
May 2020 Crystal: Kyanite Blue Kyanite Is A High Vibration Crystal

Blue kyanite is definitely more than meets the eye. It’s not only a beautiful stone, but also a very powerful one! It can open the body and clear its communication centers. It also possesses a light energy that will make your heart, mind, and soul lighter. It has the ability to balance your chakra and bring more tranquility into your life. It’s a great crystal for channeling because it’s always gentle and balanced. It’s a peaceful stone that will bring back the balance that you have lost.

If you are looking for protection, loyalty, tranquility, and honesty, this can very well be the perfect crystal for you. Kyanite can help you manifest your dreams, and it can make your life so much easier and lighter.

Blue Kyanite is the most widespread color of Kyanite and is the type most often seen. The most outstanding property that all colors of Kyanite are known for, is the ability to bring all of the chakras into alignment.

All colors of this stone have particular chakras that they are most effective to heal, but you can use any color to help any issue, as they all are powerful healing crystals with a high vibration. The energy of this crystal works to do this without the user needing to direct it by thought, but if it is directed it will have the extra result of being able to open the chakras.

Where Is It From? Kyanite Meaning Although Kyanite comes in colors other than blue, the meaning of its name comes from the Greek word which means 'blue'. This is because at the time when Kyanite was discovered, the blue colored variety of the stone was the most common. It has been found in Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Burma, Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the USA.

Blue Kyanite Aligns & Clears The Chakras It can have an interesting crystalline structure, and it is prone to growing in twisted shapes or other fascinating variations. The blue stones come in various shades from pale blue through to darker blue. It is an that can occur in the same areas as , and is in the same mineral family as and .

The most common variety of this stone is the Blue Kyanite, which is found intergrown with some other , including with Green Fuchsite and with Red stone, which creates quite lovely and impactful stones. The major colors of Kyanite apart from blue that you will easily find selling, will be orange, green, indigo and black, but there are also some uncommon white, yellow, pink and grey stones. What is special about all colors of Kyanite? What is special about all colors of Kyanite? They are powerful healing crystals for you to use, as any color of Kyanite will benefit the ongoing healing of the body. These crystals also aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts. As Kyanite does not retain or accumulate negative vibrations of any type it does not need cleansing, other than to remove dust, and it is highly beneficial to use it often to align your chakras.

This is a high vibration stone with strong crystal energy. All colors work within the third eye chakra stone, and they are also wonderful healing crystals for you to use at the throat chakra. Their energy will open the throat chakra, creating better communication and self expression and may also help with dream recall and help to bring healing dreams. There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use this crystal including: If you have been thinking, how can I align my chakras as well as make contact with my guardian spirit, this is the stone to use.

If you have been working on making a connection to higher guidance, Kyanite may assist you with contacting your spirit guide. It works very fast to align the chakras, and as it creates fast connections one piece is enough. Its impact when communicating assists you to speak your personal truth.

Kyanite has a strong resonance at the higher chakras. In particular, the throat and third eye chakras are easily stimulated by its vibration. It is a powerful stone to use in meditation, and it is most effective if you use it at the heart chakra as this is the central chakra of the body. You can either place it on the body if you are lying down, or simply hold it in the center of your body as you sit and relax.

You will feel the energy move both up and down through the chakras aligning them and clearing any negative energy there. Once you relax into meditation, simply leave it there for however long seems right for you. You will know intuitively when the chakras are aligned, and it won't take long.

How To Use Kyanite... Kyanite Healing Properties In meditation it has the potential to open the third eye, which will promote clairvoyant gifts, clairaudience, mental telepathy and other psychic abilities. Its energy is gentle and balanced, as it takes you easily to the higher spiritual realms. Blue Kyanite is a strong crystal energy stone and will work very well if used with other high vibration stones.

The best way to use this blue stone is during meditation as it may aid you to develop your intuition. When used at this time it is common for it to allow you to make contact with the spiritual beings you have been seeking in the higher spiritual planes. This is a most powerful stone for healing you if you have had broken bones or surgery on any part of the body as this may have resulted in energy gaps, which any color of Kyanite will bridge.

It will aid the healing of broken bones and is also helpful if you are low in energy as it will assist trauma and replenish your energy. By clearing the meridians and pathways it will restore the flow of energy to the chakras. The Kyanite healing properties are quite powerful, as this stone starts the healing process of any chakra by its use. This stone is definitely a stone to facilitate meditation. Blue Kyanite has an ability to align all of the chakras, which makes it one stone that should always be used if possible at the beginning of any meditation.

Meditation With This Stone... During meditation your brain waves should slow, as ideally their rhythm changes from the beta wave of your normal day to day activities, to a slower alpha wave. Using Isochronic Tones is effective to aid you if you have difficulty with stilling your mind and stopping the thoughts from intruding.

Two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex that are said to be related to developing any psychic gifts and your intuition. Using isochronic tones with these blue stones is beneficial to assist the development of psychic abilities, because they work by encouraging these specific areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced by these tones.

Meditating for even for a short time can help you to develop the psychic power that is specific to you. If you want to get the greatest benefit from this stone, meditation is a wonderful way to use it. The best way to achieve this is by doing meditation each day. As your mind chatter stops, and you go deeper into the meditative state, you may find that these gifts develop more easily. When working with others it promotes telepathic gifts and it will also release fear from both yourself and those you work with.

Why Would You Use It? Who Should Use It? This blue crystal is known as one of the more beneficial stones to aid you to develop your intuition and will aslo help to enhance your overall psychic abilities. The energy of this natural crystal will take you to the higher spiritual planes and stimulate the higher mind. This is a high vibration stone that will work on all parts of the body so may be used on any chakra.

Keep a piece in your pocket, and if you want to take advantage of Blue Kyanite's excellent ability to promote lucid dreams, put a piece under the pillow. It will provide a safe haven for those who are carrying out healing. It has a strong energy for psychic protection, as it protects you from psychic attack so it is an excellent stone to use for spiritual work. It is a strong spiritual grounding crystal, and it is well known for its action to also ground any excess vibrations stimulated by the spiritual journey as well.

Black Kyanite stones are quite inexpensive, and may be obtained for a reasonable price, and it has become easier to buy. It often comes in relatively large pieces, and can now be found in a range of colors other than the blue, depending on what you are looking for.

Wearing Kyanite... Keep It On Your Body Crystalline Kyanite rings and are quite lovely, and they make powerful metaphysical tools, and wearing them aids the development of psychic abilities. It is useful to wear natural crystals as jewelry as it is an easy way to keep the stones that you are using within your aura.

These stones are on the zodiac birthstones list, so you may find Kyanite jewelry in a range of different colors. Lovely blue Kyanite are powerful metaphysical tools, and can be obtained quite easily. They have a powerful energy as well as being quite beautiful.

Although in the past it was not a stone that was sold much as jewelry, the discovery of deposits of the lovely crystalline , mean that beautiful Kyanite jewelry is now being sold more often. As well as the blue stone, pieces of all the colors of Kyanite are sold as pendants, including green, orange and indigo Kyanite, as they are a Taurus birthstone.

Kyanite for Love and Relationships Any crystal or stone can be a love crystal or a love stone. The blue kyanite is no exception. However, there are so many kyanite properties that make it especially effective as a crystal that will help you in your love life.

This is true no matter your circumstances – whether you are single and seeking a partner, entering a new relationship that you hope is going to go smoothly for you both, healing from the heartbreak of a love lost, or looking to smooth the road of a relationship many years in the making.

Kyanite promotes a broad view of life events and personal circumstances, and gives you the opportunity to detach from emotions that can muddy your clarity of vision on a given situation, but also keep you connected enough to that same situation that your reactions to it don’t come off as heartless.

It’s a balance that even the best of us can find tricky to strike at one time or another, but kyanite is certainly a stone to help here. It can even help you to plant the most effective way forward for a relationship that has a bit of a question mark over its future. If there’s anything that you want to happen in your love life, you can tell it to your kyanite crystal and envision it happening right before you.

The energies surrounding you and your crystal will work to make it come true. Of course, you will need to put in the work as well. No amount of wishing and daydreaming can make the man of your dreams just land on your lap! The great thing about kyanite and love is that it will give you a chance to have a calm reflection. It will give you many moments to think about your past, present, and future.

Kyanite energy will encourage you to look back on your past experiences and take the lessons from both the good and bad moments. It will keep you focused on the present and what you want to happen. It will also make you look forward to the future when all your dreams will finally be made manifest in your life.

Kyanite also symbolizes loyalty. When you are in love with someone and you are in a committed relationship with them, your loyalty for them is a given. But when you’re going through something difficult and all you want to do is hurt them as much as they are hurting you, it will be quite challenging to remain loyal to that person. This is where kyanite energy can greatly help you.

Kyanite will inspire loyalty. It will make you stay. It will make you keep loving them. Kyanite is such a stone of peace and patience that it will help you to weather these emotional storms and tough times. You will find that both you and your partner have more time to listen to what the other has to say, without feeling hurt or distressed.

Kyanite will also help you both to come to terms with what differences you have. You will understand, step by step, day by day, that there are some things about your partner that will simply never change over time, and nor should you expect those things to change. Luckily, your partner will gradually come around to that same way of thinking too!

Every relationship goes through peaks and troughs, times of excitement and quieter periods, moments of passion and moments of discord. Kyanite and crystals like it can help to give you that broader perspective on your love life, and not to sweat the small stuff so much.

It will make you realize that all relationships are flawed, and everyone has their own weaknesses. Having this piece of information will make you loosen up and just appreciate your relationship for what it is! Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need loyalty in your life.

You want to have people who will be with you through all your ups and downs, who will defend you, who will help fight your battles for you, and who will make you feel like you’re the most incredible person in the world. It’s not easy to be loyal or to inspire loyalty. But with the help of your kyanite crystal, you can show people exactly why they should be loyal to you!

When you need strength and courage to work through your issues and settle your conflicts, blue kyanite can give it to you. It’s a great stone to keep close to your body when you are ironing out your differences with that special someone, or when you find yourself in a major dispute or disagreement with them.

It’s very powerful when it comes to repairing damaged relationships. It’s also a good stone to have when you just want to put the past behind you and try all over again.

It will not be easy for everyone to move on from a particularly heartbreaking experience. But that’s the beauty of the kyanite crystal. It will help heal your heart and turn the wounds into something positive. It will make you see that holding on to the hurt will only hurt you more.

Kyanite, Luck and Wealth Blue kyanite is a good luck stone, especially when it comes to wealth and career. Owning a blue kyanite and wearing it close to your body will fill you with the energies that will attract good luck to you! It’s a very handy crystal to have when you are about to make a sales presentation, or when you are about to close a deal with a buyer or client.

It’s a powerful stone that will bring good luck to negotiations. When it involves two people or more than one party, blue kyanite can symbolize very favorable news. It can positively influence people and make them see your vision. It can positively affect the energy in the room and turn the odds in your favor! However, there are no right or wrong colors of kyanite to really turn to in these situations – when it comes to wealth, or any other kind of energy, some people prefer or are drawn to certain hues more than others. Trust your gut on this, and follow your intuition.

Similarly, green kyanite is a stone that draws many looking for guidance and intuition in their careers and professional lives. Green is often considered the color of money, after all, and those who are trying to attract it often turn to that color to adopt a like attract like mentality.

However, green is also the color of the heart chakra, and if you are going into business for yourself, you likely know just how much you really have to follow your heart to make it work – but you should also stay grounded, so you invest wisely. The grounding energies of kyanite can help you to find a good balance in that regard.

Kyanite is also a crystal of growth, just like Dioptase. If you want your career or your business to grow, this is the crystal that you should hold on to. This also applies for when you want to grow as a leader, as a boss, or as an influencer. It’s the crystal that can help you make your dreams come true. Kyanite also signifies expansion. When you are surrounded by the energies of this crystal, business expansion or a growth in your assets will happen sooner or later.

Like the , it also symbolizes new beginnings. Even if things did not work out so well for you in the past, the blue kyanite will cleanse all the bad energies and allow you to start over with a clean slate.

Kyanite healing properties are always very much something that spiritually inclined folks, and those who collect crystal, feel grateful for, for this reason. Having a fresh bill of health or a clean new beginning to build from is something that becomes all the more valuable the older we get. However, sometimes to make way for the new, the old has to crumble apart, and this can be a scary experience to even the best of us.

However, kyanite and its energies can ground you in the moment, as well as giving you insight into, and appreciation of, the bigger picture. Where one door closes, another surely opens, as the saying goes. Kyanite can help you to recognize those doors, or opportunities, as and when they arrive. It will likewise help you find the initiative within yourself to make the most of these positive encounters as and when they arrive.

When you need to act fast, you’ll know when to do so. When you need to take your time and consider the options, or avoid rash mistakes, this stone similarly inspires patience and rationale. It can also help you to convey your ideas effectively to those who matter most to your personal success and development.

Hold a blue kyanite in your hand when you’re addressing important people who can make a huge impact on your business. When you’re trying to win someone over, or when you’re trying to sell a product, or when you want people to get on board with your ideas, clutch your kyanite crystal in your hand. You will definitely see the difference!

This crystal can help you answer important questions. It will help you explain yourself most clearly without any need to improvise or sugarcoat things. With the help of your kyanite crystal, you will be able to dish out what’s true in the most pleasing and impressive manner.

Finally…. With blue kyanite energy working for you, you will be able to recognize unrealized potentials, and you will finally be able to embrace love and take more risks in love! This is a stone that is highly recommended to be in everyone's collection, as it will aid you to clear and align your chakras while doing spiritual work. Although cleansing crystals is necessary for most stones, Kyanite is said to never need cleansing, as it does not build up negative vibrations.

Although blue is the throat chakra color, the properties are so effective that they work on the total body. Whatever chakra you are working on, and regardless which of the specific chakra stones you have chosen to work with, use Kyanite first.

The longer you keep the stone within your aura the better, as it elevates the level of good vibrations within your energy field. Each color of this stone has specific chakras that it works best with, but all varieties will be effective to heal the body overall. The blue colored stone is the most common of the Kyanite colors. Blue Kyanite has a potent ability to transfer and amplify high frequency energy. It has a strong vibration that will create a protective shield around anyone who is working with it.

Provided by Noteworthy Resources www.nwralbany.org

Resource Content: https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/blue-kyanite.html https://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/kyanite/