Chrysoberyl–Sillimanite Association from the Roncadeira Pegmatite, Borborema Province, Brazil: Implications for Gemstone Exploration

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Chrysoberyl–Sillimanite Association from the Roncadeira Pegmatite, Borborema Province, Brazil: Implications for Gemstone Exploration Journal of Geosciences, 58 (2013), 79–90 DOI: 10.3190/jgeosci.142 Original paper Chrysoberyl–sillimanite association from the Roncadeira pegmatite, Borborema Province, Brazil: implications for gemstone exploration Hartmut BEURLEN1*, Rainer THOMAS2, Joan Carles MELGAREJO3, José Maurício R. Da SILVA1, Dieter RHEDE2, Dwight R. SOARES4, Marcelo R. R. DA SILVA1 1 Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Rua Acadêmico Hélio Ramos s.n., 50740–530, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; [email protected] 2 Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ), Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany 3 Department de Cristallografia, Mineralogia i Dipòsits Minerals, Universitat de Barcelona, E-08013 Barcelona, Spain 4 Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba (IFPB), R. Tranquilino Coelho Lemos 671, 58100–000, Campina Grande – Paraíba, Brazil * Corresponding author The first occurrence of chrysoberyl in the Borborema Pegmatite Province (BPP) in northeastern Brazil is reported from up to 0.5 m large boulders in the dumps covering the Roncadeira pegmatite, worked in the 1940’s for Sn- and Ta-ore concentrate. The chrysoberyl occurs in tabular, transparent light yellow crystals, up to two centimeters across. It is associated with quartz and fibrolitic sillimanite along centimeter-thick sigmoidal shear zones crosscutting banded sodic aplite facies of the pegmatite. Along the crystal borders, the chrysoberyl (Cbl) contains commonly small rounded inclusions of quartz and microscopic fibrous radial aggregates of sillimanite. A metamorphic–metasomatic origin of + the chrysoberyl by the reaction Beryl + albite + muscovite + H = chrysoberyl + quartz + sillimanite + Na + K + H2O, seems to be the most plausible to explain the observed textural relations. tot Chrysoberyl contains 1.25 to 1.81 wt. % FeO . Contents of SiO2 and other, potentially chromophore oxides of Cr, V, and Ti are mostly below limits of detection. A few exceptions for Si and V are below 0.01 wt. % oxide. The average formula along an electron-microprobe scan from core to rim of a selected Cbl crystal is: Be0.931 ± 0.017(Al2.028 ± 0.011,Fe0.026 ± 0.002)Σ2.054 ± 0.013 O4 (± 1σ, n = 92). The origin of sillimanite + chrysoberyl + quartz under amphibolite-grade metamorphic conditions (~600 °C, 3.5 to 5 kbar) implies either an existence of a new generation of syn-metamorphic REL-pegmatites in the BPP or a late-tec- tonic recurrent increase in P–T conditions in the area. Another, less probable, alternative is a metastable formation of chrysoberyl and sillimanite at lower, retrometamorphic P–T conditions. The interaction of similar pegmatites known to occur south and north of Roncadeira with metabasic rock intercalations in the Seridó Formation opens the perspective for the finding of the gem-variety alexandrite in the BPP. Keywords: chrysoberyl, metamorphosed REL-pegmatite, Seridó Belt, Borborema Province, Brazil Received: 8 February 2013; accepted: 18 June 2013; handling editor: R. Škoda The online version of this article (doi: 10.3190/jgeosci.142) contains supplementary electronic material. 1. Introduction Chrysoberyl is often related to a local enrichment of the mineral-forming melts or solutions in aluminum, The most common primary magmatic beryllium min- for example by assimilation of the host rocks (Beus erals in pegmatites are the silicates beryl and, rarely, 1966). The taaffeite-group minerals in granitic peg- phenakite, along with rare phosphates (hurlbutite or matites are only known as products of metamorphism herderite) or borates (hambergite). There are only a (Černý 2002). few of natural beryllium minerals belonging to the The chrysoberyl (Cbl) in the Roncadeira pegmatite, oxide class: bromellite [BeO], behoite [Be(OH)2] 4 km WNW from the Nova Palmeira township in the chrysoberyl [Al2BeO4] and the taaffeite group miner- Borborema Pegmatite Province (BPP), State of Paraiba, als with magnesiotaaffeite-2N´2S [Mg3Al8BeO16], northeastern Brazil, (see Fig. 1 for localization) was 2+ magnesiotaaffeite-6N´3S [(Mg,Fe ,Zn)2Al6BeO12] and first macroscopically recognized by the third author 2+ ferrotaaffeite-6N´3S [(Fe ,Zn,Mg)2Al6BeO12]. (JCM) during a field trip in 2005 together with the first Bromellite is very rare in granite pegmatites; it is and last authors. After its confirmation by powder XRD more common in alkaline ones. Thomas and Davidson it was mentioned by Beurlen et al. (2008) without any (2010) showed that BeO is highly mobile in water- mineralogical details. In the present study, electron mi- bearing systems at temperatures higher than 600 °C. croprobe analyses, Raman spectroscopy and petrogenetic Hartmut Beurlen, Rainer Thomas, Joan Carles Melgarejo, José Maurício R. Da Silva, Dieter Rhede, Dwight R. Soares, Marcelo R. R. Da Silva 37°00 36°30 36°00 LEGEND 5°30 CENOZOIC Alluvium Barreiras Sandstones MESOZOIC Jandaíra Formation tones) (limestones) Açu Formation (sands Jardim de Brasiliano NEOPROTEROZOIC Angicos granites Mafic rocks NEO-/ MESOPROTEROZOIC Seridó Schists Augen-gneisses & granites Equador Quartzites Jucurutu Gneisses Carirís Velhos granitoids 6°00 MESO-/PALEOPROTEROZOIC São Caetano Complex (gneisses–migmatites) Lajes Pintadas Serra Jabitacá & Sertânia Complex (orthogneisses & migmatites) PALEOPROTEROZOIC/ARCHEAN Gneissic–migmatitic Complex Foliation Trace of fold axes Shear zones PicuPicuíí 6°30 Borborema Pegmatite Province (PPB) limit Studied pegmatite Baraunas ()1 Roncadeira 1 Pedra Lavrada 1 Barra de Sta Rosa Sta Luzia Cubati São Equador Mamede Junco do Patos 12 13 Seridó 7°00 BRASIL Soledade Salgadinho CampinaCampinaCampina Grande GrandeGrande Taperoá 0 20 40 km Fig. 1 Regional geological sketch of the Borborema Pegmatite Province and the Roncadeira pegmatite. considerations based on textural relations are presented. grade (~600 °C, 3.5 to 5 kbar) at c. 590 Ma. The rare- Besides implications on the local pegmatite-forming element class (REL-class, according to the pegmatite processes, the recognition of the presence of chryso- classification of Černý and Ercit 2005) Be–Li–Ta–Sn beryl in the BPP may be important because it opens mineralized pegmatites were emplaced between 500 and the possibility for the presence of gem-quality varieties 520 Ma supposedly under regional greenschist-facies (alexandrite or cat’s eye) in areas which formed under metamorphism during, or related to, the ductile–brittle similar tectonic regime. reactivation of older NNE-oriented strike-slip shear zones and related tension gashes or extension fractures (Araújo et al. 2005 and references therein). Tempera- 2. Geological setting ture conditions of this retrograde greenschist-facies metamorphic overprint were estimated between 275 and The Roncadeira pegmatite was first described by Roy 400 °C, based on the transformation of the peak meta- et al. (1964) as a string of cassiterite-, columbite- and morphic paragenesis into chlorite + muscovite + biotite beryl-bearing pegmatite lenses usually less than two schists in the shear zones and also regionally along the meters thick; they are enclosed in sillimanite–garnet– axial cleavage related to open normal folds (for details, cordierite–biotite schists and gneisses (from now on see Araújo et al. 2005 and references therein). Timing biotite schists, for simplicity) of the Neoproterozoic of this event was based on biotite Ar–Ar geochronol- Seridó Formation (Seridó Foldbelt, Northern Domain ogy (Araújo et al. 2005) and columbite U–Pb data of the Borborema Tectonic Province; Van Schmus et (Baumgartner et al. 2006). al. 2003). The Seridó Formation is the uppermost unit The group of pegmatite lenses at Roncadeira strikes overlying the Equador (quartzites and metaconglomer- NNE, parallel or sub-parallel to the foliation of the en- ates) and Jucurutú (gneisses) formations of the Seridó closing biotite schists, and has a subvertical dip toward Group. The rock sequence was metamorphosed with ESE, crosscutting the more gently dipping foliation of the peak metamorphic conditions reaching amphibolite the host rocks. According to the pegmatite classifica- 80 Metamorphic chrysoberyl from deformed REL-pegmatite in the Borborema Province, Brazil LEGEND N N SCHEMATIC SECTION C Biotite schists D Sn Trenches Muscovitic border zones+sillimanite Sn 75 C D Homogeneous pegmatite 80 (wall zone) Sn Blocky K-feldspar + albite Corredor 2 2 m aplite (intermediate zone) 75 Boulders & waste Sn Quartz core Corredor 1 SCHEMATIC SECTION Dry river Nova Palmeira 4.75 km B Sn A 70 Sn Roncadeira A B 400 m Fig. 2 Local geological sketch of the Roncadeira–Corredor pegmatite group. tion of Černý and Ercit (2005), the Roncadeira pegma- of quartz and muscovite. Cassiterite and ferrowodginite tites belong to the beryl type of the rare-element class form millimeter- or up to centimeter-sized disseminated (Beurlen et al. 2008). Da Silva (1993) recognized the grains, which are enriched in the muscovite-rich border presence of wodginite in addition to the other dominant zone and less common in the wall zone. In addition to minerals of economic interest (cassiterite, beryl and muscovite, quartz and feldspar, sillimanite is observed columbite–tantalite group minerals) earlier registered as a widespread accessory mineral in the border zone. by Rolff (1946) and Roy et al. (1964). Beurlen et al. It forms either nodular fibro-radial aggregates clearly (2007, 2008) reported ferrowodginite, tapiolite-(Fe), related to thin shear zones or grew at expense of mus- “strüverite”, titanian ixiolite, chrysoberyl and gahnite covite
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    NEW MINERAL NAMES Ilarkerite C. E. T[,rnv, The zoned contact-skarns of the Broadford area, Skye: a study of boron- fluorine metasomatism in dolomites: Mineralog. Mag ,29, 621-666 (1951). Crrurcar.: Analysis by H. C. G. Vincent gave SiO: 14.17, BzOa7.77, AlzOt 2.84, FezOr 0.85, FeO 0.46, MnO 0.02, MgO 11.15, CaO 46.23, COz 14.94,Cl 1'36, H2O+ 0.81' HrO- 0.11; sum 100.71,less O:Cl 0.31, lOO.4O7o.The formula is discussed;a rough fit with the unit cell is given by the lollowing: 20CaCOs'Cax(Mg, A1, etc.)zo(B, Si)zr(O, OH, Cl)s6' The Mg group has Mg 15'65, At 3.16, Fe'r' 0.60, Fe" 0.36, the (B, Si) group has Si 13.35,B 12.63- The mineral dissolves with efiervescence in acetic or hydrochloric acids; gives a good flame test for boron. Heated to 850o, it decomposes to a turbid brown product.,r-ocn-lPnrc AND X-R,c.v Dere: X-ray study by N. F. M. Henry give the Laue .gtotp m3m and the tests for pyro- and piezo-electricity were negative. The crystal class is probably m3m ((]ttbic holohedral). The cell has a:29.53*.01 A., with a pseudo-cell at 14.76 A. This pseudo-cell contains the formula given above. X-ray powder data are given: the strongest lines are (l) 2.61, (2) 1.84, (3) 2.13, (4) 1.51 A. Psvsrclr- nql,: Harkerite occurs typically as simple octahedra that are color- less with vitreous luster, but alter to white masses of calcite.
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