

Hello QUOTE lovers, this site is people freindly and I am searching for thought provoking or satirical quotes to add to my collection. If I have missed your favourite quote in my collection then just email me your suggestion, I will screen it to see if the said material can put a smile on someones face. These are my simple rules for this open site. I welcome your suggestions of people from the past and their quote should not exceed three lines as it then becomes tedious to read, must touch you profoundly or, be filled with satirical humor. It is of utmost importance to raise the vibration of our world. Some call it ‘escapeism’. In memory of Carl Sagan [email protected] *Some are written in an additional French and Chinese just for fun ;) All products are made in Canada. One glance at a book and you hear the VOICE of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. L'un d'œil à un livre et vous entendez la voix d'une autre personne, peut- être que quelqu'un mort depuis 1 000 ans. À lire est de voyage dans le temps. 一看了一本書, 你會聽到另一人的聲音, 或許有些人死去 1000 年. 閱讀是航程 時間. 透過. Carl Edward Sagan Astronomer Nov 9, 1934 - Dec 20, 1996 VOICES voyage through time ~the Best of Priceless Gems~ Email:[email protected] voicesvoyagethroughtime.com *Historic Names* *Aristotle*Alexander Graham BELL*Elizabeth BOWEN*Joyce BROTHERS*Pearl Sydenstricker BUCK*Dale Breckenridge CARNEGIE*Eddie CANTOR**Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" CHANEL *Arthur Charles CLARK*Leonard Norman COHEN*CONFUCIOUS*Mary Lou COOK *Stephen Richards COVEY*Bette DAVIS*Leonardo Da VINCI*James DEAN*Kirk DOUGLAS*Edna FERBER*Henry FORD*Annelies Marie FRANK*Indira Priyadarshini GANDHI*Martha Ellis GELLHORN*Lillian GISH*Rosemary Ellen GUILEY*Louise Lynn HAY*Ernest Miller HEMINGWAY*Audrey HEPBURN**JESUS*Abdul KALAM**Elizabeth KUBLER-Ross*Ann LANDERS*Dorothea LANGE*Rosamond LEHMANN**Golda MEIR*Toni MORRISON*Friedrich Wilhelm NIETZCHIE*Ayn RAND*Sylvia PLATH*Carl Edward SAGAN*Betty SMITH*Angela THIRKELL*Eudora Alice WELTY*Émile ZOLA.

Bright blue background magnets [4x7]; ESL tutorial*flash cards*school busses*school lockers, home or business; coffee mugs or T-shirts etc. VOICES voyage through time ~the Best of Priceless Gems~ 780*399*0134 Email:[email protected] www. voicesvoyagethroughtime.com