Stone Vases As Evidence of Connection Between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley
Stone Vases as Evidence of Connection Between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley By Farzand Ali Durrani A little over four decades of explorations and excavations have produced ample evidence to define the chief character of the Indus Civilization but its origin and decline are still a matter of controversy. Its real place in the ancient world civiliza tions is slowly being revealed by a detailed study of the material content. In the following paper Mr. Farzand Ali Durrani, Senior Lecturer in the Department, is focussing attention on the "stone vases" as traceable in the "Ancient Orient" and draws parallels in order to establish connection, both commercial and chronolo gical. Introduction Certain types of stone vases provide important evidence for the connection between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. The most distinctive of these vases are of steatite or a dark stone and decorated sometimes in relief, sometimes by plain incision. These types of stone vases can be classified in three main groups:- I. Curvilinearand geometric designs, including triangles, hachures, recti linear designs. II. Architectural scenes, facadesof doorways and windows. III. Human and animal figures. Geometric, curvilinear and rectilinear designs, however, are sometimes com bined with representational or mythological scenes. S.E. Persia, Makran (Bampur Valley) Elam, Sumer and Akkad have yielded examples showing pictures of what appear to be facades, doorways, and windows of -buildings. Such buildings may perhaps be intended to portray shrines, for there are some examples where they occur in association with magical, or mythological scenes; spread eagles, horned beasts, femaleswith long hair (perhaps goddesses) sometimes figure in these scenes.
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