RANDY GAUGLER Center for Vector Biology, 180 Jones Avenue Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8536 Ph: 848/932-9341 Fax: -9257 Email:
[email protected] B.S., Entomology, North Dakota State University, 1972. EDUCATION M.S., Entomology, North Carolina State University, 1974. Ph.D., Entomology, University of Wisconsin, 1978. Senior Scientist, New York State Museum, 1979-82. POSITIONS Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, 1982-86. Associate Professor, Rutgers University, 1986-91. Professor, Rutgers University, 1991-95. Research Director, Ecogen, 1993-95. Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University, 1995-present. Associate Director, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 2007-10. Director, Rutgers Center for Vector Biology, 2006-2016. PUBLICATIONS 1989 to present Gaugler R & S Schutz. 1989. Environmental influences on hovering behavior of Tabanus nigrovittatus and T. conterminus (Diptera: Tabanidae). J Insect Behav 2:775-86. Costa S & R Gaugler. 1989. Influence of Solanum host plants on Colorado potato beetle susceptibility to the entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana. Environ Entomol 18:531-6. Gaugler R, S Costa & J Lashomb. 1989. Stability and efficacy of Beauveria bassiana soil inoculations. Environ Entomol 18:412-7. Costa S & R Gaugler. 1989. Sensitivity of Beauveria bassiana to solanine and tomatine: plant defensive chemicals inhibit an insect pathogen. J Chem Ecol 15:697-706. Schutz S & R Gaugler. 1989. Honeydew feeding by salt marsh horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae). J. Med. Entomol. 26:471-3. Choo Y, H Kaya, T Burlando & R Gaugler. 1989. Entomopathogenic nematodes: host-finding ability in the presence of plant roots. Environ. Entomol 18:1136-40. Schutz S, R Gaugler & R Vrijenhoek. 1989. Genetic and morphometric discrimination of coastal and inland Tabanus lineola (Diptera: Tabanidae).