THE ANALYSIS OF ENDOCENTRIC AND EXOCENTRIC PHRASE IN JAKARTA POST NEWSPAPER A THESIS BY AMSALDI WAHYU KRISTIAN SINULINGGA REG. NO.130705133 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2017 Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I, AMSALDI WAHYU KRISTIAN SINULINGGA DECLARE THAT I AM THE SOLE AUTHOR OF THIS THESIS EXCEPT WHERE REFERENCE IS MADE IN THE TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS CONTAINS NO MATERIAL PUBLISHED ELSEWHER OR EXTRACTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM A THESIS BY WHICH I HAVE QUALIFIED FOR OR AWARDED ANOTHER DEGREE. NO OTHER PERSON’S WORK HAS BEEN USED WITHOUT DUE ACKNOLEDGEMENTS IN THE MAIN TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF ANOTHER DEGREE IN ANY TERTIARY EDUCATION. Signed : Date : November22nd, 2017 Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION NAME : AMSALDI WAHYU KRISTIAN SINULINGGA TITLE OF THESIS : THE ANALYSIS OF ENDOCENTRIC AND EXOCENTRIC PHRASE IN JAKARTA POST NEWSPAPER QUALIFICATION : S-1/SARJANA SASTRA DEPARTMENT : ENGLISH I AM WILLING THAT MY THESIS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR REPRODUCTION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE LIBRARIAN OF DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT USERS ARE MADE AWARE OF THEIR OBLIGATION UNDER THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. Signed : Date : November22nd, 2017 Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to say thanks and praise Jesus Christ for blessing me abundantly and give me strength during the time of doing and finishing this thesis of mine. My very special gratitude is my beloved parents, my father Lesma Sinulingga, he is the best man ever in my life and always cares about everything I need, and my mother Adelina Ginting, the best woman ever in my life, she always keep supporting me and listen to my sad or happy story in writing and finishing this thesis. The warmest thanks are also devoted to my brother Almanda Pratama Sinulingga and my sister-in-law Yan Christin Ibrena, thank you for keep supporting me and all your prayers, and I want to thanks to my other families, I cannot mention them one by one, but I want to say thank you very much for your loves, supports and prays for me. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Deliana, M.Hum as my supervisor and as the Head of English Department for her knowledge, patience, and support for me to write and finish this thesis. Also, I would like to thank Drs. M. Syafi’ie Siregar, M.A as my co-supervisor for his kindness to help me in writing this thesis. My gratitude also goes to the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D, and all of the lecturers and the staffs of English Department for the facilities and opportunities given to me during my study in this faculty. I want to thank my “Lapo Tuak” as my crazy also stupid and creative friends at the same time, Agung Perdana Putra (app), Andre Fachrozi (babe), Daniel Morrism (apara), Darryl Ivan (kolep kopyor), Randy Siregar (opung),Dodi Arya Universitas Sumatera Utara (doday), Hendrikson Manurung (icon), Fadli Barus (komting legend), M. Ridha (tamiya), Joe Juntak (kimpau), Prayer Jonathan Agung Sigumonrong (kakek sugiono), Dannish (wibu), Kassandra (yommy) , Rezy (big Zi), Daud (uud), thank you for all your foolishness and all the story we had together so I can stay in this English Literature Department. You’re all like my second family and I feel so happy when we did some stupid things. The special thanks given to Jessica Christie as my beloved girl, thank you for your support, prayers, and help me to write this thesis and always accompany me in bad and good time. I do not know what to do if you were not here, and I really thanks to your fussy so I am not a lazy person to finish this thesis. I am really happy when I am with you, I feel your warmest hug and it always help me to finish this thesis. I hope you can finish your study too in time and we can build our future together. November 22nd 2017 Amsaldi Wahyu Kristian Sinulingga Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT This study entitled “The Analysis of Endocentric and Exocentric Phrase in Jakarta Post Newspaper” is a linguistics study viewed from syntax. In this study the object that the researcher analyzed is the endocentric and exocentric phrase that are found in the Jakarta Post Newspaper. The Jakarta Post newspaper as the data of this study is collected from 21st to 28th February 2017. The theory supporting in this study is taken from Cook and Hockett theory. Based on those theories, the endocentric phrase can be divided into two parts those are multiple head, and modifier head phrase. The multiple head phrase can be divided into two parts those are coordinated and appositive phrase. The exocentric phrase also known preposition phrase. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out endocentric and exocentric phrases that are found in the selected articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper, (2) to find out the dominants phrase in the chosen articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper. This study structured as the field research using descriptive qualitative method. The result of this analysis is found that the modifier head phrase with the percentage 63,93% (verb phrase 36,02%, noun phrase 13,66%, adjective phrase 2,79%, and adverb phrase 13,35%) the second is preposition phrase with the percentage 37,09%, and the third is multiple head phrase with the percentage 13,02% (coordinated verb phrase 2,46%, coordinated noun phrase 5,63%, coordinated adjective phrase 0,35%, coordinated adverb phrase 0,35% and appositive phrase 4,22%) Keywords : Endocentric and exocentric phrase, descriptive qualitative method Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul “The Analysis of Endocentric and Exocentric in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” merupakan sebuah kajian linguistic dari sudut pandang sintaksis.Dalam skripsi ini objek yang dianalisis adalah frasa endosentris dan eksosentris yang teradapat dalam koran Jakarta Post. Koran Jakarta Post sebagai data dalam skripsi ini diambil dari tanggal 21 sampai 29 Februari 2017.Teori yang mendukung skripsi ini diambil dari teori Cook dan Hockett.Berdasarkan teori-toeri tersebut, frasa endosentris dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu frasa beraneka hulu dan frasa modifikatif.Frasa beraneka hulu dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu frasa koordinatif dan frasa apositif.Frasa eksosentris dikenal juga sebagai frasa preposisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui frasa endosentris dan eksosentris yang teradapat dalam artikel yang terpilih dari koran Jakarta Post. (2) untuk mengetahui frasa-frasa dominan dalam artikel yang terpilh dari koran Jakarta Post. Skripsi ini disusun sebagai penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa untuk frasa bernaka hulu dengan persentase 63,93% (frasa kata kerja 36,02%, frasa nomina 13,66%, frasa kata sifat 2,79%, dan frasa adverbia 13,35%) yang kedua adalah frasa preposisi dengan persentase 37,09%, dan yang ketiga adalah frasa beraneka hulu dengan persentase 13,02% (frasa kooridantif kata kerja 2,46%, frasa koordinatif nomina 5,63%, frasa koordinatif kata sifat 0,35%, frasa koordinatif adverbia 0,35% dan frasa appositif 4,22%) Kata Kunci :Frasa endosentris dan eksosentris, deskriptif kualitatif Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ................................................................................ v COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ........................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. ix ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................ x TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ......................................... 1 1.2. Problem of the Study ............................................... 3 1.3. Objective of the Study ............................................. 4 1.4. Scope of the Study .................................................. 4 1.5. Significances of the Study ....................................... 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Syntax ..................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Clause ..................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Phrase ..................................................................... 7 2.2 Endocentric and Exocentric Phrase ........................ 8 2.2.1 Endocentric Phrase ............................................................................................ 9 Multiple Head Phrase ................................................................................... 10 Modifier Head Phrase ....................................... 12 2.2.2 Exocentric Phrase ............................................................................................ 13 Preposition Phrase ........................................................................................ 14 2.3 Relevant Studies ................................................... 15 Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ..................................................
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