Snacks & Salads

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Snacks & Salads SNA CKS & SA L A DS LUM PIA GORENG 6.50 € 2 pieces Crispy Indonesian spring roll stuffed with vegetables and minced pork. Served with sweet and sour sauce and fresh mint leaves. LUM PIA GORENG V EGETA RIA N 6.50 € 2 pieces Crispy Indonesian spring roll stuffed with vegetables and tofu. Served with sweet and sour sauce and fresh mint leaves. LEM PER JAVA 3.50 € 1 piece Steamed cocos sticky rice stuffed with tasty chicken and wrapped 6.50 € in banana leaves. 2 pieces ASINA N 5.00 € Crispy salad from fresh vegetables, pineapple, coriander and peanuts. DISHES G A DO-GA DO SURA B A YA 8.50 € Selection of different vegetables with roasted tofu, boiled egg and krupuk (prawn crackers), served with homemade peanut sauce Surabaya style. SATE AYA M BA NJA R 9.00 € 4 pieces Barbequed chicken satay (meat skewer) Banjar style served with Asinan (salad), Lontong 11.50 € (rice cake) and homemade peanut sauce. 6 pieces SATE BA BI BA NJA R 9.00 € 4 pieces Barbequed pork satay (meat skewer) Banjar style served with Asinan (salad), Lontong 11.50 € (rice cake) and homemade chili sauce. 6 pieces DISHES OF THE DA Y & RICE TA BLE We’re also serving changing dishes of the day. Indonesian rice table for oders of 4 persons and more available. Please ask us to pre-order. WAFFLES & DESSERTS JAVA WAFFLE 8.00 € Javanese cocos waffle served with fresh fruits and cream JAVA WAFFLE W ITH ICE CREA M 9.00 € Javanese cocos waffle served with fresh fruits, cream and ice cream ES KETA N HITA M 5.00 € sweet black rice with palmsugar, coconutmilk sauce and coconut icecream PUDDING SA RI MANIS 5.00 € coconut-pudding with mangopulp, mango pieces, pomegranate and cream DRINKS A POLLINA RIS bottle 0.25 L 2.50 € sparkling mineral water bottle 0.75 L 6.00 € V IO bottle 0.25 L 2.50 € still mineral water bottle 0.75 L 6.00 € COCA COLA 1,3 bottle 0.25 L 2.80 € COCA COLA LIGHT 1,2,3,5,6 bottle 0.20 L 2.80 € V IO BIO LIM O 4,8 bottle 0.30 L 3.50 € lime-cucumber V IO SPRITZER bottle 0.30 L 3.50 € redcurrant BIONA DE ORGA NIC LEM ONA DE bottle 0.33 L 3.50 € ginger-orange, elder ORA NGE JUICE 0.20 L 2.80 € A PPLE JUICE 0.20 L 2.80 € A PPLE JUICE SPRITZER 0.20 L 2.50 € with sparkling mineral water 0.40 L 4.50 € PINEA PPLE JUICE 0.20 L 2.80 € GUAVA JUICE 0.20 L 2.80 € MANGO JUICE 0.20 L 2.80 € 1 - with dye, 2 - with preservatives, 3 - with caffeine, 4 - with antioxidant, 5 - with sweetener, 6 - with phenylalanin, 7 - with acidifier, 8 - with stabilizer. COFFEE INDONESIEN SUMATRA MANDHELING 100% arabica. A fine highland coffee, highly aromatic, low in acid, strong and earthly. Slow roasted by the Berlin coffee roast house Ridders. Considered one of the best Arabica beans in the world. ESPRESSO cup 2.20 €/3.20 € Single/Double ESPRESSO MACCHIATO cup 2.40 €/ 3.40 € Single/Double C A PPUCCINO cup 2.70 € C A FFÈ LA TTE cup 3.50 € L A TTE MA CCHIA TO glass 3.50 € AMERICA NO cup 2.20 € FLA T W HITE cup 4.00 € KOPI JA HE glass 4.20 € Coffee with ginger and cream PREM IUM COFFEE cup 0.35 L 5.20 € SULAWESI TORA JA KA LOSSI OLD GOV ERNM ENT One of the most exquisite coffee beans in the world. The raw ‘Aged Sulawesi’ coffee beans are stored for three years. The coffee is naturally low in acid and produces a signature soft and sweet taste. The coffee has a nuance of tropical wood and an excellent aftertaste. We use the ‘French Press’ brewing method for this fine coffee bean. TEA & HOT CHOCOLA TE Premium, traditional tea from Java. Cup 2.70 € Pot 4.20 € TEH M ERA H BLA CK TEA TEH HIJAU GREEN TEA TEH M ELA TI JASM INE TEA TEH JERUK LEM ON TEA TEH VANILA VANILLA TEA TEH GINSENG GINSENG TEA Cup 3.50 € Pot 5.00 € TEH JA HE GINGER TEA TEH SEREH LEM ONGRA SS TEA TEH DA UN M INT PEPPERM INT TEA TEH BOTOL ICETEA 5 3.00 € Without a doubt the most famous Indonesian jasmin ice tea from SOSRO. Teh Botol is popular all over Indonesia and sold in every warung (street sale) and restaurant. Original or less sugar. HOT CHOCOLA TE 3.50 € With fresh cream 4.00 € For kids 2.50 € BEER,W INE & PROSECCO BIR BINTA NG bottle 0.33 L 4.20 € ORIGINA L IM PORTET INDONESIA BEER Brewing Bir Bintang in Surabaya has a long tradition. It started in the year 1929 during Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. Bir Bintang is the most popular beer in Indonesia. BECK‘S PILS bottle 0.33 L 3.20 € BECK‘S BLUE NON-A LCOHOLIC bottle 0.33 L 3.20 € BECK‘S GREEN LEM ON bottle 0.33 L 3.20 € W HITE W INE ITA LY 0.20 L 4.50 € TREBBIA NO D’A BRUZZO DOC fresh wine, pleasantly soft and inciting W HITE W INE COOLER 0.20 L 3.50 € RED W INE ITA LY 0.20 L 4.50 € M ERLOT „V ILLA S A NDI“ PIAVE IGT light wine, fruity and grassy SPUMANTE IL FRESCO ITA LY 0.10 L 4.20 € PROSECCO „V ILLA S A NDI“ TREV ISO DOC classical processo, very harmonic and just a little bit carbonated ° all wines contain sulfide B A H A SA INDONESIA SELA M A T DA T A N G W ELCOM E SELA M A T PA GI GOOD MORNING SELA M A T SIA NG GOOD A FTERNOON SELA M A T MAL A M GOOD EV ENING N A M A SAYA MY NAME IS A P A K A B A R? HOW A RE YOU? B A IK GOOD TERIMA K A SIH THA NKS RUMAH MAK A N RESTAURA NT WARUNG DINER MAK A N DA N M INUM TO EA T A ND TO DRINK SAYA MA U MAK A N I WANT TO EA T ENA K SEKA LI TASTES GOOD POHON TREE POHON-POHON TREES J A L A N STREET J A L A N-JA L A N GOING FOR A WALK KEPA L A B A TU BULLHEA D (literally head stone) KNA LPOT EXHA UST PIPE S AMP A I BERTEM U LA GI GOOD BYE.
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