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1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION the Most CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The most crucial problem facing the Muslim Ummah of today is that of being misunderstood by the non-Muslim world. It is widely felt by even the young Muslim child, how the non-Muslim world has mistakenly looked down on the Muslims as uncivilized beings who terrorize and create chaos and disorder amongst people in the world. Respect and tolerance towards Muslims and Islam as a religion, if not as a way of life, seems to be dwindling or may have vanished in their hearts and souls. This disrespect and animosity have been exhibited by a number of their actions, which includes among others the publications of the caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW*1 and claiming that Islam suppresses women’s rights. To worsen the problem they undertake to protect and sponsors, figures regarded as blasphemers such as Salman Rusdie, Naslima Taslim. and others. Rushdie who wrote ‘The Satanic Rites’ has been given protection by the Danish government and just recently given the knighthood by the British Government2. The writings of these blasphemers are in contradiction to Islamic teachings, however received recognition and support from the non-Muslim world especially in Europe and the US. Due to their lack of understanding and prejudice, they have also ridiculed the Islamic Laws as unjust and curtailing the freedom and the rights of the individuals and unfortunately the United Nations were used many times as a forum * Prophet Mohamad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam. The short form SAW will be used to denote this salutation to the Prophet which means blessings and peace be upon him (PBUH) which is also used by some 1 and vehicle to attack Islam and Muslims3. The most popular amongst their claims are in the rulings of the ‘Faraidh,’ the Islamic system for the distribution of inheritance where women receive less than men, the Islamic criminal law (Hudud and Qisas) such as the cutting of a thief’s hand and a hundred lashes for illicit sexual offenders, polygamy and the disqualification of a woman to leadership positions. The most recent incident was a speech by the Pope on 12 September 2006 which insinuated that Islam expanded forcibly by aggression {through the sword}. Even though the Pope claimed he was quoting from others4 but his words manifested his negative thoughts and animosity towards Islam and Muslims. This animosity and distrust towards Islam and Muslims started very much earlier even during the period of the Prophet Mohamad SAW when he first propagated Islam to the ‘quraish musyrikin’* of Mekah. Most of the leaders of the quraish and their followers were openly against the teachings of the Prophet Mohamad SAW and most of the few who became Muslims were boycotted, persecuted and tortured and some of them were even killed. The Prophet Mohamad SAW did not escape these harassments and finally to safeguard the faith and lives of the Muslims they were allowed to migrate (Hijrah) to Ethopia and later to Yathrib (Madinah). In Madinah although the Muslims ruled it, the animosity was continued by a few local leaders and the Jews. The animosity and confrontations were continued later by the Roman and Persian Empires and persisted until today by successive governments of Europe5 with the addition of the Americans in the recent century. The negative portrayals seem to be a concerted effort by many including politicians whether rightists or leftists and even by moderates and liberals who with the help of the media play a major role in dispensing these negative portrayals. * Quraish: the noble Arabs tribes of Mekah were categorized in to this, while the nomadic Bedouins were not. Musyrikin : are people who enjoin other gods (such as idols etc) with Allah SWT the Mighty Creator 2 Salim Zaimeche noted in an article how in a BBC program, a guest revealed that when UK children were asked what is a Muslim, virtually all answered “ .. is a terrorist.”6 There are many more incidences and evidences that can be forwarded here but it is unnecessary for the author to list every details of events and accusations towards the Muslim world as this is not the intention of this dissertation. In a way the Muslim world is also at fault since most of the time, the Muslim world prefers to remain silent and insensitive to the various issues that have tarnished and belittled their reputation and there are a few Muslims who sometimes add to the confusion by making statements unbecoming of a Muslim. Very little effort, if any have been undertaken to clarify the confusion that even the most tolerant of the non-Muslim communities have become confused and began to have second thoughts about their Muslim neighbors. Why has this happened ? Many scholars from all over the world know that Islam is a tolerant and just religion that encourages love and respect amongst their neighbors whether they are Muslims or non- Muslims. The so-called scholars also know that Islam inculculates good habits, emphasize justice for all regardless of race, colour or religion. There are many evidences of this through out the Islamic world and history, from the time of the Prophet Mohamad SAW until now7. Non-Muslims are to be treated justly and with respect even though they live in an Islamic State. Their rights to live peacefully, adhere and practice their beliefs are not hindered by Islam. From the Al Hadith, the Prophet Mohamad SAW had 3 categorically stated his stand on this issue which is a ruling which must be adhered to by all Muslims.. “ Whoever hurts a zimmi* will be my foe, and whoever is my foe will also be my foe in the day of reckoning” 8 In today’s modern world, information is the weapon which is used to control the world. Information becomes knowledge. Knowledge leads to strength and it is being used by the superpowers and the most developed countries of today to safeguard and fortify their interests throughout the globe. These countries emphasize the pursuit of knowledge and they spend billions of dollars on education, research and development. The United States spends about USD 100 billion on R & D with studies covering from the most fundamental research on the sciences to the most advanced space travel and the most destructive of weapons, biological and nuclear, which can kill millions of human beings or devastate large cities in the shortest of time. These R & D are being carried out by government agencies, universities, private institutions and corporations, large or small. Japan spend about USD 100 billion on R & D concentrating more on the consumer and automotive industries according to the records of the late seventies, we can look at the results today when they practically dominate the world with their automobiles and consumer products9. * Zimmi, is a non-Muslim who resides in an Islamic State and professes allegiance to the government 4 In Islam the importance of knowledge has been emphasized, in the Al Quran, for example in the Surah Az Zumar 39:9. [Al Quran 39:9]10 9. Is one who worships devoutly during the hour of the night prostrating himself or standing (in adoration), who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope In the Mercy of His Lord - (Like one who does not)? say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with 11 understanding that receive admonition.P15F Some translators have used the word education or lessons (pelajaran/pengajaran) for the 12 word admonition.P16F P Thus from this verse it is clear that only the man of knowledge can understand and can act accordingly in any situation. The man of knowledge will always have the advantage over the unlearned and the ignorant. In another verse from the Al Quran, Surah Al Khafi 018:109 which dictate the scope and extent of knowledge.[Al 13 Quran 018:109]P17F 27. And if all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean (were ink), with seven oceans behind it to add to its (supply), yet would not the words of Allah be 14 exhausted (in the writing): for Allah is Exalted In power, full of wisdom.P18F 5 The words of Allah are translated by many commentators to mean knowledge and thus it is clear from this verse that the extent of knowledge is very wide and the knowledge that has been revealed and discovered by man is very little indeed. The possibility of uncovering new knowledge can be anticipated and it is up to the man of knowledge to seek it out. Knowledge is from Allah and the first knowledge was imparted to the first man created as revealed in this verse from the Al Quran, Surah Al Baqarah 02: 31-33 [Al Quran : 02: 31-33]15 . 31. And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: "Tell me the nature of these if ye are right." 32. They said: "Glory to Thee, of knowledge we have none, save what Thou hast taught us: In truth it is Thou who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom." 33. He said: "O Adam! Tell them their natures." When he had told them, Allah said: "Did I not Tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know 16 what ye reveal and what ye conceal?"P20F * The quest for knowledge can be considered to begin since the time of Prophet Adam ASP3F P * Prophet Adam Alaihi Salam, the short form AS will be used to denote this salutation to the Prophets besides the Prophet Mohamad SAW 6 and have been continued ever since.
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