

First Edition, 1979

Adopted by the


Suva, Fiji q-8 Dece_ber 1978

Sponsored by the

World Health Organization Regional Orfice for the Western Pacific

and the

South Pacific Bureau for Econo.ic Cooperation

Not for Sale

Printed and Distributed

by the

Regional Office for the Western Pacific of the World Health Organization Hanila, Philippines - i -


At the WHO/SPEC meeting in Suva, 4-8 December 1978, it was agreed that the South Pacific List of Essential Drugs, as adopted, be published and disseminated.

There was substantial discussion at the meeting, based on a combined list of drugs being used in five South Pacific countries, viz. Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga. The list adopted by the meeting -

included a substantial number of the drugs of the WHO model list of essential drugs contained in WHO Technical Report Series No. 615;

excluded the remainder of the drugs of the WHO model list of essential drugs, because the demand for them in the South Pacific countries/areas is either non-existent or insignificant;

included a number of drugs not currently included in the WHO model list of essential drugs: these inclusions and the reasons for their inclusion are set out below; excluded a number of drugs not currently included in the WHO model list of essential drugs and which are being used in one or more of the South PaCific countries/areas, but which the meeting considered were not essential, not required or where the need for the drug can be more appropriately met by one of the drugs included in the South Pacific List of Essential Drugs.

General reasons for inclusion of drugs which are not in the WHO model list of essential drugs are:

A: current practice in one or more of the South Pacific countries/areas;

B: less expensive than other drugs used for the same purpose.


General anaesth!tics

ketamine hydrochloride: A

ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS AND ANTI GOUT DRUGS codeine compound tablets (BP): limited use, for cases where simple analgesics, e.g. acetylsalicylic acid and/or paracetamol, are ineffective phenylbutazone: A, B

probenicid: A and also being included for adjunct treatment with penicillins (see Antibacterial drugs) - 11 -

ANALGESICS, NARCOTICS AND NARCOTIC ANTAGONISTS nalorph1ne hydroohlor1de: A, B, to be superseded when the pr1ce of 1s substant1ally reduoed ANTIALLERGICS Ant1histamines

promethazine hydr~ohlor1de: B, an alternative , CHELATING AGENTS, ETC. deferoxamine mesilate: used in the treatment of acute iron poisoning Fuller's earth: treatment of paraquat pOisoning ipecaouanha: A, emetic ANTIEPILEPTICS paraldehyde: also used for non-epileptic oonvulsions sodium valproate: an ant1epilept1c which oan be efreotive in patients who do not raspond to other ant1ep11ept1c drugs ANTI INFECTIVE DRUGS Antibacter1al drugS amox1c1111n: an alternative to ampioillin clindamyc1n hydroohloride: A, used to treat osteomyelitis nitrofurantoin: A, B, treataent of ur1nary tract infections which do not respond to other therapy oxytetraoyoline hydroohloride: A, an alternative to tetraoyoline probeneoid: adjunct treatment with penioillins sulfa.ethlzo1el A, 8, an alternative drua for the treatmant of urinary traot infections Antiprotozoal druss

!n!1!a!a!i~l~ dapsone with pyriaethamine: ourrently reoommended for prophylaxis of chloroquine-resistant malarias sulfadox1ne with pyrimethamine: currently reco.. ended for prophylaxis and treatment of chloroquine-resistant malarias - iii -

Systemic antifungal drugs nystatin: A


calcium folinate:

chlorambucil: A, drugs used in oncology



Antianaemia drugs

ferric ammonimum citrate: B, iron preparation for children

Plasma substitutes

polygeline (Haemaccel): useful for emergencies

Plasma fractions for specific uses

albumin, normal human serum:

antihaemophilic concentrate (dried):

(dried): A

plasma protein, stable solution:

P.P.S.B. ( factors II, VII, IX, X, concentrate):


Antihypertensive drugs

pentolinium tartrate: A

sodium nitropruseide: A, an effective agent for hypertensive crisis

Drugs used in shock metaraminol bitartrate: A


Topical Antiinfective benzoin compound tincture: A, inexpensive wound dressing

cetrimonium bromide: A, for preparation of antiseptic cream, solution, etc. - iv -

chlorhexidine gluconate: A, antiseptic cream

chlorhexidine gluconate with cetrimide: A, antiseptic solution for topical use crystal violet: A, aqueous solution to treat skin infections hydrogen peroxide: A, mild disinfectant for topical use

: A, aqueous solution is a mild disinfectant silver sulfadiazine: A, cream is used to treat burns

tetracycline hydrochloride: A, ointment is an alternative antibiotic topical preparation

Antiinflammatory drugs

ichthammol: A, used to treat chronic skin diseeses, including inflammatory conditions of ichthammol with glycerol: the external ear ichthammol ointment:

Astringents calamine: A, mild skin astringent zinc oxide: A, mild skin astringent


Acetest: Albustix: Clinist1x: Clinitest: A, preparations for urine teeting Diastix: Labstix:

Uristix: fluorescein sodium: A, for detection of corneal lesions or foreign bodies in the eye vasopressin tannate: A, renal function testing

DIURETICS amiloride hydrochloride: potaaa1U11-sav1ng diuretic, alternative to tr1aJlterene oyclopenthiazide: alternat1ve thiazide diuretio to hydroohlorothiazide - v -

EAR, NOSE, THROAT (ENT) spirit ear drops: A, B ephedrine hydrochloride nasal drops: A, B GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS

Antacids magnesium trisilloate compound mixture/tablets: A, alternative to magnesium hydroxide preparations Antiemetics metoclopramide: effective antiemetic; for restrioted use (expensive) proohlorperazine (maleate, meailate): alternative antiemetic to promethazine AntispasllOdica belladonna tincture: A, for incluaion in liquid oral preparations propantheline bromide: A, also uaeful for chronic neurogenic incontinence of Urine Cathartics bisacodyl: A glycerol suppository: A magnesium sulfate powder: A sodium dioatyl sulfoeuacinate with danthron: A


kaolin: kaolin and morphine mixture: A kaolln aixture for inrants: I - vi -

HORHON&'> Adrenal hormones and eynthetic aubstitutes methylprednisolone acetate: A, for intra-articular injection prednisone: alternative to Contraceptives ethynodiol diacetate with mestranol: an alternative progestogen­ estrogen combination medroxyprogesterone aoetate: long-acting injectible contracceptive norethisterone with mestranol: alternative progestogen-eatrogen combinations norgeatrel with ethinyleatradiol: Estrosens diethylatilbestrol: used for the treatment of prostatic carCinoma Inaul1na zinc suspension (amorphoua): insulin zinc suspenaion (cryatalline): A isophane insulin: zinc inaulin: Thyroid hormone. and antasonist. oarb1mazole: A, alternative to propylthiouracil


chlorpropamide: A, B metformin: A, limited use

tolbutamide: A, B IHHUI«lLOGICALS Sera and immunoslcbulins immunoglobulin, human antitetanua: A, preferred over tetanua antitoxin atone fish ant1vellOll: 1 - vii -

Vaccines cholera vaccine: yellow fever vaocine: • travel requirement of some governments MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND ANTAGONISTS pancuronium bromide: A OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS Topical Antl1nfective chloramphenicol: A oxytetracycline: alternative to tetracycline Antiinflammatory sodium phosphete: A, alternatives to hydrooortisone prednisolone sodium phosphate: MioUoa physost1lmine: A

MydrbUos sulfate: A oyolopentolate hydroohloride: A phenylephrine hydroohloride: A PREPARATIONS CORRECTING WATER, ELECTROLYTE AND ACID-BASE DISTURBANCES Ilucose in 1/2-atrensth Darrow's solution: A potasaium ohloride tablet: A PSYCOOTIIERAPEUTIC DRUGS amobarbitel sodium: A chloral hydrate: A trifluoperazine hydroohloride: A, an alternative phenothiazine - viii -


beclometasone dlpropionate: non-systemio oorticosteroid prophylaxis of asthma attaoks cromoglicic acid: prophylaxis of asthma

orciprenaline sulfate: an alternative to salbutamol theophylline with ephedrine hydrochloride and phenobarbital: A Antltuasives

"cough mixture": A "cough mixture for infants": VITAHINS AND HINERALS vitamin B group with ascorbic acid injection: A, for use in malnutrition states MISCELLANEOUS DRUGS boric acid: to manufacture Eusol chlorinated lime: ood liver oil ointment: for treatment of burns dimeticone oream: for use by stoma tees emulSifying ointment: base for topical preparations formaldehyde solution: preserving agent

lubricating jelly, surgical: A magnesium sulfate paste: A, topioal use methyl salicylate liniment: A, for muscular sprains monoethanolamine oleate injection: A, treatment of varicose veins oily cream (BP): base for topical preparations silver nitrate: for manufacture of silver sulfadiazine cream turpentine liniment: A, rubefacient for muscular conditions INTRODUCTORY REMARKS

1. ·The South Pacific List of Essential Drugs is based on the WHO model list of essential drugs contained in the WHO Technical Report Series No. 615, "The selection of essential drugs". In compiling the list, due consideration was given to local experience and practice.

2. A plus sign (+) indicates the drugs which are included in the WHO model list of essential drugs, WHO Technical Report Series No. 615.

3. An asterisk (*) after a drug indicates it is a "complementary drug" in the WHO model list of essential drugs, WHO Technical Report Series No. 615. A complementary drug is defined as follows: "Drugs under this heading are not essential. They are added as examples of drugs that provide (a) alternatives when infectious organisms develop resistance to essential drugs, (b) treatment in rare disorders, and (c) special pharmacokinetic properties, etc.; they should be available as funds permit". 4. The numbers in parenthesis following certain drug names are quoted from the WHO Technical Report Series No. 615, as follows: (1) Listed as an example of this therepeutic category: choose cheapest effeotive drug product acceptable; (2) Specified expertise, diagnostic precision or special equipment required for proper use;

(3) Greater potenoy;

(4) Doeage adjustment neoessary for renal insufficiency;

(5) To improve oompliance;

(6) Best pharmaookinetio parameters for purpose;

(7) Adverse effects diminish benefit/risk ratiO; (8) Limited indications or narrow spectrum of activity;

(9) For epidural anaesthesia; (10) For disease or organisms resistant to the proposed drug(s).

5. International nonproprietary names (INN) for pharmaceutical SUbstances have been used in this list. In some cases commonly used synonyms (syn.) have also been included.

6. It is important that the South Paoific List of Essential Drugs be reviewed periodioally. 1 .!! !? ! ! - 3 -




ace ta zo lami de 32 barium sulfate 24

Acetest 24 BeG vaccine, dried 29 acetylsalicylic acid 13 beclometasone diproprionate 35

adipiodone meglumine 24 belladonna 26 35 benethamine benzylpenicillin with 16 benzylypenicillin and albumin, normal human serum 21 benzylypenicillin sodium

Albustix benzathine benzylpenicillin 16 allopurinol 13 benzhexol hydrochloride 20 aluminium hydroxide with 25 benzoic acid 23 magnesium trisilicate and magnesium hydroxite benzoic acid with salicylic acid 23 aluminium hydroxide gel, dried 25 benzoin compound tincture 22 amethocaine hydrocholoride 31 benzyl benzoate 24 amiloride hydrochloride 25 benzylpenicillin potassium 16 aminophylline 34 betamethasone sodium phosphate 31 amitriptyline hydrochloride 34 betamethasone valerate 23 amobarbital sodium 34 bisacodyl 26 amoxicillin 16 bismuth subgallate compound 26 amphotericin B 19 boric acid ampicillin 16 bupivacaine hydrochloride 13 ampicillin sodium 16 busulfan 19 anti-D immunoglobulin (human) 29 e antihaemophilic concentrate 21 calamine 23 (dried) calcium folinate 19 ascorb1c acid 35 carbamazepine 15 atropine metronitrate 26 carbimazole 28 atropine sulfate 111, 26, 31 - 4 -

Item Item f (contin\led) f (continued) cetrimonium bromide 22 compound solution of sodium 33 lactate charcoal, activated 14 co-trimoxazole 17 chloral hydrate 34 "cough mixturetl 35 chlorambucil 19 "cough mixture for infants" 35 chloramphenicol 16, 30 crystal violet 22 chloramphenicol palmitate 16 cyanocobalamin 20 chloramphenicol sodium succinate 16 cyclopenthiazide 25 chlorhexidine gluconate 22 cyclopentolate hydrochloride 32 chlorhexidine gluconate with 22 cetrimonium bromide cyclophosphamide 19 chlorinated lime 36 o chloroquine hydrochloride 18 dapsone 17 chloroquine phosphate or sulfate 18 dapsone with pyrimethamine 18 chlorphenamine maleate 14 death adder antivenom 29 chlorpromazine hydrochloride 34 deferoxamine mesilate 14 chlorpropamide 29 27 chlortalidone 25 dexamethasone sodium phosphate 27 cho lera vacc ine 29 dextran 70 with sodium chloride 21 clindamycin hydrochloride 16 Diastix 24

Clinistix 24 15, 34

Clinitest 24 diethylcarbamazine citrate 17 clofazimine 17 diethylstilbestrol 28 cloxacillin sodium 16 digoxin 22 cod li ver oil 36 14 codeine compound (BP) 13 dimeticone 36 codeine phosphate 26, 35 diphtheria antitoxin 29 colchicine 13 diphtheria vaccine 30 compound insulin zinc suspension 28 - 5 -

Item Item

~ (continued) f (continued) diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus 30 Fuller's earth 14 vaccine furosemide 25 diphtheria-tetanus vaccine 29 G dopamine hydrochloride 22 gamma benzene hexachloride 24 ooxorubicin hydrochloride 19 gentamicin sulfate 16 doxycycline hydrochloride 16 glucose 33 E glucose with sodium chloride 33 emulsifying ointment 36 glucose in 1/2-strength Darrow's 33 ephedrine hydrochloride 25 solution epinephrine 35 glycerol 26 ergometrine maleate 32 glyceryl trinitrate 21 ergotamine tartrate 19 griseofulvin 19 erthromycin stearate or base 16 H ethambutol hydrochloride 18 haloperidol 34 ether, anaesthetic 13 halothane 13 ethinylestradiol 28 20 ethynodiol diacetate with mestranol 27 homatropine hydrobromide 32 ethosuximide 15 hydralazine hydrochloride 21 f hydrochlorothiazide 21, 25 ferric ammonium citrate 20 hydrocortisone acetate 23, 27, 31 ferrous fumarate with folic acid 20 hydrocortisone sodium succinate 27 ferrous sulfate 20 hydrogen peroxide 22 fibrinogen (dried) 21 .! fluorescein sodium 24 ichthammol 23 fluorouracil 19 lchthammol with glycerol 23 fluphenazine decanoate 34 immunoglobulin, normal human 29 folic acid 20 immunoglobulin, human anti-tetanus 29 formaldehyde 36 - 6 -

Item Item

.!. (continued) 1. (continued) indometac in 13 hydrochloride with 13 epinephrine insulin 28 lithium carbonate 34 insulin zinc suspension (amorphous) 28 lubricating jelly, surgical 36 insulin zinc suspension 28 (crystalline) M intraperitoneal dialysis solution 32 magnesium hydroxide 25 iodine 22 magnesium, sulfate 26, 36 iopanoic acid 24 magnesium trisilicate compound 25 (BPe, BNF) ipecacuanha 14 mannitol 25 iron dextran injection 20 mebendazole 15 isoniazid 18 medroxyprogesterone acetate 27 isophane insulin 28 meglumine amidotrizoate 24 isoprenaline hydrochloride 22 meglumine amldotrizoate with 24 K sodium amidotrizoate kaol1 n 26 mercaptopurine 19 kaolin and morphine mixture 26 metaraminol bitartrate 22 (BPe, BNF) metformin 29 kaolin mixture for infants 26 (BPe, BNF) methotrexate 19 ketamine hydrochloride 13 methotrexate sodium 19

L methyldopa 22

Labstix 24 methylprednisolone acet~te 27 lente insulin 28 methyl salicylate 36 levodopa 20 metoclopramide 26 levodopa with benserazide 20 metronidazole 18 levodopa with carbidopa 20 monoethanolamine oleate 36 levothyroxine sodium 28 morphine sulfate 14 lidocaine hydrochloride 13 multi vitamin 35 - 7 -

Item Page Item

N f (continued) hydrochloride 14 phenylbutazone 1'1 naloxone hydrochloride 14 phenylephrine hydrochloride 32 neomycin sulfate with bacitracin 23 phenytoin sodium 15 and polymixin B sulfate salicylate 31 neostigmine bromide 30 physostigmine sulfate 31 neostigmine metilsulfate 30 phy tomenad ione 20 ni trofurantoin 16 pilocarpine hydrochloride 31 ni trous oxide 13 piperazine adipate 15 norethisterone with mestranol 27 piperazine citrate 15 norethisterone acetate 28 plasma protein, stable solution 21 norgestrel with ethinylestradl01 27 poliovirus vaccine (Sabin) nystatin 19, 23 polygel1ne 21 o potassium chloride 33 oily cream (BP) 36 potassium permanganate 23 oral rehydration salts 27, 33 (glucose-salt solution) P.P.S.B. (coagulation factors II, 21 VII, IX, X concentrate) orciprenaline sulfate 35 iodide 14 oxytetracycline hydrochloride 16, 31 prednisolone 27 oxytocin 32 prednisolone sodium phosphate 31 P prednisone 27 pancuronium bromide 30 primaquine phosphate 18 paracetamol 13 probenecid 14, 17 paraldehyde 15 procalnamide hydrochloride 21 pentolinium tartrate 22 procaine benzylpenicillin 17 pethidine hydrochloride 14 procaine benzylpenicillin with 17 phenobarbital 15 benzylpenicillin phenobarbital sodium 15 prochlorperazine maleate 26 phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium 17 prochlorperazine mesilate 26 - 8 -


! (continued) sodium bicarbonate 33 promethazine hydrochloride 14 sodium chloride 33 propantheline bromide 26 sodium cromoglycate 35 propranolol hydrochloride 21, 22 sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate 26 with danthron propylthiouracil 28 sodium nitroprusside 22 protamine sulfate 20 sodium valproate 15 protamine zinc insulin injeotion 28 spirit ear drops 25 pyridostigmine bromide 30 stone fish anti venom 29 pyridoxine hydrochloride 35 streptomycin sulfate 18

sulfacetamide sodium 31 qUinidine sulfate 21 sulfad1midine 17 quinine dihydrochloride 18 sulfadim1dine sodium 17 quinine sulfate 18 sulfadoxine with pyrimethamine 18 R sulfamethizole 17 retinol concentrated 35 sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim 17 rifampioin 17, 18 suxamethonium bromide 30 suxamethonium chloride 30 salazoaulfapyridlne 17 T salbutamol sulfate 35 taipan anti venom 29 salicyliC acid 23 tetanus antitoxin 29 semllente insulin 28 tetanus vaooine 30 senna 26 hydroohloride 31 silver nitrate 36 tetraohlorethylene 15 silver sulfadiazine 23 tetracyoline hydrochloride 17, 23, 31 sma llpox vacci ne 30 theophylline with ephedrine 35 snake antivenom, black snake 29 hydroohloride and phenobarbital snake anti venom , polyvalent 29 th ioacetazone 18

sodium amidotrizoate 24 - 9 -

Item 1: (oontinued) !! (oontinued) thloaoetazone with isoniazid 18 Uristix 24 thiopental sodium 13 v tiabendazole 15 vasopressin tannate 24 tolbutamide 29 vincristine sulfate 19 trifluoperazine hydrochloride 34 vitamin B group with ascorbic acid 35 trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride 20 tuberculin, purified protein 24 tarfarin sodium 20 derivative (PPD) water for injection 33 tuboourarine chloride 30 Whitfield's ointment 23 turpentine liniment (BP) 36 y typhoid vaccine 30 yellow fever vaocine 30 u z ultralente insulin 28 zinc oxide 23 - 10 -

Index of Therapeutic Groups






Anthelmintic drugs 15 Antibacterial drugs 16 Antifilar1al drugs 17 Antileprotic drugs 17 Antiprotozoal drugs 18 Amoebicides 18 Antimalarials 18 Antituberculosis drugs 18 Systemic antifungal drugs 19





Antianaemia drugs 20 Ant1coagulants and antagonists 20 Plasma substitutes 21 Plasma fractions for specific uses 21 CARDIOSVASCULAR DRUGS 21 Antianginal drugs 21 Ant1arrhythmic drugs 21 - 11 -


Antihypertensive drugs 21 Cardiac glycosides 22 Drugs used in shock 22


Topical 22

Antiinfective 22 Antiinflammatory drugs 23 Astringents 23 FungiCides 23 Keratoplastic agents 23 Scabicides and pediculicides 24 DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS 24

Radiocontrast media 24



GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS 25 Antacids 25 Antiemetics 26 Antihaemorrhoidals 26 Antispasmodics 26 Cathartics 26 Diarrhoea 26 Antidiarrhoeal 26 Replacement solution 27 HORMONES Adrenal hormones and synthetic substitutes 27 Contraceptives 27 Estrogens 28 Insul1ns 28 Progestogens 28 Thyroid hormones and antagonists 28 HYPOGLYCAEMIC DRUGS, ORAL 29 IMMUNOLOGICALS 29

Sera and immunoglobulins 29 Vaccines 29 MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND ANTAGONISTS 30 - 12 -


Topical 30

Ant11nfective 30 Antiinflammatory 31 Local anaesthetics 31 M10tics 31 Mydriatics 31

Systelll1c 32






Antiasthmatic drugs 3~ Antitusaivea 35



Classification Presentation Dosage rol'lll Strength and/or Drug name pack size


General anaesthetics

+ ethel', anaesthetic (2) 500ml

+ halothane (2) 250ml

ketamine hydroohloride injection 50mg/m! 10ml vial (ror limited use)

+ nitrous oxide (2) cylinder size C cylinder size E

+ thiopental sodium (2) injection 0.5g ampoule 19 ampoule 2.5g vial Local anaesthetics

+ bupivacaine hydrochloride (2, 9) injection 30m! ampoule

+ lidocaine hydrochloride injection 50ml vial 5ml ampoule 50ml vial gel 30ml tube + lidocaine hydrochloride injection lJ+l: 100,000 20ml vial epinephrine 2J+l :80,000 2.2ml oartridge ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS AND ANTI GOUT DRUGS

+ acetylsalicylio aoid tablet 3001118 tablet, soluble 300mg

+ allopurinol (6) tablet 100mg codeine compound (BP) (use tablet limited to cases where simple analgesics are inerrective

+ colchicine* (7) tablet 500Jig

+ indometacin capsule 251118

+ paracetamol elixir 12Omg/5ml 200ml powder tablet 500mg - 14 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

phenylbutazone (for short term tablet 100mg use only)


+ morphine sulfate injection 15mg/ml lml ampoule

nalorphine hydrochloride (to be injection lmg/ml lml ampoule superseded when naloxone 5ml vial becomes more readily 10mg/ml lml ampoule available)

+ naloxone hydrochloride injection 20pg/ml 2ml ampoule 400pg/ml lml ampoule

+ pethidine hydrochloride- (1) injection 50mg/ml lml ampoule 2ml ampoule ANTIALLERGICS


• chlorphenamine maleate (I) tablet 4mg

+ promethazine hydrochloride elixir 5mg/5ml 100ml injection 25mg/ml 2ml ampoule powder tablet 10mg 25mg ANTIDOTES, CHELATING AGENTS, ETC.

+ atropine sulfate injection 50Opg/ml lml ampoule 600}lg/ml lml ampoule

+ charcoal, activated powder, oral 109 bottle tablet 300mg

deferoxamine mesilate injection 500mg vial

+ dimercaprol (2) injec tion, oily 50mg/ml 2ml ampoule

Fuller's earth powder

ipecacuanha syrup 30ml tincture

+ pralidoxime iodide injection 2.5~ 20ml vial - 15 -

Classifioation Presentation Doaage tOI'll Strength and/or Drug nu. pack aize


+ carbamazepine- (10) tablet 200mg

+ diazepall injection Smg/Ill 2111 allpoule + ethosuxillide capaule 250mg

paraldehyde (also used tor injection 5111 allpoule non-epileptic convulsions; do not use disposable syringes)

+ phenobarbital elixir 15mg/5111 100111 tablet 15mg 30lIl8 60mg

+ phenobarbital sodium injaotion 100mg/lll 2111 ampoule + phenytoin sodiull capsule/tablet 30111 10011, injection 50ma/lll 5111 vb1 oral suspension 30mg/511l 500ml

sodium valproate (the patient's tablet 200ms need tor this drug should be belanoed against possible adverse reaotiona)


Anthelllintio druse

+ lIebendazole tablet 100111

+ piperazine adipate tablet 300mg

+ piperazine citrate elixir eq. to T5011E hydrate/Sill 60ml + tetrachloroethylene- (to be capsule lml evaluated against lIebendazole in the future)

+ tiabendazole tablet 500111 - 16 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

Antibacterial druss

amoxicillin capsule 250mg ... ampicillin (1) capsule 250mg dry syrup 125ms/5ml 100ml

+ ampicillin sodium (1) injection 250mg vial 500mg vial

benethamine benzylpenicillin injection 475mg.250mg vial with procaine benzylpenicillin +300mg and benzylpenicillin sodium (Triplopen)

+ benzathine benzylpenicillin (5) injection 600,000 lml ampoule units/ml 1.5ml ampoule

+ benzylpenicillin potassium injection 600mg vial

+ chloramphenicol (7) capsule 250mg (may cause aplastic anaemia)

+ chloramphenicol palmitate (7) oral suspension 125mg/5ml 100ml (may cause aplastic anaemia)

... chloramphenicol sodium injection lS vial succinate (7) (may cause aplastic anaemia)

clindamycin hydrochloride capsule 150mg (for osteomyelitis)

+ cloxacillin sodium capsule 250mg (penicillinase resistant) dry syrup 125ms/5ml 100ml (11 injection 250mg vial SOOmg vial

• doxycycline hydrochloride- (5, 6) capsule 100mg

• erythromycin stearate or base capsule/tablet 250mg (base) oral suspension 125mg/5ml 100ml

... gentamicin sulfate (4) injection 10mg/ml 2ml vial 40mg/ml 2ml vial

ni trofurantoin tablet 50mg 100mg

oxytetracycline hydrochloride capsule/tablet 250mg injection 10m. 100mg vial injection i.v. 250mg vial - 17 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

+ phenoxymethylpenioillin dry syrup 125mg/5ml 100ml potassium oral suspension 125mg/5ml 100ml tablet 125mg 250mg

probenecid (adjunct treatment tablet 500mg with penicillins)

+ procaine benzylpenicillin- (7) injection, oily 300mg/ml 10ml vial 3g/ml vial

procaine benzylpenicillin with injection 3g+600mg 10ml vial benzylpenicillin

+ salazosulfapyridine (for tablet 500mg ulcerative colitis)

+ sulfadimidine (1) mixture 500mg/5ml 100ml powder tablet 500mg

+ sulfadimidine sodium (1) injection 19 3ml ampoule

sulfamethizole tablet 100mg

+ sulfamethoxazole with oral suspension 200mg+40mg 100ml trlmethoprlm tablet 400mg+80mg (syn. co-trimoxazole)

+ tetracycline hydrochloride capsule 250mg (1, 4) injection i.m. 100mg vial injection i. v. 250mg vial

Antifilarial drugs

+ diethylcarbamazine citrate tablet 50mg

Antileprotic drugs

+ clofazimine- (10) capsule 100mg

+ dapsone tablet 50mg

+ rifampicin- (10) capsule 150mg 300mg syrup 100mg/5ml 60ml - 18 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

Antiprotozoal drugs

+ metronidazole tablet 200mg 250mg

+ chloroquine hydrochloride injection 40mg/ml 2ml ampoule 5ml ampoule

+ chloroquine phosphate or sulfate tablet l50mg (base)

dapsone with pyrimethamine tablet lOOmg+l2.5mg (prophylaxis of chloroquine- resistant malaria)

+ primaquine phosphate tablet 7.5mg (base)

+ quinine dihydrochloride injection 60mg/ml 2ml ampoule (restricted use) lOml ampoule 300mg/ml 2ml ampoule

+ quinine sulfate tablet 300mg

sulfadoxine with pyrimethamine tablet 500mg+25mg (chloroquine-resistant malaria) injection 200mg+ 2011 ampoule lOmg!ml Antituberculosis drugs

+ ethambutol hydrochloride tablet 400mg

+ isoniazid tablet 50mg lOOmg

+ rifampicin- capsule l50mg 300mg syrup 100mg/5ml 60ml

+ streptomycin sulfate injection 19 vial 5g vial

+ thioacetazone- tablet 50mg

thioacetazone with isoniazid tablet 150mg+ 300mg - 19 -

Classificat~on Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or DruS name pack size

S:z::stemic antHunsal druss

+ amphotericin B injection 50mg vial

+ griseofulvin (8) tablet 125mg

nystatin oral suspension 100,000 24ml units/ml tablet 500,00 units


+ ergotamine tartrate injection 500)1l!/ml lml ampoule (requires precise tablet lmg diagnosis)


+ busulfan (2) tablet 2mg

calcium folinate injection 3mg/ml lml ampoule chloralllbuc 11 tablet 2mg 5mg

+ cyclophosphamide (2) injection 200mg vial 19 vial tablet 50mg

+ doxorubicin hydrochloride injection 10mg vial (2 ) 50mg vial

+ fluorouracil (2) injection 50mg/ml 10ml ampoule

mercaptopur1ne tablet 50mg

+ methotrexa te (2) tablet 2.5mg

+ methotrexate sodium (2) injection 50mg vial

+ vincristine sulfate (2) injection lmg vial 5mg vial - 20 -

Classification, Pl'esentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size


+ levodopa tablet 500mg

+ levodopa with benserazidee capsule 100mg+25mg (5, 6) 200mg+50mg

+ levodopa with carbidopae tablet 100mg+10mg (5, 6) 250mg+25mg + trihexyphenidyl tablet 2mg hydrochloride (1) 5mg (syn. benzhexol hydrochloride) BLOOD AND HAEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM DRUGS

Antianaemia drugS

+ cyanocobalamin (2) injection 10Ql,tg/ml 1m! ampoule + ferric ammonium citrate mixture for 500mg/ml infants

+ ferrous sulfate tablet 200mg 300mg

ferrous fumarate with folic acid tablet 300mg+350mcg

+ folic acid (2) injection 15mg/ml Iml allpoule tablet 1mg 5mg

+ iron dextran injection- (5) injeotion 2ml ampoule (restricted use) 5ml ampoule 20ml ampoule and antagonists

+ heparin (2) injection , ,000 uni ts/ml 5ml vial 5,000 units/ml 5ml vial 25,000 units/ml 5ml vial

+ phytomenadione injection 1mg/0.5111 0.5ml ampoule 10mg/ml 1ml ampoule

+ protamine sulfate (2) injection 10mg/ml 5ml ampoule

+ warfarin sodium (1, 2, 6)' tablet 3118 5118 - 21 -

Classif1cation Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack sUe

Plasma subst1tutes

dextran 70 with sodium chloride injection 500ml

polygeline (Haemaccel) injection 500ml

Plasma fractions for specific uses albumin, normal human serum injection 25'1 100mI

antihaemophilic concentrate (dried)

fibrinogen (dried)

plasma protein, stable solution 100mI

P.P.S.B. (coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X, concentrate)


Antianginal drugs

+ glyceryl trin1trate tablet 500~ (special attention) to paokaging)

+ propranolol hydroohloride injeotion lmg/ml Iml ampoule (1) tablet 10mg 40mg

Antiarrhythmic drugs

+ procalnamide hydrochloride injeotion 100mglml 10ml vial tablet 2501118

+ propranolol hydrochloride (1) injection lmg/lml lml ampoule tablet 10mg 40mg

+ quinIdine sulfate tablet 200mg Antihypertensive drugs

+ Hydralazine hydrochloride injection 20mg/ml 1m! ampoule tablet 25mg

+ hydrochlorothiazide (1) tablet 25mg 50mg - 22 -

ClBIIsif1cation Presenta tion Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

+ methyldopa- (7) tablet 250mg

pentolinium tartrate injection 5mg/ml 10ml vial

+ propranolol hydrochloride (1) injection lmg/ml 1ml ampoule tablet 10mg 40mg

sodium ~ttroprusside injection 50mg vial Cardiac glycosides

+ digoxin (4) injection 25.j.1g/ml 2ml ampoule 25Q1.tg/ml 2ml ampoule solution 50)lg/ml 100ml tablet 62."j/Jg 250).lg Drugs used in shock

+ dopamine hydrochloride (2) injection 40mg/ml 5ml ampoule

+ isoprenaline hydrochloride- injection 1:5,000 lml ampoule

metaraminol bitartrate injection 10mg (base)/ lml ampoule ml DERMATOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS


Ant11nfecti ve

benzoin compound tincture BPC

cetrimonium bromide powder

chlorhexidine gluconate cream

chlorhexidine gluconate with solution cetrimonium bromide

crystal violet powder

hydrogen peroxide solution

+ iodine (1) crystals solution - 23 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

neomycin sulfate with bacitracin ointment 15g tube zinc and polymyxin B sulfate powder 7.5 g solution, 90g aerosol aerosol spray pack

potassium permanganate crystals

silver sulfadiazine cream 1~

tetracycline hydrochloride ointment 3~ 15g tube Antiinflammatory drugs

+ betamethasone valerate (I, 3) cream 0.1~ (base) 15g tube

+ hydrocortisone acetate cream 1~ 15g tube powder

ichthammol ointment

ichthammol pure

ichthammol with glycerol 10~


calamine lotion powder

zinc oxide powder


+ nystatin pessaries 100,000 15 units

Keratoplastic agents

benzoic acid powder

+ benzoic acid with salicylic ointment acid (syn. Whitfield's ointment)

salicylic acid pain, (alcoholic 5% solution powder - 2~ -

Class1t'icatJ.on Presentation Dosage form Strength Drug llUIe and/or pack size -.------t---+-----i------.j Scabicid8S and pedioulioides

+ benzyl benzoate- application 25J + galllla benzene hexachloride application O.IJ powder DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS

Acetest 100 Albustix 100 Cl1nistix 100 Clinitest 36 Diastix 100

fluoresoein sodium eye drops single dose units x 20 ophthalmio 200 strips

Labstix 100

+ tuberculin, purified protein injeotion 2 U/O.lml 20ml vial derivative (PpD)

Uristix 100

vasopressin tannate injeotion 5 units/ml lml ampoule Radlocontrast media

+ adlplodone meglumine (I) injection 52J 20m! vial 60J 20ml vial

+ barium sulfate (1) powder

+ iopanoic acid (1) tablet 500mg 6 tablets

+ meglumine amidotrizoate (1) injection 250m1 vial

meglumine amidotrlzoate with injection 50ml vial sodium amidotrizoate

+ sodium amidotrizoete (1) injection 20J 100ml 60J 20m 1 76J 20ml - 25 -

Classification Dosage form Presentation Drug name Strength and/or pack size


(special attention may need to be given to the potassium­ depleting effects of oertain diuretios)

amiloride hydrochloride tablet 5118 + ohlortalidonee (6) tablet 50118 cyclopenthiazide tablet SOO;-g + furosemide injection 1Omg/ml 2ml ampOUle tablet 40118 + hydrochlorothiazide (1) tablet 25mB 50118

+ mannitol injection 20J 500ml EAR, NOSE, THROAT (ENT)

spirit ear drops

ephedrine hydrochloride nasal drops 0.5J lSm! GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS


+ aluminium hydroxide gel, dried tablet SOOmg

aluminium hydroxide with tablet 2S0q+120mg magnesium trisll10ate and +12Omg magnesium hydroxide

+ magnesium hydroxide mixture eq. to 5S0ma 500ml MgO/l0ml magnesium trisilicate compound mixture mixture tablet (BPC, BNF)

magnesium triSilicate tablet compound teblet (BNF) - 26 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drul5 name pack size

Antiemetics I118toclopramide tablet 10mg (tor restric ted use)

prochlorperazine maleate tablet 5mg 25mg

proohlorperezlne mesilate injection 12.5mg/ml 2ml ampoule


bismuth subgallate oompound suppository Antisl!allmodics

+ atropine sulfate (1) injection 500)l8/ml 1m! ampoule 600)18/1111 1ml empoule

+ atrop1ne methonitrate (1) alcoholic 0.6' 151111 aolution

belladonna tincture propanthel1ne bromide tablet 15mg Cathartioll billacodyl lIuppository 10mg tablet 5mg

glycerol 8uppollitory 4g magnellium lIulfate powder

+ lIenna (1) tablet 7.5mg sannollides

sodium diootyl Bulfo8ucoinate tablet 5Omg+50mg wi th danthron Diarrhoea


+ codeine phosphate tablet 30mg kaolin powder kaolin and morphine mixture mixture (BPC, BNF) kaolin mixture for infants mixture (BPC, BNF) - 27 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength andlor Drug name pack size

+ oral rehydration salts (glucose-salt solution)

For 1 litre of water; mmol/l

sodium chloride 3.5g Na+ 90 (table salt)

sodium bicarbonate 2.5g 30 (baking soda)

potassium chloride 1.5g 20

glucose (dextrose) 20.0g glucose III HORI«)NES

Adrenal hormones and synthetic substitutes

+ deXamethasone (1) tablet 500Jlj!

+ dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection 4mg/ml lml ampoule (1) 5mg/ml lml ampoule

+ hydrocortisone acetate injection 25mg/ml lml ampoule

+ hydrocortisone sodium succinate injeotion 100mg vial

methylprednisolone acetate injeotion 20mg/ml 5ml ampoule

+ prednisolone tablet 5mg

prednisone tablet 2.5mg 5mg contraceptives

ethynodiol diacetate tablet 500)18+ 100)'8 21 with mestranol

medroxyprogesterone acetate injeotion 50mg/ml 1m! vial 3ml vial

norethisterone with mestranol tablet lmg+50pg 21

norgestrel with tablet 150pg+30pg 21 ethinylestradiol 500},g+50}lg 21 - 28 -

Classification Presentation Dosage torm Strength and/or Drue; name pack size


+ ethinylestradiol ( 1 ) tablet 10}lS 20pg 50pg diethylstilbestrol tablet lmg 5mg


+ insulin injection ~O units/ml 10ml vial 80 units/III 10ml vial

insulin zinc suspension injection ~O units/ml lDml vial (amorphous) (syn. semilente) 80 units/ml 10ml vial

insulin zinc suspension injection ~O units/ml lOmI vial (crystalline) 80 units/ml 10m! vial (syn. ultralente)

+ compound insulin zinc (1) injection ~O units/m! 10m! vial (syn. lente) 80 units/ml 10ml vial

isophane insulin injection ~O units/ml 10ml vial 60 units/ml 10ml vial

protamine zinc insulin injection 40 units/ml lOmI vial 80 units/ml 10ml vial


+ norethlsterone acetate (1) tablet 2.5mg 5mg

Th~roid hormones and antal50nists

carbimazole tablet 5mg

+ levothyroxlne sodium tablet 50ilg 100)lg

+ propylthiouracil (1) tablet 50mg - 29 -

,------~------~------Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack si2" 1------+-----4----+------.. HYPOGLYCAEHIC DRUGS, ORAL (there is a low benefit/risk rat10 in the use of these drugs

chlorpropamide tablet 250mg

metformln tablet 500mg (this drug may cause lactic acidosis)

tolbutamide tablet 500mg


Sera and immunoglobulins

+ anti-D immunoglobulin (human) injection 250jl8/ml single dose

death adder anti venom injection 6,000 units vial

+ diphtheria antitoxin injection 1,000 units ampoule 10,000 units ampoule 20, units vial

immunuglobulin, human injection 250 units/ml lml vial antitetanus 4,000 units vial

+ immunoglobulin, nonsal human (2) injection 5ml vial 10ml vial

+ snake anti venom, black anake injection 18,000 units vial

+ snake anti venom, polyvalent injection 39,500 units vial

stone fish anti venom injection 2,000 units vial

taipan anti venom injection 12,000 units vial

+ tetanus antitoxin injection 50,000 units vial (immunoglobulin human anti- tetanus i8 to be preferred)


+ BCG vaccine, dried injection ampoule

cholera vaccine injection 1\111 ampoule 10ml vial

+ diphthria-teta~us vaccine injection 0.5ml vial 5ml vial - 30 -

Classification Presenta tion Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

diphtheria vaccine injection 0.5ml ampoule 1ml ampoule 5ml vial

+ diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus injection O.5ml vial vaccine 5ml vial 10ml vial

+ poliovirus vaccine oral 20 doses vial (Sabin)

+ smallpox vaccine injection single dose tube 10 dose vials

+ tetanus vaccine injection 0.5ml vial 5ml vial

+ typhoid vaccine injection 0.5ml vial 5ml vial 10ml vial

yellow fever vaccine injection 1 dose ampoule MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND ANTAGONISTS

+ neostigmine metilsulfate injection 500}lS/ml 1ml ampoule 2.5mg/ml 1ml ampoule

+ neostigmine bromide tablet 15mg

pancuronium bromide injection 2mg/ml 2ml ampoule

+ pyridostigmine bromide* (2, 8) tablet 10mg 60mg

+ suxamethonium ohloride (2) injection 50mg/ml 2ml ampoule

+ suxamethonium bromide (2) injection 67mg ampoule

+ tubocurarine chloride (1, 2) injection 10mg/ml 1ml ampoule OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

Topical Antiinfective chloramphenicol eye ointment 1S 4g tube eye drops 0.5S 10ml dropper bottle - 31 -

Classifioation Presentation Dosage foJ'lll Strength and/or Drul!i nue paok size

+ sulfaoetamide 80diUIII crystals eye drops 10~ 15ml dropper bottle eye ointment 10~ 5g tube

+ tetracycline hydrochloride (1) eye ointment 1~ 5g tube eye drops 1~ 10m1 dropper bottle

oxytetracycline hydrochloride eye ointment 1~ ~g tube Antlinflammatorx

betamethasone sodiUIII phosphate eye drops 0.1~ 5ml dropper bottle

+ hydrocortisone aoetate (2, 7) eye ointment 1~ 5g tube

prednisolone sodium Phosphate eye ointment 0.5~ ~g tube Local anaesthetios

+ tetracaine hydroohloride (1) eye drops 0.5~ 20 app li ca tors (syn. amethocaine)


+ pilocarpine hydrochloride eye drops 2~ 15m! dropper bottle 4~ 15ml dropper bottle powder

physostigmine salicylate eye drops 0.5~ 7.5m! dropper bottle physostigmine sulfate powder !!ldrlaUcs

atropine sulfate eye ointment 1~ 4g tube eye drops 1~ 15m1 dropper bottle 1~ 20 applicators powder - 32 -

Classif1oa!,1on Presentat10n DOllage form Strength Drug IIJIIIe and lor paok she

oyclopentolate hYdrochloride eye drops 5ml dropper bottle I 151111 dropper bottle 7.51111 dropper bottle

... homatropine hydrobrom1de (1) eye drops 20 applioators 151111 dropper bottle powder

phenylephrine hydrochloride eye drops 10J 5ml dropper bottle 7.51111 dropper bottle Systemio

... acetazolamide injection 500mg vial tablet 250mg OXYTOCIes

+ ergometrine maleate (I) injection 500pg/llil 11111 ampoule tablet 50~ ... oxytocin injection 1 unit/llil 2ml ampoule 5 units/llil lm1 ampoule 10 units/llil 1111 allPoule PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOLUTION

+ intraperitoneal dialysis injeotion 1 litre solution with 1.5J glucose

intraperitoneal dialysis injection 1 litre solution with glucose 4.25J - 33 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or DruB name pack size


+ compound solution of sodium in full1 on 1 litre lactate

+ glucose infuSion 5' 1 litre 10, 1 litre 50' 50ml vial glucose with sodium chloride infusion 2.5'.0.45' 500ml 4'+0.18' I litre 5'+0.9' I litre glucose in 1/2-strength infusion 2.5' glucose 500ml Darrow's solution + oral rehydration salts (see under Gastrointestinal drugs, page 27)

+ potassium chloride injection 15' 10ml ampoule powder

(this preparation may oause tablet, slow 600mg intestinal uloeration) release

+ sodium bicarbonate infusion + 8.4' 100ml adaptor

+ sodium ohloride injectionl 0.9S 1 litre infusion

+ water for injeotion injection 2ml ampoule 10ml ampoule lOamI vial

-----.-- - 311 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or DruB name pack size


+ amitriptyline hydrochloride (1) tablet 25mg

amobarbital sodium injection 125mg ampoule 500mg ampoule tablet 50mg 200mg chloral hydrate capeule/tablet 500mg elixir 150mg/5ml 500ml

+ ohlorpromazine hydrochloride (1) injeotion 25mg/1I1 lml ampoule 2111 allpoule syrup 2Smg/ml tablet 25mg 50mg 100mg

+ diazepam (1l tablet 2mg Smg 10118 + fluphenazine decanoate (1. 5) injeotion 2Smg/ml lml ampoule

+ haloperidol (1l tablet 0.5mg 1.5mg Slig

+ lithium carbonate (2. 4. 7) capsule/tablet 300mg

trifluoperazine hydroohloride tablet 11118 (an alternative phenothiazine) 2mg 51118 RESPIRATORY TRACT. DRUGS ACTING ON THE Antiasthmat10 drUBS

+ aminophylline (1) elixir 251118/Sml 100111 injeotion 2Smg/ml lOml ampoule 250mg/ml 2ml ampoule suppoe1tory 250mg 400mg tablet 1001118 - 35 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drug name pack size

beclometasone dlpropionate inhalation 50jl8/dose 200 dose aerosol (aerosol) spray pack sodium cromoglycate capsule (powder 20mg for inhalation)

+ epinephrine injection lmg/ml lml ampoule (syn. adrenaline) 10ml vial

orciprenaline sulfate inhalation 150)18 per 300 dose aerosol (aerosol) dose spray pack tablet 20mg

+ salbutamol sulfate (1) inhalation 10Q/Jg per 200 dose aerosol ( aerosol) dose spray pack syrup 2mg/5ml 150ml tablet' 2mg 4mg

theophylline with ephedrine tablet 120mg + hydrochloride and llmg + phenobarbi tal 6mg


+ codeine phosphate tablet 30mg "cough mixture" "cough mixture for infants·


+ ascorbic acid tablet 50mg

mul t1 vitamin syrup 50ml

+ pyridoxine hydrochloride tablet 25mg 50mg

+ retinol concentrated injection 100,000 IU ampoule tablet 50,000 1U

vitamin B group with injection 2ml ampoule ascorbic acid f - 36 -

Classification Presentation Dosage form Strength and/or Drue; nalle pack size


boric acid powder

chlorinated lime

cod 11 ver 011 ointlllent

dimeticone crealll, aqueous 10J emulsifying ointlllent

forlllaldehyde solution 10J

lubricating jelly, surgical 60g magnesiulli sulfate paste

methyl salicylate linillient 25J

monoethsnclamine oleate injeotIon 5J 21111 allipoule oily cream (BP)

sil ver nitra te

turpentine liniment (BP)