Kemper Correspondence to 1952 Box 1

Samples of Stationery Used by Mr. Kemper

Abbott Academy July 48-4MH NOV. 51 about 25 lett. Cassures him that j Miss Hearsey welcomes JMK and]fhis Job will not be mpnotnnous. JMK's mother was an Abbot alumnae. An account of esp^y fund-raising problems written by the Rev. John Lord Tjiylor, treas. from 1852-?? Routine stuff.

American Acad, of Arts & Sciences 49 2 lett.


Accelerated program

A memo prepared for JMK by Richaard Pleter (7) In 1951 explaining PA's program during WWII for boys drafted during a school year.

Admission Research CommltteelEnrollment about 50 pages*

19^9 committee studied entrance exams, examined faculty & parent complaints, and analyzed the mortality rate of PA students as a basis for possible changes in admission policies & recruiting. Notes & minutes of meetings. This study is prompted by a lack of high- quality, full-tuition applicants. Lots of charts, statistics, & data.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 51-52 about 40 pages

Mostly corres. with members setting up the committee meetings and agendas. Some t* syaow- alumni comment on what the faculy should get. 48-52 Addison Gallery of American Art thick file

Lists of Gifts of art to Addison Gallery. Resume of a discussion on art as part of a genjal education. Bart Hayes suggests purchasing some Currier & Ives and other prints decorating the Inn (1949) Report on the operation of the Gallery 194?-48. Report of the Arts Assn of N. E. Prep Schools. Annual Reports for 49-50 and 50-51

Addison Gallery 43-48 thick file

Annual report in 1943 with sample scripts of the Gallery's radio program on WLAW. lists of acquisitions. Annual reports for 43-44, 44-45, 45-46, 46-4?. In each report, Bartlett Hayes tries to assess the role of Addison in the contjtt of PA and in that of the communf^iy. CMP is interested in purchasing a painting from the Addison collection until he learns the price (1948)

Addison Gallery 38-43 thick file

Report on plans to set up an association of sponsors for the A.G. dn 1938. A report from C.Sawyer in 1940 to the Art Committee. 1940 report on the status of the Art dept. Several lists of acquisitions by gift & purchase. Hayes looks for a raise for Patrick Morgan, Art teacher. Some confusion over a drawing of Sargent by R.K.Crosby bought for PA and proper credit not given to donors. CMF expresses firm support for Addison Gallery, even though he doesn't go there very often. (1942X

& JMK corres. to 1952 box 1 (2)

Addslon Gallery 33-38 thick file

Annual Report 1932-33- More lists of acquisitions. A list of picture vayipions. Annual report 34-95; 35-36- A report on the state of art education in secondary schools with recommendations for PA by B. Hayes, 1936. An assessment of 4 PA grads as possible art instructors in 1937. A brief history of the collections of the the A.G. (no date) Report on art & muscle courses at PA by Pfatteicher & Sawyer.

Addison Gallery 28-33 thick file

More lists of acquisitions. Loan to N.X. MUseum of Modern Art. Copy of0£rt Notes, publication of the Macbeth Gallery, whose director is janot of Addison's art committee. Chas. Sawyer discusses the importance of art education in secondary schools, 1932. Annual report, 1931-32. Catalog of paintings by American artists owned by PA in 1928.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 50-51 thick file

JMK appoints a committee of alumni to advise on various curriculum revision plans, recommendantions made in areas of foreign language, history, science, Bible,& fine arts. File includes corres. setting up meetings, list of committee members, Bro*well Ault is co-chairman with JMK. &• 37 \\SQ


Andover Graduate at Yale 1949. A paper by Dean R. C. Carroll of Yale studying the careers of Andover grads at Yale before & after the war.

Andover and the Colleges 1949. A paper by G. Benedict given to a faculty seminar In May, 1949 (as was the above paper) about why PA grads choose the colleges they do.

Andover^Sportlng Publications ' 1952

One memo to JMK recommending that he discourage the activities of Andover Sporting Publications headed by Bob Ornsteen.

Andover Summer Session 1949. A paper for the faculty seminar by Floyd T. Humphries.

Andover. Town of 1948. one letter

From JMK thanking the fire dept for prompt action in dealing with a fire at Abbot House in Dec, 1948.

Archeology 1901-1940 Very thick file

Xsxxxtx&Ekxxxxa Copies of correspondence & will relating the the gift of Hr. & Mrs. Peabody.for the purpose of establishing a dept of archeology. Letter from Ellas Bishop to AES suggesting that some of the Peabody* money be spent for a kind of club room In the arch, bldg, where students could get sandwiches and ginger pop. This would "...go a long way toward solving the problem of 'Chaps1. I regard 'Chaps' as a serious menace to the moral welfare of the school and some of the stoties which I have heard 8%.would lead me to go a long way to provide something else for the boys." (Elias B. Bishop to Alfred E Stearns, Boston, March 15, 1911) Report of the Advisory Committee on Archaeology, 1914. Report on the Peabody Union by a committee of investigation ( no date) Mr. Moorehead disagrees with Mr. Ropes as to the activities of the arch. dept. in the Mississippi Valley. (1924) Moorehead asks for more funds, at least as much as Kidder gets, for his field work. (1925) He worries about students using his space for other activities and too many keys to the building being in circulation. Report in'newspaper of Lindbergh's visit to PA dig in New Mexico. J Funds aqulred for a Merrimack Valley archaeological survey. (1930) King Phillip's War Club sold to Miss Sears (1930) Kidder writes to CMF not to let Moorehead give the Pecos collection to the Hew Mexico Museum. "Warren is so trustful a soul that he might well have been bamboozled by the wily director aforesaid....Warren doesn"t understand the -New Mexico situation, though I've tried to explain it to him." (Alfred Kidder to Claude Fuess, Globe, Ariz., Baron 20, 1934) Moorehead applies for a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1934. Estimates on the cost of remodeling the Archaeology Museum. In Aug., 1936, CMF gives Moorehead permission to turn over the text, diagrams, etc. of PA's copywrited Archaeology of Maine to the State of Maine. Later, in I937t Douglas Byers advises CMF that the book is hopelessiyout of date and republication might embarass both Moorehead and PA.' CMF admits he knows nothing about arcjaeology. Moorehead makes a final report on his years as director in 1938. Many tributes to Moorehead on his death in 1939 JMK corres. to 1952 Box 2 (2)

Archaeology, cont.

Dr. Charles Peabody writes from Paris in 1939 that he is destitute and could PA give him some funds, since he never received a salary when he worked there. The Peabody museum in Cambridge receives a similar letter. CMF says he was left lots of money and has frittered it away. "It Is perfectly obvious that we have no moral or legal obligation in the matter, but of course no one here would wish to have a relative of one of our great benefactors starve." (Claude Fuess to Dr. Donald Scott, Peabody Museum Cambridge, Andover, July 1,1939) Peabody's son recommends that nobddy pass a hat for his father, since he left his wife to go to France and has married a French woman whose able-bodied relatives are all living off Dr. Peabody, and that he is not that badly off. Douglas Byers writes an interesting letter on the state of the Archaeology Dept In Sep, 1939, saying the Mooorehead was a figurehead for the aast years of his directorship with Byers doing all the work. He is also upset about the status of Mr. Travis, "...wished on this Department by Mr. Sawyer in a way which I consider most unethical and in a way which at the same time it was impossible to refuse." (Douglas Byers to Philip L. Reed, Andover, Sep. 29,1939) CMF concurs with Byers about Travis, saying that he can add interesting and almost incredible details about him. Annual Report of the Archaeology Dept, 1939- A linguistic map of Mexico & Central America by Frederick Johason.

Archaeology 1940-48 thick file

Further developments in the Boylston Street Fishwelr excavation reported in the 1939 Annual Report in the preceeding folder. Dr. Johnson requests funds from the Am Acad of Arts & Sciences to publish findings. Eli Lilly gives |2000 to the Dept in memory of Dr. Moorehead. Annual Report for 1942 outlines the dept's efforts toward defense. Dr. Johnson describes Ms "war course" in map-reading & geography. some preliminary annual budgets for the Arch. dept. CMF wr^aAes an official letter identifying Dr. Johnson & his associates as loyal US citizens so they can continue their work on sites near military installations in 1943. Outline of a proposed expedition to Alaska, April, 1944. Several letters & memos concerning the placing of a memorial placque to Dr. Moorehead by his family. Annual reoprt for 1944. Copy of Prehistoric America and the River Valleys published by the Committee for the Recovery of Archeological Remains (Johnson is a prominent member) Some information on the Andover-Harvard Yukon expediation of 1948.. Annual report for 1947. More on the Great Auk. Johnson is involved In early studies with Carbon-14 dating.

Archaeology 48-52 thick file

Reprint of an article, American Arohaeology, 1948, edited by ^Johnson. Also American Archaeology, 1949. Annual report, 1950. Americ^an Archaeology, 1950, edited , as the other 2, by Johnson. Ajs^'o some preliminary budgets.

Athletic Departmeht--Polloies Governing Administration 1950-51

one mimeographed pamphlet detailing procedures & dutfees. JMK corres. to 1953 Box 2 (3)

Athletic Dept. 1948-52 very thick file

A review of athletic facilities and axi&KB outline of what is needed, (no date; 19487). Athletic dept seeks closer relationship with the PR dept. in 19^9. Annual Report & summary of Sports Results, 49-50* Example of a new phys. ed. appraisal report to parents, 1950. Annual Report, 1950. Another analysis of the Athletic dept with recommendations for improvement in 1950- 1950-51 budget by sport. many reports, collections of statistics, etc. Minutes of the Athletic Committee. A few referances to tournaments & meets. Lists of boys who scored low in phys. aptitude tests, 1951- Lengthy "Philospphy and Policies which guide the administration of the program ofphysical education" prepared by Ed Shea. Decision made to rent rather than provide uniforms for boys other than varsity. Peeliminary report of the committee on awards, also final report of same, 1952.

Athletic Dept. 41-48 2 reports, copies of letters

Emphasis on an integrated P.E. & athletic program in a 1945 report. Letters to alumni asking them to play in annual Alumni vs. School baseball game.

Athletic Dept. West Point's P.E. Program few letters, mlmeo info.

Booklet on West Point intramural regulations; other west Point stuff. Shea arranges to go study methods at West Point, 1951.

Baldrldge. Malcom. 49 2 lett.

Alumni affairs.

Baldy. Fred. 50 4 lett.

Routine pleasantries.

Bale, FBederlok. PA '02 49-50 3 lett.


Beaver Country Day School 49 5 lett.

Routine; some discussion of Rorschach testing.

Bedford-Rlppowam School 46-51 7 lett.

Routine, with some mention of individual students.

Belmont Hill School 1951 one iHfctsaex memo

Report on accident involving a B. H. student injured on the hockey rink, not seriously.

Benezet, Louis B. 1948-50 4 lett.

A former teacher of JMK who advises him that the doctrine of 'formal discipline' ie, the study of Latin and other difficult & outmoded subjects is detrimental to student development. JMK outlines the theory of his curriculum revision program. JMK corres. to If 52 Box 2 (£)

Benner House 1951 letter & memo

Leon Davidson cannot make the grill profitable and so parts company with PA.

Berkshire School 1948-51 6 lett.

A list of scholarship boys sponsored by alumni across the US; both successful & unsuccessful in 1948.

Berkshire Industrial Farm 1949-50 2 annual reports, 1949 & 1950

JMK apparently a director of this home for boys in trouble.

Black. George 1950 2 lett.


Blair Academy 49-50 9/Tlett.

Routine. \6\37.11.0 KEMPER CORRESPONDENCE TO 1952 Box 3

Boston & Maine RR. 1948 4 lfctt.

Re special stops at Andover on Sunday nights by the Boston train.

Boston University 1950 5 lwtt. ^economic PA cooperates in a BU study on the\Importance of N.E. educational institutions.

BrltltsLis h Committee. Teacher's Exchange 1951 5 3t» items

Application forms of 3 British teachers Interested in teaching a year in the US: James Gibb, Sherborne School; Arthur Marsden, Eton, and Eric Hudson-Davles, Harrow.

British Information Service 1951 one lett.

Asks for film of the soccer final cup matches.

Brooks School 1948-51

Routine. Several copies of "The Next Voter", a political science newspaper published by Brooks students.

Buckley Country Day School 1950 one lett. Routine

Buckley Sohool 1948-51 19 items

An Assessment of JMK by J. Adriance: (in a lighter vein) "...he has a strong attachment for woodworking, cigarettes, sailing, and a gaudy houndstooth sports Jacket. His closest approach to militarizing P.A. has consisted of his ix±ax£xxBSfeXBK Indoctrinating our magnificent student band in the rudiments of formation marching." (James Adriance to James Hubball, May 4, 1950). Ref. to individual students.

Buildings & Grounds 52-57 12 memos, notices,ete.

Routine, regarding maintainance of various houses.

Bunting. James E. 1949-51 about 30 lett.

The publisher of "Private Independent Schools". Letters & agreements concern PA's entries in the publication.

Burdett. Leonard PA %j6 11 lett. 11951

Burdett Is intested in prep school teaching, preferably at PA.

Burns. John Home PA '33 1948-49 7 lett.

Burns is commissioned tojwrite an article on PA for Holiday and interviews JMK & Basford. (»1948) He also writes a novel "luoifer With a Book" in 1949 which attacks prep schools. He defends it as a parable of modern society..

roar W-r-rmra Ymsxwyif tor v^tefe - JMK Corres. to 1952 Box 3 (2)

B Misc. About 50 lett.

JMK tells Frank Beatty that PA does consider the academically slow but 'good citizen1 type student in its planning.JMK waffles on a proposal by Mr. & Mrs. Beede of Rehoboth to make the dorms more homelike ^add rec rooms?7 In 1949. PA Is residual legatee of Horace Bellis. John Bishop recommends Horace Cole as a replacement for Jim Gould in 1950. It Is decided, however, not to replace him. Henry Kelly Brent expresses his desire to leave his library to PA in 1941.

Cambridge School 1948-51

Annual forums, and a job interview for Frederick Allis.

Carnegie Corp. of N.Y.

two annual reports, 19^8, 1951-

Carroll. Rlohard C. PA '28 1949 9 lett.

\f Associate Dean at Yale, he prepares a paper for the faculty seminars on the PA student as Soph., Jr. & Sr at Yale.

Casady School 49-50 7 lett.

Pretty routine.

Chicago Latin School 1951 7 lett.


Choate school 1949-51 about 20 lett.

In reply to requwst from PA, Choate supplies Info on its curriculum. (1949) PA teachers agree to answer questions for a Choate teachers' thesis. JMK explains how he got money for an /educational survey in 1951 from the Ford Foundation—he asked for£25-50,000 thinking that the Foundation would help him prepare a budget,"...Instead they proceeded to grant us*$50,000 purely on the basis of my exploratory letter, and there we were with money to spend and no detailed plans as to how we were going about it." (John Kemper to Rev. Seymour St. John, Andover, December 18,1951)

Choate. Hall & Stewart 1950 5 lett

JMK asks whether PA's charter can be amended by the trustees to make Henry Hopper Treasurer without making him a trustee, and would also like to change the rule that no Trustee can be both Clerk & Treasurer. Brooks Potter provides a 5-page opinion that neither can be done and that the trustees have no power to change the provisions of the constitution or charter. Furthermore, he says the trustees acted wrongly in hiring non-Protestant teachers. JMK asks Williams College for an opinion, evidently unhappy with Potter's comments.

Civil Defense 1952-53

Elaborate mimeo plans for emergency assignments, evacuation plans, shelters, etc. JMK corres. to 1952 Box 3 (3)

Civil Defense 1951-2 thick file

Contents similar to proceeding file.

Caark School 1950 5 lett

Routine, asks for referrals

Cochran Chapel 1952-57 & a few earlier

list of members, usher assignments, speakers & topics. The organ repairman warns that too much summer use is ruining the organ valves (1953)

College Entrance Exam Board 49-52 about 30 Items

K^XBXit£K)t^X^y^^^xaXjiaj5^X>iX JMK presents Blackmer's paper at a board meeting. Otfher routine stufif about CEEB meetings. Copy of College Board RevieV, Nov., 1952, with Blackmers paper about the 3- school, 3-oollege plan.

Coleeglate School 1949-51 4 lett.


Columbia University 1948-51 about 15 le t.

Columbia invites 2 PA students to a 3-day conference on democracy (l$4f)

Commons 1948-52 6 items

lists of commons supervisors.

Commons 1952-57 about 30 items

Duty rosters and reports of the commons supervisors with recommendation for imprevemsnts in procedure. Corres. with a food consultant, Howard Post, in 1955-56.

Commons .1931-43 thick file

Financial reports, monthly & 6-month. Minutes of Commons Committee meetings. Reports of Commons Committee. Miss Baker fired as food manager in 1932. She is replaced by Helen Marks. Food consultant, H. G. Franctoe, studies the commons in 1933. finds it overstaffed. Copy of his report.

Commons 1929-30 thick file

Annual report, some monthly reports. AES asks Yale for help in finding a new dining room manager in 1929-30,finally settles on Miss Baker from Drexel. ABS asks for advice In constructing the new dining hall system from Girard College, #ct., 1929 File includes a blueprint of Girard's kitchen. Also advice from Culver, Mercersburg, Lawrenceville, & Hotchkiss.

Commonwealth Fund Annual Report 1950-51

2 annual reports. 6.37.11-0 JOHN KEMPER CORRESPONDENCE to 1952 Box 4

Conference on Education for Public Service 48-57 about 30 ijems.

An annual meeting with representatives from N.E. private schools. JMK is unable to get Arthur Schlesinger as a speaker In 1950.

Connor. Samuel PA '24 1948 2 lett.

Routine social.

Cooperative Bureau for Teachers 1949 6 lett.

All setting up appointments.

Cornell 1948-50 16 items.

lists of PA grads going to Cornell supplied to Delta Kappa Epsilon and other fraternities.

Cranbrook School 1949 6 lettt.


Culver Military Academy. 1948-51 10 lett

Routine. JMK supplies info on tuition in 1948.

Cum Laude Society 49-50 3 lett.

Letters to possible speakers.

Curl, Melvln J. 53 21etters & a proposal

Involves a plan to generate income for PA through the purchasing of student life insurance.

Cutler. Ben PA '22 48-49 6 lett

A baritone who would like to give a concert at PA if it could be arranged.

C Misc. thick file.

Eliot Carter gives $1660 in 1950. Some genealogical info on Samuel Farmum Chapln, MD, who went to PA between 1850 and 1860. Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company gives a dynamometer to PA ('52) Corres. with Gerald Curran of the Andover Fund about raising money.

Dana Hall 1948-51 11 lett.

Re dances & other social functions.

Darrow School 46-49 about 10 lett.

Routine. PA recommends Darrow to a pare/tin

Dartmouth 1948-51 8 lettl

An alumni sends bulletins & other occasional Info, to JMK JMK corres. to 1952 Box 4 (2)

Dean of Students 43-50 about 40 Items

G.Benedict recommenfis in 1943 that traffic lights at Salem & Chapel Ave be disconnected for the duration, due to light volume of traffic. The Office of Censorship admonished the Bulletin for printing names of Navy personnel & their ships. GGB report of trip to N.Y. in 1943 to try and get press to publicize PA's summer session. Various memos: List of boys who have not surrendered their ration books (1943) Misdeeds of three students who bother Mr. Side's Nursemaid (1944) Report of Fstofcllty meeting. Study of course enrollment. Bee, 1944. No. of students in division, March, 1946. Report on 4 boys who refused to take a latin test (1946) JMK chinks that corres. with parents ought to be channeled through the students housemaster. List of Scholarship awards 1949-50. Report on Vandalism, Oct. 1950.

Deeafield Academy 1948-51 about 25 lett.


Detroit University School 6 lstt.

Some confusion regarding the administering of entrance exams for a scholarship candidate.

Dodge. John L. PA "87 1948 5 lett.

The Wyoming rancher. See CMF files. 28 Donner. Robert 193?-51 about 40 items.

Ref. to the short career of Charles Parker WoodXx at PA. Donner is an alumnus(?) who writes periodically on various topics. He is concerned about subversives and the letter signed by Graham Baldwin supporting the National Religion & Labor Foundation in 1935. Apparently a good friend of CMF, becomes increasingly concerned about Communist influence at PA, or anywhere, and especially the Columbia Teacher's School. Calls CMF a dupe for tazxa joining an anti-Nazi group in 1941.

Douglas. Jesse S. 1949 6 lett.

Personal corses, with an Oregon friend.

D Misc. about 10 items

JMK writes to a Rochester, N.Y. alumnus that PA functions should not Ignore alumni wives, since it gives them bad feelings about PA which could mean fewer enrollments: "Andover's public relations, as you know, have not been good in recent years. This year there were not enough qualified applicants to fill the school, though there were three or four hundred whom we rejected as unable to make the grade." (JMK to Martin H. Donahoe, Jr. Feb. 8, 1949)

Eaglebrook School 1948-51 thick file

Ref. to induvidual students, also winners of the Andover Cup. Copies of letters to parents show how Eaglebrook handled 3 cases of polio & quarantine In 19*59. Ref to standards of grading. JMK corres. to 1952 Box 4 (3)

Educational Policy Committee Dec.f 1948

Mimeographed B&BSSSS of joint meeting with Enrollment Committee agenda

Educational Redords Bureau 1948-53 thick file

Reports of meetings of standing committees. List of members, 1948.

Educational Testing 1949-51 5 xtxs Items

Bill Brown & Fred Peterson recommended as English readers.

Emerson School for Boys 48-51 about 25 lett.

Mostly routine, with ref. to individual students.

Englewood School 48-51 4 lett.

Routine, with individual student reports.

Enrollment Committee Dec., 1948

Two more copies of the agenda as in first folder on this page.

Entrance Examinations 1948-51 about 25 lett.

Corres. with Union Theological Seminary arranging rooms for exams.

Episcopal Academy 1950 2 lett.

JMK not interested in an English exchange teacher this year.

Evaluation Criteria & standards. Pennsylvania Ass'n of Private Academic Schools, 1951. 78p. (_ r^_ VMkl«*)

E Hlso. about 30 lett.

Katksxs Nothing interesting.

Facilities. School. Use of 1954-55 3 memos

Establishment of a Committee to oversee the use of PA facilities by non-Academy groups.

V Faculty Seminars 1948-49 8 papers;

Andover Graduate at Yale, by Dean S. C. Carroll Some thoughts on general education..., by R. W. Sides Andover and the Colleges, G. G. Benedict Foreign Languages at PA,or. Don't shoot the pianist: he's doing his best, by Dudley Fitts. Andover Summer Session, by Floyd Humphries Religion & Education at Andover, by A. G. Baldwin What is Andover, Dr. Alston Chase Growth and Development in Adolescence, Roswell Gallagher f 6.3.II.O JOHN KEMPER CORRESPONDENCE to 1952 Box 5

Failures by subjects and courses 48-52 about 10 Items

Annual statistics, analyzing failures by course, term, percentage, etc.

Failures by sb.1ects and courses 42-48 3 pp. Senior failures from 1942-46; more complete figures for 1947-48.

Fair Educational Practices Act. 49-51 Thick file

Correspondence (incomplete) as to whether PA should oppose pending legislation about admission practices. PA does not actively oppose the bill, since "...secondary schools may be excluded, but also because we feel that our own policy can stand pretty careful scrutiny." (James Adriance to Brooks Potter, April 22, 1949 ) Potter thinks the legislation is wrong and wishes PA would take the lead in arguing against it. JRA says there is no hard & fast quota , "On the other hand an Effort is made to move steadily toward a constituency that fairly represents a cross-section of the United States population." (James Adriance to Brooks Potter, April 1, 1949, quoting a statement he had made to the Mass Committee for Equality in Education.) After passage of the bill, PA is concerned about the wording of its application forms, & requrement of a photo. Copy of the act. Chap. 726 . Several bulletins put out by Fair Educational Practices Director.

Fairfield Country Day School 1950s£

Routine. Fred Petersen is sounded out for job as headmaster.

Falk Foundation 1950 9 lett.

Dr. & Mrs. Reed are making a study of political science courses at US schools under a grant from the Falk Foundation.

Fay School 48-51 6 lett.


Fenn School 51 one lett.


Fessenden School 48-51 thick file

More friendly & jovial corres. between James Adriance & Hart Fessenden, with frequent reference to individual students

Five year report Nov. 53 thick file

Copy of JMK's report on his first five years as headmaster. Comments from Fred Petersen, R. Sullivan. Trustees' comments (All favorable) Donald Townley, has some minor complaints, and laments the demise of the societies and says that "Andover lost ground in secondary school standing because of the personality of you predecessor and the problems that ensued. You changed that and the manner of handling personnel." (Donald C. Townley to JMK, May 10, 1954, Darien Conn.) JMK corres to 1952 Box 5 (2)

Five year rept. con't.

JMK replies: "Certainly I came to Andpver believing that every effort should be made to make them work, fc.e.fto be of greater service to their members and to the school. However, 3/was soon xM± tHXtfea forced to the conclusion that it was too late to mobilize the kind of faculty and trustee support that would have been needed. All these men had, for whatever reason, become convinced that the societies were no longer useful to the school. I felt that I ha* better direct my own initial energies to other matters which at the time seemed quite urgent." (M to Donald Townley, May 19, 1954) Other reactions. °^ ch&jlfly favoralbl^ from alumni and headmasters.

Flecker. H. L. 0. 1948-50 6 lett.

Mutual best wishes for future exchanges between PA and Christ's Hospital. Good reports of 2 PA studenta at EX C. H.: Ken McDonald and Pat Esmlol.

Foote School 50-51 6 lett.

Routine, with refs to individual students

Foreign Languages at PA. by Dudley Fitts. One paper, prepared for faculty seminar.

Forman School 50-51 6 lett.

Rotulne, looking for referrals from PA.

F Misc. about 30 items

Ref to a photograph of the 1890-91 glee club, including Frenchy Stone. Flintridge School advises PA not to let two boys room together, as they would be poor influences on each other. Letter from Mrs. Gage who objects to calling the house on the corner of Morton and Bartlet Sts. Greene House and gives Its history.

Gardner. George E. 1950 7 lett.

JMK Is anxious to talk with Dr. Gardner on problems of discipline, " we need help on how to treat an individual case of stealing in such a way as to be constructive for the boy concerned without giving the rest of the student body the idea that we do not consider stealing a serious matter." (JMK to Dr. George Gardner, Jan 17, 1950)

George School 1949-50 5 lett.


Glrard College 1949 2 lett.

Routine. JMK corres to 1952 Box 5 (3)

Goss Memorial Trophy 1950 2 lett.

Prize to go to the winning club team of the year at PA.

Govw ^rnor Dummer Academy 49-51 about 25 items

Routine, with ref to individual students. PA presents G.D. with its old hand tub fire -fighting pumper. (1949)

Graham, Thomas 1948-49 11 lett.

A Kentucky alumnus.

Grant Foundation 1948-50 about 25 items

The foundation gives R. Gallagher 10,000 for his research at PA. The grant is made for 5 years, a total of $50,000. outline of corrent studies In Nov., 1948. Study continues after he leaves PA at Wesleyan Univ.

Grant Foundation. Thesis abstract: The Relationship between non-intellective factors and scholastic achievement, by Barbara Kimball.

Greene. Frederick D. PA '81 1951 4 lett.

Interesting reminiscences of an old alumnus at the 70th reunion.

Greenwich Country Day School 1949-51 15 lett.

Routine, with individual student reports. An inquiry about Catholic instruction at PA.

Groton School 1949-51 12 lett.

Outline of PA pay ssss scales in 1950, it appaears an effort was made to bring them more in line with Exeter & Groton.

Growth & Development in Adolescence by Roswell Gallagher. One paper, prepared for faculty seminar.

Gunnery School 1949-50 6 lett.


Gymnasium 1949 6 lett.

List of what should be included In the new gym. Minutes of discussions with Eggers & Higgfens, architects. JMK asks them to find room for an indoor rifle range, if possible. JMK corres to 1952 Box 5 (4)

J an-June Gymnasium 1950 thick file

Plan of proposed rifle range. Minutes of meetmngs with architects. Ros. Gallagher agrees with plans to put radiant heat under locker room floors to cut down on athlete's foot, but thinks ultra-violet light in the ventilations ducts Is going a little too far. £$K3EXKXX$Z&&& Copy of plans for Lawrenceville fieldhouse. Seems to have been controversy over whether the gym design should conform to Bulfinoh & Borden or whether, in the modern idiom, form should reflect purpose. Questions of amount of office space and proper depth of the pool for springboard diving.

GymnaslBum 1950 July-Dec. thick file

Contains a stack of letters from architects, artists and others in answer to requests from Bart Hayes; all support his idea that the new gym not be made to match other Georgian buildings. Some problem involved with National Production Authority, and PA has to be granted a special exception to begin construction. Repotts of meetings with architects.

G Misc. about 30 Items

In writing to Rev. St Greene at Yale, JMK agrees that he wishes to retain formal religion courses, and to continue to emphasise one religion over others. Mr. Greene plans to leave his property in Andover to PA. Grecoe Jewelers does not have exclusive rights to sell senijSAt class rings. Letter from John Barss to a 5th grade Methuen student who would like to come look at the moon through a strong telescope if PA has one. He offers to help them look through a small telescope, since the only big one he has is still in its box in the basement for lack of installation funds.

Hackley School 49-51 4 lett.

J. Adrlanoe discusses how PA gives gx credit for foreign student transcripts.

Hallock. Geraid 1927-29 8 lett.

Haljock Is headmaster of a school In financial difficulties through embezellment, though the culprit has not yet been found. He asks AES to help him find another Job. "You aren't the only one" he replies, "who has had to suffer misrepresentations and to stand up under the hard knocks that came to them. Keep pp your head and your couaage, and if you are right, you will win in the end — at least to the extent of facing the world with a clear conscience and unafraid," ( to Gerard Hallock, Jan. 26, 1929) Hallock becomes a car accesory salesman.

Halsey Adm. Wm. F. 1951 7 lett.

Concerning his visit to PA to dedicate the War Memorial at commenc ement. JMK corres. to 1952 Box 5 (5)

Harris School 50-51 9 lett.


Harvard Univ. 1949 one paper; Some thoughts on General Education as applied to Andover in light of "the Harvard Report"... by R. W. Sides, paper for the faculty seminar.

Harvard University 1949-50 one report.

The President's report.

Harvard Univ.. including visiting committees. 49-50 about 40 Items

JMK is member of visiting comm. to the History dept. He Is unable to recommend an athletic director for Harvard.

Harvey School 48-50 16 lett.

Routine; J. Adriance writes a nice recommendation*for Harvey.

Haskell. Broderlck 48-49 3 lett.

An alumnus (?) who asks for info on another school, can't afford to contribute toward the new gym.

Hayes. Bartlet H. 1949 one lett.

Congratulations on B. Hayes, Jrs1 4th daughter.

Hebron Academy 1949-51 about 25 lett.

Refs. to visits & hockey games.

Hennlng. George N. 1950 5 lett.

PA '90. A retired French teacher, he deplores the over-emphasis on spoken language and would like to see more translation <& literature in the curriculum. tsssm sm JOHN KEMPER CORRESPONDENCE to 1952 Box 6

Hill School 1951 11 lett.


Hockey Rink 1948-51 about 40 items

Materials covering proposals for a rink to replace the systems of filing various ponds, efforts to raise money, most of which Is given by Sumner Smith.

Horace Mann School for Boys 1951 3 lett.

PA provides info on curric. changes in 1951-

Hotchklss School 1948-51 6 lett.


Hun School 1949 8 items

Routine, requests for referrals.

HMlsc. about 40 Items

Includes corres. from a character named Hudson Hawley, PA '01, who sends his WWI Paris press pass and wrote a book "Gay Days and Ginn" which made dirty cracks about Poynter & Fuess and which could not find a publisher. JMK outlines policy for scholarships for foreign students in 1950: Three are given; one English, one French, one from another country. (JMK to W. Sudduth, Jan 11, 1950)

Independent School Ass'n of Boston 1949-51 8 lett.

Invitations to the annual meetings.

Insurance (various forms of) 1950 6 lett.

Mimeo stuff about TIAA vs. Blue Cross

1 Misc. 7 items

Industrial Council; International Yacht Club.

Junior Plans Committee 1948-50 very thick file

A sheet filled out by each faculty member who is a house master with his ideas on housing boys. Some answer brfi^fly; Follansbee fills 2 pages single-spaced. Cost analysis of various plans for dorms. Colored pencil drawing of Proposed Williams Hall alterations. An estimate for food service equipment by the 0'Toole Co. Report of the housing committee, 1948. Report by F. Peterson on the Junior Plans Committee, Sept, 1950, 22p. JMK corres. to 1952 Box 6 (2)

J Misc. 5 lett.

Nothing interesting

Kamehameha Schools 1950 ZB 2 lett.

In answer to an inquiry, PA outlines Its health service program.

Kemper—Portland Alumni 1953 6 lett.

Re an Andover Exeter dinner.

Kemper — Brown Univ. Dinners 1953 5 lett.

Not much.

Kemper — Boston Alumni 1953 13 lett.

Arrangements for a dinner at the Harvard Club.

Kemper—Baltimore-Wash.-Phlla. trip March, 1953 about 10 items.

Kemper—Hartford dinner. March 1953 5 lett.

Kemper— (Rogers) Feb. 1953 9 lett.

Andrew Rogers agranges the visit.

Kemper—Bridgeport Feb. 1953 4 lett.

More dinners & speeches.

Kemper—Midwest Alumni trip Dec. 1952 about 40 lett.

Some possible condidates for PA. An itmnerary, and lots of thank you notes. A name tag with blue ribbon. Very full schedules for interviews, lunches, dinners, etc.

KemperT-New York Alumni Nov. 1952 9 lett.

Kemper—Engagements 1952-53 30 invitations, replies, etc.

InWtations ranging fuom banquets to honorary referee at at a swimming meet. Kemper—Engagements Sept. 49-Sept.5Q A - C about 25 lett.

Visits to Amherst, Brown, Buckley School & the N. E. Boy Scouts.

Kemper—as above D - H about 30 lett.

Dartmouth, Exeter Alumni Dinner, Harvard, Hartford PA alumni

Kemper—as above I - N 6 lett.

Lawrence College Club, Los Angeles PA alumni

Kemper—as above fr - Z 2^-30 lett.

Princeton, St. Paul's, Williams, H£XXKe~$, & Yale JMK corres to 1952 Box 6 (3)

Kemper—Engagements 1950-51 A - C about 40 lett.

Berkshire Industrial Farm, Andover dinner at Harvard, Bridgeport alumni. Chicago (includes annotated list of people JMK is likely to meet)

Kemper—as above D -H 6 lett

Fay School, Dartmouth, Harvard

Kemper—as above I - N about 25 lett

Kansas city, Lawrence Board of assessors, Los Angeles ( with annotated list of parents & alumni), Lowell rotary club, MIT

Kemper—as above 0 - Z about 25 lett.

Princeton,Shore Country Day School, Yale

Kemper—Engagements Sep 51-Sep 52 about 40 items

Atlanta alumni, Bowdoin, Dartmouth club of Springfield, MIT, Contributions to the Masters School fund. St. Marks, Yale