European Parliament
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2004 ««« 2009 « « « « « « ««« Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 1.8.2007 PE 390.761v03-00 AMENDMENTS 87-345 ― PART I (Recitals to Article 8) Draft report (PE 378.893v02-00) Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines Establishing a framework for the protection of soil Proposal for a directive (COM(2006)0232 – C6-0307/2006 – 2006/0086(COD)) Draft legislative resolution Amendment by Horst Schnellhardt, Lambert van Nistelrooij, Françoise Grossetête, Esther De Lange, Christofer Fjellner, Robert Sturdy, Neil Parish, Gunnar Hökmark, Charlotte Cederschiöld, Ivo Strejček, Anja Weisgerber, Hartmut Nassauer, Anna Ibrisagic, Jan Březina, Angelika Niebler, Markus Ferber, Othmar Karas, Struan Stevenson, Joseph Daul, Piia-Noora Kauppi, Werner Langen, Jacques Toubon, Markus Pieper, Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Béla Glattfelder, Reimer Böge, Etelka Barsi-Pataky, Karl-Heinz Florenz, Michl Ebner, Johannes Blokland, Thijs Berman, Renate Sommer, Peter Liese, Jan Mulder, Giles Chichester, James Elles and Thomas Ulmer Amendment 87 Draft legislative resolution The European Parliament rejects the Commission proposal. Or. de Justification The proposal violates the subsidiarity principle and would involve a disproportionate amount of red tape. In addition, it takes no account of measures implemented under existing European law. There is no demarcation between this proposal and existing EU law. Measures AM\685115EN.doc PE 390.761v03-00 EN EN already authorised under European law are criticised on the grounds that they would lead to soil degradation. In addition, the proposal provides for a harmonisation of risk assessment in connection with soil contamination with no Parliament involvement. (Schnellhardt and others) The directive breaches agreements laid down in the Treaties and restricts the Member States' right to take action under the subsidiarity principle.
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