Kemper Correspondence to 1952 Box 1 Samples of Stationery Used by Mr. Kemper Abbott Academy July 48-4MH NOV. 51 about 25 lett. Cassures him that j Miss Hearsey welcomes JMK and]fhis Job will not be mpnotnnous. JMK's mother was an Abbot alumnae. An account of esp^y fund-raising problems written by the Rev. John Lord Tjiylor, treas. from 1852-?? Routine stuff. American Acad, of Arts & Sciences 49 2 lett. Routine. Accelerated program A memo prepared for JMK by Richaard Pleter (7) In 1951 explaining PA's program during WWII for boys drafted during a school year. Admission Research CommltteelEnrollment about 50 pages* 19^9 committee studied entrance exams, examined faculty & parent complaints, and analyzed the mortality rate of PA students as a basis for possible changes in admission policies & recruiting. Notes & minutes of meetings. This study is prompted by a lack of high- quality, full-tuition applicants. Lots of charts, statistics, & data. Alumni Educational Policy Committee 51-52 about 40 pages Mostly corres. with members setting up the committee meetings and agendas. Some t* syaow- alumni comment on what the faculy should get. 48-52 Addison Gallery of American Art thick file Lists of Gifts of art to Addison Gallery. Resume of a discussion on art as part of a genjal education. Bart Hayes suggests purchasing some Currier & Ives and other prints decorating the Inn (1949) Report on the operation of the Gallery 194?-48. Report of the Arts Assn of N. E. Prep Schools. Annual Reports for 49-50 and 50-51 Addison Gallery 43-48 thick file Annual report in 1943 with sample scripts of the Gallery's radio program on WLAW. lists of acquisitions. Annual reports for 43-44, 44-45, 45-46, 46-4?. In each report, Bartlett Hayes tries to assess the role of Addison in the contjtt of PA and in that of the communf^iy. CMP is interested in purchasing a painting from the Addison collection until he learns the price (1948) Addison Gallery 38-43 thick file Report on plans to set up an association of sponsors for the A.G. dn 1938. A report from C.Sawyer in 1940 to the Art Committee. 1940 report on the status of the Art dept. Several lists of acquisitions by gift & purchase. Hayes looks for a raise for Patrick Morgan, Art teacher. Some confusion over a drawing of Sargent by R.K.Crosby bought for PA and proper credit not given to donors. CMF expresses firm support for Addison Gallery, even though he doesn't go there very often. (1942X & JMK corres. to 1952 box 1 (2) Addslon Gallery 33-38 thick file Annual Report 1932-33- More lists of acquisitions. A list of picture vayipions. Annual report 34-95; 35-36- A report on the state of art education in secondary schools with recommendations for PA by B. Hayes, 1936. An assessment of 4 PA grads as possible art instructors in 1937. A brief history of the collections of the the A.G. (no date) Report on art & muscle courses at PA by Pfatteicher & Sawyer. Addison Gallery 28-33 thick file More lists of acquisitions. Loan to N.X. MUseum of Modern Art. Copy of0£rt Notes, publication of the Macbeth Gallery, whose director is janot of Addison's art committee. Chas. Sawyer discusses the importance of art education in secondary schools, 1932. Annual report, 1931-32. Catalog of paintings by American artists owned by PA in 1928. Alumni Educational Policy Committee 50-51 thick file JMK appoints a committee of alumni to advise on various curriculum revision plans, recommendantions made in areas of foreign language, history, science, Bible,& fine arts. File includes corres. setting up meetings, list of committee members, Bro*well Ault is co-chairman with JMK. &• 37 \\SQ v - KEMPER CORRESPONDENCE TO 1952 Box 2 Andover Graduate at Yale 1949. A paper by Dean R. C. Carroll of Yale studying the careers of Andover grads at Yale before & after the war. Andover and the Colleges 1949. A paper by G. Benedict given to a faculty seminar In May, 1949 (as was the above paper) about why PA grads choose the colleges they do. Andover^Sportlng Publications ' 1952 One memo to JMK recommending that he discourage the activities of Andover Sporting Publications headed by Bob Ornsteen. Andover Summer Session 1949. A paper for the faculty seminar by Floyd T. Humphries. Andover. Town of 1948. one letter From JMK thanking the fire dept for prompt action in dealing with a fire at Abbot House in Dec, 1948. Archeology 1901-1940 Very thick file Xsxxxtx&Ekxxxxa Copies of correspondence & will relating the the gift of Hr. & Mrs. Peabody.for the purpose of establishing a dept of archeology. Letter from Ellas Bishop to AES suggesting that some of the Peabody* money be spent for a kind of club room In the arch, bldg, where students could get sandwiches and ginger pop. This would "...go a long way toward solving the problem of 'Chaps1. I regard 'Chaps' as a serious menace to the moral welfare of the school and some of the stoties which I have heard 8%.would lead me to go a long way to provide something else for the boys." (Elias B. Bishop to Alfred E Stearns, Boston, March 15, 1911) Report of the Advisory Committee on Archaeology, 1914. Report on the Peabody Union by a committee of investigation ( no date) Mr. Moorehead disagrees with Mr. Ropes as to the activities of the arch. dept. in the Mississippi Valley. (1924) Moorehead asks for more funds, at least as much as Kidder gets, for his field work. (1925) He worries about students using his space for other activities and too many keys to the building being in circulation. Report in'newspaper of Lindbergh's visit to PA dig in New Mexico. J Funds aqulred for a Merrimack Valley archaeological survey. (1930) King Phillip's War Club sold to Miss Sears (1930) Kidder writes to CMF not to let Moorehead give the Pecos collection to the Hew Mexico Museum. "Warren is so trustful a soul that he might well have been bamboozled by the wily director aforesaid....Warren doesn"t understand the Phillips Academy-New Mexico situation, though I've tried to explain it to him." (Alfred Kidder to Claude Fuess, Globe, Ariz., Baron 20, 1934) Moorehead applies for a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1934. Estimates on the cost of remodeling the Archaeology Museum. In Aug., 1936, CMF gives Moorehead permission to turn over the text, diagrams, etc. of PA's copywrited Archaeology of Maine to the State of Maine. Later, in I937t Douglas Byers advises CMF that the book is hopelessiyout of date and republication might embarass both Moorehead and PA.' CMF admits he knows nothing about arcjaeology. Moorehead makes a final report on his years as director in 1938. Many tributes to Moorehead on his death in 1939 JMK corres. to 1952 Box 2 (2) Archaeology, cont. Dr. Charles Peabody writes from Paris in 1939 that he is destitute and could PA give him some funds, since he never received a salary when he worked there. The Peabody museum in Cambridge receives a similar letter. CMF says he was left lots of money and has frittered it away. "It Is perfectly obvious that we have no moral or legal obligation in the matter, but of course no one here would wish to have a relative of one of our great benefactors starve." (Claude Fuess to Dr. Donald Scott, Peabody Museum Cambridge, Andover, July 1,1939) Peabody's son recommends that nobddy pass a hat for his father, since he left his wife to go to France and has married a French woman whose able-bodied relatives are all living off Dr. Peabody, and that he is not that badly off. Douglas Byers writes an interesting letter on the state of the Archaeology Dept In Sep, 1939, saying the Mooorehead was a figurehead for the aast years of his directorship with Byers doing all the work. He is also upset about the status of Mr. Travis, "...wished on this Department by Mr. Sawyer in a way which I consider most unethical and in a way which at the same time it was impossible to refuse." (Douglas Byers to Philip L. Reed, Andover, Sep. 29,1939) CMF concurs with Byers about Travis, saying that he can add interesting and almost incredible details about him. Annual Report of the Archaeology Dept, 1939- A linguistic map of Mexico & Central America by Frederick Johason. Archaeology 1940-48 thick file Further developments in the Boylston Street Fishwelr excavation reported in the 1939 Annual Report in the preceeding folder. Dr. Johnson requests funds from the Am Acad of Arts & Sciences to publish findings. Eli Lilly gives |2000 to the Dept in memory of Dr. Moorehead. Annual Report for 1942 outlines the dept's efforts toward defense. Dr. Johnson describes Ms "war course" in map-reading & geography. some preliminary annual budgets for the Arch. dept. CMF wr^aAes an official letter identifying Dr. Johnson & his associates as loyal US citizens so they can continue their work on sites near military installations in 1943. Outline of a proposed expedition to Alaska, April, 1944. Several letters & memos concerning the placing of a memorial placque to Dr. Moorehead by his family. Annual reoprt for 1944. Copy of Prehistoric America and the River Valleys published by the Committee for the Recovery of Archeological Remains (Johnson is a prominent member) Some information on the Andover-Harvard Yukon expediation of 1948.. Annual report for 1947. More on the Great Auk. Johnson is involved In early studies with Carbon-14 dating.
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