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Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION


Signed :

Date : November22nd, 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION














Signed :

Date : November22nd, 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

First of all, I would like to say thanks and praise Jesus Christ for blessing me abundantly and give me strength during the time of doing and finishing this thesis of mine.

My very special gratitude is my beloved parents, my father Lesma

Sinulingga, he is the best man ever in my life and always cares about everything I need, and my mother Adelina Ginting, the best woman ever in my life, she always keep supporting me and listen to my sad or happy story in writing and finishing this thesis. The warmest thanks are also devoted to my brother Almanda Pratama

Sinulingga and my sister-in-law Yan Christin Ibrena, thank you for keep supporting me and all your prayers, and I want to thanks to my other families, I cannot mention them one by one, but I want to say thank you very much for your loves, supports and prays for me.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Deliana, M.Hum as my supervisor and as the Head of English Department for her knowledge, patience, and support for me to write and finish this thesis. Also, I would like to thank Drs. M.

Syafi’ie Siregar, M.A as my co-supervisor for his kindness to help me in writing this thesis.

My gratitude also goes to the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah

Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D, and all of the lecturers and the staffs of English Department for the facilities and opportunities given to me during my study in this faculty.

I want to thank my “Lapo Tuak” as my crazy also stupid and creative friends at the same time, Agung Perdana Putra (app), Andre Fachrozi (babe), Daniel

Morrism (apara), Darryl Ivan (kolep kopyor), Randy Siregar (opung),Dodi Arya

Universitas Sumatera Utara (doday), Hendrikson Manurung (icon), Fadli Barus (komting legend), M. Ridha

(tamiya), Joe Juntak (kimpau), Prayer Jonathan Agung Sigumonrong (kakek sugiono), Dannish (wibu), Kassandra (yommy) , Rezy (big Zi), Daud (uud), thank you for all your foolishness and all the story we had together so I can stay in this

English Literature Department. You’re all like my second family and I feel so happy when we did some stupid things.

The special thanks given to Jessica Christie as my beloved girl, thank you for your support, prayers, and help me to write this thesis and always accompany me in bad and good time. I do not know what to do if you were not here, and I really thanks to your fussy so I am not a lazy person to finish this thesis. I am really happy when I am with you, I feel your warmest hug and it always help me to finish this thesis. I hope you can finish your study too in time and we can build our future together.

November 22nd 2017

Amsaldi Wahyu Kristian Sinulingga

Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This study entitled “The Analysis of Endocentric and Exocentric Phrase in Jakarta Post Newspaper” is a linguistics study viewed from syntax. In this study the object that the researcher analyzed is the endocentric and exocentric phrase that are found in the Jakarta Post Newspaper. The Jakarta Post newspaper as the data of this study is collected from 21st to 28th February 2017. The theory supporting in this study is taken from Cook and Hockett theory. Based on those theories, the endocentric phrase can be divided into two parts those are multiple head, and modifier head phrase. The multiple head phrase can be divided into two parts those are coordinated and appositive phrase. The exocentric phrase also known preposition phrase. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out endocentric and exocentric phrases that are found in the selected articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper, (2) to find out the dominants phrase in the chosen articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper. This study structured as the field research using descriptive qualitative method. The result of this analysis is found that the modifier head phrase with the percentage 63,93% (verb phrase 36,02%, noun phrase 13,66%, adjective phrase 2,79%, and adverb phrase 13,35%) the second is preposition phrase with the percentage 37,09%, and the third is multiple head phrase with the percentage 13,02% (coordinated verb phrase 2,46%, coordinated noun phrase 5,63%, coordinated adjective phrase 0,35%, coordinated adverb phrase 0,35% and appositive phrase 4,22%)

Keywords : Endocentric and exocentric phrase, descriptive qualitative method

Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul “The Analysis of Endocentric and Exocentric in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” merupakan sebuah kajian linguistic dari sudut pandang sintaksis.Dalam skripsi ini objek yang dianalisis adalah frasa endosentris dan eksosentris yang teradapat dalam koran Jakarta Post. Koran Jakarta Post sebagai data dalam skripsi ini diambil dari tanggal 21 sampai 29 Februari 2017.Teori yang mendukung skripsi ini diambil dari teori Cook dan Hockett.Berdasarkan teori-toeri tersebut, frasa endosentris dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu frasa beraneka hulu dan frasa modifikatif.Frasa beraneka hulu dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu frasa koordinatif dan frasa apositif.Frasa eksosentris dikenal juga sebagai frasa preposisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui frasa endosentris dan eksosentris yang teradapat dalam artikel yang terpilih dari koran Jakarta Post. (2) untuk mengetahui frasa-frasa dominan dalam artikel yang terpilh dari koran Jakarta Post. Skripsi ini disusun sebagai penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa untuk frasa bernaka hulu dengan persentase 63,93% (frasa kata kerja 36,02%, frasa nomina 13,66%, frasa kata sifat 2,79%, dan frasa adverbia 13,35%) yang kedua adalah frasa preposisi dengan persentase 37,09%, dan yang ketiga adalah frasa beraneka hulu dengan persentase 13,02% (frasa kooridantif kata kerja 2,46%, frasa koordinatif nomina 5,63%, frasa koordinatif kata sifat 0,35%, frasa koordinatif adverbia 0,35% dan frasa appositif 4,22%)

Kata Kunci :Frasa endosentris dan eksosentris, deskriptif kualitatif

Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS




ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... x



1.1. Background of the Study ...... 1

1.2. Problem of the Study ...... 3

1.3. Objective of the Study ...... 4

1.4. Scope of the Study ...... 4

1.5. Significances of the Study ...... 4


2.1 Syntax ...... 6

2.1.1 Clause ...... 6

2.1.2 Phrase ...... 7

2.2 Endocentric and Exocentric Phrase ...... 8

2.2.1 Endocentric Phrase ...... 9 Multiple Head Phrase ...... 10 Modifier Head Phrase ...... 12

2.2.2 Exocentric Phrase ...... 13 Preposition Phrase ...... 14

2.3 Relevant Studies ...... 15

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY

3.1 Research Design ...... 18

3.2 Data Collecting Method ...... 18

3.3 Data and Data Sources ...... 18

3.4 Data Analysis ...... 19


4.1 Research Findings ...... 20

4.2 Headline ...... 20

4.2.1 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 21st February

2017 ...... 20

4.2.2 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 22nd February

2017 ...... 34

4.2.3 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 23rd February

2017 ...... 46

4.2.4 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 24th February

2017 ...... 57

4.2.5 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 25th February

2017 ...... 69

4.2.6 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 26th February

2017 ...... 76

4.2.7 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 28th

February2017 ...... 85

4.3 City ...... 92

4.3.1 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 21st February

2017 ...... 92

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.3.2 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 22nd February

2017 ...... 97

4.3.4 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 23rd February

2017 ...... 102

4.3.5 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 24th February

2017 ...... 108

4.3.6 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 25th

February2017 ...... 114

4.3.7 The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 28th February

2017 ...... 125

4.4 Research Analysis ...... 129


5.1 Conclusion ...... 137

5.2 Suggestion ...... 137

REFERENCE ...... 139

APPENDIX ...... 140

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1 Background of the Study

Language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar, or the system of communication used by people.

According to Charles F. Hockett in “A Course in Modern Linguistics” (1989:7) language is not used just to make assertions of fact. It is used for lies as well as truth, for nonsense as well as for sense, for persuasion as well as for instruction, for entertainment as well as for business, for making war as well as for making love. Language is broad and deep as the whole fabric of human existence.

In conveying thoughts, feelings, wills, someone usually used a sentence. In linguistics, sentences are studied in the science of syntax. The syntax is the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language or the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases arranged from words. According to

Chomsky in Syntactic Structure (2002:11) “syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular language.”

Furthermore, a sentence is a group of words, usually containing the verb that expresses a thought in the form of a statement, question, instruction, or exclamation. Referring to Charles F. Hockett (1989:199) “a sentence is a grammatical form which is not in construction with any other grammatical form.”

In linguistics, sentences are also known as clauses. Clause can be distinguished in two parts; those are independent clause and dependent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a sentence: it has a subject, a verb, and it is a complete thought. While, a dependent clause is a group of words that also consists of a subject and a verb, but it is not a complete thought.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Because it is not a complete thought, a dependent clause cannot stand on its own as a sentence. The dependent clause is also known as a phrase because it only has meaning if it attached to an independent clause to form a sentence.

A phrase is a syntactic structure that consists of more than one word but lacks the subject-predicate organization of clause. From this definition it can be concluded that the phrase contained in the sentence.

The phrase can be analyzed with grammatical structure / morphologically or syntactically. This research discusses phrases in syntactic. The phrases that were selected are endocentric and exocentric phrase.

The endocentric and exocentric phrase are interesting to discuss because they are in the sentence. The endocentric and exocentric phrase that contained in the sentence will be more clearly varied because in the sentence, the phrase can be distinguished.

Endocentric phrase is a headed phrase or centered phrase that the phrase has the same function as its head.

According to Cook (1969:102), endocentric constructions are centered constructions, in which the whole construction fills the same clause level slots as the head of construction, the two or more heads may be coordinated or, if they have the same external referent, may be in apposition.

These are the example of the coordinated noun phrase, the words you and I,

The old man and the sea, uncle and aunt. The other forms of the endocentric phrase will be described in the next chapter.

The exocentric phrase is a non-headed phrase or non-centered phrase.

Exocentric phrase is also called as arelater-axis phrase.

Referring to Cook (1969:93), a relater axis phrase is a structured word group with two immediate constituents, one of which is a phrase relater, and the other word or word group governed by the relater and called the axis. This construction type is exocentric because neither the relater alone, nor the axis

Universitas Sumatera Utara alone, may fill the same clause level slots as the relater-axis group. Relater is preferred to the term “preposition” because all relaters in all languages are not proposed. For English, a typical list of prepositional relaters is as follows, about, above, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind, between, by , down, during, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, out, over, through, to, under, until, up, upon, with, within, without.

In this thesis, the researcher used newspaper as the object of the analysis. The newspaper is a media that give some information by using some interesting sentences and making the reader wonder to read it. The newspaper that used as the object of the analysis is The Jakarta Post daily newspaper. The reason for choosing the Jakarta

Post newspaper as the object of the analysis is because there are endocentric and exocentric phrase inside that can help me writing this. The varied phrase is required to get a clear sentence. For example to give an explanation about the name or occupation of someone so the journalists put an appositive phrase such as “President of Indonesia Jokowi”. So the writer wants to research about kinds of endocentric and exocentric phrase that are found in the Jakarta Post newspaper.

This thesis is doneto find out how far the use of endocentric and exocentric phrases in the Jakarta Post newspaper. To solve this problem, a study that governs the grammar or the structure of words in sentences are needed, it calledas syntax.

1.2 Problem of the Study

By writing this thesis, the researcher would like to find out the solutions of the following problems:

1. What types of endocentric and exocentric phrases are found in headline and

city pages of The Jakarta Post Newspaper?

2. What are the most dominant phrases found in the headline and city pages of

The Jakarta Post Newspaper?

Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives of the analysis are:

1. To find out endocentric and exocentric phrases that are found in the selected

pages of The Jakarta Post newspaper

2. To find out dominants phrase in the chosen articles of The Jakarta Post


1.4 Scope of Study

The discussion in this thesis is to describe phrases that are found in the

Jakarta Post newspaper. The phrases that are discussed in this thesis are endocentric and exocentric phrase in headlines and city pages. The selected newspapers are started from 21st until 28th February 2017. The researcher only describes the categories of phrases from The Jakarta Post newspaper. These categories will be described in and analyzed in the next chapter. In this thesis, the researcher only wants to show the categories that are found inThe Jakarta Post Newspaper but does not to show the function.

1.5 Significances of The Study

The significances of the study can bedivide into two as the following

a. Theoretical

This study is useful for studying endocentric and exocentric phrase.Both

of thesephrases can be studied through the grammatical structure,

morphologically, and syntactically.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

b. Practical

This analysis is useful for the readers to make easier to understand about

the phrases that are found in the text or discourse and can be advantageous.

Especially to the students of English Department who are interested in studying

or research about phrases. Further, this analysis can help the students to

understand much more about phrases, the structure of the phrase, and the

category of phrases. It is also expected that there would be some people who

would like to develop the analysis of the phrases.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1 Syntax

Syntax is the study of the structure of phrase or clauses and the rules governing how words are combined to form phrases or clauses.

Matthews in Robert D. Valin. JR (2001:1) “An Introduction In Syntax “book state that the term of syntax is from Ancient Greeks syntaxis, a verbal noun which literally means ‘arrangement’ or ‘setting out together’. Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar dealing with the ways in which words, with or without appropriate inflections, are arranged to show connection of meaning within the sentence.

Syntax deals with how sentences are constructed and users of human languages employ a striking variety of possible arrangements of elements in sentences. In other words, syntax is the study of phrases and clauses.

2.1.1 Clause

Cook (1971:65) states that “a clause is a group of words that forms part of sentence and that contains a subject and a predicate. Based on the distribution of the unit, the clause can be classified into two parts; those are dependent clause and independent clause.” An independent clause is complete in itself; it can stand alone as a simple sentence. Independent clauses are such clauses the effective root nodes of which are not dependent on any part of any other clause. The dependent clause is necessarily related to an independent clause and dependent clause always started by a conjunction. Dependent clauses are such clauses the effective root nodes of which are dependent on a part of another clause.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.1.2 Phrase

According to the title of this thesis, the theory on which this research is based is phrase. A Phrase is a sequence of words or a group of words arranged in a grammatical construction, and functions as a unit in a sentence. In the Oxford

Dictionary, a phrase is a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause. The phrase can be distinguished in two parts that are: endocentric and exocentric phrase. Elson and Pickett in Cook

(1969:91) state that phrase is defined as a unit composed of two or more words potentially, which does not have the characteristics of a clause, and typically, but not always, fills slots on the clause level. According to Cook there are three characteristics of a phrase that are:

1. Phrase typically fills slots on the clause level. In typical mapping of lower

level constructions into higher, words combine to form phrases, and phrases

combine to fill clauses. The phrase is discovered at the clause level as a

functioning unit, and is analyzed into constituent parts at the phrase level.

The clause level slot is filled either by words or by word groups; if the group

is not an embedded clause, then the word group is a phrases

2. Phrases do not have the characteristics of a clause. Functioning word groups

may be clauses or phrases. Clauses are recognized as having one and only

one predicate. All other word groups are phrases. Even the verb phrase,

which fills the predicate slot, is distinguished from clause, and has its own

internal unity, although the same word group may be phrase, clause, and

with intonation, sentence.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Phrases consist potentially of two or more words. The phrase is a potential

word group. It is not obligatory complex. The phrase symbol signifies both

the head word in isolation and the head word with modifiers.

The phrase types of traditional grammar organized systematically according to formal features as exocentric and endocentric structures.

2.2. Endocentric and Exocentric Phrase

Referring to Hockett (1989:183) in his book A Course in Modern Linguistics state that the sentence The old dog lay in the corner contains two composite forms, old | dog and lay | in the corner, built by different construction but nevertheless showing certain similarities. In terms of meaning, an old dog is one kind of dog, and lying in the corner is one kind of lying. In each case, then, one of the immediate constituent’s modifies the meaning of the other. This is not true of all composite forms. Men and women, with immediate constituent’s men and women, refers neither to one kind of men nor to one kind of women; visit Bill refers neither to one kind of visiting nor to one kind of Bill.

If a constitute built by one construction (say construction A) and a constitute built by another (say B) show a certain similarity, then another pair of constitutes, one built by A and one by B, show the same similarity. A construction-type is a group of construction which are similar in some specified way. Old | dog and lay | in the corner are built by different constructions, but the constructions are of the same type in that both involve the modification of one IC by the other.

The complete specification of a construction involves (1) designation of the form-class from which each constituent is selected, and (2) designation of the form-class to which the resulting constitutebelongs. Thus the construction of old dog may be described (1) as involving a descriptive adjective (new, old, young, big, friendly, etc) as first immediate constituent and a singular noun (dog, cat, boy, table, etc) as second; and (2) as yielding a constitute which also belong to the class of singular nouns. A form-class, in its turn is defined in terms of a range of privileges of occurrence in larger forms. A form-class, in its turn, is defined in terms of a range of privileges of occurrence in larger forms.

Endocentric and exocentric phrase are a combination of two or more words but lacks of organization of clause. However, these two forms can fill the clause

Universitas Sumatera Utara level slots. According to the definition above, Cook (1969:90) made a phrase level analysis. The following is the table of the phrase level analysis

PHRASE LEVEL ANALYSIS According According to the According to the Internal Structure to the Type Type of Structure of Grouping

Exocentric Phrase Preposition

Coordinate Phrase Noun similar phrases, Verb different referents Adjective Adverb Phrase as a Endocentric Phrase Structured Multiple Head Word Group Appositive

1. Noun Phrase (N) with noun head Endocentric Phrase 2. Verb Phrase (V) with verb head Modifier head 3. Adjective Phrase (Adj) with adjective head 4. Adverb Phrase (Adv) with adverb head

2.2.1. Endocentric Phrase

According to Cook (1969:92) Endocentric constructions are centered constructions, in which the whole construction fills the same clause level slots as the head of construction, the two or more heads may be coordinated or, if they have the same external referent, may be in apposition.

Further, Hockett (1989:184) state that any construction which shows the property is endocentric. The constituent whose privileges of occurrence is the head or center; the other constituent is the attribute. In old dog, oldis attribute and dog is head. In lay in the corner, lay is head and in the corner is attribute. In men and women both ICs are heads and there is no attribute. An endocentric construction involving an attribute is attributive or subordinate; one with no attribute is coordinate.

Based on structure type endocentric phrase can be distinguished as:

1. Multiple head phrase

2. Modifier head phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara Multiple Head Phrase

Multiple head phrases are defined as structured word groups which contain more than one head. The heads of constructions may be single words, or they may be subordinate phrases. If the two heads have the same referent, the construction is appositive; if the two heads have not the same referent, the construction is strcictly coordinate. Based on internal structure, multiple head phrase can be distinguished as:

a. Coordinative phrase

b. Appositive phrase a. Coordinate Phrase

Coordinatephrases are the multiple head phrases, generally joined by a connector, in which the heads of construction have different external referents. Heads of construction belong to the same function and individually fill the same slots as the whole construction.

(1) Coordinated noun phrase

Noun coordinative phrase is the conjoining of two or more phrases of the nominal type. These include noun, noun substitutes, and phrases with nouns as head.

For example:

He and I knew the truth

Jack and Jill went to the hill

Neither food nor money was available

Quick payment or satisfaction was needed

Universitas Sumatera Utara (2) Coordinate verb phrase

Verb coordinative phrase is the conjoining of two or move verb forms, whether these are main verbs, participles, or auxiliaries. For example:

They were dancing and singing

He could and should pay the bill

We were reading writing at school

The children were swimming and diving

(3) Coordinate adjective phrase

Adjective coordinative phrase is the conjoining of two or more phrases or words of the adjectival type. For example:

She is young and very pretty

He is strong and handsome

There were three or four red flowers

(4) Coordinate adverb phrase

Adverb coordinative phrase is the conjoining of two or more phrases or words of the adverbial type. These include both single adverbs and intensified or other relater-axis adverbial phrases. The adverbial must fill the same function as temporal, locational, manner, instrumental, and so on. for example:

She drove the car slowly and with caution

The wind blows calmly and freshly

Hespeaksloudly and clearly

Universitas Sumatera Utara b. Appositive Phrase

Appositive phrases are multiple head phrases, in which the two heads have the same extralinguistic referent, and are not joined by member of the connector class. Example:

Maggie, the girl on the street

Tony, the barber

Jokowi, the president Modifier Head Phrase

Modifier phrase is phrase that contains only one head. Based on internal structure, modifier phrase can be distinguished as: a. Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase is a head-modifier phrase with a noun as the head, example:

Handsome boy

Fresh water

Long story

Beautiful lady

Old man

b. Verb Phrase

Verb Phrase is a head-modifier phrase with a verb as head, example:

He should buy a book

She can do it

They may go now

Everybody must leave the place

Universitas Sumatera Utara

c. Adjective Phrase

Adjective Phrase is a head-modifier phrase with an adjective as head, example:

He is quite strong

The plan sounds very interesting

The class is very comfortable

The boy seems very kind d. Adverb Phrase

Adverb Phrase is a head-modifier phrase with an adverb as the head, example:

She worked very quickly

He talked very rare

He works rather successfully

He drives very slowly

2.2.2. Exocentric Phrase

Exocentric Phrase is also known as relater-axis phrase or relational phrase.

In Cook (1969:93) exocentric phrase is a structured word group with two immediate constituents, one of which is a phrase relater, and the other word or word group governed by the relater and called the axis. This construction type is exocentric because neither the relater alone, nor the axis alone, may fill the same clause level slots as the relater-axis group. Relater is preferred to the term “preposition” because all relaters in all languages are not proposed. For English, a typical list of prepositional relaters is as follows, about, above, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind, between, by , down, during, for, from, in, into, of, off, on, out, over, through, to, under, until, up, upon, with, within, without.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

From the definition above, the exocentric phrase is a phrase that is partially or completely do not have same behavior as all its component, either the relater or the axis. In other words, the relater in exocentric phrase is known as the preposition phrase. Preposition Phrase

Preposition phrase has two components that the first component is a relater and the second component is a noun and if one of its components omitted it will cause the phrase become incorrect or has no meaning. Example, the phrases “to the market” which is contain the component “to” and “the market”. Overall, these phrases can be occupying the adverb function, example in the sentence:

Mother goes to the market

The components between “to” and “the market” cannot be separating in sentence because the construction has no meaning, example:

Mother goes to (no meaning)

Mother goes the market (no meaning)

Based on the typical list on preposition phrase that already mentioned above will be given an example in the sentence:

The students study at school

She travels by bus

I buy a cake for my mother

He came from Bandung

She lives in London

Marry hide behind the door

Universitas Sumatera Utara Jack told me about Indonesia

She enters the main hall through the entrance

They come here after lunch

I saw flames over Berlin

2.3 Relevant Studies

In writing this study and doing the research, the writer use some references from various sources based on some books, e-book, and internet to support the writer’s study. In supporting the ideas of this study, some relevant thesis and research has been collected to supply relevant information to the topic, as follows:

Dwais Kurny from Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang University (2017) in

Analisis Frasa Endosentris dan Frasa Eksosentris dalam Kumpulan Puisi “Malu

Aku Jadi Orang Indonesia” Karya Taufiq Ismail.The result of the research is to describe the use of endocentric and exocentric phrases in a collection of poems

“Malu (Aku) Jadi Orang Indonesia” by Taufiq Ismail. This research method using descriptive qualitative method because these methods do not use numbers as a reference, the data collection technique, is interviews and field notes. In this study, researchers used library technique, read, and notes technique that uses the written sources to obtain data. Written sources mentioned here is the text in poetry collection book “Malu (Aku) Jadi Orang Indonesia” by Taufiq Ismail.Based on the result of the research the writer gets contributions like the definition of endocentric and exocentric phrase and also the writer gets an illustration in using percentage to count on the results of the endocentric and exocentric phrase.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Vilvi Melina from University of Sumatera Utara (2016) in An Analysis Verb

Phrase Used in Seleected Politic Articles of Jakarta Post. The result of this research is to describe the three verb phrase structures in sentences that are found in the

Jakarta Post. The author also uses the method of descriptive quantitative to get the most dominant verb phrase in political article. Based on the result of the research the writer gets contribution in finding the verb phrase in the Jakarta Post newspaper.

Mu’Allimatin Najihah from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (2015) in Frase Eksosentris Dalam Novel Sebelas Patriot Karya Andrea Hinata.The result of the research is to describe: (1) the prepositional and nondirective phrase form in the novel Sebelas Patriot by Andrea Hirata, (2) describes the pattern of prepositional and exocentric phrases non-directive in novel Sebelas Patriot by Andrea Hirata. This type of research is qualitative. The object studied in this research is the exocentric phrase In Elita Patriot's novel by Andrea Hirata. Based on the result the writer gets contribution in finding the definition and the data of exocentric phrase.

Roni Abraham Simangunsong from University of Sumatera Utara (2015) in

An Analysis of Verb Phrase Found in the Selected Articles of Tempo Magazine. The result of the research isdiscusses about the using of 3 verb phrase structure in sentences that found in four articles of Tempo magazine. The writer applies the literature studies by collecting books, and reading some thesis that relate to this research. The writer also uses the method of "quantitative descriptive" in analyzing the data. The writer discover, classify and quantify data to determine the structure of the verb phrase what is most often used in the writing political articles in the magazine Tempo. Based on the result the writer gets contribution in finding the verb phrase.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Riska Febrina Putri from (2010)in Frase Endosentris

Dalam Harian Media Indonesia Kolom Editorial.The result of the research of this study is to describe the type of endocentric phrase contained in the daily Media

Indonesia Editorial column and describe the constructs of endocentric phrases contained in the daily Media Indonesia Editorial column. In this study used three stages of research, namely the stage of data provision, data analysis phase, and presentation stage of data analysis results. Based on this result of the research the writer gets contribution of finding the definition and the data of endocentric phrase.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1 Research Design

This Study will be done by using descriptive qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is defined as a description of observation which is not ordinarily expressed in quantitative terms. It is not suggested the numerical measures are never used, but other of description is emphasized. This method only performs the more basic accumulative data. Therefore, descriptive design is a research design which is intended only to describe the variable.In this thesis, the researcher apply the library research to get supporting information related to the topic of the analysis.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

The data are collected from The Jakarta Post Newspaper. In reference to the data, the source of data is focused on sentences that have endocentric and exocentric phrase in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. The object of this research is the headline and the city pages. The researcher took seven date dailies newspaper from The Jakarta

Post, the researcher choose date of the newspaper from 21st – 28th February 2017.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The data was taken by using Purposive sampling method. According to

Nawawi (1991:157) in this technique, sampling is adjusted with the purpose of the research. In other word, sample is adjusted with the certain criteria, which is decided based on the purpose of the research as Nawawi (1991:157) says,

“Purposive sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan penelitian. Ukuran sampel the tidak dipersoalkan sebagaimana di dalam accidental sampling. pembatasan sampel hanya mengambil unit sampling yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian.” (Purposive sampling is a technique of taking the sample which is suitable to the purpose

Universitas Sumatera Utara of research. The count of the sample is no problem as in acccidental sampling. The scope of the sample only take the unit of sample that is appropriate to the purpose of research.)

It took the phrases which were taken from the Jakarta Post newspaper. The

Jakarta Post newspaper is taken and then read and determined the phrases in the headline and city pages.

3.4 Data Analysis

The process of analyzing the data, it will be done in group. First of all, the whole data from the newspapers will be divided. Then, the data will be grouped according to the kinds of each phrase. For example, the first term is about the endocentric phrase, so the researcher will collect all the examples of endocentric phrase from all the data and put them in a group. The same thing will be done for the other phrases.

The procedures of analyzing the data based on the following steps:

1. Identifying the types of endocentric and exocentric phrases which are

used in The Jakarta Post newspaper

2. Classifying the types endocentric and exocentric of the phrases that used

in The Jakarta Post newspaper

3. Finding out the type of endocentric and exocentric phrases which is

dominantly used in The Jakarta Post newspaper by using formula

X = x 100% 𝐹𝐹 𝑁𝑁 In which

X = the percentage of the items

F = Frequency

N = the total number of the items

Universitas Sumatera Utara



4.1 Research Analysis

The data which will be analyzed are taken from the selected page of The

Jakarta Post Newspaper in 21st –28th February 2017. There are two articles chosen in doing the analysis. They are headline article and city article. The result of this analysis is classified according to endocentric and exocentric phrase.

4.2 Headline

4.2.1 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 21st February 2017

Freeport seeks settlement’s topic:

- Despite a prolonged tussle with the government over its future operations in

Indonesia, US mining giant Freeport McMoRan still expects to resolve the

impasse in negotiations through a non-arbitration settlement. (page 1, column

1, parargraph 1)

1. Despite a prolonged tussle (preposition phrase)

2. With the government (preposition phrase)

3. Over its future operations (preposition phrase)

4. In Indonesia (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. US mining giant Freeport McMoRan (noun phrase)

6. Still expects (verb phrase)

7. To resolve (verb phrase)

8. In negotiations (preposition phrase)

9. Through a non-aribtration settlement (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - As the dispute intensifies, Freeport has expressed its hope of reaching a win-

win solution with the government during the sttlement period of 120 days

according to its contract of work (CoW) as the Grasberg mine is too precious

for either party to neglect. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. As the dispute intensifies (preposition phrase)

2. Has expressed (verb phrase)

3. Its hope (verb phrase)

4. Of reaching (verb phrase)

5. A win-win solution (noun phrase)

6. With the government (preposition phrase)

7. During the settlement period (preposition phrase)

8. Of 120 days (preposition phrase)

9. According to its contract of work (preposition phrase)

10. As the Grasberg mine (preposition phrase)

11. Too precious (adjective phrase)

12. For either party (preposition phrase)

13. To neglect (verb phrase)

- Located in Mimika regency, in Inodnesia’s easternmost province of Papua,

the Grasberg mine is the world’s biggest gold mine and second largest copper

mine. The company has operated it for five decades. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 3)

1. Located in Mimika regency (adverb phrase)

2. In Indonesia’s easternmost province of Papua (preposition phrase / adverb


3. The Grasberg mine (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. The world’s biggest gold mine and second largest copper mine (coordinated

adjective phrase)

5. Has operated it (verb phrase)

6. For five decades (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- “Based on the counsel of our external lawyer in Indonesia and our

internatonal lawyer as well, Freeport’s contract of work should remain in

place,” Adkerson said. “Indoensian law and international law provide that the

contract of work can’t be changed or terminated unilaterally, even by a

government regulation.” (page 1, column 2, paragraph 4)

1. Based on the counsel of our external lawyer in Indonesia and our

international lawyer as well (preposition phrase)

2. Freeport’s contract of work (noun phrase)

3. Should remain (verb phrase)

4. In place (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Indoensian law and international law (coordinated noun phrase)

6. Proivde that the contract of work can’t be changed or terminated unilaterally

(coordinated verb phrase)

7. Even by a govenment regulation (preposition phrase)

- With the resignation of Chappy Hakim as Freeport Indonesia’s president

director last Saturday, allegedly because of his opposition to the arbitration

the negotiations will be led by Adkerson. (page 1, column 2, paragprah 5)

1. With the resignation (preposition phrase)

2. Of Chapppy Hakim (preposition phrase)

3. As Freeport Indonesia’s president director (preposition phrase)

4. Last Saturday (adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Of his opposition (preposition phrase)

6. To the arbitration (preposition phrase)

7. By adkerson (preposition phrase)

- Chappy, a retired air chief marshal who served for only three months in the

president director role, is the second Indonesian, to have held the company’s

top position after Maroef Sjamsoeddin, a former State Intelligence Agency

(BIN) deputy head, who stepped down in early 2016 after one year, following

a recording scandal involving a lawmaker. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. Chappy, a retired air chief marshal (Apposition phrase)

2. For only three months (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. In the president director role (preposition phrase)

4. Second Indonesian (noun phrase)

5. To have held the company’s top position (verb phrase)

6. After Maroef Sjamsoeddin (preposition phrase)

7. A former State Intelligance Agency (BIN) deputy head (noun phrase)

8. Stepped down (verb phrase)

9. In early 2016 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

10. After one year (preposition phrase)

11. Following a recording scandal (noun phrase)

12. Involving a lawmaker (verb phrase)

- Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan acknowledged that

one of several possibilites was for Freeport to take the case to international

arbitration. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 2).

1. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasious Jonan (apposition phrase)

2. Aknowledged that one of several possibilities (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. For Freeport (preposition phrase)

4. To take the chase (verb phrase)

5. To international arbitration (preposition phrase)

- Illustrating the challanges of international arbitration, it previously took four

years, from 2012 to 2016 for Indonesia to win a case against London-listed

miner Churchill Mining Plc. At the International Center for the Settlement of

Investment Disputes (ICSID) over a coal-mining permit revocation matter in

East Kalimantan. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 4)

1. Illustrating the challanges (verb phrase)

2. Of international arbitration (preposition phrase)

3. Took four years (verb phrase)

4. From 2012 to 2016 (preposition phrase)

5. For Indonesia (preposition phrase)

6. To win a case (verb phrase)

7. Against London-listed miner Churchill Mining Plc. (preposition phrase)

8. At the International Center (adverb phrase)

9. For the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (preposition phrase)

10. Over a coal-mining (prepositon phrase)

11. Permit revocation matter (noun phrase)

12. In East Kalimantan (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The dispute is also taking place in the wake of several issues surrounding the

company’s operations at Grasberg. A rulling by the tax court stipulated that

the firm needed to pay US $469 million in water taxes and penalties to the

Papua administration for water used between 2011 and 2015. (page 1, column

4, paragraph 5)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Taking place (verb phrase)

2. In the wake of several issues (preposition phrase)

3. Surrounding the company’s operation (noun phrase)

4. At Grasbeg (prepositon phrase / adverb phrase)

5. By the tax court (prepositon phrase)

6. To pay (verb phrase)

7. In water taxes and penalties (preposition phrase)

8. To the Papua administration (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

9. For water used (preposition phrase)

10. Between 2011 and 2015 (preposition phrase)

- Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) head Thomas Lembong said

separately that the possibility of Freeport’s move to international arbitration

would not have significant impacts on the country’s investment climate,

including US investors. Many investors have good experiences investing in

the country, such as in the banking or property sectors. (page 1, column 5,

paragraph 2)

1. Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) head Thomas Lembong (Apposition


2. The possibility of Freeport’s (noun phrase)

3. Move to international arbitration (verb phrase)

4. Significant impacts (noun phrase)

5. On the country’s investment climate (preposition phrase)

6. Including US investors (preposistion phrase)

7. Many investors (noun phrase)

8. Good experiences (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 9. Investing in the country (verb phrase)

10. In the banking or property sectors (preposition phrase)

Irman Gusman found guilty of bribery, gets 4.5 years topic:

- Once an active anticorruption campaigner who endorsed the death penalty for

corrupt officials, former Regional Representatives Council (DPD) speaker

Irman Gusman has been convicted of the very thing he campaigned against.

(page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Anticorruption campaigner (noun phrase)

2. Death penalty (noun phrase)

3. For corrupt officials (preposition phrase)

4. Former Regional Representatives Council (DPD) speaker Irman Gusman

(appositive phrase)

5. Has been convicted (verb phrase)

6. Of the very thing he campaigned against (preposition phrase)

- The Jakarta Corruption Court on Monday sentenced him to four-and-a-half

years in prison for influence peddling when lobbying the state Logistics

Agency (Bulog) to grant sugar importer CV Semesta Berjaya an import quota

for 3.000 tons. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The Jakarta Corruption Court (noun phrase)

2. On Monday (adverb phrase / preposition phrase)

3. Sentenced him to four-and-a-half years (verb phrase)

4. In prison (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. For influence peddling (preposition phrase)

6. Lobbying the state Logistics Agency (Bulog) (verb phrase)

7. To grant sugar importer CV Semesta Berjaya (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 8. An import quota for 3.000 tons (noun phrase)

- Irman’s once bright political career has been devastated, as the judges ruled

to temporarily revoke his political rights (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Bright political career (noun phrase)

2. Has been devastated (verb phrase)

3. As the judges (preposition phrase)

4. Ruled to temporarily revoke (verb phrase)

5. His political rights (noun phrase)

- Irman repeatedly insisted he was innocent, saying the money was not bribe. It

was a gratuity and he was willing to report it to the KPK, he said. (page 1,

column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Repeatedly insisted (verb phrase)

2. Saying the money was not bribe (verb phrase)

3. To report it (verb phrase)

4. To the KPK (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- A state official has 30 days to report a gratuity to avoid prosecution, but the

judges maintained that the Rp 100 million was a bribe, because evidence

showed that Irman had actively demanded the money from Xaveriandy. (page

1, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. A state official (noun phrase)

2. Has 30 days (noun phrase)

3. To report a gratuity (verb phrase)

4. To avoid prosecution (preposition phrase)

5. Had actively demanded the money (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. From Xaveriandy (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The case started when Xaveriandy’s wife Memi called Irman to ask for his

help in lobbying Bulog to grant his company an import quota for 3.000 tons

of sugar. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 7)

1. The case started (verb phrase)

2. Xaveriandy’s wife Memi (apposition phrase)

3. To ask for his help (verb phrase)

4. In lobbying Bulog (verb phrase)

5. To grant his company (verb phrase)

6. An import quota (noun phrase)

7. For 3.000 tons of sugar (preposition phrase)

- Although the DPD does not have any authority to oversee Bulog, Irman

phoned Bulog chairman Djarot Kasumayakti to deliver Memi’s request.

Djarot approved Irman’s demand, and Irman later gave Memi’s phone

number to Djarot for further communication. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 8)

1. To oversee Bulog (verb phrase)

2. Bulog chairman Djarot Kasumayakti (apposition phrase)

3. To deliver Memi’s request (verb phrase)

4. Memi’s phone number (noun phrase)

5. To Djarot (preposition phrase)

6. For further communication (preposition phrase)

- Irman did not deny his guilt and said he would take it as a lesson, expressing

hope that other state officials would not follow in his footsteps of abusing

power in exchange for money. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 3)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Did not deny his guild and said he would take it as a lesson (coordinated verb


2. Expressing hope (verb phrase)

3. Other state officials (noun phrase)

4. Would not follow in his footsteps (verb phrase)

5. Of abusing power (verb phrase)

6. In exchange for money (preposition phrase)

- Irman is also well known as an initiator of an amendment in the country’s

1945 Constitution in 1999 that led to the establishment of post-reform

institutions including the DPD. (page 1, column 4, paragraph 2)

1. Well known (adjective phrase)

2. As an initiator (preposition phrase)

3. Of an amendment (preposition phrase)

4. In the country’s 1945 Constitution (preposition phrase)

5. In 1999 (preposition phrase)

6. That led to the establishment (verb phrase)

7. Of post-reform institution (preposition phrase)

8. Including the DPD (preposition phrase)

- The politician was elected DPD speaker twice, in 2009 and in

2014. He began his political career as a member of the People’s Consultative

Assembly (MPR) in 1999, the year the country was entering a reform era that

gave birth to democracy after 32 years under the authoritarian New Order

regime. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 1)

1. The West Sumatra Politician (noun phrase)

2. Was elected DPDspeaker twice (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. In 2009 and in 2014 (preposition phrase)

4. was entering a reform era (verb phrase)

5. that gave birth (verb phrase)

6. to democracy (preposition phrase)

7. after 32 years (preposition phrase)

8. under the authoritarian New Order Regime (preposition phrase)

- Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Donal Fariz said the sentence

was to lenient for Irman, given the fact that he had committed the offence

while serving as an active DPD chairman, noting that Corruption Law Article

12 stipulated a maximum sentence of 20 years for state officials accepting

bribes while in power. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 3)

1. Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Donal Fariz (apposition


2. To lenient (verb phrase)

3. For Irman (preposition phrase)

4. Given the fact (noun phrase)

5. Had committed (verb phrase)

6. While saying (verb phrase)

7. As an active DPD chairman (preposition phrase)

8. Noting that Corruption Law Article 12 (verb phrase)

9. Stipulated a maximum sentence (verb phrase)

10. Of 20 years (preposition phrase)

11. For state officials (preposition phrase)

12. Accepting bribes (verb phrase)

13. While in power (adjective phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara

City braces for another anti-Ahok street rally topic:

- Calls for the authorities to unseat and imprison Jakarta Governor Basuki

“Ahok” Tjahja Purnama for alleged blasphemy will continue on Tuesday

with Islamic groups planning to stage a rally in fornt of the House of

Represntatives on Jl. Gatot Subroto in . (page 1, column 6,

paragraph 1)

1. Calls for the authorities (verb phrase)

2. To unseat and imprison (coordinated verb phrase)

3. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Thaja Purnama (apposition phrase)

4. For alleged blasphemy (preposition phrase)

5. Will continue (verb phrase)

6. On Tuesday (adverb phrase)

7. On Jl. Gatot Subroto (adverb phrase)

8. In Central Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Representatives from various Islamic groups, including the Muslim People’s

Forum (FUI) and the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema

Council’s Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) have changed the target of their anti-ahok

protest from the government, which they deem “untrustworthy”, to the

legislative institution. (page 1, column 6 paragraph 2)

1. Representatives from various Islamic groups (noun phrase)

2. Including the Muslim People’s Forum (FUI) and the National Movement to

Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Council’s Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) (preposition


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. have changed (verb phrase)

4. of their anti-ahok protest (preposition phrase)

5. from the government (preposition phrase)

6. to the legislative (preposition phrase)

- The FUI as the initiator of the rally said more than 10.000 people would

participate on Tuesday, a number that suggest this rally may be significantly

smaller than the two held in the capital in November and December last year.

(page 1, column 6, paragraph 3)

1. The FUI as the initiator of the rally (noun phrase)

2. 10.000 people (noun phrase)

3. Would participate (verb phrase)

4. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Significantly smaller (adjective phrase)

6. In the capital (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. In November and December (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. Last Year (adverb phrase)

- Rally coordinator Bernard Abdul Jabbar said some participants had already

arrived in Jakarta on Monday, but more were expected to come from other

cities on Tuesday, before all gathering at 7 a.m. (page 1, column 6, paragraph


1. Rally coordinator Bernard Abdul Jabbar (appositive phrase)

2. Some participants (noun phrase)

3. Had already arrived (verb phrase)

4. In Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. On Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Before all gathering at 7 a.m. (preposition phrase)

- Their demands include the immediate suspension of Ahok as governor of

Jakarta over his status as a defendant in blasphemy case, as well as Ahok’s

imprisonment. The protestors have also demanded that lawmakers use their

power to force law enforcement authorities to stop legal action against leaders

of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI), including chairman Rizieq Shihab and

secretary-general Munarman. (page 1, column 6, paragraph 5)

1. Immediate suspension (noun phrase)

2. Of Ahok as (preposition phrase)

3. Over his status as a defendant in blasphemy case (preposition phrase)

4. As well as Ahok’s imprisonment (adverb phrase)

5. To force law enforcement authorities (verb phrase)

6. To stop legal action (verb phrase)

7. Against leader of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) (preposition phrase)

8. Including chairman Rizieq Shihab and secretary-general Munarman

(preposition phrase)

- Rejecting rumors that had been circulation on social media a few days earlier,

the FUI denied there were any plans to occupy the House or commit violence.

(page 1, column 6, paragraph 7)

1. Rejecting rumors (verb phrase)

2. Had been circulation (verb phrase)

3. On social media (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. a few days earlier (adverb phrase)

5. To occupy the House or commit violence (coordinated verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - The National Police, meanwhile, warned that provocative content in

cyperspace alone might trigger violence. “We have detected some activity

that might be related to provocative action and even anarchy,” National

Police spokesperson Big. Gen Boy Rafli Amar told reporters. (page 1,

column 6, paragraph 8)

1. Warned that provocative content (verb phrase)

2. In cyperspace (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Might trigger violence (noun phrase)

4. Have detected (verb phrase)

5. Some activity (noun phrase)

6. To provocative action and even anarchy (coordinated verb phrase)

7. National Police spokeperson Big. Gen Boy Rafli Amar (apposition phrase)

8. Told reporters (verb phrase)

4.2.2 The Jakarta Post date 22nd February 2017

More downpours, floods loon in Jakarta topic:

- Amid recent floods that have affected thousands of people in the capital and

claimed at least one life, Jakartans should brace for more flooding as the peak

of the rainy season has yet to end. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Amid recent floods (preposition phrase)

2. Have affected thousands of people in the capital and claimed at least one life

(coordinated verb phrase)

3. Should brace (verb phrase)

4. For more flooding (preposition phrase)

5. As the peak of rainy season (preposition phrase)

6. Has yet to end (adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has

predicted that heavy rain will continue to pour over Jakarta this month. (page

1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Has predicted (verb phrase)

2. Heavy rain (noun phrase)

3. Will continue (verb phrase)

4. To pour (verb phrase)

5. Over Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. This month (adverb phrase)

- The BMKG’s meteorology department deputy head Yunus S. Swarinoto said

on Tuesday that Jakarta and most regions across the country were seeing the

rainy season’s peak. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. The BMKG’s meteorology department deputy head Yunus S. Swarinoto

(appositive phrase)

2. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Jakarta and most regions (coordinated noun phrase)

4. Across the country (preposition phrase / adverb pharse)

5. Were seeing (verb phrase)

6. The rainy season’s peak (noun phrase)

- “Moderate and heavy rain with high intensity will still occur for the next few

days,” he said. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Moderate and heavy rain (coordinated noun phrase)

2. With high intensity (preposition phrase)

3. Will still occur (verb phrase)

4. For the next few days (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - The agency called on residents to be careful and remain alert amid the

downpours. “Heavy rain with strong wind can cause landslides […] and

inundation,” Yunus said. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 5)

1. Called on residents (verb phrase)

2. To be careful and remain alert (coordinated verb phrase)

3. Amid the downpours (preposition phrase)

4. Heavy rain (noun phrase)

5. With strong wind (preposition phrase)

6. Can cause landslides and inundation (coordinated verb phrase)

- Torrential rain over the city almost every night this week has caused several

rivers to overflow, flooding around 54 sites. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 6)

1. Torrential rain (noun phrase)

2. Over the city (preposition phrase)

3. Every night (adverb phrase)

4. This week (adverb phrase)

5. Has caused (verb phrase)

6. Several rivers (noun phrase)

7. To overflow (verb phrase)

8. Flooding around 54 sites (verb phrase)

- BPBD chief Husein Murad said the areas with the most evacuees were East

Jakarta’s Cipinang Melayu with 947 people and Rawa Terate with 800

residents. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 5)

1. BPBD chief Husein Murad (apposition phrase)

2. East Jakarta’s Cipinang Melayu with 947 and Rawa Terate with 800

residents (coordinated noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Husein said the BPBD, in cooperation with relevant agencies, such as the

social affairs agency and the fire and rescue agency, had distributed items to

evacuees (page 1, column 2, paragraph 6)

1. In cooperation (verb phrase)

2. With relevant agencies (prepostition phrase)

3. Social affairs agency and the fire and rescue agency (coordinated noun


4. Had distributed items (verb phrase)

5. To evacuees (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Railway operator PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek spokesperson Eva

Chairunisa said flooding had affected several stations, such as Tebet in South

Jakarta and Kampung Bandan in , before the water receded and

services were resumed. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 4)

1. Railway operator PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek spokesperson Eva

Chairunisa (appositive phrase)

2. Had affected (verb phrase)

3. Several stations (noun phrase)

4. Tebet in South Jakarta and Kampung Bandan in North Jakarta (coordinated

noun phrase)

5. Before the water receded services were resumed (coordinated verb phrase)

- Inundation on some roads disrupted Transjakarta operations, including

Corridor 5 serving Ancol in North Jakarta to kampung Melayu in East

Jakarta. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 5)

1. Inundation on some roads (verb phrase)

2. Disrupted Transjakarta operation (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Including Corridor 5 (preposition phrase)

4. In North Jakarta (preposition phrase)

5. To kampong Melayu (preposition phrase)

6. In East Jakarta (preposition phrase)

- The congestion and disruptions to public transportation have affected

business in centers including Glodok and Mangga Dua in Central Jakarta.

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) calculated that

around 50 percent of shops and businesses were closed. (page 1, column 3,

paragraph 6)

1. The congestion and disruption (coordinated noun phrase)

2. To public transportation (preposition phrase)

3. Have affected (verb phrase)

4. In centers (preposition phrase)

5. Including Glodok and Mangga Dua (preposition phrase)

6. In Central Jakarta (preposition phrase)

7. Around 50 percent (preposition phrase)

8. Shops and businesses (coordinated noun phrase)

9. Were closed (verb phrase)

Opposition parties push for Ahok inquiry topic:

- Four political factions at the House of Representatives will press ahead with

their proposal to launch an inquiry into the government’s decision not to

suspend Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Thahja Purnama despite his status

as a defendant. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Four political factions (preposition phrase)

2. At the House of Representatives (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Will press (verb phrase)

4. With their proposal (preposition phrase)

5. To launch (verb phrase)

6. Into the government’s decision (preposition phrase)

7. Not to suspend (verb phrase)

8. Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Thahja Purnama (appositive phrase)

9. Despite his status (preposition phrase)

10. As a defendant (prepoisiton phrase)

- The move gained momentum on Tuesday when thousands of conservative

Muslims swarmed the House’s building to demand that lawmakers push the

government to suspend the Christian governor, who is currently standing trial

for alleged blasphemy. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Gained momentum (noun phrase)

2. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Thousand of conservative Muslims (noun phrase)

4. Swarmed the House’s building (verb phrase)

5. To demand (verb phrase)

6. Push the government (verb phrase)

7. To suspend (verb phrase)

8. The Christian governor (noun phrase)

9. Standing trial (verb phrase)

10. For alleged blasphemy (preposition phrase)

- The proposal has garnered support from 93 lawmakers from the Gerinda

Party, the Prosperous Justice Party, the Democratic Party and the National

Universitas Sumatera Utara Mandate Party (PAN). PAN was the only member of the ruling coalition that

supported the initiative. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Has garnered support (verb phrase)

2. From 93 lawmakers (preposition phrase)

3. From the Gerinda Party (preposition phrase)

4. The Prosperous Justice Party (noun phrase)

5. The Democratic Party and the National Mandate Party (PAN) (coordinated

noun phrase)

6. The only member of the ruling coalition (noun phrase)

7. That supported the initiative (verb phrase)

- Led by Fadli Zon of the Gerindra Party, supporters of the inquiry are set to

present their initiative before a plenary meeting expected Thursday or Friday

this week for final approval. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Led by Fadli Zon(verb phrase)

2. Of the Gerindra Party (preposition phrase)

3. Supporters of the inquiry (noun phrase)

4. Are set (verb phrase)

5. to present (verb phrase)

6. their initiative (noun phrase)

7. before a plenary meeting expected (preposition phrase)

8. Thursday or Friday (coordinated noun phrase)

9. This week (adverb phrase)

10. For final approve (preposition phrase)

- They were of the belief that Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo violated the 2014

Law on Regional Administrations by allowing Ahok to return to work despite

Universitas Sumatera Utara his legal quagmire. The law stipulates that a regional head that has been

indicted in court for a crime carrying at least 5 years imprisonment should be

suspended. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 5)

1. Of the belief (preposition phrase)

2. Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo (appositive phrase)

3. Violated the 2014 Law (verb phrase)

4. On Regional Administrations (preposition phrase)

5. By allowing Ahok (verb phrase)

6. To work (verb phrase)

7. Despite his legal quagmire (preposition phrase)

8. Regional head (noun phrase)

9. Has been indicted (verb phrase)

10. In court (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

11. For a crime (preposition phrase)

12. At least 5 years imprisonment (preposition phrase)

13. Should be suspended (verb phrase)

- The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the Golkar Party, the

National Awakening Party (PKB), the United Develpoment Party (PPP), the

NasDem Party and the Hanura Party – have rejected the initiative, saying the

government was doing the right thing. The factions have a total of 338

lawmakers. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 4)

1. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (noun phrase)

2. The National Awakening Party (PKB) (noun phrase)

3. The United Development Party (PPP) (noun phrase)

4. The NasDem Party and the Hanura Party (coordinated noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Have rejected the initiative (verb phrase)

6. saying the government was doing the right thing (verb phrase)

7. of 338 lawmakers (preposition phrase)

- There could be swing votes from the PPP and the PKB, two parties that did

not endorse Ahok in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, analyst Lucius Karsus

from the Indonesian Parliament Watch (Formappi) said. (page 1, column 3,

paragraph 2)

1. There could be swing votes (verb phrase)

2. From the PPP and the PKB (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Two parties (noun phrase)

4. That did not endorse Ahok In the Jakarta gubernatiorial election(verb phrase)

5. Analyst Lucius Karsus (appositive phrase)

6. From the Indonesian Parliament Watch (Formappi) (preposition phrase /

adverb phrase)

- “It all depends on the skills of the progovernment parties, especially the PDI-

P and Golkar, in lobbying the PPP and the PKB. Negotiations is inevitable,

and I am sure that both the PPP and the PKB are waiting for offers.” Lucius

said. (page 1, column 4, paragraph 1)

1. It all depend on the skills of the progovenment parties (verb phrase)

2. Especially the PDI-P and Golkar (coordinated noun phrase)

3. In lobbying (verb phrase)

4. The PPP and the PKB (coordinated noun phrase)

5. Both the PPP and the PKB (coordinated noun phrase)

6. Are waiting for offers (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara President displeased with tradetopic:

- Amid three different trade ministers in the past two and a half years,

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo remains unsatisfied with the Trade

Ministry’s performance in managing complicated domestic trade. However,

no solutions seem to be in place to resolve the issue. (page 1, column 5,

paragraph 1)

1. Amid three different trade minister (preposition phrase)

2. in the past two and a half years (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (appositive phrase)

4. Remains unsatisfied (verb phrase)

5. With the Trade Ministry’s performance (preposition phrase)

6. In managing (preposition phrase)

7. Domestic trade (noun phrase)

8. No solution seem to be in place (adjective phrase)

9. To resolve the issue (verb phrase)

- In remarks to trade officials on Tuesday, the President conveyed his strong

criticism of persistent price disparities despite several attempts to address the

problem. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 2)

1. In remarks (preposition phrase)

2. To trade officials(verb phrase)

3. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Strong criticism (noun phrase)

5. of persistent price disparities (preposition phrase)

6. despite several attempts (preposition phrase)

7. to address the problem (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Jokowi pointed out that prices at the consumer level could be three times

those at the farmer level, highlighting lengthy and complex domestic

distribution chains. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 3)

1. Pointed out (verb phrase)

2. At the consumer level (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Three times (adverb phrase)

4. At the farmer level (preposition phrase)

5. Highlighting lengthy and complex domestic distribution chains (coordinated

noun phrase)

- “We have been trying to fix this for more than two years, but we have only

seen minor results” Jokowi said when opening the Trade Ministry’s annual

working meeting at the Presidential Palace. “There must be something wrong

with that. […] The Trade Ministry must understand which players are

involved in such a situation.” (page 1, column 5, paragraph 4)

1. Have been trying (verb phrase)

2. To fix this (verb phrase)

3. For more than two years (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Have only seen (adjective phrase)

5. Minor results (noun phrase)

6. When opening the Trade Ministry’s annual working meeting at the

Presidential Palace (adverb phrase)

7. Something wrong (noun phrase)

8. Must understand (verb phrase)

9. Which players (noun phrase)

10. Are involved (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 11. In such a situation (preposition phrase)

- In addition to chilies, other foods like shallots also see a long supply chain

that can include six steps from harvest to direct retailers before reaching

consumers. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 9)

1. In addition to chilies (preposition phrase)

2. Other foods (noun phrase)

3. Long supply chain (noun phrase)

4. Can include (verb phrase)

5. Six steps (noun phrase)

6. From harvest (preposition phrase)

7. To direct retailers (preposition phrase)

8. Before reaching consumers (verb phrase)

- Jokowi, a former furniture exporter, further expressed his concern over

supplies of staple foods, which in his view must be closely monitored at all

times, for which he proposed the establishment of a new system. (page 1,

column 5, paragraph 10)

1. Jokowi, a former furniture exporter (appositive phrase)

2. Further expressed his concern (verb phrase)

3. Over supplies of staple foods (preposition phrase)

4. In his view (preposition phrase)

5. Must be closely monitored (adverb phrase)

6. At all times (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. For which he proposed (preposition phrase)

8. The establishment of a new system (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - “Please monitor [food stocks] every day, every hour or even second, and

build a system. Applications are cheap and easy to develop and they will

facilitate to develop and they will facilitate the spread of information from

markets in regions as well as at the national level,” he said. (page 1, column

5, paragraph 11)

1. Please monitor (verb phrase)

2. Every day (adverb phrase)

3. Every hour or even second (coordinated adverb phrase)

4. Build a new system (verb phrase)

5. Cheap and easy (coordinated adjective phrase)

6. To develop (verb phrase)

7. They will facilitate to develop and they will facilitate the spread of

information from markets(coordinated verb phrase)

8. In regions (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

9. As well as at the national level (preposition phrase)

4.2.3 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 23rd February 2017

- During the New Order regime, Indonesia enjoyed robust economic growth,

which many believe can largely at the expense of civil liberties. President

Joko “Jokowi” Widodo now finds himself under pressure to prove that he is

not inspired by that type of order. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. During the New Order regime (preposition phrase)

2. Enjoyed robust (verb phrase)

3. economic growth (noun phrase)

4. Many believe can largely at the expense of civil liberties (verb pharse)

5. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (appositive phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Under pressure (adverb phrase)

7. To prove (verb phrase)

8. Is not inspired (adjective phase)

9. By that type of order (preposition phrase)

- Jokowi made it clear on Wednesday that he was irked by a series of large

sectarian rallies over the past few months, which he insinuated was the reason

behind the country’s slowing economy. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Made it clear (verb phrase)

2. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Was irked (verb phrase)

4. By a series of large sectarian rallies (preposition phrase)

5. Over the past few months (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Behind the country’s slowing economy (preposition phrase)

- “These four to five months, our energy was wasted [due to the rallies], and

we forgot about matters related to economic growth. It is important for me to

convey this point. Let’s not jeopardize growth by falling to concentrate [on

economic development],” Jokowi said during the inauguration of new

members of the Hanura Party’s leadership board in Bogor, West Java. (page

1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. These four to five months (coordinated adjective phrase)

2. Our energy was wasted (verb phrase)

3. Related to economic growth (preposition phrase)

4. To convey (verb phrase)

5. Jeopardize growth (verb phrase)

6. By falling (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. To concentrate (verb phrase)

8. On economic development (preposition phrase)

9. during the inauguration of new members of the Hanura Paarty’s leadership

board (preposition phrase)

10. In Bogor, West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Tax revenue reached Rp 1.1 quadrillion in 2016, only 81.5 percent of the

targeted Rp 1.35 quadrilion. As a result, the economy grew by 5.02 percent in

2016, slower than the 5.2 percent initially expected. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 5)

1. Tax revenue reached Rp 1.1 quadrilion(noun phrase)

2. In 2016 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. As a result (preposition phrase)

4. Grew by 5.02 percent (verb phrase)

5. In 2016 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Slower than the 5.2 percent initially expected (adjective phrase)

- Investors have also expressed concern about political stability following the

series of demonstrations. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 6)

1. Have also expressed concern (verb phrase)

2. Political stability (adjective phrase)

3. Following the series of demonstration (preposition phrase)

- Jokowi also said rampant hate speech and the spread of hoaxes were the

result of “deviant practices of democracy,” which should be immediately

stopped,” because they could “divide our nation.” (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 9)

1. Also said (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Rampant hate speech and the spread of hoaxes (coordinated noun phrase)

3. Should be immediately stopped (adjective phrase)

4. Could divide our nation (verb phrase)

- Human rights activists, meanwhile, expressed concern that Jokowi’s

statements were open to interpretation and could be used to put pressure on

freedom of expression. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Human rights activists (noun phrase)

2. Expressed concern (verb phrase)

3. Open to interpretation and could be used to put pressure (coordinated verb


4. On freedom of expression (preposition phrase)

- On Dec. 2, the day a large demonstration by conservative Muslim groups hit

Jakarta’s streets to demand the prosecution of Jakarta Governor Basuki

“Ahok” Thahja Purnama, a Chinese-Indonesian of Christian faith, for alleged

blasphemy, police arrested several antigovernment activists for alleged

treason and violations of the draconian 2016 Electronic Information and

Transaction (ITE) Law. Some were later released due to a lack of evidence.

(page 1, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. On Dec. 2 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. Large demonstration (noun phrase)

3. By conservative Muslim groups (preposition phrase)

4. Hit Jakarta’s street (verb phrase)

5. To demand (verb phrase)

6. The prosecution of Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Thahja Purnama (noun


Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. A Chinese-Indonesian of Christian faith (adjective phrase)

8. Arrested several antigovernment activist for alleged treason and violations of

the draconian 2016 Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) Law

(coordinated verb phrase)

9. Released due to a lack of evidence (verb phrase)

Govt drafting rules to end bank secrecy topic:

- The government is mulling whether to issue an urgent regulation that would

scrap the country’s bank secrecy policies, while at the same time allowing tax

officials to hunt for recalcitrant taxpayers who continue to hide their assets,

having declined to avail of the tax amnesty. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. Is mulling (verb phrase)

2. To issue an urgent regulation (verb phrase)

3. Would scrap the country’s bank secrecy policies (verb phrase)

4. At the same time (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Tax officials (noun phrase)

6. To hunt (verb phrase)

7. For recalcitrant taxpayers (preposition phrase)

8. Continue to hide their assets (verb phrase)

9. Having declined (verb phrase)

10. To avail (verb phrase)

11. Of the tax amnesty (preposition phrase)

- President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration will take advantage of an

opportunity to scrap long-standing bank secrecy policies, which is expected

to boost the tax reform program and increase the tax ratio, after adopting new

Universitas Sumatera Utara global standards off the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), which

will be implemented in September 2018. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Will take advantage (verb phrase)

2. Of an opportunity (preposition phrase)

3. Toscrap long-standing bank secrecy policies (verb phrase)

4. To boost the tax reform program and increase the tax ratio (coordinated verb


5. After adopting new global standards off the Automatic of Information

(AEOI) (verb phrase)

6. Will be implemented (verb phrase)

7. In September 2018 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- However, the AEOI requires Indonesia to amend five existing laws, namely

the Banking Law, the Sharia Banking Law, the Capital Markets Law, the

Microfinance Law and the General Taxation System Law. The supportive

rules must also be in place before June 30. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. To amend five existing law (verb phrase)

2. The Banking Law (noun phrase)

3. The Sharia Banking Law (noun phrase)

4. The Capital Markets Law (noun phrase)

5. The Microfinance Law and the General Taxation System Law (coordinated

noun phrase)

6. Supportive rules (noun phrase)

7. Must also be in place (verb phrase)

8. Before June 30 (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - As the clock ticks toward the implementation of the AEOI, the government

and the House of Representatives have a diminishing chance to “compete all

the necessary work by the end of June, leading them to prepare a regulation in

lieu of law (Perppu). (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. As the clock ticks (preposition phrase)

2. toward the implementation of the AEOI(preposition phrase)

3. The government and the House of Representatives (coordinated noun phrase)

4. Have a diminishing chance (noun phrase)

5. To compete all the necessary work (verb phrase)

6. By the end of June (preposition phrase)

7. To prepare a regulation(verb phrase)

8. In lieu of law (Perppu) (preposition phrase)

- “It seems that we cannot finish the revised laws by June. The House is also

entering recess soon, so we are thinking of issuing a Perppu because it is now

urgent, Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly said after a limited

meeting at the State Palace on Wednesday. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Cannot finish (verb phrase)

2. The revised law (noun phrase)

3. By June (preposition phrase)

4. Entering recess (verb phrase)

5. Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly (appositive phrase)

6. After a limited meeting (preposition phrase)

7. At the State Palcae (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Endorsed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

(OECD) and the g20, of which Indonesia is a member, the AEOI scheme

binds its participants to automatically exchange taxpayer information, such as

addresses, bank account details and asset purchases in other countries. (page

1, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. Endorsed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

(OECD) and the g20 (verb phrase)

2. Scheme binds (noun phrase)

3. To automatically exchange taxpayer information(verb phrase)

4. Bank account details and asset purchases (coordinated noun phrase)

5. In other countries (preposition phrase)

- Some 101 jurisdictions have committed to implementing the AEOI standards,

with 54 of them ready to implement them in 2017, including the United

Kingdom, India, the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands, while the

remaining 47 countries including Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong will

implement them in 2018. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 4)

1. Some 101 jurisdiction (noun phrase)

2. Have committed (verb phrase)

3. To implementing the AEOI standards(verb phrase)

4. With 54 of them (preposition phrase)

5. Ready to implement (verb phrase)

6. In 2017 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Including the United Kingdom (preposition phrase)

8. While the remaining 47 countries (adjective phrase)

9. Including Indonesia (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 10. Singapore and Hong Kong (coordinated noun phrase)

11. Will implement them (verb phrase)

12. In 2018 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Given the tight deadline, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said the

government is now prioritizing the revision of the General Taxation System

Law over the other four laws. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. Given the tight deadline (adjective phrase)

2. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (appositive phrase)

3. The revision of the General Taxation SystemLaw (noun phrase)

4. Over the other four laws (preposition phrase)

- Meanwhile House Legislation Body (Baleg) member Misbakhun of the

Golkar Party, who is also a member of Commission XI overseeing finance,

expressed his optimism that it would be deliberation of the Banking Law

revision that could be finished in time. The Banking Law fully protects data

confidentiality of bank customers, except for purposes such as criminal

investigations or tax scrutiny that have been authorized by the finance

minister and approved by the Bank Indonesia (BI) governor. (page 1, column

3, paragraph 3)

1. House Legislation Body (Baleg) member Misbakhun of the Golkar Party

(appositive phrase)

2. A member of Commission XI overseeing finance (noun phrase)

3. Expressed his optimism (noun phrase)

4. That it would be deliberation of the Banking Law revision (noun phrase)

5. That could be finished (verb phrase)

6. In time (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. Fully protects data confidentiality(verb phrase)

8. Of bank customer (preposition phrase)

9. Criminal investigations or tax scrutiny (coordinated noun phrase)

10. That have been authorized by the finance minister and approved by the Bank

Indoneia (BI) governor (coordinated verb phrase)

Ahok apologizes as flood warning system fail topic:

- Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama has apologized to residents

who had to be evacuated from their homes because of recent flooding, amid

reports that his administration failed to issue early warnings or respond

quickly to the disaster. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama (Appositive phrase)

2. Has apologized to residents who had to be evacuated from their homes (verb


3. Because of recent flooding (preposition phrase)

4. Early warnings or respond quickly (coordinated adverb phrase)

5. To the disaster (preposition phrase)

- The embattled governor said he had not been able to give his full attention to

dealing with the flood when it struck parts of the flood when it struck parts of

the capital on Monday as he had to attend a blasphemy case hearing. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Embattled governor (noun phrase)

2. Had not been able (adjective phrase)

3. To give his full attention (verb phrase)

4. To dealing with the flood (verb phrase)

5. Parts of the capital (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. On Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. To attend a blasphemy case hearing (verb phrase)

- Ahok said the current flooding had resulted from heavy rainfall over the

weekend that caused some of the city’s rivers to burst their banks. “However

the water receded pretty quickly,” he said. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Current flooding (noun phrase)

2. From heavy rainfall (preposition phrase)

3. Over the weekend (preposition phrase)

4. Some of the city’s rivers (noun phrase)

5. To burst their banks (verb phrase)

6. However the water receded Pretty quickly (coordinated adverb phrase)

- The flooding, which started on Sunday and affected 54 sites caught the city

administration off guard, leading to a failure to instruct people to evacuate,

especially those living along the banks of the Sunter River. (page 1, column

2, paragraph 1)

1. Started on Sunday and affected 54 sites caught the city administration off

guard (coordinated verb phrase)

2. To a failure (preposition phrase)

3. To instruct people to evacuate (verb phrase)

4. Those living along the banks of the Sunter River (adverb phrase)

- After receiving weather prediction from the Meteorology, Climatology and

Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Agency

(BPBD) prepared for flooding along the Ciliwung River. However, overflows

occurred in other rivers like the Sunter and Cipinang. (page 1, column 2,

paragraph 2)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. After receiving weather prediction (verb phrase)

2. From the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (preposition


3. Prepared for flooding (verb phrase)

4. Along the Ciliwung River (preposition phrase)

5. overflows occurred (verb phrase)

6. Sunter and Cipinang (coordinated noun phrase)

4.2.4 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 24th February 2017

Jokowi warns Freeport topic:

- As tension between the government and United States-based mining giant

Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) continues, President Joko “Jokowi” WIdodo has

made his first comment on the matter, indicating that he would take firm

action if necessary. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. As tension between the government and United States-based mining giant

Freeport McMoRan (FCX) continues (preposition phrase)

2. Has made (verb phrase)

3. His first comment (noun phrase)

4. on the matter (preposition phrase)

5. would take (verb phrase)

6. firm action (noun phrase)

- Freeport, Indonesia’s oldest foreign investor, has been in a deadlock over its

future operations in Indonesia, as the government requires the company’s

local subsidiary PT Freeport Indonesia to convert a contract of work (CoW)

signed in 1991 into a special mining license (IUPK) in return for an export

permit extension. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Freeport, Indonesia’s oldest foreign investor (appositive phrase)

2. Has been in a deadlock (noun phrase)

3. Over its future operation (preposition phrase)

4. In Indonesia (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. As the government requires the company’s local subsidiary PT Freeport

Indonesia(preposition phrase)

6. To convert a contract of work (verb phrase)

7. Signed in 1991 (verb phrase)

8. Into a special mining license (preposition phrase)

9. In return for an export permit extension (verb phrase)

- Freeport Indonesia has repeatedly rejected the idea of contract conversion and

stated that if the dispute was prolonged, it may take the case to international

arbitration, a move that many deem would be costly for both parties. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Has repeatedly rejected the idea of contract conversion and stated that if the

dispute was prolonged (coordinated verb phrase)

2. May take the case (verb phrase)

3. To international arbitration (preposition phrase)

4. Many deem (verb phrase)

5. Would be costly (adjective phrase)

6. For both parties (preposition phrase)

- “We want to reach a win-win solution, because this is a business matter,”

Jokowi said on Thursday. “Now, I will leave this matter to the ministers.

However, if [Freeport management] are really difficult to deal with, I will

take action. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. To reach a win-win solution (verb phrase)

2. Business matter (noun phrase)

3. On Thursday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Will leave this matter(verb phrase)

5. To the minister (preposition phrase)

6. Really difficult (adjective phrase)

7. To deal with (verb phrase)

8. Will take action (verb phrase)

- On Feb. 17, Freeport Indonesia sent a notification letter to the Energy and

Mineral Resources Ministry describing areas of dispute between the two

parties. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. On Feb. 17 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. To the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry (preposition phrase)

3. Between the two parties (preposition phrase)

- The issues included the obligation for miners to divest a 51-percent stake

within a decade of production, the government’s role in determining base

selling prices for minerals, and the contract conversion requirement, all ruled

under the new Government Regulation No. 1/2017. (page 1, column 2,

paragraph 2)

1. For miners (preposition phrase)

2. To divest a 51 percent stake (verb phrase)

3. Within a decade of production (preposition phrase)

4. The government’s role determining base selling prices for minerals and the

contract conversion requirement (coordinated noun phrase)

5. Under the new Government Regulation No. 1/2017 (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Freeport Indonesia has stated it would be possible to commence international

arbitration if no settlement was reached within 120 days of it sending the

letter. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. Has stated (verb phrase)

2. Would be possible (adjective phrase)

3. To commence (verb phrase)

4. International arbitration (noun phrase)

5. Was reached (adjective phrase)

6. Within 120 days (preposition phrase)

- Article 21 of Freeport’s CoW states that the government and Freeport

Indonesia can settle disputes by arbitration in accordance with the 1976

Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade

Law (UNCITRAL) if they cannot reach an amicable settlement within 120

days. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. Article 21 of Freeport’s CoW (noun phrase)

2. The government and Freeport Indonesia (coordinated noun phrase)

3. Can settle disputes (verb phrase)

4. By arbitration (preposition phrase)

5. In accordance with the 1976 Arbitration Rules of the United Nations

Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)

6. Cannot reach (verb phrase)

7. amicable settlement (noun phrase)

8. within 120 days (preposition phrase)

- One of the advantages of using arbitration over litigation is that the process is

quicker, as a binding ruling can be determined within around three to six

Universitas Sumatera Utara months. Nonetheless, the greater the complexity of the case, the longer it

takes to conclude,” Hanafiah Ponggawa and Partners managing partner

Constant Marino Ponggawa said. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. Using arbitration (verb phrase)

2. Over litigation (preposition phrase)

3. Is quicker (adjective phrase)

4. Binding ruling (coordinate verb phrase)

5. Can be determined (adjective phrase)

6. Within around three to six months (preposition phrase)

7. The greater the complexity of the case, the longer it takes to conclude

(coordinated adjective phrase)

8. Hanafiah Ponggawa and Partners managing partner Constant Marino

Ponggawa (appositive phrase)

- Earlier this week, Freeport chief executive Richard Adkerson said the

company expected to find a win-win solution during the dispute settlement

period as the Grasberg mine was too important for either party to neglect.

(page 1, column 4, paragraph 2)

1. Earlier this week (adverb phrase)

2. Freeport chief executive Richard Adkerson (appositive phrase)

3. To find a win-win solution (verb phrase)

4. During the dispute settlement period (preposition phrase)

5. As the Grasberg mine (preposition phrase)

6. Was too important (adjective phrase)

7. For either party (preposition phrase)

8. To neglect (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara VP calls for stronger international cooperation topic:

- Vice President Jusuf Kalla has called for stronger international cooperation in

protecting the marine environment and to ensure the sustainable use of

marine resources. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Vice President Jusuf Kalla (appositive phrase)

2. Has called (verb phrase)

3. For stronger international cooperation (preposition phrase)

4. In protecting the marine environment and to ensure the sustainable use of

marine resources (coordinated verb phrase)

- “The international community can no longer neglect the importance of

sustainable oceans if it wants to achieve sustainable development. Business as

usual is clearly not our option,” he said Thursday on the opening day of the

World Ocean Summit 2017. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The international community (noun phrase)

2. Can no longer neglect (verb phrase)

3. Of sustainable oceans (preposition phrase)

4. To achieve sustainable development (verb phrase)

5. Is clearly (adjective phrase)

6. Thursday on the opening of the World Ocean Summit 2017 (preposition /

adverb phrase)

- Kalla spoke before 360 participants representing multilateral organization,

industry groups, scientific communities, NGOs and high-ranking government

officials. The three-day conference is organized by The Economist, the editor-

in-chief of which welcomed Kalla to the stage. (page 1, column 1, paragraph


Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Before 360 participants (preposition phrase)

2. Representing multilateral organization (verb phrase)

3. Industry groups (noun phrase)

4. Scientific communities (noun phrase)

5. NGOs and high ranking government officials (coordinated noun phrase)

6. The three-day conference (noun phrase)

7. Is organized (verb phrase)

8. By The Economist (preposition phrase)

9. The editor-in-chief of which welcomed Kalla to the stage (noun phrase)

- The unprecedented changes in ocean ecosystem triggered by climate change,

plastic pollution, overfishing and invasive species, Kalla stressed, would

affect the livelihood of millions of people worldwide, a dire situation that

would require a concerted global effort to cope with. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 4)

1. In ocean ecosystem (preposition phrase)

2. Triggered by climate change (verb phrase)

3. Plastic pollution (noun phrase)

4. Overfishing and invasive species (coordinated verb phrase)

5. Would affect the livelihood of millions of people worldwide (verb phrase)

6. Dire situation (noun phrase)

7. Would require (verb phrase)

8. Global effort (noun phrase)

9. To cope with (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Global partnerships, new financing mechanisms and increasing public and

private collaboration were identified as important elements in strengthening

international cooperation. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 5)

1. Global partnerships (noun phrase)

2. New financing mechaninsm and increasing public and private collaboration

(coordinated noun phrase)

3. Were identified (verb phrase)

4. As important elements (preposition phrase)

5. In strengthening international cooperation (verb phrase)

- The need for stronger international cooperation and global responses had

been identified as key factors in the summit’s plenary session held earlier in

the morning. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. For stronger international cooperation and global responses (preposition


2. Had been identified (verb phrase)

3. As key factors (preposition phrase)

4. in the summit’s plenasry session (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. held earlier (adverb phrase)

6. In the morning (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- One of the speakers, the European Commission’s commissioner for

environment, maritime affairs and fisheries, Karmenu Vella, summed up the

shared sentiment among the speakers when he said “the way forward now is

cooperation globally.” (page 1, column 2, paragraph 2)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. One of the speakers, the European Commission’s commissioner for

environment, maritime affairs and fisheries, Karmenu Vella (appositive


2. Summed up the shared sentiment(preposition phrase)

3. Among the speaker (preposition phrase)

4. The way forward now (adjective phrase)

5. Cooperation globally (adjective phrase)

- “It is true, we are not talking about the European environment or Chinese

environment, we have one global environment with global solutions and you

have to take global action.” (page 1, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. European environment or Chinese environment (coordinated noun phrase)

2. One global environment (noun phrase)

3. With global solution (preposition phrase)

4. To take global action (verb phrase)

- In his speech, Kalla also emphasized the government’s ocean bound vision,

detailing President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s maritime vision made up of

maritime security, maritime diplomacy, maritime connectivity, maritime

culture and enhancing maritime resources. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. In his speech (preposition phrase)

2. Also emphasized the government’s ocean bound vision (verb phrase)

3. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s (appositive phrase)

4. Maritime vision (noun phrase)

5. Made up of maritime security (adjective phrase)

6. Maritime diplomacy (noun phrase)

7. Maritime connectivity (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 8. Maritime culture (noun phrase)

9. Enhancing maritime resources (verb phrase)

- Kalla said the government was developing several blue economy pilot

projects nationwide, including the Lombok Blue Economy Implementation

Program, which was expected to create 77,700 new jobs and generate an

income of Rp 1.3 trillion (US$114.88 million) per year. (page 1, column 4,

paragraph 1)

1. Was developing several blue economy pilot projects nationwide (verb phrase)

2. Including the Lombok Blue Economy Implementation Program (preposition


3. Was expected (adjective phrase)

4. To create 77,700 new jobs and generate an income of Rp 1.3 trillion

(US$114.88 million) per year (coordinated verb phrase)

Resistance grows to kill controversial tobacco bill topic:

- As the House of Representatives launches a second attempt to deliberate a

controversial tobacco bill, public resistance is growing stronger. (page 1,

column 6, paragraph 1)

1. As the House of Representatives (preposition phrase)

2. Launches a second attempt (verb phrase)

3. To deliberate (verb phrase)

4. A controversial tobacco bill (noun phrase)

5. Public resistance (noun phrase)

6. Is growing stronger (adjective phrase)

- After groups of doctors and medical practitioners expressed rejection of the

bill earlier this week, children and activists have been gearing up for a rally in

Universitas Sumatera Utara front of the State Place in Central Jakarta this Saturday, which will be

followed by other rallies in , West Sumatra, and Mataram, West Nusa

Tenggara to reject the bill. (page 1, column 6, paragraph 2)

1. Doctors and medical practitioners (coordinated noun phrase)

2. Expressed rejection of the bill (verb phrase)

3. Earlier this week (adverb phrase)

4. Children and activists (coordinated noun phrase)

5. Have been gearing up (verb phrase)

6. For a rally (preposition phrase)

7. In front of the State Pace in Central Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb


8. This Sunday (adverb phrase)

9. Will be followed by other rallies (verb phrase)

10. In Padang, West Sumatra, and Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (preposition

phrase / adverb phrase)

11. To reject the bill (verb phrase)

- Indonesia is home to 72 million smokers, according to World Health

Organization data. The 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) revealed that

three out of 10 smokers are between 15 and 30 years of age and most started

smoking before they turned 19. (page 1, column 6, paragraph 5)

1. Is home to 72 million smokers (adjective phrase)

2. According to World Health Organization data (preposition phrase)

3. Three out of 10 smokers (noun phrase)

4. Are between 15 and 30 years of age (preposition phrase)

5. Started smoking (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Before they turned 19 (preposition phrase)

- More than 30 tobacco brands promote their products in school areas,

according to a 2015 survey by the Lentera Anak Foundation (YLA), the Child

Media Development Foundation (YPMA) and Smoke Free Agents. (page 1,

column 6, paragraph 7)

1. 30 tobacco brands (noun phrase)

2. Promote their products (verb phrase)

3. In school areas (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. According to a 2015 survey (preposition phrase)

5. By the Lentera Anak Foundation (YLA) (preposition phrase)

6. The Child Media Development Foundation (YPMA) and Smoke Free Agents

(coordinate noun phrase)

- The survey, which was carried out at 360 schools in five major cities,

including Jakarta, Bandung in West Java and Makassar in South Sulawesi,

found that shops nearby and even on campus of 85 percent of the schools had

tobacco advertisements largely visible to students. (page 1, column 6,

paragraph 8)

1. Was carried out (verb phrase)

2. At 460 schools (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. In five major cities (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Including Jakarta, Bandung in West Java and Makassar in South Sulawesi

(preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Found that shops nearby andeven on campus of 85 percent of the schools

(coordinated adverb phrase)

6. Tobacco advertisements (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. Largely visible (adjective phrase)

8. To students (preposition phrase)

4.2.5 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 25th February 2017

Hard-liners again turn up heat on Ahmadis topic:

- The constantly under fire followers of the Ahmadiyah religious sect are

facing yet another round of persecution. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. The constantly under fire followers (adjective phrase)

2. Of the Ahmadiyah religious sect (preposition phrase)

3. Are facing yet another round of persecution (verb phrase)

- This time the administration of Depok, West Java, has shut down their last

remaining mosque following intense pressure from a mob demanding the

disbandment of the congregation. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The administration of Depok, West Java (noun phrase)

2. Has shut down (verb phrase)

3. Their last remaining mosque (noun phrase)

4. Following intense pressure (noun phrase)

5. From a mob (preposition phrase)

6. Of the congregation (preposition phrase)

- A sign has been erected in front of the Al-Hidayah Mosque, declaring illegal

all the sect’s activities in the precinct. Seven Ahmadais were forced to

perform their obligatory Friday prayers in the mosque’s yards. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Has been erected (verb phrase)

2. In front of the Al-Hidayah Mosque (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Declaring illegal all the sect’s activities in the precinct (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Seven Ahmadis (noun phrase)

5. Were forced (verb phrase)

6. To perform their obligatory Friday prayers (verb phrase)

7. In the mosque’s yards (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The mosque has been shuttered six times since 2011, when an influential

Islamic group in Depok, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), declared the

sect herectical. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Has been shuttered (verb phrase)

2. Six times since 2011 (adverb phrase)

3. Influential Islamic group (noun phrase)

4. In Depok (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Ahmadi beliefs are regarded as deviant by most Indonesian Muslims, who are

mainly Sunnis, because Ahmadis do not regard Muhammad as the last

prophet. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 5)

1. Ahmadi beliefs (noun phrase)

2. As deviant (preposition phrase)

3. By most Indonesian Muslims (preposition phrase)

4. Do not regard (verb phrase)

5. As the last prophet (preposition phrase)

- Hundreds of Islamic hard-liners, including members of the notorious Islam

Defenders Front (FPI), staged a rally on Friday in front of the mosque and

threatened to take harsh measures should the authorities fail to expel the

Ahmadis from the city as well as to demolish the sealed mosque. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 6)

1. Hundreds of Islamic hard-liners (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Including members of the notorious Islam Defenders Front (FPI) (preposition


3. Staged a rally on Friday in front of the mosque and threatened to take harsh

measure should the authorities (coordinated verb phrase)

4. Fail to expel the Ahmadis(verb phrase)

5. From the city (preposition phrase)

6. To demolish the sealed mosque (verb phrase)

- National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) chairman Imdadun

Rahmat slammed the closure, saying the city administration should instead

protect its citizens in carrying out their activities regardless of their beliefs.

(page 1, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) chairman Imdadun

Rahmat (appositive phrase)

2. Should instead protect its citizens (verb phrase)

3. In carrying out their activities (verb phrase)

4. Regardless of their beliefs (adjective phrase)

Oscars best actor race is tale of two opposites topic:

- Both men are competing to be named best actor at Sunday’s Oscars in what

award watchers say is the ceremony’s biggest cliffhanger after weeks of

campaigns and show business accolades. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Both men (noun phrase)

2. Are competing (verb phrase)

3. To be named (verb phrase)

4. Best actor (noun phrase)

5. At Sunday’s Oscars (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. In what award watchers (preposition phrase)

7. The ceremony’s biggest cliffhanger (noun phrase)

8. After weeks of campaigns (preposition phrase)

9. Show business accolades (verb phrase)

- While musical La La Land is widely expected to win the top award – best

picture – Washington’s performance in black family drama Fences and

Affleck’s role in the heartbreaking Manchester by the Sea are going down to

the wire. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Widely expected (adjective phrase)

2. To win (verb phrase)

3. The top award (noun phrase)

4. Best picture (noun phrase)

5. Washington’s performance in black family drama Fences and Affleck’s role

in the heartbreaking Manchester by the Sea (coordinated noun phrase)

6. Are going down (verb phrase)

7. To the wire (preposition phrase)

- If all goes well for Washington, 62, he would join the likes of Meryl Streep

and Jack Nicholson among a rare group of actors who have won three Oscars.

(page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. If all goes well (adjective phrase)

2. For Washington (preposition phrase)

3. Would join (verb phrase)

4. Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson (coordinated noun phrase)

5. Among a rare group of actors who have won three Oscars (preposition


Universitas Sumatera Utara - Affleck, 41, the younger brother of actor Ben Affleck, is seeking his first ever

Oscar. He had swept 90 percent of prior awards and critics prizes until losing

to a stunned Washington at the Screen Actors Guild ceremony in January.

(page 1, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Affleck, 41, the younger brother of actor Ben Affleck (appositive phrase)

2. Is seeking his first ever Oscar (verb phrase)

3. Had swept 90 percent of prior awards and critics prizes until losing to a

stunned Washington (coordinated verb phrase)

4. At the Screen Actors Guild ceremony (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. In January (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Affleck’s early wins came despite 2010 sexual harassment allegations that

resurfaced as his Oscar prospects gathered steam. Two civil lawsuit alleging

unwanted advances were filed by female crew members on an earlier Affleck

film, and were settled out of court for undisclosed sums. Affleck’s lawyer at

the time denied the allegations. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. Affleck’s early wins came despite 2010(noun phrase)

2. Sexual harassment allegation that resurfaced as his Oscar prospects gathered

steam(noun phrase)

3. Two civil lawsuit (noun phrase)

4. Alleging unwanted advances (verb phrase)

5. Were filed by female crew members on earlier Affleck film and were settled

out of court for undisclosed sums (coordinated verb phrase)

6. Affleck’s lawyer (noun phrase)

7. At the time denied the allegations (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara SCS plan raises eyebrows topic:

- President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s suggestion that Australia take part in joint

patrols in the South China Sea has sparked concerns on the eve of his two-

day visit Down Under. (page 1, column 4, paragraph 1)

1. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s (noun phrase)

2. Take part in joint patrols in the South China Sea (verb phrase)

3. Has sparked concerns on the eve of his two-day visit Down Under(verb


- In an interview published on Friday with The Australian, Jokowi said he saw

joint Indo-Australia patrols in the South China Sea, potentially around Natuna

Islands at the southern edge of the waters, as “very important” – as long as

they did not raise tension in the region. Jokowi said he would discuss the

issue with Prime Minister Malcohn Turnbull. (page 1, column 4, paragraph 2)

1. In an interview published on Friday with The Australian (preposition phrase)

2. Indo-Australia patrols (noun phrase)

3. In the South China Sea (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Around Natuna Islands (preposition phrase)

5. At the southern edge of the waters (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Did not raise tension (verb phrase)

7. In the region (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. Would discuss (verb phrase)

9. With Prime Minister Malcohn Turnbull (preposition phrase)

- Jokowi’s statement referred to a skirmish between Indonesian fishery

protection vessels and the Chinese coast guard, which occurred in Natuna

waters in Riau Islands province. While Beijing makes no claim on Natuna

Universitas Sumatera Utara Islands, it insists that the surrounding waters, which are part of Indonesia’s

exclusive economic zone, fall within its historical claim of the so-called

“nine-dash line,” therefore allowing its citizens to legally fish in the area.

(page 1, column 4, paragraph 4)

1. Jokowi’s statement (noun phrase)

2. To a skirmish between Indonesian fishery protection vessels and the Chinese

coast guard (preposition phrase)

3. Which occurred (verb phrase)

4. In Natuna Waters in Riau Islands province (preposition phrase / adverb


5. On Natuna Islands (preposition phrase)

6. Surrounding waters (noun phrase)

7. Part of Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone (noun phrase)

8. Fall within its historical claim of the so-called “ninde-dash line” (verb


9. Therefore allowing its citizens to legally fish in the area (adverb phrase)

- Institute for Defense, Security Peace Studies executive director Mufti

Makarim has questioned the technicalities of joint patrols, saying Australian

waters are nowhere near the disputed region itself. (page 1, column 4,

paragraph 6)

1. Institute for Defense, Security Peace Studies executive director Mufti

Makarim (appositive phrase)

2. Has questioned (verb phrase)

3. The technicalities of joint patrols (noun phrase)

4. Australian waters (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Nowhere near the disputed region itself (adverb phrase)

- He said a possible joint patrol would not entail the two countries patrolling in

the same waters, but rather separately in their own territories and

accompanied by an exchange of information. (page 1, column 4, paragraph 7)

1. A possible joint patrol (noun phrase)

2. Would not entail (verb phrase)

3. Two countries (noun phrase)

4. In the same waters (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. But rather separately in their own territories (adverb phrase)

6. Accompanied by an exchange of information (verb phrase)

4.2.6 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 27th February 2017

Jokowi, Turnbull hit reset button topic:

- The stakes were high, but President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Australian

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had begun their day on Sunday in a relaxed

setting. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Were high (adjective phrase)

2. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm

Turnbull (appositive phrase)

3. Had begun their day (verb phrase)

4. On Sunday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. In a relaxed setting (preposition phrase)

- Together they took a troll around the Royal Botanic Garden, which borders

the bay beside the world-renowned Sydney Opera House, during which

Turnbull introduced Jokowi to some passersby, including a young Australian

Universitas Sumatera Utara father carrying his infant in a baby-strap on his chest. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 2)

1. Around the Royal Botanic Garden (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. Which borders the bay beside the world-renowned Sydney Opera House

(verb phrase)

3. During which Turnbull introduce Jokowi to some passersby (preposition


4. Including a young Australian father carrying his infant in a baby-strap on his

chest (preposition phrase)

- When the two leaders got back to the negotiating table, they decided on what

was needed to bring normalcy back to the two neighboring countries bilateral

relations. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. When the two leaders got back to the negotiating table (adverb phrase)

2. On what was needed (preposition phrase)

3. To bring normalcy back (verb phrase)

4. To the two neighboring countries bilateral relations (preposition phrase)

- Two months after the suspension of Indonesian-Australian military ties, the

two countries fully restored their defense cooperation, bringing an end to the

latest fit that strained the relationships. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Two months (noun phrase)

2. After the suspension of Indonesian-Australian military ties (preposition


3. Two countries (noun phrase)

4. Fully restored (adjective phrase)

5. Their defense cooperation (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Bringing an end to the latest fit that strained the relationships (verb phrase)

- “President Widodo and I have agreed to the full restoration of defense

cooperation, training exchanges and activities,” Turnbull said. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 6)

1. President Widodo and I (appositive phrase)

2. Have agreed (verb phrase)

3. To the full restoration of defense cooperation (preposition phrase)

4. Training exchanges and activities (coordinated verb phrase)

Communist phobia creeps into penal code topic:

- Forget about the global reach of the so-called Islamic State (IS) and look at

Indonesia, where growing religious conservatism threatens plurality. The

country defiantly clings to its old-fashioned wisdom that the most serious

threat to its ideology, Pancasila, is still communism. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 1)

1. Forget about the global reach of the so-called Islamic State (IS) and look at

Indonesia (coordinated verb phrase)

2. Growing religious conservatism (noun phrase)

3. Threatens plurality (verb phrase)

4. To its old-fashioned wisdom that the most serious threat to its

ideology(preposition phrase)

5. Pancasila, is still communism (noun phrase)

- Still haunted by the unresolved 1965 tragedy, the Indonesian legislative and

executive bureaucrats are busy designing tactics to smear the near extinct

Marxism Leninism, while the rest of the world is focusing on combating IS, a

terror group that fascinates many home-grown militants.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Still haunted (verb phrase)

2. By the unresolved 1965 tragedy (preposition phrase)

3. The Indonesian legislative and executive bureaucrats (coordinate noun


4. Are busy designing tactics to smear the near extinct Marxism Leninism (verb


- As if the countless anticommunist laws are never enough, the government has

explicitly included Marxism-Leninism provisions in the long-due Criminal

Code bill that is expected to be passed into law by the end of the year. (page

1, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. As if the countless anticommunist laws are never enough (preposition phrase)

2. Has explicitly (adverb phrase)

3. Marxism-Leninism provisions (noun phrase)

4. In the long-due Criminal Code bill (preposition phrase)

5. Is expected (adjective phrase)

6. To be passed (verb phrase)

7. Into law (preposition phrase)

8. By the end of the year (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The three new provisions prescribe prison terms of between four and 15

years. Discussion on communism will be allowed only on campus, and

academics have to go through state bureaucratic procedures before they can

author scholarly works on the topic. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. The three new provision (noun phrase)

2. Prison terms (noun phrase)

3. Between four and 15 years (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Discussion on communism (noun phrase)

5. Will be allowed (verb phrase)

6. Only on campus (adverb phrase)

7. Have to go through state bureaucratic procedures (verb phrase)

8. Before they can author scholarly works on the topic (preposition phrase)

- The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) predicts fallouts that would

eventually muzzle freedom of speech. As the code will provide a legal

umbrella for the common war on communism, ICJR fears rising cases of

forcible disbandment of discussions and art performances with communist

themes by both the authorities and vigilantes. (page 1, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (noun phrase)

2. Would eventually muzzle (verb phrase)

3. Freedom of speech (noun phrase)

4. As the code (preposition phrase)

5. Will provide a legal umbrella for the common war on communism (verb


6. Of forcible disbandment (preposition phrase)

7. Of discussions (preposition phrase)

8. Art performances (noun phrase)

9. With communist themes (preposition phrase)

10. By both the authorities and vigilantes (preposition phrase)

Wind of change blowing through OJK topic:

- Gone are many familiar faces from the Financial Services Authority’s (OJK)

top brass after the government wrapped up the second stage of the selection

Universitas Sumatera Utara process, in a move seen as an attempt to reform the financial body and keep

political pressure at bay. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. Familiar faces (noun phrase)

2. From the Financial Services Authority’s (preposition phrase)

3. Top brass (noun phrase)

4. After the government wrapped up the second stage of the selection process

(preposition phrase)

5. In a move (preposition phrase)

6. To reform the financial body and keep political pressure at bay (coordinated

verb phrase)

- Seventy-two names eliminated, 28 more to go until July in the search for

seven members of the OJK’s board of commissioners for the 2017-2022

period. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. Seventy-two names (noun phrase)

2. 28 more to go until July (adverb phrase)

3. In the search (verb phrase)

4. For seven members of the OJK’s board off commissioners for the 2017-2022

period (preposition phrase)

- The new board will definitely lack prominent faces like those of current

chairman Muliaman Hadad, banking supervision commissioner Nelson

Tampubolon and non-banking industry supervision commissioner Firdaus

Djaelani. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 3)

1. The new board (noun phrase)

2. Will definitely (adverb phrase)

3. Lack prominent faces (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Current chairman Muliaman Hadad (appositive phrase)

5. Banking Supervision commissioner Nelson Tampubolon and non-banking

Industry supervision commissioner Firdaus Djaelani (coordinated noun


- All three-along with two other commissioners – failed to pass the second

stage, which required them to submit an academic paper. Deputy chairman

Rahmat Waluyanto and capital market supervision commissioner Nurhaida,

on the other hand, fared better as they proceeded to the third stage. (page 1,

column 3, paragraph 4)

1. All three-along with two other commissioners (noun phrase)

2. Failed to pass the second stage (verb phrase)

3. Which required (verb phrase)

4. To submit (verb phrase)

5. Academic paper (noun phrase)

6. Deputy chairman Rahmat Waluyanto and capital market supervision

commissioner Nurhaida (coordinated noun phrase)

7. On the other hand (preposition phrase)

8. To the third stage (preposition phrase)

- In a deliberation meeting that lasted for hours until late on Firday, the

selection committee, headed by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, also

eliminated two politicians applying for the OJK’s hot seats, namely Melchias

Markus Mekeng from the Golkar Party and Andreas Eddy Susetyo from the

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). (page 1, column 4,

paragraph 1)

1. In a deliberation meeting (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. That lasted for hours until late on Friday (adverb phrase)

3. The selection committee (noun phrase)

4. Headed by (verb phrase)

5. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (appositive phrase)

6. Two politicians (noun phrase)

7. For the OJK’s hot seats (preposition phrase)

8. Melchias Markus Mekeng from the Golkar Party and Eddy Susetyo from the

Indoensian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) (coordinated noun phrase)

KPUD certifies Ahok’s win tells him to take leave topic:

- There was no big surprise when the Jakarta general Elections Commission

(KPU Jakarta) announced the official result of the Jakarta gubernatorial

election on Sunday. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 1)

1. Big surprise (verb phrase)

2. The official result of the Jakarta gubernatorial election (noun phrase)

3. On Sunday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Like the quick-count results released earlier by a member of pollsters, the

KPU Jakarta result showed that incumbent candidate pair Basuki “Ahok”

Tjahja Purnama and narrowly beat the

and ticket. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 2)

1. Like the quick-count results (noun phrase)

2. Released earlier (adjective phrase)

3. By a member of pollsters (preposition phrase)

4. Incumbent candidate (noun phrase)

5. Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama and Djarot Saiful Hidayat (coordinated noun


Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Narrowly beat (verb phrase)

7. Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno (coordinated noun phrase)

- Ahok-Djarot won in three municipalities – North Jakarta, and

Central Jakarta – and Thousand Island regency, while the Anies-Sandiaga

ticket won in East Jakarta and South Jakarta. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 4)

1. In three municipalities (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. North Jakarta (noun phrase)

3. West Jakarta and Central Jakarta (coordinated noun phrase)

4. Thousand Island regency (noun phrase)

5. Anies-Sandiaga ticket (noun phrase)

6. East Jakarta and South Jakarta (coordinated noun phrase)

- In the Thousand Islands, where Ahok delivered a speech considered by some

Muslims to be have contained blasphemous remarks about the Quran, Ahok-

Djarot dominated the tally count with 5,532 votes, followed by Anies

Sandiaga with 4,651 votes and Agus-Sylviana with 3,891 votes. (page 1,

column 5, paragraph 5)

1. In the Thousand Islands (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. By some Muslims (preposition phrase)

3. Blasphemous remarks (noun phrase)

4. About the Quran (preposition phrase)

5. Tally count (verb phrase)

6. With 5,532 votes (preposition phrase)

7. Followed by Anies Sandiaga(verb phrase)

8. With 4,651 votes (preposition phrase)

9. With 3,891 votes (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Sumarno argued the mandatory leave was in accordance with Article 70,

Paragraph 3, of the 2016 Regional Elections Law stating that an incumbent

regional head must take leave of absence if he or she wishes to campaign for

re-election. (page 1, column 6, paragraph 1)

1. The mandatory leave (noun phrase)

2. With Article 70, Paragraph 3, of the 2016 Regional Elections Law

(preposition phrase)

3. Incumbent regional head (noun phrase)

4. Must take leave of absence (verb phrase)

5. He or she (coordinated noun phrase)

6. To campaign (verb phrase)

7. For re-election (preposition phrase)

4.2.7 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 28th February 2017:

Oops, our bad: ‘Moonlight’ really won in major mess-up topic:

- It was one of the most awkward moments in the history of the Oscars, of

television, in entertainment, heck maybe in American history. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Awkward moments (noun phrase)

2. In the history of the Oscars (preposition phrase)

3. Of television (preposition phrase)

4. In entertainment (preposition phrase)

5. In American history (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- And somehow Warren Beatty, Hollywood’s ultimate smooth leading man,

was at the center of it and the accounting firm that is responsible for the

Universitas Sumatera Utara integrity of Oscar voting apologized and was vowing a full investigation.

(page 1, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Warren Beatty, Hollywood’s ultimate smooth leading man (appositive phrase)

2. At the center of it (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. The accounting firm (noun phrase)

4. Is responsible (adjective phrase)

5. For the integrity (preposition phrase)

6. Of Oscar voting (preposition phrase)

7. Apologized and was vowing a full investigation (coordinated verb phrase)

- The producers of La La Land were nearly done with their acceptance

speeches for Best Picture, the Oscar broadcast’s credits sequence about to

roll, when a stir of whispers began on stage. Moments later La La Land

producer Jordan Horowitz returned to the microphone and said “Moonlight

won Best Pcture” and insisting that “this is not a joke.” (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 3)

1. The producers of La La Land (noun phrase)

2. Nearly done (adjective phrase)

3. With their acceptance speeches (preposition phrase)

4. For Best Picture (preposition phrase)

5. The Oscar broadcast’s credits sequence (noun phrase)

6. About to roll (verb phrase)

7. A stir of whispers (noun phrase)

8. On stage (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

9. La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz (appositive phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 10. Returned to the microphone and said “Moonlight won Best picture” and

insisting that “this is not a joke”(coordinated verb phrase)

- The collective jaw of the crowd at the Dolby Theatre – and of America –

remained dropped long after they became convinced it was no joke, but what

academy historians later called an apparently unprecedented Oscar error. The

accounting firm PwC, formerly Price Waterhouse Cooper, said early Monday

that Beatty and Faye Dunaway had been given the wrong envelope. (page 1,

column 1, paragraph 4)

1. The collective jaw of the crowd (noun phrase)

2. At the Dolby Theatre (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Of America (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Remained dropped (verb phrase)

5. After they became convinced it was no joke (preposition phrase / adverb


6. Academy historians (noun phrase)

7. Accounting firm (noun phrase)

8. Formerly Price Waterhouse Cooper (adverb phrase)

9. Early Monday (adverb phrase)

10. Beatty and Faye Dunaway had been given the wrong envelope (coordinated

noun phrase)

- At that point, a security guard tried to take the real envelope and Beatty said,

“Security is not getting this. I’m giving it to [Moonlight director] Barry

Jenkins at a later time.” Beatty also refused to show it to anyone else. (page 1,

column 2, paragraph 4)

1. At that point (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Security guard (noun phrase)

3. To take the real envelope (verb phrase)

4. Moonlight director Barry Jenkins (appositive phrase)

5. At a later time (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. To show (verb phrase)

Island of Gods won’t go sharia for Saudis topic:

- An endless tide of alcohol, exotic parties and pork has never deterred Muslim

tourists, both local and foreign, from vacationing in Indonesia’s Hindu-

majority resort island of Bali. (page 1, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. An endless tide of alcohol (noun phrase)

2. Exotic parties and pork (coordinated noun phrase)

3. Has never deterred (verb phrase)

4. Muslim tourists (noun phrase)

5. Both local and foreign (coordinated noun phrase)

6. From vacationing (verb phrase)

7. In Indonesia’s Hindu-majority resort island of Bali (preposition phrase /

adverb phrase)

- This bodes well for Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 81,

the custodian of the holiest sites of Islam, Al-Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred

Mosque) in Mecca and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (the Prophet’s Mosque) in

Medina, when he chills out on the island venerated for its beaches, volcanoes,

rivers and lakes, as well as pristine green rice fields. (page 1, column 3,

paragraph 2)

1. For Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (preposition phrase)

2. The custodian of the holiest sites of Islam (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Al-Masjid al –Haram (the Sacred Mosque) in Mecca and Al-Masjid an-

Nabawi (the Propthet’s Mosque) in Medina (coordinated adverb phrase)

4. Chills out (verb phrase)

5. On the island (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. For its beaches (preposition phrase)

7. Rivers and lakes (coordinated noun phrase)

8. As well as pristine green rice fields (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- With an entourage of 1,500 in tow, including 25 princes, King Salman will

arrive in Jakarta on Wednesday for a state visit with President Joko “Jokowi”

Widodo before hitting the sandy beaches of the upscale tourist resort of Nusa

Dua on March 4, where he will stay until March 9. (page 1, column 3,

paragraph 3)

1. With an entourage of 1,500 in tow (preposition phrase)

2. Including 25 princes (preposition phrase)

3. King Salman (noun phrase)

4. Will arrive (verb phrase)

5. In Jakarta (preposition phrase)

6. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. For a state visit (preposition phrase)

8. With President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (preposition phrase)

9. Before hitting the sandy beaches of the upscale tourist resort of Nusa Dua

(verb phrase)

10. On March 4 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

11. Will stay (verb phrase)

12. Until March 9 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Tourism stakeholders in Bali have welcomed the king’s planned visit and

expect the trip to resonate around the Middle East, encouraging more wealthy

visitors to travel to Bali, known as the Island of the Gods. (page 1, column 3,

paragraph 5)

1. Tourism stakeholders (noun phrase)

2. In Bali (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Have welcomed the king’s planned (verb phrase)

4. Visit and expect the trip to resonate around the Middle East (coordinated verb


5. Wealthy visitors (noun phrase)

6. To travel (verb phrase)

7. To Bali (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. Known as the Island of the Gods (adjective phrase)

- But they have warned that when it comes to providing services in the line

with the severest tenets of Islamic law, Bali might not be so accommodating.

(page 1, column 4, paragraph 1)

1. Have warned (verb phrase)

2. To providing services (verb phrase)

3. In the line (verb phrase)

4. With the severest tenets of Islamic law (preposition phrase)

Rizieq, Ahok to have first face-off in court topic:

- Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama is scheduled to be pitted

against his nemesis, Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab, for

the first time in court on Tuesday. (page 1, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (appositive phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Is scheduled (verb phrase)

3. To be pitted against his nemesis (verb phrase)

4. Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab (appositive phrase)

5. For the first time (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In court (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The North Jakarta District Court confirmed on Monday that Rizieq would

attend the session, the 10th in the trial, as an expert witness on religion to

corroborate the blasphemy charges against Ahok. (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 2)

1. The North Jakarta District Court (noun phrase)

2. On Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Would attend the session(verb phrase)

4. In the trial (preposition phrase)

5. As an expert witness on religion (preposition phrase)

6. To corroborate (verb phrase)

7. Blasphemy charges (noun phrase)

8. Against Ahok (preposition phrase)

- FPI spokesman Slamet Ma’ruf also confirmed that, “Insya ALLAH [God

willing], he will attend. We have made preparations.” (page 1, column 1,

paragraph 3)

1. FPI spokesman Slmaet Ma’ruf (appositive phrase)

2. God willing (adjective phrase)

3. Will attend (verb phrase)

4. Have made preparations (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - Slamet said Rizieq would bring along a Quranic interpretation book to

strengthen his arguments in the hearing (page 1, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Would bring (verb phrase)

2. Along Quranic interpretation book (preposition phrase)

3. To strengthen (verb phrase)

4. His arguments (noun phrase)

5. In the hearing (preposition phrase)

- “He will bring along a Quranic interpretation book for guidance,” Slamet

said, adding that Rizieq would also bring other Islamic books. (page 1,

column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Will bring (verb phrase)

2. Along a Quranic interpretation book (preposition phrase)

3. For guidance (preposition phrase)

4. Would also bring (verb phrase)

5. Other Islamic books (noun phrase)

4.3 City

4.3.1 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 21st February 2017

Bogor Gardens to celebrate 200th anniversary topic:

- Those in charge of managing the Bogor Botanical Gardens are gearing up to

celebrate the 200th anniversary of the gardens, locally known as Kebun Raya

Bogor, slated for May 18. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. In charge (verb phrase)

2. Of managing (verb phrase)

3. Are gearing up (verb phrase)

4. To celebrate (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. 200th anniversary of the gardens (noun phrase)

6. Locally known as Kebun Raya Bogor (adjective phrase)

7. Slated for May 18 (verb phrase)

- The coordinator of the anniversary event Arief Muchris, said on Sunday the

event would feature a spectacular orchestra show led by conductor-composer

Addie MS (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The coordinator of the anniversary event Arief Muchris (appositive phrase)

2. On Sunday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Would feature (verb phrase)

4. Spectacular orchestra show (noun phrase)

5. Led by conductor-composer Addie MS (verb phrase)

Betawi ornaments to line streets topic:

- The Jakarta administration plans to decorate hundreds of street lights along

the Ciledung-Tendean overpass in South Jakarta with Betawi ornaments

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. To decorate (verb phrase)

3. Hundreds of street lights (noun phrase)

4. Along the Ciledung-Tendean overpass (preposition phrase)

5. In South Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Betawi ornaments (noun phrase)

- “We will decorate 462 street lights with gigi baling decorations [wooden

Betawi ornament],” said Syamsul Bakhri, public lighting department head at

the Jakarta Industry and Energy Agency, as quoted by

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Will decorate (verb phrase)

2. 462 street lights (noun phrase)

3. With gigi baling decorations (noun phrase)

4. Syamsul Bakhri, public lighting department head at the Jakarta Industry and

Energy Agency (appositive phrase)

5. As quoted by (verb phrase)

Scholars, experts to testify at Ahok trial topic:

- Two Islamic scholars and two criminal law experts are scheduled to testify on

Tuesday as witnesses in a follow-up hearing in the trial of Jakarta Governor

Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Two Islamic scholars and two criminal law experts (coordinated noun phrase)

2. Are scheduled (verb phrase)

3. To testify (verb phrase)

4. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. As witnesses (preposition phrase)

6. In a follow-up hearing (preposition phrase)

7. In the trial (preposition phrase)

8. Of Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (preposition phrase)

- The eleventh hearing will be held by the North Jakarta District Court in the

auditorium of the agriculture Ministry in Ragunan, South Jakarta, at 9 a.m.

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The eleventh hearing (noun phrase)

2. Will be held (verb phrase)

3. By the North Jakarta District Court (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. In the auditorium of the agriculture Ministry in Ragunan, South Jakarta

(preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. At 9 a.m. (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Jl. Siantar to be temporarily closed topic :

- The Central Jakarta Transportation Agency plans to temporarily close Jl.

Siantar to allow the construction of an overpass connection the two buildings

to city-owned Tarakan General Hospital (RSUD Tarakan) on both sides of

the road in the municipality. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. The Central Jakarta Transportation Agency (noun phrase)

2. To temporarily close Jl. Siantar (verb phrase)

3. To allow (verb phrase)

4. Two buildings (noun phrase)

5. To city-owned (preposition phrase)

6. On both sides (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Of the road (preposition phrase)

8. In the municipality (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Jakarta sharpens Claws for delinquent taxpayers topic:

- The Jakarta administration is stepping up efforts to increase tax revenue,

including integrating data, forming a confiscation team and using drones to

map information about taxpayers’ properties. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. The Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. Stepping up (verb phrase)

3. To increase (verb phrase)

4. Tax revenue (noun phrase)

5. Including integrating data (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Forming a confiscation team and using drones to map information about

taxpayers’ properties (coordinated verb phrase)

- Jakarta Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat said after a meeting at City

Hall on Monday that the city administration would team up with the

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Asian Development Bank

(ADB) in create a system that would force taxpayers to fulfill their

outstanding tax obligations. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Jakarta Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat (appositive phrase)

2. After a meeting at City Hall on Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. City administration (noun phrase)

4. Would team up (verb phrase)

5. With the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Asian Development

Bank (preposition phrase)

6. In create a system (verb phrase)

7. Would force taxpayers (verb phrase)

8. To fulfill their outstanding tax obligations (verb phrase)

- In order to collect the taxes he said, the administration should also intensify

law enforcement by forming a team of confiscators. “The team will be

assisted by the KPK to ensure that they will work honestly without any

under-the-table transactions. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 5)

1. In order to collect the taxes (verb phrase)

2. Law enforcement (noun phrase)

3. By forming a team of confiscators (verb phrase)

4. Will be assisted (verb phrase)

5. By the KPK (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. To ensure (verb phrase)

7. Will work honestly (adverb phrase)

8. Without any under-the-table transactions (preposition phrase)

- Djarot said the revenue collection was necessary so the administration could

provide more subsidy schemes for the poor. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 3)

1. Revenue collection (noun phrase)

2. Was necessary (adjective phrase)

3. Could provide (verb phrase)

4. Subsidy schemes (noun phrase)

5. For the poor (preposition phrase)

- At present, the administration waives property tax (PBB) for properties

valued under Rp 1 billion and property transfer fees (BPHTB) for those under

Rp 2 billion. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. At present (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. Property tax (PBB) for properties valued under Rp 1 billion and property

transfer fees (BPHTB) for those under Rp 2 billion(coordinated noun phrase)

4.3.2 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 22nd February 2017

KPU vows to ensure all Jakartans vote topic:

- Jakarta residents who lost their right to vote in the first round of the election

will be listed for the race’s second round, the city’s election commission

head, Sumarno has said. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta residents who lost their right to vote in the first round of the election

(noun phrase)

2. Will be listed (verb phrase)

3. For the race’s second round (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. The city’s election commission head, Sumarno (appositive phrase)

5. Has said (verb phrase)

- “We will update voter data on a limited basis,” said Sumarno, as quoted by on Monday evening (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Will update (verb phrase)

2. voter data (noun phrase)

3. on a limited basis (preposition phrase)

4. as quoted by (verb phrase)

5. On Monday evening (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5 Suspected drugs users expelled from ‘rusun’ topic:

- The manager of the Jatinegara Barat rusun (low-cost apartment) complex in

East Jakarta On Tuesday extruded five occupants after they were implicated

in a drug case. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. The manager of the Jatinegara Barat rusun complex in East Jakarta (noun


2. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Five occupants (noun phrase)

4. Were implicated (verb phrase)

5. In a drug case (preposition phrase)

- Head of services at the rusun, I Made Pastiasa, said he would not tolerate

drug users at the apartment block. He added that the five former residents had

been detained by the police. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Head of the service at the rusun, I Made Pastiasa (appositive phrase)

2. Would not tolerate (verb phrase)

3. Drug users (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. At the apartment block (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Five former residents (noun phrase)

6. Had been detained (adjective phrase)

7. By the police (preposition phrase)

Police terminate probe into UI lecturer topic:

- The Jakarta Police have issued an investigation termination warrant (SP3) on

a case of alleged blasphemy involving Ade Arnando, a lecturer of

communication sciences at the University of Indonesia (UI). (page 4, column

1, paragraph 1)

1. The Jakarta Police (noun phrase)

2. Have issued (verb phrase)

3. An investigation termination warrant (noun phrase)

4. On a case of alleged blasphemy (preposition phrase)

5. Ade Arnando, a lecturer of communication sciences at the University of

Indonesia (UI) (appositive phrase)

- The director of the police’s special crime investigation unit, Sr. Comr. Wahyu

Hadiningrat, said investigators could not find indications of criminal activity

in the case, which prompted them to terminate their investigation. (page 4,

column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The director of the police’s special crime investigation unit, Sr. Comr. Wahyu

Hadiningrat (appositive phrase)

2. Could not find indications of criminal activity (verb phrase)

3. In the case (preposition phrase)

4. Which prompted them to terminate their investigation (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara House bows to pressure over inquiry topic:

- Torrential rain that led to inundation in flood-prone areas across Jakarta since

Tuesday morning failed to dampen the spirits of protesters participating in a

peaceful rally held to demand the suspension and incarceration of Jakarta

Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama for alleged blasphemy. (page 4,

column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Torrential rain (noun phrase)

2. In flood-prone areas (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Across Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Since Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. To dampen (verb phrase)

6. In a peaceful rally (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. To demand (verb phrase)

8. Suspension and incarceration (coordinated noun phrase)

9. Of Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (preposition phrase)

10. For alleged blasphemy (preposition phrase)

- Tuesday’s protest in front of the House of Representatives complex on Jl.

Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, was participated in by fewer people than a

similar rally two weeks ago (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Tuesday’s protest (noun phrase)

2. In front of the House of Representatives complex (preposition phrase / adverb


3. On Jl. Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Was participated (verb phrase)

5. By fewer people (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Similar rally (noun phrase)

7. Two weeks ago (adverb phrase)

- The rally, which started at 8:30 a.m., ended after lawmakers promised to heed

the protesters’ demands by exerting their political rights to demand an

explanation from the government. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. Which started at 8:30 a.m. (adverb phrase)

2. To heed (verb phrase)

3. The protesters’ demands (noun phrase)

4. By exerting (verb phrase)

5. Political rights (noun phrase)

6. To demand (verb phrase)

7. From the government (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- In his speech, Bambang Soesatyo, chairman of House Commission III

overseeing law, human rights and security affairs, promised that the House

would meet with the President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo administration and

discuss the possible suspension of the governor (page 4, column 2, paragraph


1. In his speech (preposition phrase)

2. Bambang Soesatyo, chairman of House Comission III overseeing law, human

rights and security affairs (appositive phrase)

3. Would meet with the President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo administration and

discuss the possible suspension of the governor (coordinated verb phrase)

- “We will do two things: deliver the aspirations to the President and [relay the

demand to] the National Police,” Bambang said. (page 4, column 2,

paragraph 5)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Will do (verb phrase)

2. Two things (noun phrase)

3. Deliver the aspiration to the President and [relay the demand to] the National

Police (coordinated noun phrase)

4.3.3 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 23rd February 2017

Bogor to demolish Kali Baru Bridge topic:

- The Bogor administration in West Java plans to demolish a bridge over the

Kali Baru River in Bojonggede district because it is deemed to have

contributed to flooding in the area. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Bogor administration (noun phrase)

2. In West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. To demolish (verb phrase)

4. Over the Kali Baru River (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. In Bojonggede district (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In the area (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The bridge that connect Bojonggede and Kemang will be demolished because

of the large amount of trash that was often stuck underneath it, hampering the

flow of water and making flooding worse in the area, an official said. (page 4,

column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The bridge that connect Bojonggede and Kemang (coordinated noun phrase)

2. Will be demolished (verb phrase)

3. Large amount of trash (noun phrase)

4. Often stuck (adjective phrase)

5. Underneath it (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Hampering the flow of the water and making flooding worse in the area

(coordinated verb phrase)

Tangerang to cut diversionary canal topic:

- After a flood earlier this week, the South Tangerang administration in Banten

plans to cut a diversionary canal in the Cibenda River to prevent future floods

from reaching the toll road connecting Jakarta to 850 city in Serpong district.

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. After a flood earlier this week (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. South Tangerang administration (noun phrase)

3. In Banten (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. To cut (verb phrase)

5. Diversionary canal (noun phrase)

6. In the Cibenda River (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. To prevent (verb phrase)

8. Future floods (noun phrase)

9. From reaching (verb phrase)

10. Toll road (noun phrase)

11. To 850 city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

12. In Serpong district (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- Heavy rainfall caused the river to overflow and inundate the toll road with up

to 30 centimeters of floodwater on Tuesday. The flood caused severe traffic

congestion on the toll road. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Heavy rainfall (noun phrase)

2. Overflow and inundate (coordinate verb phrase)

3. Toll road (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Up to 30 centimeters of floodwater (preposition phrase)

5. On Tuesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Severe traffic congestion (noun phrase)

7. On the toll road (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Istiqlal celebrates 39th anniversary topic:

- An exhibition aiming to showcase Istiqlal Mosque is being held at the

mosque,. The largest in Southeast Asia, from Feb. 22 to 27. On Wednesday

the cultural heritage icon commemorated its 39th anniversary. (page 4,

column 1, paragraph 1)

1. To showcase (verb phrase)

2. Istiqlal Mosque (noun phrase)

3. Being held (verb phrase)

4. At the mosque (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Cultural heritage icon (noun phrase)

6. From Feb. 22 to 27 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. Heritage icon (noun phrase)

- Speaking before the opening of the exhibition, the culture and education

ministry’s culture director-general, Hilmar Farid, said many parties were

engaged in the event including the National Gallery and the National

Archives of Indonesia. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Speaking before the opening of the exhibition (verb phrase)

2. The culture and education ministry’s culture director general, Hilmar Farid

(appositive phrase)

3. Many parties (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Were engaged (adjective phrase)

5. In the event (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Including the National Gallery and the National Archives of Indonesia

(preposition phrase)

Campaign teams to safeguard voters’ rights topic:

- The campaign teams of the two remaining Jakarta gubernatorial candidate

pairs are bracing themselves to ensure they do not lose a single vote in the

second round of the election, slated for April, as a result of technical glitches,

as occurred during the first-round polling day on Feb 15. (page 4, column 2,

paragraph 1)

1. The Campaign teams of the two remaining Jakarta gubernatorial candidate

pairs (noun phrase)

2. Are bracing themselves (verb phrase)

3. To ensure (verb phrase)

4. Single vote (noun phrase)

5. In the second round of the election (preposition phrase)

6. Slated for April (adverb phrase)

7. As a result of technical glitches (preposition phrase)

8. As occurred during the first round polling day on Feb 15. (preposition phrase

/ adverb phrase)

- The campaign team for Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama and Djarot Saiful

Hidayat claim to have received 1,415 reports regarding election violations in

some polling stations across the capital. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Campaign team (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. For Basuki “Ahok “ Tjahaja Purnama and Djarot Saiful Hidayat (preposition


3. Have received (verb phrase)

4. 1,415 reports (noun phrase)

5. Regarding election violations (preposition phrase)

6. In some polling stations (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Across the capital (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- New resident of Rawasari in Central Jakarta, Key, 31, said he was ready to be

proactive in following regulations to ensure he could exercise his political

rights, “I am willing to check my name on the fixed voters’ list [DPT] long

before election day,” he told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday. (page 4,

column 2, paragraph 3)

1. New resident (noun phrase)

2. Of Rawasari (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. In Central Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Was ready (verb phrase)

5. In following regulations (preposition phrase)

6. To ensure (verb phrase)

7. Could exercise (verb phrase)

8. Political rights (noun phrase)

9. To check (verb phrase)

10. On the fixed voters’ list (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

11. Before election day (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

12. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - He said he could not vote for Ahok at polling station number 26 near his

house although he had brought his electronic identification card (e-KTP) and

family card (KK) as required, because of a shortage of forms for additional

voters. Unregistered voters could vote as long as they produced an e-KTP or

recommendation letter from the Civil Registry and Demography Agency

(Disdukcapil), or their KK. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 4)

1. Could not vote (verb phrase)

2. For Ahok (preposition phrase)

3. At polling station number 26 near his house (preposition phrase / adverb


4. Had brought (verb phrase)

5. Electronic identification card (e-KTP) and family card (KK) (coordinated

noun phrase)

6. As required (verb phrase)

7. Of a shortage of forms (preposition phrase)

8. For additional voters (preposition phrase)

9. Unregistered voters (noun phrase)

10. Could vote (verb phrase)

11. As long as they produced an e-ktp or recommendation letter from the Civil

Registry and Demography Agency (Disdukcapil), or their KK (coordinated

noun phrase)

- “I saw there were still ballots available. Why should I lose my voting right

because of one administrative form that could actually be copied by the

polling officers?” Key said, adding that he had been proactive in inquiring

about the voting requirements for unlisted voters two days before the election

Universitas Sumatera Utara and that he was therefore disappointed about the failure. (page 4, column 3,

paragraph 1)

1. Voting right (noun phrase)

2. Of one administrative form (preposition phrase)

3. By the police officers (preposition phrase)

4. Voting requirements (noun phrase)

5. For unlisted voters (preposition phrase)

6. Two days before the election (adverb phrase)

4.3.4 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 24th February 2017

Depok cranks up monitoring of foreigners topic:

- The Depok Immigration office in West Java has vowed to take rigorous steps

to address the problem of foreigners living illegally in the city, including by

encouraging members of the public to be involved in oversight. (page 5,

column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Depok Immigration office (noun phrase)

2. In West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Has vowed (verb phrase)

4. To take (verb phrase)

5. Rigorous steps (noun phrase)

6. To address (verb phrase)

7. Of foreigners (preposition phrase)

8. Living illegally (adverb phrase)

9. In the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

10. Including by encouraging members of the public (preposition phrase)

11. To be involved (adjective phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 12. In oversight (preposition phrase)

- The office, in cooperation with the city administration, recently conducted a

string of public awareness campaigns to familiarize the public with the

Foreigners Supervision Application (APOA), a web-based app that enables

people to report suspicious activity from foreigners through the immigration

office’s official web site (page 5, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. In cooperation (preposition phrase)

2. City administration (noun phrase)

3. Recently conducted (verb phrase)

4. Public awareness (noun phrase)

5. To familiarize (verb phrase)

6. With the Foreigners Supervision Application (APOA) (preposition phrase)

7. To report (verb phrase)

8. Suspicious activity (noun phrase)

9. From foreigners (preposition phrase)

10. Through the immigration office web site (preposition


- Filing a report with the authorities is obligatory for any individual or

company that sponsors foreigners. However, the immigration office has also

encouraged members of the public to support the surveillance program. (page

5, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Filing a report (verb phrase)

2. With the authorities (preposition phrase)

3. Is obligatory (adjective phrase)

4. Individual or company (coordinated noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Immigration office (noun phrase)

6. Has also encouraged (verb phrase)

7. Of the public (preposition phrase)

8. To support (verb phrase)

9. Surveillance program (noun phrase)

- “Members of the public can report to us when observing foreigners. We will

then check our database to verify whether those reported foreigners have

fulfilled administrative requirements. If not, our officers will inspect the

location,” Depok Immigration Office head Dadan Gunawan told The Jakarta

Post on Wednesday. (page 5, column 1, paragraph 4)

1. Members of the public (noun phrase)

2. Can report (verb phrase)

3. To us (preposition phrase)

4. When observing foreigners (adverb phrase)

5. To verify (verb phrase)

6. Reported foreigners (noun phrase)

7. Have fulfilled (verb phrase)

8. Administrative requirements (noun phrase)

9. Will inspect the location (verb phrase)

10. Depok Immigration Office head Dadan Gunawan (appositive phrase)

11. On Wednesday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The move is part of the office’s attempt to curb the number of illegal

foreigners in Depok, as the city has faced a wave of problems related to

undocumented immigrants. In 2015, there were at least 248 undocumented

immigrants living in the city, with many suspected of being involved in

Universitas Sumatera Utara crimes. The figure was the highest among cities across the archipelago during

the period. (page 5, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. To curb (verb phrase)

2. Of illegal foreigners (preposition phrase)

3. In Depok (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. As the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Has faced (verb phrase)

6. To undocumented immigrants (preposition phrase)

7. In 2015 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. At least 248 undocumented immigrants (preposition phrase)

9. Living in the city (verb phrase)

10. With many suspected of being involved in crimes (preposition phrase)

11. Among cities (preposition phrase)

12. Across the archipelago (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

13. During the period (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Jakarta to renovate 34 soccer fields topic:

- Jakarta Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat has planned to renovate

soccer fields spread in 34 districts in the city to facilitate youth activities to

help them avoid the lure of drug abuse. (page 5, column 5, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat (appositive phrase)

2. Has planned (verb phrase)

3. To renovate (verb phrase)

4. Soccer fields (noun phrase)

5. In 34 districts (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. To facilitate (verb phrase)

8. Youth activities (noun phrase)

9. To help (verb phrase)

10. Of drug abuse (preposition phrase)

- The number of drug users in the city is high. According to recent data from

the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) taken from 23 senior high schools and

vocational schools, half of the 880 students surveyed had consumed drugs.

(page 5, column 5, paragraph 2)

1. The number of drug users (noun phrase)

2. In the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Is high (adjective phrase)

4. According to recent data (preposition phrase)

5. From the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) (preposition phrase)

6. Taken from (verb phrase)

7. senior high schools and vocational schools (coordinated noun phrase)

8. Half of the 880 students surveyed (noun phrase)

9. Had consumed drugs (verb phrase)

New Semanggi overpass to finish soon topic:

- The planned additional overpass on the side of jl. Gatot Subroto, as a part of

the development of the Semanggi traffic cloverleaf in Central Jakarta, is set to

be finished within a month, a contractor has said. (page 5, column 5,

paragraph 1)

1. The planned additional (adjective phrase)

2. Overpass on the side jl. Gatot Subroto (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. As a part of the development of the Semanggi traffic cloverleaf (preposition


4. In Central Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Within a month (preposition phrase)

- Dani said that the project was hampered by traffic congestion around the area

that meant the contractor was only able to work at night. (page 5, column 5,

paragraph 2)

1. Was hampered (adjective phrase)

2. By traffic congestion (preposition phrase)

3. Around the area (adverb phrase)

4. To work (verb phrase)

5. At night (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Bekasi flood-risk areas likely to increase topic:

- The number of flood-risk areas in Bekasi increased from Feb. 19 to Feb 22

due to overflowing streams from higher altitude areas in West Java, the city’s

public housing agency said on Thursday. (page 5, column 5, paragraph 1)

1. The Number of flood-risk areas (noun phrase)

2. In Bekasi (preposition phrase)

3. From Feb. 19 to Feb 22 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Due to overflowing streams (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. From higher altitude areas (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. The city’s public housing agency (noun phrase)

8. On Thursday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - The Bekasi Public Works and Public Housing Agency recorded 49 areas

prone to floods in Bekasi, West Java. (page 1, column 5, paragraph 2)

1. The Bekasi Public Works and Public Housing Agency (coordinated noun


2. 49 areas (noun phrase)

3. To floods (verb phrase)

4. In Bekasi, West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4.3.5 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 25th February 2017

Police ready to seucre King Salman’s visit topic:

- The Jakarta Police are ready to secure the visit of King Salman Abdulaziz Al

Saud of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia between March 1 and March 4. (page 4,

column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta Police (noun phrase)

2. Are ready (verb phrase)

3. To secure (verb phrase)

4. Of King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud (preposition phrase)

5. Of Saudi Arabia (preposition phrase)

6. To Indonesia (preposition phrase)

7. Between March 1 and March 4 (coordinated adverb phrase)

- Jakarta Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono said on Thursday that

on March 1, the police would secure King Salman’s route from Halim

Perdanakusumah Airport in East Jakarta to the Presidential Palace in Bogor,

West Java, to meet with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. (page 4, column 1,

paragraph 2)

1. Jakarta Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono (appositive phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. On Thursday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. On March 1 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Would secure (verb phrase)

5. From Halim Perdanakusumah Airport (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In East Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phras)

7. To the Presidential Palace (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. In Bogor, West Java (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

9. To meet (verb phrase)

10. With President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (preposition phrase)

IT-based monitoring at public spaces

- The Jakarta administration plans to develop an IT-based system for

supervising child-friendly integrated public spaces (RPTRAs) in response to a

lack of human resources. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. To develop (verb phrase)

3. IT-based system (noun phrase)

4. For supervising child friendly integrated public spaces (RPTRAs) (verb


5. In response (preposition phrase)

6. To a lack of human resources (preposition phrase)

- Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama said city officials were

currently preparing an app to supervise and control all activities carried out in

RPTRAs across the capital. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama (appositive phrase)

2. City officials (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Were currently (adverb phrase)

4. To supervise and control (coordinated verb phrase)

5. Carried out (verb phrase)

6. In RPTRAs (preposition phrase)

7. Across the capital (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

FPI leader to testify against Ahok

- Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab, a longtime nemesis of

Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, will be presented as a

witness in the latter’s 12th blasphemy hearing on Feb. 28, Ahok’s defense

team has revealed. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab (appositive phrase)

2. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (appositive phrase)

3. Will be presented (verb phrase)

4. As a witness (preposition phrase)

5. In the latter’s 12th blasphemy hearing (preposition phrase)

6. On Feb. 28 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Ahok’s defense team (noun phrase)

8. Has revealed (verb phrase)

- He said that Rizieq would testify as a religious expert and had been

recommended by the MUI in a letter signed by MUI executive Sodikun and

secretary-general Anwar Abbas in November last year, told reporters on

Thursday. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. Would testify as a religious expert and had been recommended by the MUI

(coordinated verb phrase)

2. In a letter (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Signed by MUI executive Sodikun and secretary-general Anwar Abbas (verb


4. In November (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Last year (adverb phrase)

6. On Thursday (adverb phrase)

LRT, velodrome to be Asiad landmarks topic:

- As the clock ticks toward the hosting of the prestigious Asian Games (Asiad)

next year the city administration is pinning its hopes on the partial

construction of the light rail transportation (LRT) line and the renovation of

the velodrome being completed on time (page 4, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. As the clock ticks toward (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. Next year (adverb phrase)

3. City administration (noun phrase)

4. Is pinning (verb phrase)

5. On the partial construction of the light rail transportation (LRT) line

(preposition phrase)

6. Being completed (adjective phrase)

7. On time (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The completion of the two projects has become a priority for Jakarta

Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama as they will serve as the Jakarta

games’ landmark developments. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. Of the two projects (preposition phrase)

2. Has become (verb phrase)

3. For Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama (preposition phrase)

4. Will serve (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. As the Jakarta games’ landmark development (preposition phrase)

- Despite the challenges in construction funding, Ahok has instructed city-

owned property firm PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) to have the LRT in

operation, at least partially, before August 2018 when Jakarta is set to host

the quadrennial multisport event. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 3)

1. Despite the challenges in construction funding (preposition phrase)

2. Has instructed (verb phrase)

3. City-owned property firm PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) (appositive


4. In operation (preposition phrase)

5. At least partially (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Before August 2018 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Is set (verb phrase)

8. To host (verb phrase)

9. Quadrennial multisport event (noun phrase)

- He paid a visit to the LRT depot in Kelapa Gading in North Jakarta, as well

as to the velodrome in the Rawamangun sports complex and an equestrian

center in Pulo Mas – all in East Jakarta. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. To the LRT depot (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. In Kelapa Gading (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. In North Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. As well as to the velodrome in the Rawamangun sprots complex and an

equestrian center in Pulo Mas – all in East Jakarta (coordinated adverb


Universitas Sumatera Utara - With the LRT, he added, equestrian and cycling competitors staying in the

upscale Kelapa Gading area would be within easy reach of the velodrome and

equestrian center. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. With the LRT (preposition phrase)

2. Equestrian and cycling competitors (coordinated noun phrase)

3. Staying in the upscale Kelapa Gading area (verb phrase)

4. Would be within easy reach of the velodrome and equestrian center (adverb


4.3.6 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 27th February 2017

Depok losing lakes, green areas topic:

- Depok, West Java, has lost 10 natural and man-made lakes as a result of

aggressive property development in the city, according to historian JJ Rizal.

“Depok used to have 31 situ or lakes. Now, there are only 21 left, and 80

percent of them aren’t being looked after,” Rizal said as quoted by

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Has lost (verb phrase)

2. 10 natural and man-made lakes (coordinated noun phrase)

3. As a result of aggressive property development (preposition phrase)

4. In the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. According to historian JJ Rizal (preposition phrase)

6. 31 situ or lakes (coordinated noun phrase)

7. As quoted (verb phrase)

8. By (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - The current situation is contrary to how Depok used to be during the Dutch

colonial era, when Cornelis Chastelein developed the then unnamed land as a

center of farming and plantation, he said. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Current situation (noun phrase)

2. Is contrary (adjective phrase)

3. During the Dutch colonial era (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. Unnamed land (noun phrase)

5. As a center of farming and plantation (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Young street musician killed in fight topic:

- A 13-year-old street musician was found dead under Tanjung Barat overpass

in South Jakarta on Sunday evening, reportedly after he became involved in a

fight with an as yet unidentified person. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. 13-year-old street musician (noun phrase)

2. Was found dead (adjective phrase)

3. Under Tanjung Barat overpass (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

4. In South Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. On Sunday evening (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Reportedly after he became involved in a fight with an as yet unidentified

person (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- The incident took place when the victim, Tengku Muhammad Murdiansyah,

alias Poyan, and his friend, Jimy, 20, were singing near traffic lights under

the overpass. At about 8:30 p.m. Jimy left poyan to take a shower at Bringin

Poltangan park. When Jimy returned, he found Poyan’s body on the ground

next to his broken violin. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Took place (verb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Tengku Muhammad Murdiansyah, alias Poyan, and his friend, Jimy

(coordinated noun phrase)

3. Were singing (verb phrase)

4. Near traffic lights (adverb phrase)

5. Under the overpass (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. At about 8:30 p.m. (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. To take a shower (verb phrase)

8. At Bringin Poltangan park (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

9. Poyan’s body (noun phrase)

10. Next to his broken violin (adverb phrase)

Divers clean waters of Pramuka Island

- Dozens of divers took part in a clean-up of the waters around Pramuka Island

in Thousand Islands regency on Saturday to mark National Waste Awareness

Day, which fell on Feb. 21. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Dozens of divers (noun phrase)

2. Took part (verb phrase)

3. In a clean-up (preposition phrase)

4. Of the waters (preposition phrase)

5. Around Pramuka Island (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. In Thousand Islands regency (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. On Saturday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

8. To mark National Waste Awareness Day(verb phrase)

9. Which fell (verb phrase)

10. On Feb. 21 (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara - A total of 40 divers collected around 80 kilograms of rubbish, which mostly

consisted of cans, bottles, plastic bags and used tires. (page 4, column 1,

paragraph 2)

1. A total of 40 divers (noun phrase)

2. Around 80 kilograms of rubbish (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Which mostly (adverb phrase)

4. Plastic bags and used tires (coordinated noun phrase)

Residents left off guard due to flood warning system glitch

- The absence of a flood early warning system in Cipinang Melayu, East

Jakarta, has force its residents to rely on their instincts to brace for any

flooding, a fact that questions incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok”

Tjahaja Purnama’s claim that warning systems for the city’s 13 rivers are

functioning properly. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Of a flood early warning system (preposition phrase)

2. In Cipinang Melayu, East Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Has force (verb phrase)

4. Its residents (noun phrase)

5. To rely (verb phrase)

6. On their instincts (preposition phrase)

7. To brace (verb phrase)

8. For any flooding (preposition phrase)

9. Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama’s (appositive phrase)

10. Warning system (noun phrase)

11. For the city’s (preposition phrase)

12. 13 rivers (noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 13. Functioning properly (adverb phrase)

- A community unit (RW) head in Cipinang Melayu, Irwan Kurniadi, said that

after living for 30 years in a flood-prone area, the residents had been

“trained” to read the natural signs that might indicate flooding of the Sunter

reservoir could hit their area. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 2)

1. A community unit (RW) head in Cipinang Melayu, Irwan Kurniadi

(appositive phrase)

2. After living for 30 years in a flood prone area (preposition phrase / adverb


3. Had been trained (adjective phrase)

4. To read (verb phrase)

5. Natural sign (noun phrase)

6. Might indicate (verb phrase)

7. Of the Sunter reservoir (preposition phrase)

8. Could hit (verb phrase)

9. Their area (adverb phrase)

- Last week, Irwan said the residents were aware of the flood, which later

inundated the area, as heavy downpours continuously hit the village. “We just

didn’t expect that the flood would be such severe flood. The residents didn’t

have time to save their belongings,” Irwan said. (page 4, column 1, paragraph


1. Last week (adverb phrase)

2. Were aware (adjective phrase)

3. Of the flood (preposition phrase)

4. Which later inundated the area (adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. As heavy downpours continuously hit the village(preposition phrase)

6. Severe flood (noun phrase)

7. To save their belongings (verb phrase)

- Wahyu, a resident of Kapuk Muara, North Jakarta, an area that was also

inundated by flood last week, also said he received no warning regarding the

flood. He hoped that the city administration could warn the residents so they

could be able to secure their belongings. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. Wahyu, a resident of Kapuk Muara, North Jakarta (appositive phrase)

2. By flood (preposition phrase)

3. Last week (adverb phrase)

4. No warning (noun phrase)

5. Regarding the flood (preposition phrase)

6. City administration (noun phrase)

7. Could warn (verb phrase)

8. To secure (verb phrase)

- Some Jakartans were lucky to receive a warning, Budi Kristomo,

neighborhood unit (RT) head of Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, said that

there was a flood warning from the RW head. “The RW head received the

flood-warning text from the BPBD and conveyed the message to us through

the [local] mosque’s speaker,” Budi said. (page 4, column 3, paragraph 2)

1. Some Jakartans (noun phrase)

2. Were lucky (adjective phrase)

3. To receive a warning (verb phrase)

4. Budi Kristomo, neighborhood unit (RT) head of Kampung Melayu, East

Jakarta (appositive phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Flood warning (verb phrase)

6. From the RW head (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. The RW head received the flood-warning text fomr the BPBD and conveyed

the message to us through the [local] mosque’s speaker (coordinated verb


4.3.7 The Jakarta Post Newspaper date 28th February 2017

Persija to groom young soccer players topic:

- The Jakarta administration will get involved in developing Jakarta soccer

club Persija by working with young soccer players through the club’s youth

team. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. Will get involved (verb phrase)

3. In developing (verb phrase)

4. Jakarta soccer club Persija (appositive phrase)

5. By working (verb phrase)

6. With young soccer players (preposition phrase)

7. Through the club’s youth team (preposition phrase)

- Djarot added that the club should recruit young players aged between 10 and

21 and train them in separate categories based on their age, such as U-10

(under 10-years-old) and U-17. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Should recruit young players aged between 10 and 21 and train them in

separate categories based on their age (coordinated verb phrase)

2. U-10 (under 10-years-old) and U-17 (coordinated noun phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara Jakarta to have more cemeteriestopic:

- The Jakarta administration has allocated Rp 100 billion (US$7.5 million) to

manage and add cemeteries throughout the city this year. (page 4, column 1,

paragraph 1)

1. Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. Has allocated Rp 100 billion (US$7.5 million) to manage and add cemeteries

throughout the city this year (coordinated verb phrase)

- The Parks and Cemeteries Agency head Djafar Muchlisin said Sunday that

the allocated fund would also be used to improve and arrange cemetery

gardens. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. The Parks and Cemetries Agency head Djafar Muchlisin (appositive phrase)

2. Allocated fund (noun phrase)

3. To improve and arrange cemetery gardens (coordinated verb phrase)

Bogor groundwater in critical condition topic:

- Pollution and a decreasing amount of forest have damaged Bogor’s

environment and severely degraded the city’s groundwater, which is now in a

critical state, an official said on Monday. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 1)

1. Pollution and a decreasing amount of forest (coordinated noun phrase)

2. Have damaged Bogor’s environment and severely degraded the city’s ground

water (coordinated adjective phrase)

3. Critical state (noun phrase)

4. On Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- “Research in West Java in 2016 found that the groundwater of Bogor [in

West Java] is in critical condition. If we let this continue I can’t imagine what

Universitas Sumatera Utara will happen in the next five years,” Bogor Environment Agency acting head

Aulia Guntang said. (page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Research in West Java (verb phrase)

2. In 2016 (adverb phrase)

3. Critical condition (noun phrase)

4. Next five years (adverb phrase)

5. Bogor Environment Agency acting head Aulia Guntang (appositive phrase)

Giant billboards to be banned for safety reasons topic:

- Extreme weather that hit Jakarta in the past few weeks did not only leave

some parts of the city inundated with floodwaters, but also caused giant

billboards to fall down in West Jakarta. (page 4, column 2, paragraph 1)

1. Extreme weather (noun phrase)

2. In the past few weeks (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

3. Some parts of the city inundated with floodwaters(noun phrase)

4. Giant billboards (noun phrase)

5. To fall down (verb phrase)

6. In West Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

- These incidents have caused the Jakarta administration to take the action of

permanently removing billboards erected along streets across the city. Jakarta

city secretary Saefullah said on Monday that the Public Order Agency (Satpol

PP) had been ordered to dismantle any billboards that have expired permits.

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 2)

1. Jakarta administration (noun phrase)

2. To take (verb phrase)

3. Along streets (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Across the city (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

5. Jakarta city secretary Saefullah (appositive phrase)

6. On Monday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Public Order Agency (noun phrase)

8. Had been ordered (verb phrase)

9. To dismantle (verb phrase)

10. Expired permits (noun phrase)

- On Saturday, two giant billboards in the Slipi area of West Jakarta down after

heavy rains and strong winds hit the city for hours causing two cars and one

motorcycle to be damaged. There were no casualties reported in the incidents

(page 4, column 1, paragraph 3)

1. On Saturday (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

2. Two giant billboards (noun phrase)

3. In the Slipi area of West Jakarta (preposition phrase / adverb phrae)

4. After heavy rains and strong winds (preposition phrase)

5. For hours (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

6. Two cars and one motorcycle (coordinated noun phrase)

7. In the incidents (noun phrase)

- One of the billboards fell onto a car that had a driver and three passengers

inside. Witnesses said the driver suffered an injured shoulder and back, while

his children, who were sitting beside him, suffered head injuries. The

children’s mother, who was sitting on the back seat suffered injured legs.

(page 4, column 3, paragraph 1)

1. One of the billboards (noun phrase)

2. Onto a car (preposition phrase)

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Driver and three passengers (coordinated noun phrase)

4. Shoulder and back (coordinated noun phrase)

5. Head injuries (noun phrase)

6. On the back seat (preposition phrase / adverb phrase)

7. Injured legs (noun phrase)

- Meanwhile, the other billboard near Harapan Kita Hospital fell down and hit

a taxi. The taxi driver was not injured. (page 4, column 4, paragraph 1)

1. Other billboard (noun phrase)

2. Near Harapan Kita Hospital (adverb phrase)

3. Fell down and hit a taxi (coordinated verb phrase)

4. Taxi driver (noun phrase)

4.4 Research Findings

After analysis the data, the writer found the result in description of number.

The writer used qualitative method to reach the result of the data analysis. The following table shows the occurrences of each kind of endocentric and exocentric phrase which is found in headline and city article used in Jakarta Post Newspaper.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Headline and city articles data published on 21st February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 86

Noun phrase 46 Modifier Adjective 6 177 57,09% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 39

Coordinated 5

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 3

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated 1 Multiple adjective 18 5,80% head phrase phrase

Coordinated -

adverb phrase

Appositive 9


Exocentric Preposition 115 115 37,09%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara

2. Headline and city articles data published on 22nd February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 82

Noun phrase 41 Modifier Adjective 2 161 56,69% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 36

Coordinated 7

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 16

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated 1 Multiple adjective 37 13,02% head phrase phrase

Coordinated 1

adverb phrase

Appositive 12


Exocentric Preposition 86 86 30,28%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Headline and city articles data published on 23rd February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 116

Noun phrase 44 Modifier Adjective 9 212 67,94% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 43

Coordinated 6

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 10

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated 1 Multiple adjective 24 7,45% head phrase phrase

Coordinated 2

adverb phrase

Appositive 5


Exocentric Preposition 86 86 26,70%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Headline and city articles data published on 24th February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 104

Noun phrase 49 Modifier Adjective 19 211 63,93% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 39

Coordinated 10

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 4

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated 1 Multiple adjective 24 7,27% head phrase phrase

Coordinated 1

adverb phrase

Appositive 8


Exocentric Preposition 95 95 28,78%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5. Headline and city articles data published on 25th February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 83

Noun phrase 32 Modifier Adjective 5 153 65,34% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 33

Coordinated 3

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 5

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated - Multiple adjective 18 7,69% head phrase phrase

Coordinated 2

adverb phrase

Appositive 8


Exocentric Preposition 63 63 26,92%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. Headline and city articles data published on 27th February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 83

Noun phrase 45 Modifier Adjective 9 177 64,59% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 40

Coordinated 12

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 4

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated - Multiple adjective 24 8,75% head phrase phrase

Coordinated -

adverb phrase

Appositive 8


Exocentric Preposition 73 73 26,64%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara 7. Headline and city articles data published on 28th February 2017

Kinds of phrase Occurrences Total Percentage


Verb phrase 68

Noun phrase 37 Modifier Adjective 5 110 57,29% head phrase phrase

Adverb phrase 35

Coordinated 9

verb phrase

Endocentric Coordinated 7

phrase noun phrase

Coordinated - Multiple adjective 26 13,54% head phrase phrase

Coordinated -

adverb phrase

Appositive 10


Exocentric Preposition 56 56 29,16%

phrase phrase

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V


5.1. Conclusion

After analyzing the endocentric and exocentric phrase in the articles used in headline and city articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper can be concluded that:

1. Endocentric phrase (modifier head phrase and multiple head phrase) and

exocentric phrase (preposition phrase) can be found in The Jakarta Post


2. The most dominant endocentric and exocentric phrase in headline and city

articles are modifier head phrase with the percentage 67,94% (verb phrase

36,02%, noun phrase 13,66%, adjective phrase 2,79%, and adverb phrase

13,35%) the second is preposition phrase with the percentage 37,09%, and

the third is multiple head phrase with the percentage 13,54% (coordinated

verb phrase 2,46%, coordinated noun phrase 5,63%, coordinated adjective

phrase 0,35%, coordinated adverb phrase 0,35% and appositive phrase


5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion, there are some suggestions for all the people who are interested in reading, writing, especially the readers, writers of Jakarta Post and the students.

1. The readers, writers and the students should learn and understand about

endocentric and exocentric phrase because it has meaning in the sentence.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. The readers and the students are suggested to read the others headline and

city articles in Jakarta post newspaper to deepen their knowledge about the

event or situation in Indonesia or overseas.

3. The writer should use more than one sentence in one paragraph because it can

make the reader confused and misunderstood about the news.

4. Moreover, this study can be used as a source of information in explaining

about endocentric and exocentric phrase. And the researcher hopes this thesis

can be useful for everyone in improving their knowledge about endocentric

and exocentric phrase.

Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCE

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Chaer, Abdul. 1994. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

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Downing, Angela. 1995. Syntax. Madrid: Universidad Complutense.

D. Van Valin JR, Robert. 2001. An Introduction to Syntax. Madrid: Cambridge University.

Hockett, Charles F.1989.A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The MacmillanCompany.

Miller, Jim. 2002.An Introduction to English Syntax. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press Ltd.

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Poole, Geoffrey. 2002. Syntactic Theory. New York: Palgrave

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Universitas Sumatera Utara APPENDIX

The Jakarta post Newspaper Date 21st February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 22nd February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara The Jakarta Post Newspaper Date 23rd February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The Jakarta Post Newspaper 24th February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara The Jakarta Post Newspaper 25th February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The Jakarta Post Newspaper 27th Newspaper 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara The Jakarta Post Newspaper 28th February 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara