“AN ALTERNATIVE for the FUTURE: SILVER ECONOMY for CITIES and REGIONS” Draft: 14/09/2017 10 October 2017 – European Commit

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“AN ALTERNATIVE for the FUTURE: SILVER ECONOMY for CITIES and REGIONS” Draft: 14/09/2017 10 October 2017 – European Commit “AN ALTERNATIVE FOR THE FUTURE: SILVER ECONOMY FOR CITIES AND REGIONS” Draft: 14/09/2017 10 October 2017 – European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels 14:15 – 18:15 *SIMULTANEUOUS TRANSLATION PROVIDED IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND SPANISH 14:15 Registration 14:45 Welcome and opening words by the moderator: 14:45 14:55 Ms. Anne-Sophie Parent Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe 14:55 Ice Breaker 15:10 Presentation by SEED: 15:10 “Why the European Silver Economy Awards: The added value of SEED Project” 15:20 By Ms. Sonja Müller Senior Researcher, empirica Presentation by the European Commission: 15:20 15:30 By Mr. Horst Kramer Programme Officer EU Policies, European Commission / DG CNECT Presentations of projects and solutions: By Mr. Gian Matteo Apuzzo Project Coordinator of SmartCare, Local Health Authority of Trieste (Italy) By Mr. Jacob Bertramsen Senior Advisor, North Denmark Region (Denmark) By Mr. Robert Vugrin 15:35 Deputy Prefect, Varaždin County (Croatia) 16:05 By Ms. Anne-Marije Buckens & 50 Company, Gelderland Province (Netherlands) By Mr. Peter Holtslag (tbc) Verder in Techniek, Gelderland Province (Netherlands) By Ms. Susann Woigk Competence center e-government, Free State of Saxony (Germany) Debate: Questions from the moderator to the panellists 16:05 The moderator will lead an open debate raising key questions 16:45 Questions from the floor Time for participants to ask questions to the panellists Live poll Participants are asked to submit statements to be discussed with the panellists 16:45 Concluding Remarks by the Moderator & AGE Members 17:10 Networking Session & Cocktail Opening speech: By. Mr Magnus Berntsson 17:15 President of the Assembly of European Regions & R20 Regions of Climate Action 18:15 Special Guests (tbc): Mr. Markku Markkula, First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions Mr. Lambert Van Nistelrooij, Member of the European Parliament (Netherlands) Meet & Greet the panellists .
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