IDA OLSSON Division of Landscape Architecture Master’s thesis at the Landscape Architecture programme, 30 HEC, Uppsala 2018 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Department of Urban and Rural Development, Division of Landscape Architecture, Uppsala

Master’s thesis for the Landscape Architecture Programme

EX0504 Degree Project in Landscape Architecture, 30 HEC Level: Advanced A2E

© 2018 Ida Olsson, e-mail: [email protected]

Title in English: In search of sustainable urban green infrastructure through an ecological approach - an investigation of the urban green landscape of Danderyd Title in Swedish: I jakt på hållbar grön infrastruktur genom ett ekologiskt tillvägagångssätt - en undersökning av det urbana gröna landskapet i Danderyd

Supervisor: Gudrun Rabenius, Department of Urban and Rural Development Examiner: Hildegun Nilsson Varhelyi, Department of Urban and Rural Development Assistant examiner: Josefin Wangel, Department of Urban and Rural Development Assistant examiner/course organizer: Madeleine Granvik, Department of Urban and Rural Development

Cover image: Ida Olsson Other photos and illustrations: All featured texts, photographs and illustrations are property of the author unless otherwise stated. Other materials are used with permission from copyright owner.

Original format: A4

Keywords: Green infrastructure, Ecological design, Landscape architecture, Sustainable urban green infrastructure.

Online publication of this work: PREFACE

In the summer of 2017 I was offered the opportunity to perform an inventory of the green structures in the municipality of Dan- deryd, . The aim was to gather infor- mation as a starting point for the development of a new park program. During a period of eight weeks, the green areas of the municipal- ity were studied with regard to both natural and social values. The green structures were located with the help of maps from Google maps and a bicycle map of the municipality. Notes were taken, describing general land- scape character, main vegetation types and use. Documentation was also conducted with the help of photographs. As the inventory progressed I started to reflect on how all of these green structures were connected, which became the base for this master thesis. In the thesis, the initial inventory of 2017 is used as a pilot study and referred to as “the inventory” in the text.


I would like to thank my supervisor Gudrun Rabenius for useful advice along the way, offering support and the opportunity to venti- late ideas.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my former colleagues at the municipality of Danderyd for the opportunity to learn and work with them during the initial inventory.

I would also like to extend a special thanks to Professor Maria Ignatieva for helping me to get started with the project, encouraging me to write in a different language and offering advice on literature as well as general support.


One of the greatest challenges of today’s urban changes is the municipality of Danderyd, development is the formation of sustainable Sweden. In consequence, there is a need to environments. Over the past several decades, evaluate existing green areas and plan for fu- there has been a shift in the global population ture development of the green infrastructure. from a more rural allocation to an urban one, This master thesis aims to study the green resulting in the densification of cities and sub- infrastructure of the municipality in order sequent fragmentation of green areas. As green find ecological approaches to support a more areas are being claimed for different types of sustainable development. development, they are becoming increasing- ly dispersed and receive a reduced ability to A literature study was performed concern- serve functions of value for both humans and ing the concepts of green infrastructure and the environment. Amplifying the amount of ecological design. Further, a case study was impervious surfaces, stormwater runoff and conducted investigating the municipality on barrier effects in the urban environment as a three different scales; large, intermediate and consequence. small. Finally, guiding principles regarding future development of the green infrastructure Moreover, urban environments have become were presented for each scale. Approaches a platform for the creation of globally homog- concerning the protection of existing natu- enous landscapes, displaying similar methods ral areas, increasing biodiversity, stormwater of design and construction. This use of similar management, green connections and creating plant material and planning principles for stewardship opportunities were shown to be of urban spaces is leading to a loss of biodiver- particular significance. sity and increasing costs with regard to man- agement and maintenance. Thus, over the Further research questions concerns the past several decades new design aesthetics for development of more detailed, site specific urban areas have begun to emerge which are solutions and requires additional knowledge more strongly founded in ecological approach- stretching between professional competen- es to design. These practices can be addressed cies. Thus, this master thesis can be seen as an on different scales and are more focused on initial step in order to support a sustainable the context of site, seeking to regenerate and green infrastructure in the municipality of strengthen its natural processes. Danderyd and environments with similar con- ditions. Additionally, it constitutes a means This master thesis seeks to investigate such of sharing experiences gained with regard to ecological approaches to design by studying ecological design solutions in this particular the green infrastructure of an urban envi- region. ronment anticipating new development and growth. One region, currently facing such


En av dagens stora utmaningar när det kom- ga processer. På detta vis eftersträvas etablering mer till urban utveckling är hur hållbara mil- av produktiva landskap med hög biologisk jöer kan skapas. Under de senaste årtiondena mångfald, där målet är att besvara och åter- har det skett ett skifte från att människor bor använda befintliga resurser (Rottle & Yocom ute på landsbygden till att de flyttar in mot 2010, p. 162). städerna (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 18-19). Detta har bidragit till en förtätning av befint- I Stockholmsregionen, Sverige, sker en ständig liga stadsmiljöer, vilket även blivit ett slags ökning av antalet invånare, vilket har result- ideal för den urbana strukturen. Jakten på den erat i en förtätning av stadskärnan och de täta staden har däremot medfört en fragmen- omgivande förorterna. Danderyds kommun, tering av grönområden då de tas i anspråk för beläget norr om , är en sådan förort olika typer av exploatering. Detta har i sin som i dagsläget står inför en stor omdaning tur resulterat i att befintlig grönstruktur fått av sina centrala delar (Danderyds kommun en försämrad förmåga att uppfylla värdefulla 2013a, p. 119). I och med dessa förändrin- funktioner och tjänster för både människor gar har det uppkommit ett starkare behov och djur (Boverket 1994, pp. 10-11). av att utvärdera befintliga grönområden och planera för framtida utveckling av den gröna Vidare har den urbana miljön även blivit en infrastukturen. plattform för utformning av globala, homog- eniserade landskap, med likartad design och Syfte och mål planeringsprinciper. Denna användning av li- knande växtmaterial och gestaltningsstilar har Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera resulterat i en förslut av biologisk mångfald den gröna infrastrukturen i Danderyds kom- och ökade kostnader vid skötsel och förvalt- mun och ge exempel på hur den kan stärkas ning (Ignatieva 2018, p. 216). med hjälp av principer för ekologisk design. Studien kan utgöra ett hjälpmedel för att stöd- Således har det under de senaste årtiondena ja utvecklingen av en hållbar grön infrastruk- utvecklats alternativa lösningar som har en tur i Danderyds kommun men även i andra starkare förankring i ekologiska principer för miljöer med liknande förhållanden. Därtill design. Dessa tillämpningar har ofta större syftar arbetet till att utgöra ett medel för att fokus på den specifika platsens kontext och dela upptäckter och erfarenheter gällande syftar till att regenerera och stärka dess naturli- ekologiska designlösningar i denna region.

4 Frågeställning Fördelar med grön infrastruktur Grön infrastruktur bidrar till att bevara och Den frågeställning som arbetet centrerats återställa ekosystem och utgör habitat för kring är följande: Hur kan principer för ekol- inhemska växter och djur. Därtill absorberar ogisk design användas för att stödja en hållbar den dagvatten och reducerar avrinning samt grön infrastruktur i Danderyds kommun på stärker kopplingar mellan olika grönstruktur- olika skalor? er. Ytterligare bidrar den gröna infrastrukturen till ökad tillgänglighet till grönområden och Metod möjlighet till rekreation (Rouse & Bun- ster-Ossa 2013, pp. 12-13). Detta arbete har utgjorts av tre större delmo- ment; en litteraturstudie rörande begreppen Byggstenar i den gröna infrastrukturen grön infrastruktur och ekologisk design, en fallstudie av kommunen samt framställning av Nav (hubs) planer och visualiseringar. Resultatet presen- Nav kan ses som ankare i det gröna infra- teras i form av riktlinjer för tre olika skalor; strukturnätverket och bidrar bland annat med kommunen i sin helhet (large scale), en stads- habitat för inhemska växter och djur. De kan del (intermediate scale) samt en enskild park variera i storlek och form, men fungerar ofta (small scale). som en källa och destination för människor, djur och växter (Benedict & McMahon 2006, Urban grön infrastruktur p. 13). Länkar (links) Grön infrastruktur kan beskrivas som ett Länkar binder ihop nätverket och bildar kop- sammankopplat nätverk av naturområden och plingar mellan grönområden. Dessa är av vikt andra utrymmen som hjälper till att bevara för att upprätthålla grundläggande ekologiska värden och funktioner hos naturliga ekosys- processer, bevara biologisk mångfald samt tem och som bidrar med ett flertal fördelar funktionaliteten inom systemet (Benedict & för både människor och miljö (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 13). McMahon 2006, p. 1). Detta nätverk kan bestå av en kombination av parker, trädgårdar, Lokaler (sites) vägplanteringar, kyrkogårdar, övergivna mark- Lokaler kan bidra med både sociala och ekol- er (Ignatieva & Ahrné 2013, p. 7), urbana ogiska värden genom att erbjuda områden för skogar och strandkorridorer (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 48). 5 rekreation och skydd av naturliga livsmiljöer. gjordes ett urval av lösningar som ansågs vara De kan var sammanlänkade med det större av speciell vikt för utvecklingen av Danderyds gröna nätverket, men behöver inte vara det gröna infrastuktur. Dessa principer utgjordes (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 14). av åtgärder för att ta tillvara på befintliga naturresurser, använda inhemska växter och Ekologisk design stärka biologisk mångfald, hantera dagvatten, stärka gröna kopplingar samt synliggöra natur- Ekologisk design kan beskrivas som lösningar miljöer och dess värden. som tar hänsyn till mänskliga behov samtidigt som hälsan hos naturliga system stöds. Det Large scale utgör ett sätt att hantera olika utmaningar så som klimatförändringar, förlust av känsliga ar- Denna skala är betydelsefull för att skapa ett ter och värdefulla resurser. Vidare, är ekologisk övergripande ramverk för en hållbar infra- design ett sätt att arbeta med lokala omstän- struktur (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. digheter och faktorer som är specifika för den 130) och involverar bland annat etablering av givna miljön. Målet är att stärka ekologiska ekologiska nätverk och korridorer (Yu 2006, värden och återupprätta integriteten hos olika p. 31). I detta examensarbete utgjordes den landskapssystem (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 6). stora skalan av kommunen i sin helhet. För att lättare kunna analysera dess grönområden, Fördelar med ekologisk design delades de in i sju olika kategorier baserade på Ekologisk design kan förbättra prestationen kommunens grönplan från 2012. hos ekologiska system samt bidrar med själ- vunderhållande miljöer som är anpassnings- För den stora skalan ansågs det vara av vikt att bara och samtidigt motståndskraftiga mot bevara befintliga naturområden samt stärka störningar. Principer för ekologisk design gröna förbindelser. Att utveckla kopplingen kan även bidra till att minska både tid och mellan kommunens västra och östra sida samt kostnader associerade med skötsel (Rottle & relationen till utomstående grönområden Yocom 2010, pp. 13, 74, 164). bedömdes vara väsentlig. Gröna väggar, gröna tak, strukturer för dagvattenhantering samt Principer för ekologiska design skötselåtgärder betraktades som potentiella Det finns olika principer för att arbeta med medel för att främja en hållbar grön infra- ekologisk design. För detta examensarbete struktur på denna skala.

6 Intermediate scale Small scale

Denna skala involverar etableringen av ett På den lilla skalan integreras ekologiska tillvä- grönt infrastruktursystem med funktioner av gagångssätt med gestaltningen av en specifik vikt för både ekologiska och sociala värden plats (Yu 2006, p. 31), där målet är att stärka (Yu 2006, p. 31). Stadsdelen Stocksund valdes och återställa dess förutsättningar (Müller, som utgångspunkt för studier på mellanskal- Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 133). Ovala parken an. Belägen i den södra delen av kommunen belägen i västra delen av Stocksund valdes som är stadsdelen relativt isolerad från de större representant för den lilla skalan. Parken har en naturområdena och har många små grönytor formell karaktär med en stor andel gräsyta och med bristande förbindelser sinsemellan. I närhet till hårdgjorda trafikmiljöer. likhet med den stora skalan, delades grönom- rådena för mellanskalan in i olika kategorier För denna skala blev det av vikt att undersöka för att underlätta vidare analyser. hur dagvattenhantering kunde stärkas samt hur alternativ till den traditionella gräsmattan För denna skala blev det av vikt att stärka kop- kunde minska graden av skötsel. Utveckling plingarna mellan stadsdelens olika grönom- av en befintlig damm samt gräsfria-gräsmattor råden. Potentiella gröna länkar bedömdes undersöktes. Även kopplingar till närliggande finnas längs kuststräckan, i stadsdelens centra- grönstråk ansågs kunna stärkas. Ytterligare la delar samt i dess norra utkant. Strukturer bedömdes parken kunna utgöra en plattform för dagvattenhantering så som regnträdgårdar för att introducera nya ekologiska lösningar i och swales ansågs kunna stärka både hantering en central miljö. av vatten samt fungera som sammanbindande korridorer. Åtgärder för att gynna biologisk Diskussion mångfald och introduktion av alternativ till den traditionella gräsmattan föreslogs som Syftet med detta examensarbete var att stud- komplement i stadsdelens parker. Ytterligare, era den gröna infrastrukturen i Danderyds ansågs utökade möjligheter att nå stadsdelens kommun för att undersöka hur ekologiska naturområden vara av vikt. designprinciper kan stärka en hållbar utveck-

7 ling. Studien antydde att en implementering av ekologiska principer har potential att medföra sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska fördelar. Genom att använda alternativ till den traditionella gräsmattan ansågs den biologiska mångfalden kunna stärkas och skötselåtgärder minska. Bevarande av befintlig vegetation samt introduktion av nya dagvattenlösning- ar bedömdes vara av vikt för att stärka både gröna kopplingar och vattenhantering. Sådana åtgärder ansågs även kunna bidra till ett ökat intresse för utvecklingen av en hållbar grön infrastruktur i kommunen.


Green infrastructure Sustainable design

Green infrastructure consists of a variety of Sustainable design concerns the conservation natural areas of different character, which may of resources and includes environmental as vary in size, function and ownership (Benedict well as social and economic values. Efficient & McMahon 2006, pp. 12, 14). It forms a use of materials, recycling and reuse are im- network which can consist of a combination portant aspect of the sustainability concept. of parks, gardens, parkways, cemeteries and The primary aim is to conserve and manage abandoned wastelands (Ignatieva & Ahrné resources with as small a net loss as possible 2013, p. 7), urban forests and stream corridors over time (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 78). (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 48).

Ecological design Ecological design can be described as design solutions which integrate human needs at the same time as the health of natural systems is supported. It is a means of generating resil- ience, enrich biodiversity and stimulate natu- ral systems to become self-sustaining. Further, it promotes working with local conditions and factors inherent to a specific environment in order to enhance ecological values and re- establish the integrity of landscape systems (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 6).


INTRODUCTION...... 13 Introduction Purpose and scope Research question Limitation Target group

METHODS...... 17 Methods Literature study Case study - municipality of Danderyd Production of plans and visualizations

URBAN GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE...... 23 Why green infrastructure? Introducing green infrastructure Benefits of green infrastructure Planning for green infrastructure

Structure of green infrastructure

10 ECOLOGICAL DESIGN...... 27 What is ecological design? Introducing ecological design Benefits of ecological design Design with ecological approaches Protection, restoration and rehabilitation Native plants and biodiversity Stormwater collection and cleansing Connecting fragmented patches Reveal, immerse, teach

CASE STUDY DANDERYD...... 43 Site description Introduction to the municipality


Today’s planning framework

Present work toward a sustainable green infrastructure

Future aims

LARGE SCALE...... 49 Large scale - municipality Large scale Inventory Categorization of green structures Analysis - large scale SWOT - large scale Guiding principles - large scale Guiding principles for the municipality

11 INTERMEDIATE SCALE...... 61 Intermediate scale - district Intermediate scale Inventory Categorization of district green structures Analysis - intermediate scale SWOT - intermediate scale Guiding principles - intermediate scale Guiding principles for the district of Stocksund

SMALL SCALE...... 71 Small scale - park Small scale Inventory Analysis - small scale SWOT - small scale Guiding principles - small scale Guiding principles for Ovala parken (the Oval Park)

DISCUSSION...... 79 Discussion Purpose and research question Method discussion Result discussion Concluding remarks

Further research questions



This chapter gives an introduction to the subject of this master thesis. It presents purpose and scope, research question, limitations and target group. INTRODUCTION

One of the most predominating challenges in in the amount of impervious surfaces and today’s urban development is the formation amplified barrier effects. In turn, this causes of sustainable environments. Over the past a rise in the amount of stormwater runoff several decades, there has been a shift in the and leads to lowered functions of remaining global population from a more rural allocation green structures (Naturvårdsverket 2009, p. to an urban one, a trend which has been antic- 58). In addition, the urban environment has ipated to increase during the pending century become a platform for the creation of homog- (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 18-19). As a con- enous landscapes inspired by the principles of sequence, densification of cities has become an the picturesque, gardenesque and modernist ideal for the urban structure where green areas styles. As a result, numerous international in many cases have been regarded as a reserve urban green spaces consist of large areas of for future exploitation (Boverket 1994, p. 10). highly maintained lawns in combination with small groups of scattered trees, shrubs and There are several benefits with a more densely flowerbeds (Ignatieva 2018, p. 216). built city. With regard to the environment, it can result in less travel between distant Traces of such designs can be found in ur- locations which in turn reduces the amount ban green areas worldwide and are based on of air-polluting emissions from vehicles. Fur- a compilation of specifically selected plants. ther, it limits the formation of new suburbs These plants are grown in global nurseries al- far from the city core, reducing urban sprawl. though originating from different parts of the However, the pursuit of a denser city envi- world. According to Ignatieva, this use of sim- ronment also leads to fragmentation of green ilar plant material and planning principles for areas as they are being claimed for different urban spaces is leading to a loss of biodiversity types of development. As a result these in- and increasing costs with regard to manage- creasingly dispersed areas receive a lessened ment and maintenance (Ignatieva 2018, p. ability to serve functions of value for both 216). humans and the environment (Boverket 1994, pp. 10-11). Thus, over the past several decades new de- sign aesthetics for urban areas have begun to According to the Swedish Environmental Pro- emerge which are more strongly founded in tection Agency, common ramifications of the ecological approaches to design. Often these exploitation of today’s societies are an increase practices are more focused on the context of

14 site and seek to regenerate and strengthen Purpose and scope its natural processes. In doing so, these ap- proaches aim to create productive, biodiverse This master thesis concerns the green infra- landscapes which promotes the protection and structure in the municipality of Danderyd. reuse of resources. According to Rottle and The aim is to investigate how ecological design Yocom, choosing an ecologically grounded approaches can be applied to make it more approach to the design of existing and newly sustainable in the face of challenges. The developing urban areas decreases the envi- results could constitute an aid in the develop- ronmental impact at the same time as social ment of a sustainable green infrastructure in values are enhanced (Rottle & Yocom 2010, the municipality itself and in other environ- pp. 18, 162). Moreover, it offers manners in ments with similar conditions. Furthermore, which to address concerns regarding biodiver- the thesis aims to provide a means of sharing sity and sustainability of urban environments experiences with regard to ecological design on different scales (Müller, Kelcey & Werner solutions in this particular region. 2010, p. 129).

In Sweden, the region of Stockholm is ex- Research question posed to a continuous loss of biodiversity. This is partly due to the high degree of exploita- How can ecological design approaches be used tion, resulting in fragmentation and loss of to support a sustainable green infrastructure green structures (Danderyds kommun 2016, in the municipality of Danderyd on different p. 9). The inhabitants are steadily increasing, scales? resulting in the construction of new develop- ments and densification of the city core and Limitation surrounding municipalities. The municipality of Danderyd, located north of Stockholm, The study was geographically limited to the constitute one of these areas which is cur- municipality of Danderyd and thematically rently undergoing a substantial increase in to the green infrastructure of the municipal- the amount of developments (Danderyds ity and principles for ecological design. The kommun 2013a, p. 119). In the face of such project was further limited to three different changes, there is a growing need to evaluate scales; large, intermediate and small. The large existing green areas and plan for the future scale was limited to the municipality bor- development of the green infrastructure. ders, the intermediate scale to the district of

15 Stocksund and the small scale to the confines of Ovala parken (the Oval Park) located with- in the same district. Target group

The target group primarily consists of mu- nicipalities, landscape architects, landscape architecture students, city planners, politicians and other occupational groups involved in the development of our environments. Moreover, the thesis addresses an international audience and aims to present possible ways of working with ecological design under the conditions specific to the region of investigation. Thus seeking to share experiences and potentially strengthening the general knowledge base re- garding ecological design solutions.


This chapter presents a description of the methods used during this master thesis. The study is comprised of three main phases; a literature study, a case study and the production of plans and visualizations. METHODS

This section presents the methods used during eva, was recommended by and acquired with the course of this master thesis. A literature the help of Professor Maria Ignatieva. study concerning the concepts of green infra- structure and ecological design is introduced. Urban green infrastructure Further, a case study including the review of The main literature with regard to green infra- municipal documents, division into scales, structure consisted of the books; Green Infra- SWOT-analysis and the development of guid- structure: Linking Landscapes and Communities ing principles is presented. Lastly, the produc- (2006) by Benedict and McMahon and Green tion of plans and visualizations is described. infrastructure: A Landscape Approach (2013) by Rouse and Bunster-Ossa.

Literature study The authors of the first publication, Mark A literature study was conducted in order to Benedict and Edward McMahon, possess gather information on green infrastructure knowledge within the fields of ecology, sus- and ecological design. Emphasis was placed tainability and design. Benedict has a PhD on finding definitions, aims and strategies for in botany/plant ecology (Island press n.d. b), working with these two concepts. while McMahon is an authority on sustainable development, land conservation and urban Search engines and literature recommenda- design who has coordinated several prosperous tions efforts to protect both urban and wilderness Books and scientific articles were found areas (Island press n.d. a). The book contrib- through the search engines Primo and Google uted with definitions of green infrastructure, Scholar. Keywords used in the search were; information concerning planning of green green infrastructure, ecological design, urban infrastructure and the benefits thereof. Fur- biodiversity, sustainable cities, sustainable city thermore, it provided a description of the planning, low impact design, connectivity, components of green infrastructure, as being greenways and globalization. Further litera- composed of hubs, links and sites. ture was obtained through references in the scientific articles found through the search The second book of interest, with regard to engines presented above. The chapter Biodiver- green infrastructure, provided information sity-friendly designs in cities and towns: towards concerning the benefits of a developed green a global biodiversinesque style (2018) by Ignati- infrastructure network. These benefits were -di

18 vided according to different categories, among general knowledge of what ecological design which benefits for ecology and community is. Further, it contributed with definitions, were found. David Rouse is a landscape archi- benefits and information regarding different tect, whose projects include comprehensive approaches of working with ecological design. plans for different scales, system plans for parks and open spaces as well as urban design Maria Ignatieva is a Professor at the Depart- plans. The second author, Ignacio Bunster-Os- ment of Urban and Rural Development at the sa, is also a landscape architect. Moreover, he Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. is a leading practitioner of an urban design She has a Master in Landscape Architecture approach which amongst other things com- and a PhD in botany and urban ecology. Her bines ecology, community, infrastructure and research projects concerns urban ecosystems, recreation into its framework (Rouse & Bun- biodiversity and the development of principles ster-Ossa 2013). for ecological design. Focus of later research has been the investigation of lawns as a social Ecological design and ecological phenomenon (Ignatieva & Literature regarding ecological design primar- Ahrné 2013, p. 9). Her publication, Biodiver- ily consisted of the book Ecological Design sity-friendly designs in cities and towns: towards (2010) by Rottle and Yocom and a compila- a global biodiversinesque style (2018) provided tion of scientific articles written by Ignatieva a base for understanding different ways of and various co-authors. working with ecological design and presented an introduction to the use of alternative biodi- Nancy Rottle is an Associate Professor at the verse lawns. University of Washington who has dedicated large parts of her career on the theory and Additional articles such as Low Impact Urban practice of ecological design and planning. Design and Development (LIUDD): matching In addition, she directs research regarding urban design and urban ecology (2008) by Col- urban green infrastructure. Ken Yocom, PhD in, Ignatieva and Stewart presented different is an ecologist and landscape architect whose manners in which to work with native plants research focuses on the incorporation of eco- and stormwater management. Biodiverse green logical approaches in design practices (Rottle infrastructure for the 21st century: from “green & Yocom 2010). Their publication,Ecologi - desert” of lawns to biophilic cities (2013) by cal Design, provided a base for developing a Ignatieva and Ahrné provided information

19 regarding homogenization of urban environ- Information regarding categorization of green ments, benefits of introducing green roofs and structures was found through the munici- green walls as well as alternative lawns. Lastly, pality’s Green Infrastructure Plan (Grönplan Planning and design of ecological networks in Danderyd 2011-2015), published in 2012 by urban areas (2011) by Colin, Ignatieva and Almén, Hasselblom, Lind and Novakovic. Stewart introduced methods on how to in- This document also offered information con- crease the health and connections within eco- cerning the current planning framework and logical networks. future aims of the municipality. Furthermore, the publications Naturbeskrivning (2012) and Case study - municipality Naturmiljöer och biologisk mångfald (2013) gave a more detailed description of the region’s of Danderyd natural areas and vegetation. Information In order to further investigate the theories regarding grasslands was obtained through amassed through the literature study, a case the municipality’s website, enabling a great- study of the municipality of Danderyd was er insight of how these environments are performed. According to Press Academia, a managed within the municipality. Moreover, case study can be described as a strategy of re- information concerning future development search which investigates a particular phenom- was acquired through the document Miljökon- enon within its actual context (Press Academia sekvensbeskrivning (2013), while the publica- n.d.). Thus, offering a means to apply the tion Miljöprogram (2016) provided informa- principles of the literature study in a real-life tion regarding present and future challenges. environment. Compilation of collected material and Study of municipal documents division into scales A background study was conducted with re- The material assembled through the initial gard to the history, present and future condi- inventory performed in 2017, literature study tions of the municipality. Such publications, and review of municipal documents was com- concerning the green infrastructure of Dan- piled and related to three different scales. It deryd, were obtained through the municipali- became a manner in which to divide the study ty’s website. into a more manageable format for analysis and formation of guiding principles for future development.

20 The scales consisted of large, intermediate and tial inventory could be transformed to better small scale. The large scale focused on the mu- comply with the different scales, instead of nicipality as a whole, dealing with issues such the individual sites, and at the same time be as general decline in biodiversity, landscape combined with knowledge obtained through protection, ecological networks and corridors. literature studies. The intermediate scale was constituted by a smaller district and concerned the formation Guiding principles of an integrated green framework within its Guiding principles for future sustainable urban structure, dealing with issues related to development were produced for each scale. stormwater management, biodiversity pro- The principles were based on the results of tection and restoration. Lastly, the small scale the individual SWOT-analyses and organized concerned an individual park, focusing on site into five different categories of ecological -ap specific design and strengthening of its present proaches to design. The categories consisted conditions. of; Protection, restoration and rehabilitation; Native plants and biodiversity; Stormwater col- SWOT - analysis lection and cleansing; Connecting fragmented A SWOT-analysis was performed for each patches and Reveal, immerse, teach and were scale; large, intermediate and small. Such an chosen based on the current and future needs analysis takes into consideration the strengths, of the municipality shown through the anal- weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a yses. specific landscape, which enables one to more clearly discern the possibilities and challenges Production of plans and of the environment. Strengths and weaknesses represent internal factors, whereas opportu- visualizations nities and threats are used to analyze external The information gathered from literature stud- factors (Boverket 2006, p. 44). ies, inventories and analyses was processed and presented in the form of visualizations and The main aim of the analysis was to organize plans. All illustrations in this project are made the collected material into a more manageable by the author in Adobe Illustrator. Working form with focus on possibilities and challenges with digital programs presented an efficient of the different scales. It became a manner in way of managing information and different which the information gathered from the ini-

21 layers, as compared to working with hand- made sketches. Further, it enabled an inter- active way of color coding different areas and turning on and off different features, which made it easier to study different connections and scenarios.

The plan showing categorization of green structures is based on a topographic map from Lantmäteriet and a plan showing divisions of natural areas illustrated on page 7 in the municipality’s Green Infrastructure Plan, pro- duced in 2012. The latter guided the classifica- tion and location of different green structures, whereas the former contributed to the general structure, borders and infrastructure of the municipality.

Additional plans presented in this project, showing the comprehensive structure of the municipality and districts, were produced by studying topographic maps from Lantmäteriet on different scales. Further, the illustration showing the small scale park, was developed based on an orthophoto from Lantmäteriet. The visualization showing hubs, links and sites has been redesigned with inspiration from an illustration by Maryland Department of Nat- ural Resources presented on page 13 in Green Infrastructure: Linking Landscapes and Commu- nities (2006) by Benedict and McMahon.


This chapter presents an introduction to the concept of green infrastructure. What is it? Why is it important? How is it organized in the urban framework? WHY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE?

In this section the concept of green infra- Czechowski, Hauck & Hausladen support structure is investigated in order to discern its this theory and states that green infrastructure definition, aims, benefits, planning framework aims to preserve, construct and connect habi- and structure. tats and green spaces by identifying areas that provide relevant ecosystem services and con- Introducing green necting them into a network. Such a network forms a spatial organization that accumulates infrastructure and distributes these services over larger areas, According to Benedict and McMahon green increasing the benefits for both the human infrastructure can be defined as community and the environment (Czechows- ki, Hauck & Hausladen 2015, pp. 20-21). “an interconnected network of natural areas and other open spaces that conserves natural Consequently the green infrastructure of a city ecosystem values and functions, sustains clean or municipality forms an umbrella for both air and water, and provides a wide array of ecological and social values of the urban envi- benefits to people and wildlife” (Benedict & ronment. McMahon 2006, p. 1). Benefits of green This network can consist of a combination infrastructure of parks, gardens, parkways, cemeteries and abandoned wastelands (Ignatieva & Ahrné Green infrastructure provides significant eco- 2013, p. 7), urban forests and stream corridors system services, contributes to biodiversity (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 48). and social values and has the ability to affect environmental and economic conditions in a According to Benedict and McMahon green positive manner (Ignatieva & Ahrné 2013, p. infrastructure originates from two fundamen- 1). Rouse and Bunster-Ossa states that green tal initiatives. The first addresses the protec- infrastructure has several benefits with regard tion and linkage of green spaces for the benefit to ecology. Among these are preserving and of people in terms of recreation, health and restoring ecosystems and providing habitats aesthetics. In contrast, the second initiative for native animal and plant species. Moreover, considers the preservation and linkage of nat- it has the capacity to absorb storm water and ural areas in order to promote biodiversity and reduce runoff, lessening the risk of flooding counteract habitat fragmentation, thus aiming and erosion. The green structure of the urban to protect native species, natural processes and environment also has the ability to moderate ecosystems (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. local climate and decrease the heat island ef- 16).

24 fect. It can improve environmental conditions leading to a self-reinforcing process with bene- by cleaning air and water as well as mitigating ficial effects for both humans and the environ- climate change by storing carbon and con- ment (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 6). tributing to a decrease in energy consumption (Rouse & Bunster-Ossa 2013, p. 12). Planning for green There are also several benefits with regard infrastructure to the community. According to Rouse and Green infrastructure planning provides a Bunster-Ossa, a well developed green infra- different approach to the conservation of structure has numerous benefits for people land and protection of innate resources. By as it provides increased access to green areas implementing methods for preservation in and opportunities for recreation. In addition, concord with land and infrastructure plan- green infrastructure can promote public health ning, allowing for contact with nature in by improving environmental quality and by combination with urban functions, green in- enabling people to incorporate walking and frastructure provides an imperative framework biking as a part of their daily routine (Rouse for conservation development. It aids in the and Bunster-Ossa 2013, p. 13). Rottle and identification of opportunities for preservation Yocom state that improved physical health, as well as for development. Moreover, green mental restoration, education and inspiration infrastructure planning offers assistance in are some of the benefits that stem from in- prioritizing areas for future expansion, thus creased human contact with nature (Rottle & optimizing land-use to better accommodate Yocom 2010, p. 6). the needs of both the human community and Moreover, the implementation of green in- the natural environment (Benedict & McMa- frastructure can create a stronger connection hon 2006, p. 2). between people and nature (Rouse and Bun- A green infrastructure plan can help identify ster-Ossa 2013, p. 13). According to Lafor- key lands of importance with regard to future tezza et al, green infrastructure can contribute conservation and restoration efforts. In areas to an increased engagement in the landscape, anticipating growth, such a plan can act as a thus providing cultural, ecological and psy- guide that helps steer the location and shape chological linkages between people and their of future development (Benedict & McMahon environs (Lafortezza et al. 2013, p. 104). Such 2006, pp. 3-4). personal connections to the natural world is something which Rottle and Yocom argue may foster a sense of stewardship of nature,

25 FIGURE 1 Illustrating a green infrastructure network consisting of hubs, links and sites.

Structure of green habitats for native plant and animal species and constitute the provenance for the eco- infrastructure logical processes operating within the system. Hubs can vary in size and shape, however Green infrastructure embodies a variety of they often function as a source or destination nature areas of different character. These areas for people and wildlife. They include large may vary in size, function and ownership and reserves such as state parks and forests, farm- constitute both green and blue values. Estuar- lands, regional parks and reserves as well as ies and waterways are equally important com- community parks and green areas subjected to ponents in any green infrastructure network as measures of protection or restoration (Bene- areas that are perceived as green (Benedict & dict & McMahon 2006, p. 13). McMahon 2006, pp. 12, 14). Links Thus, green infrastructure can encompass Links constitute the ties that bind the network conserved nature areas such as woodland together. They form connections which are habitats, wetlands and riparian zones. It can essential in order to uphold fundamental eco- include both public and private conservation logical processes and maintain the health and areas, constituted by nature reserves, wildlife biodiversity within the system. Such links may corridors, national and state parks. Moreover, serve as corridors and connect existing parks, working lands such as forests and farms are preserves and natural areas and at the same also included in the green infrastructure con- time provide adequate room for plant and cept as well as additional open space such as animal species to thrive. Thus reinforcing eco- parks and greenways (Benedict & McMahon systems and enhancing opportunities for rec- 2006, p. 12). reation (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 13). A green infrastructure network can be de- Sites scribed as consisting of a system of hubs, links Sites are also included in the green infrastruc- and sites (Figure 1) which connects these nat- ture network. They can serve as contributors ural areas and affiliated ecosystems together of social and ecological values by providing (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 13). areas for recreation and natural habitat protec- Hubs tion. Sites are smaller than hubs and may or Hubs can be considered as anchors in the may not be connected to a larger community green infrastructure network. They provide or regional conservation system (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 14).


This chapter presents an introduction to the concept of ecological design. What is it? Which benefits and approaches are there to working with eco- logical design? WHAT IS ECOLOGICAL DESIGN?

In this section the concept of ecological design (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 13). As a verb they is investigated in order to decipher its mean- explain that ing and potential use in a green infrastructure framework. “it embodies a series of actions that include the initiation of design concepts aimed at improving environmental health, developing Introducing ecological those concepts into plans based upon the par- design ticular qualities and processes of places, and the implementation of detailed plans while According to Rottle and Yocom, ecological responding to the dynamics of change over design can be described as solutions which time (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 13). integrate human needs at the same time as the health of natural systems is supported. It On the other hand, as a noun Rottle and Yo- is a means of generating resilience in the face com describe that ecological design of impending natural disturbances and aims “exists in the form of healthy, regenerative to enrich biodiversity and stimulate natural systems and components of our built environ- systems to become self-sustaining in order ments. From parks and preserves, to buildings to form stability for both human and non- and streets, an ecological approach to design human populations (Rottle & Yocom 2010, can be integrated into the fabric of our com- p. 6). munities, serving as a new kind of infrastruc- In the urban environment, ecological design ture” (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 13). can be seen as a fashion in which to cope with Thus implying that the concept could be in- challenges such as climate change, loss of sen- tegrated in the very system of green networks sitive species and valuable resources. It is a way that build up our cities and municipalities. of working with local conditions and factors inherent to a specific environment in order to In a broader perspective, Van der Ryn and enhance ecological values and re-establish the Cowan (1996) define ecological design as integrity of landscape systems (Rottle & Yo- com 2010, p. 6). “any form of design that minimizes environ- mentally destructive impacts by integrating Rottle and Yocom state that ecological design itself with living processes” (Van der Ryn & can be defined as both a verb and a noun Cowan 1996, p. 33).

28 Benefits of ecological (Van der Ryn & Cowan 1996). As mainte- nance often constitutes a time consuming and design costly factor with regard to energy consump- Ecological design is beneficial for improving tion, principles of ecological design can aid in the performance of ecological systems and the reduction of both time and costs associat- offers a more resilient alternative to the plan- ed with maintenance in designed landscapes ning of the built environment. Moreover, it (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 164). supports the development of self-maintaining Moreover, ecological design helps support environments which are adaptive yet resilient the preservation and restoration of biological to disturbances. Further, ecological design can systems so that healthy and diverse communi- contribute to actively shaping the structures ties of native plants and animal species can be and processes of complex environments in secured. Biodiversity is of importance since it such a way that ecological integrity can be enhances the resilience of an ecosystem to re- maintained or even strengthened (Rottle & spond and acclimate to change. Research con- Yocom 2010, pp. 13, 14, 74). ducted on the planets ecosystems reveals that Van der Ryn and Cowan states that design global biodiversity is declining, thus making should be seen as a response to precise knowl- issues related to biodiversity of principal sig- edge of place. They mean that this specific nificance (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 54, 56). knowledge is the starting point of ecological design (Van der Ryn & Cowan 1996, pp. 72, 77), aiming to enhance rather than lessen local ecological integrity (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 16). Thus, advocating the ecological aspect in design provides methods for reducing the use of resources as well as preserving a diversity of habitats and increasing community health (Van der Ryn & Cowan 1996).

By promoting the role of ecology in design, specific methods for reducing pollution and the use of energy and materials are provided


This section presents different ecological -de According to Rottle and Yocom, it is import- sign approaches which, based on performed ant to protect existing biological values and inventories and analyses of the municipality, native ecological functions as the measures were deemed to be of importance for this required to restore ecosystems are much more particular project. Below, measures to protect complex than maintaining existing ones. It existing nature areas, work with native plants takes time for a landscape to reach a point and biodiversity, manage stormwater, connect of ecological integrity, thus it is significant fragmented patches of nature and encourage to safeguard the components of such healthy information and stewardship are presented. systems (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 86, 89, 106). In concurrence, Claes Florgård states Protection, restoration and that one of the most prominent concerns re- garding the preservation of natural vegetation rehabilitation is that once lost it cannot simply be replaced

by planting new species. He argues that bio- In this category principles for protecting and logical and aesthetical values take decades or developing existing nature values are present- even centuries to establish (Müller, Kelcey & ed. The significance of water habitats and -ex Werner 2010, p. 493). isting parks is investigated as well as the role of maintenance in ecological design. Furthermore, Rottle and Yocom emphasize that water habitats and their edges are of Particularities and values of place significant importance when it comes to the Van der Ryn and Cowan emphasize that solu- protection and restoration of landscapes. They tions should develop from the unique qualities argue that such environments constitute one of place and that this aspect is often omitted of the most diverse habitats with regard to in standardized design. They state that a deep the composition of plant and animal species. and rich understanding of ecology must seep In addition, they state that existing parks can into the design of our built and natural envi- be used to increase the function of ecological ronments as many design possibilities are lost processes as well as provide a framework for due to homogenization and ignorance of the the creation of new habitats and production of particularities of site (Van der Ryn & Cowan new resources (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 89, 1996, pp. ix, 3, 72). 156).

30 Maintenance as a design tool Summary: Protection, restoration, rehabilitation Biological and physical conditions are ever changing, as vegetation grows and circum- - Safeguard existing biological values stances of the surrounding environment and native ecological functions change. Thus, maintenance is a critical com- - Protect and restore water habitats and ponent of ecological approaches aiming to their edges protect and rehabilitate landscape values (Rot- tle & Yocom 2010, p. 94). - Use existing parks to improve ecolog- ical functions and create new habitats Establishing a maintenance plan facilitates the and resources continued survival of desired ecological pro- cesses. By enforcing maintenance actions such - Use maintenance as an important tool as regular controls, securing the flow of water to protect, restore and rehabilitate systems and clearing of invasive species, eco- green areas logical conditions of a site can be improved. A common measure of rehabilitation is to in- troduce plant material which is adapted to the current conditions of the site and will support coveted ecological processes (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 86, 94).

Moreover, by developing an adaptive approach to management, where a project can be sys- tematically evaluated, future adjustments are facilitated. Thus, the likelihood of enhancing ecological conditions of a site increases (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 95).

31 Native plants and nartsson & Simonsson 2007, p. 1). Designing with native plants can be a means of enhanc- biodiversity ing indigenous biodiversity (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 137). As plants that are In this category the significance of biodiversity native to a specific environment have acclima- and principles for working with native plant tized to the local conditions, fewer resources material are investigated. Furthermore, alter- are required to support them. Thus, once es- natives to the traditional lawn are introduced. tablished, they constitute a low maintenance Urban biodiversity and native vegetation alternative which at the same time offers hab- At the present there are several approaches to itat possibilities for different wildlife species increase native biodiversity (Ignatieva, Stewart (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 163). & Meurk 2008, p. 62). Kongjian Yu, one of Moreover, developing multi-layered planting the pioneers within ecological design, states designs further increases biodiversity and that landscape architecture should be regarded enhances the ability to sustain a more com- as an art of survival and argues that very sim- prehensive variety of plant and animal species. ple skills and common native plants can be Habitats that offer an assortment of large used to solve complicated issues. He signifies canopy trees, smaller trees, different types of that landscape design should be in harmony shrubs as well as native grasses and ground with the processes of nature as well as the sus- vegetation can help establish such favorable tainable wellbeing of the human community conditions. By appropriate selection and (Yu 2006, p. 25, 35). In concurrence, Ignati- placement of native plants, endemic ecological eva means that designing with biodiversity is environments can be re-established (Rottle & one of the essential parts in supporting urban Yocom 2010, pp. 156, 163). sustainability (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 140). Street trees, planting strips and green roofs Native species can be used in the streetscape, Furthermore, Lennartsson and Simonsson along roads as street trees or in different types argue that biodiversity is of great significance of plantings (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk with regard to climate change and the effects 2008, pp. 70-71). Street trees have the ability thereof, further elaborating that the buffering to improve local conditions for wildlife and at and producing capacity of the ecosystems will the same time enhance the human environ- be needed when the climate changes (Len-

32 ment by reducing the urban heat island effect. public and private gardens as well as make up Effectively providing shade for roads and the groundcover in cemeteries, golf courses sidewalks. Furthermore, the use of planting and sport fields. Lawn can also be found in strips can introduce diversity into the street smaller areas such as those along the sides of environment as well as provide a varied as- roads (Ignatieva 2018, p. 220). sortment of habitats. Selecting a diverse set of species, including flowering and fruiting ones, Ignatieva and Ahrné state that the environ- can generate planting strips that constitute sig- mental effects of lawns are closely related to nificant food sources for wildlife in the urban the intensity of management. Measures such environment (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 140). as frequent mowing, use of herbicides and fertilizers have negative impacts on the en- According to Ignatieva and Ahrné, green roofs vironment, biodiversity and human health. also constitute an important component for However, they also indicate that low intensity increasing biodiversity in the urban landscape managed lawns may have positive environ- (Ignatieva & Ahrné 2013, p. 5). Green roofs mental impacts, providing potential ecosystem can be covered by vegetation in varying de- services to urban environments. Examples of grees and have the potential to function as a such services include recreation, pollination platform for the use of native species (Ignati- as well as management of water, nutrients and eva, Stewart & Meurk 2008, p. 71). Further- carbon (Ignatieva & Ahrné 2013, pp. 2-4). more, they provide favorable conditions for different types of insects and pollinators (Veg Research performed in urban environments tech n.d. d). has shown that lawns are very similar when it comes to the composition of plant species. In Alternative lawns Sweden, the majority of lawns are comprised Indigenous plants can also be used in alterna- of grass hybrids which originate from a con- tive, biodiverse lawns (Ignatieva, Stewart & fined number of nurseries and seed mixtures, Meurk 2008, p. 71). According to Ignatieva thus forming habitats which have no counter- and Ahrné, lawns constitutes one of the most part in the native local landscape (Ignatieva & prevalent components in the green infra- Ahrné 2013, p. 3). structure of urban environments (Ignatieva & Ahrné, 2013, p. 2) and covers up to 70 Lately, Swedish lawns have been a subject of percent of urban open space. It exists in both research through the project “Lawns as an eco-

33 logical and cultural phenomenon. Searching for for the conditions specific to the site of con- sustainable lawns in Sweden”, aiming to create cern (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 163). alternative lawns based on local plants adapted to the northern climate. This approach seeks to develop biodiverse, cost-effective plant Summary: Native plants and biodiversity communities which also hold aesthetic quali- - Develop planting designs that estab- ties (Ignatieva 2018, pp. 224, 226). lishes and supports a multi-layered Examples of such alternative lawns are those habitat adapted for bumblebees and butterflies, lawns - Use native species in the street envi- established on tough soils with high gravel ronment, as street trees and in plant- content as well as different types of meadows ing strips and grass-free lawns. The grass-free alterna- tive has the ability to provide a low-growing - Use native plants on green roofs and flowering carpet, consisting of native species, in alternative lawns suitable for recreational use. Additionally, the grass-free lawn is relatively low in main- - Develop alternative lawns adapted for tenance, needing to be cut only two to three wildlife and biodiversity times during the summer season (Ignatieva 2018, pp. 226, 227). - Use of non-invasive species

Promoting the design with native plants is a manner in which to introduce and bring forth the distinctiveness of the local flora, contribut- ing to both visual and ecological values in the parks, gardens and streetscapes of the urban environment (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 137). Although the use of native plants has many benefits, some functions may require plant species which are not native to the local environment. In such circumstances, the aim should be to use non-invasive species suitable

34 Stormwater collection and ing green roofs and walls into the composition of developing urban environments (Ignatieva cleansing & Ahrné 2013, p. 4).

In this category principles for managing Rain gardens stormwater are presented. The concepts of rain A rain garden is a permeable planting bed that gardens, swales, pervious surfaces, green roofs is used to delay, infiltrate and clean stormwa- and green walls are introduced. ter (Veg tech n.d. c). Precipitation and run-off is collected in the planting bed during rainfalls Stormwater management and dries out when the wet period has ended Stormwater is increasingly treated through the (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 164). Starting as a aid of landscape structures, providing alterna- fine scale solution for managing stormwater in tive solutions for its collection and cleansing subdivisions and private gardens, rain gardens (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 138). Generally, have been further developed and are now used stormwater contains suspended material, with success even in the street environments oxygen consuming substances, nutrients and of cities (Veg tech n.d. c). heavy metals which can cause problems with regard to water quality in lakes and water- Stormwater from roofs, roads and other courses (Veg tech n.d. c) and degrade the impervious surfaces is lead to adjacent rain ecological conditions of these receiving water gardens where the plants clean and evaporate bodies (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 150). large parts of the water before the excess is infiltrated through the planting bed (Veg tech Some environmentally sensitive approaches to n.d. c). Plants are mainly chosen based on managing stormwater in urban environments their capacity to tolerate conditions of surplus consist of introducing rain gardens, open stormwater runoff from adjacent areas. How- swales and using ecologically liable pervious ever, rain gardens also have the potential to surfaces (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk 2008, contribute to high aesthetic values depending p. 61). According to Ignatieva and Ahrné, the on the design and plant material chosen (Ig- continued densification of urban areas also natieva, Stewart & Meurk 2008, pp. 70-71). calls for the consideration of alternative place- ment of green structures. In addition to green areas located on the ground level, there is a need to investigate the potential for introduc-

35 Swales One manner in which to improve ecological Swales are constituted by gently sloping vege- conditions, with regard to stormwater, is by tative depressions which offer a cost-efficient reducing the impervious areas of the streets- manner in which to manage stormwater. They cape (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 150). can aid in the treatment of stormwater runoff originating from roofs, streets and imper- Permeable substrates function as filters by meable surfaces and can be planted with an enabling water to flow through the soil while assortment of trees, shrubs, grasses and addi- detaining contaminants. Planting strips can be tional types of ground covers (Environmental a useful approach in order to ameliorate the Services City of Portland 2006, p. 1). effects of stormwater by lowering the amount of hard surfaces. At the same time such As the water is lead along the course of the plantings form visible boundaries which help swale, the plants help slow and filter the run- distinguish between different forms of trans- off, allowing it to be cleansed of sediments portation in the street environment (Rottle & and contaminants. Plants are chosen based Yocom 2010, pp. 116, 149). on their ability to tolerate both wet and dry soil conditions (Environmental Services City Green roofs of Portland 2006, p. 1), as well as for their In ecologically oriented approaches, green capacity to absorb and manage water and roofs are regarded as an important component pollutants (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk 2008, in water management practices. The most p. 70). Moreover, swales can provide habitats common function of modern green roofs is re- for wildlife and at the same time contribute lated to stormwater management (Ignatieva & to aesthetical enhancement of the urban land- Ahrné 2013, p. 4), as it both delays water and scape (Environmental Services City of Port- reduces run-off (Veg tech n.d. d). As formerly land 2006, p. 1). described, green roofs may also have functions which serve other ecosystem services, such as Pervious surfaces mitigating the effect of urban heat islands and Hard surfaces such as roads and impermeable creating habitats for animals and plants (Ig- walkways generates stormwater run-off during natieva, Meurk, van Roon, Simcock & Stew- rainfalls. Creating opportunities to manage art 2008, pp. 16). the polluted water caused by these surfaces can reduce the impacts on downstream recipients.

36 Green roofs can either be partly or entirely ment by other means can be reduced (Urban covered by vegetation (Ignatieva, Stewart greening 2013, p. 3). Moreover, there are & Meurk 2008, p. 71) and may vary in soil green wall solutions that have the ability to depth and ability to support different types harvest rainwater, thus forming a self-main- of vegetation. One variant, which is mainly taining system in which additional irrigation adapted to retain, infiltrate and reduce storm- of the vegetated wall is rendered unnecessary water is the extensive green roof. Such struc- (Urban Greening 2013, p. 3). At the Portland tures feature plants adapted to dry conditions Expo Center in Oregon, a green wall has been and which grow on a thin layer of soil. In the constructed which especially treats rainwater northern hemisphere, stone crop (Sedum spp.) originating from the roof. By utilizing the constitutes the most commonly used species force of gravity, water passes through the green for such green roofs (Ignatieva et al. 2008, pp. wall system, where native plants aid in filter- 16-17). ing and managing the runoff (Environmental Services City of Portland 2014). Green walls Green walls are vertical, or nearly vertical, structures covered with vegetation (Urban Summary: Stormwater collection and cleansing Greening 2013, p. 1). They have a long life-span and require a relatively low degree - Increase the amount of stormwater of maintenance (Veg tech n.d. b). While which is controlled and cleansed many green walls are used for their aesthetic through landscape treatment value or to help even out variations in tem- - perature (Environmental Services City of Develop rain gardens, open swales and Portland 2014), modern technologies have ecologically friendly pervious surfaces enabled the development of green walls which - Develop green roofs and walls support an assortment of different plants, enabling a broad diversity of both plant spe- cies and degree of coverage (Urban Greening 2013, p. 1).

By increasing the amount of plant coverage, the measures required for stormwater manage-

37 Connecting fragmented patches. Such patches form fragments which are distinctly separated from the prevailing patches landscape conditions of the matrix (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 68). In this category principles for connecting green areas into a larger network are investi- When considering patches, their size and gated. The concepts of flows, patches and cor- proximity to other areas of similar character ridors are introduced. is of significance. Larger patches offer greater possibilities for developing a high degree of Flows biodiversity. In addition, areas which are locat- Flows can be described as processes of move- ed in close proximity to one another increases ment which act within and across the land- the ability of species movement between scape. It can be constituted by more percep- patches (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 69). Thus, tible movements such as that of water and the smaller and more scattered the green areas different species, both human and wildlife. are, their function for human use as well as However, flows are also represented in the for the continued survival of plant and animal form of energies which are developed, stored species decreases. It also affects the capacity of and dispersed throughout the landscape (Rot- managing stormwater as well as the ability to tle & Yocom 2010, p. 130). improve local climate and air quality (Bover- Acknowledging flows, their role and effects in ket 1994, p. 11). a landscape system, facilitates the identifica- The connection between the urban green ar- tion of limitations and possibilities with re- eas and the hinterland is also of importance gard to future development. Thus, the value of in order to maintain functioning ecosystems existing and potential connections can be as- (Boverket 1994, p. 13). According to Ignatieva sessed as new plans and site designs are being et al. (2011), urban and rural ecological net- developed (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 130). works are of particular significance since these Patches structures may provide the only means of con- The main land use or habitat form in a land- nectivity and movement of species in today’s scape constitutes the matrix of that environ- fragmented landscapes (Ignatieva, Stewart, ment (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 65). Through Meurk 2011, pp. 17-18). In order to develop the process of fragmentation, the matrix be- a rich diversity of green structures within the comes disrupted either by human or natural urban framework, green corridors which links changes, actively isolating landscape areas into these areas to the surrounding landscape are needed (Boverket 1994, p. 13).

38 Corridors provide services such as climate mitigation Corridors are linear landscape structures and constitute places of recreational value which have the ability to act as links between (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 163). patches. By providing green corridors in the Trails for walking and cycling can correlate urban environment the restoration and devel- with these green structures and connect peo- opment of a larger, connected system of open ple with nature (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk spaces can be supported (Rottle & Yocom 2008, p. 66). 2010, p. 66). Further, it has been shown that corridors which are broader and curvilinear in shape are favorable to narrow, more linear Summary: Connecting fragmented patches ones (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, pp. 162-163). While places of intersection such as - Evaluate flows, their role and effects in crossroads may form barriers (Rottle & Yocom the landscape system 2010, p. 66), it is important to acknowledge - Endeavor to develop large, coherent that many species, such as birds, are able to green areas preferable to small ones use discontinuous stepping stones for their dispersal. Thus, the need for physical conti- - Increase connections between existing nuity depends on the desired function of the green areas corridor (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk 2008, p. 66). - Develop connections between the ur- ban greenery and hinterland Furthermore, when designing for biodiversity and ecosystem health it is significant to con- - Seek to develop broad, meandering sider the different spatial scales of ecosystems corridors preferably to narrow and and their relations. As corridors may also pro- linear ones vide passage for less desired species depending on habitat requirements, it is valuable to assess - Reduce points of intersections in cor- the desired flows and potential effects between ridors scales (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 66, 89). - Combine functions within corridors According to Werner and Zahner, the main which supports both people and wild- benefit of corridors is their ability to support life functions of value for both human and wild- life communities. In addition to aiding in the conservation of species, green corridors can

39 Reveal, immerse, teach tics must be infused with aesthetic principles which aid in their interpretation. This is espe- In this category, Rottle and Yocom’s theory cially true when it comes to the urban envi- Reveal, immerse, teach is further built upon. ronment, if the design is to be understood and Different principles for highlighting existing appreciated by the general public (Dunnett & natural values and nature areas are presented Hitchmough 2004, p. 5). and the concept of “cues to care” is intro- Urban areas constitute valuable platforms for duced. introducing information about the natural Translating landscapes values they contain, as it is in the urban envi- Landscapes of high ecological value often re- ronment that most people get in contact with quire interpretation, as they have a tendency nature on a daily basis (Almén, Hasselbom, to appear complex or unfamiliar. Symbolic Lind & Novakovic 2012a, p. 9). The con- markings or framings to help focus attention cept of designing with nature is an effective can lead to a greater understanding of these method for reinforcing urban biodiversity environs. As such site-specific understanding and at the same time making it more percep- is often needed to foster appreciation and tible and recognizable to people (Ignatieva stewardship of the landscape, ecological de- & Ahrné 2013, p. 6). One manner in which sign covers a much broader range of practices to introduce local plants is by using them in than simply assembling ecological functions. the streetscape (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meurk Consequently, it also includes evoking human 2008, p. 70) or by having them appear next appreciation for landscapes, their components to highly frequented and important buildings and processes (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 124). (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 137).

According to Ignatieva (2018), it is essential Cues to care to establish manners in which to translate eco- According to Nassauer, using methods which logical processes and functions into a cultural show signs of human intent can help people and aesthetic language that can be more easily to better understand and accept complex understood and endorsed by the public at ecological environments (Nassauer 2002, p. large (Ignatieva 2018, p. 217). Furthermore, 200). Nassauer further states that signs such as Dunnett and Hitchmough states that designs tidiness and care for the landscape constitute imprinted with strong nature-like characteris- symbols that can be used in order to adapt

40 cultural expectations to recognizing new land- ture and at the same time communicate signs scape forms (Nassauer 2002, pp. 200, 203). of human care. This can in turn foster aware- Such methods of “cues to care” make the ness and appreciation of place which result new more recognizable. Valuable ecosystems in increased stewardship of the site (Rottle & that are at risk of giving a messy and untidy Yocom 2010, pp. 86, 124). impression can thus be associated with signs which indicate that the landscape is part of a larger intended pattern. These signals may Summary: Reveal, immerse, teach vary in appearance, but the founding princi- - Reinforce urban biodiversity and ple is that they express care for the landscape make it more visible and recognizable (Nassauer 2002, p. 203). to the general public There are several examples of “cues to care” - Utilize existing nature in urban areas created through maintenance actions. By to increase people’s contact with and framing areas of greater biodiversity, signs of knowledge of nature human intention can be communicated. This can be accomplished by mowing a strip of - Introduce local plants through their lawn along paths, thus giving a tidy impres- use in the streetscape and placement sion without having to cover large areas with next to important buildings continuous lawn. When considering a smaller scale, trimming and pruning of vegetation can - Use “cues to care” to indicate human give an impression of care for the landscape. intention and care; mowing a strip of Furthermore, linear designs such as placing lawn along paths, trimming of vegeta- plants in rows can indicate human presence tion and use of linear planting design and intention (Nassauer 2002, pp. 203-204). - Direct attention to particular aspects Moreover, it is often possible to add design of landscape through viewpoints, features which draw attention to nature areas frames, integrating gateways, markers and restoration actions. Viewpoints, frames, and art pieces integrating gateways, markers and art pieces can be used in the design of a site. Further, - Increase human contact with nature immersive structures such as boardwalks and through immersive structures such as paths can enhance human interaction with na- boardwalks and paths

41 Green wall located in central Uppsala, Sweden Preserved border of vegetation in Park am Gleis- dreieck in Berlin,

Stormwater management in the streetscape of Alternative lawn: grass-free lawn in Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden Sweden

Cues to care: trimmed hedge of alder trees frames Cues to care: a mowed strip of lawn along a path a nature-like stormwater pond, Danderyd frames a meadow area, Danderyd


This chapter gives an introduction to the case study of Danderyd, pro- viding a description of the municipality and its green infrastructure. In following subchapters an analysis of the region divided into three different scales; large, intermediate and small scale is presented. SITE DESCRIPTION



Vaxholm Sollentuna Danderyd





500 km FIGURE 2 Map showing the location of the municipality in relation to Stockholm and adjacent communities. Based on a topographic map by © Lantmäteriet.

This section gives an introduction to the mu- east, Stocksund in the south, Danderyd in the nicipality of Danderyd, its history, challenges, west and Enebyberg in the north (Meyer & framework for planning and description of Winberg 2013, p. 2). The road E18 stretches present work toward a sustainable green infra- through the municipality, in a north-south structure. Lastly, future aims are presented. direction, forming a modern-day passageway with long historic continuity (Sweco 2015, p. Introduction to the 4). municipality Until the end of the 19th century, Danderyd was characterized as an agricultural district. The municipality of Danderyd is located Nevertheless, as the population of Stockholm north of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, in was expanding and the Industrialization began close proximity to the coast which surrounds to change the urban environment, there was the region on three sides. It can be divided a wish for a simpler and healthier life outside into four main district; in the

44 Enebyberg





500 m Stocksund FIGURE 3 Map showing the infrastructure and districts of the municipality. Based on a topographic map by © Lant- mäteriet.

the city. With the arrival of the railway came of Stocksund was initiated with the same the opportunity to transport goods from Dan- urban ideals as Djursholm. Later, the contin- deryd to the capital and a transition into a ued transformation from agricultural land to garden city began (Sweco 2015, p. 14). residential town enabled the development of Enebyberg during the beginning of the 20th The alteration from agricultural to residential century (Sweco 2015, pp. 14-15). district was initiated by Henrik Palme, who bought the Djursholm estate in 1889. In- In 1967 Stocksunds köping was incorporated spired by travels to garden cities in America, into , which marked the be- he planned Djursholm after his experiences ginning of the formation of the municipality. overseas. Djursholm was fashioned as a suburb Subsequently, the municipality of Danderyd to Stockholm, with large yards and a street was formed in 1971 due to the merging of network which emanated from the shapes of Djursholms stad and Danderyds köping (Swe- the land. Some decade later, the construction co 2015, p. 4).

45 Challenges weather (Meyer & Winberg 2013). Further- more, temporary high flows in stormwater sys- The municipality is facing several challenges, tems may result in the municipality’s pumping some of the most prominent with regard to stations reaching their limit, thus causing con- green infrastructure are introduced in this taminated water to reach the recipients (Meyer section. & Winberg 2013, p. 14).

Growth of urban areas According to the municipality’s Environmen- The municipality is anticipating a substantial tal Program (2016-2020), the coastal waters rise in the amount of inhabitants. In order are not able to meet the Water Framework to be able to meet the new demands, it is Directive’s requirements with regard to a good predicted that the number of developments ecological and chemical status. The largest need to increase by approximately 60-110 problems are eutrophication and environmen- new dwellings a year until the year of 2030 tal toxins (Danderyds kommun 2016, p. 7). (Danderyds kommun 2013a, p. 119). In the At the present, excess nutrients and pollutants municipality’s Comprehensive Plan of 2030, that reach the coastal areas mainly comes from the central part of Danderyd is acknowledged water that runs from roofs of buildings and as an area of development for both residential hard surfaces (Danderyds kommun 2013a, p. areas and workplaces. This constitutes the 118). greatest change that the municipality has initi- Connections and access to nature ated in modern time (Sweco 2015, p. 3). An analysis of the municipality, performed Climatic changes and water management in 2015, states that there is a need to map Climatic changes that will most likely affect ecological connections and recreational values the municipality are higher temperatures, an in the municipality (Sweco 2015, p. 21). The increase in precipitation and a rise in sea lev- road E18 constitutes a big barrier, in a north- el. An increase in the amount of rainfall can south direction, that divides the municipality result in higher flows in water courses and in two. This calls for the development of green flooding. Hence, the long coastline and low links and passageways (Almén, Hasselbom, lying areas may be facing future problems with Lind & Novakovic 2012b, p. 2). Furthermore, averting stormwater, a phenomenon which is a large part of the coastline is occupied by perceptible even at the present during extreme private residential yards, which stresses the

46 importance of valuing and allowing public At the present the municipality has a Green access to remaining shore areas (Sweco 2015, Infrastructure Plan for the period 2011-2015 p. 20). It has also been discovered that, even and a decision has been made to develop a though the municipality has many recreational Blue-green Infrastructure Plan that also incor- environments, its green structures are not fully porates biodiversity values and ecological rela- used by the inhabitants due to lack of infor- tionships of importance (Danderyds kommun mation (Almén et al. 2012b, p. 2). 2017, p. 8). Today’s planning Present work toward a framework sustainable green The growth of urban areas within the region infrastructure means a greater degree of exploitation at the In this section some of the actions taken to same time as the need for green environments support a sustainable green infrastructure in increases. In order to secure the quality of the municipality are presented. future living areas, strategies for urban nature is of great importance (Almén, Hasselbom, Meadows Lind & Novakovic 2012a, p. 10). This aspect By varying the maintenance of green areas, a is further heightened as the municipality has high degree of biodiversity can be attained. many natural values even outside of areas that Meadows are one important biotope which are under special protection (Danderyds kom- has been enabled through different types of mun 2013a, p. 118). maintenance in the municipality (Danderyds kommun 2013b, p. 84). All meadow areas The municipality’s Green Infrastructure Plan are divided into two parts, which are mowed aims to work as a collected document of the during different times of the year, thus allow- regions green structures and is foremost an aid ing for newly cut meadows during the whole for officials and politicians during planning season. This has been shown to be beneficial and development. This plan is subordinate for both flora and fauna(Danderyds kommun to the Comprehensive Plan and the Environ- 2018). mental Program of the municipality (Almén et al. 2012a, pp. 3-4).

47 Furthermore, there are some meadow areas (Meyer & Winberg 2013, p. 3). Additionally, where the grass is allowed to grow higher per- a stormwater pond has been constructed in manently. Examples of such environments are the area. the forest edge and in places where it does not hinder accessibility. In contrast the traditional As a means to delay stormwater flow and lawns of the municipality are cut within an reduce the risk of flooding, a system of open interval of 14 days, apart from a few parks ditches exists within the municipality. This where maintenance is performed within even forms a network of wetlands as stormwater shorter intervals (Danderyds kommun 2018). is led through the system. Thus contributing to manners in which to manage excess water As discoveries of several red listed species have as well as providing habitats for animals and been made in the meadows of the municipal- plants (Danderyds kommun 2013b, p. 85). ity, the desire to develop more meadow areas within the region have been strengthened Future aims (Almén et al. 2012b, p. 18). One example of such actions is a constructed meadow area The municipality aspires to prevent contami- in the district of Stocksund, which has been nants and excess nutrients from reaching the planted with a meadow mixture of native recipients through new stormwater solutions. plants. In addition, there is an objective to construct new open stormwater systems which may also Water management function as corridors (Almén et al. 2012a, p. Projects to clean water have been carried out 24). with the use of floating islands in Edsviken, located in the western part of the municipal- With regard to connectivity, there is an ex- ity. The constructed wetland has an area of pressed interest in investigating measures 200m2 and was built in the year of 2014. The which can be applied in order to increase aim was to reduce levels of phosphorus, nitro- green connections and decrease barrier effects gen and heavy metals as well as acting as com- (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 24). pensation for the naturally occurring riparian zone which was lost during a road construc- There is also a wish to continue the develop- tion in the area (Veg Tech n.d. a). ment of parks and street environments as well as enhancing means of orientation (Almén et Further, the municipality has initiated work al. 2012a, p. 24). toward climate adaptation through the con- struction of flood protection at Nora strand Furthermore, there is a desire to increase in the year of 2010. This area, also located biodiversity and the experience value of the in the western part of the municipality, had municipality’s grass areas through variation in previously been affected by recurrent flooding maintenance (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 24).


This chapter concerns the large scale approach of this master thesis. It further develops the results gained from the previous stages of the study, presenting manners in which to strengthen the green infrastructure with the help of ecological approaches on this scale. LARGE SCALE - MUNICIPALITY

In this section the green infrastructure is de- Inventory scribed as seen from a large scale perspective, the municipality as a whole. An introduction The findings of the inventory performed in of the large scale concept is presented, fol- 2017 provided information regarding the gen- lowed by a general description of the munici- eral layout of the municipality’s green infra- pality’s green infrastructure. The latter is based structure, which is accounted for in this part. on the findings of the inventory performed in 2017. Subsequently, the green structures are The inventory showed that the municipality divided into seven different categories and de- has many natural areas preserved. The largest scribed with reference to the initial inventory. are located in the northern part of the munic- Lastly a SWOT-analysis and Guiding principles ipality and are constituted by an assortment for future development are presented. of grasslands, pastures, agricultural lands and mixed forests. They form important hubs in Large scale the municipality, providing anchors in the green infrastructure network. There are also At the large scale, ecological design approach- slightly smaller areas such as state parks, ad- es can be used to plan for the protection of ditional golf courses, wetlands and cemeteries landscapes and define the growth pattern of which constitute further hubs. urban development (Yu 2006, p. 31). It ad- dresses issues concerning the general decline Besides these structures, a number of smaller in biodiversity as a result of habitat loss and park and nature areas were found during the fragmentation and constitutes an important inventory, which are more or less linked to scale for creating a holistic framework for a the larger green structures of the municipality. sustainable infrastructure (Müller, Kelcey & Many of these areas constitute sites which lack Werner 2010, p. 130). connections to each other besides the relations through residential areas with yards. However, Actions at this scale concern regional land- they provide places for recreation and conser- scapes, and involve issues such as flood pre- vation of natural habitats. vention, ecological networks and corridors (Yu 2006, p. 31). Project at this level entails the Through the inventory, it was discovered that formation of greenways, green corridors along many of the existing links in the municipal- highways, paths and riparian zones as well as ity are constituted by discontinuous patches the development of a system of parks (Müller, of green areas. These are dispersed along Kelcey & Werner 2010, p. 130). the coastline as well as stretching diagonally

50 through the municipality. Old railway em- The following paragraphs, presents the munic- bankments and alleys form more continuous ipality’s definition of each category followed green links which connects some of the green by a description of the green structures based structures together. on the inventory performed in 2017.

Moreover, the municipality has several import- Landscaped parks ant connections to surrounding green struc- Definition:the landscaped parks are often cen- tures. One is represented by the region’s oak trally located and function as green aesthetic population, which is related to the dispersed elements in the urban environment. They oak forest protected within the Royal National offer places for recreation and constitute areas City Park (Danderyds kommun 2013a, p. with a high maintenance level (Almén et al. 118). Further, the municipality contains one 2012a, p. 5). of the green wedges stretching through the region of Stockholm. These wedges form a Inventory: the inventory showed that the ma- network which infiltrates the settlements from jority of the landscaped parks contain a high different direction, enabling plants and ani- percentage of lawn and grasslands. They exist mals to spread from the surrounding hinter- within every district but are most densely lo- lands to the urban areas (Almén et al. 2012a, cated in the southern part of the municipality, p. 10, 18). In the municipality of Danderyd, in the district of Stocksund. this wedge is called Rösjökilen and is located Urban nature parks in the north-west, forming an important link Definition:the urban nature parks consist of further north. green areas of different sizes, located in or adjacent to residential areas. These parks are Categorization of green valuable due to their accessibility. They are structures landscaped in varying degrees and the main- tenance level is generally low (Almén et al. For this master thesis the green structures 2012a, p. 5). of the municipality were divided into seven different categories formulated in the Green Inventory: the inventory showed that the ur- Infrastructure Plan of 2012. The categories ban nature parks are dispersed over the munic- consist of landscaped parks, urban nature ipality with a high density in the districts of parks, nature areas, golf courses, cemeteries, Djursholm and Stocksund. They are constitut- greenways and green traffic areas. ed by a variation of woodlands and grasslands, several of which are meadows.

51 FIGURE 4 Map showing the different green structures of the municipality. Categoriza- tion based on an illustration from the Green Infrastructure Plan (2012), map based on a topographic map by © Lant- mäteriet.



Nature areas

Urban nature Cemeteries parks

Landscaped Greenways parks Green traffic 500 m Golf courses areas

Nature areas Inventory: the nature areas are most prominent Definition:nature areas are more separated in the northern part of the municipality. The from settlements and are often bigger and major ones are constituted by woodlands, more coherent than other green areas. The grasslands, pastures and wetlands. In addition, maintenance level is low, however a variation smaller nature areas are dispersed over the in landscape characters and biotopes is sought municipality in the form of patches of nature (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 5). surrounded by settlements.

52 Golf courses Greenways Definition:golf courses within the municipal- Definition:greenways constitute connecting ity offer recreational opportunities and con- links between different green structures. They tribute to biodiversity values to some extent form valuable green corridors for the dispersal (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 5). of animals and plants as well as for the rec- reational use of people. The maintenance is Inventory: There are three major golf courses higher in relation to the nature areas as this within the municipality; golf category also includes alleys and grass areas course located in the south-west, Djursholms (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 6). golf course in the north-east and Danderyds golf course with accompanying driving range Inventory: there are several greenways of vary- in the north-west. Even though a major part ing size and lengths dispersed within the mu- of these green areas consists of lawn, there are nicipality. Many of the greenways are located biological values provided by groves of old along or in close proximity to the major roads trees such as birch, pine and oaks as well as by of the region. The coastline is also the location water bodies which form habitats for amphib- of several greenways, some more developed ian species. than others. Additionally, greenways can be found along old railway embankments in Cemeteries Djursholm and Stocksund, forming potential Definition:cemeteries are important environ- green connections within the urban structure. ments for biodiversity and are valuable with regard to the cultural identity (Almén et al. Green traffic areas 2012a, p. 6). Definition:the main function of the green traffic areas is to constitute a green element Inventory: There are two cemeteries in the in the street environment. As these areas are municipality, constituted by Djursholms landscaped, the maintenance level is high kyrkogård, located in the east and Danderyds (Almén et al. 2012a, p. 6). kyrkogård located in the central part of the municipality in close proximity to the road Inventory: the inventory showed that the green E18. Both of the cemeteries contain valuable traffic areas are mostly located in proximity to communities of older trees. In addition, large the road E18. They consist of grass areas ad- oak trees can be found in the cemetery located jacent to roads and boards of vegetation with in Djursholm. trees and shrubs as well as roundabouts with different types of planting beds.

53 Landscaped park Urban nature park

Nature area Golf course

Cemetery Greenway along an old railway embankment

Green traffic area Greenway along the coastline


SWOT large scale

Strengths Opportunities Many natural areas preserved Natural areas with a large amount of native Meadow areas, floating islands and a system of vegetation, beneficial for indigenous biodiver- open ditches sity and can be further developed Natural areas with the ability to collect and Opportunities to evaluate and build upon clean stormwater previous experiences of ecological design ap- Existing green infrastructure of value for recre- proaches ation and health A long coastline, ecotone of high value, in- Oak community with connection to the Royal creases opportunities to achieve a high degree National City Park of biodiversity Connection to the green wedge Rösjökilen Possibility to build on existing green structures Water bodies and wetlands in order to strengthened connections Agricultural lands New development of the central parts of Dan- deryd may provide opportunities to bridge the Weaknesses gap caused by the road E18 Partly low connectivity between green areas, especially in the southern part of the munici- Threats pality New development may pose a risk for natural E18 forms a barrier separating the eastern and areas lacking specific protection. Thus increas- western sides of the municipality ing the risk of further fragmentation and sub- Decreased water quality along the coastline sequent loss of connections and biodiversity Natural areas not fully used due to lack of in- formation Climatic changes with increased risk of tem- perature rises, increased precipitation and flooding


In this section guiding principles are presented and should receive increased protection. with regard to the development of a sustain- able green infrastructure seen from a large The health of the oak community within the scale perspective. municipality is of importance in order to strengthen the ecological network of the Royal Guiding principles for the National City Park. This can be accomplished through adaptive management and mainte- municipality nance actions. The principles are divided into the categories; Native plants and biodiversity Protection, restoration and rehabilitation; Native Existing green areas can be further strength- plants and biodiversity; Stormwater collection ened by using native species in different types and cleansing; Connecting fragmented patches of plantings and as ground cover. Native and Reveal, immerse, teach which were former- species can be used in the form of alternative ly presented in the chapter concerning ecolog- lawns, meadows and on green roofs. Ecolog- ical design. ical values in existing parks and green areas Protection, restoration and rehabilitation could thus be enhanced. Moreover, as there Existing vegetation is of significant value and are several reference areas within the munic- should be protected and closely evaluated ipality where the use of meadows have been when it comes to new development. It is pos- shown to strengthen ecological values (Almén sible to take measures which enable the inclu- et al. 2012b, p. 18), the possibility of further sion of these structures in the growth of new developing such methods increase. urban areas. The new development of the central parts of The main hubs offer possibilities to support a Danderyd opens up new opportunities for healthy green infrastructure in the municipali- the use of native species and increasing biodi- ty and should thus be safeguarded. This can be versity. Buildings and residential areas could accomplished by increased regulations and res- be developed with an ecologically sustainable toration of links to surrounding natural areas approach in mind, aiming to increase biodi- as well as between the hubs themselves. More- versity and strengthen the local flora. The use over, the nature areas of the north-west consti- of alternative lawns and meadows could con- tute a doorway to the green wedge Rösjökilen stitute functional and decorative elements in

56 the new residential communities at the same environments which could offer suitable con- time as the new house developments allows ditions for such development. Thus providing for an extended use of green roofs. enhanced stormwater treatment and introduc- ing the possibility of combining these func- Stormwater collection and cleansing tions with recreational use. By introducing Enhancing the water quality in lakes and areas open stormwater systems, corridors for both along the coastline is one of the main imped- humans and wildlife species may be created iments within the municipality. This can be and further developed. remedied through two main approaches; (1) decreasing the amount of pollutants and ex- The pending urban development offers -op cess nutrients reaching the coast and internal portunities with regard to stormwater treat- water bodies, (2) enhancing the present condi- ment as well. The new areas can incorporate tions in existing waters and water bodies. cohesive systems which are built to collect and clean excess water. Perchance, the new devel- As previously stated, the preservation of ex- opment may even offer opportunities to alter isting green areas can aid in the management existing closed stormwater systems into open and cleansing of stormwater. However, by ones during the construction period. Fur- incorporating further structures which deals thermore, the introduction of green walls and with issues regarding stormwater treatment, roofs, especially constructed to treat stormwa- the negative impacts on the recipients can be ter, may also be implemented in combination alleviated. The development of a system of with the new development as well as on exist- rain gardens, open swales and pervious sur- ing buildings. faces can aid in the capture and cleansing of stromwater. At the same time such structures Moreover, in order to enhance the conditions may also provide aesthetic qualities, enhancing in existing water bodies, green structures with the experience of the municipality’s streets- the ability to clean water from contaminants cape. can be utilized. By building on prior expe- riences with floating islands, such means of Existing planting strips and roadside areas can bioremediation can be used to an extended be evaluated in order to find possibilities for degree. These structures can be further adapt- further development of stormwater structures. ed to the specific needs and conditions of the Greenways and green traffic areas constitute different water bodies.

57 Connecting fragmented patches plantings and by filling in gaps in existing One of the most prominent challenges, when connections. Such actions could support the it comes to increasing flows and connectivity formation of larger, more coherent areas. within the municipality, is the barrier that E18 constitutes. With only a few underpasses avail- Strengthening the greenways of the coastline able, it effectively reduces physical connec- and along the old railway embankments al- tions between green areas of the western and lows for possibilities to create broad, mean- eastern side of the municipality. An initial step dering corridors. As previously stated, such to lessen the barrier effect can be to strengthen corridors are preferable to narrow linear ones the green values of these underpasses, creating (Müller, Kelcey & Werner 2010, pp. 162- connections leading from green areas on both 163). It also allows for the creation of corri- sides. dors which combine functions such as wildlife movement and recreational opportunities for With the new development in central Dan- people. Furthermore, strengthening the green- deryd comes an opportunity to bridge the ways along the coast creates potential for the gap that has been created by E18. Incentives urban greenery to be more connected to the calling for the development of green buildings hinterland, as the shoreline encircle the mu- could result in the development of green walls, nicipality on three sides. roofs as well as green links in the newly built environment. Thus the future development Reveal, immerse, teach could act as a framework for increasing the The municipality is rich in natural environ- green connections between the eastern and ments, however shortage of information western sides. (Almén et al. 2012b, p. 2) and indications of human intent may cause people not use them In order to increase connectivity between to their full extent. Increased access to natural hubs and sites, green links can be further de- areas in the form of paths and boardwalks can veloped within the municipality. Green corri- aid people in the discovery of the varied land- dors can be developed along the main roads, scapes within the municipality. As many of the through the preservation of existing trees and nature areas exhibit a great variety in topogra- the planting of new street trees. Moreover, phy, consequently making them more difficult connections between existing green areas can to access, immersive features and development be strengthened by creating links with new of existing paths can create opportunities for

58 more people to experience the values in these areas as well.

Both nature areas and urban nature parks have a more wild and nature-like character, which can make them less legible. Legibility and orientation can be improved by adding visual aids such as signs, markers and art pieces. In addition, viewpoint and frames can also be used to direct attention to particular aspects of these landscapes. Such elements may also evoke interest and invite people to discover these environments.

Existing nature areas can be used as a platform for combining human recreation and contact with natural systems. As many of the natural areas are without particular protection (Dan- deryds kommun 2013a, p. 118) and at risk of being further fragmented due to new develop- ments and densification, increased stewardship formed by such measures can help in their protection.

Moreover, using “cues to care” through differ- ent measures of maintenance can be a means of framing ecological values and indicate hu- man intent. The municipality already displays such signs in the form of mowed strips of lawn along paths. Such actions can be further developed throughout the municipality, for example in combination with meadow areas.

59 Summary: Guiding principles - large scale Protection, restoration and rehabilitation Safeguard existing vegetation --> protect hubs, green wedges and oak communities, inclusion of existing vegetation in the growth of new urban areas Native plants and biodiversity Introduce native species and alternatives to the traditional lawn --> introduce meadow areas, alternative biodiverse lawns and green roofs Stormwater collection and cleansing Introduce structures for landscape treatment of stormwater --> establish a system of rain gardens, open swales and pervious surfaces. Introduce green walls, green roofs and floating islands Connecting fragmented patches Strengthen greenways and increase connectiv- ity between the eastern and western side --> development of green walls, green roofs and green links Reveal, immerse, teach Increase legibility and access to existing natu- ral areas --> develop paths and boardwalks, in- troduce “cues to care” through different types of markers and measures of maintenance


This chapter concerns the intermediate scale approach of this master thesis. It further develops the results gained from the previous stages of the study, presenting manners in which to strengthen the green infrastructure with the help of ecological approaches on this scale. INTERMEDIATE SCALE -

DISTRICT Enebyberg



Danderyd Djursholm

FIGURE 5 Map showing the district of Stocksund. Based on a topographic map by © Lantmäteriet. Stocksund

500 m

In this section the green infrastructure is Intermediate scale described as seen through an intermediate scale perspective, in the form of a district. A At the intermediate scale, the structure of the description of the intermediate scale concept regional landscape is to be integrated within is presented, followed by an introduction to the urban framework. Approaches at this scale the district. The green structures of the district involve the formation of an urban green infra- are divided in accordance to the categories structure which forms a system of integrated presented in the Green Infrastructure Plan functions of both ecological and social value of 2012. Each category is briefly described (Yu 2006, p. 31). with reference to the initial inventory. Lastly a SWOT-analysis and Guiding principles for fu- Approaches at this scale are of significance for ture development are presented. the community level, involving smaller dis- tricts and subdivisions. It deals with concerns Out of the four districts in the municipality, such as urban biodiversity protection and the Stocksund was chosen to represent this scale. introduction of methods for water manage- This decision was based on three main factors; ment such as green roofs, rain gardens, swales the district constitute the most isolated one in and pervious surfaces (Müller, Kelcey & Wer- relation to the main hubs of the north, it con- ner 2010, pp. 131-132). tains a large amount of fragmented green areas and a high percentage of the more intensely maintained landscaped parks.

62 Stockholms- Railroad vägen

Old railway STOCKSUND embankment



500 m Tranholmen

Nature areas Greenways FIGURE 6 Map showing the different green structures of the district Stocksund. Categori- Urban nature Green traffic zation based on an illustration from the Green parks areas Infrastructure Plan (2012), map based on a topographic map by © Lantmäteriet. Landscaped parks

Inventory Categorization of district Through repeated visits to the district of green structures Stocksund during the inventory of 2017, The district of Stocksund contains landscaped its character and general structure could be parks, urban nature parks, nature areas, green- mapped. The district is located in the most ways and green traffic areas.In the following southern part of the municipality and its paragraphs, the findings of the inventory main structure is that of a garden city. The performed in 2017 are presented for each cat- topography is varied and the community is egory. bordered by the district of Djursholm in the north-east, E18 and the railroad in the west Landscaped parks and the coast in the south. The road Stockhol- The landscaped parks are located in the south- msvägen stretches through the central parts ern part of the district, with the highest den- of the community. The district also contains sity along the coastline. Many of these parks Tranholmen, an island located in the south- are constituted by open undulating grasslands east, which will not be included in this inves- tigation.

63 with clusters of trees and a high percentage of Nature areas lawn. The nature areas vary in size and are scattered over the district, forming small islands of Several of the landscaped parks in the district woodlands and to some degree grasslands. The contain fruiting and flowering trees as well largest areas are located in the northern and as fully grown native trees. Different types of western parts of the district. planting beds exist within these parks, ranging from formal borders of roses and perennial Many of the nature areas can be found on plants to more wild and nature-like plantings. heights with surrounding residential houses, making them difficult to reach. Populations Many of the landscaped parks are located in of hazel and oak are common features as well close proximity to one another. However, as pine trees which forms small forests on the green links between them are partly broken heights. due to discontinuity in vegetation, bigger roads and residential facilities along the coast. Greenways The major greenways within the district are Urban nature parks located alongside Stockholmsvägen, the old The urban nature parks are mainly located railway embankment and the coastline. These in the outskirts of the district. The largest green links partly connects to other parks and and most cohesive area can be found in the natural areas within the district. The density north where it forms a green link in a north- of vegetation varies from broad plantings with west-southeast direction. trees and shrubs to narrow planting strips with The urban nature parks of the district are con- grass and trees. stituted by a combination of woodlands and Green traffic areas grasslands. The woodland areas contain large The green traffic areas of the district are- lo populations of oak trees of substantial size. cated in the west, in close proximity to the The grasslands of the north include a high current railroad and the road E18. These green amount of meadow areas, while the grasslands areas are mostly composed of grasslands with of the south are constituted by continuous trees and shrubs and plantings in roundabouts lawn in a higher degree. containing grass and shrubs.

64 Landscaped park Urban nature park

Nature area Greenway along the coastline

Green traffic area Greenway along an old railway embankment


SWOT intermediate scale

Strengths Opportunities Natural areas of varying character Possibility to develop green connections with- Woodland areas and open grasslands in the district and along roads Use of meadows Opportunities to develop greenery along the Population of oak trees coastline Green link in the north of the district Possibility to increase biodiversity, means of stormwater management and ecological pro- Weaknesses cesses in existing parks Many isolated green structures Opportunities to increase access to natural The district is located far from the main hubs areas Challenging topography hindering recreation- al use to some degree Threats Lawn is a big feature in many of the parks, Densification and subsequent loss of green especially in the south areas and natural values High percentage of landscaped parks - high maintenance Fragmentation, leading to loss of connections Broken green links due to roads, residential and weakened capacity of remaining green areas and discontinuity in vegetation structures


In this section guiding principles are presented valuable environments and should be priori- with regard to the development of a sustain- tized when it comes to protection and rehabil- able green infrastructure seen from an inter- itation. As the district has a long coastline, it mediate scale perspective. is important to protect and further developed these areas in order to strengthen ecological Guiding principles for the processes. district of Stocksund Native plants and biodiversity Many of the landscaped parks of the district The principles are divided into the categories; contain a high percentage of lawn. The use of Protection, restoration and rehabilitation; Native lawn is also spread through some of the gre- plants and biodiversity; Storm water collection enways and urban nature parks. In order to and cleansing; Connecting fragmented patches increase biodiversity and lower the degree of and Reveal, immerse, teach which were former- maintenance, the use of alternatives to the tra- ly presented in the chapter concerning ecolog- ditional lawn can be incorporated into these ical design. environments in a higher degree. Protection, restoration and rehabilitation Areas of lawn are especially common in the The district contains a varied set of natural southern part of the district, creating places areas. Such variations should be protected as for recreation in close proximity to the coast. it offers different wildlife habitats and recre- In order to increase biodiversity values in these ational values for people. Additionally, the areas, the use of grass-free lawns can be imple- conditions in existing green areas can be fur- mented in selected places and in combination ther developed in order to create new habitats with traditional lawn. As these structures pro- and resources. vide a short cut carpet, recreational use is still The oak community should be safeguarded possible. and favorable conditions supporting this pop- In addition, meadow areas can be used in a ulation should be sought. Strategies for suc- higher degree in the different parks. Placement cession should be developed, including future of such features could be directed to the outer planting of new oak trees. boarders of the parks, still enabling opportuni- The water habitats and their edges constitute ties for recreation and play in its central parts.

67 Furthermore, by establishing planting de- addition, green roofs and walls can be incor- signs which supports a more multi-layered porated in new development and on existing structure, a higher diversity of habitats can be buildings. created in the district parks. Moreover, the use of native species can be used to increase indig- Connecting fragmented patches enous biodiversity. The district has three major flows of move- ment within its borders; one along the coast- During the summer, pots and urns are placed line, one in its central parts and one in the along parts of the old railway embankment. north forming a diagonal link reaching further The plant composition in such structures into the municipality. could also be inspired by the local landscape and might even display examples of urban Many of the green areas along the coast are agriculture. located in close proximity to one another, however discontinuity is caused by gaps in Stormwater collection and cleansing vegetation. Such gaps can be bridged by in- Natural areas of the district constitute valuable corporating additional plantings and trees resources for stormwater management, as they where room is available. Biodiverse lawns and contribute to slow down and cleanse runoff solutions for stormwater management may before it reaches the coastal waters. also form elements which can increase connec- tivity. Additional stormwater solutions can be devel- oped along district roads, along greenways and Greenways along Stockholmsvägen and the in green traffic areas. Vegetated swales, rain old railway embankment allows for further gardens and different kinds of pervious sur- development of green links within the district. faces such as planting strips can be introduced By enforcing the connectivity and green values in these areas. Such structures can enhance within these areas, a centrally located corridor stormwater management and at the same can be developed which combines the frag- time contribute to new aesthetic values in the mented areas in a higher degree. Moreover, streetscape. this would decrease the barrier effect which is presently caused by Stockholmsvägen. Further One of the central roads in the district, Stock- corridors may also be developed along the holmsvägen, could be a potential site for fur- main roads of the district. ther development of stormwater solutions. In

68 The green link in the north is constituted by places of education and invite visitors to dis- meadows, woodlands and grass areas. This cover new ways of using ecological approaches corridor can be further strengthened through to solve bigger landscape issues. the continued development of meadow areas. These meadows may even be allowed to con- tinue further down the coastline as an alterna- tive to lawn, creating additional connections.

In case of new development, the implementa- tion of green roofs, walls and stormwater solu- tions can be used to increase connectivity and partly compensate for green areas lost. Reveal, immerse, teach The district comprises several natural areas, many of which are covered by woodlands and display large variations in topography. Such prerequisites make it difficult to reach and experience some of these areas. By introducing new trails and developing existing ones, access to these environments can be facilitated.

Such elements enable immersion in nature and may promote increased stewardship and awareness of natural values. In addition, other forms of “cues to care” such as signs, markers and maintenance measures may increase the use of the natural areas of the district.

Moreover, the high degree of easily accessible landscaped parks offers opportunities to intro- duce different sustainable solutions to the gen- eral public. Such environments may constitute

69 Summary: Guiding principles - intermediate scale Protection, restoration and rehabilitation Safeguard the varied character of the nature areas within the district --> protect the oak community, restore ecological functions with- in existing green areas, protect and restore the water habitats along the southern coastline Native plants and biodiversity Enhance biodiversity in existing parks --> introduce native species, alternative lawns, meadows and a higher degree of multi-layered habitats Stormwater collection and cleansing Develop additional structures for stormwater management --> establish rain gardens, open swales, pervious surfaces, green walls and roofs Connecting fragmented patches Increase connectivity between landscape patches --> enhance the green connections along the coastline, the central greenway and the northern green link Reveal, immerse, teach Increase opportunities to reach and experience natural areas and ecological solutions --> introduce new trails and develop existing ones, introduce “cues to care” and display different sustainable solutions in the easily accessible landscaped parks


This chapter concerns the small scale approach of this master thesis. It further develops the results gained from the previous stages of the study, presenting manners in which to strengthen the green infrastructure with the help of ecological approaches on this scale. SMALL SCALE - PARK

Stockholms- vägen Railroad

Ovala parken STOCKSUND E18


500 m FIGURE 7 Map showing the location of Ovala parken (the Oval Park), marked in red, in the district of Stocksund. Based on a topographic map by © Lantmäteriet.

In this section the green infrastructure is located in close proximity to the park has described as seen through a small scale per- recently been converted into residential hous- spective, in the form of an individual park. es, thus affecting the amount of stormwater An introduction to the small scale concept is managed through landscape treatment. It is presented, followed by a description of the possible that management of water could be park. The latter is based on the findings of the facilitated through stormwater solutions in the inventory performed in 2017. Furthermore, park. a SWOT- analysis and Guiding principles for future development are presented. Small scale

For the small scale perspective, the park Ovala At the small scale, ecological approaches are parken in Stocksund was chosen. This decision concerned with the design specific to site, thus was based partly on maintenance demands piloting the development of land areas within and partly on new circumstances with regard the urban framework (Yu 2006, p. 31). Ap- to stormwater. The park consists of large areas proaches at this scale generally concern areas of lawn, thus requiring a relatively high degree such as parks, road sides, streets and meadows of maintenance. Such actions could possibly and aims to strengthen and restore the condi- be lowered through means of ecological de- tions of such sites (Müller, Kelcey & Werner sign. Furthermore, a former woodland area 2010, p. 133). 72 E18 Residential Railroad houses

Narrow grass strip Gravel path Residential houses

Pruned hedge with trees

Resi- dential Big lawn houses

Central Stockholmsvägen tree Pond Narrow grass strip Newly developed Planting area bed Resi- dential houses

Old railway embankment

Newly developed Planting area strip with grass and trees

40 m FIGURE 8 Plan illustrating Ovala parken (the 40 m Oval Park) and its surroundings. Based on an orthophoto by © Lantmäteriet.

Inventory is surrounded by pruned hedges of swedish whitebeam, in which fruiting trees are situated Ovala parken is a landscaped park located in in rows. Constructed gaps in the hedge pro- the western part of Stocksund. During the in- vide framed viewpoints into the park. A path- ventory of 2017, the park was visited on sever- way made of gravel stretches along the east al occasions, enabling the study of its general side of the area, along which several benches characteristics and structure. It is situated in are placed. The benches are partly enclosed by between Stockholmsvägen and a neighbor- the hedge, forming smaller rooms. One lone hood area, forming a small green environment tree placed centrally in the lawn forms a land- for the residents as well as for the public. mark in the park. The park has a formal character, with an oval shaped lawn and a central pond. The statue The park is located in close proximity to “Sjöjungfrun” by Mats Åberg is situated in the Stockholmsvägen and adjacent traffic environ- water and a planting bed with lady’s mantle ments with large expanses of impervious sur- surrounds parts of the water feature. faces. A combined walk- and bicycle way and a narrow planting strip along Stockholmsvä- The park has a slightly concave shape and gen separate the park from the road.

73 Impervious surfaces surround the park Planting bed with lady’s mantle

The south entrance, view over the pond The north entrance, large areas of lawn

Narrow grass strip facing Stockholmsvägen Narrow grass strip toward the residential houses

The pond requires regular maintenance Stepping stones submerged by rise in water level


SWOT small scale

Strengths Opportunities Public park Possibility to more strongly connect the park Easy to find and centrally located to greenways along Stockholmsvägen and the Layers of shrubs, trees and ground cover old railway embankment Fruiting trees in hedges, hides fallen fruit and Opportunities to enhance biodiversity in the provides food for animals form of alternative lawns and meadow areas Hedge of swedish whitebeam relates to species Possibility to increased measures for stormwa- found in the natural areas of the municipality ter management, the pond can be further de- Pervious pathway of gravel is beneficial for veloped to more efficiently handle stormwater, stormwater treatment creation of rain gardens The gently sloping, concave form of the park Opportunities to display ecological approach- and large grass areas can help direct and man- es to design in a central environment age stormwater Threats Weaknesses Further exploitation, with loss of biodiversity High percentage of lawn - less biodiversity and green connections High maintenance - mowed lawn, pruned Increase of impervious surfaces in the sur- hedges and pond which needs to be kept clean rounding environment and risk of a rise in Narrow grass strips on the outside of the stormwater flows hedge Relatively low diversity among plant species


In this section guiding principles are presented quire less maintenance. Thus presenting ways with regard to the development of a sustain- of lowering the costs and time spent on man- able green infrastructure seen from a small aging these areas. scale perspective. Native plants and biodiversity Guiding principles for The layering of the park’s vegetation can be further developed in order to create a more Ovala parken (the Oval varied set of habitats. By supporting a multi- Park) layered structure and introducing more species into the park, biodiversity can be increased. The principles are divided into the categories; Protection, restoration and rehabilitation; Native Moreover, by implementing alternatives to tra- plants and biodiversity; Storm water collection ditional lawn, biodiversity and ecological pro- and cleansing; Connecting fragmented patches cesses of the area can be enhanced. Meadow and Reveal, immerse, teach which were former- areas, placed at the park’s borders, or patches ly presented in the chapter concerning ecolog- of grass-free lawn constitute potential manners ical design. in which to accomplish such actions. This also allows for the possibility to introduce more Protection, restoration and rehabilitation native species into the park. Existing qualities of the park can be used to improve ecological functions and create new Stormwater collection and cleansing habitats and resources. The park contains sev- The close proximity to traffic environments, eral natural values, in the form of trees and with large amounts of impervious surfaces, shrubs, which should be preserved in order to makes the park a good candidate for stormwa- safeguard existing biological values. The fruit- ter collection and cleansing. By introducing ing trees located in the park may offer food for further means of handling stormwater, such as wildlife and are thus a valuable feature. rain gardens and appropriate vegetation, the water from adjacent roads and hard surfaces Furthermore, by reducing the amount of tra- can be managed within the area. ditional lawn the maintenance degree can be lowered. The narrow grass strips at the borders By developing the existing pond to more of the park can be planted with alternatives to specifically be able to manage stormwater, ex- lawn, perennials or smaller shrubs which re- isting resources can be utilized. Moreover, the

76 introduction of other water harvesting ele- ments such as barrels may create opportunities to collect water for irrigation, thus lowering the amount required by other means. Connecting fragmented patches By increasing the connection to surrounding green areas, recreational and ecological values can be improved. Connecting the park more strongly to the former railway embankment and Stockholmsvägen can improve the green- way which moves through the central parts of the district. This can be achieved by filling in gaps in vegetation and introducing elements such as alternative lawns and vegetative struc- tures for stormwater management. Reveal, immerse, teach Being a public park makes it easily accessible, where the central location offers opportunities to display new sustainable alternatives to park design. Introduction of vegetation and storm- water solutions can create interest and lead to a sense of stewardship, which may result in the implementation of new ecological solutions in other parts of the municipality.

77 Summary: Guiding principles - small scale Protection, restoration and rehabilitation Safeguard existing natural values and reduce costs and time spent on maintenance --> pro- tect trees and shrubs, introduce alternatives to lawn for example as a substitute to the narrow grass strips Native plants and biodiversity Introduce a higher degree of native species and biodiversity --> use of alternative lawns such as grass-free lawn and meadow patches, devel- op multi-layered habitats Stormwater collection and cleansing Adapt the park to handle stormwater to a larg- er extent --> rain gardens, introduce means of water harvesting, development of existing pond Connecting fragmented patches Reinforce connections to surrounding green areas --> connect to the greenway of Stockhol- msvägen and the old railway embankment Reveal, immerse, teach Increase means of displaying new sustainable alternatives to park design --> stormwater solutions, alternatives to traditional lawn, na- tive plants


This chapter presents a discussion regarding the methods and results of this master thesis. Moreover, further research questions are reflected upon. DISCUSSION

This section contains discussions with regard Method discussion to the different parts of the project. The pur- pose and research question of the project are Several methods were used during the course presented in order to more easily compare the of the master thesis. They included aliterature aim with the results. The chapter is divided study concerning the concepts of green infra- into a method discussion, a result discussion structure and ecological design; a case study and concluding remarks. Lastly, further re- including the review of municipal documents, search questions are presented. division into scales, SWOT-analysis and the production of Guiding principles. Additional Purpose & research methods consisted of the production of plans question and visualizations. Literature study This master thesis concerned the green infra- The literature study was beneficial in order structure in the municipality of Danderyd and to gain a greater understanding of the two aimed to investigate how ecological design concepts green infrastructure and ecological approaches could be applied to make it more design. It constituted an aid in finding their sustainable in the face of challenges. The re- definition, aim and benefits. Further, it pro- search question of the project consisted of the vided information on how a green infrastruc- following: ture network might be structured, as well as How can ecological design approaches be used to different approaches to working with ecolog- support a sustainable green infrastructure in the ical design. Moreover, having performed the municipality of Danderyd on different scales? inventory prior to the literature study made it easier to form an idea of what kind of eco- The results could constitute an aid in the logical approaches could be of interest for the development of a sustainable green infrastruc- project. ture in the municipality itself and in other en- vironments with similar conditions. Further, Case study the thesis aimed to provide a means of sharing In order to further investigate the theories discoveries and experiences with regard to assembled through the literature study, a case ecological design solutions in this particular study of the municipality was performed. region.

80 Through reviewing municipal documents, the stormwater management can also be applied classification of green structures was found. in a large scale perspective, where several such This categorization, described and illustrated constructions along municipality roads forms in the Green Infrastructure Plan published in a larger interconnected system of wetlands. 2012, constituted an important part in this master thesis as it guided the division of green Furthermore, guiding principles for future structures for further analysis. Further back- sustainable development were produced for ground studies with regard to the municipality each scale. The principles were based on the were of additional importance. It became a results of the individual SWOT-analyses and way of compiling some of the existing investi- organized into five different categories of gations and analyses, finding gaps and advice ecological approaches to design. The catego- on how to move forward with my own inves- ries consisted of; Protection, restoration and tigation. rehabilitation; Native plants and biodiversity; Stormwater collection and cleansing; Connecting SWOT-analysis and division into scales fragmented patches and Reveal, immerse, teach provided a means of analyzing the green in- and were chosen based on the current and fu- frastructure of the municipality in a more ture needs of the municipality shown through manageable form. The different scales advised the analyses. on which aspects to address on each level, thus affecting which strengths, weaknesses, oppor- As there are many different manners in which tunities and threats that were emphasized for to work with ecological design, the categories the different areas of investigation. Howev- chosen could have been more extensive, of a er, as many of the ecological approaches are different character as well as more organized connected and can be applied in different according to priority. With regard to the latter manners on different scales, it was difficult to alternative, a greater knowledge concerning completely separate them from one scale to economic circumstances, ecological values and another. planning framework is required.

For example, problems regarding stormwater Production of plans and visualizations management in a district can be alleviated The information gathered from literature stud- by introducing rain gardens or swales along ies, inventories and analyses was processed and a specific road. However, such approaches to presented in visualizations and plans. All illus- trations were made in Adobe Illustrator.

81 Working with digital programs presented an Furthermore, ecological design constitutes a efficient manner in which to manage large means of working with local conditions and amounts of information. Opportunities such can be incorporated into the fabric of our as handling different layers, color coding par- communities (Rottle & Yocom 2010, pp. 6, ticular areas as well as adding and removing 13). Thus, by implementing ecological solu- various features made it easier to study differ- tions into the green infrastructure network, ent connections and scenarios. Furthermore, existing recourses can be utilized to a greater the use of other programs such s GIS could extent. have been a useful alternative for managing and analyzing information in this project. In the case of Danderyd, it is possible that solutions such as the protection of natural Result discussion values, stormwater treatment, enhanced con- nections and measures to increase stewardship This section presents discussions regarding might support both social and ecological val- the results of the study. The use of ecological ues. In addition it may also lower the degree design in a green infrastructure framework of maintenance. is reflected upon and a deeper deliberation on working with different scales is presented. Rottle and Yocom states that principles of eco- Furthermore, the potential benefits and disad- logical design can aid in the reduction of both vantages of writing in a different language are time and costs associated with maintenance in addressed. designed landscapes (Rottle & Yocom 2010, p. 164). Implementing alternatives to the Ecological design in a green infrastructure traditional lawn offers one example of how framework maintenance measures could be lowered in the According to Benedict and McMahon, green municipality while still allowing for recrea- infrastructure addresses benefits for both tional opportunities. people and the environment (Benedict & McMahon 2006, p. 16). Thereby it offers a According to Ignatieva (2018), the grass-free platform for working with both natural and alternative to lawn has the ability to provide social values, serving several different needs in a low-growing flowering carpet, suitable for a community. recreational use. In addition, it is relatively low in maintenance needing to be cut only

82 two to three times during the summer sea- However, studying the municipality on multi- son (Ignatieva 2018, p. 227). In comparison ple levels also limited the amount of time that traditional lawns of the municipality are cut could be spent analyzing each scale. In order within a maximum of 14 days, and in some to attain a deeper understanding and present cases within even shorter intervals (Danderyds specific design proposals for each individual kommun 2018). Lowering the degree of scale a longer time-span for the project would maintenance in one area may open up possi- have been required. bilities for increasing maintenance in another area, thus enabling investment of time and At the large scale, strengthening connections economic founding in an environment of between different green areas became of im- greater need. portance. Green roofs and walls, stormwater solutions and alternatives to lawn were shown Further, many of the approaches presented in to be potential tools in order to increase con- this master thesis may serve several functions nectivity and at the same time support biodi- at the same time. For example, the use of rain versity and water management in the urban gardens or swales along a road can help with environment. The development of the central the management of stormwater as well as pro- parts of Danderyd increases the possibility to vide green and blue corridors for wildlife and incorporate such elements into the new envi- humans. Moreover, by selecting native plant ronment. Additionally, this could strengthen species in these structures, indigenous biodi- the connection between the east and west side versity can be strengthened. Thus providing of the municipality and lower the barrier ef- multiple benefits and together supporting a fects caused by E18. more sustainable green infrastructure. At the intermediate scale, connecting frag- Scales mented areas, increasing stormwater manage- Investigating the municipality on three dif- ment and enhancing biodiversity in existing ferent scales made it possible to more closely parks became of focus. Examples of storm- analyze the need for ecological approaches water management, such as rain gardens and on each level. In addition, it made it easier to open swales could be a means of increasing comprehend the overall connections between both connectivity and manage stormwater the scales, enabling the discovery of gaps and within the area. Additional links were suggest- important relationships. ed along the coastline, as well as in the central

83 and northern part of the district. However, Language connecting different areas requires additional Writing in a different language may have af- knowledge about the ecological networks and fected the result in both positive and negative values that already exists in these areas. Thus, ways. Since English is not my native language this project may act as a first step with the po- it is possible that the time disposed for writing tential to inspire and present ideas regarding became longer than if I would have chosen possible solutions for future development. to write in my native language, Swedish. The time potentially earned by writing in Swedish At the small scale it became of importance to could have been designated to perform deep- consider stormwater management, alterna- er analyses of the green infrastructure of the tives to traditional lawn and investigate ways municipality. Moreover, writing in a different in which to lower the degree of maintenance. langue makes it easier for misunderstandings The existing pond could be further developed to arise due to choice of words or ways of in order to more specifically handle stormwa- phrasing. ter, thus utilizing already existing features of the park. Further, alternative lawns could help Nevertheless, as implied in the ecological lower the degree of maintenance required in approach “Reveal, immerse, teach”, an import- the park. As research has been performed on ant aspect of projects concerning ecological alternative lawns in Sweden, the possibility to design is to share knowledge and experiences. find solutions that can be adapted to the site As a global language, English may enable an conditions of Danderyd increases. Examples international audience to take part in manners of alternative lawns can be found in both in which to work with ecological design in the Stockholm and Uppsala, thus increasing the region specific to this study. Thus, this master possibility to find suitable plant material and thesis may provide an example that inspires solutions adapted to the local climate. or guides others when it comes to answering similar questions in their own municipality.

84 Concluding remarks Further research questions This master thesis investigated how ecological Further research questions concern site-specif- design approaches can be used to support a ic design solutions and choice of appropriate sustainable green infrastructure in the munici- plant material. It could be of significance to pality of Danderyd on different scales. investigate which native plants could be incor- porated into the green infrastructure, as well The study indicates that there are several ap- as finding appropriate plant material for rain proaches to ecological design which could be gardens and alternative lawns. implemented within the municipality. Actions regarding the protection of existing natural The municipality contains several small scale resources, increasing biodiversity, introducing environments. For the investigation in this new stormwater solutions, enhancing connec- thesis a park was chosen to represent the small tions between green areas as well as opportuni- scale. However, road sides, roundabouts, ties to access and learn more about them could patches of greenways or nature areas could strengthen the protection, use and functions also be subjects of study. How could they help of the municipality’s green infrastructure. support a more sustainable green infrastruc- ture through the means of ecological design? However, further knowledge regarding eco- logical networks, biological values and regula- Another important question is how ecologi- tions are required in order to implement such cal design solutions can be implemented and ecological solutions. This requires a transdis- accepted within the municipality. Strategies ciplinary approach to planning and manage- for design of streetscapes and parks could be ment. investigated. As the central parts of Danderyd are under Additionally, prioritizing the need for the development, it is important to recognize the chosen ecological approaches within the three potential of existing natural resources as well scales could be a means to help guide future as the value of introducing ecologically liable actions toward a more sustainable develop- solutions to its new infrastructure. This could ment. increase ecological processes, reduce present and future barrier effects as well as inspire further projects regarding sustainable green infrastructure in the municipality.


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