll waim from beJdfig' Employment Info. Oen- preferred, days, driver’s H- prlcee, fisRlano Furniture, 196 Snwial crochet and embrol- to AuatraUa atanda tt only 36,000 $ 1 6 for kindergarten pupils ta American book, SoUtron De- Phone 643*1108 Miss the Spring * Maacheetor Evening Herald ■vlcea, Soes Manufacturing, rights to draw down a very aub- abeete. Ihls way you have ■ i4IA' ■ ^ " rsfise. Mille r- JWiarmagy, MS SouUi Stoaat, BoekvtUft S76- O e r T ^ o n ta the taghUght tt -A cent tt the wcA to r^ stantial pension alter a com- best chancs tt keeptaft QramlUL, aa*. open pa. Bette Pyle-Nodonal and PKtsburgh ft Lake Brta, porattvety kbozt wotfc Utoh. aaoU^ ttaptty. SONDAT. JANUARY 81, 1966 TLvwage Dfifly Net PccsB Rtm iKmic^(0t0r 1Ettimitt0 l^^ralib W eek 88,1888 veloptog, Iqw In ttBuiag into Maadtetter Lodre of M uona' Mystic ItaMesr, North Ame^> lJi«a iioarlag, ,, i m F M l- JL V ▼▼ u »>Mt tomorrow at 7:30 pjn. can Bsnaflt Association, 14,577 , rt thf Tjgnpia The Knt meet tomorrow at 8 at Odd Ftl- DOUBLE STAMPS ""WED. Itoidbwtar ' A OtyofVlUageChmrm “ ■ ■ f ' :r w «BaouUsc board of Bant- AppranUcc degree will be lows Hall. The new officers srtll Hi jf'Bchool PT A wfll meet to- conferred with Junior Warden conduct the meeting. Refresh- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1966 (Chmified Adverttstiig «■ Fags 18) PRICE SEVEN CBN1E Htt at 8 In the school library. w n n ,i« x . Reichert presiding, ments will be served. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 108 (EIGHTBEN PAGES)

^idnne X^69° can be granted. F eb. 18. S p r in g m a id School. and there were huge traffic Mrs. Lawford was given cus­ to take part in council «Jlscus- Kurtz is co-owner of Kurtz tfei^ . Downtown streets were tody of their four children. Law­ Viet Casualty slons. Even before he spoke, LECLERC Bros., Inc., Manchester, and raIbcKFaiET >.79° ™OM FLORIDA ankle-deep in snow. ford was given visitation rights. however, the North Viet Nam WASHINGTON (AP) — The FUNERAL HOME Kurtz Dlecraft, East Granby. leilChstlifiMilHilei tofU. Scores of schools in the OWo- False Bomb Alarm The Lawfords were iparried 11 , r. - ... government virtually ruled out Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz are mem­ Indlana-KeHlucky area were ,*>. -n,.y 2 '■ any cooperation with the United CALIF. STEAK >.6 9 ° Works of Greenwich, Conn., has SHEETS bers of St. Mary’s Episcopal d osed . separated since early in Janu­ Nations. An official dedaratll^ 4 9 The U.B, Weather Bureau’s jetliner, an anonymous caller laiSe money for underprivfieged dam age estim ated ed Fedorenko said, "that the piro- ocratlc nominatioa for United montWy summary said that telephoned London Airport that children and other causes som e *600,(WO today when it posal of the United States of States Senate. TYPE 180 PERCALE TYPE 131 MUSLINS r a n * i temperatures for January, av­ a bomb was aboard the plane. through Variety Oube Intema- destroyed a building housing America regarding the consid­ N m n era ged 28.4 d egrees — Viet 18 miles wide and 10 miles deep. child. man, hi« face contorted, leap^ sand. My chin began compul- c o n o N - ' 9 9 ' "Great Society” program inside Nam's coastal plains and sent Units of tbe U.S. led Cavalry, Florals, Solids, Decorator Colors. FUEL OIL DELIVERY 9 to his feet in the sand behind sively digging a hole. tbe United States. In recent years he had done them sprawling into retreat af­ PLAIDS yd. 79c m e. Choose from four lovely patterns. ■■■ 5 5 * , character spots in movies and Earlier I had htnded with a He said the aim is to improve ter 488 were reported killed. (Bee Page Bight) As we watched in fear and IS CERTAIN medical evacuation helicopter. 'the kind of world our children An Air Force spokesman said 65” An V irgin Air Force Base guest shots on television shows. hope, he shouted, “We’re A m er- ______Keaton’s trademark wae his As five hellcojpter settled down uve tn.” three American planes — one ORiEIEannQLLE, Miss. (A F ) — House had no immediate com­ leans, we’re Amerlosiis. Don’t jj, sand, a mass of wounded WOOL Dacron Red Label dlur expression in the face of Th e *3.89 blUion — *2.466 bll- Al” Force and two Na'vy Jets — We record the avorage tonperature for eadi dan leaketli Ftau Fiem The Air Force flew a major ment on the Greenville sit-in. shoot.” FLANNELS yd. any diaaster, comic or genuine. A m erican soldiers cam e run- econom ic aid an^I *617 were lost in the first day of air 3.99 compute the number of degrees the average is below general and 160 air police bito Officials of the Office of Eco­ For 16 minutes we bad lain In That went along with a straw ... . toward us, some faUing to nilUlon in miUtary — is more attacks on the Communist north BED PILLOWS 86. Then we combine this tempaature data with tts deactivated Greenville base nomic Opportunity in the capital field unde^ bar^e ground as the fuU blast of Cfongress voted last year in 36” Drip Dry Print hat that he usually wore when after the 87-day bombing pause. Bulletins BROCCOUhub % 2 7 today to deal with an invasion said they had received no offi­ of bullets and mortars your known rate of fuel use to det«nnine exactly . . that whipped comparable new ftmds for the There were no details yet on the cial word of tbe incident. peeforming. BHoed out o f a tre riin e . BROADCLOTH Regular 3.97 2.97 how mudi fuel your burner uses eadi day to k e ^ by Negro squatters who demand second day of the raids. l ow U t o 1 ^ food, land and Jobs. Toid of the squatters’ de­ There were tour of ua with (See Page Twe) ------—-— The pilots of the two Navy O O UTH NIST DOCS yd. 59c you as warm as you want to be. N o matter what tha want you to be sure what mands for food, OEO said that Pretty floral print or solid color planes were rescued, but tbe weather, all you have to do is lean bade and id a& OUT' mlseiofi is here,” Ool. John in cooperation with Mississippi HOIXYWOOD (AP) — 36” P rin ts, Solids VEL LHHIID 5 3 pilot of an Air Force F106 Thun- polished cotton covers. 22 x 28” cut You41 never have to rely on your memory or your nr 37 C. Shumate of Randolph Air authorities it has laimohed an Movie goeslp cohmmlst Hed- • • emu AS derchief was missing about 20 WHIPPED eize. taitk gauge (which may be inaccurate) to td l yov Force Base, Tex., told tbe en- experbnental progranv designed /da Hopper, 75, died today at ImiSoHCnaMy. miles south of VVINH. He pulled pneumonia. The tormei^ ac­ CREAM yd. 1.99 adien it’s time to fill the tank. We know TdMn it Hated poUce. “tt is to remove to improve the distribution of demonstrators from a building food to the needy in Mississippi. into cloud cover and disap­ tress Bucoombed In Cedars of , starts getting low and we refill it without any bother peared. Rescue efforts were they have occiqiied on federal Although the air police I/ebanon Ho^iltal, where sba to you. And we refill it with Mobilbeat fud oil, W o r t Tuna tr 6 5 Dressings RAIUI « called off after a search, the Fit Anchor Band ^39 |SK^)ezty. manned the main gate, Negroes' was taken Sunday. Her ciMi- quality cbeched 21 times between tbe refinery and “This operation will be con­ continued today to scramUe spokesman said. diUon had worsened after she Radio Hanoi claimed Monday ypur furnace. Remtoober. there’s a big diffetence la l iM y W u n ducted with as HtUe force as over a fmee about 100 yards contracted a virus tnfecUoa that North Vietnamese gunners MATTRESS PADS ppasiUe.’’ airay. There was no attempt to last Friday. The annoonea- distributors;. We’d like to show you just how big had downed five American YARN SPECIALS The Air Force said it hoped stop them . ment came from her mmi, a c ­ Regular 88c that difference can be. Babt Foods 6 m 8 9 ‘ BEEF STEW 1^ 5 7 planes and damaged 10 others. Twin Size (be N^;n> squatters wotdd heed By 9 a.m., tbe squatters’ tor William Hosier. As U.8. Air Force and Navy on appeal (bat (hey leave vedun- army bad grown to about 100. ORLON SAYELLE 72c 39 X 76" 2.89 carrier plEines roared over the ehMiftSaibtn tteaCIAR t a illy . There were some 86 in the first SQUATTERS E'VIOTSP north again, the combined allied R eg. 1.19 V a l — 4 ply, 4 oa. MaJ. Gen. R. W. Puryear, wave which caught the civilian Full Size >11 Operation Masher in the rice- G R EENV ILLE . BUsa. (A P ) commanding general of the guards by surprise Monday. KNiniNG WORSTED 88c ^ c o Instant Coffee r U fielda and jungles 260 miles — A band ef 60 Negroes aad’ 54 X 76" 3.89 Technical Training Center, MaJ. George Hennrikus, an northeast of Saigon smashed at eIvU righto wartters, flghtinK, Fisherman, Imported, 2 ox. Keealer Air Force Base, Mias., Air Force public information Sanforized quilted mattress pads ■ n r S fo y a large Viet Oong force from cursing and MHng, wese< Mobiiheat brushed aside newsmen when officer, had told a newsman IRISH WOOL 99c three sides. Some of the guerril­ dragged by Air Police fram- with anchor bands. Washable and ^ $ 1 0 0 he arrived. He immediately shortly before dawn: "W e•will las were reported ripping off an abandoned building on the quick drying. went into conference with other secure the base from further LtsolSprat I Secret their green jungle fighting suits deactivated Greenville ' A ir- flffic e ra . demonstrators.” Force Base todogr. n * a(pM*> The Negroes, along With a few and donning the black pajamas OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK . THURSDAYS T IU 9 PJd. MORIARTY BROTHERS As officers and airmen of the Vietnamese peasantry in tors, vAo had ths. WtaHe c iv a righ ts w orkers, stepped from the silver and base Maadasr, wvra asoiinble6( 301 CENTER STREET damped around two pot-bellied a 'desperate effort to escape. white two-engined T-28 planes la » parking lot and HherUy, ■ atoves through tbe night bi a T- In addtUon to the 488 dead t e l e p h o n e 643-5135 LnOLmmicrANTiK 5 9 ' S £ F b o > 3 - 5 3 ‘ wliiob ferried them here from reported, six days of heavy attorwaid marched alt shaped building which once was five bases — Oianute, Lack- Troops, not evacuated were then caught in the fire fighting with the hard-core Viet baee between lenF itaea dtt Burner Purta, Autemutte Dellveiy, MoUl F M ttomWLNkS. Wei headquarters for (be baM air taDd, Low r^, Keealer and Rqn- ^Soldiers of the UB. 1st Cavalry race through a poUea. cemetery trying to avoid Viet Cong sBiptf fire and of friendly South Vietnamese troops who mistofdc Gang backed tip by North Vlst- fvtml^ n n a a e -iVptnriaK'— Alg-AiPeHril,' ' >! S k y ITu I (Bee Ih ge xeach aa evacuating hel&<>gt«r in Beal Chou. thdin fo r the enemy. (A P Photofax) ^ namesa regtdoiw yleldad 18 m »- IbBdM Kter PerioMia^ . flini Sat. 9 :80 BJB. te t v m >