HAWAIIAN Mllbea Vbic
Qti skin 14 rrBUSHED Every Wednesday Morning, BATES 0E ADVERTISING. AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANXVJI. srh.j'- - Ij..j. lO.Ool Uns Utnelu.. 1 1 Ca S or I J OBtt 4 OM OKJW CO iKcireliru SnfearjlWra, SI.oo to f HAWAIIAN MLlBea Vbic.... 1IOI IK l(W 1M GAZETTE. ItMIlatOoi 3tLine- 0C 00 T 10 CO OrncB-In'tij- -I lo.be... seo 4 td 11 e new Post Office Baild Sd U- -3 Inches. 3 00) 4 00 7 10 M 14 ON It OS tSUnca- -t lathe... 40M 00 10 ft lg OS IS CX 23 CO ing, Mewfeaat Street, Honslalu, H. L Quarter ef Colaaa,. OOMOOC lit JSaotaOOOteSeO .TatrdrOr.0..r. 0( WOO 100 330n eot SO to Hair of ectasia U 09 1 j w Sim wooitseotnm MftjTOBmaeo or 3i. KUttrr t the Oorera- - OnaCalamat.. .. IS oai So oct ts oa It oorfne oajHo co Dfieayito whom aJTbuslncts, wramcrjea- YII-N- -' VOL. O. 45.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, ITOV. 22, 1871. - BuaiaMa Cards, warn prrpa.it firmi ymr, an altow .S6.00 PER YEAE. edadleeoaattrm taw rana. whkh an tar traaalaal adrae & Hotstlt 44 BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. EOBEIGN NOTICES. SUGAR MOLASSES Tho Afrlcnn Islnxuoml I'leldx. Aldertioat IXchertral or tho Hat-ti-e it without constraint. Every one who has tried The following, from the Detroit iwrts Prrw, is of Worklnsr." to announce the best that is in him thexieepest Mtuux tut. a. r. cum H. B0L1HAMH, FLINT, PEABODY & Co., 1871 an from a thoughts, the highest aspirations, the warmest C BHEWKB A; CO.. eitract prirate latter, giving a faithful The London Times describes a tbam "attack Isasscicr ef Dealer in .Tobacco and Cigars, description of the diamond Gelds or affections has been conscious that his words fell ul SmPPISQ AKD SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, South Africa, on Sir IIopn Grant.'' which took place recently which will doubtless prove short at least of his meaning, if not, indeed, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACC5TS Or of interest to the at Alderahott, and closes Its accoant as follows : I1II.O, II.
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