Maria Skłodowska-Curie & Wilhelm Klemm

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Maria Skłodowska-Curie & Wilhelm Klemm News sity in 1982. Whitesides is a member of solids such as [3a] the international advisory board of Si3B3N7 and dis- Angewandte Chemie and an honorary cussed in an Essay member of the editorial advisory board the question of of Small. whether the concept of design in chemi- Baeyer Medal to W. Sander cal synthesis is really an illusion.[3b] The Adolf von Baeyer Medal will be Jansen com- awarded to Wolfram Sander (Ruhr-Uni- pleted his PhD in versität Bochum). Sander is recognized M. Jansen 1973 with R. Hoppe for his work in the area of physical at the Universität organic chemistry. Giessen, where he went on to complete His research group his habilitation in 1978. He took up a Awarded… studies reaction position at the Universität Hannover in mechanisms and 1981 and moved to the Universität Bonn At the Wissenschaftsforum (Science intermediates by in 1987. In 1998 he became director of Forum) of the Gesellschaft Deutscher usingtechniques the Max-Planck-Institut in Stuttgart. Chemiker (German Chemical Society, such as synthesis, Jansen is a member of the Editorial GDCh) in Ulm this year, many matrix isolation, Board of Angewandte Chemie and co- renowned prizes will again be awarded. laser flash photoly- editor of the Zeitschrift für Anorgani- sis, and quantum sche und Allgemeine Chemie. chemical calcula- G. Whitesides to give A. W. von W. Sander Hoffmann Lecture tions. Recently he Wöhler Prize for J. Metzger reported in Ange- The August Wilhelm von Hoffmann wandte Chemie 1,2,3-tridehydroben- The Wöhler Prize for resource-saving Lectureship has been given by the zene[2a] and trifluoro-1,3,5-tridehydro- processes is awarded this year to GDCh to foreign scientists since 1978. benzene[2b] and discussed the develop- Jürgen O. Metzger (Universität Olden- This years lecture ment of didehydroarene research in the burg) for his works on sustainable will be given by past hundred years.[2c] development, re- George M. White- Sander completed his PhD in 1982 in newable resources, sides (Harvard Uni- the group of R. Gleiter (Universität mass spectrometry, versity, Cambridge, Heidelberg) and completed his habilita- and radical reac- MA, USA) on the tion there in 1989. He undertook post- tions. Metzger com- topic “Rethinking doctoral studies from 1982 until 1984 pleted his PhD in What Chemistry with O. L. Chapman (UCLA). In 1990 1971 with H. Sinn Does”. Whitesides he moved to the TU Braunschweig, and (Universität Ham- is honored for his in 1993 to Bochum. Sander is a member burg). Since 1974 outstandingcontri- of the editorial boards of European he has worked at G. Whitesides butions to chemistry Journal of Organic Chemistry and Jour- the Universität Old- in a wide range of nal of Physical Organic Chemistry, enburg, where he J. Metzger areas: In the course of his career, he has amongothers. completed his habil- worked on NMR spectroscopy, organo- itation in 1983 on metallic chemistry, organic synthesis M. Jansen receives Karl Ziegler thermally initiated radical reactions at with enzymes, materials and surface Prize elevated temperatures and high pres- science, microfluidics, and nanotechnol- sures. In 1991 he became Professor of ogy, among others. He recently reported The Karl Ziegler Prize, which includes Organic Chemistry. Metzger serves on in Angewandte Chemie a method for 50000 E and a gold medal, is one of the the editorial board of Clean—Soil, Air, patterningpaper with a photoresist for most highly endowed German awards in Water. He discussed in Angewandte simple, portable bioassays.[1a] In much chemistry. It is awarded every two years, Chemie the contribution of chemistry noted Essays, he has discussed the future and this years prize goes to Martin to sustainable development 10 years of chemistry in general[1b] and that of Jansen (Max-Planck-Institut für Fest- after the climate summit in Rio de nanoscience in particular.[1c] körperforschung, Stuttgart). Jansen will Janeiro,[4a] and in Chemistry—A Euro- Whitesides completed his doctorate lecture at the Wissenschaftsforum on pean Journal proposed a method for the in 1964 at the California Institute of high-temperature-stable Si/B/N/C comparison of alternative chemical syn- Technology (Pasadena) under the guid- ceramics as new materials for the effi- theses with respect to their resource ance of J. D. Roberts. He then accepted cient use of thermal energy. He recently requirements and their potential impact a position at Massachusetts Institute of described in Angewandte Chemie the on the environment.[4b] In this issue, he Technology. He joined Harvard Univer- path to the structure of amorphous reports the mass spectrometric investi- 6764 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 6764 – 6765 Angewandte Chemie gation of a direct organocatalytic a- tion currently pub- Small, 2005, 1, 172; c) G. M. Whitesides, halogenation of aldehydes.[4c] lished online he Angew. Chem. 2004, 116, 2716; Angew. reports a dormant Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 3632. [2] a) S. Venkataramani, M. Winkler, W. ruthenium catalyst Arfvedson Schlenk Prize for W. Sander, Angew. Chem. 2005, 117, 6464; Schnick bearinga chelating Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 6306; carboxylate ligand b) S. Venkataramani, M. Winkler, W. The Arfvedson Schlenk Prize of the for metathesis reac- Sander, Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 4974; GDCh and the company Chemetall tions,[6a] and in a Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 4888; recognizes outstanding works in the Review in this issue c) H. H. Wenk, M. Winkler, W. Sander, area of lithium he discusses sustain- Angew. Chem. 2003, 115, 518; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 502. chemistry. This able concepts in K. Grela [3] a) M. Jansen, J. C. Schön, L. van Wüllen, [6b] years prize is olefin metathesis. Angew. Chem. 2006, 118, 4350; Angew. awarded to Wolf- Grela completed his Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4244; b) M. gang Schnick PhD in 1998 under Jansen, J. C. Schön, Angew. Chem. 2006, (Ludwig-Maximili- the supervision of 118, 3484; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, ans-Universität M. Makosza, under- 45, 3406. München). took postdoctoral [4] a) M. Eissen, J. O. Metzger, E. Schmidt, U. Schneidewind, Angew. Chem. 2002, Schnicks group work in 1999 and 114, 402; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41, studies nonmetallic 2000 with A. Fürst- 414; b) M. Eissen, J. O. Metzger, Chem. solid-state com- ner (MPI Mülheim), Eur. J. 2002, 8, 3580; c) C. A. Marquez, F. W. Schnick pounds and materi- and completed his Fabbretti, J. O. Metzger, Angew. Chem. als with interesting habilitation in 2003; 2007, 119, 7040; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. chemical, mechanical, optical, and elec- V. Aggarwal he is currently a 2007, 46, 6915. [5] F. W. Karau, L. Seyfarth, O. Oeckler, J. trical properties; examples include group leader at the Senker, K. Landskron, W. Schnick, Chem. nitrides and oxonitrides of light main- Academy. He received prizes from the Eur. J. 2007, 13, 6841. group elements in combination with Polish Prime Minister both for his PhD [6] a) R. Gawin, A. Makal, K. Wozniak, M. alkali, alkaline-earth, and rare-earth thesis and for his habilitation. Mauduit, K. Grela, Angew. Chem., DOI: metals. He recently reported in Chemis- The Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1002/ange.200701302; Angew. Chem. try—A European Journal the synthesis (UK) is a partner of the GDCh in Int. Ed., DOI: 10.1002/anie.200701302; and structure of SrP N .[5] awardingthe Alexander Todd–Hans b) H. Clavier, K. Grela, A. Kirschning, 2 4 M. Mauduit, S. P. Nolan, Angew. Chem. Schnick studied chemistry in Han- Krebs Lectureship to Varinder Aggar- 2007, 119, 6906; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. nover, where he also received his PhD in wal (University of Bristol). Aggarwals 2007, 46, 6786. 1986 under M. Jansen on alkali-metal research interests include the develop- [7] J. L. Stymiest, G. Dutheuil, A. Mahmood, ozonides. He then spent a year with A. ment of new catalytic processes for V. K. Aggarwal, Angew. Chem., DOI: Rabenau at the MPI für Festkörperfor- asymmetric synthesis, the use of reaction 10.1002/ange.200702146; Angew. Chem. schungin Stuttgart.After stints in Bonn, intermediates in catalysis and synthesis, Int. Ed., DOI: 10.1002/anie.200702146. where he received his habilitation in as well as the synthesis of biologically inorganic chemistry in 1992, and Bay- relevant substances. In a Communica- DOI: 10.1002/anie.200703662 reuth, he is now a professor for inor- tion currently published online in Ange- ganic solid-state chemistry at the wandte Chemie he reports the use of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Mün- lithium carbamates as chiral carbenoids chen. Schnick is a member of the for the iterative homologation of bor- editorial board of the Zeitschrift für anes and boronic acids.[7] Aggarwal Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. received his PhD in 1986 under the supervision of S. Warren (University of K. Grela and V. Aggarwal to give Cambridge) and undertook postdoc- Cooperation Lectures toral research with G. Stork (Columbia University, New York). In 1988 he Together with its Polish sister society became a lecturer at the University of Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne, the Bath; in 1991 he moved to the Univer- GDCh holds the Marie Sklodowska sity of Sheffield, where he became a Curie–Wilhelm Klemm Lectureship, professor in 1997. He has been in Bristol which will be given this year by Karol since 2000. Grela (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw). Grelas research interests include the development of new syn- [1] a) A. W. Martinez, S. T. Phillips, M. J. thetic methods and strategies in organic Butte, G. M. Whitesides, Angew. Chem. chemistry and organometallic catalysis. 2007, 119, 1340; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. In an Angewandte Chemie Communica- 2007, 46, 1318; b) G. M. Whitesides, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 6764 – 6765 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
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